#OC Game Winners
The Results of the Second Never Have I Ever OC Game!
Thank you to all artists, writers, and followers who joined in to play this game this past week! We don’t do the OC Games too often, but when we do it’s always nice to see a large turnout! ^^
Surprisingly, just like last time we have two winners to announce today! Both winners have made it through all 15 queries with the lowest amount of points!
Congratulations to:
The winners can choose between one of three prizes!
Getting a massive reblog chain going for any of their art and/or writing.
They get to decide this weeks questions and/or challenges including any OC Asks, Worldbuilding Asks, Complicated Questions, or Big Ticket Games.
Or they can ask for an art piece of one of their OCs done by the host of the game (that would be me :D).
Thank you again to all the participants! I’ll be available later today around 1 to 2pm, so I’ll be able to respond then! ^^
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rynezion · 9 months
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pickin' away 🎶
[ID: a loose, sketchy drawing of a half-elf woman sitting on a fallen log with an owlbear cub napping between her legs. she's playing the violin. her posture is loose, relaxed, and she is lit by a campfire out of frame.
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birdcatt · 8 months
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new guys my brain invented in a daydream
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birdskullz · 6 months
me making hunger games ocs in 2023, almost 2024??? nay, i shan't believe it, it is 2013
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reblog-house · 3 days
What do when want oc-fy but also want keep au fandom
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iamrizaka · 26 days
So I thought about who could be the other winners and made a bunch of ocs
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There were seven games with one winner each time.
In the pic it goes: the game – the winner's name – age and godly parent – who brought them
I don't have that much explanation about each of them, except the main three, but:
Darius Fyodorov
A son of Ares who has lots of insecurities resulting in superiority complex. He was picking lots of fights back in CHB, but was (and sorta still is) a nice person towards his friends. He is easy to lose temper once you call him weak or how his father doesn't care about him, giving attention to his siblings, especially Clarisse. It was his main reason to join Luke in his rebellion: to show everyone, including his father and older sister, that he's worth their praises and to be called the best.
Now he's Demeter's slave, but she doesn't spend much time in bed with him, instead preferring making him work in the fields.
Ines Hart
A daughter of Aphrodite, she is very similar to Silena. They were actually close, with Silena becoming a head counselor of cabin nine after she left. She was actually the one to convince Silena to become their spy at camp. Before Silena she was the one giving information to Luke and others, but after Thalia came back from being a tree, she had to leave camp as there were more and more people growing suspicious of her. Her reason to join rebellion was the same as Darius', but she was way less verbal about it and didn't seek praise from her mother. She was known at camp as big sister, so it was a harsh blow when she ran away.
I haven't thought out why Athena chose her, but Ines made several attempts at attacking the goddess, getting information for escape and just trying to escape, but none of it worked out. In the end, Ines gave up and decided to just enjoy the pretty clothing and tasty food she gets from the goddess. No, they don't have sex.
Myron Macías
A child of Hephaestus, he always felt inferior to his siblings, especially because of his chronic pain and how hard it makes walking for him. They would've continued to spend their time at the forges if Ines didn't offer him to continue working at the godly forges when they overthrow olympians. It still took him some time to agree, but eventually they ended up making most of the armor and weapons for the demigods in the army. And no, he doesn't have a crush on Ines, what are you saying?
Now he belongs to Aphrodite, who "takes pity on him" and spends a night with him once or twice a week. But it is followed by increased pain in the morning. And thoughts that he's sleeping with his stepmother. That's weird.
And he isn't allowed in the forges, which drives him crazy. He picks at his skin whenever he gets the need to feel the heat, the metal underneath his fingers and see the creation of a new tool.
Amelia Finch
A daughter of Demeter, she was saved from the streets by the Titan Army and ended up joining it. She had nowhere else to go after running away from an orphanage, and these people are so kind to her, although she's such a trouble. She is a curious girl, always close to one of the older demigods, asking questions about mythology and what they are doing. She was excited to meet her siblings and always made sure that they knew she's here to listen if they had a problem or just needed company.
After the fall of Kronos, she was made into an Avox, a voiceless slave, but due to so many demigods killing themselves before the last game, she and some other slaves were included in the games as participants. She still doesn't know what to think of her current situation. And being Apollo's bedwarmer doesn't help. At least her friends are here to support her and comfort her after her first night and many others.
That's all I have for now, feel free to comment!
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reireichu · 8 months
We'll forever have the scars.
Part VII. miss universe.
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Rhaenyra likes the idea of someone young and beautiful, someone like an ornament she can display to the world, flaunting all sense of propriety. Sophie understands that in a way, because Rhaenyra enjoys oversized blazers and Vitalumiere foundation and she also likes to win. She likes to surround herself by comfort and beautiful things, because that is what her father has made clear since birth, that all those beautiful, precious things are hers by right.
All, except the one.
I think I could make some commentary on how psychologically messed up Sophie is by the past and by everyone in her life, but at this point, why would I write that commentary when I can just watch as she and Aegon just get really fucking unhinged.
rip my soul, i need baby jebus to forgive me for how fucking terrible this.
We'll forever have the scars. @ AO3
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kindsummer · 2 months
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fly like an angel - kindsummer
Stunned, Bucky’s fez popped off his head and tumbled to the ground, soon followed by the heap of a man who collapsed like a tree, like a ton of bricks, surprised to be struck at all, but especially with such force. Evie gasped, her hands lifted to her mouth, before she ran straight for the major. “Oh, shit, Bucky, are you okay?” “You’ve got quite the leg, Lieutenant. Are you sure you’re not in the wrong branch? I think you could take down a company of SS all on your own,” Bucky joked, as he always did regardless of circumstances, rubbing at the blossoming red spot on his face where the ball had made impact. Evie could not understand how Bucky still had that wide grin on his face, how he stood up and ruffled her hair like he was absolutely fine with the fact that she’d pummeled his face with a ball. “Don’t worry about me, I’ve been hit harder by worse people. Let’s keep it going!” a bitch is back with his oc/hbo war show shot-to-shot rewrite.
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nrcbookclub · 2 months
plastic om nom nom :)
(Im not swallowing it jus chewing it)
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mai-mai-lim · 1 year
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"You know, we used to play a game when we were younger. A game to see who was the fastest. You remembered that, right? The others joined too, and almost every round, you win. You are always that quick all the time. But today, I am very much delighted to announce that: I am the winner this round, Seung-jae."
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themarpsimp · 1 year
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This stuff was from a game thing kinda called yaoi island on the one of the discord severs I’m on ( a pizza tower one) and I surprisingly won at the end.
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It was really fun so here a little drawing to see my character being happy:).
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smzeszikorova · 2 years
Hello, fellow writers!
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I am bored out of my mind and thought it might be fun to connect with some of your projects, so here’s a game: I’ll ask a few questions about my OCs. You reblog, pick a question to guess, and submit either a picture or a physical description of your OC. And if you guess right, I’ll try to draw your OC.
So you know, I’ve got about 100 characters, but I’m not gonna ask questions about any OC I haven’t already drawn and told you the name of.
I’m doing this assuming I’m only gonna get a few responses (if any), so on the off chance that I do get like a bajillion replies, I’ll probably only draw the first few who guess correctly.
And tag your writer friends if you’ve got any, that way there’s a better chance somebody gets a correct answer.
Also, if you don’t want to scroll through all the fluff just to know who my characters are, type “art” into my blog’s search bar. You’ll see every drawing I’ve made so far, and you’ll have the names of all the characters you can select from.
Which of my characters got expelled from university for causing irreparable physical and psychological trauma to another student, whom they also happened to be dating at the time?
Which of my characters can shapeshift into animals?
Which character can turn themself and anything they’re touching (like clothing and weapons) invisible?
Which character loves spiders?
Which character is known among their friends and family for being a kitchen disaster?
Tagging @dogmomwrites @marinesocks @sockscosyquarters @thepixiediaries @luckadelic @thegreatfallcomic @daisywords @starlightscribe just to guarantee someone sees this. But absolutely no pressure, and also anyone can participate.
My plan is to post the drawings of your OCs on both my P&K account and my reblog account (after I’ve sent them back to you to make sure you’re happy with the finished product), that way they get maximum visibility, but if you don’t want that, let me know.
Hope you guys have fun with this!
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resetting37 · 1 year
look at this 2015 drawing i made of advik attempting to flirt with heidi. It was a lawless land eight years ago (?!)
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Adrian didn’t win the Hunger Games but she sure won all of our hearts! <3 :’) 
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misfittq · 6 months
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hunger games oc brainrot anyone?
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rainbowriojose07 · 2 years
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Flik and Destiny Wins
Help the heroes to have a fighting at villains! In fact, Evil Flik and Dreadlock was take over damage the world to get this all items, don't forget to next battle. 💙🗡️
Game: Ready for the Battle Blue Boys!
Mysterious Dark Overworld
Flik (damaged: 1.7%)
Destiny (damaged: 0.0%)
Dreadlock (damaged: 113.4%)
Dark Bowser (damaged: 250.2%)
Evil Flik (damaged: 99.9%)
Blue Baseball: 1
Elements: 10
Assist Trophy: 1
Gems: 2
Slingshot: 1
Flik © Disney/Pixar
Destiny © @destinylightsup-2006
Ready for the Battle Blue Boys! © NermanOfAddictsLover
StupidRainbowStarmen / NermanOfAddictsLover
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