#Noiz: *mumbles*
chrispywhispy · 4 months
First Kiss
I felt like writing for some reason and decided to write about one of my oldest ships, NoiCle from DMMD. Yes, a DRAMAtical Murder fanfic in 2024. There’s not much involved in here except for some kissing. Anyway, I just wanted to share these two 💚💛
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Electronics has always been Noiz’s forte.
Whether it was hacking, fixing AI, or participating in Rhyme, he could do just about anything as long as it involved technology. It wasn’t a surprise when he saw a discarded and half damaged android while passing by a dingy alley. He’s fixed robotic pets before, but most definitely not a full scale model of what looked like a human, with half of its face torn off to reveal mechanical innards. Noiz was eager to explore new territory, and maybe even stave off some boredom, so he took the damaged robot and began working on it for the next few months. 
His hard work of staying up every night to monitor and run diagnostics was rewarded by a chipper voice as the android introduced himself by the name of “Clear,” now fully functional and repaired of missing skin and wires. The robot was a lot more expressive than he ever could, which made him equally amazed and jealous of his bubbly personality. Seriously, the guy was so lifelike, you’d never think he was all gears inside from all the programming behind the scenes. 
And speaking of personality, Noiz wasn’t sure if following him around his messy apartment was also part of it, but he didn’t seem to care either way. Clear just liked to observe him playing games on the hologram or fixing something on screen. He would also ask multiple questions a day, almost akin to a toddler with a mind of his own. Well, he did fix him. It’d be natural for the robot to be curious about anything and everything from someone who fixed him. 
Noiz also taught Clear the wonders of food, (not that he needed to eat but whatever,) things he enjoyed, testing out his features and whatnot. He had to admit, he was slowly falling more and more interested in Clear. He would deliberately insist on cooking for him instead of ordering take out pizza, and would even drag him outside for some fresh air. The industrial district wasn’t really as fresh from where he lived, but walking beside Clear’s unusual cheerfulness made the atmosphere ten times more enjoyable than being alone like he always was.
Today Noiz felt particularly lazy and stayed inside, laying back on his worn couch to click the TV’s channels on with a swipe of his thumb on the remote. Clear joined him soon after, just a comfortable distance of half a meter. Not that he was calculating. He just felt the shift of the couch move from Clear’s weight, who was inching closer by the second. 
Noiz mumbled a short hum of acknowledgment to let Clear know that he was listening, anticipating whatever he wanted to ask this time. He admired that Clear was respectful with his ‘-san’ but it was technically unnecessary given that he was younger than most mechanics out there.
“Why do you have piercings on your face?” 
“I just think they’re cool.” Not exactly a lie. He once saw a piercing shop and returned every few weeks or so to get more wherever part of his body could reach.
“Do they hurt?” 
Well that was a new one. The blond turned to face Clear’s ever so curious gaze, finding nothing but pink shiny eyes full of wonder. It’s not like they ever hurt on the day he got them. He couldn’t even feel an ounce of pain no matter how many injuries he got. 
“Not really. Why?“
“It just sort of looks like it does since it goes through your skin and all.” Clear points to one of them, his head tilted slightly to the side.
Eh, it wasn’t the most gruesome one. Probably even tamer. Worst case scenario would be a knife to the skull. That’d be a great piercing for sure. 
“Y’get used to it after a while. It makes for a nice permanent accessory so you don’t have to remove and put it on all the time.”
This time the android tilted his head back to its original position and put a hand on his chin in a classic thinking pose. What could he be thinking about anyway? Staring at his piercings so much… Actually, on second thought;
“If you’re so curious about them how about I show you what they can do?” 
Clear breaks his pose, only to be followed by wide beaming eyes. It was almost sparkling. He was sparkling. “Really? Please show me, Noiz-san!” 
Noiz sighed and stifled a smile of his own. He’s already got him hooked on, might as well play along right? To start, he points at the ring piercings on  one of his brows.
“You see, these make me look more expressive. I don’t express as much emotion as you so I got them.” He received a fascinated nod by Clear, to which the other replied; “That’s true. It makes up for the rest of your eyebrows. They’re very short.” 
He raised said pierced brow. “Hey, just because it’s short doesn’t mean they make up for it, idiot.” 
So what if his brows were short? They’ve always grown that way. He felt weirdly offended and pinched Clear’s cheek out of impulse. 
“O-Ow…!” Noiz allowed himself to grin this time as Clear scrunched his face up with a pout. “What was that for!” 
“Making fun of my brows.” He didn’t mean it in the slightest, but he enjoyed Clear’s reactions. Their banters always came as naturally as the wind. 
“Now these,” The blond pointed to the studs horizontally across his nose bridge. “They help me sneeze.” He glanced down Clear’s hand, prying one off his lap to replace his own. “Go on, try and pinch them.” 
As hesitant as he was just after being pinched playfully, Clear placed his index and thumb on the cold metal and waited. Noiz faked himself a sneeze as soon as Clear’s fingers touched the studs, eliciting a small gasp from the android. “See?“ He pointed to the last piercings on his face just below his lips. “Finally, these help me speak when I’m kicking ass. Cool, isn’t it?”
Today was probably the most he’s ever spoke in his life playing for a simple prank. Of course, whatever he said was total bullshit, but the way Clear attentively listened and observed with such focus, taking in every fact like some newfound discovery, made it hard to break the truth to him. 
“Wow… that’s amazing, Noiz-san!”
The android cheerily clapped his hands with a bright smile, almost as blinding as the sun. “Do you have more?” Clear’s lashes fluttered with eagerness, face inches away from his. 
Oh he does alright. 
“Well… I have this one right here.” 
Noiz stuck his tongue out to show the piercing embedded there, drawing out a look of astonishment and a hint of pink of the android’s face. That gave him an idea. 
“Wanna test it out? You did help me sneeze.” 
That seemed to make Clear blink, eyes glued to his tongue as he drew out a slow, “What will it… do?” 
“You’ll see.” At this point the distance between them was almost nonexistent, and If he was going to hell for this, Noiz will make sure it’ll be heaven for him and Clear. So Noiz leans in for their first kiss. It wasn’t any different than a human’s, and Clear’s adorable squeak to intimacy pleased something in him he never thought he had. 
The blond also takes the opportunity to study Clear’s features up close. He’s worked on him for months but the robot never failed to mesmerize him with how human he looked. His hair, albeit synthetic, was silky smooth to the touch. His porcelain skin soft and pale with two moles adorning his chin. His pastel pink eyes crowned with long snow white lashes carefully laced with precision. This unit was a work of art. His cheeks were now flushed the same color as his eyes at the contact of Noiz’s warmth. He was even able to react to sensations and temperature. 
Noiz began to test the waters by running his pierced tongue against Clear’s soft lips. The android made a sound of surprise and tentatively parted his lips to let Noiz enter, tasting and feeling the piercings he was oh so curious about. Truth be told, the only sensation he could feel was his tongue, and he hadn’t expected Clear to taste oddly sweet. Did he eat candy or was he just naturally tasty? Either way, Noiz wasted no time exploring what Clear had to offer, enjoying this manmade masterpiece letting out soft hums and pants. 
He pulled the android closer by the cheek, while the other hand snaked around his waist. They would’ve gone hours making out if it weren’t for the need to breathe. Noiz had to pull away much to Clear’s dismay.
“How’s that?” 
Clear almost wanted to go for a second round but decided to lick his lips instead, missing the taste of Noiz already. The cold metallic dud on his sensors made the experience strangely addicting.
“It was… good.” Good enough for him to bashfully turn away, making the blond snicker. “You have the nerve to look away from our first kiss.”
Clear’s blush had already darkened into a nice shade of tomato red since they locked lips, now impossibly redder than ever. Noiz found it fun to tease this little white rabbit. 
“This really is my first kiss with Noiz-san… hazukashii~!” The android now fully covered his face with his hands, ears bright red complimenting his silver hair. 
“You just noticed that now?” Noiz found himself smiling at the flustered mess that was Clear, bringing his hands down despite Clear’s shy protests. 
“Let’s make that a second kiss then.”
Clear’s complaints soon died out once Noiz took his lips for another session, melting in his embrace. Although Noiz had other plans to spicen up whatever they had going on, he didn’t want to rush Clear into something he wouldn’t want. Like the ones on his… you know what. And so they shared kisses throughout the day onwards, teasing Clear and Clear teasing him back. 
It was a good time, and not once has Noiz regretted fixing Clear since the day he found him.
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
Habit Talks To Kamal On An Intercity Bus [ AU ]
(Plaintext: Habit Talks To Kamal On A Public Bus [ AU ] )
Note: The Habitspeak translation without his speaking quirk is present below for those who have difficulty reading his style. And described the emote expressions as well.
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[ ID: Photo of a Greyhound bus from the USA out on the road in a clear day. Its dark blue and has a symbol of silver running Greyhound dog as it's logo. End ID]
Ooo..phooo.. phoo.. FWOOO-- HEE HEE!! Haw haw haw OK don't gooo- I will stop :-3 Yourm ears and ur prettie earsring r Safe - but I am jost a funny guy!! Genius-es are so unerrrated now u_u 
So wHAT I really wanna say is ..
I think u r the "knees of bees" ..the 6 of them
I wonder y that's a quote...there's nuthin much speshul abt those..u deserve better..like..hmMMMMMMmmmm
Bee bee bee ba-bee?? Ur my bb?? Yes U r!! U hav heard that b4 buthough... bees...they sting me sometims nd die... im forgetting to bury them :-( B4 Tunia makes "CPR"...between u n me dear, I think she likes slurpin em up...anyway its TOO sad! it happens when I take care of my Garden, where bees r of gr8 importance. They rub-a-dub themselfs on the flowers to get the gold dust for polly-nation..in skool I learnt that Bombus terrestris and Antirrhinum majus hav what's called a "co-evolveution"-- they're friends with bee-nefits!
I dream I also listened 2 the lesson's rest.. o, wish, acksually. AFAIK was thinking abt making a PokéMans card for u.. 
--What? Oh, I see. No it's not embrassing. U can ask me anytime, am happy 2 claritify.  Sooz, the common names areee bumble bee and ..the flower..um.. crapdragon. I do'nt know whats wrong with whoever diss-covered that 1. Habit Tip! They shuld keep all their windows locked tight and seal the crawl space.
Is the other thingie clear? U already know? Ok. Eye...lost my thoughts-train. What was I chuggin on about? Helppp a guy out dahling? 
HEY I HEARD THAT.. " Seeeni khhaaai aaaase "?? Don'tnot understand whole mumble but ime NOTTT putting butter on U PROMISS!! It's you're fault your so ez to love. Work on it. 
( Note to any readers who wouldn't already know: " Seeni khai aase" is an Assamese slang expression. Seeni means sugar and the whole phrase means someone being too sweet to you, butter-coating things. )
I can see ur smile u know. Ur already in-operative.
LAFFING NOW REALLY REALLY--Ugh just PLZZ tell me what I was talking b4 it poofs FOREVER!! 
Mmm..mhmm ..uh huh..O alright. Yes!! Thatse it!! Such a good listen-er. <:-)
B4 u asked me that, I said "friends"..u r my very bestest friend...
..am I yours?
Thx for reminding me. Am trying. Not to keep asking those things. Let It Flow, like u said. I remmeber. 
U counted??? I-- 
its only been the 3rd tyme this week??? Huh that's good proggerss-But why did u-- how--I don't-- *Leaf it. I'll lose what I was saying Again. All these years and u still manage 2 SirPrize Me. Lolol, I guess it goes both ways !! 
Oh, HA ha, the lucksy '3', U say! Uncle back in Moscow used to ballyho-- 
This iz a bit of a Tang-Ent acksually. U want to hear? 
K. Just tell me "fri-end" after i-end. I'll continue. 
-- b-ally-ho if the sum of the 3 odd-place dijits on a busket-- I mean bus ticket-- = to the sum of 3 even-place digits, it is a luck charm!! A Real (una)Live Leningrad ticket. 
Of coarse...we can't never get 1 on this cramped lil Greyhound. Pffffft. 
(Yawnnn) Were'nt u spposed to tell me some-thing...
Uh...I can't hear youuuu....
Sorry..? Again?
What was--
WOa, woa there...Dearie me! I get it! Try to clam down..str-eee-ss isn't helpthy for the body ha.. I heard ur "FRIEND!!!" VERY loud n clear
--They can't. Bc everyones ears are BUSted from the early-ier parkinh "Phhsst". Get it? Ha ha?
Eeeeeeee...!! Goodness me I lurve ur laugh…looks like i maked u feel better after the noize… :\\-)
Oh! Ha ha! What, me? No-Thinggg,, I didn't "mutter" anyth-ing,,,
Aha. try nawt’ta do-it again, OK, man? I accept your apollogee about the interccept…
Anyway uh!! Ur one o' those 2 me obvs( a FRIEND)!! Even if we r feeling a lil awkward rite now!!! 
andso.. no also..what's more..the, flowers! r my friends too... 
Hrmm..Ain't nothin better than when stuffs we cherryish come to-gather huh? Transalating 2 Nerd Language heeehee..call it...you..."I'm writing a Cross Over, "! 
Heer me out- ‘’Cross Over’’- of…of…m-ie dear FRIEND~~ Mhmm. You-you!!
Flowers…and m-ie dear FLORRRAAAA~~ Mhmm. You-you!!
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( GIF description: A white lotus blooms in water. GIF is watermarked with 'Zadenkai' end GIF Description )
--To be continued, maybe! If you have any questions you can ask. I'd usually give a HCs explained section but I'm kinda tired right now.
-- Translation below
Ooo..phooo.. phoo.. FWOOO-- HEE HEE!! Haw haw haw OK don't gooo- I will stop :-3 ( catlike smile emote ) Your ears and your pretty earring are Safe - but I am just a funny guy!! Geniuses are so underrated now u_u ( mock-resignation closed eye emote )
So wHAT I really wanna say is ..
I think you are the "knees of bees" ..the 6 of them
I wonder why that's a quote...there's nothin' much special abt those..you deserve better..like..hmMMMMMMmmmm
Bee bee bee ba-bee?? Your my baby?? Yes you are!! You have heard that before but, though... bees...they sting me sometimes and die... I'm forgetting to bury them :-( (frowning emote ) Before Tunia makes "CPR"...between you and me dear, I think she likes slurpin' 'em up...anyway its TOO sad! It happens when I take care of my Garden, where bees are of great importance. They rub-a-dub themselves on the flowers to get the gold dust for pollination..in school I learnt that Bombus terrestris and Antirrhinum majus have what's called a "co-evolution"-- they're friends with bee-nefits!
I dream I also listened to the lesson's rest.. oh, wish, actually. AFAIK was thinking about making a Pokémans card for you.. 
--What? Oh, I see. No it's not embarassing. You can ask me anytime, am happy to clarify.  Soz, the common names areee bumble bee and ..the flower..um.. crapdragon. I don't know whats wrong with whoever discovered that 1. Habit Tip! They should keep all their windows locked tight and seal the crawl space.
Is the other thingie clear? You already know? Ok. I...lost my thought-train. What was I chuggin' on about? Helppp a guy out dahling?
HEY I HEARD THAT.. " Seeeni khhaaai aaaase "?? Don't understand whole mumble but I'm NOTTT putting butter on YOU, PROMISE!! It's your fault you're so easy to love. Work on it. 
I can see your smile you know. You're already inoperative.
LAUGHING NOW REALLY, REALLY--Ugh just PLEASEE tell me what I was talking before it poofs FOREVER!! 
Mmm..mhmm ..uh huh..O alright. Yes!! That's it!! Such a good listener. <:-) ( smile emote )
Before you asked me that, I said "friends"..you are my very bestest friend...
..am I yours?
Thanks for reminding me. Am trying. Not to keep asking those things. Let It Flow, like you said. I remember. 
U counted??? I-- 
its only been the 3rd time this week??? Huh that's good progress-But why did you-- how--I don't-- *Leave it. I'll lose what I was saying Again. All these years and you still manage to surprise Me. Lolol, I guess it goes both ways !! 
Oh, HA ha, the lucky '3', U say! Uncle back in Moscow used to ballyho-- 
This a bit of a Tangent actually. You want to hear? 
K. Just tell me "friend" after I end. I'll continue. 
-- ballyho if the sum of the 3 odd-place digits on a busket-- I mean bus ticket-- is equal to the sum of 3 even-place digits, it is a luck charm!! A Real (una)Live Leningrad ticket. 
Of course...we can't never get one on this cramped lil Greyhound. Pffffft. 
(Yawnnn) Weren't you s'pposed to tell me something...
Uh...I can't hear youuuu....
Sorry..? Again?
What was--
WOah, woah there...Dearie me! I get it! Try to calm down..streeess isn't healthy for the body ha.. I heard your "FRIEND!!!" VERY loud n' clear
--They can't. Because everyone's ears are BUSted from the earlier parking "Phhsst". Get it? Ha ha?
( Eeeeeeee...!! Goodness me I love your laugh…looks like i made you feel better after the noise… :\\-) ( blushing smile emote ) )
Oh! Ha ha! What, me? Nothinggg,, I didn't "mutter" anything,,,
Aha. try nawt’ta do it again, OK, man? I accept your apology about the intercept…
Anyway uh!! You're one o' those to me obviously( a FRIEND)!! Even if we are feeling a lil awkward right now!!! 
andso.. no, also..what's more..the, flowers! Are my friends too... 
Hrmm..Ain't nothin better than when stuffs we cherish come together huh? Translating to Nerd Language heeehee..call it...you..."I'm writing a Cross Over, "! 
Hear me out- ‘’Cross Over’’- of…of…my dear FRIEND~~ (singsong) Mhmm. You-you!!
Flowers…and my dear FLORRRAAAA~~ Mhmm. You-you!!
(Plaintext: Flowers…and my dear FLORRRAAAA~~ Mhmm. You-you!!)
--To be continued, maybe! If you have any questions you can ask. I'd usually give a HCs explained section but I'm kinda tired right now.
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good morning, the talented angel!! some love time to brighten your day! okok i've got some ideas so i'm super excited, wait for them. puss in boots is a TT i don't know if i am even able to watch it here but i'll try, love!! i see all these gifs and replies in tumblr and go TT i'm already heartbroken. just a situation from my life. someone speaks about cats. i make eye contact with my one, every time just the same one friend and she's just 'oh nooo she's already about to cry' 'im honored to have someone like you read my works' and i'm honored to read the works of someone like YOU!!!! luv u!!!!<з gimme gimme by nct127 is not my fav comeback but yeah it's stylish. still in my 2018 era when they released boss TT the best years of kpop 'I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS FOR THIS FIC' don't know if i should be scared or excited... 'NOW I HAVE TO WRITE P3' YEAH these jokes from the real life about me being buisness-motivation-earn-your-first-billion-in-a-second aren't jokes anymore!!! 'i can bite anyone who pressures me myself' ok i can stand as a big scary dog next to you then 'im excited to exercise after my classes' so sweet TT i'm glad your doing good. 'im the designated soprano since no one else can be' have no clue what this is but sure you'll do the best!! you're the best after all. 'waking my dad up during his naps' OMG I'M GONNA CRY such cuties TT wish your dad good sleep TT sorry i haven't reacted to everything i wanted to butbut 1) omg i'm stupid TT i've been obsessed with some russian artist and his song 'Infinite Universe' (actually 'is the universe infinite?' but ok) and while i was thinking about point 3 (later), i was like WAIT. it's so absolutely about this modern au for me TT the plot is another cliche about thousands of worlds and variations of our reality but this thought hit me BAD. if you're ever interested, i found some eng subs for you. 2) first of all, i imagine waiting for a lifetime ending with the sweetest kiss with some stained tears. AND. WHAT IF the ending is a parallel? not the wedding but the childbirth like in the beginning. but this time it ends up good (just like aemma's) and no one dies. and there i have 2 variants. if the reader told daemon, he's been really nervous and fidgety during the labour, maybe even going away not to witness it. but in the end he's so relieved and wow omg thanku all the sweet stuff. and if he's been recalling his first life, labour triggers him BAD. so he recollects TOTALLY EVERYTHING and becomes even more nervous while being with his wife. thus when it ends good, he's even more relieved and just absolutely rushes to kiss her, thank her, non-stop mumbling about how scared he got and how he recalled everything. it may be sooo far away from your image but i love this concept so much. 3) again about this artist, noize mc. i've been obsessed with his old songs soo. i have the one called 'My Sea' with eng subs. the main line 'my sea, i beg you to not spit me out ashore during another storm of your tantrums' had me thinking. (also the fact that in russian 'being worried' and 'sea being rough' are the same word...) like IMAGINE. it's not actually the one of ideas as reqs i was talking about daemon with a velaryon reader (legitimately velaryon or just a mother/grandmother and another house nm) as the restless sea and the reckless flames (well dragon). both having to calm each other down but in the different ways. daemon needs to comfort his wife saying she doesn't need to be always worried and think how to solve every problem in the world. and his wife teling him his brother loves him and he absolutely doesn't need to kill a lord who said his wife's dk a whore. in fact, still the cliche concept with the wise and responsible one and the one who does foolish things in their behalf but AAA i love this. this mutual help but in the different ways?? my heart is throbbing. thanks for reading it!! let me know what you think. love you!! have a nice day!!! take care <з
HELLOOOO!!!! i forgot to answer your ask this morning lol
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good morning, the talented angel!! some love time to brighten your day!
good morning/noon/night lovie <3 my star, my heart <3
okok i've got some ideas so i'm super excited, wait for them.
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puss in boots is a TT i don't know if i am even able to watch it here but i'll try, love!! i see all these gifs and replies in tumblr and go TT i'm already heartbroken. just a situation from my life. someone speaks about cats. i make eye contact with my one, every time just the same one friend and she's just 'oh nooo she's already about to cry'
ah i see. you dont have to watch it if you dont want to but you know people, they like to share things they like with people they like, but if the idea distresses you, because it does talk about death, then dont. i will say though, it does give a very nice take away about death, so yeah
'im honored to have someone like you read my works' and i'm honored to read the works of someone like YOU!!!! luv u!!!!<з
gimme gimme by nct127 is not my fav comeback but yeah it's stylish.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NO BUT YEAH I AGREE not my fav comeback either but i was so excited to see johnny centre <3 LOVE LOVE LOVE but damn i hate his line about dead clowns T_T YUCK WHAT WAS THAT WHY JOHN WHY
still in my 2018 era when they released boss TT the best years of kpop
thats the vid that made be decide ok imma like this group but it still took me a while to get into them tho. ALSO YOURE A CZENNIE TOO 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 LOVE THAT FOR US WHO IS YOUR BIAS MINE IS JOHN AHHAAHHA if you cant tell
'I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS FOR THIS FIC' don't know if i should be scared or excited...
😈 both
'NOW I HAVE TO WRITE P3' YEAH these jokes from the real life about me being buisness-motivation-earn-your-first-billion-in-a-second aren't jokes anymore!!!
what HAHAHHHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHA thats so random lol
'i can bite anyone who pressures me myself' ok i can stand as a big scary dog next to you then
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'im excited to exercise after my classes' so sweet TT i'm glad your doing good.
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i hope youre doing good too my love
'im the designated soprano since no one else can be' have no clue what this is but sure you'll do the best!! you're the best after all.
T_T im so sorry i have been hanging out with my music classmates i forgot not everyone knows music lingo. soprano is basically someone who sings the high parts of a piece in simply terms lol.
'waking my dad up during his naps' OMG I'M GONNA CRY such cuties TT wish your dad good sleep TT sorry i haven't reacted to everything
its ok if you dont react to everything!!! it can be hard to do that, but yes T_T so cute my dad is so annoyed by it but secretly loves it i think HAHAH
i wanted to butbut 1) omg i'm stupid TT i've been obsessed with some russian artist and his song 'Infinite Universe' (actually 'is the universe infinite?' but ok)
you should have told me the artist T_T is it by noize? i listened to the song. interesting to know you like music like that if that is the song yo mean.
and while i was thinking about point 3 (later), i was like WAIT. it's so absolutely about this modern au for me TT the plot is another cliche about thousands of worlds and variations of our reality but this thought hit me BAD. if you're ever interested, i found some eng subs for you.
hahahhahHAHAHAHAHAH AH YES. we mean the same song HAHHAHAHAHAH. i didnt really like the song T_T it probably hits different for you because you understand the russian, but i dont like raps that function as a percussion (meaning like a drum that doesnt have notes/melody) i like the chorus part where he sings much better though.
2) first of all, i imagine waiting for a lifetime ending with the sweetest kiss with some stained tears. AND. WHAT IF the ending is a parallel?
i love your parallelism idea. i will say, i never actually imagined the first scene to be a childbirth scene LOL i didnt even know it was registering like that, all i know is yn is dying cos of a gaping wound lol
not the wedding but the childbirth like in the beginning. but this time it ends up good (just like aemma's) and no one dies. and there i have 2 variants. if the reader told daemon, he's been really nervous and fidgety during the labour, maybe even going away not to witness it. but in the end he's so relieved and wow omg thanku all the sweet stuff.
i abhor the idea of writing a death from childbirth. idk if my feminist ass will allow 20th century daemon not to be present in the birth. fuck him and his trauma. fuck you rat, you claim to love your wife but u cant be there? fuck your trauma, she could die and you wont be there? ive upset myself with this idea and cant even say the sweet ending part is a sweet idea lol AHHAH
and if he's been recalling his first life, labour triggers him BAD. so he recollects TOTALLY EVERYTHING and becomes even more nervous while being with his wife. thus when it ends good, he's even more relieved and just absolutely rushes to kiss her, thank her, non-stop mumbling about how scared he got and how he recalled everything.
ok i like this better because you didnt mention anything about him fucking leaving so <3 i think deserve, worship the ground she steps on she gave you a child
it may be sooo far away from your image but i love this concept so much.
it's a good concept! i;ll think of adding it. i love how were planning the ending already but i havent even made p3 HAHAHAHAH. actually though i started writing it!!!! im so excited to finish it so you can finally read it HASL:FHAHSF!!!!
3) again about this artist, noize mc. i've been obsessed with his old songs soo. i have the one called 'My Sea' with eng subs. the main line 'my sea, i beg you to not spit me out ashore during another storm of your tantrums' had me thinking. (also the fact that in russian 'being worried' and 'sea being rough' are the same word...)
i like this song better because his rap has melody. the same russian word is mind blowing T_T wow i love it when language does that
like IMAGINE. it's not actually the one of ideas as reqs i was talking about daemon with a velaryon reader (legitimately velaryon or just a mother/grandmother and another house nm) as the restless sea and the reckless flames (well dragon). both having to calm each other down but in the different ways. daemon needs to comfort his wife saying she doesn't need to be always worried and think how to solve every problem in the world. and his wife teling him his brother loves him and he absolutely doesn't need to kill a lord who said his wife's dk a whore. in fact, still the cliche concept with the wise and responsible one and the one who does foolish things in their behalf but AAA i love this. this mutual help but in the different ways?? my heart is throbbing.
🥺 this is a sweet idea. honestly im a sucker for plots like this. i love it when characters exhibit are someone the same but in different ways, and i love how one makes up for the other. <3 ugh i love dynamics like that. i will say im not feeling making smth fluffy rn HAHAHAHH so lets just park this ig.
also since you shared music to me, i want to share music to you <3 i think it's in russian as well so its perfect (at least i hope its russian) it's 'Okay by Dimash Kudaibergen' he's actually from Kazakhstan so pardon my ignorance cos i cant tell if its kazakh or russian T_T he's one of my favorite artists ever he's so so so so good at singing and i love this song so much. i used this song as inspiration for my midterms last semester.
thanks for reading it!! let me know what you think. love you!! have a nice day!!! take care <з
thank you for writing to me again my love. i hope you like the song and i hope you have an amazing day. i love you so much take care <3 <3
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xxx (ew the gif is ugly but thats the first thing i found lol HAHAHHA)
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nanamis-bigtie · 2 years
someone is going through my wlw texts and i'm hit with such urge to write some more 😭
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nervousmonolith · 3 years
this artist tried to draw without background music (tragic)
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murasakiyuzu · 6 years
my best friend started playing DMMd #5
noiz: [shows up dressed to the 90s in a suit and all freshened up without piercings]
him: [stares open mouthed, proceeds to clap slowly]
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Harringroveson Bingo Fic Rec
For @harringroveson-bingo
Square A1 - "Rockstar"
Rec #1
Title: I Think I'm In Love Author: thebeautyinchains Rating: E Word Count: 3586 Ship: Harringrove Major Tags: None Official Summary:
It isn't until the stage lights up that Steve realizes that Dustin has pulled him front and center. And that front and center is where they put the front man. The ridiculously gorgeous, big-bulge having front man. Who is staring right at Steve. The toes of his big glossy boots nudge Steve's fingers where Steve's clinging to the stage. He grips the mic stand and sinks down low, scarf swishing tantalizingly in front of Steve's nose. "Well, well, well. Wasn't sure they'd like a Pretty Boy like you into a place like this," he rumbles, "But I'm glad they did."
Why you should read it: So, this is a modern au, with Dustin taking a preppy Steve to a concert with an 80s cover band with Billy as the lead singer and he's all dressed up like an 80s hair metal rockstar who hits on Steve while on stage and it is very fun and a good time and cute and seriously fun.
Rec #2
Title: Track in a Crowd Author: @jellyfishloveletterghosts Rating: T Word Count: 3624 Ship: Harringrove Major Tags: None Official Summary:
Billy and Steve find each other by scent at a party. - Billy does not want to interrupt but when a server puts a tray of fresh mini sliders on the end right behind them Billy moves closer, he loves mini sliders, the one good thing about these parties. He is just passing them when he catches a scent, a really good scent, smells like home and comfort and Billy wants to chase it. “Uh Billy boy what are you doing to Carol?'' Robin asks and it is only then that Billy realizes he has stuck his nose against Carol’s shoulder. “My bad.” He mumbles pulling away cheeks pink. He really needs a drink, or maybe no drink, maybe he has had too much to drink without enough food, he has never done something like that before, just pressed his nose against someone else that he does not even know.
Why you should read it: This story features a kickass model Steve and rockstar Billy who get a whiff of each other's scent at a party neither really want to be at and its cute and they have to try and find each other and its fun and Billy was ready to be ride or die the moment he laid eyes on Steve and Steve gets to win a fight!
Rec #3
Title: Cum on Feel the Noize Author: @whoringrove Rating: M Word Count: 1728 Ship: Harringrove Major Tags: None Official Summary:
Rockstar!Billy Hargrove puts his boyfriend Steve Harrington's moans in one of his songs. Why you should read it: Rockstar Billy writes a song for, about, and featuring Steve and Billy makes sure he gets to see Steve's reaction to hearing the song for the first time up close and its hot and its good and Steve's reaction is delightful
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ziel-soundwave · 3 years
☹ ⇋ ((what better way for Ziel to meet Crim than with ANGST?))
overx answered:
54 multiple stab wounds across body
By the time Crimson arrived on the scene, he doubted there would be much left to see. A firefight had broken out between an unknown person, and some of the automated security around the supply depot. Trespassing often came with no forgiveness in these remote places outside of Neo Arcadia. He’d expected to happen upon some poor reploid in rebel uniform but...
Instead the stranger looks out of place as he stumbles toward the Hunter. Gold hair, gold eyes, and bright red clothes, as though stealth had never been so much as a thought.
As he limps closer for help, it’s clearer he is no human. His blood hits the sand, hisses in the open air as if hotter than the desert sun. The Zero is cautious as he moves forward, offering a hand to the staggering android to help hold him up. A frown, then, before Val appears from his armor, her small voice reflecting the warrior’s own concerns.
“Hey, hey stay with us! We’ll get you taken care of.”
Damnit! The hell was that thing that Noize had flipped out? 
He couldn’t really tell until there was something fizzling to life before his eyes-- a portal?!-- A portal gun?! He’d have to speak to Verse about that at some point, if he ever got the chance. That was technology he’d only been able to develop once; and that one had been ultimately a failure. 
Skidding to a stop was easy enough, save for his alternate rushing him with that damn great sword of his. The first he’d managed to dodge, but the second-- It carved into his chest, the flaming heel of Noize’s boots cracking into his stomach at mach speed.
It launches him into the opened tear, and into a-- bullet train? Where am I? Not that he had time to discover, whatever automated security guarding the thing activating and swarming the area around him. They have to be automated, the way they move.
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“I’d say I’m sorry, but I have a feeling that won’t really help,” is muttered to no one. They converge in on him, and he fends them off-- at first. Noize’s slash was making itself very known, molten blood and pain causing his movements to falter. One time is enough, a blade sinking into his side. 
Fuck. Make that two-- three, four-- “Stop it,” is ground out between grit teeth, his fingers slamming the guitar strings upon his weapon. It blasts them away with ease, and for a moment everything is quiet. He sags against the cool steel of the side car, rests for a brief moment, attempts to block the blood pooling around his fingers.
........... Footsteps...? They sound familiar. Maybe he’s growing delirious. Encore stumbles to his feet, shuffles his way towards the noise. What catches his sight is a crimson coat and silver hair. It can’t be. It can’t... He stumbles, and is caught, voice a distant mumble.
(( @overx​ ))
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screpdoodle · 3 years
Duality - Chapter Ten (The Grumbletown)
Kaos struggled to fully unfold the gigantic map in the cramped space he and Glumshanks were holed up in. The two sat crouched at a low, wooden table. It looked to be homemade, with knobbly legs and indented sides. A lone lamp was strung from the slanted mud ceiling, wooden cross beams seeming to be the only thing keeping it up. Even Kaos felt slightly cramped as he wrestled with the huge slab of crumpled parchment, twice the size of the table he sat at, if not more. The sound of crackling fire, rambunctious trolls and electronic music outside was muffled by the poorly fortified clay walls, flecks of dirt falling down from the ceiling with every thump of the beat. Kaos’ attention wandered as he watched stout silhouettes run past the clouded windows, followed by a loud CRASH as one of them came catapulting through the glass, rolling across the floor before coming to a stop, beady eyes spinning in their sockets. The troll shook their head, locked eyes with Kaos, then scuttled out of the room through the unlocked front door, leaving it open behind them. Kaos huffed, then slid off of his stool, peering out into the chaotic street. Trolls of all shapes and sizes looked to be having the time of their lives; some were sprawled out across barrels (the ones they weren’t smashing at least), enjoying bottles of ‘soda’ and other treats Kaos didn’t quite recognize. Others were chasing each other around the winding dirt paths, or chasing what Kaos assumed to be the previous residents of the commandeered village - Rats. Kaos didn’t mean that as an insult, no, they looked like literal rats, with matted grey fur, long snouts and worm like tails. Judging by the architecture, the assumption seemed to track. Kaos pulled his head back in as someone threw a cart of wrinkled produce against the wall, the wooden cart splintering and fruits splattering into a multicolored mess of foul smelling slop. Kaos slammed the door shut, looking back to Glumshanks, who had managed to tame the wild map.
“What in Skylands are they even doing out there?” Kaos asked, brushing a few hanging roots out of his way as he walked back to Glumshanks’ side.
“Christening.” Glumshanks answered plainly, sighing. “They do this every time. Make a mess of the place to show ‘dominance’... or something. ‘Cause running out an entire settlement doesn’t do that already, I suppose.”
Kaos frowned, then looked down at the map, trying to pick out any details he might recognize now that he could more easily look over it. But the more he looked, the less he seemed to recognize. Noted landmarks and island formations he had first thought were possible leads were nothing but red herrings. How had he gotten himself so lost?
“If this one doesn’t work, I should have a few others.”
“No no, I’m sure this one is fine. I can’t have gone that far from home.” Kaos waved Glumshanks off, squinting at the map. He tapped one of the sepia-toned islands, frowning. “This is where we are, right?”
“Uhh, I think it’s here actually.”
“Troll. I’m pretty sure I know the location of a place I’ve never been on a map in a language I don’t know.”
“...please tell me that was sarcasm.”
Kaos just looked up, a deadpan expression on his face, before looking back down without another word. He scanned the map once more, mumbling incoherent words under his breath. This wasn’t right. Kaos winced, rubbing his temples as he felt a throbbing pain start creeping its way in, followed by the feeling of a damp rag pressed against his forehead. Kaos opened one eye, looking up as he watched Glumshanks gently dabbing the dried blood away, a concerned look on his green face.
“What do you think you’re doing, troll.”
“Cleaning the wound?” He phrased it more like a question, rather than a clean cut statement.
Kaos furrowed his brow, but didn’t object, simply squirming in his seat as Glumshanks began inspecting the small, albeit quite bloody, cut in his forehead. It didn’t quite hurt, but the sensation wasn’t all that nice either.
“...Maybe if we go back you can find the route you took?”
“That’s just the issue, troll.” Kaos slouched in his seat, resting his chin in his hand and elbow on the table. “I didn’t take a route. One minute I was in my backyard, the next I was here. I remember falling, but that’s about it.”
“Maybe you fell off the edge?”
“Impossible. I was nowhere near the…” Kaos trailed off, then sat forward with a start, the gears turning in his mind. “Glumshanks, are there any islands above this one?”
“A few, but-”
Before Glumshanks could finish his sentence, the sound of splintering wood cut through the muffled ruckus of outside, the sounds flooding in as the two looked over to see the door hanging off of its hinges, a clearly intoxicated Thropp staggering his way inside. Kaos instinctively got up off of his chair, taking a step back. Glumshanks just sighed, looking down.
“So, this is the-” a small hiccup interrupted Thropp’s sentence, “the boghole mama sent you to claim? Man, and I thought the other ones were bad. At least they had real walls.”
Thropp trailed his massive fingers across the clay wall, scraping a good amount of dirt off with his yellowing fingernail. He let out another hiccup before finally setting his beady eyes upon his brother, a tipsy smirk twisted across his face. He lumbered forward, paying no mind as his bare feet stepped over the shards of broken glass that lay across the ground, towering over Glumshanks. He hadn’t seemed to have noticed Kaos quite yet, despite him being right there.
“It was the best one I could find.” Glumshanks mumbled, trying to muster up an air of confidence, albeit to no avail. “You know how hectic it can get. Especially since you tend to be one of the ones causing most of it…”
Glumshanks’ voice grew quieter at the last part. Thropp’s ears twitched, but he didn’t seem to register it. At least not enough to care.
“You better hope there’s enough room in here, or you’ll be sleeping in the ‘doghouse’ again.” Thropp sneered.
If Kaos had thought his breath smelled bad before, it was nothing compared to the stench now. Sour and sickly sweet, like decay. Kaos couldn’t help but cover his nose, the smell all too familiar to him. At this movement though, Thropp’s eyes darted over to the small human, finally noticing him standing there at Glumshanks’ side. It took Thropp a moment to recognize him, the two merely standing there, locked in an unofficial staring contest.
“What. The hell. Are you doing here.” Thropp seemed to sober up almost immediately, his voice taking on a deadly tone.
“Well, cleeaarly ruining your ‘school project’ just wasn’t enough for me, so I had to hunt you down and ruin your homelife too.” Kaos explained, sarcasm dripping from every word he spoke.
“Kaos, I’m not sure if now is a good time to-”
“I knew we should have dealt with you on that- hic- that stupid ship!” Thropp raised his voice, raising his hands up. “At least I have a chance to fix that mistake now!”
Before Kaos knew what was happening, Thropp slammed his fists down, Glumshanks grabbing the small human out of the way at the last second. Kaos squeaked, his heart pounding in his ears. Thropp barely took a second to collect himself, his glare burning holes in Glumshanks’ skull.
“You dingweed!” He spat, slurring his words. “You two talked like, what, once?? And you’re already head over heels for this twerp! You wouldn’t believe how much he yammered on about you, human!!”
Kaos blinked, opened his mouth to ask what exactly Glumshanks had talked about, but before he could even get a word out Thropp threw a right hook at the two of them. Kaos ducked, pulling Glumshanks down with him. Thropp's fist slammed into the side of the staircase, the entire house practically shaking, bits of clay and dirt raining down. Kaos scuttled out of Thropp's line of sight as he quickly shook off the pain of his bloodied knuckles, shouting something Kaos assumed was in trolltongue. Glumshanks quickly scrambled to his feet, dragging Kaos up with him, practically carrying him to the door before his brother could come barreling after them. The two ran out into the night air, the pathways lit by smoldering embers, the trolls outside too busy partying to notice the scene that had unfolded. All but a few, at least. Glumshanks looked up from trying to catch his breath as a large troll came towards them, heavy feet thundering down the crowded street, three smaller trolls in tow. Three smaller trolls Kaos recognized almost immediately; the three lackeys Thropp had dragged along on the ship, the three ‘other brothers’. Which meant the one in the middle was…
“Glumshanks, thurhaakum duruth gorotu ishoing?? gu’vuth shrakeebag hakookinor azverywheruth guoum gorou!” The stout troll ran forward, the three others clambering along behind her, cooing and cackling about how Glumshanks was apparently in ‘hot water’ and how much trouble he was in.
“Mama, I-”
Glumshanks started, only to get cut off by the woman yet again, grabbing him by the sleeve and dragging him back towards the house, paying Kaos no mind whatsoever. Ascral, Haldir and Zhoark trailed off at the sight of him, on the other hand, words turning into hushed whispers as they followed their mother to the door. Kaos hesitated, then followed after them, a curious tilt to his head as he tried his best to listen in.
“I usholmar gorotu ushug ashtazag shrakzag ushhuth gulouse! gorotu dol-noiz ushhiakun athlacuth guakun ishangerous, thurhaakum thuroulmar thuruth ishug guir gorotu duloakum hakost, inium thurorse!!” The mother’s voice was sharp. He couldn’t understand a word she was saying, but Kaos could tell she was... less than pleased. Glumshanks kept trying to speak, but couldn’t get a word in edgewise. It was almost amusing, if not a little sad. They didn’t even seem to notice the door barely hanging on its hinges, simply walking inside as if they did this every day. The trio of smaller trolls threw their knapsacks to the ground as their mother dragged Glumshanks to the table, sitting him down as she continued to lecture on about ‘ushhuth gumportancuth iniir guamilzag gobalueakun’, whatever that meant. Thropp had passed out in the little alcove beneath the loft, his soda-induced stupor leading to a sound slumber. Kaos was amazed he was able to sleep through the shouting, but then again, if he had grown accustomed to his homelife, maybe this was normal for Glumshanks’ family too? Kaos stood in the doorway, watching the trolls acting like they had lived in this house for their entire lives, the chaos from outside now filtering into the lantern-lit room. Zhoark, Haldir and Ascral raced each other up onto the loft, laughing and jeering as their mother verbally berated her stringbean of a son, grunting and snarling as she threw her hands around to punctuate her sentences. Kaos couldn’t help but watch, picking up on details he hadn’t noticed before; like her graying ginger hair tied in a messy bun, the dirtied apron wrapped around waist, the fact that despite her tone, her cool grey eyes were soft, worry creased across the wrinkles in her face rather than anger. Kaos furrowed his brow, then tensed when he heard her voice trail off, gaze now locked on him. She said something to Glumshanks, then quickly walked around the table, standing before Kaos with her arms crossed across her chest, staring down the bridge of her nose at him. Kaos took a step back, looking over his shoulders as if expecting her to be looking at someone else there, before mustering up a hangdog smile.
“You.” She spoke sharply, jabbing a finger at his chest. “Thurhaakum ishug gorotu ashpeauku.”
“Mama, he-” Glumshanks cleared his throat. “Guluth ilabag ininlzag ashpeauku gulumabag.”
The woman looked back to Glumshanks, scrunched her face up, then gestured to the table. “Ashiakum. Ashiakum.”
Kaos just blinked. Before he could figure out a way to respond, she had taken him by the sleeve, dragging him to the table and sitting him down with more force than really necessary. Kaos winced, then rubbed his shoulders, his discomfort creeping up his spine like a clutter of spiderlings. Glumshanks merely offered him a sympathetic smile.
“Kaos, this is our caretaker, Oyana.” He gestured to the troll woman. “Mama, this is Kaos. He’s my, uh-”
“Ishug gorotu azaakum ashugarbaakum.” She interrupted, paused when she noticed Kaos’ look of utter perplexity, then spoke again. “You. Eat dinner?”
“...yes?” Kaos didn’t quite understand the question, but before he could ask her to elaborate, she had already shuffled off into the back room, closing the moth-eaten curtain that covered the doorway behind her. Kaos let his posture slump, breathing a sigh. “Well, your mother sure is... something.”
“Hm? Oh, she’s not my mom.” Glumshanks rested his chin in his hand, his arms resting on the table.
“But you call her mama? Is this, like, a cultural thing I don’t understand or…?”
“Kinda. I think she’s the equivalent of a human grandma to us? Something like that.”
Glumshanks traced his finger across the table’s surface, drawing little swirls in the light layer of grime that covered it. In the back room, Kaos could hear the clanging of utensils, firelight crackling out from beneath the loosely hung drapery. Up in the loft, he could hear the trio talking in hushed grunts, saying things he could barely hear, let alone understand.
“...I guess I’m staying for dinner?” Kaos managed a laugh. “I’ve never had troll cuisine, so this should be fun! Then maybe after we can give that map another look, eh?”
“Yeah, fun.” Glumshanks chuckled, a hint of sarcasm sprinkled over his words, though he cracked a smile nonetheless.
Kaos grinned back, letting his guard slip, if only a little. From the kitchen, Oyana called Glumshanks’ name, causing him to jump up with a start, calling back before rushing into the kitchen, probably to help with the cooking. Kaos sighed. The pounding techno music outside was almost a comfort now that he was used to it. Thropp let out a shuddering snore, then fell silent again, the three upstairs sniggering at the noise. Kaos looked out the window, to the islands past the edge of the village. He needed to get home, but staying here a little longer couldn’t hurt, right?
Kaos folded up the comically large map best he could, eventually giving up and thrusting it against Glumshanks’ chest, letting him deal with the crumpled mess of parchment. This was the spot. Kaos stood before the well, then looked up, glaring at the empty night sky above. That couldn’t be right. He had fallen from one well into another, so surely, his home had to be above this one. Kaos huffed, trying to wrack his mind for any possible landmarks he may have passed, something to jog a possible path to take. Anything to prove he was merely misremembering what had happened. He winced, holding his temple, the bandages Glumshanks’ mama had fixed in place scratchy against his fingertips. Had he really hit his head that hard?
“You’re sure this is the place?” Glumshanks cleared his throat, a frown on his face.
“It has to be. How many odd, intricately carved wells could there be in a single area?”
Glumshanks adjusted his worn jacket, then took another look at the map, peering at it from different angles to try and see if they were missing something. Kaos grumbled under his breath, pacing around the well, his hands folded behind his back. This wasn’t adding up.
“You said you were in a forest, right?”
“Yes. A two-toed greeble stole my scarf so I chased it right into those lumberous leviathans’ lair.”
“The trees, Glumwad. Keep up with me here!”
“...riiight.” He looked down at the map again. “There should be a forest not too far from here, if you follow the path you should come to it in no time.”
Kaos paused his pacing, ten pulled the map down to his height, peering at the section Glumshanks was on. Sure enough, it seemed to portray a densely wooded area, though none of the surroundings seemed to spark a feeling of recollection. Still, it was at least a start.
“Well, I guess I’ll head that way then...?” Kaos tried to hide the hesitancy in his voice, to no avail.
Glumshanks looked up the way of the tread path. “If you want, I can walk you there, but Mama wants me back before ‘moonset’, so I can wash the dishes… and make the beds…”
“Let me guess, if Thropp doesn’t have his pillows fluffed he throws a fit?” Kaos snickered.
Glumshanks managed a dry laugh. “More or less…”
Kaos frowned, then wacked Glumshanks on the arm playfully. “Well, we’ll just have to have you back by moonset then, eh?”
“Before moonset.” He corrected.
“Yeah yeah, whatever. You’ll be back to do your menial labour before you even know it.”
Kaos turned, putting on a brave face as he started down the beaten trail. He lingered as he passed by the well, still slightly suspicious of its carved walls, though he did his best to shrug the feeling off. Now wasn’t the time to let his active imagination get in the way. He picked up the pace, trying his best to keep in stride with Glumshanks, who was managing to overtake him even with his slower, meandering speed. Curse those long legs. It didn’t take long for the two to notice the foliage getting denser, the previously vacant planes of boulders and browning, patchy grass now overtaken by thorny roots and dense, red bushes. Kaos hopped over a small break in the island, his frown worsening. He had a faint sense of familiarity, but it felt like he was grasping at straws. It was a few moments before Kaos noticed the troll was no longer by his side. He paused, then looked back. Glumshanks stood at the edge, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
“I… I should be heading back.”
“Yeah- yeah of course. Don’t wanna keep them waiting.” Kaos laughed awkwardly, his spine prickling.
“Stay safe, okay? Don’t go getting eaten by a Gargantula or anything.”
“No promises.”
Glumshanks gave a small, tense wave, Kaos trying his best to reciprocate before turning to face the forest. Knowing Glumshanks wasn’t by his side, the trees seemed to loom over him, branches reaching and leaves rustling like razor blades ready to slice at him if he got too close. Kaos took a step forward, then looked over his shoulder, watching Glumshanks walking away, his heart sinking further with every step the troll took. Kaos took a deep breath, turned to face the path ahead, then began walking.
Kaos was nearly bowled over as Glumshanks came racing up to join him, branches and dry leaves crunching beneath his bare feet. The troll skidded to a stop, wringing his hands together.
“I-I’m sure Thropp can survive without me for a little longer. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t help out?”
Kaos smiled, his eyes lighting up. “A piss poor one, that’s what.”
Glumshanks laughed breathlessly, then ducked under a low hanging branch, walking along into the looming shadows. Kaos took a moment, then followed, keeping his hand on his rusty pruning shears. Just in case.
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lumitrs-a · 4 years
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∣  ∣  ∣  ‘ Is that the best you’ve got? ’ ╱  @praeteritus-memories​ ◞  noiz⤸
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❝ just how stubborn are you ?  would you cut it out already. ❞     aoba grumbles , exhausted.  he hadn’t even meant to cause him harm in the first place , and it didn’t matter if he could feel it or not it wasn’t something aoba enjoyed doing , but damn , he just needed a second to get his head straight.  so in an attempt to gain that moments break , he ended up grasping the other’s wrists and pinning them back , or , that had been the plan to stop noiz’s insistence , but that just resulted on him lying on his back with a hard thud to the floor.     ❝ ow.  that hurt. ❞     the boy mumbles to himself , his unamused stare shooting towards noiz before he sits himself up , leaning against the back of the wall his a heavy sigh.     ❝ are you twelve ? ❞     why was he beginning to feel like he was dealing with those brats back at junk shop , but worse , because he really couldn’t say much against noiz. 
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angstchim · 6 years
Native Bear | knj
Koala Hybrid Namjoon x  Biologist Reader
Based/ Inspired by @couchbrotato ‘s trip to Australia :)
The 4th installment of my hybrid series
➻  Rating: M
➻ Words: 8.2k
➻  !!: SMUT, language, being treated like test subjects, ignorance, angst, facials, cum play, happy ending, rushed romances, new experiences, dirty talk, public sex,  more to be added, master kink, sweet love, lots of firsts, 
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Bookbag heavy your feet clambered their way through the squeaky halls of your university. Eyes peering at the room number, your headphone almost falling from your ear as you entered the lab. Grabbing your white lab coat, bookbag resting on the table you sat at your station. Professor Shin at his desk, his eyeglasses perched at the tip of his nose, his wrinkled cheeks pulling into a bright smile as he read his monitor. Your eyes caught the glare that bounced from his glasses, the rest of your very small hybrid ethics class poured into the lab. Each of your classmates taking their seats.
"I have good news today everyone. Very good news!!" Mr.Shin chuckled as he grabbed his clipboard, his worn hands shakily checking everyone off.
"And that may be?" You chimed, stowing your phone before the senile old man could snatch it.
He let out a chuckle, pointing to the world map above the board. "Now my young scientists, can you guess what country on that map I will be taking you to?"
Sehun raised his hand, "Brazil?"
"That's a good one but no." the old man chuckled, "Anymore guesses?"
Hwasa raised hers, "India?"
Mr.Shin gently tapped the top of her head with a ruler stick making a buzzing noize, "Bzz Bzz Wrong my dear."
You raised your hand, blurting, "The Down Under?"
His face lit up, "That's right everyone, pack your bags I'm taking you lab rats to Australia."
Sehun let out a laugh, "And what are we gonna do there watch tarantulas have sex?"
Hwasa letting out a groan if disgust, "That's terrifying stop please."
Mr.Shin let out his rusty chuckle, "To answer your question Sehun, No we aren't going to watch the natural horror that is tarantulas mating. We will be studying something a little more human."
"I don't think Australia has monkeys.." Hwasa pondered aloud.
You squinted your eyes, "Could it be hybrids..?"
Mr.Shin smiling, "Bingo Bingo we have a winner!!"
"Hybrids..?" Sehun repeated, "In Australia, you mean wild hybrids, not just the domesticated ones, you mean real hybrids in the wild?!"
"I like your thinking Lackey, and yes real hybrids in the wild." Mr.Shin gave the top of his head a soft tap with the ruler stick before he put away the map and turned on the projector screen, his computer bringing up a slideshow. "Now my lab rats, never before have there been accounts of wild hybrids, yes we know the world about our domesticated ones, but wild is uncharted territory. We knew of their existence but as for hands-on communication, we haven't made it that far. They are their own peoples and they chose not to interact with us but in Australia, a few have come forward, and we are very, very lucky that we were able to get to be one of the few schools who get to study them." He clicked his tongue, the slideshow showing up with three hybrids on the screen.
"So they just came and said, Here I am study me??" Sehun rhetorically asks, sarcasm oozing in his voice.
"No, they wanted to leave the wild and to integrate into our society, such a peculiar request when hybrids are considered pets in today's world." Mr.Shin shook his head. He brought up photos of three hybrids, two male, one female.
Mr.Shin's thumb clicking on the clicker, "This here is a koala hybrid, his name is Namjoon, last name I don't believe he was given one but we call him Joon Bear. He's roughly 25 in human years, from what we know he's in his prime, and we have lots to test when it comes to his interactions with humans as well as with koalas."
Your eyes pierced the screen, you took in the hybrids handsome features, your cheeks a little flushed, "He's so pretty.." Your whisper going unnoticed.
"Next." Mr.Shin clicked the small remote once more, "Here we have Jungkook, he's a jackrabbit hybrid, he's a feisty one, a little on the younger side 4 years Namjoon's younger, and I would suggest some caution when interacting with him. He is very hyper and at times the things he says can be distracting." he chuckled, showing the jackrabbit's photo, ears erect and his hair dark ebony, you could hear Hwasa's breath leaving her body. You let out a giggle.
"Lastly, we have Hani, she's a dingo hybrid, oldest out of the three, she is pretty docile but she can have a temper and lash out at times, she also is the easiest to work with when it comes to the three of them. So we will spend a fair amount of time with her." Mr.Shin smiled up at the dingo hybrid's long flowy hazel hair and soft features.
"Thank god," Sehun mumbled as he stared up at the pretty hybrid, you let out a giggle. Everyone seemed to have taken a liking to the three hybrids. Your mind plagued with the image of Namjoon, your stomach holding a cage of butterflies as you thought about his features, how could someone be so attractive?
"Seems like no one has questions." Mr.Shin chuckled, "Aside from that we will be there for 2 weeks conducting small tests and simulations. Observing and creating charts and data."
"What about our papers and things?" Hwasa curiously asked.
"The school should be taking care of most of that for the most part right?" Sehun cut in.
Mr.Shin tapped his head with the ruler, "Yes for the most part but you do have to take care of your information yourselves, now everyone in the lab we have to check up the gametes from the cat hybrids."
Grabbing your data sheets, tongue swabbing the inside of your cheek, eyes peering back over the projector screen the handsome face of the koala hybrid fixed in your mind. "How can someone look like that?" You muttered to yourself as you filed into the lab.
The airport boisterous, your eyes heavy, hair messy, hands gripping your luggage as you drug it from the plane, the Australian wind hitting your face. The gust if hot hair and smell carrying salt from the ocean woke you from your jetlag.
"Salt?" You chimed.
"Well we are in a country surrounded by the ocean," Sehun grunted, giving you a light pinch as he hauled his luggage next to yours.
"It's a nice change though," Hwasa commented, her voice slightly groggy as she rested her head against you.
"Alright, lab rats stop ya blabbing." Mr. Shin clapped his hands eagerly as he pulled his ruler from his coat. The wooden ruler smacking each of your bums as he walked by.
Sehun standing straight, jumping from his skin, "How did you even manage to smuggle that here you old man?!"
Mr.Shin gave his head a light swat with the ruler, "I went through the checkpoints like everyone else, and call me an old man again and I'll whack you so good your pretty boy face won't recover."
"Mr.Shin we are all jet lagged and tired... Can we head to the hotel?" You cleared your throat as you glanced over at the elder.
He gave you a wrinkled smile, "Mhm, we do have cars waiting for us out in the lot. Best make our way over so we can get some rest." He looked up at the dark Australian sky, "It's night now, early in the morning we make our way over to the labs."
"Labs all day every day while we are here?" Sehun asked, "No time to go and see this place? I don't know about you but I don't know when I'll be back in Australia."
Hwasa nodded, "Yeah. Mr.Shin we will have a day or two to  enjoy it here won't we?"
Mr.Shin chuckled as he waved down the cars, "Of course we will have three days of free time for us, but we also have to bring the hybrids. We won't be doing any labs or tests but they do wish to integrate into human society so it will be good for them to experience this."
Your eyes heavy and arms weak as you slid your luggage into the back of the school van. "Let's discuss this after we rest because I can't fathom doing anything but sleeping right now."
Sehun grunted, "Negative Nancy."
Hwasa gave him a light swat, "What are you twelve? We are all tired and jet-lagged." She tussed as she hopped into the van her luggage in tow. Mr.Shin added his luggage to the back before taking shotgun. His voice lively as he made small talk with the driver.  Head pressed against the glass of the van's windows, music blaring in your ears, you drifted off.
Palms sweaty, chest heavy and with small steps you walked in into the lab with your fellow classmates. Eyes nervously scanning the walls of the polished and neat lab. Sehun and Hwasa murmuring and laughing like excited children. Mr.Shin checking over what appeared to be a list. "Everyone calm down and act your age. I know this is exciting but please let's not scare them when they come in." He sighed, his ruler in hand, waving it slightly as to warn them.
Just as everyone had settled the door opened in came five people, three of them the hybrids from the photos. Your breath hitching as they entered, the sight of them breathtaking. The koala's silvery hair matched with his fluffy round ears, his dark brown eyes and godly body covered in a tight grey muscle shirt and brown knee-length shorts that display powerful sunkissed calves. His eyes scanning over everyone in the room, tracking collar around his neck giving off a small beeping, his eyes resting on you.
Next to him stood a woman with beautiful golden hair her dingo ears proudly perked, her golden eyes scanning the room she wore a white sundress, tracking caller wrapped a little loosely around her small neck. Next to her towered an ebony haired buck, his black ears pinned back his eyes not meeting anyones, as he held a cocky smirk, his eyes narrowing as you were certain he was looking at your chest and Hwasa's thighs. Hwasa noticeably shuffling under his gaze, you already squirming under the gaze of the stoic bear. Sehun letting out an awkward grunt as he looked at the dingo goddess standing before him.
The two accompanying the hybrids their caretakers one male and the other female they introduced themselves as Ricky and Angelina. Ricky a happy fellow heading to the back of the lab telling the male hybrids he was there if they needed him. Angelina staying by Hani's side as she whispered to the female hybrid making sure she was okay before following Ricky to the back of the room.
Mr.Shin setting his clipboard down. "Hello, Hani, Jungkook, and Namjoon. I'm Mr.Shin and I'm here with my students. We will be with you two weeks and we have lots of things to do hope we get along." He chuckled outstretching his hand to each hybrid. Namjoon's eyes piercing you. "I'll partner you up now." he chuckled reaching for his keyboard.
Namjoon clearing his throat, everyone's eyes looking at him. "Can we partner ourselves up?"
Your mouth dry. His voice was deep. It was so deep, ears feeling hot. Mr. Shin throwing him a bright smile. "I don't see why not, go ahead pair up."
Jungkook smirking, his eyes landing on Hwasa, walking over to her his nose twitching slightly. "Oh, man don't you smell good."
Hani sending him a glare, "Don't be a pervert you sketchy rabbit."
Jungkook, stomping his foot on the lab floor, his cotton tail twitching. "I wasn't smelling that you perverted overgrown mutt." He snarled.
She straightened, giving a low growl, "Dingos eat rabbits keep it up bunny boy and I'll skin ya!"
Jungkook tissed, turning to Hwasa, "Sorry about that Cute. What's your name?" Hwasa flushed, "Hwasa."
Jungkook flashed her his pearly whites, "Be my partner for two weeks?" You giggled as you watched your embarrassed classmate give a shy nod.
Hani huffing walking over to Sehun, the dark-haired male biting his lip. His pencil tapping the desk. "Be mine for two weeks?"
Hani furrowed her brows, "Be yours?" She questioned.
Sehun realizing his mistake cursing his nerves, "I-I meant be my partner for two weeks!!" He huffed, avoiding her gaze.
The beautiful dingo hybrid giving a small giggle, "Sure." Her tail brushing his leg.
"That leaves you with me. I hope you don't mind." A deep voice from behind you whispered into your ear. Shivers running down your back. Behind you stood Nmajoon.
"Yes, we are partners.." You looked up at the hybrid whom stood behind you. His stature holding a presence as it loomed over. His aura one that made you want to quiver. How could a hybrid of such a small and harmless creature make you feel the need to cower before him? His lips a light cherry tint, his scent that of greens and something else. Leaning a little close he whispered, his breath tickling the shell of your ear. "I'm glad we are partners Sweetheart." He lets his breath linger on your ears shell before gently tapping your clipboard, "These questions look like they need answers." His ears twitching, he took a seat on the stool next to yours, "Sit Sweetheart, I don't have much time." He sent you a smirk, his eyes taking delight in the shivers he sent through you.
A blush dusting your cheeks, picking up your pencil and data sheet. Eyes avoiding the piercing brown orbs of the handsome male, "Mind if I take your pulse?" Voice a bit shaky, chest slightly strained. "Sure." He smiled. Giving a nod your hand outstretched to his wrist only for him to pull it away. His hand grabbing yours leading it to his heart. "I think this is the best way to check for a heartbeat don't you think?" Your lips quivering as you fought a smile, "The most straightforward of ways but yet effective."
He chuckled, "Straightforward isn't bad is it?" His warm hand pressing yours against his firm chest, his ears twitching. You knew this question was as far from the topic of taking a pulse, your own heart spiking as your eyes met. "No, it's not." You replied, your teeth nibbling your bottom lip. Counting his heartbeats, waiting for his response. His thumb gently rubbing your palm.
"How straightforward are you sweetheart? I'm very." He looked at your data sheet. Your cheeks feeling a familiar warmth, hand pulling from his chest.
"110," You said aloud.
"105" He corrected, your eyebrow-raising at him.
"I got 110 beats per minute.. hybrids on average have a faster heartbeat than humans."
"Yes but you are a tad bit off sweetheart."He chuckled.
"If you knew your heartrate why didn't you just tell me?" You huffed, cheeks a little puffy as you recorded 105 onto the data sheet.
"You didn't ask for that sweetheart." He gave a breathy laugh, shooting you a good-natured smirk.
"Are we going to talk to each other in riddles and poems then Namjoon?" You smirked, leaning a little closer to him, your shoes now pointed in his direction.
"Depends are you willing to play this game with me?" Once again a question disguised as on topic but it couldn't be any farther from the topic.
Your heartbeat tripping over itself, "I'm willing."
He leaned a bit closer to you, "You learn quick. Straightforward is how we will be no holding back."
You gave a nod, a tingling in your chest. Turning to the next question on the data sheet, "Average hours of sleep?"
After two days of meeting Namjoon so many boundaries have been transcended it made your head spin. The constant flirting hidden through normal questions. Every word having a deeper meaning. Being straightforward made your head whirl. Your hands rubbing the sleep from your eyes, looking over to see Hwasa brushing out her hair.
"Someone is up early." She comments.
"Can't sleep any longer."
"The koala on your mind?" She asks, your mouth forming into a pout as she read you. "It's okay Jungkook is ..." She blushed, "A handful."
You smirked, "Seems like I'm not the only one having trouble." Hwasa gave a nod.
"Jungkook said he'd like to come back with us?"
Your  head whipping to look at her, "Is that even possible..?"
Hwasa bit her lip, "They did say they didn't want to be lab rats forever, they did say they wanted to integrate into our society.."
Your tongue swabbing the inside of your mouth, "Yes, but hybrids are still considered pets... sure there is progress and their list of rights is becoming longer and longer but do you think they would be allowed to come back with us?"
Hwasa paused, still brushing her hair, eyes looking at her reflection in the hotel vanity, "We have Mr.Shin."
"Mr. Shin?"
Hwasa sighed, "Think about it. He's very well known in this industry hence why he was able to get our school in this program in the first place. He's contributed a lot to hybrid science and if the hybrids speak out we have a fighting chance. We aren't a hopeless cause. I know Sehun..he's falling hard for Hani. He's a love-struck puppy, of course after we take all the data we need we could possibly take them back with us."
Your heart skipping, "I don't even know if Namjoon wants to come back with me..."
Hwasa tissed, "We still have 12 days to find out, Sehun plans to bring the matter up to Mr.Shin today during lunch."
You nodded, "I don't know if they will be able to back with us right away if we do get the okay. They are still being studied it may be a while before they can come back with us.."
Hwasa sighed, "You're right there's no way this is going to be an easy breezy process, but I say let's get the most data we possibly can. Take the most tests, anything others may try to do. If we do it all here there won't be much left to do."
You giggled, "Bust our ass for two weeks then?"
Hwasa smiled at you, "Yes, let's get this data and maybe some love and dick."
You threw a pillow at Hwasa blushing, "Dirty Girl!!"
She smirked, "Jungkook keeps talking about it.. maybe I'll let it happen."
You squeaked, "Stop talking like that!"
Sehun in charge of the physical tests the whole week filled with games and monitors, Hwasa was focused on the diet looking at what they ate, how it digested etc. Lastly, you were in charge of the body, blood tests, screening, shots, cell counts, and x rays. Today you were in charge of collecting such data from Namjoon. You gave a sigh, heart skipping when the man in question had entered the room.
He wore sweats and hoodie, the grey of his clothes almost blending perfectly in with the grey on his head. His ears back as they twitched. His usual smirk greeting you. "There's my Sheila." You shuddered, at his stereotypical Australian accent and comment.
"Don't do that again.." You giggled, preparing cotton swabs, small dishes, and needles. "Take a seat, I need to swab your mouth, draw some blood, and collect some cells from you." You looked at the empty stool, the rubber gloves a bit tight around your hand.
"Mhm, Yes doctor." He chuckled, taking a seat on the stool.
"I'm no doctor Namjoon, far from it." You raised a brow at him.
He sat on the stool, hands resting on the stools edge his legs slightly spread. "We can pretend can't we?"
You prepared some needles, checking and sterilizing them, walking over to the hybrid. "If you want."
He chuckled, rolling up his sleeve, his forearm slim yet muscular, he gave a small yawn. "Doctor this is taking place during my midday nap you know."  
"Tragic, everything will be interfering with your midday nap these two weeks Joon."
He chuckled, biting his lip lightly as you injected the needle drawing blood. "Yes, but I feel like I should get some compensation for this constant messing with my naps. Whaddya say, sweetheart, your bear wants some compensation."  
You raised a brow, taking the needle from the sleepy hybrid, his veins protruding lightly from his arm. "This bear can take his naps later once I'm done with these data collections."
He puffed his cheeks, "What's next Sweetheart?"
You pulled out a small scraping tool, running it across his arm, sealing it in a plastic bag. "Skin Cells collected."
He raised his brow, "You stole my skin cells."
You rolled your eyes, "You have trillions more that regenerate every two weeks due to a process called Mitosis. Those ones were dead anyways that's why they came off so easily." You giggled plucking a hair from his head and tucking it in another small plastic bag. "Piece of hair acquired."
"You stole my hair." he joked
"It grows back." You giggled, grabbing a cotton swab from the tray nearby. "Open up."
"Oof didn't expect you to be so blunt." He chuckled.
You rolled your eyes. "We agreed to be straightforward, no?"
He smirked, "Aye, we did." He opened his mouth, your hand holding the swab as you gently began to scape at his cheek, his eyes on yours. Brown orbs boring into you, his breathing a little ragged as he let you poke at his cheeks, his tongue carefully running against your fingers. The hot muscle twining around you, his mouth closed as he gave your finger a gentle suck, teeth lightly grazing the gloves before he opened his mouth again. His eyes boring into you, your cheeks a blazing crimson as you pulled your hand away. Stunned.
"Straightforward remember?" He smirked, eyes small crescents he tilted his head a little, his grey hair framing his face. His ears twitching and you could've sworn his sweatpants twitched in a specific area.
Your cheeks hot. "Mhm, yes I remember." Biting your lip you continued on with the rests of the collections. Getting the bottom of the sheet, seeing that you had one more collection to do. Gamete collection. You gulped. Grabbing a plastic cup from the cabinet. "Here take this."
He twitched his ears. "What's this one for?"
"Gamete collection." You responded, blushing.
"What's that in English?"
You bit your lip looking at his sweatpants. "Sex cell collection, I need semen in this cup."
He raised his brow, "That's all? No need to be so blushy about it." he grabbed the cup seating himself on the stool once more.
You gulped looking at him,  "The bathroom is on the left.." You pointed to the bathroom only mere meters away from the man.
He looked over at it. "I know where it's at I spend lots of time in there sometimes. I sure you've noticed." He looked up at you from the stool. His eyes lidded. Veiny hand traveling to his sweats, a twitching more noticeable from his bottom half.  Your throat running dry he sat the cup back on your tray, sliding the hem of his sweats aside, his member standing tall and proud as he wrapped his hand around the throbbing flesh.
His eyes staring into you, a throbbing in your heart and pants with each passing second. "N-Namjoon stop that!" Your hand snatching the cup from the tray, looking over your shoulder at the door's window. Hoping and praying that no one would dare walk by or enter the lab.
He didn't respond, his eyes dark, his hand working faster, his wrist flicking his cock glazed at the tip. Beads of pearly cum threatening to fall on the floor. The very thing you needed for research about to drop on the floor. Wasted. His smirk growing as he watched your eyes trail his cock, his wrist going faster, hips stuttering as his teeth gnawed into his lip.    
"Joon!!" You panicked in a whispered shout as you inched closer to the male, his pace increasing the closer you got to him. His eyes narrowing, hips bucking, head thrown back. "F-Fuck this feels good, your pretty little eyes on my cock." Cheeks a flame, your hand shaking as his cock twitched, his hand squeezing, wrist twisting, hips trembling. He was about to cum. Body moving fast your hands trembling as you got to your knees. Cup in your hand.
His teeth gritted, chest heaving, hips jerking, cock spirting pearlescent ropes against your cheeks, chin, and lips. Swiping the cup from your hands he bit his lip pressing the plastic cup to your cheek. Gently he scrapped at your cheek collecting the creamy essence. A Cheshire grin adorning his face. "You look so good painted white."
Face burning, chest heaving, the thin bralette and tee shirt you wore outting you as your pert buds reared themselves. His gaze trailing down to them, his hand holding the cup, his other hand dipping his finger into his white cocktail.  Coating it he lifted your chin. "Open up Sweetheart."  Jaw-dropping for him against your better judgment, tongue lapping at the sweet gift he offered.  He let out a hiss, his semi-threatening to stand erect once more. His cock twitching the more you swirled your wet muscle around his digit.
Ears twitching he pulled his finger away. "Such a dirty girl." He grunted, his eyes darkening. "You came here for research, want to test something Sweetheart?"
Your professionalism leaving you, "What might you have in mind?"
His gaze darkened. His hand heavy as lifted you from the ground clearing a nearby table he laid you on it. A harsh smack landing against your thigh. "My kind are treated as pets in the outside world." Your heart starts to sink, you bit your lip avoiding his gaze as you didn't know how to respond. His large hand gripped your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. "That means that when I fuck you I'm the master. Got it, Sweetheart?"
A burning sensation returning to your abdomen.  "Yes, Master."  
He chuckled. "I'm gonna make you mine, you'd like that won't you?" Hot hands traveling to your shoulders stripping the white lab coat from your form. His grey hair wisping across his sunkissed skin, his dark brown focussing in on your pert buds. He smacks his lip, grabbing your hips, positioning you so that you bent over the table, back arched, tippy toes touching the cold tiled floor of the lab. "There we go. Time to experiment with you."
Your body twitching, breath hitching, as he lifted your mini skirt. Hiking it to your waist revealing your thin panties. Thoroughly soaked. He let out a groan, your scent hinting him, with careful fingers he traces over your slit, digits lightly grazing your cotton covered clit. "So sweet." He slid the fabric aside, two fingers collecting your slick using it as a lubricant as he coated your slit. Your hands gripping the desk, body trembling under his ministrations.
"Heres the question we are going to answer Sweetheart." He grinned, fingers dipping into you, gently pumping, his thumb carefully rolling over your clit. "How far can a human cunt stretch?"
You let out a gasp, "A-As much as you want it to!" Your words not well thought through.
"That sounds like a challenge Sweetheart, and Master doesn't like it when his Sweetheart challenges him." He growls, landing another hard smack to your ass, his two digits turning to three as his pumping increases. Dipping down to your core he began to lick and roll his tongue around the intruding digits. The extra slick making his fingers plunge deeper and deeper into your core. His fingertips curling as they stretched your walls. The stretched welcomed, your eyes lidded, knuckles white. Gentle and raspy pants and whimpers escaping you.
"Such pretty sounds. Mhm." He picked up his pace, fingers curling at a faster rate, a fourth finger ass, his free hand sliding up and down your ass. Fingers lightly pressing against your second opening as he teased. Watching it twitch, he let out guttural growls. Dipping down again, he lapped at his digits, giving your clit a few gentle sucks before he began to pump his four digits further into you. The soft squelches coming from core only encouraged his ministrations. His pace increasing, his eyes darkening, "Such a tight fit, how much more can you take?"
You let out a cry, gently you rolled your hips against his hand. His four digits knuckles deep as they pierced your core.  Buddles of sensitive nerves getting much-needed friction with your added hip movements. He let out a chuckle, "Mhm can you take my whole fist Sweetheart?" his tone deep, an edge to it yet concern. Your heart skipping, your face cherry.
"I can try." You whimpered, rolling your hips against his four digits.
He grinned, "That a girl." Flowering kisses down your back, he inched further and further into you. Knuckles white, back arching with legs spread, your walls stretched, his fingers carefully curling. Chest heaving as his hand reached a halt. His fingertips now kissing your cervix. His pace increasing. Walls spread and mouth agape, tears threatening to fall from the sheer pleasure. "Like that Sweetheart?"  He grunted, arm moving. In and out. In and out. His free hand on the small of your back steading you.
Soft tears racing down your cheek, lips abused and swollen, hips pressing against you. His knuckles kissing your cervix as his fingers curled. His growls resonating in your ears, his hair wisping over his eyes slightly blocking his view. "F-Faster!" your whine encouraging him.
His hand landing another harsh smack to your ass, your rear already decorated with red and brown marks. Giving your clit a pinched he increased his pace, knuckles kissing your cervix with each pump he gave.  Your thighs trembling, whimpering louder. "A-Ah, Ah!!" You head sicking down as you came, walls convulsing around his arm, carefully he pulled out. Your slick coating his arm, lifting his knuckles to his lips he gave a few curious licks, his other hand patting your hip. "Can you stand?" His voice soft, carefully he cleaned you, his tongue gently lapping as what dripped from your thighs.
You shook your head, chest heaving. "You might have to carry me back to the hotel." He nodded as he dressed you. Strong arms lifting you, his firm body giving your support. "Did you take all the data you needed to?"
You buried your nose into his chest, his scent fresh and a little leafy. "I have to take a few more small tests."
He patted your back, "Well there's no comfortable place for you to sit and do that here, the hotel is rather far when I think about it....would you like to come to my dorm?" His voice a bit shaky, thumbs rolling against your skin anxiously.
"Sure, I'll have Sehun pick me up later then." Grabbing your phone you sent your classmate a text. Namjoon cradling you against his chest as he led you back to his dorm. With the push of a few buttons, he pulled you into the small dorm that he shared with Jungkook. The vast personalities of the hybrids evident even in their dorm. Jungkook's half decorated with a few questionable posters and you swore you saw a fleshlight that was poorly hidden. Namjoon's half minimally decorated, a map of Australia stuck onto the wall and a plush of a brown bear on his bed.
Your lips curling as you took notice of the small bear. "Cute."
His cheeks a light blush tint, stripping off his hood to reveal a white tee underneath. "I'm not cute but I have something that is." He chuckled, his sweatpants a little tight on his form. Resting yourself on his bed, you gazed at his form.
"You better not say your dick." You commented.
He chuckled, lightly tapping your knee. "Do I look like Jungkook to you?" He chuckled as he disappeared returning with a baby-sized ball of grey fur in his arm.  The tiny grey creature clinging to him, its ears twitching. A baby koala.
Your awws dropping as you reached out to the small creature, gently pet the top of its head. It's soft snores filling your ears. "What's its name?" Your voice quiet to not wake it.
"Koya", he smiled, he was an orphan and the dorm master found him in the tree garden, his mother a few meters away dead, the birds of prey starting to circle the little guy."
Your heart sinking, "Is he yours? Or are you just taking care of him since he isn't able?"
Namjoon poked the baby bear's nose, "Just taking care of him till he is able to do so himself."
Your heart aching for the small bear, "How long will that be?"
Namjoon smiled, "I've had him for a couple months now, in an about two more weeks we will be able to integrate back into nature. The dorm masters are speaking with my old clan to see if anyone there is willing to take on another baby."
You looked up at him, "Your clan?"
He smiled, "I suppose you don't know much about wild hybrids."  Your eyes on him as you listened. "Out in the while hybrids live in clans. We grow up and mate within our clan or with members of another clan from the same species, the mothers, fathers, elders, young ones, fathers, everyone contributes and the lifestyle repeats. I have a big mind, and lots of things I want to experience and that lifestyle wasn't for me." He looked down at Koya, "The mothers would help and take care of koalas, we share lots of the same food and land in the wild so koalas and their hybrids are close-knit. I'm sure a mother will take him in."
You looked at the little one, "With that cute little face anyone would take him." With gentle hands, you pinched the baby's cheek, before Namjoon returned him to his bed. The male climbing back over to you, pulling you close to him as he lied down in bed.
"Mhm, you have two more collections to do correct?"
"Yes, but they can wait." You gave a yawn, tucking your head into his neck, his scent surrounding you, his large hands caressing the back of your head. His fingers tangling themselves in your hair.
"Yes, Sweetheart?" His voice soft, his breathing steady. His lips leaving gentle peck atop your forehead.  
"Do.." You paused, "Would you like to come back home with me?"
He looked at you, his eyes wide. "Back home with you. You mean back to your home?"
You gave a nod.
"Is that even possible?" He asked, a blush on his cheeks.
"Well, we have Mr.Shin,, he has influence and I know you and the others said you wanted to do more with your life than being a test subject.." You looked up at him biting your lip.
His fingers letting your tresses wisp through them, his gaze on you. "Of course I'll go, I know Jungkook is taken with your friend, and I think Hani already claimed Sehun as hers.. I want to make you mine. I want to live with you, learn with you, experience life with you."
You smiled at him, "I do too, it's only been a short while but it feels so right.."
He chuckled, "I'll talk to Hani and Jungkook. I'm sure they will jump at the opportunity."
Burrowing your nose into his chest, his hands traveling down twining themselves with yours. His thumb gently caressing your hand, soft strokes.  The blanket covering the two of you. This was what you wanted. For now and for forever. Time like this wasn't something that occurred often, and now you relished in it. After getting a taste of sleeping next to Namjoon you couldn't dare imagine what it would be like to sleep alone again.
A few hours pass, the orange afternoon sun peeking through the blinds of the dorm. A slight knocking on the door. Sehun's voice calling through the door. "Hey, wake up time to head back to the hotel. Mr.Shin is worried about you."
Gentle kisses waking you from your slumber, a small mark left on your neck. "Sweetheart." He whispered into your ear. "Time for you to head back to the hotel."
Rising to your feet, hips still a bit sore from today's activity you let out a small whine.  Grabbing your things, Namjoon led you to the door, after a few kisses goodbye he sent you off. Sehun pulling you along, "Hwasa mentioned something about speaking to Mr.Shin about letting the hybrids come back with us? Did you bring this up to the hybrids? Is this why the two of you packed the schedule?"
Giving a sleepy nod you responded, "Yes, yes, and yes."
Sehun gave a smile, "Let's do this, tonight?"
You looked over at him, "I suppose we can ease Mr.shin into the idea at dinner."
Sehun nodded getting out his phone, "I sent Hwasa a text. At dinner, it is then."
The two of you made it back to the hotel passing the hotel diner where Hwasa and Mr.Shin sat and conversed. Sehun and you walking over, Mr.Shin chuckling. "Looks like you had fun today." He referred to your hair, Sehun chuckling as he looked at Mr.Shin.
"It wasn't my doing sir."
Mr.Shin chuckled, "Love in Australia? The joys of being young." He ate his dinner, the two of you sitting at the empty seats.
"Sir?" You asked, giving a glace to Hwasa seeing her nod.
"Yes?" He took a sip of his coffee, you took a deep breath.
"You said the hybrids would like to integrate into our society correct?"
He raised a brow as you as he gathered food on his fork. "I do recall saying something along those lines."
"You also have lots of influence.. You contributed lots to hybrid science."
He nodded, "Indeed I have."
You cut the chase, "Do you think we can take the hybrids back with us?"
He looked at all three of you, his eye jumping from you to Hwasa to Sehun. His freehand pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. "Take them back with us?" He repeated. "Why?"
The three of you avoiding his gaze, the answer obvious now. Mr.Shin gave a sign. "The three of you all found love in Australia?" The white hair on his head reflecting a bit of light as he checked his watch.  The three of you giving shy nods, grunts, and awkward coughs of confirmation. The elder chuckling, "I can talk to my friends here and see if that can be arranged. They did say they wanted to integrate into society but I feel like if they do come home with us data still will need to be collected. These three hybrids are the only three wild hybrids in the world who agreed to this. You do know. Not many people will want them to go home with us but it's my word against theirs."  He continued to eat. "I was in love once too, and I wish I had the chance to take her home with me.." He smiled as he looked down at the pendant on his neck. A small silver figure of a fox rested on a chain.
Your eyes dropping to the chain suddenly understanding why Mr. Shin dedicated much of his life to hybrid science and research. Why he is agreeing to help your cause. Your heart ached for him. New respect growing for the elder who sat before you. "Thank you Mr.Shin...Thank you so much." You smiled. Hwasa and Sehun quickly running to embrace the elder in hugs.
It's nearing the end of your two-week stay in Australia and with all of the data collections and tests finished today was spent by the pool. All six of you waiting for Mr.Shin's arrival. Today he delivered the news of whether you could take Namjoon home with you.
The two of you sat under the giant umbrella, neither of you very fond of the harsh sun. He sat in navy swim shorts that clung a little close to his thighs, a towel resting around his neck, his ears lost in his fluffy grey hair. Beads of sweat forming around his chest, his eyes on your phone as you let him play with it. He never had one of his own.
Your eyes moving to the pool, in the water was Jungkook, he stood off in the deep end with Hwasa on his shoulders the two of them laughing. Hwasa playing with his ears. Your cheeks blushing as you watched him nip at her thigh. Face a cherry your attention got turned to  Hani and Sehun who were towards the shallow end of the pool. You giggled watching Hani struggle to teach city boy Sehun how to swim.
Strong arms wrapping around your bare hips. Your two-piece doing little against his heated skin. "You'll burn if you don't put on any sunscreen."  
"Put some on me?"
Letting out a chuckle, "Sure sweetheart. On your stomach."
Your face heating, a rush in your stomach hearing him say that. Laying on your stomach, with nibble hands he untied the straps of your top. "Don't want any lines now do we?" He smirks. You could hear the Cheshire in his voice. Lathering the sunscreen in his hands he began to work it into the skin on your back. His form climbing over you as he rested himself on your thighs, you could feel him lightly brush your ass as he worked.
His large hands working from the bottom of your back up. Breath hitching as his fingers grazed the sides of your breast.  His fingertips staying there for a second longer.
A cough tearing you away from the task at hand. A few meters away stood Mr. Shin, he was in his usual polo shirt and khaki pants. "I have news." He declared.
Namjoon tied your top once more, setting a towel around you. "Yes, Sir?"
Mr.Shin waved Hani and Jungkook over. Sehun and Hwasa following after them. "Pack your bags, you're coming back with us." He smiled, his smiled a proud one yet a bit bittersweet as he once more looked down to the silver fox that rested on his chest. Jungkook tapping his feet against the cement as he lifted Hwasa in his arms. Hani jumping onto Sehun, knocking him to the ground she had no shame, her lips attacking his. Namjoon resting his head atop of yours, his hands twining with yours.
"I'm ready to go home." He whispered.
Luggage placed over the top of your seats, Namjoon carrying a small baby blanket with him, he fisted the fabric as he sat next to the window. He bit his lip. He was nervous.   Taking a seat next to him you placed a beanie over his head to cover his ears as you could hear others beginning to whisper. "It's going to be okay, you're off to experience something new Joon."
He smiled at you, his dimples peeking at you, "I know." He looked out the window as the plane started to take off, his hand grasping yours, "I hope Koya is well-taken care off."
Resting your head on his shoulder, "We can come back and visit him one day if you'd like."
He chuckled, "I'd like that." His eyes on the window, "What's home like?"
"I live in a city, there will be people everywhere, it's never quiet, lots of things to do. It'll be quiet the change from the coast here." You buried your nose into his chest.
"I've read about places like that. Are there other hybrids?" he asked, his eyes glowing with the need for knowledge.
"Yes, there are. Lots of dog, and cat hybrids. A few domestic bunnies, hamsters, mice, etc." You looked at him, "You'll be the only cuddly bear."
He chuckled, "I'll be a pet huh?"
You frowned, "I mean to everyone else you'll be a pet. I won't ever make you feel that way. Last I check considering hybrids to be pets is gonna change."
"Why?" he asked
"Because of people like us, all those tests, all the data it was taken to prove that even the wildest of hybrids are more human than animal, to prove to the world that keeping hybrids as pets is wrong."
The male looking at you, a dopey smile across his face as he just responded with a simple kiss on your cheek.
Your fists gripping the sheets, his lips traveling down your back as he mounted himself. Keeping your thighs spread, his breathing heavy he slid into you. "F-Finally!!" He grunted, his pants heavy. Your back arched, hips gently moving against him. His hips starting to thrust. In and Out. In and Out.
"J-Joon A-ahh."
"Shh, I've been wanting to feel this for a while now." He grunted, his fingers twining with yours, his weight pushing your weight into the mattress, hips steady he pumped himself into you. With each thrust, he pulled out, before easing into you once more. Each time his tip didn't fail to kiss your cervix. Sweet friction. His grunts loud, he was in no rush and neither were you.
Slow strokes and wet kisses. Jagged breathes, and pinches of your breasts. Light slaps and gentle caresses. Lewd sounds at war with the squeaking of the bed. His tongue gently traveling along the shell of your ear, "Sweetheart?.."  His voice ragged, his pace increasing, he going faster, his thrusts aimed to pierce you deeper.
Soft mewls escaping you, your hips gently rolling to meet his pace, "Y-Yes?"
His hips pistoning into your core, his lips trailing your neck, his teeth softly grazing the sensitive skin. "I love you." His voice genuine, his strong arms flipping you over, your chests against one another, his face flushing as he gripped your hips drilling himself into you.
Your cries louder, "J-Joon, I love you too." You hands cupping your breasts as he lost himself in you. His hips slamming into you, his chest heaving.
"I love you so fucking much, so so much." His eyes lidded, his head thrown back. His hips stuttering, his hips moving on their own. His thumb flicking your clit. The sensation pushing you near the edge.
"D-Don't Stop!!" You cried out, body trembling.
"I wouldn't dare!" He grunted, his body trembling, his thumb rolling against your clit.
"Joon!!!" You whined, walls clenching around him as you lost yourself in the pleasure, slick coating him.
"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!" He cried out, pulling out from your core, white spurts of cum landing on your abdomen, his ears twitching, his chest heaving.
You let out a soft whine, lightly curling up, your core and clit vibrating. He let out a chuckle, his finger dipping into the cum on your abdomen, he painted a small heart.
"I meant it when I said I loved you." He smiled.
Your cheeks flushing, your hand grabbing the nearest pillow tossing it at him.
After the jetlag left, after life had returned to normal, after all, that had happened in your two weeks in Australia you wanted to surprise Namjoon. After sending him off for a guys day with Jungkook and Sehun. Sehun eager to show the two what a gamers cafe was.
Hwasa and Hani arriving at your apartment, hands filled with grocery bags. "Let's make them dinner." Hwasa giggled. Hani's tail wagging with excitement.
Ingredients on the counter you began to cook the meats, Hwasa a few feet away teaching Hani how to cut vegetables. The dingo female having a hard time cutting a tomato. She complained every step of the way about how a tomato was the worst vegetable. Both you and Hwasa humoring her, step by step the three of you prepared a big dinner. Hani set the tables, Hwasa pored the drinks and you served the food. Eyes on the clock, ears listening for the click of the door.
Anticipation grew, and soon enough the click of the door came. Filing in were the three boys, Jungkook carrying arms full of Spider-Man pushed, Sehun holding dog figurines and Namjoon holding two bear plushes. One of a bear in a blue jacket another of a bear in a pink jacket. The little bears paws were connected.  Namjoon blushed trying to hide the plushes when you took notice of them.
Walking over you grabbed his hand. "I have something for you Joon."
He smiled, "What might that be?" He asked as you led him to the kitchen.
You smiled, entering the kitchen looking over at him, "Your first homemade dinner."
He set the plushies down, his eyes glossy, his mouth dry. "Sweetheart.. you did all this for me?"
You blushed, giving a nod.
His large hands wiping a tear from his eye, pulling you close he rested his head atop of yours. "Thank You."
"Oh fuck its time to eat!" Jungkook cried out with excitement.
Namjoon glared over at the jackrabbit. The boisterous rabbit ruining the moment. His eyes returning to you, "I want you to feed me."
Your cheeks flushing as you gave his chest a pinch. "Fine."
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hakuyamazakisensei · 6 years
The Rescue
This is chapter one of a two or three chapter story...its is a ‘what-if’ from the scene where Mink kidnaps Aoba. What if Koujaku actually acted on Clear’s insistent call about Aoba being missing? Let’s find out! Happy Birthday, @flower-dragon!! I hope you like this. <3 Thank you @kondo-hijikata and @eheartangel for beta reading!
Koujaku looks at his coil in confusion when the call comes in. It isn’t a number that he recognizes and he considers not even answering, but thinking it might be a dissatisfied customer quickly makes him change his mind. Hitting the receive-call button, he answers with a terse “Hello?” and then holds the phone away from his ear as a breathless, erratic voice spills into the air.
“Master is far away and might be in trouble so we need to go save him right now!!!!”
“Whoa, slow down! Who the hell is this?”
“Aaaaah! Sumimasen, Koujaku-san! It’s me, Clear! Master is missing!”
“Do you mean Aoba? What do you mean, missing? He’s probably at home in bed.” Koujaku is ready to hang up. How on earth did this weirdo get his number, anyway?
“Noooo,” Clear whines on the other end. “He’s far away! I can barely hear him!!”
“You’re crazy. If he’s so far away, you wouldn’t be able to hear him at all! Just...go to bed and you’ll see that Aoba is fine in the morning. And stop calling him ‘master’. It’s fucking weird.”
He hangs up and tries to get back into the show he’s watching, but it’s impossible. He’s pretty certain that everything is fine, but a little niggle of doubt is beginning to grow. What if Aoba is in trouble? Whipping out his coil once again, he punches in Aoba’s number, just to be on the safe side. It rings several times, but there’s no answer. He hangs up and tries Tae-san’s number with the same result. The worry grows, and he waits for a few minutes before trying again.
When he still receives no response from either phone, Koujaku licks his suddenly dry lips, and considers his options. He could follow his own advice and just wait until morning, knowing that Aoba is probably only sleeping. But then, why didn’t Tae-san answer her phone? Were they both sound sleepers? Somehow, he doubted that. It would be no trouble to take a quick trip over there, make sure everything’s okay.
Once the thought enters his head, Koujaku knows that’s what he’s going to do. There’s no use trying to deny that he’s more than a little worried. He quickly dons his kimono and sword, grabs his coil and heads out the door. He doesn’t run, though he wants to, but he gets there much more quickly than usual, his steps hurried and his agitation growing with each block that takes him closer. When he rounds the last corner, he’s surprised to see that Aoba’s house is dark—not a single light is on. And the door is standing ajar.
Stopping just short of the small porch, Koujaku tries to call Aoba one more time. Still no answer and he can’t hear it beeping from inside the house. He tries Tae-san’s number—no response, no ringing. Making up his mind, Koujaku steps forward cautiously, just as a cry from above makes him jerk his head upward.
“What the fuck?!” Koujaku shouts as he dives to the left, just as Clear lands face first on the ground next to him.
“Koujaku-san, you came! I knew you would. Master isn’t here. We have to find him!” Clear says, jumping to his feet unharmed and flailing his arms wildly.
“Why the hell are you just...falling from the sky? How is that normal?” Koujaku asks as he dusts himself off.
“That isn’t important! We must find Master! He’s gone!”
Koujaku heaves a weary sigh and then turns to face Aoba’s door once again. “I’m going to check out his house first. He might just be...sleeping,” he says, trying to convince himself along with Clear.
“No! He’s far away! I can barely hear him!” Clear was becoming frantic.
“You’re crazy! How can you hear him if he isn’t here? Just...back up and let me check things out, will you?”
Clear falls silent, though he bounces on his toes impatiently. When Koujaku enters the dark house, Clear is on his heels, peering over his shoulder.
“He’s not here,” he whispers, earning a sharp glare from Koujaku.
Creeping forward, Koujaku presses a button on his coil, filling the room with a faint light. He stops in his tracks, taking in the scene. Furniture is knocked askew and glass is broken all over the floor of the living area. Progressing into the room slowly, Koujaku nearly trips over a body he hadn’t been able to see in the dark. Clad in black, it was hidden in the shadows halfway under the stairs.
“What the...” he whispers, kneeling down to check for a pulse. “He’s alive, but who the hell is this?” Taking a closer look, he mumbles—more to himself than to Clear—“Is this...a Dry Juice member?” Another body lies a few feet away, in the same state as the other—unconscious but breathing.
Light suddenly floods the room and both Koujaku and Clear jump before turning to see who’s flipped the switch.
“You!” Koujaku snarls, rising to his feet and facing the newcomer.
“Noiz-san!” Clear calls out, waving from behind Koujaku.
“Idiots,” Noiz mutters as he strolls lazily into the room. He takes in the scene and snorts. “Lose your temper, old man?” he asks Koujaku with a smirk.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Koujaku counters, balling his hands into fists, ignoring the younger man’s question.
“Same thing you are.”
“And that is?” Koujaku moves to step in front of Noiz.
Noiz pushes past him to get a better look at the men on the floor, not bothering to answer his question.
“Master is missing,” Clear pipes up, shooting his hand in the air. “Will you help find him, Noiz-san?”
Noiz lets his gaze move toward the gas mask, his brow arched. “Missing?”
“Yes! He is far away and in trouble!”
“How do you know he’s in trouble?” Koujaku asks with exasperation. “You’re only guessing.”
“Seems he guessed right,” Noiz said, looking pointedly at the mess in the room.
Koujaku growls in frustration, not wanting to admit that either one of the men with him might be correct. Pivoting on his heel, he moves to the stairs, taking them two at a time until he reaches the second-floor landing. Turning to the left, he hurries to Aoba’s bedroom, opening the door a small crack and calling out to his friend. Receiving no answer, he feels along the wall and turns on the light.
The bed is made, everything looks to be in order, and Koujaku can’t see anything that might be missing other than Aoba himself, and his AllMate, Ren.  Backing out of the room, he hears a commotion down below and quickly shuts the bedroom door before heading back to the living area.
“Wait Noiz-san!!” he hears Clear say as he reaches the last step.
“Don’t touch me,” Noiz’s impassive voice carries into the hall.
“AAAH! Sumimasen, Noiz-san. But I want to go too! Take me with you!”
Koujaku’s jaw tightens as he tries to rein in the anger he feels rising. He might be able to handle one of these morons at a time, but what did he do to deserve both of them? He didn’t have time for this shit. He had to locate Aoba.
“What’s going on in here? Be more respectful of somebody else’s home!” he tells them as he marches into the room. He spots Noiz by the couch with Clear’s hand wrapped firmly around his wrist.
“Please, Noiz-san. I want to help!”
“I don’t need help. Let go.” Noiz shakes his arm and Clear reluctantly releases him.
“What are you doing?” Koujaku asks, his eyes narrowing. “It’s not like you give a shit about Aoba.”
“Jealous?” Noiz asks, an insufferable smirk tugging at his lips.
Koujaku scoffs and runs a hand through his hair. “Unlike you, I’m worried about the family that lives here. Since you aren’t, why don’t you just get the fuck out?”
Noiz grins and shrugs before moving toward the door. Clear, upset and not knowing what to do, looks from one man to the other while wringing his hands. He takes a step toward Noiz, stops, and then takes another step.
“Waaaa! What should I do?” he cries out.
“Go with the bean sprout,” Koujaku says, pointing toward the door, just as Noiz replies, “Stay with the old man.”
Clear purses his lips and shakes his head. “That’s mean! I want to help find Master, too. I don’t know if I want to be friends with mean people.”
“I told you to quit calling Aoba that! Fuck, you’re so weird! And who the hell said anything about being friends?”
Noiz snorts and comments, “Look who’s talking. You’re more weird than he is.” He pulls a small cube from the loop at his waist and holds it close to his face. “Locate AllMate Ren, dog type, owner Aoba Seragaki.”
Two pairs of eyes focus on Noiz as he speaks, one full of curiosity, the other with animosity. As the small cube begins to spout information, Koujaku makes a move toward its owner, who ducks out of reach and opens the door.
“Stop right there you little shit!” Koujaku shouts as Noiz trots down the front steps and onto the sidewalk. “How can you track Ren? Did you tag him?!”
Noiz snorts with derision. “AllMates have internal tags. Any of them can be tracked if you have half a brain.”
A gasp from behind Koujaku has him whirling to face the man in the gas mask. “What?!” he demands of Clear.
“We can find Master! All we have to do is follow Noiz-san!”
Noiz cuts his eyes to Clear, his expression unreadable. Koujaku grunts in dissatisfaction. “Like I would trust either one of you,” he mutters.
“Waaaaaa?!” Clear cries out. “I am very trustworthy!”
“I’m out of here,” Noiz says, continuing down the sidewalk. Clear looks to Koujaku, who is frowning as he stands rooted to the spot, and then turns to follow Noiz.
Koujaku watches them leave, his mind swirling with indecision. Should he follow? Should he head out on his own? It infuriated him to know that the kid—Noiz—had found a way to track Aoba. Was the boy lying? Could anybody locate a person through their AllMate? He felt in his pocket for his own AllMate and lifted it up. Brushing a finger across the small bird’s head, he waited for the familiar voice to chirp before asking it that very question.
Beni cocks a head to the side and makes a few whirring noises as it searches for the answer. Finally, he speaks. “The little brat tells the truth. I’m not happy about this. I’ve been infested!”
“Can you track Aoba, too?”
“Afraid not. I would need a code. I can only do what I’ve been programmed to do.”
“Shit,” Koujaku mutters as he rubs his neck. “Alright, fine. I’ll believe the bean sprout. Let’s go.” He waits for Beni to fly off in the direction that Noiz and Clear went, and then he follows.
Koujaku keeps his distance and watches the two troublesome men in front of him. Noiz walks with his nose in his screens, not even bothering to watch his step, while Clear bounces around him, chattering like a rabid squirrel. Koujaku refuses to interact, instead focusing on where they’re going. He soon begins to realize that they’re heading directly for the North district, a place condemned by the so-called police of Midorijima—a ghost-town.
Suspicions rising, Koujaku slows his step. There is only one thing he knows about the North District, other than its off-limits status, and that is that it is said to be the home-base of a Rib team completely made up of criminals and ex-cons, Scratch. Koujaku has not had any dealings with Scratch, but he’s heard about them. They don’t play by the rules. Their leader would just as soon kill you as look at you, from what rumors say. A sinking feeling fills Koujaku’s stomach and he calls out to the other men.
Clear stops immediately and grabs Noiz by the arm. When Koujaku catches up to them, the silver-riddled boy asks point blank what the hold-up is, his expression in no way showing the vexation Koujaku hears in his voice.
“This is Scratch territory,” he tells them in hushed tones.
“Yeah, so?”
“Soooo...it means we need to be careful. There are only three of us, and only one I trust in a fight,” Koujaku seethes.
“Is it me?” Clear asks, raising his hand.
Noiz rolls his eyes, but sits down and brings out his coil. Tapping a few buttons, he brings up a holographic map of the area, and Clear begins to point out specific areas he’s familiar with.
“How do you know so much about the North District?” Koujaku asks, suspiciously.
“Ahh, I used to live near here!” Clear explains. “Just up that way are some very mean dogs, by the way. I wouldn’t go that way if I were you.”
“We’re about to take on the whole of Scratch, and you’re worried about a couple of dogs?” Koujaku asks.
“Shut up,” Noiz pipes up, his brow furrowing as he tries to concentrate on his task. “There’s a lot of interference here, but I am picking up quite a few AllMates in the area.”
“Damn it! Could Scratch have taken Aoba? But why? Aoba isn’t into Ribsteez. He’s not even into Rhyme.” Koujaku paces in front of the two men, lost in thought. Finally, he brings his coil out and makes a call. “Kou, I need the team. Aoba might be in serious trouble. Contact Mizuki, see if he’s willing to help out.” He waits for a response before turning back to Noiz and Clear. “We’ll wait for my team to show up, and then we move in. Can you pinpoint where all the AllMates are at?”
Noiz scoffs, but nods. “Easy enough, but who made you the boss? Why should I listen to you?”
“Look, I don’t care if you listen or not. Go get yourself killed. But if you want to help Aoba, you might want to stop and think before you just go in with fists swinging. Scratch doesn’t play nice. They have no problem playing dirty.”
“You think that scares me?” Noiz asks, but remains seated. “I’ll wait, but only because I want to.”
“No fighting please!” Clear says, settling down next to Noiz. “Koujaku-san, do you think Master is okay?”
“Of course he is!!!” Koujaku shouts, knowing instantly that he’s overreacting, but not caring.
“Tch,” Noiz mutters, closing his eyes. “You’re too loud.”
“You have delicate ears or something?” Koujaku retorts, pacing back and forth as his patience runs out. “Come on, Mizuki,” he mutters, looking down at his coil and tapping his foot.
What seems like hours later, the first of the two Rib teams begins to drift in, and Noiz looks at them with mocking eyes.
“You don’t think this “Scratch” is going to notice two whole teams of idiots moving into their territory, dumbass?” he asks Koujaku flatly.
“If you aren’t going to be helpful, just keep your fucking trap shut?” Koujaku told him, at the same time turning to the arriving men with a hurried motion. “Try not to be so...conspicuous!”
All the men stop and look at each other in confusion but Noiz cuts through their chatter with a curt, “You’ve been discovered!”
“What?! Fuck! Get ready, boys! Here they come!” Koujaku shouts and he crouches into a fighting position.
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caffeine-nerd · 7 years
▶Christmas trash... oh sorry, headcanons◀
🎄 paladudes decorated the tree but they didn't have anything to put on top.
shiro: we need a star. do you have any?
coran: wait a tick... or a varga
#next morning#
sleepy shiro heard some creepy noizes and decided to check the main hall where the tree was standing.
• keith, lance and hunk were moving the tree
• pidge, looking at them from the distance and screaming: left! i said left! are you blind?! LEFT! lance, not your left, hunk's left! keith, stop mumbling! shut up and help!
• coran: come on, young paladines! this is going to be the best christmas star your kind have ever seen. and your kind, too, keith. do you have celebrations, btw? i guess no because galra are so...
keith: *drops the tree* I'M NOT ENTIRELY GALRA
turned out that they were trying to find a perfect position for the tree so the nearest supernova would appear like it's right on top as a decoration.
precious dummies
🎄 bonus: then supernova collapsed in the middle of their party. castle was firm enough to sustain the explosion, but anyway
lance: *looking drunk* hhEEEEeeey fireworks
hunk: we gonna die
pidge: ...and here is proof that lizard people exist
shiro: *sleeping on the table*
matt: this star explouded so the only star left on this party is me...
coran: *wearing star glasses* so naive
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demoniaco--o · 4 years
“Isn’t Alice in Wonderland such a good movie? I like the talking flowers...” Clear mumbles, scratching at his cheek. He loves that movie, and so does his friend, Noiz.
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murasakiyuzu · 7 years
someone: read this manga
me: nah im busy
someone: theres a character who looks like noiz
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onaramennoodlediet · 7 years
The Revival of HSMF
I attended Hard Summer for the 3rd time this weekend and I admit, it was full of nostalgia -- I felt 5 years younger the entire time, soaking in my 18-year-old self. My past 2 hard experiences have been subpar and full of unnecessary drama. The lineup for Hard Summer’s 10th anniversary was fairly stacked this year, and since my friend bought tickets and booked a hotel already, I figured, why not?
This weekend blew me away for several reasons. For one, you could tell more money went to production: 2 water stations next to every stage, workers walking around offering ice cold beverages, beautifully set up stages, food trucks with delicious food, and an easy-to-navigate venue dotted the festival grounds. What really solidified this year was the drama-free, head-banging vibes and, of course, quality sets. I was able to see more artists this year than ever before, because I was with someone who actually was down to see catch all the artists and shove some sweaty people on the way to each stage. CRAY, Oski, NuKid, josh pan, SAYMYNAME, Kayzo, Malaa, Cashmere Cat, Tchami, Justice, Zeds Dead, Snoop Dogg, Dog Blood, Bassnectar, Migos, Jai Wolf, Snakehips, What So Not, Kill the Noise, Mike Will Made It, 12th Planet, Ekali, Whethan, and Graves blessed my ears and had me groovin’ the entire weekend (not listed in any particular order). Almost every set we saw was well produced -- it kept me wanting to dance in the San Bernardino heat.
Highlight of the night was Dog Blood’s last live performance. I was a little skeptical since I knew Dog Blood (Skrillex and Boys Noize’s collab project) failed a couple years ago. Their simple stage design and 1000+ audience proved me wrong. Bathed in red strobe lights, smoke, lasers, and the occasional flash of their logo, the visuals were simple yet worked perfectly. The bass kept me going the entire hour, along with the fact that it just so happened to be a full moon -- Skrillex made sure to hype up the crowd with, “this is a full moon party!”
2nd place goes to Graves' set. He played a bangin mix of trap, and even brought out bbno$ and yung gravy. I’ve been keeping tabs on this up-and-coming Canadian mumble rapper, so I lowkey freaked when he came onstage.
In the end, I finally had the Hard Summer experience I’ve been wanting for the past 2 years. Maybe it’s a good thing Destructo is leaving, because they definitely improved for their 10th anniversary. I’d give Hard a chewiness of 7/10.
Because I miss this weekend, I made this playlist (even tho SoundCloud might die soon...)
Stay sound,
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