#OC: Zerie
artblock-tm · 3 months
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I gave a massive infodump about some OCs, so why not share some art of them?
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altblock-tm · 2 years
OC Fun Fact #5
Maroon and Zerie, despite their matching souls, have directly opposing powers.
Maroon is a short range attacker. He fights with blades, and his main focus is on strength. He doesn't have great control over his magic and sometimes that can bring a lot of destruction, but he relies on the sheer force of that to defeat his enemies.
Zerie is a long range attacker. He can summon magical spearheads that he can direct. His control over his magic is impeccable. He can make the arrows change direction midair, and his accuracy is deadly. He doesn't have to be strong, he just has to hit you in the critical spots.
Part of their magical differences stem from their different backgrounds, and part of it stems from their different souls.
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ssephyr · 1 year
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Fruit jelly
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consularmain · 9 months
My Consular and Zenith’s dynamic
Zenith: I would kill for you.
Simone: …Thank you.
Zenith: Ask me to kill for you.
Simone: Absolutely not 🧡
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lbulldesigns · 5 months
UPDATE (1 Month Later): AITAH For accusing my former best friend of trying to break up my relationship, and promptly ending our thirteen-year-long friendship?
Posted June 20th, 2021
TDLR: I (18M) allowed himself to get gaslit into believing that my best friend of 13 years was being toxic and possessive, and threw said friendship away without a second thought. And realized, too late, how stupid and rash I was being and now can't make things right because she ran away from home.
It's been a month since I last posted here, and have been getting comments asking for an update. I initially decided to not post here anymore, but figured that the people who showed genuine concern for Pow deserved an update.
Sorry for the silence, the past month has been emotionally taxing, to say the least, I'll try and keep this post short but fear it might be long.
So my last update ended with me at an Enforcers station with Pow's family, Van had managed to get hold of his best friend, who is also Pow, and Daisy's maternal uncle, to inform him and his wife about Pow's disappearance. The uncle appeared at the station shortly after getting off his flight, the two were on vacation and came home as soon as they found out Pow was gone, and went straight to the Enforcer at the front desk and just hands him a piece of paper.
I don't know what was on that paper, but suddenly the officer was super cooperative and calling the sheriff down to meet us.
There was a lot of back and forth between everyone, I honestly wasn't paying attention. But the uncle wasn't happy with how the whole situation was being handled, he was incensed with Van for not making sure Pow was where he expected her to be sooner, and was snappy with Daisy (for reasons I wasn't privy to).
He then turned his anger onto me and started interrogating me on how foolish I was and he wasn't pulling his punches, this man has a sharp tongue and a talent to hit where it hurts the most. He only stopped when his wife put a hand on his arm and just gave him a look, she then gave me a pitying look and he decided he was done with me then and there.
Long story short the sheriff stated that there was nothing they could legally do to search for Pow because she was 18 and had by all accounts left voluntarily, that they could put out a missing person for her in the hopes of performing a wellness check but considering she had gone home and taken some of her belongings and paperwork, the chances she'll hurt herself are slim and they couldn't waste resources looking for someone who doesn't want to be found.
We were confused for a second but then it was revealed that Cat, Daisy's GF, knows the sheriff (I didn't care to ask how) and had told her that her and Daisy had gone through Pow's room and found she had left her phone behind, as well as a note, and that some of her belongings were gone.
There was a lot of arguing going on at this point, mostly between Van and Daisy with him asking why she didn't say something to HIM earlier, but by this point I was checking out and only checked back in when Benny (my godfather) gently shook my shoulder to get my attention.
Everyone was looking at me, as if waiting for me to answer a question or something. Cat didn't say anything and handed Pow's phone to me, to show me something and what I saw made my whole body cold and numb.
There were chat logs between Pow and Kara, where Kara was being her "sweet self" and buddying up to Pow thanking her for her help with tutoring her for their science class. Apparently Pow was helping Kara with her studies because she was falling behind in science, and Kara was using this as an opportunity to become friends with Pow.
This would have been a good thing, except Kara was "helping" Pow realise her feelings for me, and encouraging her to confess her to me. She wasn't letting on that her and I were interested in each other, if anything she kept talking about me as if I were just an acquantance, a friend of a friend she says. I paid attention to the dates on every message and noticed when Pow finally decided to "take a leap of faith" and confess to me, was the same day Kara confessed she really liked me and asked if we could be offcial.
I felt sick and numb at the same time, I handed the phone back to Cat and then pulled my own out and unlocked it for everyone else to look through. I didn't say anything the whole time.
Everythign after that is a blur, everyone stood around talking but I didn't pay attention. Benny took me home but I didn't say anything. And when we got home, I just went to bed and didn't get out for a week.
Benny had called my school and told them that I was sick, and organised for my schoolwork to be delivered to my home so that I could catch up when I was feeling better. But I kinda just gave up on everything, my best friend was gone because of me and none of us could go look for her.
After a week, Clag (Pow's eldest brother) came into my room, took one look at me, sighed and then proceeded to fireman carry me out of my room and into the living room. Where Van, Daisy, and Zer were, to give me an intervention. They were worried for me and didn't want me to spiral further than I already was, Van told me that I made a dumb mistake but none of this was solely my fault, and that there were many contributing factors at play, and that giving up on everything wasn't going to help anyone let alone Pow.
I didn't fully believe him but a large weight had been taken off of my chest, Daisy said that she was there to talk at any point if I needed to and that she wasn't angry at me, she said that I was just as much a victim here as Pow, that the real person at fault was Kara.
I'll be honest I had completely forgotten about her at that point, and stupidly felt guilty for ignoring my GF before remembering that she was the drivng force behind everything. Suddenly I felt angry and sick all over again.
Zer noticed my change in mood and filled me in on what had happened at school, about how my friends and Kara had been planning on how to "get back" at Pow only for her to never turn up to school, and then I didn't turn up and wasn't picking up any of their calls.
She told me how she was in the girls toilets, hiding in one of the stalls trying to get hold of either me or Pow, when she heard Kara and her friends come in and listened to Kara bitching about how she couldn't get her "revenge" on that "blue haired bitch".
Kara had organised for half the school to meet up at the front of it, with half rotten tomatoes, ready to throw at Pow when she showed up. But she never did, and it spoilt the "fun" for Kara. One of her friends was being "comforting" and reminded Kara of the little gifts left in Pow's locker, Zer couldn't get a idea of what they emant because they were being vague.
One of the girls, apparently had an actual braincell and morsel of conscience, and asked if maybe Pow didn't actually know and if this wasn't a bit much. Kara actually groaned and said that "that was the point" and that everything worked out much better than she expected because of what a "simp" I am.
There are no words to describe how I'm feeling, even now. I want to say angry but that feels like an understatement, I probably shouldn't direct all my anger at Kara, I should never have been swayed, but the difference is that Kara had meticuosly planned this like a complete sociopath.
I wanted to get back at her, but I also did't want to be worse than her. So I did the only thing I could think of. I dumped her over text. I just said "I know everything. We're done" and then blocked her number, after saving screenshots of her messages. She never said anything obviously incrimidating, but I felt it was worth doing so anyway.
I also told Zer about the messages between Pow and Kara, and Zer just said "leave it to me". She also told me that she wanted to still stay friends, but that she wouldn't hold back in any ass whooping in the future if I got stupid again.
For now, Benny has organised for me to take an extended leave from school on the condition that I do all of my schooling online. He also organised with Pow's aunt for me to volunteer at the food drive and community centre she runs, I'm thankful for how much of a caring person she is. She adores Pow and is disappointed in me for my actions, but she's also a forgiving person and believes in second chances.
I'm sorry for the long post, this will be the last post I make about all of this. I wish that it could have ended with Pow coming home, and everything being well again but it isn't.
She's still gone, but knwing that she took money, clothes, and necessary paperwork with her makes me hopeful that she'll take care of herself. She's an incredibly intelligent person afterall, maybe one day I'll see her in collage or run into her on the street.
But until then, I'll work on myself. Better myself. And hopefully grow to be a better man, than I was a boy.
Thank you to everyone who simultaneuoly kicked some sense into me, and showed support throughout all of this.
Take care.
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drawingbun · 1 month
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ocs part 3.
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riza-hawks-eye · 1 year
Ekko doesn't initially know about setting spray so the first time he kisses his SO he transfers the entire white hourglass logo onto their forehead and cheeks.
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lord-tekron · 2 years
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Casually stealing this image from Twitter to let you all know that any and all future drawings of Zero Two, 02, and any 02/Zero-Two OCs will now be diagnosed with a New Jersey accent. Yes this also applies to Zery, my 02 OC, as I am not immune to this higher calling just like the rest of you. If you don’t know what a New Jersey accent sounds like, they I want you to know that is no excuse and you must get yourself educated for proper New Jersey lingo.
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artblock-tm · 4 months
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I’ve mentioned in my Ambivalent Souls infodump but I have a crack au that just inserts those OCs into the story of Death Note.
Hare is Light, Zerie is L, Midnight is Misa, Thirio is Ryuk, Attakai is Rem, Maroon is Near, and Feil is Mello.
I’ve drawn… a lot in a short amount of time. Haha. Whoops.
The au follows the main story of Death Note (the show) with some slight characterization changes. If you wanna ask me about it, my inbox is open!
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altblock-tm · 2 years
OC Fact #15
The story of Ambivalent Souls was heavily inspired by Underverse, though it's shifted away from that, especially now. However, its roots are undeniably Undertale.
Soul traits are a very important factor in the story. There are dual, shared traits (like what Maroon and Zerie have), unique traits (like what Krystll has), and it's possible to lose your trait or weaponize them (things Hare is very capable of doing).
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ssephyr · 10 months
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consularmain · 1 year
Ship Ask Game - The Basics - For Simone and her OTP! - 4,5,6 !
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ship ask meme - the basics
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much? Simone is absolutely the one to take the first step when it comes to expressing affection. She doesn't mind being the one always initiating because she knows how unnatural it is for Zenith to do so and is more than willing to wait for him.
After everything he had suffered and lost, Zenith didn't want to get attached to anyone, but Simone earned his trust and once he's more comfortable, Zenith starts to reach out in tiny ways, unnoticeable to everyone besides the people closest to them.
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about? They have their fair share of fights, especially when they were still trying to learn how to co-exist. Simone is often annoyed by how he just acts without warning her and Zenith doesn't really respect her dedication to the Jedi ways of diplomacy and mercy, but they grow to understand each other and they rarely fight further into their relationship.
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument? Simone hates conflict and is very quick to forgive Zenith, who also apologizes quickly to avoid causing problems in the crew - unless he truly believes he's in the right. Then it's like pulling teeth.
Zenith doesn't really apologize with words. He does little favors to show he's sorry. He'll make her tea for her, check her gear, fix things - whatever he can to make her life easier in small ways.
After she's had time to think about what they disagreed on, Simone approaches Zenith with an apology and explains why she feels the way she does in a way he can understand. Arguments stress her out and she won't let a fight go unresolved if she can help it.
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drawingbun · 4 months
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Various sketches
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Got ya! Comic
Nocturne and Sona friendship
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giggly-argent · 2 years
fuck the nap my mind is Awake!! oc ship rambling time 😈
Ok I had a 100% concrete endgame relationship for Aries but uhhh. Difficult so here are all the characters that I've put him with so far (in order of least to most reasonable)
Aries and Hades being weird exes is Canon so they are Nottt getting back together 💕
like a good chunk of Aries's problems stem from his inability to get over losing Hades to Raiel 💀
As of right now Noel's supposed to end up as his bf but ... It's lookin bleak!
the original appeal was the whole Rivals → Lovers + bonding over secret identities thing, then Aries would Fully fall for him after he found out about Vie
but im starting to like the idea of them staying Highly annoying and competitive coworkers instead lmao
Zidenna's his bestie!! They make him feel all safe n shit so obviously they go p well together
traumabonding 1.0
Kinda like with Noel tho, the idea of them staying as friendly Menaces instead of dating is v nice too!
Polaris and Aries go SUPER well together and I didn't realize it until I finished w her redesign augh
They're both nerdy and talented, and Aries's more easygoing attitude balances out Polaris's reclusive nature!
Plus she literally NEEDS him to accomplish her life goal-
She's deathly afraid of him at first bc she's heard all kinds of horrible rumors about his family, but when she finally gets to meet him and finds out he's just some Geek, it's all over 💙💙
man here we go
traumabonding 2.0
When I first made Zero he was just gonna be a straight Villain to Aries but now he's literally the perfect matchup for him ??
Stoic/Silly ships are godtier, and the longer Zero sticks around, the more Aries helps in bringing out his soft side 🖤
Because of their job they're like. Always around each other, so they know more about each other than anyone else in the castle
Zero usually knows how to solve Aries's problems, and vice versa. Even if they can't help they'll always try, or just stay as a shoulder to lean on
they joke flirt. a LOT. dangerous levels of """"fake"""" sappiness
when Aries finds out Zero plays bass he's ALL over him begging him to play smth and maybe sing with him sometimes (boosts Zero's ego by 500% :D)
Shit even their dads know each other (Huge L for Vega and Osiris, they'd die a second time if they found out their sons were coworkers 💀)
oughgh wailing aobbing caterwauling they are So cute together 😭 the only thing keeping me from making them endgame is Zero/Zidenna/Meri-
when the guy who Desperately thinks he needs to be loved actually figures out that he's alright by himself :)
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