#No joke you guys and the blorbos help with my depression
total-fandom-tr45h · 2 years
I'm going to go to bed- I'm so happy to be back with you all!!
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Hamlet......the eternal blorbo......character meme pls (also i7 trigger if you'd like)
OKAY. i was at school all day but here we go
(did gaku already here)
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gah. hamlet. one of the most famous blorbos of all time. the thing about him is that he's not only tragic and well written, he's also, like, funny? relatable? the college-educated prince i think would have been someone much harder to connect to in shakespeare's time— definitely not impossible, and he's written as someone you can connect to, but still— but in this day and age the world is FULL of depressed college students, and hamlet's genuinely charming. i recoil at adaptations that frame him as a clear asshole (apart from immortal ros&guil performances that are clearly just having some fun with him) because while you can say 'oh, he killed those people, he mistreated ophelia, he caused the problems' and all that, you can and should sympathize with him, and a performance where you get to enjoy every moment of his being onstage is a good one; he makes a kind of sharp-tongued joke that an audience should be able to laugh at. i'm sad about him, too, but the tragedies that REALLY make me sad tend not to be hamlet-brand; what draws me to him is just like. his energy. and his tragic fall is done very well (of course it is, it's one of the most well-liked plays of all time)
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compared to hamlet tenn isn't as much of an all timer but on god. i'm obsessed with him. stream hidden region mv right now.
i always get hyped whenever a character is a collection of archetypes i've never seen before and on god. tenn. nice guy who acts like an asshole who acts nice. his layers. but that's such an oversimplification too... i want to dissect him. he's so stubbornly self sacrificial my boy LET PEOPLE HELP YOU. not me tho i wont help u i'll hit u with a baseball bat for being ableist to riku . but he's really good
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RYUUUUUUU i tend to like the characters who are like... weird and complicated and really unique concepts and ryuu is not that like he DOES have complexity + every idolish7 character also has a cool twist that takes them beyond an archetype (i think every) . but i do love him he's just like. lovable. like how could u look at ryuu and NOT like him. i also really like when he gets mad like when he scares yaopapa or REALLY GOOD SCENE the times he like. very seriously and calmly, at a very mentally low state, gets antagonized by ryou and just. verbally eviscerates him. they make really good foils because he's everything ryou's not: he's down to earth, he deeply cares for people and isn't afraid to show it, and he understands himself. he's got moments of anxiety and self doubt, but he's managed to build himself up from that as trigger's grown closer. ik other fans like him when he's dumb/oblivious, i tend not to laugh as much at those moments (though some are iconic) bc i really like him as someone who like. knows what he's about. he's also kind of the touma of trigger; when i first met trigger, they were antagonistic and tenn and gaku were always bickering, so i saw them as villains, and ryuu was the member that endeared me to himself first (pretty much as soon as he stepped onscreen lol)
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fantomette22 · 1 year
Alright, let’s talk about your blorbos—Gehrman and Ranni!!
Alright let’s talk about Gehrman and Ranni ! 
Send me a character ask game here
You know I will have a ton of stuff to say on the first hunter!
First impression
Weird old man who’s really pessimistic and kinda gave up on everything. 😕 (Why don’t you explain stuff?! Why aren’t you useful pls. What's up with the doll too ??)
Impression now
Well… do I really need to explain ? Ah yes I need. I should for people who don’t know. Ok. I really like him! My interpretations made me like him, a lot. It’s like that, that’s how I feel I can’t changed that. I am touched by his tragic and nuanced story. I might have a severe brain rot on him to help
I love him ok, he’s one of my favs after all. I joke he’s the little blorbo meow meow of my heart but in all seriousness.. I really like the character he’s really interesting and intriguing. Yes he screw up and found out the hard way but I think he’s such a tragic and misunderstood figure too. LOOK AT HIS BOSS FIGHT AND THEME too ! Omg and everything really. 
Also I used to found funny, people who have the most depressive guy as their comfort character ahah Well guess what 😅 I mean I’m probably still in denial but bro literally appear 5s in one of my nightmare to comfort smn so hm… I guess my brain is trying to made me understand smt.
Hm sorry I got a bit absorbed hm I will finish by saying that it took me quite some times to end to this impression. It din’t happen overnight for sure. I really I asked myself lot of questions. I spend lot of time doing research and having long reflexion on everything and particularly on him. 
Favorite moment
His freaking boss fight ! Ahhh (yeah after finishing the game I listened to his theme for like 1 hour at 2am. Yep normal bloodborne experience 👍) I really love it I feel like I can imagined all his life with his theme (same with Laurence’s theme too)
Idea for a story
I have too much. Most of my stories are focused on more than 1 characters so with only him or really focused on him ? Oh well…
-His childhood/teenage years/ young adult years + how he ended up at Byrgenwerth (Kinda angsty in the middle but hey it’s « soft » compared to the rest 😭😂) I won’t tell too much on that but I already share some hehe
His life after Maria passed away and before the hunter dreams…. (Divided in 2)
Really angsty dark and depressive part not long after that … :/ want to make me cry really…
When he’s older and  calmed down a bit, still hunts a bit, help new hunters, (rip og group of old hunters there’s not much anymore) have a dog and all 🥺 try to you know, live a normal life again  until well you know… Cainhurst & the church… the dream…
-(Bonus Gehrman lil adventures in the nightmares/dream but it would feature other characters a bit too much perhaps)
Unpopular opinion
Well… I don’t think he’s that creepy, fucked up and sexist old man many people depicted him to be. I won’t dive into that too much now. It would be long and I don’t have the time. Another day perhaps + I already try to talk about it I think. And there’s really good stuff on the subject around. I think he’s a really nuanced and maybe really loose it after some point but not that badly. With all the clues I got in the game : the mistranslations (+ I didn’t played in English originally too!) + the differents interpretations on so many things + his presentation & ending it just don’t feel right for me to categories him that way. (+If he was really the biggest asshole don’t you think he would have end like Seluvis or Gideon in elden ring? Like shit? I feel many bloodborne characters are way way worse and no one fight over it too XD)
So yeah that's It I don't thins he's that bad 😐 that's it
Favorite relationship
Hm I’m not sure… I don’t remember, what was the character that have my favorite relationship with him again ?
I think it was a hunter too ? An old hunter hm… oh a lady hunter perhaps ? Hm… oh yes the person the doll is based on maybe ? Oh who was it again… ? 🤔
Ok I’m so sorry that was a really poor taste joke… Of course it’s Lady Maria.
I’m not sure how to describe it. Might feel insane perhaps but I have just so many thoughts and feels on those 2.
Even if I have interpretations I prefer and I’m a bit biased because of some of my taste & main hcs cough I love so many interpretations of their relationships as well.
What was their relationship exactly, where they just close friends, master/apprentice, coworkers,  platonic? romantic feelings? Oneside/both sides? Did smt happen between them ? Never happened ? Was it smt really weird on fence or in the contrary nothing weird at all ?? Or were they maybe related from the same family ? Father/daughter (figure). Since when do they know each others ? How did they meet ?! 
Even if I tend to share more of one specific headcanons of mine (the more developed one and version of bloodborne lore that I have) I have so many ideas clashing in my heads and I love seeing unique and interesting takes on it. We can’t denied this 2 are strongly link together and have such a unique bond that transcend death and dreams themself.
Of course my fav one being the one where/when they were (just) close friends that relate to one another a lot and believed they understand each other really well (for some times at least) idk but I cannot, not imagined them being all silly and doing really silly things back at Byrgenwerth. 
So anyway I wish we had more and my brain is crazy trying to fill the gasps.
Also I wish we knew more on his relationship with Laurence & Willem but also Ludwig & the doll and  other characters as well.
Favorite headcanon
Oh wow I would have too much so I will just stick to a few ones
He was byrgenwerth groundskeeper 
He made the mercy blades + it was his originally (so he had a grand and smaller weapon too)
The weird half hidden note in the hunter dreams about ending the nightmare/dream is from him
He can sew really well and fixed the old hunters clothes who were damaged (people skins too 💀)
He used too/could make really great wood figures + toys
He made all the old hunters badge himself and they’re made out of siderite too (but I think it’s a bit oblivious) 
He did some study at Byrgenwerth and do know quite a lot of things (all the books at the workshop, blood gems etc)
Oh wait it’s just A favorite one ?! (I’m bad a choosing ahhh hm idk he would make a great house husban- I mean the mercy blade hc ! Maybe)
(rest undercut because it's a long post)
First impression
Really intrigued but I also knew many people love her quite a lot XD
Impression now
Well I love her of course (my tarnished is her consort so a bit biased sorry). But I’m quite critic of her too. What I mean by that is that I perhaps expect more things about her too you know ? 
Favorite moment
Do i need to say anything…
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And also when she talk to is in the form of the mini Ranni (that might be one of my fav moments yep)
Idea for a story
Euh… hm idk either her time with the witch Renna or what lead to the night of the black knife (that remember I have pics to read !)
Unpopular opinion
I don’t think it’s really unpopular but she’s quite a really gray characters too. I wish we knew more about her motivation and what she really wanted. Like did you really wanted to kill Godwyn and do a giant mess or was it circumstance hm? I found some other characters way easier to like than her too. Sorry 😢
Favorite relationship
With Blaidd of course (but also Iji and Rykard, her mother etc). (And the tarnished XD) and I wish we had info about her relationship with other characters (like all her siblings and half siblings)
Favorite headcanon
Hm… idk XD she really liked her mentor drip ? When I grow up I wanna be like her ! A old and ice heretic witch ? Ok sure Ranni x)
She wanted to escape her fate and all and she said she don’t want smn (a consort) to share her burden but she still deep inside i think she really wish to have someone 
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goldfishshithead · 2 years
what do you think of sonic and puri puri prisoner?
As a pairing? HELL NO. I wouldn’t wanna ship PPP with any of the other characters (because of the obvious homophobic/paedophilic implications of his character. it’s gross and repulsive as fuck) AT ALL. (I acknowledge the existence of that one guy who sewed him a sweater but uh that’s end of that.) As characters? That I can do.
While the very existence of PPP is downright disgusting (and ONE should be rightfully criticized for it) but I’m pretty neutral on him. I don’t actively hate him as such. It mostly stems from my opinion that no heroes should die/be killed unnecessarily (no, not even him). And looking at the current situation the world of opm... it just doesn’t seem to have enough heroes no matter how you look at it. All hands on deck, help is help etc. And I’m glad that even he got character development in the wc considering he stood his ground during his encounter with Raiden because he wishes to help in his own way and wants to subject the prisoners/criminals to corrective training in order to serve society. He is a professional hero, so uhm good for him I guess. (at least it’ll be a safer world for women till he’s around, I’m sorry forgive me.)
And Sonic... *incoherent hyperventilated rabid screaming*. He’s my blorbo. I think about this man every single minute of my fucking life. I love him. I’m looking forward to where ONE takes his story. He’s an intriguing character. I’m very emotionally attached to and mentally invested in Sonic. Life’s always been cruel to him yet he’s managed to survive and make it so far. In my eyes, he’s got one of the strongest willpowers in opm. Although he’s at his most vulnerable right now because his defeats from Saitama have made him beyond depressed (as if his outlook on life isn’t already pessimistic enough). Though I see him as a potential asset. There better be a good redemption arc for him. His moral compass is essentially gray cause I mean he kills for a living. Indiscriminately so. Human or monster, he doesn’t give a shit. He’s very indifferent to other people’s lives (this probably counts as side-effects of having spent a big chunk of his life training to be an assassin but he clearly is not one to be brainwashed easily so that’s just him being cynical). But I do hope his childhood ideals which are quite heroic in nature will get the chance to shine through at some point in the future (like that one time he saved, AND named, the little boar Ino. I love that OVA so much. Just good stuff). And even after everything, he’s successfully managed to preserve his humanity. So when he did try to become a monster in the manga, he just couldn’t. Maybe because, again, he’s simply too human to become a monster (bathroom jokes aside). It was the, or rather his human tendency to want to cook something before consumption that saved him at the end of the day. Plus, he was never gonna join hands with the MA. He doesn’t care about any of that (and the idea of lending a hand to ppl who are going after someone who used to be an ally in the past is not exactly appealing anyway). In short, he’s great, and I’m here for his journey. Fingers crossed for him to come back to the manga soon (let’s be real, it doesn’t feel the same without him).
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