g0reoz · 2 years
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vampiric-succulent · 2 months
“WHY DID WE DO THAT” yes Gricko why indeed
Bit quick to jump to nudity there Torbek
Gricko is just full of great ideas today
“You are familiar with mirages” THIS ALMIRAJ IS NO MIRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nikkie: “You don’t really understand how this works” Mace/Gideon, immediately: “I know exactly how this works”
This desert is getting eerily intense
I love how they’re showing Torbek gaining control of the Witchlight and the Other
“Together, as a unit, as you do everything, you decide to tackle this next obstacle” ACK MY HEART I FUCKING LOVE FOUND FAMILY SHIT THIS IS SO GOOD
How are y’all interpreting Gricko’s monstrosity connection? Bc I’ve been doing it as like a really enthusiastic zoologist but what if he’s also a monsterfucker
Sorry that was a little unhinged and sudden but I think i might be right he does have a thing for monstrous women who could decimate him with one move
Love how Frost always wants to talk first but Gideon is immediately “IM GONNA GETCHU”
Gideon is going to oneshot this tricobra/cobydra if he keeps this up
“Two attacks on Frost” “no thankyou ❤️”
Rich is so good at flavoring this spell and its effects
Mace/Gideon “Don’t roll max against me” and then Rich doesn’t— that’s Kremy employing Husband Privilege right there
What is the realm they are talking about?? Ghettei? Gehettei? Whatever realm they say Kremy is bringing with Hunger of Hadar
Goddamn that’s a lot of damage at once
Torbek and Gideon and Hootsie bro moment 😎
“Torbek accidentally Longscarfed him” 😭❤️
Love how Nikkie just keeps repeating the generic desert description like an NPC in a game when you try to talk to them too much
HOLY SHIT okay 1. The immersion hell yeah 2. Why. Why is there a swamp here again. The swamp was supposed to be gone. There wasn’t supposed to be more swamp.
“Blow on my dice” there is no heterosexual explanation for this
Now I have this horrible image in my head of Kremy pulling an Entrapta and going “I just need a little more time”
“I am the thing that remains when the alphabet is gone” this is giving me such a good idea for a Tower of Babel campaign wait a minute
Ah yes just like the 1999 classic film The Mummy—- *I am forcibly removed from the stage*
Is. Is the swoose sounding like Bavlorna on purpose. Is this a plot thing. Please this is so important—- Bc there’s an hourglass on the archway, so it has to be time and also maybe the voice is important— Oh. Okay. So not like Bavlorna.
What is the realization Andy is having???? Oh my god I need to know
Does the fact that this is Nekhbet and the lion-headed guardian mean Egyptian mythology at all influences this part of the story? And maybe the Hourglass Coven in some sort of way if this temple is here? Was this temple originally of the Hourglass Coven, or was it taken over???
The emotion in Mace’s storytelling is incredible and then he has a your mom joke. Alright.
Andy and Mikey’s reactions are beautiful things to watch
“We’ve been free ever since”
Fic idea: Kremy and Gideon get married and uh. Yknow Gricko’s entire thing about getting Pa Coal to come to one of Gideon’s weddings? Somehow that happens but it’s a really sad moment bc Pa Coal is dead so it’s an urn and Gideon gets to have a moment just talking to the urn
OH SHIT THE BIRTH OF THE HAGS?!?!??? Wait wait wait I have so many questions— to be made into a hag, do they need to find this temple first?? Does this temple somehow lead to the hag hut??? What is the thing that drinks the brew in the hag hut?????? How did that being come to exist???????? How is this temple connected to the thing that makes the hags???????? Is this a temple of time or of memories and records????
What is the process of making a hag??? Do all hags come about via this process????
Wait a minute. We had a white horse and rider statue, now we have a red one— if the next one is black then these are the riders of Baba Yaga and maybe that is who makes all the hags— like a sort of Mother Hag situation??
Frost is right, I think, this is also a story or situation or whatever about choice (esp bc of the swoose at the entrance)
I need a series which is just Gricko explaining everything that’s happened in the campaign in extreme detail
“We hit rock bottom and we picked up shoooveeeelllls.”
Ayo Bavlorna what the fuck— Endolyn’s story was terrible but this is another level
So these hags are not actually sisters then? Or are they sisters because they all come from the same source? (Whatever makes the hags)
Yuuuup I was right about the riders!!!!!
Idk why but Kremy’s story hits for me
Nikkie this is so impressive. Holy shit— this isn’t in the module. She wrote these backstories herself. Wow.
And the flipped time order of everything!!! And the Granny Nightshade symbolism
Wait blue roses??? Like the ones in Twig’s eyes???????
Andy what are you doing
Oh shit. Next is the fabled Episode 46. Ohhhh lord. What’s gonna happen………
How much time has passed for the Feywild while they’re in the material plane???
Gahhhh!!!! The lore!!!!!!!!!!!! So good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait okay there’s a connection to Prime but I haven’t watched Prime and it’s 91 episodes there’s no way I can watch all that rn but I NEED TO KNOW THE AVANTRIS LORE AND WHAT THE CONNECTION IS OMFG
So much happened!!!!! Holy fuck!!!!!!!!! And next is Episode 46 I’m gonna have my brain explode
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eviltiddyprodnz · 1 year
xo kitty : episode 5
I was sketchy on team friends with Dae but just let it be babe. you need someone who'll at least be around and also his contact photo for Yuri is the one where she's kissing him on the cheek and you never got to do that and that hurts my heart 😭✋
my sister getting an F oh it's bad for her
they're going to celebrate Chuseok together !!! honestly was so random (?) and weird without the brother angle. she's about to cook a massive feast 💀🙏
Minho is going to help her but he has still not managed to wiggle into my good side. Drag her sister kitty !
the way I've never read a wattapad story in my life but through internet osmosis i thought this was one of the random dream sequences because he was being nice and cooking. (technically it happens in stories after they've slept together but we move 😂)
Kitty needs to get fun new nails!!! blue is so :|
the teddy bear apron
lmao Minho when were you team kitty let me catch you
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them being nice to each other is making me go 🫨
Yuri is being super nice for showing up to Dae's house but i once again beg what about kitty 😭😭😭
how do people cook with their hair open
damn Minho really needed a friend. he's just telling her everything 🤣
I'll let have kitty have the magic of finding the one despite that everyone she knows who's in love is still pretty young 💀
I hope she does not talk to him at the dinner table in front of other people 🙏 if there's one kdrama cliche I'm happy to avoid it's everyone finding out your business in public at the same time as you.
thankyou so much for coming everybody! even though all of you have happily ignored my girl till this point 😔 professor Lee has no family!? Not them zooming in on him when she said that
the way i can't even be mad at dae and yuri but i still feel a sting for kitty because i'm team kitty
Jesus fuck is she going to ruin Kitty's gift. NOT THE NECKLACE YURI NO
why can't kitty win once
damn alex might be professor Lee's son but was Lee there in 1993?
Someone get Kitty a lifeline when does she get to be happy
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Minho called her Covey, I fear it's over for Dae (Yuri you will crumble, literally what was the reason)
I do not know in what world a guy was talking to other women makes you more interested but slay Lulu! You just gave Kitty a lifeline
get Kitty better shoes
Yuri is currently on my bad side
Oh for a solid second i thought alex was going to say i think you have a crush on me 💀 but slay he picked up context clues well 🙏
Yuri's mom buring a picture of her and Kitty's mom alone with a glass of champagne on a table with no one besides her as dramatic music plays what was Kitty's mom doing here 💀
Also I totally skipped the what happens this season after the first episode and went back to watch it. This might get interesting!!!
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moonastro · 4 months
Ahh please stop complimenting me, idk but I'm really very greatful to you for seeing me in that way! I didn't mentioned the things about the pictures in the feedback before it was going to be too long..but here's a feedback about them as well; did you just mention The Women herself, "The Audrey hepburn" i personally wasn't really aware of her before this but i felt called to read about her and when I did OMG bro they way she's idealized and seen as an epitome of kindness and elegance. How couldn't i be greatful?! Bro everything about her is just so beautiful and amazing to hear as if she's like an inspiration to many. And also the black cat, in readings I've received myself as the black cat lmao even tho I don't know if i totally am but my energy does feel like that to many, like the first expression and all. On the othe hand, the Lily?? I just searched the meaning of it and daym I'm still processing all the information because it relates with how I want to be and see my higher-self as. Daym!! *Shocked* so thankyou once again, take my rapper thing as a grain of salt because idk you two just seem very cool to me when i trying to get something (but ofcourse I'm not experienced) 😭 but i really appreciate the way you made me feel so good!! Really appreciate it a lot, and image again keep following your dreams and one day just make an announcement on how you're a Vogue model!! (I mean nothing is impossible so keep manifesting/believing) can't wait literally so happy for you tbh!! Like girl that's the spirit keep working hard for your goals and I'm sure you'll reach there. Thankyou so much for your wishes as well. Take Care you too boo. 🫶🏻🤍✨🧿
omgg I'm so sorry this took ages to reply but you did not have to write with such detail, I'm in actual awe😭. the way you researched and acknowledged the meaning means so much to me. and you really motivate me to strive forward and I'm entirely grateful for that (and exactly that NOTHING is impossible). also you are like the kindest soul ever and i appreciate your words so much. hope you have a wonderful day lovely😌🤍.
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thelittlethings66 · 2 years
The Guest
We look at a man in the back seat of the car. 'He would've bled out'. Rick says as we sit around discussing what to do with Randall. 'It's gotten bad in town'. Glenn says. 'What do we do with him? Andrea asks. Hershel walks in. 'I repaired his calf muscle as best as I can but he will probably have nerve damage, won't be on his feet for at least a week'. 'When he is we give him a canteen, take him out to the main road and send him on his way'. 'Isn't that the same as leaving him for the walkers'. Andrea says. I look over and notice Daryl has walked in standing at the back. He looks Carol and nods his head, then glances at me. 'He knows where we are'. Shane says. 'He was blindfolded the whole way here'. Rick says. 'Rick you killed three of his men and left one for dead'. 'They left him for dead, no one is looking'. 'We should still post a guard'. T says. 'He's out cold right now, will be for hours'. Hershel says. Shane walks out the room in a huff. 'You know, we haven't even dealt with what you did at my barn yet.' Hershel says to Shane as he walks out. 'Let me make this perfectly clear, once and for all. This is my farm. Now I wanted you gone. Rick talked me out of it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. So do us both a favour. Keep your mouth shut'. He finished talking and Shane walks out. 'Everyone lets just cool off, have a breather'. Rick says.
'How's your head today Ash?'. T asks as we walk out. 'It's alright at the moment thanks. Hopefully I stay upright today'. He laughs. 'Well if you feel funny let us know'. 'Thanks T'. 'What happened? Daryl asks when we are on our own. 'I um....fainted again yesterday. When we were cleaning up the.... bodies'. 'Why didn't know one tell me? 'I don't know, didn't know where you were. 'Shoulda found me for that'. 'What would you have done? Watched me sleep'. I smile at him. He scoffs. 'Next time you'll be the first to know....um I know you like to be on your own sometimes but could you at least I don't know stay in sight. So we know where you are'. 'I can take of myself'. 'I know, but just humour me. Please'. 'Alright'. 'Thankyou. Did you argue with Carol again? I noticed something'. 'God women, you see everything'. I smile. 'It's fine...' 'Ok then. I decide to leave that alone. He looks at the ground. 'Um...you hungry? ' Uh yeah'. 'Got some squirrel? I smile. 'Yeah alright... just please cook it this time'. I say as we walk over to his little camp. He smiles this time. 'You should smile more you know'. He blushes as he starts cooking.  'I get it'. 'What?' 'Why you like being over here. Away from all the drama it's nice'. 'Exactly, it's like a damn romance novel over there'. 'Yep'. ' And now there will be a baby'. He nods. 'I hope it's Ricks'. I say as I finish eating. He looks at me. 'Me too'. I smile back. 'Thanks for the food. Your a good cook'. 'S'alright'.
After lunch with Daryl I decide to go and check on Beth. Even though I haven't really spoken much to her I am worried about her. She is sat alone in her room. Crying. 'Hey, hey'. Your alright'. She doesn't look at me. 'I know how hard it is. My mum died last year'. Now she looks at me. 'It's just so pointless'. 'You have Maggie and your Dad. Patricia, Jimmy. You're not alone, you gotta stay strong for them. We have just got to get through this. And by the way I don't like Shane. Like at all. Can't stand the man'. She smiles and looks at me. 'Thank you'. 'You wanna go for a walk, get some fresh air'. 'Alright'. 'Good, come on then'. She gets up slowly and grabs hold of my arm. 'Beth, your up'. Maggie says as we walk into the kitchen. 'Thought I'd go for a walk'. 'Ok then'. Maggie says looking surprised she mouths thankyou as we walk past and out the front door. 'Just tell me if you need to sit alright'. 'Ok'. 'Can I ask you something? She says to me after walking for a few minutes. 'Yeah'. 'How did your mom die?' 'Breast cancer, she had it for years'. But it was too aggressive and spread everywhere'. 'I'm sorry'. 'It sucks but she was in so much pain, she looked... at peace in the end'. 'You were with her?' 'Yeah at home. She didn't want to die in hospital'. 'Was she English like you?' 'Yeah. We were in the UK. But my dad is American'. 'So you came to see him when this started'. 'Yeah, with my brother'. 'He's gone?'. 'Yeah, just me now'. 'But you can find your dad right? You know where he is?' 'I do...but it's um complicated'. She smiles back. 'You're not alone either'. She says as we sit down back on the porch at the house. 'Thanks'. She gives me a hug. 'Where's Rick? It's too quiet out here'. She asks. 'Him and Shane have taken that kid Randall somewhere'. 'They're just gonna leave him'. 'I guess so. He might be a danger'. 'Still doesn't feel right though'. 'I know, but they are just trying to protect us'. 'Look there they are'. I point as a car comes down the driveway towards the house. As they get out the car. He is still with them, tied up once more.
Everyone starts walking over. 'I'm gonna put him in the barn. We can all discuss this calmly'. Rick says as he walks straight past everyone. He nods at Daryl when he walks on so he follows behind. 'So what you gonna do? Lori asks when Rick comes back. 'We'd all feel better if we knew the plan'. 'Is there a plan? Andrea asks. I notice Daryl walking back over. Blood all over his knuckles. 'We gonna keep him here? Glenn asks. 'We'll know soon enough'. Rick replies. 'Boy there's got a gang, 30 men'. Daryl says. 'They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. They roll through here, our boys are dead'. 'And our women, they're gonna...they're gonna wish they were'. 'What did you do? Carol asks. 'We had a little chat'. She looks at his hands. 'No one goes near this guy'. Rick says. 'Rick what are you gonna do? Lori asks her husband. 'We have no choice he's a threat. We have to eliminate the threat'. 'You're just gonna kill him? Dale asks. 'It's settled. I'll do it today'. Rick replies. 'You can't do this'. Dale says. 'You don't wanna do this. I know you don't'. Dale follows Rick as he walks off and I watch them argue in the distance. 'Daryl, did you believe him? I ask. 'What? 'Did you believe the kid?' 'Yeah, you don't? 'I don't know, what if he is just saying all of this to scare us'. 'Why would he do that, it makes it worse for him'. Shane says. 'Trying to make himself seem intimidating or something, put up a front. Or he is killing time'. Shane rolls his eyes and looks away. 'But I'm probably being stupid and paranoid though'. 'Your not stupid, but he is. If he is lying'. Daryl replies. Shane walks off towards the barn and Andrea follows so I follow them. I walk quietly behind them and hide  round the corner of the barn. ' So what are you gonna do? Rick's the leader of the group'. I overhear Andrea says. 'Maybe we oughta change that'. Shane replies. 'What, you gonna lock them in a room and take their guns'. He doesn't reply. 'I don't know that could get out of hand'.  'No it won't, I won't let it. I don't want anybody to get hurt. Rick's my friend, Hershel... he's all right by me. I just wanna know what it's like to not sleep with one eye open'. As I listen I can hear talking inside the barn so I hold my ear up to the wood. 'Hey, that's a sweet hat. I'm Randall, what's your name? 'That sheriff guy that your dad?' Shit. I run round to the front and open the doors. 'What the hell you doing girl?' Shane asks. 'Carl's in there'. Shane runs in and grabs Randall's throat. What did you say to him? What did you say? 'I didn't say nothing!'. 'I will shoot you. Open your mouth. Open your mouth.' 'Shane stop it!'. Andrea shouts at Shane. While I stand with Carl. Shane puts his gun away then looks at Carl. 'Get your ass out this door. Let's go'. He pulls Carl out the barn. 'What the hell you doing?' 'Please don't tell my parents'. ' Carl, you could have gotten hurt man'. 'I can handle myself'. 'Let me tell you something, you do not go near him. Do you hear me?'. 'Carl, just go back to the RV yeah'. I say. He nods and runs off, Andrea follows behind. 'How'd you know he was in there? He walks up to me. 'I heard them. I heard both of you, having a nice....chat'. He stares me down and walks slowly towards me. 'Are you threatening me? You don't wanna do that'. 'No, it's nothing'. 'Good choice'. I turn and walk away and he grabs my arm. 'Let go of me! That hurts!' I break free and run off  heart beating quickly.
I run over to Daryl's little camp. Wanting somewhere quiet to calm down. Heart beating quickly. I sit down on a log. Hold onto my necklace. Hands shaking. Eyes closed. Tears in my eyes. 'What you doing? Out here on your own? Daryl says making me jump. 'Sorry...' I say standing up. 'Why you crying?' 'I'm not'. 'Ya are, sit down'. He says then sits in front of me. 'What happened?' 'It's nothing'. 'It clearly is, ya shaking'. 'Um...I heard Shane and Andrea talking by the barn, bout what to do with Randall, Rick being in charge, taking the guns oh and Carl was in the barn so he was pissed about that. He didn't like that I was listening and apparently I threatened him but I didn't mean too, he didn't like that either. Sorry I didn't mean to ramble. He just scared me...that's all. I'm overreacting'. He looks at my arm, a red mark already showing. 'He do that'. I look down. 'Uh yeah'. 'Imma kill him!'. He stands up and starts pacing around. 'Daryl'. He starts walking off. 'Daryl, please don't do anything, just sit down'. I go after him and grab his hand to stop him. 'Just calm down. Please. Don't start anything, it's not worth it'. He turns and looks at me biting his lip. 'Fine but we telling Rick'. 'Ok, just not yet. I need to calm down first. Don't wanna cry in front of him'. 'He wouldn't care'. 'I meant Shane'. We sit down once again. 'Dale came and talked to me'. Daryl says. 'Bout Randall? 'Yeah and Otis'. 'How he killed him'. I say back. 'Yeah, how'd you know? 'It's obvious, story doesn't add up. It's something I can see him doing'. 'Yeah, that's what Dale said'. 'I knew I liked him'. He scoffs. 'He doesn't want us to kill Randall'. 'What do you think?' 'Don't matter'. 'Yes it does, people listen to you. I do'. He smiles and looks down. 'Come on, need to talk to Rick'. Daryl says as he stands up'. 'Ok'.
You both walk over to the house. Rick and Lori are talking on the porch. 'Hey Rick'. Daryl says to the Sheriff. 'Everything alright? 'Na it's not, look at her arm'. Daryl says. 'What happened? 'Shane'. I say quietly. 'He did that? 'Yeah, it's a long story'. 'You gonna say somethin to him? Daryl asks. 'Daryl it's fine'. 'Na it's not alright'. 'I'm so sorry Ashley, I will talk to him'. Rick says. 'That's all your gonna say'. 'Daryl, I will sort this out, just don't talk to him'. Everyone starts walking over to the house. 'We are gonna have a meeting now about our guest, we'll talk about this later'. He says as he walks inside. 'You alright? Daryl asks. 'Yeah I'm fine, let's go in'. Daryl follows me inside.
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chaoticpuff17 · 4 years
Something Wicked
part 1
Hello darlings! Here it is the first chapter of Something Wicked! A huge thank you to you all for the encouragement and a special thankyou to @36impala​ for putting up with my whiny ass and keeping me on track. Love you all! I hope you enjoy!--- chaotic puff. 
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Kim Seokjin was a successful man, a powerful man, which was why for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out how this had happened? How could his charms not work against her? How could she ignore his advances? He was handsome, rich, charming, everything a woman could want, everything every other woman did want. What was wrong with her? How could she refuse him? Didn’t she realize she was his? His precious darling?  
This was what Kim Seokjin contemplated as he looked out of his office window and out towards the desk where his personal assistant sat proper as ever. Jin sighed to himself looking over the woman who had completely overtaken his thoughts. She was soft and demure, and the only assistant who had lasted more than a month with him. In the four years she’d worked for him, she had only ever been the epitome of efficiency. She knew his routines, his likes, his dislikes, and how to expertly field the calls he didn’t want to deal with. She was perfect.
He’d been flirting with her from the start. How could he not? She was very pretty and he? He was world wide handsome. It was his duty to flirt with the pretty women of the world and be worshiped in return, but she only ever met his advances with a polite smile and a redirection to more professional topics. It had only been in the past year or so that he had begun to seriously try to woo her, and yet she still remained unmoved.  
She refused every invitation for lunch, every invitation to join him for coffee in the afternoons. She refused to join him for dinner. How could she not see that they were perfect for each other? What other woman was so well suited to his needs? She had been molded to perfection by his own hands, but she was either too naïve or too stupid to realize that it seemed. His poor stupid darling. If she couldn’t see it on her own, he would just have to make her see it.
“Y/N-ie…” He called out his voice more of a croon than anything demanding. He watched amused as she sighed to herself rising from her desk to come to him. Such a good girl for him, always coming when he called.
“Yes, sajangnim?” She asked entering the room and bowing politely. Such good manners, he noted pleased.
“Y/N-ie,” He cooed leaning forward on his desk flashing her a dazzling smile. “I’m thirsty. Bring tea for two won’t you, darling?”
Y/N smiled suppressing a sigh. She was long used to her boss’ flirtatious behavior and chose to ignore it. “I’ll bring the tea right away, sajangnim.” She agreed bowing again before leaving the room to fulfill his request.
The smile immediately fell as soon as she was out of sight replaced with a light scowl as she went to prepare tea just the way he liked it. If there was one thing she had learned in her time with Kim Seokjin it was that he was picky and demanded perfection from everyone around him. Everything had to be done just so for him. After all how could one provide anything less to the self-proclaimed world wide handsome?
She rolled her eyes at the thought. It wasn’t a secret that her boss was overwhelmingly arrogant. Everyone who worked for him knew that. It was painstakingly obvious to anyone who lived or worked in close proximity to the man. It was taxing, but at the very least he paid well. If he didn’t she would have quit after the first week with him, but somehow she had managed to survive four years as his personal assistant. It was the single most pitied position in the entire building. Everyone knew how demanding he was. The brunt of those demands was taken by whatever poor soul was his assistant. Not even the entire team of secretaries devoted to him got it quite as badly as his personal assistant did.
She was in charge of everything. His meals, his work schedule, his social calendar, everything. She was even the one that had to field the calls from his paramours and send out what seemed to be an endless stream of flowers, and sometimes jewelry depending on how much he liked the lady in question. As a result she knew far more about his personal life than she would have liked to.  
Another one of the secretaries found her in the kitchen fixing the tea as well as arranging the ridiculously overpriced cookies that their boss preferred on a plate.
“Is it that time of the afternoon already?” Hana asked arching a brow.
“Every afternoon like clockwork.”
They both laughed lightly both knowing how exasperating their boss could be, but at least he was consistently exasperating. “Did he ask you to join him again?”
“Of course.”
“And you’re going to bring him tea for one.”
“As always.” She agreed flashing a bright smile at the other woman. “He doesn’t pay me enough to sit and have tea with him.”
Hana hummed in agreement grabbing herself a cup of coffee. “I don’t know how you do it. He’s always so… him.”
“You mean world wide handsome?” She laughed framing her face with her hands and flashing a scrunchy smile before dropping the pose and rolling her eyes. “It is what it is. I won’t be working her forever, and I can put up with him till then.”
Hana’s eyes widened in horror. “You’re not allowed to leave us. He’s going to be completely insufferable if you leave!”
“Well I’m not quitting now. I have to save up for a wedding, for a life outside of this office.”
“Is Min Seok going to propose?” Hana asked excitedly nearly dropping her cup of coffee.
“I hope so.” She smiled blushing slightly. “We’ve been dating for over a year, and it seems like he’s been hinting at it.”
“Can I come to the wedding?”
“If there is a wedding, you can definitely come.” She laughed pouring the tea into the china that was specially set aside for the boss.
“Isn’t he trying for that position in Busan?” She asked sipping at her coffee.
She sighed frowning slightly. “He is, but we haven’t heard anything.”
“If he gets it will you go with him?”
Min Seok was a good guy, an amazing guy, but they hadn’t discussed the logistics of what would happen if he took the position in Busan. Her life was in Seoul, and as of yet, he hadn’t asked her to go with him. While Y/N was a patient woman by nature, not knowing was making her antsy.
“I suppose we’ll figure that out when he gets the job.” Her smile was dimmed now as doubts nagged at the back of her mind. “Now I should get this to him.”
“Good luck, Y/N-ssi. You know how annoyed he gets when you ignore him.” Hanna shuddered before taking another sip of her coffee.  
“It’ll be fine. The worst he can do is fire me.” She shrugged picking up the tray and heading back to the CEO’s office pasting on a bright smile before she entered.
“I have your tea, sajangnim.”
He looked at her from his position on the sofa where he had been waiting for her. He did this every day. He’d send her for tea for two and move to the sofa to wait for her. The expression dropped into a pout noting the fact that there was only one cup on the tray. There was always only one cup on the tray. “I thought I requested tea for two?”
“I don’t think that would be appropriate, sajangnim.” She bowed keeping her smile in place before she set the tray down on the table only to jerk back when Jin’s fingers brushed against hers. She tried to cover up her mistake by making her smiler brighter. Jin could never know that she was uncomfortable with him. She hated whenever he touched her. It somehow made her feel dirty especially as she knew his history with women.  
“How many times do I have to ask you to call me Jin?” He scolded his mood darkening even though he kept on a mask of playful congeniality as he watched her retreat taking a cautious step backward admiring the way her skirt hugged her hips. God, he loved those tight little pencil skirts of hers.
“One more time, as always, sajangnim.”
He asked her at least once a day for her to speak to him informally, and she always refused. While he refused to keep the lines of their relationship professional, she did all she could to keep those boundaries in place. Referring to him by title was one of the ways she did that. Kim Seokjin was not a man she was overly interested in knowing. She knew too much about him already.
While she was annoyed by his lack of formality, Jin found himself annoyed with her refusal to comply with his wishes. It was one more thing he would have to fix before she became truly perfect. She would get there eventually. It would just take a little more effort on his part.
“It’s just a name, darling.”  She had to fight back a cringe at the endearment. She was by no means his darling, and it was a constant source of discomfort for both her and Min Seok. “Just one little name.”
“I don’t think it would be appropriate.” There was a slight tick in her jaw at his jaw at her words. His poor darling, ever the polite little thing, so warm and caring.
He loved how warm she was, the soft scent of roses that wafted from her. It was her favorite perfume. The one she wore most often, and a gift from him. The French perfume had been given under the guise of a birthday gift. It made him practically bristle with pride to know that she wore it. It had taken ages for him to get her to accept the gift. He loved the scent on her, a constant reminder that she was his.
“Please, enjoy your tea.” She bowed again turning to leave the room.
“Oh, and darling?” He called out watching her closely as she turned to face him again standing to meet her placing a hand on the small of her back. “I need you to escort me to the ballet next Saturday evening.”
He expected immediate acceptance of his invitation, but was instead met with a look of shock and confusion as she recoiled from his touch stealing her warmth from him.  
“The what? You don’t have any social events on your calendar for next Saturday.” She was running through her schedule in her head, and she still couldn’t recall any mention of the ballet on it. She tried to hide her discomfort by fixing her smile again though the expression was more nervous than she expected.
“The Russian ballet is visiting.” He explained. “I’ll be attending next Saturday evening with you by my side.”
“I’m sorry sir, but I can’t.” It was becoming harder and harder to maintain her smile as she faced him.
His brows furrowed, his own smile falling at her refusal. “It wasn’t a request, darling.” His dark eyes glittered as he watched her, daring her to refuse him again before he placed a pout on his lips. “You wouldn’t want me to be lonely at the ballet would you?”
“I’m very sorry sir, but I really can’t. I would be happy to arrange for the lady of your choice to accompany you though.”
“You are the lady of my choice.” His eyes grew more and more stormy the more she refused him. No one refused Kim Seokjin.
“I don’t think it would be appropriate for either of us, sajangnim.”
“We’ve been working together for four years now, Y/N. I thought we would be closer by now.” He pouted voice low bordering on a growl but not quite there.
“I don’t think my boyfriend would approve of my accompanying you to this event.” She bowed again smile strained hoping that he would drop it now that she had given him a reason why she couldn’t go with him. “I’m very sorry for any inconvenience this causes you.”
She bowed again before scurrying out of the room leaving a fuming Kim Seokjin behind her.
How could she refuse him in favor of another man? Didn’t she know who he was? When had she even gotten a boyfriend? He kept her so busy. When did she even have the time to date? Who was dumb enough to date his girl, his darling? Hadn’t he made it clear to everyone that she was his? Didn’t she realize she was his? Yes, he had his dalliances while he waited for her to come around, but she was above such things. She was his.
He picked up his phone calling one of his bodyguards. “I need everything you can dig up on Jang Y/N and the man she’s been seeing. Now.” He ordered voice a low growl.
For three years, he had kept tabs on her, but she was such an angel, his perfect angel, nothing ever turned up. He’d had his men stop gathering information on her, clearly a mistake on his part. He sighed trying to calm himself. It wasn’t his darling’s fault. He’d been lax. He’d turned his attention away from her, and she’d gone running to another man to make up for it, his poor stupid darling. It was something he intended to remedy immediately.
His gaze locked on the woman sitting outside at her desk fixated on the gentle slope of her neck as she looked over some papers. Yes, he would remedy his mistake post haste.
part 2
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Part One
Important> so this will be written in parts. An example would be: Queen Y/n’s Story. Then the next part would say Mattsun, meaning his story is next.
These will be long so i appreciate and love who decides to stick around with me on this ride. Ive never done multi endings so i hope you enjoy. (Character Bios at the bottom Link)
Tags. @squeaky-ducky @galagcica @ysatrap
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Queen y/n
The sun woke you up this time. Harsh rays forcing their way in through the window, curtains swaying lightly. Tooru usually woke you up for his breakfast, he must be out already. Slowly you rose out of the cold bed stretching your arms above your head ready to start the day. You had the castle to yourself it seemed like, thats unusual for a monday.. Wonder where that King is.. Deciding you did not care you got dressed in your expensive dress with the help of your friend Millie, she was your maid and the best friend you could have.
“You look lovely Miss Y/n!” she beamed while giving your corset its final tug to tighten it.
You gasped for breath a few times and shook your head. “Oh Millie, thank you , what should we do today?”
“Huh?! Is the King away?! “ she rushed to your side jumping in place, Millie was wearing her usual maid clothes with her hair tied back in a braid. “Oh my goodness we have the Kingdom to ourselves?!”
“Must be,” you turned to go take a peak outside by the window, the village was coming to life with the sounds of people, chatter and the smell of freshly made bread. It was nice, having the Kingdom to yourself but you were not really enjoying it, as much as you wanted to . the village hated you, refused to even sell to you sometimes. A stroll around would be nice.. But maybe not today..
“Miss Y/n?” Millie rushed over bunching herself into the window too to look out . she smiled taking in the fresh smell of bread, suddenly her eyes got big with stars.
“Its nothing Millie, im just thinking. Sometimes i like to look out this window and pretend im somewhere else.”
“Do you smell that?! It smells like chocolate!!!” she shook you not hearing what you said at first.
“Chocolate? Sweets?” you stood up straight squeezing Millies hand. “Do you think?!”
“I do i do !! he must have returned to us!”
Wasting no time you pulled your friend out of your room and down the many stairs dashing past the other servants paying them no mind. You both pushed the big doors open rushing down to the village to a very familiar carriage that just got into town.
Two doors on the carriage opened, “There they are!!!!!!!” yelled a happy happy voice.
“Satori !!!!” you both yelled with glee. “Our favorite chocolatier!”
The happy red head pretended to faint at the flattery and gave you each a hug. “Oh my goodness ! i dont know what it even say!” he squeezed you both again. “My favorite customers, ive brought you many many new sweets to try, come come! They won't eat themselves!!!”
Hajime & King Oikawa.
The King had not come home to his castle , in fact he was at the Brothel all night with his favorite whores doing everything he dreamed of; everyone loved him there, he was their best customer without a doubt. The constant giggling, money falling off the bed, clothes flying everywhere was just a regular night for the King and the ladies. He had no worries here, nothing to think about, nothing to worry about. The village loved him no matter what he did, and they already hated his wife so this was fine to them. Hajime had stayed close to the brothel all night, waiting for his friend and King to be done. He had brought some papers and quills with him to write down information about other Kingdoms with him. The one in charge of the place, The Madam had always offered for Hajime to do his work inside but he always politely declined.
He was happy sitting outside , his three eyed ravens often joined him and told him new things they had found out. He was sitting comfortably till a shoe hit the back of his head.. It was going to be a long night.
In the morning Hajime went inside to see his King passed out under a bunch of women, he shook his head pinching between his eyes just taking it in. Hajime was a loyal friend , but he hoped that one day his friend would get what's coming to him.
“Oi, King, Tooru, wake up” he kicked his leg on the bed waking up some of the girls who gave him an angry look .
“Sorry loves, “ he smirked as they got up, taking the blanket with them to cover themselves. Chins high, full of attitude. “Oikawa!” He kicked again, waking up his friend.
“Gah…!!! Easy .. “ he rubbed his head and pushed his hair out of his face turning to lay on his side. “What time is it?” he asked very groggy.
“Time to be a King.” Hajime threw the royal clothes at the annoyed King and went to the door. “Ill meet you at the castle , i have some things i wanna discuss”
“Hmph, “ grunted the King as he got out of bed to dress. “Sometimes i wish i was but a lowly peasant, begging for food on the street, no responsibilities, spend all my money on the whores if im lucky, ahhh the life…” Oikawa threw his cape while holding his arm out. “But that will never be!! For i am King Tooru Oikawa!!!”
The waves gently crashed against The Aoba rocking it gently back and forth. It was a fine ship, the most powerful one in the Kingdom. It won many sea battles , cleaved many enemy ships and saved its share of people. Mattsun loved this ship, it was his baby, his queen. No one could change his mind about the sea, he loved being on it, land not so much. He wanted to travel the world on this ship, live on the sea for the rest of his life.
The sound of cheering could be heard just off the docks, Mattsun rolled his eyes looking towards the village. He was laying on the side of the ship on his back watching the clouds drift by, his right leg dangling off the side of the boat. The King, hisi friend, was greeting and waving at everyone as he walked by. Mattsun rolled into his ship to his feet rolling his shoulders, he placed a hand on The Aoba rubbing gently. “Ill be back, be good okay?” his voice low and full of sadness. He hated having his queen docked. She belonged in the sea.. The open sea. Not tied up like this.. “Dont let anyone come aboard, knock em off okay?” the ship swished and it got a smile out of the man, he hopped over onto the dock taking one last look back before heading to the castle.
Yahaba & Kyotani
“Ive done it!!!” the very loud slam of metal hitting the cold stone alerted Kyotani. He looked up to see Yahaba giggling over a new weapon like a little kid, his hands hovering all around the object as if it was magic . Yahaba was a … questionable blacksmith; he loved to make things, anything! Even things he shouldn't. He was involved with the black market too and they were hsi best customers besides The King and Kyotani.
Kyotani had been laying on his back on some hay inside Yahaba’s stone home with a stray puppy on his chest just watching the clouds from the window. He was always here, if he was not here he was out thieving or fighting or walking in the woods. It was early morning and after a night of wrestling wolves he found himself here, picking up a stray puppy in the village on his travels.
The man got up with the sleepy puppy in his arms, setting it down on the ground. “Past the village, in the woods to the side of the path, is a little home , you'll see a dog there, he looks like you. “ he scratched the strays head. “There's food there,” he said. The little puppy rubbed on Kyotanis hand and rushed off barking full of happiness.
“Hound! Hound come see!!!” said the eager friend.
Kyotani rose to his feet joining the blacksmith behind his work table , he smirked at the two objects. Bracers, brand new, freshly made bracers. Just for him.
“See see ? “ Yahaba pointed to the spikes on the ends of the knuckles and poked one lightly making his finger bleed. “Now you can slice and dice! And cut! And kill!”
“I already kill” he told his friend watching him set the two bracers in water to cool off. “They look perfect, what do i owe you Yahaba”
“Hmm… ive heard the Kingdom over has rare Jade, a precious blue like the ocean”
“Consider it done.” Kyotani took the bracers out of the water to shove in his bag. “Do we have to go to that… meeting…”
Yahaba pouted at his friend and Kyotnai rolled his eyes. “Fucking Oikawa,”
“How much is the debt again?”
Kyotani shot a look at his friend, making him back up with his hands up .
“If i could kill em, i would. “ was all he said, exiting the stone home watching the passing villagers avert their eyes once they saw him.
“I know, have you met his wife ?” yahaba asked, joining his friend
“Didn't know he had one, I feel sorry for her.”
Yahaba slung his arm around his friend's neck while they walked to the Kingdom , footsteps heavy.
Queen Y/N
You had spent the morning with Millie eating chocolate and gossiping with Satori about his travels, he had been all over the world, and he always shared his stories with you , you wanted to see the world, travel, it had been your dream since you were a little girl. You still had hope that one day it would happen. A bell rang making you slump on your friend.
“Duty calls.” you sighed.
“The King must be back” Millie said, pulling you up with her.
“I can hardly contain my excitement.” you teased, giving Satori one more hug. “Thankyou for the morning my friend.”
“Always, “ he kissed your hands, giving you a happy smile.
“You turned to Millie wiping some chocolate off her cheek with a little smirk. “Well, lets go see what my loving husband wants..”
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gaylonelydyke · 3 years
if it’s not too late, 12 for episodes and ships, and 17!
its never too late! thankyou for the ask 🥰 oo damn this is gonna be a hefty one, just to prepare you this is gonna be long 😅😅😅
spoiler alert for my friends who are finishing up season 2 rn, be careful if you look at my top five episodes, pay attention the the episode numbers, i will put [ ] in bold at the beginning and end of spoilers!
12. Top 5 ships
5. faith x myself because have you seen faith? shes such a babe! spare consensual kiss maam?
4. willow x oz, i dont know if this is an unpopular or not but i feel like if the 90s had been more accepting of term then willow wouldve been bisexual, but like even now tv shows will rarely let characters say that word :( but anyway i love them! theyre both quirky and kinda awkward but its such a sweet relationship and you really see how they go from awkward crushes to an actual deep relationship, oz is one of my favourite characters too what a dude!
3. giles x jenny, mlmxwlw solidarity in this bisexual couple! there is no an ounce of straight between them and i love it, i love their dynamic, i love that giles *respects women* (im staring daggers at xander rn), also the original girlboss x malewife couple askdjaksjhd
2. drusilla x spike, these two!!!!!! once again a bisexual couple with zero straight between them, the vibes are off the charts. sexy vampires, goth x punk love, i just love them man, and their relationship is so interesting to delve into. like theyre vampires, theyre soulless and yet they have a capacity for love, they care deeply for eachother, theyre so tender towards eachother in season 2 in the way they take turns to care for one another, also drusilla picking spike up with one hand made me gay and thats on that
1. willow x tara!!!!! lesbians man lesbians! they have a beautiful relationship, until a certain point wink wink, they feel like a perfect match, willows become more outgoing due to buffy and xander snd having a proper group of friends, so its cool to see her as the more outgoing independant one in the relationship, and tara is such a honey 🥺 the biggest sweetheart in the world what a babe!!!! also like how groundbreaking was their relationship? as a queer couple, they had p much the dame amount of screentime as a aueer relationship today! and willow says the word lesbian so many times and is always making gay jokes which is something shows today are too scared to do, its honestly refreshing which is weird for a show in the 90/00s
12. Top 5 episodes
this is so hard because its such a damn good show so i had to rlly be picky about this but here we go
5. 6x22 ‘grave’- i watched buffy for the first time last year at work coz i worked with one other person just packing shit, and THIS was the episode that made us cry infront of eachother. the scene with willow and xander at the end is one of my all time favourite scenes and like legit we were watching and we starting going like ha.. this is so sad Q_Q and we looked at eachother and we were both crying akdjdjsjdhs its SO GOOD, like this is a friendship ive been so invested in and [seeing xander be able to pull her back from that dark place was so heart wrenching and amazing god its so good]
4. 3x12 ‘helpless’ - im finishing up s2 in my rewatch rn so i havent rewatched this one to double check but i remember loving it man. buffys father daughter relationship with giles is my favourite of the whole show they make my heart ache, so i love that this is an episode that really shows you how dedicated giles is to her, [its the breaking point where he finally disregards the fact that hes a watcher and acts as her father once and for all, its a turning point for their relationship where he is finally embracing the fact that shes like a daughter to him and i just love to see it Q_Q get you a dad who will leave his lifes calling for you]
3. 4x22 ‘restless’ - season 4 is interesting coz it has really good episodes and them some gd awful ones 😂😂 but this one just blew me away, i love a good character study episode and this is THE SHIT! its so weird and creepy but in the most perfect way, its not on the nose its so subtle, it feels like an uncanny valley version of buffy almost, i like that they finished the season first and then took this episode to do something out of the box and different i feel like it lets them fully explore this idea without the pressure of needing plot included. [also the cheese man is iconic. dont however like xander being all nasty with willow and tara but whats new there man]
2. 1x12 ‘The Prophecy Girl’ - for my first watch of buffy i wasnt that into the first season, like i enjoyed it but i didnt think it was anything super special? but this episode changed EVERYTHING for me. up until now buffy had been fun, witty, charming, but not anything new atleast for me, maybe in the 90s it was but right now its your average teen supernatural show. but this episode!!!! the emotion! buffy facing her death, her speech about how shes just 16 and shes scared and she doesnt want to die, that is what i wanna see!! its heartbreaking and it made me cry, and then it gives us the wonderful moment of giles trying to take her place and buffy realising that she has to be the one to do it, man its so good! basically anything with buffy and giles being a duo is gonna make it an automatic yes from me and this is indeed the case for this episode, i just love that the show remembers that shes a child! shes not brave all the time, shes not strong all the time, shes just doing her best and sometimes its overwhelming, 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 i bow to this episode
1. 2x17 ‘passion’ - i know i just sang praises about prophecy girl but THIS EPISODE IS THE SHIT, the best episode full stop. i wont accept any argument. angel is probably my favourite big bad, its so funny to see plain bread, mopey brooding angel become this charismatic, funny, poetic, blood thirsty angelus, hes everything i want in a villain and in this episode he delivers! rip jenny tho love her. i think the tension built around angel is so good, because of his drawings and notes left around, every scene youre worrying like is he here now? are they safe or what? its so tense! and also it is me and im a slag for buffy x giles father daughter moments and this episode fucking delivers! giles discovering jennys dead body is probably one of the best scenes on the show, the dramatic irony is heAVY, we know jenny is dead, we know that these flowers arent from her, but giles is so so happy, and i want to see him happy but you just know somehing horrific is about to happen and damn does it. its a masterpiece! i love jenny and giles so much it is so sad, but also the fact that it gave us that scene makes me almmmoost ok with it? i also love the moment where giles breaks down in buffys arms, hes been there for her and now shes returning the favour and hes accepting it i just 😭😭😭 also on a different note, angels narration of this episode is amazing! it gives us great insight to who he is as “evil angel” and like even though hes awful i was also kind of rooting for him coz hes just such a great villain
sorry this is so long lmao, last question!
17. Which characer do you wish had less of a focus on them in the show?
i dont wanna get yelled at butttttt i dont like the amount of focus on dawn. i think it makes sense for the her first season considering the story arc but that season really does double down its focus onto dawn and buffy and it barely leaves room for anyone else to have a storyline, it keeps the episodes super depressing too its like a constant level of just sadness the whole time because we’re so stuck in THEIR arc, theres no room to balance it out and have a breather, some people might like that its more serious but i really really didnt like, i love episodes like prophecy girl where it is campy and brings the more emotional notes in when the time comes, but dawns whole arc is just constantly depressing the whole time i just hate it, and also just shes not a character i felt i could connect to because of how suddenly shes introduced, so its weird to have her SO focused on in the first half of that season coz we dont know her yet so i feel like the emotional moments dont land the way that they should? basically they shouldve eased us into dawn or introduced her differently and maybe i would like her enough to want the focus on her but i really just dont
adksjakjshd apologies for the essay this is, thanks for the ask!
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ninetails-tales · 4 years
Yandere! Red velvet Irene and seulgi as monsters
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Pairings:- yandere! monster irene x gender neutral reader,yandere! Seulgi monster x gender neutral reader
Warnings ⚠️:- manipulation, compelling, yandere themes
Disclaimer:- The characters and scenarios mentioned are solely fiction and for entertainment .
A/N :- Happy Halloween!🎃 this was inspired by the song monster of irene and seulgi, the monster characteristics are created by me and not based on the original monsters as we know them from stories,I hope you enjoy~thankyou for reading!
• Irene is the monster living in your closet,ever since you first moved in your new house .
• For Irene,you seemed like a child . since monsters are way more older then mortals so she never bothered much with you .
• According to her,humans were stupid and the weakest species to ever exist and Monsters were way more superior and better then humans . So to her,you were like dirt under her shoe
• But the longer Irene watched you even she couldn't deny her attraction towards you,it doesn't makes any sense to her,really because she only started noticing you from her boredom
• In her entire monster life,Irene has never been in a relationship or have a friendship or "fell in love" with someone,she thinks of herself much better then that .
• That being said, irene has way too much pride to admit the fact that she might have any sorts of feelings for you . So she stops watching you stalking altogether .
• Sooner she becomes restless and desperate so she starts watching you again and this time,she realises that you are not even that special,far from perfect and nothing compared to her but she can make you perfect,yes and she will make you fit her ideal,she will make you worthy and the very best .
• That's how you first meet her,she approaches you in her human form obviously and you instantly like her which had irene reviled . Now she didn't have to use her powers on you .
• Irene is very controlling,she will tell what hobbies you should have and what activities you should do . since it had to make you perfect .
• She is strict too like one of those mothers who wants their child to be No.1 in everything, she expects a lot from you and don't try to be a disappointment for she will punish you by not allowing you to talk to your friends .
• She hates your family and friends,in her mind all they are doing is corrupting you and having a bad influence on you . Actually she won't admit she's jealous of them (way to prideful) she wishes she could kill them all but knows you won't obey her anymore if she did .
• Over the time, it become overbearing for you with irene constantly Trying to control your life and to protect you from the "dangerous world" . You decide that it was for the best to end things with her .
• And that's when you see her True form . Irene was so mad at The prospect of you leaving her . She accidentally slipped into her true monstrous form .
• It was too late,you saw her and you were scared for life, you wanted to run from her but you couldn't feel your body and before you knew it,you blacked out .
• Irene was opposed to use her powers on you,she didn't wanted to hurt you,she till loved you but she had no choice this time and it was for the best for though now you can't leave her . And she Thought it wouldn't hurt you more if she used her powers a little more on you .
• So you wake up with all your memories wiped away expect the ones you share with irene and just like irene wanted, you obeyed her every command blindly . You had no idea that you were Trapped . for irene is a monster making you think only about her ,like she thinks only about you .
"I will steal your heart and dominate it in a scary way ,don't you dare run from me"
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• Seulgi hated her life and most importantly she hated being a monster
• You see, our little monster here is a hopeless Romantic,seulgi wants to find love,get married and live happily ever after with the person she loves . She also wants this person to accept her true monstrous form . Who she really is
• Seulgi could date other monsters but A whole lot of the monster community does not believes in the human dating system or share same views regarding courting and marriage like seulgi .
• That's why seulgi preferred humans over her own species . But unfortunately for her, the humans,she tends to date apparently do not share the same feeling . Since they all run away once seulgi reveals her true self .
• Seulgi then, has to use her powers to make them forget everything . Can't risk people finding her kind now .
• Seulgi is the monster living under people's bed . She likes to feel the warmth of the person's body asleep on top of the bed,it gives her the feeling of being with someone.
• The humans living in her place were going to move out soon . Seulgi hoped she was not the reason but the truth is,she was . She may or may not have caused some ruckus to get some little attention but she obviously scared them instead .
• Seulgi had lost count of how many people she scared away from her place . So this time seulgi would keep her distance from who ever were to move in .
• That's how you moved in,you were a paranormal investigator and your new job was to investigate this house which people claimed to be haunted.
• Seulgi, as she promised herself . kept her distance from you . But she couldn't help her growing curiosity . She knew of your occupation and that's what intrigued her most about you
• The other monsters and creatures of night had warned her about paranormal investigators . But you seemed harmless to her, from the day you stepped in this house, you have not done anything to cause her potential harm
• Unlike some humans who have called exorcists to get rid of her but of course it never worked since she was a monster and not a ghost . But you hadn't done anything like that, surely that meant something, that you were different no?
• Seulgi decided to introduce herself to you . You were startled but not surprised since you did feel a presence in the house . It didn't try to hurt you so you never did anything either .
• You expected some ghost or maybe a poltergeist not some beautiful women with the cutest smile excitedly introducing herself .
• You find out she's a monster, you ought to be afraid rather you were amazed . You had no idea of monsters exiting!
• That night, you and seulgi talked for hours, seulgi told you all about monsters . She was hesitant first but your curious eyes and excitement seemed very genuine to her . This was the first time for seulgi to have a conversation about her kind with a human .
• You talked for so long,you both fell asleep together on the same bed . Atleast you were asleep . Monsters didn't need sleep so seulgi was wide awake,watching you sleep .
• Upclose, you looked angelic to her, she realized, she was in love with you ,you were the one for her, her true love
• With that in mind, she laid beside you and closed her eyes . She was sleeping with you for the first time . Not under you like the past nights she's been sleeping under your bed . Seulgi loved this feeling of being with someone and she was sure you will love her too . She'll make sure of it, after all this is why her powers exist .
"I'll dance and play when you're paralyzed in your sleep As I cast a spell over your body"
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Thank you for reading~
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
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Imagine requested by @theshyprincess : You take his virginity
Pairing: MG x Vampire!Reader
Warnings: smut
Disclaimer: I am not supporting minor and adult relationships but for the purpose of readers backstory, we are allowing it. Especially considering that is basically what all the shows are about if you think about it. Also I have nothing against MG but I just thought it would be a surprise to not have them dating. Also I thought the idea of the boy being the Virgin is a little more unique considering all stories I've read for this particular request are all girls having their virginity taken, so I thought I'd be different. Also the age of reader isn't completely known to me but I wanted her dating Kol when she was 16 and since they dates for 3 years she must be 19 but I'm not sure if you can stay longer at the Salvatore school unlike normal school. Hope you enjoy !
Since I started the school, Milton's always had a little crush on me but of course me growing up and developing into a women only intensified that crush and here we are. He's not a bad person but I haven't ever seen him in the way he wants me to. But of course he asked me to the back to school dance Lizzie thought would be a good idea to through and of course I couldn't say no. See a few weeks ago, he wouldn't have even dates asking me considering my ex boyfriend is not only and older more intimidating man, not just a vampire but a Mikaelson. Yup, you did hear that right. It wasn't supposed to happen but it did.
See Hope was going home to New Orleans to visit all her family at Christmas around 3 years ago and since I didn't have anywhere to go she invited me. So I went with her met her family and everyone was really nice, but her uncle Kol was particularly nice to me. We were only meant to be staying until the 28th of December and then going back home but Hope was convinced to stay till New Years by her Uncle...Kol. So there we were New Years in New Orleans, drinking champagne. The countdown began, Kol and I were stood in the back and three bottles of champagne had been shared between us both alone. It didn't take long for him to make his move that night, 5 minutes after midnight we were both intoxicated, horny, hot and naked. The amount of times it happened that night, without us giving a care in the world. That was what most of our relationship was like, but I'm afraid it got to careless and he cheated on me with a girl called Davina. He tried apologising but I wasn't hearing any of it, three years down the drain because of lack of loyalty and a bottle of white.
So here we are present day, 20 minutes before the dance and crying into my pillow. Just because I wouldn't hear Kol out doesn't mean the thought of him isn’t heart-wrenching. I pulled away from the pillow, praising myself for using waterproof mascara accidently. I walked to the mirror ran my fingers through my hair, wiped the fresh tears off my face and straightened out my dress. I walked out the door and locked it behind me, walked down the hall and down the stairs to the big hall, where the dance was. I pushed the mahusive brown door away from me and walked into the hall, MG greeted me at the bottom and led me to the middle of the floor.
He grabbed ahold of my waist and hand and started swaying us to the music.
“Look y/n I know that your probably heart-wrenching about breaking up with Kol, so this is the only time I'll mention it but I am sorry. Even if it worked in my favour.”
I looked at him, tears pooling in my eyes. I don’t want to tell him I can't see him that way but I have too eventually, so it might aswell be now.
“MG look. You are the sweetest man I've ever met and your funny and incredibly handsome and any girl would be lucky to have you, but I don't see you like that. I think your amazing but it's going to take me a while for this Kol thing to blow over and I can't give you hope for something to happen when it's more than likely it won't. I appreciate you asking me to the dance and always being there for me but we aren't ever going to date MG, I am sorry.”
He looked down at the ground a gripped me tighter. He looked back into my eyes. 
“Eh it was a long shot anyway. It just sucks that you don't feel that way about you, I don't think you quite realise how much I do really like you.”
I smiled slightly and looked him the eyes, I giggled slightly before I spoke.
“What you mean, when you spend hours getting Josie to teach you how to bake everytime I'm upset so you can bring me some food? when you sprain your wrist getting Lizzie to teach you how to dance to impress me? when you sit in your room crying to yourself when you think about me with someone else? when you blackmailed Kaleb into teaching you how to fight property so you could protect me ? I do see all of this Milton and I've tried so hard to feel the same way, it makes me the only girl who wouldn't fall for it. But at the end of the day, would you not rather have me as a really good friend and never lose me or date me, something goes wrong and then we never speak again.”
He had tears in his eyes and he decided to twirle me.
“You saw all that ? I guess I would rather never lose you.”
We looked deeply into each other's eyes and grinned.
“Okay so we can either continue dancing and be boring or go steal Ric's bourbon and Emma's red ?”
He laughed and dragged me out the hall. We snuck into Alaric's office and grabbed the drinks we then took ourselves to Emma's office and stole her brand new, very tasty, expensive bottle of red. 
Around 1 hour later, we were waltzing around the halls together with empty bottles in our hands and stumbling into everything around us. We then heard Alaric calling us from round the corner so we opened a cupboard and slotted ourselves in. It was the janitors closet, so I watched through the grates in the door so find Alaric. He was looking around completely clueless and I was silently laughing until I realised how close in proximity me and Milton were. The fact that we were intoxicated probably didn't help. His member swiftly brushed against my behind and turned me on more than I realised. His hands travelled down my waist and his mouth did the same but to my neck. His warm breath fanned on my neck.
“We might be safer in here, away from innocent minds and prying eyes.”
His big soft lips brushed against my neck and my eyes rolled back. I suddenly sobered a little but he wasn't completely with it. I turned around so we were facing eachother and his member was definetely an important factor in the conversation now.  
“Milton, honey... have you ever done this before ?”
He shook his head and still continued his movements. Points to the guy for confidence, seriously. I mean what's the worst that could happen, I can't get pregnant because I'm a vampire and he's drunk anyway so he wont't remember that it even happened. I'm still not entirely sure I will yet.
I lifted my dress up and kissed him roughly.
He pulled away from the kiss.
“Wait stop. Just before we do this... you looked really beautiful tonight.”
I smiled at him in awe and kissed him again.
“Thankyou Milton.”
I ripped the buttons of his shirt and kissed down his chest down to the waistband. He started breathing really heavily.
“Milton, calm down.”
He nodded and slowed his breathing. I smiled and undid his belt and slipped his trousers down. His buldge prominent through his black boxers. I used my hand to stroke his clothed member whilst placing little kisses around his man region. His eyes started to close with pleasure so I ripped his boxers off and flicked my tounge out to collect the pre cum dripping from his tip. His breathing started to quicken as I took his whole cock into my and swirled my tounge around it as I did. His tip collided with the back of my throat and already his dick was already throbbing. I jumped back up before he came and I kissed him passionately. He grabbed my throat and pinned me against the wall.
“I’m okay with teasing but that was too far. Let's see how you like it.”
He lifted me up and ripped my panties off. He held me on the wall and thrusted his cock into me with no warning. It was a very surprising gift. He kept doing it until I was just about to cum, he pulled out and kissed me. We made out for a couple of minutes and he then lifted me higher and stuck his face in between my legs and stuck his tounge straight into my entrance. I was nearly at my peak again when he pulled away.
“Okay Milton, I've learned my lesson. Just please let me come.”
He lowered me into his dick once again and my orgasm was fast approaching. As soon as he's finished his fourth thrust, I released all over his cock. Squirting into his stomach and my legs. He started to rub my clit and I squirted even more. I couldn't handle the pleasure. It was overstimulation at it's finest.
I jumped down with a grin on my face and pulled my dress back over my head. Milton was putting his suit back on before he spoke up.
“The no panties thing was lucky wasn’t it. It's like you knew it was going to happen.”
I laughed and shook my head, I opened the door.
“Don’t get to cocky Milton. It wasn't for you Kol was meant to be coming tonight and whether I forgave him or not, I've been super horny all day. I needed some release and I knew he would give it to me.”
He laughed with me and he walked me back to my room, where there was a surprise waiting for me.
He looked at me in horror and walked into my room slamming the door behind him.
“Milton thank you for tonight, it was great. But I need to make sure he doesn't go rouge.”
He smiled and I left him alone. I walked into my room and I'm telling you, i'm dead meat.
Tags: @akshi8278 @theshyprincess
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wasabi-mommy · 4 years
Hello, this is a short 3 part fic I’m in process of writing.
Summary: Kakashi has lost the one he loves most, how? He doesn’t know. How is he is still alive? Also, he doesn’t know. Dealing with the intense emotions, the stress of change, and living without the love of his life is tearing him apart. Kakashi doesn’t know it, but he has people looking out for him though, Even if he doesn’t feel like it.
(Let’s base this before he has OG team 7)
Day By Day (1/3)
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He didn’t know what was worse. Couldn’t tell what hurt more... the first night knowing that she’s gone, or every single day after.
Kakashi was still awake, like he had been for the last 6 days.. no.. no it was almost morning now. No.. 7 days.. a week. His eyes glued to the ceiling of his “old” apartment.
Once more in his life he felt empty. He felt like a fucking idiot.. letting his guard down again- letting someone in. Again. Of course they would be doomed to die as everyone else Kakashi cared for would.
He didn’t even know how she died. He woke up to her body lifeless on top of his... He doesn’t remember who carried him to safety.. he doesn’t remember who hauled his half dead body 100 miles back to the village, he doesn’t even remember being in a medically induced coma.
All Kakashi can recall.. is waking up to his lover’s body on top of his, stained with cold blood , yelling her name and shaking her to wake up- to open her eyes.
Then it was black.
He remembers shooting up from the hospital bed, ripping off the wires and tubes attached to him, he remembers practically interrogating the doctors and hospital staff...”She bled out” the medics told him.
He sat up slowly, he was disgusted with himself, his body felt like sludge. His head fell into his hands, his face unyielding of any emotion but the tears streaming down his cheeks clearly say otherwise.
He crossed his legs as he stifled a silent sob.
He loved her. She was the kind, unselfish,sweetest, intelligent laidback person he had ever known.. and she didn’t even have to try, because that’s how genuine she was. Kakashi’s breathing gradually slowed and he lifted his head from his hands. He threw his legs over to the side of the bed and with all the effort of whatever was left in him, pushed himself up.
The funeral or the preparations atleast.. was what he would genuinely crushed him. She didn’t have any family, no next of kin, only him. He had to sign the release forms for her body at the morgue, he had to handle the paperwork regarding funeral arrangements. It was a constant sick reminder from the minute he woke up on an active battlefield.. that she was dead.
Kakashi’s legs were numb but managed to carry him to the bathroom just fine. He scanned himself in the mirror. His silver hair thrown in every direction, dark bags forming under his eyes from sleepless nights, his maskless face covered in scruff. He let out a short laugh followed by a small cry.
‘I should be ashamed of myself’ he thought staring down his own reflection.
The anger was carved into Kakashi’s face and he couldn’t hold it in anymore, with his knuckles white and a quick cock back of his fist, he’d lost it. The sound that escaped his lips as his fist easily went through the dry wall was one he’d never actually heard from himself before. It wasn’t like him to be this extremely outwardly violent.
The mirror fell off the wall and shattered on the tile floor, Kakashi’s breaths were heavy and his eyes fell below him. The glass had sliced his ankles and feet. For some reason.. he couldnt feel the pain, but he could see the blood starting to seep from the cuts. Other than that.. nothing.
“MR. HATAKE! WHAT IS GOING ON?!” A raspy female voice called out as she banged loudly on the front door.
“Shit” He mumbled. He’d forgotten, his neighbor was actually his landlord. He let out a sigh and rand his hand through his tangled hair. He can’t feel anything- at least in the moment so he walked without a care over the shattered glass on the bathroom floor.
He slowly turned the knob of the door revealing the short chubby grey haired women standing with her arms crossed.
“Mr.Hatake do you understand it is 4 in the Morning!? What are you doing punching holes through my walls?!” She yelled flailing her knobby arms around.
“I’m sorry Mrs. Roshi” she arms fell, she opened her eyes to get a closer look at his.
“Mr. Hatake! You’re bleeding!” Ms. Roshi grabbed his hand before he could protest and guided him through the door to the right of his.
“You sit down, I’ll fix you up!” She motion him to the living room while she waddled away. Kakashi found himself sitting on the sofa, hand folded in his lap, he could feel the dried tears along his cheeks, and a headache was sure to be coming along.
‘She won’t be offended if I just leave right? ..no i already put a hole through her wall.. she’d probably evict me at that point..’ he thought folding his hands into his lap.
Ms. Roshi came back with a large bowl of water, a small metallic bowl, medical tweezers, surgical sutures, alcohol pads, and bandages. She set everything down on the floor and looked up at Kakashi. She frowned, there was an emptiness that she could she through his dark eyes. Roshi herself had a feeling what had happened seeing that look in a mans before.
She lightly lifted up his heel and began to observe the wound soon plunking away at glass shards. Kakashi felt embarrassed, but he felt like he deserved this, this punishment or whatever this feeling was. The only noise filling the apartment where the small clinks of glass begin dropped in a metal pan.
Roshi broke the silence, “ what has you hollowed away Mr. Hatake?” Her voice was steady and calm, almost nurturing.
Kakashi’s eyes grew wide for a second and then appeared once again lifeless.
“I..” it was still so fucking hard to admit. Because when he would say it.. then it would become real, “ I lost a loved one”
Roshi nodded, “ I see... I’m sorry for your loss” Kakashi’s shoulders fell, even though he had to keep still for her he just wanted to fall apart.
“If I may ask, how did she pass?” Roshi asked plucking out a very large piece of glass from the side of Kakashi’s ankle. He felt like his heart would stop any minute with how shallow it felt.
“I-I don’t know..”
Roshi cocked her brow before she could say anything Kakashi continued,” I remember waking up during the battle..she- she was on top of me. I- she died.. she bled out on top of me”
Roshi’s face grew grim, “ that is terrible, I’m so sorry.” She began working on stitches the deeper cuts at this point. Old woman worked fast.
“How about I put on a pot of tea,Hn? Then I would like to talk to you Kakashi”
Kakashi’s head perked up, it caught him completely off guard, using his first name.
“I would like that, Thankyou” he hated how disgustingly pathetic he sounded. He just wanted to shrivel up and die in complete honesty. Ms. Roshi finished stitching up the silver haired mans feet and ankles and had wrapped them in bandages.
“Put on these socks for now, you shouldn’t walk bare foot with fresh bandages” she tossed him a pair of fluffy grey socks. Kakashi slipped them on and Ms.Roshi eventually slipped to the kitchen for a short and and brought two cups of hot tea and set them on the coffee table. She took her place in an arm chair across from Kakashi and sighed. Kakashi blew gently on the hot glass and began to sip the sweet warm liquid.
“I remember when I first met you and Sakumo,”
Kakashi almost choked on his tea, he put the cut down on the table, “you knew my father?”
Roshi smiled and nodded putting her tea down as well, “of course! I’ve rented to Sakumo all of your life Kakashi, I was very close friends with Sakumo until the end, I remember tiny little you..and now look another Hatake is renting from me now.”
She smiled, “ Besides who else would rent to a man with such bad credit like Sakumo”
Kakashi scratched the back of his head. “Uuuh well..”
Roshi Scoffed, “Kakashi you don’t even have credit, so shush, I promised Sakumo I’d give you somewhere to stay, why do you think you rent is only $50?”
Kakashi sweat dropped, he was learning a little more than needed about his father now.
“I’m not going to sugar coat it Kakashi, I’ve lost my Husband, 3 sons, and 2 daughters.. all Shinobi, some fighting for the village, some becoming their own demise..” she looked at Kakashi with serious eyes. Kakashi’s mismatched colored eyes locked with hers in the subtle moonlight of the living room.
“I need to know if you’re going to be okay Kakashi. I’ve lost two sons to suicide, and I wouldn’t want the same to happen to a dear companions son”
Kakashi tensed up. No, he wouldn’t come to that point.. a part of him wouldnt fathom the thought of taking his own life, only from the fear of not having succeeded and having to deal with the aftermath. There was a sick part of him deep inside that wanted to give in and waste away. Kakashi picked his cup back up,
“No.. I couldn’t” he mumbled gazing at his reflection in the tea, god he looked like shit enough for someone to ask him that?
A huff came from Roshi and she crossed her arms. “Good. You’re a gentle young man Kakashi, I know everything you’ve been through has been hard- but you cannot be lead astray by violence and self destruction”
Everything she was saying.. resonate led with him. Staring blankly into the dark liquid refracting the gleam of moon light that had slipped through the window.
Kakashi set the cup down and got up from the sofa. He flinched, yes he could feel what the broken mirror had done to his feet now. What a stupid, stupid, stupid thing for him to do.
“Thankyou Ms. Roshi, I’m sorry about your wall,” Kakashi’s eyes glanced to his left where he could see a hole clear through the drywall.
“... I will fix it in the morning, Thankyou for everything.” He bowed his head to her and turned to leave.
He looked over his shoulder, his hand already gripping the door knob. “... please come and visit me more often, talking can help.”
Kakashi looked back at her and forced a small closed eye smile.
“Thankyou Ms. Roshi” he said quietly leaving the old woman apartment.
He closed the door silently and slipped back into his apartment where the bathroom light was still on. Making his way towards the bathroom he saw how much of a mess their actually was, blood, glass, chunks of drywall. It earned him sliced up feet and ankles and still.. nothing has changed.
Lol I hope you enjoyed, this is part one of three, inbox me suggestion and stuff.. please don’t be rude this is my first fic that I’m posting on this blog publicly.
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berlanee · 4 years
Hiiiii guys :) I've been reading alot of fanfics about arón lately and I just couldn't get enough of them so i decided to write some of my own 😂 sorry if it sucks
You probably waited for this moment your whole life and finally had an opportunity to make it come real. You were waiting outside the door that might open any second at this point.
You were auditioning for a netflix show titled 'Èlite' and oh boy you couldn't have been more happy. You have always dreamed of being an actress but your dreams were never as big as this, not auditioning for a very popular streaming platform that everybody all around world will be able to watch.
As you were busy drowning through your thoughts the door you were standing next to suddenly opened and a middle aged lady dressed up in a suit appeared holding a very thick folder that seemed to have various different names that have been all crossed out with a red mark.
"Miss y/n please do come in" she said with a very robotic voice. She must've been very bored and tired of coming out every half hour and calling people out.
Without waiting any longer you just shrug your head and followed her inside the room. As you entered your eyes immediately landed on the table centered right in the middle of the room with three people sitting, two of them being women and the third one being a male.
After greeting them all your eyes drifted to the guy that was standing right opposite them with a piece of paper in his hand, which looked like a script. You couldn't stop yourself from thinking how attractive he was. He had short curly hair, light brown eyes and a lot of tiny moles that just made him look more hot you thought.
"Miss y/n welcome once again, this young man's name is Arón and he will also be a part of the élite cast. He wouldn't directly be your partner on the show but we just wanted some of the castmates to have small script that they could act in front of us so that we can analyse the chemistry within them and to just overall have some materials we can go over and watch before we start the actual production" the women seated in the middle said without catching a breath. Why was this women already talking like you had the role? You haven't signed any papers yet as far as you know. But you just kept silent thinking you might ruin everything if you say anything regarding this. Plus you really couldn't help the weird feeling inside your stomach and the pressure inside your mind forcing you to get closer to the boy near you and have a closer look to his perfect face that can probably be spotted meters away. He really was pretty.
You got close to him and smiled at him. "Hi my name is y/n very nice to meet you arón" you said with a trembling voice, oh man he made you nervous just looking directly into your eyes. At that moment you just wished your makeup didn't look bad since you rushed it in the morning to make it on time here because you slept through your alarm and woke up 20 minutes late.
"Pleasure to meet you y/n" oh wow. Until that moment you never realised how appealing your name sounded or it was just his deep raspy voice that made it sound so attractive. It was definetely his voice.
You just slowly shrugged your head to anwser him back. He handed you one of the papers that he was holding onto. You checked out what was written on the single page.
You had no idea which character you were auditioning to so you had no idea what to do and how to act out when you didn't know basic facts about the character. So you just thought you should be natural and don't do anything over the top.
On the script there was only a couple of lines so you took a deep breath of relief, at least you weren't gonna read anything long and also act it out.
The judges started the camera that was going to film you and arón acting the script out, they counted till three and it was now all on you guys.
"Where are they? Your family?" He asked with a soft voice.
You checked your line on the paper and immediately lifted your eyes to meet his ones.
"Somewhere up there" you said with a soft voice while lifting your head and locking your eyes on the large window that was on the ceiling. You looked directly at the light blue sky deeply.
"All of them are up there, every single one of them. 1, 2, 3, 4 and five. All of them"
He was looking at your face with a expression of symphony.
"It was all my fault, I shouldn't have done it. I knew something like this was going to happen but I couldn't stop myself" you continued your line.
"I loved a man once, he was the reason of my happiness...But he then became my biggest mistake"
"I made a mistake and lost my family, you would know it. Right? How you could love someone so blindly without realising the damage you are leaving" he took a deep breath and his hand immediately surrounded his throat making him look like he was fighting for air.
"I would know" he said with quite voice. He then quickly took a quick glimpse on his script and then lifted his eyes to meet back yours. And waited for you to continue.
"And now it's just a life where I live by chance, only trying to fill in empty stupid days by living the most stupid life" you said with a sorry smile. A smile that made your expression look more like you were in pain.
You checked the script again and it was saying that your hand climbs up to your chest snowy and touches her necklace. Thank God you were wearing a necklace. So you quickly did what it said and moved your hand to your necklace.
"This is the only thing that I have left from them, it's the only thing that makes me closer to them, like they never left beside me" you continued and waited for him. Since your paper only had your lines and not his.
He took a step closer to you and looked deeply into your eyes, you felt like you were melting, that your heart was pounding at 1000 speed. You didn't know what to do so you just looked back at him and try not to do anything stupid.
His eyes drifted from your eyes to your lips slowly and stared at them for a couple of seconds. You thought he was going to kiss you and you actually hoped and prayed at that moment that he actually would.
Instead he got a little bit more close and slowly moved his head down so that his lips were close to your necklace. And he slowly packed the accessory rose hanging from it. You closed your eyes. You could feel his breathing very close to you and his breath hitting your chest. It was warm. Made your heart skip for the thousandth time since you came into this room.
"I kissed you from your pain" he said lifting his head back up and meeting your eyes once again. You were speechless. This feeling right now is probably 10x better than idea of kissing him you had earlier. It just made you feel very special for an unknown reason.
Your faces were very close regarding how tall he was from you so you were kind of on your tip toes and and had your head lifted up.
"Cut" one of the judges yelled out.
"Wow guys! That was perfect. You two have so much diversity already I'm pretty sure you both will demonstrate outstanding performances. So cogratualitions to you both. Arón you were already signed up so y/n welcome" she said with a sweet smile and the the other two judges agreed to her.
Wow. I literally just landed on a huge netflix show and have a very attractive co-star already. He was so gloomy I'm pretty sure if it wasn't with him I wouldn't have been this lucky.
"You were really great by the way" Arón said as we were leaving the building.
"Thankyou. Trust me you were just really good and I just kind of tried and follow you" you said.
He smirked. He has really cute smile you thout to yourself.
"Well that's also my thought about you" he said.
"Hey would you mind giving me your number so we could discuss more" he asked and you just answered without even thinking about it.
"Yes. Sure thing" you said while looking at him excitingly. Oh man. You were really being a desperate Danny.
You both exchanged numbers and he asked maybe you guys should meet up tonight at a restraunt so you could get to know each other and that you could also meet the other guys who have been already casted for the show.
"Okay then 9:00pm it is" he said while putting his phone back into his back pocket. He looked so hot while doing that.
"Yep" you said. While you waved at him awkwardly and turned back and walked quickly to your car. You couldn't help but be shy around him, even though you met him like an hour ago.
You could hear him laugh at you quickly walking. You couldn't help but look back at him and smile.
"I'll see you tonight" he yelled before turning around and unlock his car.
You just screamed a big capital WOW in your mind. You are officially an signed actress, had some cool ass co-star that you had a date with. Not really. But kind of.
Finally your life was coming together and some good stuff was happening.
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jovialyouthmusic · 5 years
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A/N CAUTION This standalone chapter concerns trans gender issues. I do not claim to be an expert in any way - I have a trans gender daughter who came out just over a year ago. I have not lived with the issue for very long, she lives several hours drive away and is a very private person - always has been - so I am not able to discuss it with her in any great depth. I decided to make one of the minor characters in the TRR universe trans gender so I could explore it a little more. It is set in my current fic, Protect and Serve but I am unsure whether to integrate it into the story or leave it as a stand alone piece. Please note that although Prince Liam figures in it, I am not suggesting that he is also trans - just that in my mind he is very complex (and accepting) sexually speaking.
If trans gender issues distress or offend you, please do not read any further. If you are affected by any issues I address please feel free to DM me, I would be happy to discuss matters. I am very interested to hear folk’s views on the subject and whether to integrate it into the story or leave it as it is. Thankyou xx
I am not sure who to tag in this piece - I am using my usual tag list. If you know anyone who might like to read it please tag them - and if you don’t wish to be tagged let me know. 
Liam wandered along the corridors of Beaumont Manor pensively on the night of the Beaumont Bash. It hurt that he’d not been allowed to take part in the fun side of the party this year. As he would be King very soon, no whiff of scandal could escape the confines of the manor so Constantine had forbidden him from doing anything that was even slightly adventurous.
In previous years he had run riot with his friends – with Leo and with Maxwell and Drake and Tariq and Rashad. Neville had lurked at the edges, too afraid and too stuffy to let go. Of course in previous years he had not expected to be King, but last year even though Leo had abdicated, he had been allowed some leeway, as Constantine had intended to hold on to power for as long as he could. Now his father was dying, and everything had been heaped on his shoulders.
When Maxwell had spotted his connection with Riley in New York and brought her back to take part in the social season, he had been happy. She had shaken things up, and he hung on her every word, but that had faded. Constantine most definitely didn’t approve of her participation and he knew he couldn’t choose her. None of the suitors took his fancy – but his tastes were unusual and confusing. He was attracted to men - for a while he had a massive crush on Drake, but he knew that he would never return his affections.
He had to marry to produce an heir, and he was attracted to women too, but something remained that he didn’t understand, something inside him that remained unfulfilled. He accepted that his sexuality was complex, but he had never found anyone who truly matched all his criteria, and he didn’t expect anyone ever would. He was resigned to choosing someone who would allow him to explore his desires whilst not being what he truly wanted.
Now the Bash was about to start in earnest, and he was going back to his suite alone. Suddenly his reverie was interrupted as a door burst open, and someone stumbled into the corridor followed by a vocal barrage.
‘Get out! You disgust me – how dare you!’ came Neville’s voice as the someone fell on the floor – someone that he half recognised.
‘Please Neville, I only wanted to show you…’ came Rashad’s voice but it didn’t quite look like him. The person in front of him was his build and size, but was dressed in women’s clothing and wore makeup.
‘Get out you pervert, and never come near me again’ shouted Neville, coming out and standing over Rashad, drawing his hand back to strike him – or her. Liam stepped forward and caught Neville’s arm as Rashad cowered on the floor. ‘Prince Liam’ cried Neville ‘Just look at Rashad – he’s revolting’ He pointed at the figure on the floor. Rashad looked terrified and his eyes were red. He held his hand to his cheek, cradling it as if he was in pain. He wore dark tights and a silver sequinned dress that flared at the hips. He obviously had some padding to fill out the bust of the dress, but somehow it looked natural. He had grown his hair long – he had been affecting a man bun, but now it was loose, falling around his shoulders.
‘I think you need to calm down, Lord Neville’ said Liam ‘Such aggression is unbecoming of someone of your rank’ He chose his words carefully, knowing what would make Neville stop and think about his actions. He subsided slightly, but looked down at Rashad again, his lip curling. Under the makeup his cheek was rapidly reddening. Liam felt anger starting to boil up inside him.
‘This - this creature is posing as a woman’ spat Neville ‘He’s a pervert. You shouldn’t let him mix with normal people.’ Liam glared at him
‘Lord Neville, the person that disgusts me at the moment is you.’ he growled ‘How dare you abuse my friend. If you refuse to stop your boorish behaviour I will ask the Guard to escort you from the premises’ Neville bridled, pulling himself up but stepping back.
‘Very well, I will cease’ he said ‘But I don’t wish to associate with this – creature and will be leaving this establishment at my first opportunity.’ He turned back, went into his room and slammed the door. Liam turned to Rashad, still lying on the floor with tears in his eyes.
‘I – I’m sorry for causing trouble your Grace’ he said, sitting up and dabbing at his eyes ‘I’ll leave at once, I don’t want to embarrass you or Duke Beaumont’ Liam crouched down on the floor close to his friend and put his hand gently on his shoulder.
‘Rashad – it’s Liam, you don’t have to stand on ceremony, we’ve been friends for a long time. Neville was behaving abominably. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on.’ Rashad straightened himself up, still sitting but neatly now, graceful and strangely feminine.
‘Rosalind’ he said, gulping slightly. As Liam looked at him questioningly he repeated it ‘Call me Rosalind. Please.’ Liam raised his eyebrows, but complied, speaking softly
‘Alright Rosalind, this isn’t really the place for this conversation, why don’t we go to my suite?’ Rosalind smiled, his – or her- face lighting up at the unexpected kindness.
‘I’d like that Liam, thankyou’ Liam got up, and helped Rashad – now Rosalind  to her feet. He put his hand in the small of her back as they walked, and was rewarded by a soft smile. They remained quiet until they reached Liam’s suite, and he nodded to the guard at the door, who moved aside for them. Liam turned to his friend and looked at her face, still reddening and beginning to swell a little.
‘I presume Neville hit you?’ he asked and Rosalind nodded wordlessly. Liam went to the ice bucket on the drinks table that held a bottle of champagne and wrapped some ice in a napkin, handing it to his guest. Rosalind smiled gratefully and pressed it to her cheek.
‘Thankyou so much’ she said unsteadily ‘I was – well, I just came out to Neville. I’m trans gender’ Liam blinked slightly – he was surprised but he didn’t want to make his friend feel uncomfortable after making such a huge revelation.
‘I take it he wasn’t sympathetic’ he said ‘He wasn’t the best person to go to first’ Rosalind shrugged.
‘He’s the person I’m closest to, I thought if he accepted me everyone else would be easy’ Tears welled up in her eyes, and she broke down into sobs. Liam went to her and held her gently. She shook for a while, but slowly subsided. ‘Thankyou’ she said ‘I can’t tell you how good it is to find someone sympathetic.’ Liam gently rubbed her back.
‘Neville is an odious creature and very intolerant – look at the way he treats Drake for being a commoner. I’m really not surprised at his reaction, no matter how wrong I think he is. Come and sit down and tell me all about it’ He led her to the couch and sat close, angling his body toward her and keeping eye contact when she looked at him.
‘It’s so difficult’ Rosalind sniffled ‘I’ve been unhappy for so long, but back in December I stopped denying my true feelings and realised what was bothering me. I’ve never been happy being male. I hated all those times when we went out drinking and leering at women. I was just looking at them and admiring the way they dressed, how good their makeup looked, wondered where they got their hair cut. I was never attracted to them and at first I thought I was gay, but it wasn’t that’ Liam smiled, looking down at his hands as he sat with his knees wide, feet planted firmly on the floor
‘It’s good you’ve figured out what makes you feel right’ he said ‘I myself am confused, what is accepted as ‘normal’ seems very narrow to me. There seem to be so many categories regarding gender and sexuality it can be perplexing. I don’t completely understand where I fit in’
‘Oh? That’s interesting – and it must be difficult for you’ said Rosalind sympathetically. Her voice was steady now, and she looked comfortable – more comfortable than she ever had as Rashad, the Prince realised. He sighed  
‘Yes, there isn’t a lot of room for me to be anything other than conventional, as I’m expected to produce an heir’ His stomach knotted thinking of the restrictions he had to live with now he would be King.
‘So what is it about you that might be considered unconventional?’ asked Rosalind ‘How do you identify? Who attracts you?’ She laughed ‘I don’t expect you to answer right away – they’re just questions that you perhaps need to consider.’
‘I appreciate that’ said Liam ‘I don’t have a lot of time to work it all out, but I’ll make a start’
‘I was thinking of going out and joining in the fun. I’m probably trying to come out too early, but I thought the Bash would be a suitable occasion’ said Rosalind sadly ‘But the way Neville reacted has knocked my confidence. I should probably just go back to my room and rest up’
‘Don’t go’ replied Liam ‘Constantine told me point blank I shouldn’t participate in case of scandal, so I have to stay here. Keep me company – we can watch a movie or play games – anything you like, Rosalind’ His friend smiled ruefully
‘That’s kind of you Liam, but what could be more scandalous than hanging out with someone of less than conventional sexuality?’ Liam shrugged
‘Nobody can see us – and frankly I wouldn’t care if they did. It’s about time Cordonia entered the twenty first century. Say you’ll stay – I’ll be bored out of my mind, and I daresay you’d have a dull evening alone too’
‘Are you sure?’ Rosalind asked
‘Of course I am’ Liam smiled ‘We’ve been friends a long time, this makes no difference to that friendship. I’d be honoured if you would keep me company’
‘I can change if it makes you uncomfortable’ she said shyly.
‘No, what you’re wearing is just fine – in fact it really suits you’
‘Thankyou so much Liam. You’ve no idea how good that makes me feel’  Rosalind said with gratitude. Liam smiled at his friend and poured her a glass of champagne.
 He woke the next morning, opening his eyes to Rosalind’s sleeping face lying on the bed next to him. They had done nothing to be ashamed of – just talked and talked until they had fallen asleep next to each other. The only articles of clothing Liam had taken off apart from his shoes were his jacket and tie. He had loosened his shirt collar but didn’t want to make Rosalind uncomfortable.
She had told him how she hated her body, how it wasn’t what she expected to see first thing in the morning now she had admitted her true feelings. She had only brushed the surface of how to go about changing anything, and all she was able to do for now was dress differently. She had yet to find a sympathetic doctor who would be able to take her any closer to where she wanted to go. She would have to undergo counselling to ensure she really had the mindset to make any changes even before she was allowed to take hormones to begin the process.
Liam thought she looked beautiful, and reached out to touch her shoulder carefully. Her eyes sprang open, and he made soothing noises as alarm contorted her features. She hadn’t taken her makeup off, but her face was smooth. Liam remembered that as Rashad, he had been the last of his friends to need to shave, and the facial hair that he had previously sported took a lot of time to grow and was easy to maintain. He had always had an air of grace around him, and as Rosalind, her face was smooth.
‘It’s alright Rosalind, you’re with me. You’re safe’ he said gently, rewarded by her expression softening. She smiled and sat up, patting her clothes, noting that she was fully dressed.
‘Thankyou Liam, you’ve been so kind. I should probably go back to my room and change. I think the world isn’t ready for Rosalind just yet’ Liam sat up too
‘Stay and have breakfast with me’ he said ‘Folk will either not have gone to bed yet, or will be hungover. If you’d like, we could go for a walk together and see what’s going on’ Rosalind lowered her head and looked up at him through her eyelashes
‘I’m not sure I’m ready for that’
‘Well, let’s eat first, I’ll call for them to send it up. Tell me what you want – and maybe you’ll feel differently after you’ve eaten’
 Later, with a little coaxing and peering out of the window, Rosalind agreed to take a walk with Liam as there were few folk about.
‘If we meet anyone who wants to talk, just let me handle it’ he said, and she nodded nervously. At the door to his suite, a guard stood stiff and straight and started to follow them as they set off down the corridor. Liam stopped and thought for a moment, then turned.
‘James. I’d like you to say hello to my companion. This is Lady Rosalind’ James nodded, only a flicker of doubt going across his face before he replied
‘I’m at your disposal your grace – Lady Rosalind, good to meet you’ he extended his hand and she looked up at him doubtfully for a moment before shaking. It was certain the guard had seen many things over the years that were unconventional. The King’s guard were hard to shock.
They set off outside and strolled through the grounds, Rosalind taking Liam’s offered arm and exclaiming at the ruins of the rose garden that appeared to have been trampled. One or two peacocks sulked in the undergrowth, uncharacteristically silent as if they had not the energy to give their signature shriek. They came across a few stragglers who were making their weary way back to the manor in ones and twos, clothing awry and hair messed up. None of them gave Rosalind a second glance after bobbing a curtsy or bow to Liam and a nod to her.
Finally they came back to the manor and went back inside, Liam offering to walk her back to her room. They stood at the door, Rosalind awkwardly looking at her feet for a moment.
‘I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me’ she said ‘I feel a lot more confident, but I don’t quite know how things will pan out for me.’ Liam smiled reassuringly
‘Rosalind, you can talk to me any time – in fact I’d like for you to come and see me more often. When you’re comfortable letting more people know, come to me first and we’ll work something out.’ He put his hand reassuringly on her arm, and leaned in to give her a soft kiss on the cheek. Behind him, James cleared his throat as someone approached down the corridor. Liam didn’t flinch and pulled back without any hurry. Rosalind gave him a sad smile and went inside, closing the door to become Rashad again.
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vigilvntes · 6 years
It's Not Living (If It's Not With You) - Arthur Morgan x Reader
"distract my brain from the terrible news, it's not living if it's not with you."
It had been three weeks exactly since you left camp, three weeks since you had left Arthur and the gang. You didn't want to leave, but the tensions between yourself and Arthur forced you to feel as though it was the best thing to do. Arthur had been distant, and sometimes cruel to you, and you had decided you weren't going to put up with it anymore. Staying with the gang would only cause further complications, so after a lengthy talk with Dutch, you both agreed that leaving the gang may be the best choice for you if you were to leave Arthur.
And that you did.
Of course, Arthur begged and pleaded with you to stay, not fully understanding why it was you were leaving the gang, leaving him, but you didn't care to explain. You just wanted to get out of there as soon as you could, thinking maybe a different life would suit you better.
You had rode your horse from Horseshoe Overlook into the nearest town, Valentine, with Hosea and Dutch, and you rented a hotel room there until you were able to find your own residence. And eventually, you did find somewhere to live, a small house just west of Valentine.
Arthur sat in his tent, staring down at his journal. He had tried to write, tried to put his feelings down on paper, but it seemed he couldn't. Everytime he tried, something stopped him. Heartbreak, maybe? He wasn't sure, but he had a feeling it was something to do with your absence from the gang, and from his life.
Abigail sat with John on a small table across the camp from Arthur's tent, both looking over at Arthur sympathetically. Eventually, Abigail sighed, "You should go talk to him, John. I know you two aren't exactly on the best of terms, but maybe he'd appreciate a few words from you."
John scoffed, "The man won't listen to me, Abigail. He ain't gonna listen to anyone these days, not even Dutch."
Abigail gave John a look, which made the man reluctantly stand up from his seat next to her, letting out a sigh and making his way over to Arthur's tent. John knew his attempt to talk to Arthur would be futile. Arthur wouldn't talk to him, but the least John could do was check up on him, if only for Abigail's sake.
John slowly approached Arthur's tent, and gave a nod when he looked up from his journal. "How are you?" John waited patiently for a few seconds for an answer from Arthur, but received nothing, as he had expected, and Arthur just closed his journal, placing it on his bedside table.
Sighing, John leaned against the tent pole, "I'm sorry about what happened. With you and Y/N."
This made Arthur look at John, and he sighed quietly, "It weren't your fault. Nothin' t' be sorry for."
John nodded, "Y'know, it's not too late for you, Arthur. She's probably still around here somewhere. If you care that much you'd go after her."
Arthur let out a breath and sat up a little more, "She probably doesn't even wanna see me, Marston. What if I find her and she wants nothin' t' do with me?"
The other man shrugged, "If you find her and she wants nothin' t' do with you, then you come back t' camp and try and move on with your life. Trying won't hurt, it'll show her you care."
Arthur nodded and stood up slowly, "Yeah, maybe you're right." He picked up the hat from his bed, and faced John once again, "Thankyou, Marston." And with that, he left John there with a smug grin on his features.
The ride to Valentine didn't take Arthur very long from Horseshoe Overlook. Arthur knew that Dutch and Hosea had rode with you into Valentine the last time you were at camp, so he figured it was a good place to start. His horse slowed down as he entered the small town, and he hitched her at the side of the hotel, giving her a pat. "Stay there, girl."
Arthur walked up the steps to the hotel, and opened the door slowly. He was greeted kindly by the staff member, and he approached the counter, leaning on it slightly. "You haven't had anyone check in by the name of Y/F/N, have you? See, she's my...girl. And i'm lookin' for her."
"Just one moment, sir." The staff member opened the guestbook and searched through a couple of pages, before his finger stopped over a name. "Ah, yes Y/F/N. She left last week, not too sure where she went. I'm sorry, sir." Arthur just nodded and thanked him, leaving the hotel.
He sighed to himself, his hands on his hips. Someone in the town must know something about where you went. And so the search for information about you began. Arthur asked almost everyone he passed if they had any idea who you were, or where you could have gone. It seemed his efforts were going to waste, until he came across a group of ladies you called your friends in the short time the gang had been in and around Valentine.
Arthur approached the group slowly, tipping his hat at them, "Evenin', ladies." The women just stared at him, their arms crossed. Arthur knew they knew something, and he knew he was most likely going to receive a scolding from them.
Eventually, one of them spoke, "Well, if it isn't Arthur Morgan. What are you doing here?"
He sighed, "Look, I just need to know where she is. I have a lot of apologising t' do."
All of a sudden, Arthur was bombareded by the ladies all shouting at him at the same time.
"Damn right you do!"
"Why should we tell you where she is?"
"You really screwed up, Arthur Morgan!"
Arthur put his hands up in surrender, "I completely agree. And you have no reason t' tell me where she's gone, but I wanna make things right. So, if you would make it a lil easier for me and tell me where she is, i'll be on my way."
One of the women sighed, "Fine. She lives in a small house just west from here. Can't miss it. Practically in the middle of nowhere."
Arthur nodded, "Thankyou. I appreciate it. You girls have a nice day, now." He turned his back to them and walked back over to his horse, mounting it quickly and heading west as fast as he could.
When Arthur arrived outside a small cabin, he knew it must be yours. It was the only one he had encountered west from valentine. He dismounted his horse hesitantly, hitching it slowly. His palms had suddenly turned sweaty, his breathing was heavier than usual and his heart was beating faster than it ever had before. He wasn't sure he was completely ready to face you yet, but he knew it was now or never. He needed you back with him, even if it meant you weren't together. He needed you back at the camp.
He took a deep breath, and approached the door to your cabin slowly. He stood at the door for a few seconds, debating whether to knock and face his problems, or go back to camp. It seemed his fate was sealed, however, when the door to the cabin flew open and you stood in front of him, a gun pointed to his head, your eyes squeezed shut, as if you were expecting impact from a gun shot.
Arthur couldn't help but chuckle to himself, "Put the gun down, princess, it's only me."
Your eyes shot open immediately when you recognised the voice of Arthur, and you glared at him, "Seeing you here only encourages me not to lower the gun." But, of course, you did lower the gun. However angry you were at him, you couldn't deny the fact that you were still hopelessly in love with him.
He gave you a small smile, "I see I taught you well. Always on your guard. No matter how pathetic that was. I'm impressed."
You rolled your eyes at his playful remarks, "Arthur seriously, why are you here? It's late and I'm really not in the mood to deal with your shit."
He held his hands up, "I'm just here to talk. I know I did wrong, so i'm here to make it right. That alright with you?"
You took a few seconds to think about it. You couldn't lie to yourself. You missed Arthur dearly, but you didn't miss his attitude towards you in the few weeks leading up to your departure from the camp. You wanted the life and relationship you had with Arthur before Blackwater, you wanted all of it back. But deep down you knew things may never be the same. Despite of this, you nodded in response to his question, "Yeah. Alright. Come in." You turned your back and started walking into your cabin, towards the fireplace. You sat in front of the warm fire and waited for Arthur to join you.
When he approached you, he let a small groan as he bent down to sit in front of the fire with you, prompting you to let out a small laugh, "Old man." He just looked at you, shaking his head, a smirk on his features.
However, the smile on your lips dropped as quickly as it came and you let out a sigh, "You hurt me, Arthur Morgan. Real bad."
He nodded, "I know. And i'm sorry. I didn't mean t'....and i never wanted t'. The gang needed me, and i got so caught up in everything....I guess i didn't realise the wrong i was doin'."
"I needed you Arthur. We needed each other. More than anything. But you threw me to the side, ignored me, refused to speak to me. Everytime i tried to make conversation, or be sweet on you, you disregarded me." You wiped your eyes gently with your thumbs and looked away from him, not wanting him to see you cry.
Arthur reached out and touched your arm gently, but you pulled away from him quickly, and he spoke softly to you, making you melt, "Hey, hey...Don't get upset. Come on....Come back to us, Y/N. I love you, and i promise this won't happen again. The three weeks i've had t' spend without you have been the worst..."
You shook your head, whispering, "No. No, i can't. Just go. Please just go." You we're so conflicted. Your emotions were all over the place. You wanted him so badly, and you wanted back in to the gang you called your family, but you weren't sure whether you could handle more emotional pain from Arthur if he ever treat you like that again.
He looked at you, his eyes pained, "Y/N. Please. I'm beggin' you. I can't live without you by my side, the gang can't function without you. You're so dear t' me, t' all of us. Come home."
"Please leave." Your voice cracked mid sentence, signalling to Arthur that you were indeed crying, and the small sniffles only confirmed this.
Arthur decided to conform to your request. As he got up slowly, he leaned over to you and kissed your forehead gently and whispered, "Always be in my heart, Y/N." And with that, he left, tears in his eyes.
He walked outside and back to his horse slowly, patting her, as if she was a comfort to him in that moment. After a few minutes, he mounted his horse and set off down the road, back to Horseshoe Overlook.
However, he only made it about halfway down the road, before he heard a voice call his name, and he turned his body to see you stood at the door to your small house, a small bag in your hand. You were gesturing for him to come back, and that he did.
He got off of his horse just before the steps that lead to your door, and you ran down them quickly, embracing Arthur tightly, something you had wanted to do for so long, and Arthur returned the gesture just as fast as it had happened.
"I'll come with you. I wanna come back home, Arthur."
He rubbed your back and kissed your forehead gently, "Of course, darlin'. I ain't ever letting you go again."
The ride to camp only took around half an hour, and although you may have thought it, the conversation between you and Arthur wasn't awkward in the slightest. You told him about what you had been up to in the weeks you had been gone, and he caught you up on the gangs activities and plans that had been made in your absence. You couldn't wait to see the rest of the gang, you had missed their presence almost as much as you had missed Arthur's.
Arthur slowed down as he approached the camp to greet, and you heard the voice of Lenny through the trees, "Who is it?"
Arthur turned and gave you a small smile, before turning back to Lenny and answering, "It's me. And Miss Y/N."
You heard Lenny gasp in surprise as the horse approached him slowly, and he grinned at you, "I didn't think i'd see you back here, Y/N." You and Lenny had always been good friends, ever since the gang picked him up you two had gotten along. And you could tell that Arthur took a shining to him too.
You returned the smile, "Neither did i, if i'm being honest. It's good to see you again." He nodded in response, the smile still on his lips, as you and Arthur passed him.
You and Arthur got off of his horse, and he hitched it to the post. You gave him a small smile and began to walk towards the camp, with him next to you, a smile on his lips.
Dutch was the first to notice your arrival in the camp, and he walked over to you quickly, clapping his hand on your shoulder, "Well, would you look who's finally returned to us! I thought Arthur would never wise up! It's good to see you, Y/N."
You nodded at him, "You too, Dutch." Then, before you knew it, everyone was gathered around you, wanting to know how you were, where you'd been staying while you had been gone. Dutch called for a small party to celebrate your arrival back to camp, and you promised arthur that you would meet him by the lake in an hour or so to talk.
The hour went by quickly. You spent time around the campfire with Javier, Charles and Uncle, spoke to Dutch and Hosea about any upcoming plans the group had, and you spent some time with little Jack and Abigail, your best friend and her son, who you had formed a close bond with. But, eventually it was time to leave the group and find Arthur.
You rushed over to your old horse, which you assumed Arthur had kept in case you came back, and mounted her. You gave her a loving pat, then set off towards the lake. As you were leaving the camp, you greeted John, who was guarding for the night and let him know you were meeting Arthur. He just nodded and told you to be safe on your way to the lake.
The lake was only a five minute horse ride from the camp, and when you saw Arthur you dismounted your horse. He wasn't looking at you when you arrived, and didn't look at you as you approached him, he just stood staring out into the lake. You stood next to him for a few seconds, then put a hand on his arm. You felt him tense up. You furrowed your eyebrows, "Arthur? Are you alright?"
He sighed, "I didn't expect you t' come back. I don't deserve you t' come back to me..."
You shook your head, "Arthur, don't say-"
You were cut off by him, "But it's true, Y/N. I put Dutch and his crazy plans above the woman i love." He turned to face you, "I'm so lucky t' have you here with me, Y/N."
You gave him a small smile. Arthur rarely shared his feelings with anyone, unless he genuinely meant what he was saying. You took his hand, "I wanna be here with you, Arthur. I love you."
He nodded and looked away from you and towards the lake. "I know...I love you too."
A/N: okay so i'm not sure how much of my audience is actually into red dead redemption but those of you who aren't, i will have an avengers fic up very soon!
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yespolkadotkitty · 4 years
Sunshine on a Cloudy Day
So at some point, @alwaysbethewest​ (thankyou for the beta read!) mentioned that our mutual friend @keeper0fthestars​  has a thing for wearing Marcus Pike’s shirt/people wearing his shirt. So, then after Mary and I screamed at each other for a bit, this happened. Marcus Pike/f!reader
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lovely gif by @beccaplaying
Warnings: None. Well, shameless fluff, a tablespoon of angst.
Word count: 1700  
Your alarm sounded from the kitchen. T-minus two hours until Marcus came home.
Double-checking everything was still in place, you jumped in the shower, hoping that the love of your life wouldn’t be mad at you. Or worse, sad. Or even worse, disappointed.
You started to feel a bit sick.
But you’d started now. And you were reasonably confident of the outcome.
Two weeks ago, you’d come home early from a night out. Marcus and his old army buddy Zach were on the couch, finishing a pizza, ribbing each other. You‘d poked your head in to say hi, then started to brush your teeth in the bathroom, when you heard Zach and Marcus step into the hallway.
“I don’t know, man,” Marcus was saying, pitching his voice low. He didn’t realise you had the door ajar. “Can I do it a third time? I’d all but sworn off dating when I met her, and proposing… could seriously mess it up. I can’t risk it. She’s beyond. The best thing that ever happened to me.”
Zach replied with something unintelligible, then they exchanged pleasantries and you heard the door close, before Zach’s footfalls sounded on the stairs.
Now, you dried yourself off, thinking of that night.
No one should have to propose three times.
When you’d met Marcus, his eyes were so sad. That soulful brown didn’t warm when he smiled. His eyes didn’t quite crinkle at the edges. It wasn’t until you’d been dating a month that you saw him full-on smile when you arrived at his apartment, your arms full of flowers.
“What’s this?” he’d asked, perplexed.
You passed the bouquet of daisies to him, their sunny faces making you happier immediately. “I was thinking, what should I bring to dinner? Then I thought, women don’t buy men flowers. Why not? Everyone should have flowers.”
And he’d smiled. Full-on, gorgeous teeth, crinkly-eyed grin. And you’d already been falling in love with him, but at that moment you tumbled headlong over the cliff, without a single regret.
You hung your towel and moved to your wardrobe, then hesitated. Marcus loved seeing you in his clothes. In fact, he’d once said it was his favourite sight. He’d left a shirt at your apartment a couple months into your relationship and you’d forgotten to return it, wore it sometimes. You always ended up having fantastic sex when you wore it unbuttoned too low, tied at the waist.
You’d kept it because it smelled of him, and when you two finally moved in together, after many discussions, that white shirt with the faint blue-lined check still lived in your wardrobe.
You tugged it out now, slipped it on over your lace bra, buttoning it just enough that the edge of red lace could be seen. You pulled on low-slung jeans, knotted the shirt’s ends.
One hour to go.
You’d prepped dinner earlier - took the afternoon off so Marcus wouldn’t suspect. His favourite - pancakes with lashings of maple syrup and bacon. The pancakes sat in a stack on the stove ready to be warmed-up, the bacon ready to fry when the timer got closer to when he’d be coming through the door.
After fixing your make-up and spraying on your favourite perfume, you set some music playing - Marcus always said it’s impossible to go wrong with Otis Redding, and as usual, he was infuriatingly right - and just as you wondered if you’d forgotten something, his key sounded in the lock.
Shit, the ring!
You dove for the bedroom, snagged the box from the very, very bottom of your underwear drawer and stuffed it into one of your pockets.
“Hey, sweetheart, I-” Marcus stopped in the doorway, his brow furrowed. “I smell pancakes…?”
He looked good. He sometimes took his tie off on the way home, and this was one of those days, his collar popped two buttons, his jacket loose.
The beard he’d grown for undercover work shortly after the Teresa debacle still hugged his face, scruffy-neat. You’d convinced him to keep it. It made him sexier, emphasized his fantastic jawline and bone structure, and besides, you loved the feel of that scruff on your skin, under your hands.
You walked over to greet him, saw his gaze dip down to his shirt, watched his lips curve slowly, those chocolate eyes warming up. “Well. Seems like I might be in for a treat.”
He tugged you close, filling his hands with your ass, pressing into you, and you lifted your face for his kiss, opening when his tongue traced your smile. He made a low hmmm in his throat and you vowed not to get distracted.
“Sit, baby,” you encouraged.
“But… this shirt.” He nibbled at your pulse point, traced a finger down the open neck of his button-down.
“Sit. Let me spoil you.”
Narrowing his eyes, Marcus let you go, then tossed his keys in the pot by the kitchen door. “And Otis Redding? Is there… something I should know? Is it my birthday? ‘Cause I’m willing to change it to today for this.”
You smiled, chucked the bacon in the skillet. “There’re two beers in the fridge.”
He shrugged his jacket off, hung it on the kitchen chair as was his habit, then pulled the door open. “My favourite kind. Sweetheart…”
“Sit,” you dictated.
Marcus winged a brow up. “Mmmmm. I like a woman who knows what she wants.”
Otis crooned Try a Little Tenderness as the smell of bacon filled the kitchen, rich and pleasantly greasy.
“How was your day?” Marcus asked, cracking open both beers and placing one at your elbow. He rounded the counter, sat at the table. You were momentarily distracted by the sight of him tipping his head back slightly to drink, exposing the very biteable line of his neck, and the pan spat hot grease on to the curve of your breast, naked above the low lace bra.
“Shit!” You shut the heat off, crumpling to the floor, your hands on your inflamed skin. “Should’ve got an apron,” you groused, more to yourself than to him.
“Whoa!” Marcus rushed over, bending down to assess the damage, his whiskey-gold gaze roaming over you, cataloguing every detail. He stood to grab a cloth from the kitchen cupboard, ran it under cold water, pressed it to the curve of your breast. “Better, sweetheart?”
“Much better.”
His eyes roamed over your face. Always thinking of you, your Marcus. Always caring, never putting himself first. So you had to put him first.
When he stood, saying, “I’ll get a bandaid,” you had a sudden idea. As he turned, you snagged his hand, knelt up.
“Marcus Matthew Pike.”
He froze, then very slowly, turned to face you. The look on his face was deadly sombre, like he was waiting for the axe to fall. You squeezed his hand.
“I think I have loved you since the day we met. I love your smile. Your kindness. Your ability to see the good in everything. Some of that was taken from you, but you’re still the guy who sings in the shower-”
Marcus winced. “Off-key.”
“Don’t interrupt my proposal. You’re the guy who looks forward to a rainbow rather than complaining about the rain, the guy who saves stolen art and learns the story behind the piece, and tells it again and again, so the artists live forever. That’s a man I want in my life forever. Marcus, will you marry me?” You dug the box from your pocket and popped it one-handed, revealing a slim, simple platinum band nestling in soft leather.
You held your breath,
Marcus knelt to face you, cupping your cheek. “I was working up to it. I swear I was.”
You shook your head. “No one should have to propose three times.”
He bent and touched his forehead to yours, sighing, his eyes warm, soft, crinkled at the corners. “I love you. So much. I love waking up next to you. I love it when you fall asleep on me during old movies. I love that you’ve made me happier than I ever thought I’d be. So yeah. Yes, please, I would very much like to marry you.”
You held his hand, slipped the ring on. It fit perfectly. The way Marcus fit inside your heart, taking up all the available space, his edges lining up with yours.
“I know guys don’t usually have rings, but-”
“I love it. I love you. I love that you did this.” He tugged you in for a warm, soft kiss, then overbalanced, pulling you with him, and you sprawled together on the kitchen floor, laughing together.
Eventually you remembered the bacon, drizzling it with maple syrup in the pan and tearing off bits of pancake to dip in the sticky mixture, feeding each other as Otis Redding serenaded you, and it was perfection.
Much, much later, Marcus showed you how much he loved his shirt on you. But how much more he liked it on the bedroom floor.
Pedro Pals, assemble! @gamingaquarius​ @a-seeker-of-imagination​ @knittingqueen13​​ @alldatalost​ @dornish-queen​ @lackofhonor​ @songsformonkeys​ @pascalitomarcuspike @cryptkeepersoul​ @pedropascallion​ @seawhisperer​ @thegreenkid​ @pajamasecrets​ @starlight-starwrites​ @agirllovespasta​ @scarlettvonsass​ @mourningbirds1​ @oloreaa​ @mrschiltoncat​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @emmy-dandiliom918​​ @holographic-carmen​​ @heatherbel​ @nelba​ @abuttoncalledsmalls​ @winters-buck​ @buckstaposition​ @opheliaelysia​ @jaime1110​ Please ask to be added to, or dropped from, the tags!
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*Thorns part 2 Eric x OC*
He looked like an idiot, he could feel it from the slack of his jaw and the fact that his eyes were probably just a size too big for his head right now, And he wasn’t.. he wasn’t stupid or daft, he was Dauntless.. he was trained to be conscious and aware at all times, never be caught off guard and most definitely never stare dumbfounded at a woman with a torso the size of his left bicep. He’d done his research, looked up everything there was to find on Ellarose Blanchett and yet nothing had prepared him for this.
She was smiling at him, mocha eyes looking up at him through long thick lashes and deliciously plump lips curled up at him warmly. She looked soft and her smile was nothing but sweet and yet.. those same hands that were tugging on the hem of her t shirt had beaten a man until he was unrecognizable, her baby smooth skin must have been spattered with the blood of the three factionless guards she had carried through their compound and dumped half alive at the door of an Amity Leader. Her fingers that were now painted a dark navy had at one point been wrapped around Jacob Darren’s throat so tightly the imprint of them was still prominent when she delivered his body to Dauntless with what he could imagine was fire in her Bambi eyes.
“I’m going to be tranining the initiates. I’m not supposed to be out here but i couldn’t miss out on a night like this.” She explained, filling the quiet with her songbird voice.
After what felt like hours but couldn’t have been more than a moment Eric found his voice
“I know who you are, I’m Eric. You’ll be training alongside me at times I’m assuming.”
Ella’s eyes lit up and she nodded
“Yes I’ve heard about you, Max said you were “strong, strict and downright angry.” “ She mimicked their bosses voice and giggled “he really respects you but he told me to steer clear of you.”
Eric huffed
“Nice, I’m the one who picks up all his slack and I’m the one you need to steer clear of. I heard that you got here early this morning, they’re keeping you locked away like some big surprise.” He watched as she slid away from the edge of the roof and dropped her boots to the concrete, he took a moment to catalogue her injuries
A deep red gash tore open the soft skin of her bottom lip, partially healed but still noticeable, stitches lined the space where her lower eyelashes hit, curved into some semblance of a smiley face. There were green and purple bruises all over her jaw line and a butterfly stitch over her right eyebrow, he was used to seeing the women of Dauntless covered In bruises and injuries, it was almost a badge of honor but for some reason the sight of her pretty face marred with the sight made his fists clench and his stomach lurch.
Ella turned to him quickly, something he couldn’t quite place trapped behind her eyes
“No, he’s not keeping me away because I’m a surprise.. he’s keeping me away because I’ll scare the transfers.. I’ll scare the kids.” She cocked her head to the side.
In that moment he saw it, the savage type of disconnect in her eyes, the fierce loyalty and animalistic twitch to her lips. He knew that look.. he knew that look because it was almost always gracing his own face. The way she pouted, brown eyes flashing made him want nothing more than to drag her off this rooftop and back into his apartment, throw her on his bed and make her forget anyone else’s name.. he wanted to hear her say his name over and over and over again.
Eric shook his head, shaking off the thought and shifting in his now too tight pants
“You don’t look scary. you’re small, incredibly small. I don’t think anyone’s going to be expecting you to be this small.” He reiterated, eyeing her tiny waist and long toned legs, lingering on the way they clung to her hips.
“I’ll have no problem reminding them just how scary I can be.” Ella bit out, her words raspy, anger lingering behind them before she settled and moved closer to Eric, nodding her head towards the door “ I didn’t get to eat much while I was Undercover, I was factionless completely.. I took what I could steal but I can’t count the days I went hungry, even if I managed to get food it was more than likely going to be taken.”
“Who took your food?” He questioned, holding the door open and slipping behind her, his hand on the small of her back, just a touch of her smooth skin against his fingers.
“Everyone.” She answered simply.
“Factionless bastards.” Eric grumbled.
It wasnt more than a second before she whipped back around, her fingers digging into the sleeve of his jacket
“They take what they want. Anything they want. They deserve to rot, every single one of them. I did my best to make sure of that but there’s more.. there’s more and that’s why I’m here.” Her words were rushed and her eyes darted around him to make sure no one was listening. She smelt like vanilla shampoo and mint toothpaste, this close he could see the almost translucent scar stretching from her temple to the corner of her ear. “You train those kids. Keep them safe, make them strong. Do not let them fail. Do not let them become factionless.”
“Failure isn’t an option” he promised, Grey eyes holding hers “you’ll learn fairly quickly that failure doesn’t apply to me.”
It was quick the tiniest scrunch of her nose and the tilt of her lips, something close to fondness melted her stoic expression. Her eyes shifted to her fingers curled around the harsh leather of his jacket before she slowly flattened them against his arm.
“I’m gonna have a hard time steering clear of you aren’t I?” She whispered looking up at him through her lashes.
Eric swallowed thickly, his hands hovering over her waist before slowly dropping them to the tops of her leggings just an inch of tanned skin brushing his fingertips.
“Not if I have anything to say about it.”
She reached up slowly, fingers brushing his cheek
“Ellarose! We have been looking everywhere for you. Was it your room? You didn’t like it? We can easily relocate you somewhere more comfortable, we were concerned when Olivia went to check on you and you were gone!” Max rushed towards the two dauntless trainers, frantic eyes as Ella pulled away from Eric, wincing at the chaotic volume of their bosses voice.
Eric stepped forward, half of his body blocking the much smaller girl from their leaders reaching grip. He crossed his arms over his body, towering frame every bit as intimidating as it seemed.
“She’s not a prisoner, there’s no reason to lock her away. This is her home now, she can go wherever she pleases anytime she pleases.” Eric raised a pierced eyebrow at the shorter man in front of him, challenging him.
Ella stepped around Eric
“I’m not going to run away Max, I needed a breather. You know what happened last time I was isolated.” She sighed “Eric was helping me back to my room, I’m headed back there right now. I’ll follow you.” She turned back towards Eric, chocolate eyes sparkling “Thankyou Eric. I’ll see you tommorow?”
Arms still crossed and a half smug smirk on his lips he nodded firmly
“Count on it.”
Max gently tugged on Ella’s arm
“Thankyou Eric.” He sounded confused before he started speaking to Ella in hushed whispers. She looked back just once, a soft smile on her lips.
He didn’t know much but he knew he would be thinking of that smile all damn night.
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