#Not IC
sandalitgirl · 7 months
At most, it felt like five minutes had passed since the message was that Garnet was in a place called Mossui in Kitakami. Of course, in truth, that wasn’t the case, but it was better to let things go by as quickly as possible. Homura scanning around for the magical girl she was supposed to meet. A habit with her eyes, mostly. They would very well sense each other with their magic.
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sevencolorspasserby · 8 months
[ closed starter for @sakakisilverlining ]
Being four foot was a curse that Ethan would not summon on anyone and he would curse even the most powerful deities for making him very short. However, this did make a good excuse for jumping onto Pelipper. On its back, the boy too big for its throat pouch, which was the highlight of his short stature career, given it was three foot and then some. The journey of being mailed was… Blurry. Very blurry. Probably not important. Probably.
But besides all that, he waved the Pelipper goodbye as he had the politeness to knock on the door and ring the doorbell of both Ethan’s and Silver’s abode. (Not entirely sure how that worked, given they were twelve and could not sign legally binding contracts to houses.) …That was going to be confusing between the two Ethans. Last name it was for him. (Or he could’ve gone with Colors like his Silver did but this was fine too.) Harp chiming as he adjusted his purse, “Hey! I’m here with the blender!”
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integrityvictim · 7 months
Wow Dalv, I didn't know you were in pony town
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//jk, it's my skin. i just watched to show you cause you're cool
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iron-sparrow · 1 year
elftober 【 第四號 】 LOUNGE
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"Fashion? I don't know much about that, but these clothes are comfortable." — Yein, probably
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resonatingradiance · 1 year
[S!3v3n is there, in the middle of town]
[And somehow, this guy is alive. Somehow. Nothing strange to be found at all. He’s taken aback slightly by S!3v3n’s disheveled appearance but waves to him regardless. A smile on his face.]
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[Offscreen Post]
Blue barely gave the clock a thought as LEDs burned a bright color of the time and date. Her brow was furrowed as she held her hair out of her face, a budding headache behind her eyes as she scrolled. Whatever she could find, she filed them into her mind. She knew she shouldn’t stay awake too long. She wouldn’t be able to handle two all nighters. Even the Evolver had her limits and she wasn’t exactly a fan of knowing that. Blue knew it, Green knew it, Yellow knew it as she overused his powers, and even Red knew it when he hit his ultimate spiral with Deoxys. She could probably count the juniors too of their limits reached and she wouldn’t have enough hands to do so.
Everyone had a limit. They could be scraped, dodging debris and attacks of the elements thrown at them, having the wind whip their face, and stand victorious but they were only human.
And was being human sucky. Blue knew how to be radio operator. She was cheery and sweet when she wanted to be and she could lie through her teeth without as much wavering that sly smile. She could file anything in her head and save that information for later. She was a quick thinker. Her being raised to be a weapon as a little girl had some perks, even if the trauma was lifelong.
Blue hated that part. Her triggers were mostly handled, she wasn’t afraid of the birds that reminded her of the worst thing that happened to her, her family was ripped away in front of her eyes and she still stood up on two shaky legs in the middle of the night, and she knew she couldn’t undo what had happened to her, marching on anyways.
So why it hurt so badly to see it again, that was a mystery. Maybe it’s because it was some worst fears come to life. Something that would haunt her nightmares. Blue’s ‘normal’ meter was… broken, to say the least, but she thought she had made peace with it.
Her old desperations of being a normal child with hopes and dreams and a normal family also hit her in the gut, knocking the wind out of her. It made her teeth grit. It made her want to scream. This was unfair. And she knew that sentiment better than anyone.
She tended not to question deus ex machina things anymore, but this… she wasn’t sure how or why she came across all this, but in a way she was thankful for it. There were people. There were good people that saw a poor boy suffering. They wanted to help. They needed to help. And they were going to do their damndest. All of it weighed heavy on her mind but she was Blue. If anyone could do it, it was this little ragtag team of internet strangers, as funny as it sounded. She knew ragtag teams by now. They weren’t exactly internet strangers- given she had met them in person- but she felt a weird sense of nostalgia for huddling all together.
It wasn’t in a, say, building falling down, but it might as well mentally be. Physically, most of them were safe. Well, she hoped anyways. She didn’t have much of a way of knowing other than status updates that were a bit concerning to say the least. Still, her eyes felt heavier as the strange nostalgia hit her mind. She was tired, very tired. She didn’t have time to rest. And yet her body betrayed her mind. Blue knew she had her limits.
In time, things would be okay. They would make them be. And if they weren’t…? Blue had a major complaint to the universe that it wouldn’t be able to ignore.
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ffxivaltstars · 22 days
Debating doing FFXIVWrite this year. It's such an iconic thing and I love doing it, but I just don't know if I'm mentally up to it this year? At least I have a few more days to consider it.
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paradoxrealm · 5 months
Yo did I just accidentally submit an incomplete thing-
I was typing it out on my lunch break and had tossed my phone into my purse to drive back to work but when I took it back out it was gone-
I do have one that seems to cut off lololol, if you’d like, I can shoot you a message or with it copy-pasted so you don’t have to restart it ^^
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*some guy just kinda shows up and kicks the door to the Battle Tree open (or just walks in idfk man)*
“Is Red in today.”
- @trainer-damien
[ hghhh hi sorry you don’t have to reply to this if u don’t want to sorry ]
There’s plenty of people around the Battle Tree. Workers, trainers, they turn their head towards the sudden intrusion. Which isn’t much of a surprise, so soon they turn their heads back to whatever they were doing before. One trainer mumbles that they want to fight Blue to themself.
“What type of challenge?” Asks one worker, adjusting her glasses, “He is, but you know the rules, yes?”
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mannequin-mark-real · 8 months
I’m mod Yuri!
I go by she/her/they/them!
i run this rp blog:3
the whole thing is based off of those MLP infections!!!! (Idk how to word it lmao)
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wpip-raham · 9 months
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Don't know if writing will happen today ✨
I want to finish my library book ☺️
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sevencolorspasserby · 9 months
[Offscreen Post]
Ethan frowns a bit as he slinks towards Silver. He wasn’t the jumpy sort, but he was the alert sort. He immediately whips his head over. His teeth gnashing and his eyes in a glare. Definitely reddened. A “leave me the hell alone” attitude to it. Ethan bites the inside of his cheek, gears turning in his head as he thinks on what to say.
“Hey.” Maybe not that one. It comes out anyway.
Silver’s glare doesn’t less and furrows even more, until he just drops it. Now his gaze back at the Lake of Rage waters. He spits back, maybe less sarcastic sounding in his head, “Hey.”
Ethan drops down onto the grass, wet, he notices, from jumping Magikarp doing their darnedest. He picks up a rock from the ground. Silver looks at him like he’s grown a second head. Ethan throws it, it skipping twice before sinking. Ethan picks up another one and hands it over to his rival. Silver still looks like he thinks Ethan’s insane. He throws it, like he would a Poké Ball. Screw that analogy, actually, he’s just throwing it like he’s pissed off. It sinks immediately. He huffs a few words under his breath. Ethan just hands him another one.
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joymaxxr · 2 years
drunk texting anon is canon to this ned flanders spefically!! I AM THE ONLY INE ALLOWED TO BE DRUMK TEXTING AMOM.
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sixsoulssnuffed · 2 years
[So, not sure if I mentioned this, but I have carpal tunnel. I’ve got everyone’s written profiles done, but not their icons or character ref sheets. I’m also an animation student and am trying not to strain my hands too much, because when I go into second year in January, I want to be able to actually keep up. The problem is that it may take me over a month for my hands to get better.
So I’ve made a poll. Let me know if you want to keep to only the muses I have art of so far (Ribbon, Foggy, and Trigger) or if you’d muses without art yet available as well: https://strawpoll.com/polls/BDyNjawzJyR
Thank you!]
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resonatingradiance · 9 months
[For @silveredfeathers]
The Olivine air was as salty as ever, with help from the sea. Technically he was out of the city but it counted. Hikaru letting shoes not made for water at all touch the waves, where the sand and water just met. A certain sort of wonder in his eyes as he stared off at the distance as his head cocked to the side curiously. As if to wonder what was out there. (More sea. That’s what.)
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