4brussels · 2 years
drew a bryce
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whiteboard bryce. bryceboard?
mi sona ala.
taso mi li sona e ni: sitelen pi jan Sotapato li lon e lipu walo.
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adhdo5 · 1 year
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bitterestbuggy · 1 year
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The third image be like “o monsuta ala”
Doing some experimenting with animation rigs
Also thanks @ the toki ponists who comment/add tags on my panda posting, I’m still no good at speaking/writing myself but I’ve gotten pretty good at reading/understanding now and reading y’all’s comments has been great practice for that ^^
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phrootsnacks · 1 year
Language Self Studying 12/31/22
🌟 reflection time baby 🌟
So this past month I’ve been studying Spanish, Toki Pona, Arabic, and ASL... How did it go? What worked? What didn’t?
In summary: it could’ve been better, but it could’ve been worse! I could beat myself up for not doing more, or make excuses for why I didn’t do more, but I’m simply Not Going To. The progress I made is the progress I made, and the progress I didn’t make is the progress I didn’t make, and that’s that. My Worth Is Independent From My Productivity.
...anyway I’m glad I decided to share a bit about it on tumblr! it’s nice to have some sort of record of my studying, and all you all fellow language studiers are cool B)
Also! Long post! So requests for info are here too!
Corrections are welcome! Like don’t be rude about it but for all of the languages I’m studying, if I’m messing something up let me know!
Also, practicing speaking and conversation is good and something I’d like to do more! If you wanna chat, let me know! I’m also available to answer questions / give advice for English :]
Lastly, if you know of a good Arabic dictionary, let me know! Preferably one that is online, has audio, and has the Egyptian dialect. Is ReversoDictionary or DictionaryReverso or however it’s called reliable? I like that they have audio and example sentences, but I don’t know much about it.
specifics on each language below! 
Mis exámenes de español fueron bien (de verdad recibí un A en todas mis clases !!), y creo que mejoró mi habilidad de leer. 
¡Me encanta el libro Short Stories in Spanish de Olly Richards! No soy muy cómodo con las formas de vosotros, pero todo está bien. El nivel es un poco fácil para mí, pero aún así es bueno para reforzar los básicos. Sin embargo, ¡hay algunas palabras y algunas formas que son nuevas para mí! También puedo leer con fluidez más o menos, entonces leerlo es relajante.
A veces encuentro una palabra nueva, y la aprendo en el contexto. Pero, encuentro la misma palabra de nuevo, ¡y me olvido el significado! Quizás comience a escribir las palabras nuevas y crear tarjetas para recordar mejor.
Desafortunadamente no hablé con mis amigas de El Salvador :( ¡Somos tan ocupados durante este tiempo del año!
El semestre que viene tengo dos clases de español, una clase de conversación y una clase de lectura! Estoy animado para ellas, y me siento que estoy listo para ellas también :3
Además, hay hispanohablantes en tumblr! Hola! Las correcciones son bienvenidas, y me gustaría mucho charlar con ustedes :]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------toki pona
toki pona li pona, taso li wile tenpo tawa kama sona e toki pona. mi kama sona e toki pona la mi kama toki telo... (sona mi a a a). 
sitelen tawa tan jan Kekan San li pona mute a! ona li jan sona pona a. sitelen tawa ni la mi kama sona mute. mi kama sona e nasin toki pi toki pona. tenpo pini la, nasin toki mute en nimi lili li pona ala tawa mi. sitelen tawa ni li pona e ike ni tawa mi!
kin la, mi lon ilo Siko: li lon ma pona pi toki pona, li lon kama sona, li lon ma toki pona VR. ilo Siko la mi jan Kilili. tenpo mute la jan sin li pana e monsuta tawa mi a a a. taso mi wile toki mute e toki pona, la mi kama lukin! o toki tawa mi a. wile mi la mi jo e jan pona pi toki pona :)
I feel decently comfortable with the alphabet-- recognizing letters, sounding out words, and writing a bit as well. Obviously it’s not perfect and these skills could be faster and smoother, but I know that will come with time with the language. 
The Egyptian Arabic for beginners course is decent enough, however I haven’t been using it as much because it doesn’t include words / phrases in the Arabic alphabet, just the romanization. It means I have to do a bit more work when taking notes on these videos, trying to figure out how something is spelled and looking it up in a dictionary. But it’s ok! Because in my investigations I happened across some other nice resources, like Arabic Khatawaat:
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I've been using these videos to learn / practice writing the script, and there's a lot more content on this channel that looks promising!
I also found some ~free~ online textbooks! Here’s a link to Msulib’s textbook catalog, which includes Basic Hindi, Basic Khmer, Basic Urdu, Elementary Arabic I and II, and Elementary Chinese I and II. Of course, I’ve been looking into the Arabic textbooks:
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I really like that it includes audio, and transcription, and how it’s written in the Arabic script! I’ve been using this textbook to make flashcards in Anki, and I like being able to include audio with my flashcards so I can get better at pronunciation / hearing :3
I definitely want to continue studying Arabic, which is good because I already have the resources for it! I want to start using the textbooks I have (both physical and digital) and continue making flashcards for vocab. However as I mentioned I like making them with audio, so if you know of a good Arabic dictionary, specifically with audio and with the Egyptian dialect, please let me know! I usually use wordref but they don’t have audio for the Arabic dictionary.
I’m happy with the progress I’ve made so far, and I’m excited to continue with this language and see where I go with it in the new year!
Ooh boy ASL is very fun and rewarding! I mean, maybe this is true for any language that is new to me, but I’m really enjoying learning ASL. I feel like if I put in the effort, I can progress in this language pretty quickly.
Also thank you to all the recommendations for resources! I had already saved some of Bill Vicars’ YouTube videos to my watch later playlist, but I wasn’t sure if it would be good because there’s a lot of not great ASL content on YT.
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And you know what? Bill Vicars’ videos are really good! He's an engaging and funny teacher, and I feel like I understand a lot more compared to all those YT videos that are like ~learn 50 essential signs in 10 minutes!!!~ ...
However, it is kinda difficult to take notes. I’ve just been writing in a notebook how to sign something but it’s kinda difficult balancing the amount of detail to describe the sign. I want to make flashcards, but that seems kinda difficult for ASL. However, ...
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The ASL app is kinda good as a way to do flashcards!! I wasn’t exactly enthused about learning on my phone, but it’s actually pretty convenient to cover up half the screen, then go thru the signs.
I might also make flashcards for ASL using photos from Bill Vicars’ website. I worry about using photos for flashcards tho, (like will I associate what is in the photo with the concept instead of the sign with the concept?) but maybe I’m overthinking it. I think generally I waste time worrying about the best way of doing something instead of actually doing it... so... it’s probably fine...
It’s interesting to see the subtle differences too! Like for questions, Bill Vicars teaches that the question sign goes at the end, where in the ASL app they put the question sign at the front. It makes more sense to me to put it at the end, but I don’t know why there are these differences. I wonder, like how American English isn’t the same all over the country, is American Sign Language the same way? Are there, like ASL regional dialects? I have much to learn. 
I’m definitely going to keep studying ASL. It’s very interesting to me and scratches a different part of my brain. I think I will join my university’s ASL club, too. I’m a little unsure, because I’m hearing and don’t personally know any Deaf people (but also,,,,, I believe my university’s ASL professor is also hearing? so...) But! I didn’t know any Spanish speakers before I learned Spanish! I don’t want to invade in people’s space, I just hope to meet some Deaf people, learn and practice ASL, and learn more about Deaf culture :3
Speaking of which, I put in a request at my library for Introduction to American Deaf Culture by Thomas K Holcomb. I’m excited to learn more!
... and that’s all they wrote! Congrats on making it to the end, I hope you have a happy and healthy new year :]
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are you going to have the full context for kijetesantakalu or must i bear the burden
mi toki e toki pona a! mi sona e kijetesantakalu la, o pilin monsuta ala!
(translation for those who dont speak: I speak toki pona. I know kijetesantakalu, so dont worry!)
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tissitpoispaita · 2 years
toki mi jan Eponi Pi'meja Temensija Wewen We li jo e linja lawa suli ni: kule pi kasi suli pimeja (ni la mi kama jo e nimi mi) en linja lili mute pi laso loje en pini linja loje. ona li lon meso pi monsi mi. lukin mi li laso lete li lukin sama sike pi telo lukin. jan mute a li toki e ni tawa mi: mi lukin sama jan Emili (TPJS: sina sona ala e ni ona li jan seme la o weka pakala tan ni!). mi jan sama ala pi jan Sewa We taso mi wile e ni tan ni: ona li jan suwi unpa pakala a. mi monsuta pi moku pi telo loje taso kiwen uta mi li pona li walo. mi jo e selo walo a. kin la mi meli pi wawa nasa li lon tomo sona pi wawa nasa. ona li tomo Okuwa li lon ma Inli. mi lon tenpo sike nanpa luka tu (mi jan pi tenpo sike luka luka luka tu). tenpo mute la mi jo e len pimeja. mi olin e tomo esun Otopi li esun e len ale mi tan ona.
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highly-nonexistent · 1 year
mi en monsuta pona li wile pali e ante toki (toki Inli tawa toki pona) pi musi. musi li "o awen toki la jan ala li pakala moli"
(monsuta pona li sama "jan pona", taso ni li tawa monsuta)
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mahxiac0korako · 1 year
o kute e mi.
mi monsuta ala.
mi lukin monsuta taso.
mi pali ala e ijo monsuta.
mi moku ala e jan.
mi moli ala e ona.
mi wile e ni: jan pona.
mi wile pana e olin pi jan pona tawa jan ali.
mi monsuta ala.
o kute e mi.
mi lukin monsuta taso.
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jan-tasi-li-sitelen · 2 years
lipu sona pi toki pona
kama pona! lipu ni li jo e nasin pi toki pona e nimi ale pi pu e ku e ala. mi wile pana sona e toki pona tawa sina! o sona musi!
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nimi ku suli
epiku: on a higher tier/plane, enlighten(ed), epic; to an exceedingly great extent
jasima: reflect, resound, mirror, be on the opposite/polar end of
kijetesantakalu: any animal from the Procyonidae family, such as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles | ALT any animal from the Musteloidea superfamily, including raccoons, weasels, otters, skunks, and red pandas.
kipisi: split, cut, slice
kokosila: to speak a non-Toki Pona language in an environment where Toki Pona is more appropriate
ku: interact with the Toki Pona Dictionary
lanpan: take, seize, catch, receive, get
leko: stairs, square, block, corner
meso: middle, medium, mediocre, neither one
misikeke: medicine
monsuta: fear, monster
n: [interjection] indicating thinking, pondering, recognition, agreement; hum, humming
soko: fungus, fungi
tonsi: non-binary, gender-non-conforming; trans, non-cisgender
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pippastrelle · 2 years
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A rhyming toki pona translation of Encanto’s “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”! (literal translation at the end)
o toki musi! o pona!
jan pepa: mi toki ala lon jan puno. ala!
mi toki ala lon ona.
mi kama meli sin.
jan pelikisi: mi kama mije sin!
jan pepa: la mi open pona, la mi weka e waso sewi!
jan pelikisi: laso taso lon sewi.
jan pepa: jan puno la kulupu li kama - -
jan pelikisi: nasa!
jan pepa: jan toki li seme anu mi?
jan pelikisi: mi vida o, mi a kute~
jan pepa: ona li toki. mi sona.
jan pelikisi: wile li seme?
jan pepa: la telo lon sewi li kama.
jan pelikisi: o awen. o lon noka len.
jan pepa: pilin li kon pakala!
jan pelikisi: pilin olin. taso, o sona!
tu: mi toki ala lon jan puno. ala!
mi toki ala lon ona!
jan tolowesa: monsuta ale li toki pakala jan puno.
mi kute e ona. uta sona li insa kon.
luka en noka en kiwen telo li tawa.
a a a
wawa pana sewi li ante e mije.
mama mama li ken ala sona e ale.
tenpo tawa li nasi li awen li ante.
seme li ante?
jan kamilo: mije linja!
soweli jaki.
sina li anpa tan nimi moli.
ni li moku e sitelin lape.
mute: mi toki ala lon jan puno. ala!
mi toki ala lon ona!
jan kala: toki ona la kala mi li moli!
jan suli: toki ona la sijelo mi li suli!
jan pi tomo sewi: toki ona la linja lawa mi kama weka a!
mute: kute li pali e tenpo monsuta!
jan isapela: toki ona la lon wile mi li lon nasin pana tawa ni.
toki ona la wawa pana mi li suli sama kasi.
mama mama apuwela: jan marijano li kama!
jan tolowesa: toki ona la mije wile mi li olin ante.
uta mi li pini!
mi kute e ona.
jan ispela: sina o kalama lili ala.
jan tolowesa: mi ken kute e ona.
mi ken kute sin!
jan miwapela: jan puno...
toki lon jan puno.
mi wile sona sin e jan puno.
o pana pi sona pona lon jan puno!
jan kamilo: o jo e lukin pona a!
ale: tenpo moku!
*ale li toki musi*
ale: mi toki ala lon jan puno! ala!
nimi ala lon ona!
Pepa: We don’t talk about Bruno. No!
We don’t talk about him.
I was becoming a bride.
Félix: I was becoming a husband!
Pepa: And I was starting to be happy. I’d dispelled all the clouds!
Félix: Only blue above.
Pepa: Concerning Bruno, the town becomes - -
Félix: Wild!
Pepa: Am I the storyteller or someone else?
Félix: Mi vida, I’m listening~
Pepa: He speaks. I know.
Félix: What did he want?
Pepa: Then the rain comes.
Félix: Stay, everyone. Get under the covers.
Pepa: The feelings become a hurricane!
Félix: Feelings of love. But remember!
Both: We don’t talk about Bruno. No!
We don’t talk about him!
Dolores: Everyone’s fear is the harmful words from Bruno.
I hear him. That knowing voice is in the air.
Hands, feets, and sand are moving.
Ah, ah, ah.
A given power differentiates the man.
Grandmother can’t know everything.
The future is wild, it doesn’t change, yet it changes.
What will change?
Camilo: Stringy man!
You bow to the deadly name.
It eats your dreams.
Many: We don’t talk about Bruno. No!
We don’t talk about him!
Fish Person: According to what he said, my fish died!
Large Person: According to what he said, my body become fat!
Priest: According to what he said, my hair disappeared.
Many: Listening creates a frightful time!
Isabela: According to what he said, my wanted life is on this given path coming.
According to what he said, my given power will grow like plants.
Abuela: Mariano’s coming!
Dolores: According to what he said, my wanted man will love differently.
My mouth will stay closed!
I hear him.
Isabela: Hey, you, not even a little sound.
Dolores: I can hear him.
I can hear anew!
Mirabel: Bruno...
Talking of Bruno.
I want to know new things about Bruno.
Give me good information about Bruno!
Camilo: Hey, put on a good look!
Everyone: Dinner time!
*Everyone sings*
Everyone: We don’t talk about Bruno. No!
No words about him!
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adhdo5 · 8 months
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Purchase today, at your whim, a 5.5"x8.5" watercolor or a classic Pencil Doodle On Graph Paper for a relatively small amount of US dollars
I WILL DRAW: your OC. Your TTRPG or Balding Gate or Minecraft Roleplay character. Your favorite guy from your shows as long as she won't get me killed. Robots to some extent. Minecraft guys. Creatures. Aliens. Furries/anthros. Gore/body horror. Love and endearment. Possibly more -- just ask!
I will send you any pictures that you request of the image, and if you buy a painting and feel like sending me your address+the shipping cost I'll mail the physical copy to you if you really wish
10% discount if you commission a StarCraft character, an SCP character, c!Ranboo, or c!Technoblade. sina toki pona tawa mi la sina kin li ken pana ala e mani pi mute sama a! (sona sama pi toki pona li lon anpa)
up to two characters, waist up only
proship shit, gore of minors, etc fuck off; no real people you don't know; no NSFW/fetish, sorry; reserve the right to refuse service for other discomfort
no resellage, no crypto/NFT/web3, keep my name ~roughly in vicinity, please negotiate any AI/ML use
tenpo lon la sina ken kama jo a e sitelen ni kepeken mani pi suli mute ala! sina ken esun e sitelen pi kule mute e sitelen pi kule ala kin. sitelen kule li lon lipu pi suli 5.5"x8.5"
mi ken sitelen e jan musi mute! sina musi toki la mi ken sitelen e jan musi sina! mi ken sitelen e jan soweli, e jan ilo, e jan monsuta; mi ken sitelen e olin; mi ken sitelen e pakala sijelo. kulupu esun o pakala ala e mi; wile sina o pakala ala e wile mi ni; ni tu li lon la mi ken sitelen e jan musi ale!
mi pini e sitelen ni la mi pana e sitelen ale pi wile sina kepeken ilo; sina wile jo e sitelen kule lon la o pana e sona pi ma sina e mani tawa ni
LAWA MI: mi wile ala sitelen ni: jan lili li kama pakala. kin, sina wile e sitelen pi jan lon la, ona o sona e ni: mi sitelen e ona. kin, mi wile ala sitelen e unpa. mi wile ala sitelen tan ijo ante la mi ken toki e ni li ken esun ala. o awen e sona pi nimi mi. o pana esun sin ala. o kepeken ala tawa nasin mani ike. sina wile pana e sitelen tawa ilo la o toki tawa mi lon open
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kulupumun · 3 years
tenpo pini la, mi toki e ni tawa jan pi pali tomo: "o pana e soweli tawa mi tan tomo pi soweli tawa." jan pali mi li sona ali e toki mi la, mi tawa tomo pi soweli tawa, li pona e soweli mi, li kepeken lon supa soweli. mi kute e kalama musi (sama sitelen alasa) lon weka. mi wile sona e ni tan jan pali: "tan seme jan li kalama musi e ni?" jan pali li sona ala. tan ona li kute ala e ni. lon lupa suli la, ona li wile sona e ni tan mi: "kepeken soweli la, sina tawa seme?" mi toki e ni: "mi sona ala e ni. mi tawa weka, mi tawa tan lon ni, mi tawa weka tan lon ni, taso. weka tan lon ni la, ni li nasin wan taso tawa pini wile." ona li wile sona e ni: "sina sona anu sona ala e pini wile sina?" mi pana e toki: "mi sona e pini wile mi: pini wile ni li weka-tan-lon-ni.” jan pali li toki e ni: "sina jo ala poki moku lon poka." mi pana e toki: "mi wile ala e poki moku. tawa suli li lon. mi kama jo ala e moku lon tawa mi la, mi kama moli. poki moku ken ala pona tawa mi. pona la, tan tawa pi suli monsuta li lon."
- Franz Kafka, Der Aufbruch
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phrootsnacks · 1 year
Spring Semester Language Study Plan 🌸
so... you wanna study four languages while taking 22 credits and doing extracurriculars, hm?
just me? ... ok
tbqh im a lil nervous for this coming semester, because my schedule was already busy and then it suddenly got busier, so... 
The gist of it is I’m going to focus on Spanish (because I have to) ((because I’m taking two Spanish classes this semester)), but also consistently review my other languages (Toki Pona, Arabic, and ASL). I can spare 10 - 30 minutes each day going thru flashcards, reviewing notes, and for Toki Pona writing a little bit. Then, on the weekends, I’ll take more time to learn new content and to practice speaking, listening, reading, writing, signing, etc.
(as per, longish post so...)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- español
Ya tengo dos clases de español este semestre, y por eso voy a concentrarme en el español. Fuera de mis clases, quizás leyere este libro que recibí como un regalo de Navidad, Parallel Text Short Stories in Spanish...
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El libro contiene cuentos de autores diferentes y una traducción en cada dos páginas. No sé si tendré el tiempo para leerlo, pero si lo leo, voy a cubrir el lado ingles con una hoja de papel. 
Aparte de eso, hablé sobre mi problema con recordar palabras nuevas en mi publicación anterior. Entonces cuando encuentro una palabra nueva (en este libro o cualquier contexto), voy a escribirla y crear tarjetas. 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toki pona
tenpo pini la, suno ale la, mi sitelen e toki pona lon ilo Snapchat (mi sona ala e ni: nasin pi toki pona e nimi “Snapchat” a a a). ken la mi sitelen e toki pona lon ilo Tanpa? mi lukin e toki pona lon ilo Tanpa mi la, mi pilin pona. sona mi la, jan ante li pilin sama. mi wile toki e toki pona mute. taso, tenpo awen la ilo Siko li pana e monsuta tawa mi a a a. tenpo kama la, mi lukin kepeken ona.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- العربية
For Arabic, I really just need to learn more vocabulary and how to form sentences. I’m still going thru Arabic Khatawaat’s Arabic Language for Beginners playlist, as well as MSU library’s Elementary Arabic I textbook. As I mentioned in a previous post, I also have quite a lot of physical Arabic resources as well...
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I’ll be honest, the textbook A Textbook for Beginning Arabic Part One is kinda intimidating (what with it being so big and so red), so I’m supplementing with the book Arabic Verbs and Essentials of Grammar (which is much smaller lol). 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- American Sign Language
I’m still following Bill Vicars’ YouTube videos and taking notes as I go, and I might also make flashcards as I see fit. I’ve also started reading Introduction to American Deaf Culture by Thomas K Holcomb...
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Despite it being a textbook, it’s not dry or boring or difficult to read at all. I really appreciate the inclusion of art, poems, and personal stories. I’ve already learned a lot about both Deaf culture and hearing culture.
and that is all! let’s hope I make it thru the semester in one piece :,)
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jansegers · 5 years
TP Rhyme Dictionary
For toki pona songwriters and poets. mi_soweli | 2019
I have made a list of all rhyming words in toki pona. They are kind of randomly organised, but I tried to put words that rhyme better closer together. Enjoy!
a la ma ala kala utala pakala nasa alasa mama sama pana lawa tawa wawa kalama kama anpa nanpa apeja pimeja nena weka sina palisa insa linja ona pona sona noka poka lupa supa luka uta monsuta unpa
jan pan tan wan
e ale lape ante lete seme ike sike mije wile loje mute kute kule
en len sitelen ken kepeken kiwen awen open
li mi ni pi ali pali jaki kasi mani akesi meli seli soweli sewi kili lili nimi pini pipi kipisi moli poki toki monsi musi suli suwi
kin lukin sin nasin olin pilin sinpin
o jo ko laso taso waso namako walo jelo selo sijelo leko tenpo telo ijo ilo oko tomo suno
kon lon
mu pu tu anu kijetesantakalu lipu moku kulupu
esun mun
Please tell me if I have made a mistake!
#TokiPona #rhyme #kalama_sama #anno2019
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tissitpoispaita · 2 years
mi pali e sitelen tawa pi meli tonsi li toki e ni: "ni li suli ala: sina jo e len seme li seme lukin. sina toki e "mi meli" la, sina meli." ni la, jan wan li sitelen: "taso mi wile sona: seme li meli?" mi pilin pona a tan wile sona sina. mi o pana sona.
meli li suwi! meli li sewi! meli li pakala kama poka! meli li len ni pi tawa telo: sina pini e musi lon ilo pi pana telo li pana e len lon ma la, ilo pi kipisi kasi li kipisi e ona. meli li pilin ni: kon li tawa e linja noka sina. ilo pi kipisi kasi li meli kin.
meli li ni: tenpo suno pi kon tawa la, sina tawa lon poka tomo la kon li utala e sinpin sina. sina lukin ala lukin e sitelen tawa ni: kijetesantakalu li kama jo e ko suwi? ni li meli.
meli li wawa. meli li pali. sitelen tawa pi jan Pepi en jan Pinija li pona tawa meli. meli li kule. meli li kala soweli lon tawa telo suli. meli li sike suli lawa kiwen ala, meli li luka pakala pi jan pi pali kiwen. meli li uuuu! meli li aaaa! meli li laso loje walo li jelo laso ala.
sina esun e ijo kepeken ilo sona li kama sona e ni: tenpo pini la sina jo e ijo ni. ni li meli. meli li aaaa, meli li aaaaaaa. meli li ii-. tenpo ni la mi pana e telo pi pilin seli. ni li tan meli. meli li esun lipu ni: sina ken ala pini e ona. sina toki ala toki mute e sona pona tawa wile sona ni: jan ala li kute e ona? ni li lon la, ken la sina meli.
meli li ma!! meli li sewi!! sewi li meli pi olin meli!! meli li kon sewi. meli li mama e ijo. meli li moli e ijo. meli li ale. n. meli li lipu kasi. o uta e lipu kasi ni. tenpo ale la sina sona e meli tan ~ijo suli ni~: ~ijo suwi ni~: ~kon jan ona~. ~n~. o pona tawa ona! ni li suli a: meli li ijo ale tan sitelen lape monsuta nasa ona.
sina jo ala jo e wile sona?
based on this wonderful tiktok. i shortened it a little.
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toki awen pi jaki wawa kipisi lon toki pona
ma ni li toki… li kipisi pi kulupu toki… o lukin e ona!
ni li suli tawa mi: mi pana e toki ni. mi kulupu wawa tawa mi.
ma ni li ma pona ala… pali pona ala li awen lon ni… ijo pona ala li lon ni.
ijo lon ni li monsuta tawa mi li jaki tawa mi. toki ni li toki e monsuta.
monsuta li lon ma wan… ona li kama suli mute mute tawa lon insa… insa monsuta li lon ni… li jo e suli wan e selo wan li lon anpa mi.
tenpo sina la monsuta li lon. ni la tenpo sina li sama tenpo mi.
monsuta li pakala e sijelo li ken moli.
monsuta li pakala kepeken pana wawa.
ni taso la monsuta li ken pakala: sina ante mute e ma ni. o weka tan ma ni. ma ni o awen jo e jan ala.
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