#OC: Ror
thwipped · 4 months
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thrifted a funny shirt and i miss my dnd char so i drew them in it
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raziiyah · 4 months
me thinking randall despised johnny for manipulating him and kicking out of ror; in which he harbored his hate for years like he did with sulley and wanted to vengefully show everyone including johnny how wrong they were for underestimating him in college
what randall and johnny's relationship ended up being:
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Bridget x fem! Oc
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"Hecate! Get back here." Uliana called out to the witch, who send a last sneer to Bridget and Ella, and then quickly followed after Uliana.
"Stupid Bridget." She grumbled as she joined her friends, who were all exchanging glances, all but Uliana, of course.
"Mh, valentine's day is coming up, you two gonna do anything?" Hades asked Morgie and Hook, who looked at each other and shrugged.
"Probably, you?"
"-stop this nonsensical blabbering! She just publicly humiliated me!" Uliana snapped, Hecate nodding along, towering over most of the group.
"So...? What do you want to do about it?" Maleficent gestured for her to come up with something, looking incredibly bored.
"My god, let's go babe." The two left the rest, probably to go make out and scare first years.
"I have homework..." They frowned at her, "I still want a fucking future!" Hecate threw her hands up as she walked away, Morgie and hook whistling after her to tease her.
"Go buff boss lady!"
"Morgs, she's not the boss lady."
"Go buff lady!"
"Don't you dare show your face around here again." Hecate almost growled out, staring down at a boy who was trembling so bad she thought he might faint.
"God fucking damn it." She gritted her teeth as she picked up the love letter from the boy, quickly tearing it to shreds before anyone could see the name on it.
"Oh... hi Hecate!" Bridget had trued going to her locker, but Hecate was standing in front of it, little snippets of pink laper in her hands.
"Mh?" She arched an eyebrow, looking down at Bridget with narrowed eyes.
"What." Bridget smiled at her, producing one of the macaroons she had made out of nowhere.
"I made macaroons this morning! Would you like one?" She bit the inside of her cheek as she watched Bridget bite at her bottom lip.
"No." She watched as her face fell, this was good.
"Oh... um- okay, bye then?" Bridget still smiled at her, and Hecate stalked off, shoving the boy who tried to put the letter in a locker down harshly, glaring around, this was a warning.
"Wassup fuckers." Hecate grinned madly as she appeared amidst her friendgroup, half of the homosexuals were making out.
"Hi Hecate, one question, let's go ruin Valentines." Hecate shrugged at the not-question, following Uliana as she slammed lockers closed in front of faces.
"Hello." Hecate appeared behind a boy, who was lurking near someone's locker with a red note.
"Let's see shall we? Dear Br-." It burned in her hand, ashes falling down as she slammed her hand into the locker he was about to wiggle it into.
"Huh, I thought I made it clear that nobody-!"
"Oh my gosh! Hecate! Why did you do that?!" Bridget rushed in, and Hecate's hand quickly disconnected from the locker, looking at the princess with a frown.
"Your fist! And my locker..." Her eyes widened, prying open the locker and flattening out the dent from the inside before slamming it closed again.
"What locker." She harshly spat out, Uliana had long left her alone to her shenanigans.
"Your fist! Does it hurt-?"
"No! Stop asking if anything hurts' why do you fare so much! Ugh!" She quickly stormed away, dragging the boy with and pressing his face against the lockers as she walked.
Bridget stood in silence for a second, then slowly opened her locker, still looking down the corridor where Hecate left in hopes she'd turn back around.
"Nothing. Again." She sighed, looking through her books for the book she had to put in.
"Oh! I guess I didn't see it!" She giggled, carefully licking up the pink paper, leaning with her shoulder against another locker as she read it.
Darkening your doorstep, I stand before you.
Darkening your doorstep, I kneel for you.
Darkening your doorstep, I hereby request.
Darkening your doorstep, your forgiveness is not earned, yet.
She sighed, rolling her eyes fondly, it was the same sort of poem she'd been getting for the oast year.
"How sweet, secret admirer hits again?" Ella scared her, reading over her shoulder.
"Oh my-! Don't scare me like that Ella! But yes, he's been doing this for a year now, I wonder when that forgiveness he speaks of will come soon." Ella hummed.
"Yeah, no boy writes like that, that girl is gay and a hopeless romantic." She theorised, Bridget slapping her arm.
"Don't be like that!"
"I just don't know what's going on, I just... I hate her and her sweets and everything about her! But I can't have anyone else have her, which is stupid and dumb, I don't even like her."
"No, you love herrrrr!" Morgie smirked at her, using his hyper flexibility to twist his spine and circle his entire body around Hecate's torso.
"Also this is getting creepy, Hook!" The captain poked his head up from where he was laying, rolling his eyes.
"Come here darling!" Morgie unwrapped himself from Hecate, who was rambling about her problems to Maleficent, the only one who really couldn't give a lesser fuck.
"Just fuck her, see if you like it, if you don't, you hate her, if you do... well then you might have some issues to sort out with Uliana." She shrugged, playing around with her hair as she used Hades as a chair.
"Exactly what she said." The god, who was laying down with her on his back, agreed.
"M'kay... i'm not doing that, Uli?" The sea witch groaned, rolling over from where she was trying to sleep.
"Shut up, just go ask her out or something, or write her another one of your poems." Hecate stuttered as she tried to find an answer, looking around to see if they all knew.
"Allow me to step closer as I scream, cry, and beg, scream for the lives i've lost trying to find you, Cry for the time spend without you, and Beg to spend just a mere second more with you'- one of my favourites, honestly, I had to write it down to remember, also, i'm stealing it in like a year." Morgie held up a paper, laying across Hook with a smile.
"It is pretty spectacular." The pirate shrugged, winking at Hecate. "Go over there and just fuck her, prove how amazing you are in bed and you shall see! The doors open before thee!" He mocked the posh royalty, changing his accent.
"Why did I even ask if all you guys think about is sex."
"I don't"
"Uliana, I say this with all respect, but you don't even feel attraction towards anyone."
Hecate fidgeted with her rings as she waited for the door to be opened, standing in front of the girl's doors was so much more nerve wrecking than beating people up for asking her out.
"Oh- Hi Hecate, anything you need?" Bridget had opened the door, and Hecate contemplated if she should just take Hook's advice.
"Yeah-!" She coughed as her voice cracked, straightening up and leaning against the doorpost to aat least try seem cooler and more collected.
"I just wanted to ask you out on a date tomorrow, y'know, with it being valentines and all." WHY DIDN'T I SPEAK LIKE I WRITE??? SHE'D AT LEAST KNOW THAT'S ME!!!!!
"Like... romantically?" I should dash now that I still can.
"Yeah, romantically, seems totes cool right?" NOBODY SAYS THAT AND IT'S NOT COOL!!!
"Yes! Of course i'll go on a date with you!"
I'm sorry for darkening your doorstep, I just had to say, a single second spend with you is worth more than a thousand sun filled days.
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amoexii · 5 months
I haven't post art in forever cuz graduation is coming 😭 but here's some ror oc doodle dump from my insta 😤❤
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Lanjar redesign & her Olympus dress
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That one MLP meme & Nyi Blorong 🐍
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My Blood of Zeus oc!!! Since season 2 is coming thought I'd bring her back 💕💖
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divinemachina · 3 months
who let this man (who's very normal about Hatsune Miku) Pilot a ship
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luxthestrange · 1 year
RoR Incorrect quotes#148 Win win tbh-
In Poseidon's chambers...there is a hole in the ceiling where... Poseidon's room was...There laying on the carpet was Poseidon naked sleeping...you waking up after your..."reunion"
DP Y/n*Yawns and stretches looking at Poseidon sleeping then flinch seeing Zeus sitting with a lifeless gaze*Oh-...jeez...so...You were in here last night?
Zeus*Looking at the wall*I tried to look away...but I couldn't IT WAS SO HORRIBLE...LIKE LOOKING AT THE ASS OF GOD(Kronos)
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part 10 of:
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pac1fythehunger · 1 month
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bandificer brainrot i fear
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evansuvamp · 2 months
Tezcatlipoca in RoR
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He's one of the biggest gods in Aztec culture so, I wanted to give it a try and concept him for the ROR Universe. To be honest, he will be one of the gods against humanity, he's not that friendly but he surely gets along with many of the gods (after all, he's really handsome!) Tezcatlipoca has three siblings. The one he's most part of the time fighting and bothering is Quetzalcoatl. To create the world, he lost his leg so now he wears a red metal prosthesis. Though he doesn't like humans that much, he offers his help whenever they need. Actually, he's kinda like Buddha and walks near to humans from time to time just to return and bother Quetzalcoalt about how awful they are. For the Ragnarok, he knew that old man wouldn't choose him but... Perhaps that's ok? Because he knows that his brother is helping Bruhnilde to save humanity... He doesn't admit it but he cares about his brother so, he's going to do anything to keep his secret.
@praisethesuuun @riseofamoonycake @nicasdreamer @itz-hellenz @rlvdnt girls! I wanted to show you my character sheet done! I feel really sad that Aztec gods can't be found that easily on foreign media BUT, that won't stop me ehehheh!
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marigoldwriter · 1 month
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letty of hearts, daughter of red of hearts & chloe charming
(nobody asked, but I want everyone to see a bit of my babygirl! I've already tried to draw her, but I couldn't, anyway, I'll try to post more of 'Where are the Stars? I'll Sing them Lullabies' here)
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alm4nditte · 10 months
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A Risk of Rain OC idea I had for a while. They are the Botanist, who may or may not have worked on REX:)
I'm thinking of making them spray random chemicals from the big container thing behind their back with that gun holstered? Additionally the plants on their hat are alive and also hydroponics, and change seasonally. I'm enjoying that plant hat a bit too much
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(please excuse the imbalance, I forgot that REX is not small at all)
They will be the one who tend for the plants on REX!
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thwipped · 8 months
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small Ror drawing. Free Palestine 🍉
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mizz-sea-nymph · 3 months
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Do not steal/copy/rip off/trace/sell/remove signature/try and repost it on another website/etc
English voice
Jp voice
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Bridget x fem! Oc part 2 !! (4362 words)
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"Jess! There you are!" Bridget smiled brightly at the woman, who looked up from her teacup, the swirling liquid moved up and down and splattered everywhere, only to return to the cup and it'll start all over again.
"Bridget, hi!" She grinned at her, and she sat down next to her at the tea shop's table, the Hatter throwing a tea cup over, landing in front of her with the bubbling pink liquid inside.
"Thank you Hatter." She smiled and waved at the man, who grinned back and continued playing cards with the others.
"So, how did the date go?" Bridget let out a soft groan, bringing the tea to her lips and taking a sip before answering.
"Awful, that man was not like what they said he was." Jess held back her laugh, hiding it behind her hand, but she saw, and slapped her shoulder.
"Shut it! My failed romantic ventures are not for your entertainment!" Jess let out her laughs openly now, the woman next to her leaned back to cross her arms, huffing.
"As if your love life is so full, you have never even had a boyfriend! You have to get out there and stop lounging around the castle every day!" The cup's contents almost tipped out of it, Jess' sudden movement of her hand which held the cup nearly spilling the tea out.
She looked down at the movement of the tea, slowly letting her words sink in.
She didn't know.
Obviously! If she didn't know about her liking women, then she obviously wouldn't be taken seriously when she flirted with her! Obviously that must be what's going on!
"I don't even like men, why would I need to force myself to be around one." The hatter threw a tea plate at her, she caught it and threw it back, but when she turned to Bridget, she looked at her with wide eyes.
"I'm so proud of you for telling me! Oh my god how long have you known-?" She hugged her over the armrests, tightening her arms around her.
"Bridget-? Bridget, I already told you this.... Like a few decades ago." The queen pulled away, her lips falling into an O shape, her brows furrowed.
"You did?" Jess sighed, rubbing her forehead.
"And how's it going with the pirate lady?" Jess grinned at Audrey, who rolled her eyes with a smile.
"Uma's doing perfectly fine, now why did you visit me?" Setting down her bag on the cabinet, Jess walked into the professor's office, sitting down on her couch.
"Just asking how Red's doing." Audrey sighed, she should've known.
"Red is doing pretty well, actually, besides attempting to talk to several flowers and other inanimate objects." She sat down at her desk once more, picking up her pen to start her grading process again.
"Why are you at Audrey's when asking about my students?" Uma spoke up, having slipped in.
"Because I don't trust you and your slippery-."
"Why do you have so many pictures of your wife in your wallet?" Her head snapped around, staring at the sea witch that had one hand still rummaging through her bag, the other holding up her wallet and shifting through her coupons and different cards, also the pictures that were in between the coupons.
"Uhhhhh, because she's pretty, duh." She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and settling back down on the couch, kicking her feet up on the table as Uma hopped over the back to sit next to her with her bag and wallet in her hand.
"Ha! Good picture." She held up a polaroid, which looked a bit old, and was of Bridget back in their own high school days.
It was of her in her little kitchen in her dorm, whisking something in a bowl and looking into the camera with a grin.
"I know right, she's such a cutie-!"
"Why are you both here." Audrey leaned her head on her hand, looking at the two women who were being oddly familiar for having just met.
"Oh! Right! I told Bridget I'm on a date." Uma let out a hum, as if this was completely normal, flipping through the photos and searching for a coupon she wanted.
Audrey, however, did see what was wrong with that.
"Then why are you here." She already knew why, Jess was surprisingly often found hanging around somewhere in Auradon, wether it be in Cinderellaburg or AP.
"'Cause I lied."
"You just can't pull any bitches." Uma got a book thrown at her by Audrey, who glared at her.
"What does that mean?" Jess frowned, looking over at Audrey, who would actually answer her instead of laughing in her face like Uma was doing right now.
"That you don't attract any women." The slap that echoed through the room almost slipped into the hallway, Uma glaring at Jess, who held up her claws to her face threateningly.
"I do get bitches!"
"And she's already adapted to using it! Amazing, thank you Uma for your contribution to society." Audrey seemed so over it, looking at the two who were on the verge of fighting.
"Hey! Where's your wife?" Uma approached the Queen of Wonderland after one of the teacher conferences, the woman chuckled at her words, shooting her a smile.
"Jess wasn't available... for once." She started walking towards Red's dorm, Uma joining her.
"Seems unbelievable, you sure she's not vandalising the school here?" Bridget was about to disagree, when they opened the door to the dorm and caught Red and Jess exchanging spray paint.
"And what might be going on here?" Jess stared with wide eyes for less than a second before she threw the cans away and approached Bridget with a flirty smirk.
"You look amazing today! Every day! Would you like to get a cup of tea with me sometime?" Instead of following in Jess' footsteps and throwing away the evidence, Red froze up and tried jumping out of the window with the cans.
"Red, don't jump out of the window!" Uma threateningly pointed at the girl, who looked back, much like a cat who got caught doing something and fleeing, but being stopped.
"Where did you two ditch Chloe?" Bridget smiled back at Jess, who had stopped close to her face and was holding her hands, leaning closer over them.
"Mh? Chloe? We don't know a Chloe?" Red quickly nodded along, slowly getting off of the ledge, but ready to jump.
"Mh, what a shame, if we don't know her then we can't invite them to dinner!" She was being dramatic, but she could never measure up to how dramatic Jess could be.
"Why are you here?"
"Why are you here?" Jess mimicked the woman in front of her, smiling innocently as she got a eye roll.
"Don't try me Jess, I'm here for the parent conferences, which I invited you to and you declined." The smirk on Jess face gave her a whole essay about her answer, not that she needed one, she already know what happened when she saw the two with spray paint.
"And I'm here for that too! Right Red?" She gestured for her to join her, and she did so reluctantly, the two wrapped their arms around the other's shoulder, both grinning widely at Bridget, Uma rolling her eyes before she left.
"Oh of course you are. Now Red, I'm here to celebrate how much your grades have spiked! Is it because of Chloe? I knew she was a good influence, I should restrict your access to Jess even more!" She joked, gleefully clasping her hands together, a happy smile on her face as she looked at her daughter.
"Uh- yeah, Chloe's been helping me with my homework and studying." Letting go of Jess, who was acting like she was extremely offended by Bridget's words.
"And I'm suddenly influencing her?!"
"Bridget!" She had gone right back to bursting through her doors after a day or two, which Bridget somehow hadn't expected when the woman had walked in on her and the man.
"Go away Jess." She groaned, pulling her sheets up and hiding her face away in a pillow, hearing Jess taking off her boots and approach the bed.
Bridget looked up, like always, and sees Jess hanging over her face with an expectant grin, like always.
"Hello there miss royal empress." The cat got dragged into the bed, Bridget grabbing onto her shirt and pulling her under the sheets.
"It's 6 in the morning sweets, I'm not getting up now." Jess wrapped her arms around her, like always, and got comfortable.
"Red takes so much after you, it's crazy." She heard her giggle before she hugged her waist, cuddling closer to try get back to sleep.
"Shut up, sweetheart, and let me sleep." She could feel the rumble of her hum in her chest, and closed her eyes as Jess ran her nails carefully along her spine.
"Bridget, Darling, wake up." Jess almost got slapped in the face by a stray hand, which reached out to find whatever disrupted her sleep.
"It's 10, you have your royal duties to do, also, the Charming's are coming over with Audrey, you remember inviting them, right?" She groaned, Jess slowly helped her sit up, her blanket sliding off of her torso and bunching up around her waist.
Her eyes were half closed, tilting her head to look over at Jess, her hair crumpled up and tangled by sleep and Jess' hands running through it.
"What?" Locking eyes with her, Bridget leaned against her and closed her eyes to fall asleep again.
"Oh no! We're not doing that! Up we go!" Jess forced her to sit up straight, standing up from the bed and picking her up.
"You gave Red all the wrong parts." She complained, having to hold her up as she thought about what she wanted to wear today.
"Should I wear a dress or trousers today?" Looking up at Jess, Bridget genuinely thought that the woman who wore basically the same thing every day could help her.
"I'm going to drop you if you don't stop asking me that." Bridget wrapped one arm around her neck to ensure she wouldn't actually do that, but continued scanning through her closet.
"Go over there for me?" She pointed deeper into the walk in closet, Jess complied, grumbling under her breath about how this was peer pressure.
"Trousers it is!" The exclamation, along with her hopping out of Jess' arms and grabbing onto a blouse, was enough to startle the woman holding onto her and let her stumble back.
"How nice of you to give me a heads up." Sitting down in the chair next to the full body mirror, she watched as Bridget rolled her eyes and gathered her clothing for the day.
"I'm always nice!" She leaned down to boop her nose, which she scrunched up in annoyance.
"If that's what you say...." Her words were ignored, Jess wanted to glare at the woman who was pulling off her sleeping gown in front of her, but it was Bridget, she could never do anything to harm her, even with something as minor as how she looks at her.
"This?" Bridget twirled, looking at herself in the mirror before looking over at Jess, who shrugged.
"You should add either copper or silver." She looked over the outfit, pale pink blouse, red trousers, brown loafers.
"You're right! Should I change for tonight or not?" Jess rolled her eyes, standing up from the chair and walking over to Bridget, who was looking through her jewellery, and wrapped her arms around her waist, placing her chin on her shoulder to look with her.
"I don't really care about that, you should wear that one!"
"How did you guys propose?" Audrey asked during dinner, Ella let out a chuckle as she looked over at her husband, the both of them were slightly surprised by Audrey's presence, but seeing as with Red's presence at AP, she'd grown closer to Audrey. -the both of them had a girlfriend/friend who was morally grey-
"Oh it was so romantic-." Audrey did not want to see disrespectful, but hearing Chloe's groan, she knew she wasn't overstepping.
"I'm sorry- but I was asking Bridget and Jess, it seems like the story of you two is familiar." She let out a chuckle to ease the nerves she felt when she interrupted them, and when she heard Chloe's relieved sigh, she knew she did a community service.
"Oh- I just assumed, since-." Ella got interrupted again, Audrey send her an apologetic look when Bridget's confused, high pitched voice cut through her words.
"What?" She seemed genuinely confused, but also slightly panicked, as if she had gotten caught for something.
Jess glanced at her, also confused, why did she sound so... nervous, like a deep dark secret just got outed into the fresh, stabbing cold air.
"Well- since, you know, you're married?" Audrey didn't sound so sure now, Uma and her had thought they had been married for ages, decades maybe.
"I thought you guys were kidding." Jess laughed, and Bridget tried to join, the tension in the room became visible to the eye, specifically, the eye contact that Bridget tried to hold, and Jess desperately avoided.
If she looked into her eyes now, she would not only betray herself, but she would betray Bridget, and nothing was worse than betraying Bridget.
The worst thing was, she would betray herself, using such a simple thing, her eyes.
Her eyes would look at her, her deep dark brown eyes would burn through her brain, invest her thoughts, and hold her soul captive in their iron grasp.
She would see all the pent up love for her, all the love held back by a singular tread that unravelled a bit more every time she as much as looked at Bridget, even just the back of her head, anything of bridget.
It would strengthen in moments like these, the most vulnerable moments turned into her strongest, the tread became stronger every second, even though it would break the second she even got a singular glimpse of her skin.
"We thought you guys had been married for ages!" Audrey laughed, and her attempt to break the tension that seemed to physically injure Jess, who had been staring at her intensely to stop this conversation.
"You do not know how common that is! So many people think they're married it's getting funny!" Ella smiled, Christopher let out a loud laugh as he thought about all the times this has happened.
"Is it really?" Bridget's voice wasn't as high pitched now, probably because her nervousness had died down, but it seemed unnaturally controlled.
"Bridget.... Did you not know?" Jess seemed nervous now, and even though the most vulnerable moment had passed for her, and she was able to look the love of her life in the eyes, and she almost broke down right then and there, the eyes looking back at her weren't filled with love and happiness, like usual, but more with something eerily similar to fear.
"Why yes I did know! Shall we move to another room for a cup of tea?" Everyone could see that that wasn't the truth, they knew that something had changed, but they left it for later, in hopes of making it better for Jess later on.
They knew, the moment they left, that she would show up at one of their doors the very next morning.
And they were right.
They were never this terrified to be right.
They didn't want to be right, they wished, prayed, even begged whatever gods above, that they would not find that sad, sad cat on their doorstep that morning.
When Ella woke up, she shot yet another prayer up to the clouds, and got ready for the day.
She walked down to the foyer, still silently praying that she wouldn't hear that doomed knocking, and she let out a sigh of relief when she exited that room, the tension fell from her shoulders and-
That could be the wind lifting the knocker, it was looking like it was about to storm so-
Knock knock knock
She let out a sigh, clearly, she couldn't avoid this.
Her footsteps echoed through the foyer, her heels clinking against the marble floor, stopping in front of the huge wooden doors, her hands on the silver rings that helped opening them.
She let out a deep breath of air, trying to replace all of the air in her lungs before she opened the doors, only one of them, and only a crack, just enough for the woman to slip in, drenched in the rain she despised oh so much.
"Jess...." Ella whispered, the woman looked up at her, eyes bright red, her hands partially turned into claws, the sharpest they have ever been, and she looked miserable.
The cat -who was devout on avoiding rain and all water sources- was drenched to the bone, her hair clinging to her face, the jacket clinging to her arms, her shoes created little puddles on the white marble.
"She really isn't-." The sob that escaped from her cold and blue lips was heart breaking, and Ella had never in her life called for the servants more urgently.
She didn't want to have servants, but Chris told her they needed them, the castle was big, and they needed at least cleaners, and with that, came butlers.
"Yes my lady?" The butler appeared at her side, and Ella quickly turned to him, helping Jess stand and starting to walk towards the stairs.
"Get me two towels and a bucket of water, and wake up Chris." The man nodded, rushing away as Jess tried shoving Ella off.
"No! Don't touch me! I'm fucking disgusting and stupid and a fucking perv." Ella wanted to roll her eyes, but instead she grabbed her wrist, one arm around her waist and dragging her up the stairs.
"She didn't say that Jess, she would never say that, no matter how angry or sad she is." Ella didn't want to believe that Bridget would say that, not only that, she knew she would never say that.
"She implied it." The claws nearly scratched Ella's hands open, accidentally grazing her hand.
"No she didn't." She had finally gotten her to one of the spare rooms, where the butler was waiting for them with the bucket of hot water and two towels.
"You're going to shower, change into this, and get into the bed." Jess didn't put up her usual fight, instead she simply nodded, seemingly soulless, nothing behind her eyes, she seemed to have given up.
"I don't even know what it is, she's totally out of it." Chloe walked into the dining room, stopping in her tracks when she saw her parent's fallen faces.
"What's wrong?"
"Jess came over this morning, she's asleep right now." The girl frowned a bit, but sat down at the table nonetheless.
"Why is she here? Does it have something to do with last night?" As her mom nodded, her phone rang, and she quickly checked the light blue device.
"Can I-? It's red." She clarified, looking over at her parents, who shared a glance before nodding, and Chloe stood up to take the call in the hallway.
"Wow, you can tell how much she trusts us." Chris joked, Ella slapped his arm with an eyeroll, momentarily forgetting about the situation.
"We were like that too."
"Is Jess with you guys?"
"Hello to you too ma chérie, how have you slept?" Chloe leaned back against the wall, smiling to herself.
"Answer me rosa mea, it's important." Her voice was urgent, and Chloe felt herself get nervous about what was going on, maybe even slightly frightened.
"Jess is here, mom told me she's asleep right now."
"Thank god, she's not dead." Red's sigh rang through her head, making her think that there was something else going on.
"Why? What's wrong with her?" The silence that followed made her even more nervous, and Red let out a shaky breath, along with some stumbling.
"My mom was... yelling? It wasn't really yelling, more like a nervous high pitched voice, like a cornered animal or something, I don't know. But she was not happy, it was more sad than mad, but Jess walked into her room, tried to, but it was locked, so obviously she comes over to me first, waking me up, which I found highly offensive by the way, but she asked me if I had a key to my mom's room, not her quarters, and I didn't because she doesn't lock her room, so I told her that, and Jess sighed and was like 'right, so I was right.' , and then she teleported away! I went to my mom's room because obviously, but when I got there the room was unlocked, and mom was sitting on her bed bawling her eyes out! So I asked why, and then she just looked at me with some kind of soulless eyes and told me Jess won't be around for a bit, so I'm just like 'she's dead?!' And my mom responds with 'no! No she's not dead but she's just not here' then I was thrown out!" Red took a deep breath, and Chloe could hear the soft sob that left her lips, even though she covered the mic.
"What happened?"
"I don't know, but we need to ask Jess about it, because my mom won't be telling me shit." Chloe frowned, looking down the hall towards the stairs.
"We could ask right now, my parents are having breakfast.
"Jess! Jessie!" Chloe shook Jess awake, and the cat let out a soft hiss, pulling the covers up and glaring at Chloe, her slitted eyes getting smaller and smaller until it was as thin as a piece of paper.
"What." She held up her hands, even though she had expected a reaction, this one kind of shocked her.
"Could you go get Red?" With how fast Jess pushed herself to the farthest corner of the bed away from her.
"Into Wonderland?"
".... Yeah? Your homeland? Where Red lives?" Jess clutched her blanket, her nails ripping through the fabric as her eyes widened.
"I can't go to Wonderland, I'm not allowed." Chloe could not understand how Jess -banned from several countries and still goes there- Cheshire cared about being banned from her own homeland, she couldn't understand how someone that could teleport wasn't able to just go under the radar.
"You're... not allowed? Did Bridget ban you or something?" Her body froze up when she said her name.
"I- I can't." Chloe got even more confused by that.
"Please just go and pick up Red, she's asking me if she can come here to see you!" Even in her confusion, she knows that if she just asks, Jess would maybe do it.
"Yes!" Chloe sighed, watching as Jess disappeared into nothing, appearing behind Chloe with Red in her arms, setting her down and falling down into a chair.
"Can you two leave now?" The girlfriends looked at each other, and Red's eyes moved over to Jess, inspecting her state.
She looked like she's been through multiple mid life crisises, all at once, and getting answers to all her questions at the same time.
"What did you and mom talk about J?" Jess pulled her legs up, wrapping her arms around them, and just stared back.
"Her being spun the web of my existence." What?
"What does that mean?" Chloe asked Red, who was staring right back at the woman, whose skin was slowly turning bright pink and purple.
"Why is she turning pink?!" She stressed, trying to get answers from Red, who was still in a staring contest with Jess.
"She's the Cheshire cat, she is always purple and pink." Red spoke as if it was completely normal information, and stepped closer to Jess, grabbing ahold of her hand.
"That makes no sense!" She was ignored, the two Wonderlandians were stuck in a staring contest, Jess' eyes filling up with tears.
"Mom?" Red called out to Bridget, who was staring lifelessly at the wall, not even responding to her daughter.
"Mom? Have you talked to Jess?" The Queen's head snapped over to Red at the name, and she searched behind her with some kind of excitement, but they landed back on Red with some kind of disappointment in them, she was so familiar with that, it almost made her flinch back into how she was before the time travel, before she got used to how different her mom is.
"Not really... why? Is she back?" It was heartbreaking seeing her mom like this… so sad about a woman who had given her all to her, Red felt as if her mom really wasn’t allowed to be sad, she hurt Jess so much, but, it’s her mom.
“No, she’s with Chloe’s parents, what happened?” She wasn’t really expecting an answer.
“We-.” She cleared her throat. “We had a discussion, and- and I told her that us being too close brought up the suspicion of us being in a relationship, and that she needed to do more to squash the suspicion.” Red arched an eyebrow, her mom -who did nothing to try squash the rumours- was asking Jess to do it?
“But you didn’t say anything either?”
“And that’s the issue I’m facing currently.” Bridget nodded, staring down at her hands with a frown tugging at her lips.
“I might’ve been a tad bit hypocritical with her, and I might’ve chased her off for an extended amount of time.”
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amoexii · 1 month
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˚˖𓍢ִִ໋🪸Queen of the North Sea🪼˚˖𓍢ִ✧˚.
My girl is back!! I'm finally satisfied w her story and design after so long 😭 More info & voice hc is on my insta @/amoexii
Tagging: @mizz-sea-nymph @tinyy-tea-cup @asheervasilissa @amphitritiess
Don't use/claim/repost my art and or oc!!
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viviennevermillion · 9 months
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Guys I got my Buddha x OC commission by the amazingly talented @/nieca5 on Instagram and I love it so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺
My OC, Isolde, is a Valkyrie & the daughter of Freya and a demigod, making her about 3/4 god. As her divine powers haven't manifested yet, instead of helping the other Valkyries to guide the human souls to Valhalla, she greets them there once they arrive. While the gods who held her position before would often intimidate the humans and remind them of their place, Isolde understands herself as more of a glorified tour guide, often presenting her introduction of the realm as an extravagant musical number.
She has a Disney Princess demeanor and adores her once human partner with all her heart. Her best friends on the other hand are Nostradamus and Apollo and they're a disaster trio. Sometimes they partake in the musical numbers.
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luxthestrange · 1 year
RoR Incorrect quotes#147 The gettin's good
Zeus comes to hide in Poseidon's room from Hera's Lawyers for him to pay alimony so Poseidon is allowed to stay there...Zeus finding it odd Poseidon is in a robe and slippers
Zeus*Sighs as drops onto the couch* I appreciate you putting me up, Big brother
Poseidon: My room is your safe house, Annoyance, I'd sit here and chat with you, but I need to get back upstairs to the immortal human... because we are...discussing our breakup anniversary and it seems it's getting better
Late at Night...LOUD THUDDING
Poseidon: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!-
Zeus*WAS Sleeping on the couch with eyes wide in shock*... THUDDING CONTINUES
Poseidon*Stutters with an out of breath grumble*W-When is it gonna be my turn?
Poseidon: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
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Part 9 of:
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