#OC: Mayor Flora
bippityboppity69 · 2 years
So I have an idea for an OC, they are called Annih's Gardener. Strange name but they are not a Hypogean, they are a Graveborn. More specifically a Graveborn Botanist. (This is long story BTW. It's their backstory and I will warn you there is a lot of death but it's got a happy ending.)
Originally, they were a Wilder who was a Botanist. Think like Solise but they are not a Flower Whisperer. So how did they become a Graveborn? A case of wrong time, wrong place.
They had been collecting some strange looking flora when they had been ambushed. Last thing they saw was a sword and BAM, nothing. However, that wasn't the end. They ended up getting revived but they still had their free will.
So now we have a Wilder turned Graveborn with free will. What do they do? They realise they are basically immortal and decide to dedicate their undead life to the study of Botany. After all, they have eternity now!
Years pass and by now, they have one of the most expansive and well hidden greenhouses. Right at the edge of the Wilders Forest (why would they leave? This is their home.)
Now there is a downside to being Graveborn. That is that their body has been decaying, slowly but surely. Which they do not like so they started researching for what they could do to stop/prevent this. Until one day, they were looking over their Sundew plants (It's a carnivorous plant, they're really cool.) And had a brillant idea!
Why not use their plants to help?
This led to some... experimenting. They used their body as a garden. Vines replaced lost muscle. Plants that can detect touch (Sundew, Venus Flytrap,etc) were used in place of skin. Slowly and surely they turned themselves into a greenhouse.
One day, another Graveborn arrived. A giant who was mostly bone, but he had come looking for this "necromancer." Well, there was no necromancer around, only the Gardener. After a lot of confusion and talking, the Gardener agreed to help them.
More vines and different plants and bam, there's another Graveborn who is a walking garden. They leave and the Gardener is alone... Until the Graveborn comes back with another. The process repeats and this time, they ask to stay.
Why? It's peaceful here. There is no fallen king screaming demands, no giant eye. It's calm and kind. It's a safe haven for Graveborns who cannot get to the Isle of the Banished.
Soon, word kind of gets out. Grant (the giant Graveborn) and Ivy (the second Graveborn) help guard their new home. The Gardener takes in those that need it and for those who threaten them... Well bodies make fantastic fertilizer and their plants are always hungry.
One day, an odd visitor arrives. A human woman, who collaspes crying, begging for help.
"Please. They've taken over my village and have accused my child of being a Hypogean!"
They calm her down and bring her to the greenhouse to get the whole story. She explains that she is the wife of the Mayor, her name is Izzia. Two weeks ago, a group from the church had come to their village. They said there had been reports of a Hypogean? So, the village offered them lodging and anything they would need.
"That was the worst mistake we made."
These...monsters were tyrants. They demanded money, they demanded women, men. Everything. And if they were denied.
Burned at the stake.
"Yesterday, they saw my child with our family heirloom. A little silver necklace that my grandmother had gotten from the archbishop. They demanded it and my, oh my sweet little Layla, she refused. They acc- accussed her of working with a Hypogean. She's only 9! Please, we need help. I know the church will not help, they are the problem. I heard you helped people and... Please help us."
This was the first time someone who wasn't a Graveborn had asked for their help. The Gardener asked to talk with Grant and Ivy, they wanted their thoughts. What did they think?
Grant wanted to help, he seemed quite distressed by her crying. Said it reminded him of a memory he couldn't quite place. Ivy agreed, so it was set. They would help Izzia as best as they could.
"Thank you." She sobbed. "My village is a three hour walk from here."
The Gardener followed her through the forest, Grant and Ivy close behind. It was clear which one was Izzia's village. Charred skeletons and burned bodies hung from stakes. Not even the vultures touched their bodies.
Izzia knew the names of every single one. Some were friends, some were family.
"They say that Dura guides them. Why would she do this to us?" She looked away from the stakes. "Is this truely her will or do they simply use her name to justify this?"
The village was dead silent. No dogs barked, no birds sang. The air was heavy. Ivy and Grant both mentioned that it felt like the Court of Terror.
"They're in the church. They're always in the church."
Izzia pointed to the chapel, fear in her eyes. The Gardener stode ahead, they had seen enough. They always helped those in need and this place, these people needed so much help.
Wooden doors were pushed open to reveal a horrifying sight. Dried blood on the floor and walls, shackles stained red. A child tied to a stake, sobbing and crying for Izzia, her mother.
"This child is working with a Hypogean!" A priest screamed. "Dura shall cleanse this sinner with her holy light!"
Grant bellowed a name, not one of the child, but of someone else. The church fell silent then more screams. Of monster, of Hypogean, one heard above the rest.
Grant rushed forward, people scattered to not be crushed. Pulling little Layla from the burning stake, holding her close. The priest screamed then fell silent as vines wrapped around his throat. Ivy rushed at the guards, not letting them get close.
"Layla!" Grant handed the child off as the Gardener walked towards these...monsters.
"You say," They spoke, voice soft as petals in the wind. "You work for Dura? You do this in her name?"
Plants grew around them, green and vibrant. Flowers bloomed between thorns, colors filling the church. The villagers merely watched in shock and awe.
"You say this is Dura's will?" The crack of trees rang in their voice, the rage of the forest. "To kill these innocent people? To use them for your own selfish gains?"
The priest choked and flailed as they were brought closer.
"Then consider this her will as well."
And the priest was no more. Silence rang before a sob came from Layla. Villagers stood up, gazing at the three in awe.
"Who are you?" A man whispered.
"I am the Gardener." They stated.
"Did Dura send you?" A timid voice asked.
"She send those monsters to us!" A woman hissed. "No, you...had to be send by Annih. You're Annih's Gardener."
More voices added to this name, sobbing and thanking them. Asking what they needed. They didn't need anything. They were only helping.
"Can you stay?" A tiny voice, little Layla asked. Holding her hand up to Grant, "You remind me of Papa. I miss him."
"...Stay?" Grant asked, voice rough and unused. He looked at Ivy and the Gardener. "Home?"
Eyes gazed at them. Silently begging them to stay here. Izzia stood up before clearing her throat.
"We don't have much, but..."
"You do not need to offer us anything." The Gardener stated as they walked outside. Flowers bloomed in their steps. Their touch brought green to brown and black. "This garden needs help and I am the Gardener after all."
Life came back to the village, but even after, the Gardener never really left. Ivy took to patrolling, to protect these people and help train them. Grant became a common sight, usually with Layla and a few other children running around him. Laughing and smiling as flowers bloomed on him.
Time did pass, but still they stayed. More Graveborn came to the tiny village and soon the Gardener moved their greenhouse there permanently. The living and undead lived together in this peaceful garden, flourishing and working together.
And if more from the church came, well they always needed more fertilizer.
(If you guys want little descriptions of Grant and Ivy. Grant is built like Ogi but he has bull horns. His ribcage is exposed but vines are wrapped around them. On his shoulders are bushes that are filled with little white flowers.
For Ivy, they are very slender and fast. One arm is actually not there. It was just bone so they now have a giant thorn that acts as a sword. Along their spine is a trellising vine that helps hold them upright.)
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pandoramusicbox · 2 years
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Drowcember part 3
ok so these are
ok so here's prompt & , flora, fauna, and fungi. so here's me testing out some of the ideas for plants and fungi along with drawings of the three animals that represent the  three different cities. here's what some of the 
Prompt , flora and fauna- lots of flora and fauna can be found in the caves of the underground, all of the plants and mushrooms I showed here are edible and often used and eaten in the in the cities of the underworld. - Sivin Bloom; grows near the surface, it blooms white to golden and then will grow a sweet golden berry  - Rensustall antenna mushroom - Broad leaf mushroom - stick twal - Underworld orchid - inkling lantern mushroom - ink drop glowshroom -stoopospors -lusmoss -Pomber  -dinsm berries -drip leaves - top duster Fauna wise I drew the three animals that are the symbols of the different cites: the symbol of orai’ral, the dual Millapede symbol of Elgar, the cavern bats symbol of black chowl, the black cowled spider. 
Prompt 7, lgbtq+ here we have  a bit of a messy picture it shows two lgbtq cuples. the first (on the left) is a historical couple, one of the two brothers that established the dark fauth as what they are today, Calvive and his husband who is actually the founder of the black scorpion den, and is a Robin Hood like legendary figure in his own right. they are both legendary figures on their own, but their love story is a tale involving pirates, kidnapping, a darling rescue from a tower and a bunch of shenanigans. the other less exiting love story is That of lillygaurd the mayor of cavern bat city and her laquiam girlfriend. they just are a lovely and quiet couple with no intense story around them, but that's the way these two lesbians like it. - other things also in that photograph are a drawing of the lush caves.. still thinking about copying a bit of Minecraft's homework... and part of a sideways map of the continent of O’sten. the part of the map that has no labels on it what so ever is the one where most of these cave systems that make up the under world is located.
Prompt , some one else’s drow, so originally I was not intending on doing this prompt, mostly because the dark fauth are only baised on drow and are not drow in and of themselves in the dnd sense of the word, most of them are not even elves. But at some point or another that changed because I made some loose scetches of what other cities are like from some of the other designs floating around on the drowcember tag. So pictures 3&4 from left to right, here’s credit to who gave the inspiration for the design:
1. Dragon fish city, inspired by the elegant and flowing artwork of @j--mno-art​. The moon crescent coat on thier oc xaston is so fun. As for the what I decided on for the people of the dragon fish city
- weird genetics as they accept anyone that needs a place.
- fashion tastes are the closest aligned with that of the taste of the surface world of that region.
- often wear familial tattoos or make up.
- lots and lots of pirates
- worship of the moons are commonplace
-live in a grotto by the sea so have easy access to the ocean and surface
2. The blood spot millipede, inspired by the rigged and delicate design of @linaswalaf their art is so technically excellent and the red and grey color schemes prevent in a lot of the drowcember art was so pleasant. I just adored the overall aesthetic that thier drow art had. As for the bloodspot millipedes, the city is called Teri
- fuzzy ears are common as there is a good deal of troll blood in their ancestry.
- are cavern dwellers and do not venture near the surface unless nessesary
- known to be excellent scholars and jewelers as they mine a lot of precious materials
- despite not going up to the surface often they have extensive trade with the surface world.
- well infamous as relentless and absolutely brutal warriors
- weavers of kelper cloth.
3. The black scorpions, inspired by the drow of @eaglewind13 the colorful drawings of hers was a delight to see. But this design was most heavily inspired from the family day prompt, so the information
- simple genetics, an interesting thing about the city of the black scorpion is that most of its citizens are not permanent residents. Instead a lot of the people of the city will travel around the surface world and then hide out in the city come winter or due to other circumstances
- grey extremities, because of the rather migratory nature of a lot of the cities citizens the magic radiation that has changed the appearance of the people of the other cities has not been able to as effective in the people of black scorpion, though people who’s family has been in and out of the city for generations tend to have grey fingers, toes, hands, legs, or freckles and thier hair tends to be pale or purple in color.
- they interact a lot with the surface world and the underworld
- den of thieves, the city is full of thieves and robbers who use it as their hide out from the law of the surface, the “other circumstances” mentioned earlier. The city can be a bit chaotic.
-they make some strong booze.
- large cape like coats are common so that no one is aware of what you are carrying. Along with spikes on shoes to help access and climb walls of the cave. Also honor among thieves and all that, there’s unofficial rules a person needs to follow in order to get to stay in the city as a hide out.
4. The violet visage spider, this one is inspired most hevely on the normal dnd idea of the drow. All the good all the bad. It’s that one city that the other cities tell you to avoid if you are traveling the underworld. (The inspiration for the design in this one is the same as the ghost spider so I’ll get to that later)
- eugenics, awful, but let’s go with it. So for this city they are very particular on what kind of people are welcome to live here, and much more selective on who can have a family. Raquesasha, vickor, the few eyes of the region, the allets, troll blooded and so on and so forth are not allowed, and if they are they live in very specific areas of the city and surrounding villages (they got dibs on the largest cave in the know underworld)
-dark/grey skin. They have a few very set looks.
-spider worship, so I’m thinking that backstory wise the reason that these people are down here is because they were a really big cult that had some views that didn’t mesh well with the popular religion and opinion of the surface world and the violet visage moved to the underworld as a result
-matriarchy. And a really controlling and violent one. So what I’m thinking is that there is a bunch of family house and that they are in constant competition with each other and such to rule over the largest swafts of city territory. Basic but workable.
- sexist hiarchy, why not let’s throw all the bad tropes in here, slavery why not, badly treated harems, shure. I can play it straight but I might try to do something different with them even so. But for now the violet visage spiders are the closest dark fauth to Dnd drow. At least those imaged in the 80s-2010s
5. Ghost spider city, the city is called elisk and is actually the oldest parts of the idea regarding the dark fauth, a group of people who lived in the caves of the continent of O’sten and have a relation ship with large spiders called ghost spiders, at some point someone commented on how they where like dnd drow and I decided to embrace the idea. Now I also stumbled upon the ideas of @fantasy-anatomy-analyst and her (?) blog by a comparison of her(?) drow to the drow of mainline dnd. And I have to say the monkey like drow are so neat and cool. Unfortunately the picture I drew for the inspiration I was taking is too close to the reference image for my liking. So apologies about that, I’m trying to make them more distinct so it’s less of a copy than it is inspiration.
-oldest of the underworld tribes, they and the silver centipedes are the decedents of the people who lived in the underworld before the two brothers claimed it as a place of the forgotten and forsaken.
-have the most adaptations to the caves as they have live here the longest, including motion sensitive whiskers/eyebrows and a keen sense of hearing, also their hair can glow slightly in the dark. Slightly short on average.
- cultivate spider silk, and some of it glows (because that is so cool)
- respectful to elders, matriarchal mothers, lots of sibling rivalry, some different gender roles and identities than those of the surface world.
- wear clan markings, either painted on or as tattoos.
Prompt 19, exploration, some bat cavern people exploring some tunnels Prompt 27 nobility. here's the different current leaders of the cities    lillygaurd is the youthful  leader of the cavern bats. youthful and youthful she's in her mid 30s, got a girlfriend and a city to be concerned about. she was a well known zordezoth in her youth, (zordezoths are robin hood or Zorro like figure, they are called Zozoths for short.) she was elected into her position    ilnor, the hereditary leader of the black chowl caverns, she was chosen from a group of cannidents by the elder council, she is in her late middle age, also shown here is her daughter Rät, more on her later.   Seven, the three armed king of the Duel millipede, he was born with three arms and lost his eye in the duke to become king. Prompt 22, half drow, this was also originally not a prompt I was planing to do as I simply did not know how to do that with the fauth as they are all technically humans sort of, and vickor are also considered fauth. the raquesasha on the other hand are not, they may live among the dark fauth, but they are jevels according to O’sten and O’ller (they are heaven kin in the kin system)  but then I drew Rät, she is half dark fauth and half Raquesasha. the daughter of ilnor, and the raquesasha horek. she has a few of the abilities of raquesasha with the ability of teleportation and surounding manipulation with a plum colored core. only half of her mouth is sealed when closed. she is rather asymmetrical, but lacks the excess limbs of most raquesasha. though many raquesasha on the O’sten do not have these extra limbs.     Prompt 15+16 villains and heros. the legend of the lek brothers. two sons of a witch, they lived centuries ago as slaves to the people of the cricket lands.  They stayed together, through thick and thin. They eventually grew into a pair of rebellious trouble makers who stole a power and dangerous magical artifact called the fifth moon. They used their cunning and hard work they freed hundreds or thousands of slaves and moved them into the safety and freedom of the underworld. Then more impressively they stayed free against the might of the sun king. It’s much more of a legend these many years later than it is entirely historical events.
 (I’ll finish this later but I want to upload in December)
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figurativefriend · 4 months
Oc/story idea loredump bc im having the mental zoomies rn. This will probably not make any sense to anyone but me
Imagine living in a bubble city (city covered by magic forcefield type thing) to keep out the mega-mega-mega fauna & flora outside. The forest/woods surrounding the city is so tall and thick and the creatures lurking within want to see your insides on the outside. It's positively cursed. It blocks out the sun most days.
So your mayor (an anthro unicorn, everyones anthro here) cast spells to make artificial weather, everyone has to plan around this. Everyone assumes he's the one who cast the spell to protect the city. He's not. He's keeping a secret that his "late" father and the former mayor has gone deep underground to sacrifice himself to the great Wxrm(a dragon who suffered grievous injuries to all its limbs) that protects the city from the outside. This protection comes at the cost of the mayor resigning their life away to feed it every couple hundred years.
But it demands more now. It demands citizens of its city. The new mayor can't let that happen. Not on top of the strange string of murders happening. He's got a detective on the case but with the way everything's been going, he might be next. The former mayor is killed before he can sacrifice himself to the Wxrm. Leaving his son with the key to the city, a hungry demanding dragon, and being a target.
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hanjeongrp · 1 year
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Welcome to Hanjeong, Osuke. You are quite the dryad. At 28 (200), you have quite a claim to the usurping royal family.
Enjoy paradise.
Name/Alias: krys
Pronouns: she/they
Age: 26+
Timezone: CST
Triggers: none
Password: n/a
Biography Information:
OC Name: Osuke
FC: Kento Yamazaki
Species: Nymph, dryad
Occupation: tea vendor at market
Residence: the forest and west side
Gender: cisman
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 28 (actually 200)
Claim(s): other royal usurper: cousin
There are certain unique trees that stand among the forest of Hanjeong. One that is deep in the forest, hidden in a grove is known to some, as the king cherry tree. A 250-year-old cherry, standing tall and blossoming when the time is right. It liters the ground in beautiful blossoms creating a picturesque scene. Not only does it brighten up the area, but it also happens to be the anchor of a specific nymph. A dryad known as Osuke.
Osuke has always been a bit of a wild card among his people. While he is on the younger side of nymph life, he isn’t as social as some of the other younger nymphs. Preferring to be amongst his tree or sprouting and encouraging various poisonous flora and fauna. His specialty. He has been more on the quiet side for most of his life and tends to enjoy things that way. But, he happens to be a little chaotic at the same time.
For instance, his grove was home to a group of other trees and plants. The grove where the usurpers congregated and spoke in whispers. Osuke never said a word of the upcoming betrayal. Instead, offering a few ideas here or there. Something to spice it all up for the plans he overheard. While he never intended to be, over time they called him a cousin. Being from the same grove it was a bit like an extended family. Him being included.
Most didn’t see his involvement coming, but in truth, it shouldn’t have been a surprise. Much of his life, while still young, was a life of slight exile among his own kind. Specifically, within his age range. Not for his actions but for his gifts. Poisonous plants and flowers weren’t always welcome. The poison didn’t differentiate between humans and nymphs. No one was safe from it. Truth be told, Osuke never wished to try to be different than he was. Clearly, he was meant to be that way.
So, in the spirit of simply being, he has taken the time to experiment and learn the right plants to mix and turn into a micro dosing type of tea. Yes, this came from trial and error. Yes, this may be one of the reasons the younger nymphs don’t like him much… Since he would trick them into eating ones, he knew weren’t too deadly… But wanted to see what would happen. Maybe they shouldn’t have been so gullible.
Either way, he has been successful in putting together different mixes depending on what the user is looking for when it comes to experience. These mixes are sold at the market to humans looking for a little bit of fun. The usurping never really put a dent in that business. Even when everything was still said on done... There were a few naiads that continued to get teas from him…
Even the death of the human mayor hasn’t put a dent in his business. Secretly he thinks that it has risen slightly. Humans looking for an escape, but he has no comment on it really. Mostly he thought human issues were just that, human issues. But there was a part of him curious if it was a death caused by a creature of the wilds... Like himself. If it was… How did they do it?
Anything else? Changes you want to make? Comments you have? Extras you want to include?: i didn't make any wild lore this time but i bet we can discuss things cause obviously you had a character connected to the nymphs before i did! 
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prime-pulse · 3 years
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local mayor vents about the stress of politics to his epic cool Sphinx friend who has no idea what the hell he’s talking about
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drops-of-moonlights · 2 years
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redid the Codex/Keystone guardian Pixies’ designs! they needed to comply with the rest of the Pixie redesigns. Redone info for them below! as in, I actually bother to describe them this time lmao. Harmonia’s an OC, as a reminder!
The Five Keystone Guardians are the five Pixies in charge of, well, keeping the Keystones to the Gate of Relix protected and safe. In order, they are Concorda of Alfea, Athena of Red Fountain, the late Harmonia of Magica City, Ninfea of Magix’s Pixie Village, and Discorda of Cloud Tower. These five locations hold the pieces of the Gate Keystone, a mystical stone holding the power to the gate to Relix, a planetoid that was sealed away by the Order during the First Age of Magic, as they deemed its high energy dangerous to manipulate and knew it would be abused. Darkar is in search of said Gate, as a leftover of Darek’s deepest desire fused with Argulus’s insatiable greed for power. Aside from that, each Pixie helps run the school or village in certain ways.
Concorda is the Pixie of Information, who takes residence in Alfea’s Archives. She also acts as its librarian, occasionally helping Barbatea as some books are only under her jurisdiction. She has Livy as her messenger and helper, as well. Concorda, true to her Calling, is very reserved and studious, and can always be seen reading a book and enjoying some tea. Her powers usually translate into Sound-based magic, as well as occasional Wind and Earth. Her original post of safekeeping her Keystone was Lake Roccalucce.
Athena is the Pixie of Strategy, and usually assists with Fonterrossa’s classes herself - she’s considered the true Strategy professor, which sometimes annoys Alabaster, the ACTUAL Strategy professor. Prideful, but never boastful, and she’s known to have a bit of a softer side shine through from time to time. She never quite moved on from Harmonia’s passing, but she’s pragmatic enough to not let that cloud her judgement. Her powers usually manifest as Metal, Fire and Light-based magic. Her original post of safekeeping her Keystone was in the mountains, where the Order of Mana’s Paladin Academy would be settled years later.
Harmonia was the Pixie of Echoes. She was sweet and kind, and also incredibly skilled in combat for a Pixie - only Athena rivaled her strength. She was killed by the then newly formed Darkar to steal her Keystone, but didn’t go down without a fight - managing to weaken Darkar severely and almost disrupting the spell that keeps him in a semi-corporeal form, so that he could then be finished by the then brand-new Company of Light. As all pixies, she dissolved into Essence Dust when killed, and her Dust was used to keep Magix’s Tree of Life (which back then was on the verge of dying thanks to Dakrar) alive, making it grow healthy. Her conscience is believed to still be inside the Tree, but it’s mostly just a rumor. True to her Calling, her powers conveyed Sound-based magic and had amplifying effects on others. Her original post of safekeeping her Keystone was in the then budding Magica Village, soon becoming the biggest city in the planet.
Ninfea is the Pixie of Forests, and acts as head of the Council in Pixie Village’s politics, essentially being its mayor. She’s kind and just, qualities found in a good ruler, but she feels she lives in Harmonia’s shadow from time to time and as much as it pains her, she can admit she has grown to resent her slightly.  Her Calling’s the most direct, manifesting as Flora, Fauna and Water-based magic. Unlike the rest, she was always stationed in Pixie Village.
Discorda is the Pixie of Traps, and is the caregiver of Torre Nuvola itself, keeping the school healthy and pious. Appears grumpy, but is very amicable and talkative as long as they don’t do anything that makes Torre Nuvola do more work or be put in jeopardy, having a couple vendettas accumulated over the years, most particularly with the Trix but also with Professor Hecate, who might have been careless in her years as a student and wishes Discorda would just forgive her already. Her Calling manifests as Fauna, Earth, Healing and Water-based magic, and it helps her with ensuring nothing goes bad with her “dear Tower”. Much like with Ninfea, she had always remained in the same spot of safekeeping her Keystone - she also assisted with Torre Nuvola’s “birth.”
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jinxneedssleep · 2 years
hey you
hey you should
you should talk about your ocs
tell me things
My main oc was something I recycled from my childhood and have rewritten a bunch of times.
The main premise is still the same: her name is Flora and she is a bird hybrid (Phoenix based specially)
-While definitely being the more adventurous type, she doesn’t like being alone and finds solace in companionship, especially after her hometown was raided by an unknown group of assailants.
Her appearance consist of red hair a similar shade to her wings, and other earthy tones.
She wasn’t made with empires smp in mind, but if I had to guess, I would say that she would vibe with Sanctuary and Animalia the most. Sanctuary because of the lost refugee thing, and Animalia due to her animal heritage.
She actually relates a lot to Mayor Lizzie. After fleeing her hometown, Flora and her childhood friends learned to conceal their features for the sake of survival, much like Lizzie has to do now among the other empires. After masquerading as humans, Flora and her friends took odd jobs; the most prominent being at an orphanage, granting them a place to stay. (The amount of angst I can make with this is tempting)
Ironically, Flora can’t remember her friends faces. She remembers their names, silhouettes, memories together, but ..somethings missing. She doesn’t even know where they are. It’s hard to look for someone when you don’t know exactly what you’re supposed to be looking for. This is something that happens concerning the new people she meets: however, it’s never that bad. It’s something she has to remind herself to work on.
Also, I never realized how unintentionally lesbian-coded I made her when I was younger. I have since grown older and queerer,so huzzah! The bird is gay now! Diversity win! /lh
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thunder-jolt · 2 years
(For @sundove88) LEGO Monkie Kid Fan-Casting: Sleeping Beauty Edition
Princess Aurora/Blair Rose: Xiǎo Chìbǎng (My LEGO Monkie Kid OC)
Flora: Red Son (LEGO Monkie Kid) or Xiǎo Húxū (My LEGO Monkie Kid OC)
Fauna: MK/Qí Xiǎotiān (LEGO Monkie Kid) or Xiǎo Guīmó (My LEGO Monkie Kid OC)
Merryweather: Mei Dragon (LEGO Monkie Kid) or Xiǎo Dùnpái (My LEGO Monkie Kid OC)
Prince Philip: Sun Wukong A.K.A Monkey King (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Samson the Horse: White Dragon Horse (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Maleficent: Six-Eared Macaque (LEGO Monkie Kid) or Lady Bone Demon (LEGO Monkie Kid) or Àn Yì (My LEGO Monkie Kid OC)
Diablo the Crow: Mayor (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Aurora’s Mother/Queen Leah: Huánglóng (My LEGO Monkie Kid OC)
Aurora’s Father/King Stefan: Unnamed husband of Huánglóng or Sandy (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Philip’s Father/King Hubert: Tang (LEGO Monkie Kid) or Ne Zha (LEGO Monkie Kid)
King Stefan’s Guards: MK’s Clones
Malecifent’s Goons: Demons (LEGO Monkie Kid)
Other characters: Deities and Immortal Beings, Humans, etc.
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grirnoires · 3 years
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NEW(ISH) OCS: rajenaya (rajo for short) and flora!! they are, due to a long series of diplomatic failures, on a crown mandated study trip slash marriage alliance setup despite the fact that rajo is not even a little bit important <3
rajo is training to essentially be the mayor of his town but is having second doubts about his career choice. hes realising that he just wants to study music and be a good oldest sister... flora on the other hand is the god-king in training but is having an atheist im-going-to-kill-my-dad moment and so resents every outing or project he arranges for her good intentioned or otherwise
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prettyswellaus · 2 years
Farm Sim AU
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Genre: Slice-of-Life, Fantasy, and Romance (sorta)
Also known as: Farmworld AU
Inspirations: Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons and Stardew Valley
For generations, the people of Cordia (pronounced as Kor-dee-a) worshipped two gods: Zinnia and Mechanus. Zinnia, the goddess of nature, granted the people bountiful harvests as well as the flora and fauna that the people would raise and cultivate. While Mechanus, the god of technology, gave the people the means to grow their civilization (tools, fire, electricity etc.) Zinnia gave the resources, and Mechanus gave the means to use those resources.
However, as the years went on, disharmony grew between the gods and their followers, some believed that technology and civilization were destroying nature, and causing people to abandon it, while others argued that nature was getting in the way of their progress as a society. Several disasters and events that were result of the gods envy, rage, and vengeance, leading the people to abandon Cordia and start new lives elsewhere.
In present day, inspired by the stories of their ancestors, returned to the town to create a newer, grander Cordia where nature and civilization could coexist in harmony once again. But with over a century of neglect and unresolved tension between the two gods, it won't be easy...
Enter Edd Goldberg, an aspiring farmer who has inherited his ancestor's farm. After getting lost in the woods chasing his cat Ringo, he finds the disheveled temples of the two gods, who appoint him as their "Arbitrator", and tasks him with helping the townsfolk restore Cordia and make peace between nature and humanity.
Information posts
Tom (Fisherman/Fishery owner)
Matt (Accessory Shop Owner)
Tord (Carpenter)
Blaze (OC) (Blacksmith)
Dusk (OC)
Eduardo (Adventurer Shop Shopkeeper, sells the charms and gear)
Jon (Doctor)
Mark (Museum Curator)
Jordan (General Store Owner)
Blade (OC, Adventurer Shop Owner, adoptive older sister of Dawn)
Dawn (OC)
Laurel (Nurse)
Paul (Bartender)
Patryck (Rancher, Ranch Owner)
Bing (Mayor)
Larry (Mayor's Assistant)
Kim and Katya (Waitresses)
Diwi (Miner)
Vince (Dusk's dad) (Saloon Owner/Chef)
Emilia (Dusk's mom) (Tailor/Tailor Shop Owner)
The Two Gods
Zinnia (Goddess of Nature)
Mechanus (God of Technology/Civilization)
Lore and Mechanic Stuff
The Black Beast of Cordia
Townsfolk Gifts
Vampirism Mechanic
Heart Events
The Movie Theater
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lostinfic · 3 years
prompt 15, any rating, for your oc's!
I'm taking prompts
A/N: thank you so much for asking about Flora/Evelyn! 😊
For context: the story is set in 1946, in the Scilly Isles, UK. Flora is a librarian from a rich and controlling family. Evelyn is the lighthouse keeper.
After six years of total blackout at night during the war, Flora had to get used to the light at night again. Here, in her bedroom, in the Tregarthen’s house, only sheer curtains hang in front of the round window. There are only a few street lamps on St Mary’s, but the island’s lighthouse shines straight into her room. It bothered her at first, reminded her of the searchlights announcing an air raid, but she loves it now. On its slow rotation, the beam sweeps over her quilt, and she feels safe. And she thinks of Evelyn, beautiful, sunburnt, freckled and stubborn Evelyn, all alone in there, watching over the same people who spread nasty rumors about her.
Flora hasn’t spoken to her in weeks, not since the mayor warned her to stay away from the mad lighthouse keeper, lest it tainted the library’s and her own reputation. But tonight, she’s lying over her quilt, and letting the light skim up her legs, stomach and chest. She feels its warmth. Its call. The lighthouse warns ships of dangerous waters, but Flora doesn’t care, that’s where wants to be.
She slips a cardigan over her nightgown and tiptoes out of the house. Under the stars, she rides her bicycle out of the village, towards the very tip of the island. She pedals as fast as she can. The September air is crisp and full of promises. And she laughs, exalted by freedom.
She’s never entered the lighthouse without Evelyn’s explicit permission, but here she is now, climbing the spiral staircase, two steps at a time, without touching the copper railing.
Evelyn is out on the gallery surrounding the lamp. She’s staring out at the vast, dark ocean, hands in her pockets, her billowing shirt flattened between her shoulder blades by suspenders.
Flora remains at the top of the stairs, bunching her sleeves in her hands. She doesn’t know what to do or say. I wanted to see you. I needed to see you. I miss you. I love you.
With the wind blowing, Evelyn hasn’t heard Flora arrive, but the dogs have.
“What are you doing here? Is everything alright?” Evelyn asks.
“I… I don’t know,” Flora says. “I mean, yes, everything is fine, I just…” She trails off and stares at her slippers. “How’s the sea?”
“She’s calm.”
Evelyn seems as uncertain as her, a small crease between her eyebrows.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have disturbed you," Flora stammers.
“Come here.”
She opens an arm, and Flora slips underneath. She wraps her arms around Evelyn’s waist and rests her head on her shoulder. And she thinks sailors are not the only ones guided home by the light.
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101flavoursofweird · 3 years
A list of headcanons for Arianna and Flora being friends:
Daughters of a wealthy baron/mayor. Their fathers adapted a town to suit their needs- e.g. Mr Barde shut down Misthallery’s factory for Arianna’s health. Baron Reinhold built a robot village to keep Flora safe. Both of their fathers had controversies surrounding them.
Dead/missing parents. Flora’s parents both died of illness— influenza in Lady Viola’s case. This could be why Baron Reinhold was so eager to shelter little Flora from other (human) people, in case she also had a weak immune system. (Not saying that was right of him but... it’s a possible reason?)
Flora could still worry about this when she’s older. Could she get sick, just like her parents? Arianna has already gone through a situation like this, when it was thought that she would die from her illness. Luckily, the air in the Golden Garden helped heal her. Arianna can reassure Flora that if she ever gets sick, they can always go to the Golden Garden.
Clark held Mr Barde’s land in a trust, so Arianna would inherit it if/when she came of age. The Reinhold treasure wouldn’t be revealed unless Flora’s new guardian could make her smile again.
Both were isolated and alone for a long time. Both may struggle to make new friends and adapt to society. Luckily, they have each other!
The professor’s enemies— Descole and Don Paolo— infiltrated the girls’ hometowns in disguise and tried to destroy their homes. (Well, it was just the Ferris wheel and Flora’s tower in Don Paolo’s case!)
Golden Garden... Golden Apple... Is there a secret conspiracy linking the two? Flora and Arianna spend hours at the library trying to find out.
Both wear ribbons— they can style each other’s hair.
Arianna isn’t keen on shopping, but Tony LOVES it. Tony is a spendthrift and he will gladly go clothes hunting with Flora. It gets to the point when they buy too many clothes so the pair start making their own clothes instead. This gradually turns into making their own disguises so they get revenge on Don Paolo and Descole one day.
Flora‘s never been to an Actual English Village so Arianna takes her to Misthallery. Flora befriends the Black Ravens.
Flora will pester Arianna endlessly about her crush on Luke. Flora’s probably writing a mystery/romance novel about her OCs, Anna and Lucas.
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mrninjapineapple · 4 years
Meet my OC - The Gunslinger
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Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 6′ 0″
Weight: 15st 9lb
Relationship: No, cannot remember ever having had one
*NOTE - I couldn’t find a mod that adds porcelain masks (which is what Gunslinger canonically wears) so I’ve taken some creative liberties with the Mojave Manhunter mod instead.*
Full bio under the cut!
Tubes full of gel and cold metal tables. Bright white corridors and flashing blue lights. Blood, screams, and the smell of burnt ozone. These fragmented images are all the mysterious figure known as the Gunslinger remembers about his past. The earliest memories which he can recall with any clarity consist of running through a broken landscape and waking up in a strange, abandoned town. Wandering through the town and its surroundings, he quickly learned the harsh lessons of the Commonwealth and found rudimentary weapons, armour, and a gas mask to cover his twisted visage. He stayed within the town for a time, surviving on the flora and fauna around until a chance encounter with a wandering mercenary changed everything.
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Her name was Bullseye. Having got the drop on him, the pair soon found themselves at a stalemate. Each impressed by the other’s skill, they formed a tentative truce. Given Bullseye’s proficiency with long-range combat and his penchant for causing havoc up-close, the truce inevitably led way to a partnership and the duo soon found themselves travelling the Commonwealth together, taking on mercenary contracts and jobs and splitting the caps between them. He soon earned the name Killshot, due to his pinpoint accuracy and ruthless demeanour. Leaning into this new moniker, Killshot used some of his earnings to purchase new tailor-made armour, consisting of a duster atop ballistic weave vest and a matching mask.
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The pair fell into a rhythm for a while, fulfilling contracts with professionalism and consummate ease, earning themselves a reputation amongst the upper echelon of hired guns in the Commonwealth. On a lucrative contract from a wealthy client, they were teamed up with a squad of Gunners and tasked with providing support on a routine expansion mission. Animal eradication, site recon, and the establishment of a rudimentary FOB. Simple. When they came upon a settlement however, Killshot could only watch with horror as the Gunners moved in. Raining down bullets and fire, the squad of soldiers watched with glee as settlers fled and fell before them. He had taken on dubious contracts before; killed when he had to. But the wholesale slaughter before him proved too much and stirred something within him. The Gunners were well-armed and well-armoured but he had taken on tougher opponents and more of them. Killshot danced around them, his dual revolvers firing so fast that before the squad had even realised what was happening, the last of them lay dead at his feet. As he surveyed the surrounding carnage, Bullseye approached. Still young and motivated by greed and impulse, she disagreed with his newfound altruism and left, taking the caps for the job and going to find work on her own.
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Assessing the state of the settlement, Killshot found nothing but blood and ash. The last house he checked, however, had a stumpy little ghoul inside who immediately fell to his knees, pleading for his life. As Killshot put away his weapons and promised not to harm him, the ghoul – identifying himself as Murray – couldn’t help but praise his saviour. He yammered about how he watched through the window as the evil soldiers who had destroyed his home and killed his friends were defeated by a hero clad in the clothes of his favourite radio-play stars. He was a defender of virtue in a world of chaos, a bringer of peace and law, a light in the darkness. A real life gunslinger. Dramatic embellishment and fawning praise aside, Killshot liked the name. And so, the newly-reborn Gunslinger helped Murray to bury the dead and together, they set off.
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Having been a mercenary for some time, Gunslinger was well accustomed to Goodneighbor. Despite its crime and overall air of lawless chaos, it was the best place for a displaced ghoul to resettle and so, he made sure Murray was safe in the care of Mayor Hancock and left to continue his mercenary work, this time under a new name and with a new purpose. Fashioning custom porcelain masks to go with his dual revolvers and re-dyed duster, Gunslinger quickly gained notoriety for his skill and generosity, often saving settlers and other vulnerable people for no charge. His work was to be cut short however, as he received word that Murray had become ill and his condition was worsening rapidly. Concluding his contract quickly, Gunslinger headed for Goodneighbor to care for the only true friend he had known.
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With Murray’s condition semi-stable in his presence, Gunslinger vowed to stay by his side. He was soon approached by Mayor Hancock, who proposed a partnership, offering him a place in his private security alongside Fahrenheit and Honoria Wilson in return for the perks of free lodging within the townhouse, free food, drink, and chems at the Third Rail, and any other perks befitting someone of his status. Gunslinger declined the offer, instead choosing to serve in a more unofficial capacity, offering his protection to the citizens of Goodneighbor and upholding the peace. And that is where he has stayed, meting out justice in Goodneighbor and protecting the meek and innocent. His name has become legend in the Commonwealth and any visitor to the town knows before long to keep the peace or face the Gunslinger.
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marga-manso · 4 years
mis OCs :)  🖤
(La mitad son personajes históricos que existieron realmente pero que yo he retorcido y añadido al universo del Ministerio porque soy un peligro público)
Margarita “Marga” Manso
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Nace en Valladolid en 1899. Su vida familiar es un cuadro, por decirlo suavemente. Sus hermanas mayores la ignoran en mayor o menor medida y se lleva bastante mal con su “madre”, que es un poco... Turbia. 
Su padre murió durante la epidemia de Gripe Española en 1918.
En 1919 se mudó a Madrid para estudiar Bellas Artes en la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando y se instaló en la Residencia de Estudiantes (¿se admitía a mujeres en la Residencia en esa época? no tengo ni idea, supongamos que sí)
Allí conoció a Federico García Lorca, Salvador Dalí, Maruja Mallo, Buñuel y demás fauna y flora de la Residencia.
Federico termina convirtiéndose en su mejor amigo, Marga sostiene la neurona™ cada vez que al pobre hombre le entra el gay panic con Dalí y Maruja aparece de vez en cuando para animar el cotarro.
En cierto momento Marga y Maruja terminan fundando lo que se convertirá en el grupo de Las Sinsombrero.
Mendieta recluta a Marga ese mismo año (o en el 2009 para el Ministerio) y se encarga de entrenarla hasta que “muere” allá por el 2011.
Marga tiene traumita con dicha “muerte” y no ha superado del todo el asunto.
Poco después es ascendida a jefa de Recursos Humanos y en algún momento entre el 2012 y el 2015 recluta a varias personas.
Al comienzo del fic Marga está muy feliz y muy tranquilita con su trabajo de oficina, pero claro. Reclutan a la patrulla, Mendieta reaparece, empieza a fijarse en Diego… Y se le descuadran bastante los esquemas, pobrecita mía.
(En cierto momento adopta a un cachorro de mastín aka Amaral, que es la cosita más mona del mundo y un trasto y se va a hacer del tamaño de un oso y va a llevar a la pobre Marga a rastras pero todos queremos a ese perro)
Su vida sentimental es un pifostio. Estuvo medio enamorada de Federico (lo cual obviamente nunca tuvo futuro), después llegó al Ministerio y la mera existencia de Irene le pasó por encima como un tren… Tuvo dos (2) novios y 684651 ligues o relaciones más o menos serias con mujeres, en ese sentido se parece bastante a Irene.
En la t2 del fic estuvo saliendo con Dora Peirallo pero como todos sabemos el asunto no terminó demasiado bien :))
También en la t2 descubre que Mendieta la reclutó a propósito para cambiar su futuro, tiene unos 293736 traumas al respecto.
Tiene aproximadamente la misma estabilidad mental y emocional que Julián.
Es decir: Bien Poca.
Debería ir al psicólogo de vez en cuando pero en su lugar sale de fiesta :(
Irene le contagió la fiebre de los 80 y Marga tiene 0 quejas.
Hay una trama un poco retorcida con su madre biológica. Lo aclararé todo durante la t3 y de momento sólo voy a decir que si en el Ministerio se viaja por el tiempo, hay brujas, druidas... Pues también hay xanas porque me sale a mí del moño.
El personaje está bastante basado en la historia de Margarita Manso aunque obviamente he cambiado muchísimas cosas.
Tino Casal
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Cantante (y pintor) de los años 80.
Trabaja en el Ministerio de esa década y es del mismo año que Pacino (año arriba año abajo, ahí no coincide el fic con la serie pero como rtve no me paga el sueldo a finales de mes pues es lo que hay)
Marga le reclutó un poco por accidente; se le fue la lengua una noche de fiesta con Irene a finales de los 70 y no le quedó otra que reclutarle.
Compagina su trabajo en el Ministerio y la movida madrileña con diverso grado de éxito. Es un poco desastre y casi nunca está pendiente del teléfono pero le queremos mucho.
Compañero de farras de Marga por excelencia.
Casi todos los piercings de Marga se los ha hecho él.
También le dedicó su canción Embrujada :) 
(es... posible que cambiase la letra original para lanzarle una puyita a Diego)
No comparte demasiadas misiones con el Ministerio principal pero se apunta a un bombardeo cada vez que la patrulla sale de fiesta por ahí y mantiene el contacto con “la jefa” vía móvil.
Le gustan mucho las redes sociales, es el rey de Instagram en el Ministerio.
Si le dices que un cachopo es un san jacobo grande, te parte las piernas
A Tino pienso incrustarlo en el capítulo de la movida madrileña como está mandado.
Es básicamente Tino Casal versión ministérica.
Dora Peirallo
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La novia de Marga durante parte de la t2.
Viene del 1903 pero trabaja en el Ministerio de los años setenta como parte de una patrulla antiterrorismo de Operaciones Especiales.
(subdivisión del departamento de Operaciones que me he inventado yo porque, de nuevo, soy un peligro público)
Su trabajo es muy peligroso, pasa mucho tiempo incomunicada y entre eso y la intervención del Ángel Exterminador Marga decide cortar con ella para no ponerla en peligro.
No se lleva demasiado bien con Irene y con Diego por.... Razones obvias. 
De momento sólo ha aparecido en la t2 pero probablemente vuelva en algún momento :) 
Este OC no está basado en ningún personaje histórico. 
Sebastián Urrutikoetxea
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Fue reclutado por Ernesto y trabaja en el Ministerio de los años 50.
Marga estuvo saliendo con él allá por el 2014, terminaron cortando pero se llevan bien :)
En realidad ambos también salían con otro chico, un estudiante de derecho llamado Damián, pero el padre de Damián se metió en medio.
La cosa terminó muy, muy mal por culpa de ese señor y es por ello por lo que Damián les dejó. Marga y Sebastián cortaron poco después.
Aparece en el capítulo de la boda de Ortigosa y su trama se limita un poco a 1) bailar con Marga 2) shippearla mucho con Diego y 3) causar dramita™ entre Nicolás y Pacino.
Fue sin querer :(
Probablemente aparezca en condiciones en la t3 o en la t4.
Otro Oc que no está basado en ningún personaje histórico. 
Maruja Mallo
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Pintora, amiga de Marga y compañera suya en la Residencia y en la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando hasta que la abandonó en 1926.
Junto con Marga fundó el grupo Las Sinsombrero.
Principalmente se dedica a pintar y a salir por ahí de fiesta con Marga, Federico y Salvador en una época en la que las mujeres básicamente... Pues no hacían esas cosas.
En cierto momento ambas se disfrazaron de hombres para colarse en un monasterio.
Aparece en la t1 y t2 del fic (1924-1925)
Dalí la llama “mitad ángel, mitad marisco”.
Sin comentarios al respecto.
Maruja Mallo versión ministérica.
Menciones honoríficas:
Mariajo Argamasilla
Es del presente. Tatara-tataranieta del señor ese que tenía rayos X en los ojos.
También es capaz de ver a través de las cosas pero no la envían a ninguna misión a no ser que sea absolutamente necesario porque la pobre es un poco torpe.
Es la encargada del Vestuario y de pelearse con los agentes cada vez que se niegan a ponerse el corsé, las calzas, los sombreros de copa o lo que toque.
El personaje está 100% basado en una extra con el pelo azul que aparece por detrás de Amelia e Irene cuando se preparan para asistir a la boda de Ortigosa.
Asad Zamani 
Viene del Toledo del siglo XIII. Novio de Mariajo y jefe de los ingenieros de las Puertas, en ese mismo orden.
Sus compañeros le shippean muchísimo con Mariajo porque son goals absolutos.
Hay una apuesta para ver quién es la siguiente parejita en casarse y ellos van a la cabeza.
A veces se lleva mejor con los ordenadores que con las personas.
Tuvo un gay panic en toda regla con Nicolás pero luego son bros.
Si le dejas a solas con Alonso y con Nicolás, te reconstruyen la ciudad de las tres culturas en cinco minutos.
(Mariajo y Asad han aparecido sólo un par de veces pero les incluyo porque van a salir en la t3)
Óscar Millán
aka Sara Millán durante la t1 y la t2.
El encargado de la centralita telefónica del Ministerio.
Poco que decir aquí salvo que me gusta la serie Las Chicas del Cable.
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prime-pulse · 3 years
Westwood Village looks really interesting! If you’re okay with it, what’s the basic plot, or who are the main characters? What does the player character do, who are they?
WAAA thank you!!! I’ll put the main characters (so far, I have about 4 more in the works I haven’t drawn/named yet) beneath a read more because theres quite a few, but I’ll give a basic plot synopsis!!
You are from the bustling trading city of Woodlock Roe, a city situated on the rocky shores and mountains of the Sundering Abyss Sea. Convicted of a crime you did— or didn’t— commit, you have been exiled from the city and sent into the vast Abyssal Forest; essentially a death sentence without being officially stated as one.
Fighting you way through the forest, facing creatures you have only heard of in legends and from the mouths of drunk mercenaries, clinging onto the sliver of life you have left— you are saved by a young hunter, who brings you back to his village within the woods, a village you had never heard of until that moment, Westwood Village.
The game would center around you deciding the fate of Westwood Village, most being exiled, or the children of exiled individuals, also from Woodlock Roe. Dark forces seek to destroy the village, the only thing keeping them from targeting Woodlock Roe for reasons you don’t know— it is up to you if you let them, help them, or stop them. You’d be able to form relationships with any of the townsfolk (hence them all being listed as main characters despite only a certain number of individuals coming to your aid depending on your relationship with them), romantic or platonic, through their own mini-arcs between main plot "chapters"! The game would be an adventure/horror game with some RPG elements, largely impacted by how you treat the characters around you.
Viktor Marley | He/They/It | A young hunter who comes to your aid when you need it most. He runs the local butcher and tanning shop, and usually prefers to keep to himself and hide away in his shack outside the village. He wears a sack over his head, and almost never has any skin revealed.
Nau Beau | They/He/She | A clown who is one of the ex-mayor's sons, preforming every afternoon and every night for the citizens of Westwood Village— throwing fire and jumping through hoops, theres virtually nothing they can’t do! They’re sarcastic and prone to making jokes with an up-beat attitude in costume, however out of costume, they tend to be a bit irritable and cranky— of course, still with their charming wit and sarcasm. They have a niche interest in taxidermy when out of costume, and work hand-in-hand with Viktor to produce life-like taxidermy for the school and doctor in town.
Thatch "Jameson" Beau | He/Him | Son of the ex-mayor, he has lived a lavish life in one of the more well-build houses in the village. He often spends his days at the local inn-tavern, trying to woo visiting mercenaries with his untruthful stories of heroism and adventure. He’s often found squabbling with his sibling when they’re not drinking together, or helping the current mayor keep the town in check. There’s always a glint of caution in his eye.
Matir Rook | It/They/He | It goes into the mountains twice monthly and brings back freshly carved ice for everyone in the village. It does not speak, and instead communicates either through grunts, sign, or paper and ink. Often times, when looking for it, you can’t find it— but sometimes, when you aren’t, it finds you. It can often be found, when not working, at the schoolhouse helping ambitious children climb trees.
Mayor Rheikan Flora | He/She | Having been working tirelessly and nearly thanklessly for the last decade trying to contact Woodlock Roe and keep the village in order, Mayor Flora stands as the only person of government within the village. He is in charge of ruling all squabbles, approving all building plans, approving all marriages— it’s hard work. He’s often found in the mayor's office (his home); except for when it rains. When it rains, he’s often found wandering the streets under his umbrella, cigar in shaky hand.
Dreidiel Malchester | He/They | A priest rather open about being exiled from Woodlock Roe for scamming the government out of tens of thousands, Dreidiel is mainly in charge of officiating weddings and blessing the village bi-weekly to keep whatever lurks outside of it at bay. Having no sermons, or church— not that he ever took that life seriously— he's often found watching one of Nau's performances, helping out at the local school, or being kicked out of the mayor's home for trying to proposition yet another faulty business within the village. He’s never seen without a smile.
Unnamed | She/They | Running the local clinic of Westwood is a hard job, one ran without smiles or patience. It’s a dangerous place to live, and there’s always someone hurt— ??? is the doctor of the village; she's stern and sarcastic, but in a way that makes your heart warm. She may chew you out while bandaging your leg for the third time this week, but she always finishes the wrapping with a bow. Her arms are almost always folded, and you can see the muscle definition from whatever life she lived before.
Unnamed | She/Her | The local tailor of the village, ??? makes sure everyone is walking around in something not sore to the eye. She works with Viktor in obtaining furs, leather, or wool for her work, farming cotton herself on her property above the village. Her prices are always affordable, even for the most beautiful garment, because she prefers everyone look presentable and her be modest than only a few look stunning and she be rich. She’s almost always fidgeting with something in her hands.
Unnamed | They/Them | ??? is the village school teacher, mild-mannered and polite with a bit of a temper. They work well with keeping the children well-behaved and safe in the village, teaching them all they’ll need to know and much more. When school's out, they’re often found at the local inn-tavern with a drink while grading papers, or they’re found by the river studying the local wildlife. Their arms are covered in tattoos resembling serpents, tracking up all the way to their neck.
Unnamed | She/It | i have nothing written on her yet but she’s in charge of the inn-tavern
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prime-pulse · 3 years
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Two more characters for Westwood Village....
On the left is Mayor Rheikan Flora (Mayor Flora) and on the right is Matir Rook. Mayor Flora is the (begrudging) Mayor of Westwood, while Matir is the Iceman, who travels into the mountains bi-weekly to harvest ice for the village
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