#Arctic boosh
tundrafloe · 2 years
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In a 1999 interview with their fanclub, Julian and Noel discussed the writing of Arctic Boosh!
Noel: “There's a thing in this show that I keep making him do again and he's like “I don't want to do it anymore.” When he says “I'm going to go out on my own to the Arctic” and it’s going to be a one man journey to find himself, “just me on my own…you coming??” He's supposed to be going on his own and then he asks me to go”
Julian: “It’s a really crap joke but I never deliver it right. We know it’s funny but it'll take a while before we do it right, it never works.”
Noel: “We'll be doing it forever.”
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vince-noir-666 · 1 year
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"Fresh faced Boosh boys after a performance of Perrier Award nominated show ARCTIC BOOSH".
2000 / Arctic Boosh Live Julian Barratt, Noel Fielding
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themightybooshfan · 1 year
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theblackwomb · 7 months
Captain F. R. M. Crozier RN and Commander James Fitzjames taking magnetic readings at Beechey Island, 1845. (Colourised)
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rabbitintheroad · 2 years
Celeb Crush List:
1. Rik Mayall
2. Brian Molko
3. Daniel Howell
4. Noel Fielding
5. Alex Turner
6. Arin Hanson
7. Matt and Ryan from Supermega (equal)
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peacocknaboo · 1 year
Arctic Boosh. Edinburgh Festival 1999.
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do-you-have-a-flag · 1 year
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alex-lea-holder · 2 years
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Disorder Magazine || October, 2007
Porn. A junkie fox. Gary Numan. Brain cells. The Horrors. What do all these things have in common? Absolutely F*ck all, except that they are all ingredients of the return of the Mighty Boosh. So come with us on a journey through clown psychology and French MTV presenters as we talk to Howard T.J. Moon (Jazz Maverick) and Vince Noir (Goth Fairy), otherwise known as Julian Barratt and Noel Fielding. Since the second series aired in the summer of 2005, The Mighty Boosh has returned to the live arena (It began life at the Edinburgh Festival in 1998) and picked up more critical acclaim than Arctic Monkeys worshipping off The Arcade Fire. The shows acid-frazzled mix of the surreal and the mundane has seen Barratt and Fielding achieve the kind of celebrated counter-culture status that most bands would drown their drummer for and that has broadsheet papers awkwardly bandying about words like 'hip'. Quintessentially, they have become Rock 'n' Roll stars without actually being Rock 'n' Roll stars. How do you feel about that tag? Julian: "It's alright, thank you." Noel isn't feeling the need to be quite so modest about it: "We're more rock 'n' roll than most bands. A lot of bands are boring. I've been out with lots of bands, and its the same old thing. We like running around and having a bit of mischief." Julian doesn't agree: "You guys do, I go to the library." Noel concurs: "Julian goes to the British library and looks at the fossils." Julian: "When I go out I go OUT. When I go out I go large. I don't go out much, but when I do I have fights... water fights." In case it wasn't already more obvious than a Kanye West sample, it can be difficult to determine where Moon and Noir end and Barratt and Fielding begin. So what can we expect of the third outing from Dalston's most demented (rumoured to be called series four so that future generations will wonder what happened to the third series)? "A lot of porn," says Noel, "And Julian's going to put his face in a coat hanger." It is probably helpful to note at this juncture that this is possibly a misleading statement as Julian is in fact putting his face in a coat hanger as Noel is speaking. He is not doing anything pornographic however. The third series of the Mighty Boosh sees Howard and Vince working in Naboo's second hand shop situated below their flat from the last series. Julian says that the change of setting came about because: "We wanted the magic to come to us rather than going off across the universe to find it, so we thought we'd put the weirdness into the shop. We go to different places but they are always inside someone's hat or inside someone's body so we're going into weird... inner spaces." Noel begins laughing at Julian: "Inner spaces?"
Julian claims it was a challenge for them to think of ways for Howard and Vince to go on their epic adventures within the confines of the shop. "We wanted to have something a bit normal before we went weird. When you do dialogue inside an elephants trunk or something you (the audience) are thinking more about the fact that you're inside an elephants trunk rather than about what we're saying. Some stuff works better in a more mundane environment." Noel: "Elephants trunk?" He turns to Disorder, "You know what he's saying? You getting this?" Noel gives an example of how Howard and Vince will meet the successors to Old Gregg and the Bongo Brothers through the shop. One episode sees Howard go inside Vince's body. All the characters he encounters within are parts of Vince's body, such as brain cells, played by Noel. Noel confesses he'd spent so much time concentrating on other parts of the show that he was forced to come up with these characters just before the scenes were filmed: "I had about five minutes to do a French MTV presenter and a fashion character and I just had no idea, I've never done a French accent in my life!" Another episode sees Julian, who wanted to play more villains in this series, appear as a 'sort of junkie fox who lives in the rubbish'. The appearance of Razorlight and Roger Daltrey in the last series are reprised in the new one by funeral parlour pinks The Horrors and electropop pioneer Gary Numan. Noel and Julian met the Horrors at the NME awards and cast them as 'a band with really thin legs'. Or themselves essentially. "We needed a band with thin legs," says Noel, "We thought we've got to get them because their legs are so thin - they're like arms or spiders legs aren't they?" Noel originally wanted the part to go to Brighton psychobillies The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster, who he describes as 'my favourite band ever', but decided their legs just weren't thin enough. Hype-mongers Towers of London also appear in the new series as a punk band, a status some may say they have yet to achieve in real life. It's easy to see how an appearance in The Mighty Boosh might appeal to a band. Like smoking Jimi Hendrix's bones, pretending to be into Sun Ra or having your photo taken with Beth Ditto, it instantly provides an impression of innovation, style and wit that many of today's middling beat combo's so obviously lack. Julian doesn't agree that there are those who would use them as bolt-on credibility. "There's a lot of bands out there who don't need our credibility. The Arcade Fire approached us, and The Shins, they don't need us." Noel says he's 'blown away' that the likes of Noel Gallagher, Paul Weller, Kasabian and Jack White are fans of the show. He excitedly recounts tales of hanging out with the Twang and Kings of Leon at the NME awards, reinforcing the Boosh's rock credentials. "We were really pleased to have won something so we were really pissed. Naboo... Naboo will take you down. The Boosh are all quite good partyers actually. Naboo, Bob Fossil... we haven't got anyone who lets the side down. It's like four Keith Moons." A decade of writing together hasn't seen a Lennon and McCartney-like competitiveness spring up between them. "It's pretty obvious whose joke is for whose character," says Julian, "His (Noel's) character is more funny in terms of being more verbally immediate. Howard is very rarely witty; he's a bit of an idiot. It's like clown psychology. Who is your clown? Does your clown fall over? Or does he get hit in the face?" The man's given this a lot of thought. Noel is obviously very protective of the Mighty Boosh. When asked if anyone else has an input into the shows content, even only in the capacity of quality controller, Noel says that it is all down to him and Julian. "Everyone's got an opinion on comedy and on humour because everyone thinks they're funny but not many people spend ten years in a room writing together. We've got strong opinions on whats we write and we know what is funny."
Is he concerned that given it's garish costumers and sets, nonsensical storylines and absurdist humour it can be easily assumed that The Mighty Boosh is wacky in the way that those dickheads who wear jesters hats at festivals are wacky? "We've worked hard on story lines and most of that stuff (the surreal stuff) comes out for a reason. So it's not that wacky, even the stuff that's more free-form. It's really difficult to make it look effortless," says Noel, "If you just sat in a room and went 'Woh! Apple cores made of jealousy!' it wouldn't be funny. People would go 'this is shit'." Julian: "That is quite funny." This is surely the crux of The Mighty Boosh's success, that it manages to strike the delicate balance of managing to portray a world that resembles a bad acid trip through a sexually deviant Disneyland without ever stumbling into the kind of forced zaniness associated with braying undergraduates and Chris Evans that has all right thinking people wanting to shoot the latter in both eyes with a nail gun. As Noel says: "It took us 10 years to get to this spot so we're not going to suddenly start listening to people who didn't get it in the first place. A lot of people need to be told what's good and what's bad anyway." But do they fear mainstream success? That the Boosh will become so popular that it will have its soul sucked out by hordes of slack-jawed rubes desperate to bawl catchphrases for eternity, baying for Milky Joe cookie jars and Kodiak Jack back scratchers for Christmas? It is something that has clearly crossed their minds.
Noel: "A lot of my favourite bands aren't massive, massive bands and I like that because then you get 10 years of them rather than two years. At the moment everyones like 'Whats next? Whats new? Whats next?' So everything becomes really disposable. It was literally a year with Little Britain from everyone saying 'they're amazing' to 'I hate them'." The Boosh's main players both claim that they never set out to make a show that was hugely popular. They say that The Boosh is a cult show not because not too many people have caught onto it, but in its essence. It's references, such as Rick James and Frank Zappa, are not universal but inspirational to them.
"Monty Python did it," concludes Noel. "Even once they went mainstream they managed to retain their edge and that's the trick isn't it? In the end we just try and please ourselves which hopefully will be the thing that saves us."
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Yeah, I don’t mean to sound unsympathetic to all this, but what’s this got to do with the people we’re asking about?
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That's just what I was getting to.
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It was a particularly cold day when it happened.
*December 17th, 2025, Nuuk, Greenland*
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Guuh, I’m so sick of the snow...
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You wouldn’t be so cold if you got up and moved around.
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Says the guy wearing a coat. Lemme borrow it, you can take my spot.
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You’re the one who volunteered to be the lookout!
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Guugh, Missy, when’s the boat supposed to get here?
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Please stop bickering and I’ll tell you.
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The captain said they’d be arriving with an hour. From there, they’ll take us to Newfoundland, and we can take a plane back to the United States.
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Assuming the sea ice doesn’t keep us boxed in until the spring.
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Echo? What do you make of all this?
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Yeah, can you see anything?
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Hmmm...lemme think...
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I...I don’t really know...
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Your powers worked before, didn’t they?
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Because we were in danger. It’s how I managed to keep us on a safe route up to here, but...I don’t really know if I can force it.
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Don’t pressure yourself, Echo. You’ve done well up to now.
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Yeah, but if I could give us an advantage over them, maybe make sure we all get home, I should keep trying to figure this out, shouldn’t I?
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I don’t wanna feel useless...
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You’re not useless, Echo.
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That’s right. Your power is so knew, it’s not fair to punish yourself about not knowing to use it.
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I know, I’m just gonna try and focus...maybe I can get-
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Echo? What’s wrong?
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...I saw them.
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Them? The boat, or the Project?!
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Th-The-The Project! They’re coming!
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Again?! Why can’t they just leave us alone?!
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Stay calm, everyone! Remember our plan! We’ll head for the docks, and if necessary, confront them there!
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We’d been preparing for this for several days now, coming up with plans in the event they came for us.
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But we weren’t expecting what happened.
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There they are!
*In the distance, a group of snowsuit-wearing men with guns converge on the edge of town*
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Oh no...
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Sei, you head to the docks. I’ll find a way to draw their attention and meet you guys there.
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Lyle, no! I’m not leaving you behind!
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Don’t argue with me! Someone has to-
*A huge burst of white light and snow flurries erupts in front of the PP personnel, sending them flying back*
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Whoa...what the hell was that?
???: That, buddy, was a flashbang arrow!
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Who’s there?
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Up here!
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My name’s Tamon Mayumi, and I’m here to get you guys home.
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You...y-you are? Oh my god, yes, please!
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And why should we trust you?
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You did just see me take out that whole group of guys with an arrow, right?
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We can’t wait though, they’ll probably be back up soon!
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We’re not going anywhere until you prove this wasn’t a ruse to get us on your side.
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Lyle! Sei!
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Guys! There’s a helicopter here!
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A what?!
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Help has arrived! Let’s get out of here!
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Told you! Now c’mon, let’s go!
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Phew...I can’t believe we got out of there.
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You guys were in a tight spot back there. Glad we managed to find you in time.
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Yes, and we greatly appreciate the rescue, but who exactly are you?
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I’m Esumi Masa, and this is my colleague Tamon Mayumi.
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I’ve been investigating your disappearances.
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Ah yeah...we’ve been away from home longer than we realized...
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I’m sorry we couldn’t find you all sooner. The Kisaragi Foundation only picked up your ship as it past near Japan, and then Ota-san and Konno-san disappeared not too long afterward.
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We tracked you all to the arctic, and so I called up Mayumi-chan.
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I live in Amsterdam, so when I heard about the situation, I came to help.
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So, the signal was picked up by more than just the Project?
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Yep, we’re gonna make sure you all are safe from now on.
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Returning home proved...difficult, I’m afraid.
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At the very least, they were able to provide a proper funeral and some closure for the families of those affected. We’ve had to remain in Japan for the time being.
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giraffefeather · 1 month
Mediocre Mermay 1-8, but I just wanted to participate, art quality be damned.
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1. Crown + Crackfox (The Mighty Boosh)
2. Lava + Lucio (The Arcana)
3. Alien + Elliott (Stardew Valley)
4. Turtle + Sandal (Dragon Age)
5. Arctic + Vince Noir (The Mighty Boosh)
6. Death + Plague Doctor
7. Pearls + Blackwall (Dragon Age)
8. Punk + Harvey (Stardew Valley)
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tundrafloe · 9 months
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In 1999, Noel and Julian talked to the Edinburgh Evening News about "Arctic Boosh".
Noel: "When it's been a good show, I honestly believe I'm in a Post Office and I've gone to the Arctic."
Julian: "You do sometimes feel that there's some sort of magic, weird, chemistry thing going on. It's like being a kid when you convince yourself you're in a different world."
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lilithapril · 3 months
ABOUT ME ☾ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
hihi! my name is lilith april, you can call me both or either i don't mind <3, i'm 26yrs old, my pronouns are she/her, infp, and most importantly: i make art and i'm an aspiring illustrator.
always happy to chat with ppl about anythingggg so pls feel free to send me a message :3
TIME TO YAP ☾. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
⋆ watching:
fave movies — donnie darko, the crow, fight club, bones and all, call me by your name, signs, the village, 28 days later, the unnecessary death of charlie countryman, the princess bride, dungeons and dragons: honour amongst thieves, saltburn, entergalactic
fave shows — peaky blinders, bobs burgers, moon knight, absolutely fabulous, mighty boosh, arcane, stranger things, love death and robots, cowboy bebop, sailor moon, jujutsu kaisen, the boys
⋆ listening to:
bands —  sleep token, low roar, holding absence, manic street preachers, afi, arctic monkeys, the smiths, general fiasco, motley crue, dio, the cure, måneskin, ghost, deftones, bad omens, slipknot, fightstar, the devil wears prada, spiritbox, chase atlantic, thornhill, imminence, unprocessed, polyphia, the goo goo dolls, txt, stray kids
artists — ethel cain, SZA, amy winehouse, david bowie, tyler james, jordan stephens, phoebe bridgers, zeph, ariana grande, dreamer isioma, aurora, poppy, madison beer, benee, harry styles, doja cat, megan thee stallion, tokio hotel, joji, djo, post malone, rihanna, lana del rey, mitski, childish gambino, billie eilish, halsey, melanie martinez, clairo, yungblud, matt watson
⋆ comfort characters:
astarion ancunin (baldurs gate 3), eddie munson (stranger things), emily kaldwin (dishonored 2), viktor (arcane), jinx (arcane), prompto argentum (final fantasy 15), reno sinclair (final fantasy 7), steven grant (moon knight), elio perlman (cmbyn)
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plungermusic · 2 years
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“What the folk are those old fools on about now?”
Plunger probably aren’t the greatest authorities on the world of folk music (being singularly lacking in chunky knits, pipes, or CAMRA membership cards) but we like to think we know quality when we hear it, no matter how you pigeonhole it.
The traditional celtic harp of Chloe Matharu is probably as far from Plunger’s comfort zone as you can get but her debut album Small Voyages is a highly atmospheric evocation of a life spent by, and on, the high seas. With most tracks drawing inspiration from her career as a merchant marine navigational officer, the harp is put to good use in watery effects: tinkling like highlights on waves as in the title track, and in flowing arpeggios on Floodplains, while it’s equally at home conjuring the breezy sea thrift meadow swirl of the waltz-time Change Of Light and pizzicato music box chirrups of Arctic Terns.
Chloe began her musical career (before she gained more confidence in her harp playing) singing unaccompanied, which may explain the limpid clarity and delicate-yet-powerful quality of her voice: with elements of Denny, Haslam, Hopkins and Prior plus lots of Baezish vibrato (beautifully controlled, as best demonstrated in gradual slowing at line-ends in the title track) and a lithe suppleness that perhaps reflects her Welsh/Scots/Punjabi heritage having hints of highland puirt à beul (‘the mouth music’) and Hindustani raga particularly in some of the more ecstatic high harmonies, vaulting melodies and fluttering vibrato passages.
Other celtic influences surface in the uillean pipe-like melody of Floodplains and the anthemic pibroch progression of Ships In The Night, and producer Brian McDonald’s occasional additions of accordion, fiddle, bodhran and (Plunger assume) a very penny whistle-sounding synth. Brian’s other synth contributions include a low string-effect rumble that underpins Change Of Light, and bursts (together with drums) like breakers on the shore in the rather Enya-ish opener Catching A Free Ride.
In amongst the folky, airy reverie two tracks break the mould a little: Clyde Islands, with piano (again from Brian) taking the lead and some tricksyish rhythms from percussion, ventures more into folk-rock progressions with classic 70s ‘quiet bits’ and yer actual blaggada-boosh band break-in with full kit and squeezebox/synth whistle unison solo; while the excellent Frozen World’s dark, lyrically-dense invocation employs bodhran, ‘whistle’, and ‘bass’ in a hypnotic circular melody that’s strikingly dancefloor-like.
There’s also some judicious use of natural world SFX (recorded by Chloe herself on her trips) of seabird calls, lapping water and the like (watch out for the right-channel thunder on floodplains, Plunger spent a minute or two trying to work out who was thumping about outside until realising what it was…)
Although pretty brief at only 35 minutes long this is still a spellbinding, enthralling ‘small voyage’ round Chloe’s watery world.
Small Voyages is out now, available to order/stream here: https://girlandaharp.bandcamp.com/album/small-voyages
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Richard Ellef Ayoade is born June 12, 1977, in Whipp's Cross, London. He will become an actor, comedian, writer, director, and television presenter. He will be best known for his role as the socially awkward IT technician Maurice Moss in the sitcom The IT Crowd, for which he will win the BAFTA for Best Male Comedy Performance. He will serve as the president of Footlights at St Catharine's College. He and Matthew Holness will debut their respective characters Dean Learner and Garth Marenghi at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, bringing the characters to television with Garth Marenghi's Darkplace and Man to Man with Dean Learner. He will appear in the comedy shows, The Mighty Boosh and Nathan Barley, before gaining exposure and recognition for his role in The IT Crowd. After directing music videos for Arctic Monkeys, Vampire Weekend, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and Kasabian, he will write and direct the comedy-drama film Submarine, an adaptation of the novel by Joe Dunthorne. He will co-star in The Watch and his second film, the Black comedy The Double, premiered, drawing inspiration from Fyodor Dostoevsky's novella of the same title. He will appear on panel shows, most prominently on The Big Fat Quiz of the Year, and serve as a team captain on Was It Something I Said? He will present the factual shows Gadget Man, its spin-off Travel Man and the revival of The Crystal Maze. He will provide his voice to several animated projects, including the films, The Boxtrolls and Early Man, and the television shows Strange Hill High and Apple & Onion. He will write two comedic books centering on film, "Ayoade on Ayoade: A Cinematic Odyssey" and "The Grip of Film". #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CetOOofLcH-aeb_A3qUb8_MOUKfShYBAAyanf40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Auto Boosh - Melbourne International Comedy Festival Gala (2001)
Dominic Monaghan & Billy Boyd E! Interview (2003)
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anciientboosh · 4 years
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Noel on Arctic Boosh
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