#OC: doctor lady
tatck · 11 months
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Lady Redfur didn't drown!!! ! ! 🎉 back to plundering and pillaging she goes
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lepanqueca · 2 months
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mlp oc, doctor roselle milk de cler (or rose milk, for short) she has cure powers, with plants!!
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springselkie · 6 months
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lovely grub sprite base by NELIP0T!
poor handmaid, she deserved better but that's not how things are supposed to happen 😭
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🛡️💼🩷🍨 for Remidee (and/or Alexandria)?
🛡️ (Shield) - Which Clash role would your OC pick - Sword Hero, Hammer Lord, Beam Mage, or Doctor Healmore?
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Alexandria is the type who would look at what the team needs at that present moment and adapt to any role that's needed of her. i can see her doing well with hammer lord though, for reasons you'll see in the 🩷 question below
💼 (Bag) - Inventory check! What items does your OC typically carry around with them? What do they carry them in?
Remidee keeps lots of bandages and basic ointments on them, as well as some other medical supplies like butterfly stitches, gauze, pain medication, yadayada all that stuff--they're basically a walking first aid kit.
i still maintain they're an apothecary, meaning they only make medicine once someone's already been taken care of by an actual doctor and given a prescription, but no one in dreamland actually knows the goddamn difference between apothecary and Doctor so people end up stopping them and asking them to do doctor things pretty often, to which they reluctantly have also picked up that role as well for a variety of reasons
other than the medical supplies, they're a pretty well-prepared person in general, but they often travel light because they don't go too far from the castle
🩷 (Pink Heart) - If they were a Dream Friend, what would their moveset be like? How much HP do they have? Would they be a strong attacker, or would they take on more of a support role?
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remidee is quite weak all around with lower hp as a waddle dee, low attack power, and not very great range. they'd probably be a bit faster and more nimble than the regular spear copy ability though. their main thing is their ability to heal, so i think they'd be a pretty good asset in arena runs actually. terrible otherwise
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alexandria, on the other side of the spectrum, is an extremely skilled fighter who knows the value of not showing your cards until you absolutely need to. apart from her skill with her katars, she specializes in some nebula-like attacks. i didn't draw it, but i imagine she has something like the hollow knight dash slash as well
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crowbitz · 2 years
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my gorgon cleric Euryale, and her beloved sun
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fizzydreamz · 2 months
The best way to explain Estevan’s ability to “heal” others (by transferring the sickness from human to human) is literally the meme
“Do you want to keep this or double it and pass it to the next person?”
Most of the time people will double it and give it to the next person.
RIP the people who get the short end of the stick.
⭐️Moot Tag List⭐️: @sakka-kyuu @queen-shiba @beheamothscreamoth @themoonisbeautifulisnt-it
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sparrowatheart · 7 days
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The ending of 'Dot and Bubble' really stuck with me. Couldn't stop thinking about it. I wanted to give Fifteen a hug, so I drew my OC Collet with him. She knows she can't make it better.. and it angers her too. But that doesn't mean she can't be there for him. She knows how much he cares for humans, and how much it hurts that prejudice could get in the way of saving lives.
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marilynsweet · 7 months
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Again on the redrawing chain— completely overhauled Irantheris and decided to go from there
Gaius and Sel belong to @void-walker-gaster
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superspookyjanelle · 5 months
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Hazel: Did you have to stab them?
Gemma : You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what they said to me.
Percy: What did they say?
Gemma : "What are you going to do, stab me?"
Leo: That’s fair.
TAGGING: @witchofinterest @fiercefray @sweetenemyfire @eddysocs @arrthurpendragon @villanele @bookstorebunny @roseygirl203 @valdrinors
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riversongandsweetie · 1 month
I'm starting a new project!
A Torchwood rewrite that I thought of years and years ago, and am now finishing. I had started it then scrapped it because it seemed like so much work, but kept coming back to it. Now my therapist said that I should be doing more things that I actually want to do - and I'm currently working on my inner child and processing trauma. So it seemed like the perfect time to pull this out!
Feat. Janto; some extra Time Lords; River/11, 12, and 13; and Torchwood team members getting what they deserve
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More art this time it’s no fandom OC content sorry lol
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dragonanon · 7 months
The funny psychological horror circus show has a fucking death grip on me, so it’S OC TIME BOIIIIII!!!
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I made a whole ramble/shitpost about her earlier, but basically she’s a sweet slime girl with an inferiority complex and imposter syndrome.
Prior to entering the digital circus, Squishica was a 32 year old Intensivist at an ICU. She was confident and could be intimidating, but she treated each of her patients with kindness and warmth. She was very close with her staff members, they were like family to her as far as she was concerned, and she was fiercely protective of them all.
Despite always appearing strong and confident though, deep down Squishica struggled with feelings of inadequacy. Despite the praise and admiration she received, Squishica never felt like she deserved any of it. To her, there was ALWAYS something she could’ve done better, something that she could’ve done differently. She felt like a fraud because everyone treated her like she was perfect, but she wasn’t and it made her feel like she was deceiving everyone. She tried to combat this by always going above and beyond in her work, believing that she would only be worthy of praise if she could truly be perfect. Squish never allowed these insecurities and feelings to show, and successfully maintained the facade of a strong and confident doctor.
Upon entering the Digital Circus however, she no longer remembers her past life. Finally allowing for her “real” self, the goopy and anxious mess she always hid from everyone, to be on full display. Hence why I specifically made her slime lol
Squishica is kind and sweet to everyone, and she goes out of her way to help wherever she can but it’s often accompanied by self depreciating comments about how she’s “sorry for being a bother” or she “knows that she could’ve done better”. Poor thing just no self esteem whatsoever, but still wants to be helpful.
However when some kind of medical emergency happens, IE someone starts abstracting, she does a full 180 personality wise. All these thoughts, terminology, and feelings from her time as an ICU doctor come crashing over her. She doesn’t understand what any of it is, but suddenly she feels so calm and sure of herself, like she’s done this before and knows with certainty what needs to be done. She quite LITERALLY hardens up, and suddenly she’s the strong and commanding ICU doctor she was as a human. She quickly takes control of the situation, and immediately gets to work talking her “patient” down from the edge. She’s cool and composed, but kind and gentle as she slowly helps her “patient” stabilize. As she’s doing this, she’s COMPLETELY oblivious to the stunned awe of the rest of the crew as they watch her save someone from something they had only ever known to be impossible to come back from, all she’s focused on is her “patient” in front of her.
It’s only when her “patient” is somewhat stabilized that Squish notices everyone staring at her. Instead of commenting however, she starts barking orders at everyone like “Ragatha and Gangle, go make sure we have a hospital bed prepared for (blank); I want them admitted to the hospital for continued surveillance until further notice. Jax and Kinger, assist (blank) back to their room and help get them situated in bed prior to admission; but go slowly, we can’t risk exacerbating their condition by moving too quickly! Zooble, while (blank) is getting settled I want bloodwork done for their thyroid, liver, and kidney function. I’m most concerned about their thyroid function right now, so if the hormone levels are off, ping Dr. Drayden in endocrinology STAT! Pomni, I need a full set of vitals on (blank); please send those to me as soon as you’ve obtained them and start work on documentation a full recount of everything that happened. I will need that recount of the event to fill out necessary paperwork for the hospital. Caine, (blank) is in fragile condition right now and they could easily nosedive again; I need you to accompany (blank) back to their bed and keep watch over them as they’re being admitted. If the patient shows ANY signs of possible relapse, call a code blue IMMEDIATELY!”
She speaks with such authority and confidence, no one even stops to question her; instead everyone starts scurrying around and following her orders. It’s only when Zooble pauses for a moment while trying to locate needles and is like “Wait…We don’t even HAVE blood, do we??” That everyone recognizes what they’re doing and stops. Except for Kinger,Jax, and Caine because (blank) really did need to be taken back to their room and couldn’t be left alone.
Upon being confronted about what the heck just happened, Squish finally snaps out of it and softens back into her soft goopy self. She timidly explains that she has no clue what came over her or how she even knew any of what she was saying or doing, but it was like she somehow instinctively knew what to do.
Ragatha points out that Squish looked and sounded like a real doctor and Pomni chimes in that Squish might’ve been a doctor before coming here, to which everyone agrees is the likely scenario given how easily she handled everything. Squish on the other hand nearly melts into a puddle insisting there’s no way that could possibly be true, she’s so passive and weak! How could SHE have all people have been a doctor?? It’s just not possible!
Nevertheless she’s now the unofficial “doctor” of the circus, despite her protests that wouldn’t be able to do it, her old instincts have kicked in several times since then and each time it happens she’s just a LITTLE more convinced that maybe, JUST maybe, she really WAS a doctor and that she CAN do this.
She often gets called “Doc” or “Dr. Squish” lol.
Here are some bonus doodles for your amusement.
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
(missy voice) yes im evil but do you think im not going to take even to pick up their hormones? im not a monster, doctor.
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springselkie · 9 months
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more out of context stuff from the rp twitter, the gifs are really fun to do
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In honor of Lady's glorious defeat in @original-character-championship at the hands of Yurika "Rika" Orin (@arancia-con-un-coltello) I offer you this low-quality sketch comic.
Yurika is amazing and you should all check her out! She deserves to keep winning in later rounds
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Round 1, Match-Up 15
Andromeda ( @xendiyatrix )
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Species: Dalek Empress
Pronouns: she/her
Era: 1960s
Extra Facts: ... there weren't any
the Assasin / Svetlana ( @eddysocs )
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Species: Time Lady
Extra Facts: Determined to "fix" aberrations in the timeline no matter what the cost, a loose cannon who is set in her ways due to Timelord Trauma™️, has a flirty love/hate thing with Jack Harkness that ends up with them making each other better people
Pronouns: she/her
Era: from the start of New Who
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