#OBservation CLuB gAnG of THugS
sakis-sweets · 2 years
Hey could u write something about Mantaro and Budo that’s kinda shippey but also wholesome? 🥺
um yes definitely i can OMG
"Master!" Juku called, standing stiffly with his arms glued to his sides. "I regret to inform you that I did not bring the baton!"
Budo looked up from inspecting his observation mat. "Did you forget it? That's unlike you."
"Sorry, Master! I could not find it!"
"And you waited until we got down to the gardens to say anything?"
"I could not find the right time to speak up!"
Budo sighed. "First of all, um, at ease. I'll try to find it; Sho will oversee sparring until I get back."
Juku visibly relaxed and gave Budo a thumbs up. "Thanks, bro!"
Budo rolled his eyes, but smiled at the underclassman before leaving the garden. He was glad to have unique disciples like Juku in his club, even if Juku's interest in martial arts was mainly for performance purposes.
As he made his way back to his clubroom, Budo noticed something unusual. One of the Sports Club members seemed to be arguing with the gang of delinquents that always hung out by the incinerator. As Budo got closer, he recognized him as Mantaro Sashimasu, one of the freshmen. He was challenging the delinquents? Even Budo never did that - he didn't like to fight with weapons, and the delinquents always carried theirs. The chance that they'd fight dirty was too high. If someone didn't intervene, the kid would end up in the infirmary... so Budo obviously had to step in.
"Hey!" Budo called once he got close enough. "Is there a problem here, gentlemen?"
The leader of the delinquents turned his full attention to Budo, glaring daggers all the while. "Lay off, Masuta. This ain't your business."
"I'll decide what my business is, thank you." He looked to Mantaro and raised his eyebrows in query.
"I heard them talking about beating up those gyaru girls! I can't allow them to hurt innocent people!"
"Is that so?" Budo asked, turning his attention back to the delinquents.
"'Course not. He's full of shit."
"He's lying!" Mantaro insisted. "I heard it clearly!"
"Look, the kid doesn't have proof, so both of you fuck off. Or else."
"Or else what?" Budo asked, drawing himself up to his full height. "You'll come at me with the stick on your back? Try it - see how it works out for you." Budo knew it would be a hard fight - hopefully the delinquent leader would buy his bluff.
After an intense staredown, he took the bait. "Fuck off, already. And take the kid with you. I'll forget any of this happened."
"I'm glad we could be reasonable. Sashimaru, let's go."
"But Masuta-"
"Why don't we chat a little bit?" Budo gestured away from the group, his eyes urging Mantaro to go along.
The underclassman sighed. "Sure." He quietly followed Budo to a bench far enough away from other students that no one would overhear their conversation. "Are you really going to side with them? If we don't do anything, those girls will-"
"They'll be fine. I'm going to report this to the student council's enforcer and volunteer the services of my club to make sure nothing happens to them. Depending on what she says, we may even involve the faculty. Threats like this shouldn't be taken lightly."
"You mean... you believe me?"
"Of course I do! You're an upstanding student, and they're a bunch of thugs."
"But... why didn't you back me up there?"
"Do you see those weapons they always carry? You and I were both unarmed, two against five. It wouldn't have ended well. Besides, violence should always be a last resort. It's better to go the official route; they're equipped to handle stuff like this."
Mantaro looked at Budo, his eyes practically shining. "Wow, Masuta. You were already super strong, but you're really smart, too. I didn't think of any of that..." Mantaro dropped his head at that last statement. "I was really stupid back there, wasn't I?"
"Not at all," Budo said reassuringly. "You stood up to them on behalf of those who couldn't. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, that's the sort of thing I admire most."
Mantaro looked back up at Budo. "Y-You do?"
"There's nothing in this world more admirable than a strong sense of justice! If you weren't already in the Sports Club, you'd be a prime candidate for the Martial Arts Club."
Mantaro blinked. "You really think so?"
"Yeah! You'd be a great fit!" Budo noticed the longing in his eyes. "May I ask why you joined the Sports Club to begin with?"
Mantaro avoided Budo's gaze, smiling sheepishly. "Well, the leader said it would be the best path to self-improvement, and I believed in him. He's not wrong - I'm stronger and faster and healthier than I've ever been, but I still feel like a twig next to the rest of the guys. But I don't want to give up. I'm going to become the best version of me that I can be, and I'm going to fight for justice!"
Something changed in Mantaro's gaze. He stared off into the horizon, but with a determined smile on his face. His eyes never wavered for a second. Budo realized how clearly Mantaro saw his dreams as a guaranteed future, and also his conviction to make it happen. Something stirred within him; an emotion he hadn't felt in a long time. He was reluctant to let it take root, but maybe he didn't have a choice. But he couldn't even begin to unpack that right now. Instead, he cleared his throat and clapped Mantaro on the back, oblivious to the air being knocked out of his chest by the impact. "I think that's about the best thing I've ever heard anyone say. Who would I be to ignore a resolution like that? No hard feelings for staying in the Sports Club, but if you ever need a hand, I'll be there. Maybe not as a club member, but definitely as a friend."
Once Mantaro recovered from Budo's slap, he looked at him. "Friends? Us? Really?"
"Yeah! Is it so strange for two men with matching ideals to forge a bond of friendship for the sake of those ideals?"
Mantaro laughed a bit at Budo's grandiose language. "No, it's just that... I've looked up to you for some time now, but I never thought a master like you would ever notice some random guy from another club."
Budo smiled, raising one eyebrow. "I guarantee you, even if I hadn't helped you today, I would have noticed you sooner or later."
"Definitely." Budo stood up. "I better get back to my club. I have yet to solve the case of the missing baton."
"Do you need help with that?"
"No, no, I'll be fine. It won't be hard to find; it's not like it fell through the floor or anything. But hit me up on Kaobook sometime and we can train together, alright?"
"Uh... okay!"
"Great! Talk to you then!"
As Budo jogged away, hiding the blush creeping up his neck, Mantaro realized that in his utter elation, he'd forgotten to mention that he didn't have a Kaobook account.
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ace-t-fic · 3 years
Riverside Gryff’s
Phone fanifc be warned no grammar (I made the greaser au + plus any complaints about lily’s writing are based heavily off she was written I just added more on having a sister like petunia to it.)
The ear-piercing sound of glass shattering dulled in comparison to the loud chatter and Music, and that filled the room. But the workers heard it with a heavy sigh as one marked down another tally mark. That's the fifth one; it's only three days into the week. These kids brought in good business but Minerva thinks they’ll run her dry with all the replacements she has to order.
“I’m headed out!” Diana rushed tapping Severus on the shoulder. He only bid her half-assed goodbye before he finished tying up his apron. She was an elderly woman that handled the hard coffee crowd in the morning. By the time Severus clocked in half of the morning/afternoon crowd was beginning to rush out. They were replaced by the younger staff who could handle their own crowd— teenagers.
If there's one thing besides the teenagers, they hated about this place; it was working the floor. Sure the girls loved it and reveled in being next to the many teen sleazeballs that frequented it, but Severus did not. Weasley also downright hated it; the Spinner's End kids had no qualms about throwing him the harshest of nicknames. ‘Fire Crotch’ was a favorite of Severus'.
But Severus hated working the floor whenever any of the jocks down from the riverside visited. Especially when A bunch of spoiled jocks who thought they were thugs came in. Riverside Gryff’s etched across their backs on black leather. All they did was change from their letterman jackets on the way over. They never did anything but bully and abuse lesser people than them. On the other hand, Severus knew true thugs that would stab you in the gut for anything.
"Whatcha thinking in that pretty little head there?"
"All the self-defense moves my mother taught me to ward off men like you." He stated boardely before grabbing at his notepad "What will it be, Potter."
"The in-between Sundae."
"The hell is that? Severus said before reaching under the counter to grab a hold of one of the menus. "We don't have that here."
"Sure you do" James started, a sultry smile gracing his lips as he leant halfway over the counter."Just give me a bottle of whipped cream and spread ya legs-"
"You never know when to shut up, give up and move on," Severus hissed. Briefly eyeing the patron over giving them disapproving looks.
"Of course I don't. I've seen you in my leather jacket."He smirked, leaning closer on the bar." and out of it."
"Excuse me!" Snipped a customer causing Severus to jump-start and remember he's at work, hitting customers is not in the business model.
God, he really hated life sometimes, more so when he took into account that lily was probably the worst friend he's ever picked up. Realistically she roped him into more trouble than his short run with Lucius. She was his best friend but they all were too fucked in their childhoods in too many ways.
They met in church, and he lived on to see her try as hard as possible to shake the notion that she was square. She wanted to rock and sing blues in midnight clubs. Ask Severus, and he'd tell you he had always thought she was jealous of his sister in that way. Petunia, as much as a devil, still managed to garner her family's love while she was sneaking out from the back porch with a cigarette in her pocket and Vernon waiting in a cab a couple of blocks down. At one point she had roped Lily into being her secret keeper.
Lily always folded under pressure and being a square for the rest of her life crisped the edges. So much so that she got involved with the crowds at the riverside. Severus would've never seen it coming with their separate schools and incomes between them. That was until he started shadowing her in town and movie theaters. They went to a dollar movie that day. Abbott and Costello and Severus stood there awkwardly with three other girls who called em'selves goldies. They got into their seats, and it was fine but it seemed like they were making a fuss over nothing and throwing popcorn around. They kept glancing to the side of them and that was when he had noticed a group of three dudes sitting a couple of seats down and to the side.
It got to the point where it was irking Severus just enough for him to take a glance at what exactly put the girls in a frenzy. Got his answer as an equally irked Potter rolled his head up to glance in their direction. He had remembered him of course, preacher's son and an asshole that spent Sunday school telling Severus that since he was a bastard he'd be going to hell. Now he's a thug that keeps staring even as Severus turns his head coming to terms with not getting to watch the movie.
Even when it had finished and Severus retreated to the bathroom to wash his hands an amused James slid past him with a mumbled apology. It got even worse from there when he got his slug from a neighbor who passed and was the designated driver. Finally, it ended with a bonfire on the lake. Lily had gotten ahead of herself in strip poker and Severus was there with his shirt to save her when she went prancing along the lake. The night ended with both of them soaked and a little worse for wear.
Once the hysteria passed and lights in the lodge filled with the teens, Severus had sat on the pier miserable. James plopped beside him and his jacket heavy on his shoulder now that he was shirtless. The whole thing was weird, the atmosphere changing and stretching uncomfortably whenever they were in the same Vicinity together. Didn't stop Severus from leading him back to his car, though. When Lily had found them a few drunken words and curses later Severus had tried his hardest to drag her home. A moment later they were both found in a tree.
Severus is a little irritated to wake up and find the preacher looming over his hospital bed in prayer with his mother. A letterman jacket sitting on the seat beside him.
"How's Lilly darling," Trelawney asked, fumbling with the register.
"She's good, doing much better in the silent towns. Reckons she'll visit for the summer."
"Oh, sweet girl. Shame that DUI, these gangs they got themselves into, gold ladies and whatnot. In my day I would've been dealt with, with! a wooden spoon. "She chattered grabbing a few bills before jampacking the drawer closed." You be careful with these lot, charming boys aren't passaged to paradise." Before making her way back to the table she was servicing.
"Full of shit, that one." He heard a voice mumble near him. "Untouched and a nail-biter." Severus’s hands clenched to hide his nails before glaring at the curly-haired boy.
"Oh come on, I'm not talking about you."
"Then why make observations pertaining to me." Severus seethed, abruptly reopening the register. "Well, it's adorable when you do it-"
"Piss off," He said before going back down the bar.
His night only got worse as 4 more glasses were broken and a fight broke out. A drink knocked over and a wet shirt later with stains on his jeans had him reeling for a day off. And when clean up was said and done Minerva locked up the gates and he saw Arthur off on the bus he waited under his spotlight.
"Your shirt is a little wet there, need a change?"
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randomfandomasks · 4 years
Mafiaswap General Headcanons
I headcanon that Mafiaswap and Mafiafell are actually clones that were created by a Mafia Group. This Mafia group wanted to use the clones to defeat the Mafiatale Family, but instead they create the most friendly Mafia group, and the most dangerous Mafia group. The Mafiafell clones killed them.
This Mafia family is the friendliest Mafia Group that you'll ever meet.
While they are still a criminal Organization, and they do commit crimes.
They are the only Mafia Group that works very close together with the Police.
The Mafiaswap Family gives them information  about the other Mafia Groups, and the police close their eyes at their crimes.
This Mafia Family protects their protecting areas, even heavier than the Mafiatale Family. They are willing to give  a bodyguard to everyone who lives or works in those areas.
They are stealing from the rich, and give to the people in need. But they only steal from people that are greedy with their money. They steal their money and donate it for charitable foundations.
They also hack the charitable foundations to check if the donations get where they should go. If they do then they protect those foundations, and even donate themselves. But if they don´t, then they steal the money, and make sure that it does arrive where it should arrive. And they also make sure that the public knows that.
They do deal with Monster food, medicine, chemicals, and Monster drugs, but only weed, and only to those that really need them because of their medical conditions. ( Monster drugs, alcohol and Cigarettes work different than human drugs does. They are less harmful for their health.) But they do not deal with weapons or ammo since they do not really need them. No one in the family uses guns, most of them either use magic or knives. 
While they are very friendly, and do not like violence at all. Do not underestimate them if you hurt their family members you are going down. But it is rare for them to use violence usually their only threaten (or warn) someone. Killing or hurting others is their last option.
Lady Toriel is the boss of this Family. She and Asogre are not divorced here. They live happily together with their four children. (Asriel, Frisk, Chara and Monster Kid). While Lady Toriel is a very gentle and kind soul, she takes her job very serious, and she is very stern if someone is unnecessarily violent. She is also very hardworking, and she often overworks herself. Since she is so busy she often doesn´t have time to hang out with her family or friends, but once in a while she gives herself a few free days when she takes her time to hang out with her family, her friends and to bake a Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie. Usually she wears a black dress, she only wears her black, white suit at formal meetings with other Mafia Gangs/Families.
Asgore loves gardening he grows flowers, vegetables, herbs and weed...but he doesn´t smoke. He also helps Toriel with her paperwork and finances, so that she doesn´t overwork herself. Besides that he mostly takes care of his garden and the house. He hangs out with their children, he cooks, he cleans the house (sometimes together with one of his kids). His cooking is not as good as Toriels, but it is still good. But his tea, and his coffee are fantastic. He often brings Toriel lunch when she´s really busy. He is a great dad and husband.
Asriel is a real gentleman...gentlegoat...gentlemangoat. He is charming, friendly and very sweet. He is this kind of person that is too late for school or work, but he would still help an old grandma to cross the street or save a kitten from the tree. Every time he brings food, clothes, medicine and so on to the Orphanage, retirement home, hospitals and so on (together with either his siblings or Papyrus), every single time people are happy to see him. Especially the old people like him. He also helps his dad a lot.
Chara prefers to work in the back scene. They are helping with the food, and since they love drawing themselves they buy and donate pens, paper and so on. They are the one that help their dad the most, they help him with the garden (sometimes they steal some weed), cooking and cleaning the house. Sometimes they go together with Frisk or Papyrus to pick some supplies from Muffet or Grillby.
Frisk on the other is also more or less at the front line when it comes to help people. They are also the one that goes to a meeting together with Toriel. They are very diplomatic, and very strong with words. Since they are also slightly intimidating they often threaten people when it is needed. Also, they and MK are the ones that love training with Alphys. They also quicker to use violence than the others...especially if someone talks dirt about her adoptive family or her friends they do not hesitate to use violence, which is why they are not allowed to go anywhere alone. It is not because the family is worried about them, the family is actually more worried about the other Mafia families or other thugs. While they are very friendly they are also very protective of the people they love and care about. And they are very stoic which does makes a lot of people feel uneasy.They are also one of the reason why the other Mafia Groups are actually afraid of them, otherwise there would be probably a lot more random fights/wars between them and the other Mafias. 
MK (Monster Kid) is the youngest of them all. They are still a teenager and haven´t finished school yet. Toriel usually does not allow them to help the family in any way, but recently she let them go together with Asriel and Frisk. They are trying their best at school, and they actually want to go study chemistry or science because they are a big fan of Undyne.  Besides that they also enjoy training with Alphys, and playing with the kids at the Orphanage. 
Undyne is the scientist, and she makes the medicine and the chemicals. She also works together with Napstaton, they are the hackers that to a lot of work. Undyne loves her job, and she works a lot. She still takes a few breaks to watch Anime. 
Alphys works together with Papyrus, Napstaton, Sans and sometimes Asriel and/or Grillby joins them as bodyguards and the fighters. Technically they are more of the squad that intimidates other thugs. But they are also the ones that are protecting the ones that are getting threaten by other Mafia groups. But Alphys herself also trains new recruits (And Frisk and MK too). She also is often the that has to keep an eye on Frisk, and the one that protects Lady Toriel (and Frisk) at the meetings. She is very observant, and has quick reflexes. But she is also surprisingly kind, and she sometimes also helps Asriel to bring stuff to orphanages, the kids also love her. Although she is more of an Animal magnet.
Napstaton helps Undyne with the hacking jobs, is a bodyguard, a fighter, and he intimidates thugs. He does a lot of work, but he enjoys it. He also loves music, and makes his own. His music is very loved, and he also sells them. He has his own clubs where he plays his music, and sells it. He also organizes a lot of events like parties. Napstaton lives together with Mettablook.
Mettablook is a singer, and he sings at every club that belongs to Napstaton (and him). But he also collects information it is much easier for him being a ghost and a celebrity at once. 
Sans is the one that works together with the police. He is their working partner. He and his brother are the robbers, but they are very wholesome robbers. When they steal from the rich they only steal money, maybe some earrings or necklaces. It often depends on the person that they steal from, and how greedy this person is. Sans is very fast and not only in a fight.
Papyrus is very hardworking. He basically double-checks any information that they get from Mettablook, Napstaton and Undyne. Sometimes he doesn´t sleep for a few days. He and Sans also have to pick up a lot of things from Grillby and Muffet. He is also somewhat of a babysitter for the kids. Sometimes he makes sure that MK arrives safely at their school and back home, he often works together with Asriel and sometimes Frisk, and if he also is Chara bodyguard.
Gaster is not a scientist here. He is a driver (he basically switches with River person). But he is a damn good driver. Every time they either have to flew from their enemies or the police he is the strongest. He is more of an engineer and car mechanics. And the best thing is that he actually has the time now to hang out with his sons more.
Grillby and Muffet don´t really change much. Grillby does join them in a fight, and he goes on a few jobs with Sans and Papyrus. And Muffet does not poison people. 
And also the clothes change a bit more. I´d say that this family is way more casual they usually only wear their beautiful black, white suits at formal meetings.
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multiverseforger · 4 years
Tumblr media
Brock Rumlow led the Savage Crims gang on New York City's Lower East Side, during which time, he assaulted fifteen-year-old Rachel Leighton and fought Rachel's two brothers, killing the elder brother. Rumlow fled, entering Taskmaster's school for criminals, within three years becoming an instructor under the name Bingo Brock.[2]
As a mercenary, Rumlow enlisted with Albert Malik, the communist Red Skull, in Algeria, serving the Red Skull under the name Frag until he was sent to invade Arnim Zola's Switzerland chateau; Rumlow was ultimately the only team member to survive the assault. There, he also met and impressed, Johann Schmidt, the original Nazi Red Skull, who accepted Brock's services and code-named him as "Crossbones".[2]
The true Red Skull sent Crossbones to observe Baron Helmut Zemo's progress acquiring the Bloodstone fragments and to obtain them.[3][4] He stowed aboard��Captain America's flagship, and entered Zemo's ship to steal the Bloodstone fragments. He overpowered Diamondback, and shot a crossbow bolt that coupled with Captain America's shield. Crossbones was forced to shatter the Bloodstone fragments when the alien entity known as the Hellfire Helix used it to take control of Baron Heinrich Zemo's body; the destruction of the Bloodstone discorporated the Hellfire Helix.[5] Knowing that his master would be infuriated by the Bloodstone's loss, Crossbones kidnapped Diamondback to Madripoor as bait for Captain America. He challenged Captain America to retrieve Diamondback, but the Captain defeated him, although Diamondback escaped, and the Red Skull ordered Crossbones to desist and return to headquarters.[6] The Red Skull then ordered him to retrieve the Controller after the Controller's breakout from the Vault.[7] With the Machinesmith, Crossbones investigated the Red Skull's disappearance.[8]
Crossbones assembled the Skeleton Crew from the Red Skull's henchmen and led them on a search for the Red Skull, who had been missing since Magneto imprisoned him in an underground bunker.[9] They battled the Black Queen and her Hellfire Club mercenaries.[10] Crossbones enlisted the aid of psychic Tristam Micawber to locate the Red Skull. Upon finding his master, Crossbones took the Red Skull to Skullhouse for convalescence.[11]
He next attended AIM's weapons exposition.[12] He battled Daredevil during a failed assassination attempt against the Kingpin.[13] He battled Bullseye during Bullseye's failed assassination attempt against the Red Skull.[14] He battled Captain America again and was defeated.[15] He later recounts how he met the Red Skull.[16] The Red Skull assigned him to discover who killed the Red Skull's spare clone bodies.[17] Alongside the Skeleton Crew, he battled the Schutzheilligruppe in an attempt to rescue the Red Skull but was captured.[18] He was rescued from the Schutzheilligruppe's custody by Arnim Zola's fake Avengers.[19] Crossbones was eventually fired for questioning the Red Skull's decision to ally himself with the Viper.[20]
Desperate to regain his position as leader of the Skeleton Crew, Crossbones kidnapped Diamondback, imprisoning in an abandoned subway station and forced into a brutal regime of combat training.[volume & issue needed] Crossbones believed that he had brainwashed Diamondback into betraying Captain America, but Diamondback was actually laying a trap for Crossbones.[volume & issue needed] Diamondback stole samples of Captain America's blood from the Avengers' mansion, then accompanied Crossbones to the Red Skull's mountain fortress.[volume & issue needed] The two were captured and imprisoned, and the Red Skull rehired Crossbones on a temporary basis.[volume & issue needed] He was later attacked by Cutthroat, the Skeleton Crew's new leader, who feared that Crossbones will try to take back his position as the Red Skull's right-hand man.[volume & issue needed] Crossbones killed Cutthroat, never realizing that Cutthroat was actually Diamondback's older brother.[volume & issue needed] Crossbones later stabbed Diamondback during Diamondback's escape attempt, only to later save with a blood transfusion in order to use as bait.[volume & issue needed] He was critically wounded by flying shrapnel during an assault on the fortress by Captain America and the Falcon, and imprisoned.[volume & issue needed]
Imprisoned in the Raft when Electro breaks the inmates out, Crossbones was seen fighting Captain America and Spider-Man. Spider-Man kicked Crossbones in the face, knocking him out.[21]
After he escaped from prison, Crossbones became a mercenary and assassin for a number of organizations, until he was rehired by the Red Skull who was later apparently assassinated by the Winter Soldier.[volume & issue needed] Crossbones and his new lover, Synthia Schmidt (the Red Skull's daughter), began hunting Aleksander Lukin, the Winter Soldier's commander.[volume & issue needed] They plotted to crash a stolen World War II era plane into the new Kronas Headquarters in London, only to have their plane destroyed by the Red Skull's Sleeper robot.[volume & issue needed] While they escape the destruction of the plane, they found Agent 13, and are about to kill Sharon Carter, only to be stopped by the Red Skull's appearance.[volume & issue needed] They begin working with Red Skull/Lukin whose minds both share Lukin's body.[volume & issue needed]
Following the Civil War storyline, Captain America's Anti-Registration heroes surrendered to Iron Man's Pro-Registration heroes.[volume & issue needed] While being led from Federal Courthouse, Captain America was shot in the shoulder by Crossbones taking the Red Skull's orders.[volume & issue needed] Crossbones tries to escape in a helicopter but was tracked by the Falcon and the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier then beat Crossbones into unconsciousness, while Crossbones simply laughed. Falcon then turned Crossbones over to S.H.I.E.L.D. custody.[volume & issue needed]
In Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America, Wolverine, along with Daredevil and Doctor Strange, broke into S.H.I.E.L.D. to interrogate Crossbones and threatened to kill him. Crossbones revealed no knowledge of his hiring by the Red Skull. Wolverine left him a bloody mess on the floor after being convinced by Daredevil to spare his life.[22]
S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Tony Stark arranged for Professor X to scan Crossbones' mind for information, but Professor X found that someone had erased several parts of his memory in order to prevent such a scan.[volume & issue needed] Sin and a new incarnation of the Serpent Squad have broken Crossbones free of S.H.I.E.L.D. custody.[volume & issue needed] They then capture the Winter Soldier when confronting Lukin to find out a relationship with the Red Skull.[volume & issue needed]
When Sin and the Serpent Squad attacked the Senate Building, Bucky Barnes arrived as the new Captain America. After battling and injuring many of the Squad, Crossbones attacked Barnes. After a brutal fight in which Crossbones launched Barnes out of the building. Bucky was saved by the Natalia Romanova's intervention, and Bucky shot Crossbones several times in the chest. The gravely wounded Crossbones was then taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody once again.[volume & issue needed]
At the start of the Heroic Age event, Crossbones has become a member of the new Thunderbolts team formed in the aftermath of Siege.[23] Government agents, working with Luke Cage, add Crossbones to the team knowing that he cannot be reformed, hoping that his extreme methods will alienate the other Thunderbolt members and push them towards rehabilitation.[24] During the team's first mission, Crossbones was exposed to corrupted Terrigen Mists;[25] during the events of Shadowland, Crossbones manifested the ability to fire a powerful, piercing beam of energy from his face, theorizing that this ability originates from his exposure to the Terrigen mists. He uses this ability to murder a police officer.[26] Fearing that the Thunderbolts are close to being disbanded following Cage's decision to leave, Crossbones attempted to escape alongside Ghost and Juggernaut. During the attempt, Crossbones used his new ability to fight the unsuspecting Steve Rogers. Crossbones was defeated and discharged from the Thunderbolts, after Ghost revealed his murder of the police officer.[27] Crossbones is shown incarcerated in a padded cell wearing a straitjacket, apparently no longer able to use his energy beam.[28]
During the Fear Itself storyline, Crossbones was constantly harassed while he was behind bars, because he was both a former Thunderbolt member and a neo-nazi. Shortly after when he was being beaten up by more thugs, Juggernaut unintentionally causes a break out in the prison facility called the Raft. Man Mountain Mario (the cousin of Man Mountain Marko) helps defend Crossbones from the thugs. While the two of them were trying to escape, Mario told Crossbones about his grandma who helps criminals leave the border. Crossbones manages to escape and returns the favor by killing Mario to help with his escape.[29] He confronts some of the former Avengers Initiative members in New Jersey after he escapes the Raft. He fights Gravity, Frog-Man, Geiger, Scarlet Spiders, and Firestar. When he's surrounded, he tosses a grenade at Gravity but Geiger catches it and is seriously injured, creating an easy distraction for him to escape.[30]
During the Ends of the Earth storyline, Crossbones was seen in one of Doctor Octopus' facilities. Sabra fights past some Octobots until Crossbones shoots Sabra.[31]
Crossbones later appears as a member of HYDRA who are planning to spread poisonous blood extracted from an Inhuman boy named Lucas. He fights Sam Wilson as the new Captain America on Bagalia. Just as he was about to kill Wilson, he is defeated by Misty Knight who was undercover at that moment.[32] He is later defeated by Wilson when he attacks a HYDRA base located on Florida.[33]
During the Avengers: Standoff! storyline, Crossbones was an inmate of Pleasant Hill, a gated community established by S.H.I.E.L.D. When Steve Rogers was at the Pleasant Hill Bowling Alley trying to reason with Kobik, Crossbones attacks Rogers. Before Crossbones can kill Rogers, Kobik's powers de-age Rogers back to physical prime, which allows the Captain to defeat Crossbones.[34] In the aftermath of the events at Pleasant Hill, Crossbones founds a new version of HYDRA with the Red Skull and Sin.[35]
During the Secret Empire storyline, Crossbones appears as a member of the Army of Evil and took part in the attack on Manhattan in retaliation for what happened at Pleasant Hill.[36] Crossbones and Sin are shown to be in charge of a super-prison that was established by Hydra. Their super-prison was raided by the Underground in their mission to free their captive friends.[37]
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jiminuets · 4 years
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when my boy casper (26) first came to new york, he met a bunch of disasters and gathered them all into some sort of misfit friend group. some of them might have shared a flat for a while, some might still. they all have low ratings or are in the process of improving their ratings, as they are on the fringe of society in some way: as outcasts, shunned citizens, criminals, or simply just looked down upon and forgotten. they acknowledge the power of the rating system, but it doesn’t mean they all adhere to it or care for climbing back up to the top at all after all they’ve been through. while some of them might be working to improve their ratings just for a better living standard, they’re a group that has little regard for the fakeness of the system. they are close to one another because they all act real and can’t hide their bs from each other. they don’t try to pretend they are something they are not (most of the time).
i rly want them to like scam some people too lmao 👀
find me on the site discord (i’m zay) if you’re interested!
i’m loosely basing the archetypes off characters from the show misfits, but you don’t have to have seen it or strictly follow anything! just giving u some ideas info and inspo below. gender and ages can vary but everyone should be 23/24+
the alisha: played by casper boo. used to be a big partier and heavy drinker to forget the woes of his past, which drove him to new york. likes feeling needed and desired. craves touch, but is afraid of intimacy after heartbreak. guarded and acts aloof but he cares deeply. uses adult ent as a means to improve his ratings rapidly and make money to go back to college for his master’s degree and hopefully get a successful job. appears two-faced and mysterious, like a big gamer of a system which has failed him. 
the nathan: reserved for naomi. acts like a clown with no direction or aim in life. treats life as a joke and just wants to laugh it up to the fullest. prone to screwing up everything always no matter how hard they try. has no filter whatsoever and kind of liked riling people up for entertainment and watching them crack. has a petty criminal past. def loves their cons and practical jokes. kinda dumb. in the show nathan had the power of immortality, so they live very indulgently with little regard for anyone except this group of outcasts that are the closest thing to a home they’ve ever had.
the curtis: was super popular before having a fall from grace with a really huge scandal. like steroids and drugs for an athlete as an example. unlike the rest of the misfits, the curtis desires nothing more than to reclaim their spot at the top, however unachievable that is as their spotlight has fallen to someone else. they’ve been ousted from their career path/domain and not welcomed back. probably the fakest of all of the members because they cannot confront the lie they’ve been telling themselves about being perfect. and no one except casper really understands why they would want to return to such fakery and flattery. has a cocky sort of attitude. doesn’t like displaying how much they truly care about people and things, bottles things up. in the show, curtis had the power to rewind time, so this character is full of a lot of regret and sort of despair deep down.
the kelly: reserved for sahara. has probably always had a low rating since they were first registered due to being poor and their parents being unsavory characters. perfectly capable and smart, but unable to get out of the rut. bitter and angry bc of the system that seems immobile and unforgiving. might be looked at as a bit of a thug. has problems with aggression and vulgar, candid speech. aches to be at the top, but has probably given up on living the dream so they just pretend and take from others what they feel they deserve. in the show, kelly had the power to hear people’s thoughts, so this character is really self conscious about how everyone sees them.

the simon: observant but often overlooked by everyone around them. nothing remarkable so they slide off the radar. probably bullied in school for just looking or dressing like a weirdo. considered a freak. easily teased. meek and shy and quite naïve. wants to be powerful and feel some semblance of control but it aint ever gonna happen bub. probably a little weasel the gang always has to take care of. some are kind of awful to them but they’re just happy to have a couple of people who seem to enjoy their company. and call “home.” in the show simon had the power of invisibility and he tried to set someone’s house on fire??? which ought to speak for itself huh. little creeper.
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silverquillsideas · 6 years
My thoughts on the ending of banana fish
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Banana Fish ended on the 20th, and then onward, a lot of posts have been made regarding the ending and what people thought about it. I’ve seen mostly negative posts, where fans were openly hostile to the ending and I get where they are coming from. There was the occasional positive response, and I understand their views too.
My stand on BF and whether the ending was justified falls on the grey area. I tend to oscillate between hating the ending, and liking it for being a powerful, emotional, and haunting experience. Why can’t I decide? Because I’ve got questions I just can’t justify in my head. I can’t come to a reasonable conclusion because of the loose ends that I feel were left in the manga by the author.
This is not meant to be an emotional rant, please bear in mind. I finished the manga back in July, and I’ve had months to ponder over these questions, and reached no conclusion.
Hence, I’ll just place the specific issues I personally had, and hope that, I’ll eventually figure out why it was created the way it was.
I’ll divide this post in 3 parts :
1. The events leading up to Ash’s death
2. Ash’s choice to die
3. The role that other characters played, and why the author chose to ignore their “fates” if you will, and only deemed it necessary for ash to meet his end in that way
I’d like to thank @angofwords, @lynxash @yoru-no-gaspard @ash-callenreese @saishii , with whom I discussed this over months, and finally @shu-kaku, who practically kicked me in the butt to get me to write this post, because I wouldn’t shut up about the  arguments :’D 
Also, to @zaenaris and @soso1777, my replies have been abysmally late, but here is what I had planned to say in response to you both.
The battle at Mannerheim’s institution finished with Dino, Foxx and Mannerheim dying. Blanca, Sing, Ash, Cain, and all the gang members return safely, with few casualties on their side.
Afterwards, there were clearly two days before the manga ended : Day 1 , where Sing confronted Yut Lung, and Ash and Blanca talked in the park.
Day 2 : where Eiji leaves for Japan, Sing gives Ash the letter, Ash gets stabbed, the story comes to an end.
My question is regarding the behaviors of the characters in these two days, or rather, how Yoshida-sensei chose to write them.
Firstly, Sing Soo Ling, the very competent gang leader, who knew that his brother, hell bent on hating Ash for being a “monster who killed Shorter” and apparently on the mission to “harm Sing” , was missing, never once thought of tracking him down? Provided he had two days at hand? Sing had cleared his animosity with both Ash and Yut Lung, and I’m pretty sure, as a gang leader, he had conveyed both these details to his underlings. Therefore, it’s unlikely, that Lao, could NOT have heard it from at least one person in the gang (even if he was not a part of it anymore, I’m sure he had people close to him), if not from Sing directly. Lao was the only family member Sing had in the Chinese gang, so it seems a very far stretch that he would not have made any effort to get him back in the ring.
Ignoring the above question, assuming Sing was very busy, or the question escaped his mind, my second problem, Lao Yen Tai.
He was under the impression that Ash was a deadly enemy to Sing. His goal : kill Ash anyhow, even if he died in the process, so that Sing could be saved.
So, on that day, he followed Ash around (there is no other way he could have known Ash was at the library)
This is him spying on Ash and Sing talking in the reading room : 
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Ash and Sing then went outside, and argued loudly for sometime. Lao, of course, followed them, and saw Sing and Ash yelling at each other. Sing ran away, very much unharmed, and alive, after yelling at Ash Lynx’s face. Lao saw the whole thing.
So, my question is, Lao DID NOT come out of nowhere, he was observing the whole exchange. If Ash Lynx was bent on killing Sing, or fighting him one on one, he had plenty of room to do so, but he didn’t. so, why didn’t Lao, go after his brother, and try to clarify the situation before going at Ash on a suicide mission? The excuse that he was “scared and confused and wanted to protect Sing” breaks down here. Logically speaking, Lao should have followed Sing, instead of going at Ash with a dagger. But Yoshida mysteriously chose to overlook this.
Third question : the blatant disregard for reality, in the following situations :
1 A gunshot going off, no one comes to investigate
2 Ash drips blood all over the staircase and goes back to the reading room 
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No one notices
3 A human being bleeds out, sitting in a chair, in what I’m assuming is the Rose Reading room of the NYPL, which is very much NOT CARPETED and no one notices the blood (~3 to 4 L of bleeding is needed for an average human to collapse and die) in fact, in the screenshot I see, there is NO BLOOD, running out on the floor, not even a single splotch. 
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Very interesting choice on both the author’s and animators’ parts
4 Also, since the anime time-line is the present day, I’m assuming there will be stuff like surveillance cameras present, so, my question is, what were the security people doing?
The readers are expected to keep the sense of reality suspended for all of the above points.
First off, I’m a staunch believer, that Ash wasn’t suicidal, and that he didn’t actively go out and seek situations that would put him at risk of dying. I don’t know how the fandom views him as, but to me, Ash is an extremely resilient human being, and he wouldn’t give up his life just like that unless something major was at stake.
Ash says in ep 13, at the pier, that “there were times I felt that death would be a better option than what I was going through at those moments”
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This is not the statement of someone who was trying to give up his life willingly, but only considering that choice under extreme situations. Ash had gone through a lot, more than any one of us, and especially me, who has had zero experience of depression or CSA or trauma of that nature, can fathom. And of course, there were times he felt that death would end his suffering, but also, he had a strong desire for survival and freedom from all that he was going through, and the goal to get revenge on those who had wronged him. 
In Angel Eyes, he says this to Shorter, and I think that’s proof enough of how Ash was ready to bend his horrible destiny to his favour and survive whatever he was going through. 
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With all of that out of the way, I’ll point out the reasons which (according to me), served as his reasons to choose to die:
Why Ash did not seek medical help/call out to someone : Ash’s legal status was still that of a criminal, a gang leader, and whatever might have been his reasons for committing those crimes (ie -for survival), the law wouldn’t see him as anything but that.
The reason Blanca prevents him form going after Eiji to the hospital after he is shot, is precisely this :
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There would be too many questions about who he was, what he did, etc, and invariably, the police would’ve been called on him by the hospital staff, since he was technically being treated for a potential homicidal would (a stab to the abdomen). Ash would’ve been questioned by the staff, asked for records, etc. If the police got involved, he’d have been taken into custody after being recognised. Even if Jenkins and Charlie stood up for him, and his status as a victim in the Club Cod trials was taken into account, Ash would not have been able to escape some sort of legal penalty, imprisonment or otherwise.
On further questioning, the names of his accomplices, ie, Eiji, Blanca, Max, even Sing, would come into the light. That was a mess I’m sure Ash wanted to avoid.
Any sort of contact with legal or law enforcement was a big no no in Ash’s current situation, and remember that the police were already looking for Ash at that time, and how Eiji refused to give them his location.
Let’s assume that Ash goes to the hospital / is taken there by people who saw him bleeding out, and he is eventually tried for his crimes. His case is widely publicised, since he is the biggest witness/victim in the Club Cod case. The Corsican foundation was still active, and Ash Lynx was still a successor of Dino Golzine, who had previously bought legal custody of Ash from the state of New York, which means, Ash’s identity as A J Callenreese, was no longer valid. The Corsican hotshots would still come after him, one day or the other, in order to go after Dino Golzine’s empire.
I’m excluding petty gang violence from being a threat to Ash, since at this point, all the major street gangs of NYC were Ash’s allies.
The Govt officials being tried by the court were also potential enemies. Club cod trials would mean more exposure of the politicians, more risk of Ash being the target of thugs or assassins in revenge (like it happened before with Kippard, where he sent the female assassin after Ash in the hospital)
Considering all of this, it’s obvious to me why he didn’t want to drag his life on, especially after the stabbing was done.
A more poetic explanation would be : to keep Eiji safe. It’s needless to elaborate. Ash had already made up his mind that he would remove himself from Eiji’’s life altogether, since he couldn’t risk putting Eiji in the position where they would have to look behind their backs all their lives, or be on the run, or worse still, his enemies tracking back to his friends, including, Eiji, Max, Sing, (or even Blanca), to hold them as leverage to get back at Ash. 
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Yes, I do agree that his decision was majorly influenced by this wish to keep Eiji safe, forever, by choosing to get himself out of the picture, but only because he was put into the place of choosing in the first place by the author. 
I don’t agree with stuff like destiny, or fate, or paying for your actions because of a mysterious force in the universe decided so, because all of those are apt for ballads and fairy-tales, not real life. The above were reasons I could come up under realistic settings. In an ideal black and white worlds, all crimes are punished and all wrong doings are judged fairly, but not in the world we live in , and certainly not in Banana Fish’s world, where the “good guys” paradoxically suffer much more than the “bad guys”.
I’ll also don’t agree with Yoshida on Ash having to “pay for his crimes, as he had blood on his hands, so he had to die” mindset that she allegedly had. If that logic is applied, then I don’t see why she applied it selectively to Ash and not to Banca, Yut Lung, or Sing or any other person involved in gang life.
Instead of that, I’ll see Ash’s death as his choice, and his alone, not because he had to pay, but because he had decided to let go of all this continuous tug of war with his life and end it on his own terms. I don’t think Ash would’ve liked to suffer alone, all his life, in imprisonment by the state (if he was caught), or being held captive by another Golzine/Foxx wannabe.
I respect and agree with his choice, even if it’s not possible for us to ever know for sure why he did it.
The best possible outcome for Ash’s story, as I see it, would be taking up Blanca on the offer, or at least, if not go to Caribbean, then let Blanca provide him means to remain in NYC in a safer way.
Blanca is an anomaly in Yoshida’s world. He’s the only person who mysteriously remains alive, despite being an assassin, and committing perhaps even more crimes than Ash. He not only escapes his work related enemies, but the entire USSR (during 1980s) and manages to remain under an alias/ second identity. He escaped from the Kremlin, and its ruthless organization, the KGB 
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If living such a double life is possible in Yoshida’s world, then why did the author not find a similar way out for Ash? It looks a feasible option to me at least.
Second comes Yut Lung. His situation is made prey clear in the manga. The whole fiasco with Banana Fish was cleared up, the Lees died, Yut Lung got his revenge, and struck up a potential friendship / truce with Sing. It’s made clear that he repented his decisions to go after Eiji, or to get Ash to acknowledge his worth as a rival, by whatever means he could. 
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He let down Sing and Blanca by how he acted, who were the only two positive influences in Yut Lung’s life at that point. He would not have gone after either Ash or Eiji afterwards. So his status as Ash’s enemy was nullified.
The options open to Ash at that point (if the very stupid Lao fiasco did not happen) :
1. Live his life as a gang leader, and always stay on the lookout for his life from his enemies
2. Remove himself slowly from the violent life and maybe assume a different identity like Blanca did to escape all of that for good.
But under no circumstances can I see Ash and Eiji reuniting immediately after the canon events. Anonymous communication, or though friends like Max or Ibe-san, that I can picture, but not ash risking Eiji’s safety by meeting him. Not until years have passed, and Ash’s life became somewhat stabilised, if that were even possible.
It would have hurt, sure, but his unnecessary death could be avoided.
TL;DR : 
My point is, I wouldn’t have been confused by Ash’s death or even agreed with it, if only it had been written in a more natural fashion, in accordance with the rules Yoshida set for the ENTIRE manga. She wrote Ash to be a superhuman being, dodging bullets from automated weapons, surviving gunshot wounds that would be fatal on other people, and being able to completely override the effects of anesthetic drugs, in the final battle at Mannerheim’s (as a med student, that is one fact the I find ridiculous, only because its so unrealistic, and impractical) and lots of other fantastical characteristics.
So, his death at the end felt like the author had already decided on having a certain ending, and then lazily arranged the characters and scenarios to fit her choice.
That’s why, my stand on the ending will remain ambiguous, because I cannot accept all these logical fallacies and call the ending realistic or well thought out. Did it pack a punch and make me cry? Yes. Was it haunting and emotional? Yes. But was it a justified or logical ending? No.
The decisions on Ash’s part were consistent with his overall characterisation, but not the circumstances which lead him to make that choice. The arguments that “Ash’s past will definitely catch up to him one day, so death was the best option” is pretty ambiguous. Even if it did, choosing Lao to stab Ash as an example of it, was poorly thought out in my opinion.
The points I wrote above are subject to faults, of course. This is just one way to look at it. Feel free to counter my points, I’m not a US citizen, and I don’t know how politics, law or gang life works there, hence, my reasoning is based off common sense and parallels under similar situations. Maybe I am wrong in certain aspects too. I’d love to hear what you all think.  
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shuhey-hisagi · 5 years
Could I get some headcanons on what Rangiku, Rukia, Renji, Shuhei, and Toshiro's favorite things to do are in the human world when they're not working(I hope that's not too many)?
I was way too excited writing this..
Favorite things to do in the human world
Rangiku Matsumoto:
- It’s a no brainer that she enjoys visiting shopping centers. She’ll drag along whatever poor sap was around her at the time so they can carry all her bags. How she has that much valid currency is a mystery, but she goes all out. She’s interested especially in new make-up and fashion trends.
- She’s all about doing things that make you happy and is a firm believer in the power of retail therapy. Rangiku might pick up several magazines with make up tutorials so that she can practice back at home when she’s bored. She actually becomes really good at make up and her favorite looks usually involve  brown/red eyeshadows and a bold lip. People at the mall confuse her for a social media influencer or model often.
- She’s not Rangiku if she doesn’t hit up the night clubs or bars. She’ll talk some of the girls into going with her. While at the place of business, she has an easy time talking men and women alike into buying her and her friends drinks. It’s a fun night, especially since she’s really outgoing and down to try new things.
- Since she goes to clubs often, she’s developed a taste in a particular sort of night club music genre, so she might ask Ichigo to help her find a certain song or similar songs. He’s less than pleased but tries his best anyways.
- SPA DAYS. After a long night of drinking and dancing, she most definitely will have booked a spa day. I’m talking facials, full body massages, that weird tropical music they play, a complementary jacuzzi for extra pizazz, all of it. She brings along whoever she feels might be having a bad week/needs to destress though. It’s sweet of her, because she acts like she just wants company, but is trying to use something that makes her feel a little better to help someone she loves.
Rukia Kuchiki:
- Rukia enjoys learning about modern ways of life. This involves watching a lot of cute shows on television or picture books. She appreciates animated shows a lot because it’s interesting to her how much work people put into creating such content. It takes her a while to get used to the subtle humor though.
- Definitely someone who would try to go see the tourist sights available and enjoys places like beaches or small hiking trails connected to parks.
- Would probably take Renji and/or Ichigo to an aquarium with her because that’s a whole uncovered field for her and she’s awestruck. She would find a tour guide or worker and badger them with questions the whole time that she’s there.
- She does like spending time with Orihime and her friends. It gives her a sense of belonging, and they are all really sweet and animated in their own ways. It’s a definite break from the strict atmosphere of the Soul Society. She especially enjoys going to the movies or amusement parks with them because she always experiences something new.
- I can see her trying out a yoga class with Renji and making an utter fool of herself. That’s something she’s never going to attempt again... 
- Would definitely be on the look out for anything that she believes her brother may appreciate. Though her sense of style is a little tasteless, she does like to hit up scarf shops or even craft stores that may have odd trinkets that she thinks Byakuya may find (secretly) endearing. Probably has a custom frame made for him.
- She also enjoys spending time with Ichigo. Harassing him has become one of her favorite pastimes and no matter how old he gets, she’s still able to rile him up. It never stops being funny.
Renji Abarai:
- Renji is a mess. He wants to try everything out. He’s passionate about new foods and accessory shops most.
- You can find him strolling through downtown observing a map and trying to find that new sunglasses shop Orihime mentioned. This dude totally gets talked into buying bootleg Ray-Bans or something. He doesn’t really care- brand names don’t mean anything in the Seireitei, so he can get away with sporting some cheesy glasses.
- Likes going out to try new foods with Rukia and the gang. He usually ends up ordering too much and has to get Rangiku to pick up the tag. She does with the threat that he has to pay her back, but she never owns up to it. She secretly doesn’t mind it. 
- At one point he became interested in motorcycles and Chad was trying to help him learn. That ended up as badly as you can imagine. 
- On the off chance that Byakuya is also in the world of the living, Renji tries to break his shell by bringing him to shopping centers or even suggesting a hike that has a nice view. 
- Though his experience at the Urahara shop was iffy, he does like to drop by every now and then with candy or other small gifts for Jinta and Ururu. He’ll never admit it, but he’s become extremely fond of the two and views them as his younger siblings. That being said, it doesn’t mean that the kids are any less lenient on him. He’s still the victim of relentless taunting. He’s learned to be patient with them and usually just gives them the reaction they want because he knows it makes them happy.
- Renji enjoys going to the jazz cafes that Shinji Hirako suggests. He’s grown fond of the music and when he needs some alone time, he can count on the atmosphere to mellow him out.
Shuhei Hisagi:
- There’s this one Shinigami Golden clip where when he was in the world of the living, he brought back Sajin Komamura a brush for his fur. That makes me think he’s usually on the lookout for items that are not available in the Soul Society that he thinks will benefit his comrades. He’s also always tempted to buy other things like sweets or snacks for people he thinks might enjoy them.
- Chad helps him learn how to play that guitar he found. His progress is slow considering he can’t meet up often, but he takes back books and probably has a laptop that he can watch tutorials on. (Chad got a new one so he downloaded videos on it for Shuhei).
- He likes to cook, so he enjoys going to the grocery stores and scoping out produce that he may be able to find back home as well and looks up recipes. He spends a lot of his time at used book stores. 
- Has definitely thought of getting another tattoo or piercing. Scratch that, he got an eyebrow piercing on his gigai and liked how it looks, so when he got back home he decided to get an actual one. Once it healed, he only ever wears jewelry in it occasionally. He’s thought of a nose piercing but is a little too nervous about a cartilage piercing.
- Ichigo was skating once and Shuhei thought it was cool and had Ichigo teach him how to skate. He’s actually a natural at the whole thing and enjoys evening skates through quiet streets. That is, until someone mistakes him for a rival gang member and he ends up being chased. Usually he tries to avoid conflict, but sometimes thugs just deserve getting their asses kicked.
- On that note, Orihime suggested he get rid of the face tattoos on his gigai if he wants to look a little less intimidating, but Shuhei refuses because they’re an important part of him. He does mind that people are intimidated by him, but he’s come to accept that he might not be the most conventional “human”. ( help im crying )
Toshiro Hitsugaya:
- Definitely visits all the grandmas who somehow hav managed to melt his icy demeanor. A few of them don’t get to see their relatives that often, so he makes it a point to stop by when he can. He’ll help around the house or eat the snacks the provide. They usually don’t mind if he takes a nap and often suggest he can take their spare bedroom, though he hasn’t done so yet. He’s tempted.
- Does his best to avoid any other soul reaper who may be in the world of the living. Once the mission is done, he just wants to relax. He’ll spend time at local parks, and sometimes, if Karin spots him, he’ll be talked into a game of soccer.
- Toshiro enjoys feeding stray cats and has done so so many times that even when he’s not in his gigai, the animals can sense him and follow him around. He claims it’s a nuisance but he’s truly happy about it.
- Like the others, he enjoys experiencing new foods. Shaved ice is one of his favorites, but when he found out about frozen yogurt, he was swayed. He’s definitely the type of person who stocks up on snacks from the convenience store then goes back to where he’s staying, locks himself in his room, and proceeds to devour everything and nap.
- I see Toshiro as someone who would enjoy learning new languages and learning about other cultures. He has made i his goal to learn as many languages as possible, and if he’s able to, he’d like to travel to more countries aside from Japan. He’s learning English. Sometimes Chad will teach him some conversational Spanish. He gets a smartphone so he can use apps like Duolingo when he’s in the world of the living, and definitely suggests that the Soul Society should make more technological progress so he can use said apps in a completely separate plane of existence
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Guns and Roses
(Obey Me! Mafia!AU)
This au's concept originated from this user
Parts of this storyline are loosely inspired by Mafiatell (An Undertale Mafia AU) written by Staringback, adapted into a comic by Cutthroat-Jutsu which was later voice-dubbed by Vade.
This narrative was written in first person to minimize the use of MC's pronouns for your enjoyment, however I ask you pardon any errors because I am inexperienced in this writing style.
As a matter of fact, I loathe it. But I wanted to make this a fun read. I did this for you.
"You have got to be kidding me!" I snarled as I observed the wrinkled notice in my hands. Of course, the one time I get a good night's sleep, my landlord gives me a demand to pay extra for this month's rent! That was my biggest pet peeve: when they demanded money but never chose to specify WHY. As far as I knew, this wasn't a matter of protection fees, this was him taking advantage in the cruel world we all lived in.
I can't wait to get out of this town. Every cop, politician, or anyone else in some position of power was corrupted by selfish desire. As for me? I'm just someone living on my lonesome in a piece-of-crap apartment on a singer's wage. Oh-- yeah. I sing and dance if the price is right. If you dress nice and pile on enough make-up, you might make it out here. Unfortunately, I never made it past the low-life bars that paid a somewhat survivable wage. Now I had to lose all my leftover money on this in order to not get kicked out by my greedy landlord. My friends taught me to never respect someone who wears sunglasses indoors! What a mess...
I know what you might be thinking: "why not find another place to stay?" And my answer is-- this is the cheapest place around--even with that "living fee" my landlord was forcing me to pay IN ADDITION to this month's rent! Yeah, I still haven't forgotten about it! Thanks to a certain gang that controlled the area, it was hard to find a living space that didn't put you in debt because of the additional "protection fee" that all tenants were charged. All this city cared about were money and power and control. Sometimes they went hand-in-hand.
After a few moments of pacing, I finally went to my room to pick out some clothes for tonight's gig. That was the best I could do for now.
Heavy on the eyeshadow, bright red on the lipstick. That's what the club owner asked for before I retreated into the bathroom to apply it all. If I had a say, I'd be going without the skimpy flapper girl dress, but that's what they wanted. For whatever reason, though, the club owner seemed more... tense than usual. I've seen low-life thugs and lesser members of the local gang in this club during my past performances, so it couldn't be that. What if it was someone more important...?
"Showtime in 10, darling~!" The owner hollered from the changing room door, snapping me from my thoughts as abruptly as they arrived in my head. He was attractive to say the least, although I could go without them opening the door and leering in. It was almost like they were trying to sneak a peek at me every time. Even if that wasn't bothering me, I felt this knot twisting in my gut, telling me that something big was going to happen tonight as I fixed up my hair to the best of my ability.
I could hear my shoes clicking against the wood flooring as I approached the stage. To my right was a small jazz crew: a trumpet, and a saxophone player... although one looked to be a kid in height, especially with how his blonde hair was styled. He looked far too short for the clarinet he was playing. The other gentleman was tall and muscular with darker skin. He also had a calming air about him, like a long lost friend of mine. To my left was someone on the piano, cracking his knuckles and poising his hands over the ivory keys. I've never seen him before. He was slender with white hair, but I couldn't see his face from where I stood as I adjusted the height of the microphone. However, my attention was drawn to the the pianist that stood from his post to investigate who was standing in the crowd.
"Would you look at that?" A gentle, yet playful voice uttered before he turned to face me. He was tall, probably 5'11, with steely gray eyes and pale skin that was almost as white as his hair. Of course, I wanted to introduce myself, but my attention was drawn to the slightly parted curtains he was peeking through.
I squinted out at the dimly lit bar, scanning the tables. As I suspected: there were mostly low-life criminals drinking their worries away, however I noticed a menacing aura wafting from a far corner of the room.
Draped in shadow, there looked to be three men whose eyes seemed to glow with an inhuman glint. The first man seemed to be the tallest out of the three: dressed in a jarring red suit with a black tie and a golden chain linking his collar and his suit. His hair surprisingly looked even redder than the clothes on his back. Then there were his eyes, glowing like yellow-hot coals that matched the shimmering gold chains he wore.
On the far end of the table was a slender looking gentleman wearing a mint green jacket over a black vest. His eyes were shimmering emeralds, although I was more focused on how he patiently was sitting by, more focused on their surroundings than the men he was sitting with.
To his left--sitting between him and the man in red--was another man, sitting barely as tall as the first, yet sharing the same if not a more menacing aura than the figure in red. He had a more standard looking suit with a red vest and tie with a black suit jacket resting on his shoulders. His hair was black, swooped partially to one side more than the other with a hint of silver fading from the tips. I also took notice of his black gloves. He must've gotten his hands dirty in the past. Then there were his eyes. Those eyes were a shade of red that almost blended into the lighting of the room from what I could see from the curtain. Even so, I could feel a sudden piercing sensation when I felt like I was being watched. Before I could figure it out, I hastily closed the curtains and returned my attention to the pianist.
"That... that was Diavolo, wasn't it?" I questioned with a quiver of my lip. I heard that the gang leader of this area was a man who dressed in red as to hide how much blood covered his hands.
"Wow, even small town singers know him?" The man questioned in a teasing tone.
I narrowed my gaze at him in a cold glare. "Know /of/ him. I've never seen him in person, let alone pictures of him."
The pale man shrugged off my glare, keeping an almost foxlike arrogance about his demeanor. "Well, consider yourself lucky if you survive the night. Rumor has it his gaze can curse the weak of mind."
Right when I parted my lips to snap back at him with something- that club owner called from behind us.
"Get in position, you four!" He said in a hushed shout, signaling for the performers to get ready to start their number.
I bit my lip with growing anxiety before the club owner waved at me from back stage before offering a quick thumbs up and mouthing what seemed to be "break a leg". All I could do was nod curtly to acknowledge it until the curtains swung apart, temporarily blinding me with the stage lights.
I had to admit, these musicians had talent. It was easy to keep in pace with them through the first number. As I removed the microphone from its stand, I danced about, letting my clothes sway about until the crowd cheered and called out to me. Even so, I felt that knot in my stomach. As my motions slowed, I noticed Diavolo and the other two men looking my way... whispering. It left me unsettled.
My dancing slowed to a stop as I returned to my spot by the microphone stand, but I kept with the upbeat tempo until the song ended. Those catcalls and whistles erupted into proud cheering where I stood. Still, my gaze fixated on those three figures, my gaze briefly locking with Diavolo's as a quiet gulp swallowed back my anxieties.
With a forced smile, I waved to the crowd. "I see a few unfamiliar faces tonight. I hope you enjoyed the music." I chuckled lightly to myself. "This next one is dedicated to a special guest tonight." Even though my body was fighting against a terrified tremor, my eyes met with those monsters again before winking in their direction.
The crowd fell silent in appreciation of the next song, although, to a mixture of relief and fear, I saw Diavolo leave with his entourage of two. A few thoughts came to mind as the second and final song ended before the cheering became muffled behind a closed curtain.
"Bravo, darling~!" The owner rushed in to hug me, catching me off-guard. "Beautiful singing as always." He chimed as he twirled me about.
"Easy, Asmo." The saxophone player interjected, quickly separating me from the overexcited club owner. "A lot just happened. Give them some space."
The rosy-haired man blinked, taken aback by that remark. "If you insist. Darling, you're free to go. I left your pay in the changing room." He smiled in fake innocence as I walked past him and off the stage. In the corner of my eye, I saw Asmo glancing over his shoulder in... concern?... as I went backstage and back into that changing room.
The room was pitch black when I stepped into it. Odd, I don't remember turning off the lights when I left to perform. I took a few steps into the room in order to find the light switch, using what little light that came in from the hall until--
My heart suddenly sank into my stomach the moment the door shut behind. Immediately afterwards, the light was switched on and a hand brought itself on my shoulder the moment I thought about running for the door I came through.
"I don't think so." A gentle voice mused. A side glance revealed a white silk glove gripping my shoulder. Even if it didn't look strong, my body refused to budge against it. Then, however, my attention was brought to a towering man in in a red and black suit. That tall, dark, and mysterious guy Diavolo was talking with. My heart was racing a mile a second as he stood up and approached me. Is this it? Is this how I die?! My eyes went wide as they locked with his.
The moment he brought his hand up to my chin, I let out a sharp gasp-- I couldn't help myself... I was scared for my life! I found myself tensing up as he forced me to look him in the eyes. Those dark red eyes were much more intimidating up close.
"Tell me, human." He began, voice deep and low. It wasn't even a whisper, but it was quiet enough to have the same effect on me. He tilted his head, glaring angrily down at me before he spoke. "Why were you looking at Lord Diavolo?"
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regencyresource · 6 years
( * &. ━ list of slang words from the 1920′s
presenting a long list of slang terms from the “roaring twenties" ! the age of mobsters and jazz ! the time of longing after married women and staring into green-lights to include in your literary ventures ! i claim no ownership for this list, it was sourced HERE.
Alderman: A man's pot-belly
Ameche: Telephone 
Ankle: (n) Woman; (v) To walk 
Ab-so-lute-ly: Affirmative, yes 
Absent treatment: Dancing with a timid partner 
Air tight: Very attractive 
Airedale: An unattractive man 
Alarm clock: A chaperone 
All wet: Incorrect 
And how!: I strongly agree! 
Applesauce: Flattery, nonsense, i.e.. "Aw, applesauce!" 
Attaboy!: Well done!; also, Attagirl! 
Babe: Woman 
Baby: A person, can be said to either a man or a woman 
Bangtails: Racehorses 
Barber: Talk 
Be on the nut: To be broke 
Bean-shooter: Gun 
Beef: Problem 
Bee's Knees: An extraordinary person, thing or idea
Beezer: Nose 
Behind the eight ball: In a difficult position, in a tight spot 
Bent Cars: Stolen cars 
Big Cheese, Big Shot: The boss, someone of importance and influence 
Big House: Jail 
Big One: Death 
Big Sleep: Death 
Bim: Woman 
Bindle: The bundle in which a hobo carries all his worldly possessions 
Bindle punk or bindle stiff: Chronic wanderers, migratory harvest workers, and lumber jacks
Bing: Jailhouse talk for solitary confinement 
Bird: Man 
Bit: Prison sentence 
Blip off: To kill 
Blow: Leave 
Blow one down: Kill someone 
Blower: Telephone 
Bluenose: A prude
Bo: Pal, buster, fellow 
Boiler: Car 
Boob: Dumb guy 
Boozehound: Drunkard 
Bop: To kill 
Box: A safe or a bar 
Box job: A safecracking 
Brace (somebody): Grab, shake up 
Bracelets: Handcuffs 
Break it up: Stop that, quit the nonsense 
Breeze: To leave, breeze off: get lost 
Broad: Woman 
Bruno: Tough guy, enforcer 
Bucket: Car 
Bulge, The: The advantage 
Bulls: Plainclothes railroad cops; uniformed police; prison guards 
Bum's rush, To get the: To be kicked out 
Bump: Kill 
Bump Gums: To talk about nothing worthwhile 
Bump off: Kill; also, bump-off: a killing 
Burn powder: Fire a gun 
Bus: Big car 
Butter-and-egg-man: The money man, the man with the bankroll, a yokel who comes to town to blow a big wad in nightclubs 
Button: Face, nose, end of jaw 
Button man: Professional killer 
Buttons: Police 
Butts: Cigarettes 
Buzz: Looks person up, comes to persons door 
Buzzer: Policeman's badge 
C: $100, a pair of Cs = $200 
Cabbage: Money 
Caboose: Jail 
Call copper: Inform the police 
Can: Jail, Car 
Can house: Bordello 
Can-opener: Safecracker who opens cheap safes 
Canary: Woman singer 
Carry a Torch: Suffering from an unrequited love
Case dough: Nest egg 
Cat: Man 
Cat's Meow: Something splendid or stylish 
Cat's Pajamas: Term of endearment as in "I think you are really really cool"
Century: $100 
Cheaters: Sunglasses 
Cheese it: Put things away, hide 
Chew: Eat 
Chicago lightning: Gunfire 
Chicago overcoat: Coffin 
Chick: Woman 
Chilled off: Killed 
Chin: Conversation; chinning: talking 
Chin music: Punch on the jaw 
Chinese squeeze: Grafting by skimming profits off the top 
Chippy: Woman of easy virtue 
Chisel: To swindle or cheat 
Chiv: Knife, "a stabbing or cutting weapon" 
Chopper squad: Men with machine guns 
Chump: Person marked for a con or a gullible person
Clammed: Close-mouthed (clammed up) 
Clean sneak: An escape with no clues left behind 
Clip joint: In some cases, a nightclub where the prices are high and the patrons are fleeced 
Clipped: Shot 
Close your head: Shut up 
Clout: Shoplifter 
Clubhouse: Police station 
Con: Confidence game, swindle 
Conk: Head 
Cool: To knock out 
Cooler: Jail 
Cop: Detective, even a private one 
Copped, to be: Grabbed by the cops 
Copper: Policeman 
Corn: Bourbon ("corn liquor") 
Crab: Figure out 
Crate: Car 
Croak: To kill 
Croaker: Doctor 
Crush: An infatuation 
Crushed out: Escaped (from jail) 
Cut down: Killed 
Daisy: None too masculine 
Dame: Woman 
Dance: To be hanged 
Dangle: Leave, get lost 
Daylight, as in "fill him with daylight": Put a hole in, by shooting or stabbing 
Deck, as in "deck of Luckies": Pack of cigarettes 
Derrick: Shoplifter 
Dib: Share (of the proceeds) 
Dick: Detective (usually qualified with "private" if not a policeman) 
Dingus: Thing 
Dip: Pickpocket 
Dip the bill: Have a drink 
Dish: Pretty woman 
Dive: A low-down, cheap sort of place 
Dizzy with a dame, To be: To be deeply in love with a woman 
Do the dance: To be hanged 
Dogs: Feet 
Dope fiend: Drug addict 
Dope peddler: Drug dealer 
Dough: Money 
Drift: Go, leave 
Drill: Shoot 
Drop a dime: Make a phone call, sometimes meaning to the police to inform on someone 
Droppers: Hired killers 
Drum: Speakeasy 
Dry-gulch: Knock out, hit on head after ambushing 
Duck soup: Easy, a piece of cake 
Dummerer: Someone who pretends to be deaf and/or dumb to appear a more deserving beggar 
Dump: Roadhouse, club; or, more generally, any place 
Dust out: Leave, depart 
Egg: Man 
Electric cure: Electrocution 
Elephant ears: Police 
Fade: Go away, get lost 
Fakeloo artist: Con man 
Fella: A man 
Fin: $5 bill 
Finder: Finger man 
Finger, Put the finger on: Identify 
Flaming Youth: Male counterpart to a flapper
Flapper: A stylish, brash young woman with short skirts and shorter hair
Flat Tire: A dull-witted or disappointing date
Flattie: Flatfoot, cop 
Flimflam: Swindle 
Flippers: Hands 
Flivver: A Ford automobile 
Flogger: Overcoat 
Flop: Go to bed or fallen through, not worked out 
Flophouse: A cheap transient hotel where a lot of men sleep in large rooms 
Fog: To shoot 
Frail: Woman 
Frau: Wife 
Fry: To be electrocuted 
Fuzz: Police 
Gal: Woman 
Gams: A Woman’s Legs 
Gasper: Cigarette 
Gat: Gun 
Get Sore: Get mad 
Getaway sticks: Legs 
Giggle juice: Liquor 
Giggle Water: Liquor 
Gin mill: Bar 
Glad rags: Fancy clothes 
Glaum: Steal 
Goofy: Crazy 
Goog: Black eye 
Goon: Thug 
Gooseberry lay: Stealing clothes from a clothesline 
Gowed-up: On dope, high 
Grab (a little) air: Put your hands up 
Graft: Con jobs or cut of the take 
Grand: $1000 
Grift: Confidence game, swindle 
Grifter: Con man 
Grilled: Questioned 
Gumshoe: Detective 
Gumshoeing: Detective work 
Gun for: Look for, be after 
Guns: Pickpockets, Hoodlums 
Guy: A man 
Hack: Taxi 
Half, a: 50 cents 
Hard: Tough 
Harlem Sunset: Some sort fatal injury caused by knife 
Hash House: A cheap restaurant 
Hatchet men: Killers, gunmen 
Have the Bees: To be rich 
Head doctors: Psychiatrists 
Heap: Car 
Heat: Police 
Heater: Gun 
Heebie-Jeebies: The jitters
Heeled: Carrying a gun 
High-Hat: To snub 
High Pillow: Person at the top, in charge 
Highbinders: Corrupt politician or functionary 
Hinky: Suspicious 
Hitting the pipe: Smoking opium 
Hitting on all eight: In good shape, going well 
Hock shop: Pawnshop 
Hogs: Engines 
Hombre: Man, fellow 
Hooch: Liquor 
Hood: Criminal 
Hoofer: Dancer
Hoosegow: Jail 
Horn: Telephone 
Hot: Stolen 
Hotsy-Totsy: Pleasing
House dick: House/hotel detective 
House peeper: House/hotel detective 
Hype: Shortchange artist 
Ice : Diamonds 
Ing-bing, as in to throw an: A fit 
Iron: A car 
Jack: Money 
Jalopy: An old car
Jam: Trouble, a tight spot 
Jane: A woman 
Java: Coffee 
Jaw: Talk 
Jerking a nod: Nodding 
Jingle-brained: Addled 
Jobbie: Man 
Joe: Coffee, as in "a cup of joe" 
Johns: Police 
Johnson brother: Criminal 
Joint: Place, as in "my joint" 
Juice: Interest on a loanshark's loan 
Jug: Jail 
Jump, The: A hanging 
Kale: Money 
Keen: Attractive or appealing
Kick off: Die 
Kiss: To punch 
Kisser: Mouth 
Kitten: Woman 
Knock off: Kill 
Lammed off: Ran away, escaped 
Large: $1,000; twenty large would be $20,000 
Law, the: The police 
Lead, "fill ya full of lead": the term used for bullets 
Lead poisoning: To be shot 
Lettuce: Folding money 
Lid: Hat 
Line: Insincere flattery
Lip: (Criminal) lawyer 
Looker: Pretty woman 
Look-out: Outside man 
Lousy with: To have lots of 
Mac: A man 
Made: Recognized 
Map: Face 
Marbles: Pearls 
Mark: Sucker, victim of swindle or fixed game 
Maroon: Person marked for a con or a gullible person
Meat wagon: Ambulance 
Mickey Finn: A drink drugged with knock-out drops 
Mill: Typewriter 
Mitt: Hand 
Mob: Gang (not necessarily Mafia) 
Mohaska: Gun 
Moll: Girlfriend 
Monicker: Name 
Mouthpiece: Lawyer 
Mugs: Men (especially refers to dumb ones) 
Nailed: Caught by the police 
Nevada gas: Cyanide 
Newshawk: Reporter 
Newsie: Newspaper vendor 
Nibble one: To have a drink 
Nicked: Stole 
Nippers: Handcuffs 
Noodle: Head 
Number: A person 
Off the track: Said about a person who becomes insanely violent 
Op: Detective 
Orphan paper: Bad checks 
Out on the roof: To drink a lot, to be drunk 
Oyster fruit: Pearls 
Packing Heat: Carrying a gun 
Pal: A man 
Palooka: Man, probably not very smart 
Pan: Face 
Paste: Punch 
Patsy: Person who is set up; fool, chump 
Paw: Hand 
Peaching: Informing 
Peeper: Detective 
Peepers: Eyes 
Pen: Penitentiary, jail 
Peterman: Safecracker who uses nitroglycerin 
Piece: Gun 
Pigeon: Stool-pigeon 
Pinch: An arrest, capture 
Pins: Legs 
Pipe: See or notice 
Pipes: Throat 
Plant: Someone on the scene but in hiding, Bury 
Plug: Shoot 
Plugs: People 
Poke: Bankroll, stake 
Pooped: Killed 
Pop: Kill 
Pro skirt: Prostitute 
Puffing: Mugging 
Pug: Pugilist, boxer 
Pump: Heart 
Pump metal: Shoot bullets 
Punk: Hood, thug 
Pushover: A person easily convinced of something
Puss: Face 
Put down: Drink 
Put the screws on: Question, get tough with 
Rags: Clothes 
Ranked: Observed, watched, given the once-over 
Rap: Criminal charge 
Rappers: Fakes, set-ups 
Rat: Inform 
Rate: To be good, to count for something 
Rats and mice: Dice, i.e. craps 
Rattler: Train 
Red-light: To eject from a car or train 
Redhot: Some sort of criminal 
Reefers: Marijuana cigarettes 
Rhino: Money 
Right: Adjective indicating quality 
Ringers: Fakes 
Ritzy: Elegant 
Rod: Gun 
Roscoe: Gun 
Rub-out: A killing 
Rube: Bumpkin, easy mark 
Rumble, the: The news 
Sap: A dumb guy 
Sap poison: Getting hit with a sap 
Savvy: Get me? Understand? 
Sawbuck: $10 bill (a double sawbuck is a $20 bill) 
Schnozzle: Nose 
Scram out: Leave 
Scratch: Money 
Scratcher: Forger 
Send over: Send to jail 
Shamus: (Private) detective 
Sharper: A swindler or sneaky person 
Sheba: A woman with sex appeal 
Sheik: A man with sex appeal 
Shells: Bullets 
Shiv: Knife 
Shylock: Loanshark 
Shyster: Lawyer 
Sing: Make a confession 
Sister: Woman 
Skate around: To be of easy virtue 
Skid rogue: A bum who can't be trusted 
Skirt: Woman 
Slant, Get a: Take a look 
Sleuth: Detective 
Slug: A bullet or to knock unconscious 
Smoked: Drunk 
Snap a cap: Shout 
Snatch: Kidnap 
Sneeze: Take 
Snitch: An informer, or to inform 
Snooper: Detective 
Speakeasy: An illicit bar selling bootleg liquor 
Spiffy: Looking elegant 
Soak: To pawn 
Sock: Punch 
Soup: Nitroglycerine 
Soup job: To crack a safe using nitroglycerine 
Spill: Talk, inform 
Spinach: Money 
Spitting: Talking 
Square: Honest 
Squeeze: A female companion or girlfriend
Squirt metal: Shoot bullets 
Step off: To be hanged 
Stiff: A corpse 
Sting: Culmination of a con game 
Stool-pigeon: Informer 
Stoolie: Stool-pigeon 
Stuck On: Having a crush on 
Sucker: Someone ripe for a grifter's scam 
Sugar: Money 
Swanky: Ritzy 
Swell: Wonderful 
Tail: Shadow or follow 
Take a powder: Leave 
Take on: Eat 
Take for a Ride: Drive off with someone in order to bump them off 
Take the air: Leave 
Take the bounce: To get kicked out 
Take the fall for: Accept punishment for 
That's the crop: That's all of it 
Three-spot: Three-year jail term 
Throw lead: Shoot bullets 
Ticket: P.I. license 
Tiger milk: Some sort of liquor 
Tighten the screws: Put pressure on somebody 
Tin: Badge 
Tip a few: To have a few drinks 
Tomato: Pretty woman 
Tooting the wrong ringer: Asking the wrong person 
Torpedoes: Gunmen 
Trap: Mouth 
Trigger man: Man whose job is to use a gun 
Trouble boys: Gangsters 
Twist: Woman 
Two bits: $25, or 25 cents 
Under glass: In jail 
Weak sister: A push-over 
Wear iron: Carry a gun 
Wise head: A smart person 
Wooden kimono: A coffin 
Wop: derogatory term for an Italian 
Worker, as in "She sizes up as a worker": A woman who takes a guy for his money 
Wrong gee: Not a good fellow 
Wrong number: Not a good fellow 
Ya Follow: do you understand? 
Yap: Mouth 
Yard: $100 
Yegg: Safecracker who can only open cheap and easy safes 
Zotzed: Killed
Zozzled: Drunk
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emma-nation · 6 years
For You - Bloodbound AU (Chapter 4)
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Summary: Takes place after Book 1. Before Gaius’ return the gang must face a dangerous new enemy, a powerful vampire hunter who is thirsty for their blood.
Pairings: KamilahxMC
Genre: Angst/Adventure/Romance
Rating: T - Warning for violence and language
Author’s Notes:
- This is literally the first smut scene I’ve ever written in my life. I apologize if it sounds anything like this post.
- English is my second language, please forgive me for any mistakes.
- Hope you enjoy it, your reviews and likes are always appreciated.
- Updated 04/11/2020: Fixed some spelling mistakes
Amy paused the game she was playing and dropped the controller. She let out a sigh, wondering if the Shadow Den was where she really wanted to be right now. She wanted to return home. Return to Kamilah's penthouse. But not after the fight they had. Not after the words she said... "You're suffocating me," she shouted. "You don't give me any space, Amy." After getting staked, she started acting distant. She wouldn't tell Amy how she felt or how she was dealing with the situation. Although she said she was fine, Amy could detect she was distressed, maybe a little traumatized. 
Then, she noticed Kamilah had been sneaking out in the middle of the night for two days in a row. She decided to follow her girlfriend and found out she had been training with some members of her Clan. Not any training, but an intense, dangerous, kind of training. Amy had been staying with Lily in the Shadow Den since the earliest hours of the morning. Lily had developed her own life amongst vampires, she had new friends, new habits and she had just left to join Adrian in the Council Meeting. She was supposed to deliver him the footage from The Baron's club. Amy couldn't help feeling a little... excluded. She stood up from the couch and, against Lily and Jax's recommendations, she decided to explore the Shadow Den. She was distracted when a hand touched her shoulder. "Are you one of the volunteers?" A female vampire asked. "Because I'm starving!" Amy looked into her eyes and she could quickly identify signs of bloodlust. The woman’s fangs descended and she firmed the grip on Amy's shoulder. "No!" Amy tried to push her away. "Let me go..." She ignored Amy's appeal and her mouth approached her neck. "Stop!" Amy yelled. "I'll report you to the Council..." Someone appeared, pushing the woman away. "The lady said she does not consent," a male voice spoke. "You better find a willing volunteer or..." While the vampire came back to her senses and rushed away, Amy recognized that black haired male. It was the same guy who saved her from The Baron's thugs at that concert. "Hey," she smiled. "I know you." The male gave her an intrigued look. "You saved me the other day... at that concert, remember?" "Oh, you," a smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth. "Getting in trouble again, huh?" "Thank you for saving me. Twice," Amy extended her hand. "I'm Amy, by the way." "Liam," he shook her hand politely. "So you're a vampire," she concluded. "And so are you?" He pointed at the brand on her wrist. "Oh no... this is temporary. For protection." "Protection," he chuckled. "Well, you definitely need it, Amy." He put emphasis on her name, examining her from head to toes. It was the first time Amy could clearly see him. He was more handsome than she had noticed the other night. He had the prettiest brown eyes she had ever seen, they were quite hypnotizing...
“But they’re not prettier than Kamilah's!” Amy though, shaking her head and coming back to reality.
"What?" he asked, smiling. Liam also had a contagious smile. She blushed a little bit. "S-sorry... I just... My mind is somewhere else right now." "Where? In the clouds?" "Sort of. At someone... my girlfriend. We had the most heated argument last night and... I don't know what to do." "Let me guess, you date a vampire." "How do you know?" "You're easy to read and... you seem to be very comfortable in the company of them." "I'm kinda used right now, I guess. My girlfriend is a vampire, my boss is vampire, my best friend is a vampire, so..." There was an uncomfortable silence between them. Amy bit her lip nervously. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Liam asked. "Your girlfriend, I mean." "We barely know each other." "Well, I'm a good listener." "Okay." Amy nodded in agreement. "Let me grab my purse and we can take walk." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamilah
"She's testing me!" Kamilah complained, pacing angrily around Raines Corporation lobby. She had tried to call Amy a million times. Not really, a million. But at least a hundred. She knew she was with Lily, there's no other place she could be. A few minutes earlier Lily passed by and Kamilah confronted her. Although she denied she was with Amy, Kamilah knew she was lying. "Kamilah," Adrian opened the door to call her. "We're getting started." She rolled her eyes and entered the conference room. Priya, Lester and Jax were already seated. Adrian inserted a disk on his laptop, displaying the image on a large screen. A few days before, The Baron's new club had been attacked by The Hunter, killing most of his clan members and possibly himself. "We finally managed to get some footage of this Hunter," Adrian announced. "Now we can see his face, it'll be easier to catch him." He clicked play. Kamilah crossed her arms to watch. She didn't expect much from this Hunter. It was probably just a newly-turned vampire trying to get attention. He couldn't be so strong as Priya described. "I see nothing," she said. A couple of seconds later, a vulture streaked at every corner of the recently rebuilt club, leaving a trail of death and ashes. The only thing that could be seen was his flickering daggers, cutting everything on his way. The video ended. "Really, Adrian?" Priya whined. "Is that all you've got?" "Where's his face?" Jax inquired. "I-I... suppose he's too fast to be caught on camera." "Oh please," Kamilah rolled her eyes, "he knew exactly what he was doing. Can't you see? He found out about your little cameras and decided to put on a show." "Kamilah is right," Priya added, "he can be quite of an exhibitionist when it comes to his skills." "Don't we have footage from The Baron's office?" Lester asked. "No," Adrian answered. "The Baron refused to have cameras installed on his office, unfortunately." He turned off the laptop frustrated. "I'll send it back to Lily for analysis. Maybe she can find any minor detail that could help us to identify him." With a loud noise, the conference room's door opened. "There's no need," The Baron entered, alone. "I know who's behind this worm." "You escaped?" Priya asked, with some disappointment. "Damn, I was hoping to get that club..." "Didn't you notice anything on this stupid footage?" The Baron questioned. "The way he fights, his sarcasm, his cockiness..." he clenched his fists in anger. "Doesn't it remind you of someone?" He gazed straight at Kamilah's direction. "What are you insinuating?" She shouted. "That he's a member of your clan... a protégé maybe..." "In case you don't remember, I got staked." "Exactly. The Hunters killed twelve vampires and they only missed your heart. Isn't it a little bit weird?" "And for what purpose I'd hire a Vampire Hunter?" Kamilah argued. "At his command," The Baron replied. "Gaius. We all know what's your story with him. It's a coincidence that at the same time he returns, this Vampire Hunter appears, fighting exactly like you?" "He does not fight like me!" Kamilah raised her voice. "Our style is completely different... Adrian play that video again!" "There's no need. Deep down you know it's true." "And what do you suggest?" "An investigation." "Okay..." Kamilah consented. "Who's in favor of an investigation against me say aye. Adrian?" "Nay," Adrian answered. "Jax?" "Nay." "Lester?" "Aye." "Baron?" "Aye" "Priya?" Priya didn't answer. She was thoughtful, distracted. Her head cocked to the side, her brows furrowed. "Priya?!" Kamilah asked again. "Oh! That's me. Nay, aye... whatever..." Kamilah rolled her eyes. "Okay, aye then." "I know I don't really have a say in this," Kamilah spoke, "but to clear my name I'm also voting aye." After the meeting ended, Adrian called her to his office. He asked her to seat and offered her a drink. "You don't really have to do this." "I want to. I just... I fear he's setting me up for revenge" "Don't worry," Adrian assured her. "We'll solve this. We're going to find this Hunter and we'll prove your innocence." "Thank you," Kamilah filled her glass with more whiskey. "You look stressed, is there anything else going on?" "No." "Kamilah..." "Okay, it's Amy. We had a fight and she has been ignoring me. I don't even know where she is!" "What was the fight about this time?" Kamilah told him everything. About how she had started an intense training program with her clan members. They needed to be prepared for an eventual confrontation with the Hunter and with Gaius, in the future. And about how Amy was acting too overprotective since her incident, even though her she was perfectly fine. "She interrupted the training session and yelled at me, in front of my clan members," Kamilah told. "She looks at me like if I was about to break and this is exactly what I didn't want!" "Kamilah, have you put yourself in her place?" Adrian asked. "It was traumatizing for her. You could've died, in her arms." "I know... I'd probably act the same if something had happened to her. But I'm a vampire, she needs to understand..." "First of all, she see you as her girlfriend and she cares about you, about your safety." Kamilah rolled her eyes. "I really don't know how to do this... this... girlfriend thing." Adrian laughed, shaking his head. "Don't laugh, okay? Now I need to find a way to apologize and I don't even know how." "I think I have an idea." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amy
Resting her body on the sand, Amy observed the night sky. It was quiet, peaceful, all she could hear was the sound of the waves and... Liam's laugh. "Let me see if I understand," he broke the silence, "you showed up at her training session and scolded her in front of her clan members. Like a mom." "I shouldn't have told you. You must be thinking I'm young and stupid," Amy lamented. "And so is she." "I don't think you're stupid, but... you're dating a vampire. You can't treat her like a regular mortal." "How am I supposed to treat her then? Like if I didn't care? Should I just let her risk her life again?" She stood up and raised her voice. "Amy," Liam said patiently, sitting in front of the bonfire they made, "she has probably had more near-death incidents in her life than you can count on your fingers. It's normal for us, vampires. We're always living in danger." "Not like this one," Amy argued. "she told me." "Fine. Assuming it was the closest to death she has ever been... she's feeling it. We feel everything intensified. It's impossible to measure, impossible to describe. There's a hurricane inside her and she can't simply explain this to you so... she needs to blow off her steam somehow." Amy remained silent, pensive. "And you know, we're very fond of combat," he added. "So this is why she was training so hard? To ease her emotions?" "It's possible." "And... this is what she meant with needing some space?" "Likely." Amy sighed, looking at the ocean. Maybe she over-exaggerated with Kamilah. She turned her eyes to Liam, who was playing with the fire. He drove her to the beach on his motorcycle, assuring her that was the best place to clear her head. And he was right, she felt a lot better right now. He was intriguing, mysterious. Amy told Liam a lot about herself, sharing details about her personal life, but she couldn't find out much about him. Except that he was a prisoner to his maker and that he had to runaway. "How old are you?" Amy asked, changing the subject. "I lost the count," Liam told. "Have you ever heard about..." she hesitated for a moment, "a vampire named Gaius?" For the first time Liam stared her directly in the eyes. His mouth stiffened. "Y-yes." "I heard he was very powerful and dangerous and... I keep having this visions about him." "What kind of visions?" He suddenly seemed interested again. "About his past. My friends' past too," Amy explained. "Two nights ago, for example, I remembered this vision I had of when he arrived in New York City. A man named Banner he was tired of serving him so... Gaius tortured him and then..." "And then?" "Sorry, I don't want to talk about it."
She was still uncomfortable with Adrian’s behavior in that vision.
"It's fine, Amy," Liam assured her. "But you know, these visions usually have a purpose." "What kind of purpose?" "I don't know," he shrugged. "You'll need to find out by yourself." "I'm confused and scared." "You don't have to be," he patted her gently on the shoulder, "I'm pretty sure the person who's calling you every five minutes will be by your side." He pointed at her purse. Her phone wouldn't stopped vibrating since they arrived to the beach. "Stop ignoring her," he suggested. "Remember, we feel everything intensified. Even rejection." Amy grinned. "You've tortured her enough." "Okay, let's go home." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamilah
"Hey this is Amy, leave a message after the..." "Voice mail again?!" Kamilah sighed in frustration. At least Amy had turned on her phone, a good sign that she was alive. As Adrian suggested, she prepared a special dinner for Amy. But it was almost 2 AM and no signs of her yet.
After storing the food back in the fridge, Kamilah called Lily again. She didn't know where she was. Amy only left a note saying she was going to take a walk with a friend. She didn't have many friends in New York, Kamilah knew. This thought started to bother her little. She heard the door opening, for her relief, it was Amy. "Amy," she tried to hide a smile. "Where were you? I've been calling you for hours." "Giving you some space," Amy answered, "was it enough or..." "I suppose I deserve it. I won't blame you if you want..." "If I want..." Amy approached her, wrapping her arms around her neck. "To do this?" She pressed her lips on hers, kissing her softly. Kamilah pulled away when she smelled the scent of male perfume on her clothes. "It seems like you had company." "Yeah, I was out with a friend..." Amy told, knowing her jealous nature. "Male friend," Kamilah whined. "Actually he made me realize a few things about us. He enlightened me about my behavior last night." "I still don't find it pleasant that you were in the company of someone else." Amy let out a laugh. "Kamilah, I don't care about any another company, only yours. I love you, okay?" She couldn't help smiling when she heard those words. She pulled Amy for another kiss. More deeply and passionate this time. She nibbled Amy’s earlobe and whispered seductively: "Prove it." "Like this?" Amy bit Kamilah's lower lip in a provocative manner. "More than that." "Okay," Amy grabbed her hand, leading her to their bedroom. They occasionally stopped in the middle of the way to exchange frenzied kisses, while their hands explored each other's body. Inside the room, Kamilah laid on the bed and Amy undressed her. She pulled Amy closer, kissing her fiercely. "Say it again," she ordered. "I love you," "I haven't convinced me yet. Prove it." Amy's mouth met hers again, her fingers traced every inch of Kamilah's toned abdomen, before finding its way between her tights. "Hmmm... Would you like some space right now or...?" Amy stopped for a second and teased. "Don't you even dare..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liam
He took a sip of his drink, waiting patiently in the night club. It was a good night. Amy hadn't told him much about the Council and its members but, at least, he managed to find out her girlfriend was the one that killed Henrik. She was the opponent he was looking for. That girl’s company was also enjoyable, he felt some kind of connection, sympathy for her. He observed her number on his cell phone screen. He needed to keep contact. He needed to gain her trust to learn more about her visions of Gaius. "Hmmm, new woman to play with?" A hand with sharp nails touched his shoulder. "It's none of your business," he hid his cellphone from Priya. She sat by his side and ordered a drink at the bar. "Why did you choose a nightclub for our meeting?" Priya asked. "Are you afraid?" He smirked. "Let's just say it's for safety reasons. To prevent us from stabbing each other." "I'm glad to know I've caused such an impact." "Don't be so cocky, I just don't wanna kill you yet. So, what do you have for me?" "About Gaius, nothing." "Then why you agreed to meet me?" She handed him a piece of paper. "I suppose she has exactly what you need." "Ahmanet Financial," he read. "Do I look like I need money?" "No, but the CEO is the oldest member of the Council. She also used to be Gaius' Queen and according to rumors, she know where he is." "Okay," Liam grinned. "I'll have a word with her."
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aboriginalnewswire · 6 years
4thWorldRadyo // The Quiet AfroIndio // An Indigenist Perspective: Personal Thoughts on the Psychological Suicide of the African in the Americas
- SUMMARY: This spoken-word dispatch of Intelligent Aboriginal Radyo was recorded remotely in the US state of Idaho by 4WR host @TheAngryindian and his Afro-Indigenous view on the widespread signs of AfroAmerican psychological and ideological damage being observed under the Trump administration and asks WHY so many Non-White celebrities are choosing to promote mindless far-right political and social ideas and alliances with admitted racialists within the Trump WH. Why is Kanye West and Jim Brown helping the Steve Bannon/Stephen Miller faction working behind the cover of the Trump Family in their bid to fast-track their plan to slide the US slide into a democratic form of American Fascism? What is the Afro-American community doing about it much less saying about it? - [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JGCrWKmDYg&w=560&h=315] - EXTRAS: The usual mix of political PSAs; archived political commentary; more found news clips and powerful Protest Sounds to listen to on your way to your next political club meeting, rally or protest. All this and much more on, 4WR. The official Internet radio broadcast of the Aboriginal Press News Service Listen/ Download: (mp3) / (ogg) Further Reading:
The Alex Jones Deception (Documentary) - YouTube // [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rP81EC2iZI]
Pauline Hanson Says 'OK To Be White' | ten daily // [https://tendaily.com.au/news/politics/a181015xot/its-ok-to-be-white-government-senators-side-with-pauline-hansons-controversial-motion-20181015]
Report warns of right-wing domestic terrorism - YouTube // [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbvitqQnhHM]
Britain First: The "most dangerous far-right party"? - YouTube // [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6LZt8BWqbE]
Gavin McInnes & his GANG of Proud Boy thugs instigate violence against protestors - YouTube // [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clhJT9HgjOE]
Special Report: The far right in Germany - YouTube // [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FW-1Bmopzmk]
TINY TOESE -ANTIFA Destroyer for President 2020 - YouTube // [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgukjCsNn20]
Huge Alt-Right Brawler Called “Tiny” Faces Criminal Charge Tonight After Portland Ruckus - Willamette Week // [https://www.wweek.com/news/courts/2017/08/06/huge-alt-right-brawler-called-tiny-faces-criminal-charge-tonight-after-portland-ruckus/]
On his way to American Samoa “Tiny” leads clash in Portland OR | American Samoa | Samoa News // [http://www.samoanews.com/regional/his-way-american-samoa-tiny-leads-clash-portland-or]
Faith Goldy Defends The ’14 Words,’ And Claims There Is Systemic Racism Against White Canadians – Angry White Men // [https://angrywhitemen.org/2018/03/25/faith-goldy-defends-the-14-words-and-claims-there-is-systemic-racism-against-white-canadians/]
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/3yIWIFS #
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Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.
Marvel’s latest, Shang-Chi & the Legend of the Ten Rings, has dozens of MCU Easter eggs hidden throughout; here they are broken down. Created as the “Master of Kung Fu,” Shang-Chi is a somewhat unusual character in the Marvel Universe in that he traditionally doesn’t possess any superpowers at all. Rather, he’s simply a martial artist so skilled he can go toe-to-toe with gods and monsters. The MCU’s Shang-Chi is very different from the comics, where he’s not connected to the Mandarin at all, but rather to another crime lord, Fu Manchu, who Marvel don’t have the rights to – and probably wouldn’t use if they could, because he’s a problematic racist trope.
Marvel has toyed with introducing Shang-Chi to the big screen for over 20 years. He was one of the 10 properties Marvel originally planned to build the MCU upon, although he was dropped when the studio reacquired the film rights to Iron Man and headed in a very different direction. Still, for all that’s the case, there’s a sense in which Shang-Chi answers mysteries that have been there in the MCU from the beginning; it reveals the truth about the Ten Rings, a terrorist organization from the Iron Man films, and even features the real Mandarin after the fake version in Iron Man 3.
Related: Shang-Chi 2 News & Updates: Everything We Know
Like all MCU films, Shang-Chi is packed with Easter eggs and cameos. Some of them are easy to spot, others are a lot more subtle – here’s every Marvel Easter egg and notable pop culture reference in the movie.
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Let’s start with one of the more amusing, tongue-in-cheek nods – in one scene Katy remembers her first meeting with Shang-Chi, when he expressed a vocal objection to being considered a Korean. This is a nod to Kim’s Convenience, where Simu Liu played a Korean character named Jung. Liu has suggested this was something of a challenge; as he observed on Twitter back in 2016, “everyone is Korean except for me, and I’m trying very hard to fit in.“
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Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame were the two most spectacular events in the MCU; in the first film, the Mad Titan Thanos snapped his fingers and erased half the lives in the universe, and in the second, the Avengers brought everyone back. The five-year period between these two events has been dubbed “the Blip” in the MCU, and the Marvel Disney+ TV series have been exploring the chaos of the aftermath, with WandaVision focusing on the personal cost and The Falcon & the Winter Soldier on the geopolitical issues arising from the Blip. The Blip is referenced twice in Shang-Chi, once when Katy points out they live in a world where half the people on Earth can disappear. It’s referenced again more subtly on a poster outside her home. “Post-Blip anxiety? You are not alone,” the poster declares, suggesting there’s understandably still a lot of trauma in the world.
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The Ten Rings have been an established part of the MCU from the beginning, as the terrorist cell that captured Tony Stark in Iron Man was one of them. They were fleshed out as the trilogy continued, appearing numerous times in tie-ins such as the Iron Man 3 Prelude comic book that revealed War Machine was dealing with a particularly nasty terrorist plot on the other side of the world when the Chitauri invaded New York in The Avengers in 2012, explaining why he didn’t help out. They were subverted in Iron Man 3, but Shang-Chi serves as something of a course-correction on that, playing them straight and liberally using the logo.
Related: Shang-Chi Cast & Character Guide: All New & Returning MCU Actors
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The Ten Rings catch up with Shang-Chi on the bus, and their initial confrontation is observed by a familiar face. Played by Zach Cherry in Shang-Chi‘s cameo, the vlogger Klev first appeared in Spider-Man: Homecoming, when he asked Spider-Man to perform stunts as he filmed them, and he returns in Shang-Chi when a fight breaks out on his bus. “Yo, whaddup y’all, it’s your boy Klev, coming at you live on the bus,” he declares, before stating his intention to rate Shang-Chi’s martial arts as he apparently practiced when he was younger. It’s really something of a shame Klev doesn’t appear more, because he gets some great comedic lines in this welcome cameo.
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In the comics, Razor Fist is a low-level thug who typically works for more prominent villains – including the likes of the Mandarin and the Hood. He’s gone head-to-head with a wide range of superheroes, such as Shang-Chi, Wolverine, and Deadpool, but – although he was initially treated as a dangerous threat – he’s increasingly been seen as light comic relief compared to more deadly foes. Shang-Chi‘s version is a little different, with only one of his hands replaced by a razor-stump, which is frankly a lot more practical; the comic book character has often been mocked with questions about just how he gets dressed when both his hands are blades. Amusingly, it’s soon clear the character still likes to call himself “Razor Fist,” with that name sprayed on his car.
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Shang-Chi is heavily inspired by Jackie Chan and Chinese wuxia films, and it wears its love of these martial movies on its sleeve – literally. The opening bus fight between Shang-Chi and members of the Ten Rings features a tremendous moment in which the hero uses his jacket as a weapon, a move that will be familiar to any Jackie Chan fans. All in all, Shang-Chi boasts some of the best fight choreography in the entire MCU to date, appropriate for the character who – in the comics – is called the Master of Kung Fu.
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Shang-Chi’s origin story has completely changed from the comics, but certain elements of it still link to his first appearance in Special Marvel Edition #15. There, he was brought up by the crime lord Fu Manchu as an assassin but believing his father to be a humanitarian who only killed evil people. He did indeed complete his first mission for his father – before being told the truth about Fu Manchu being evil, and going rogue. The similarities end there, though, because Shang-Chi’s first mission in the MCU was a lot more personal.
Related: Shang-Chi Ending Explained: 6 Biggest Questions, Answered
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Shang-Chi seeks out his sister Xialing at the Golden Daggers Club in Macau, unaware it is a superhuman fight club or that Xialing owns it. In the comics, the Golden Daggers were a criminal organization led by Shang-Chi’s sister (named Leiko in the comics), who established them as a rival empire to her father’s. Shang-Chi originally thought they were working for Fu Manchu, but gradually learned he was caught between two rival criminal gangs.
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Keep a close eye on the Golden Daggers fight club, because it includes a number of cool Easter eggs. One particularly interesting fight is between an Extremis-powered soldier from Iron Man 3 and a Black Widow, giving a sense of the superhuman scraps that take place there. The Black Widow is a character named Helen, played by stunt performer (and World Wushu Champion) Jade Xu, and it seems she has found her way to Macau after being freed from the Red Room’s control in Black Widow. The Extremis soldier is particularly curious, as they were all supposedly killed, so it’s possible someone has begun experimenting with Extremis again.
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Of course, the star attraction of the Golden Daggers is the Abomination, a classic Hulk villain who’s changed substantially since The Incredible Hulk. Tim Roth’s Emil Blonsky was exposed to Gamma radiation in The Incredible Hulk, transforming him into a monster who rampaged through Harlem, but according to the Marvel One-Shot The Consultant he was viewed as a hero by the military, with the World Security Council even wanting him to get involved with the Avengers Initiative. SHIELD knew better, and manipulated events so as to ensure the Abomination was dropped from their potential Avengers roster, and (with the exception of one episode of Agents of SHIELD), he hasn’t been seen or referenced since – until now. The Abomination now sports a much more comic-book-accurate appearance, clearly having mutated significantly over the last decade. It’s difficult to say for certain, but when he is teleported away he appears to be going to the Raft, a prison for superhumans introduced in Captain America: Civil War. Blonsky will return in the She-Hulk Disney+ TV series.
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The Abomination’s opponent in the Golden Daggers is Wong, one of the more prominent members of the Masters of the Mystic Arts. It’s unclear why Wong is at a fight club, but he appears to be a regular and has a friendly relationship with the Abomination. Wong is playing a major role in Phase 4, likely because he’s operating from Kamar-Taj, meaning he’s responsible for overseeing mystical events across the entire world – while Doctor Strange appears to have become the guardian of the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York, thus being geographically limited. Wong returns in a delightful cameo in Shang-Chi‘s mid-credits scene.
Related: Shang-Chi End-Credits Scenes Set Up 6 MCU Movies & Shows
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It’s easy to miss, but the Madripoor flag is painted on the walls in Xialing’s fight club. In the comics, Madripoor is basically the Mos Eisley Cantina of the Marvel Universe, a notoriously corrupt and crime-ridden island nation. It made its MCU debut in The Falcon & the Winter Soldier when the titular heroes traveled to Madripoor and learned Sokovia Accord fugitive Sharon Carter had made her home there. Interestingly, Marvel set up a promotional Welcome to Madripoor website that did initially feature Ten Rings Easter eggs; they were swiftly removed.
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In the comics, Li Ching-Lin was an MI6 agent who secretly worked for Shang-Chi’s father, Fu Manchu. A skilled and brutal warrior, he was anointed Death-Dealer by Fu Manchu and became one of his most prominent henchmen, clashing with Shang-Chi on countless occasions. The MCU has completely reinvented Death-Dealer, who is apparently a key member of the Ten Rings, responsible for training them. He was a harsh mentor to Shang-Chi but did not train his sister Xialing, as she was a girl and women were not allowed to be members of the Ten Rings.
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A captured Shang-Chi and his friends are taken to Wenwu’s fortress in China’s mountainous Hunan province. This is based on Fu Manchu’s home in Special Marvel Edition #15, which was indeed situated in Hunan, and it has returned in recent Shang-Chi comics. Recent Marvel comics have rewritten Shang-Chi’s history, naming this as the House of the Deadly Hand, but these retcons were carried out while the film was in production so are unlikely to be important at this stage.
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Shang-Chi introduces viewers to Wenwu, the true leader of the Ten Rings, whose identity was appropriated by actor Trevor Slattery in Iron Man 3 when he dreamed up the character of the Mandarin. Slattery’s Mandarin was a composite of a hundred legends, but Wenwu is the real deal, a complex figure who has been tortured by grief over the loss of his wife years ago. The film spends a surprising amount of time explaining the Mandarin twist, with Wenwu even discussing it at length, mocking the citizens of the United States for being so terrified of “the Mandarin” – amused so many people were afraid of him.
Related: Shang-Chi Confirms The MCU Timeline Is Completely Broken Post-Endgame
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According to Wenwu, he has been known by many names over the millennia; the Warrior King, Master Khan, and the Most Dangerous Man on Earth. The second of these titles is the most important, because in the comics “Master Khan” is indeed an alias of the Mandarin. In the comics, it denoted a connection between the Mandarin and Genghis Khan, but in the MCU the timeline may instead hint Genghis Khan was himself Wenwu.
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Down-on-his-luck actor Trevor Slattery returns from Iron Man 3, once again played by Ben Kingsley. As seen in the Marvel One-Shot All Hail the King, Slattery was broken out of prison by the Ten Rings, with Wenwu intending to kill him for the audacity of appropriating his identity in this way. Slattery apparently forestalled the execution by launching into a terrified performance of Macbeth, and was thus spared death, instead becoming Wenwu’s jester. Trevor plays a surprisingly important role in Shang-Chi, helping the heroes get to the mystical realm of Ta Lo before Wenwu, and he even survives the battle with the Dweller-In-Darkness in hilarious fashion.
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Ta Lo exists in the comics, where it is a small pocket dimension numbered among the so-called “God Realms.” This is a seriously deep cut into Marvel lore, with Ta Lo only appearing in a single issue – Thor #301 – and actually explored more in Marvel handbooks than in the comics themselves. According to these handbooks, there are five interdimensional nexuses that lead to Ta Lo, each found at the foot of a sacred mountain. It is home to the Xian, a race akin to the Asgardians who have inspired China’s Taoist gods; Shang-Chi wisely ditches this idea, aware it would be culturally insensitive.
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As noted by Mateo, Wenwu claims the gate to Ta Lo opens only on Qingming Jie, allowing viewers to precisely date Shang-Chi in the MCU timeline. Because this happens after Avengers: Endgame, Shang-Chi must be in 2024, and this Chinese festival day will happen on April 4 that year. The events probably take place from approx. March 29 through to April 5, which means the timeline for MCU content post-Endgame currently looks something like this:
Marvel’s What If…?
Shang-Chi & the Legend of the Ten Rings
The Falcon & the Winter Soldier
Spider-Man: Far From Home
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Shang-Chi features a wealth of mythical Chinese creatures, including:
The unicorn-like qílín, the horned creature with the body of a deer and the tail of an ox, which lives in places of peace and serenity and only appears in the real world to presage the emergence of a great, benevolent ruler. Ta Lo is presumably supposed to be the origin of the qílín.
There’s also a glimpse of the fènghuáng, an immortal bird sometimes incorrectly called the Chinese Phoenix, another auspicious creature. Interestingly, both the qílín and the fènghuáng are symbols of balance, incorporating both the male and female elements; balance is very much the theme of Shang-Chi, so the presence of these two mythological animals is very appropriate indeed. Both the qílín and the fènghuáng are associated with Ta Lo in the comics.
The beautiful húlijīng, a mythical nine-tailed fox that has absorbed the natural energy of the world over many years.
There are also shíshī, the Chinese guardian lions, sometimes called foo dogs, who assist the residents of Ta Lo in their battle against the Ten Rings.
The longma is a legendary winged horse with dragon scales, another creature whose presence is symbolic of the rise of a sage ruler.
The most prominent creature in Shang-Chi is Trevor Slattery’s Maurice, a dìjiāng – often seen to represent cosmic confusion. It makes sense a dijiang would associate itself with Trevor.
Related: Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie, Ranked Worst To Best (Including Shang-Chi)
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Dragons do exist in Marvel Comics, the most famous being the alien Makluan dragon creature Fin Fang Foom; however, the Great Protector seen in Shang-Chi is nothing like a Makluan. Rather, the creature is based on Chinese mythology, where dragons – or lóng – serve as protectors rather than destroyers, and the dragon has become a symbol of status and power. Shang-Chi is likely set in the year 2024, which seems amusingly appropriate, given that is the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac.
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The Dweller-in-Darkness is lifted from the comics, although he’s been adapted quite significantly. In the comics, he is one of the universe’s Fear Lords, beings who gain sustenance from the fear of creatures on other planes, and he considers the more famous comic book Fear Lord, Nightmare, to be his cousin. Dweller-in-Darkness was a terrible threat to the Earth millennia ago, in the days of ancient Atlantis, and derived great pleasure from the conflict between the Eternals and the Deviants that led to the sinking of that continent. He grew too powerful, however, and caught the attention of the Atlantean sorceress Zhered-Na, who cast the Dweller-In-Darkness into an eternal slumber from which he only awoke in the modern era – only to find himself contested now by Doctor Strange. The MCU’s Dweller-in-Darkness has been changed a lot, and is now some sort of demon, blended with the Chinese myths of the Wangliang, a malevolent spirit in Chinese folklore. The Soul Eaters serving the Dweller-in-Darkness in Shang-Chi do exist in the comics, but they too have been heavily modified. In the comics, a Soul-Eater attaches itself to a victim and preys upon them for a lengthy period of time, consuming their soul little by little. The process of soul extraction is vastly accelerated in Shang-Chi.
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Shang-Chi‘s post-credits scene reveals the superhero holo-conferences conducted by Black Widow during the Blip (as seen in Avengers: Endgame) are still ongoing. This is the first time there’s been a hint Earth’s protectors are still organized in Phase 4, and it’s likely Wong only called in the people he wanted involved in discussions about Shang-Chi’s Ten Rings; Captain Marvel, with her knowledge of alien worlds and civilizations, and the scientific mind of Bruce Banner. Neither has ever seen anything like this before, with Banner confirming they’re not Vibranium.
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Something has clearly happened to Bruce Banner between Avengers: Endgame and the events of Shang-Chi; the last time he was seen, the Banner and Hulk personas had combined into “Professor Hulk,” and he was stuck in that form permanently, but now he’s back as a human being. This will probably either be explained by the upcoming She-Hulk Disney+ TV series, or else it will be setup for it, explaining why Banner’s blood is used in a transfusion for his cousin Jennifer Walters. His right arm is still in a sling, meaning the injury he sustained when he used the Infinity Gauntlet hasn’t been healed. It seems Marvel are honoring the Russo brothers’ wishes for the Hulk to have a permanent injury; “It’s permanent damage,” Joe Russo explained in one interview. “The same way it was permanent damage with Thanos. It’s irreversible damage.“
Related: Every Upcoming Marvel Movie Release Date (2021 To 2023)
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Wong references Kamar-Taj during the holo-conference, revealing the Masters of the Mystic Arts were able to detect whatever “signal” was emitted from the Ten Rings at the moment control of them passed over to Shang-Chi. This is pretty impressive, given Ta Lo was described as being in an entirely different universe, meaning the energy surge generated by them must have traveled through the entire Multiverse.
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The MCU has always loved to incorporate classic music into its films, and the Eagles’ “Hotel California” crops up throughout Shang-Chi. The theme of the song works perfectly for the movie, as Shang-Chi has attempted to “check out” of the family drama, but he can never leave. The mid-credits scene of Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings puts a more positive spin on this, though, because now Shang-Chi has checked in to the world of superheroes, and his life will never be the same again.
More: Where Was Doctor Strange During Shang-Chi?
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clareandthecity · 4 years
How to Wear Hoodies: A Model Manual for Men
UK Leading Minister David Cameron's known advice that people should all'embrace a hoodie'has been much publicised and discussed. Following the London riots it has come under scrutiny again. Hoodies, certainly among the older era, have evolved a variety of bad connotations. Several young adults, however, don't understand just why this will be so.
For a lot of entirely law-abiding young adults, the simple hoodie is just a hot, relaxed apparel decision and nothing more. Personalised hoodies have grown to be specially common among younger era, being a good way showing your support for a club, group, party or cause. Plenty of youngsters get hooded sweatshirts made up as a keepsake from old schools, or fun class holidays. Hoodies are frequently used as an easy way to consider positive experiences. Why do hoodie- Angry Girl Logo Hoodie  have such a poor status?
One possibility is that, even though a large proportion of youngsters wear hoodies, the only kinds who make it to the press are those who are around no good. This may lead the elderly to assume it is small thugs and thieves alone who wear hoodies. This may show that all hoodies, also helpful personalised hoodies, get unfairly judged and maligned.
Contact with completely great youngsters who wear personalised hoodies, or hoodies generally speaking, could help the older generations to understand that the picture of the harmful, out-of-control youngsters in hoodies, isn't the norm.
Yet another aspect which might make persons skeptical of hoodie wearers, whether or not they use personalised hoodies or elsewhere, is the bodily form and design of hoodies and promotional hoodies. You will no doubt have observed signals in store windows which study:'NO HOODS IN STORE '. The truth that hoodies have an, eponymous, cover may appear apparent but it is anything that may produce persons worried because it obscures the faces of wearers.
The images in the press of faceless gangs of youths in hoodies, even yet in personalised hoodies, can look specially threatening, simply because their looks are hidden. When you're struggling to start to see the people of big groups it may seem alarming due to the not enough individual connection. Largely, but, this bias from the simple hoodie is really a press create, blended with merely a bit of class snobbery and fear of the young...an uncomfortable cocktail once you think about it.
You will want to reveal that personalised hoodies are only as fun, cute, elegant and friendly as the following item of clothing. Because personalised hoodies are fully customisable you can spread any information you prefer with them. Use personalised hoodies to demonstrate school delight, school association and membership membership.
Leavers hoodies will be the should have product within the last weeks of school. Thousands are bought each year by pupils up and down the country, and are beloved possessions, tagging the conclusion of school and the beginning of another chapter. Arranging college leavers hoodies for your school or school year can be quite a challenging possibility, but if you follow that guidance it will go a whole lot more smoothly. It comes right down to a combination of excellent organisation, and choosing a fantastic personalised outfit printing company. This informative article will give suggestions about both.
In order to get the very best package for the printed leavers hoodies, you have to get as many people to buy them as you are able to, as mass orders lower the price tag on each produced hoodie. Which means you need to spread the word and get as many folks aboard as possible. The final design will also (most probably) involve a listing of persons in your year, which comes into play ideal for the organisation point too. Get a replicate of one's year group / school from the school's admin company, as that'll be comprehensive and most of the titles are guaranteed to be spelt correctly.
You will need the hoodies to reach just before the conclusion of term, therefore you'll need to spot your supplier (there is help on selecting a good leavers hoodie dealer later in this article) and inquire further how long it will take to fulfil an order. Allow time for you yourself to come up with a design and get images and data to the hoodie printing organization, individuals to decide about whether they need one and time for all of it to be delivered. It's most useful to get hold of the making company at an earlier stage because they will be able to help you decide when the last purchase contract is likely to be if you tell them your day that you would like the purchase to arrive.
Make an announcement in assembly, or question a teacher to take action for you, making everyone understand that you're organising a college leavers hoodie for your year. Set notes in the registers for form tutors to see out, and make it clear that getting in volume delivers the purchase price down, therefore as many individuals as you can need certainly to commit. Supply the timeline for purchasing and then look for pointers to be study out five times, three days and one day before it. If you can, put posters up in the hallways students go down on the way out of school, to tell them in route home. You could always use Facebook, Facebook and other social media marketing sites to tell persons too.
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Just how to Organise School Leavers Hoodies Stress-Free
Lots of youngsters get hooded sweatshirts constructed as a keepsake from old colleges, or enjoyment group holidays. Hoodies are commonly used as a way to remember positive experiences. So why do hoodie-wearers have such a bad reputation?
One chance is that, though the great majority of youngsters use hoodies, the only real kinds who ensure it is into the press are those that are up to number good. This may cause the elderly to believe it is young thugs and thieves alone who wear hoodies. This may signify all hoodies, also pleasant personalised hoodies, get unfairly Angry Girl Logo Hoodie  and maligned.
Contact with completely good youngsters who wear personalised hoodies, or hoodies generally, could help the older generations to realize that the picture of the dangerous, out-of-control youngsters in hoodies, is not the norm.
Yet another element which can make persons careful of hoodie wearers, if they wear personalised hoodies or otherwise, could be the physical form and style of hoodies and promotional hoodies. You'll without doubt have seen signs in store windows which read:'NO HOODS IN STORE '. The truth that hoodies have an, eponymous, cover might sound apparent but it's anything which can make people worried because it obscures the looks of wearers.
The pictures in the press of faceless gangs of youths in hoodies, even in personalised hoodies, will look specially menacing, simply because their looks are hidden. When you are unable to start to see the encounters of large teams it could appear alarming due to the insufficient individual connection. Largely, but, that prejudice against the simple hoodie is just a media construct, combined with only a little bit of school snobbery and concern with the young...an uncomfortable drink once you consider it.
Why not show that personalised hoodies are only as enjoyment, lovely, fashionable and helpful as another product of clothing. Because personalised hoodies are completely customisable you are able to distribute any concept you like with them. Use personalised hoodies to demonstrate college delight, college connection and club membership.
Leavers hoodies are the must have object within the last weeks of school. Thousands are ordered every year by students up and down the united states, and are cherished possessions, observing the finish of school and the beginning of the next chapter. Arranging college leavers hoodies for your school or school year can be quite a overwhelming probability, but if you follow that advice it should go a lot more smoothly. It comes right down to a combination of great organisation, and selecting a great personalised dress printing company. This short article can give suggestions about both.
In order to get the best offer for your produced leavers hoodies, you need to get as many people to purchase them as you possibly can, as bulk orders decrease the buying price of each produced hoodie. That means you'll need to distribute the word and get as many people aboard as possible. The ultimate design will also (most probably) involve a listing of persons in your year, which will come in useful for the organisation period too. Acquire a copy of your year class / type from the school's admin company, as that will be comprehensive and most of the names are guaranteed to be spelt correctly.
You'll want the hoodies to arrive right before the end of expression, so you will need to recognize your dealer (there is support on choosing a good leavers hoodie provider later in this article) and ask them just how long it takes to fulfil an order. Allow time for you to develop a design and get images and information to the hoodie printing organization, people to make a decision about whether they desire one and time for it all to be delivered. It's best to make contact with the making company at an earlier stage while they will have a way to assist you decide when the final get timeline will undoubtedly be if you tell them the afternoon that you would like the purchase to arrive.
0 notes
avelera · 7 years
Thoughts on fight choreography
Re-watching snippets of Kingsman 1 for a ficlet, and I’m at the scene with the pub room brawl where Harry Hart kicks the s***t out of those thugs, and it brought me back to my days doing broadsword choreography in high school. 
Some interesting realizations quickly set in when you’re choreographing a fight scene where it’s several people ganging up on one. I was admittedly an amateur then, and now, but thought my observations from those days as applied to this film, and fight choreography in general, would be of interest.
1) In the real world, it’s really hard to explain why multiple people, even just two people, fighting one wouldn’t immediately win. Most sports styles of martial arts, such as fencing and boxing, are focused on a single opponent for gaining points. So, even if someone has years of experience in a particular style, if they’ve been trained in it as a sport their expertise is going to be for one on one fighting. 
My club in school was doing historically accurate broadsword fighting styles as we were trying to recreate the styles from the old manuals. But even those were in essence dueling styles, again mostly designed for one on one combat rather than pitched battle (fun fact, someone good at sword dueling would not naturally be good on a battlefield, they are very different skill sets). 
So basically, even if you’re extremely versed in a combat style, once there are multiple opponents you have to start getting creative as a choreographer really quickly, because you can’t necessarily fall back on sports or duelist training anymore.
2) This is why you’ll notice in a lot of Hollywood fight scenes, including the one I’m discussing in Kingsman 1, the first thing you’ll see happen is multiple opponents get knocked out of the fight immediately. Harry’s first rerouted punch in that scene takes out 3 of his opponents. 
Many of his moves after that involve using his other opponents as shields or weapons to hit their fellows, again reducing the number of combatants effectively to one at a time. Dazing multiple opponents at the outset is a possible technique so that as they get up, they’re still attacking one at a time. This is also why in sillier looking Hollywood fights, you have the group of bad guys attacking the good guy one at a time. 
3) Real world fights are very short. Like, try seconds long once you cut out all the circling. Especially in broadsword fighting, those weapons are basically like being hit with a baseball bat at minimum (interestingly, the ones I worked with didn’t have an edge historically, they were bludgeoning weapons rather than slicing ones, there’s a school of thought that knights would grab the blade to use it as effectively a quarterstaff, or turn the weapon around entirely when they got tired of the weight in order to use the crossguard as a kind of hammer, and that they were able to do that due to the lack of edge).
 It’s really just about finding that first opening because once you connect they are out. Again, that’s what made it so hard for us to choreograph multi-on-one fight scenes, because really once one fighter has the hero pinned down, even a child could run up behind them and deal a crippling blow, or a distraction that lets their main opponent deal the killing blow. Hand to hand fighting isn’t as immediately lethal (though it is more lethal than movies would have you believe, tons of people go to jail every year for accidentally killing someone they only punched, not realizing it was enough to kill them), but the statement still stands. Once you’re fighting one opponent, it is really hard in the real world to disengage long enough to take on a second opponent without opening yourself up to immediate defeat.
So in essence, once you’re choreographing a fight-to-the-death for entertainment, you probably want it to go more than the real-world couple of seconds, first of all because modern audiences are trained to expect that even if it’s not accurate. And second, it’s just entertaining. Which means you’re almost immediately out of the realm of using real fight examples, and you’re onto stringing together different fight moves, each of which on their own would usually end with a killing blow, and finding ways for the opponent to miraculously survive each one for a longer and longer period. When the third prequel Star Wars movie came out, my choreography club and I were laughing our asses off at the fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan because it just went on for ages. It must have been a huge huge pain in the ass to choreograph, and any one of those blows would have been a killing one with a lightsaber. Keep in mind, in my amateur club it took us something like 10 hours to put together a 50 second fight for a stage show, not counting rehearsal (in which I nearly killed one of my co-stars, but that’s a story for another day) and again we were amateurs but that gives you an idea.
So my point is, kudos to fight choreographers who pull off a multi-on-one fight scene where the single fighter gets out alive, much less wins. They are much harder than you think to make realistic, much less look good, and there’s a lot of little tricks hidden in them so if you look closely, many such fight scenes are in reality one-on-one fights that are cleverly linked in such a way as to look like multi-person brawls, as is the case in Kingsman 1.
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miu-paras · 5 years
Lvl. 5 ⋮ Red // Chapter 5
September 20th, 2019. 3:30 AM. ♪ - Notaker / Infinite (Part 1) | HEALTH / CRUSHER (Part 2)
I was never much of a fighter. In fact, I always avoided confrontation as much as I could. My mom tried to get me into martial arts as a kid, and I was always apprehensive about it. Always finding excuses, like I wouldn’t be good at it, I was too short, too clumsy, too weak. When I was being antagonized at school, I’d simply ignore them, walk away and try to forget their words. I never took to violence. It was only my games that were ever the exception, and knowing it was fiction made it easier to dissociate myself from it entirely.
But this wasn’t fiction. The looming figure above me wasn’t a product of pixels and polygons. The four massive fingers curled around my throat weren’t simple pictures. And the barriers in my mind protecting me from their control were no illusion.
No… none of this was fake.
Neither was the power that surged through me once more, building in my chest and extending through my leg, lightning surging and blasting forward from my feet as I kicked the Makalden through the ceiling.
The room fell quiet, lights flickering from the immense release of power. But I could still feel their heavy, shocked stares burning holes into my skin, skin already hot from the aura of electrical energy that engulfed every inch of my body. But I couldn’t see their faces, or even hear their voices, my senses far too hazy as I slowly began to regain control.
{ You… }
[ Perhaps I enjoyed your spar with the Vanossi a little too much. ]
{ I thought I needed to prove myself, though… }
[ Prove yourself by getting us the hell out of here. ]
Fair enough.
I rolled off the table, heaving and coughing from the pain of being strangled, rubbing the bruises on my neck from the hunter’s grip. My haziness was beginning to wear off, and I could see the many faces that surrounded me. Some were laced with fear, others with anger. And Pixul’s was covered with pure, unbridled rage. There was one, however, who seemed unphased by anything that had transpired. The one with blue hair and gaudy attire, who merely watched with an amused quirk of his brow.
After seeming as though everything was moving in slow motion, the atmosphere quickly shifted. Everyone reacted at once. Pixul brandished two handguns. Vex called for his men to cease me, two of the taller, rugged men surging forward. I quickly expanded Red across my entire body, effectively ricocheting the bullets that fired from Pixul’s barrel. The impenetrable metal of my tsanista protected me again as a two long, narrow blades extended from each of the henchman’s bionic arms, making a loud screech against my armor as it sliced downwards. I ducked and dodged the following attacks before being tackled by the other lackey and slammed against the wall. Their large hand roughly pinned my head against the wall, my arms and legs grappling the burly forearm, fighting against their hold. Their hand squeezed down on my head harder and harder, until—
A loud noise reverberates through the building, loud enough to catch the attention of everyone in the room, heads veering towards the door and the grip on me loosening. The shouts and screams of partygoers could be heard from all the way downstairs as the entire club erupted into chaos. And Pixul looked even more alarmed than before.
Taz’s eyes suddenly went completely black, staring blankly into nothing until their vision returned, their face matching Pixul’s intensity as they turned to her.
“The Vaanen…”
As if Pixul wasn’t pissed off enough, the anger now practically radiated off her skin in waves.
I smirked. Now’s my chance…
Tightening my grip around the henchman’s arm, the stronger man instantly went still under my grasp. They shivered violently, fighting against the control I had over their prosthetics. Their arms and legs whizzed and muttered, sparks fluttering out from every limb as they lost all matter of function. Then suddenly, they went limp, falling to the floor with a loud thud. Lightning enveloped my form again as I raced towards the door, making it there too fast for Vex, Pixul, or the rest of their cohorts to react. I shot a confident look in Pixul’s direction, brandishing a smile wide enough o drive her even more insane.
“Deadzoners… such faulty technology, don’t you think?”
If Pixul could breathe fire, they would be right now. Fire coming out of her mouth, ears, eyes, and nose in a fit of fury.
I darted out of the room, zooming past the guards at the door and every other armed individual in a ball of light. Pixul and Vex shouted at others to stop me, but they’d be too slow. I was already dashing down every hallway, turning every corner until I reached a balcony overlooking the entire dancefloor, and the chaos that inhabited it. People were screaming, pushing past each other and breaking out into fights. All while a team of black-cladded individuals in dark, metal helmets tried to put a stop the madness, shouting at the frenzy to stop. If they didn’t comply, they were either detained and dragged away, or shot down with little hesitation.
{ Those Daft Punk looking guys… are those…? }
[ The Vaanen. Nuva’s android police force. ] Red answered. [ I have no doubt you could take them, but it would probably be best to simply avoid them. They could serve as a distraction against— ]
Before Red could even finish their thought, a stampede of footsteps began moving towards us from either side, getting louder and louder. With no other choice, I leapt from the balcony and into the fray of chaos. Flying helped to slow my landing, but it didn’t stop me from landing right in the middle of the frantic mob and determined Vaanen operatives attempting to quell the chaos.
One of which stood above me with uncanny stillness.
[ Oh dear… ]
“Uh… hi?”
“Scanning…” the disembodied voice left the android, images flashing on their helmet as they held their steady gaze. In one of their four arms, the Vaanen tightly clutched the collar of a clubber, who struggled against their hold but was too high to fight back properly. The other three hands brandished weapons: two handguns, and a rifle that emitted a soft, neon glow from every ornate indentation and carving.
“Race: Camerian. Terran. Toxin levels: Medium. Heart rate: Elevated.”
The officer read off a number of stats, yellow Talurian text streaming across the helmet. I used the perceived distraction as an opportunity to start slowly backing away.
But before I could make my furtive escape, the text flashed bright red, and they slowly began standing taller. And I was frozen in place from the sudden change in atmosphere.
“Nuvassi citizenship: Not recorded.”
They released the clubber in their grasp before quickly stomping their heavy foot on their chest. Gripping the rifle with both of their lower hands while the other two raised the pair of handguns.
“Protocol: Arrest.”
Before the officer even had a chance to subdue me in whatever fashion they were imagining, I raised my hand towards them, freezing them in their tracks. Controlling an android is harder than it would seem. They have more agency than the average machine. But even in their attempts to struggle against my influence, my power persisted. I extended my arm away, and in tangent with that motion the Vaanen was sent flying across the room, back slamming hard enough against the pillar to leave a large dent. Their helmet was cracked, flickering several times before the lights going out.
Part of me wanted that to be the end, but I knew it wouldn’t be. Especially since there were dozens—maybe hundreds—more Vaanen on that dancefloor with me, all of which I’d caught the attention of with my display. Their heads whipped away from the scene and in my direction, all their masks covered in bold, neon red lettering. If I wasn’t fucked before, I sure as hell was now.
“Assault of a Vaanen officer: Observed.” They all spoke in unison, turning their attention away from the running mob as their weapons were raised in my direction. I immediately expanded Red around my form again, ready for the fight I was now faced with.
“Protocol: Extermin—”
Their heads snapped towards the source of the outburst all at once. My head whirled around as well, looking up to take in the sight of Pixul at the balcony with her gun in hand, Taz and her men rushing from behind her and leaping over the rails to join the fray. They all wielded a weapon of some kind. Guns, blades, bludgeoning weapons. Some extending from their limbs, others pulled from the backs or belts. Taz’s arms were completely transformed, one forming a broad, heavy sword with an edge made of bright, hardened light, and the other a massive shotgun. They and the rest of the gang began fighting Vaanen and frantic clubbers alike, shooting and cutting down whoever challenged them. The Vaanen were an effective force themselves, however, taking out equally as many pawns as Pixul’s cohorts had. And unfortunately for me, I was caught in the middle of all of it, fighting both gang members and Vaanen alike. Thugs were easier to disable, having to only focus on specific areas and avoid being shot or stabbed myself, which my armor aided in. Vaanen took more concentration and even more skill to dodge and guard myself from their attacks. But over time the extension of my powers began to feel more natural, and I could more easily send them flying, or ramming into each other, or turning their weapons against them, or disabling their stupid looking helmets.
Pixul, however, was the true star of the violent clash. Seconds after her men hit the ground, her weapon to shift, as if made up of multiple, tiny components that churned and twisted like gears, multiplying and expanding until her mere handgun had become a state-of-the-art rifle. A wicked grin crossed her lips as she peered through the scope to take aim, a grin that grew wider and wider as she shot down each Vaanen that came into sight, expert precision put into each shot, every bullet landing in the exact same place, making headshot after headshot. Not a single fire was wasted. It was like she was some kind of sniper god, raining death and destruction down from her heavenly throne.
More Vaanen began to rush the building, and I used their entrance as an opportunity to slither my way out of the madness. With everyone distracted by the fight on the dancefloor, I hoped my escape would go unnoticed, and I could focus on quickly finding Iannis and getting the fuck out of here.
Wishful thinking, I know.
The moment I pushed my way out of the mob, I was confronted immediately by a Vaanen officer, who held their hands out towards me. Suddenly, I rushed forward, my armor pulled in by a magnetic force emanating from their palms. They held me roughly, and I readied myself to retaliate. But before I could even react, another shot rang out, and suddenly the officer went still. I looked up to see sparks sputtering from a hole in the center of their helmet, torn wire and metal entangled together as blackened oil leaking from their form. The Vaanen’s grip faltered, releasing me as they fell limp to the floor. My head whirled around to spot the sharpshooter grinning down at me from her perch, finger trembling against the trigger as she held her steady aim on me.
Time to move.
I extended to armor to cover my head as soon as another shot rang out. The bullet ricocheted against the impenetrable metal, my face going wide realizing how lucky I’d been when the shot struck the center of my shielded forehead. Immediately I went into hyperspeed again, running through every floor of the club, peering into every room, searching every corner for that familiar face. The pure white hair, the deep brown complexion, the scarring against their skin. But nothing. They were nowhere. Perhaps they’d escaped the club before the violence broke out. Perhaps they’d escaped Gan’em altogether. Maybe even Nuva. Maybe my appearance spooked them somehow, and they didn’t want to risk seeing me again.
Maybe this was all my fault.
My last stop was the bathroom, the one I’d met them in before. They were, of course, still nowhere to be found. No one was here except a dazed, drunken clubber in a complete stupor.
No one. Nothing… this was all for nothing.
“Goddammit!” I yelled, kicking one of the stall doors hard enough that it fell off its hinges. I was more than a little angry. My whole reason for being here wasn’t here, and there was no way of knowing where the hell they were.
{ I failed… }
[ No. Iannis is still out there. We simply need to search harder now. ]
{ But I don’t have time for that! We won’t be able to find them now… not without asking the right people the right questions. And the only person I could think of that would have any idea of where they are is— }
“H-hhheyyyy… heeeeyyy!”
My head turned around to see the clubber waving a limp hand towards the entrance, a lazy smile spread across their lips. They stumbled forward and wrapped their hands around the figure that entered, attempting to embrace them as tightly as their Tears-induced stupor would allow.
The figure—now revealing themselves to be Pixul the further she stepped in—shoved the happy clubber hard enough that they’re sent crashing into the stall across from them. Pixul, with ice cold fury embedded deeply in their eyes, lifted her handgun and fired several shots into their frail form.
I jump at the sound of the shots, hand clasped over my mouth as I watched their body go limp and violet blood pool and spread out of the stall. Pixul, their rage subsiding some, merely watched me with a quirked brow, almost amused by my reaction.
“The Vaanen would’ve killed ‘em anyway,” she said simply with a shrug, taking steps towards me now, “It would’ve been your fault, y’know… you called those fuckers here. Jeopardizing my business… destroying my club… Your fault. All. You.”
I acted fast, hand reached out as I yanked the gun from her hands, aiming it at her with my finger on the trigger the second the weapon entered my grasp.
“Where’s Iannis?” I asked sternly, my expression harder than before. Pixul’s face was a mixture of shock and anger once the gun left her hands, but it quickly twisted into a vicious smile. And before I knew it she was… laughing? Cackling. Hard enough that she had to grip her sides. I stared at her, confusion and anger etched in my expression as I lowered the gun slightly. Either Pixul was slowly starting to lose her mind, or she truly found the entire situation humorous. Whatever it was, it irked me, and I felt my brow twitch slightly as my face went hard again and I steadied my aim once more.
“This isn’t a game!” I shouted, “Where are they? The server! The one from the other night! With braids and—”
“I know who the fuck you’re talking about, love.” Pixul answered finally after collecting herself from her fit. “And they’re gone. After hearing about the… ‘connection’ you two had in here, I had the bitch sent away.”
I felt a pang of sadness shoot through me, my hand trembling as the gun was starting to feel too heavy for me to carry. Heavier than the guilt that hanged heavy on my heart, knowing I was the cause for all this strife. Realizing that I’d probably never see Iannis again. That my chance for more answers was probably gone. That my mother… my mother…
I’m so sorry, Ima…
 “W-where did you send them?” My voice faltered, tears stinging the corner of my eyes and threatening to breach past my lids. Pixul only smiled wider at this.
“Wouldn’t you like to know~.” She sang, continuing to step closer yet again. I took a step back in response to each advancement from her, still holding the gun high. She paid it no mind, continuing forward until my back was against the wall and the barrel was pressed against her chest. I could tell she liked toying with me, even more so now with the state of clear distress I was in. Her smile was sinister, laden with as much desire to put a swift end to the standoff and any future ones as I was. With a bullet to the heart.
But the gun was in my hands, and as much as my finger twitched over the trigger, I still hesitated to pull it.
After everything… the death, the manipulation, the violence, the lies… I still hesitated.
“With powers like yours, it would be easy for someone to think themselves a god… and yet, you stand here… with a gun in my chest… and you’re trembling.” She frowned, the tone in her voice sounding almost… disappointed.
“Perhaps the weak-hearted Terrans have filled your mind with that same softness.” Pixul taunted, her voice low as suddenly her hand was around my neck, lifting me from the floor enough that I was eye-level, and slamming me into the wall again. She was a strong as Xhen. Maybe even stronger. I had since lost my grip on the weapon in my hand, the gun hitting the ground as I clawed at the hand around my throat, her fingers squeezing more and more around my larynx. Any attempt at resistance, the kicking of my legs or fingers tugging at her grip, was met with even more constriction. I felt the spark inside me fade, my powers betraying me in the moment of desperation. Too encumbered by my own sadness at my failures for any rage to resurface. Too preoccupied by the lack of air in my lungs to focus my energy properly.
Why did I hesitate… I shouldn’t have hesitated…
 “You should’ve just said yes.” She growled, anger returning to her glare. “It would’ve been easier on you if you di—"
There is a swift, sharp sound, one that makes Pixul’s eyes go wide as they suddenly shoot down to her side, where a thin blade punctured through her stomach. Blood oozes from the wound, and Pixul is too in shock to even make a sound. To distracted to notice that her assailant was her own cohort. One of Vex’s own men. The ostentatiously dressed figure with hair a more electric blue than hers.
Even I was shocked, but rather than let it show, I acted quickly. Fashioning Red into a heavy blade, my tsanista swiped wide and cut clear through the arm that held me in place.
I fell to the floor, gasping for the breath I was robbed of. Pixul fell to the floor too, crying out loudly the second her arm was severed. I stood from the blood-coated floor and backed away from her, watching as she writhed in pain, wailing and clutching the gory stump, then crawling on her remaining three limbs towards the gun, which her dissenter—whom I’ve nicknamed “Spike”—kicked away from her reach. Pixul was down. More than that—she was bleeding profusely, shivering and glaring up at the two of us with an insane look in her eyes.
“We need to get out of here.” Spike said. I look away from the scene to meet his eyes, nodding only once. I didn’t know if I could trust him, or anyone for that matter. But there was little time to dwell on a better solution. Not only had they literally and figuratively stabbed their partner in the back, they were offering to help me. That alone was more than enough.
He took my hand, and we ran out of the bathroom, Pixul glaring at us as we left, drenched in a pool of her own blood. I didn’t linger on the sight, merely looking ahead at the challenges that faced us. It was back to disabling the many Vaanen that swarmed us. Me, by pushing them away, shutting them down, or disarming them whenever I could. Spike took a more direct approach, swiftly jumping from one place to another, too fast for the Vaanen to target. He wielded a blade in each hand, and daggers in the two on his sides, freeing them of limbs and weapons as he cut through them with proficiency and ease. I hardly needed to do anything following closely behind them. Regardless, I offered my support where I could, shielding his side and taking out any that came behind us. Over time, our pace quickened, and my confidence returned, enough that I felt that spark building inside me once more.
We were ascending now, going from floor to floor until we reached the top. The further we got, the less Vaanen there were. And outside the windows that lined every wall of every level were cars that circled around the building.
“We can use one of these,” Spike said, grabbing my arm once more. I froze immediately, yanking away from his grasp.
“Where are we going?” I asked, eyeing in incredulously. It was a fair question. I was willing to follow him this far, sure, but now was the time for answers. Before I hopped in a vehicle and hauled ass with him, at least.
“I… I can’t explain right now. But I can when we get there.” He held out his hand towards me again, searching my expression for an ounce of faith. “You’ve trusted me so far… trust me now.”
I sighed deeply, shaking my head in uncertainty. I could run off on my own, yes. But where would I go? Was it better to go alone at all? I find that it’s better to have allies when in unknown places. Zhu’drek would have been more of a nightmare if not for Xhen. And even in a place as chaotic as this… I wasn’t opposed to having allies. Neither I nor Red had no reason to distrust him yet, after all.
Reluctantly, I reached for his hand. The second my palm clasped with his, the ceiling fell in on us. I was quick to pull him in, using Red to shield us from the glass and debris that rained from above. A giant thud shook the ground, and I thought it may have been a large chunk of the roof. Or at least, that’s what I’d hoped for. Instead, before us stood the hulking Makalden, surrounded by their shrouds of darkness, twisted vermillion eye glaring at me with furious intent.
They charged, and I immediately shielded us in a ball. The walls around us vibrated and tremored with each massive slam to the tsanista’s shell.
“What will it fucking take to kill this thing?”
[ More than electricity, it would seem. ] Red said, sounding more amused by the situation than alarmed.
{ Well, any advice? Suggestions, maybe?! }
[ I have dispatched many of their kind in my time with Kalar. They are very few means of resistance against them, one of which you have now, luckily. Even fewer weaknesses. Redirecting their mental attacks was one, though you have no access to such abilities yet… ] Red paused. They were thinking, searching their memories for a solution.
[ Rael, however, found that it was easier—and quicker—to simply… go for the eye. ]
I blinked. { The eye…? Just… stab it in the eye…? The weird, spirally one? }
[ It couldn’t hurt. ]
I turned to Spike, only to see that his eyes were shut tight. He was murmuring something unintelligible, arms trembling. The Makalden must’ve affected him, and he was shaking off the control. Or attempting to, at least.
“Keep it together…” I spoke softly, gently resting a hand on their shoulder. “Now listen to me… I’m gonna drop this shield, and when I do, I need you to stab that thing right in its eye. You’re fast… more accurate than I’ll ever be too.” I shook his shoulder, urging him to look towards me as I gave him a reassuring nod. “I’m putting all my trust in you… I need you to trust me too.”
He went still, very silent for a moment before finally answering with a small nod of his own. He turned his stern gaze forward again, and we both took one last breath. We needed to be fast, in sync. Otherwise, I was on my own should he succumb to the Makalden’s control… the last thing I wanted to be right now.
I dropped the shield, and Spike leapt forward, too fast for even the Makalden to react properly. He was quick to latch himself onto the hulking figure, arms and legs wrapped around his massive head and neck. I formed cuffs around the figure’s wrists with my tsanista, hindering any sort of retaliation while Spike sank his blade deep into the twisted, vermillion eye. Suddenly, the Makalden went as still as a statue, their arms going limp, the shadows around them dissipating. And then…
They exploded into a cloud of black smoke and dark, viscous fluid sputtered across the walls and floor. Nothing was left of them but a billowing cloak floating gently to the ground.
I was grossed out at first. Spike, too. Then we flashed each other a wide grin, shaking off the gooey tar that coated our faces and clothes. Our celebration didn’t last long, however. More Vaanen still swarmed the building, both from the front entrance and around the building itself, circling the many floors in hovering SWAT vans. One of which shined their blinding headlights on the two of us.
I turned to Spike. “You still trust me?”
He quirked his brow, but nodded nonetheless.
I took his hand and ran forward, running towards the flying cars and away from the Vaanen that pursued us. I didn’t second-guess my actions, nor did I hesitate or question where I was going. I was unequivocally myself in this decision. As brazen, bold, and impulsive as always. I hurled us both through the window, tsanista protecting us from the shards of glass that flew around us, as we freefell from the building and towards the traffic, the bystanders, and the cold, hard ground that greeted us hundreds of feet below.
I tried flying to slow our descent, but it didn’t do much; Spike was too heavy for my delicate arms. But it wouldn’t matter; I had other means of transportation in store. A pair of Spike’s arms were wrapped firmly around my sides. I held onto his jacket, and with my free hand I tossed my tsanista forward. Immediately, it began to unfold itself, morphing and shifting until its shape was no longer a pendant, but a vehicle as large as the ones above and below us, complete with the same hovering capabilities I’d come to be familiar with in my time on this planet.
The roof of the car opened up, and we fell inside, quickly shuffling into our cold, metal seats. It closed above us, and without wasting another second I zoomed us forward, Vaanen leaping from the windows and into their own cars to chase us down with fervor.
I moved fast, weaving Red through the aerial traffic and being careful to dodge whatever cars tried to run us off our course or into the buildings surrounding us. Spike was in a state of shock, gaze shifting between the Vaanen trailing us, the bullets that ricocheted off our transport’s Ulterian steel shell, and me, the reckless driver of a vehicle that seemingly appeared out of thin air.
“How did y—”
“Not gonna lie to you? This is probably the biggest thing I’ve ever made,” I glanced at him then back at the traffic ahead with a nervous smile. “But listen… I need you to tell me where we’re going? This is kind of only my second time here, and last time wasn’t exactly a grand tour, so…”
“Oh—right.” He straightened and nodded, sitting properly in his seat now. “Several buildings down, there’s an alleyway… I’ll tell you when, but first…” His head turned to the Vaanen behind us, glaring at the sirens and shooters that tailed us so intently. “We need to lose these guys…”
“That’s what I’m trying to d—”
“Open up the top. I’m going out there.”
My head whipped towards him. “What?!”
“Just do it! Keep your eyes ahead, and keep them going in circles. I got this.”
My stare lingered. I was reluctant at first, but his determination was too unwavering to argue against. I opened the roof again, and he hopped out. The stare-down between him and the police didn’t last long. As soon as a shot rang out, he leapt forward. I could only see so much from my driver seat, but even my limited view was enough to paint a picture. Spike moved unbelievably fast. Like a cricket, he leapt from car to car, cutting through bullets, dodging them, disarming Vaanen and disassembling their weapons, dismembering them and throwing them from their vehicles and various perches with ease. He cut through some of the vehicles as well, a testament to just how sharp and sturdy those blades were. With quick, agile use of his swords, Turrets were sliced in half, and vehicle parts rained down from the sky in pieces.
Even though I did my part, swerving every which way and circling around the various skyscrapers and keeping the Vaanen confused on their chase, I still felt useless from where I sat. As the Vaanen increased in number, and their behavior became more unpredictable, it wouldn’t be long until Spike was overwhelmed.
“Red… how do you feel about being bait?”
[ …I think you should stay in the car. Your track record with combat so far has been… less than favorable. ]
“He needs help!”
[ Maybe you should reconsider your approach a bit more before flying into danger with reckless abandon? ]
I wanted to take in their words a bit more. I wanted to be as cunning and strategic as Red wanted me to be. Less rash in my decision-making. Less naïve. Less… me. It is what got us in the situation, after all.
But it’s also what would get us out.
“No time to think! Head empty! Gotta go!”
I took a deep breath, exhaled, then jettisoned myself from the vehicle, still keeping Red on their course. I could hear their curses in my head, but I ignored them, flying towards the swarming Vaanen cars as fast as I possibly could.
The energy within me swelled again, filling up my chest before flowing outwards, blanketing me in blinding, electrical power. One Vaanen had turrets aimed at Spike’s back. They had no chance to fire, however, because I’d shot myself through the bottom of their car. It practically exploded upon contact, splintering in various directions.
Spike, along with several of the Vaanen officers, veered their heads towards me. I winked in their direction before descending onto another approaching vehicle. I could hear one surging towards me from behind. I was quick to turn around, holding my hand out and freezing the car in place. With both hands, I made tugging motions in the air, as if to pull open a heavy door. The vehicle began to split, metal, wire, and glass breaking, snapping, and tearing apart until I flung my arms outward, both halves flying with them in either direction.
My new comrade offered a snide grin in return, using the opportune distraction as a chance to strike while their guards were down. And just like that, the fight had picked up again.
It went on like that for a while. Spike tearing through Vaanen, me tearing through hovering cars, motorcycles, and turrets. All until there were barely any officers left, only a few in a battered van tailing behind us. Spike leapt back to Red, landing on the roof before turning to give me a bright smile and a thumbs-up. I only laughed at the sudden dorkiness and returned one as well.
[ Congratulations on you both not being dead. ]
{ Thanks! …I guess. }
[ Don’t mention it. ]
Our celebration didn’t last nearly as long as I would’ve liked. Sirens rang through the air, and many of the neon signs that decorated every building suddenly flashed red. An image of a woman appeared on every screen, Talurian characters scrolling beneath her moving lips.
Our faces were what flashed next.
Oh. Shit.
“We’ve gotta move!” Spike shouted from below me, and before the words even left his lips I was already rushing towards Red. I opened the roof and the both of us hopped in immediately, racing away from the many neon signs changing bright red in our wake.
“Where do we go?” I turned to Spike. His eyes scanned every edge of the city in rapid motion. He looked almost frazzled. Completely caugh off guard by what had transpired.
“I… that way!” He pointed to an alleyway several buildings ahead. I nodded once and instantly began directing Red towards the desired location, bobbing through the now clustered traffic that surrounded us. It was a rough descent, managing to clip the side of a blinking neon billboard and nearly crashing into a car passing by, but we came out of it unscathed. We drifted straight into the alleyway, right through an invisible barrier that only made itself known as we crossed through its threshold, colors dancing around our vision for a split second. And rather than the alleyway I’d pictured before, we were parked in front of a shed, plain but big, with no windows and a single brown door.
[ Photomazers… hiding a rundown shack. Not sketchy at all. ]
I was quiet, watching Spike closely as he hopped out and began approaching the door.  I shifted my tsanista back to its original form, taking trepidatious steps towards Spike, who held the door open with one set of hands and urged me forward with the other.
Inside was a tight corridor of metal walls, with another door at the other end. We walked in a straight line, the dimly lit lights flickering as we inched closer. Opening the second entrance revealed a staircase, leading steeply in one direction. The more nervous I became with each step, the more the lights above us sputtered in rapid intonation.
I expected another long corridor, maybe more confusing than the last, when the final door swung open. Instead, I was greeted to a room full of… guns.
A vast, immeasurable number of guns.
There were aisles upon aisles filled with shelves of weapon parts, bolts, machinery, and gadgets I’d never seen until now. The walls were decorated with them, from rifles to pistols, to the shifting kind that Pixul had. Workbenches were situated between the many shelves, decorated themselves with blueprints and incomplete projects. I imagined myself seated at one of them, too high to remember my own name but still working away. That’s what Pixul had in store for me, I supposed. All of this was her plan, with me at the helm of it all.
“A weapons factory… or a small one at least,” I murmured. “But if Pixul had all of this, why did she need me?”
My head whirled around to find Spike, who’d shuffled back and forth across the room. He’d begun packing as many weapons and parts into a box as he could. I watched him—glared at him—more perplexed than ever.
“And I’m guessing your plan was to steal it all? And use me to do it?” I snapped at him, my accusatory gaze fixated on him. He practically froze in place.
“Wh—no! No, that’s no what—… Listen…” He sighed, dropping the few things he  had in hand as he approached me, trying to ease the anger that was building. “There’s more to this… and I need your help to do it. I promise I’ll explain everything, I just need—”
A loud, heavy thud could be heard levels above us. Loud enough that it reverberated throughout the entire room. Could be the Vaanen. Or perhaps Pixul’s men finally making their advance. It was too hard to tell from here, but either way the threat was all the same. One thing was for sure though: whatever qualms or distrust I had for Spike in that moment would have to wait. We needed to get out of here. And quickly, too.
Spike was frantic now, trying to cram as much as he can in that box, with no idea or plans of how to smuggle it out. Meanwhile, I was searching the room. Mostly for a way out, but also for a means of getting myself home.
Which, thanks to my own keen survey of the room, didn’t take long at all.
The transporter wasn’t like the others I’d encountered. Unlike Xhen’s and Pixul’s, this one lacked the small, rounded shape that was compact enough to fit in your pocket. Rather, this one was more of a tablet, complete with a holographic screen and more complex controls. Regardless, it worked in much of the same way, albeit with easier input of coordinates, and more… customizable features. I could transport just myself, transport another target, or… transport anything within a given radius.
The wheels in my mind began to turn.
This place was an artillery, undoubtedly belonging to Pixul. Spike was here to steal from it, and if coupled with everything else that transpired tonight, one could assume he was no more a friend of Pixul than I was. If anything, he’s most likely been acting as a double agent—or… whatever it is he is—for a while in an effort to enact this plan.
Maybe we should help him with it.
Frankly, I was fed up. I was tricked, drugged, strangled, nearly mind-controlled, shot at, and forced to run for my life, all while running on zero sleep. And what’s worse, I was now Nuva’s most wanted alongside a man who’s name I didn’t know, and who’s background I knew nothing about. Yet he’s the only one on this fucked up planet that wasn’t trying to kill me.
Circumstance fueled anger, and anger fed a desire for more revenge.
I entered the coordinates and set the transportation radius to cover the entire room. A blue, holographic grid pattern covered every inch of the room’s contents, including me and Spike, who’d stopped in his tracks once they realized what I was doing.
[ You cannot be serious… ] Red dissented.
“I’m so serious.” I mumbled back, finger hovering over the command button.
I could hear the Vaanen at the door, breaking through and shuffling down the narrow staircase. Spike’s gaze switched between me and the door before finally fixating on the danger that approached us, brandishing a blade in each of his four arms. Soon, those doors would swing open, and he alone would cut down the threat. But I wouldn’t let him.
Silently, I made a prayer that I’d never have to set foot in this place ever again. Then I pressed the command button on the transporter.
In an instant, I felt my body swell with that familiar energy, that push and pull of the universe as we’re thrown across galaxies. It’s only a second later that I feel myself falling against the cold, hard floor of the shooting range. The weapons that threaten to hail down on us were instead frozen in mid air, my hands held above my head as I slowed their descent to the ground.
I take in the sight of my surroundings once more. The targets lined against the wall. The bows hanging from racks, arrows docked in quivers that hung alongside them. Hundreds of guns and parts that littered the floor. And Spike, staring at me with a face riddled with both shock and confusion.
Welcome back to Earth, Miu.
You’re fucked.
19th hour of Sandis Vaak. At the border of the southern faction of Seris. The skies are blanketed in gray, and the ground soaked in violet.
Kalar and their forces have arrived. A final answer to the southern rebellions.
The Morassi Resistance have spread their ideology further into the heart of the continent than before, which in turn has led to more outbreaks and riots by small indigenous groups, fishers, farmers, the working class. Those tired of the elite of Camer’s central factions, and the lack of protection and acknowledgement of the Ministry. Centuries of preaching about the greatness of Camer. Centuries of never being included in that narrative. It all came to a boil at once.
To answer with violence was a swift decision for the rest of the Ministry. They had since grown tired of Minister Ghivussi and Minister Gimli’s more passive approach, attempting to appease the protestors by bringing their queiries to the light of those in power. But nothing ever came of it. Radical visionaries want nothing more than to completely dismantle the system that disenfranchises them, and the Camerian elite were far too apprehensive of change. Even the slightest threat to their dominance had to be snuffed out.
Kalar had no problem answering their selfish grievances in this manner, but they cared very little for their own motivations. The Grand Minister had over time become less concerned with the state of politics. Class tensions, riots, and civil war were all things that seemed diminutive in their eyes. Too world-bound. Too tied to the present. Kalar had their eyes on what was to come. On prophecy, fate, and their own intuition.
Kalar was different now. Ever since Eshta brought the [ MEMORY REDACTED ] to their feet. Ever since Umvis’ passing. They were not themselves. Obsessive and quick to snap. Impulsive. Dangerous.
Kalar was spiraling. And Seris would be the first to feel the brunt of it.
I was pushed to my limit that day. I remember at one point becoming massive wheels lined with serrated blades, carving through the very earth beneath their running feet. At another point, I splintered into a million daggers that rained down from the skies above their head, whistling through the air until I pierced through flesh so quickly it could barely be heard. Massive structures, buildings, homes formed of metal were bent, crushed, and toppled to the ground. The very gravity beneath them shifted, pulling them down to their hands and knees as a pitch so high in frequency rang through the air until they bled from their ears. It was a bloodbath. A massacre, one of which Kalar was the sole culprit. Very few rebels survived that day, and even fewer civilians looked upon their Grand Minister with kind eyes from then on.
Rael was also there, watching as their ima carved through swaths of fighters with vigor. It was nothing to them. An effortless flick of their wrist, extension of their will. Rael’s approach to the violence was on a much narrower scale. They focused on enemy at a time, cutting them down with as much speed and efficiency as the Minister leading the charge. They never reveled in their suffering, however. Never once found enjoyment in taking a life. Though they never empathized either. Their heart was completely closed to it. Detached from the violence. There was no sorrow, nor was there any hint of sadism.
This was Rael’s duty. Their sole objective. Yet another weapon for Kalar to extend their will upon. Another cog in the wheel of their grand scheme. And Rael was so passive, so eager to please, so desperate to find purpose in this life, that they allowed their ima complete control.
Hours into the violence. Barely any were left standing. Those that did surrendered their arms, and their lives, to serve the Grand Minister in any way they deemed appropriate. Anything to avoid imprisonment. Or worse, torture. Or death.
Kalar merely waved them off, as if this were beneath them. They would deal with them later. The Minister’s mind was preoccupied, their attention fixated on the next goal. The second cog on her wheel.
The estate of the Minister of Seris. Ghivussi was waiting for them, down on hands and knees. Their face weary and ridden with grief, whilst Kalar wore a smile. The battle was over, and now Minister Ghivussi knelt at the feet of their victor. Rael kept some distance, lurking around the vast space of the Minister’s living quarters as they observed the scene with curiosity that was almost cat-like.
“Oh, Ghivussi…” Kalar began, twirling my bladed form between their fingertips with deft precision. “If you had only done your job. Think of all the lives you could’ve saved.”
“This… this was an unnecessary display of your power. This could’ve all been avoided had you and the rest of the Ministry simply… simply listened to the people! What their needs were… I could not enact change alone…” Ghivussi coughed, old bones trembling as they straightened from their kneeling position, staring up into Kalar’s eyes with all the determination they could muster. “I’ve done all I could. While you all did nothing. The blood is on your hands.”
Kalar huffed a dry laugh, rolling their eyes as they glanced down at Ghivussi. They seemed unimpressed by their tenacity, and even less moved by their words. Instead, their eyes wandered around the chamber, across the elaborate tapestries and the ornate carvings in the ceiling, down to the wide entrance that led to the bleak devastation Kalar left behind.
“All of this… none of it matters, does it?” Kalar stated, eyes still fixated on the ash gray clouds that rolled over the decimated landscape. “In the end, it’s all meaningless.”
“I-in the end…?” Ghivussi asked, seeming more unnerved by the Grand Minister with every passing second.
Kalar’s eyes flickered towards them again, their smile stretching across their once vacant expression, “Oh, yes. The ending… I’ve seen it.” Kalar crouched down to their level, roughly taking their face in their hand. “There are many worlds to visit… but this one ends. That ending approaches... getting closer and closer every day.”
Their smile is sanguine now, more genuine. As if they were attempting to quell their greatest fears. To comfort them…
“It all starts with you.”
Kalar released their face, standing and turning to their child, who was now standing frozen in place, awaiting a command.
“Kill them. Remove the head.”
Tension rose in Rael, who hesitated to step forward, to even utter the defiance that later left their lips.
“Ima… they’re a Minister. I can’t—”
“They will soon be replaced. It is of no consequence, child.” Kalar answered plainly, pointing their blade toward Ghivussi’s throat. “I will not repeat myself.”
Rael is quiet now, jaw tightened as they inched forward. Their eyes flickered between Ghivussi, who quivered in fear and begged helplessly for their life, and their ima, who merely stared at the frightened Minister with complete disregard, with unwavering apathy. Kalar was unhinged, and with every step forward, Rael saw it more clearly.
Despite their unease, there was no falter in their stride. No trembling in their stance as they held their tsanista—Galagar, it was named—extended in its blade form to the Minister’s neck. They fell quiet, shaking even more under Rael’s solemn stare, and Kalar’s intense glower.
Rael would do it. They had no choice. It was either kill the Minister and return home, or face Kalar. The largest threat. The worst threat.
Rael’s arm shot out, and the Minister’s head toppled to the floor, coating the smooth crystal surface in a pool of fresh blood.
Kalar looked pleased. Rael looked ill.
It was the first time I’d ever seen them disturbed by a kill. Usually, they were as unfeeling in their actions as their ima. But this time was different. They just killed a member of the Ministry. And Kalar carried their head around as if it were a trophy.
Rael felt sick.
“The rebels did this.” Kalar held the head high, staring into its lifeless eyes. “They murdered their own Minister. Began an uprising. They needed to be stopped… and we did that today.” Their eyes flickered towards their child, the smile returning to their face. “You did that.”
Galagar dropped to the floor with a loud clang. Rael’s fists tightened, trembling as they glared at their ima with rage. With disgust.
“You call this… justice? You think this is right?!” Their voice was raised now, their gait quickened as they approached Kalar. “None of this… none of this was for Camer. It was for you. You and that… that fucking—”
“Mind your tongue.” Kalar snapped, their lips suddenly shifted into a frown. They were more than displeased with the sudden display. They tossed the head across the room, moving close enough that they were glaring down at them, that their breath could be felt on them.
“And if you are going to get brave with me, make sure you have your weapon in hand.”
There was stillness between the both of them, eyes locked in silence, yet the tension could be felt in the air. Neither moved. Not even so much as a flinch could be seen.
Galagar leapt from the floor and snapped back into Rael’s hand. Once the tsanista touched their palm, they were sent flying back as gravity betrayed them. They recovered, landing against the wall in a crouched position, one they only held for a second as Kalar stretched my form into a giant pillar, shooting out towards Rael. They leaped out of harm’s way, leaving a massive crater in their wave as they ran across the walls and ceiling searching for an opening. Kalar would not make it easy for them, pulling me back and splitting me several ways to form large rings, each getting larger than the other as they revolved around Kalar’s now levitating form. The rings were wide and heavy, each one shooting out pillar after pillar in an effort to cease their opponent’s quick evasions. But Rael was too fast, too cunning, too well-trained to fall prey to such simple tricks. They dodged, weaved, and ran quickly across the walls, ceiling, even leaping from ring to ring until they found their opening. They formed thin daggers from their tsanista, shooting them towards the Minister with great precision. Most were deflected by the inner ring, but one found it way in, scratching them across the cheek.
Rael found their opening. Like a fly lured into a spider’s web.
The scar healed immediately, and Kalar grinned viciously as the younger one leapt towards them in one instantaneous motion, blinking closer once a ring threatened their path. They were inches away from Kalar’s face, inches away from dealing any sort of blow with real weight to it.
Then time stopped around them. And Rael was frozen in mid-air.
Kalar smiled, my rings reduced in size and forming cuffs around both of my tsanagar’s arms. They stare at their child curiously for a while, until their fingers wrapped slowly around their neck. Time started again, and Rael, as quickly as they charged forward, was slammed against the ground with enough force that several large cracks split through the floor in several directions.
Rael strained against their grip for a while, legs kicking as much as they could under Kalar’s weight, light gasps escaping as fingers tensed around their throat. After some time however, they ceased in their struggling, not even bothering to retaliate in any form knowing Kalar would have a response of their own. The young tsanagar merely laid there, tapered breaths leaving them as they stared deeply into Kalar’s eyes, full of intent, of a rage that slowly became subdued as their wicked smile returned once more.
“You don’t see it yet… do you?” Kalar’s fingers tightened slightly, their other hand pinning Rael’s wrist harshly against the floor to halt the clawing at their arm. “You can’t feel it… but you will. Destiny finds us all.”
Kalar released Rael and stood, yanking the younger one from the ground by their shoulders, holding them tightly in place as they whispered against their ear.
“I still have need of you, Exiled.”
Rael stayed behind for a while, rubbing the finger-shaped bruises around their neck, and staring hard at the severed head at their feet. Kalar re-entered the bleakness of the outside world with a smile, perhaps proud of themselves for fulfilling whatever task they set out to achieve with all of this madness. I remember their elation quite clearly. I remember my own unease.
[ Am I still yours? ]
The question left me on impulse. It caused Kalar to pause, the joy wiped from their features and replaced with… uncertainty. Discomfort.
They clasped their hand over my medallion form, squeezing gently in an act of intimacy. The one moment of silence, of peace, we had in a long time.
[ Feels like a lie. ]
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