#Noel breathes and finds a way to mention Julian
anciientboosh · 4 years
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Noel on Arctic Boosh
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riverfetus · 5 years
Fanfic Masterlist
A convenient place to find all the fics I’ve written since... god, maybe 2011. 
Motley Crue 
Call the Shots {Explicit. Nikki/Tommy.  Tommy figures out a more... interesting way to express his affections.}
Rebel Rebel {Explicit. Multi-chap, incomplete. Nikki/Tommy. tw mentions of rape. After a chance meeting at the bus stop, Tommy develops a liking for Nikki. The feeling is mutual, but Nikki keeps his personal life a mystery. The more that’s revealed, the more complicated things get. Can they stay on this ride together, or will one of them jump ship?}
You’re In Love With A Psycho {Nikki/Tommy. Tommy's married. Nikki is obsessed with him. Mick is not sure why he has to be involved.}
Heart Attack in Black Hair Dye {Explicit. Nikki/Tommy. Saga of a bad romance.} 
Gotta Get It Right {Nikki. Some way, somehow, he comes face to face with the past.} 
Bad Medicine {Explicit. Nikki/Tommy. In which Tommy looks really good in the shirt he's wearing, and Nikki can't calm his coked up ass down.}
Things We’ll Never Do Again {Nikki/Tommy. Three times Tommy and Nikki learned from their mistakes.} 
Take a Picture, It’ll Last Longer {Explicit. Nikki/Tommy. Nikki had always had mutual feelings for the seventeen year old Tommy, but would never let it go beyond a kiss. Nikki promises that will change on Tommy's eighteenth birthday. Smut ensues.}
Mighty Boosh
Give ‘em Hell {Julian/Noel. Good Omens!au. Julian and Noel receive the location of the hellhound. They must find it. All earthly life is at stake, you know.}
Messed Up {Julian/Noel. Julian was well drunk. From what he could tell from across the room Noel was too, and he wondered how on earth Noel could walk so well in heels while smashed. He got the answer to that question when he saw Noel trip over his own feet and almost eat the floor.}
Slash and Burn {Explicit. Julian/Noel. Even though he was slumped up against the wall of a strangers house holding a stiff drink in a red cup and surrounded by people he couldn't give a lesser shit about, he felt good. Maybe it was all the booze. Maybe it was Noel constantly staying right beside him to make him comfortable. He liked to think it was Noel. Or the pill that Noel had given him an hour ago.} 
Super Junior 
Volatile Seas {Heechul/Hankyung. We're entering dangerous waters, my boy.}
Chrysanthemum Terrace {Explicit. Multi-chap, incomplete. Heechul/Hankyung.  Two nations sick of war try to end things once and for all -- but what else will get caught in the cross-hairs?} 
Broken Angels {Explicit. Heechul/Hankyung. Hankyung thinks Heechul looks like a broken angel, one with hair like dark ashes that cries tears of blood.}
Carpe Diem {Heechul/Hankyung. Sometimes being social has it's benefits (and by benefits Heechul means hot guys in nice cars).}
Help Me Sleep! {Heechul/Hankyung. Heechul just can’t fall asleep.} 
Eremophobia {Heechul/Hankyung. Eremophobia is the morbid dread of being alone. It just took one more victim.}
Professional Griefers {Bandfic. They are the last disease. They may be hated, despised, but they still have some people in their corner.}
Look After You {Explicit. Heechul/Hankyung/Siwon. Siwon and Hankyung didn't notice it because they were just used to Heechul and his ways.}
Accepting Your Fate {Explicit. Heechul/Hankyung. In which Heechul insists he's not gay because he's married, but the quiet intern at the office changes everything.}
Ubiquitous {Heechul/Hankyung. From the moment they'd met, when they were just little kids in kindergarten, Hankyung knew Heechul was different.}
Light Up This Place {Explicit. Multi-chap, incomplete. James/Cliff, Lars/Kirk. From birth to death, the world takes what you give it. Whether it will give back to you, however, is for it to decide.}
Breathe Me In {Eli/Kibum. It was when they finally got home from the airport that he said it, when all the other members were off to bed and he and Kibum were still awake, leisurely sipping beer and sitting in the dimly lit living room of the dorm in an uncomfortable silence.}
My Chemical Romance 
The Stars Around Venus {Frank/Gerard. He's Gerard's muse, as he's been told.}
Alice Nine
Save Me From Myself {Saga/Tora. It's a personal battle with himself, how long he can last.}
My Own Private Idaho 
Struck by Lightning {Scott/Mike. In the midst of a storm.}
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littleredchucks · 6 years
@agarlandoffreshlycuttears another one for you! A bit of an analysis from a slice of a Dan and Jones fic. Thank you.
“Do you miss it?” he asked.
“What? Tits?” Jones said, spreading his fingers to peak through at Dan like a kid watching a horror film. “Nah. I’ve got yours remember. Why? You miss being with a woman? Need me to shave my legs?”
(I like to imagine that Jones really appreciates Dan’s tits and has shaved his legs in the past. Jones is grumpy with Dan in this fic but he’s still got that cheeky edge to him. Same with the image of him peaking through his fingers, there’s something about Jones as I imagine him that has that Noelish childlikeness.
“No,” Dan frowned. “I mean, do you miss being with someone fit and beautiful and...”
“Do you?”
( I actually find that I tend to write Dan/Jones dialogue with less description around it, like I want their words to flow faster. Also, I feel like Dan really does not think highly of himself and gets suspicious of the fact that Jones sticks around and likes him, because he’s not used to things going right. I also like playing with the idea that maybe Jones, for all his attention seeking noise and clothes -and general Noelness- might not think of himself as fit and beautiful, but thinks that Dan is.
Jones was still looking at him through his fingers but it was obvious (even to Dan) that he was upset and scared of what the answer might be.
“I am with the most beautiful person on the planet,” he told Jones sincerely. “You’re the one who settled.”
(Dan recognising his own obliviousness is something I really like and same as with a lot of my fics I’ve forced the characters to actually talk to each other. And I enjoy the image, and sound, of Dan saying that. The eyes, the voice, oh yes please thank you. Yet Dan can even make a confession of deepest affection self-deprecating.
“Dan,” Jones said softly, bringing his hands away from his face. “I haven’t settled.”
(Heavy handed imagery= Jones revealing his face to reveal his emotions and love. GAh. sorry.
Dan’s heart hit his throat with such force that he thought he might vomit and he looked away before he had to see pity in Jones’s eyes.
“So, we’re not...”
(Gah, Dan always seeing the worst. Jones gives him his heart and Dan misunderstands. Always. I think it’s a rule. Dan doesn’t like to believe that something will go right. It’s one of the reasons I love to write him. Gotta force the hope and happy in to the man any way you can!
“No!” Jones exclaimed. “I mean, no. No, I mean, yes! We are! We definitely are! Shit. What I mean is... Dan I fell for you the first time you sat next to me in Creative Writing 101 and your knee bumped my knee and you didn’t apologise or jerk away from me. You called our lecturer a cunt under your breath and complimented the doodle I’d drawn of him in my notebook. I haven’t settled,” he said, taking one of Dan’s large hands in his two small ones. “I got lucky. I got you.”
(One of my absolute favourite things about writing Jones is coming up with scenarios about how they met. Cos Jones’ character is left so vague in the show we basically get to take his story wherever we like and weave it in with what we know about Dan. I like the idea that Jones and Dan have known each other a long time, because there is that easiness about their interactions in the show - which is almost definitely because it’s Julian and Noel and they have chemistry whether they’re trying or not, just on screen together it happens, and so it’s simple to imagine they’ve been close for a long time. Sorry I said cunt. I’m Australian and it’s considered a little less offensive here and I can imagine Dan saying it. I like the world of Nathan Barley because I get to swear a lot in it, it’s a nice outlet sometimes. Also I’ll never get tired of the image of those large, long fingers hands entwined with those short, stubby ones. Makes me happy.
Dan looked down at their linked hands and placed his plastered hand over the top. It wasn’t perfect but it would have to do for now.
(Ah, the cast. Cos this is post jump and Dan’s brain draws attention to the imperfections. But he’s also building on that. I am determined to give Dan more happiness.
“Eventually,” he whispered.
Jones chuckled.
“Yeah, eventually. Wish we couldn’t sorted ourselves out sooner but at least we got there, yeah? And I don’t regret that. I don’t regret you. I love you. Oh,” he murmured. “Sorry.”
“Fuck, Jones,” Dan whispered hoarsely. “Don’t make me cry in the middle of the fucking markets.”
“Me too.”
(I like this exchange very much. Thanks for asking me to do a little analysis on this bit, I actually don’t hate it and that’s rare for me when looking back at my own writing. The words ‘I don’t regret you. I love you.’ are pretty personally important to me. Also, gruff Dan trying not to cry, that’s a word picture I like to paint. The sorry’s are a call back to the argument earlier in the fic, that Dan’s not good at the public displays of affection and doesn’t like Jones saying it. As much as Jones was angry about Dan telling him off for saying ‘I love you’ when he says it here he’s genuinely sorry that he might have upset Dan more.
They sat in silence as the sky faded from orange to purple, until Jones sniffed and gave Dan’s good hand a squeeze.
(I probably mention sunset colours too often in my writing...
“Shall we just go home then?”
“Nah,” Dan said, taking a deep breath to clear out the emotion from his voice. “We’ve got a blazer to buy and boobs to peruse and vodka to imbibe.”
Jones gave him a grin that seemed, for a moment, to light up the closing night and Dan couldn’t help but smile back.
(My way of mentioning the sunshine smile without actually saying it. And I like the idea of Dan breathing the emotions out so he doesn’t have to hold them in. He’s done with the emotions and he’s do the determined thing. He’s basically ceding the argument to Jones without saying as much because actually agreeing or admitting he’s wrong is not something he’d do, but he’s happy to pretend it was his idea.
“Whipped cream flavoured vodka,” he reminded.
(There may have been a time in my life when I drank quite a bit of really cheap whipped cream flavoured vodka. Mmm. Fun times.
“Mm, my favourite.” The grin increased. “And maybe we can start, you know, kissing... before we get wankered.”
Jones blinked, but the grin stayed in place.
“What if there are people there who know you?” he asked. Dan shrugged.
“Fuck ‘em.”
“I’m not that much of a slut.”
Dan let out a laugh through his nose.
“You know what I mean.”
“Yeah, I do,” Jones nodded. “Thanks, Dan.”
(Dan Ashcroft’s preferred way of expressing his love. Also, I like this exchange too. Cheers for reminding me of it. I like writing snippets of Dan and Jones, just bits of their conversation, because in my head they have a really easy sort of banter I guess. Also, I like that Jones is pretty relaxed about his sexuality and sexual history, and that he knows how to make Dan laugh.
“You’re welcome,” Dan told him before schooling his face back to its usual scowl. “Now mush! I can’t wheel myself around and I have a ‘pretty good’ DJ to see and ‘cool’ people to sneer at.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Jones laughed, standing up and walking around to take control of the wheelchair once more.
(And they fall back in to character. Despite being a dag Dan actually tries hard to maintain his grumpy persona. I always struggle a bit with endings. I know this isn’t quite the end but it’s close and I always have this thing of trying to wind a story down and tie it up, dragging myself toward the end as I try to find the perfect last line. I like stories that end in a similar way to how they begin. I like when it circles back a bit but with closure. They start off with Dan being wheeled through town by Jones and them both being genuinely grumpy, Dan not wanting to be pushed, Jones keen to get them moving, now they end with Dan a lot more secure and telling Jones to hurry up and push and Jones pretending to not like taking Dan out on the town. Maybe, I think. I’m by no means an expert at it but I tend to try and do that, especially when it’s a little, snippet, slice of life, type story, like a few minutes out of their life. Sorry. But thank you for reminding me of this one. It’s not as bad as I thought it was.
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The Listener
Author: Gothimp
Year: 2008
Rating: R
Pairing: Noel/Random Girl, Noelian
Noel. He can tell from the unmistakable click of Cuban heels on lino. “Great! There’s nobody here. Quick. In here.” A girl giggles. The cubicle door bangs closed and the lock clicks. Oh great - he has a girl with him, thinks Julian. Julian had been making an effort to enjoy the club. Not really his sort of thing, but he had to be there. He had slipped away from the crowd while Noel was distracted by a pretty girl – the same one? – and sought refuge in the gents. He is now sitting on the toilet lid in one of the cubicles, head down, heels of his hands pressing into his eye sockets, enjoying a moment of peace and quiet in cool surroundings. Slurpy, kissy-noises. Not the first time Noel has ended up in the bogs with a girl. Or a boy. Or both. Julian doesn’t understand why anybody would want to get up to anything in here. The floor is wet and the place smells of urinal cakes. “Hmm,” says Noel. “Mph,” says Girl. And, of course, there’s the constant traffic of drunken clubbers. Not exactly private – anyone can see how many pairs of feet there are by glancing under the cubicle door Heavy breathing. Girly giggling from both. And the cubicle walls have no soundproof properties whatsoever. In fact, every little noise echoes around the tiled room. Right now, it sounds like they’re snogging for Britain. Julian is reminded of Noel’s lips. He knows what they feel like – they have done “the pash” plenty of times for the show, and for the benefit of their friends and fans in pubs and clubs all over the country. “Oh, Noel.” Rustle of fabric against flesh. No wonder she’s enjoying herself. Noel is an expert with that little mouth of his. Embarrassed as he is to admit it, Julian’s cock invariably begins to swell whenever Noel wraps his arms around him and presses their mouths together. Much as it’s swelling now, actually. If Noel has noticed, he’s never mentioned it. He probably takes it for granted – he is “sexiest male”, after all. “Heh heh. Like that, do you?” “Mmmm.” Julian tries not to think about what Noel might be doing with the girl right now. It doesn’t seem… appropriate for him to be thinking about his friend that way. But he is fascinated; curious to find out what it is that Noel does to make women throw themselves at his Chelsea-booted feet. Julian settles back against the cistern, taking care to be very quiet, not wanting to betray his presence. “Can’t let the other one feel left out.” Sound of suckling. Ahh – so that’s what he’s doing. In spite of Julian’s better judgement, his mind paints a picture of Noel’s hands on bare flesh, lips brushing against erect nipples. Julian’s flesh. Julian’s nipples. More slurping. “Ohhh. Mmmm.” Julian’s erection is now rather prominent and is demanding attention. He tentatively eases a hand to the front of his trousers. “Shhh! Someone might hear.” “Sorry… just… hmmm.” Panting. He rubs, very gently, afraid the friction of his rough palm against cotton will make a sound. Julian is suddenly very keen to avoid disturbing Noel, and to see how this ends. More rustling. “Ooh!” “Thought you’d like that.” “Yeah. I think you’ve done that before.” Rounding third base, the cheeky vixen. Julian imagines Noel’s delicate fingers exploring his nooks and crannies; cupping his balls in a soft palm; walking his fingertips along his length. Julian continues to rub, keeping it slow, gentle, concentrating on keeping his breathing steady and – most importantly – silent. Little kissy noises. Lots of them. Girl moans. Both are breathing deeply. Julian brings his spare hand up to his chest and strokes his nipples through his shirt. His cock jerks at each touch, straining against his trousers and palm, and Julian quickly falls into a rhythm of alternate tweaking with one hand and kneading with the other. “Oi! Hands off! I’m not finished with you yet.” Julian pulls his hands away at Noel’s exclamation, then chides himself for his foolishness. Julian is harder than he had believed was possible under these circumstances. He is aching and his trousers feel very much tighter than when he bought them. Girl giggles. Heavy breathing. Julian considers whether he can relieve then pressure around his groin without advertising his presence to the couple in the adjacent cubicle. Perhaps, but probably not a good idea. That’s his best friend in there. Julian thinks of Julia and the boys and feels a twang of guilt. Yet more rustling. “Uh-uh. Not that.” Shuffling feet. Moaning and slurps. Then again, he’s not technically cheating. What is the World coming to if a grown man can’t have a wank without getting his girlfriend’s permission first? A zip is unfastened slowly. “Hello!” “Like what you see? Why don’t you touch it?” Giggling. “Mmmm!” Julian makes a decision. The button on his trousers pops open with a quick movement of finger and thumb. Julian grips the zip-pull and begins to drag it downwards. It is an agonisingly drawn out process, a couple of millimetres at a time, the contents of his boxers straining to be free, not enjoying being made to wait. “More...” “Shh! I thought I heard something.” Noel whimpers pathetically. Julian freezes. Holds his breath. Feels blood draining away from his cock. “Oh, for God’s sake don’t stop.” Kissing. Breathing. It’s okay. Julian eases his hands down past the waistband of his boxers. He resists the urge to gasp as his calloused fingers make contact with taut, silky-smooth skin. Shuffling. Fabric moving against flesh. “Ohh.” Julian’s erection has recovered admirably, and he slips his fingers around the shaft. With a feather-light grip, he begins to stroke. Wet slurps. Appreciative groans. “Hmm.” Julian is incredibly sensitive, and every movement of his hand sends little electric shocks to his stomach. It won’t take much longer, but he has no intension of stopping or slowing down. “What you just did. Do that again.” Little choking noises. “Oh yes. That’s it.” Julian closes his eyes and imagines Noel with his head thrown back, mouth open, sweat beading on his forehead. Brow furrowed as he concentrates on remaining upright. Fighting to stay in control, and knowing that he’s going to fail. “Ahh. Keep going.” The thought of Noel’s face as he fights his futile battle against the inevitable causes Julian to let out a deep, throaty groan. Fortunately, it seems to go unnoticed – his neighbours apparently too pre-occupied with their own activity to pay much attention to what might be going on elsewhere. Julian takes a deep breath, holds it, and presses his lips together, not trusting his vocal cords to behave themselves if he allows himself to breathe. “Ohhh… I can’t…” Right there with you, little man. Julian continues with his ministrations, making little squelching noises with each purposeful tug. “I have to…” Julian pictures Noel, wide-eyed and desperate. Vulnerable. Completely at the mercy of the person working his dick. Julian hopes the girl appreciates the power she has at this moment. “Ahh!… Hahhh!… Ohhhh.” Julian’s mind zooms in on the shape of Noel’s lips as they contort to make the vowel sounds he’s hearing. Julian’s body spills warm relief over his hand. Girl gulps, then giggles. “That was alright, I take it?” “Didn’t suck.” Julian allows his head to fall backwards against the cistern. He is happy, relaxed and grinning. Click of the lock on the cubicle door. “Coast’s clear. Let’s get out of here.” ~ * ~ Years from now, Julian will confess all of this to Noel. “I knew you were there all along, you great Northern lump!” Julian will stare dumbly at Noel. “I always look under the doors to check that no-one’s there. I recognised your stupid brown shoes.” “But… you still...?” “Well, yeah. Why wouldn’t I?” Noel will draw Julian into a wonderfully warm, intense, chaste hug, and life will go on as before.
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