way2gosuperrstarr · 3 months
was wondering what the fuck all the banging noise outside was til i remembered it's almost july so almost the fourth of july so it's probably fireworks ,,
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tranz-regent · 7 months
being trapped in the worzt time of your life, the worzt your mental health haz every been, by zomeone who waz uzppozed to help you. by zomeone who waz zuppozed to care about you. only catching glimpzez of lucidity, before they puzh your head back under the water, wizhing you could drown while they make your lungz expand and contract againzt your will. everyone getz to grow and change except for you. everyone getz older- except for you
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bucketkicked · 4 months
what flower used in Victorian flower language are you ? | Irene edition
yellow tulip - "there is sunshine in your smile"
You are the one who is contacting people when you haven’t heard from them in awhile, and the one who friends call when they need to be cheered up. You have the most infectious laugh imaginable, and people can’t help feeling happy when you’re around. Even when things aren’t going your way, you see the glass as half full. Know that it’s okay to feel negative emotions and that just because something worse isn’t happening to you, the things you are going through and the way you feel about them is valid. You are allowed to put yourself ahead of others sometimes. You’ve gotten told you’re naive a lot, and while it’s true that you should take off your rose-colored glasses sometimes, that’s not accurate. You are well aware that things aren’t always going well, but you are making the conscious choice to not add to the misery. Maybe things suck and there’s a lot of fear-mongering and defeatism going around, but that’s ineffective and does nothing but further suck joy out of the world. Your efforts don’t go unnoticed, and the universe is better for them.
tagged by: @the27percent <3
tagging: YOUUUU
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eraserheadadult · 9 months
i am unwell 💚
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justkillingthyme · 4 months
Whenever people say that they like my fics I get so hhhhh. Especially if it’s specific feedback or a line or part they really liked. It’s like a gourmet meal on a silver platter. Oughhhh
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xiomeebo · 3 months
i love usin html sm ! (i wanna eat drywall)
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imaginaryanon · 2 years
if left unattended one of these days i WILL climb into the clothes dryer
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lostjulys · 2 years
no but forreal if i think abt kim dokja literally having a built in tool that keeps him emotionally removed from the 'narrative' (real life) by perceiving it as just that, a narrative, and not like. actually real and physical and literal as it infact is, for more than ten seconds i am going to go insaaaane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but like. it Is a narrative and a made up story. but like. it's not. but like it is because he can read his copy of the story and go oh here's the thing from the story in real life. but it's still real. but it's made up. hi.
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inkmaze · 2 years
oh I need to stop browsing secondhand online leather jackets, the temptation is just too strong
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lunar-wandering · 3 months
i have a meme that'll be in my next post but when i say i started crying-
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thechaotichorselord · 4 months
TW: Smoking
real reason it’s under read more is because I’m shy about drawing smooches
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justladders · 5 months
Dumb question? I was looking at the one picture of Springtrap based on the Ursula reference, and I noticed that the shading on his head is more blended compared to the shade on his arms. You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but I was wondering when you know to make harsh vs soft shadows? If that makes sense?
That's not a dumb question! I'm just surprised anyone asked me bc I normally treat shading like an afterthought and need to work on it more. Sometimes I do it one way or the other just because I feel like it, but thinking about it more critically, hard vs. soft shading can be for a lot of different reasons.
Shading gives things depth. You can tell pretty clearly by the unshaded ball below, which can just seem like a flat circle on the page compared to the two with shading.
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With the contrast created from shadows and lighting, shading becomes very important to the "feeling" of a piece. Hard shading can feel very stark, especially with darker shadows, and make a clear focal point or clearly mark hard edges. Soft shading can feel gentle and accentuate more rounded surfaces or a gradual fade of the light source. This certainly isn't all that hard and soft shading are used for, but these are examples of why you may choose one or the other.
At the same time, it can simply be a stylistic choice. Think of the cell shading in something like LoZ: Wind Waker; that type of lighting is made to compliment the very big, blocky, shapey style of the game. In old cartoons, they would almost exclusively use solid shadows because they would be hand-drawn onto the characters for every frame. There's styles that use hatching or stippling to create shadows. You can pick a certain way for many reasons.
And you're not even limited to just one kind. Klaus 2019. Beautiful movie. They went crazy with it fr, and made use of a lot of soft light and blended hard-lighting and ougghhhhhhh 👌 You could literally watch that movie with the sound off and enjoy it just as much.
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The main way to figure it out is by looking at how other styles/artists that you take inspiration from do it, and then try some different ways out for yourself. You really learn to get a feel for it with practice.
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foolsinferno · 1 month
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Sharing this wip ougghhhhhhh
[Image ID: A sketch of Raphaella la Cognizi and Ashes O’Reilly. They are standing side by side. Raphaella has her eyes closed with a mildly annoyed expression on her face. Ashes is smiling. / .End ID]
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pocket-gems · 13 days
Did you ever think of having your own AU or series based off a gem?
Oh absolutely!!
Here are some old panels, they followed stories I really wanted to follow but hyperfixations come and go, my ADHD is mean and now that my device to draw is busted, simply drawing anything in general is a pain to my eyes. Before doing anything, I have to at the very least update the designs.
To make a gem series I have 2 options, Draco's or Blizzard's.
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Dragon's Breath Opal's story is about discovery, exploration and love, follows more closely the canon story and blablabla here's the summary:
1-Shining Light
(Chevron gets lost on Earth's landscape and meets a lone Pearl)
2-The Escape
(Dragon's Breath Opal meets an Azurite, who forcefully removes Draco from Earth)
3-Divine Search
(Chevron, Pearl and Azurite decide they to recover an old friend)
(A Homeworld gem detects and follows our gang)
5- Transparent Crystal
(Draco and Azurite discover who really are the Crystal Gems)
6-Terrifying Agate
(Pearl's friend is found alongside someone thought shattered)
(Knowing who the Crystal Gems are, they decide to come back to Earth, thinking of it as a safe space)
It's all a WIP that I'd love to work on regardless of people liking it or not. I don't have much left on the To-do list for this to start ""production"" haha
Blizzard Stone is a VERY heavy-centred gem that I'm trying to update. The story is leaning towards sad with more mature tones. Story wise is pretty settled and ready to go BUT OH THE DESIGNS ARE NOT UPDATED OUGGHHHHHHH
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About AUs, I don't care for them? I think I was very saturated of them back when people wouldn't stop doing AU edits with designs that just. Eh? The designs is what matter to me the most (as an absolute nerd of character design) and there's so much potential on putting on place Pink as White. Reverse the roles, push her toxic jester side, don't just make her look like White!
AUs just make me change designs because I don't get too deep into the lore or else I loose track. I can make silly edits at least. Very oddly specific, sorry :(
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agrebel18 · 1 year
The fact that Brett ACCIDENTALLY got into Reagan’s mind but then saw her 12 year old self all pitiful and then decided to be her prom date and basically raised her spirits, AND THEN AT THE END OF THE EPISODE, Reagan said that she remembered him being with her all those years ago and she said she was happy at that AND THAT was how he “made it up” to her OUGGHHHHHHH THEIR DYNAMIC MAKES ME FERAL. 
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floatingwithlaura · 18 days
my gp said ‘please take care of yourself, you deserve it. you deserve to feel happy’. OUGGHHHHHHH.
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