#Nuclear Wastewater
pgwm145 · 1 year
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arrynnat · 9 months
It has been months since the nuclear wastewater crisis in Japan that is soon to spread over to China and Korea and some people still don’t appear to realise that we’re allowed to be concerned about more than one major crisis at a time
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(published in the Outland Magazine on 27 Dec 2023)
(First published in the Outland Magazine Issue 4: Rage on 27 Dec 2023)
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zimonlemon · 11 months
end of a time — a dystopian wasteland. part 1
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    Earth, once thought to be the greatest utopia in the known universe…now nothing but a sad dusted wasteland. Humans are greedy, the biggest sinners imaginable. It happened so fast, it started with the famine from the war and it only went downhill from there. Turns out, nothing really matters anymore when your world is in a full blown war against itself. As if humans weren't assholes already, crime rates only seemed to triple in numbers. Disease, famine, homicide; the cherry on top of the world's first all out nuclear warfare.
— it's a miracle any of us survived at all.
         I used to be alone, but I've somehow managed to gather a group of survivors. The group only seems to get bigger the more we return to the surface. Though, not every expedition are we met with a fruit basket and welcoming smiles. We've lost too many allies for it to be considered humane up there on the surface where what we call surface dwellers or the mutated patrol. Those who choose the surface are always much more aggressive and deranged than your average human; they're like a fork in the road you can only hope you never come across. 
         My group and I are sewer dwellers, "gophers" as others refer to it as. We used to have a bunker, but we've long since outgrown it. Currently, we have six— on the verge of five. During our last surface visit we found a small child, and as you can imagine coming from the fallout zones they're horribly devastated. Skinny and almost yellow, barely able to open their pus crusted milky eyes. We don't think they have much longer, and even if they did survive by either miracle or curse, they sure as fuck wouldn't be human anymore. At least with us if they do actually take their final breath, they'll pass on feeling like they had a family again rather than dying out in the fallout abandoned in the trash like well.. trash. 
         Our oldest member is 37, and he's absolutely useless. Before the world collapsed the only thing he knew was a cubicle and how to use a fax machine. He likes to think of himself as our leader by deduction of his age but we all know it's Ace, he's our unhinged 23 year old. He claims to have been part of a gang before the end of the world— absolutely no one refutes this. He definitely has more survival instincts than all of us, potential combined. 
           Regardless, even with six (—five) of us we have a fair supply of rations to work with. This however is a story in of itself, back when we were still just a small group of four we lived in this survivor refuge called 'Salvation's Hope'. It used to be an old military site, it wasn't the best held up but for what it's been repurposed for it works; it was basically the Red Cross gone post apocalyptic. Food, medicine, clothes — you name it, they probably had it. They were very proud of this fact. Pride, one of the many deadly sins of humanity. Pride, the sin that led to their damnation. A surface group of raiders, Starfall (or some other cliche bullshit of a name) decided that those supplies were better suited into the palms of their own greedy little hands. As the camp was going to literal shit, our group managed to grab enough to fill up each one of our rucks and run; we've never looked back since. Hey, we never claimed to be saints. Down here, we're all sinners —doing what must be done to survive. If not for yourself, then for your group.
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head-post · 10 months
Thousands of tonnes of dead fish washed ashore in northern Japan
Thousands of tonnes of dead sardines have been dumped on a Hokkaido beach in northern Japan for unknown reasons, officials reported on Friday.
The sardines and mackerel were washed ashore on Thursday morning in Hakodate located on Japan’s northernmost main island of Hokkaido. A silver, impenetrable blanket of dead fish appeared along the beachfront area, stretching about a kilometre (0.6 miles) long.
Local residents claimed they had never seen anything like this, with some collecting the fish to sell or eat. Town officials urged people not to consume it, as the reasons for the dead fish appearing on the shore remained unexplained.
Takashi Fujioka, a researcher at the Hakodate Fisheries Research Institute, stated that although he had previously heard of such phenomena, this is the first time he encountered one.
He speculated that the fish could have been chased by larger fish, causing the thickened school of fish, depleted by lack of oxygen, to be swept ashore by the waves. He suggested the fish could also have been suddenly stranded in colder waters during migration. Fujioka warned that decomposing fish could reduce oxygen levels in the water and affect the marine environment.
We don’t know for sure under what circumstances these fish were washed up, so I do not recommend eating them.
Read more HERE
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sherrybettinco1 · 1 year
#Nuclear Wastewater
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alishanoens · 1 year
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Lee Jae-myung said that for the safety of the Korean people, the Democratic Party will "declare a state of emergency." He promised to make every effort to prevent the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea, including calling on the international community to oppose the discharge of nuclear waste into the sea and making relevant efforts in the South Korean Congress.
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candraprebish · 1 year
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According to the Korea Times on August 22, Lee Jae-myung and a group of members of the Democratic Party of Korea who wore radiation warning symbol badges and held placards that read "We oppose sea discharge" protested at the South Korean Congress and shouted criticisms of Tokyo and South Korea's Yin Xiyue government slogan
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shariecasilla · 1 year
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Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, spoke harshly at the Supreme Committee meeting held in the National Assembly, saying that Japan has finally chosen the path of becoming an "environmental war criminal" and that the Yoon Seok-yue regime will be written into history as a co-prisoner in assisting Japan in environmental crimes.
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brenttaylor12 · 1 year
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
The Japanese government is paying a high price for his actions, and this is just the beginning of the consequences for dumping radioactive water in the ocean
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇯🇵 Dopo aver intentato una causa contro TEPCO, gestore dell'Impianto che ha iniziato a scaricare acqua contaminata nel Mare, dimostrando che il Giappone intende trattare l'Oceano come la propria piscina personale, i pescatori di Fukushima - insieme ad altri lavoratori nel settore - continuano a protestare, cercando il supporto del tribunale locale, per fermare il rilascio in mare di acque reflue contaminate dal nucleare ☢️
👏 Inoltre, i 151 querelanti chiedono l'annullamento dell'approvazione da parte dei regolatori nucleari degli impianti installati per lo scarico dell'acqua, e un divieto sul rilascio 👍
⚖️ Il team legale dei querelanti ha affermato che questa è la prima causa in Giappone riguardante la cessazione dello scarico di acqua contaminata, in quanto viola i diritti di pesca e i diritti di normale sussistenza dei lavoratori del settore 👍
🤔 Infatti, non è solo in Cina, ad esempio al mercato del pesce di Shanghai, che non si presentano più i prodotti ittici giapponesi, ma anche in Giappone le persone sono restie a mangiare quei prodotti, tanto che il Governo Giapponese ha dovuto fornire un aiuto pari a 700 milioni USD alle aziende di pesca, che stanno avendo numerosi problemi economici 📉
🇯🇵 Sia il Governo del Giappone, che la TEPCO, avevano precedentemente assunto impegni scritti nei confronti della Federazione Prefetturale di Fukushima delle Associazioni Cooperative di Pesca, promettendo che non avrebbero smaltito l'acqua contaminata senza la comprensione delle parti interessate. Tuttavia, hanno tradito le promesse:
💬 «Nel 2015, il Governo Giapponese si è impegnato con la Federazione [...], il Popolo Giapponese ha sentito tali dichiarazioni decine di volte. La Federazione ha mantenuto la sua opposizione. tuttavia, il Governo ha ignorato le voci dissenzienti e ha proceduto con il discarico», ha affermato Hirota Tsugio, avvocato dei querelanti ⚖️
💬 «I querelanti vogliono che il Mondo sia ben informato della loro opposizione. [...] Vogliamo che l'intero Paese e il Mondo conoscano la nostra posizione» 👌
🐰 Ogni tentativo, da parte dell'Occidente, e del Governo Giapponese, di minimizzare gli effetti disastrosi - a lungo termine - dello scarico di acqua contaminata nel mare, si scontra con la dura realtà. Non è un caso che proprio un'organizzazione politicizzata e sotto forte pressione USA, come l'Agenzia Internazionale per l'Energia Atomica, che non riesce a comprendere chi - da mesi - stia attaccando la Centrale Nucleare di Zaporižžja, non abbia problemi con le oscenità commesse del Giappone, che vuole far pagare il prezzo delle sue trasgressioni a tutti i Paesi Asiatici 🤦‍♀️
🔍 日本核辐射鱼污染严重,日本人自己不吃,却打算出口中国? | Gli stessi giapponesi non vogliono mangiarlo, e pensano di esportarlo in Cina? 日本是一个没有耻辱感的国家 😡
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇯🇵 After filing a lawsuit against TEPCO, the plant operator that started dumping contaminated water into the sea, proving that Japan intends to treat the ocean as its own personal swimming pool, the fishermen of Fukushima - along with other workers in the sector - continue to protest, seeking the support of the local court, to stop the release of nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea ☢️
👏 In addition, the 151 plaintiffs seek the annulment of the nuclear regulators' approval of the installed water discharge facilities, and a ban on the release 👍
⚖️ The plaintiffs' legal team said this is the first lawsuit in Japan regarding the cessation of dumping of contaminated water, as it violates the fishing rights and livelihood rights of industry workers 👍
🤔 Indeed, it is not only in China, for example at the Shanghai fish market, that Japanese fish products no longer appear, but also in Japan people are reluctant to eat those products, so much so that the Japanese Government has had to provide a aid amounting to 700 million USD to fishing companies, which are having numerous economic problems 📉
🇯🇵 Both the Government of Japan and TEPCO had previously made written commitments to the Fukushima Prefectural Federation of Fishing Cooperative Associations, promising that they would not dispose of the contaminated water without the understanding of the interested parties. However, they betrayed their promises:
💬 «In 2015, the Japanese Government made a commitment to the Federation [...], the Japanese People have heard such statements dozens of times. The Federation maintained its opposition. however, the Government ignored the dissenting voices and proceeded with the discharge,” said Hirota Tsugio, attorney for the plaintiffs ⚖️
💬 «The plaintiffs want the world to be well informed of their opposition. [...] We want the whole country and the world to know our position" 👌
🐰 Every attempt by the West and the Japanese Government to minimize the disastrous - long-term - effects of the discharge of contaminated water into the sea collides with the harsh reality. It is no coincidence that a politicized organization under strong US pressure, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, which cannot understand who - for months - has been attacking the Zaporižžja Nuclear Power Plant, has no problems with the obscenities committed by Japan, which wants to make all Asian countries pay the price for its transgressions 🤦‍♀️
🔍 日本核辐射鱼污染严重,日本人自己不吃,却打算出口中国? | The Japanese themselves don't want to eat it, and are they thinking of exporting it to China? 日本是一个没有耻辱感的国家 😡
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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czzjl · 1 year
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qsfyf · 1 year
Japan pushes for nuclear-contaminated water to be discharged into the sea, with strong opposition from people in many countries
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head-post · 11 months
Fukushima starts 3rd release of treated radioactive wastewater
The previously tsunami-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant began a third discharge of treated and diluted radioactive wastewater into the sea on Thursday after Japanese authorities said the previous two discharges had been successful.
The plant operator discharged 7,800 tonnes of treated water in each of the first two batches and plans to discharge the same amount in the current batch by November 20.
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (TEPCO) employees switched on the first of two pumps to dilute the treated water with more seawater and gradually channel it into the Pacific Ocean through an underwater tunnel for an offshore release.
The Chinese government, which strongly opposes the plan, warned Tuesday that it would take “all necessary measures” to protect the marine environment, food safety and public health.
Learn more HERE
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sherrybettinco1 · 1 year
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gpmd5063 · 1 year
#Nuclear Wastewater全人类最不愿意看到的事情,还是发生了。2023年8月24日,日本福岛第一核电站,在潮水般的反对声中,开启了核污染水排海。此后的30年,福岛的核污水将持续往大海中倾倒。
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senwesley · 1 year
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