viijaya · 2 years
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       h i m
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xiheru · 6 years
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Some unfinished scetches and a Screen xD
It’s time to show a sign of life again, isn’t it? This time you see some FanArt-Stuff and OC Stuff.
First of all you can see a scetch of Natsu and Lucy from Fairy Tail (NaLu 4ever <3) I used my body dolls “Body-kun” and “Body-chan” for the poses but I guess Lucys Boobs are a bit tooooo big (whooopsy XD)
The second picture is my lil Hacker Pascal from my OC-Hero RPG with @xladymali I till need to practice emotions :/
And the last one is my beloved dragon Vanth. I really, really love redrawing anime screenshots and create the illusion of my characters in Anime Series (did this a lot with GB Juudai and Yusuke from YGO Gx! xD)
Well at the moment I’m still drawing on my second BakuShima Picture (basing on a AU that’s more darker and inspired by some pictures I found in the net. but more details later, when I upload WIP for this :D)
Hope you enjoy watching <3
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
Tooooo lazy and tired to come up with a title, sorry.  BUT I bring you an unprompted MerGucket AU ficlet.  Angie finds out that Stan’s helped out shady people in the past, and I still suck at writing kisses but tbf, that might be because I’ve never had one of my own so.  Anyways, hope you guys like it~
               “So, uh, this is the super secret place you wanted to show me, huh?” Stan asked.  He and Angie were beached on the shore of a small, secluded lagoon.  Angie flicked her tail excitedy.
               “Yeah!  This lil place is ‘bout my favorite one to go to.  My secret spot.  Ain’t it great?” she asked.  Stan shrugged and picked up a tiny, rounded stone from the pebbly beach.
               “I mean, I guess.  But I’ve been here before,” he said, idly flicking the pebble away.  It skipped on the teal water.  
               “What?  But I thought ya haven’t left the colony since ya moved in,” Angie said.  She scooched closer to him, her scales making a rasping sound against the ground.  
               “It was when I was human,” Stan explained.
               “Fidds never mentioned y’all comin’ here.”  Angie sounded put out.
               “This was before we hired him.  Back when Ford and I were trying to save up the money to buy the Stan O’War. We were scopin’ out the area for-” Stan stopped.  His blood ran cold.
               “For what?” Angie asked.  
               For merfolk hunters.  But Stan wasn’t going to tell Angie that. Angie cocked her head with interest.
               “For what?” she repeated.
               “…You don’t wanna know,” Stan said shiftily, looking away.  Angie gaped.
               “Ya can’t just say that and expect me to drop it!  Come on, what were ya scopin’ the lagoon out for?” she wheedled. Stan shook his head.  His heart stopped as his ears picked up on the sound of pebbles clinking against each other, a few yards away.
               “Okay, we have to go,” he said abruptly, grabbing Angie’s hand.  She pulled her hand out of his grasp.
               “What is with ya today?” she asked.
               “Seriously, Angie, it isn’t safe here,” Stan hissed.  
               “No, I’ve been comin’ here since I was a guppy.  Granted, I ain’t been out here in a bit but-”  Angie was cut off by a shadowy figure wrapping an arm around her torso and clamping a hand over her mouth.
               “Shit!”  Stan dove back into the water, narrowly avoiding a second person grabbing him. He surfaced cautiously.  Angie was struggling against her captors, the spines on her fins instinctively raised.  There were already obvious wounds on the men’s arms from her spines. But she wasn’t talking to the men, convincing them to let her go.  She had been gagged.
               She can’t sing her way outta it. Stan’s heart sunk.  He had been hoping she might be able to do that.  I’ve never tried to pull that trick with people who are actively tryin’ to kill me. But I don’t have a choice.  Stan cleared his throat.  
               “Hey, fellas,” he started hesitantly, finding the specific tremor in his voice he needed to convince people to do what he wanted.  “Why don’tchya let the nice lady go?”  The men stared at him dumbly.  “Seriously.  You don’t need to have her captive or whatever.  She’s fine livin’ in the ocean.  You can trust me.”  Slowly, the men lowered Angie to the ground.  One of them removed the gag from her mouth.  Angie glared at the men.
               “Put me back in the water,” she snarled.  Even though, as a mer, Stan was immune to a siren’s vocal commands, he shuddered from the power in her voice.  The men moved quickly, carefully sliding her into the bright waters of the lagoon.  “Now, leave.  Never come back.  Ever!” Angie’s voice echoed against the water. There was almost a tangible wave of power that washed over everyone.  The men ran out of the lagoon.  Angie whipped her head around to face Stan.  “Merfolk hunters?” she whispered, devastated.  
               “I said you wouldn’t wanna know.”
               “Merfolk hunters?  Stanley, how- how could ya?  Do you know what those people do?  They-they tear families apart, steal eggs, kill merfolk and display our scales and fins in their dwellin’s like- like trophies.”  Angie’s voice broke.  “Merfolk hunters almost got my big brother.”
               “Basstian.  He got tricked.  He fell in love with a human woman, but it was all a ploy fer- fer her to get a chance to kill and skin him.”
               “Angie, I- I had no idea,” Stan said, moving toward her.  He wrapped a hesitant arm around her shoulders.  “Look, when Ford and I scoped the area out, we- we really needed the money.  We needed to get out of our house.  And I swear, I had no clue what they did to merfolk.” Angie shook her head.
               “Would it have made a difference?  Would ya have turned it down?”  She stared at him.  “Be honest.”
               “Ford would have.  I- I wouldn’t,” Stan confessed.  Angie bit her lip.  
               “At least yer honest,” she said in a choked voice.
               “Angie, I’m- was Basstian really-”
               “Yes.  That’s why he don’t trust ya.  Or Ford. He don’t think it’s right fer merfolk to offer the plant to humans they love.”
               “…Love?” Stan asked.  Angie froze. “You’re not talkin’ ‘bout my situation. Are you?”  After a very long pause, she spoke.
               “M-Ma said she wanted to offer y’all the plant fer a few reasons.  One of ‘em bein’ the look in Fidds’ eyes and- and my eyes when we talked ‘bout the two of ya.  She ‘membered the heartbreak she almost went through, and didn’t want that fer us.”
               “You- you’re-” Stan stammered.  Angie nodded.  She leaned her head against him.  
               “Whatever, doesn’t matter.  You clearly don’t feel the same way, so,” she muttered.  Stan swallowed.  He cupped her chin and tilted her face towards him.  
               “What makes ya think that?” he asked quietly.  Angie blinked at him, her bright blue eyes catching light bouncing off the water.  Stan leaned down.  
               His lips met hers.
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