#Noah Kagan
michellesanches · 5 months
Book Summary - “Million Dollar Weekend” by Noah Kagan
This book is a guide designed for aspiring entrepreneurs who are looking to jump-start their business ideas into profitable ventures over a short period of time. Kagan, an established entrepreneur known for his role in companies like Facebook and Mint.com, outlines a methodical approach to launching a business quickly and efficiently. Book Summary 1. Setting the Stage Kagan starts by…
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moneybizpedia · 6 months
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johnnyloueydelightsus · 7 months
Lots of nuggets dropped on this episode-The Tim Ferriss Show Transcripts: Noah Kagan — How to Launch a Million-Dollar Business This Weekend (#717) - The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
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silvr-skreen · 1 year
i should make a ray playlist solely for the joke of raylist. i think he'd find it funny. however. i cant decide the vibes im going for so it would likely suck.
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kennak · 3 months
キャリア開発の 3 つの段階: 1. 会議に参加したいです 2. 会議を運営したい 3. 会議を避けたい
XユーザーのNoah Kaganさん: 「The 3 stages of career development: 1. I want to be in the meeting 2. I want to run the meeting 3. I want to avoid meetings」 / X
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wolfsbanesbite · 1 year
i heard you want asks so I deliver but,,,,, I'm so in love with Noah Kagan's Dial Drunk like 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 it's not even out yet but it's playing on repeat in my head 🥲🥲🥲
please inform me if you would like some completely different kind of asks so I can deliver properly 👉👈
Oooh recently my new song obsession has been The Hanging Tree from The Hunger Games. I'm years late but I didn't want to see the Mockingjay movies after Mockingjay made me feel too depressed and I just thought the movies would be too much. Then I got into reading The Ballard Of Songbirds And Snakes and I just got suckered back into The Hunger Games and I'm almost done with Mockingjay part 2.
Fic asks are much welcomed or headcanons. Anything to get the creative juices flowing. ^^
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kayodekolade · 14 days
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Think like an entrepreneur - Transform your life.
Dear high performer,
Get ready to supercharge your week with this energizing edition of Sunday Soar🦅:
🙏 What I’m Grateful For,
📕 The Lesson I Learned Last Week,
👀 And What I’m Looking Forward To This Week.
⏩ If this hits home, pass it on to someone who needs a boost!
🙏 What I’m Grateful For
What really defines an entrepreneur?
An entrepreneur is someone bold enough to ask for what they want.
If you want that dream job...
Go out and ask for it.
If you feel you deserve a raise...
Don’t be afraid to request it.
Whether you're selling a product or pitching an idea, the secret is simple—ask.
People who’ve achieved remarkable success didn’t sit back and wait—they asked.
They took bold steps to land jobs, win scholarships, and unlock new financial heights.
This week’s blog explores 4 powerful entrepreneurial mindsets from The Million Dollar Weekend by Noah Kagan.
These can transform your approach to work, money, and life.
Click here to dive in👇
📕 Lesson I Learned Last Week
Do you live for Fridays, only to feel that Sunday afternoon slump creeping in?
You're not alone.
Living for the weekend can hold you back from reaching your full potential.
But the good news? It doesn’t have to be this way.
Shift your mindset, and you can start living every day like it’s the weekend.
Stop Living for The Weekend: 4 Powerful Ideas to Boost Your Productivity and Performance
Watch now 👇
👀 What I’m Looking Forward To
A huge thank you to everyone who joined last Sunday’s Money Mastery breakthrough session!
We had an incredible time unpacking the 9 Traits of Financial Power.
If you missed it, no worries.
The next Breakthrough Session is happening October 1st—mark your calendar.
Just a heads-up, there won’t be replays, so make sure to show up and make the most of it!
More details to come soon.
Thank you for tuning in to this week’s edition of Sunday Soar!
I’d love to hear your thoughts—drop me a comment.
Here’s to an extraordinary week filled with growth and bold actions.
Much love to you and yours.
Your Coach,
#dearhighperformer #tgim #thinklikeanentrepreneur
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levysoft · 1 month
Quando sono entrato al primo piano dell'edificio di Facebook su University Avenue, a Palo Alto, non ero sicuro di essere in una confraternita o in una startup.
C'erano cavi che cadevano dai soffitti, persone che correvano in giro e mi è stato detto di sedermi su un angolo della scrivania di qualcun altro.
Il mio nuovo capo è passato da me e ha detto che mi avrei trovato dopo pranzo. Fico! Poi qualcuno mi ha dato un laptop e ho appena iniziato a giocare sul web fino a quando in seguito mi è stato detto di prepararmi per un incontro improvvisato con Mark Zuckerberg in 30 minuti.
Mark entra nella riunione e dice:
“Ho appena licenziato il tuo capo, benvenuto su Facebook. Starai bene qui se non provi a vendere la mia azienda alle mie spalle.”
Ed è stato allora che il divertimento è iniziato davvero...
Lavorare su Facebook è stata la cosa migliore (e peggiore) che mi sia mai capitata.
Ero dipendente #30. Poi sono stato licenziato 9 mesi dopo.
Per molto tempo, sono stato amareggiato dal fatto che mi abbiano lasciato andare.
Ma le lezioni che ho imparato da Mark e Facebook hanno finito per aiutarmi a costruire AppSumo in un'azienda da 100 milioni di dollari all'anno.
10 lezioni non ovvie che ho imparato lavorando direttamente sotto Mark Zuckerberg:
1) Concentrati su UN obiettivo
“Mark, non siamo redditizi. Proviamo a vendere biglietti all'interno degli eventi di Facebook”, ho supplicato.
Ha detto di no.
Poi ha preso un pennarello dry-erase e ha scritto sulla lavagna: CRESCITA.
L'obiettivo di Mark era 1 miliardo di utenti.
Ogni idea che portavamo, chiedeva: "Questo aiuta la crescita o no?"
Se non stava guidando verso quell'obiettivo, non l'abbiamo fatto.
Non si cresce velocemente facendo molte cose, ma facendo UNA cosa estremamente bene.
2) Muoviti velocemente
Su Facebook, era normale lavorare più di 12 ore al giorno.
Una lunga notte.
Mark ci ha costantemente spinto ad avere un senso di urgenza. Uno dei suoi mantra interni era "Muoviti velocemente e rompi le cose".
"A meno che tu non stia rompendo le cose, non ti stai muovendo abbastanza velocemente". direbe.
L'idea era che avremmo tollerato una certa quantità di bug e difetti al servizio di muoversi più velocemente e imparare ciò che la nostra comunità voleva più velocemente.
Abbiamo spedito diversi aggiornamenti al sito ogni giorno. In confronto, aziende come Microsoft impiazzerebbero mesi per scrivere i dettagli del prodotto, discuterne in molte riunioni e infine costruirli.
Come startup, il tuo più grande vantaggio contro le aziende giganti è la velocità.
3) Assumere solo giocatori A PLUS
Mark assumerebbe solo persone per cui sarebbe felice di lavorare.
Anche il nostro team di assistenza clienti era pieno di dottorati di ricerca di Harvard.
Le persone di Facebook sono andate a trovare Asana, Quora, AppSumo 😉, OpenAI e altro ancora.
Quando sei in una startup, le prime dieci persone che assumi sono le più critiche. Ognuno costituisce il 10% dell'azienda. Se tre non sono fantastici, è il 30% della tua azienda!
Una startup dipende da grandi persone molto più di una grande azienda.
4) Tratta bene i tuoi dipendenti
Mark ha riconosciuto che avere un ambiente di lavoro in cui vuoi lavorare farebbe appello ai potenziali dipendenti e renderebbe quelli esistenti orgogliosi di essere lì (e rimanere più tardi di notte).
Facebook ha fatto un sacco di cose che sono la norma ora:
Un ufficio di lusso in uno dei quartieri più costosi della Silicon Valley
Stipendi iper competitivi
Sedie da ufficio da 1000 dollari per tutti
Comped PowerBook e BlackBerry
Deliziosa colazione, pranzo e cena serviti
Frigorifero fornito con qualsiasi bevanda tu possa immaginare
Tutte le spese pagate per i viaggi aziendali a Las Vegas
Happy hour gratuiti ogni venerdì
Servizio gratuito di lavanderia/lavaggio a secco
Alloggi sovvenzionati. 600 dollari al mese se vivi entro 1 miglio dall'ufficio.
Alloggiamento estivo/Cabina invernale che chiunque potrebbe usare
Le persone vogliono sentirsi riconosciute. Trattare bene i tuoi dipendenti migliora il lavoro e aumenta il morale.
Festa su Facebook anticipata
5) Gratta il tuo pritino
Molte persone iniziano attività in una categoria di cui non sanno molto o a cui non hanno interesse perché gli viene detto che è "caldo" o "di tendenza".
Hanno un lavoro come contabile, ma cercano di avviare un'attività che crea software per i creatori di contenuti.
All'inizio, Mark non ha mai avuto intenzione di costruire un'azienda. Stava solo cercando di aiutare a connettere le persone al college.
Ho iniziato AppSumo perché amavo i prodotti tecnologici e le offerte.
Molte delle migliori aziende non hanno deciso di diventare aziende. I fondatori hanno risolto un problema che hanno affrontato da soli e poi hanno condiviso la soluzione con gli altri.
Costruisci egoisticamente, condividi disinteressatamente.
6) Prestare attenzione ai dettagli
Ricordo che Mark mi ha mandato un'e-mail alle 3 del mattino dicendomi che ho perso un periodo in uno dei nostri documenti. Un periodo (!!)
Mark non ha accettato niente di meno che perfetto. Se pensava che qualcosa fosse una merda te lo direbbe e dovresti ricominciare da casa.
È stato meticoloso nel capitalizzare la "F" in Facebook. Mark mi ha anche regalato il libro Elements of Style (un libro di grammatica) per Hanukkah 😂
Mark ha fissato un alto standard di eccellenza per noi. È stato impegnativo, ma anche super gratificante.
7) Dai la proprietà alla squadra
Sorprendentemente, Mark non era super coinvolto nelle operazioni quotidiane. Ha codificato alcune volte, ma per lo più si è concentrato sulla visione macro.
È stato fantastico nel dare alle persone un obiettivo, alcuni confini e allenarle dai margini.
Gli ingegneri e i product manager potrebbero trovare funzionalità e costruirle senza bisogno dell'approvazione di nessuno.
Mark ha detto che voleva Facebook mobile, e ci ha permesso di capire i dettagli per fare la prima versione.
Quando la tua squadra si sente un proprietario, agirà come proprietario.
8) “Persone” non “Utenti”
Mark ci urlerebbe se dicessimo "utenti". Come urlare letteralmente.
"Sono esseri umani", urlava.
Umanizzare le persone che usano i tuoi prodotti ti permette di servirli meglio. Sei in grado di relazionarti meglio con i problemi che stanno affrontando rispetto al solo guardare i numeri.
Dall'altra parte di quel nome utente o indirizzo e-mail c'è un altro essere umano!
9) Tieni le persone giuste sull'autobus
Il mio capo è stato licenziato il giorno in cui ho iniziato. Il mio prossimo capo è stato licenziato un mese dopo. Sono stato licenziato in 9 mesi.
Mark è stato intenso nel mantenere le persone giuste sull'autobus.
Ha rimosso immediatamente le persone che stavano trattenendo Facebook e ha promosso rapidamente quelle che stavano aiutando Facebook a raggiungere i suoi obiettivi
Ad AppSumo, eseguiamo prove a pagamento con potenziali compagni di squadra prima di portarli a tempo pieno per assicurarci che siano la misura giusta.
10) Avere una visione grande
Eravamo tutti 20 anni quando a Mark è stato offerto un miliardo di dollari per vendere Facebook.
Quando ha detto di no, ha inviato un messaggio a tutti noi e al mondo.
Il suo obiettivo era quello di collegare l'INTERO mondo. Questo ci ha ispirato la merda.
Quando ero su Facebook tutto quello che facevo era pensare/parlare/sognare Facebook. Facebook era la mia ragazza. Non mi sembrava un lavoro, quindi ho messo tutte le mie ore.
Una grande visione è ciò che motiva le persone ad alzarsi e venire a dare il meglio in ufficio. Dà ai dipendenti un senso di scopo al di là del denaro.
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itsyourbizme · 2 months
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sporadiceagleheart · 4 months
Sorry for the long edit but I had to make it for today it's my edit called won't have to cry no more and in God's hands for Bella Marie “Bells” Rzucek, Nico Lee Rzucek, Celeste Cathryn “CeCe” Rzucek, Shan'ann Cathryn Rzucek, Samantha Joy “Sammie” Crespi, Tessara Kate “Tessa” Crespi, Maria Agnes Benko Barsi, Judith Eva Barsi, Bella Skye Edwards, Mylee Faith Billingham, 5-year-old Bella, Nadia Zofia Kalinowska, Star Hobson and Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, Little Jalayah Eason,Sherin Susan “Saraswati” Mathews, LillyAnn Grace Reck, Gabrielle Renae “Gabby” Barrett, Serenity Anne Deal, Emily Rae Canales, Mary Anne Welch, Teagan Batstone, Delilah Quinn Bieski, Elwyn Crocker Jr., Joseph Augustus “Boy in the Box” Zarelli, Luana Ketlen, Mia Ugalde-Jorris, https://images.findagrave.com/photos/2009/175/18788549_124596147061.jpg, Mary Ellen Wilson, Caroline and Madison Rae King, Leiliana Wright, Ava Jordan Wood, Mercedes Losoya, Mary Crocker, Lois Janes, Noah Cautro, Anthony Avalos, Gabriel Fernandez, Harmony Montgomery, Kayden Mancuso, Kyra Scott, Kyra Franchetti, Keira Kagan, Cherish Jackson, Zahra Ghulami, Bella Fontenelle, Nylah Lewis, Laura Hobbs and Krystal Tobias, Ellie Butler, Nevaeh Ager, Lola James, Tiba Al-Ali,22, Sophia Peters, Amyira Felder, Caylee Marie Anthony, Xiomara Jonsales Fernandez, Nixzmary Brown, Alexandra Flores, Adrianna Anderson, and Elisa Izquierdo,
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johnnyloueydelightsus · 8 months
Don't forget to purchase Noah Kagan's new book: Million Dollar Weekend!
Just pre-ordered @noahkagan’s new book Million Dollar Weekend launching Jan 30! Can’t wait to start my own million dollar business in 48 hours! 🚀 Grab it at milliondollarweekend.com
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joeahj · 5 months
1. Go looking for rejections just for the sake of getting rejections. Hone that ability to ask in the right way. After getting rejected, ask any of these questions: "Why not?", "Who is one person you know who would really like this?", "What would make this a no-brainer for you?", "What would you pay for that?". "The illusion of eventual pain you associate with taking that risk – what if you’re judged or look foolish or it doesn’t work – is a straightjacket on your potential.” Noah Kagan 2. Market validation is key. "If you can't try a lot of times, you can't do business...It is deadly to build a business without first verifying that there are paying customers... Validation is finding 3 customers in 48 hours who will give you money for your idea...Create the smallest possible version of what you're thinking (Minimum Viable Product) and then try to sell it As Soon As Possible." 3. Don't abandon anything before doing that 100x after ample experimentation from wrong decisions' input. 4. Set realistic, small goals.
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thatmcgwords · 5 months
The fear of rejection often stifles this ability, yet it's important to understand that rejection is not the antithesis of success but a stepping stone toward it. Embracing rejection as a form of progress and learning can transform the daunting task of asking into an empowering exercise that propels your venture forward. Remember, every “no” brings you closer to a “yes”, and the act of asking, regardless of the outcome, is a declaration of your commitment to your dream.
Viewing your business as a series of experiments not only diminishes the fear of failure but also encourages a mindset of learning and adaptation. Each experiment, whether it ends in success or failure, is a valuable lesson that shapes the trajectory of your venture. It's about embracing the messiness of the process, the inevitable setbacks, and the unexpected successes with equal enthusiasm.
At the core of this strategy lies the power of social media and email marketing, not just as tools for outreach, but as platforms for building relationships. Imagine a scenario where every post and email are not just seen as content but as personal letters to each member of your community. This is where the journey from followers to fans begins. It’s about recognizing that behind every like, every share, and every subscription, there's a person seeking connection, looking for reasons to support you and your venture.
But how does one build such a community? It starts with identifying your unique angle – your special sauce. This isn’t about fitting into a predefined box but about showcasing what makes you distinct. Whether it’s your expertise, your journey, or your perspective, it’s this uniqueness that attracts people. They don’t just follow you for your content – they follow you for you. By sharing your journey, your challenges, and your victories, you become relatable. You’re not just a face on their screen – you're a companion on their journey.
Choosing the right platform plays a crucial role in this. It’s not about being everywhere but about being where it matters most, where your presence resonates the most with your target audience. Whether it’s YouTube, Instagram, or LinkedIn, the choice depends on where your unique angle shines the brightest. And once you’ve chosen your stage, it's about consistency and engagement. Remember, building a community is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s about showing up, day in and day out, with content that adds value, sparks conversation, and invites participation.
The transition from community to customer base is where email marketing comes into play, transforming your audience into a vibrant and engaged email list. This isn't just a list of contacts – it's your direct line to your most engaged supporters. It’s about crafting emails that are not just informative but personal, making each subscriber feel seen and valued. When you share your stories, your insights, and your offers through email, you’re inviting them into a more intimate space, turning subscribers into supporters, and supporters into customers.
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wushigod · 7 months
Donald Trump was wrongly removed from Colorado’s primary ballot last year, the US supreme court has ruled, clearing the way for Trump to appear on the ballot in all 50 states.The court’s unanimous decision overturns a 4-3 ruling from the Colorado supreme court that said the former president could not run because he had engaged in insurrection during the January 6 attack on the US Capitol. The Colorado decision was a novel interpretation of section 3 of the 14th amendment, which bars insurrectionists from holding office. “We conclude that States may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office. But States have no power under the Constitution to enforce Section 3 with respect to federal offices, especially the Presidency,” the court wrote in an unsigned opinion. Congress, the court said, had to enact the procedures for disqualification under Section 3.“State-by-state resolution of the question whether Section 3 bars a particular candidate for President from serving would be quite unlikely to yield a uniform answer consistent with the basic principle that the President … represent[s] all the voters in the Nation,” the court added.Colorado’s presidential primary is on Tuesday and Trump had been allowed to appear on the ballot while the case was pending. Maine and a judge in Illinois had also excluded Trump from the ballot – decisions that are now likely to be quickly reversed.All nine justices agreed with the central holding in the case: that the Colorado supreme court had wrongly barred Trump from appearing on the ballot. But agreement did not extend beyond that. The majority opinion went on to say that the only way to enforce section 3 was by specifically tailored congressional legislation to determine which individuals should be disqualified for insurrection.But Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson all said that finding went beyond the scope of the case, with the liberal justices specifically saying the court was shielding insurrectionists from accountability.“The Court continues on to resolve questions not before us. In a case involving no federal action whatsoever, the Court opines on how federal enforcement of Section 3 must proceed,” the liberal justices wrote. ‘“These musings are as inadequately supported as they are gratuitous.”The court’s conservative majority, the liberal justices said, had made it nearly impossible to hold insurrectionists accountable. The court “forecloses judicial enforcement” of the provision, they wrote, and was “ruling out enforcement under general federal statutes requiring the government to comply with the law”. “By resolving these and other questions, the majority attempts to insulate all alleged insurrectionists from future challenges to their holding federal office,” they wrote.Barrett, a conservative also appointed by Trump, also did not fully embrace the majority’s opinion. “I agree that States lack the power to enforce Section 3 against Presidential candidates. That principle is sufficient to resolve this case, and I would decide no more than that,” she wrote.But she went on to rebuke her liberal colleagues for amplifying disagreement on the court.“In my judgment, this is not the time to amplify disagreement with stridency. The Court has settled a politically charged issue in the volatile season of a Presidential election. Particularly in this circumstance, writings on the Court should turn the national temperature down, not up,” she wrote. None of the opinions addressed a central and politically charged issue in the case – whether Trump engaged in insurrection on January 6.“While the supreme court allowed Donald Trump back on the ballot on technical legal grounds, this was in no way a win for Trump. The supreme court had the opportunity in this case to exonerate Trump, and they chose not to do so,” Noah Bookbinder, the president of Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington, the left-leaning group that backed the Colorado case, said in a stateme...
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art-of-manliness · 8 months
Podcast #963: Launch a Million-Dollar Business This Weekend
Have you always wanted to be an entrepreneur but don’t have an idea for a business? Or have you been sitting on a business idea for years but have never gotten going with it? Well, after listening to this podcast and by the end of this weekend, you can have a business started that could ultimately make you a million bucks. Here to walk you through the process of becoming a near-overnight entrepreneur is Noah Kagan. Kagan is the founder of AppSumo, a software deals site, and half a dozen other multi-million-dollar businesses, as well as the author of Million Dollar Weekend: The Surprisingly Simple Way to Launch a 7-Figure Business in 48 Hours. Today on the show, Noah and I first discuss the two biggest obstacles that hold people back from starting a business and how to overcome them. We then turn to the practicalities of coming up with and vetting a business idea, how to find your first customers, and how to keep growing from there. Along the way, Noah and I share insights into how we turned AppSumo and Art of Manliness, respectively, from side hustles into rewarding careers. Resources Related to the Podcast * Noah’s previous appearance on the AoM Podcast: Episode #315 — The Power of Small Experiments to Supercharge Your Success * AoM Article: The Company Man’s Guide to Starting a Side Hustle, Part I and Part II  * AoM Article: Want to Start a Business? Consider These 5 Invaluable Lessons Before Diving In * AoM Article: How to Start a Business with Limited Funds * AoM Podcast #344: The Art of the Side Hustle * AoM Article: Be Your Own Boss — 37 Side Hustle Ideas * AoM article on escaping the algorithm and using a RSS feed!  Connect With Noah Kagan * Million Dollar Weekend website * Noah’s website * Noah on X * Noah on IG * Noah on LinkedIn * Noah on YouTube Listen to the Podcast! (And don’t forget to leave us a review!) Listen to the episode on a separate page. Download this episode. Subscribe to the podcast in the media player of your choice. Transcript Coming Soon   The post Podcast #963: Launch a Million-Dollar Business This Weekend appeared first on The Art of Manliness. http://dlvr.it/T27z2j
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kalamana · 8 months
#2260 Noah Kagan, SHUT UP and take my $100!
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