atlatszo · 9 months
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boneym1962 · 8 months
As an absolute paradox Mr Adani is back in action bragging pics with chief ministers and attending Ayodhya function. All those who asked questions have been silenced without any proof or formal word from any authory.
Report of biggest financial scam in India was first published on 24th January 2023 and before 24th January 2024, Modanis have been cleared of all charges and wrongdoings. This is a reflection of our ethics more than the governments inability for impartial justice.
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attud-com · 1 year
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adribosch-fan · 2 years
Los negocios turbios detrás de la última película de Oliver Stone ,el director favorito de Hugo Chávez
Los negocios turbios detrás de la última película de Oliver Stone ,el director favorito de Hugo Chávez
El director de cine Oliver Stone está envuelto en una polémica por el financiamiento de un documental sobre otro dictador. El documental fue muy  criticado por su visión hagiográfica del régimen de Kazajstán y luego se conoció que una fundación controlada por la dictadura pagó su producción. Redacción | OCCRP Halcones que se elevan, caballos que galopan y horizontes iluminados por el sol. Una…
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Switzerland has for years been the destination of choice for Russian oligarchs and corrupt officials to hide their stolen money. Swiss banks are estimated to hold over $200 billion in stashed Russian cash.
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The United States recently opened an investigation into Swiss banks helping #Russia to evade sanctions, subpoenaing the two largest Swiss banks at the time. Switzerland is also key to Russian #evasion of export controls meant to ensure Russia cannot resupply its military and continue its war.
Russian-induced corruption within the Swiss law enforcement system led to the resignation of the former top prosecutor of Switzerland and the conviction of a senior Swiss law enforcement official on bribery charges. Switzerland is now primed to send millions in frozen Russian dirty money related to the revelations of Sergei Magnitsky to the Russians who stole it.
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This hearing will examine Switzerland’s key role in laundering Russian money. Witnesses will discuss how Switzerland came to be a favorite destination for Russian dirty money, how Russian corruption in Switzerland endangers U.S. national security and the ability of Ukraine to defend itself, and possible policy responses. This hearing builds on years of work by the #Commission to hold Switzerland to account for its role in Russian money laundering and corruption.
The following witnesses are scheduled to testify:
1Bill Browder, Global Magnitsky Justice Campaign
2Drew Sullivan, Co-Founder, Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP)
3Olena Tregub, Secretary General, Independent Defense Anti-Corruption Committee (NAKO)
Russia’s Alpine Assets: Money Laundering and Sanctions Evasion in Switzerland
July 18, 2023
1:00 p.m.
Senate Dirksen Building G50
Live stream:
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mariacallous · 6 months
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
[Al Jazeera is Qatari State Media]
Minutes after Gabon’s electoral commission announced on Wednesday that President Ali Bongo Ondimba had won a third term in office, senior military officers announced a coup and annulled the election results. According to local media reports, Brice Clothaire Oligui Nguema, the commander-in-chief of the Gabonese Republican Guard – the country’s most powerful security unit – and a cousin to Bongo, is the ringleader of the attempted coup.[...]
Nguema is one of the most influential and enigmatic figures in the country today. The son of a military officer, he trained at the Royal Military Academy of Meknes, in Morocco. Nguema then served as Bongo’s “aides-de-camp” to a commander in former President Omar Bongo’s Republican Guard, until the former Gabonese leader’s death in 2009.
When Omar Bongo’s son Ali Bongo rose to power in October 2009, Nguema was sent to Morocco and Senegal for diplomatic missions. A decade later, he took over as the head of the guard.[...]
Besides military and diplomatic duties, Nguema was seen as entrepreneurial and also believed to be a millionaire in Gabonese circles.
According to a 2020 investigation by The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) on the Bongo family’s assets in the United States, Nguema invested in real estate, paying in cash. “He bought three properties in middle- and working-class neighbourhoods in the Maryland suburbs of Hyattsville and Silver Spring, just outside the capital, in 2015 and 2018. The homes were purchased with a total of over $1 million in cash,” the OCCRP report said.[...]
In an interview with French daily Le Monde on Wednesday, Nguema [said the following] “Beyond this discontent, there is the illness of the Head of State [Ali Bongo suffered a stroke in October 2018 which left him weakened]. Everyone talks about it, but no one takes responsibility. He did not have the right to serve a third term, the Constitution was violated, the method of election itself was not good. So the army decided to turn the page, to take its responsibilities,” Nguema said. He added that Ali Bongo can retire and continue to enjoy his rights like every other Gabonese citizen, adding that the generals would meet to decide on a successor to Bongo at 14:00 GMT on Wednesday.[...]
Gabon’s soldiers have apparently begun celebrating Nguema. Unverified videos and images on social media showed a group of soldiers dancing with Nguema and calling him Gabon’s “next strongman.”
30 Aug 23
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my-vanishing-777 · 1 month
Reduxx đã biết rằng một nhà hoạt động LGBT người Anh nổi tiếng bị buộc tội hiếp dâm trẻ em có thể đã dụ dỗ một bé gái tự nhận mình là "con trai" và tham gia vào nền văn hóa phụ BDSM đồng tính. Stephen Ireland bắt đầu nói chuyện với "Julie" khi cô mới 16 tuổi.
Once again - medical transitioning is a BDSM practice of body modification fetishism. Grooming children - or adults - into the practice is medicalized sexual abuse.
Child sexual abusers are competitively sadistic and can get a thrill out of violence against children, including bodily harm / mutilation. Realizing this caused me to view the medical "transitioning" of youth as a novel form of child sexual abuse. Via
"Violent organized crime groups... employ coercive tactics to compel minors into engaging in acts of self-harm, public suicide, and the creation of explicit content, including child sex abuse material. They target vulnerable minors aged eight to 17, with a particular focus on LGBTQ+ youth... The primary motivation behind these activities is to gain notoriety and elevate their status within dark online communities." https://occrp.org/en/daily/18044-fbi-warns-of-online-groups-forcing-minors-into-self-harm-explicit-content-and-suicide
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ohsalome · 2 years
Leaked emails show how a Duma insider built a network of analysts, journalists, and others who helped him push the Kremlin’s interests abroad.
His group offered cash to European politicians to propose pro-Russian motions in their local legislatures, and paid far-right activists to publish pro-Kremlin articles in European media outlets.
The network arranged trips to occupied Crimea for European politicians and businessmen, with travel and accommodation covered by Russian state-funded organizations and honoraria apparently offered to some individuals.
It also helped bring European political figures to Russia to act as election observers, with a 68,000-euro budget allocated to the project.
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soon-palestine · 8 months
An international charity with extensive experience in providing emergency aid in wars, famines and earthquakes throughout the Middle East and in Afghanistan is being forced to pay $5,000 a truck to a company linked to Egypt’s General Intelligence Service (GIS) to get aid into Gaza.
The charity, which does not want to be named to avoid obstruction to its relief efforts in Gaza, spoke to Middle East Eye in outrage at having to pay what it openly describes as a bribe to a state-linked agent.
A spokesman for the charity said: “We have worked around the world in times of war, earthquakes and other disasters, but we have never been treated like this by a state who is profiteering from the dispatch of humanitarian goods. It’s draining a lot of our resources and the bribe being paid is per truck.”
The charity said the money is being paid in the form of a “management fee” to a company affiliated with the Sons of Sinai, a construction and contracting firm owned by the Sinai businessman, Ibrahim al-Organi, and part of his Organi Group. He heads the Tarabin tribe in the Sinai desert bordering Israel and owns a company that is a joint venture with two companies owned by the GIS.
The Organi Group is alleged in media reports to be the ultimate beneficiary of a lucrative sale of “fast-track” permits for Palestinians wishing to escape from Israel's war on the Gaza Strip.
An investigation carried out by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and independent Egyptian website, Saheeh Masr, found that intermediaries were selling exit permits at prices ranging from $4,500 to $10,000 for Palestinians and $650 to $1,200 for Egyptians.
As desperation in Gaza has increased, the price for a passage out of the enclave has gone up to $10,000 per person, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed reported recently. The price for commercial traffic going into Gaza charged by companies owned by Organi is $9,000 a truck, although the cost of the fare charged by truckers is commonly just $300 a load.
A spokesperson for Unrwa, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees providing vital support in Gaza, told Middle East Eye it is not paying fees to transfer aid into the enclave from Egypt.
Bleak situation
The charity’s statement to MEE is the first concrete evidence of Egypt or Egyptian government-linked parties demanding a cut from the humanitarian aid going into Gaza, which already is subject to weeklong delays incurred by Israel.
Earlier this month, James Heappey, the British minister of state for the armed forces, said that over 150 tonnes of humanitarian aid delivered to Egypt by the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is waiting to be transferred into Gaza.
The humanitarian situation in Gaza is bleak. More than 26,000 Palestinians have been killed since the war broke out in October, and on Sunday, a UN expert said famine in the enclave was “inevitable”.
Last week, Middle East Eye spoke to five families from Gaza who all confirmed that they had paid fees in the thousands, mostly in US dollars or Euros, to mediators who then facilitated their exit from Gaza.
Besan, a Palestinian who arranged for her mother to leave Gaza, said of her Suez-based mediator: “He told us that he works with Egyptian security and that he would pull strings to put our mother’s name on the list.”
Egypt denied it is profiteering from this trade at the Rafah border. In a statement published on 10 January, the head of Egypt’s State Information Service, Diaa Rashwan, rejected the “unfounded allegations” that additional fees are being imposed on Palestinians at the crossing.
A parallel “fast-track” system for getting through Rafah has been in place for years, with Gaza-based agents demanding several thousand dollars for quick passage. But this market has boomed since Israel’s ground attack started and the desperation of internally displaced Palestinians has grown.
One of the companies allegedly involved in the trade is Hala Consulting and Tourism, an Egyptian travel agency. This is one of eight companies operating under Organi’s chief arm, the Organi Group.
Another company in the same group is Misr Sinai, a joint venture with the Egyptian defence ministry’s industrial conglomerate, the National Services Projects Organisation (NSPO)
Organi said in an interview with Youm7 in 2014 that the NSPO owned 51 percent of Misr Sinai’s shares, in partnership with two companies owned by the GIS. “As you can see, all state entities are in this company. This gives us an advantage,” Organi said in the interview.
Denying responsibility
Organi’s companies first surfaced in 2014 when Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi announced an initiative to rebuild houses destroyed in Gaza by Israel’s Operation Protective Edge. The Organi Group was named as one of the beneficiaries.
Hala Company for Consulting and Tourism Services was relaunched in 2021 to “exclusively undertake the transportation of travellers to and from the Gaza Strip”.
At that time, the cross-border traffic managed by Hala was described by Egyptian sources speaking to Al-Araby Al-Jadeed in 2021 as part of a response by Cairo to “a major demand of the Palestinian factions regarding facilitating travel through the Rafah crossing to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinians”.
'If I am the reason for not letting a loaf of bread into Gaza, how could I face God?' - Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
Egypt has denied profiteering from the crossing at Rafah and from being responsible for the long tailbacks of lorries carrying humanitarian aid at the Egyptian side of the border.
During its defence against charges of committing genocide in Gaza, in a case brought to the International Court of Justice earlier this month, Israel’s defence team accused Cairo of being responsible for preventing the entry of humanitarian aid into the enclave.  
Speaking in Somalia, Sisi accused Israel of holding up the trucks on the Gaza side of the Rafah border.
He said: “If I am the reason for not letting a loaf of bread into Gaza, how could I face God?”
MEE asked Egypt’s State Information Service to comment on the charity’s claim that it had to pay $5,000 a truck to agents linked to the General Intelligence Service, but they failed to reply by the time of publication.
Middle East Eye has also asked the Organi Group and Sons of Sinai for comment.
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atlatszo · 1 year
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boneym1962 · 1 year
Has India turned into a Rouge nation? Financial community is not worried about revelations about Adani group, SEBI is making desperate efforts to save Adani. Are we putting the government and the ruling party above the nation, motherland? Not a single investigation agency has enough guts to check truth about allegations? More than the government and the ruling party, it a scathing attack on we the people, the citizens, the nation and its credibility as a whole.
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attud-com · 1 year
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apricitystudies · 2 years
Hi! I'm a recent follower who has been really enjoying your reading lists (thank you so much for taking the time to compile and share it with the public). I was wondering if you would be willing to share your process in collating the lists or how you find interesting articles across a wide variety of sources! Is there an app you would recommend or a system thay you have in place that you are okay with sharing? Thank you! Have a good day and happy new year ♡
hi, this is so sweet! tysm <3 i've answered this a couple of times before but it's been a while so here's a more updated version + a masterlist of most of the websites i find reads from:
i don't use any apps rawdogging the system and i do everything manually!
i usually use the news as a jumping off point. if i see an article about the peru protests, for example, that sparks my interest and i'll go read up on it further. even if i don't have a lot regular news articles in my lists a lot of the things i read originate from here
i have a couple of email subscriptions which each send me 3-5 articles per week
i check a number of websites about 1-2 times a month when i have time to kill
i also read quite a bit for uni and my internship anyway so i come across stuff there
where i typically read:
news outlets: the straits times (singapore), cna (singapore), the abc (australia), the bbc (uk)
pretentious places (/j): the atlantic, the new yorker, aeon
investigative journalism: reveal news, occrp, propublica, icij
culture, essays, etc.: electric literature, hidden compass, guernicamag
southeast asia: ricemedia, new naratif
happy new year and i hope you have a good day too!!
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Amazon: Brazilian Criminal Groups and FARC Dissidents Join Forces for Cocaine Trafficking
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Criminal organizations are joining forces in the Amazon and using the jungle as a route for international cocaine trafficking. Documents from the Colombian Army, obtained by the investigative journalism consortium Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), indicate that dissidents from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) have sent tons of cocaine to criminal groups such as the First Capital Command (PCC) in Brazil.
“The documents show the path taken by cocaine that leaves Colombia, passes through Manaus, the Caribbean, and ends up in the hands of consumers in Europe,” Brazilian magazine Piauí, reported in early November.
The investigation began in 2020, based on information passed on to the Colombian Army and the Brazilian Federal Police (PF) by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The DEA drew attention to a scheme to buy and sell cocaine in the region known as Cabeça do Cachorro, in the far northwest of Brazil, where the country borders Colombia and Venezuela, Piauí reported.
One of the routes that Colombian narcos use crosses the border into Brazil by boat along the Vaupés river. In São Miguel da Cachoeira, in the state of Amazonas, “the drugs are taken down the Negro River to the person responsible for the link between the Colombians and the PCC,” Brazilian news site UOL reported. The cocaine is then taken to Manaus, where it is distributed to the Brazilian domestic market and to other countries. The drug is also transported to the port of Barcarena, in the state of Pará, from where it is taken abroad on boats, UOL added.
Continue reading.
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porterdavis · 2 years
Russian disinformation efforts have been going on for almost ten years in Europe, softening the ground for its invasion of Ukraine.
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