#Nova answers
plaguethewaters · 7 days
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
The Butcher Army HQ when it's dark
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it's always dark at the butcher's HQ
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catdadeddie · 4 months
I know this is so easy and hypocritical for me to say because mental illness can make good people do shitty things but dragging your still grieving son along for the ride has me absolutely fuming
I truly don't know how you blame Eddie in this. He didn't intentionally bring Chris into it.
Yes, he probably shouldn't have brought Kim to his house. But how is he to know she's going to show up dressed as his late wife?? And it wasn't like he did end up giving into the fucked up roleplay situation with Chris in the room.
The look on Eddie's face when that door opened was of complete heartbreak because he realized Chris is now seeing this. He never wanted THIS.
Yes, it is AWFUL that Chris is now involved. I HATE that. But Eddie didn't intentionally bring him into it. He kept him separate from it the whole time.
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whimsicalcotton · 16 days
hiiiii i just wanted to come by and say that i am a really big fan of your lis works! and i am totally very very very very normal about polluted marrow and i drew something for it a while ago back when i first read it! it definitely took me awhile to find the courage to show it but i hope that you like it >_<!
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!!! jdjskdhdbdjbgdh oh my god tysm!!!! 🥺🥺🥺💙💙💙
hell fucken yea also these are so good!! screaming crying flipping a table foaming at the mouth etc etc. especially love tiny little migraine Max at the bottom <3 <3
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novasintheroom · 4 months
i imagine at some point, prince vash just couldn’t stop staring at his wife. completely mesmerized even! she feels the longing stare and decides to tease him a bit without looking at him, “careful now, dear prince. i might actually think that you’re falling for me.” at that moment, vash’s heart flutters a lot 💗✨
You're beautiful.
That's what Vash decides today.
He watches you. Stares as you shuffle through books in the library, trying to find the right laws, the right verbiage to answer the paperwork before you. He tries to help when he can, but you're independent for a princess, often giving him playful glares when he reaches for a book too high for you.
Vash had long ago given up on his own work. It was too boring, and besides, he had a pretty girl to stare at instead.
Pretty. Pah. Such a boring word to describe you.
You're beautiful. Gorgeous. Enchanting.
Your mind is brilliant. Your wit is sharp. And, you get along with his people so well. The outings you both take regularly now have people eagerly waiting to see their princess, rather than just Vash. He doesn't mind, though. The way you compliment the women of the towns you visit, or entertain the children at the orphanage is too kind, too sweet. Vash has caught himself staring more than once at your pleasant nature.
He watches your figure now, the way your dress hugs your curves until your waist where it flows out to a modest length. Your hair is pulled back by a net today, sitting in a bundle at the base of your neck. You roll that neck and Vash stares. That little mole on your skin looks particularly delicious today.
Suddenly, you pause, having just opened a book and stare at the page. A quirk of your lips comes before Vash knows what's going on. "You're staring again."
He feels the blush creep up his shoulders and neck. Clearing his throat, he tries for an excuse. "I was just waiting for you to find...the, uh..."
You look over, brows quirking up as you wait for him to finish his sentence. "The 'uh'...what?"
Despite his embarrassment, Vash laughs and looks down. "Sorry. Won't happen again."
You both know it's a lie.
You turn back to the book, flipping the page and smiling. "Careful, prince, or I might think you're falling for me."
It's such a one-off, teasing response - one that he should be used to by now. But it sets his heart going, and Vash knows he's red as the coat he wears.
Maybe...I am. He admits to himself. Would that be so bad? He decides not. So he places his cheek in his palm and leans into it, staring at you all over again.
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I love all your fics!!!! I wondering if I could please request imagine (Triple Frontier) Ben Miller x shy girlfriend reader and both your infant son is mommy boy. Pretty adorable like every single day walking around the building, waiting for Ben or after the MMA fights, being both his good luck charms 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
A/n: you’re a genius, lovely! this is post-canon so i don’t have to deal with tom :) also, i spent so much time choosing the gif because i kept getting distracted about how pretty they are (the tf boys and the gifs)
Warnings: none :) reader has a kid, so if that’s not your thing don’t read!
triple frontier masterlist
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Good Luck Charm
The brick wall of the gym hallway is cool against your shoulder from where you’re leaning against it. The smell of clean linoleum and the hum of the fluorescents above you provide a timeless cocoon for the sleeping bundle in your arms to nuzzle in closer to your chest.
“Good morning, Jules,” you coo softly when the bundle opens his eyes. “Have a good nap?” You get a bleary-eyed stare in response. Julian, named after Benny’s mom Julia, slowly blinks at you before spitting out his pacifier, spit following behind.
“Baby, why’d you do that?” you ask him. “You want your paci.” Sure enough, his face starts to turn red and you see his throat work up an upset whimper. Before he can start to fuss to much, though, you press the pacifier back into his mouth. Contentment settles on his face and his eyes slide back closed.
Distantly, you can hear the yelling crowd from the gym, and you don’t know how Jules is sleeping at all. The crowd is larger than normal on account of the sizable opponent Benny is fighting, hence the reason you’re waiting in the hallway instead of watching the fight.
You used to watch all of his matches when you where dating- you couldn’t get enough of the thrill of watching your Benny up on that platform, fighting with all of his strength to win. But, as you got more attached to him, it got harder to watch him take punches, especially when you had Julian.
Even if you aren’t in the room, it doesn’t stop you from thinking about Benny. The fight hasn’t started yet, which means that he’s probably in the locker room down the hall getting hyped up by the guys. As clear as if he was right in front of you, you see him wrap his hands carefully with bandages and gloves, his wedding band around a cord on his neck that holds his dog tags.
Will’s probably giving him some sort of pep talk with Santiago tagging on any information he deems helpful, which usually isn’t. Frankie, quiet and composed, os sitting on the bench, sizing up the opponent and searching for any weaknesses. They make quiet the group of men together. All there for Benny, even though none of them have to do this anymore.
When the crowd’s cheers grow louder, you know Benny’s made his way into the gym. Your husband’s always been a town favorite, and tonight there’s some sort of special opponent that he’s facing. You try not to learn all of the details- they usually make you too nervous. Benny knows not to tell you anything the same way you know not to ask questions when you patch him up. Blood, after being with him for so long, isn’t a problem for you anymore.
From somewhere down the hall, a voice calls your name. You could recognize that voice from anywhere, and if that wasn’t a dead giveaway then the loud, expletive-filled Spanish greeting gives him away before you can turn around and tell him that Julian’s asleep. Santiago wraps his arms around you, careful of Julian, and greets you warmly. “Hola, mija. How’s the kid?”
“Trying to sleep,” you respond without any malice at all. “No thanks to you.” He at least looks a little bit ashamed, but that clears away from his face as soon as Frankie steps next to him.
“Jesus, Pope, could you be any louder?” Frankie says, patting you roughly on the shoulder with a grin. “You think you would learn how to be around kids after all this time, ¿eh cabròn?”
“Thanks, Frank.” Santi’s voice is dripping with its usual sarcasm and sass, but all of you are used to it by now. 99% of what Santi says can be taken with a grain of salt.
In the gym, Benny’s name is announced over the loudspeaker and the lights start flashing rapidly. “I guess that’s your que to go,” you say. “Wouldn’t want you to miss anything.”
“Can we convince you to join us?” Frankie asks. Because it’s Frankie, you know he means the offer. If you asked him, he would take care of Julian while you went to see Benny, and you would trust him fully to do so. After two of his own kids, Frankie knows how to take care of all kinds of disasters, and you know his gentleness applies to anyone he considers family.
But you just don’t think that you watching is a good idea. “Nah, it’s okay, Frankie. Maybe next time.” Both of you know you’ll say the exact same thing next time too, but you always appreciate the offer.
With a knowing look, Frankie nods and leads Santiago down the hall with him into the crowded, hazy gym. You turn your attention back to Julian, who looks content in his dinosaur onesie. It was a gift from Will, and Benny wanted Julian to show support for his uncles.
The rest of the fight passes in a the crowds oohs and aahs and you can only pay so much attention to it before it starts to make you too anxious. Realistically, you know Benny can handle whoever it is he’s fighting. You heard accidentally that there’s a pound difference between them, but Benny’s fast for someone his size and you know that he can his own. Plus, he’s got a hearty amount of backup in case something goes wrong. The worst you’ve ever had to patch up in a long is a bloody nose or bruised ribs, and even then Benny usually knows how to take care of himself more than you do.
Eventually, you hear the triumphant roars reach a crescendo and the announcer calls out Benny as the winner. Pride fills your chest as you whisper to Julian. “Daddy won his fight, Jules. Just like we told him to.” Julian, waking up due to the raised noise levels, looks at you through squinted blue eyes just like his father’s.
As people trickle past you through the back exit, you make your way into the locker room where you know Benny and the guys will be as soon as Benny’s cleared by the unofficial doctor on site. It must not have been close at all because they show up after only a few minutes, cheering and yelling their way through the door.
When Benny sees you, a grin lights up his face, as if it’s a surprise to see you there. Like you would ever miss a fight.
With one strong arm wrapped around your waist, he pulls you in to a bruising kiss. “Honey,” he mutters against your lips, “I think you might be my good luck charm.”
Even after all these years, your heart still swells at his words, at the idea of Benny being just as enamored with you as you are with him. “I think Julian might be part of it too.”
With a grin, Benny looks down at the baby between you. “Hey, bud,” he greets, two sandy blond-haired heads looking at each other. While you’re the one who can seemingly always get Jules to sleep, Benny always wakes him up. Luckily, though, Julian is usually happy when he sees Benny. You can’t blame him. “How was your day with mama?”
“He had a rough day at school,” you explain softly to Benny, looking at Julian. “Apparently he was fussy.”
Benny scoffs and carefully takes Julian when you offer him. If it was anyone else covered in sweat and blood, you would say no, but you know Benny’s at least washed his hands. “My baby? Never. He’s an angel.”
“Sure, honey,” you respond, happy to see the twinkle in Benny’s eye. He may not agree, but you know there’s nothing that makes him in a better mood than winning and having his family there. “How was the fight?”
Benny’s grin spreads across his face and takes on a confidence that you usually don’t see outside of your home. “Not even close. He didn’t see a fuckin’ thing coming.”
“Benny,” you sigh, gesturing to Julian. “I’ll let it slide because you just won.”
“Good luck getting Pope to stop. His favorite words aren’t appropriate for kids,” Benny says in return, but you know he’s trying. His language is already better than it used to be. “Isn’t that right, Jules?”
Jules responds with a happy noise, one that just makes Benny’s grin even wider. You can’t help but appreciate the sight before you; your two beaming boys with each other, your family together.
Yeah, you’re going to keep coming to his fights. Maybe your his good luck charm, maybe you’re not, but nothing could possibly stop you from seeing Benny like this.
Happy. Content. Loved.
“Come here, honey,” Benny calls to you, and who are you to say no. Carefully, you let yourself be wrapped in Benny’s arms, your head on the warm muscle of his shoulder. “Thanks for coming tonight.”
“Of course,” you whisper. “We’re your good luck charms, right?”
“Absolutely,” he agrees. You ignore the whistling and cheering of Santi and Frankie and the over-exaggerated gagging of Will. “Nothin’ like you, sweetheart. Or you-” he looks down at Julia “-bud.”
You can’t help but agree.
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novaneondream · 5 months
Hi how are we feeling about the latest jump cover? (I am exploding. My bakudeku heart...)
They make me want to lock myself in a vault and eat a brick. I’m just so AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I WILL NEVER MOVE ON. Katsuki’s smile is so gentle and authentic it’s making me emotional because WHAT. That’s the type of imagery I only see in fics 😭 soft Kacchan is real and I will never recover. And the FACT that this cover has both of the boys in it smiling so happy with fucking Sakura petals blowing in the wind??? Like what in the BL type beat is this?!? The jump from action shounen covers to coming of age rom com??? I MEAN AT THIS POINT- IT KINDA IS- but real talk it makes me feel really happy but also bittersweet because this feels like the finale and I’m not ready to say goodbye to the boys yet. They really have come so far and if you told me bkdk would have progressed this much a couple of years ago, I would’ve never imagined. But anyways- I’m spiraling but yes I have totally normal feelings about the jump cover.
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lemonsyourdem0n · 5 months
in the likodot server (Kiki posts stuff early sometimes), there’s a Roy appreciation channel. That’s how cool he is. Even in the server dedicated to liko and dot, roy still manages to be brought up a lot to the point we needed a channel LOL
i love that! ty for sharing
roy appreciation must be spread!
(even if he accidently took over the likodot server djsjdns)
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anavkour · 1 month
thanks for the ask! here's a little snippet from a horror-y short story I'm poking at with my Missing Homeworld guys, in which Micah accidentally acquires a parasitic Thing:
“Call it off, Micah–“ Micah tries to tell him that he can’t, that he wouldn’t even if he could, but he can’t get in enough air to speak. He can feel the floor underneath whatever the fuck is coming out of his arm, sense what it’s sensing, knows that Jin is ANGRY // AFRAID // DANGEROUS. He doesn’t so much see the lines of code analyzing the biologic detritus on the floor and deciding what’s safe to absorb and what’s not as much as he feels something else thinking and processing inside him. It’s dizzying, like he’s got two sets of senses doing two different things. And one of those is deciding that Jin is excellent biological material for repairs. “Call it off.” He should’ve done this first, some last bastion of rational thought tells him. This would be a great way to get rid of a body.
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27. Their guilty pleasure - Seward
19. Vices/bad habits - Mina
3. Obscure headcanon - Arthur
Yay! Love these questions 🥰 very lightly implied spoilers under the cut. Spoiler-free ask with Jonathan character prompts here.
19. Vices/bad habits - Mina
I think she picks at the skin around her fingers whenever she gets nervous. That probably doesn’t sound too bad, but as someone who does this on a regular basis, without going into detail…it’s not a good habit. Your fingers will not look nice after a while of doing this. I imagine she’s tried to break this habit numerous times through various methods, but nothing has stuck. She was worried how Jonathan would see her fingers when he proposed (she attempted to stop picking when she had a feeling this was going to happen soon), but all he did was kiss her fingers and tell her the ring looked perfect on her delicate fingers (<33333). I would think up some way for her to break this, but as I have tried and failed to break the habit myself…uh…good luck, Mina! I will say in a modern AU, she comes close by using fidget toys to play with rather than defaulting to picking the skin.
Another “bad habit”, though it’s more of an instinct I think, is to always clear her plate and hoard food whenever possible. As an orphan, I’m sure she knew food scarcity as a child, and I imagine this is something she still finds herself doing, even though she has a more secure environment. This will fade with time and further security.
27. Their guilty pleasure - Seward:
I feel like because he likes recording himself on a phonograph, he would be a big fan of music. Therefore, he *loves* attending concerts, the opera, and, yes, theatre whenever possible!! He hasn’t had time lately because of his emotions, but hopefully he’ll get some time to attend soon (I say, fully knowing what comes next). I also think this is something he likes to do on his own, but perhaps he’ll be able to share his love of the arts one day with the people in his life! Or, he’ll keep it a solo guilty pleasure. You never know with Seward.
3. Obscure headcanon - Arthur
I hope you’re not mad about this, anon, but I honestly haven’t heard very many headcanons about Arthur (which is my own fault, I know, I need to branch out and read more Dracula fanfics — especially those with Arthur as the titular character). So, I came up with a headcanon based off of something I don’t think we talk about enough with Arthur’s character (although, since Arthur is such an underrated character, would that make all of his headcanons obscure? Things to consider).
So we know that Arthur went on adventures around the world with the other members of the Suitor Squad, right? Well, I think during — or even before — those adventures, he also unlocked a passion for all things ✨ cartography ✨ (for the uninitiated, this is the art of creating maps)! This man loves maps. I honestly think he and Mina (when they meet up) would totally bond over something like this! He could make her railroad maps!!! The potential!!!! I don’t think we talk enough about Mina and Arthur’s friendship (myself included) so, to me, this is a good launching point. :D
Ask game here
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plaguethewaters · 2 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Tommy begins a new job
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"who the fuck orders five bouquets of Just pink tulips. Bloody rich weirdos."
alt version and thoughs under cut!
In my personal canon continuation - because fuck the nuke ending fr - after leaving the smp tommy goes through a few jobs before getting his pretty, sper manly flower cart that will follow him for his entire life. Mostly i like toying with the idea of him trying out as a veterinary so he can help animals, and having several breakdowns while coming to terms with the fact that his various traumas arounf dead, bleeding and sick animals do Not make him the right man for the jobs.
At least he can "kill" flowers when it's needed without having a big ol breakdown about it yknow?
Alt version is a softer one without color correcting - i think its a little too pastel and the shapes arent very distinguishable, but its nice in its own ways
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catdadeddie · 7 months
i have to laugh at something. so oliver buck about natalia....oh we find out what happened pretty quickly, ryan about eddie with marisol....oh he's finding out who she is. What is with these dry ass responses to their supposed love interests meanwhile we get essays for their relationship with one another lol.
Yeah, it's pretty transparent 😂
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whimsicalcotton · 3 months
Angst on the Radio Anon
Tee hee found some dialogue from Scherzo 8th Doctor Big Finish play) that works way too well:
"I would've given anything to save you. I gave everything."
"I know! But I didn't want it if I couldn't have you too!"
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anon you've inflicted 100000 points of psychic damage onto me and now i'm going to inflict it on everyone else
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novasintheroom · 3 months
Just some thoughts I wanted to share with someone, but I feel like Barista Vash has a fifty fifty shot of being a nightmare or a blessing to work on shift with. 
This all depends on what he's tasked with. Cashier? You better be thanking the man, because you bet his smile and friendly attitude has people eagerly handing in tips. These tips coming from doting mothers or grandmothers who think he reminds them of their child/grandchild, or people who melt under his warm voice asking "Will that be all? :)". Vash has definitely has gotten shy or confident slides of pieces of paper with people's socials or phone numbers. He takes the time to give them a quick polite message letting them down easy. Back to cashier duties, the man is smart (as much as some of us tend to forget sometimes). Calculations for change are easy, and tech issues with the machine in general are simple fixes for him. Great employee overall, coworkers love him for his clear and loud voice for orders, along with the added bonus of big tips at the end of the day for everyone. 
Vash is the one making the drinks?....Can't he run the register today?....No? You better pray. See, Vash isn't bad at making drinks. Not at all actually, everything he makes is delicious, and it's made in a timely manner. It's just...There are times where he might not be. You can not tell me Vash has never slipped and fell while the floors are wet, or burned his hands several times on a coffee rush. He lets out a cartoonish YEOUCH, or whimper that has a few patrons looking his way, whenever he does. Definitely hums while he makes drinks on a slow days, maybe a little twirl or hip bump while he closes the fridge. Vash has definitely has an embarrassing moment or two, where it's a slow day, he takes the opportunity to eat the last delicious cranberry pastry...only for a customer to come up and ask for said pastry while his cheeks are full. Even with his slip ups, his coworkers are silently grateful when he's working during a sudden rush. The man can concentrate and get drinks out fast with precision, and is on top of making sure that there are enough items for drinks. You won't ever feel like you need to break down and cry, while making a drink, because you ran out of oat milk. 
Now leading back to Vash's admirers, he may have plenty of them. But he only has eyes for one person. If you're a regular, the days he knows you'll be coming in, the man is on fire. On top of everything, bright smiles that never falter, he is ready for you. Which may lead to him being exhausted by the time you arrive. Once, you hadn't arrived yet and he took his break, only for someone else to take your order and make it....He didn't show it, but Vash was depressed for the rest of the day. Lingering glances and wiping down a counter that was already spotless while you were enjoying your drink. If you ever come with someone, he might take the bold risk to ask "Oh and who's this? :)" during your small chat as you order. Just in case, he just wants to be safe. His fear is for your answer to someday be along the lines of, "This is my partner!". Regardless of his fear, he's slow to make any moves. One, he's working. Not the most romantic place to flirt if he's trying to make drinks for a mother and daughter waiting on their chai lattes. Two....you can't really tell when he does flirt? He's always friendly and warm to all customers. Plus if you confront him on the one liners or doodles on your drink, he (stupidly) dismisses it with a "I just had time :)" or excuses it as a way to cheer you up on a rough day. It might be....a while before he makes a real move, so maybe you should start thinking about ways to take the first step?
Aw I love this anon! Barista Vash is such a cute AU idea!! I would personally take SUCH a long time to get up the guts to ask him out, bc 1-he's working, and I'd assume he's happy and kind with EVERYONE and 2-I'm shy as all heck.
I hope everyone enjoys this!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!!<33
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love the whole bullet proof universe!!, saw your post about young tan and maybe you could write something about first meeting/those couple years of pining/getting together. i live for that stuff
omg yes! i went for pining :) i like the idea of writing the first meeting, though! maybe in the future...
Bullet Proof Masterlist
Taglist: loves: @venusthepirate @shadows-of-nyx @syd-vixious @thefloatingpickle @sallyp-53 @fictionalcomforts @s-hanster @the-bisaster @phoenixhits @wee-little-mouse @cupofstarss @eefos @slut-f0r-u @kpopgirlbtssvt
Warnings: explicit language, violence, death, pining, slight angst
professional casualties
“Be safe,�� is what you end up saying every time you want to tell him you love him. It’s not a confession, not the “I love you” that you want to scream at him, not the “get home safe” that you could probably get away with. You stopped denying these things a long time ago. You can’t get him out of your mind, the way he smiles at Lemon when he doesn’t think anyone else is watching, and the way his eyes are always cunning, always hunting and grey.
“I always am,” is his response every time, a grin on his face as he gives you a two-fingered salute. You’ll watch him walk away until he’s out of your eyesight, and whatever deep-colored suit he’s wearing will take the clean smell of his cologne with him. The gun in his waistband is hidden from everyone else, but you know it’s there, protecting him.
It never gets easier, saying goodbye. You thought it would be at this point, having worked with him for so long. You’re coming up on two years of working with Lemon and Tangerine on odd jobs here and there, but it’s more recently that you’ve noticed how often they’ve been asking you to join them on their jobs. This is the third one in a month, and you don’t know why it’s getting harder and harder to say goodbye.
It’s the end of a job, and you have to go back to your silent flat where there’s nothing waiting for you except for an empty fridge and cold floors. Lemon wasn’t on this one, so it was just you and Tangerine up against the others. It wasn’t a hard job, nothing Tan couldn’t have done by himself, but it was nice to spend time with him. After the bloodshed of this weekend, you don’t really want to let him walk away. You want to go home with him, to be a source of comfort in his life, not someone he only knows as a killer. That, however, takes a lot of nerve that you don’t have. It’s better to be his work accomplice or his friend than to be nothing at all.
The walk home is longer than you want it to be. With blood staining your clothes and dripping down your wrists. You instinctively scratch at the dried blood that crusts your face as you shove open your front door. It opens with a groan, protesting against your weight. You’re used to it at this point, having lived at this flat for a few months. It’s an absolute shithole, with a leaking sink and water stains on the ceiling, and it doesn’t really have any special meaning to you. It’s not even safe most of the time, hence the various alarm systems that ring in your ears as soon as the front door cracks open.
Slowly, you make your way to the panel where your alarms are set and enter the code. The alarms stop and the relief of silence fills the small room. In a daze, you go through the motions of taking your overcoat off, putting your weapons in their designated places, and changing into more comfortable clothes. You don’t really have the brainpower to shower right now, and you’re used to the feeling of blood drying on your skin: it’s not as uncomfortable as it used to be, at least.
You can’t help but notice the way your hands are shaking, which in itself isn’t that weird following a job, but usually, they’re steadier by now. You chalk it up to the fast pace of the mission, but deep down you know what it really is. There was a moment, brief and fleeting, during the job when things had been going pretty badly. You were on the second floor of the building, holding off one of the guards, while Tangerine was on the floor below, fighting the two others. For a moment, lost your eyesight of him, and all you could hear was the various sounds of fighting. Then, a gunshot.
You’re a professional. Under almost any other circumstances, you know how to stay calm, and how to avoid panicking. But this was different. For a terrifying moment, you didn’t know if Tangerine was okay, which isn’t out of the ordinary. You should be completely used to the idea of his death, and you’re not even with him on all of his jobs. However, the idea of him bleeding out beneath you was completely unbearable. Without thinking, you finished off the guard you were fighting with a knife to the throat and tripped down the stairs, rushing over bodies and weapons to find a figure standing over two bodies.
They turned around and you were met with clear grey eyes and a furrowed brow. “What are you doing, love?” he asked, a grin creeping onto his face. “Were you worried about me?”
You had denied it, of course, but you couldn’t get it out of your head, the vision of him with blood pouring out of an open wound. The possibility that, for a moment, Tangerine was hurt haunted you, and it still does, if you’re being honest with yourself.
You’re pouring water into your tea kettle when your phone rings. Strangely, it’s not your work phone, which is unusual. With a groan, you reach for it, swiping across the screen at the unknown number. “Hello?” you ask, holding the phone up with your shoulder. With your free hands, you start the sink and scrape the blood out from under your nails.
“Did you get home safe?” a familiar voice asks. Tangerine’s never called you after a job before. Sure, he’s brisque and the point, but it’s better than nothing at all.
“I did,” you answer. “Did you?”
“Yeah,” he replies shortly. Then, in a softer tone, he asks, “Is- are you safe?”
“I’m at my flat,” you say instead of answering the question. Because you’re not really safe here, you never really are.
“Yeah, I fucking know that,” Tangerine sighs, “But are you safe? I can’t have you getting caught on my ass.”
“Let me guess,” you grab one of your mugs and pour the tea, “I’m a liability because I’ve seen your face.”
His voice is dry when he responds, but you can hear the trace elements of tiredness seeping through. Somewhere in the background, you hear the low hum of the television and Lemon’s voice. “Yes.”
“So sweet of you,” you respond sarcastically. “I can’t believe I have such a gentleman looking after me.” You take your tea and head to the bedroom, placing it down on your dresser and flopping down onto your bed.
“Hey now,” he chides, “I’m a fucking gentleman. Or, at least, I know how to pretend to be one. Right, love?”
You hum noncommittedly and turn your phone on speaker so that you can put it off to the side. “I would need more evidence.”
“You’ve got plenty,” he protests, “I held the door for you the other day.”
“I was fucking shot in the leg, you didn’t have a choice.” You still have the bandage wrapped around your thigh from where a bullet grazed it. You know how to take a shot and how to fight with an injury.
“Yeah, well I never curse in front of kids,” he attempts to defend. “That’s gentlemanly of me.”
“You cursed in front of children yesterday. A whole fucking rant in front of that poor little boy. I wouldn’t say that that makes you a gentleman.”
“I apologized though.”
“Doesn’t matter if you traumatized him,” you state matter-of-factly. “Still counts,” he says. “I should probably let you go, then. It’s getting late.” You don’t even know what time it is, but based on the moonlight beaming in from the small window, he’s right. You never sleep well on jobs, or when you come back from them, but you might as well try.
“Yeah,” you agree. “Call me if you have another job you need my help with.”
“I will,” he promises. You’re about to hang up when he continues, “Actually, Lemon and I were thinking about adding you to our team permanently. I- we- like having you around.”
“You do?” you ask quietly, turning onto your side and curling under your covers.
“I swear to God, don’t make me fucking say it again,” Tangerine groans. “We want to work with you. Is that so fucking hard to believe?”
“I always knew you were a big softie,” you tease. “I guess I’ll see you soon then, yeah?”
“Yeah,” he agrees. “I’ll see you soon. Get some rest, okay?”
“I will,” you promise. You hold up the phone and pull the covers over your head, thinking about his voice. It’s a dangerous thing, seeing more of him. It certainly won’t make things easier for you, and you know that he’ll find out about how you feel. There’s only so long you can hide behind phone calls and the thin walls of your flat.
But just the idea of seeing him more makes you want to wake up tomorrow. That’s enough, for now. It has to be.
“I always knew you were a big softie,” you tease. “I guess I’ll see you soon then, yeah?”
“Yeah,” he agrees. “I’ll see you soon. Get some rest, okay?”
“I will,” you promise. You hold up the phone and pull the covers over your head, thinking about his voice. It’s a dangerous thing, seeing more of him. It certainly won’t make things easier for you, and you know that he’ll find out about how you feel. There’s only so long you can hide behind phone calls and the thin walls of your flat. But just the idea of seeing him more makes you want to wake up tomorrow. That’s enough, for now. It has to be.
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novaneondream · 5 months
Hello hello hello!! I love your art so much!! When it showed up on my FYP, I legit started stimming from happiness so much at how STUNNING and talented you are!! I've always loved art, especially of dragons and adding in my favourite Angy lad?? [chefs kiss]!
I hope to get back into drawing soon, but its hard because I can never really get faces to look right. Even if I have a half-good sketch, the colouring throws me off, and I end up hating it to the hell called the trash pile.
I was wondering if you had any tips or tricks to share from that massively talented mind of yours ^^;; I'd be forever in your debt :3
AWWWWW YOU FLATTER ME!! Thank you so much for all the kind words! They made me smile so much and my heart so full 🥹
But oh my gosh!! I hope you get back into drawing too and hope that it’s a good time when you do 🥺 What’s been working for me recently to get in the art groove is to not only do pleasure art for myself but also doing quick art studies. Most of the times I use them as warm ups. There are a lot of resources you can find online for anatomy and portrait references.
Here are some really good websites I would recommend:
and good ole Pinterest 🤙
But setting yourself a timer for 5 or 10 minutes so you don’t get too attached and spend too much time on these warm up sketches can be very helpful. Not only does this help me get warmed up since I understand my first couple of drawings aren’t always going to be good when I start a drawing session, but it gets me in the habit of drawing more often. And the more you draw, the more you’ll naturally see progress and start to piece things together. So don’t be too hard on yourself. Sometimes when a sketch isn’t working, that usually means it’s time to move on to the next drawing or take a break and that’s okay! Also never be afraid to keep those discarded sketches even if you think it’s bad! You’ll thank yourself later when you look back and see how much you’ve improved over time and that alone can also be a motivator to keep going (and also really big confident boosters when you redraw old art). But just have fun with it, take breaks when needed, and keep drawing!!
All the best on your art journey!
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lemonsyourdem0n · 5 months
If you look up pokemon roy or roy pokemon on here the top three posts are yours
that makes me very happy :D
many people say they are a character's number one
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but i am roy's number one fun
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