stepinfamilylawcase · 11 months
Case Summaries 26
Case Summaries 26 https://splaneroyllp.blogspot.com/2023/11/case-summaries-26.html   via ONTARIO FAMILY LAW https://splaneroyllp.blogspot.com/ November 04, 2023 at 01:39PM
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jzklaw · 9 months
Family law services ontario
Discover comprehensive legal services at JZK Law, your trusted Woodbridge law firm. Our skilled lawyers cover various areas, including business, immigration, family, and real estate law. Serving Ontario with expertise in divorce mediation and family law services. Count on us for dedicated representation and reliable legal advice. Your go-to source for professional and personalized legal solutions in Woodbridge, Aurora, Brampton, and beyond.
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legalservices-ks · 11 months
Best Family Law Lawyers In Mississauga Brampton And Toronto
When it comes to family, we're here to provide stability. Rely on our Family Attorneys to lead you through the complexities of family law. Your family's well-being always comes first. 💼
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allthecanadianpolitics · 11 months
Registered sex offenders in Ontario would not be able to legally change their names if a bill that's before the legislature passes.  The legislation jointly introduced this week by Progressive Conservatives Laurie Scott and Laura Smith is all but ensured passage, with their party -- which has a majority in the legislature-- supporting it. "This bill, if passed, will stop the Karla Homolkas from becoming the Leanne Teales," Smith said, referring to the infamous killer and her name change. "We just feel that the right to change somebody's name should not be abused. We want to strengthen our province's commitment to zero tolerance to these offenders and their heinous crimes and put our full support behind the victims and the families ... We have to close up this loophole."
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"POLICE COURT"MUST PAY COSTS AND KEEP PEACE," North Bay Nugget. May 31, 1933. Page 6. ---- Joseph Lauro is Convicted of Assaulting His Son-in-Law, Sam Ricci --- "I'm finding you guilty of common assault and asking you to pay the costs of the court, and am binding you both over to keep the peace for one year," said Magistrate Weegar in police court yesterday morning, in finding Joseph Lauro, 467 McIntyre street east, guilty on a charge of assaulting Sam Ricci, a son-in-law, on May 28. The charge was reduced to common assault from one of assault causing bodily harm. In connection with a threat to kill Ricci, alleged to have been made by Lauro, Crown Attorney T.E. McKee said that, unless same was in writing, it couldn't be the subject of a criminal prosecution.
Ricci, the complainant. claimed the accused man had grabbed him by the throat and struck him, and that the assault took place when he and his wife visited the Lauro home. Mrs. Lauro had approached the pair with a butcher knife in her hand, he said, but had taken no part in the fracas. He admitted threatening to kill his wife, but she had threatened to poison him, he testified. He also admitted making a threat on his father-in-law's life, but claimed the threat was merely a joke.
Three witnesses testified that, from across the street, they had seen the complainant come running out of the Lauro house, with Mrs. Lauro behind him, wielding a broom and butcher knife. One stated he had seen the accused man grab Ricci by the throat as the latter entered the house.
"He's a liar." Lauro said in referring to the evidence of the accused.and claimed the other witnesses had lied also. The complainant struck him first and he had retaliated, he said. There had been trouble between his daughter, Mrs. Ricci, and the complainant, he said. Mrs. Ricci took the stand to testify that her husband had struck the first blow, and admitted that her father had retaliated. Mrs. Lauro stated she didn't know who started the fracas, and denied having picked up a broom and a butcher knife. It was brought out that the accused man was attempting to smooth out differences between his daughter and son-in-law.
Pay Liquor Fines One North Bay man settled up before court time Tuesday morning on a charge of having liquor in a public place, paying a fine of $100 and costs, and three others, charged with drinking in a public place, each paid fines of $10 and costs.
Is Given Remand Arraigned before District Magistrate C. S. McGaughey yesterday on a charge of being in possession of a still, Frank Storey, of the Township of Widdifield. was remanded one week for trial. The still was seized on Sunday by Provincial Police.
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splaneroyllp · 1 year
Childrens Aid Society of Niagara Region v T-D and A. 2020 ONSC 5241 (C...
from Blogger http://splaneroyllp.blogspot.com/2023/06/childrens-aid-society-of-niagara-region_27.html
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absolutedispute · 2 years
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nussbaumfamilylaw · 2 years
What is a power of attorney in Ontario? Different Types of POA
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What is a Power of Attorney?
A power of attorney (POA) is the legal authorization for an individual to act for someone else. Depending on the terms of the POA, the agent or attorney-in-fact has the broad or limited legal power to make crucial decisions. These decisions can be about the principal’s finances, property, investments, or medical care.
The principal or grantor can issue this authorization to their agent during a temporary or permanent illness or disability. They can also consider a POA when they cannot sign relevant legal documents. They will have to choose someone they trust who can handle financial and other affairs. Principals may authorize more than one agent in a POA.
Different Types of POA in Ontario
The types of POA depend on how much control the agent has, when it takes effect, and how long it lasts. Knowing the different types of POA can help you and your loved ones prepare a POA that best suits your needs.
The principal can draft a health care POA (HCPOA) if they want someone to have the power to make decisions about their health. An HCPOA, also known as a health care proxy, gives the agent decision-making powers in the event of an unfortunate medical condition.
A financial power of attorney in Ontario allows an agent to handle the business and financial affairs of the grantor. The POA activities when the grantor cannot understand or make financial decisions.
The agent’s responsibilities can include the following:
Signing checks
Mailing and depositing Social Security checks
Filing tax returns
Managing investment accounts 
Making deposits and withdrawals
Making or updating beneficiary designations
A general POA authorizes the agent to make decisions on behalf of the grantor on any matter. They may manage assets, handle bank accounts, and file taxes for the principal. 
A limited POA grants the agent the power to act on behalf of the principal in specific circumstances. For example, the document only authorizes the agent to manage the principal’s retirement accounts. 
Those concerned about becoming incapacitated in the future can set up a durable POA. Under this agreement, the agent’s authority continues indefinitely even after the grantor cannot make their own decisions. 
However, you only relinquish control over your assets and finances after incapacitation. The agent has legal access as soon as the agreement takes effect, but you can revoke their authority at any time. In the meantime, you will retain your control over your accounts.
On the other hand, a non-durable POA is a temporary agreement and not appropriate for cases of incapacitation. Instead, it authorizes an agent to act on behalf of a principal who could not be present in a particular place at a specific time.
A non-durable POA ends if the grantor is incapacitated because its purpose is only to accomplish specific objectives.
An immediate POA goes into effect as soon as all parties sign the documents. However, most people only expect to use their POA once legally incompetent.
Remember that no POA is legally binding unless you set it up per your province’s laws. You should also renew your agreement according to the relevant guidelines.
To ensure you are following regulations, you will need the help of expert estate lawyers who can help. Look for reputable law firms that can help you set up a POA. 
You can search for the power of attorney lawyers near me on search engines. However, deepening your search on each prospect is good for finding more substantial information.
Learn more about Power of Attorney in Ontario at Nussbaum Family Law!
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radiofreederry · 10 months
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Happy birthday, Voltairine de Cleyre! (November 17, 1866)
An early American anarchist and feminist, Voltairine de Cleyre was born and raised in Michigan as part of a family which had aided in the Underground Railroad in Antebellum years before being sent to a convent school in Ontario where, ironically, she became an atheist, Named for the French philosopher Voltaire, she pursued a similar life of free thought which led her to embrace anarchism. A contemporary of Emma Goldman, de Cleyre disagreed with Goldman on several fronts, and considered the most fundamental difference between them the fact that Goldman was a communist and de Cleyre was an individualist; despite this, de Cleyre would move towards a more social form of anarchism in later years, though she continued to maintain that she was not a communist. She produced a number of anarchist theoretical writings, including "Direct Action" and "Sex Slavery," a scathing critique of contemporary gender roles and marital laws. She died young in 1912 of septic meningitis.
“Anarchism, to me, means not only the denial of authority, not only a new economy, but a revision of the principles of morality. It means the development of the individual as well as the assertion of the individual. It means self-responsibility, and not leader worship.”
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dontforgetukraine · 19 days
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A memorial service was held in Lviv for 7-year-old Emilia, 18-year-old Daria, 21-year-old Yaryna, and their mother Yevhenia, all killed in the Russian strike on September 4.
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Meanwhile, Russian propaganda was at a film festival in Venice. The film "Russians at War" had funding from Canadian tax dollars. Unless something changes, it will also be shown at a film festival in Toronto on September 10th. It received $340,000 from the Canada Media Fund, which receives funding from the Government of Canada (Source). It also had support from France’s Centre National de Cinéma.
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This is some of what the Ukrainian Canadian Congress had to say about it. You can find more of their statements on their website. They encourage everyone to contact the Canada Media Fund to share views on the funding and that the screening of the film should be cancelled. Contact information is in the link.
The Canadian Government says it is very concerned about the influence of Russian propaganda. Then why is the Canada Media Fund using taxpayer money to fund: —A movie – Russians at War – made by a filmmaker whose previous movies used to be broadcast by Russia Today, a Russian propaganda outlet sanctioned by the Government of Canada? —A filmmaker who entered sovereign Ukrainian territory together with invading Russian armies, thus violating Ukrainian law, Ukrainian sovereignty and possibly breaching Canadian sanctions? —Why did this film receive $340,000 from the Canada Media Fund, which is funded by the Government of Canada? —Why is the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) screening a movie that seeks to explain away Russia’s genocidal war of aggression against Ukraine? Why is TIFF showcasing a film which blames “propaganda” or “the fog of war” for the Russian armies who invaded Ukraine and who rape, torture, murder and dehumanize Ukrainians?
The TVO (Ontario's public educational media organization) had this to say on the matter of the film.
Russians at War is at its core an anti-war film. It is unauthorized by Russian officials and was made at great personal risk to the filmmaker, who was under constant threat of arrest and incarceration for trying to tell an unofficial story. This film shows the increasing disillusionment of Russian soldiers as their experience at the front doesn’t jive with the media lies their families are being told at home. The film was produced by an Academy Award nominee with the support of cultural agencies in France and Canada because it is a documentary made in the tradition of independent war correspondence. We encourage people to see the documentary for themselves when it is available. It will be screening at the Toronto International Film Festival next week and will be airing on TVO in the coming months. TVO is an education and public affairs-focused organization. Our priority is to provide our viewers with important stories from across Ontario and around the world. TVO remains firmly committed to delivering high-quality and ethical content. We value transparency and integrity in our work and continue to uphold these principles in all our operations.” – TVO Media Education Group
This is naivety at best. No matter what, it's being complicit to white washing Russian war crimes.
Anastasia Trofimova, the documentary's filmmaker, has at least 11 films funded by RT. And as the DOJ in America has shown us recently, RT has direct ties to the Kremlin. To think she could get access and just film anything without the approval of the FSB is laughable. Nothing happens without their approval, and at the very least it would be a breach of OpSec.
And what she says gets even worse.
Trofimova was asked at the Venice press conference on whether it was “ethical” to humanize Russian soldiers, in light of war crimes committed by Russia’s army during its ongoing invasion of Ukraine.   “I find it a little bit of a strange question, if we can humanize or not humanize someone. So, are there lists of people who we can humanize and people who we can’t? Of course, we have to humanize everyone. This is a huge tragedy for our region, first of all, and for the entire world,” replied Trofimova.  “If we don’t see each other as people…  these black and white stereotypes about each other, this will only make the war continue. This will only make the hatred grow… unfortunately, that’s sort of the route taken by politicians, but I don’t think that this is the route that regular people should take.”
Of course she frames it as a great tragedy for Russia. "Russia is always the victim and should never be held accountable" is the common narrative and attitude. She didn't mention Bucha, or Irpin, or any of the other cities that have been wiped off the map. She doesn't acknowledge the ethnic cleansing being done by her country or why Russians are being regarded as something other than human due to their actions and behavior. She keeps talking about seeing people as people, but doesn't acknowledge the perverse racism and dehumanization her fellow Russians do to Ukrainians and the ethnic minorities within Russia. The soldiers in the Russian army carry this attitude to the battlefield. It's not hard to find this behavior in all the videos on Telegram.
To that point and in answer to a second question by the same journalist on whether she had seen the Ukrainian films in Venice, Trofimova voiced her disquiet at the ending of Olha Zhurba’s documentary Songs of Slow Burning Earth which is also playing Out of Competition. The audiovisual diary captures the impact on Ukrainian people and society in the first two years of the ongoing Russian invasion, which began in February 2022. “I found it to be really good, especially the first 15, 20 minutes… when people just started to find out that the war is beginning… I found it to be really strong,” said Trofimova. “The ending, though, I wasn’t that much of a fan of because it sort of contrasted Ukrainian kids and Russian kids, with Ukrainian kids thinking about what they can do to build a better Ukraine for the future, and Russian kids were just shown as marching and singing war songs. “I found this to be playing into that whole narrative that Russians, by definition, are these aggressive and awful people… you know that it’s in their blood to be to be this way."
Look, if she has a problem with how Russian children are being portrayed in the ending of that other film, then maybe she should look around and wonder why the portrayal is there. Ukrainians aren't the ones filling Russian children's heads with propaganda and revanchism. Your fellow Russians are sending their kids to school with backpacks with the fucking Z on them, or making them wear tank costumes in parades. I've read articles of Russians sending their kids to some form of military camp. It's Russian society that creates and reinforces standards to be awful people, not Ukrainians. Examine your damn society first. Look at the war crimes Russian soldiers willingly commit and record to post on Telegram. Listen to what your fellow Russians say about Ukrainians. It's not hard.
This is all grotesque manipulation and propaganda.
If you want to read this article these excerpts are from, here. I'm so disgusted I'm getting a headache.
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newsfromstolenland · 2 years
"Canadian shoppers may be more willing to admit that they've stolen from grocery stores lately, whether in defiance of corporate greedflation or out of sheer necessity amid an only partially-explicable spike in food prices, but the fact remains that shoplifting is illegal — and landing a charge could spell big, big trouble.
But it doesn't necessarily have to ruin your life, according to one local legal professional who will defend anyone arrested for stealing food from grocery stores pro bono (as in for free) right now.
Licenced paralegal Frank Alfano, whose firm represents people all over the Greater Toronto Area, published an Instagram post earlier this week that is as much of a public service announcement as it is an advertisement for people seeking legal help.
"Criminal convictions have many serious consequences such as jail time, a criminal record, not being able to travel to America, not being able to get some jobs and more," reads the caption of that post.
"We understand that it is difficult to deal with criminal charges by yourself... We offer legal services for criminal offence summary convictions as regulated by law society of Ontario. To qualify for free representation this must be your first offence, the value of the goods must be less than $5,000, and it should be in the GTA area."
The post displays an image of someone stealing food with the text: "You do not deserve a criminal record because you wanted to feed yourself or your family!" — a sentiment Alfano believes in strongly."
Full article
Tagging: @allthecanadianpolitics
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ALTERNATIVE FAMILY DISPUTE RESOLUTIONS https://splaneroyllp.blogspot.com/2023/09/alternative-family-dispute-resolutions.html   via ONTARIO FAMILY LAW https://splaneroyllp.blogspot.com/ September 26, 2023 at 09:03AM
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jzklaw · 10 months
Family law lawyers ontario
Discover comprehensive legal services at JZK Law, your trusted Woodbridge law firm. Our skilled lawyers cover various areas, including business, immigration, family, and real estate law. Serving Ontario with expertise in divorce mediation and family law services. Count on us for dedicated representation and reliable legal advice. Your go-to source for professional and personalized legal solutions in Woodbridge, Aurora, Brampton, and beyond.
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legalservices-ks · 2 years
Paralegal Services In Mississauga
KS Legal has Ample Experience in Supporting People Range of Paralegal Services Like Traffic Tickets #Mississauga Stunt Driving, Employment Law, Personal Injuries etc. Call : +1 9055019555
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magicalgirlmascot · 3 months
I am curious: What are your current thoughts about the Toa Inika's drivining situation when they become Toa Inika?
Hahahaha I am SO glad you have asked me this because I have Thoughts
Terminology for non-Canadians (and/or Ontarians, idk what other provinces call things):
G1 - learner's permit, obtainable at 16, written test only, must have someone in the passenger seat who has had their full license at least 4 years, can't drive between midnight and 5am, can't go on certain high speed highways (401, QEW, etc) unless the person in the passenger seat is an accredited driver's ed instructor, must pass G2 exit test within 5 years or restart process
G2 - must have had a G1 for either a) 1 year or b) 8 months if graduated from driver's ed, practical exam, can drive alone, on any roads, at any time of day, certain other restrictions apply (esp if under age 19), must pass G exit test within 5 years or start over
G - must have had G2 for at least a year, practical exam, no restrictions except for basic road laws lol
MTO - Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, basically the DMV but for Ontario
Jaller: got his G1 the day after he turned 16 because his birthday was on a Sunday and the MTO was closed. Took the driver's ed course affiliated with his school that same year. Just got his G2. Has to beg and plead to borrow a car because both his parents work and need vehicles for that, and he can bike to work from the house.
Hahli: has been driving farm vehicles illegally for several years. Has her G1 but isn't eligible for her G2 yet. Is learning how to drive from her uncle because he's the only person in her family who respects road safety laws. Can occasionally convince her parents to loan her the truck if she fills up the tank.
Kongu: got his G2 a couple months ago. Inherited his grandparents' junker. Mostly just drives himself and Tamaru to school and back. Grumbles about being his sister's taxi service but also uses this as an excuse to hang around in town.
Nuparu: almost eligible for his G2 but not quite. Took driver's ed exclusively to lower his insurance premium. The only Inika who knows how to drive stick. Wants to get a motorcycle license too. Does all his family's car maintenance in exchange for money being put into the "Nuparu Gets His Own Car" fund.
Hewkii: can't drive. Wants to move to a big city with good public transport so he never has to learn how.
Matoro: was forced to get his G1 against his will and avoids driving like the plague. Sometimes his parents make him drive to the store or something for practice and he hates it. Wants to move out to the woods so he never has to drive again.
Takua: had to learn to drive so they could take on more cleaning jobs. Is actually almost eligible for their full G license. Has the most experience driving because their mom would make them drive between jobs for practice when they had their G1. Is not allowed to cover their mom's company car with bumper stickers to their immense dismay, and also isn't allowed to borrow it for non-work reasons if it's not an emergency.
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traumatizeddfox · 1 year
"If that were me I would have just left"
-Nizama Hecimovic was brutually beat and murdered by her husband live on Instagram where 12,000 people watched. She was murdered because she was planning on leaving him, and had protected her daughter from her own father. He killed her because she tried to leave him, and then shot himself when the police tried to arrest him.
-Ana Walshe was murdered and had her body dismembered by her own husband because she tried to divorce him.
-Audrey Hopkinson, 33 years old, was a young mother and Brockville General Hospital nurse, and was murdered by her domestic partner in Brockville, Ontario.
-Tracy MacKenzie, 35 years old, was killed by her partner
-Julie Racette, a 34-year-old female, was killed by her partner
-Brittany Ann Meszaros, 24 years old, was killed by her common-law partner
-Lois Paterson-Gartner, 55 years old, her 13-year-old daughter, and their family dog were murdered by the man they lived with.
and that isnt even TOUCHING the surface of abuse, or why people stay. But time and time again abuse victims watch other victims get murdered for trying to leave. Some stay for safety, some stay because they cant physically/emotionally leave, some choose to stay for whatever reason is. but for the love of christ stop telling people WHAT you would do if you arent in their shoes. Its NOT easy.
And for those of you who are staying with your abusive partner, you are NOT weak for staying. You are surviving and I hope to god you can get out safely.
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