#Not sure if I have it in me for many personal/original posts rn - but we’ll see
inga-don-studio · 1 year
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I think I’m good to call my short break over; I’ll try to catch up as best I can over the next couple days, but I’m still going to try to take it easy. We’ll uh … we’ll see how well I stick to that plan …
Also I haven’t seen my queue this short in AGES, considering it’s been flirting with the 300 post limit a lot recently. It’s far less overwhelming! Feels good!!!
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sasarasfan · 5 months
Cant find any 6th anniversary questions so we’ll settle for redoing 5th anniversary!
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Answers under the read more hehe
1. Uhmmm idk 2021 sometime,,, I don’t remember exactly. I got into it because of a post saying happy birthday ichiro and it was on my to watch list for a while before I caved in and watched the anime
2. The artstyle and the eyes of the characters I thought they were really pretty
3. I’m into MILGRAM which cough music project,,, but hypmic was the first one that put me through multimedia hell so thanks to hypmic for that
4. Doppo definitely. I loved him so much in the beginning. Now to a lesser degree, but I’m still obsessed with him. I did not really care about BB, but I liked Saburo. Now I really like Jiro!! And saburo!! I have personal beef with Ichiro. Same with MTC tbh. Samatoki was pretty so yeah. I liked FP and MTR originally, that hasn’t changed
5. Doppo or Gentarou thanks to the anime probably
6. Kuko and Ramuda. I did not really like Kuko, but then I became a changed man after watching multiple lives (I love his VA) uhmhmhmh I did not really like Ramuda in the beginning but now I think he is super silly and I cherish him dearly. On another note, I did not like DotsuHom in the beginning cause I don’t like change and DotsuHom was a division I didn’t know after I finished the anime. Well. Guess who loves DotsuHom now
7. Matenrou and Fling Posse
8. Well Sasara is my favourite character now, and Rosho is a very very close second I don’t even know what happened I was influenced by my twitter mutuals,,,, and then I still adore Doppo and Gentarou, and I have a feeling BAT are gonna start creeping up too
9. Whatever the first rhyme anima song was. Besides that, it might have been BATTLE BATTLE BATTLE
10. Dont stop the party, both Sasara solos, Positive is my life, Rinka (I LOVE Rinka), both jyushi solos, black or white, and hmm too many to name tbh
11. Ah osaka dreamin night, but I also love JACKPOT! And pretty much any DH song they’re all bangers. Uhmmmm every FP song too minus Stella (I have a vendetta against Stella). I also like TDD Legend but I don’t listen to it often
12. I JUST RECENTLY FINISHED TRACK 3 OF THE STAGE ITS OSAKA 24K GOLD OR WHATEVER ITS CALLED JTS SO SILLY I LVOE IT I also love crush your mic but I have to listen to the rest of the songs to give a better opinion on this
13. Still not sure what it means by bonus but I love Hella Awesome Banquet and Naniwa Paradise Sake. I also like HOT GAME and Murder in the House of Magic and idk if it was a bonus or just yeah but once upon a time in shibuya
14. Glory or dust? Division battle anthem? Summit of divisions? Idk they’re all good
15. White and black, JACKPOT!!, Osaka big up, hella awesome banquet, this means war, and GAY although most of these aren’t slept on (minus Jackpot grrr) I think people should listen to them more
16. Uhmmm a bunch of DH songs are my favourite so yeah, but a LOT of them are from Fling Posse, Matenrou, or BAT
17. Rapper hmmm maybe Dice or Doppo they have some good lines, and I think Dice is very,,, very good at what he does
18. Sorry I still don’t pay attention to composers Aha
19. No clue again
20. Black journey, anyways get on the floor, rivals! Jackpot, This means war, maybe Ah osaka dreamin night or Wara osaka, but I think FP is a great introduction to hypmic
21. I play ARB but I can’t get the friend code rn sorry :(
22. IM SO HAPPY FOR THE ROSASA SONG AND I LOVED THE DICEDO STUFF TOO!! I really liked the duets in the block party especially white and black so yeah all my dreams came true already though I do wish for a duet of Samatoki and Doppo.
23. I am the worlds number 1 Samado fanatic. I also love Sasaro, Gendice, Hifudo, fling poly, jirojyushi, poly MTC + doppo, and ichikuu. Any ship with doppo (minus the old or the young characters) are my favourite like I love samasasado and roshdo even though sasasama isn’t really my thing
24. No not really which is kinda surprising
25. Rosho and I would get along well. Hifumi (not host mode), and maybe Jyushi
26. Rosho is one of my highest kins actually. I won’t explain it cause I don’t want to like vent here
27. I HAVE FANARTIST KEYCHAINS!!!!! I HAVE SAMATOKI, ICHIRO, AND DICE!!! I also have ramuda keychain and cat Matenrou keychain too. I have a card of BAT. I have nothing from DH (im going to explode)
28. Mics with Hypmic branding please its not even that weird they just haven’t done it yet
29. Uhmmm I don’t really know with
30. Samado samado samado samado… and also rosasa of course!
31. RIO RIO HES SO CUTE RIO PLEASE MORE RIO LOVE and also I found that Rosho doesn’t get a lot of love either :(( which is really sad cause I love Rosho so much :((((
32. Sasara is just…. He’s so silly, but he’s also serious in a way that I just can’t describe. There’s not much to him or what we know about him actually, but I think he’s an interesting character. And I love Rosho cause he’s so me core (I kin him)
33. Sasara eats floor cookies (real) uhmmm and Doppo occasionally goes to Yokohama to spend time with Samatoki and they go on dates together (jm gojng to explode)
34. I like nemu she is so cute hehe
35. Dotsuitare Hompo because it has Sasara and Rosho in it. Their songs are so so so so so good too!! Their stageplay actors are all so silly :3
36. I don’t really have any for DH :(
37. Someone younger again!! Like I know it wont happen, but someone around Saburos age maybe? And someone who fits between the ages of 35 - 46 cause that’s a really large gap between Jakurai and Hitoya and Rei.
39. Haven’t really watched or heard sorry </3
40. My 12k rosasa fic that I’ve been working on since last year
41. I like the manga! But I think the stageplay is super good too
42. Rosasa break up and get together and fight in manga form, VD form, stageplay form, and anime form
43. Nope no theories
44. Please expand more on Sasara I am begging
45. I infodump about hypmic all the time to my friends I think they’re sick of me
47. Ichiro says “this truly was our Hypnosis Mic” the screen fades to black. THE END appears in white letters. It is the end of hypmic.
48. It’s the first community I was ever serious about and stuck with for over a year. I’ve met some great people through it and I’m truly happy that I got into it. It also acted like a gateway towards some of my other interests so yeah. It means a lot to me
50. Hiiii future me!! I’ll probably see this in a year or so from now but hey!! I hope you’re doing well! I just got back into hypmic and yeah I’m reliving my greatest moments here. Take care of yourself hehe :3 ps I am the number 1 samado fan and the 10k word sasaro fic is still not finished sighs
Also also I love Rosho okay bye love you I hope you still love hypmic by the time you’re reading this again!!
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ladyyatexel · 3 years
I Went On A Manga Binge
So you don't have to
For those of you who have wisely avoided the shreds of it I've left around the blog thus-far, I had some weird notion to go re-experience Yu-Gi-Oh uuuuuh a week ago? We'll go with that. Time is meaningless.
I'd been able to read a good portion of the early manga at the end of highschool, and somewhere in my stacks and stacks of paper is fanart from this dark time, so you know I cared. I also still own a Dark Magician action figure somehow, so. I'd also watched a large portion of the anime with my brother because it had been laced with some kind of crack and we couldn't look away? I remember when we both were just like shit, wait, don't change the channel, I can't stop looking at it. And the next thing we knew we were waiting for new episodes and I was doing research on the Japanese original because I was that kid.
Anyway, unnecessary backstory out of the way, here are some... let's call them Observations and Consequences of having read somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 chapters (and growing) of a manga primarily hinged on card games from a spectrum of sources ranging from boringly lawful to sketchy as fuck.
Surprise actual character that develops in typical shounen fashion being Jounouchi. My limited experiences with the 4Kids dub and only early manga had not painted him in a particularly good light. I don't know if episodes were being aired out of order or if I had just missed the ones that established that he was making shit up as he was going along, but Wow I liked him a lot more going through the manga than I ever did watching the (dubbed, heavily edited and censored and thrown into a slurry machine) anime. I'd managed to come out with the impression that he was just as reasonably experienced with the game as Yugi back in the day. Wild.
I'm now reading every single comic-style post on Tumblr backwards.
Striking inverse to first point, wow, I don't like Seto Kaiba. Though he gets points for his general philosophy of the future, and the line I read in my sketchy online combo of scans and scanlations in which he said, "If God is in your way, you run him down," was Metal As Fuck. I somewhat shame-facedly admit to enjoying him a lot more as an Abridged Series character. (I watched Abridged as it came out back in the day! The experience of watching the anime with my brother had been so fresh that I got all the in jokes about the way things were edited and dubbed, it was great. Series remains influential part of my life to this day, which is hella weird.)
I almost understand how Duel Monsters works now. I don't want this.
That said, wow a lot of the decisions made in the anime made everything a lot more ridiculous than the admittedly already ridiculous original. I got the distinct feeling in the manga that the Duelist Kingdom stuff we were seeing was designed to be used and exploited in ways that don't make sense in an actual cardgame just played on a table like a normal person and this was part of testing everyone to think higher, differently. Maybe this is obvious to everyone already, I don't know. I had always liked that it was very, 'Not so fast, I'm going to blow up the moon to change the tides,' but I'm not really sure the anime gave enough explanation that this was an extra layer added to things for that event? You can see people actively getting used to it in the books, and people who aren't considering the real or 3D nature of it getting owned, but my memory of anime version is everyone just like, 'oh, shucks, fuck me, I forgot to consider the phase of the moon before i played this card, can't believe I forgot.' No one calls Yugi on any of this stuff because it's valid play in that situation. Plus Yami Yugi had mad trickster energy in the beginning and it suited him to think of ways to do things inside these little simulation boxes the way it suited him to set perverts on fire. I imagine the real card game trying to emulate this element as something that would be to its detriment, but I neither know nor particular care haha
Ryou Bakura.
Really, though. I think he became kind of casualty of 'wow, we have a lot of characters who really aren't able to do anything in this story anymore,' despite the fact that his whole inner life could have been as interesting as Yugi's. I always like thinking about the possibilities of stories in which main character falls into magical world and is given magical item and told they're the hero and then they find out they've been the bad guy the whole time. The first several volumes of manga were about the quiet weirdo kid that no one talked to who was always blacking out and turning into a fucked up version of himsef because he was so attached to his ancient Egyptian jewelry, so like, Bakura could have much the same shit going on. I want to know what's happening with him so much. He clearly doesn't love being possessed, but he's also so drawn to the ring. Despite it having stabbed him at least twice and him knowing it's a danger to him and his friends, he keeps being pulled back into it. You see so much more of him being like, 'Oooh, a creepy thing, I love that! :D' in the manga than ever in the anime, which I'm all about. Also more blood. I'm very about that as well. Though my memory of the anime also made it look very much like normal regular daily Bakura was just a weird facade in places before he ever would have been. I think that was it trying to compensate for what people didn't see from the Toei anime, but okay whatever, that I love everything about this guy is not news, I don't need to talk about Bakura excessively here, I'm pretty sure that's gonna show up on my blog by itself
On a related note though, damn, more of these people need to talk to each other. Can we have some existential crisis support clubs or something. Can we get like some apologies or something? "I respect you as a duelist." "Cool, but you literally built a tower designed to specifically assassinate me and my friends? You were supposed to get Better after I retaliated by putting you in a coma, but you kinda didn't." "Why would the coma have made it better" "I just told you it didn't" ---- "Sorry I went along with the plan of your evil parasite stabbing you, misled you, and then also jumped in and took up some real estate in your head too." "I understand, I also have an evil thing inside me that does things while I'm blacked out." "...no, I was conscious for all of that." "Oh." "..." "..." "..." "Do you like Ouija Boards?" "sure okay" ETC. Like damn we are reading shounen manga because no one is talking extensively about their feelings here and I'm tapping my foot angrily.
Holy shit there are so many mythologies happening at once. The ancient family guarding the Egyptian Pharaoh has a surname that's a Mesopotamian goddess. None of the god cards make any Egyptian sense except Ra, and just like. Baaarrrrely. Somewhere either Evil Ring Bakura or Mar/lik makes a reference to cremation and spirits being taken to heaven with smoke which several things, but definitely not Ancient Egyptian. Marik/Malik meanwhile is clearly trying to head Arabic, along with Rishid, but then, hey, our sister is just Isis. Goddess McGoddess. Sometimes they're the same goddess! Her name could be Isis Isis or Ishtar Ishtar. Meanwhile, all the obviously 'occult because Christians think it is freaky' stuff. ~ancient egyptian pentagrams~~~This isn't a complaint, I guess so much as a 'Wow, I can kind of see the cultural spot the author was coming from and where he was aiming' kind of thing.
Wonder where things would have gone if the card games had not been latched onto the way they were.
Managed to forget how gross the pre-cardgames stuff was on the sexual harassment front. I'm glad there was a sort of explanation of everyone drifting away from being dick heads and that that decision was made. It got way more comfortable to read after no one was bringing Yugi p*rn on VHS.
Yugi looks better with a nose, glad we got that upgrade.
Interesting to watch the series style shift as it goes away from being horror to being over the top cardgames and friendship (with blood!). The first picture of Mokuba is fucking Jarring. Also noticed that the nicer a character is, the less their teeth are defined.
Glad manga did not go as completely off the fucking the rails about Marik's face. I never got as far as seeing him back in the day because college occurred, but I remember seeing pictures and stuff and being like, "what in the Fuck happened to that dude, I think the house style has collapsed in on itself"
Things the author Really Likes: motorcycles, belts, SHOES, holy shit the shoes. These are some of the most lovingly rendered sneakers I've ever seen. All the detail on his characters goes straight to their feet and then it's stretched upward until it forms stiff peaks. Gently fold in 3000 years of trauma and bake face down in a crumb coat of scattered mythology. Remove when you roll two zeros.
Where the fuck am I going to put the extremely large omnibus volumes of this comic I purchased in order to balance out how much I would be reading for free on the internet. I should have grasped that a three in one edition would be Thick and yet somehow I was still :O when it arrived. Have I strategically purchased volumes that contain my favorite parts, maybe, what's it to you will i eventually get the whole thing because incomplete book series gnaw on my soul? yes
Wish the transition from "I've murdered several people in delightfully karmic ways" to "all you need is friendship in your heart and cards in your hand" Yami Yugi/Pharaoh had been discussed more/transitioned better. Buddy, where did you get this approved for television high horse? Please go back to strangling people with yo-yos or at least tell me why you stopped.
I still can't tell anything that looks like a big robotic monster apart from any other big robotic monster. My dude, I can't tell cars apart, all these monsters look the same.
Yami Yugi fascinated me way more in highschool? Maybe because it was still super early and the anime was like 'we need to torture you about his origins WeEkLy. Now I'm just like 'wait hold on, can we go back to Bakura and Marik for a minute, there's some extreme unpacking to do here?' Those two are paying so much more in baggage fees here my guy wow
Violently uninterested in any of the spinoff media
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 3 years
Hakuoki Shinkai: Ginsei no Shou - Saito Hajime Chapter #7 English Translation
My translation of the 7th Ginsei no Shou chapter for Saito... It’s probably because that this is my favourite chapter from the game and one that I found especially enjoyable to read (and had more of an understanding of it before getting translations for this lol) that I somehow translated this in record time when compared to all the other things I’ve worked on.... 
Unlike Kazama’s final Tsukikage chapter, the dialogue for this wasn’t all separated line by line in the CN TLs I found for the Saito chapters [NAMELY BECAUSE I WROTE EACH DAMN FUCKING WORD OUT FOR THAT CHAPTER], so some of the text in this remains lumped together. Also, huzzah for google translate providing the translations of place names since I wouldn’t have been able to translate the Japanese words that had been left in the original tl for this otherwise. I don’t usually make adjustments based on the original JP text until I start editing for the video... which will be done later.
All images used in this post were screencaps of game footage I recorded through vlc... also is it just me who feels that my English comes across as a lot more archaic when I stick to the original tl sentence structure...? lol. Anyway, as always, my translation may not be 100% accurate since I do not translate from Japanese.
PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR ANOTHER GINSEI NO SHOU SAITO CHAPTER... one that I do not intend to translate right away... well I also include it in a note about what chapter it refers too. lol. it’s right below the cut.
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(jk, lol. plus, i’m too lazy to think of anything. oh and im currently working on the subtitle positioning for this now as the file got transferred recently since i finished the first round of timing [i need to do this multiple times to get the fade in/out of my subtitles to match the timing of game text’s fade/in... or to at least have them as close as possible] before having all of these tech problems.)
Forward Notes
Based on what I remember from tokio-fujita’s notes (sorry but I didn’t check since im kinda busy rn, and the internet on my laptop is kinda unstable as I’m still transferring files... 17.3 gb remains from the dramas transfer) on Saito’s position in the Shinsengumi after leading them to Aizu, I’ve left his position as taichou in this translation due to how the only English translation for that is ‘captain’ which doesn’t show a difference in roles from when he was the Third Division captain ‘kaichou/kumicho’ [note to self: include this along with the link to the page in the post description later. also i will probably just change this to ‘captain’ anyway when i do my subtitle video].
Chapter 6 and 7 occur in Aizu
Hakuoki Shinkai: Ginsei no Shou - Saito Hajime Chapter #7
Translation by KumoriYami
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7th month, 4th year of Keiou, after the Shinsengumi left for Sendai——
The Aizu, who had offended the Satcho were engulfed in the bitter flames of war.
When Shirakawa Castle was attacked, it would be a lie to say that I wasn't worried then.
Hijikata-san, Heisuke-kun, Shimada-san, and Souma-kun.
It was no longer possible to fight alongside the people who we deeply trusted since the beginning.
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I still have Saito-san.
Saito-san also me, although/even if/despite how I can't fight alongside him.
We relied upon one another, setting out for Shirakawa——
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Shirakawa Castle, which had become the headquarters for my father's rasetsu—— we confronted him and Kazama Chikage there.
As Kazama-san had the overwhelming strength of an oni, if the fight was drawn out, Saito-san would have no chance of winning.
But, we still had....
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Comrades we could rely on.
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Even if [they] leave. Even if [they/they've] choose/chosen different paths.
As long as they maintained/followed their own bushido, everyone was still heading in the same direction.
I believe that as long as we moved forward, one day, our paths will surely cross again, and we will fight to the very end.
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If only/I wish that everyone could see each other one more time, I could only pray that everyone would be safe……
Saito-san once again returned to the battlefield.
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4th year of Keiou, 8th month
The Aizu Shinsengumi under the command of the Aizu, fought at the Bonari Pass——
After that, they fought bravely to stop the New Government army from entering Aizu Castle.
By the ninth month however, there were not many members left of the Aizu Shinsengumi, yet they still set out to defend/protect Nyoraido [refers to chapter 6] .
This is the story of what happened while I was waiting for Saito-san after he left. 
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Fourth year of Keiou, Ninth month
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Fourth year of Keiou, Ninth month
Saito-san and the other members of the troop left camp to protect Nyoraido.
Following his instructions/In accordance with his wishes, I accompanied the men who were seriously injured in battle to the rear of the formation.
Yukimura: Please wait a bit longer, I will treat you immediately.
Soldier:……At the most crucial moment, to be unable to help Saito-taichou, I'm terribly sorry.
Yukimura: ……There was no way you could, you are wounded after all.
Soldier: The taicho, is he really okay?
Perhaps it was because his wounds were too painful, that the soldier continued to weakly repeat himself.
Yukimura: Saito-san will be fine. He will surely come back alive.
In order to reassure the soldier, I spoke decisively/resolutely.
Yukimura: That's why, you need to focus on recovering right now.
Soldier:......Okay, I will.
Three days later.
The soldiers who had stayed in Nyoraido, none of them had come back yet.
The news from the front lines had also been cut off.
All that we knew was was the hopeless information brought back by the wounded.
There weren't enough bandages and medicines, and the wounded kept pouring in.
The soldier's and my worries became more intense.
It was at this time——
Aizu soldier: This is terrible/Bad news! Apparently Nyoraido has been completely surrounded by the enemy! The Shinsengumi in Nyoraido might have completely wiped out.
The moment I heard such a dreadful announcement/news, it felt like the blood had been drained from my entire body. [news/information might be changed for ^^^ sentences. might use intelligence, communication]
A commotion spread throughout the entire formation [camp sounds more appropriate].
Soldier: Yukimura-san……
The wounded soldier looked at me with an anxious expression.
Previously, the instant I heard such news, I probably would have broken down into tears.
But, now——
Yukimura:……When such fierce fighting is going on, all sorts of rumours will be flying around we can't assume that everything is accurate before receiving an official confirmation.
Hearing what I said, the soldier seemed to calm down.
Soldier:……That's right. Before figuring things out, we'll still believe in/continue to trust the Taichou, and wait until he returns.
Even if Nyoraido has been surrounded by the enemy, the Shinsengumi may not necessarily be completely wiped out.
Shinsengumi——they, along with Saito-san, I don't know how many times they had escaped from death.
More importantly, Saito-san cannot die yet.
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Saito: Yukimura, I wish to make you a promise.
Yukimura: A promise for me......? What is it?" Saito: No matter what happens in the future....... I will protect you with my life. This decision is not because of the Shinsengumi, Hijikata-san, or an order from the Aizu....... but of my own volition.
——end flashback——
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At the time, he promised……
Even now, I can still clearly remember how we kissed after.
Saito-san, he made a promise to me.
He will come back to me.
I repeated those words in my heart over and over again, as if to convince myself......
But my heart was beating wildly, and cold sweat dripped from my forehead.
This wasn't able to eliminate my sense of unease.
Yukimura: …………
I truly wanted to rush over to Nyoraido, to immediately go to his side.
But, my duty right now, is to treat the wounded here.
So…… I could only trust/believe in him, and wait here.
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After, I continued to focus on treating the wounded while waiting for Saito-san to return.
But, reports on the situation in Nyoraido, they never came again,
The sense of [them being] defeat[ed] became more intense, and the dreary mood gradually enveloped the entire formation [will probably use "camp"]. [The feeling that they had been defeated became more intense, and...]
Soldier 2: Yukimura-san, isn't it time for you to rest? You look very pale.
Yukimura: No, it isn't time to rest yet/it's not the time to rest.
Soldier 2:……Under these circumstances, if you collapse, once something happens, there won't be anyone to depend/rely on [for what you do]. Even if it's just a short nap…… please, for everyone's sake.
When faced with such a strong request, I couldn't refuse.
Yukimura: Okay. Then I'll go and nap/sleep for a bit.
I decided to go find a corner to go nap in .
Perhaps it was because I was so tired, but once I closed my eyes, I immediately fell asleep.
As I slept, I had a dream.
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Yukimura Nn, nn......
I didn't know where I was in this dream, the surroundings were hazy as I looked around.
Where……is this?
Yukimura: Is this the Aizu's…… camp……?
I was waiting for Saito-san to come back…… then……
My head felt numb and heavy as I looked around again……
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Yukimura: Saito-san……!
The person I wanted to see suddenly appeared before me/Now that the one I wanted to see  suddenly appeared, I immediately got up.
Yukimura: You're back from fighting at Nyoraido! Where are the rest of the soldiers……
Saito:……In regards to this, I have something that I must tell you.
Yukimura: Eh……?
Hearing him say such ominous remarks, I couldn't help but feel confused.
Saito: Even now, you have always been at my side…… My gratitude towards you goes beyond words. If I didn't have you, I wouldn't have been able to continue fighting until now.
Yukimura: Thanks for what [reword later]……
Why was he suddenly saying such a thing?
Yukimura:……To speak of thanks, it's too much, I don't need it [It's too much for you to speak of thanking me/it's unnecessary for you to thank me]. Because, you and I……
We are no longer outsiders [/We can no longer be considered as outsiders/strangers...not sure what i’ll go with here] ——I just wanted to say that.
I don't know why, but I couldn't say anything.
The Saito-san before my eyes/right now, there was a subtle sadness to his expression, as if he was extremely sorry.
He…… wasn't like the one [man] I knew at all.
In this unnatural atmosphere, he spoke solemnly.
Saito: I……there is something I must tell you…… No matter what happens, no matter what you experience/encounter/face…… but now I [reword later]……
I was too late to ask him——
Saito-san's figure was already starting to fade away, then completely disappeared into the darkness of night.
Yukimura: Saito-san, don't go! What are saying to me——
I shouted out then/and lost consciousness.
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When I opened my eyes again, my entire body was drenched in sweat.
Yukimura: Just now, that was a dream……
The foreboding feeling/premonition made my heart beat wildly.
Why was it at this time, that I dreamed of Saito-san?
Furthermore, in my dream, it seemed like he had something to tell me.
I had a bad hunch/felt a sense of foreboding, but there was nothing I could do.
Looking around everywhere, Saito-san and the others still hadn't come back.
Although/Even if I dreaded to think so……
Just now, it was just a bad dream, it shouldn't be a sign that something bad would happen.
Saito-san and the other soldiers, what happened to them?
……No, it couldn't be.
He promised me, he would surely come back.
But, if that wasn't the case?
……If I continued to wait here, would he really come back?
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【Search for him】 【Believe in him and wait】 <-
Although I wanted to immediately rush to Saito-san's side……
I still remembered what he said before.
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Saito:......As time passes, things change. The world, ideals, and even the Shinsengumi. Even so, that does not mean that everything must change. As things change with time, so too will there be things that do not change. And I...... I believe in the things that do not change.
——end flashback——
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……Saito-san had never gone against the promise he made me/never broke the promise he made me.
Regardless if it was when he left the Shinsengumi to join the Guardians of the Imperial Tomb, or when he was defeated at/during the Battle of Toba-Fushimi.
Also, there was when he ended up fighting Kazama-san.
In the end, he always came back to my side [me].
So, as he promised, he will certainly come back to me.
So, I too——
An incredible feeling swelled in my chest.
It wasn't because of panic, rather it felt like the stars were whispering to me……
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This feeling pushed me out of camp.
Outside of camp was a forest that always looked the same at night [reword later].
Although I didn't know if any of the soldiers would return, I thought……
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I felt somewhat dejected, and couldn't help but look up towards the night sky.
It was full of stars, quietly twinkling.
Long before I was born, these stars, they must have been watching the world in silence/been silently watching the world.
No matter how many years passed, these silver stars would always shine in the night sky.
Yukimura: Me too……
Under the allure of the dim starlight, I couldn't help but say this/I was unable to restrain my emotions.
Yukimura: I also…… believe in the things that do not change.
Even if the path forward was covered in darkness, the light that pointed towards the future still shined.
Yukimura: I believe——no matter what happens in the future, you will not change.
Just as I muttered this to myself.
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There was the sound of movement through foliage.
I froze, staring attentively in the direction of the sound.
???: Is.…… someone there?
The moment I heard that voice, I burst into tears [or: almost burst into tears]. 
Shortly after, a single silhouette flashed in the woods, and its figure gradually became clearer.
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Saito: Chizuru…… is that you?
My beloved/The man/The one I loved was calling my name, I could no longer/was no longer able to control myself.
Yukimura: Saito-san…… Hajime-san!
I shouted his name, throwing myself at him.
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Yukimura: You came back……! Hajime-san……!
I wanted to welcome him back with a smile.
I didn't want to be crying when we were reunited.
If I cried, that would make it harder to see Hajime-san’s face……
All sorts of thoughts that I had been repressing came bursting out of my heart.
Saito: Ah…… I'm back, Chizuru. Didn't I promise you that I would return? Why are you crying? Could it be, that you didn't believe me?
Hearing Hajime-san's question, I shook my head.
Yukimura: How could I not trust you. However, I was always worried…… [and] when I heard the bad rumours at camp, my heart felt like it was going to crack/split open. Also…… I had a dream, a dream where you went far, far away……
Saito:……I see.
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As I cried, Hajime-san awkwardly embraced me.
His uniform, it was completely dirty……
Although his uniform was black, a single glance showed that there were bloodstains and bullet holes everywhere.
Just from seeing him like this, I could tell he had seen a fierce battle. [ or "it was as if I could see a fierce battle." check jp mtl]
A moment later, Hajime-san showed a bitter expression.
Saito: When [we were] surrounded by the New Government Army, I was prepared to be completely wiped out/defeated…… At this time, one of the seriously injured/wounded soldiers told me: we've all been injured [been completely beaten... or some other word that i think of later that implies helplessness] and can no longer be of use to fight. Leave us behind and get out of here with the rest of the troop members——
The decision that had been before Hajime-san, the weight of it left me speechless.
Saito: The me from before, perhaps I would have accepted this proposal. But…… the me now, it was impossible [reword later]. Hijikata-san entrusted me with the leadership of the Shinsengumi. Additionally, I could not leave those who trusted me and stayed/chose to fight together with me when the Aizu were abandoned.
I looked straight into Hajime-san's eyes, and nodded approvingly/nodded in agreement.
Hearing about the changes in Hajime-san's heart, I felt delighted/happy, as if it was my own affair.
Saito: If I had accepted that soldier's proposal, I likely would have returned sooner…… Carefully leading the troops back, it took longer than I thought…… I'm sorry for making you worry about me.
After listening to Hajime-san's words, I shook my head.
Yukimura: I……that's not important/it doesn't matter.  As long as are you are like this, and as long as you come back to me…… that's enough.
Saito:…………Yes [alt I see/is that so. check audio].
Yukimura: What happened to the other troop members/soldiers?
Saito: Because they're moving while carrying the wounded, I think that it will probably be a while longer before they catch up. But they will certainly catch up.
Yukimura: So it's like that, that's good……
Just by/from feeling Hajime-san's temperature [warmth] and his breathing, I was already very happy.
As long as he was like this now, and alive [As long as he lived like this now]…… being at my side, it was enough.
From the way he was looking at me, I could clearly feel that he felt the same way I did.
Saito:……Even for myself, I find it/feel that it's incredible/unimaginable.
I tilted my head, not understanding what he meant.
Saito: Previously, I thought, the ideal wish of a warrior/samurai [check audio] would be to die in battle. However, I now fight for the sake of my comrades, so as to survive [so that we survive/live. chck jp mtl].
Indeed, if it was the past Hajime-san, when faced between choosing life and death, he likely wouldn’t have hesitated.
Yukimura: I.......love the you now....... and I love the you back then. No....... no matter however you are, I will always accept you.
Hajime-san's eyes narrowed in satisfaction.
Saito:……You once told me before. The answer, the one I painfully struggled to find, whatever it was, you would accept it.
Saito: The one who changed me, it was probably you, Chizuru.
Yukimura: Eh......?
Saito: At the most dire point/height of the fighting, I thought of your face…… and my determination to not die grew stronger. Furthermore, every time I thought of how you were doing everything to help the wounded at camp, I kept thinking that these soldiers must not die here.
Carefully listening to my lover's voice, his words, made me feel infinitely happy. [Listening to my lover's voice, his words made me feel extremely happy.]
When Hajime-san was desperately fighting at Nyoraido, if I was able to provide him some courage……
Nothing could make me happier. 
After a short while, Hajime-san slightly tilted his head, almost as if he was urging something.
There was no need to ask what would happen next.
I closed my eyes, quietly responding to him.
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After a pleasant wait, our lips were pressed together.
This kiss, it was very restrained, just like how he was.
My heart was beating loudly.
These thoughts became increasingly stronger in my heart, how I wish the two of us could stay in this forest at night forever. [check jp mtl. i’m probably going to go with something to the effect of: How I wish we could just stay forever in this moment, alone and encompassed by this forest at night.*this sentence is pissing me off lol.]
No matter what happens, I will never leave him again.
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Saito:……From now on, I will never let you be this sad again. So, let me see you smile/your smile. In order to see your smile, no matter what happens, I will always return to you. [check jp mtl]
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Before, I once asked him what he would do one day if he had to drink the Ochimizu for the Shinsengumi……
The answer that came from his lips without any hesitation, was to 【drink it】.
Yukimura:…………Nn. Hajime-san…… Hajime-san, as long as you stay by my side, I will always be happy.
He had asked me to smile, but i couldn't help but to continue crying...
As a result, I was smiling and crying in front of the person that i loved.
About half a month later, the 22nd of the 9th month——
The Aizu-han, which had been firmly resisting the New Government army, surrendered.
well, I probably could have made it easier for myself if I just copied the flashback text from SK/KW/EB... but I just couldn’t bring myself to look up the games to copy said text (had to uninstall them from my old pc for space to take stuff off my passport) since it’d really bother me knowing if I copied something than said it was my translation... which is why i didn’t. ah well. as a translator, the idea of taking credit on something that i didn’t translate really doesn’t sit well with me... but I still think that what I did for those parts came close to what I remember from the games...   
gotta say though: I really dislike the word 「隊士」. In both Chinese and Japanese... and that, as a translator,  i really don’t like how the Gregorian calendar names the months lol. it’s just so much easier to just leave the date as what it says based on the old Japanese calendar... with the era name and month number. let’s me not worry about doing research to ensure the accuracy of things (i require that all of my videos be precise when it comes to dates)... 
also, i wish it’d snow everyday for a week. id get motivated enough to finish a chapter with that.... tho it’d need to be a heavy snowfall so it’s very visible. lol. maintaining my motivation on one thing for a long period of time just doesn't come easy to me... especially when it’s something that has +4000 words in it.
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luv-esabella · 3 years
N, R, B and I LOVE YOU🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
AWW I LOVE U TOO ARA !! :D Sending u lots of these~ 💗💗💗 and this! 💗🐣💗 lol
💕 N- If you want to know how I treat my friends
I adore all my friends 💗 Like there’s literally nothing I wouldn’t do for them if they needed me. That being said I know the primary source of communication is texting and stuff (which I suck at) but they accept me and love me for who I am so whenever I’m online they’re happy to see me. Irl/facetime is different since I could hold long convos about everything.
I adore things they give me or if they reach out. Like I keep so many trinkets of them. Even a napkin my friend drew on for me when we were eating together at a boba shop (it’s clean and crisp don’t worry. It’s in a collection box smwhere in my closet) I think about them a lot at a reference I remember too. Like if I see something on the streets I’m like ‘my friend would’ve liked to see that cat’ or ‘hey that’s the movie my friend talked about the other day!’
If they’re busy and need space I understand that too. Like I know we don’t have to text everyday to know we care about each other. Or sometimes life keeps us busy and we drift apart. I still appreciate them for the memories we had and I know in the future down the road we’ll meet up again. I also reminisce past friendships a lot. I don’t ever remember ending something on a bad term (maybe one in elementary but we made up again). I think about them probably way more than they think.
This also goes for moots! I don’t talk to some as much anymore but I still consider them a moot. I just kinda remember things and treasure them for a long time. (I’m pretty sure it’s my Cancer moon lol)
💕 R - For me to tell 10 of my curiosities
1 - For ask games I tend to think out my answers a lot to the point that I over answer stuff lol (I realized this when I looked at my long answer for N)
2 - I was such a big Taylor Swift fan when I was younger. She was what inspired me to play guitar and sing a lot (when I found out about her cap stellium and cancer moon too? I swooned) She also high fived my hand at a concert I went to (tbf tho she did that with most of the fans in the row)
3 - I attended swim class when I was younger at this place that gave ribbons for awards. I was so determined to gain all those ribbons!! They were so colorful :D (When my sister went to the same place they changed the ribbon system and it was less colorful then. I think I cried cause I was so sad)
4 - I have two dogs who I adore 💗 They’re both maltipoos and they’re brothers but from different litters. (I’ll make a post about them soon if I get a good pic lol)
5 - I’m thinking of an Olivia Rodrigo song rn. But this made me think of the first time I saw her in the American girl movie Grace Stirs up success! I just thought it was fun seeing her grow up in her acting career.
6 - I’m closer to my mom than I am my dad. (Also got sun square moon in natal) I could tell my mom anything, she’s the best :D (also I love her placements. She has a Virgo moon which matches 2 of my bsfs lol)
7 - I got into astrology cause of a post I saw about these youtubers I follow as well as their friendship synastry. And then I got into a fandom discord server and the astrology chat was a goldmine of learning! And then I found out about astro tumblr lol. The rest is history :D
8 - I can’t handle horror movies. It’s different with horror stories tho, altho I still try avoid reading those too. However if horror is involved with plot (when it’s not primarily horror? If that makes sense) I’d still love to read it!
9 - I visited Disneyland a lot as a kid. I basically grew up with Disney. Favorite characters as a kid were Chip n’ Dale. I got the Dale stuffie, and my sister got the Chip one. We watched the original cartoons for them too cause we loved them so much. They’re literally our childhood 💗
10 - I’m into Harry Potter yet never read the series or saw most of the movies (the ending of the last movie was on tv and my dad played it cause he knew I liked hp. I don’t think that counted) Plus I watched the first movie in middle school which I don’t really remember. I got into the fandom thru tumblr and seeing fanart + fanfics. Doesn’t mean I’m not an actual fan tho. I know a lot of trivia and hp terms and plot. Also have ravenclaw merch and my friend made me a wand and a box! Literally it’s beautiful 💗 For my bday gift she painted the box to be from the shop Ollivander’s (the shop Harry got his wand from) and she made a certificate and wand and everything!! All handmade 💗 and I adore her for that! Shoutout to Nika!! She’s one of the most artistic and creative people I know
💕 B - Who the last person I talked to on the phone was
My grandpa lol. I was walking my dog and called him saying that we were coming to visit him :D He had a hard time hearing me tho cause of the wind and stuff. We have a family dinner every Saturday 💗
Edit: I realized I answered R wrong whoops!! But I’m too lazy to change anything so we’re sticking with that! Altho I am curious about white strawberries grown in Japan. Why did my brain think of that first? No idea.
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macklives · 4 years
session 94 end
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i want to be as serious as i can about this without screaming my head off so i can actually get some information down, considering these end of sessions serve as my personal notes, so if i look back at them and notice the notes just have a continuous stream of “AAAAAAA FUCK YOU U, U INCEL” i dont think id be amused
vriska killed her aradia, but not only did she kill aradia, vriska made her BOYFRIEND kill her. and the boyfriend just so happens to be sollux! which is actually cute, i support it, i ship, but now in the future its going to make me sad whenever they have screen time together agsjgshsh
anyways, he was unaware this happened because he was being controlled by vriska. presumably, she forced him to eat the mind honey. this brings a whole new perspective of the “under no circumstances do you eat the mind honey” i take it. so now aradia is actually dead dead. 
but shes still here!! because shes a ghost! so its alright! 
and the origin??? lol, vriska wanted to actively kill tavros when he pushed him off the cliff rather than just break his legs, which made aradia upset so she created the hauntings. vriska contacted doc about it who advised to kill aradia. yada yada, to shorten it up, vriska and dick scratcher suck ass.
doc scratch is a crusty old dildo who manipulates young children for his master to kill their friends, his master being lord english. and from all of this shit that occurred, there’s a plan apparently?? idk what the plan is. but hes making children kill each other. so idk. maybe hes trying to off them so they dont corrupt his plans. he acts like a cocky bastard however, and has a weird god complex. thats why i made many death note references. 
oh, and theres a lot of cahoots for THIS particular dilemma, (not even all of homestuck this is just for...one part of the story), but ill take a screenshot of one of my posts about it bc i do not feel to type it up rn:
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oh not only that! but scratch is a “first guardian” which means hes in charge of the whole planet or some sort of being that REPRESENTS the planet?? in this case alternia. and yeah idk, im rereading that part now bc before i was more angry than anything so i didnt process it completely, and its still sorta confusing. he has a genetic code, the same as every guardian apparently, considering they SHARE the sequence? but that code grants them omnipotence? what?? and “when merged with a host of great intelligence, near omniscience as well” im not sure what this means, if its a random genetic code that gets into a living being which CREATES the first guardian or if its a first guardian that has that code and NEEDS to have a host. 
but if doc scratch has been here since the birth of the planet, what does that make lord english? hmmm, how powerful IS lord english in this case if the fucking “first guardian” is a servant to him. im curious
ummmm also he glows like bec? jades dog? idk if thats just an art choice but the similarities are so uncanny that i had to point it out. makes me wonder. tho.. iirc bec glows bc he eats radioactive food or something,,,, i really forgot, i havent seen the kids since december okay.... but idk, he glows like him so that means he can do the space teleportation schtick as bec does, which is how he probably gets from place to place i presume. idk if its BECAUSE of that very same “genetic code” the first guardians have, making bec a first guardian himself (of earth maybe??) or if its just a coincidence. and knowing homestuck, could be either. tho im guessing we’ll uncover more of that later as it doesnt seem like we’re supposed to know right away and i may be pulling shit out of my ass based on a green strobe light resemblance
also terezi called out vriska to scratch, so im pretty sure hes now going to now kill vriska
probably not but dw if you do ill turn around and pretend i saw nothing
and thats it folks!
aradia and sollux........ 
...... :(
thats sad gang..it really is
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scullysexual · 4 years
hunger games au (with mulder and scully)
Just a little self-indulgence fic and an idea that wouldn’t leave me alone. I’m sorta proud of it rn and decided to post it. This is pretty much for myself and I’m not gonna much in terms of making sure everyone reads it. If you like it, feel free to let me know if not bye. Not much is gonna be changed in terms of plot, this is literally going to be fanfiction in it’s finest form. It might have elements of a crossover if I can’t find the appropriate xf character to play the hunger games character but we’ll see. Words: 2809.
- - - 
There’s nothing there except a swirling black void, harsh waves crashing, screams of men, and a father drowning in the sea.
Dana wakes just before her father goes under. Her stomach tightly coiled with a realisation that her consciousness has yet to remember.
It’s chilly, the tips of Dana’s fingers red raw from the cold night. She tucks them beneath the blankets and rolls over to the other side. Adjacent to her lies her sister, buried beneath three blankets. Only the tip of her noise is really visible, the rest of her obscured by blankets or vibrant red hair.
Not too far away is her younger brother spread out in the space left by their elder. And finally, on the double bed near the corner, her mother sleeps.
Dana rises, pulling off the covers and bracing the chill. She dresses quickly and quietly, careful not to wake her remaining family members. She pulls on yesterday’s clothes, her boots, clips her hair back in its familiar style and heads towards the kitchen.
Bill Jr. sits at the table, lacing up his shoes, his miner’s hat beside him.
His presence startles Dana.
“I thought you’d be gone by now,” Dana says. She makes her way towards the jug of water.
“I’m going now,” he tells her.
Bill stands almost immediately after and picks up his hat.
“There’s not a lot of bread left. Make sure you leave enough for Mom, Missy, and Charlie.”
Dana’s eyes move to the basket holding the bread. Bill was right, there’s barely any left. She adds trading with the baker onto her mental list of things to do today.
Bill hasn’t gotten far down the street before Dana’s following him but he doesn’t slow down to walk with her or even take note that she’s behind him. It’s no bother to Dana anyway, as he turns left, she turns right, headed towards the woods.
Technically, entering this area of the District is illegal. Hunting and trading is high on the list of crimes and the punishment for it is death. At least it should be. Most turn a blind-eye to it. The Peacekeepers that guard the city are just as poor and hungry as many of the other residents and while only a few will venture into the woods themselves to procure food and plants, they won’t say anything if they catch you trading.
It’s the Capitol you really need to look out for and their cameras. While it’s not been confirmed, it’s rumoured that they hide cameras so as to spy on the Districts. Dana has yet to find any cameras walking around town and with the fence meant to keep wild animals out, she doubts there would be any cameras in the woods.
But still, she bares it in mind when she enters.
There was a time when she didn’t need to hunt. There was a time she didn’t live in the Seam. Most residents of District 12 are miners however her father was one of the fortunate ones not to have that profession. He was a sailor, in charge of carting coal in a ship back and forth to the Capitol. He was also one of the rare ones to be allowed to leave.
He used to say the Scullys were for fit for District 4- the fishing district. There was even some speculation that the family was from there originally and somehow ended up in this district.
She can still the remember the house they lived in, caught between the Merchant Town and the Seam. Her only problem back then was having a sense that she didn’t belong anywhere. Too poor for the Merchant Town residents, too rich for the Seam residents. Even when they had to move, the Seam residents still viewed her as one of the more fortunate ones.
The move had been caused by the death of her father. Caught in a storm just off District 4, his ship had capsized, killing all members onboard. The family had been notified of his death via an eviction notice. Her mother had crumbled, becoming just a shell of her former self. Billy had tried to become the man of the house and, in theory, he was but he was too much of a rule abider and even when things began to take a sharper turn for the worse, he still wouldn’t venture into the woods to hunt. Melissa was just too soft to hunt. Dana had tried to teach her but Missy had started crying at the sight of the wounded creature. Charlie, the youngest, was just too young at the time. He was seven- too scared and confused to really do it anything. So it had all fallen down to Dana, at eleven years old, her stomach grumbling, it came down to her to get the food on the table and it had been that way ever since.
Dana follows the path of stamped grass and weeds all the way to the entrance to the woods. Not a real entrance, just heavy-duty netting that’s been ripped and nobody’s bothered to fix. The fence is supposed to be electrified all day, every day but there’s barely enough electricity to power the important buildings, nobody wants to waste it on this. Still though, Dana listens for the faint buzzing and if there isn’t one, it’s safe and she sneaks through.
The woods don’t scare her anymore. There are still the wild animals lurking about but as soon as she’s armed with her dagger and spear she feels practically invincible against them.
She reaches for her weapons now, hidden behind a fallen tree, deep down in a hole. It’s nothing fancy, metal is hard to come by so the spear is just pieces of wood stuck together but it’s effective and sharp and does the job.
Her dagger, however, is the real treasure. On one of her father’s trips a man had given it to him and when her father returned he kept it hidden from the rest of his family, presenting it to her the first time they came out here.
While they had no reason to hunt when her father was alive, her dad had still taught her to. That had surprised her, he always appeared much like Bill Jr., always following the laws. Until Bill, however, William Scully was smart. He knew his profession made him stand out against the miners, knew the Capitol would see him as a looming problem, knew that one of these days his time would be up, his family would finally suffer the consequences and they would need every help they could get.
The dagger was expensive. A green and gold handle with real sharp steel at the end of it. They would have a lot of anything they wished for if Dana sold it but none of her family members knew about it and it was the last gift her father ever gave her.
“What took you so long?”
Dana turns to see Ethan standing behind her, already prepared with his bow on his back and his own wooden spear at his side. He was the closest thing she had to a friend, having found each other the first time Dana fully ventured into the woods without her father. She had been scared when she saw him, tried to run for it but fell over instead. Ethan had been furious, screaming at her that she had scared his dinner away. Dana felt tears prick her eyes but she would not cry even as he called her stupid and useless. Finally he asked what she was here for.
“To hunt,” Dana said meekly.
Ethan had laughed, shaking his head and walked away.
A few days past since at incident and she hadn’t seen him again, not until she was trying to kill a rabbit. Leaning against a tree, watching her struggle. He hadn’t announced himself, for the longest time Dana didn’t even know he was behind her but an arrow had pierced the rabbits head and that’s when she spun around and saw him.
After that they became hunting partners. He would shoot the smaller animals with his arrows, her the bigger animals with her spear. Eventually, Dana had mastered stealth. She knew how to sneak up on the animals without startling it and kill it with her dagger.
She also looked for plants, too. Some for eating, some for healing. There were no hospitals here, most replied solely on homecare or you could pay a visit to the Scullys where they would stitch you up and allow you to live a little longer.
And that was her day. Hunting animals and trading in the early mornings, school till three o’clock, and a healer in the evenings.
All except today.
“How are you feeling?” Ethan asks as they begin their usual route through the woods.
Dana thinks back to the way her stomach coiled when she woke. The worry for herself, for her family. For Ethan and his family.
“How everyone feels on this day,” she answers.
This day. By law, written as a holiday but in reality it is as far away from one as possible. School is shut, businesses close early, everyone meets at the Square by 2pm, dressed in their best preparing themselves to cry themselves to sleep or sigh in relief that they have survived another year.
“We’ve been lucky this far,” says Ethan with a shrug.
It’s all bravado, she knows. He’s just as worried as she is. But she has gotten lucky. Three siblings and herself and not once since becoming of age has any of them got chosen. Still, each year becomes more nerve-wrecking. Melissa’s eighteen, her name is in that box eight times. Bill’s aged out, thank god. Dana lost count how many times her name has been entered (taking tesserae means your name is added each time as a trade but there’s only enough for one person so Dana’s had to take out one for each member of her family already making her name being entered four times more. The tesserae given out isn’t enough to last which means taking out more and in return her name being entered multiple times more). It’s only Charlie, who only turned twelve last month, who’s name has been entered once. He’s the least of her worries.
Ethan isn’t much better. While he only has an older brother, who has also now aged out, he’s just as poor as her, his name is also in that box more than it should be.
“Come on,” says Ethan pulling her thoughts away from boxes and names. “Let’s focus on hunting. Maybe find something nice to celebrate later.”
Dana watches him walk off for a moment, temporarily stunned.
“You’re really not worried?” she asks.
He stops and looks over to her, his eyes scarily vacant.
“We don’t need to worry till 2.”
He’s right, Dana realises. Worry makes her clumsy, loud, and if she wants her family and herself to eat tonight, she needs to push that worry away.
Dana pushes the front door open carrying her winnings in a bag at her side. She’d done good today, most people at the Hob were anxious to sell before they had to shut down for the day. In the woods, she had managed to kill three squirrels, earning her one and a half loafs of bread from the baker, a few coins for selling the strawberries, and even a turkey to eat tonight. The greens she found, she kept herself, rabbit pelts she traded for a blanket, and a few herbs to add to the medicine cabinet.
Melissa greets her when she enters, already dressed in what looks to be one of their mother’s old dresses from when she was younger. Her hair is pulled back and braided in parts. She looks beautiful but then Melissa always looks beautiful no matter what.
“Dana’s back!” she calls.
“Send her in!” Mom shouts back.
Melissa takes the bag, putting the stuff away and Dana enters the bedroom here her mother is currently having a fight with Charlie’s hair.
“Put that on.” She nods to the floral dress laying on the bed.
Dana hates dresses but it’s almost customary to wear one. That or a skirt. Something feminine.
“That’s gonna have to do.” Maggie pats Charlie on the shoulder telling him he can go. “Is Bill back yet?” Maggie asks.
“He wasn’t in the kitchen,” Dana answers as she climbs into the dress.
“I don’t want us being late,” Maggie mutters.
Her mother almost becomes unbearable on this day. Stressing and running around like times is going to go quicker just because it’s today. They could have a whole 24 hours and she’ll still be worrying that if someone isn’t back at this time it’s just going to make them late.
Once dressed, Dana sits as Maggie pulls the clips out of her hair along with leaves and dirt.
“If you’d come back sooner you’d have had time to bathe.”
“Sorry, I was out getting our dinner for tonight.” There’s a harshness to Dana’s tone as she says the words. She still felt a slight resentment towards her mother. She went away in many of her children’s eyes, leaving them to fend for themselves. Had it not been for Dana, Maggie would have watched all her children die of starvation and not done anything about it while she withered away herself.
Her mother’s proclaims of she was grieving weren’t a good enough excuse for Dana. They were all grieving after all, all coming to terms with his new life, yet they didn’t stay in bed all day.
Her mother was better now but Dana was waiting for the day she would disappear again. It happened once, it can happen again.
There’s a slight tug on her hair in response to her words and Dana tells herself to keep quiet.
Melissa enters and seats herself on the other stool. Her presence is sure to stop any more awkward conversations and stray comment between Dana and their mother.
“You okay?” Missy asks.
Dana nods. She tries to draw on Ethan’s strength, his optimism.
“Lasted this long, haven’t I?”
Melissa smiles. “One more year and it’s over.” She’s talking about herself. One more year and it is over for her. She no longer has to worry. She just has to suit up for the mines or follow her mother and become an official healer.
A silence passes over all three women for a moment. Dana watches her mother braid her hair in the mirror, Melissa messes with one of the clips her sister was wearing earlier. It’s quiet except for the sound of the door opening and Charlie saying hi to their brother. There’s a bit of chatter between the two by the door but nothing the girls really pay attention to.
“It’s barbaric.”
Dana’s eyes widen and Melissa stops playing with the clip. They eye each other in shock as if their mother has just broken the law or something.
In some cases, she just did.
Negative words aren’t supposed to be said about the Games, even in the safety of their houses. They’re a holiday, a festivity meant to be enjoyed and looked forward to.
At least that is the case in the Capitol and the Career Districts.
In all the others, the Games are seen, as their mother just said, as barbaric. Brutal, cruel, and vicious. To put 24 kids in an arena and watch them fight to the death is viewed with the heaviest of contempt. But it’s a punishment and a reminder of a history that can’t be forgotten.
“You should watch what you say,” says Dana calmly. “People could be listening.”
Melissa’s eyes look wearily around the room as if trying to find who could be listening. Dana doesn’t believe they are but on a day like today, she couldn’t be completely sure about that.
“You’re done,” says Maggie moving away. “I’ll make sure Bill looks presentable and then we’ll leave.”
Dana runs her hand through the braid, silently admiring her mother’s work.
“Do you really think they’re listening to us?” Melissa whispers. “Patty Bullock said that at school once. Nobody believed her but…”
“They film everything today, don’t they?” Dana says, her attention still on her hair. “Do you really think they start at 2?”
It was almost unheard of for Dana to speak like this but she had her doubts about the validity of this theory. Still, it was good to be mindful of it’s possible truth.
“You sound like a boy in my class,” says Melissa. “His nickname is Spooky.”
The door opens with Charlie telling them it’s time to go. They follow each other out, headed for the Square, and Dana doesn’t think much more of this Spooky.
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rukakikuchi · 4 years
My speculation/theories on LOONA’s next comeback.
Oh boy, oh boy… As we’ve been waiting for LOONA’s next comeback, we’ve had plenty of time to speculate on what the concept for what said comeback will be like. And it seems like the girls are just as excited as us, as they seem to be dropping hints as to what it’s going to be.
We’re going to look at some possibilities based on the hints we’ve been given so far, as well as some speculation as to what else we could see coming from LOONA in the near future.
Flowers and nature
As soon as promotions for “So What” ended, LOONA wasted no time dropping subtle references to flowers and nature, leading many fans to believe their next concept could be flowers or nature related.
References made to flowers:
Chuu participating in King of Masked Singer as “Spring Girl”
Using flowers and nature related emojis (i.e. rainbow) in social media posts
Yves and Chuu Frequency of the Moon topic was “spring”
Heejin being called “a goddess among the flowers” in the post promoting her appearance in Ben’s “Bad” MV (Source)
ViVi, Jinsoul, and Chuu Frequency of the Moon topic was “flower”
Gowon, Yves, and Jinsoul took a photo with a tulip in behind the scenes photos of a magazine shoot (Sources: 1, 2, 3)
Yves posting a photo of her with roses (Source)
Mentioning “blooming” and other flower/nature related phrases
In a post celebrating Choerry and Olivia’s coming of age: “Things will get better with that rose” (Source)
Yves mentioning flowers blooming in different seasons in her fancafe letter on her birthday and saying she’ll bloom more vibrantly each year (Source)
Kim Lip saying “keep walking flower paths only with us” in her Orbit 2.0 anniversary fancafe letter (Source)
Gowon saying “photosynthesis time” (Source)
We’ve already had it all but officially confirmed that LOONA’s upcoming comeback is happening in August (Yves told Nature they were planning on an August comeback during filming on Fact in Star back in June.) (Source)
With it being the summer season, I could see them either doing a bright, fun concept with an energetic sound, or they could go for a dreamy concept with beautiful visuals and emotional vocals.
Royalty and elegance
Another concept the group has been dropping hints about is a royal concept.
Firstly, we’ve been seeing several recent instances of the girls wearing these fancy black dresses. 
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These outfits were first seen during promotion for the group’s premier greeting “Meet & Up” event. Since then, we’ve seen them on the official Japanese fan club website, the post commemorating one million subscribers on Youtube (Source), the celebration of Orbits’ 2nd anniversary (Source), and even during LOONA the TAM Season 2.
There’s also their official light stick, which is designed like a crown. 
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Not only that, but they come with a golden cape that you can wear. We also got a photo of the girls in these capes and white dresses in what appear to be a palace.
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There’s also their cover performance of “Love Battery” on Immortal Songs 2, which took a very jazzy and theatrical spin on the song, adding their own LOONA flair to it. The members have stated in the past (Yves specifically I believe) that their covers were hints to their next comeback, since their boy group dance covers prior to the release of [#] hinted at the style “So What” would be like.
This could just be a general group concept rather than just a comeback concept, but if they do go for a royal or elegant concept, there’s honestly a bunch of possibilities for what it could sound like. It could range from an elegant, ethereal vibe, a fun yet powerful dance number, a big band jazzy style song, or even a pop-ballad.
And speaking of ballad…
Return of LOONA the Ballad?
It has been over half a year since it was announced that LOONA the Ballad, or La Maison LOONA, a ballad album that had been teased since 2018 was cancelled. I only very recently became an Orbit, but was nonetheless disappointed when I heard an entire album they had planned to release had been scrapped for release.
...Or was it? Because recently, the girls have been hinting that maybe LOONA the Ballad isn’t completely gone.
Now I’m not sure whether this is true or not, but supposedly during a fansign event, a fan asked Chuu if there was a possibility that the album could still be released, and she just smiled and said “Soon!”
But then we had the moment during Yves’ birthday VLive where we heard what sounded like a snippet of “Stay with me babe (aka “Hyper Ballad”)” playing. (Source)
If BBC didn’t have backup files for the original planned album, there’s probably a chance they had to re-record the album altogether. It might even be possible they’re going to repurpose the songs they planned to release on LOONA the Ballad for something entirely new.
Japanese debut?
LOONA’s Japanese debut was another delayed project I learned about after becoming a fan. And since we recently got the launch of their official Japanese fan club, I think they have had plans on releasing their Japanese debut soon.
Now, these plans might have changed with what’s going on in the world right now, but I think it’s possible that we will get more news regarding this some time this year.
The only question is, what would they do? Would the royalty concept be utilized here while the Korean comeback focuses on the floral/nature concept? Could it be possible that the tracks that were meant to be for LOONA the Ballad were repurposed to become a Japanese release? Will the Japanese debut be a new song or just a translated version of a song they already released like “Hi High” or “Butterfly”?
Again, there’s several possibilities and until we hear more from the staff or the girls themselves, we’ll just have to wait and see.
“Day and Night” official release?
This is something I’ve been curious about for a while. We’ve gotten hints that we’re going to get something related to “Day and Night”, the hidden track released on the CD only version of [#].
Digipedi posted a video on their Instagram of them listening to “Day and Night” in the car. Now, this can simply be that they really like the song and nothing more. But what if it means there’s a music video for “Day and Night”?
Also, in a LOONA Kick where Olivia was filming herself with a moon face filter, we hear the girls singing “Day and Night” in the background. (Source)
Personally, I thought this meant they would be performing “Day and Night” at KCON:TACT 2020, but that ended up not being the case. Still, I can’t help but wonder if we’ll actually get to see a performance of it in the future, or at least a dance practice video.
I also wonder if they would do an official release of the song, either as a digital single or have it included as an official track if they decide to do a repackage of [#] for the next comeback. Whatever the case, it feels like the girls are planning something related to it.
What will the album be called?
Aside from the concept and sound of the comeback, one of the big things fans have speculated on is what the name of the album is going to be. The album names for the OT12 releases have had significant meanings; [+ +] is about how the girls and units combine into the full group (addition), [X X] is about that power being amplified (multiplication), and [#] is about realizing their strengths and what they can accomplish when they are together.
The most common guesses I’ve seen for the album title are [*] and [O]. Before I give my thoughts on which one it could be, let’s look at what each of the symbols could mean if used.
First, we have the asterisk symbol (*). This symbol is used to call attention to a footnote, indicate an omission, point to disclaimers, and dress up company logos. Basically, it’s meant to draw attention to an otherwise minor detail.
This seems to match up with LOONA as a group, as the girls always work their hardest to perfect even the slightest details of their dancing or singing in order to put out a quality performance for their fans. And in the context of the LOONAverse, it could mean that even the smallest detail can become significant.
The symbol has also been pointed out to resemble a star or flower. If they really are going with a flower concept, it would be a clever choice if they went with this.
Now for the “O”. This isn’t really a symbol; it’s a letter. But there are quite a few reasons why it can become a meaningful symbol should they name the album [O].
Firstly, most frankly, the letter “O” resembles a full moon, and we know LOONA is all about the moon.
Secondly, in “So What” there’s a line that references the “O or X” in tic-tac-toe. One way fans have interpreted that line is that it’s them talking about how most girl groups in K-pop fall into either a cute concept or a girl crush concept, and the song as a whole is about not being restricted by anyone or anything.
We’ve already had the “X” in [X X], so it would make sense if they did “O” next.
Also, if you replace the “#” in “B#RN” with an “O”, it becomes “BORN”, which plays into the idea that the next concept could be about rebirth. Again, this would fit into the flower concept as flowers always bloom again as the seasons come and go.
I already theorized that [#] and “So What” would be about the destruction and rebirth of LOONA and the LOONAverse, so maybe the next comeback will continue from that.
“So What” was specifically about the “destruction” part of this; the girls are breaking out from their old image and everything that held them back. Olivia quite literally sets the moon on fire to symbolize this action. And at the end, we see the bird feathers being revived after being burnt.
So this next comeback could possibly focus on the “rebirth” part, showing just how much stronger LOONA have become as a whole.
As for which one I think the title of the album would be, I’m leaning more towards the asterisk symbol, since it lines itself up with the potential flower/nature concept and the meaning and usage of the symbol can become significant to LOONA when put in the right context.
My thoughts
As of right now, it feels like a flower/nature concept focused on rebirth is most likely what we’re going to get. Sound-wise, if their cover of “Love Battery” really is a hint for what the song will be like, I could totally see it working with LOONA.
However, if they are in fact repurposing the LOONA the Ballad tracks for a new comeback, I could see them actually using both the flower and royal concepts. In my mind, “Daydream” would be the flower/nature concept with an ethereal dreamlike look and feel, while “Stay with me babe” would be the royal/elegant concept and be more mature. Not straight up sexy, but more like an alluring feel.
I also think it’s possible that they would use the royal concept for their Japanese debut, with a new style that’s not something we’ve seen in their previous releases but also feels familiar to LOONA’s overall concept and style.
Also, while I don’t think they plan on doing this for their next comeback, I think it would be nice to see the group do solos and units again. Not just for pre-existing units, but new units as well. The members have talked about the possibility of them doing new units in the past, and fans have speculated on things such as the “day and night” units (which are basically the tall line and short line lol), but we don’t know if those plans were also postponed or cancelled.
With everything that’s going on in the world, we may not know just yet, so for now it’s all a matter of if and when. Regardless, I’m so excited for what this next concept will be like.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this discussion! Feel free to share your own thoughts on what you think the comeback will be like!
Until then... Stan LOONA! 🌙💖
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HEWWO!!! Folk call me Chicky or Bean! Sometimes Carm- it depends! But I’m in search of an rp partner! I’ve looked through tumblr a lot when it came to rp ads and through this hellsite I’ve found a lot of genuine partners that I now view as some of my closest friends. BUT LIFE HAPPENS!! So now I’m back and looking for another partner and maybe if I’m lucky a friend!
So I’ve never? Written an? Ad? Before??? Usually I just reply to them- So if I miss something you’re interested in feel free to DM me here later and I’ll answer!
Okay A little Abt Me so you know what you’re getting into:
I am currently 19, and doing school full time. I’m a Theatre Major and identify with she/her pronouns (if? Thats important? To some people it is- to me personally I am accepting of the entire gender spectrum.) Being as I’m currently in school please be understanding if I’m not online 24/7- I promise I’m usually pretty present and I’ll let you know if something comes up. In other news- I am filled to the brim with chaotic bisexual energy (yes we stan bisexual awareness and acceptance in this HOUSEHOLD. P L S.) UhhhhHHhhh I’m not sure what else to put here. If you have any other like questions? Lmk? HOPEFULLY we’ll get to know eachother if I catch ya fancy!!!
Now for the fun BITS( WHAT I’M LOOKIN FOR):
-I write in and prefer third person rps! Honestly with length PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t leave me with like a two sentence reply if I write a page. That’s all I ask. Most of my replies tend to be 3/4 sizable paragraphs give or take!
-I’ll rp with anyone as young as 17 and as old as 25. If you’re older than my step-brother I’m sorry I dont think I’d be very comfortable rping with you.
-Because I know that everyone has a life outside of RPs and things I dont expect a reply every day. I do full time school- I GET IT. But I do like to hear from my partners at least a few times a week. If not only for the memes bc I DO send cat pictures and Pinterest chaos that I find.
-I cannot express HOW MUCH I LOVE HEAD-CANONING. Even if it doesnt pertain exactly to the rp? I ADORE IT. I love useless facts about your characters- or dumb ideas in passing. Cute scenarios or things that have aBSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH WHATS HAPPENING IN THE MAIN PLOT. I’m a sap for character connections and I will send stuff about the potential there.
- As far as pairings go? I do it all! I have SO many ocs with so many gender identities and sexual orientations that as long as you’re open minded then we can rock and roll! I’m open to m//, f//, m/f, nb pairings, gender fluid(i have a few fluid babes myself), etc etc! Lmk whats up!
-I ONLY do Oc rps- So sorry to canon/oc or canon/canon. I thoroughly enjoy the worlds and the AU opportunities, but I don’t think I would feel comfortable there. THAT BEING SAID I have several fandoms that would make for FANTASTIC AUS.—
-Here are a few groups with AU POTENTIAL THAT I THRIVE FOR:
+ Haikyuu!! (If you’re a hq fan I will die. I lO VE THIS SHOW)
+ Pirates of the Caribbean (pirates!au got me like oooOooooOOo)
+ Tonari no kaibutsu-ken (My Little Monster) <- (another all time fave. Its so cute and good. Nothin like a babey asf slice of life to make my big stoopid heart soff)
+ Harry Potter (yes I’m a hoe for hogwarts au. The p o T e n t i a l.)
+(There’s probably more, but I’m blanking rn big oof. DM ME IF YOU’RE CURIOUS ABOUT A FANDOM AND WHERE I STAND WITH IT AS FAR AS AUS GO. B c there’s a solid chance I have heard of it and I a m 100% willing to build an au with you around it!)
ANYWAY abt Ocs- I LOVE MY KIDS. And I’ll love YOUR KIDS. I LOVE OCS IN GENERAL. I draw art of my dumbasses all the time and if we hit it off real good and I feel mega inspired I’ll draw art of our kids interacting. (No promises but like y e e t)
I say this bc I do have an art blog that I’ll link at the very end of this mess so you can see and meet them. If you have an art blog too? I would LOVE TO SEE IT. AND FOLLOW YOU!! I wanna explore potential together!
Okay okay so I think? At the end of these people usually put like the potential rp ideas they have and I got a couple, but honestly if you have something you’re curious about exploring tell me about it!! I’m eager to see what ideas you have and we can build something together!!
— (royal/servant)
— (royal/bodyguard)
—I have some original worlds when it comes to vampires that have exploring potential!
—I think the world is sUPER CUTE. I know a lot of it is smut (nothin wrong with that ig) but like the fluffy bits are quality and here we stan some f l UFF.
— Captain/First Mate
— Pirate/Siren
— I know this lowkey loops up to Pirates of the Caribbean!au, but we dont have to follow the movies lore which is sorta why i put it like? Separate?
— Detective/Thief
—Retired!Criminal/ Detective (working on Criminal’s case)
Okay! So this is sorta the end of my ad I think! If you made it this far and you’re interested Uh TEA! I am SO EXCITEDDDDD! If you’re genuinely interested, follow, and like this post and acct, then send me a message here!
I only rp through Discord, but I won’t leave my discord info here. After we talk a little in the tumblr dms and you tell me a little bit about yourself and what you like then I’ll hand it over and we can GET TO BRAINSTORMING!!! YAYYY!!!
August 31, 2019!
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autismus-obscurus · 6 years
30 Days of Autism Acceptance / Day 3 - My diagnosis/recovery story
Okay this is borderline ridiculous considering I hate both, but it started with Rain Man and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Yes, really. We read / watched it in school and also got handed the Autism Quotient by Simon Baron-Cohen. The AQ is not super accurate for afab peeps but it did the trick - I scored a lot higher on it than all of my classmates (like, MUCH higher and I was stil unaware of many of my autistic behaviors back then because my self-perception is buggy as hell and I thought a lot of this stuff everyone did, so it was normal.)
I was already in therapy for depression (after five years of bullying, what a surprise), social anxiety and a possible unspecified eating disorder*. I’m not entirely sure if I was the one who brought it up or if my therapist was the one who realized I might be autistic, but we called my parets and my mom was like “well, let’s check this out, maybe it helps.” The diagnosis itself went really fast, like two sessions and it was like “yeah okay this is pretty clear.” Apparently we also have an autism clinic around and I talked to a woman who works there but of some of the sessions I have? no? memory? Like, at all. I can’t even remember I talked to that person. After that i spent a few weeks seeing everything I did more closely and analyzing my behavior according to the limited info I dug up on the internet.
Okay here’s where it gets weird. My memories of that time, except for some out of context snippets (e.g. “riding my bike down a specific strip of road even knowing what the weather felt like while wondering if xy is autistic”) my memories of the past years, and specifically surrounding my therapy sessions, are an abyss. I don’t remember talking to the “autism specialist”, I don’t remember anything about the diagnostic interview, I don’t even remember why the fuck the topic just dropped off my mind after a while. I’m not even sure if I DID google info about autism or just went with what I had. It’s a complete blank.
The word “recovery” in the title for this day really confused me, but let’s talk about how I recovered from harmful stereotypes and found my autistic self.
Alright, let’s jump to last year. I can’t find the specific date but it was the third semester I think and still cold so probably winter semester. We have this course “diagnostic tools” and three options - do a presentation on one of eight topics, take the exam or both. Since the presentation is the least work I pick that, and oh boy, autism is a topic, let’s do that! Long story short, I started reading up on autism closer than before and must have stumbled upon the autism tag on here. Eventually I created “autismus-obscurus” which was originally called “yet-another-autism-blog” because I couldn’t think of anything better at the time. If you dig through my posts until the very beginning I posted about the presentation, which went horrible due to my partner’s incompetence, but that’s yet another story.
So, here I am. I was diagnosed almost five years ago and only now, thanks to the autistic community, learned to accept myself the way I am which ironically also helped all the other conditions quite a bit. That’s my recovery story.
- Marko
* Maybe I’ll talk about that some time but it’s not directly related to autism so we’ll spare it out rn
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Episode 14 - "This will be a fun finish" ~Amy
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I'm so sorry Colin. I really thought you'd play your idol. I didn't mean to send you home, just weaken you. I was hoping to pick between Amy and Elle to send out 😬 
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Sigh... I miss him 🥺 I think I'm gonna try to self-destruct this round. Keep you posted ❤️✨
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Wait so Amy just told me they swapped the votes last minute on Anastasia, so she would've gotten 3 votes or something. Did nobody catch on that she had immunity then? 
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Ahahahahaha fuck Colin somehow went home and it's partly my fault but it was a mix of a mess. Colin really believed jodi and jared were voting with him to get josh which seemed odd from the start. I have been talking and I think I know or as much as I can. I was the sole vote on jodi lol but I didn't get the memo to do anastasia until 859 and didn't have time to switch so I thought it would still be okay but somehow elle colin and I all voted differently lol whoopsies. Now I'm told jared used his idol on jodi but if Josh knee we were split I don't think he did. I think anastasia actually voted colin with Josh and Jared. Anastasia And jodi aren't budging that they voted elle so I guess jared could have given her the necklace to get colin. I am just so mad I didn't vote the same as elle 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm hoping josh believes elle used an idol so he votes with me and elle. I might need to use my steal this go and that would get it to 3-3 minimum and if Josh voted with me it would be 4-3 but I think Jared still has his idol. I am legit so sad about colin like I obviously flipped to save him and legit wanted him to win and I would come in second lol now I'm worried I won't make it bc Jodi is spreading I have an idol and obviously josh wanted to flush idols last round that's why he did that. I know hosht wants anastasia in his f3 but I'm just hoping he wants jared and or jodi out more but I think he wants me and elle out ☠️ the fact is if jared still has his idol he's safe now but he need to make it seem like we are voting him. I'm just so confused about the last one hahahaha I was going around asking like I'm not mad just confused lol. And I called colin before talking through everything and myself and elle I guess said I think we are fine ☠️ I can't believe it honestly just shocked. That's the thing like even when I said jared was lying to colin whichever round before colin was still trusting him and look jared did it again he is good at lying haha shooooot. This will be a fun finish. F6 and I just don't know how it's going to end. Rn I think I'd like any mix of elle josh or anastasia at the end WITH me but I won't be surprised if it's them but also elle said they might self destruct. So basically I don't know if I should use the steal and save my idol or just idol since I think it will be live. I guess if elle just says vote me out but like I need their number the next round. If I idol then elle votes with me next go, we'd be okay until 4. That's probably as far as I'm making it lol. That's my update 😭😭😭😭 sorry colin I wish you were still here
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Nothing. This round really scares me because playing in the middle could really come back to haunt me. I wouldnt mind Jared leaving then i could have a better chance of winning immunity but at the same time all these advantages and Elle’s potential idol scare me. Jared revealed that i was the one who flipped last round but im reassuring her that it was just to flush idols.
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My brain wheels are turning and Im realizing how scary this round is. Me Jared or Jodi will probably be leaving unless we play exactly right. There is a steal a vote so we cant split vote... So we would have to vote either Amy or Elle and pray they dont have an idol. Also Josh is with us now yayy!! And Josh talked to me about us voting to make a move not necesserily with everyone else so we can build our resume. We just need more info at this point. Elle literally told Jodi to vote her what. And Amy isnt talking to me that hard so I think Amy has an idol maybe idk 
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OKAY! Amy has a single vote blocker and we don't trust Josh bc he voted Colin (even admitted it smh have shame man COLIN IS DEAD he's not dead but i do miss him hi Colin reading this❤️). I talked to so many ppl today why does everyone want me for my brain lol it's like the opposite end of objectifying someone 😂 I'M MORE THAN AHIGHLY DEVELOPED HIPPOCAMPUS, YOU GUYS 💔 jk jk anywaysss Video called with Jodi she is so sweet ❤️ also so stressed :( hate to see it also sorry everyone I told that I didn't have anything I didn't at the time??? But then Amy gave me her vote blocker so That's gonna be a thing tonight lol. Here's the plan: - Told Josh to vote Jodi bc he's too insecure of an ally now to trust that Amy and I are actually voting... - Jared, who may or may not still have an idol idk but he's annoying me with the question of it all lol use it or lose it at this point (but ty Jared for wearing pink all the way back 💖 still have not spoken to you sicne May lol) - Use the vote blocker on Jared's vote Any believes they're voting her and I believe that's likely! Who knows lol either way: 3 Elle/Amy 2 Jared 1 Jodi (maybe) Vote blocker used, now it's 2 Elle/Amy, 2 Jared, 1 Jodi Revoteeeee Elle or Amy, Anastasia, Jodi, and Josh get to revote (or something, i forget how this game works whatever I'm fine with whatever happens tonight and I'm bored of confessing oop! Amy just told Josh I have a vote blocker bc she transferred it to me 😂 and earlier I told Josh I didnt (bc I didn't) oml so help me I try to plan so enatly but then this game get messy anyway... xoxo, gossip girl
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I am not sure what to do. I wanted to do a 3-2-1 on Elle and Anastasia, but it's so risky as Amy essentially can control what the outcome of this vote is. Elle and I had a weird call. they said that they "expected to self destruct in the early merge", and "feel free to vote" for them, they "don't really want to win". That's practically code word for "I'm going to idol you out of this game". Also, I studied the Stings series wiki to see that Colin has idoled before in a previous invisible round, so that's why I thought he'd idol here. I also realized after revisiting that today might actually be a reward challenge for information from the invisible round, since that's also what happened in that same season. We must be there for tonight, it's only 10 minutes (according to Amy) but heck, we got a plan anyways. 
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Wow, my first written confessional! This is only because my video confessionals will take too long to upload, and I'd hate for Raffy to give me a strike. Anyways, things got messy today but the plan right now is to split votes between Amy and Elle. The goal is for one of them to go home while also getting an idol out of the game. The reason things got messy was because we originally proposed a 3-2-1 plan to Amy, but realized (1) she wasn't fully on board with us and (2) that we couldn't burn Anastasia like that in having her be the decoy vote. If Amy is actually with us, she's going to be pissed if she's still in and realized we lied to her yet again. If Amy isn't actually with us and is leaking our discussion to others to try to redirect the target to us, then clearly I don't feel as bad.
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So final plan is 2-2-2 Elle Amy (whomever) if vote stolen, it means Amy isn't with us, we vote 3 Amy Very high chance I get idoled out here, but this is about as much as I can plan. Last time I got voted out, I tried to play so perfect. So perfect I didn't get a vote. Not getting a vote ended my game ☠️ We'll see. 
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Power Rankings:
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Jodi: Manipulating the situation in her favor
Josh: Probably will make it to the end
Jared: Probably will make it to the end
Anastasia: Is on the bottom of the 4 person alliance
Amy: Is on the bottom but has advantages that no one suspects she has
Elle: People think they have advantages and is getting targeted over it
The group was given 5 minutes to discuss out loud who to vote out unanimously. If it wasn't unanimous, the whole group would go to rocks. After 5 minutes, they were allowed to play advantages if they wanted to. Elle chose to play their Vote Steal on Anastasia. For this round, a Vote Steal would immune the person it was used against. Additionally, this person would not be able to vote or have a say in the discussion. The group was given an additional 5 minutes. During the discussion, everyone except Elle (who wanted to go to rocks) said they would vote Elle. Then, when the vote was announced, the tribe instead went to rocks as it was not unanimous. Josh was rocked out
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Ep. 8: “This isn't really my drama” - Anastasia
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Me getting votes in the first post-merge tribal? We absolutely hate to see it folks!! I feel like I'm being so pessimistic about my chances in this game but also like... shouldn't I be 😂😂 God I hope those two votes were Julia and Pietro (but still like, r00d. lol) I have a 10% DA in this next challenge... I'll be Frank [-but then who will be Elle?] Things aren't looking amazing for me but I don't think I'll go home next round (unless Julia has another idol 😭😭😭). I don't even know what to say I'm just bad at thisss 😅 I mean the game not confessionals I've been leaving my heart and soul in these lol. Anyway I'm gone for now I'll just leave with this: Liability is the best song off of Melodrama not Ribs mmk bye ✌🏽✨
Oh my gosh, that tribal!!! When Raffy pulled the idol I was like.... what the heck is happening?!?! I can understand Raffy playing it because he wasn't solid with the other warriors and newbies voting with him, but it was a waste of an idol. TBH I am glad he played it though since I didn't know he had it. I felt bad that Pietro went home just because he was aligned with Julia, but it happens. I had to try and do some damage control with Moth and Elle, as well as Rachel after tribal. They were shook when Julia pulled an idol and Pietro got votes. Anastasia just out right told me the magic beans she got at the auction allowed her to see if people have idols and said she would use it for me (I think she said this to everyone). I don't think Elle, Moth or Rachel suspect me playing both sides hard, but who knows. I really don't know who I should work with. I was thinking about making a big move and flipping to my new "Lucky Charms" alliance with Moth, Elle, Ginnifer, Rachel and potentially Julia, but it could be too early for that. The sad thing is I want to work with Rachel and Elle for sure but they aren't in my core alliance. I am suspicious of Gian because he seems to be playing pretty hard and he isn't aligned to me much. Madi and I don't talk much so that gets me worried as well. Raffy is super fun, but he is a big threat in this game. I honestly think it is just Steven keeping me with that group because he is my #1 in this game. I honestly am finding it hard to figure out who I want to work with because I like everyone in this game!!!!! I just can't get caught in the middle or I am hecked.
The plan went off without a hitch. I did waste an idol, but now no one can say that I have one. I am considering telling my alliance that I have the "Safety Without Power" so that they don't have any reason to distrust me. It might have hit a sour note with them to find out I had an idol that I didn't tell them about. Gian didn't seem to mind, but most people put on an act in this game. It would be a hard decision, however, since they can easily use that against me at the next tribal. I hope that neither Julia nor Ginnifer win immunity. Julia speaks for itself. I am targeting her, and I want her gone. However, Ginnifer has now alarm bells ringing in my ear. DeNara told Steven and I that Ginnifer wants us GONE. Like, Ginnifer is on some sort of vendetta mission to take us out. While we don't have the exact reasoning, we can assume that she is targeting us for simply being winners. She seems to think that we think we're master manipulators and puppet masters who need to be brought down a peg. Here's the thing with that kind of logic though. It isn't going to work with people who don't care about us being winners. My allies don't care, and they are even ratting on you to me. I love DeNara. She's a great ally. I told Steven that maybe we should reconsider our target and make it Ginnifer. He seems down, but he doubts there would be numbers (as do I). Speaking of numbers, I need to be way more social than I already am. I don't have as much social capital as Steven or Madi or DeNara. So, I am going to start with the people who are probably near the bottom of people's ally list or are considered non-factors: Elle, Moth, and Anastasia. If I get in good with them, I can gain some solid numbers. Moth and Elle had no idea about the split, so I had to do some damage control. Whether that worked... I have no idea. However, I need to be more transparent with them so that I can gain their trust for future tribals. Plus, I am pretty sure that Elle has an idol.
BITCHES THOUGHT I WAS DOWN AND OUT FOR THE COUNT. Found another idol baby. I’m basically Rick devens. Anastasia is going to use her stupid magic beans on me again though but I simple don’t care. Let them know I have an idol great. Then they’re going to have to figure out who they want to vote for instead, which will create massive cracks for me to work around. I love this
Since I went to exile I was safe from a tribal council on the first round of merge then when I got back I saw pietro was voted off in a chaotic tribal council but I’m in many different alliances but I’m choosing the original warriors alliance because warriors strong duh
I did not win this immunity challenge which sucks. I think I might want to use my SWP because if I don't then I'm just going to be a target everyone wants for now. And I want to at least make single digits. I told my alliance of Gian, Madi, DeNara, and Steven about my SWP to gain their trust after not telling them about my idol. And if I do plan to use it this round, it doesn't hurt to tell them about to plan around this. I've been focusing a lot more on socializing, so we'll see if it garners me any favor to not be voted out. Julia has tried reaching out. I think I want to get her to target Ginnifer since the latter is coming after me.
Heck ya, I may win individual immunity today! I find out soon if I will be competing in a tie breaker challenge to see if I win. I sure hope I do, I would feel great!
I am playing the middle so hard right now I may end up getting voted out because of it... oof
The vote should be unanimously Julia. I threw Ginnifer under the bus to Julia so that... she doesn't vote for me. Though, I doubt she has an idol. Plus, if she does, we are going to ask Anastasia to play a bean on her to see if she does. DeNara told me about an alliance with Ginnifer, Elle, Moth, Rachel, and herself. Apparently, Rachel is getting suspicious of Gian and Madi because they didn't tell her about the split vote. This works in my favor as it splits the newbie tribe a little bit because Gian and Madi seemed very pressed about it. This will sow the seeds of implosion for the newbies. The planned boot order would be Julia then Ginnifer. Apparently, Ginnifer, Elle, and Moth are a trio (but Ginnifer is the only person who cares about it). I'm not too concerned, but I am going to keep an eye on Rachel too now.
Since I went to exile I was safe from a tribal council on the first round of merge then when I got back I saw pietro was voted off in a chaotic tribal council but I’m in many different alliances but I’m choosing the original warriors alliance because warriors strong duh
I miss Pietro so much, it’s so fun deciding which person to send to jury with him tonight
GOD THIS IS FUN. Bitches being saying straight up in the tribe chat, oh I’m voting for Julia. Hwuxixkejwor this is actually so funny. I’m idoling elles ass out tonight and feeling absolutely no remorse
Not Julia coming for me within an inch of my life and then denying it 💀💀💀.
Holy fuck
I literally leave for 20 minutes and suddenly people are arguing and demanding tribal happens now Like noooooooo I hate this so much I need to do an exam in 20 minutes
What in the actual F is happening. All I was doing was trying to get ready for work and Julia just full on started calling everyone out. Apparently Rachel tried to make an alliance with Julia and included me in on it, then Julia sent that to Raffy. So I had to try and do damage control and try and get Rachel to stop talking to Julia. THEN apparently Julia tried to frame Elle as trying to plot against Ginny which isnt true and now EVERYBODY is fighting in the tribe chat. Like this is so crazy rn. I just hope me playing the middle doesn't heck me over. I may need to ditch one side to save my game.... rip me
This isn't really my drama. I am a spectator and my name is out of peoples mouths which is perfect. I really don't understand what just happened. Like I saw Julias and Ginnys texts but I don't understand what it means lol. I will probably quietly ask around what people thought of it and vote with them as to lay low and stuff. Don't worry, I am going to plan to get someone threatening out soon. I'm still new at this and I'm learning everyday what to say and what not to say. But hopefully I can try to convince people to get out my target (raffy) next round. He really needs to go because he dominated the last org. He is too good at this game and if people ignore that he literally won half of the challenges and the entire game last org they are dumb. Luckily we have Rachel that keeps winning immunity so none of the actual targets get it. But of course, this is a concern. Rachel might have to go at some point sadly.
Okay... so today I decided to pop off a bit (may be related to me being a little Done with irl stuff but that's not what this is about lol). Ginny came into our alliance with Moth DeNara and Rachel (we have another one without Rachel bc she's kinda on Julia's side/helped kick James off/p sure she knew what Anastasia's beans did and lied to us so she's very sus but we're keeping her close for now) and guns blazing was like "so I heard all of you were gonna vote me off" to which i was like ?? and then she said Julia told her I was a ringleader convincing everyone to vote Ginny out which. Incorrect. My now one and only goal in these games is to get Julia out and avenge James that's IT 😂 . And I have told so many people today but 👏🏽I👏🏽Am👏🏽Too👏🏽Dumb👏🏽To👏🏽Be👏🏽Conniving👏🏽. The idea that I could be a ringleader is hilarious honestly, and the idea that I would vote for anyone except Julia until she's out even more so. Anyway, I went into the tribe chat and said "So I've heard that there's a question as to who I'm voting, or who I'm endorsing, so I just want to clarify: *I'm voting for Julia* that is all ^_^" bc all I have is my word and the fact that I'm voting for Julia isn't a secret or anything lol. This got things very spicy at 11am and I'm sorry for everyone that had a class or job 😂 including me lol. me? missing an entire half of my class because survivor drama is way more interesting than typography? it's more likely than you think! We didn't end up having tribal right then and there even though I think about half of us were yelling for it 😂 (sorry again for the people at work or school idk why i woke up today and chose violence ajkjakhlalsjsj) We got on call with Julia to give us receipts but eh I don't trust it At all. Mostly because the receipts she gave weren't on the same stuff we were talking about??? Like she was calling out Raffy and Steven in them but that's not even where the convo started 😒. And nothing about how I'm this all-powerful ringleader trying to shoot someone down from my original tribe. I have to laugh. Anyway, I hope she goes tonight, if not it better be me bc this is getting 🎶frustrating🎶 and l am a complete angel until you talk shit about me or one of my closest allies and then you better be prepared for war it's that simple 😇
Julia claims that I refuse to talk to her when she legit hasn’t even reach out at all since the swap- like o k my dude- Jesus this is nuts
Why are people so obsessed with me 🤩
They really started a whole fight with me in the tribe chat today. It’s honestly super frustrating. But I think this could be good for me maybe? I think Elle is getting idoled out tonight, and then Ginny is still here. And Ginny has proved she’s a liar and a snake and is really chaotic so maybe she’ll be seen as a liability going forward
Rachel is trying to flip. Julia & Ginny are dangerous blabber mouths. The warriors won't take out one of their own and we still barely have majority. This is getting messssssssssy.
hey hey so heres the tea rachel is being a mf snake because she feels “betrayed” bc we “lied” to her for the pietro vote but like sis..... we didn’t LIE we just left out some details also have now tried to pin onto her that she has the other idol also so much tea went down while I was at work??????? it was pretty spicy but im just happy my name was nowhere near that I hope rachel does not start working with juli bc that would truly suck but having elle and moth and anastasia as numbers for us is very very good also anastasia has kinda gone AWOL and idk how much longer we are going to be able to keep her in too much longer but thats another story for another time I am scared people are starting to murmur my name, I might just be paranoid but Idk I hope this julia vote goes well
This morning, Elle took to the tribe chat to confirm that she is voting Julia. This is because, according to Ginnifer, Julia has been telling Ginnifer that Elle was trying to ring leader Ginnifer's vote out. Ginnifer also got in on the action by saying that Julia is a liar and trying to snake other people. As it turns out, Ginnifer might just be paranoid, but, at the end of the day, whatever makes the target on Julia bigger.
this game is so mentally draining. even if i've won immunity, i certainly don't feel safe. julia blew up the game by telling secrets, and it hurts cause i felt like i could trust her. i hate that i'm seeing viewing this game so personally, but i feel that i have lost such an epic battle and it is so frustrating.
Still the same tribal in a little less than an hour... I feel like I went a lot wild today, sure hope it isnt enough for everyone to switch and vote me out 🤷🏽‍♀️ I very well might be next after Julia though, or that's the paranoia. Idk, I miss pre-merge when I was just playing games with friends and not going to tribal 😂. Now it feels like a Lord of the Flies or Danganropa RPG and I feel like I let the craziness get to me a little. I don't know what's gonna happen, but I don't really ever know really. I'm tired 😅 and want to maybe read some fanfic before whatever happens next (maybe I'll have a lot more time to read fanfic after this lol).
Seems like this morning's craziness is calmed down a lot to the point of making people nervous because it is so quiet. I am hoping the plan is still to vote out Julia, but I am sad she is going. I do like her a lot as a person. Hopefully she doesn't take any of this personally!
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dubbalshs · 4 years
Quarantine ask game!
What’s your go to snack? chips
What’s a movie you could watch over and over? i don’t know so i’ll say bojack horseman instead of a movie
Favorite show to binge? bojack horseman lmao
5 songs that make you want to dance? let’s get married, the me & you together song, chain smoker
5 songs that make you feel less lonely? i don’t have a good answer rn
Favorite meal to cook yourself? my newest favorite is the taiwanese crepe with egg
How do you “treat yourself”? buying stuff lmao like ubers or uber eats or stuff online
Favorite thing to do when doing self care? umm sleeping i guess ?
Who have you been talking to the most? during this quarantine it’s been rachel actually i think
One thing you really miss right now? lorne :(( hanging out with people in person
If you could be self isolated with anyone who would it be? kevin tbh. if i had to choose someone else i think lorne or like alex my family is pretty good too tho
Do you have any pets? niu nai !!
Favorite videgames? dragon age origins
Favorite podcasts? hmm ive been listening to one called like city road podcasts about urban planning
Favorite YouTubers? don’t have one
Wake up time? 😭😭 i woke up at 6 pm today.. my sleep schedule is whack. normally it falls at like 12-1
Sleep time? been falling asleep at 7 am :( it’s getting messed up. during normal times it’ll be 1-3 am
If you could go anywhere right now where would it be? taiwan!! or lorne’s house lmao
What’s a change you want to keep when self isolation is over? umm honestly just the not being worried or jealous about what other people are doing
Have you learned something? not really but getting a bit better at alone time
Any new skills? no lmao
What’s a hobby you’d like to start learning? honestly i’d love to get into something hands on. otherwise i’d be interested in learning sign language
What’s something you’d like to get better at? mandarin for sure. i’m really hyped that i signed up for a class i hope it goes well!!
What food do you wish you had right now? chips tbh were all out :(
Your go to quarantine outfit? just my pyjamas which is a big shirt and either boxers or pyjama shorts or pyjama pants
What have you done today? hmm i listened to a lecture and other than that like literally nothing i don’t even know
Any plans for tomorrow? nope! but i’m actually gonna try to get my sources together and decide what i want to say for my essay and maybe watch the movie for it
What’s on your “to watch” list? nothing really i‘ce gotten bad at watching stuff on my own. definitely parasite actually lmao and i have to watch the truman show for my essay and i’d be down to rewatch bojack. otherwise, rocket man maybe and i want to eventually watch schitts creek but we’ll see if it happens
+ she-ra
Any musicians/bands you’ve discovered? bleachers isn’t bad but i only listen to two songs, same with megan thee stallion, mac miller is nice i should check out swimming
Post a selfie right now!!
Post pictures of your pets!
When was the last time you drank water? dinner
When was the last time you ate? an hour or two ago
When was the last time you got up and stretched? i walked from the kitchen to my bed does that count
Favorite song right now? hmm maybe me & you together song
Favorite social media to scroll through? tumblr
What’s the last thing you ate? instant noodles they were new ones i didn’t like them so much
What’s the weather like where you are? i think it’s nice out
Have you been playing animal crossing? no i don’t have a switch !!! but i want one
How are you feeling? pretty good actually i’m really happy with my new meds and i think my single state right now is SUCH an improvement over my past relationships... not necessarily blaming the exes, i wasn’t equipped to be in a relationship and there’s so many less ups and downs like i’m cruising rn it’s nice
Who’s the last person you texted? rachel i think!
What does your last text message say with no context? “also do you know who jane jacobs is?”
Post a meme that made you laugh recently!
Outdoor activity you’d like to do right now? i want to be good and motivated to play rugby :(
Something you’re looking forward to when quarantine is over? going to lorne’s house!!!!! right away
Someone you’d like to see when quarantine is over? lorne!!
Any new games coming out you want to play? i just wanna play divinity but lorne does not also i wanna play animal crossing but i think i’m gonna wait and play it on his switch LMAO
New shows you’ve discovered? nope
Most comfortable piece of clothing you have? honestly any old tshirt from someone i love and my pyjama pants and lorne’s old sweater is EMOTIONALLY comfy
Ask anything!!
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survivorfillory · 5 years
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Welcome, Dani, Jess, and Maynor to your final immunity challenge!
This challenge will take place over multiple parts, over multiple days, to see who will put forth the effort and the skill worthy of a place in the final tribal council, and the right to choose the person sitting next to them.
 For each of the parts of the challenge, you will face off. The winner will receive 2 points toward their final score. Second place will receive 1 point. Third place receives nothing. At the end of the challenge, the player with the most points will win! If there is a tie in any given round, the points will be distributed evenly among those in the tie.
 Part One: Flag Making
Make us a merge flag!! They will be graded by my friends, who I’m afraid are not going to be very nice to you, for the meme. (They actually think I’m giving them unilateral power to choose who goes home based on who they like the least, but sadly that won’t be the case…)
 It will be graded out of 10 for Creativity, Effort, and Visual Appeal. The tribe color is Grey.
 PLEASE NOTE, the flag will be due to your host chat one hour before the rest of the challenge is due, at 9pm EST on Friday, June 14th. This is to allow time for the judges to receive the flags and get back to me with their scores.
Part Two: 15,000 Seconds
Below is a Google Form that you will all use for this challenge! In the form submissions, you will state that you would like for the challenge to begin by submitting “I’m placing my hand on the idol.”
Then, EXACTLY 1,000 seconds later, you will post again, saying “I’m still holding on.”
Then, EXACTLY 2,000 seconds after the previous post, you will post again. This will continue for 3,000 seconds, 4,000 seconds, and 5,000 seconds. If done right, this challenge should take exactly 15,000 seconds total, or 4 hours and 10 minutes.
Your final submission, generated in the Google Form, would look like this:
Drew (10:00:00pm): I’m placing my hand on the idol
Drew (10:16:40pm): I’m still holding on
Drew (10:50:00pm): I’m still holding on
Drew (11:40:00pm): I’m still holding on
Some things to know for this challenge!
For each increase in time, you’re counting starting from the previous post you made, NOT from the original post.
Because of this, if you post early or late on any given post, your next amount of time will start from there (e.g. if you post at 10:16:57 instead of 10:16:40, you will be counting the next amount of seconds from :57)
Your score will be totaled in how many seconds you are off from each individual post, NOT how close you are at the end of the challenge to exactly 15,000 seconds (e.g. if you are 5 seconds off of making a post, you should NOT try and make up those 5 seconds in your next post, those are already added to your final score)
Posting early and posting late from your exact second mark will be treated as the same distance away from perfect.
You will not be told when the last post you made was. Part of the challenge is to track that for yourself carefully. All of you are using the same Form, and any difficulty found in using it will be the same for everyone.
Here is the link to the Google Form!
At the end, the player who is closest to zero seconds off from perfection will win!
 Part Three: Counting
For this challenge, you will be practicing the spell to hammer a nail with Professor Myerkovsky.
Your task is to sink as many nails as you can into the provided boards within one hour. It takes 7 nails to fill a board, at which point, you’ll set that board aside and start a new one. You’ll be counting these out in a separate challenge chat in individual messages that will look like this:
Drew: I’d like to start working.
Drew: I completed Nail #1
Drew: I completed Nail #2
Drew: I completed Nail #3
Drew: I completed Nail #4
Drew: I completed Nail #5
Drew: I completed Nail #6
Drew: I completed Nail #7
Drew: I filled up Board #1
Drew: I completed Nail #8
Drew: I completed Nail #9
Drew: I completed Nail #10  
Drew: I completed Nail #11
Drew: I completed Nail #12
Drew: I completed Nail #13
Drew: I completed Nail #14
Drew: I filled up Board #2
You do not need to announce to a host that you are starting the challenge, just post “I’d like to start working” first and then continue. We’ll stop counting after 60 minutes have passed. If you do not post that message first, it will be treated as practice and will not count.
If you make an error in typing, DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE IT, just make the correct post in a separate post, and keep counting, you will not be eliminated for making an error.
Instead, every error you make will result in subtracting one Board from your final count.
Any edited or deleted posts will result in subtracting two Boards from your final count, so PLEASE be sure to not edit or delete any mistakes.
At the end of 60 minutes, the player who has filled the most Boards will win this part!
Part Four: Live challenge
This part of the challenge will take place live in a call in the Skype chat. We’ll start setting up a time to do that where all three of you can be online, ideally sometime tomorrow (Thursday) night. It shouldn’t take longer than half an hour, you’ll need a Sharpie and a piece of paper.
Part Five: Fallen Comrades
Below is a quote pulled from the host chats of everyone who has lost this game. Your job is to try and match the quotes with who said them. There is one quote per player, no one used twice or not used at all. Please submit your list to your host chat. The player with the most correct matches will win!
 “Why he doesn’t let anyone else know is beside me but cool, cool. Cool cool cool cool”
“if i survive this round, it would be a wonder. lets see if i can make a wonder happen”
“Playing two sides is dangerous but I love it. (two seconds later) Playing two sides makes me sad. “
“im so sorry drew”
“Oh I thought I was on to something but nope I'm just slow, Not like my dumb ass has guessed yet anyway”
“I really want [redacted] to leave and since I had a brush with death last round I’m feeling a little bolder, So I’m gonna try to make that happen”
“Time to go full rat”
“i think [redacted] is pretty high on themself rn, so hopefully this takes them down a notch”
“Okay this twist of two dimensions is kinda fucked and you know it”
“im booboo the fool for calling out [redacted] in the main chat who i now have to deal with on this tribe”
“I know I said I liked strategizing with [redacted] beforehand, but now it's just annoying”
“I’m flipping the votes around LOL and everyone thinks they are working with me this is so funny”
“I feel like my only chance here is to send in my vote for [redacted] for now, and just hope that the others decide to keep me around, as unlikely as that seems, even though it doesn't seem very smart”
 The flag portion of his challenge is due at 9pm on Friday, June 14th. All other parts of this challenge will be due at 10pm EST on Friday, June 14th, giving you two full days to complete these. 
We hope that you give it everything you can, the outcome of this challenge could very well decide who wins this season. The winner of the challenge will earn their place in the final tribal council, and get to choose who to sit next to. For one of you, your goal of making it to the end of this game will fall one day too short. This is the moment to make sure that it doesn’t happen to you.
Good luck!
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the-fixation-zone · 4 years
i mentioned yesterday that i’m working on a story with older, more world weary sokka and yesterday i just blasted through nearly like 10 pages of it lmao. below is a lil snippet of the first chapter, lemme know what y’all think. i’ll say rn that it already has a lot of original characters in it, and i anticipate having a lot more, but also some atla faves as well
Sokka looks at the Craigslist ad, frowning. He hasn’t posted it yet and wants to make sure he gets the wording just right before sending it out to the world.
Young professional looking for a roommate to join me in two story home. One room available for rent. Must like cats and be 420 friendly. House has full kitchen, two full baths and one half bath in the basement, balcony on second floor, and spacious backyard. Plenty of room for the both of us.
He’d attached some pictures of the house as well. A few of the room, making sure he got a closet shot, a couple of the balcony, and one of the backyard. The kitchen and dining room got some love too, of course, being the most impressive spaces in the house in his estimation. Obviously many shots of the cat. Kitty, his old tortie, is ridiculously photogenic and a born cat model so had loved the photoshoot. He knows he’ll have to delete some of them, paring the pics down to two at most, but for now seeing his cat in the mix comforts him. He’d made sure not to take a picture of his gaming set up. Something had told him putting his Xbox One, PlayStation, and old fashioned GameCube on the ‘net would be begging thieves to come crawling. Not that his address is listed in the ad. Or his real name or email, for that matter. But still, one can never be too careful.
Below his blurb he has the monthly rent amount, including utilities, as well as the amenities his home afforded (in-house washer/dryer, central air conditioning and heating, backyard porch swing) and the nearest public transit. He finished the posting with an email address to reach him at and an emphatic No Solicitors!!!! note. Looking at it again, he isn’t sure if it has everything he needs but it’ll have to do. He really, really needs a roommate, preferably soon. After deleting several cat pictures, he hits post and closes the window.
That chore done, he picks up his cell and calls Catherine, his father’s personal care assistant.
“Hey Cath, you have a moment?”
“Hey Sokka!” Cath answers, sounding breathless. “Yeah, sure, what can I do for you?”
Sokka frowns. “You sure you’re not busy? You sound like you’re running around.”
“Oh, no I’m good, All Spice was just running away from her bath. Got her now though.” Sokka hears a plaintive meow down the line and smiles. “She’s a fast one, but not faster than me!”
Sokka laughs. “Right, of course. Well, I was wondering if I could come by today so we could discuss the…changes we talked about the other night.”
“Ah, right.” Cath’s voice sobers. “Of course, come by whenever you’re ready. We’ll be here.”
“Cool. See you later.” Sokka hangs up, looking at the phone for a few moments before tucking it into his pocket. Changes, he’d said. What a weak euphemism for the restructuring of his father’s life. He drops his head to his chest, giving himself a few beats to pull his thoughts together. Then, with a definitive nod, he gets up from his desk, grabs his coat, and heads to the car. Best to dive in and get it over with.
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