#Nords Talks
otvlanga · 2 years
don’t be shy. make your nord woman oc huge. make her 6’1 and absolutely jacked like someone who hauls lumber and hunts and lives in the snow and fights trolls should. she should be able to pick her little mage husband/wife up like a sack of potatoes.
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spadefish · 8 months
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Steward, Jarl, Housecarl
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vamprisms · 3 months
jigsaw the serial killer was like an early vtuber. if you think about it
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ehlnofay · 2 years
In the north of Skyrim, most especially around Winterhold and the Pale, the horker is a staple, and crucial to local lifestyles. A single horker yields a lot of meat, and its fat can be used as fuel for fire and to make soap; oil separated from the fat is also used as a stand-in for butter, which is particularly useful in coastal settlements that do not keep cattle. Horker hide can create excellent textiles to use for warm clothing as it retains a great deal of heat, and horker tusks are used for jewellery and ornaments and tend to be regarded as quite valuable, particularly by merchants from further south. Most small towns and villages in Winterhold and the Pale are communities of fisherfolk, and get much of their food that way; but their economies and access to other resources is often almost entirely reliant on horker hunting.
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yashley · 2 years
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sam forcing laura and liam into quick puzzle solving just so they’ll start sibling bickering IS the moment
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autistic-echo · 1 year
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ancient meme format but i could not think of a better way to communicate this
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mahoutoons · 1 year
why does almost every gay witch show i've seen have those angsty gay adults who cannot spit out their feelings even 30 years later?
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papabirdurskeks · 1 year
Number 29 for the ship trope ask!
29. Overly flirty/horny to the panicking one who tries to resist/doesn't know what to do:
That trope falls for Yrzius (my other Falmer) and Baltil (the Nord)
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Though its not like Baltil doesn't like Yrzius. If anything, its far from it. He adores the Falmer as much as Yzrius adores him. He's just... Not very good at being open about his feelings towards him and often has a hard time doing so, especially in front of other people (namely other Nords who aren't very keen on Mer in particular).
Grumpy as he may be, Baltil does love Yrzius, even if he doesn't openly reciprocate the Falmer's feelings openly. Yrzius, on the other hand, can give less then two shits about what people think and is just content with his dear Baltil cx
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greyborn2 · 17 days
Slooooowly rotating the idea of a Last Dragonborn who is ACTUALLY atmoran (unlike Tiber who just pretended to be/got mythologized as being one), or, well, a Sea Giant born and raised on one of atmoras more survivable satellite islands and just the comedy potential of All That.
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lovewoodvn · 1 month
Lunchbreaks Character Lineup
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You may recall that something big is in the works! This is the concept art for the major characters in Lovewood's sequel, currently in development. ☘️
Note that the designs and colours are not final, but this is the main cast you'll get to meet - The group of 6 that you know from Lovewood, and three newcomers in the shape of Jasper, Titania and Oberon.
Many players throughout the years wished for Lovewood to be longer, and luckily, I have many more stories that I want to share about these characters! 😎 I'm hoping that Lunchbreaks will give you exactly what you wished for: A longer narrative that further fleshes out these characters and your bonds with them. I'm already super excited about the script, even as I reread it from time to time!
I still have plenty of art to create for the game - as you can imagine, drawing sprites for 9 main characters is a lot of work - but the goal is to finish it sometime in 2025!
Anyone you're particularly looking forward to meeting~? ❤️
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amethystina · 10 months
I’ve heard it was your birthday a few days ago?? omg happy birthday! 🎉🎂🎊 Elijah would have micromanaged an entire surprise party just for u! so worth it honestly 🤣
~ a big hug from Niki :D
Thank you so much! 💜
And yeah, my birthday is on the 22nd of November! But, for the most part, I don't advertise it much. Years of telling people, only for them to forget about it, has taught me to just... not bother. Like, it's a lot less hurtful if people don't even know about it compared to them just flat-out forgetting.
BUT, on the plus side, even my sister remembered to congratulate me this year! I think she's forgotten the last three or something. Which means that this is the first time in several years that everyone in my immediate family remembered my birthday. And I guess that's progress? x'D
So thank you so much! I really appreciate it! :D
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mortallytooturtle · 5 months
What happens to past faces of Aedra and Daedra when they are replaced?
Ignore for a second that time does not work the same way outside Mundus
Instead imagine that an entirely new divine takes their place, cannibalizing their power from the old incarnation, letting it starve and wither.
Think of the Nordic rune god Jhunal, divine of Hermetic orders and wisdom. Discarded by the Nords for the relation to Herma Mora, the second known and more violent incarnation of the knowledge demon.
Does his spirit still battle this incarnation of the daedric lord?? Does he still answer prayers from sundered shrines? Is he angry? Mournful of his identity lost? Mournful for his time with the title and authority when the world was young?
Or are reimagined gods frozen in time? Unaware of the change, discarded like a dead skin, did it hurt? did they know it was happening? What could it have felt like as he watched from his domain, the mortals, who had slowly turned against him, spoke a new god into existence under Alysia's' name?
Or maybe they die.
Maybe Jhunal is dead, the woodland man won, the owl god now a corpse locked away in the eldrich halls of Apocrapha under an infinite ocean, does his bones yearn for the open sky a suffocating depth away? Does he yearn for rest? Is there peace in the frozen wasteland of Atmora for a dead god? Can the stillness of a dead home-land be peaceful? Does the woodland man wait for him there now? Can two discarded corpses find meaning in eachother, or do they rest for eternity in the wasteland?
Yet what marvels are lost with his passing. What was it like to influence the first Nordic clever men? Help hone their sorcery into enchanted stahlrim and massive city building ability. What was the first encounter with the woodland man like? Did they shape eachother? How did the Rune god earn his name, was it through existing Atmoran rune systems carved by his own hand? or was it taken from the snow elves and adopted in conquest?
Needless to say..
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the-sunlit-earth · 2 years
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@babyblueetbaemonster    here is my fanart tribute scenario to your lovable, adorable Dragonborns who have brought me much joy and so many laughs! I love your mind and the shenanigans you always cook up for them! 💖🤗
Bonus scene below!
Jokir and Naythaa are winding down in a tavern after a long day of showing their new friend around, who has already fallen asleep in a chair in the corner. Despite a nearby bard's close proximity, Miraak slumbers peacefully through the noise, a fact that doesn't escape the other Dragonborns' notice.
"Hah! Snoring away like a baby," Jokir chuckles softly. "Must be pretty tired if he can sleep through all that."
"I'm glad he feels safe enough to do so," Naythaa points out, the dunmer spellsword's features softening into a smile. "But after all that time in Apocrypha, it must be nice to be back among things like music, and singing and laughter. Maybe he's a little out of practice, but it's good to see him enjoying himself."
Jokir nods in agreement. "He's so out-of-touch with this world, after not being a part of it for so long... What we need is a 'Modern Nord Crash Course'," Jokir laughs. "I kind of feel like we have a responsibility to do right by him... but sometimes, when he asks about things that I don't know the answer to, I worry I'm letting him down," the Nord warrior frowns, folding his arms.
Naythaa ponders for a moment before her eyes light up. "Hey! Let's take him home to Farkas! Between him and the other Companions, Miraak will be caught up in no time!"
Jokir beams happily. "I love that idea! Farkas is great with kids, and patient with newbies! And you know what they say, it takes a village to raise a child. With all of us guiding him, he'll fit right in!"
With that decided, the two Dragonborn gently wake their companion and head upstairs to the room they've rented for the night. There is only one bed, but it goes unused, as Miraak promptly curls up like a cat upon the fur rug, Jokir and Naythaa doing the same, and everyone enjoys a peaceful, Mora-free sleep.
Sweet Dreams, Dragonborns!
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felifeltfrog · 1 year
Couple of snarky military-deserters from opposing factions join forces and kills dragons
More at ten
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evildolokhoded · 6 months
"tastes like phil on a night out" GET HIM BANNED FOREVER
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libartz · 1 year
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