#No wonder everyone thought this guy was a serial killer LOOK at him
ominous-arcade · 5 months
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Pov you tried to tell Henry Emily good morning
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strangersmunsons · 4 months
Eddie, My Love! eddie munson x reader // valentine's day special series Day 5 Prompt: Love Notes 💌 ~ 2,300 words Eddie writes you an anonymous love note. it doesn't go according to plan.
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Dear ____
I hope you’re not too weirded out by this. To be perfectly honest with you, it seemed like a really good idea when I saw this pink paper in the art room and swiped it, but now I’m not so sure…
Ah, fuck it. We’ve made it this far, haven’t we? The pen has been put to paper — I might as well nut up and finish the job.
I really like you. I think about you all the time.
You don’t know me, but we had a class together two years ago. And on the first day, when I was still fresh off a jilt by a different girl, you came in and sat down. I didn’t think much of anything at first; you were just another body in the classroom, and I was wallowing in self-pity, nursing my metaphorical wounds. But as the minutes passed, I found myself glancing over at you — at first just once, then again, and then again, and then I was staring, and all I could think was: she’s really beautiful. And then I couldn’t stop looking.
Day after day I’d watch you in class and in the hallways and anywhere else you and I happened to be occupying the same space. I still do. There’s just something about you that keeps drawing me in. You seem so genuinely good and kind, like you would never hurt anybody, not even a guy like me. But I still can’t bring myself to approach you, because I look at you, and then I look at myself, and I feel like I don’t deserve to be loved that way, by someone as perfect as you. I can’t take the leap no matter how badly I want it.
I have dreams about you. I dream about what it would feel like to hold your hand, to put my arms around you, and to feel yours around me. If my subconscious is feeling particularly indulgent, I might get a kiss. But mostly in these dreams we just exist together, which feels like the most unattainable fantasy of them all. They’re the sweetest dreams to have but the worst to wake up from. 
I’m not sure why I’m confessing this all to you now. Everyone else is sending each other candy grams and roses; I suppose it means I’m not as immune to this Hallmark-conspired holiday as I thought. If nothing else, I hope this gives you at least an inkling of how wonderful you are, in case you ever had any doubts. You’re a sweet girl. Anybody would be really lucky to be with you. Especially me.
Happy Valentine’s Day.
Deliberately omitting his signature, Eddie sets his pen down and stares at the paper in front of him, rereading the fucking novel he just wrote you.
See, now this is far too much. 
Cheeks violently red, he slumps over the table in embarrassment. God, he sounds like such a serial killer! He can’t give this to you, no way. Even if it is anonymous.
…can he?
On one hand, you might find it touching. On the other hand, you might find it both disturbing and grossly predative. 
If it’s truly any one thing, it’s honest — Eddie has spent the past two and half years being completely and utterly infatuated with you. He’d call it love, if he’d ever said a single word to you. But instead he’s camped out here in the library during his lunch period, spilling his guts out all over this cotton-candy pink paper, with no intention of revealing his identity. 
He sighs, and with nimble fingers, folds the paper into a shape that resembles a heart. Tucking the love note into the pocket of his vest, he wrenches himself away from the table and stalks out of the library. His expression is sour; to the outward observer, he looks mightily pissed off, although what he’s really  experiencing is a fierce combination of ambivalence and humiliation towards his own actions. You’d never guess that his heart is thumping wildly against his chest as he speeds through the empty hallways, getting closer and closer to your locker, still uncertain of what he’s going to do when he actually gets there.
But he knows that if he’s going to do something, he needs to do it now, because lunch will be over in mere minutes, and then everyone will start pouring out of the cafeteria.
133…134…135…there it is.
Eddie stares at your locker as though in a trance. He fishes the note from his pocket and simply clutches it in his fist, mind racing.
Can I? Should I? If she’s disgusted she won’t know it’s me. No. No. Maybe I shouldn’t. Bad idea. BAD. Or maybe…I should…
“Whatcha got there, freak?”
A beefy arm shoves him violently from behind, knocking him to the ground. His fingers automatically close around the note, instant panic setting all his nerve endings on fire.
No. Oh God, no. 
He quickly tries to haul himself back to his feet, but he’s outnumbered. Two jocks pin him to the ground by his arms, thwarting any desperate punches he might have swung. A third yanks the note from his hand, smoothing out the meticulously-folded paper he’d poured his soul onto. 
There’s a roaring in his ears, but it’s not enough to completely drown out the bell ringing in the distance. Then the student voices start floating down the hallway, alerting Eddie to the fact that, not only is he about to suffer greatly at the hands of these meatheads, but he’s unfortunately also going to have an audience when it happens.
The third jock holding the note reads it silently, a slow, evil grin splitting across his face. He starts howling with laughter. “Shit, Munson! I mean, I figured you’d be desperate for pussy, but this? This is a whole new level of pathetic.”
“Give it back!” Eddie snarls, desperately trying to free himself. 
The third jock doubles over, cackling, then reads aloud in a nasally, mocking voice, “I have dreams about you…”
One of the goons pinning Eddie down snorts, and loosens his grip. “Hold up, I wanna read it —” 
Eddie, sensing his chance, breaks out of their grasp, and makes a move to snatch his note back. Before he can, the third jock crumples it into a ball and tosses it over his head to one of his friends; Eddie makes a wild grab for it, and misses.
High school students start to trickle in, drawn to a fight like flies to honey, crowding at the edges of the scene. 
The four boys play a game of Eddie-in-the-middle, the onlookers puzzled but intrigued, watching the mysterious paper whiz back and forth through the air. Growing angrier by the second, fed up with the childish antics, Eddie finally stops trying to catch the note. Instead, he cocks his fist back and lets it smash into the third jock’s nose.
There’s a collective “oooh!” from the mass of students. Eddie and the jock scuffle, both now determined to fuck the other one up as badly as possible. One goon steps in to help his friend, while the other scoops the wadded-up paper off the floor, so he can finally skim the content of Eddie’s heart for himself.
And then suddenly, the most devastating thing of all: the asshole is hollering your name over the din.
For the first time ever, Eddie finds himself hoping that the bully he’s fighting actually kills him. Because death would be better than this.
“Where’s she at? She’s gotta hear this — hey, guess what! The freak is in love with you!”
Eddie wheels around in horror. The other goon grabs him from behind, rendering him motionless again, but it barely registers. The crowd has parted like the Red Sea, everyone stepping aside to make a clear path for you to walk through. You approach nervously, looking completely bewildered as to why you’re being summoned. Eddie wishes that the floor would open up and swallow him whole.
The goon thrusts the paper out to you. “Looks like you’ve got a secret admirer,” he sneers.
“More like a stalker,” the third jock interjects, voice thick from his swollen nose. He steps in front of Eddie and gives him a bloody smile, flexing his hand menacingly. “Hold his face steady for me, would ya?”
“Stop it!” you shriek suddenly, snatching the paper without bothering to look at it. “You’re such assholes!”
“That’s ENOUGH!”
Principal Higgins has finally decided to do his job, it seems. He marches through the crowd — “Get to class, all of you!” — and pulls the two boys apart. 
“My office. Now.”
He corrals the four boys down the hallway, towards the office, as the other students scatter about, flushed with excitement. None of them cast a backwards glance at you, head bent, reading the crumpled note with a furrowed brow.
An hour later and Eddie’s finally trudging his way through the parking lot.
He’s been sentenced to three days’ suspension. The guy he clocked made it out with one after-school detention, which he’ll most likely get out of due to basketball obligations, and the other two got off scot-free. Principal Higgins’s reasoning was that Eddie, because he’s the only one who did any ‘real’ damage, should get the worst punishment.
Sure, he threw the hardest punch. But the idea that any of those three are suffering worse than he is right now is downright laughable.
The hot, bitter embarrassment of it all is making his skin itch. There’s a lump in his throat; he can feel the start of angry tears prickling in his eyes. He sucks in a deep breath, trying to calm himself down before he starts driving — the last thing he needs right now is an excuse for one of Hawkins’ finest to pull him over. God knows how much they love doing that.
He doesn’t turn around, rage and shame making him want to disappear. He doesn’t want to talk to anyone right now, or ever again, probably.
“Eddie! Wait!” 
A light hand caresses his back, then curls around his bicep. He whips around, already on the defensive; you flinch backwards at his aggressive stance.
As soon as he sees that it’s you, all the tension in his body dissipates. His eyes widen and his lips part in shock; his skin becomes dead-white, then bright red in the span of about four seconds.
“I’m sorry,” the words tumble out of his mouth. “For the note — for everything. You weren’t supposed to know it was me.” He stares down at his feet, unable to look at you. 
“Did you really mean it? All that stuff you said?”
Eddie shifts his weight from foot to foot uncomfortably. “Well…yeah.” He rubs his clammy forehead with his hand in distress, heart rate spiking again. “I’m sorry, you probably think I’m the biggest fucking creep, I wasn’t even sure if I was going to give it to you —”
“I don’t think you’re a creep.”
Eddie falls silent. His eyes finally flit up to meet yours, and he’s surprised to find that you don’t look…angry. Or repulsed, or even annoyed. Your gaze is soft, the corners of your mouth pulled slightly down in a worried frown. You look concerned. 
Is that for him?
“You swear you weren’t playing a joke on me?” you ask.
Eddie starts, taken aback. “Of course not. I wouldn’t do something like that to you, ever. Or anyone else, for that matter.”
You nod slowly, seeming to believe him. You swing your backpack off your shoulder so you can unzip the front pocket, and pull the dreaded love note from inside. Eyes roaming the paper once more, a small smile appears on your lips. “This is the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about me.” Then your expression turns more serious, and there’s a slight tremble in your voice. “And I’m so sorry that those jerks did that to you. That was terrible. But you don’t have to be embarrassed about me reading it. I love the note. Thank you for writing it.”
He can scarcely believe this conversation is happening. He’s thought about you standing in front of him like this for years — imagined what it would be like to have you look at him and really see him, the way you do right now. Now that he’s living it, it’s almost too much for him to handle.
You hesitate, like you’re unsure of what to say next. “Um, to be honest, I didn’t think you even knew who I was.”
“How could I not?” he says dazedly. The notion that he might not know who you are is absurd to him.
You shyly avert your eyes, like you’re overwhelmed by the praise. Pressing on, you tell him, “You did get one thing wrong, though.”
Eddie cocks his head to the side, waiting for you to elaborate.
“I’m not perfect — certainly not too perfect for you to come and talk to, or — or ask out. I think you’re a good guy.”
Is there air left in his lungs? It doesn’t feel like it. “Oh,” he manages faintly. He’s too scared to say anything else, that a single incorrect word will break this spell.
You give him a gentle smile. “So…are you busy right now?”
Eddie hides his shaking hand behind his back, blushing furiously. “No, I’m not busy right now. Actually, um, I’m not even allowed back here for the next three days, so…yeah, I’m — I’m pretty open.”
You nudge his arm playfully. “Do you wanna go do something?”
Even through his leather jacket the contact makes his skin tingle. “Yes!” he practically shouts, then lowers his volume. “Sorry. I mean, you read my note. So you understand that this is kind of a big deal for me.”
You laugh, and not unkindly. 
“Well, let’s get going then. We have a lot of time to make up for.”
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thank you for reading!! xoxo Valentine's Day Special Masterlist
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mikassaviola · 22 days
Best Friends Brother|MYG
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Description: Your best friend's older sexy brother. The older one. Smart. Intelligent. The one who advises you about life ever since you were a kid.
Warnings: age gap, reader is 20, Yoongi is 27, Soft Dom Yoongi, Mentions of insecurity indirectly, Unprotected sex, slight fingering, appreciation, nipple sucking, after shower after care, cute stuff?
You and your best friend Mina were now eating pizza and sharing reels to one another, meeting after a long time and having big plans.
But this is what you were actually doing.
But it was comfortable.
Mina's phone ringing interrupted you as you looked at her lazily picking up the phone and putting it to her ear.
Just like Yoongi, you thought.
You shook your head, it had been too long since you met him. He's probably busy with some music projects in Seoul.
Meanwhile you and Mina went to different colleges and met up like this after a long long time, fixing your schedules when free.
"Oh you're here? Sure sure, yeah", You heard her say, as you curiously eyes her. She was getting up after cutting the call.
"It's Jungkook, you know the guy who was three years our senior?", Mina said and you nodded still confused as to where this conversation was going.
"Yeah, the jock guy", You replied casually.
"Well I've been going out with him for a while, and he's outside.. I'll be back by the night?", She asked but didn't really ask as she was already putting on her socks after jeans.
"I didn't even know how long you've been dating? Is he good? Seemed like a Playboy back in the day", You asked completely not expecting that. She hasn't told you she's been dating for a while?
"Three months, will see you. I'll probably be late cover for me yeah?", She said leaving you alone in her house.
You were supposed to catch up, watch a scary movie at night, do your face mask and stuff. Just you and her.
But in these two years ever since you joined colleges you've been drifting apart, it's no secret.
She can feel it, you can too. Always inseparable during school, best of friends and all that shit just going into trash as soon as you joined.
Your personalities were really different and in the back of your mind you already saw this coming.
The bell rang making you frown, no one was supposed to be here.
Her parents have gone out for the weekend hence your plan of staying, her brother's in Seoul and she possibly can't be back so soon.
She clearly stated that she'd be back by night.
You walked to the door, your over thinking ass wondering if it's a serial killer as you opened the door.
It was quite the opposite. It was Yoongi. With a big ass suitcase. Dresses in dark blue jeans and a yellow T-shirt.
He looked handsome.
"Hi, uhm long time", You mumbled stepping aside giving him a way in.
He was also surprised to see you, hoping for his mom to answer the door.
"Yeah, how you doing?", He asked walking to his room casually as multiple questions popped inside your head.
Why is he here? Is he staying? Did something happen at work? Is he good?
He looked like he lost a lot of weight. He walked back inside probably after keeping the suitcase as you filled a glass of water for him to take.
"Thanks uh, so where's everyone else? Didn't expect you here", He asked drinking his water in one go as you leaned on the counter across him just like he was.
"Your parents are out for the weekend, and I was uhm with Mina, she uhm... She's out buying some snacks for us, I was supposed to stay in your room since Mina snores", You said as he gazed at you nodding at your words.
"Yeah, I didn't really tell anyone so..", He said shrugging at the end and you nodded taking in his words.
"Why don't we sit down?", You walked to his room because Mina's was really quite messy, not like he would mind she was his sister but you just thought it'd be better.
Less messy and probably more comfortable for him, he's back after like an year? Or even longer.
After you were settled down on his bed and him beside you leaning at the headboard you asked.
"Is it fine at your work?", You said looking at him. He was just looking up. He looked pretty, his cheeky cheeks and pretty feline eyes.
You missed this. Sitting like this and talking about life with him.
"It is yeah, although it was getting too much, felt like I wasn't getting a break. So another producer offered me to take off for like a month or two", He explained smiling slightly making you smile.
"Sounds good Yoongi, you got good colleagues", You said following his gaze and staring at the ceiling. Many star stickers pasted on the ceiling.
Back when Yoongi and Mina shared a room and Mina wanted a starry ceiling, her room was their store back then. Then she turned 8 and got her personal room.
"I do, what about you? How's it going at college?", He asked the question you dreaded. You didn't know whether to ramble to him how shitty everything is, the last was two years back.
When you were 18 and were about to start college.
But now things are different. Yoongi has always been smart but he looked even more mature, having work experience too now.
"It's fine", You said but Yoongi could tell it wasn't.
You were different. Introvert. Never opened up to anyone really. He didn't like that you weren't even telling him things like you used to. But then again he was the one who was focused on work never taking a break. Less calls. Less texts.
"Mhm, made many friends?", He asked and you looked at him to find him already looking at you.
"Not really but I'm fine", You shrugged.
"You miss Mina?", He asked.
"Of course I wish she was in my college would've made things easier but that's okay too", You said. You never said it out loud. Not to Mina because every time she talked about her college. She was always doing so good.
"Mina would've come back by now", Yoongi mumbled checking the time and you sighed.
"Look, she's with a guy. Please don't tell your parents, will be back by night", You bit your lower lip waiting for him to react and he shrugged.
"Should've told me Y/N, she's an adult now. Although she shouldn't have left you alone", Yoongi said.
He noticed the pained expression that took over your face, scrunching his face and cocking his face to the side giving you the look.
You sighed. "We've just drifted apart I guess", You let out, rubbing your forehead slightly.
"Impossible, you were so close", Yoongi retorts totally shocked and you smiled slightly.
"We have, ever since college started, she made new friends, a boyfriend, she's having her own adventures that the boring me could never suggest", You chuckled slightly hurt. You thought she'd always choose you even though you can be really constant about your life.
"You literally made her jump roofs", Yoongi exclaimed and you immediately groaned at the memory of the 14 year old you.
"Not that adventure, the smoking, clubbing types. I've never been that kind of person Yoongi, you know it and she has always been an extrovert", You explained a little frustrated.
"Then she's choosing shit if that's what she wants, what about you", He asked.
"I have been the same, not many friends and all, I just miss Mina and I miss you", You said looking at him as he sighed.
"You're really awesome, just don't think you're boring or stuff because your adventure isn't Mina's cup of tea", Yoongi explained and you smiled. Always good with his words.
"You know I'm sometimes jealous of her, because she's so good at it. At communication. Like she's forgetting about me and here I'm stuck with her memories", You chuckled at the realisation that you were saying this to Yoongi.
"Mhm and?", Yoongi asks as you bite your lip. He surely knows you to the point that he understands when you want to say more but won't because you think he'd judge you.
"And, she's good with guys. Don't get me wrong, they come back. And the guy I dated. God he made me feel horrible. Like I wasn't a good fuck, had me scarred for life I guess", You let it out and laughed afterwards masking the hurt with it.
"And you believed him? Didn't even try anyone else? Maybe he was bad at it yanno?", Yoongi argued knows you too well to know you're hurt. Knows you're an overthinker.
"I couldn't try someone else", You said a force in your words, your eyes on him, his on yours, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Why?", He asked.
"Because, I-", You leaned over placing your lips on his.
He's been talking for too long, knows you're fucked. He looks so pretty doing nothing. You just can't help when he's so close to you after so long.
Fuck the besties code that you and Mina never talked about. About not being with each other's siblings.
Your hands settled around his neck as he started moving along your lips after a while. It got hot and wet after a while as you devoured each other.
Yoongi has always liked you, you were so different and adventurous and good at talks completely opposite of what you just told him.
And when you kissed him, for a second he thought he was simply imagining it but here you were gripping on his collar as his hands sneaked around your waist.
You pulled back out of breath.
"Because every time I'm with a guy, you're on my mind. Yoongi would've listened better, replied better", You said pecking his lips in between your words as he just stared at you baffled by your actions.
"Would've touched me better", You said placing yourself on his lap.
"Shit you gotta reply to me Yoongi", You said grinding on his crotch as Yoongi took your hands pushing you back and climbed over you.
"God do you have any idea what you're doing?", Yoongi said as your heart beat fastened inside your chest at the proximity. Your actions registering in your head as you got red and red. "Never took you the one to be so reckless", Yoongi pointed out his lips finding your neck making you gasp.
"Yoongi", You whined as he started un buttoning your t-shirt trailing kisses along it making your skin burn as he reached in between your breasts.
"Was so glad when I saw you open the door", He mumbled against your skin softly making you whine.
"Yoongi, I"- You gasped when he took your nipple in his mouth. You didn't wear a bra knowing only you and Mina would be at home.
"You're so pretty baby, Mina is just stupid", Yoongi says leaning back sitting up and removing his T-shirt.
You both half naked, your cheeks red, chest heaving up and down as Yoongi traced your tummy and grabbed your boobs making you hiss.
"So sensitive here", Yoongi cooed coming down to lick your nippled and suck on them as you pulled on his locks slightly making him groan.
Giving both of your nipples a good suck he trailed his kisses down, biting and nipping on your skin making you whine out.
"So loud, all for me bet that boy didn't worship this perfect body", Yoongi said toying with your waistband.
"Yoongi please I want you to touch me", You whined out as he pulled down your trousers along with your panties.
"I am touching you", He said and you whined making him laugh at you, his gums showing.
He spread your legs for his eyes to see, his laugh fading and his eyes darken when he looked at your cunt.
"You want me so bad, don't you? Look at you baby, so fucking messy, all for me", He said his right hand leaving your leg and coming down to your pussy pushing a finger inside.
"Fuck yes, Yoongi. All for you ", You mumbled your breath catching in your throat and he pumped his finger in and out making you moan.
"I know", Yoongi murmured pulling down his jeans along with his boxers and holy fuck. You've never seen anything so big, not in porn, never in real life.
He was big and thick and perfectly long.
"Yoongi you're so beautiful", You moaned out feeling the need for him to be inside. "Please put it inside me", You said seeing slight pre cum leak out at your words.
"You have no idea what you're playing with, you want me so bad yeah?", Yoongi said pressing the head of his cock to your clit rubbing it up and down.
"I'll cry if you don't", You said out of frustration, not thinking before you spike making Yoongi grin.
"Would love to see that, will see that someday", He said pushing his full length inch by inch inside you as you opened your mouth and closed your eyes. Taking him in.
"Shit Yoongi, you're so so so big", You said out of breath and Yoongi leaned down pressing his lips to yours.
You could feel his veins rub against your pussy walls as he shifted slightly making you wince.
"So tight, so fucking tight. My fucking pussy", Yoongi rambled and gave you a long, slow but powerful thrust making you gasp.
"Yes, yes yours. God feels so heavenly", You said as he started thrusting in and out.
His dick filling you so well, reaching deeper with every thrust.
His hands holding yours above your head as he thrusted inside your pussy repeatedly and harshly.
"Yes yes yes yes Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi", You chanted like a mantra making him groan.
"Whoever said this is bad can fuck themselves, this is the best. Made for me. Mine", Yoongi growled sitting on his heels pulling you towards him holding your legs up as he thrusted inside you violently.
"Holy fuck, fuck, yoongi. Yoongi. Yoongi. Yoongi. Yoon- ah fuck - gi", You moaned feeling the knot in your stomach tighten.
"Fuck yes, tell everyone who's making you feel good. Who do you belong to baby? My pretty baby", Yoongi moaned his thrust getting sloppier and faster.
"You Yoongi", You cried out. "I am gonna"-
"Me too", Yoongi growled.
"Inside, Fill me, I'm on pill", You moaned feeling your orgasm wash over you and feeling overstimulated as he thrusted and thrusted until he came inside you with a groan.
Leaning his body over yours, sweat beads coating his forehead as he kissed you sweetly.
"You are so beautiful", Yoongi said, his voice deep and soft as you smiled.
"You are such a talker when you fuck", You said as he pressed his forehead to yours as you both laughed.
"You make me say things", Yoongi replied, both of you tired but had the biggest smiles on your faces.
"I love your smile, always have ever since we were kids", You mumbled taking his face in your hands and tracing your fingers over his gums.
"Ahan, is that so?", Yoongi asked and you giggled.
"Mhm, let's take a shower?", You asked making Yoongi get up as you both took a shower together. Bathing each other and talking.
"It's not a one time thing, don't overthink", Yoongi murmured drying your hair with a hair dryer.
"I know Yoongi, I'm looking forward to us", You said smiling at him wearing his t-shirt and shorts as he smiled back.
You both laying in your bed, your head on his chest, your arms up in the air as you measured your hands silently.
"You're so small", Yoongi exclaimed and you huffed.
"I'm taller than Mina", You said nuzzling your face in his neck bringing your hand down to wrap around hin.
"Never took you as the cuddly one, can live like this forever", Yoongi said making you smile.
"I know you're tired and want to sleep though, sleepy baby", You said.
"Baby? I'm like 7 years older?", Yoongi mocked and you both laughed. Glad that his age was not a matter of concern but something you were joking about and you hope it stays the same.
"okay baby", You teased, your laughs never fading as you both slept in each other's embrace.
A/N: you can lmk about my errors yk I'm like really new to this😭
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missingexaltation · 2 years
In 1995 Steve gets the invite to his first high school reunion. He and Eddie talk about it and decide to go. After all, Steve hasn't seen any of his former school friends in years and wants to know how they're all doing...but more importantly he wants to see their faces when they see who he's unlawfully married to. Because he's a snarky lil' shit when he wants to be.
Eddie agrees to tag along as his plus one, promising he'll behave. Steve doesn't promise a thing though. They meet up with a lot of people they'd both forgotten about, making genuinely pleasant small talk for a while, and after Eddie makes a break for drinks, Steve suddenly comes face to face with Tommy and Carol.
Tommy's been working in some high flying banking job since he left college, courtesy of his dad, and he's not ashamed to say that he makes the big bucks now. Carol's pregnant with their second, and is now at the stage where she's constantly exhausted, but the funny thing is that they both rake their eyes over Steve like they want to devour him. He looks good. Happy.
It's at this point that Munson, of all people, make his entrance, interrupting with a 'sorry Stevie, all they have is this weird punch thing and I'm like mostly sure it's not even alcoholic'.
Tommy gives him a look. 'Munson,' He says, 'didn't think you graduated with us.'
The tone is sly and bitchy, but Eddie just waves him off, completely unbothered. It's Steve that reaches for Eddie's hand, beams a smile at him and says 'He's my plus one, man. Been together 9 years now, crazy how time flies, huh? '
It's only a barest moment of a second where Tommy's face crumples in on itself, but he regains composure quickly. 'Oh, right.' He says, trying for even footing in the conversation because what the fuck, Steven, 'So what do you guys do for work then?'
'I don't.' Steve said, cheerfully. 'Eddie's band more than pays the bills though, we've just gotten back from the European leg of the tour. So this...' he gestures to the room, '- is great timing for us.'
Munson's lost interest already, too busy scanning the room for whatever losers he used to hang out with. He's never liked Tommy, so it tracks. Tommy's never liked him either, the weird freak that he is...was. He has more tattoos though, Tommy can see one winding up and around his neck, and on the back of his hands. He briefly wonders whether he's got more, but tables that thought for never.
Tommy's brain was already working overtime. He didn't think that Steve had changed that much, but he's one of them? Munson, sure. That was pretty standard, even before everyone thought he was a serial killer. Hell, there was probably still graffiti with his name and the services he 'offered' on it somewhere in the building. But Steve? He times back into the conversation, hoping he's not missed much.
'-the same band, different name.' Munson's saying. 'Probably not your sort of music though, Hagans-'
'Yeah but loads of people have heard the new single, Eds. It's in the top ten.' Steve interjects, all fucking heart eyes. He turns back to them and sings the tune of something that sounds actually kind of familiar.
'Wait that's you?' Carol squeaks. 'Tyler, my brother Tyler, is like obsessed with that song, I swear on my life.'
Munson just shrugs, like her opinion is beneath him, and Tommy's blood boils. Munson's always been able to get under everyone's skin, without even trying, but Carol's his wife and there's no way he's standing for that.
But Munson's not paying him any attention, he's scribbling on a piece of paper and handing it over. 'If he wants it,' He says, 'your brother I mean.'
Then he's looking across the room and his face lights up. 'Danny P!' He yells, making a break for it and grabbing some unsuspecting guy around the shoulders, spinning him like he's a ballroom dancer. Steve's left holding his drink, but doesn't seem to mind. He just laughs, and gives Tommy an absent kind of nod. And that hurts more than anything.
'Good to see you man.' Steve says, and that's that. He follows Munson across the room and watches as he's introduced to some guy Tommy doesn't even remember.
Carol's left holding Munson's signature, his fucking autograph, like she's been frozen stiff.
'Holy shit.' She says, not even looking up at her husband. 'Tyler's gonna freak.'
Tommy doesn't even think about it for days later, until he's at work of all places. He's sitting in his office, scanning through the newspaper while he waits for his next meeting. He's certainly not expecting to see Munson's face taking up half a page in the entertainment section, with a couple of vaguely familiar faces.
He scans through the article, the usual bullshit of talking the band up, how it's good to be home, yada yada yada, but it's the caption under the picture that makes him pause.
CC (left to right): Gareth Jones (drums), Jeff Springer (guitar), Violet Cooper (vocals), Dani Jackson (bass) and Eddie Harrington (guitar).
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thetopichot · 4 months
idk if I’ve ever mentioned this before, but could you imagine Al’s reaction to Boo mentioning one day that he’s their first relationship? First date, first kiss, first… you know.
I dunno, I just feel like that would hold some significance to him.
Oooooooo Juicy 😋
I feel like you guys were living together or maybe actually recently moved in together. You guys were unpacking stuff which lead to you guys procrastinating for HOURS talking about old memories. When you guys were best friends, you both decided to keep a memory binder & just fill it with random stuff that meant so much.
You'll pulled it out of a dusty box labeled "Memories". You didn't have a better name for it than just the word itself. You pulled it out the box & opened the memory binder. You flipped through a couple pages, reminiscing the good ol' days wishing you could experience it again.
"Hey, Al?" You shouted to catch Alphonse's attention.
"Wassup, boo?" You heard his voice faintly as steps came towards you. He looks at the binder your holding in your hands. He raises a brow. "Is there something wrong?"
"Oh nono. I was just looking through old pictures again. I called you over because I was wondering if you wanna see them." You asked.
"Sure, boo. I don't mind procrastinatin' for a bit."
So for a bit, you guys both chill recalling memories from the past. Alphonse's strange pictures which was pictures of his big ass forehead or just pictures of you cooking at your house. Dates, dances, & all of that lovey-dovey stuff but you stop to look at a picture of you & Alphonse just kissing. It looked like a shot from a indie movie.
The more you looked at the picture, the more you thought deeply about it.
"Hey, Al?" You turned to look at him. "Wanna hear a fact about me?"
He cocked his head. "Sure? What you're a serial killer or sum'?" He joked.
"No!" You punched his arm playfully. "I was going to tell that this was my first relationship with someone." Alphonse's smile soon became nervous.
"Haha.. wait you're not kidding-"
& then Alphonse went on a long rant.
"I'm just saying you could've done SO much better, bae-"
"But, I love you?? I'm happy that you're the first person I'm with??"
"bUt YoU dOn'T uNdErStAnD-"
"Why can't you accept that I love you???"
Alphonse would refuse the fact that outta everyone that you could've fell in love with first. It would be him outta of all people. He feels special but at the same time, he just sobbing.
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Surprise Party | Quinn Hughes
hi friends! this is my summer 2k23 fic exchange!! @jostystyles this one's for you darling! I hope you enjoy it and I hope this has come out before your bday but if not, happy late birthday! Hope this fic lives up to the hype and I apologize if the flow is a little off. Thank you again to @wyattjohnston for organizing all this! I had sm fun with it!
warnings? nah, Quinn's a lil cutie summary: Quinn throws you a surprise birthday party and pulls out all the stops, making your feelings for him grow exponentially w.c: 3.4k (and to think I was nervous about making the wc)
Your eyes crack open slowly, for a moment you’re confused as to what has woken you up but then you hear it. Footsteps. 
Your heart seizes in fear for a moment but you would bet your life that it was Quinn, the only other person besides yourself to have a key to your apartment. You wonder what he was doing over here, especially so early but you shrug it off and sink further into your pillows. At this point, you were too tired to investigate and knew the odds of it being a serial killer were most likely slim. 
Just as your eyes flutter shut and you’re halfway to dreamland, you hear your bedroom door swing open. 
“Happy birthday to you,” you hear Quinn’s voice sing but when you sit up you’re greeted with more than just your best friend. 
“Happy birthday to you!” Your best friend Charlie from high school jumps on your bed, crawling her way up the mattress until she plops next to you and throws an arm around your shoulder. 
“Happy birthday dear (y/n)!!!” Quinn, Beau, and Brock sing out and now you’re full on grinning. Your hand comes up to cover the expression but Beau is quick to take it and leave you exposed and giggly. 
“Happy birthday to you!” 
As they cheer, you blow out the candle on the cupcake Quinn is holding out for you. He sets it on your nightstand as everyone piles on top of you for a hug. Your heart is pushing to the top of your throat, threatening to spill out and unleash in a babble of sentimental words. 
“Thanks guys,” you say, still grinning madly when everyone finally lets go. “I appreciate you.” 
“Okay, birthday plans,” Charlie says and you look over at her in confusion. 
“I thought we were celebrating tonight?” 
“Change of plans, you, Quinn, and Brock are celebrating tonight but Beau and I had something come up so we can’t come tonight.” 
“So, you’re stuck with us all day,” Beau supplies and while you’re a little suspicious about the sudden change and supposed ‘something’ you nod anyway. 
“Alright get dressed! Breakfast first,” Charlie ushers the guys out but Quinn holds back for a second. 
“Happy Birthday (y/n).” 
When the door shuts you’re embarrassed by the little happy dance you do thinking about Quinn stopping to wish you a happy birthday separate from the others. He was so fucking cute. 
You’re still beaming when you leave your room in a brand new sundress bought just for your birthday. Charlie and Beau are the only two left in your apartment and they stop speaking as soon as you enter the room. 
“Period!!” your best friend yells and you give her a mandatory twirl before walking over to her and Beau. 
“So, what are we doing first?” 
The three of you get breakfast at your favorite diner before the two suggest heading to the beach. You hadn’t been yet this summer and were beyond excited to start off your many trips with two of your closest friends on your birthday. 
“What do you guys have going on later?” 
“Uhm,” Charlie shoots a glance at Beau who awkwardly stiffens at your question. 
“We’re going on a date,” Charlie blurts out and your eyes widen in shock. 
“A double date! Not a date with each other,” Beau stutters out and your eyes shift back and forth between the two. 
“Oohkay,” you say, flopping down onto the beach chair and trying not to stare at the two next to you. 
You shrug off your friend's weird behavior as the warmth of the sun flows over you. The sound of the ocean floods your ears and you feel your body sink further into the beach chair. Your eyes slide shut, a deep breath releasing as you think over the rest of your day plans. 
You couldn’t wait to celebrate with Quinn and Brock tonight. You assumed it was some kind of dinner, gift, movie night combination for your celebration but regardless you knew it would be the best part of your birthday if you were with Quinn. 
Sometime between when you first were introduced to Quinn, to five years later, sitting on this beach and having him impede all of your thoughts you were still somewhat shocked by how intensely you fell in love with the hockey player. The way your heart full on stopped and then sped up twice as fast as normal when he entered a room drove you crazy in the best and worst way possible. 
After a couple of hours at the beach, you grow hungry again and the three of you make a pit stop at your favorite fast food restaurant before ending up at the mall. 
“Anything I want?” you ask, wanting to make sure you heard Beau correctly. 
“Anything,” he nods and your eyes widen. 
“Beau I can’t,” you shake your head, knowing you’ll feel too guilty letting him buy you literally anything. 
“I mean if you turn it down,” Charlie jokes and you grin. 
“Okay okay,” you say and the two of them cheer before Beau grabs your hand and pulls you further into the mall. 
Quinn has been panicking ever since he left your apartment this morning. 
He had decided about a month ago he wanted to throw you a surprise birthday party instead of just doing your usual celebration routine. He wanted to truly celebrate you and all the amazing accomplishments you had done this past year and all you’re going to do for years and years after. 
“Dude, I know you’re in love but you gotta chill,” Brock says, clapping a strong hand on Quinn’s shoulder as he nervously looks over every inch of his house and how he has set it up. 
It was a no brainer to pretty much everyone with eyes that Quinn had feelings for you. Everyone could see his shaky hands, nervous glances, and shallow breaths when you so much as glanced in his direction. It was torture in the best way possible, being your best friend but not being as close as he wanted. Therefore, he felt a little bit under pressure to make your birthday the best day possible for you. 
“She’s gonna love it,” Brock reminds him and Quinn nods, trying to convince himself of the statement as well. 
“Thank you for hanging out with me today,” you tell Charlie and Beau as they walk you up to Quinn’s door. 
“Anything for the birthday girl,” Charlie says, pulling you into a tight hug and you grin against her. 
When you let go, you turn and push open the front door to Quinn’s house without a second thought about it until you see all the lights off. 
“SURPRISE!” The lights flip on like magic and your hand slaps over your mouth the minute you see everyone in Quinn’s house. 
What looks like the entire Canucks team, your closest friends, Jack and Luke, your sister and brother, and a handful of others greet you with smiling faces. You don’t even realize you’re so fucking happy until a random tear spills out and you’re overwhelmed by emotions that you can’t even move. 
“Oh my god,” you choke out and faster than you can blink you’re surrounded by friends and people tugging you close and holding you tight. 
“Thank you guys! I love y’all!” you call out and everyone slowly starts to return to normal party status as you recover from the surprise.
You turn to Beau behind you and he shrugs his shoulders at you, Charlie also shares a sneaky grin and you dive into a group hug with the two of them. You couldn’t believe they spent the whole day with you and kept the secret of this surprise party as well. You couldn’t ask for better friends. 
“Don’t thank us,” Beau says and you’re about to question him when you hear a voice. 
“(y/n)?” you pull away from your group hug to see Quinn standing there with a shy smile on his lips. 
“Did you?” You ask trailing off and when Quinn’s smile brightens you feel your heart shake beautifully in your chest. 
You step towards him, throwing your arms around his waist and he pulls you close. He whispers happy birthday into your ear and it sends shivers down your spine, and all you can do is thank him over and over again. You prop your head up on Quinn’s chest and he grins madly down at you. It takes all your willpower not to lean up on your tiptoes and press a kiss to his lips. 
“Come on (y/n), let me make you a drink,” Charlie says, dragging you away from Quinn and you’re practically vibrating from head to toe in happiness. 
Quinn watches you as Charlie pulls you along and his smile is so wide he might as well have just been handed the Stanley Cup. He made you happy. He made you smile. That’s all he ever needed in this world. 
As Charlie drags you through the house, your heart fills and fills at the sight of everyone wishing you happy birthday and well wishes. Just when you think there couldn’t be more people you know, you realize Quinn has pulled off all the stops and invited every single important person in your life. 
“(y/n)!” you hear someone call out and just as you turn to look who it is, you’re engulfed in a giant bear hug. 
“Nate!!” you yell into his chest and the giant hockey player chuckles against you. 
“What are you doing here?” you ask, stepping back to take in his appearance. 
Every time you see Nate you swear he gets taller, his frame towers over you and your eyes scan his face to see his beard slowly creeping back onto his face after no doubt shaving it when the season ended. He’s wearing a black shirt that hugs his muscles and dark blue jeans and your heart is bursting to see the person you consider your other half. 
Meeting Nate was a complete accident, something you thanked the higher beings for everyday because you weren’t sure how you lived without the hulking hockey player before. You and Nate were scarily alike; cracking the same jokes, sharing the same taste in food, finishing each other's sentences constantly, reading each other's thoughts with one look, and everything else in between. If you hadn’t met Quinn first, you probably would have fallen head over heels for Nate. 
“It’s your birthday!” He says like it’s the most obvious explanation in the world. “You think I’m gonna miss celebrating you?” 
You grin widely, diving deep into a catch up session with Nate that by the time you’re finished, you’re being ushered into the main room as someone flips off most of the lights again. You look around in confusion but when you see fire moving around the room you realize what’s happening. 
“Happy birthday to you,” the whole crowd of people begin to sing and you hide your face as your cheeks flame embarrassingly bright. 
Your arms wrap around your body as Quinn carries the cake closer to you. You hear his quiet voice repeating the same words from this morning and for a moment it feels like just the two of you in this giant room full of people. 
“Make a wish,” he whispers, nudging your side when everyone finishes singing. 
You blow out the candles, your wish being something you’ve been wanting for five years now but still has yet to come true. But you’ve always believed in the power of wishes regardless. 
“What’d you wish for?” Quinn asks when the cheering has settled and his big brown eyes staring into yours cause your knees to weaken. 
“You know I can’t tell,” you joke and Quinn grins at you. You’ve won the fucking lottery seeing a smile like that and knowing it came from you and the stupidest joke alive. 
Someone hands you a piece of cake and you take a bite, your favorite flavor, and groan in happiness. How did Quinn know you this well? You’re halfway turned towards him, ready to compliment him, tell him you love him, thank him, anything, when your sister calls your name and you’re forced to walk away. 
You spend the next two hours bouncing from person to person, group to group, thanking them for coming and any gifts they brought and overall forcing your heart to not implode from the love being shoved deep into it. You’d remember this day forever, a core memory to look back on and make you smile when things get tough. 
Quinn has kept an eye on you all night, his talent for finding you in a crowd coming extremely handy at the moment. As you move from one group to the next he recognizes the tired expression that flickers in between the smiles. He knew your social battery was probably running low after hours of being out of the house and now all of these people being here as well. 
His eyes run over your features, the way you’re only half listening to the conversation, your head involuntarily nodding while you stare off at a random space. Your arms are wrapped around yourself protectively and while he knew you loved everyone at this party and had a connection with each of them one way or another, he also knew you could only do so much socializing. 
“Excuse me, I think I need to go bail out the birthday girl,” Quinn says, excusing himself from a conversation with his younger brothers. 
As he makes his way towards you, he thanks people on your behalf, telling them you’ll reach out as soon as possible and offering to tell you goodbye for them. He moves throughout the room, quietly ushering people out of the house and hoping he doesn’t sound too rude while doing so. 
When Quinn finally makes it over to you, you’re hugging Jack and Luke. You mention something about seeing them soon and the brothers offer nods and goodbyes to Quinn before leaving. 
“Is it finally my turn with the birthday girl?” Quinn jokes and fire ignites your body at his words. 
“Oh shut up,” you tell him with an added eye roll. 
“Hey I don’t want to cut in line and bother miss popular,” he says, throwing his hands up in defense and you lightly push him away in annoyance. 
“So, I was wondering if you wanted to stay over?” 
“Oh thank god,” you reply and Quinn tilts his head in confusion. “I was not going to be able to fit all of that in an uber.” 
The two of you laugh as you look over at the literal pile of gifts sitting on Quinn’s kitchen table. You were still in disbelief that someone would spend any amount of money on you and even more in shock that so many people came to your birthday party. You’re pretty sure the smile on your face was permanent. 
“Wanna go chill upstairs?” Quinn asks, pulling you from your thoughts. 
“What about the mess?” 
“We’ll worry about it tomorrow,” he says, extending a hand towards you and you take it, letting him pull you in the direction of his bedroom. 
The two of you spend the next few minutes in a familiar routine, Quinn handing you some of his clothes to wear to bed, changing in the bathroom and coming back to his king sized bed and curling up into the warm covers. 
Quinn puts on your favorite movie, The Parent Trap with Lindsay Lohan, before running downstairs and grabbing ice cream. When he comes back up he hands you a heaping bowl of the desert and you can’t help the little dance you do at the sight of the food. 
“Chocolate marshmallow?” you ask after taking a bite. 
“It’s your favorite,” Quinn says, shrugging his shoulders. 
You stare at the boy next to you, your heart constricting painfully thinking about how no one else in the world most likely remembers the weird flavor of ice cream you enjoy the most. And Quinn bought it? For you? Did he even know how this little thing made you feel so incredibly much? 
“Ooh!” Quinn exclaims and you offer him a confused look. 
He doesn’t say anything as he pauses the movie, climbing off the mattress and heading towards his closet doors. You watch as he rummages through the items in there until finally landing on what he wants. 
When Quinn stands back up and closes the closet doors, he feels the nerves zing throughout his body. He had spent an eternity trying to get you the perfect gift and now that the time is here, he’s still worried it’s not enough or not perfect for you. 
He pushes through his nerves anyway, sitting back down on the bed before extending the decorated box towards you. 
“Happy birthday,” he says and mentally smacks himself for having zero charisma. 
Your hands ghost over the box, the perfect shade of your favorite color with a matching ribbon wrapped around. You tug the fabric off, pulling the top of the box open and as your eyes meet the contents of the package it takes all of your willpower not to burst into happy tears. 
The box is beautifully decorated on the inside with photos of you and Quinn, little handwritten notes around the edge and important dates of your friendship from the past five years. You reach inside to see a necklace with the letter Q on it and a pair of silver earrings to go with it. 
You set the jewelry aside and look down to see a chunk of letters tied together with a string. You pull them out to see each of them are labeled with a different sentence. The first states “Open when it’s your birthday!” The next, “Open when you just got good news but can’t call me”, the third “Open when you miss me while I’m on a roadie” and at least ten more along the same lines. 
The rest of the box is littered with all of your favorite little things and a final polaroid of you and Quinn. You stare at the framed picture, confusion etched in your features until it occurs to you what this photo is. 
“Our first summer,” you say wistfully, glancing at Quinn to see him nervously chewing on his fingernails. 
“The first time you came to the lake house,” he says and you’re both wearing matching grins. 
The first time at the Hughes family lake house was when you truly understood your feelings for Quinn. The polaroid is a picture Jack took, the two of you sitting side by side at the edge of the dock, feet swinging over the water as your bodies pressed next to each other from top to toe. You didn’t think your breathing would ever return to normal after that day when you were around Quinn. 
“Oh Q,” you say, pulling out the old nickname and his face flushes in happiness. 
“I know I already threw you a party and I hope you liked it but I really wanted to get you something just from me and I hope it’s okay it’s definitely a bit more sentimental than I usually go and honestly it’s probably too much but if you don’t like it I can-” 
Your lips press to Quinn’s in a gesture that hopefully silences him as well as get your true feelings about the gift and him across. 
It takes him a second to respond but his hand slides to your cheek, his thumb running over your soft skin and a silent hum emits from him when you lean further into his touch. The kiss lights you on fire, your skin feeling warm and every nerve standing at attention. As if you didn’t know before, you’re certain that Quinn Hughes is the sole owner of your heart from now until forever, even if he doesn’t want it. 
“You liked the gift?” Quinn asks when you break apart, faces still inches apart as if there’s a magnetic force keeping you close to each other. 
“You’re so dumb,” you say, rolling your eyes and pushing your forehead lightly against his. 
“Yeah, but you love me,” he retorts, pecking your lips and coaxing out a giggle from you. 
“Yeah,” you sigh happily. “I really do.” 
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urszn · 2 years
chapter 003 — “hannah” written
warnings (?) mentions of death/serial killer (it’s more like a joke saying “are you a serial killer?”)
<— previous masterlist next —>
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1:20 am
y/n didn’t exactly know how to react when she first saw the dispatch pictures of her and her best friend
she of course panicked knowing she would be in so much trouble, she was already getting hate due to the jungwon scandal and now she’s in a dating rumor barley two days of after her debut.
she scrolled through the post soompi posted looking at people commenting on it saying how she’s weighing new jeans down already
all she could do is hope for yg or hybe entertainment to reply with a statement clearing her and haruto’s name, but she doubted that people would stop hating on her.
3:10 am
she couldn’t sleep.
that’s how she ended up in a park bench nearby eating a cookie that she bought for two dollars at the convenient store on her way to the park
shit ! she dropped the cookie, she sighed looking at at the cookie she payed for, she chuckled, feeling as if the whole world was against her at the moment
she silently cried looking up at the stars not knowing what would happen once everyone was awake looking at the news and especially how her manager was going to react.
“hey” she heard a voice, quickly wiping her tears away, she sat up and looked around locking eyes with a pretty tall guy who had a confused expression
“you okay?” he asked, she stayed quiet just nodding quickly standing up “y-yeah, you can sit here if you want, i was just leaving anyways”
“wait” he grabbed her hand “your y/n, right?” y/n stopped looking back up at the guy again realizing that he was an enhypen member, she knew because of how she searched up jungwon when the scandal happened and so she checked out the rest of the members…he’s niki? she thought
“no it’s hannah” she blurts out, he smiles “well then hannah, why were you crying?” he asked for the third time, sitting down at the bench she was just sitting at
she looked over at the empty space next to him “what are you doing here?” she questioned, why would he be out here alone at three in the morning ?
“i asked a question first…hannah” y/n sighed sitting down next to him, “you know” she said and she was right, he did know both reasons actually
“no, no i don’t” she looked over at him and rolled her eyes “you’re that niki guy, i know you know why, it’s about your friend and something else”
niki eyes widened, she knows who i am ! because of jungwon…
“and you’re that y/n girl, so yeah i do know unless you’re actually hannah and you look a lot like that y/n girl!” he joked
it stayed quiet for a bit, the wind blowing slightly both of them looking at he ground “i dropped that cookie” she chuckled pointing at the cookie she dropped earlier “i started crying after that because i felt like life was being messing with me at that point”
niki looked over at the girl who was still looking down at the cookie on ground “i don’t know, i feel like im overreacting, i couldn’t sleep and ended up scrolling through some comments on some posts about me”
the same posts niki had read, wondering why everyone was hating on a girl who they didn’t even know calling her such harsh words
“soompi and dispatch suck” he complained “you know, i’m pretty sure jungwon didn’t mean it like that”
he knew jungwon didn’t mean it like that but didn’t say anything because then he would have to tell her how he was also silently saying “pick me choose me love me” but only jungwon got caught saying it out of context
she stayed silent before changing the topic “my turn, why are you here?” he shrugged “i go out at night sometimes and nobody notices”
“what if your a serial killer at night and an idol during the day and i’m your next victim?” they both laugh
“well then hannah can be the victim but y/n can live i guess”
“well then hannah is dead…i guess” again it went silent again but this time it felt peaceful
niki wanted to ask about her and haruto but looked over at her basically falling asleep “c’mon it’s about to be four thirty” he stood up offering to walk together back to the building.
as they walk up to the door they lock eyes again “maybe we can go to a cafe soon” he says breaking the silence “maybe” she responds
“maybe i’ll go with hannah instead”
“hey ! didn’t you kill her!” he smiled softly “maybe i’ll bring her back from the dead since you don’t want to go, i was going to buy you another cookie but okay”
“wait, you will?” he nodded “we can go tomorrow actually…give me your number and i’ll text you if we can go tomorrow” she offered
his eyes lit up as she took out her phone from her pocket “so are you not going to tell me or?”
“n-no let me type it in” he said, she handed over the phone to him watching him basically smile while putting his number in
“so-“ he got cut off with the voice of danielle “their you are..and you are niki sunbaenim?”
she looked over at y/n and back at niki “minji was asking for you” she says to y/n and with that they both parted ways both knowing they would talk again soon.
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TAGS ! (taglist one) @oddeonu @ahnneyong @luvdokja @sour-graps @pureaaa @silcry @agustdpeach @shotasdarling @lundabean @wonraeth @love-4-keum @kyanmeai @myjaeyunn @shinsou-rii @tzuyusluv @the-cause-of-my-euphoria @mitsukifilms @adajoemaya @dimplewonie @yangbreads @zhaixiaowen @hori-kori @mylobae @thaaiss89 @kittyeij @sunghoonmybeloved @starcubes @beeomgui @wooniy @boowoowho @italiekim @aquariusskz @kimsabinaskzlover @pluviophilefangirl @laurasseditss @raimbows4u @7myoi @lovehaewon @jilea @wonieleles @jakelux @luhvlyuna ( if ur not on here u most likely cannot be tagged, you can def dm me if you know why maybe )
NOTE ! niki 🤞play ONLY by LeeHi it hits different omg and with this chapter 🙏 i was listening to itr while writing it’s just 😘😘😘 writing might be shit but it’s okay i guess. NOT PROOFREAD AT ALL
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 7 months
Deep Cover and YONAH spoilers!
First impressions time! (Looking at this translation for Deep Cover, this one for YONAH). Btw I actually haven't listened to Deep Cover yet because it's not out in my time-zone rip.
Add plagiarism to the list of crimes committed by Milgram prisoners lol. I actually love the Undercover callback it's fantastic! And the diss track? Eminem got nothing on wolf girl over here.
But this does raise the question of how much she actually knows about the murders. Like, she talks about very specific things such as Shidou being a "priceless stealer", so she has to know something. I saw someone bring up she may have been spying on all the interrogations, and I have to assume that's the case because how else would that happen.
I'm really interested in the fact Kotoko seems to want everyone to be Unforgiven, though.
Which one do you pick? I want unforgiven
And the fact at the end she lists all the T1 innos and insults them, as if she wants them to be Unforgiven too. Like, I get it, she enjoys feeling like she's dealing out justice, but what. I hope the MV clarifies a bit more because right now she just sounds unhinged. Which is fun! I like characters who are just unrepentantly evil. But I get the feeling there's something more going on. We already know some of her motivations from HARROW, but you have to wonder if they've evolved in some way during her time in Milgram.
Speaking of the MV, my prediction is not only that the other prisoners are gonna be there, which I have to assume will happen-
(Please show Amane as a monster please show Amane as a monster please show Amane as a monster)
-Ehem. Apologies. I don't know what possessed me there for a moment.
You wanna know the wildest prediction I have for the MV? (Which is most likely going to be wrong don't get too excited) It think every prisoner's crime will be related to one of the crimes we saw in HARROW, and perhaps others we'll get introduced to in Deep Cover.
Shidou: “UNDER” Unsalvagable Priceless stealer.
Probably the guy that stole a bunch of luxury bikes, since it fits the idea of stealing from a lot of people.
Kazui: “UNDER” I stay hidden, fake prosperity and greed.
Either Mikio Oshii (the guy from the alleway), who pretended to be a bank employee to steal money, or the "It's me" scammers, who called people, pretended to be a family member and asked for money.
Fuuta: You’re being a jerk. You’re being a jerk.
Either the "It's me" scams, or the guy who took upskirt photos, because they're connected to phones.
Haruka: “UNDER” It’s a stupid dependency. Muu: “UNDER” Unchanging. A spinning queen’s game. Mahiru: I still like you though, still like you, it’s difficult.
One of these would be the paper bag robbery done by two people. I don't know about this one, but I think it kinda works.
Mikoto: I really don’t remember, I really don’t, it’s so bad.
It could be the guy who took upskirt photos since he said he did it because of stress from work, but knowing Kotoko, I wouldn't be surprised if she connects him and John to the serial killer in the white hoodie. She does not like them.
I'm not sure about the rest of them. Again, that's just a silly prediction, I'm not expecting it to happen, I'm just putting it out there because if it does happen I will feel like a God lol.
About YONAH, I'm slightly disappointed we didn't get much about Kotoko herself, but it's still really good! I think it's fun that she sorta encouraged Es to Forgive at the end of TASK and now she's like "yo your weak-ass needs to stop forgiving people."
But I do want to say, I'm surprised at the amount of people who are shocked Kotoko wanted to attack Amane. Like, we even had that one timeline conversation when she said she wouldn't treat Amane differently just because she's a child. I thought we had an universal understanding that the only reason Amane wasn't attacked is because of the Kazui ceasefire and John's time-wasting fight (and out of universe, because we can't have a character dying in T1). I guess I was wrong though. Anyways, Worst Girl enjoyers are rejoicing right now. Not gonna lie, this is making me like Kotoko more and more by the second. I don't know what that says about me.
Anyways, what do you think Kotoko's percentage will look like on the day the voting opens? Not her verdict since... well. Like, I was always expecting her to Guilty sweep, but what we have so far doesn't really help her. I would not be surprised if she ends up easily beating Muu as the widest Guilty margin. Hell, do you think it can beat Shidou as the most decisive verdict in general? I think it's unlikely, since Shidou got nearly 82% inno this trial which is insane. But honestly, unless Deep Cover MV does some insane leg-work, Kotoko might get more than 82% Guilty. I think it'd be funny.
Not like I'm gonna stop it. Sorry inno truthers, I highly respect your commitment to wolf girl and fully respect the decision, but I feel like Not Forgiving her this trial would be for the best. Still, I'm open to having my mind change when the MV drops. Take care!
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satansapostle6 · 6 months
The Man Who Sold The World | Luke Castellan
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Katherine. She was the one who started it all for Luke Castellan, the reason he did what he did.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Violence. Sexual content.
Chapter Four
Chapter Five: The War Room
Luke was angry with Katherine. That much he knew for sure.
But even more so, he was afraid. Afraid she wouldn’t come back from her unorthodox quest from Ares alive, afraid he’d have to watch another friend die.
His fear for her life took precedent over his frustration with her for agreeing to swear on the River Styx that he wouldn’t try to save her. He had no idea why Katherine would strike a deal with Ares, of all people. She resented the gods just as he did, and she definitely didn’t trust them. So why she thought this was a good idea, he couldn’t say.
“Luke. This house?” Katherine began, trying to steady him. “It belonged to the guy I told you about. The one that owned the museum.”
“The one you dated?” he realized.
She nodded solemnly. “That’s right. Now, whatever you see… I need you to promise me you’re not going to interfere.”
“Katherine,” he breathed, not knowing what else to say.
“Luke… I need you to promise me. He’s a bad man, and he will hurt you,” she phrased as simply as she possibly could.
“Alright. I promise,” he nodded, “I’ll honor your vow on the River Styx.”
That was all she had to say. Luke watched by Ares’ side, powerless, as Katherine knocked loudly on the door of the house on the end of the court. She banged on the door until someone answered.
“You and me are both invisible to everyone but Daisy, Duke,” Ares informed him. “And remember. Don’t try anything, unless you wanna condemn your girlfriend here to a fate worse than death.”
“It’s ‘Luke’,” Luke Castellan said irritably.
“Yeah. That’s what I said. Duke.”
He obviously knew that Ares was just behaving childishly to provoke him, but nonetheless, it still worked. Eventually, the door opened as a blonde woman exhaustedly opened the door.
“What the hell do you want—”
The woman froze, eyes glassy as she stared at the girl towering over her on the front porch.
“You!” she yelled, evidently recognizing Katherine. “You’re not supposed to be here! I’m calling the police—”
“Shut the fuck up, Heather,” Katherine glared.
Luke saw a side of Katherine he’d never really seen before as she went in guns blazing, slugging the seemingly innocent woman in the face as she pushed her way into the house.
He gasped as Katherine Montalvo, the cool, level-headed girl he’d met in Oklahoma drew her gun from the back of her waistband and practically beat the woman to the ground, pistol whipping her like some kind of deranged burglar.
“Katherine!” Luke yelled, hearing nothing in return as he looked to Ares. “What the fuck did you do to her?!” he wailed.
“Absolutely fucking nothing,” the merciless god chuckled, reveling in the chaos he’d set into motion. “This is all her, baby.”
“Nick! Nick!” the woman, Heather, screamed.
Ares shut the door behind them, growing bored with the events unfolding in front of him as if it was all getting old. Katherine stood as a tall, dark-haired man appearing in the living room, his eyes so dark the irises were indistinguishable from the pupils.
As Katherine just stood there in front of him, Luke saw that both of them looked equally maniacal. Katherine faced the man with a stone cold expression on her face, combined with a light spray of blood. Luke was horrified; she looked like an animal, like some sort of serial killer from a campy slasher movie. She looked nothing like Katherine.
Was this Daisy, Luke wondered. He looked down at the woman lying beaten on the ground, softly groaning in pain. He gasped silently, tears filling his eyes as he saw that her face was now unrecognizable. He didn’t know how long Katherine had hit her, but he saw that she wasn’t recognizable as herself, or as a human being. All he saw on her face was red, and it was horrifying.
Even in all his years of fighting for his life alongside other Half-Bloods, Luke Castellan had still never seen anything quite as gruesome and sadistic done to another human being.
“Daisy,” the man gasped, shaking as he saw her. “Daisy! I’ll kill you!” he yelled.
“Katherine!” Luke called our pointlessly.
He saw as she slowly walked toward him, gun pointed at him.
“I’m not here to hurt you,” she stated. “I just came for one thing, and then I’m leaving. I want the bear,” she said calmly.
Katherine couldn’t believe it. Despite the promise she’d made her thirteen year-old self, she was back in this room again. The War Room. The room that housed her family’s darkest secrets.
“I’m not giving you shit!” the man yelled.
Katherine slowly breathed in, trying to calm herself. “Just give me the bear, Dad!”
Luke looked over at Ares, no longer sure about what was actually happening.
“I thought she said this was the guy she was dating,” he murmured with uncertainty. “The pedophile.”
“Yeah,” Ares nodded nonchalantly, “It is.”
Turning back to look at what was happening between Katherine and the man, he felt his heart drop. Everything Katherine had ever said to him about her past came rushing back, burning his ears.
‘How old were you?’ Luke had asked her.
‘I was young.’
It all made sense now, and he felt his knees giving out completely with his heart. He keeled over involuntarily, feeling as he suddenly threw up. He paused for a moment as he lifted himself back up, letting it sink in that what he’d just heard was so horrible it actually made him physically sick.
“Oh, grow up,” Ares groaned, “You never saw little Daisy puke her guts out just because she was ‘Daddy’s little girl’.”
“You’re sick!” Luke yelled, wishing he had something to throw at him, “You’re twisted, you’re evil! You played this sick game with her, just because you knew she had no choice but to go along with it!”
“Well, duh,” Ares rolled his eyes, “I was bored!”
Luke trembled, raging as his eyes burned. Years of experience that told him never to trust anything immortal flooded his mind. He suddenly epiphanized that Ares was evil incarnate. Not the devil, or Hades, or Kronos. It was Ares, the embodiment of war and violence.
He was a god, an immortal, celestial being, and therefore mortal, human life could never mean anything to him. Katherine meant nothing to him. Katherine’s life meant nothing to him. Luke had known the girl for less than two weeks, and actually interacted with her for less than half of that, and yet she still meant something to him when it came down to it. How could she not?
She had saved his life, and trusted him to join her on a quest that was meant to be a solitary one. In that moment, Luke knew exactly what it meant to feel, and to be human. He knew that to be human was to suffer, at the hands of beings that were ultimately larger than life.
“Give me the bear, Dad! I know you have it!” Katherine pleaded, tears in her eyes. “Just give it to me, Dad, I don’t wanna hurt you!”
Luke watched, horrified, as the man shoved his own daughter, slamming her limp body into the wall as he screamed.
“You think you can come into my house and steal from me?!” he yelled. “Fuck you! Fuck you, Daisy!”
Luke wanted to scream as he watched him grab Katherine by the throat, closing his fingers around her neck as she gasped. In that moment, the Katherine that Luke knew truly disappeared, and he finally knew exactly what it meant for her to be Daisy.
Katherine’s face twisted into a fearful, whimpering expression as she went from a capable young woman back to a scared little girl in an instant. Her father had some sort of power over her that Luke couldn’t even begin to understand.
No matter how tough or strong Katherine had become in her time living out on the streets and fending for herself, it seemed returning to this house was all she had to do to become the same frightened little thirteen year-old again.
“You’re not getting away scot free this time!” the crazed man thundered.
“Katherine…” Luke croaked out.
“Remember, if you try to save her, she dies,” Ares sang, savoring the tragic irony.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Nick Montalvo yelled. “Fucking pathetic. Fight back, you coward!”
“I’m not gonna fight you!” Katherine murmured. “Your family! I’m not gonna fight you!”
Luke never thought he’d hear these words from her mouth. In the short amount of time that he’d known her, Luke never would’ve thought that Katherine would ever willingly refuse to hit someone who was hitting her. The person that he’d come to know was fair, and reasonable. She would’ve fought back.
“Dad, please, stop!” she sobbed, paralyzed as she took hit after hit. “Don’t do this… Please?!”
Luke didn’t want to know what childhood horror could cause a person to react to being attacked this way. The longer he stood there, the more he felt awful for the way the world had warped her.
“Daddy! Please,” Katherine cried, falling to the floor.
She slowly curled herself up into a ball so that his fists could only hit her back. It was the most genuinely disturbing thing Luke had ever experienced, watching what he felt like was a traumatized little girl in the body of a young woman who was almost six feet tall. It was terrible to think about what Katherine had just done, compared to what was now happening to her.
“You took my money! My car!” her father yelled at her. “I’m gonna fucking kill you!”
“No, please!”
“You’re seriously letting this happen?!” Luke exclaimed helplessly.
“Relax. My money’s on your girl. She always wins,” Ares assured him.
“You almost tore me and Heather apart with your lies. But she never believed any of your bullshit!” the man spat.
He nearly strangled Katherine to death. She was hardly able to away from him, crawling on the floor like something out of a horror movie. Luke was forced to endure the grotesque scene as Katherine reached a bony, pained hand over to the gun. There was a loud bang, and suddenly, she was able to stand again.
Katherine stood there, turning to look back at Luke. The expression on her face could only be described as embarrassed, as if that was her most important takeaway from the event. Eventually, she moved on.
“I’m sorry,” she said softly to the floor, aiming the pistol as she fired two shots into her stepmother, silencing the soft cries of pain.
Luke gasped silently, an eternity of pain on his face as he stared at everything she’d done.
“What’d I tell you?” Ares laughed. “Daisy always wins!”
The look on Luke’s face couldn’t possibly do every emotion that he had justice. He’d just witnessed a crime against humanity orchestrated by an entity beyond the laws that he was bound by. He had no appropriate reaction.
Feeling weak, he slowly followed Katherine into a mostly empty room that he assumed used to be her bedroom. It was only filled with a single shelf, and a half-filled closet. He saw that sitting right on the shelf was an old white teddy bear dressed in lace covered with red hearts, a child’s toy that he sensed had an incredibly dark past.
Luke saw as Katherine slowly plucked the toy from the shelf, staring at it as she trembled.
“Now you know,” she said, finally acknowledging Luke’s presence. “You know the truth. All of it.”
“Katherine,” he breathed, not actually knowing what to say.
“I know that I’m a monster. That there’s something deeply wrong inside me,” she said, ignoring his internal panic. “I know that I’m a monster. But he was too.”
Luke began to understand what had happened, not necessarily blaming any of it on her. How could he blame her? She was just a girl, forced to endure abuse he could hardly understand, by her father, and others, especially on this occasion. She’d been as strong as she possibly could’ve been. After all, eighteen was still a child in every way that mattered.
“This bear…” she said, not turning around. “He gave it to me after he took my virginity,” she admitted, her voice gritty and ashamed.
He couldn’t contain the disgust that he felt in hearing what had really happened to her.
“I did what I did for us,” Katherine admitted, “Because I have this idiotic dream that we’ll change things. That no one else will have to live in the godless world that we live in. I know you probably don’t want to come with me anymore, but I want you to know it won’t make a difference.”
Her words pierced Luke’s heart as he realized this really was her first priority. All she cared about was their quest to find Kronos. That was what was keeping her warm at night.
“It won’t make a difference whether you come with me or not. I’ll still find him, and bring him back. I’ll still believe in that new world,” Katherine said, turning around with the cursed bear in her hand. “Here’s your fucking bear.”
She slowly pushed it onto Ares. Luke watched as he accepted it, holding it to his chest as the girl refused to touch it any longer.
“I’ll play your game,” she told him. “I don’t care.”
The house around them disappeared completely as Ares snapped them away, somewhere outside with the car and motorcycle a few feet away.
“Alright, sweetheart, a deal’s a deal,” he concluded. “Tell me what magical object you want, and it’s yours.”
Katherine turned to look at Luke, who had gone pale following along with that night’s events. He simply remained silent, allowing her to fully make the decision for them. After what he’d just seen, he was simply too exhausted not to just trust her with his life.
Katherine considered the options for a moment, wondering what was one thing she couldn’t possibly find on her own.
“I want a map of the Underworld. Specifically Tartarus,” she decided, as Luke’s eyes widened.
Ares let out a laugh as he stared at her in disbelief.
“I’m sorry. You want what?”
“I want a map, or some sort of way to navigate Tartarus,” she explained impatiently.
“What the hell do you want with Tartarus?!” Ares scoffed. “Even I wouldn’t wanna go down there!”
“Never mind what we want, that wasn’t part of the deal,” Katherine spat, “Now can you find me a way to navigate Tartarus, or not?”
Luke watched her nervously, praying she wouldn’t get the both of them killed.
Chapter Six
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suginami-division · 4 months
山茶花 Zombeez Valentine's Day (END)
Valentine’s day was coming to an end, with the clock nearing midnight. The Sazanka Zombeez decided that they should get together, under the pretense of spending the night at Shuu’s building, drinking and chatting about how their ‘romantic’ day went. Already, Maki still red-faced was sitting on the couch closer to the door, with Shuu sitting opposite with an excited expression. At least, that was what Ryuko saw when he barged in, huffing in frustration.
“Glad some asshole had a good day.” the ex-yakuza grumbled seeing Shuu, before turning to look at his older brother. “What the fuck? Are you sick or something?”
“Maki has a secret admirer~!” Shuu croons, as Maki starts to shush the detective.
Ryuko gives a look of suspicion, raising his eyebrow at the professor. “Seriously? It’s not like one of those sick jokes people pulled on you when we were kids, right?”
“N-No! I think I have one… Maybe two admirers.” It was odd, seeing the large man fidget nervously, but both of the other men sat down, eagerly waiting for him to continue. “One I know is a woman from a newer team… Cutie Chasers. I do not know who the other is, they only left me this letter.”
Shuu eagerly tries to shove the letter into Ryuko’s hands, only to be turned down. “I’ll fucking believe it. I mean look at you, it's gross seeing you all mushy like that.”
The comment makes Maki bury his face in his hands as Shuu retorts back. “At least he got some Valentine’s day gifts! What about you, Ryu-chan? Did you get anything?”
“Asshole redhead prick… He thought it would be funny to leave some chocolate at my doorstep and mock me in some dumbass letter!” Ryuko scoffs as he tosses the crumpled note onto the coffee table, letting Shuu pick it up and giggle at the letter.
“Well he’s right. You aren’t moaning about being ‘bitchless’ today, thanks to him.”
“Hey, fuck you! Like you got anything this year!”
Ryuko's lashing makes Shuu tense up oddly, causing Ryuko’s rage to falter just the slightest. With narrowed eyes, Ryuko pries. “What? Did you not get anything?”
“N-No I got gifts! Two of them actually! They’re just…” the detective trails off, looking slightly distressed.
Maki finally perks up, timidly asking, “Just what? Are they not to your liking?”
“Well, one’s from a serial killer…” The two men’s eyes widen at the statement, listening to Shuu continue. “...And the other one is from an idol I like? But he wrote a letter that made me realize that maybe he’s stalking me.”
Both men start to clamor, asking if Shuu was okay and what was sent, and everything they could to understand what he was going through, only to be met with a shy laugh.
“It could be worse? I don’t really mind…”
“Fucking hell Shuu…” Ryuko sits back into the couch, mussing up his own hair. “If it’s fine, then whatever. Just let us know if anything goes too crazy, alright?”
The PI gives a curt nod, falling deep into thought. Ryuko watches, his eyes going between the stunned Shuu, the flustered Maki, then looking at his own letter on the table when he lets out a long sigh. “We’re all pretty fucked up huh?”
“Ryuko, language…”
“No, Ryu-chan’s right. We should just drink away our problems tonight.”
“Detective! What are you-”
“Nah, he’s got a good idea. Bust out the drinks! It will get help you process your dumbass feelings Maki.”
"My feelings are not... Ryuko! Shuu!"
Thank you everyone for all the gifts and asks on my blogs! I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's day, no matter if you spent it with someone or you were alone. Love you guys~ ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
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lavenrain · 11 days
Chapter 2 - The BMW Devil
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Our next story features a sisterly pair. Well, I guess not anymore. Captured by a serial rapist of all things, poor girl; they don't do on screen deaths of the woman, but every first crime I'll now assume they're dead-on arrival.
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Aside from calling the kidnapping of a high school girl a waste (because she isn't old enough? xD), he decides its best to meet their client at a... host club? I'm not immediately familiar with Kabuki Cho style places but it looks like a strip/night club to me. Not surprised they know him by name!
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You did go. No one to blame but yourself here, even if your introduction is less than professional.
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Oh yes, the famed XYZ cocktail! Although, I feel like if we were a little more serious you could've explained the meaning and given her a little faith. This man is all theatrics. If we're going off of last time, the looking down her shirt, pulling her bra open, groping of her thigh and less than appropriate flirting will save her 190,000 yen.
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Yeah so, like last time even though he knows the bar is the perfect place to find information, there's some random 3rd party crook there to prove how competent he is. Which, okay, this kind of stuff probably happens a lot because Shinjuku is the closest thing to Detroit I can think of, but dude. "Imagine if Ryo wasn't here," said everyone in the district.
So, understandably, the guy sees Ryo and is like, well well well Mr. GUN user. Are you bold enough to shoot me in front of all these people knowing the bullet we go right through me, fufu. Very valid argument that I hadn't considered. Human flesh is not dense enough to stop a large caliber bullet, but Ryo did have some fancy slow bullet last chapter. Take that petty criminal-
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Lady do not fall in love with this man. Do not. I hope it hurts more than I think it does.
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You know what's on his mind, Makimura. And it's as I said with a twist! He did all that to bring the killer to light. If I were the killer I'd stay as far away from that place as possible, but then again, to be a serial rapist who kidnaps in broad daylight you've lost all rational thought.
So, I assume they live in a dingy apartment because that's the norm for most hitmen... not really but you can tell who decides to use their wealth and who doesn't. I did not expect him to have multiple stories at his disposal. The woman gets to sleep there too to prevent her from being attacked? Great! Now prepare to get no sleep while this man tries to assault you at- oh, sorry.
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His lady friend got to you first. His lying lady friend at that. You knew that wasn't Ryo. And that brings up an interesting point(s) because right after, he says sends her home to her own room. Why not keep her around if you're going to continuously flirt with your client anyway to make sure she knows your perviness is directed to someone to reciprocates? And, more importantly, she lives there?! Is she another client or a woman from the bar?!
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First mokkori! I think more people would benefit from this kind of separation. I'm not sure if I could handle it, but if I'm looking for less than ethical means of avenging my sibling or lover or whoever, I'd also take the bad with the good. At least he's decent looking.
The guy does show up eventually, which hurray for us. Not sure how he went all the way to Ryo's room without bumping into his other tenant or tenants probably, but manga magic it is! The curtain effectively saves the woman, but the guy absolutely dumps bullets into Ryo's sleeping body, allegedly. We all know it's not him, but where is he?
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Smart. No one knows what the guy is up to at night; an extra layer of mystery to beef up the appeal! Also, what do you mean wake you all up, it's still the middle of the night!
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He was under the bed. I have to wonder what he was thinking the whole time between her silently asking for him to join her after all and the cockiness of the killer. Dude was probably giggling his ass off. And I guess he has a point if he's hiding then he has no way to look at the killer's face... that certainly didn't have the potential to backfire.
I do admire a sense of justice! He'll make those bastards pay for the death of those 5 girls, while giving the sister peace of mind. Warms my heart.
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Love me some "you mess with the wrong motherfucker" shenanigans.
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I love him. No matter the weapon he's an excellent marksman, his explanations are fun to reach and his method, at least here, is noble. Shooting a guy with arrows that if he removes them will permanently damage his vital organs and deep tissue, all to do even a small fraction of the trauma he's undoubtedly made the other 5 (almost 6) girls go through in their last moments. Saeba Ryo , you angel.
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Kaboom! Good riddance.
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Overall review
The case story was more put together, the art style is still breath taking and the everyone's reasonings are sound. I came out of here with a lot of questions that are probably too specific to be answered but that's what headcanons are for!
I've already warmed up to his character here, so anything past this point will hopefully be a bonus. So far Ryo is painfully dramatic, but the kind where I can't fault him because plot reasons say all of his antics are for the good of the client. We also got to see more of his versatility as a professional sweeper too!
Until next time!
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A Day to Remember  (Rick Sanchez x ORIGINAL CHARACTER)  CH 4- Family Vacation
Hello Everyone! Sorry for the long wait, had to deal with school stuff. Hopefully you guys enjoy this new chapter on my series! 
Beth and Jerry were dragging luggage behind them while everyone else followed behind. 
Jerry looks at Beth smiling “I can’t believe we are finally going on vacation!”
Beth looks at Jerry back “yeah, just don't tell my dad how I managed it” she said placing her luggage on the floor behind their car “after searching on Facebook and cross-referencing his family stories I managed to find a relative that was willing to have us over”
“Let’s just hope they aren’t a serial killer or something” Jerry said sarcastically 
“Jerry!” Beth glared.
Opening their car trunk Jerry starts to load everyone’s luggage. Rick, Morty, and Summer all come out of the house with their stuff. They all watched as Jerry struggles with one luggage bag as it falls onto his foot. 
“Ow! My foot!” Jerry cried as he leans down to hold onto his foot
“You know I don’t think everyone is going to fit in one car” Beth said as she helped Jerry put stuff away. “Especially with everyone’s luggage taking up room in the trunk. So I think it’s best we split up, dad- I take it you can drive your car?” 
Rick rolled his eyes while sighing, “su-URe Beth sure” he marched his way over to this UFO vehicle. He opens the UFO trunk and throws his luggage inside. Morty runs over to the other side of the UFO car and jumps in after getting the okay from his mom. 
“For once I’m too fucking tired to argue with your parents” Rick sighs as he turns on the radio “look the sooner we go the sooner we come back from this shitty ass family vacation”
Everyone else was inside the other vehicle and ready to drive off as Rick followed, heading to their new destination. 
As the hours went by, the car ride was slow and quiet, Rick was driving his car over Beth’s and Jerry's car keeping an eye on them from time to time to make sure they didn't get stranded or whatever else might happen. Morty looked over at his grandfather wondering what was going on in his grandfather's mind. 
Feeling the boy's eyes on him, Rick looked over at Morty. 
“What do you want?”
“W-what do you mean Rick?”
“W-Well you’ve been eyeing me this entire car ride so, what-what do you want?”
It got quiet for a moment and Morty began to talk. 
“R-Rick are you okay?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“W-Well R-Rick it’s just you’ve been very stress-I mean! Been very tired lately.” 
Rick hummed slowly while going over his thoughts, “Im fine Morty” rubbing his hands against the steering wheel.
“A-Are you sure Rick? You can always talk to me for anything” Morty chuckled nervously at his lame attempt to comfort his grandfather.
“Yeah I’m fine- An-ANi-anyways” Rick quickly transitioned the topic, “where are we going? We’ve been driving for hours now and I think your parents are going to need gas soon” 
“Oh Mom didn’t tell you? She said we are traveling to your family’s house in Los Angeles. Something about wanting to reconnect?” 
Rick relaxed in his chair looking ahead “oh yeah?” 
The car ride became quiet again before Rick suddenly jumped forward in a panic and looked at Morty.
“We’re going WHERE?! Rick’s stomach drops as his hands become clammy and slippery, barely holding onto the wheel. His head begins to pulse with pressure causing pain as Rick places one hand on his head, looking at the road as it begins to split. 
Morty looks at Rick with concern “R-Rick are you okay?” he asked, raising his hand and placing it on his shoulder. Rick turns to Morty. 
Rick pushes through the pain and smacks Morty hand off his shoulder “Im-I-Im fine! Let’s just get this family vacation bullshit over with” as beads of sweat trickle down his forehead.
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woodsfae · 8 months
B5 S03E04: Passing Through Gethsemane table of contents • previous episode
What an acrimonious ecclesiastical chess game. Oh, are these the techy monks? I kinda forgot about them. idk what the little sculpture was. It looked like glass, but if so, he's using some 23rd c advanced tech or something! 
Lyta's back! And she traveled in a Vorlon's ship! Hope they didn't drive her as mad as Jack the Ripper. A pretty badass story! She really committed to getting to Vorlon space, and they really almost let her die! Or actually did let her die? The PsiCorps havwe that freaky zombie protocol. 
Well, either a black rose has changed omnious meaning in the last few hundred years, so that monk guy is absolutely about to get whacked. Shuffled unwillingly off the mortal coil. On vacation with the space whales.  
Blegh, speaking of the psicorps zombie protocols! That isn't exactly a humane option. If human rights aren't human rights for everyone, then anyone can be stripped of their rights. 
Dr Franklin has a diagnosis for Lyta: In better than tip top condition. Some of her chronic and/or genetic conditions have been mysteriously cured. Idk if this is support for the Zombie Lyta theory, but it does suggest that the Vorlons have high levels of human-medical tech. Panaceas have been such a reoccuring theme and I'm interested to see where they take it. Lyta is the only example of someone who has had a full, medical glow-up. 
Yeah, fuck off Londo! He's such a slimy toerag. He can stop anytime, but nooooo. 
To Minbari, "the soul is a nonlocalized phenomenon," perceptible through physical form and sentient people, but are actual little thinking fragments of the universal intelligence, trying to understand itself. It really is a fascinating idea. It reinds me of something I've seen, "we are collections of atoms trying to understand ourselves."
It's relatively similar to gnosticism. 
Lennier is a nerd for Valen! Whatg a nice meeting. The monk is definitely dying now, right? Oh maybe he'll be tormented by hallucinations awhile first. Or pehaps a telepathic projection? It does seem to be leaning towards the high fantasy side of B5, I guess. Not so into the monks, but the experimental flashbacks and inexplicable visions are pretty entertaining. 
Ahhh, he's one of the mind-wiped murderers. HAH. I wonder if all the monks are murderers. It'd track for western society. The abbot fellow says the order is legit, but they only question the applicants about their beliefs. Coding murderers into genuinely philanthropic and ascetic monk wanna-bes...it's legitimately more humane than I thought it would be. Still horrific, but I expected they'd be like, barracksed and do dangerous, menial work, not be random monks having traumatizing flashbacks they can't process. 
Huh. He was a serial killer, and the facility where he was burned down and all his records were lost, he was presumed dead. So this isn't a normal situation for one of these wipe-ees. They're ...pretty good? at implaning new personalities? He's trying really hard to process this new self-knowledge through his theological bent. But I suppose he might have killed people with a theological bent, too. 
ooooooOOOooo. Someone triggered Brother Edward slash Charlie! Is it Lyta? Vorlons love fucking around with people's heads, particularly serial killers and religious fanatics. 
Oh dang! His victims' relations? They're pretty pissy, which is fair, but it's too bad they don't recognize that what was done to him is also heinous. 
But what's this?Lyta with a steel chair? I mean, an un-Psi-Corps-sanctioned mental assault! 
lolol, even with Lyta's dubiously legal activities, the monks found him first. It was pretty yoked of Bruce Boxleitner to singlehandedly lift him down. 
"I always wondered if I would have the courage to stay and wait in the Garden of Gethsemane...now I know. Now I know."
well, that's normal religious trauma. Every evangelical kids I knew wondered that and worried they were less able to face suffering than Jesus, hah! But his deathbed worries about salvation are also super christian culture, which is so funny since xtians literally invented the Get Out of Hell Free card. repentance. like, I saw that loophole as a kid. Just pray dear jesus I'm sorry on your deathbed! Moral condundrum solved. 
Love Lyta and Susan interacting! I was bummed when Lyta didn't make it onto the show from The Gathering, and although I'm desperately curious as to when Talia comes back (they haven't kissed yet!! There's whump to be had, I can tell!), it is great to have Lyta around. Especially since she's liberated telepath who don't care for no Psi Rules. 
Ooooh, Lyta gills reveal. That a new feature? hah.
Dr Franklin: Well, everything that was ever wrong with you has been fixed. Oh, it says you have gills now? Well, that can't be right. Never mind. /s
Well, christian episodes gonna christian. not my favorite, though I enjoy the lore and the Psi horror. And directed by Adam Nimoy! I did not see that one coming. And quite heavy handed, though I guess they were writing for an adult populations with a lot more lead poisoning than we typically see now.
oooh, big plot!
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me saying my thoughts as i watch mha, starting at s2ep21, ending at the end of the season
so their fighting the teachers, this'll be fun
also nezu climing out of aziawa's scarf is so funny to me, like he just had a guy in his clothes and was normal about it
i dont trust the purple-headed boy vs lady midnight, like have you met him
cementos looks permanatly grumpy
the announcer sounds weird, idk why though.
ok ep 23 now
wait, what happened with the shadow-bird guy and the dupelication guy, the last ep ended with that, then a new one started. i would have liked to watch it
as it turned out, i was actually just watching 21, and am now starting ep22
i like dark shadow
would like to know more about ida's opponent
why is she making russian nesting dolls, why does she seem like somethings wrong, what is her name
i llike mr aizawa
also like todoroki
also the nurse
todoroki being like that when the girl was crying
decided to do the rest of the season, but thats tommorow, or later (not that it matters, its all one post)
ok its the next day lets keep going, im at ep 23
i did not expect laserboy to be able to do something helpful
so basically nesu is supersmart principle mouseman
"in past humans did experiments on nesu and in times like this he gets his vengane" why is that funny and who decided to make him prinicple, i dont trust him
present mic looks funnier then he is, idk why, he seems like he'd be really funny and isnt. like why isnt he funnier, he should be
i wonder what the invisable girls looks like? like can we get her spray-painted or something
purple dude did not plan that
i think i undersetimated purple-dude, give him some character development
it is the funniest thing when the very hero characters pretend to be vilans (almight and ida in that training thing)
if i was fighting almight with bakugo, i'd just get him to try to fight almight (no point it getting him to not) and while almights fighting him, i run away to the gate and we both win. unless we lose
their going to stop hating eachother (as much) after this
i want to cut of almights hair thingies
i wonder whats with the hand-guy
anyway, next and last episode (istg if it ends with a cliffhanger)
very villan focused start, why does the guy have dark skin sewn onto him, the girl is like incrediply happy, optimistic serial killer.
love how aizawa looks like that, with that background when he says everyone is going
logical deception pt2
i wanted a fluff episode, then we get deku getting kidnaped by Hands(the blue haird guy with the hands)
okay, so hands's name is shigaraki
anway, that was fun, those were my thoughts, i'll do this again with s3, i think i'll do it 1 post per about 1/2 a season, so i think the next will be the summer camp thing.
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eliaskahtri · 1 year
And They Were Roommates || Gael & Elias
TIMING: Early June, morning. LOCATION: Latte to Love PARTIES: @lithium-argon-wo-l-f and @eliaskahtri SUMMARY: Elias and Gael meet in person to discuss the possibility of being roommates. They find that they just click.
Elias nervously drummed his fingers on his latte cup as he looked around the coffee shop after ordering and picking up his vanilla latte. He remembered to wear his Fellowship of the Ring shirt with all the characters on it, as he had promised when he had been talking to the person online. He hoped that he wasn’t about to be stood up or, worse, this guy turned out to be a serial killer that hunted unsuspecting apartment hunters. That would be just his luck after moving his entire life all the way across the country. Still, he held out hope that this would be a good encounter, finally finding a place to live in such an expensive area, not that California was any better. 
He should have asked for a description of the guy, he only had his name to go off of, but no facial features. So he stood awkwardly at the coffee pickup, looking for someone sitting alone that seemed to be looking for someone. He spotted a man sitting off to the side, looking at him, so he decided to move over to him, hoping that this was the guy he was looking for. “Gael?” He asked, tilting his head to the side in question. “If you’re not, this is awkward. I’m Elias.”
The professor couldn’t have anticipated spending so much time at a Latte to Love this week but the heart wanted what it wanted and Gael wasn’t about to strictly turn down a cup of coffee or… a few. He supposed he got there sooner than the individual known online as Elias and he wondered if he should’ve mentioned any visual indicators. He was looking for a Lord of the Rings shirt but what was Elias looking for? Oops. Well hopefully the man he met online wouldn’t be one for calling Gael out on it, not that he would’ve minded. Seemed justified to him. So, while he mused these superficial things among other questions that buzzed in his mind about the stranger he was potentially going to let into his three-bedroom home in Deersprings, he sipped on an iced latte. He wasn’t sure how long he was there before he saw an individual come in, order something, then stand there rather awkwardly. Gael tilted his head to get a look at the shirt the man was wearing as he… admittedly wasn’t paying attention when the man came in. He didn’t have to wonder for long though as his eyes locked with the man and the latter made his way to him. Gael gazed at him unwaveringly, smoothly following him as he looked up to regard the stranger. He heard his name and while he might’ve normally made a joke about it, he opted to just be straight this time. “That’s me!” He said, getting to his feet and holding out a hand. “You’re Elias; I love your shirt!” He complimented.
Finally giving himself a minute to take the man in, Elias froze for a fraction of a second, where the only thoughts that flooded his mind were Oh no, he’s hot, and Shit. Shit? Shit. Mentally shaking himself out of it, he quickly took the man’s hand and shook it, then let go. “I’m glad you like it, my ex told me it was hideous and tried to burn it. Now it’s my prized possession out of spite.” He admitted with a grin before putting his latte down on the table and gestured for the two of them to sit down. He tried to shake the deer in the headlights look off of his face, but it was hard. Why was everyone in this town so damn attractive? It wasn’t fair. Come to think of it, he hadn’t come across one person in this town that wasn’t a New York 10.
“So, roommate interview. I haven’t had one of these since I was fresh out of college,” he confessed, running a hand through his hair. Usually, he wasn’t this nervous, but when it came to sleeping on a cardboard hotel bed another day and actually going out and buying his own, there was a lot on the line. “I have money saved up from my engineering days, I just wanted to be careful with working a bartending job.” He explained as he sat down, then took a sip from his latte. “So you don’t have to worry about me missing rent or anything. Do you live in an apartment or a house?” He then followed up, realizing he didn’t know much of anything.
The two exchanged a glance as well as a handshake and Gael took the opportunity to study Elias’ body language, his eyes, his style from the shirt he hung onto out of pride and spite to the hair that fashionably rested atop his head. He was handsome, Gael had to admit, which certainly didn’t hurt if he had to see Elias’ face on a near-daily basis. They sat down as Elias went through a little crash course of an ‘about me’ for Gael, the professor keeping his dark eyes on the other man keenly but genuinely; he was listening to everything Elias was saying - the man was obviously intelligent (enough) as he had gone to college and had a history in biomedical engineering, he’s a bartender (which Gael was more than happy about), he wanted to give the impression that he was reliable but he seemed on edge. Gael imagined that it was because he was living in a hotel at the moment, had a track record of not being able to keep either a roommate or living accommodations and… ssssome third thing. Well he didn’t want Elias to feel on edge so Gael seemed to ease his posture up, softening his gaze. “I wasn’t worried about you missing rent,” He assured the other man with a good-natured chuckle. “I live in a house in Deersprings,'' the professor started to explain. “It has three bedrooms and two bathrooms so you’ll have your own space.” He paused, wondering what else Elias would want to know that he could say ahead of time. “Let’s see… Well, let me just start at the beginning. I’m Gael Córdova. I’m the chemistry professor over at UMWR,” He introduced, giving Elias a small bow of his head. “When I’m not working, I’m usually out and about in town. I don’t spend very much time at home currently as I… live alone.” Gael continued. “As I mentioned, I’m not worried about rent or how loud your sewing machine is.” He paused and inhaled, licking his lips as something danced on the front of his mind and he was torn about whether or not to say it. Perhaps it should wait until further down the line so he put the thought into a bottle and saved it for a later time. “I also have no pets though I would like to know if you have any, like, allergies or medical requirements.” He paused again. “Not that those are going to be determining factors. …Am I going too fast?” He suddenly asked, holding his hands out. 
Elias’s friendly demeanor never faltered. His bright eyes and soft smile stayed on his face as he talked and listened to Gael. It was akin to a dog that was always so excited to see its owner. Of course, he was nervous. What if this didn’t go well and he was stuck in that hotel for another, however long it would be? He hadn’t eaten a home-cooked meal in three weeks, and it was starting to really get to him. He needed to cook his own food before he found himself reenacting the horrors that were Supersize Me. He closed his eyes for a moment, then willed himself to calm down, his shoulders relaxing and his smile losing the bit of edge it had. It was clear that Gael was a kind soul, he may not know much about him, but he could tell. He felt safe, and not at all like that ham person on the internet made him feel.
He thought about living in a house. He had lived in apartments for so long that he had kind of forgotten that living in one was an option. It just sounded like a lot of work to live in a space so big when it was only him. And there was the fact that he felt weird having to find someone to live with instead of finding his own place. He was past the age he felt was appropriate, but at the same time, he knew he wasn’t the kind of person that lived well alone. And after he had done it for so long, trudging through the same day over and over again with working a nine-to-five job and sacrificing his social life for better job advancement, he just needed a giant change of pace, do everything he did before completely different this time.
After Gael introduced himself, Elias nodded with that happy smile and took another sip from his latte. “Elias Kahtri, former biomedical engineer turned bartender, as I try to figure out my next steps.” He responded, letting the smile finally drop, but the excitable eyes didn’t falter. “Chemistry professor, huh? Not too bad. Most people hated organic chemistry in college, but I didn’t mind it,” he added wistfully. It helped that the person he sat next to in the class was a genius on the subject and helped him out when he found himself confused and overwhelmed.
“You’ll have to clue me in on the best places to hang around. I’m more of an extrovert who fuels themselves off of other people.” He then added, running a hand through his hair, a nervous tic. “I am allergic to cats, though I wish I weren’t.” He then explained when asked about allergies, frowning for a moment. “Not dogs, though. I was spared from living a life with no pets.” He blinked as Gael questioned the speed at which he was going, and Elias quickly shook his head. “No, not at all! Getting down to the brass tax, I can appreciate that.” He shot a grin at the other, that same puppy dog energy returning.
Much to Gael’s rather excited expectations, Elias seemed to possess a measure of the same energy as he found himself having that day and he couldn’t explain why - earlier when he spontaneously offered a complete stranger a place to live, he didn’t think he was anticipating on being able to see the vivacity in the person he was talking to. Not that Gael minded most of the time - the world was full of varying people but he found himself surprised consistently at how considerably friendlier people were in person. It helped that he could hear tones, read what body language he remembered and see emotions when he was sitting in the same visual vicinity as the other. He also took a few more mental notes - he would’ve been lying if the “no cats” thing didn’t make him just a little sad but all things considered, he’d rather have a human around the house than a cat. Elias was extroverted, which worked wonderfully with Gael who was ALSO the outgoing type; and if Elias wasn’t then it was pretty gutsy to publicly post about finding a place to live. The bartender didn’t mind chemistry, which was a first that Gael met in person, which fluffed him up a little… the man came from a scientific background and liked Lord of the Rings so he was probably intellectual enough for Gael to have conversations with that he wouldn’t have to the average person, whether that was to not make himself seem like a know-it-all or just so he wouldn’t scare his company away with exhaustive terminology. The part about the dogs was good to hear and he hadn’t mentioned other animals so Gael assumed they were non-factors. The part about dogs, though… He shook his head; wherever that train of thought was going could stop where it was; he didn’t need to entertain more foolish theories about why he found dog hair in his apartment on occasion. That wasn’t his problem at the moment. In fact, Gael had no problems with finding a prospective roommate in Elias and the thought excited him more. “Fantastic!” He said enthusiastically, taking another drink of his latte. “Where do you bartend? Are you thinking about going back to school? What’s your favorite scene in Fellowship of the Ring?” He quick-fired the questions, again without thinking much on them but maybe this was a secret test though he couldn’t say if it was for him or Elias - he couldn’t remember the last time he was this… chatty out the gate.
Elias relaxed back in his chair, holding onto his latte with both his hands, letting the heat of the drink warm them. “I work at the Mushroom Circle,” he explained. After he had met the doctor, however, he wasn’t too sure on if it was safe to work there, but that was a problem for another day. “It’s got a bar for anyone, then an exclusive club in the back for people who dress up as fantasy creatures, it’s really cool.” He nodded his head as he recounted, though left out the part where he wasn’t sure if it was a laundering scheme or not. 
When asked about schooling, he shuddered. “A biomedical engineering degree is enough for me, thanks.” He shook his head, pulling a face. “I’m more just in a place where I’m trying to figure out what I want in life. I know I can make money if I need to, but I just… I want to live a life full of excitement.” He leaned forward in his chair, grinning again. “I heard of a cryptid club in town, and it’s my dream to join them. I used to be an avid Bigfoot watcher for a long time. I’ve seen the statue of Mothman, and I have, in fact, touched the butt. It’s a very important step in seeing Mothman.” He looked to the other, trying to gauge his reaction to his love of all things cryptid. A childhood fascination that had never died, it was something that mattered to him. 
“Oh, my favorite scene is easy. It’s when Bilbo turns into a crack addict for half a second when confronted about the ring.” He shot finger guns at Gael, proud of his answer. “That or Bilbo’s birthday party in general. What I would give to go to a party like that.” He gave a wistful sigh, wishing for a moment that strange things were out there to make life more exciting. “Favorite character is easily Gimli, by the way. I feel like he’s an underrated member of the fellowship.”
So Elias wasn’t a workaholic. Gael figured as much but while he hadn’t meant to ask about the schooling, he was glad that he did and one of the questions that he was going to ask down the line anyway was put in a bottle in his mind and set on the memory shelf. He also had no idea what the “Mushroom Circle” was but the fact that it has a section in the back for dressing up seemed like something Elias benefited from since he was into cosplay. Gael could also easily gel with someone who was adventurous and didn’t prefer to spend too much time at a desk - he could work with that. The bartender obviously wasn’t too destitute to afford a hotel so he was one of those types to be happy and not wealthy instead of the other way around, though Gael wondered if things might’ve been different for the man currently if he had made more money. He might not need a roommate then. Then came the part about a supposed “Cryptid Club” and Gael raised an eyebrow in evident curiosity. An avid Bigfoot fan, eh? Touched the butt!? This man was serious. Now if only Gael knew who the hell “mothman” was. “Maybe that could be something you’d be willing to regale me one of these days?” He started by asking. “The only cryptid I’m familiar with is the chupacabra.” He laughed. “I do appreciate the passion that people have with cryptids though, either as a hobby or a passion or maybe even a career. Why haven’t you joined the club yet?” He asked. “Also Gimli’s pretty cool,” Gael agreed with a little nod. “I wish they played him a little more seriously but he was a lot of fun and it was nice to know that he wasn’t going to be really dour whenever he was on screen.” A pause accompanied by another sip of his drink. “They really made Boromir a lot cooler in the movie though so everything equals out.”
Elias decided at that moment that he liked this guy. He matched his energy well, and found that he was very easy to talk to. He tilted his head from side to side slightly, as if dancing to himself that he had finally met someone that wasn’t half bad. Sure, he had talked to people online, but meeting people in person was different; it gave him a burst of energy he didn’t have otherwise. And a professor at that, it was impressive.
“Oh, absolutely. I have many stories of close encounters that never panned out.” he shrugged a shoulder. He hadn’t ever seen anything, not really. But the thrill of looking for it was what got him going. Adventuring out in the wilderness, taking in the natural scenery, and just letting himself be as wild as he sometimes felt; that’s what made it all worth it for him. He then scrunched his face up for a second, thinking back on his experiences looking for anyone that was part of the club. He hadn’t come into contact with anyone. “I haven’t found them yet. They’re as cryptic as the cryptids they claim to love.” He shrugged his shoulders up and down once, a plain look on his face. He’d find them. He wouldn’t let up until he did.
Elias then grinned at the topic of making Boromir more exciting than he appeared in the books. “And don’t forget, they gave Legolas speaking lines in the movie.” He waggled his brows, a crooked grin on his face. “Still a shame that they omitted Tom Bombadil,” he added, resting his head on his hand for a moment. “He was always my favorite.” He took another sip from his drink, then cleared his throat. “I guess it’s just weird that I’m even looking for a roommate,” he admitted. “Though there’s something about living alone that’s just… lonely, you know?” He thought aloud, raising his head off his hands to sit up straight again. “Maybe you’d understand; being around people just makes things feel, well, more alive!” He tried to explain, waving his hand in the air as he attempted to get his point across.
“What made you decide to be a chemistry professor over working in the field?” He then asked. He had always been a fan of the sciences. “I almost went into chemistry. Pharmacist, actually. Then changed my mind at the last minute.” He waved his hand. “I was always good at it, though.” He shook his head to himself, realizing he was rambling on a little bit.
He hadn’t found the cryptid club yet. “Well, that checks out,” Gael made a note - maybe if Elias was interested in doing things together, he could pitch that as an idea. He didn’t believe in any of that stuff but he wasn’t about to stamp on the man’s dreams. “They did!” Gael said. “And c’mon, we all know Tom Bombadil would’ve been too magical a presence to confine to the screen. Then, like, no one else would be anyone’s favorite character.” He laughed. Then he decided to go a little bit out of order in the interest of streamlining their conversation - he wanted to bounce between subjects as he subconsciously started to match more of Elias’ energy. “Ooh, pharmacy is a good option! I thought about that, as well.” He nodded. “ I went into teaching because I like helping people. I don’t think I have good bedside manner but it’s easy for me to get excited about what other people like,” He explained. “So I see all these kids and I want to be able to be a person who can help them figure out what they want to do, even if it’s not chemistry, y’know?” He tilted his head as he looked at his hands this time. He paused, a smile on his face. “Yeah, I definitely feel you when it comes to being around others.” He inhaled. “I’m one of those people who gets energy from being around people - even if it’s a bunch of strangers in a bar.” Another pause before Gael looked at Elias again. “You don’t have to answer but may I ask why you’ve been unable to find a roommate before? Er… or if you’re having trouble keeping one?”
Elias thought for a long moment about the cryptid club. He then thought how he was probably being perceived to the other man. With wide eyes, he held his hands out in front of him. “I should amend, I don’t think that the cryptids are real.” He began to explain, expression turning to a sheepish smile. “I think the idea of them are cool and the stories people have are interesting, but I’m mostly into it to see what the real deal behind these sightings are. Like for Bigfoot, is it someone in a costume or is it something more, like an undiscovered species or an animal that experienced a mutation?” He ran his hand through his hair again, realizing that he probably came off as a bit extreme. 
“Teaching is a noble profession, not for the light of heart,” he decided with a nod of his head. “I imagine it’s easier to be a professor, though, seeing as the students are all grown and elected to be there.” He remembered his high school experience and how vastly different it was to college and being surrounded by like-minded people who wanted to learn instead of sitting next to someone who was actively falling asleep in the middle of class like what happened when he was younger and still in school. He thought about how much he liked school and how much he actually missed it. He was good at learning, not so much at doing. Hence why he felt like he had failed in the workforce. He frowned for a brief moment, not wanting his thoughts to get to him, at least not at that moment.
“Well, what about your interests?” He then asked, tilting his head to the side as he waited expectantly. “I could go on for centuries about the things I’m interested in, but let me hear about yours!” He leaned forward a little as he waited for an answer. The man claimed to like hearing about others' interests, but now Elias was just as curious to hear about Gael as Gael was to learn about Elias. There was something about listening to what people were passionate about, the way their eyes lit up when they talked about it, and how they could get lost in explaining it. It was wonderful to see, at least in his mind. 
Ah, he must not’ve wanted to talk about it. Gael could only assume it was something that was out of Elias’ control and not something along the lines of his lifestyle or that he ate the food in the fridge that was clearly labeled for someone else. He was sure it would come up eventually. For right now though, Gael tilted his head as Elias straight up asked about what he was interested in. It wasn’t unusual for Gael to get the general question but for some reason, as he sat across from such a like-minded individual, seeing his body language and posing almost as though it were Gael himself on the other side, he realized that this wasn’t the generic question: Elias was asking him what he had asked so many other people. “Well, I like chemistry but that’s kind of a given.” Gael started by licking his lips and tapping his chin in thought. “I got into that when I was rather young so it’s a long-standing interest. What I’d love to do is get more into nuclear physics and engineering,” he lit up as he said that, adjusting in his seat. “Last year they were able to create self-sustaining nuclear fission and that’s incredible,” He dropped his voice, almost as though it were a secret even though it wasn’t. “So now we just need to figure out how to make it small enough to use more applicably. Can you imagine driving a car powered by a nuclear battery?” He asked rhetorically before shaking his head with a scoff at himself and clearing his throat. “Sorry,” He apologized. “Uh yeah, I really like nuclear science.” Gael found it humorous how much easier it was for him to listen to other people than actually answer the questions themselves, as though he were afraid of boring the other person. “I read a lot, as I might’ve mentioned. But if I haven’t, I read a lot. I’m currently going back through the Star Wars EU books I have,” He explained. “I also rather enjoy sampling various types of alcohol. I like to joke that I moonlight as an alcohol connoisseur,” He laughed. “Which was why I thought it was kind of funny that you worked at a bar I’d never been to.”
Elias froze, realizing he had asked a question but already didn’t remember what had been said. Well, he thought, hopefully, it wasn’t an important one. He had just gotten so excited to learn about Gael that he had completely bulldozed the conversation. His mom always told him it was his worst trait, not staying on topic. 
He smiled as the man spoke. It was obvious how passionate he was as he talked. He didn’t know much about nuclear anything, but it was clear that this guy was more than just chemistry. He liked all science. That was something he could admire. “Oh, I heard about that. It’s a really big deal when it comes to the implications of producing energy, right?” Admittedly, Elias didn’t know much about the topic, but watching Gael’s face light up made it worth it. 
“Well, the engineering part I can help you on, but the nuclear physics goes over my head, as exciting as it is.” He spoke with a grin. “Graduated with honors at Stanford.” He explained, drumming his fingers on the table. He didn’t talk about it much, but he figured a professor would appreciate the fact, even if no one else would. “Worked with medical software for a major hospital system back home. It’s what contributed to my decision to start over.” He shrugged a shoulder, not letting the fact that he had left his old life behind bother him very much.
As soon as Gael apologized, Elias pointed a finger at him with a serious expression taking over. “Don’t ever apologize for your passion because I think it’s cool.” He spoke, then let his relaxed smile take back over. “I’m definitely new to the world of mixed drinks and bartending, admittedly.” He explained when speaking of alcohol, “So any pointers you have on what tastes good, I’ll put to good use.” He tapped a finger against his temple.
“Can I confess something to you?” Elias looked around conspiratorially for a moment. “But I’ve never watched any of the Star Wars movies.” He made a face like he was about to be berated, which he absolutely had been in the past. He was far more interested in high fantasy than science fiction. Something about mixing fantasy with technology always became lost on him.
“Is there anything you want to ask me that we haven’t covered?” He then asked, tapping his fingers together. “I realize I get kind of distracted from time to time, it’s easy for me to get lost in a conversation,” he then apologized, attempting to get the conversation back on topic.
“Really, Stanford?” Gael raised his eyebrows. With honors, at that. So he really was attractive AND smart. The professor couldn’t imagine doing something for a good portion of his life only to realize that it wasn’t what he wanted to do anymore but that was fine; one was never too old to find new passions and figure out what you might want to do instead. Speaking of passions, he smiled sheepishly as Elias told him not to apologize; he’d take that to heart. After all, who would he be if he could take it but not dish it? Then when Elias mentioned that he’d never seen Star Wars, Gael gave a small, understanding nod. “I get that; I have a sister who’s much more into fantasy than sci-fi.” He wondered if that would be something he could convince the man to suffer through just every once in a while if they found themselves bored for some inexplicable reason. “The good news is that while you might not know a lot about Star Wars, I don’t know a lot about how to actually make drinks so I’ll pretty much try whatever you think would be tasty,” He laughed. “Though I’m pretty easy to please. Just throw some tropical flavors in there and I’m in.” A pause. “Or just red wine.” The professor thought for a moment, finishing up his latte and setting down definitively. “Well, I suppose the main question I have now is ‘when can you move in?’,” Gael chuckled. All things considered, this went much better than he was anticipating… he was expecting a polite exchange, with a professional discussion about the distribution of household chores and concluded with the knowledge that someone he was seldom going to see moving into his house. Instead, he found someone that he was already subconsciously making plans with in the hopes they would be down to get up to shenanigans or just chill on the couch watching Lord of the Rings. Then again, would he have had the heart to say ‘no’ if they just didn’t mesh well? He liked to think he did. “Oh yeah, sorry, one more thing: Uh, I asked earlier why you were having trouble finding and/or keeping roommates in the past.” He brought up absently, scratching the side of his nose to indicate that he wasn’t treating the question as though it were dire. He was just curious.
Elias grinned, thinking about the possibilities of a possible friendship with the other. “Well how about this: you introduce me to the wonderful world of Star Wars, and I can figure out some fun and inspired drinks based on the movies.” He wiggled his brows, quite proud of himself for coming to the idea. “I’ll be honest, I’m not one for the taste of alcohol,” he admitted. “I really took the job I have so I could figure out everything while still making money.” He finished off his latte, staring at it for a moment before turning his attention back to Gael.
It was easy for Elias to see himself getting along with the man sitting across from him. They were both men of science and fans of Lord of the Rings. Anyone who was a fan of Lord of the Rings couldn’t be that bad in his book, after all. The first real test would be seeing how Gael reacted to his cosplay attempts. Not that they were bad, just that not everyone reacted with the same level of excitement that he did, was all. And the hours he would spend splayed out on the kitchen table with a heat gun and worbla was sometimes a week-long project just to make one fake armor gauntlet.
“When? Well, anytime you’re ready for me to move in, I suppose. I’m living out of a hotel, after all. I can be out of there at any time.” He figured with a soft shrug. He then frowned, realizing that’s the question he had forgotten to answer. Yeah, that felt like an important one he shouldn’t have forgotten. “Oh, roommates have been a nonissue for me,” he began to explain, waving a hand in the air as he spoke. “I’m pretty good at adapting to those around me. If they like a more secluded roommate that doesn’t bother them, I was that. If they wanted someone to bounce ideas off of and shoot the shit, I could be that guy too.” He nodded his head once. “I just got here, so I suppose reaching out over the internet my next step in putting my feelers out there, seeing what was available. You just happened to be the first person to reach out that didn’t have a cat. Or was a college student.”
“Ain’t no shame in taking a job just to have a job,” Gael said though he did give a point with a smile at Elias’ idea of drink ideas. Blue milk all day, every day baby. “Money’s money, just makes it so that you can do the things you want to do.” It’s not like all they would do was drink. In fact, from their limited interaction, it seemed like the possibilities for what they could get up to were limitless. He was more excited than he was letting on and even then, the facade was slowly slipping more and more into ‘yes let’s do it today’ mode. Practice some self-control, Gael. Don’t seem too desperate just because you found such a kindred spirit in this stranger. He leaned back in his chair, absently tipping his empty cup so it balanced on the corner of the cylindrical bottom. “More good news is that the semester has ended so I’m free pretty much all summer.” He paused and glanced up in thought briefly. “I’m… this weekend I have pre-existing engagements,” He partially lied for the first time since meeting Elias in the cafe; he could feel something in his bones, something pulling him out into a memory he didn’t own. Pent-up energy. He shook his head. “But I’m glad we met! It seems like it’s gonna work out great,” He gave Elias a smile. “How much stuff do you have to move? Should I hire someone to help?”
Elias lit up at the prospect of how soon he could have his own place, all the stuff he had in storage would finally have a place of its own. He didn’t have much, only the barebones. He didn’t put much thought into a living space since he tried to spend as much time out running around as much as possible. “That’s right, summers off. That must be a nice gig,” he mused for a moment. “Maybe I should be a professor…” He wiggled his brows before waving a hand in dismissal. “I’d be terrible at it.” He decided aloud with a smirk.  “I think so too!” He then spoke in return, a big grin returning to his features. “Oh, don’t worry about that. I just have a tiny storage unit with all the bare essentials. You know, a bed and dresser, some nightstands and cookware. Nothing too crazy. Already have my wardrobe in the hotel room. I don’t have much. Only thing that really takes up space is my collection of costume supplies.” He shrugged a shoulder. “No need to hire help, I’m a big boy. I can handle my own things. Just might need a hand with the dresser though.”
He let his mind wander at the possibilities of having someone around that was a lot like him, someone that would be interested in what he liked, and he could be interested in what they liked. It was something new, and he could feel in his bones that he’d just made an important connection, as cheesy as it sounded aloud. Yes, this was going to be the start of a beautiful friendship, Elias thought to himself.
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bambikisss · 2 years
Jaebeom was one of the newest inmates in the Seoul Prison, and with all of the new inmates, he had to go through psych evaluation… you just so happened to be the one doing it. Will you find the truth on why he was really there or will be one of his newest victims?
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Story Warnings: blood, violence, mentions of murder, slight mentions of sexual harassment, mentions of self-harm
Smut Warnings: choking, degradation, oral (male/female receiving), unprotected sex (keep it safe people)
Chapter 2: Exploration
You returned the next few months every other day. You two had become so close that he admitted that you coming was the highlight of his week. The small confession made you smile and blush. He had also gotten to the point where he was so comfortable that he offered information, rather than you having to pull it out of him. He hadn't mentioned why he committed the murder, only things surrounding his life; his parents, his cats, his friends.
He seemed like such a normal guy, but the image of him being so normal left you every day when a guard came in and rushed him out to put him in his cell for "everyone's safety." Everyone acted like he was this big serial killer but to you, he was just this man who liked cats and sang while he painted.
You did the same thing you always did when it came to appointments; come in, flick off the flirty guard, meet with Jaebeom for an hour, then leave. This would be the third month of meeting him. You actually had ended up looking forward to it, like meeting a friend for coffee or tea. As usual, you entered your office and placed the tazer into your desk to not alarm him, then rang the guard so he could be let in. Within a few moments, he would come in, sitting in the same uncomfortable chair with a smile as the guard would look at him like he was insane. Before you could say anything, he placed a small origami cat, a proud smile on his face. "I made it for you. I mentioned last session that I was working on my origami skills and thought you may like to see my progress," You smiled, picking up the cat and examing it closely. You were happy that he was comfortable enough to give you gifts, but knew that if the guards or your supervisor saw it, they'd both be in trouble. You placed it back down before offering him some praise, his eyes lighting up with your appreciation before he leaned back into his chair, manspreading as he usually did.
You guys talked more through the hour session, talking about his recent activities, his new cell roommate named Jackson who was the happiest guy he had seen in a while, among other things; how lonely he felt because he wasn't allowed to eat with other people still and was always chained up heavily.
You were writing down what he was saying when you heard him stop talking, your eyes moving up to meet his. "Why does the prison keep me in such a high-security area? Am I a monster or something?''
You could feel his heartbreak, his fingers fiddling with the chains that weighed down on his hands and now his heart. You also wondered why, getting up subconsciously to comfort the man, leaning down to hug him. He must've been surprised because he stiffened before relaxing, his arms hesitatingly wrapping around your waist as he returned the affection. That was the first time you had realized you were gaining feelings for him.
Once he left you once more, you met with your supervisor. You had some questions about your other patients but his first question was about Jaebeom. "Has he cracked, yet? I need some sort of explanation because his whole good guy, quiet guy act is bothering me." You stared at your supervisor in disbelief, watching as he made you both some coffee. You didn't know what he meant when he said that, but didn't have time to think about it when the lights over the office came on, red filling the room to show that there was a fight. Your eyes widened as you heard a guard yell at Jaebeom to move, you rushing out to see what happened despite your supervisor's words. You ran as fast as you could with your heels on, following the loud yells from the prisoners gathering and the guards yelling. You were about to turn a corner when you felt a hand clasp over your mouth, pulling you into an empty hallway.
You tried flailing against the man's touch, mad that you hadn't listed to your overprotective father and didn't take your pocket knife and pepper spray with you.
"Y/N! Stop, it's me!''
You stopped struggling against Jaebeom, who was not in the mob of prisoners or in the fight. He was instead in the empty hallway with you, holding you so your back was against his chest. You cleared your throat, looking up at him before moving away from him, your hands hurriedly fixing your outfit as he chuckled. You could've smacked him if you didn't find him so attractive, asking him what he was doing. He shrugged, moving so he was out of the window's view. "I saw you running out and got worried you would get hurt so I thought to hide you in here so you didn't get hurt," He admitted, rubbing his neck. You were shocked to see how he was acting, not understanding why he did it. He must've noticed how you were confused, so he pulled you so you were once again flush against his chest, looking down at you with his dark eyes. You'd never admit it to him, but under the red light of the alarm, he looked like a sin. His adam apple bobbed as his hand moved up from your wrist to your shoulder, then slowly down to your waist, as if he was trying to see how far he could go before you shove him. You gulped, letting his hand move, much to his delight. He leans down, his breath carefully hitting against your lips. You understood what he was hinting at, giving into the drunken feeling as you both connected your lips, your brain immediately becoming fuzzy as your lips molded well with his. He smirked into the kiss, picking you up before pinning you against the wall, his lips burning as he moved down to your neck, licking a long stripe to your collarbone before he returned his lips to your skin. You were no stranger to kisses and foreplay before sex, but he was making you feel so light-headed and you couldn't focus. Just as fast as the moment had started, you felt your legs unwrap from around you and return to the ground, then lips and heat leave your body. You opened your eyes, scanning the room for Jaebeom, only to see the double doors open, one of the guards question if you were OK or hurt due to your ''shruvled up and exhausted '' looking appearance. You couldn't find the words to give an excuse, only trying to think about where he went
and when could you get another taste.
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