#Northeastern Ontario
bushflannelsart · 3 months
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Disco Elysium, but they're Quebecois French instead of European French. I realize this AU still wouldn't work because the religious basis of these swears does not exist in the DE universe lol. I just think it would be funny if they talked like northeastern Ontario francophones. Bonus original sketch of the pigs one under cut.
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Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica)
Blue flowers are relatively rare. Most incline to violet or else are quite small. But Virginia bluebells are a striking exception. All my photos from my garden, unedited.
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I'm not kidding. They really are that blue naturally. They bloom in May. Then they slowly decline and the entire plants are gone above soil by the summer. Only to reappear the following spring! The shoots and flower buds are edible. You don't want to take too much, though. As spring ephemerals, they need the energy they make with their leaves during their short growing period. The short bloom period is also why I don't have more photos of them. They don't even bloom every year.
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theusarticles · 2 years
More than 5 feet has fallen in New York snowstorm and 2 people have died while clearing paths in Erie County | CNN
More than 5 feet has fallen in New York snowstorm and 2 people have died while clearing paths in Erie County | CNN
CNN  —  Heavy snowfall is pounding parts of western New York state as a potentially historic storm that’s halted traffic on major roadways threatens to topple trees, damage property and knock out power as temperatures plunge. Snowfall totals have now reached 5 feet in at least one location. Orchard Park, where the Buffalo Bills had been scheduled to play their now-relocated NFL game Sunday, had…
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It took more than a decade of litigation, but 21 Anishinaabe communities along the north shore of Lake Huron in Ontario will finally access a fair share of the wealth generated on their lands over the past 173 years.  The Robinson-Huron Treaty signed in 1850 promised its Indigenous beneficiaries annual payments in exchange for the right to use their lands. A clause in the treaty explicitly tied the value of the annual payments to resource revenues.  Northeastern Ontario mining, lumber and fishing industries generated billions of dollars in profits over the past two centuries, but annual payments to First Nations were capped at 4 dollars per person in 1874 and haven't increased since. In 2018, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruled that the Crown had a duty to increase annual payments to the beneficiaries of the Robinson-Huron Treaty. [...]
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lizardsaredinosaurs · 27 days
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What brings you to my corner of the woods?
Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta)
Northeastern USA and Nova Scotia, Quebec, and Ontario, Canada
Status: Endangered
Threats: habitat loss, road traffic, pet trade
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vintage-tech · 11 months
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Google sources:
The word Eskimo is an offensive term that has been used historically to describe the Inuit throughout their homeland, Inuit Nunangat, in the arctic regions of Alaska, Greenland and Canada, as well as the Yupik of Alaska and northeastern Russia, and the Inupiat of Alaska. Strictly speaking, eskimos can also be regarded as native Americans, because what western people call ‘eskimos’ are actually the indigenous people inhabiting parts of the northern circumpolar region ranging from Siberia to parts of the Americas (Alaska and Canada). The native people of the northern polarcircle do not actually call themselves ‘Eskimos’; this is a term given to them by European settlers. The term Eskimo is regarded by many as a derogative term because it is used to describe a very large group of people with different traits and languages. Furthermore, if translated into Alonquin laguage (spoken by indigenous people in Ontario and Quebec, Canada), ‘Eskimo’ means: ‘eaters of raw meat’. Obviously, eating raw meat is not the one thing that defines the Inuit people of Canada, or ‘Inuk’ if referring to a single person of Inuit descent.
Francis Carpenter, Our Little Friends of Eskimo Land: Papik and Natsek, 1932
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ker4unos · 2 years
The Anthropological Masterlist is HERE.
The Midwestern United States is a North American region that constitutes the northern central part of the United States.
HURON ─ “The Wyandot, or Huron, people are an Indigenous North American people. They are native to the north of Lake Ontario.” ─ Huron Information ─ Huron History ─ Huron Language
LAKOTA ─ “The Lakota people are an Indigenous North American people. They are native to North and South Dakota.” ─ Lakota Language ─ Lakota Language Reclamation Project ─ Lakota Dictionary
SENECA ─ “The Seneca people are an Indigenous North American people. They are native to the south of Lake Ontario.” ─ Seneca Information ─ Seneca Culture ─ Seneca Language
The Northeast United States is a North American region that constitutes the northeastern part of the United States.
BLACKFOOT ─ “The Blackfoot people are an Indigenous North American military confederation that share the Blackfoot language. They are native to northeastern America.” ─ Blackfoot Culture ─ Blackfoot Language
LENAPE ─ “The Lenape, or Leni Lenape, people are an Indigenous North American people. They are native to the Northeastern Woodlands.” ─ William Penn on the Lenape ─ Lenape Language ─ Lenape Dictionary
NARRAGANSETT ─ “The Narragansett people are an Indigenous North American people. They are native to Rhode Island.” ─ Narragansett Records ─ Narragansett Language ─ Narragansett Language
WAMPANOAG ─ “The Wampanoag, or Wôpanâak, people are an Indigenous North American people. They are native to southeastern Massachusetts.” ─ Chappaquiddick Wampanoag Information ─ Wampanoag Culture ─ Wampanoag Language Reclamation Project
The Southern United States is a North American region that constitutes the southern part of the United States.
CADDO ─ “The Caddo people are an Indigenous North American people. They are native to the Southeastern Woodlands of the United States.” ─ Caddo History ─ Caddo Language ─ Caddo Alphabet
CHEROKEE ─ “The Cherokee are an Indigenous North American people. They are native to the Southeastern Woodlands of the United States.” ─ Cherokee Information ─ Cherokee Culture and History ─ Cherokee Dictionary
CHICKASAW ─ “The Chickasaw people are an Indigenous North American people. They are native to the southeastern United States.” ─ Chickasaw History ─ Chickasaw Language ─ Chickasaw Language and Word Stress
CHOCTAW ─ “The Choctaw, or Chahta, people are an Indigenous North American people. They are native to Alabama and Mississippi.” ─ Choctaw Information ─ Choctaw Culture ─ Choctaw Mythology
CREEK ─ “The Creek, or Muskogee, people are an Indigenous North American people. They are native to the Southeastern Woodlands in the United States.” ─ Creek Information ─ Creek Language
*GULLAH ─ “The Gullah people are an African American people. They live in the Lowcountry Region of the United States.” ─ Gullah Culture ─ Gullah Cuisine
KIOWA APACHE ─ “The Plains Apache are an Indigenous North American people. They are native to Oklahoma and Texas.” ─ Apache Information ─ Apache Culture ─ Apache Creation Myth
PAWNEE ─ “The Pawnee people are an Indigenous North American people. They are native to Oklahoma.” ─ Pawnee Information ─ Tirawa of Pawnee Legend ─ Pawnee Dictionary
POWHATAN ─ “The Powhatan, or Powatan, people are an Indigenous North American people. They are native to eastern Virginia.” ─ Important Powhatan People ─ Powhatan History ─ Powhatan Language
* - The Gullah are not indigenous North American people. They are an African diasporic people.
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jackhues · 1 year
After the whole family is in Toronto for a while, peanut gets accepted into umich or northeastern or another school with a great women's hockey program and she's really upset cause for the first time in her whole life everyone was really a family. Maybe everyone shows up for a kind of congratulations/high school grad party and shes a little overwhelmed and she's crying and she says "we're finally a family and now I have to leave" and mama's heart like breaks.
Idk if that makes sense but the thought is just KILLING me
peanut's finishes high school in toronto, and she absolutely loves it! her parents live in the suburbs, bcz they want the kids to have a little backyard, play with the others on the street, they don't want the hassle of dt life. so peanut goess to a hs that's like a five minute walk, she picks up her siblings after school and goes home. on fridays, they all get ready quickly before going to their hockey games.
the last day of school was bittersweet. all of her friends standing at the door, waving goodbye to the cute italian hall monitor (a tradition they began in grade nine) one last time. he'd bought the kids cookies for lunch from the cafeteria one time, and had immediately become their favourite. she walks home with her friends, the group dispersing as their houses grew closer. when peanut entered her house, she couldn't help but feel sad about everything. she'd been accepted into northeastern's womens hockey and lacrosse programs. she had two years to decide if she wanted to go in the nhl draft, or she could even go to the phf. she had her life set.
slowly, aus and mama and mat and her uncles - everyone comes over for a small grad party for peanut. she's smiling and stuff at the start bcz she's like so happy everyone's here, and then she starts to realize that this might be one of the last times that everyone's here and together like this, and p just drops to the ground on the kitchen and starts crying. and mama's there, calming her down, and p's like "no, you know, i'll just go uoft, they have the best women's hockey program in ontario." and mama's like ok, ik you love toronto, but is it worth giving up the best shot you have at fulfilling your dream? and peanut starts crying more, bcz she doesn't want to give up hockey, "we're finally a family, and now i have to leave."
mama feels her heart shatter in a million pieces. she holds p close, promising that everything's gonna be okay. maybe they didn't feel like a family at the start, but things were complicated then. they still are, but they've all grown used to it, they've accepted it, and they're not going to go back. they're family forever.
she tells aus about this later on, and he goes by p afterwards, when she's a little happier, and he reminds her that she's so loved and that there's no reason for her to be afraid. this 'family' that they've created is forever.
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newsfromstolenland · 1 year
A potentially powerful weather system that could bring a severe thunderstorm threat to parts southern Ontario is on track to hit Wednesday. According to Enviornment Canada, the storm will look very different in various parts of the province. Winter storm warnings are in place for parts northwestern Ontario, including Thunder Bay. Meanwhile, freezing rain warnings are in place for many parts of northeastern through eastern Ontario. According to Enviornment Canada, up the 15 mm of ice accretion with power outages and tree damage is possible.
But for those in southern Ontario, the Colorado low is expected to bring heavy rain, gusty winds and a severe thunderstorm threat.
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todaysbug · 6 months
December 16th, 2023
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Six-spotted Tiger Beetle (Cicindela sexguttata)
Distribution: Found in the northeastern USA and southern Canada; north to Ontario, west to Minnesota and as far south as Kentucky.
Habitat: Mainly found in deciduous forests, but also in sunny areas like dirt paths, sidewalks and roads, fields, grassy areas and on decaying logs (but rarely far from wooded areas).
Diet: Adults and larvae are both carnivorous, feeding on insects and other invertebrates, such as caterpillars, ants and spiders.
Description: Despite being called the six-spotted tiger beetle, the spots on thus tiger's elytra may vary between zero to eight spots. They also have remarkably long legs, allowing them to run at high speeds—they're so fast, in fact, that their eyes have trouble processing fast enough to keep up, meaning they can't run more than short spurts without being blinded. As expected by their speed, adults are active predators—the grub-like larvae, however, are ambush predators, burrowing into patches of sandy substrate and lunging out at their prey when it comes near. In order to avoid being dragged out of their burrow, larvae also have hooks on their abdomen, allowing them to hang onto the substrate.
These beetles are rather long-lived, usually living around three or four years. In order to survive the cold winters, adults overwinter in the same burrows they used as larvae. They're also mostly harmless—though the adult has large, threatening mandibles and is an aggressive predator, it will not bite unless handled.
(Images by TheAlphaWolf and Mathew L. Brust)
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savagerifts · 1 month
Noli Bushman
Originally released on pg 137 of Rifts World Book 20: Canada
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The Noli are D-Bees who emerged from the Detroit-Windsor Rift at least two centuries ago. They have adapted to the forests of eastern Canada and the northeastern United States, and some have recently migrated to Ontario and Lower Michigan. They are bipedal humanoids with grass-green skin and dark green or brown tufts of fur that resemble dreadlocks or thick, soft quills on their heads, shoulders and waist. The neck i s long and thin, supporting a rather melon-like head. The mouth is large, with flat teeth ideal for biting and grinding tree bark, tough roots , grass, fruits, nuts and vegetables, which are their main food. The dark green eyes are large and round, with a light green iris. The nose is two, barely visible pinholes and the ears are small holes just above the jaw.
Noli are natural woodsmen w h o love nature, particularly forests , where they live as hunters and gatherers. However, Noli are not opposed to using modem machines and unlike some wilderness people, Noli do not find cities and towns distasteful, although if they live in one, it will be a small town. They simply prefer life in the open and choose to live a simple, quiet life in the wild.
All Noli are psionic. They respect magic and practitioners of magic, but never study magic themselves. Noli communities are typically small towns or tribal communities. Unlike the Coalition States, they accept most other people as equals and allow humans and D-Bees to live in their communities provided they obey tribal customs and help to defend "the people." They make excellent scouts, cowboys, ranchers, animal handlers and explorers.
~ Text from Pg 144 of Rifts World Book 30: D-Bees of North America
Noli Bushman
Alien Physiology (-2): Noli are quite alien, giving those unfamiliar with their biology a −2 penalty to Healing checks. Compatible medical supplies/services and cybernetics cost double the listed price.
Cyber Resistant (-1): Cybernetics are incompatible with Noli physiology. Juicer and Crazy augmentations don’t work for this race.
D-Bee (Major) (-2): The initial Reactions to Noli typically start at Unfriendly, or Hostile for human supremacists. Those with an Unfriendly or lower Reaction will refuse to sell wares or provide services such as healing, repairs, etc. Failed social checks with Hostile parties often result in violence.
Restricted Path (-1): A Noli has no capacity for magic. They cannot take any Arcane Background or Framework using PPE.
Fast (+2): Increase Pace by +2 and Running die by a die type.
Natural Psionics (+2): Noli begin with the Arcane Background (Psionics) and start with 3 powers of their choice. If a Noli chooses a framework providing Arcane Background (Psionics) they gain 1 additional power to his starting total (e.g. a Noli Burster starts with four powers, a Mind Melter with six).
Natural Woodsman (+2): Noli begin with the Woodsman Professional Edge which grants them a +2 to Survival and Stealth rolls made in the wild (not towns, ruins or underground).
Polarized Membrane (+1): Noli have a membrane-like second eyelid covers and protects their eyes from bright lights. A Noli have a +4 bonus to resist the effect of effect intended to Blind that use a Light trapping.
Nightvision (+1): Noli ignore Dim and Dark Illumination penalties.
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Michigan lilies (Lilium michiganensis)
These are from my garden. Unedited. They're also the real deal. Not a cultivar, not a hybrid. They really grow like this in the wild.
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They bloom in June and spread slowly but exponentially. Flower petals and bulbs are edible cooked (all parts are toxic to cats and dogs though). :)
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newlabdakos · 1 year
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(temporal range: 470-444 mio. years ago)
[text from the Wikipedia article, see also link above]
Isotelus is a genus of asaphid trilobites from the middle and upper Ordovician period, fairly common in the Northeastern United States, northwest Manitoba, southwestern Quebec and southeastern Ontario. One species, Isotelus rex, is currently the world's largest trilobite ever found as a complete fossil, and was probably exceeded in size only by Hungioides bohemicus, in which the specimens probably exceeding Isotelus rex in size are only known from partial remains.
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vivi266-archive · 1 year
saw a fucking diagolon* member at work so heads up to people in northeastern ontario i guess
*fash accelerationist group
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allthecanadianpolitics · 10 months
Family doctors in rural northeastern Ontario say emergency rooms are at higher risk than ever of closure this fall.
The warning comes as many health-care facilities in the region grapple with a deepening doctor shortage.
Most big cities have doctors who specialize in emergency care.
However, in rural communities in the north, family doctors have their own clinics and are also responsible for providing emergency care.
"It's really a crisis situation in the north right now and a lot of family doctors in many communities are barely hanging on to keep their emergency rooms open," said Dr. Anjali Oberai, a family physician in Wawa. [...]
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skippyv20 · 1 year
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