#OC Artemisia
faemorningstar · 4 months
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TMayNT Day 18: Human Versions of the Turtles!
I went with Rise, because of course. Been working on these for at least a week and I'm very happy with how they turned out!
Picture 1: Venus de Milo and annoying little brother Leo (I actually changed Leo's hair colour to look like a more natural blond)
Picture 2: Donnie and @tuatara-time 's OC Belisario
Picture 3: Slash, Mikey, and my OC Artemisia (the youngest of the bunch)
Picture 4: Raph, my OC Jane, and Jennika
Bonus! Leo with unnaturally blond hair
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burritello3000 · 6 months
The Fifth Turtle Prologue
49’s mouth fell open at the sight of a shining… ghost lady? The ghost was wearing what looked like clothes from Japan. 49 had seen some in her Sensei’s dojo. Don’t think about him! She mentally kicked herself. 
The ghost lit up the room as she looked at 49 with kind eyes. The turtle had many questions, but was afraid to speak out loud in case this was a trick and Bishop was listening. 49 wasn’t even sure if she could speak. After all, she hadn’t spoken since Bishop took her.
“Do not worry,” Ghost Lady whispered softly, a tender look in her gaze. “I will not hurt you. However, I have much to tell you…”
(This is basically a little sister au)
49 was awakened by a light, yet warm, touch. She jerked sideways and tried to sit up, her arms burning with the effort. 49 half-closed her eyes because of the bright green light in front of her.
She shivered. Was this another one of Bishop’s horrible experiments? She heard a soft murmuring, “Oh my child…” Resisting the urge to scratch at her scars, her eyes adjusted to the green glow.
49’s mouth fell open at the sight of a shining… ghost lady? The ghost was wearing what looked like clothes from Japan. 49 had seen some in her Sensei’s dojo. Don’t think about him! She mentally kicked herself. 
The ghost lit up the room as she looked at 49 with kind eyes. The turtle had many questions, but was afraid to speak out loud in case this was a trick and Bishop was listening. 49 wasn’t even sure if she could speak. After all, she hadn’t spoken since Bishop took her.
“Do not worry,” Ghost Lady whispered softly, a tender look in her gaze. “I will not hurt you. However, I have much to tell you…”
Three months later…
Donnie’s phone rang as he was working on writing SHELLDON’s code in his lab. He rubbed his eyes, tired after staring at the screen, and reached for his phone. “You are conversing with Donatello,” he answered, holding back a yawn. 
“DONNIE!!!” April shouted from the other end. “Turn on the news!” Donnie flinched, feeling irritated. “Do you have to scream,” he grumbled, swiveling around and getting up from his seat.
“Just do it,” April commanded. “Trust me, and HURRY.” Donnie sighed, heading towards the living room. “I’m hurrying.”
“No time for sarcasm, D,” she shouted. “Yeeeesh, no need to yell, April,” Donnie quipped back. He could practically hear her rolling her eyes.
Donnie entered the room, spotting Leo quietly watching Jupiter Jim on the couch. Papa must still be asleep, he mused. No surprise, it’s four in the morning.
He snatched the remote and shut off the movie, earning a protest from his blue-masked brother. “Hey! I was watching that.” Leo scrambled towards him. “Give it back!”
Donnie ignored him, switching to the news channel. “April called, rudely interrupting me, might I add, and said to turn on the news so I’m just doing what she said. Unlike you’d like to argue with her, my dear brother.” Donnie waved the phone around. Leo shot him a glare followed by a shrug. “I don’t see the problem.”
“That’s what I thought,” Donnie said, sitting down beside his twin. He turned up the volume just as Raph stomped into the room, holding a sleepy, retracted Mikey. “It is four o’clock in the morning! I hope you have a good explanation for this argument.” 
Leo stuck his tongue out at Raph as Mikey slowly poked his head out his shell. “Oh come on we weren’t that loud, maybe you’re a light sleeper.”
Raph glared at Leo. “Look, I know you guys can’t sleep but can you at least let us sleep?” Leo gasped dramatically and fell off the couch.
“How dare you accuse me. Donnie started it!” Donnie rolled his eyes. “Gasp! How dare you accuse me Nardo.”
Raph let out a low grumble. “Both of you be quiet. Pops is still asleep.” Leo wouldn’t let the argument go that easily. “First of all, Donnie’s the one that stole the—”
“Ummm, guys,” Mikey interrupted, his limbs popping out of his shell. “You should look at the TV.” Everyone turned toward the screen in confusion.
The title on the screen read: Could There Be Monsters Hiding In Our City?
It showed a woman with a microphone, who was clearly a news reporter, and a man wearing a suit-lab coat hybrid looking thing, black shades, and slick black hair. 
“For those just tuning in, I am here with scientist Johnathon Bishop,” the woman announced, the thick hair piled into a bun on her head bouncing. “Do you mind telling us more about your amazing discovery?”
She handed the microphone over to the man. “Thank you, Irma,” he replied, a sly smile on his face. “I am but a humble researcher, rejected by my peers at a young age. However, despite all that, I clawed my way up to the top after making a startling discovery four years ago today.”
Irma pushed up the thick, square glasses that threatened to slide from her nose. “Everyone wants to know, Mr. Bishop. What is this breakthrough you keep mentioning? We have only heard rumors so far!”
Bishop held the microphone up to his lips, a twinkle in his eyes. “I have found the most peculiar creature. A humanoid animal, sentient and sapient. A mutant, a monster, a freak.”
Irma’s eyes widened. “A monster?!” She squeaked, fear sparking in her gaze. 
“Yes,” Bishop confirmed. “A monster. It is unpredictable and vicious, but don’t worry. We have contained it. It will soon be on display for scientific study and human enjoyment at the Peterman Zoo. It may be a turtle, but do not be fooled by its looks and fake docile nature.”
Donnie’s phone slipped out of his hand in shock as Bishop continued. “I don’t sugg—” Leo shut off the TV, his knuckles white from gripping the remote so hard. Not a noise was heard as everyone took in the news.
Donnie broke the silence. “Well, I guess I’ll start doing some research.”
Am I the only one that thinks Donnie sits in one of those super comfy swivel chairs that the teachers in 4-6 grade always tell you not to sit on but everyone sits in them anyway? I can also imagine him using it to spin around while stroking SHELLDON when someone enters the room, lol.
Next Chapter:
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beastenraged · 9 months
Thinking about Artemisia and the other turtles in ribbons and thorns au.
-Physically, all of the turtles are about the same age. I think it would likely that Draxum would try to keep as many variables for his project as the same as possible (not to mention, a lot easier to train your super soldiers if they're all the same age).
But that doesn't matter, not since Splinter went and assigned his kids birth order.
That being said...
-The turtles are meant to operate in pairs. Artemisia would have been with Raph, and Atsuko with Mikey. Artemisia gets to be oldest daughter!
-Once they hit their second growth spurt for adult size, Raph's still gonna be the biggest but Artemisia is second after him.
(Atsuko would have been even bigger than Raph, had she lived.)
-More details on Art's mystic powers to come in-story, but I'll detail it a bit here. She can use a blade to cut through anything, as long as it is not or has not been alive at any point.
Example, cannot cut through meat or flesh or plants. Can cut through rocks, metal of all kinds, crystals.
Most importantly, Art does have the ability to cut through mystical abilities. She would be able to slice up Raph's projections, for example.
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canisalbus · 4 months
Does Ludovica's girlfriend has a name so far? Its hard imagining scenarios of them with one of them being unnamed, so I thought of using either Beatrice or Artemisa as a placeholder (which I think it would be a nice contrast to Machete's catholicism vibe, a name deviated from a "pagan" goddess, also LudoMisa is a cute shipname :)
I think I better get a good grasp on what she looks like first, and then see what name would suit her.
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littlemissartemisia · 7 months
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acidichcl · 5 months
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Thanks for the boops :) Shes adorable
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rednleafff · 9 months
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I’ve being thinking for a while now to creat a character based on one of the Hamato lost sisters.
And as much as I like Frida’s idea of being big mama’s assistant- I was more drawn to the mysterious lost sister in another dimension
So I’ve started to design and develop her a bit (this is just first draft ideas)
She won’t be sharing the same universe as Yummi, because in this AU the movie never took place :) I’ll call it “the lost sisters” AU or something but only focus on Teri for the time being :)
She’s a blind flat back sea turtle , and her main story will revolve around Druxam
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the-apple-juice · 3 months
Teaching kids how to make turtle family paper crafts, is what Mikey was born for :] @littlemissartemisia
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[@tmnt-fandom-family-reunion Misa from cabin two and HIASS leo and mike from cabin thirteen 👍🏾]
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idiot-mushroom · 6 months
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@littlemissartemisia ur dtiys was rlly fun and congrats on ur following!!
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faemorningstar · 4 months
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OC Week Day Two: Worst Day/Favourite Outfit
oh Artie... what did you do?
(also hey, my first digital tmnt piece! i think it turned out excellently, despite half-assing the shading bc fuck that. Future scene in my fic Human Words.)
prompt list by ocweek
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burritello3000 · 4 months
The Fifth Turtle
Chapter 3: Long Road to Recovery
When she was done, Mikey inched forward, a curious expression on his face. “What’s your name?”
She picked up the pen, fumbling with it for a few seconds before getting it uncapped. 49, she wrote, putting down the first name that came to mind.
She hissed, shrinking backwards as Bishop entered her cage, pulling out something from his pocket. “Now, now, 49,” he said with a smile, moving closer. “No need to be scared. All I want is a saliva sample from you.”
He pulled out a q-tip and a vial from his pocket, but they looked like knives to the scared box turtle. “Maybe I’ll even give you some water,” he purred. “In fact I’ll give even it to you before, to make sure I get a good sample.”
She licked her dry beak, hesitating. She was really, really thirsty. The last bit of her resolve vanished as Bishop left and returned with a bowl full of water. He put it on the ground in front of him, a gleam in his eye. 49 couldn’t help herself. She darted towards the bowl, dipping her mouth in because she couldn’t use her hands. 
The water tasted like clear sunshine to her. Her head cleared a little as it drove back her pounding headache banging at her temple. 
“Now,” Bishop said, as she licked the metal bowl dry. “How about that sample?”
Before she could do anything, he grabbed her head and opened her mouth harshly, making her jaw ache. His hand quickly entered. She acted on instinct, slamming her beak shut just as he pulled back. 
Bishop grunted with pain as her teeth sank into his hand. 49 released immediately, fear clouding her thoughts. He yanked his hand back, fury twisting his face. 
He kicked her in the nose.
49 fell backwards with a startled yelp. Bishop backed up, examining the bite, a disappointed look on his face. “Now, I thought you were better than that, 49,” he said, his eyes glinting coldly. “You know what happens to dangerous beasts…”
He pulled something out from behind his back. Everything seemed to get dark as he revealed the muzzle in his hands. 49 couldn’t move, terror spreading through her veins.
“They need to be caged!” His voice echoed as he slipped the muzzle over head. She tried to open her mouth, but the muzzle tightened, making movement impossible. It turned into a muzzle made of fire. It burned into 49’s face, melting her scales. Bishop’s evil laughter rang in her tympanum. She couldn’t even make a noise as everything went black.
Bishop stepped forward, a sadistic look in his eyes as she struggled against her restraints. Tears pricked at her eyes as the thick, black tendrils holding her down seemed to suck out her strength, leaving her limbs cold and lifeless.
Gotta hide! She squirmed, her heart beating faster as he showed her the giant knife held in his hand.
“Time to see what’s really going on in there,” Bishop said with a smirk, lowering the sharpened scalpel. 
“B-but, Mr. Bishop,” a hazy voice said. “Shouldn’t we sedate her before?”
49 recognized this person. It was the only scientist that had not treated her like a monster. The box turtle missed her. The scientist had gotten fired a few days later, specifically the day after this. Probably because she’d argued too much and had shown too much compassion for 49.
“No,” Bishop said coldly, turning his attention back to 49. “It doesn’t deserve them. After all, it’s only an animal.” 
The nice scientist fell silent.
He leaned forward, bringing the knife down on her plastron.
A scream escaped 49’s lips as he started carving. She watched, her vision blurry with tears and pain, as he removed a piece of her plastron. He then reached inside, and 49 blacked out, embracing the comforting void…
49 woke up, her heart beating rapidly. She hated these memories, especially when they came as dreams. She relaxed, nestling back into the soft bed and closing her eyes to block out the soft lights shining overhead. 
… Wait. Lights? Soft?!
Her eyes snapped open, flicking around wildly. Her headache was still throbbing, but she felt a bit stronger. Something was at her feet. As she twitched, the orange-masked turtle woke up, his sleepy face turning into a smile. 
“You’re awake!” He yelped, jumping to his feet. Fear clouded her senses. A loud beeping came from her left side, causing her heart to pound faster. The beeping got even louder. The turtle was staring at her. “How are you feeling?” He asked worriedly. 
Without warning, she bolted. 49 jumped out of the bed, letting out a cry of pain as one of her legs buckled out from under her. Something was pulled off her plastron, the beeping stopping immediately. The turtle was shouting now, his voice drowned out by the blood rushing in tympanum. She darted towards the door, but only took a few steps before falling to her knees. Her stomach heaved. 49 threw up, clutching her sides. 
The only thing that came up was a yellow liquid. It dribbled from her mouth, forming a small puddle on the floor. She retched again, more bile coming from her mouth. 
Something grabbed her, wrapping their arms around her. 49 squirmed around, terror blinding her. After a few moments of struggling, she chirped in distress, going limp. The person’s grip loosened and, without thinking, the desperate box turtle twisted around and bit the person.
Their skin was really tough and kind of spiky, but she kept gnawing anyway. She whimpered as it pricked at her mouth, but still hung on. 49 snarled, keeping her teeth clamped down. 
After a few seconds ticked by, a low purr rumbled from the person holding her. She fell still. Another turtle?
The turtle kept purring, a deep sound vibrating in their chest. It soothed her. She released her hold, letting out an answering click. The purring grew louder, new voices adding to the low one.
49 chirped, snuggling closer to the noise. Slowly, she calmed down, her heart returning to its normal pace. She lifted her head once the fear faded away, and found herself staring into warm blue eyes. The turtle took a step back, and 49 recognized him as the blue-masked turtle.
“Are we all good now?” He asked, holding up his hands. 49 hesitated. Should she talk? Could she trust them? She decided not to speak for now. She responded  with a nod. The turtle’s face furrowed and he opened mouth, about to say something, but the turtle holding her beat him to it.
“Raph’s sorry for grabbing you,” he said gently. “Can I put you down now?”
Oh, right. Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey.
She nodded again, looking up at his face. He carried her back to the soft bed and set her down. The room was quiet for a bit as they all stared at each other. 
Donnie broke the awkward silence. “Okay, so first things first. What’s your name?”
He was talking to her. Her mind drifted. How will I answer? Can’t talk to them. Maybe talk? They are brothers. My throat hurts. Well, at least my head doesn’t hurt anymore. Maybe I should—
Donnie cleared his throat. 49 realized that she’d been staring off into space for a few minutes. Mikey shot up, causing her to flinch. “I know! You must be thirsty. I’ll be right back.”
“Good idea, Mike,” Leo said, a small smile on his face. “Can also grab some ice chips and something light for her to eat, like crackers.”
The box turtle nodded, doing a small salute, before running off. They waited some more. 
“... So,” Leo said, raising an eye ridge. “What’s your name?”
49 shifted uncomfortably, unsure how to respond. She simply pointed to her throat. The message seemed to get across.
“Can you not speak?” Donnie asked bluntly, earning a smack over the head from Raph. 49 recoiled at the sight, fear rushing through her. “Ow, It was just a question!” Donnie hissed, rubbing his head. 
Raph froze, eyes flicking quilty at 49, obviously because of her reaction. “I’m sorry,” he apologized, looking at the ground. She just tipped her head to the side and nodded, clicking reassuringly.
Leo’s eyes narrowed. “She can talk, I heard her.”
Donnie raised an eyebrow at the blue-masked turtle, doubt written all over his face. “... Sure. Anyways, it doesn’t seem like she can talk now, so she can use this.” He handed her a pen and pad of paper. 
She fiddled with the pen as Leo glared at Donnie. “Can you write?” Donnie asked, ignoring his brother. In response, she used the pen to write a wobbly Yes on the paper.
Mikey returned, balancing several things in his arms. He handed something to Leo, who then held it out to 49. “Here’s some ice chips,” he explained as she took the cup from him and inspected it. “They’ll help your stomach. Suck on them one at a time slowly.”
She did what he told her to do, wincing at the sudden cold. It felt nice, though. It eventually melted on her tongue, turning into water. 49 ate them all, her throat and stomach feeling a tiny bit better. 
Leo took the empty cup back and gave her a glass of water. “Try not to drink too fast,” he warned, carefully handing it over. “Your stomach might still be a bit upset.”
She tried to go slow, really, but when she sipped the water, all caution flew out the window. Leo let out a startled yelp as she drank it all, her stomach gurgling happily. She chirped pleadingly, holding out the cup for more. His shocked expression turned into a smile. “You heard her, Mikey. Get the girl some water!” 
The box turtle left, then quickly came back with more water. 49 practically inhaled that glass too. After several more trips, her thirst was finally quenched. She then ate the crackers, unable to eat slowly. Her stomach felt satisfied for now as she finished, wiping crumbs off her beak.
When she was done, Mikey inched forward, a curious expression on his face. “What’s your name?”
She picked up the pen, fumbling with it for a few seconds before getting it uncapped. 49, she wrote, putting down the first name that came to mind. 
“Scoff,” Donnie said, peering down at the paper. “That’s not a name. What’s your real name?”
49 hesitated. Not a real name?
“That’s just the number that Bishop gave you,” Leo explained, a concerned look in eyes. Oh.
Little Kappa, she tried again.
“That’s not a name either,” Donnie told her flatly. “That just looks like a nickname or a title.”
49 thought for a few moments, before shrugging. Then I don’t have a name, she wrote, completely oblivious to the shocked and pitiful looks on her brothers’ face.
“... I guess we can just call you 49 then,” Raph said, after a few minutes of shocked silence. 
“Okay,” Leo, Mikey, and Donnie chorused. 
“Anyways, I’m Michelangelo!” Mikey chirped. “But I go by Mikey.”
Raph shuffled forward. “And I’m Rapheal, but call me Raph.”
“My name is Leonardo, or Leo,” the blue-masked turtle told her.
Donnie was last. “Donatello, but I prefer Donnie.”
A smile tugged at her lips as she nodded. 49 pushed down the slight twinge of jealousy that rose in her chest. 
“Now with all that out of the way, I have some exciting news to share,” Donnie announced, pulling out a clip board. “I took a blood sample from… 49 while she was aslee—”
“Donnie!” Leo hissed, interrupting him. “You can’t just take blood samples from people while they’re sleeping!”
“I had a good reason,” the purple-masked turtle retorted. “I needed to see if she was related to us or not.”
I am, 49 quickly wrote down without thinking. Mikey leaned over to see what she had written as Leo and Raph scolded Donnie. A smile spread across his face as he saw what was on the paper. 
“You are?!” He squealed, jumping up and down happily. His commotion caught the attention of the arguing turtles. They all looked at the paper, Donnie was the first to speak.
“Aw man, you ruined my announcement,” he whined.
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beastenraged · 1 year
Artemisia, introducing Gori to anyone: This is my drug dealer. :)
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art-arthamato · 15 days
Absolutely uncooked
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You can find more art on our main account @pinkatint <3
Part of the TwoByTwo Au there, but decided to kind of post this here 😭
Too lazy to switch accounts lmao 🩷
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moonyasnow · 16 days
My OCs' Glorious Masquerade designs
What it sounds like! The Masquerade dress designs for the OCs of mine who'd be going to the Glorious Masquerade event
EDIT: I made outfits for my other 4 OCs at the Playful Land event!
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So the way I did this was I sketched Irina and Veronica's outfits in my sketchbook, and wrote colors next to them, thinking I'd eventually draw the lines with ink and use my markers to color them in
But then I wasn't sure how exactly I wanted to color Artemisia's design so I decided 'why not just try on different colors digitally' and then when I was done I realized 'hey this looks pretty good' and just decided to do the same thing for the other ones too
Update: if they got cards:
Lisle: R Irina: R Artemisia: SR Veronica: SSR
Some design notes + inspirations below the cut bc I just love talking about my process when designing something
Inpirations for Irina's, + the mask:
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The white train/sleeve things in Artemisia's design is supposed to look like the wings, the white skirt the tail feathers, and the black socks the feet
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I also took inspiration from Quasimodo's sleeves here in this outfit he wears in The Hunchback of Notre Dame sequel movie (if you did not know, yes, there is a sequel. As a kid I watched it BEFORE the original bc my family had this movie on VHS but not the original for some reason)
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There's a picture of the mask right above here, btw, just in case you're using dark mode
Veronica's skirts are supposed to look like shields, and be reminiscent of an armored skirt. Inspirations were obviously Epel and Rook's outfits
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And I made two versions of Veronica's mask before settling on the one with the black thing
Lisle's I actually have images for where I compiled the inspirations
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Tag list: @another-random-paradise @thehollowwriter @faefum @cactus13-rolloflammesimp @beneathsakurashade
@nyx-of-night @theolivetree123 @babyghoul138 @skibidibabygirl
And here's the originals:
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littlemissartemisia · 6 months
You deserved everything that happened to you, Misa 2, you little monster
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momolith · 5 months
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from the magma
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