peculiarbeauty · 2 months
since we were talking about f.igaro last night i now pose another question to you guys .. what is the scariest d.isney movie you've ever seen and why is it p.inocchio bc-
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a-n-i-m-a-t-i-o-n · 5 months
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he's not afraid to be soft if it's his glob son i guess 🤷‍♀️
screencap from here
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iwozlegit · 1 year
|| 🍍• Somewhere, INT. Hasbro headquarters
Hasbro: Let’s remake Transformers again, gimme something for the fans!
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Hasbro: Amazing! Now give us something for those fans 👀
Spoilers for upcoming Transformers animation film beneath
"I could tell you really important parts of this story, which is more than a tease. This is something we were trying to do; we debated a lot about it in live action, and it just was financially impossible to do, which is, the origin story of young Megatron and young Optimus. If you know the origin, they started as friends, and over time things devolved for them and they ended up on two sides. So we're telling the young Optimus and the young Megatron story. We really are telling the origin story of all Transformers, both what they were at the beginning of it, to how they grow, to how they grow apart."
"We’re hoping that there is enough emotional construct to that, that would lead to a trilogy of it because, personally, I think there's a natural trilogy. I'm not always looking to do multiple movies, but there's a natural trilogy around their relationship. So, you're going to see Cybertron in a way you've never seen it, that no one's ever seen it before. Because we're doing an animation, we're allowed to really go all out. If you tried to make this live-action, it would probably be a billion-dollar movie or something."
"You're going to see a lot of the origins of the society, and what broke it apart. The analogy for me is a bit like Krypton when you saw the planet falling apart, and all that. We're not there for a short time, we're there the entire time of the movie, we're on Cybertron, but we are in the challenge that, if you know the lore, they begin to question the hierarchy of how their society has gotten stratified, and how the common man doesn't have the voice, entirely, that they want to have. We're following very true to the origin story of it, and so it's really fun, too, because I've gotten to see some of it – it's not fully executed by any stretch of the imagination, but hearing Optimus and Megatron not as who we know them as, which we see their maturation in this experience. So, in a sense, you're hearing a different character because you're hearing them before they have matured."
"It's not a coming-of-age story. I don't think you’d believe that, in a way, but I would say they're young men who are finding their path. Like I said, it's more than a tease, that's what the story is, and that's the experience you're going to go through. And how they question society, just like all of us, too, could question our society. We’re maybe not as strong as Megatron and Optimus, so maybe we wouldn't make the same choices, but I think it's really going to be an eye-opener for the fans. For the non-fans, you're going to get to meet the characters in their early formation."
"I would say this, we don't spend a lot of time thinking about two and three because it's always hard to do one well. But there is a natural trilogy coming out of this friendship where you can see the divisions and the possible attractions to each other, and why that should play out over three movies, is very natural. So we have a good sense in the broadest terms, but in the broadest terms, we know what the second movie would be about and the third movie would be about through the eyes of what this relationship's going through. So the exact plotting, we haven't worked on that, but how that relationship evolves, devolves, evolves, devolves, all that stuff, that's what's going to drive it if we get lucky, if the first one's a success."
~ Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Producer of both Rise of the Beasts and the new, unnamed animated Transformers film due next year
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motleyfam · 8 days
when you say outsiders do you mean the book i had to read in like 6th grade for requires reading or is it something else? bc i remember that book was Great but also Not what i wanted to do over summer break
I do mean that book, and the 80’s movie, and now the musical which has rekindled my obsession
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the-expatriate · 20 days
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ofyorkshire · 8 months
sitting on bj now bc now i'm thinking about his gender again and how i have no idea how to figure it out because he doesn't totally seem to know, and even if he did, there's a huge discrepancy between the films (where i primarily base my portrayal) and the novels.
i think he should experiment more. he doesn't get to, but he should. i think he's mostly afraid of the reactions he'd get from friends, whether he decides "yeah, actually, i'm a girl / i'm genderfluid / i thought i was something else for a while but actually i think i am cis after all and just feel euphoric cross-dressing, sorry, i've never been allowed to form an identity until now", and idk. whatever it is, i think i do need to figure it out, eventually, if only bc it seemed so important to him that barry gannon understood him.
whatever tumbles out of him when i get the chance to really shake him for it, i'm soft about bj having the freedom to discover himself. and i'm soft thinking about him having friends who'll accept him not in just whatever he finds, but his in searching.
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araneitela · 5 months
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Me staring at test results: It makes so much sense for her, but if I don't specify or elaborate, then we end up with the fanon take. Ugh, how do I easily explain that if you look at the word 'sex' through a much more old-fashioned lens instead of the modern one, that you'll get a vastly different picture of it?
/takes angycat.png typing to my tags
#[ ooc. ] don't try to make it logical or edit your soul according to the fashion. rather; follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.#[ post-it. ] in a way; you are poetry material. you are full of cloudy subtleties I am willing to spend a lifetime figuring out.#[ i'm so tired. i need to write a post on this or something. and somehow add it to my pinned. in some way. ]#[ 'sex' and 'seduction' are /not/ wrong in my opinion. HOWEVER-- they are /very wrong/ if we go by modern labels and perception. ]#[ god the horror of writing a muse that is so interlaced in a modern world; setting and culture but seems to /ooze/ something archaic. ]#[ this level of refinement isn't of our times in my opinion. these things that she loves aren't commonly loved nowadays. ]#[ there's so much about her that is old-fashioned to me and it's so in my face. and yet fanon doesn't see it. ]#[ i can't believe i'm an old millennial who's screaming boomer or older things. ]#[ but like can we acknowledge that sex in today's age isn't the same as it used to be? not /always/ but more generally so. ]#[ can we acknowledge that /seduction/ didn't always mean what people see it to mean now? ]#[ can we acknowledge that the FEMME FETALE TROPE HAS CHANGED /LEAGUES/ since the 2000s? ]#[ which is my biggest beef actually. and maybe all of my frustration plays into this most. it's that the femme fatale now is sexualized. ]#[ while that is /not/ what the femme fatale used to be. kafka plays into the old school femme fatale so well. film noir days. ]#[ i had this same struggle on yelan where they make VERY OBVIOUS draws to it by her music in her trailer. god; the jazz. ]#[ but kafka suffers from this so very much as well to a point where i don't dare to call her a femme fatale because then it's fanon. ]#[ the fanon i hate so much. ]#[ but just uuuughhhh. UGHHH. it's so much to explain. ]
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doctorbrown · 5 months
Note to self: write that hc post about how Doc is extremely open-minded even towards things like the supernatural/paranormal & how he doesn't discount the possibility that such things can indeed exist in our world just because they seem to 'break' some pre-conceived notion we have of how the world works
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redhead-reporter · 8 months
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it's the way i really, REALLY hope this isn't true because i do not wanna see this fucking movie but i'll have to if MY MJ is in it 😔
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outoftouchsoldier · 6 months
/ / Sorry to those who I've yet to respond to, I've just been a bit busy preparing to shoot my short films. I promise I'll get around to you all ASAP :)
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spxnglr · 1 year
How I'm feeling when I've checked my new followers over the last few days:
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heartsbreaking · 24 days
y'all know that guy who's in your class who just doesn't want to be there and hates everything that guy is in both my major classes this semester and like the thing is. he's not GOOD at what he makes. he puts the bare minimum effort into everything and still complains that he's bored. it would be one thing if he thought everything was below him and he did a good job.
instead he has a shitty attitude and doesn't want to learn or engage AND his work is fucking garbage to boot.
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lacomandante · 8 months
We had a power outage for almost 30 hours and I ended up just writing letters by candle light and reading by the fire. And I will say I have changed my mind about Sharpe's Rifles now that I've finished it: I actually thoroughly enjoyed it, and it's probably one of my favorite Sharpe books. Yes, there's a Teresa shaped hole in it, but even past that I loved the character development, I love how detailed it is, the action is really good, and Vivar is more interesting, I think, than we get in the films. My favorite bit was definitely the end because it throws you for a loop and has a surprise reveal that even shocked me bc I hadn't put two and two together which I really liked- it showed off Sharpe's cleverness and, though he struggled, his ability to lead men and go above and beyond to get the job done. I honestly think I like it more than Eagle, because Sharpe's already established as a good officer in that one, having earned the respect of his men, versus Rifles where there's danger on all sides and you get to see how he earned that respect. Plus I'm a sucker for partisans so I like seeing how Sharpe interacts with his environment and around others outside of the military.
Now I'm just waiting impatiently on the local bookstore to find their copies of Havoc, Fury, and Battle, and I can continue!
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razrbomb · 3 months
spark . call me basic &. pedestrian as hell for this... but, i don't care! when i conceptualize reze, I want my portrayal to scream out: hell is a teenage girl. even when she has gone soft for denji, something inside of her is still missing. like she's still not entirely there. she's still fighting demons — whether it's from her interior world or the literal.
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revvnant · 9 months
ok i am in fact pissed that the fandom peddled jeremichael based on literally nothing for years because they were two men who existed and weren't related, only to drop it when jeremy showed up in the film and was a fat black man in favour of shipping mike with fucking mattpatt, and now i'm seeing white fancasts for jeremy in the next film like. you are all so ugly i'm not even joking.
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ofyorkshire · 7 months
me: hey, bj, we have a tiny bit of writing energy after work. we should write.
bj: i would like to talk about men i think are cute.
me: ...ok, but that... doesn't help us.
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