#No one every asks my sister about her gradesšŸ’€
pnuk-r0ck Ā· 2 years
Why tf did my parents have to have me firstšŸ’€
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polkadotsocks1993 Ā· 2 years
What Good Neighbors Do, Pt. 3.
Finals week for you means a celebration with your friends. However, once trouble occurs, the line of friendship with Osferth becomes blurred.
Warnings: violence, attempted assault, light smut
Notes: this story is brought to you by too much homemade wine and a winter storm šŸ’€
thank you so much for your response to the first two, if you haven't read them, they're on my page!
Also, I write about the experiences of graduate school because I have experienced graduate school. I am trying to write Osferth and the Gang as OC as I can within modern parameters. Thank you guys for being understanding and supportive, I haven't written fic since 2016 so you guys are amazing.
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It was the end of your first semester abroad.
Truthfully, it had been a rough school year for you. You had papers to grade as a teaching assistant, on top of final papers and your own work you needed to turn in. You'd elected to take a full load, thinking it would be no different than your undergraduate work. How wrong you had been.
The last two weeks had been nothing but grading, studying, more grading, and occasionally, sleep. Osferth had come over several times to find you slumped over a pile of term papers about Medieval England, none of which you'd graded yet. You were exhausted, to put it lightly, and you'd barely managed to look out for yourself.
"When does your term end?" Osferth asked, practically shoving a cup of coffee your way.
"In two days." You said, trying to remember what finals you had left. You only had three classes, but the history department had been understaffed and so you'd wound up teaching three classes. To say you were overwhelmed was an understatement.
"Then we're going out this weekend, after you get some sleep." Osferth said, "You need to have some fun."
"I won't say no." You replied, eyes already droopy from fatigue.
"Good. Finan already organized your first proper pub crawl." Osferth said, "I hope you're ready."
"No, I hope you're ready." You laughed, "I'm not a heavy drinker, so you'd better be prepared."
Osferth laughed tussling your hair like he always did before leaning down to whisper in your ear. "I'm looking forward to it, love."
As the term had progressed, you and Osferth's relationship had gotten even more tricky. You'd gone as his plus one to his half brother Edward's wedding; you'd met his sister and niece (who were actually nice and adored him), but also met his awful stepmother and after one too many shots of whiskey (thank goodness for open bars), you'd told her exactly what you'd thought. Then, you'd promptly gotten sick in the parking lot on the way to Osferth's car. You'd spent the rest of the night profusely apologizing in the chip shop Osferth had taken you to, only for Osferth to shrug and tell you, "I dunno, no one has ever stood up to Aelswith on my behalf, I might like to see it again."
The next two days were a blur for you; you had to be present for two finals (since you were the instructor) and you had to take two finals. You'd extended every last ounce of energy you had into trying to get decent grades, and barely made it on to the bus home. After tossing your keys on the table and taking a drink of water, you heard a knock on your door. Rubbing your eyes, you opened the door to see Osferth, holding a small bouquet of flowers and waving innocently.
"Your first semester done! How does it feel?" He asked. You blinked hard, trying to ignore the pounding in your head. You kicked off your shoes and took off your jacket.
"I'm tired. Get in here. I can't be held responsible for anything I do in the next few hours." You said, trying to get comfortable.
Osferth looked at you, raising an eyebrow, while you took off your socks and hoodie, tossing them on the sofa. Osferth made his way to your kitchen for a jar to put the flowers in.
"By the way," You said, theatrically rolling your wrist, "the flowers are appreciated. Thank you."
No matter how comfortable Osferth was with you, he was still painfully shy at times. He was confident, when he needed to be, but you could tell that his confidence faltered when dealing with you.
You took a step closer to him, observing his features. He was still in his paramedic uniform. For the last month, he had worked nights, and you could tell he hadn't slept yet, either.
"You haven't gone to bed yet, Osferth." You observed.
"I wanted to wait till you were home." He replied.
You squinted; you knew he was likely just as tired as you, and that he often put others' comfort before his own. You yanked him by the wrist, and drug him to your room.
"Where are we going?" Osferth asked.
"You're going to sleep with me." You answered.
"In your room?"
"Yes. In my room." You said, turning on the light and pulling back your covers.
"Um, I can just go back to my place, it's no bother." Osferth said.
"Absolutely not. You waited till I got home, you should have been asleep two hours ago." You scolded.
"I know, but I really wanted you to have something to look forward to today." Osferth explained. You hated his expression; he looked like a sad puppy and it was as endearing as it was frustrating.
"I am looking forward to something. I'm looking forward to a nice, long nap. And you're going to get one, too." You said. Osferth shifted around nervously, but didn't put up too much of an argument, his eyes giving away his exhaustion.
You took off your jeans and folded them on the end of your bed. Osferth's eyes widened, but he did the same. He had already changed his shirt before coming over, so he left everything on the floor next to your jeans. You snuggled in, under the covers, patting your hand on the mattress for him to join you. He climbed in and you scooted close to him, laying your head on his shoulder.
"Goodnight, Osferth." You whispered.
"Goodnight, Y/N." He replied.
Within minutes, both of you were asleep, and slept for hours. Neither one of you even moved much, until you finally awoke much later in the afternoon. Osferth didn't have to be at work that night, so the two of you enjoyed a little bit of freedom and swapped stories while you ate takeaway, the show Parks and Recreation coming from the TV.
"Wait, so Uhtred was the first person you had to do a field IV on?" You asked, trying hard not to spill your wine.
Osferth laughed, taking another bite of food. "Yes. He was so sick, I could barely find a vein, and here I am, some kid they'd thrown in there, and I had no idea what I was doing. Somehow managed to get the needle in, but that doesn't mean it was easy."
"I still can't believe Finan tries to ask you for IVs whenever he drinks too much." You said.
"Finan will ask for one this weekend. Sihtric will, too. Uhtred might, but honestly he handles alcohol better than all of us." Osferth replied.
"So, what's so special about this pub crawl Finan planned?" You asked.
"Finan plans pub crawls the way a bride plans a wedding." Osferth answered, "They're spectacular, honestly."
"I'm blaming you for the hangover I'll incur, then." You said, scooting closer ever so slightly.
Osferth's breath hitched, his smile faltering ever so slightly, before he leaned in close. Your spine straightened as you felt Osferth's lips near your ear.
"I quite like seeing you drunk."
You blinked, turning to him in surprise. "And why is that?" You asked.
"Because you're fiery, and I happen to like that in you." Osferth whispered. Your hair stood on your neck, and you leaned forward slightly, getting close enough to feel his body heat. You ran a hand up his thigh, feeling his gaze burn as your eyes met his.
"Well, then, I guess Friday is going to be fun."
Osferth grinned, pushing your hair behind your ear. "I look forward to it."
That night, after he left, you laid on your bed, venting to your dog, Brownie, out of frustration.
"He didn't even kiss me, Brownie!" You huffed.
"Does he like me? Really? I am so confused."
Brownie just blinked; you wished you could talk to someone, since Osferth was the most confusing man you knew. He flirted with you, he did nice things for you, but he didn't seem to care to do anything more than that.
You grumbled. Your feelings were only getting more confusing, and you knew that it was bound to get worse. He was your best friend, but you wanted more. The question was: did he?
As it turned out, Osferth's description of Finan's pub crawl plans was, in fact, pretty spot on. What the the boys were not prepared for, however, was how well you could keep up with them, despite never having done a pub crawl before.
"In honor of passing my finals, here is a round of shots, on me."
You handed the four men a shot of whiskey, and threw it back, the burn hitting your throat and you cheered.
"Look at you go!" Uhtred said, "You can keep up after all."
"Sometimes I can." You laughed. Finan had organized an "American Pub Crawl", in which the rules were that the only drinks that could be ordered were American. So far, you were on your third bar of the evening, and you'd taken the opportunity to buy a round of Jack Daniel's for everyone.
"Hey, Y/N, that man in the corner has been eyeing you all evening." Sihtric said, "He was at the last pub, too."
You'd noticed the man too, and you didn't necessarily like the idea. His eyes had been locked on you all evening, and it had made you stay close to Osferth.
"I hope he doesn't think he can follow me all night." You muttered, taking a sip of the beer you'd ordered.
"I've picked him up before, on shift. He likes to throw punches after one too many." Osferth said, taking a sip of his own beer. His arm had found a place around your shoulder and you gladly accepted it. You didn't like the way that man looked at you.
"Maybe he'll take the hint." You replied.
"If he doesn't, I'm sure we can persuade him." Uhtred said, "If he likes to fight, we can do that too."
"Wouldn't be a proper pub crawl without it!" Finan exclaimed.
Finishing your drinks, you went to the next pub, this time ordering whiskey and bringing out pickle juice to take pickle back shots.
Unfortunately, the man had followed and he was eyeing you still.
You tried to shake the uncomfortable feeling in your gut; you didn't want this man to ruin your night with your friends. Besides, you were resting your head on Osferth's shoulder, and he was flirting with you, and you didn't want to ruin that.
By the next bar, however, you'd shoved the nervous feeling down as you all drank Old Fashioneds, feeling a bit woozy as you stood up.
You placed a hand on Osferth's shoulder and leaned down. "I'm gonna go to the restroom. Watch my purse until I get back?"
"Sure, we'll be right here." Osferth said, giving you a smile. You walked back to the restroom and went in, trying to get out before anyone else noticed you were gone. You fixed you hair and adjusted your skirt, and walked out the door, only to bump into someone.
Your stomach dropped; it was the man who had been following you.
"I've been waiting to get you alone all night." He said. You could smell the liquor on him, he was incredibly drunk.
"Well, I'm going back to my friends." You said curtly, walking back toward the direction of your table. The man stopped you, and walked you backwards, your back hitting the wall.
"Where ya from, miss? I like that accent of yours." He said caging you in.
You looked around, suddenly feeling completely sober as the man entered your bubble.
"A place where we don't take kindly to unwanted attention." You replied.
The man growled, getting closer.
"Leave me alone, please." You pleaded.
"I don't think I'm going to do that. I've been watching you for hours now." The man replied. He stuck a hand on your torso, and began trying to move it up your shirt.
"Get OFF of me!" You yelled. You slapped the man in the face, and he in turn slapped you back so hard your head hit the wall, and you saw stars. You tasted blood on your lip, and it only made rage bubble in your chest.
"Get the HELL AWAY FROM ME!" You screamed. The man lurched forward, grabbing you by the hair, and slammed your head back into the wall, pressing his body to yours. You kicked and began screaming, until you heard someone yelling from behind the man.
"GET OFF!" Screamed Osferth, grabbing the man by the shoulders and throwing him into the floor. The man stood up, taking a swing, and connecting with Osferth's face. That's when Sihtric and Uhtred grabbed the man, while Finan got Osferth to his feet.
The look on Osferth's face was one you'd only seen a handful of times before, from other people. He was seething.
Osferth swung again, knocking the man to the floor, and he began swinging. Blood was pouring from his nose, but he seemed completely oblivious to the pain.
"YOU. DO. NOT. TOUCH. HER." Every word was punctuated with a punch, until Uhtred finally pulled him off.
"Osferth, your nose is broken." Uhtred said. Osferth was still in a trance, and you were shaking and crying. Finan had moved over to check on you, tears spilling from your eyes as he grabbed your face.
"Hey, hey, look at me, Y/N. Look at me." He whispered. "You're okay now. Osferth took care of him, he isn't getting back up for a while."
Osferth stopped wriggling in Uhtred's grasp and turned to you, assessing the damage like he would any accident at work.
"What did he do? Where did he touch you?" He asked.
You were sobbing. Coughing and choking while the other three men stood behind Osferth, blocking anyone else from coming near.
"He--I was coming out and he pushed me back." You cried, "he tried to stick his hand under my shirt and I told him to leave me alone. Then he hit me and he slammed my head into the wall."
This time, Sihtric walked over and kicked the man in the stomach. Osferth took a pen light from his pocket and looked at your eyes.
"You have a concussion." He said, "But not a bad one."
"Osferth, your nose." You said.
"I don't care. This isn't the worst I've had. Come here." He said, pulling you into his chest. You sobbed into him, your whole body shaking.
"Osferth, you get her out of here. We'll deal with him. You two need to go to A & E and get checked out. Especially you." Finan said.
"He'll learn his lesson. We promise you that." Uhtred said, "Take her home. We'll go check on you later."
Osferth took your hand and guided you out near the main entrance, taking your purse from behind the bar. Your hands shook ferociously, your lip was already swollen. Outside of the bar, you waited for a cab, but you couldn't keep your knees from knocking together.
"I'm so, so sorry, Y/N. That shouldn't have happened." Osferth said, rubbing your back. You had to sit down; your vision was starting to go black and you felt like the walls were closing in.
"I want to go home." You cried.
"We're going home, love." Osferth replied.
"No, Osferth," Your voice was breaking now, "I want my mom."
Osferth picked you up, pulling you close to him and holding you as tightly as he could. "I'll call your mum, Y/N. It's going to be okay. Take a deep breath, he can't hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you."
As the cab pulled up, Osferth put you gently inside. The cab driver obviously had questions, but all Osferth did was give him your address. You were thankful; you didn't want to go to A & E, you just wanted to go home.
You had a first aid kit in your bathroom, it was the one thing you'd always done since you grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere. You sat Osferth down on the edge of the bathtub and began to clean him up, taking off his shirt and wiping the blood off of his chest, his neck, and his face.
"You said that wasn't the worst you had, huh?" You asked. He chuckled lightly, pointing to a spot just below his ribs.
"Almost died from this one." He said, "took a knife to the lung. If I hadn't already been in a medic tent, I would have died."
"When was that?" You asked, tracing your fingers along the scar.
"My last deployment. I was assessing a civilian they brought in, and he stabbed me." Osferth said, "I got out after that."
"And what about this one, here?" You asked, pointing to the scar on his shoulder.
"This was another bar fight, believe it or not." Osferth laughed. His eyes were already bruising and a little swollen, so you'd brought a pack of frozen vegetables to put on his face.
"He should have never touched you." Osferth said.
"I'm just glad you were there." You replied.
Osferth put his hands on your hips, placing his forehead in your stomach. You felt your heart thump so loudly that you were afraid it'd burst.
"I'll always be there." Osferth said. You felt his fingers tighten around your hip bones and you couldn't take it any more.
"Osferth." You said, he looked up at you.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I--I don't want to be your friend." You replied. His entire face fell, and you stumbled to correct yourself.
"I'm sorry, that came out wrong. What I meant was, I can't just be your friend." You said, "I thought I could, but I think I've loved you since the day you unlocked my door, and seeing you like this, I can't... I can't just be your friend--"
You were cut off by Osferth's lips hitting yours. His hands tangled in your hair, his touch soft but wanting. You put your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, a moan escaping as he moved to kiss your neck.
"I can't do this anymore either." Osferth said, "I thought I could. I thought I could just be your friend, but I can't. I love you. I've loved you for a long time."
You took his face in your hands, placing a gentle kiss, then moved to loop your fingers in his jeans and pull him out of the bedroom. His hands roamed your back, your neck, your hips, taking care not to do anything too suddenly or without permission. You pulled him to your room, kicking off your shoes and taking off your tights, pulling him on to the bed with you.
He climbed in, laying next to you, cradling your head in his hand, his other hand trailing your waist. You sighed, smiling, and ran your fingers through his hair.
"Stay the night." You said. It was a plea, a wish.
"I'll do whatever you ask." He whispered.
He took off his jeans, and your eyes grew wide.
"I'm not expecting anything, they've just got blood on them." He said. You nodded, and then a rush of thoughts came flooding to your mind.
"Osferth?" You asked.
"Yes, love?" He said.
"I've... I've never done this before." You admitted. He furrowed his brows.
"Done what?" He asked.
"What we're doing. Or what we're about to do. I don't know how to explain it." You huffed. He stopped, understanding what you were trying to say, and then nodded.
"You know that's not what I'm after, right?" Osferth asked.
You kissed him, moaning as he moved a hand up your side.
"I know, but I need you to know. I spilled my guts, I needed to tell you in case you wanted an out." You said.
"No." Osferth said, taking your hand in his. Yours was comically small compared to his, and he kissed your forehead.
"I don't want an out. I've been thinking about you since you knocked on my door. I knew I loved you for sure at Edward's wedding. I love how your face lights up when you talk about what you're passionate about. I love how kind you are. I hated history, but when you tell it, I could listen for hours. I don't want a quick lay. If I wanted that I could go into town and get it. I want you, Y/N. Only you."
Your breath hitched, and you looked at Osferth. You were nervous, and you didn't exactly know the right words to say.
"What does this make us?" You asked.
"Whatever you want us to be, but I know I'd like for us to be together." Osferth answered.
You smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "I want that, too."
Osferth laughed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He laid his head back down on the pillow, sighing.
"I'm actually glad you said something, because my nose does hurt a bit now." He admitted. You couldn't help but laugh as you pressed kisses to his temple.
"Then maybe we should sleep? After you've taken something for the pain." You suggested.
"That actually sounds nice." Osferth said, "We have plenty of time. I intend on sticking around, if that's alright with you."
"I'd like that, very much." You said.
That night you fell asleep with your head on his chest, his arm around you. Though both of you wound up with bruises for days, neither of you would have changed the events of that evening. And though your relationship had now evolved into something more, you were elated and excited.
With Osferth, you looked forward to many things. And you couldn't wait to explore.
I will obviously be writing more parts, I'm obsessed with this story and I cannot put it down.
Also, the reason there wasn't full on smut is because I have NEVER written it before, so please bare with me as the next chapter will probably be lots of filth šŸ¤£ thank you all for the feedback!
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digo3d Ā· 26 days
Here's another ask: 1 thing you like + 1 thing you dislike about each TC movie
Almost guaranteed these are gunna end up being more than one thing because I don't know how to shut up but let's see
Beverly Hills Cats:
I like that it's silly and also because it gives Brain more of a spotlight, also it confirmed a few of my lesser headcanons (Spook can play the drums and Brain likes rats) also The Rap for their costumes (specifically Spook's and Brain's they slay) also Spook's voice is very gruff in BHC and so now I have a REAL reason to make his voice a little gravelly/give him a little growl when he talks whenever I read a dialogue from him other than just because I want to
However the PACING OH MY GOD THE PACING šŸ˜­ some of the movie just drags and the dialogue feels clunky sometimes, also the visuals look dirty if that makes sense? Everything's a strange color y'know? Also The Rap because it's so poorly composed and it makes me die a little. Also Amy Vandergelt fuck Amy Vandergelt all my homies hate Amy Vandergelt. Also Dibble didn't really feel like Dibble y'know like he was oddly mean and (extra) dense like šŸ˜­
Top Cat: The Movie:
I am inherently biased because this is a movie from my childhood I was FUCKING OBSESSED with it and would watch it every day once I got home from school in 4th grade and I still remember a dream I had about it years ago and I'm pretty sure I put Spook into a story I had to write for class šŸ˜­ it's how I got into Top Cat in the first place so I hold The Movie very near and dear to my heart anyways I really love that it legitimately feels like Anima Estudios put a lot of love into it and like they made a genuine effort to make it feel like OG even if they fell short. Also THE ARTSTYLE I WOULD FUCKING KILL TO GET A REBOOT IN THE STYLE OF THE MOVIE ARARAR GEOMETRIC ARTSTYLES EATS A BRICK anyways also Trixie, they could never make me hate you Trixie (I need to draw her more) also the robots are funny as fuck for no reason
While I still think people greatly exaggerated how bad the movie was, I can kinda understand where they're coming from because the plot holes are ABYSMAL OMG šŸ’€ also fucking Rob Schneider is Strickland in the British dub which is immediately awful, also not as awful but Dibble doesn't feel nearly as like strict or intimidating as he did before and I think that's mostly because of the voice they gave him, it's very squeaky. Also I feel like Strickland could work as a good antagonist but I feel like they leaned into the 'oh I'm so handsome I'm the prettiest in the world' thing too hard and it just made him feel really annoying and not like an actual threat at all, also naturally the flanderization of Brain (Anima Estudios must've had beef with him or something cos they did him even more dirty in Begins)
Top Cat Begins:
To be completely Frank, to be completely David even, there's really not that much I like about Begins other than Hellcat Spook (naturally). I mean I like Furletta Duchat because she's purdy and Dib's grandmother (Grambo) because she's fucking insane. Chooch's little waddle of a walk. OH I actually REALLY like Mr. Big as a villain. He's an actual threat to T.C. and the gang and his design, voice, and behavior is actually intimidating and probably the best crafted out of any of the new characters in Begins (also his model isn't fugly like most of the rest of them). If a new movie or series ever gets made I hope he makes a return even just as like a minor villain. Also Diedrich Bader voices Bad Dog and that's an inside joke between me and my sister lmao (also I do really like Bad Dog he's an excellent goon)
First things first for things I don't like about Begins, THE MODELS. WHY ARE THEY SO UGLY. WHO'S IDEA WAS THIS. I mean like they could be worse BUT THEY COULD CERTAINLY BE BETTER šŸ˜­ I mean I do appreciate them for giving us canon eye colors for the fellas but good fucking lord
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Help him šŸ˜­
Tbh I'm trying to think of who the worst offender is and tbh it's almost all of them but I will say that Benny and Spook look the best, Fancy isn't ugly but he doesn't really look like Fancy, (same with Dibble) and ig T.C. isn't bad but he's not good. Brain and Chooch though what did they do to my lads. Chooch has gingivitis and lacks fangs (actually all of them lack fangs except for T.C. and Benny which I think is especially offensive) and Brain's model is built in such a way where any mouth movement he makes looks FUCKED UP. Also his eyes are really small and so are his ears and his proportions are generally fucked.
Fun fact I found some like beta promo art for Begins a while ago and Fancy's model is completely different and dare I say he looks better than his official model
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Anyways models aside I think this is kind of a dogshit origin story for the gang. Making T.C. and Benny meet Fancy, Chooch, and Brain all at the same time only to not see them for the next 45 minutes was real fuckin lame-o and lazy and they also retconned that whole thing where T.C. and Benny were in Boy Scouts together which I really didn't appreciate. Also could've stood to have moar Spook in the movie instead of him being a deus ex machina and having LESS THAN TEN MINUTES OF SCREENTIME, like shit dawg. Also I always thought it was lame that he was just the pizza guy and not ACTUALLY involved with Mr. Big y'know? Also he's got a bit of a plot hole where he's like 'why should I stick my neck out for you' and then legit like 2 minutes later he's like 'i've been following you around so we can join forces' like ok bro if that was the case you would've just pulled them up and not've done that whole thing where you made it seem like you would've left them there but alright dawg. In my opinion I would've had it where Mr. Big sends out Spook to find them and follow them around after they lose their tracks of them and then when they escape Spook's grasp THEN Mr. Big fucks up Eleanore. Anyways what else. Uhh. Oh I can't tell if they just forgot what Dibble acted like or they tried making him younger in Begins but like. That's not Dibble. Who is that. Also again, Brain flanderization to the extreme and some mischaracterization of Fancy. Anyways I think that's it actually
This turned into a full rant I'm sorry šŸ˜­ but yeah I think a remake/revamp of Begins is in order because it's so bad and then BHC isn't bad, just mid at times, and then I've always found The Movie to be charmingly bad despite it's plot holes
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davidpastrsnack Ā· 11 months
BESITE IM SO LATE TO THIS BUT SCREAMING OVER THE BOY TEA!! im actually not late though i just think this app never delivered my asks šŸ˜« are you guys still talking? have you seen him again at all/have plans to? i need to know if youre willing to share you dont have to ofc.
ty and i ended up hosting his family and it went really well! we ended up having a lot of laughs which was fun. i got alllll the sibling tea too. tyā€™s brother has ā€œa friend thatā€™s a girl thatā€™s not a girlfriendā€ (but he so likes her itā€™s adorable) (ty teasing him about it was also kinda adorable). tyā€™s sister on the other hand has a new crush. on a boy in her grade this time šŸ’€ and they hung out ā€œin a groupā€ and went to an amusement park and they went on all the rides together and he held her hand a few times. which is so cute. she has not shared this with her brothers yet though šŸ¤ oh and we were out and about one day and tyā€™s mom was about to ask someone to take a family photo. and i was like oh i can take one of you guys! and she goes no youā€™re gonna be in the picture and tyā€™s dad said ā€œyouā€™re practically family at this pointā€ šŸ™ˆ they both said it so nonchalantly like i wasnt screaming on the inside. so i was in the picture between ty and his sister. ty also told me later that interaction made him happy and he loves how well i get along with his family šŸ„° and you can guess where cute comments like that lead to after we were alone again lmao -roommate anon
BESTIE HI!!! iā€™m so sorry things have been crazy since getting back to schoolšŸ˜­ but imysm!!!!
yes hahah i am still talking with him. iā€™ve only seen him a few times since bc we go to different schools but heā€™s still been so sweet. and hot iykwim lolšŸ«  but pls i would literally tell u every nitty gritty detail if u want LMAOO
omg stoppp i miss being that age so much. hahah iā€™m sure he would be less thrilled about his little sisteršŸ˜­ noooo way youā€™re practically familyšŸ„¹ thatā€™s so sweet omg. HAHAHHA i bet it did
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undyinglantern Ā· 2 years
"how much were you into kpop?" well just like every single interest i had in my adolescence, it was extremely surpressed. given more that 5 seconds to express myself, id start shaking like a distressed chihuahua and feel my entire face and body heat up and break out in sweat
i had a friend in middle school and i can still remember vividly how when we came back from summer break at the beginning of 8th grade one of the first things she asked was if i was still into or if i still liked "those korean boys" or smth like that and the way my soul left my body like šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
my sister herself wasnt into kpop but she did have a friend who was so she was vaguely aware of it. even then the only group i ever dared to bring up to her was big bang bc they "had the most american sound" in my mind. we both agreed taeyang was hot and im pretty sure that was the last we ever talk about them
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vamp-stamp-fics Ā· 2 years
Th Black phone Headcanons
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Fandom: the black phone
Tags: hcs, fluff, some angst on Vances hcs
Word count: 1192
A/n: I've been hyperfixated on this movie for at least a month and I'm finally posting about it. these are some of the Headcanons I have for the black phone currently. I'll probably make a part 2
Sexuality hcs don't shit on me for this. If you don't like the thought of gay people in the 70s personally evaluate and ask why the hell you're mad
ā€¢ Finney - bisexual
Gwen - an aggressive straight Ally. She'll pop anyone in the mouth that disrespects Finney she already does but she'll do it twice as hard if it's cus his sexuality
Robin - homie kisser
Vance - another homie kisser (they're just like me fr)
Bruce - bisexual
Griffin - either unlabeled or straight. On one hand he seems the type to not care what your gender is he just likes you but on the other I don't see him liking boys so idk I'm still contemplating
Billy - straight Ally (I'm sorry but I don't see him liking dudes romanticly. Ik I'm crushing every Biffin shipper rn šŸ’€)
ā€¢ Finn's favorite color is blue
ā€¢ Robin's favorite color is green
ā€¢ Gwen's favorite color is pastel pink. She always tells Finney that Yes there's a difference between pastel pink and regular pink
ā€¢ Vances favorite color is also blue but he likes more darker blues while finney likes lighter blues
ā€¢ Billy's favorite color is red
ā€¢ Griffins favorite color is orange
ā€¢ Gwen did ballet when she was around 7 but stopped doing it when her mom died
ā€¢ Gwens favorite book series is Nancy Drew & her favorite movie is wizard of oz
ā€¢ Billy & Griffin are absolute little shits together. Billy's the shit talker Griffin's the instigator
ā€¢ Vance violently brushes his teeth. Like the bristles on the brush are flared šŸ’€
ā€¢ Bruce is an avid Michael Jackson enjoyer so is Robin
ā€¢ Robin is a absolute horror nut. (In a modern au he'd love analog horror the walten files I feel he'd especially like. Also in a modern au he'd force Finney to play fnaf with him) besides Texas chainsaw massacre he definitely likes Halloween & Friday the 13th (if he was still alive that is šŸ’€)
Rip Robin you would've loved Rob zombie āœŠšŸ˜”
ā€¢ Vance is constantly getting into arguments with his teacher in one way or another. The only teacher that isn't on his ass is his English teacher which is his favorite. She's basically like a 2nd mother to him of course he'd never tell her that. He acts all tough in that class but the minute everyone leaves he somewhat dials it back when she tells Vance he did well today and he actually got a passing grade on one of his tests totally not projecting here
ā€¢ Vance: "ur mom"
Finney: "my mom's dead"
Vance: "damn my fault šŸ’€"
ā€¢ Billys dogs name is Goldie
ā€¢ when star wars was realesed Finney absolutely loved the movies and dragged Robin to see them with him
ā€¢ speaking of Star wars one Halloween Finney & Gwen dressed as Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia
ā€¢ Vances childhood dog was a bloodhound
ā€¢ Speaking of Vance he had a pretty rough childhood. I heard that he's a Canon mamas boy so I'm using that as well. He grew up with an abusive and alcoholic father who'd constantly abused him and his mom. He'd always tried to intervene and protect his mom causing him to get hurt. Afterwards his mother would just comfort him as best she could and tell that he shouldn't involve himself when his parents argued. His mom got so fed up with it that she left Vance and his dad when he was 8. She didn't want to leave him but she was so emotionally and mentally drained she just left on impulse. Vance doesn't exactly hate his mom for it cus he knows it probably would've been worse for her if she stayed, but a part of him does resent her for it and wonders sometimes why she couldn't just take him with her.
ā€¢ the choker he wears was actually his mom's. it's the only thing he had that she left so it has pretty sentimental value.
ā€¢ Vance has a 6 year old sister named Tara. When he went missing she was basically the only one looking for him. She'd go on her scooter after school everyday around the neighborhood and stay up late watching the news to see if she could get any information. Tara was up when the news stated he was found dead and cried knowing she'd never see her brother again.
Anyways sorry for the sad Vance hcs back to our regular scheduled programming
ā€¢ Tara's just as foul mouthed and intimidating as her brother. The minute she talks it throws people off bc a little girl calling someone "fuckhead" is definitely something they weren't expecting. kicks anyone in the balls if they mess with Vance or his pinball machine. Gwen absolutely loves her and hangs out with her alot. She's basically like another older sibling for her. Whenever Vance is playing pinball she's either outside playing ball next to the Grab n Go or sitting next to him let's pretend there's a chair next to the pinball machine lol drawing in a coloring book.
ā€¢ Vance refers to his dad as old man
ā€¢ Vance love life is interesting to say the least. He doesn't feel like he needs a relationship but wouldn't mind having one. Tho he's not gonna be romantic at all about it šŸ’€ i mean he's not gonna be a dick to his s/o and he'd try to be romantic but he's not gonna call them pet names and be all flowery. a date with Vance is just watching him play pinball tbh
ā€¢ Vance either is in a band or wants to start one. If he hasn't started one yet he'd never admit to his friends that he wants to make one
ā€¢ Vances favorite holiday is Halloween so is Robins cus he loves horror sm every year he and his friends wear costumes to scare kids trick or treating
ā€¢ Modern au: Finney & Gwen don't have cable tv so if they wanna watch shows from CN, nickelodeon etc they go to Robins house (Totally not projecting again) Finney's favorite show is the amazing world of gumball Robins is regular show. Gwen's favorite show is Craig of the creek and her favorite character is Kelsey. When it comes to non cable tv Finney & Gwens favorite show is Mr Rogers neighborhood
ā€¢ Modern Au: Finney watches game/film theory. Robin watches it with him sometimes but only if it's horror movie/video games
ā€¢ Vance can't ride a bike for shit. His mom tried teaching him before she left but he couldn't get his balance
ā€¢ Robin is a roller skating/skating pro. He can do different tricks and flips and Finney always wonders how he does it without busting his ass. One time Robin tried teaching him to skate and ended up falling. Robin found it funny until he saw the giant gash on his hand
ā€¢ Gwen uses pinkie promises. She's aggressive with them too. she'll be holding her Pinky to Finn "YOU PROMISE? šŸ˜ " and he'll say "yeah yeah I promise šŸ˜’"
ā€¢ Modern Au: Gwen has a rainbow loom and makes a shit load of bracelets. Has whole box full of them. She gave a few to Finney and Robin
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hi I saw you were taking asks about mark and rebecca so I thought I'd send one over because I absolutely adore your takes on them!! I'd love to know how you perceive their relationships with the other characters - friends, enemies, partners, crushes, etc :)
DHIXBDD HOWDY AND THANK YOU!! My takes on them are all over the place tbh
Before I actually start- I don't think too deep into their relationships so uhhhh please don't expect a 10 page analysis on them. Hopefully read more works on mobile if not uhhhhhhhh sorry in advance
Gonna start with the obvious Kyle:::
Personally I love the guy but Mark? Not so much. He's always had this personally bias against him for some reason, despite yknow beating his ass in 3rd grade(I think) Like Mark thinks he's suppose to keep this hate against him for what Kyle did to his sister, but in high school obviously that shit in him died but outta pride(or something similar) Mark countinues to subconsciously hate him and just dreads interacting with him.
Kyle and Rebecca's relationship or lack of- gotta be honest Rebecca just avoids cuz the whole dance biz, and she still cringes at the memory and thinks Kyle hates her. He doesn't, but won't stop her thinking so- but in an au, I love tbe thought of Platonic Kybecca, this is the part I cant go into too deep cause I unfortunately haven't thought abt the dynamic alot, but I have an au based around these two hopefully I can actually get rhe stage of making it
Nowwww onto friends
My main friend group for these two are David, Gary, and Cotswolds siblings//I'm not sure how i conjured that combination into existence but hey! I have been running with it for a long time.
How exactly they became friends? I'm not sure either. My brain also tricked me into thinking Gary was homeschooled before he comes to South Park- So he found that common ground with the Mark and Rebecca and ran with it, after he sitting himself at their lunch table in the corner.
Then David kinda wanted a break from the main 4's table so he just joined them at some point. The cotswolds found him and Gary alot more sane than most South Park residents and alot more nicer...Rebecca was won over by them but did take awhile to communicate that, sooo Gary&David were a little hesitant to hang out with her 1-on-1 cause they thought she was still nervous abt them
Mark hates South Park, he's leaving once he has a job and a scholarship outta the country. Yeahhhhh he wasn't too welcoming to David and Gary at first, but he gave pretty mixed signals, ei: inviting them them to places, going to their houses, showing up at David's parent restaurant unprompted, ect...Yknow normal friend things, but he saw it as "testing" them, cuz obviously if the kids are all well and good, it has to the parents that aint! Right?!?
Yeah, Mark was pretty confused when he found out the Rodriguez and Harrison's were all pretty non dysfunctional people and were good parents//good people. Watching their family dynamics made him think alot on how his and Rebecca's parent's relationship isn't all that great.
Lead to alot of rebellious stunt, not extreme but he started taking his parents views with less of a grain of salt, and with that realized slowly his parents are assholes- Rebecca also realized this, but is kinda use to shutting up and keeping her head down she never says anything against it.
Moving on!! David and Gary are pretty understanding of this, and there friendship and homes turned into solace for the siblings^^ Wish i could ramble more abt them but I'm very bad at writing down my thoughtsšŸ’€
Mark's enemies: Leslie, Terrance, Estella, and some more people but these three came off the top my head.
Leslie seems like the type to correct Mark's grammar while speaking, Every. Time.
Mark: "Look you failure of an ai, your-"
Leslie: "*You're."
Mark: "....What"
She gets on his nerves without even trying. And lemme tell you, Mark hates getting corrected so he'd end up going off on her for hours while she just sits there. Then she spends the next hour correcting Mark again. Its pretty one-sided now that I think of it. Mark just seeks her out to best her and she just plays along cause she's bored.
Now onto Terrance. There can only be one smart ass know-it-all, and its Mark! He's had a few school projects that Terrance did by himself so he didn't have to deal with a partner. Well Mark was pretty pissed abt that, when Mark confronted him the next time they had project together they competed to finish it the day of- Yeah they lost alot of beauty sleep that night. So there dynamic is like a academic rivalry.
Now for Estella. Shes a bitch. So is Mark. He was alright with her when she was just a rich capitalist scrum from a distance. Instead she just had to start hanging around Rebecca, and being an overprotective brother he was he started antagonizing her whenever alone, vice versa. They constantly butt heads especially when it comes to Rebeccaā€“Normally Mark wouldn't care who his sister befriends or hangs out with, but Estella is all around a prick and a spoiled brat, so who knows what she'd do to his sister if Estella doesn't get what she wants?
Rebecca's enemies: tbh idk if she has anything against anyone. Probably Terrance? Terrance because y'know his rivalry with her brother, but they barely interact for the most part.
Finally getting to my fav part of this ask, crushes/partners, because it gives me any excuse to talk abt Rebstella!!
How they met was Mark's fault, he was an acquaintance of Gregory's(Who hc as Estellas twin!!) At some point their groups collided and Estella thought she was cute and was slightly intrigued by her, Rebecca was kinda awkward the first time they met so she had really no opinion on Estella that day. Estella had no plans to do anything with that thought, unfortunately she let that comment slip and got tired of the Foregien kid's teasing and decided to try befriend her.
They did take awhile to offically to do so given each of their reservations, and during that time Estella slowly realized she might have a crush on her favorite brunette. The feelings were mutual, but Rebecca was very against it, she already had so much going on in her head, having a crush on her one of her bestfriends didn't help. Neither wanted to ruin the friendship so they both attempted bury it down deep with their sub consciousness.
Attempted. Yeah that didn't last that long. They grew even more smitten with each other. and Rebecca got tired of tiptoeing around it and with some encouragement from Gary, David, and Markā€“despite his strong bias against Estella. Anyways she asked Estella out over text, yeah Estella took a day to reply to recover, and pratically gave Rebecca heart attack.
Their first date was at fancy restaurant that Estella reserved, all goofy smiles and pre marital hand holding. Dbkdnsidbwis Rebecca was the first to say "I love you" later on, fun fact.
I wanna say more abt them but i don't wanna take too long so I'll be moving onto Mark.
Yeah I personally don't ship him with anyone, Maybe Gary and/or David? But he dies alone no matter what/j
Anyways I have nothing to say but heres a doodle of the mentioned Rebecca&Kyle au
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punkscowardschampions Ā· 3 years
China & Toni
China: did you see the next playā€™s sign-up sheet is out
Toni: Nah, when did you?
China: got music with Mullans rn so
China: it doesnā€™t sound crap this time
China: [the lil synopsis thatā€™s been put up about it]
Toni: sounds worth auditioning for once
China: thought youā€™d like it
China: your sister had already got her name on though
Toni: right under your sisterā€™s I bet šŸ™„
China: it looks like she signed them both up
China: not sure if America knows
China: I doubt sheā€™ll get a part
Toni: ffs sheā€™s so weird
China: know the feeling
Toni: but yeah sheā€™ll never learn her lines properly, he wonā€™t wanna give her a part
China: I donā€™t think they should cast anyone under our year anyway
China: no one wants to watch that
Toni: and if any of the parents do they need watching themselves for being creepy
China: or let them do some age-appropriate shitshow and let 4th 5th and 6th do this
China: Mullans isnā€™t having it though, no budget as per so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
Toni: heā€™s supposed to be creative, all theyā€™d need is a dressing up box
China: right
China: Jake and Simon have signed up
Toni: What are you gonna do when you have to play against him as lead?
China: Iā€™ve been in every play since I got here, he knows that
China: itā€™d look weirder if I didnā€™t, if anything
Toni: he does know that
Toni: maybe he wants you back
China: I canā€™t think like that
Toni: you canā€™t, but I can
Toni: I said heā€™d realise he fucked up
China: Are you going to audition or not, bitch
Toni: yeah
China: good
China: at least thatā€™ll be one not terrible person to count on
Toni: Whatā€™s Mullansā€™ deal, do we have to audition with scenes from the play or do I have to find some bullshit Shakespeare?
China: not Shakespeare
China: do some Tennessee, he will LOVE that
Toni: Glass Menagerie it is
China: works every time āœØ
China: Iā€™ll do Streetcar
Toni: come over and run lines
China: okay
China: banish your sister, they arenā€™t copying us
Toni: Iā€™ll send her to take my ma something to eat that isnā€™t out of a vending machine, sheā€™s working late as per
China: bonus daughter points can never hurt
China: Iā€™ll have to air mine, sending me texts ALL day about a family dinner, what family
Toni: šŸ˜¬
China: exactly
China: Zsa wonā€™t come if the latest boyfriend says jump, or ainā€™t saying jump and sheā€™s šŸ˜°
Toni: I doubt Americaā€™ll run back either, her and Sean are basically surgically stitched
China: yeah, itā€™ll just be me, them and nan
China: fuck that
Toni: Iā€™ll feed you, babe
China: Too bad itā€™s too late for uni for her
China: could do with some of that workaholic energy, sheā€™s got too much time to think of stupid shit like this
Toni: get Archie to sign her up for open uni without her knowing, she obviouslyā€™d be willing to
China: šŸ˜
China: is your mum gonna go proper mental if you donā€™t get into a good uni
China: as sheā€™s so smart, like
Toni: not to my face, but on the quiet sheā€™d definitely be losing it over my wasted potential or whatever
China: Hmm, better stop slacking then, bitch
Toni: which one of us has actually been doing the Italian work all term, bitch
Toni: I donā€™t slack
China: you donā€™t exactly work hard, either
China: Iā€™m fine because as long as I go to Uni Iā€™m beating them all, Zsa didnā€™t AND she ruined mumā€™s life so she didnā€™t go either šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø
Toni: I work hard enough
Toni: who are you, garda for grades?
China: Donā€™t be pissy
Toni: Iā€™m fine too, thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying
China: I didnā€™t say you werenā€™t
Toni: just that Iā€™m a lazy šŸ„
China: and you canā€™t handle that?
China: piss off Sam, see what happens, youā€™ll šŸ’€
Toni: šŸ–• I couldnā€™t care less you donā€™t have your facts straight about how much school work I do or donā€™t do
Toni: be a bit weird if you did know and Iā€™d be asking myself why youā€™re so obsessed with me šŸ˜
China: if being a nerd means so much to you, Iā€™m SO sorry, like
Toni: yeah, thatā€™s me šŸ¤“
China: Iā€™ve seen the glasses šŸ˜˜
Toni: not everyone has 20/20
China: nobodyā€™s perfect šŸ’”
Toni: exactly
China: what lesson are you in
Toni: Geography
China: Iā€™m going to record some sounds outside for my track
China: if you can get out for a cig
Toni: [show up again how you always do because of course that was easy for you the way everything is]
China: [clearly none of you take geography lmao, hand her one as we are actually doing this work rn, recording cars going past, convos from outside the classrooms etc]
Toni: [clearly Geography ainā€™t pretentious enough for yā€™all lol, just smoking and watching her, totally unselfconcious in her glasses because we know she looks cute af still, and totally unselfconcious about letting her know we think what sheā€™s doing is kinda cool cos it is]
China: [record her saying that, like thatā€™s not gay at all lmao, it is the kind of thing Mr Mullans would think he was so cool for so but we are enjoying ourselves so like yeah, even though weā€™ve blatantly come out to avoid Jake ā€˜cos he deffo takes music too]
Toni: [he really thinks heā€™s doing something at all times, oh sir, the awks when you probably have so many classes with Jake gal cos youā€™re so similar, soz for that, handing her some gum after youā€™re done with this cigarette because you like handing each other things]
China: [lowkey I bet most of you take music, yā€™all are those types so thatā€™s fun, Iā€™m sure, take that gum and ask her to check your breath purely so you gotta be in each otherā€™s grills, ā€˜cos people used to come in STANKIN itā€™s not what youā€™re trying to do, so get the perfume out too for yā€™all]
Toni: [Sam BLATANTLY takes music too because sheā€™s that bitch 100% soz that Toni is one of the few of yā€™all who doesnā€™t take music or art and sheā€™s still cooler than most of yā€™all, obvs do some effortlessly cute sashay/twirl into the perfume because everything you do is just that energy, there is nothing gayer than the fact youā€™re gonna smell the same now]
China: [Mhmm, thank god sheā€™s not so rabid with her hate that sheā€™ll clock it like THATā€™S CHINAā€™S PERFUME lmao, true secret gay drama, bet sheā€™s doing SUCH a cool song for her final song, I like to think she thinks sheā€™s talented but itā€™s real indie Halsey singing and itā€™s BAD, telling Toni as much about whatever sheā€™s produced so far]
Toni: [gotta laugh cos weā€™re a bitch and weā€™re not loyal but also tell her any cringe stories you have from before China joined the squad because youā€™ve clearly been in it for ages so there would be tween gold, like I definitely imagine her trying to be in one of Jakeā€™s bands]
China: [saving that for ammo ā€˜cos we arenā€™t above it baby, but also dying ā€˜cos of course she did, telling her how hard Mr Mullans is trying to get Sam NOT to take music ā€˜cos they do when youā€™re shit but they canā€™t say soz, youā€™re talentless hun x]
Toni: [ā€˜least he can keep her away from the playā€™ fully implying here that we think sheā€™s desperate enough to put everyone through a cringe af audition in an attempt to get a part and spend time with Jake cos lbr sheā€™s obvs done worse]
China: [I like to think you literally didnā€™t make the cut, even Lucie got in like omg hun]
Toni: [he must HATE you girl cos America really does his head in acting up and even she got a part, love the way Toni is done smoking and all the aftermath but has not left]
China: [it tracks, youā€™re just that bitch clearly, would feel bad for you if you werenā€™t also being controlling and bitchy with it, weā€™re clearly stalling for time here too so weā€™re not moving, just recording more shit, being goofy with it like you blatantly wonā€™t use you cussing Sam out but doing it anyway]
Toni: [catch our lols on that recording because itā€™s funny, though we do see you not joining in with slagging her off any more than you already have hun, instead just trying to pick a scene for your audition so probably just catching bits of that too as weā€™re trying it out likewise being silly]
China: [at least we can use that for bonus points, amazing Southern accents and all, which will really swing your respective roles ā€˜cos accent work baby]
Toni: [I like to imagine sheā€™s also doing a Poirot accent and an OTT posh english one just for fun]
China: [honestly just having a lovely time, so rude that youā€™re just gonna go and ignore us at break next like cool cool babes lol]
Toni: [yeah and likewise if the lesson after is a core one that loads of peeps are in together]
China: [not at all confusing gal, or a knock to our self-esteem but anyway, you shouldā€™ve left your shit so you gotta go back before the bell]
Toni: [itā€™s actually really fucked up and upsets me greatly, but yeah agreed, China is actually allowed to be out there so thereā€™s no need for her to take all her shit with her]
China: šŸ¤ž I wonā€™t use any of that as blackmail
Toni: If you want my leather jacket for keeps that bad, go ahead and try
China: bold of you to assume thatā€™s all Iā€™d ask for
Toni: rookie error if you donā€™t, itā€™s vintage
China: šŸ˜ nice try getting out of the trouble I could put you in
Toni: what troubleā€™s that meant to be?
China: so far undecided
Toni: convenient you donā€™t have to answer now
China: you probably donā€™t want an answer, tbh
Toni: probably not after all the build up
China: ha, if you were having that much fun you wouldnā€™t still be hitting me up
Toni: maybe itā€™s your knack for making it sound loads more sordid than it is that keeps me coming back
China: I think that says more about you than it does about me, babe
Toni: youā€™re the only one bringing up blackmail like Iā€™ve done anything wrong
China: Iā€™m joking
China: I donā€™t play dirty like that
Toni: I know, weā€™ve met
China: šŸ¤
Toni: youā€™re not getting my jacket that easy anyway
China: I could get it easy
Toni: I donā€™t think so
China: youā€™re on
Toni: šŸ˜„ alright
China: youā€™re gonna regret not setting any ground rules there
Toni: Iā€™m not my ma and if I ever regret not turning into her itā€™ll take ages longer than the 10 year reunion so expect a long as fuck šŸ‘µ drunk šŸ’¬
China: šŸ˜…
China: if I can still see to read it by then, I might text you back
Toni: I know just the place to sort you out with really cool glasses, if theyā€™re still open by then
China: well, only if you get yourself a pair
Toni: oh damn, need to get myself a wheelchair after how hard I walked into that
China: it was too easy, so I wonā€™t even gloat
Toni: you did only have to go back to Mullans, not close to a fair trade
China: yeah youā€™re so weird for that pick
Toni: you badly want me to get into uni
China: youā€™ll be drunk crying before šŸ‘µ if your ma is not angry but disappointed so
China: save me the headache
Toni: Donā€™t turn me into Lucie, however much weā€™re ALL gonna miss her when she goes
China: make it sound like youā€™re gonna murder her more
Toni: never done this before, am I not meant to go that method with it then?
China: thank god Mullans is gay šŸ˜
Toni: thank god Rianā€™s far too busy to sign himself up bossing everyone round backstage
China: the one blessing
China: besides Sam having 0 talent and 0 chance
Toni: yeah
China: [wanna skipskop]
Toni: [totally, do you wanna skip to after auditions cos we know she flopped hers or when the roles are announced?]
China: [we could do after auditions ā€˜cos clearly you practiced together and werenā€™t terrible lol]
Toni: What happened in there?
China: You saw
Toni: I saw you practice too
China: Yeah well, it doesnā€™t always work out
Toni: I donā€™t get what changed between then and now
China: I had to go basically last
Toni: sir blatantly did that to make it fairer on everyone else
China: He blatantly had his mind made up on a cast before we even started
Toni: yeah, you and Jake as leads, but he canā€™t pick you now
China: He didnā€™t want to
China: I wonder if Jake told him not to
Toni: like you said, itā€™s your thing, I donā€™t reckon heā€™d try and take it away from you
China: If that was totally true he wouldnā€™t have auditioned at all
China: He clearly doesnā€™t want to play opposite me
Toni: I guess youā€™re right
China: Whatever, I canā€™t do anything about it now
Toni: Iā€™m sorry, babe
Toni: this is shit
Toni: it was overrun by 2nd and 3rd years
China: If thatā€™s who heā€™s casting, I wouldnā€™t even want to be in it
Toni: When are the roles going up?
China: Doesnā€™t usually take him long
China: Friday, probably
Toni: nice of him not to seriously milk what little power he has
Toni: some of us need to decide if we can still be bothered with the play
China: sure heā€™ll beg you to whatever
Toni: if I gave in to begging Archie would have been my shadow before she was Americaā€™s
China: their auditions were pretty crap, donā€™t know why they bothered
Toni: I donā€™t know why she does, like, 95% of what she does
China: sounds about right
Toni: my ma was embarrassingly happy we both auditioned, that alone is enough to make me wanna drop out
China: quite the dilemma
Toni: Has yours tried to reschedule family dinner?
China: itā€™s more of a thing than that
Toni: obviously
China: doesnā€™t seem like you get it enough to call it that, nah
Toni: I have to start somewhere with the šŸ’¬ thatā€™s all
China: You donā€™t have to say anything
Toni: I know Iā€™m not obligated to, bitch
China: Well I want to talk about my home life less than how majorly I fucked up and you were great so
Toni: I wouldnā€™t have any idea this school even did drama if not for [some previous role or roles she slayed that we genuinely think are cool thanks to her and arenā€™t just saying so to hype her up]
Toni: come on, you know sirā€™s gonna take that into account whatever Jake thinks
China: He should but I saw his face
China: He was pissed off, as if I did it on purpose
Toni: youā€™re not your sister
China: or yours
Toni: Mullans donā€™t know any different in my case, donā€™t remind me
China: Once Archie opens her mouth, you learn the difference, like
Toni: at least heā€™s not been teaching here long enough to make comparisons any further back, heā€™d definitely be giving disappointed face then
China: Yeah it must suck to have a talented family šŸ™„
Toni: yeah, cos thatā€™s what weā€™re all known for šŸ¤©
China: You wonā€™t get sympathy there
China: Sza did enough for a lifetime
Toni: good, I donā€™t want it
China: sounds like it
Toni: šŸ™„šŸ–•
China: Whatever, Iā€™m over this shit
Toni: me too
China: Enjoy wrangling toddlers for the next [however many weeks]
Toni: Youā€™ve made it sound too cool not to
China: Youā€™ll get to do it with Sam if you reckon I was so shit
Toni: I told you what I reckon and it wasnā€™t youā€™re shit
China: I know I was
China: donā€™t need to call you a liar again either
Toni: you messed up your audition cos youā€™re stressed, itā€™s fuck all to do with talent, you wouldnā€™t mess up your whole role
China: yeah but I didnā€™t pull out all the stunts so fuck it
China: I know whoā€™ll be getting my role, guarantee it
Toni: youā€™ll still get one though
China: I donā€™t want to be the aunt
Toni: sir donā€™t have the makeup budget to make you into some šŸ‘µ spinster
China: tah šŸ˜
Toni: you can stop calling me a liar now,thereā€™s the honesty you wanted
China: only if you stop acting like I obligated you to
Toni: Are you gonna stop acting like I suddenly do what Iā€™m told just cos itā€™s you asking?
Toni: I can only take the šŸ¤“ role so far for you, babe
China: Yeah, okay Luce, calm down
China: šŸ¤£
Toni: Wtf was her performance while weā€™re on the subject
China: I canā€™t believe she did Rizzo
China: it isnā€™t a musical but literally any and every chance to sing at everyone
Toni: being able to sing better than Sam doesnā€™t give her the bragging rights she thinks it does, everybody can
China: Seriously
China: Aim higher
Toni: expose yourself as more of a Sandy as if we donā€™t all see you playing dress up everywhere
China: Cringe bitch
China: just admitting you like musicals if anything
Toni: sorry it donā€™t make you Mullansā€™ soulmate
China: She wishes [the sub I said she fancied] was still here
Toni: šŸ˜¬
China: He was so
Toni: old
China: I was going to say tragic but youā€™re not wrong
Toni: neither are you
China: and boring
China: it doesnā€™t make him interesting just because heā€™s older
Toni: In fairness, how is she gonna keep someone whoā€™s interesting interested in her?
China: šŸ„¶
Toni: yeah well, Iā€™m pissed off Iā€™m gonna be stuck in rehearsals with her and my sister while youā€™re doing something actually decent
China: I thought Iā€™d still be getting a role, bitch
Toni: you only wanna be the star so
China: idk
China: I might still do it
China: gives me somewhere to be
Toni: What about [whatever Peteā€™s record store and cafe is called] will you come after school if I swear Iā€™m not gonna sing?
China: why donā€™t you have plans
Toni: itā€™s cool if you donā€™t wanna go, we donā€™t need to go through this every time
China: itā€™s really not but
China: the deaf kid doesnā€™t hang out there does he
Toni: Iā€™ve barely ever seen him there
China: Good
Toni: didnā€™t expect to see him at auditions either though
China: like a prop
Toni: you should be buzzing heā€™s taking your advice about a social life
China: he was only there to make her look good, itā€™s not like heā€™ll get anything out of it
Toni: heā€™ll get to spend time with her, thatā€™s obviously all he wants
China: He wonā€™t get a role šŸ˜…
Toni: Iā€™d sooner Bobby did than Archie
China: Good luck
China: he canā€™t speak and thatā€™s all she does
Toni: Mullans could get in the shit if he donā€™t give him a role anyway, heā€™ll probably have to
China: šŸ˜· gross
Toni: he gets left out of basically everything, it wonā€™t kill sir to give him something to do
China: backstage, maybe
China: whatā€™s he meant to do, give him a voice and working ears
Toni: like I said, heā€™s meant to be creative
China: get the wheelchair kid walking whilst heā€™s at it šŸ™„
China: he canā€™t do some shit, period
Toni: we donā€™t have time for every character to each have pages and pages of dialogue, I reckon heā€™ll have thought of loads of background ones
China: sure, anyone can stand there looking gormless
Toni: or drop a cup full of poison and lie there dead
China: too bad the killer is only targeting women
China: as if thatā€™s a revolutionary plot heā€™s come up with
Toni: yeah, thatā€™d be my first rewrite if he agreed to doing any, but whatever
China: He just writes more female roles ā€˜cos thereā€™s not enough lads, thatā€™s the truth
China: but the hero is a girl too so he can make it look progressive whatever
Toni: if Lucie gets her role Iā€™m seriously dropping out
China: no one is going to wanna sit through that
China: heā€™s gotta know that
Toni: even my šŸ˜ maā€™d struggle to get to the end
China: tune in for your lines, think about fish the rest of the time
Toni: youā€™re not wrong
China: šŸ˜†
Toni: šŸ¤ž I get some lines to snap her out of it šŸ¤
China: You obviously will
China: meanwhile Iā€™ll probably have to go to a family meal instead and be lectured about disrespect and authority
Toni: youā€™ll be lying there covered in fake blood if nothing else
Toni: the whole point is pretty girls getting murdered
China: are you or are you not devastated that you donā€™t need to get in drag
Toni: I did my toddler and little kid years looking like a boy, remember
China: youā€™ve had a glowup, no one can deny that
Toni: Whoā€™s trying to? šŸ„ŠšŸ˜
China: Lucie, probably
China: doubt anyone else is unless youā€™ve pissed someone else off
Toni: I havenā€™t done anything to piss Lucie off, sheā€™s just mad everyone isnā€™t wowed by her
China: and Jake wouldnā€™t do a couples scene with her
China: heard her asking
Toni: mortifying
China: She shouldnā€™t be worried about you though
Toni: I doubt she is
China: Maybe warn your cousin
Toni: yeah, I should
China: šŸ”ŖšŸ”ŖšŸ”Ŗ turns real
Toni: she did shove you off stage
China: Sheā€™s a bit more sly now
China: kind of
Toni: slight glowup
China: shutting her mouth long enough to play dead would be difficult
Toni: Between her and Arch I already have a headache
China: I hate everyone
Toni: letā€™s go next lesson
China: yeah
China: where do you want to go?
Toni: [make some suggestions of places you can go gal, Iā€™m no longer an indie queen idk]
China: [Iā€™m sure thereā€™s loads of cool places in town]
China: we could go to the record place really, I donā€™t mind
Toni: I can get ā˜•ļø [at another cool cafe] on the way to [wherever we are gonna hang]
Toni: I canā€™t be bothered to chance they might be playing [some band we donā€™t like thatā€™s obviously just released a new album popping off rn]
China: Like everywhere else rn šŸ™„
China: theyā€™re a shit imitation of [a band we do like in comparison]
China: and not as good as [a new band we also like that isnā€™t this lot]
Toni: exactly
Toni: thank fuck the playā€™s not a musical cos heā€™d think he was being so šŸ˜Ž including them in
China: Too real šŸ˜†
China: I donā€™t think I could deal with having to be musical-level of happy right now
Toni: not without me there to cheer you, cos sorry bitch, thereā€™s no way Iā€™m getting a role I have to sing for
China: That being your favourite role, obviously
Toni: šŸ˜
China: šŸ¤“
Toni: [shall we do our skip to when we know what roles they have?]
China: [sounds good boo]
Toni: When were you gonna tell me itā€™s up?
China: Figured your sister would, sheā€™s been shouting about her role enough
Toni: I guess she must be too busy doing that then
Toni: I had to hear it via Jakeā€™s congrats
China: Congrats
China: Itā€™s the role you wanted, right?
China: you donā€™t have to quit
Toni: and youā€™re not the aunt, so you either
China: Itā€™s not the worst role
China: and I told you I knew Libi would get it so
Toni: bit of a weird choice on sirā€™s part if you ask me
Toni: I mean, her audition was decent but I wouldnā€™t have predicted it
China: I did
China: even if he didnā€™t want to do her stupid idea, still would look personal if he didnā€™t cast her when sheā€™s SO enthusiastic
Toni: yeah but she couldā€™ve had my role, everyone saw Louieā€™s enthusiasm for her
China: You mean you donā€™t want to be in coded love with Louie
China: shocker
Toni: Iā€™m just saying if Bobby, all jokes aside, is šŸ’˜ this could help him realise and actually do something
China: or maybe you want to kiss him, actually
China: She had to kiss Louie and Jake
Toni: Whoever you mean out of that lad trio, I guarantee you I donā€™t
China: No one is kissing the deaf kid
China: unless Luce reckons itā€™ll make Jake jealous
Toni: Iā€™ll have to warn Bobby too
China: yeah, right
China: itā€™d be a tragedy if he got a girlfriend he wasnā€™t incestuously intwined with
Toni: come on, I donā€™t believe youā€™d seriously wish Lucie on him
China: Why would I care?
Toni: šŸ™„šŸ‘Œ
China: Literally why do you
Toni: I donā€™t wanna see her at the next family party
China: at least thatā€™s a slightly valid reason
Toni: itā€™s extremely valid, sheā€™d be straight up on stage and itā€™s not high enough to put her off finishing the song if I bothered pushing her off
China: got a chance to do that before then anyway
Toni: my only reason for signing up, obviously
China: lead role was just the šŸ’ on the cake, yeah
Toni: if you want thanking for your help running lines, it wonā€™t be hard to think of something else to make you šŸ™‚
China: I donā€™t
China: and you can carry on thinking that šŸ™‚
Toni: šŸ˜ okay
China: you šŸ˜ like you wonā€™t have shit to say if I come anywhere near you when the rest are about
Toni: What do you reckon Iā€™m gonna say?
China: fuck all, thatā€™s my point
Toni: I donā€™t know what you expect me to, Iā€™m not running the show, weā€™re not talking about roles in the play now, like
China: exactly
China: so if I was waiting for you to do anything to cheer me up, I wouldnā€™t hold my fucking breath
Toni: you didnā€™t want me to get involved when I offered to talk to Jake
China: Weā€™re not talking about Jake
Toni: what weā€™re talking about is how out of the blue today you want me to stand up for you after telling me to shut up about and stay out of it for ages
China: I donā€™t need you to stand up for me, Christ, your ego
China: Iā€™m saying when youā€™re with your mates, you wonā€™t even acknowledge me, thatā€™s the truth
China: so fuck acting like thereā€™s anything I need from you, ever
Toni: I was messing around ffs, you take everything proper seriously
China: you arenā€™t funny
Toni: whatever
China: thatā€™s a new one
Toni: Youā€™re getting pissed off at me for getting lead in a play I tried out for so we could hang out more
China: Iā€™m pissed off at you because everythings whatever to you
Toni: Iā€™m not gonna give myself fake problems
China: you donā€™t give yourself any
Toni: I canā€™t help having no drama in my life
China: thatā€™s how you want it, no matter what
Toni: itā€™s just how it is right now
China: šŸ‘Œ
Toni: be pissed off if it makes you feel better, thereā€™s nothing I can do
China: tell yourself that then
Toni: tell me what you think I should
China: Iā€™m good for that
Toni: and Iā€™m good for this read youā€™re doing
China: like you give a shit
Toni: Iā€™m not devoid of emotion, wtf
China: who said you were
Toni: you donā€™t think I give a shit about anything, so you did
China: I donā€™t even have the head space for this rn
Toni: then you shouldnā€™t have started it
China: ha
China: whatever, enjoy the spotlight if you can get any from Libi
Toni: Yeah, cos it makes absolute sense you think Iā€™d care about that when you just said otherwise
China: you donā€™t wanna get into this, seriously
Toni: it wasnā€™t me who was trying to
China: I started it, and Iā€™ll take that
China: but youā€™ve been trying it ever since
Toni: Iā€™m not gonna sit here and take you coming for me that hard for no reason
China: no reason
China: k
Toni: no real reason
China: well if you say so, babe
Toni: I just did, yeah
China: forgive me for not giving a shit
China: you say a lot of things
Toni: except for when I donā€™t say enough, right?
China: itā€™s all just talk, however you wanna cut it
Toni: Itā€™s not talk when you donā€™t wanna and I offer you distractions and somewhere else to be instead
Toni: like I did days ago
China: youā€™re keeping score then
China: alright, have your IOU for it
Toni: me?
Toni: youā€™re throwing back in my face shit from a tally youā€™ve had going loads longer than that
China: I donā€™t want anything from you
China: and thatā€™s what I just said
China: so forget about being pissed off, Iā€™m just pointing out how you are
Toni: Yeah, you donā€™t want anything or give a shit, thatā€™s why youā€™re mad enough about how I am to keep pointing it out whenever you can
China: Sorry no oneā€™s ever called you out on your shit before
China: must be nice
Toni: nice, if anything, that youā€™ve taken a break from joining in with the shit everyone talks about my family for once
China: you did in this convo alone, donā€™t act like it bothers you
Toni: donā€™t act like Iā€™m the only massive bitch in this convo
China: youā€™ll give a fuck about them now it suits you
China: rest of the time youā€™re above it and everyone
Toni: itā€™ll never suit me to have to deal with fucked up stuff involving other people ages ago that nobodyā€™ll stop bringing up to try and score points or get even cheaper laughs
China: you really think youā€™re special for that
Toni: I think I canā€™t be arsed with it, which is what I said, youā€™re the one saying I reckon it makes me special
China: you and your family arenā€™t the main characters of town, christ
Toni: glad you agree
China: šŸ™„
Toni: exactly
China: Later, Toni
Toni: or not, since I ignore you all the time
China: you want me to disagree or do you feel like youā€™re winning now
Toni: Winning what? Iā€™m not against you thatā€™s my entire point
China: I need to get on with this essay now
Toni: okay
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