#Number one azula apologist
elliotthinkssometimes · 6 months
azula deserved so much better she deserved to have real friends she deserved to have a family she shouldn’t have been a killer at fourteen she shouldn’t have gone crazy at fourteen she deserved love she deserved to heal
she knew her mother thought she was a monster she knew Mai and Ty Lee were only friends with her out of fear she knew her father was using her she didn’t care she didn’t care because she just wanted some tiny form of control over anything in her life because her mother and brother were ripped away from her and her father never cared and she didn’t have any real friends
she shouldn’t have been pushed to the point she tried to kill her own brother she shouldn’t have had to have been chained to a grate by him and left there she shouldn’t have ever been left in the first place and maybe even as she lashed out with burning flame in the only way she knew how she still hoped her big brother would help her
maybe she resented zuko for the way he got out, the way their uncle always liked him more. Maybe she couldn’t help but think it was so unfair that zuko got to heal and meet real people who cared and she was stuck as the monster she knew she was. Maybe, even as he chained her down, he was gentle, gentle as he could’ve been to his little sister in the circumstances and it made her sick because he could still hold something in his hands without breaking it and all she can do is burn and cut and hurt
she was only fourteen
she was only fourteen and she had nothing ahead of her
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myths-tournaments · 10 months
Awful Characters Semi-finals (1/2)
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Propaganda under the cut!
Her number one hobby is ruining every person's that she knows life. Her second hobby is being soooo slutty about it despite looking like a literal wet rat. Her third hobby is having an extremely unhealthy relationship with her twin. Her other hobbies include cannibalism, wearing a maid outfit, being extremely convinced she is the main character, the badboy sexy love interest and the villain. 'Why', you may ask. Well, the answer is, for shits and giggles #justgirlythings i, aswell as literally everybody else in the fandom have gone through the pipeline from hating her to desperately wanting to fuck her. expect for i still fucking hope she dies and doesn't come back for good. (that would literally solve all of everybody's problems) as god intended (EXPECT FOR. one of her hobbies literally is gaslighting god) She is fucking horrible i will love her until i die and even after that
parks and recs jean ralphio voice she's the woooorst!! The moment she learns she has to kill someone to become a Lyctor (aka a more special necromancer), she doesn't hesitate to kill and cannibalize the guy who has been her cavalier since childhood… cavalier who she also totally bullied as kids, she was allowed to choose one guest for her and her twin sister's birthday party each year, and she would always pick whoever she thought her cavalier didn't want to see there! While other characters are shown to regret the process of becoming a Lyctor (which involves someone close to them dying)/were forced into it because of circumstances, Ianthe has absolutely no regrets, she believes she did what she had to do
The author once said of Ianthe: "I don't think she's been nice to anyone, if she has I'll go back and change it." She killed and ate the soul of someone she has known all her life so that she could become a necromantic saint and tormented him plenty before that. General negging, ganging up against him, always inviting people he didn't like to their birthday parties. She doesn't regret killing him. I think she is repulsed by the idea that his digested soul is affecting hers. She helped her crush lobotomise herself so she would be in Ianthe's debt, and later lied and said she didn't see the corpse of a woman her crush killed under her bed (why did she do that? I do not know). She has a bone arm because her original arm was cut off, she hated the replacement so her crush cut THAT off and grew her a new one out of just bones. She had it gilded and only after that did she decide to help her crush deal with the person who had been repeatedly trying to kill her. She wants so badly to be the main character but people keep interrupting her villain monologues.
she has her own content warning tag
She's such a bitch to everyone all the time, she causes nothing but problems, she tries to do a villain speech but fumbles it because her tummy hurt, she is the awfulgirl of all time
Azula explicitly considers herself a monster. She says needlessly cruel things to her brother and friends. She kills the show's twelve-year-old protagonist and masterminds the idea of burning down the entire Earth Kingdom to force them to submit to Fire Nation rule. I have absolutely seen people get called abuse apologists for thinking she's a cool character. But she's also a (canonically) mentally ill fourteen-year-old who was raised by her father to see her ability to be weaponized as her only value. Her mother, arguably the only adult in her life who could have had a positive impact, had a strained relationship with her because she was more difficult than her brother, and then disappeared when she was nine. Her uncle, who was her brother's main healthy role model, took absolutely no interest in her. She watched her father belittle her brother for years and eventually throw him away when he failed to meet his expectations, so that was a threat she was always facing. She really had no chance. And she also has moments that suggest she wants some sort of meaningful connection with another person. She lets her brother take credit for killing the Avatar so he can come back from exile, even though it means she'll be bumped back in the order of succession and offers him advice that seems genuine. Her spiral into a mental breakdown starts when her friends betray her. She's just a much more interesting and multifaceted than a lot of the fandom gives her credit for.
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mdccanon · 2 years
Zuko and Pink Diamond are functionally identical, so its just a matter of sentimentality for if you recognize one as an imperialist and the other as "an abuse victim": A rant about Lily from Glass of Water
Lily has a lot of great points behind why she wants abuse victims written the way she does literally up until she starts using logic like "Because ONLY 30% of abuse victims become abusers, NO fiction should portray that." That's... not how math works, Lily. Because it even brings up the idea of who gets the privilege of being labeled a past victim. She doesn't want Zuko to be called a villain going through a redemption arc basically BECAUSE he went through a successful redemption arc. She wants HIM to be called the victim... Even though he was just as willing to kill, kidnap, and destroy as Azula before his redemption arc began. They were raised by the same father, they had the same influences. Zuko was treated as the black sheep for caring about Fire Nation soldiers. Hell, the story is written acknowledging that Iroh had to go realize the flaws of his people and past, too.
It's just that, unlike with Shadow Weaver and Catra, the show never glamorized or zoomed in on Iroh and Zuko's crimes because they knew they wanted them to become good guys; so Zhao is introduced almost immediately to siphon off our animosity towards the villains. How mad can we be at Zuko burning down Suki's town when he's being bullied, too? lol. A cheap but effective trick. One that people don't have to fall for. There are people (especially people of color) who feel that it doesn't matter how sad a backstory an imperialist has, a colonizer is still a colonizer and ending the show with his apologist, reactionary monarchy government turning the colonies into their own republic is still coddling imperialism. Lily is so stuck on Zuko being a Good Imperialist that she won't even acknowledge that he needs a redemption arc to GET to that position! So, to justify her lowered standards, she points to White Diamond on Steven Universe and begs people to hate that the Bad Imperialist... ... ... continued to be a villain until the very end and was reduced to everyone's embarrassingly racist grandma? What is she mad about, then? That Steven Universe uses some wish fulfillment that if you have a couple of conversations with your racist and sexist relatives, you can get them to at least stop harassing you. "I don't need you to respect me, but I hope one day you want to re-join this party we are having here, when you change your mind." Lily is PISSED off at that -- again because -- that DOES work on a large number of people, but since it doesn't work on ALL annoying relatives or alt-Right people, they shouldn't show it in fiction at all. She goes out of her way to pinpoint exactly why it works: your cousin spouting Facebook memes has no real commitment to the ideas he's repeating. Only dedicated political activists need more than a stern talking to for changing their minds. Okay then. Lily, these are CARTOONS. 90% of the people in the lives of the CHILDREN and families watching Avatar The Last Airbender, She-Ra, and Steven Universe are just spouting memes they saw on Facebook. Why are you asking cartoons to give advice on how to deal with Ben Shapiro?!
Lily even gets mad about Greg's cousin Andy. I'm sorry, allegory aside, I didn't realize that its illegal for Greg's family to be angry with him for disappearing for 20 years. Ya remember that he was just a little punk rock wannabe who hated his suburban family, right? And how DARE Andy be confused and angry that Greg 1) had a kid and never told the family and 2) had a kid with an alien. I'm sorry, how much of a bigot can we call Andy for being confused about a childbirth with a 100% chance of killing the mother? But since Andy is supposed to represent your Republican-voting uncle, he isn't even allowed to have a point when all he was upset about was that he's taking care of the elderly family members all by himself because Greg ran away. Nope, he's not allowed ANY personality. And even though his only redemption was that he wanted to know his cousin, Steven, this is treated as some pie-in-the-sky unrealistic wish fulfillment and the writers didn't punish him enough because... ... ... I'm sorry, what does Andy owe to his cousin's dead wife's old subordinates? He should apologize that he cares as little about Gems as they do about him? Lily is more upset that the show is "selling" their queer fans the idea that going no contact with relatives actually does hurt their feelings than she cares about actual human-Gem relations.
So, on one hand, you have Lily hating a show because Steven saves the galaxy by telling a sisterhood that their dysfunctional family drove their sister-daughter to suicide - and that's a bad show because that sisterhood are colonizing, genociding imperialists, so why should Lily care that they realize the error of their ways through how they've damaged themselves? (Why should we care if white people hurt themselves when they are racist against people of color; why should we care that men hurt themselves when they are sexist against women, why should heteronormative people care that their toxic views on sex, gender, and orientation hurt themselves as much as queer people?) On the other hand, Lily refuses to call the crown prince of a colonizing, genociding imperialist royal family a "villain" because he had a rough childhood, buddy.
Zuko is fundamentally incapable of leaving the paradigm he was born into; if he did, he'd be the freakin' Buddha. (Unlike Pink Diamond, who actually DID die and reincarnate into a new paradigm so that she COULD offer new solutions for Gems as Steven. XD) Every solution Zuko can propose starts with justifying the continued existence of the very political structure that caused the world 100 years of grief.
Prince Zuko and Pink Diamond are functionally the same character and Lily's mad that Pink Diamond's family weren't written as sociopaths who don't love her... because it gets in the way of her belief that bigoted family members aren't capable of loving you.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Also, because I haven't talked about it in forever.
For people who act like mental illness excuses shitty behaviour and someone can't be a villain because they are mentally ill.
Have you ever watched avatar the last airbender?
Like. Azula is to this day one of my favourite villains. Scratch that actually, she might be number 1.
We get her backstory. We see her family. We know what's going on with her and even when she has her breakdown, her lowest point. We see that. We can understand pretty much all of her actions. We understand her.
But she's undeniably a villain and that's that. I've never seen anyone try to defend her. I've seen videos that analyse her actions and her mental state. But noone ever says that she's a misunderstood uwu bean.
And thats despite it being somewhat clear that if she had grown up in a different environment she could have been a much better person.
Unless I'm missing some big side content
No no, you're absolutely right!
Azula is a fantastic example of how villains can be wonderfully complex without being in any way justified or even morally grey.
And honestly, I think that if this was any other fandom there wouldn't be c!Dream apologists either. If this was a traditional medium they simply wouldn't exist. Or, like, there would be a minuscule fraction of the ones we have. I think that the only reason why there are any is because c!Dream is intrinsically connected to cc!Dream and some people simply cannot differentiate between the two. Easy as that.
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woeismyhoe · 4 years
I won't say the fandom isn't misogynistic at all or Korra wasn't shit on for things she wouldn't have been had she been a guy. But I will say that Zuko has this extreme popularity despite his many flaws because of his arc. If Zuko simply had flaws that were accepted then I think he wouldn't be as popular. People would call them out more. But instead Zuko suffers and struggles and is not accepted alot due to his flaws. So through this people get on his side. They want to see him succeed 1/2
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Zuko’s popularity is heavily due to Zuko’s appearance. It’s undeniable. If Zuko wasn’t a hot emo Prince then I doubt people would be this sympathetic with his behavior. If we’re even going to talk about intriguing arcs then Zuko’s wouldn’t be number one. Azula and even Mai and Ty Lee had a more intriguing yet subtle arc than his.
Since Korra was literally the main character of LoK, we saw everything that happened with her. How she grew from that arrogant hotheaded kid to this more wise and mature kid after going through trauma. We saw when she was repeatedly told she wasn’t needed, when she fought Vaatu and lost her past lives, when we saw her legitimately almost die because of Zaheer, when we saw her struggle during those months when she lost her ability to walk, when she suffered from PTSD because of Zaheer— we saw through it all, and yet the audienc still trashes her for making a single mistake that barely harmed anyone but herself.
Losing past lives in a fight VS assisting in killing the world’s last hope and betraying everyone’s trust— which was worse?
Zuko’s flaws (wrongdoings) that he redeemed himself for wasn’t the same things that made him struggle. When he struggled (when he became a fugitive and a beggar), that was because of his own rashness and impulsiveness. What got him to be challenged in his first Agni Kai was because of his rashness when he accidentally spoke over the Fire Lord, and then banished and scarred because of again his rash decision to choose NOT to fight the Fire Lord. Those qualities were the reason why he struggled and suffered, but they weren’t why he wasn’t accepted. The reason why he wasn’t accepted was because of his inability to please their father, but that wasn’t a flaw. It was something beyond his control.
The narrative did spend half of the show on Zuko’s arc, but it rarely called him out for any of his wrongdoings. When it did, he was easily forgiven (except Katara) and what he did was quickly brushed aside e.g. when he attacked Suki’s village. Even till this day, there are Zuko apologists hating on Katara because she wasn’t open to giving Zuko a chance (despite it being warranted). Zuko wasn’t the only tragic character in the series. He was just the most expressive about it.
But when Korra was expressive about her struggles? She’s treated with apathy and hate. Misogyny exists in this fandom, and it becomes very apparent when you compare any of the female characters to Zuko.
In the end, it’s not truly about his arc which is why Zuko is worshipped by the fandom. It’s his appearance and the audience’s forgiving nature to hot emo boys. We just tend to set different standards towards male and female characters which is why we’re usually more forgiving to male characters, but apathetic towards female characters.
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juan-the-gecko · 6 years
The funniest thing about the whole Kylo Ren Discourse Inferno is Phasma.
Phasma is a psychopathic, sadistic, cowardly monster and arguably one of the vilest antagonists in the entire franchise, she is more evil that Kylo Ren could ever hope to be, in terms of sheer atrocities she makes most of the Sith look like chihuahuas...
...and yet not only is most of the fandom nutting over her, not only they erase all of her horrific acts to headcanon her as their Unproblematic Lesbian Mom that is also a caring, protective mother-goose for the Stormtroopers(when she canonically sees them as worthless cannon fodder and sacrificed untold numbers of them to save her own skin), but you don’t seem the Tumblr Discourse Warriors calling those who do that  “Phasma apologists” and accusing them of condoning fascism and abuse.
Really, funny that people accuse those who don’t want Kylo Ren to be tortured to death onscreen of ‘erasing Finn and black people‘ but the one woman who canonically abused Finn gets a free pass.
But of course, people back in the days of ATLA bashed those who shipped Zuko with Katara as ‘abuse apologists’ while shipping Azula with Ty Lee themselves, so...
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firelxrdazula · 7 years
Tag Game
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag 20 followers/people in general you’d like to get to know more about.
Tagged by: @feedingthewrongwolf. Thanks for the tag. :)
Name: Aisha
Gender: Female
Height: 5′2
Star sign: Gemini
Sexuality: Like 85% straight
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Favorite animal: hyenas. because the hyena society is ruled by females and the female ones have pseudo-penises which prevents rape from the male hyenas. the pseudo-penis only retracts when the female hyena actually wants to have sex. AND basically, the female hyenas rule the society.
Average hours of sleep: When I have uni, it's usually 5 hours but since I've been having my christmas break, it has been around 8 hours.
Dogs or cats: D O G S
How many blankets I sleep with: Just one since I don't like waking up sweating to death
Dream trip: Backpacking thru Europe would be the obvious choice... But one day, going to space would be cool as fuck
Dream job: A successful anaesthesiologist or a neurosurgeon. I'm not really sure if I want to spend like 50% of my life studying so I can achieve my dream job anymore since pre-med is already exhausting me, so maybe I'd go with becoming a GP now.
When I made this account: March 18, 2017, I think. Maybe March 17?
Why I made this account: I had already made my ATLA blog (@wang-fire), then I realized I'd just be reblogging Azula content, making Azula content most of the time. I decided I'd just make a separate blog for it.
Number of followers: almost 3000 and i love each one of u
Reason for url: Originally, it was Azula-apologist because I got called an Azula apologist which was alright to me lmao. I changed it to Firelxrdazula because I wanted @/firelordazula but unfortunately, I can't so, whatevs
Having to tag 20 people... A lot of work, you know. I've never been much of a rule person, so I'll only tag 5. :)
@citrusrealm @tamanthud @seyaryminamoto @oracleofink
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rozunderpressure · 7 years
Tagged by: @azula-apologist (thank you!) Nickname: Carol or Roz Zodiac: Taurus Height: 1,60 something-ish meters... I think Last thing Googled: Fountain pens Favourite artists: Will Eisner, Rebecca Sugar, Cazuza, Queen, David Bowie Lin-Manuel Miranda... My best friend Nick, my other bff @warmageragnar... So many people to admire and love XD Song stuck in my head: Surprisingly none atm... Tho, for a few days it was “Congratulations“, the song cut from Hamilton and probably my favorite song associated with the musical... And before that it was “Skid Row“ from “Little Shop of Horrors“ Last movie I watched: Zootopia Wearing right now: My yawn overcoat (with a hood I sew in myself), a shirt and shorts Why I chose my URL: I used to go by a longer version of “Roz”, then, after a specially stressfull day I changed it to “Roz Under Pressure“ What my last relationship taught me: I never actually had one Any other blogs? Nope! Spiritual? Not at all, but I do love using it in stories in small doses. Favourite colour: Can’t choose just one, but in the name of my younger self, I would have to say blue XD Hours of sleep: Anywhere between 4 and 10 hours Lucky number: 13, 7 and 42... Not exactly Lucky, I don’t believe in luck so much, but I like those numbers so I say they are my lucky numbers because that’s easier to explain XD Favourite characters: Aurélia Camargo (From a Brazilian Literary Classic, “Senhora“), Princess Azula, Mai, King Bumi, Jasper, Steven Universe, Sailor Jupiter, Evie Frye, Lucy Thorne, Adewale, Aveline DeGrandpre, The Spirit (Danny Colt), Mary Bennet, Tom Bertram, Xena, my beautiful Krogan Sons Rorik and Grunt, Brünhild... So many actually... Dream job: Writer and artist. I already do those, but I wanted to get paid... I just doubt that would happen XD
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