#Obi-Wan really does try not to laugh
smhalltheurlsaretaken · 5 months
~all creatures great and small~ (amazing illustration by the awesome @david-talks-sw)
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“And just what exactly is it that you’ve been doing?”
Obi-Wan had to stop himself from giving his fellow Councillor—and friend—a rather pronounced eyeroll. 
“You tell me,” he said without taking his eyes off his clamoring little herd, feeling rather proud of himself. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
Mace came up to his side and crossed his arms, looking decidedly unimpressed. He looked at Obi-Wan, then at his rambunctious little friends and their merrymaking, then back at Obi-Wan again. 
“It looks like you have been avoiding meetings all morning.” 
Obi-Wan couldn’t help the small smirk that tugged at his mouth. He carefully put his hands in his large sleeves.
“Have I?” He knew he wouldn’t be able to stop laughing if he saw Mace’s no doubt exasperated face, so he kept carefully looking onward. “You should have called me.”
“You know I did,” Mace griped, valiantly ignoring the racket and still boring holes in the side of Obi-Wan’s face.
If it came to a contest of wills, Obi-Wan knew he’d be hard pressed to match Mace’s stubbornness. He turned to face him, and inevitably let out a huffed chuckle. Mace looked annoyed alright, but he could do nothing about the twinkle in his deep eyes. 
“You,” Mace insisted, no doubt trying to maintain what he probably hoped to be a convincingly stern demeanor, “have spent all day corrupting our next generation instead of going over mission reports.”
“Really, Mace—”
A yellow blur careening between the two of them nearly knocked them off their feet. A beige, more bipedal one rushed right after it, bumping into them both with equal speed if not equal force. 
“Sorry Masters!” the youngling yelled over her shoulder without stopping. 
Obi-Wan had to cough into his fist to keep from cackling.
“Obi-Wan.” Mace said.
“She apologized,” Obi-Wan pointed out with a brilliant smile.
“You still haven’t.”
“What for?”
Mace’s control finally cracked, and he thrust an accusing finger at Obi-Wan’s innocent face, ready to give into a rare display of unrestrained aggravation. Obi-Wan quickly batted it away and beat him to the punch.
“It’s a perfectly good way of teaching the younglings patience and control!”
Mace blinked at him, his mouth left hanging open, his finger still up and now pointing somewhere over to the right. He turned slowly, and surveyed the bustling courtyard in bemusement. The half-dozen or so pufferpigs that Obi-Wan had let loose there were being corralled by three times as many eager younglings, clone cadets and Padawans, and the animals all felt entitled to express the full range of their feelings on the matter in a loud and enthusiastic fashion. Little Mari Amithest was still running after the particularly rowdy creature that had mistaken Obi-Wan and Mace for Rodian bowling pins. 
Mace’s eyebrows climbed to previously undiscovered heights. 
“What part of this,” he gestured incredulously, “is controlled?”
“None of the pigs have puffed yet,” Obi-Wan explained seriously. 
Mace’s eyebrows were now on their way into orbit. A moment passed. Then, his expression of astonishment seamlessly melted into curiosity.
“They haven’t?” he asked, considering the whole bunch with renewed interest. 
“I told you, it’s a proven method,” Obi-Wan insisted, vindicated. He pointed to the far corner of the courtyard, where Katooni was showing some of the younger children how to feed a happy looking unpuffed puffer. “My Padawan has taught that one to do tricks.”
The squealing puffer was hopping from one foot to the other before avidly sweeping treats from the children’s outstretched hands. 
Mace was now looking suitably impressed. More careful study of Mari’s chase was making it apparent that the animal she was after was not distressed in any way, but was—rather mischievously—trying to run off with her sash clutched in its stout trunk. 
“You shouldn’t let emotions cloud your perception,” Obi-Wan reminded him in a serious voice.
“Hm,” Mace conceded magnanimously, impervious to the teasing.
The twinkle of carefully contained amusement that had been present in his eyes from the start had won over all other sentiments. A wet snort had the two Masters look down at the adventurous pufferpig that had made its way over to them. The amicable beast was fixing them with soulful blue eyes, candidly inoffensive. Its stubby tail was wagging quite politely. Mace distractedly bent down to pet the expectant critter on its broad, squishy face.
“It wants to smell your lightsaber,” Obi-Wan warned. “They like crystals.”
Mace straightened and put a hand on his hilt.
“The Mining Guild didn’t pick them up yesterday?” he inquired. “That was on the agenda.”
Obi-Wan shrugged.
“They tried, but for some reason all the identity chips turned out to be unreadable. There’s no way to prove who these fellows belong to.”
Mace gave him a flat look. 
“Hondo stole them from a Republic transport.”
“There’s all sorts of things on Republic transports,” Obi-Wan reasonably pointed out.
“The transport was chartered by the Mining Guild.”
“Hondo wiped the manifest during his hijacking. There’s just no way to know.”
“Your Padawan was there to escort the Mining Guild representatives.”
“Some mysteries can never hope to be solved.”
The pufferpig had taken to bonking its head against their legs affectionately. Mace, bowing to the undeniable strength of Obi-Wan’s ironclad argumentation, very seriously gave the tenacious quadruped another pat.
“They’re not staying,” he reminded Obi-Wan firmly. 
“Obviously not,” Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. “The Temple would be a terrible environment for them.”
His friend narrowed his eyes suspiciously. 
“And you’re not making me spend my time finding them a place.”
“Honestly, Mace.” Obi-Wan gave the affable puffer a gentle shove, and it obediently trotted away to a nearby group of younglings and clone cadets who were already entertaining one of its siblings. Obi-Wan wiped his hands on his pants. “Naboo has very responsible educational farms.”
“Does it,” Mace said mildly. 
“Including a recently opened one in the Lake District.” 
Unashamedly petty enjoyment rang in the Force.
“Don’t come to me when Skywalker tries to send them back.”
“Who says I’ll pick up when he does?”
Obi-Wan loved Anakin, dearly. Still, he hadn’t yet quite forgiven his old Padawan for retiring—running away—before they could make him shoulder his share of the sacred responsibility of wrangling the Temple’s significantly increased youngling population. It was Luke and Leia’s birthday soon anyway. 
“You’re stooping to deviousness,” Mace said, carefully neutral.
Obi-Wan gave him a wry look. 
“Never. Revenge is not the Jedi way,” he said just as calmly. 
“It’s them you’re supposed to be teaching,” Mace said with a short nod towards the unruly bunch. “He’s had his turn.”
Speaking of teaching…
“Oh my,” Obi-Wan said smugly, pointing to a boy who had taken to carefully levitating a surprisingly compliant—if a little alarmed—pufferpig, “that wouldn’t happen to be Caleb, would it?”
His fellow Council member was now pinching the bridge of his nose, his other hand planted on his hip. 
“I must say, that young man is certainly very skilled at forming connections with animals. Depa must be very proud.”
“Just don’t,” Mace groaned. He whipped out his communicator. “He’s supposed to be meditating with Yoda right now.”
“That explains it,” Obi-Wan said. 
Master Yoda was slowly ambling into the courtyard, looking quite pleased with what he was seeing. He poked misbehaving younglings with his cane as he walked, chuckling to himself when they yelped and hastily reached with the Force to make sure the pufferpigs stayed relaxed. The pufferpigs themselves were only curious, and in a sufficiently playful mood that the younglings’ offended squeaking was not enough to agitate them. Caleb had set down his floating puffer with all possible speed—and great care—at the sight of the venerable elder, and made ample and readily accepted apologies to the perplexed animal in the form of scritches. 
Mace slowly put away his communicator. He pursed his lips. 
“Obi-Wan,” he said slowly, “next time, just have them practice making friends with the stray tookas.”
That’s how his master had done it, and Mace had never had any problems with connecting with animals, large and small. 
“Pufferpigs are much more even-tempered.”
It was all Mace could do not to facepalm. Giving up, he shot Obi-Wan one last dry look.
“Just do your damn paperwork.”
Obi-Wan watched him stride away, dignified and imposing. Of course, since he wasn’t exactly paying attention to his surroundings, with how focused he was on pretending he was above this whole situation, he didn’t notice Mari’s wayward puffer on a direct collision course with his legs. The poor creature, who hadn’t noticed Mace either, let out a terrified screech and promptly puffed. 
The entire courtyard froze, watching with fascination as the inflated pufferpig bounced twice and slowly rolled to a halt. It made a sorry little squeak.
Resignedly, Mace closed his eyes and set to work on gently calming down the pufferpig with the Force.
The children loudly cheered. 
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Clone wars headcanons about everything and nothing
Ahsoka has a decent amount of allergies but only a handful are actually life-threatening and no matter how much she tells Anakin that it never stops him from treating them all the same
And by treating them all the same I mean he’s slapped some snacks out of her hands because he knew she was slightly allergic to it
In his defense the clones are really bad at keeping track of her allergies and because of that they have fed her a couple of things that were lethal to her and ever since then Anakin’s never really trusted them with food
Also in his defense Ahsoka once ate something she was highly allergic to on a dare (the poor clone didn’t know she was allergic) and all she did to remedy the situation was hand said poor clone her EpiPen before passing out
Unfortunately the clone didn’t know how to use the EpiPen so Ahsoka ended up passing out and Anakin and Rex had to rush her off to the med bay because they didn’t know how to use the EpiPen either 
Because of this incident the clones weren’t allowed to give Ahsoka food and there were a couple of signs that said “blue to the sky orange to the thigh” around the ship
I feel like everyone in Clone Wars is simultaneously touch-starved and tactile which is a very fun mix especially when I think about Ahsoka and everyone else because I like to think whenever Ahsoka asks for a hug 9.5/10 she gets one 
Master Plo is the most used to this cause Ahsoka’s been like this since she was a child and he’ll admit he’s spoiled her with hugs 
If you were to ask her what his hugs feel like she would say they feel like childhood or that feeling you get when you smell something that you could only find in your home when you were a kid
Obi-Wan is an interesting can of worms because he’s as tactile and touch-starved as the rest of them but he’s also incredibly touch-adverse which results in him declining hugs 5/10 because he just can't fathom touching someone in that moment
But when he does give Ahsoka a hug she’ll say there’s nothing like it and she would often describe it as a breath of fresh air and very soothing on stressful days 
Rex is most likely it give Ahsoka a hug bro is simply the hugger™ and she would describe his hugs as comforting if not a little awkward but grounding none the less kind of like hugging a weighted blanket just out of the drier 
She doesn’t get to see Padme nearly as often as she would like which means she tries to get a hug whenever she can and Padme will never decline her hugs if anything she initiates most of them
Ahsoka doesn’t remember her mom or her hugs well but if she had to give an example of what a hug from her mom felt like she would say Padme’s 
Anakin honestly isn’t comfortable with touching people he doesn’t know well but when he does feel comfortable with someone he’s clingy 
Ahsoka will never admit this half cause it’s embarrassing and half because she fears it would hurt the other’s feelings but Anakin’s hugs are easily her favorite something about the all-encompassing hug makes her feel safe and secure like nothing else 
But the funny thing is that sometimes he doesn’t really have the energy to hug Ahsoka so he’ll just put all of his dead weight on her which usually results in one of two reactions from her 
one. Is usually her saying “Hug me like you love me” or something along those lines to which he will squeeze the everloving force out of her or two. “Hug me like a normal person” which usually gets the smartass response of “Who said I was a normal person”
So it’s pretty obvious that Anakin and Ahsoka have their bigger competitions but they’ve also got little ones like who can make the funnier face when Obi-Wan is trying to do his work which normally ends with the duo hunched over laughing and Obi-Wan finding another place to work 
The: “Who can accurately make the noises Obi-Wan makes while stretching” challenge which just usually results in the clones worriedly checking in on them cause it sounds like they’re in pain
The: “Who can eat more ice cream” challenge always ends with Anakin regretting his life choices and Ahsoka doing the dishes because she feels bad 
Long story short they’ve got a lot of challenges cause they’re competitive little weirdos but the funniest part is they rarely keep score of who the winner is so they’re in an endless cycle of useless competitions 
Obi-Wan has slowly collected mugs for everyone he’s close with and they have a nice little home in his otherwise empty mug cupboard 
Anakin and Padme have matching from Naboo because Obi-Wan took them shopping when they were pretty young 
Padme can’t drink tea with them as often as she would like but when she can schedule a small tea break Anakin makes sure to smuggle all their mugs out of Obi-Wan’s kitchen
Ahsoka’s mug is possibly one of Obi-Wan's favorites it’s a good size and practical but’s also got nice intricate color-changing details because they both thought it looked cool
Cody and Obi-Wan’s mugs are pretty similar but their main difference is the childlike handwriting on the bottom of one that says “to: Obi from: Ani”
Rex doesn’t get a mug until later and it’s the most unconventional and inconvenient mug in all of creation the poor dude has to hold it from the sides because his hands don’t fit in the handle
And its design pisses Obi-Wan off every time he sees it the only thing that’s stopping him from smashing it into hundreds of little pieces is that Rex picked it so in the cupboard it stays 
Sometimes the group forgets that Ahsoka isn’t human which leads to very funny circumstances 
Like Rex losing a decent amount of credits trying to call Ahsoka’s “bluff” of being able to bench twice his weight 
Or at the fact that Obi-Wan was once hiding from Ahsoka and Anakin because he didn’t want the duo to see the extent of his injuries from a solo mission 
But he forgot that Ahsoka could smell and hear better than the average being so she was able to track him down pretty fast (she was also freaked out cause she could hear his erratic heartbeat and smell the blood so that wasn’t a pleasant experience for her) 
Or the number of times when she’s eaten an unholy amount of food just for Anakin to wake up at 3 am to find her scavenging for more cause she’s still hungry 
And let me tell you seeing some small hunched-over little creature with reflective eyes at that time of night would make even the chosen one screech like a banshee
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brucewaynehater101 · 6 days
The first planet that Tim and his life partners conquered, the planet that became the seed of the empire, was an accident.
The planet was ruled by a terrible tyrant, they were petty and cruel just for the sake of being cruel. They also liked to hold mock battles and gladiator fights that frequently ended with the winners getting eaten by half starved predator creatures. And the tyrant liked to also fight in the arena themselves. They would even hold their crown as the ultimate prize. They always cheated though and so they always won.
When the C4 came to the planet, it was an accident and they ended up as gladiators in the arena. Tim, as one of the smaller ones in the group, got picked to fight the tyrant.
Unfortunately for the tyrant, Tim is also a cheating cheater who cheats. And Tim was a better cheater than the tyrant.
The tyrant lost. They survived but their crown was now placed upon the head of the little bird who beat him and there were more than enough who were sick of his rule and willing to take advantage of his weakness that they would support this little baby ruler, at least long enough to figure out a real ruler.
But then it turned out that the baby was good at the job? And the baby's companions? consorts? were really freakin' strong.
Another tyrant on a different planet found out about the first tyrant's failure and laughed and decided to take down this little baby on this planet that they thought was weakened and that they would take the planet under their control and begin an empire.
Things...did not play out that way. Tim goaded the second tyrant into another trial by combat with the respective planets up as collateral. Tim won. Tim now had two shiny hats and two planets who needed serious overhaul to support its inhabitants rather than be centralized on now imprisoned tyrants. (Tim absolutely cheated but only his team could catch how he did it)
The third planet that came under Tim's control did so because they were being bullied by a different planet and their own ruling class had been wiped out and could they pretty please join for their own safety? And Tim said yes.
The bully was neutralized with some blackmail. And then there was a rebellion and the formerly bully planet joined the empire.
Then two planets caught up in a genocidal war ended up essentially being put in time out by C4 who were trying to set up some trade routes and the war was getting in the way of things.
And so on and so forth until Emperor Obi Wan Kenobi now had an empire of over a dozen different planets, an empire that is still growing.
I like that there's now background lore for how Tim acquires his first few planets! This does sound like the chaos and unfortunate situations that Tim ends up in as well as the ridiculous (but somehow works out) solutions he comes across.
I'm also vibing with C4 acquiring the two planets by putting them in timeout. I'm just imagining Emperor Tim going up the planets, saying "quit it," and then the leadership of these two planets is just thrusted onto him. He did not ask, but he'll make do.
I'm also curious if he has an informational packet, announcement, powerpoint, or otherwise for new planets that join.
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izzystizzys · 11 hours
There is a scratch mark on the floor of the Council chambers that Mace has never noticed before. Not a deep one, mind, quite shallow. This matters because it’s making the white-hot pulse of agony stabbing through his eyeballs ebb momentarily. Then, he chances a glance upwards at the fidgeting Knight in front of them, and it returns in full force.
Huh, he’s never seen Oppo Rancisis’ face turn that colour before.
“Hmm”, Master Yoda hums, deep and scratchy. His expression is unreadable even to Mace beyond a baseline gremlinness, and the force with which he grips the edges of his seat is making his bones creak. Master of the Order you should become, they said. Follow the calling of the Force, you should. A fulfilling purpose, it will be. Mace is going to hunt the little goblin for sport when this is all over, and he’s going to laugh the whole time.
“Show us the livestream again, could you, Knight Parvo?” Yoda asks. Mace bursts a capillary, he’s pretty sure, and so does poor Knight Parvo, whose orange Mon Cala skin tips all the way into blood red with stress. “Most unusual, this is.”
“Absolutely not!”, Ki Adi intervenes before Mace has to, thank the Force for little mercies. Plo Koon’s tusks tremble slightly with either suppressed laughter or abject horror, maybe both, and Stass Allie has her head in her hands. “The holo stills should be enough”, Ki Adi proceeds to add, and Mace has to reconsider all feelings of grace he just felt towards his fellow Councillor.
He never wants to watch Yoda zoom in on someone’s abs again. Or Depa raise her eyebrows at the curve of thighs bent over the dripping front of a speeder.
“Speeder Wash For Our Troops”, his former padawan reads out loud from a still of what has to be hundreds of the things gathered in the public senate parking lot. “Fund Our Boys And Get A Wet Seeing-To!” The series of images features dozens of Coruscant Guard troopers in various stages of unkitted, gleaming and shining with soap suds and water. The fact that the whole thing is also massive shatterpoint after massive shatterpoint is, quite frankly, insulting.
“Well hello- oh dear”, Obi-Wan’s blue form crackles to life in his chair, followed by several sounds of choking that are definitely not him. Good, Mace thinks acidly. If he has to deal with this, then so does kriffing Skywalker. “I’m sorry, why am I looking at Commander Thorn using a washrag like a lasso on top of a speeder?”
“Oh, the Guard’s little fundraising project”, Bail Organa says, as he steps into the Council chambers. Normally, Mace likes the man well enough. Now, he just smiles and adds on, “I’ve already donated, in mine and Breha’s name. Remotely, of course.”
“The Guard’s fundraising speeder wash?”, Obi-Wan repeats, edges of his holo form flickering with what Mace suspects is Skywalker very unsubtly trying to edge in. Force, but the man really is horrible at any and all stealth, like kissing his secret wife in an open arena in front of his Master. “And they are fundraising for…?”
“GAR budget allocations have to come from somewhere”, Organa shrugs. “And with the tide of public opinion turning, they’ve been tending towards cuts. The Guard feels them more keenly than any other sector - they’ve been reduced from half to quarter rations, and medical supplies have not made more than a token appearance in the last draft. The Chancellor has cancelled three consecutive meetings on the matter, and thus it was agreed that a more hands-on approach was needed. Any surplus will go into the Army fund.”
“Surely it can’t be that dire”, Oppo protests, a slightly less concerning shade of purple now. Senator Organa shrugs again, jostling the smattering of cracks slowly building around his person in a way that makes Mace wince quietly. “It’s all publicly available data, Masters.”
It really can be that dire, as it turns out. And quarter rations is only scratching the surface of how dire, considering the Guard has apparently never had access to bacta in all their posting, and also includes requisitioning forms available to the Senate for reconditionings and decommissionings, two words Mace has only heard Ponds whispers amidst shuddering in the early days of the war before Shaak Ti went off and just about tore some throats out over it.
“Alright”, he concedes, rubbing at his temples. “Fair enough, we have failed to tackle a massive blind spot in the Guard’s well being. There is no Jedi assigned to Coruscant, and that’s an oversight on our behalf. But how in the everloving kriff did this get past the Chancellor and Commander Fox?!”
Who have both signed, black on white. Bail Organa smiles cryptically. “Well, if you scroll a bit past that one image, up to the industrial speeder in the back - Commander Fox is currently having credits stuffed into his codpiece in the back, I believe.”
“HE’S WHAT IN THE WHAT NOW”, Commander Cody screeches through the speaker of Obi-Wan’s holo image, and Mace has to summon every bit of Jedi-serenity he possesses in his body to keep from dropkicking a cackling Yoda through the chamber windows.
#fox forged palpatine’s signature is how it got past him#it’s not like anyone can admit to that considering the backlog of official reports he’s been forced to do it on#‘come for me and we’re both going down bitch’ fox says#triple dog dare#fox himself is in such a constant state of sleep deprivation delirium that a sexy speeder wash sounded fair enough#or not worse than anything else that happens on the daily on coruscant anyways#padmé’s handmaidens make it rain with whoops of joy and take a commemoration selfie with all the commanders#‘wait. where’s kit?’ obi wan asks halfway through the meeting ‘wasn’t he supposed to land on coruscant an hour ago?’#‘oh No’ says the council collectively#‘coruscant daily breaking news: residents are horrified by half-naked nautolan streaking through the city apparently making for thr senate’#‘wait that appears to be JEDI MASTER KIT FISTO-‘#it’s very good advertising it turns out#the vod who suggested it (nuisance) gets promoted against his will#the remaining clone commanders have to be restrained first from dogpiling civilians launching their credits at corries#‘BUT GENERAL THEY’RE OBJECTIFYING FOX’ wolffe cries to plo koon#then from murdering several senators aides and the chancellor when certain records surface#‘this is all public knowledge??’ fox asks very confused and still dripping water under six robes his ori’vode launched at him on sight#‘i don’t understand where this is coming from?’#cody is too busy making slitting throat motions at anyone who looks at his vod’ika too long to bother responding#palpatine chokes on a raisin in shock and dies#‘BREAKING BREAKING NEWS: CHANCELLOR EXPLODES IN A BLACK CLOUD AT SIGHT OF WASHBOARD ABS’#and thus the galaxy is foxed#i’m leaving that typo#commander fox#corrie guard deserves better#coruscant guard#jedi high council#mace windu#oh mace my beloved i am so sorry but it’s so funny putting you in Situations#sw tcw fic ideas
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skywlker-sluvtt · 1 year
Oral Fixation
Summary: Obi-Wan lets his usually innocent girlfriend suck the life out of him 😘
A/N: Finally posted for my favourite space daddy enjoy ;)
Warnings: blowjob, degrading, slight throat fucking, lmk if i should add more
Word Count: 1.6k
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• • · •. ✶˚ . ·*✧* ˚ · . ·* . ✵. ✵ .·
Getting bored of the book in your lap you shifted to give Obi-Wan attention. He’d been playing with your hair since you’d been sitting between his legs on the floor. The way he’d been running his calloused hand through your hair and across your shoulders made you a little needy. Obi-Wan was so sweet and his gentle touches gave you ideas you probably should’ve shut down. You turned around to face him for some cuddles.
“Hey beautiful” He whispered as you rested your cheek against his thigh. “Hi,” You replied, putting the drawstring of his pants in your mouth to suck on it since you always seemed to need something in your mouth. “How about I give you something else to suck on?” He asked, you couldn’t tell if he was trying to seduce you or not. If Obi-Wan was purposefully being suggestive. The idea of sucking on his dick had become very appealing to your innocent brain as of late. All you could think about was pleasuring him. The only problem was your inexperience, the furthest you’d even got was letting Obi-Wan go down on you.
“Like what Obi?” You replied slowly you inching your hand toward his covered cock and moving your fingers across the bulge. Obi-Wan tensed up and looked at you in shock as you traced the outline of it. “Y/N” He breathed out confused. You looked up at him and he couldn’t help but wonder if you even knew what you were doing with those big innocent eyes. “I was just kidding my darling I-” He began to explain. “I wanna make you feel good” You whispered pausing your soft strokes. He chuckled and you leaned up to kiss him situating yourself properly on your knees. “Obi I need to occupy my mouth,” You told him with a slow bite of your lip.
He couldn’t help but smile at your desperation for his cock. “I’ve never sucked a dick before” You whispered nervously. “Love you really don’t have to force yourself-” Obi-Wan started. You smacked his thigh gently and he let out a dry laugh. “I am not forcing myself I need to…I just don’t know how” You told him.
His eyes widened trying to figure out a response to his usually shy girlfriend. “Please teach me Obi” You whined using those doe eyes you knew worked wonders on him. “Please?” You begged again running your finger up the seam of his pants to feel his half-hard cock beneath the layers. “If you really insist Y/N” He grinned and you nodded eagerly. “I absolutely insist Kenobi”
You watched attentively as he removed his pants and then his boxers and your eyes widened at how big he was. “Wow,” You giggled you weren’t expecting it to be so…beautiful? You followed suit taking off your top for him to gaze at your tits. Obi-Wan couldn’t help but feel guilty, not wanting to take advantage of his pure angel. Although that didn’t stop the thoughts of fucking your throat seep into his head. He’d never admit it but that image lived in his skull whenever he got a little too aroused. You glanced up at him before hesitantly licking his tip to see what he’d do or more importantly what he tasted like.
“Shit” He sighed. The warm dribble of his pre-cum was slightly salty against your tongue. But Knowing it was him, the purest form of Obi-Wan, made it ten times more delicious. “Wait you just…you’ve gotta be careful darling, I don’t want you to get hurt” He worried. “I won’t I promise. It’s so big and yummy please” You begged.
As many times as Obi-Wan imagined you on your knees for him swallowing his cock whole he couldn’t let you get hurt. Knowing how eager you were for him and how you often ended up getting too excited he refused to let you accidentally hurt yourself. “Here practice on my fingers first” He suggested and you nodded eagerly, anything to get closer to sucking on him.
“Be gentle ‘kay? Start slow love and no teeth” He started with his thumb pressing the pad of it against your tongue drool pooling in your mouth before you enthusiastically sucked on his thumb. Holding his wrist you looked up at him for approval taking his thumb deeper. “Good girl Y/N. Move your tongue a little too” He suggested before you flicked your tongue across his nail. “Just don’t go too far alright? Don’t gag too hard or y’know bite me” Obi-Wan smiled trying to be funny but losing his usual dry charm.
Rolling your eyes you pulled back with a string of spit connecting you to him. “Please Obi-Wan I just wanna suck your cock” You complained. “Okay, okay I know my smart girl will figure it out” He smirked and you felt a sense of pride bubble within you at the praise. With the little knowledge you had of pleasuring a man, you started by spitting on his cock and spreading it over his hard length.
“Mhm that’s my girl” He nodded. “Does my hand feel okay?” You asked. “More than okay,” He said in a husky voice. Fuelled by his words you licked a stripe from the base of him to the tip swirling your tongue around his head causing him to stifle a moan. The noises he made sent a fire straight to your core. You made it your job to pull the most disgusting moans from his throat for your own pleasure. For the first time, you wrapped your mouth completely around him sucking on his tip again and then pushing deeper. Saliva began escaping your lips and sliding down his cock.
“Shit, my love that’s perfect” He praised cupping the back of your head in his hand and rubbing his thumb comfortingly just behind your ear. You giggled sucking deeper onto his cock feeling it occasionally hit the back of your throat not yet setting off any gagging. His deep groans and whispers of praise clouded your vision making you completely desperate to satisfy Obi-Wan.
Confidentially you pushed further before gagging on his fat cock. Thick strings of drool spilt from your mouth as you pulled back. “Good little sl-” Obi-Wan stopped mid-sentence not wanting to discourage you. “Call me a slut Obi-Wan, I��m just a little toy for you” You whimpered craving his degrading words. Deciding on taking a break from sucking you began rubbing your tongue up and down the length of his cock and hesitantly touched his balls.
“My precious whore, you’re not as stupid as I thought” He let out a shaky breath as you very carefully toyed with them. “Am I doing good Master?” You smirked urging him for more degrading or approving words. His jaw almost hit the ground hearing you call him that, he couldn’t help but feel 10 times more turned on though. “Perfect my dear keep-keep your pretty lips on me, show me what a perfect fuck toy you are” He replied scrunching your hair into a makeshift ponytail and tugging on it eliciting a whine from your throat.
You wrapped your lips around his thick cock once more bringing Obi-Wan even closer to his orgasm. The mix of gentle sucking and touching of his balls had him on edge. You gagged a little on his dick again this time just letting the drool drip down to his balls and your chin. He knew he’d never get over the sight of you being so cock drunk all for him willingly gagging yourself on his dick.
“Good girl, s-such a good girl” He mumbled resisting the urge to thrust deeper into your throat. You continued even faster now determined to take his hot cum. Take it all down your throat till you choked. “Love you so much Y/N” He forced the words from his throat with breathy sighs in between causing your slick to coat your pink panties at his deep moans. The little composure he had left snapped as Obi-Wan bucked his hips deep into your throat making you gag, creating a disgustingly arousing noise. You loved it.
Even with tears dripping down your cheeks you were still desperate for his approval, glancing up from between his legs you watch him. Seeing how you turned noble Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi into a mess gave you a slight sense of accomplishment. You were Obi-Wan’s weakness and you adored it.
“Y/N holy stars, I’m gonna cum you b-better stop,” He told you momentarily opening his eyes. You attempted a laugh and sucked harder begging for his cum. Just as you were about to have it you were distracted, he fucking whimpered. Your eyes widened at the soft noise he let out before the milky liquid hit your tongue.
You gladly began swallowing it. The salty cum spurted from his tip and when you couldn’t take it anymore you pulled back guiding the rest of it to land across your tits. You continued working him through it using your hand to slowly pleasure his sensitive flesh. When he finished you kissed the tip of his pink head once more and then pecked his lips while he caught his breath. His eyes moved down to your cum covered tits. “Cumslut” He whispered making you giggle proudly.
“You’re exceptionally good at that” He sighed. “You whimpered” Was all you said making him blush. “I did not whimper” He replied. “More of a complimentary moan just for your ears” He explained making you smile. “I love your cock…it’s pretty” You grinned gently grazing your fingertips over the coppery leg hair on his thighs. “I think it’s your turn” He smirked lifting you onto the couch. “Even little whores deserve to cum” He teased. You giggled eagerly wanting to feel his beard against your pussy again. “Please, Master Kenobi?”
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edgeofn1ght · 7 months
I don't have the brain power to write anything, but I saw this prompt and it made me think
On the night Anakin is knighted, as is 'custom,' some fellow knights want to take him to the lower levels of Coruscant to celebrate.
He complains to Obi-Wan for a bit, acting like they're not really 'his friends,' he's not really interested, and honestly, he wouldn't mind just hanging out with Obi-Wan in his apartment. Obi-Wan laughs and, even at 35, doesn't understand why Anakin wants to hang out with an 'old man' instead of going out for a drink with his friends.
Plus, it's a 'rite of passage' of sorts -- well, maybe for most Jedi. They all know Obi-Wan's knighting didn't quite go as anyone expected. But he did go out with Quinlan and Kit for theirs. All Anakin knows about that is Obi-Wan is very tight-lipped about whatever happened.
But eventually, Anakin relents.
And he does have some fun. Because whatever is in those pink and orange drinks tastes like candy, "You can't even taste the liquor! Are you sure it's in here?"
And he starts thinking about Obi-Wan. And his hands. And his longer hair, and how he'd like to put his own hands in that. And what he looks like all sweaty from sparring, but with that mischievous twinkle in his eye that lets Anakin know he's about to get his ass beat.
So he starts dialing his comm, but stops when he's interrupted. So he keeps trying.
Basically, he drunk-comms Obi-Wan a few times. (The old man is trying to rest, Anakin, leave him alone.) And he's so annoying about it that Obi-Wan asks if he needs to come pick him up.
The first thing out of Anakin's mouth is 'yes!' But he realizes how desperate and needy it makes him sound, so he says no, then yes, then --
"I'm coming to get you," Obi-Wan sighs and hangs up.
Agonizing moments pass. Someone hands Anakin another drink. They tease him about his crush on his master. He goes to sit at the bar alone.
"Is this seat taken?" The best voice in the whole world says from behind him.
Obi-Wan is there looking stern but also soft. And a bit tired.
Anakin has a dopey smile on his face. "Master!" He wants to touch the Big Jedi Mullet, so he does.
Obi-Wan tries to stop him. "You're drunk."
"I’m not drunk. Can a drunk person do this?" Anakin smiles.
"You’re not doing anything."
"But… I sent you my love. Did you… did you not get it?"
Obi-Wan arches those perfect sassy eyebrows.
Anakin won't remember this tomorrow. But Obi-Wan always does.
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samstree · 5 months
(obikin, 1.6k, established relationship, also on ao3) Anakin is on painkillers and forgets something important.
Anakin wakes up warm and comfortable, swathed in layers of blankets and wrapped in strong arms.
The world swims, swaying and tipping to one side in the distinctive way of being put on painkillers. He blinks, and blinks again.
“Mmph…” he makes a confused noise, not sure how he ended up here. Or where here is, even.
“Hey, careful.”
Oh, that is the most beautiful voice he has ever heard.
So Anakin looks up, following the source of the voice and meeting the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen.
He breathes the name in wonder, heart fluttering, nearly giddy. Of course, it’s Obi-Wan. He is the most beautiful man in the whole galaxy, and Anakin loves him so much even when his head is fuzzy with drugs. He’d know Obi-Wan when he barely remembers his own name. He needs to tell Obi-Wan that, how important he is, how much joy he brings into Anakin’s life, but all that comes out is—
“Obi-Wan, you are…here.”
An amused huff rumbles against Anakin’s ear, and Obi-Wan’s eyes crinkle softly. It’s Anakin’s favorite look, when happiness is etched into the lines around his eyes. He reaches out to touch, only to grunt in pain.
“Don’t move just yet. Your shoulder is in quite a state, darling.”
The arms around Anakin hold him closer, securing him in place. He then looks down to find his prosthetic arm tightly bound with a sling. The pain spreads from his shoulder to his chest, dulled like a distant echo.
“But I feel fine.” He nuzzles into Obi-Wan’s neck. The world doesn’t spin as much when he rests against Obi-Wan like this.
“It’s all the painkillers you are on. They had to double the doses, with your metabolism so fast. It’s still not working well enough.” Concern seeps into Obi-Wan’s voice. “Let’s not try anything just now. I’d hate to set your bones again.”
With that, gentle fingers run through Anakin’s hair, almost putting him back to sleep with all the petting and scratching.
A glint of silver catches Anakin’s eyes.
“Oh,” he says, struggling to extract the free arm to catch Obi-Wan’s hand. “What is this?”
He frowns at the silver band resting on the fourth finger of Obi-Wan’s hand, heart growing heavy despite the confusion. He pokes at the thing, the warm metal touching the tip of his index finger.
“It’s my ring, dear one. What are you doing?”
“It’s a wedding ring.”
Anakin turns Obi-Wan’s palm, observing the band intently. His head doesn’t feel like his own, but his memory is still intact. A silver band on the fourth finger, that is Stewjoni tradition to indicate that—"
“You are…married?”
Anakin meant it as an accusation. When did Obi-Wan get married? How? Where? Why does he not know about it? But all that came out of his lips is a sad whisper, voice trembling with hurt.
He meets Obi-Wan in the eye, but only finds surprise there. It’s rather unfair, for Obi-Wan to stare at him like that, as if he’s crazy for asking the question. He’d think he deserves an answer after all this time, the love weighing on his heart, never reciprocated. He is fine with it. He really is. It’s just…
He was still hoping, against all odds.
Now that is gone too.
“Anakin, I—You see, we—”
“But you can’t be.” Anakin shakes his head at the silly idea. “Not you, never you. What was I thinking? To be married, you’d need to leave the Order. My old master would never, not the perfect Jedi.”
He adds a dry laugh in the end for good measure, sounding properly putulent now, but Obi-Wan’s eyes only soften.
“Oh, Anakin, I did leave the Order. I left so I could marry—”
“No, don’t tell me,” he interrupts in a hurry. “I don’t think I can bear it.”
It borders on torture now. Anakin knows because he has been tortured. To know the name of Obi-Wan’s beloved would destroy him. All he wants to do is get away. He cannot stay in Obi-Wan’s arms when they belong to someone else. To steal comfort that doesn’t belong to him is worse than not having it at all.
His eyes brim with tears, and he lets them fall freely.
“Anakin, it’s not like that…”
“Just don’t.” He struggles against Obi-Wan’s hold, voice wet with tears, heedless of his injured shoulder. “I don’t want to hear it. Just let me get out of here—”
It’s the desperation in Obi-Wan’s voice that stops his motion. That and the fact that Anakin can barely move his limbs, muscles so relaxed they feel like jelly. The ache returns, deep in his bones, but none of it matters when his face is cupped in gentle hands and the most beautiful eyes are right in front of him.
Anakin is powerless when Obi-Wan’s attention is on him, so close yet so far away.
“Will you listen to me? Let me explain?”
Anakin sniffles, and then answers weakly, “…alright.”
Instead of answering, Obi-Wan takes his flesh hand, threading their fingers together. His motion is so tender, so intimate that it erases every last thought from Anakin’s mind.
“It must be one of the side effects of the drugs.” For some reason, Obi-Wan is sounding too amused for the grave situation they are in. “This will be very funny when you come out of it, dearest. Believe me, I want to enjoy it, but not at your expense when your head is messed up like this. Will you look at your hand? For me, just look at your hand.”
Their hands lay on top of the blankets, skin against skin. When Anakin looks down, there are two silver bands, side by side. One on Obi-Wan’s fourth finger, the other on Anakin’s.
“Huh,” he makes a confused sound. “I’m married too?”
“Against all odds, yes. Master Yoda lost the bet to Master Windu on the big day.”
Anakin blinks, brow furrowed.
“But to who?”
He can’t imagine overcoming the heartache of Obi-Wan devoting himself to someone else, but—
“Will you look at the other side of the rings?”
With that, Obi-Wan takes Anakin’s hand again, flipping over both of their palms to show the underside of the rings. There is a small inscription etched onto each of them. The one on Obi-Wan’s is the traditional Tatooine symbol for “rain”, the pattern often carved into Japor wood and gifted to one’s beloved. Rain is the most precious thing, after all. The inscription on Anakin’s band reads “jewel” in Stewjoni.
But how does he know that? When does he know Stewjoni words?
“Oh,” Anakin hums. He feels as if he’s on the verge of a great discovery, a warmth spreading through his chest like a promise from the past. A vow, maybe. “Oh, Obi-Wan! I see!”
“Really? What do you see?”
Anakin breaks into a big smile. “I don’t know! But I’m so happy!”
Obi-Wan’s laugh is like music to Anakin’s ear. Even though he thinks he’s the one being made fun of, he still loves that laugh.
“I’m glad you are happy,” Obi-Wan says, indulgently, “but what if… I did this?”
He takes Anakin’s flesh hand, and kisses him on the fourth finger, right above the silver band, lips incredibly soft. Anakin’s mouth falls open.
“Still happy?”
Anakin nods so hard that he feels dizzy.
“How about… this?”
Obi-Wan trails a few kisses along the back of Anakin’s hand, reaching the delicate skin at his wrist. He looks up through long lashes, eyes impossibly soft, and then—
And then, he kisses Anakin right on the mouth.
The kiss is chaste and light as a feather. It couldn’t have lasted for more than a second, but the world comes to a stop.
As soon as Obi-Wan breaks away, Anakin gapes again. He can only stare at the smug looks on Obi-Wan’s face. When he leans in, Anakin closes his mouth to kiss him, again, and again.
They draw out another kiss, breathing deep into it, the Force singing around them with how right it feels. Their lips meet in a rhythm so familiar, it’s like a choreographed dance. Anakin melts into the warmth of Obi-Wan’s presence, smiling when the soft beard scratches the corner of his mouth. They finally break apart, and now the world is spinning for an entirely different reason.
“Oh, my dearest.”
Anakin lets out a small gasp at the endearment. He is Obi-Wan’s—
“My beloved,” Obi-Wan murmurs, running a thumb on Anakin’s cheek, palm cradling his chin gently. “Don’t you see? There is no one else. I left the Order for you, so we could marry. I left because you are my joy, my hope, the jewel of my heart… who has forgotten all about our marriage after a few doses of painkillers. Tell me, dearest, what shall I do with you?”
All Anakin can do is stare. He stares as Obi-Wan helps him lean against the pillows and adjust his own position so they can cuddle comfortably. He stares as Obi-Wan peppers more kisses on his arm, his shoulder, hand. He stares as Obi-Wan tucks the stray curls behind his ear, with nothing but love on his face, as if the sight of Anakin brings him all the happiness he could ever ask for.
“We are married?” Anakin asks, feeling silly now but still needing the confirmation. “You… love me?”
Obi-Wan looks like his heart is breaking, just a little. “What can I do to convince you?”
Anakin perks up at that. “Kiss me again?”
“That I can do.” A smile, and Obi-Wan obliges.
They kiss until Anakin is dizzy with love, until his bones are humming with contentment. They kiss until The Force wraps around them tightly, reminding him of the familiar warmth from his memories. Of vows made while their hands intertwine, their hearts beating in tandem.
They kiss until another tear trails down Anakin’s cheek. It’s not nearly as precious as the rain drops on Tatooine, or the jewels of Stewjon, but his beloved kisses it away too.
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phoeebsbuffay · 1 year
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Imagine Anakin Skywalker proposes you.
Warnings: smut and fluff in a very alternative universe. This means no Vader here. Light reading.
Warnings 2: no minors.
Recommendations: “Just Like Heaven” by The Cure; “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri.
When it all began…
It all starts with the day you find out you are having feelings for the great General Skywalker. To realize your attachment towards him crosses the field of a concern from one Jedi to another comes like a punch in your stomach.
In truth, the reason why such perception distresses you lies on your fear of feeling anything at all, particularly when he is nearby.
It takes every force of you to bury it. For your own sake—and because you know how besotted he is with that Senator whom you personally think unworthy of him, but oh well—you keep it to yourself.
So it’s Saturday and you have been released of your missions, though coming back from planet Y/C costed you good nights of sleep and a great deal of being scowled by Master Windu for your recklessness. Yet here you are, at the gardens, when you…feel him close.
Anakin has not been obnoxious to you, though. You ignore that his eyes have been following you more than often—-to the point where Ahsoka rolls her eyes everytime you are around and he is distracted—, that he’s been jealous of how you speak kindly to other men, or even so how annoying it is you cannot tell his fondness for you.
He is also a very observing man. That being said, he’s noticed your change of moods, he’s felt the nights you’ve been sleeping unwell, and what is more hurtful is that you don’t come for him to confide your fears like he does to you. Even though Anakin knows how you feel for him, he somewhat hopes you give the first steps.
So here he is. Leaning against the wall, his blue eyes are set on you, admiring the shades of y/c that color your hair, your y/c skin and the robes that reinforce your curves. Anakin holds back a sigh, and it is only when he comes closer that you joke:
“What’s up, Skywalker? What mischief are you up to today?”
“No big deal”, he lies down over the grass, not too far from where you are. Your eyes remain closed and he smirks at you. “Why are you assuming I am up to no good?”
You try to remain serious, but the moment he says that, your lips part in a smile.
“Because you are always annoying Obi-Wan. But since the corridors have been quiet, I’m assuming you are free today?”
Anakin rolls his eyes but he too smiles.
“Yes. For some odd reason everything is quiet. No trainings or missions. I came after you because for some reason that goes beyond my understanding you’ve been a little off these days.”
That observation makes you open your eyes and Anakin can tell that his remark is the reason why your heart starts beating faster. He tries to hold back a smile, even though presumption is behind his blue eyes.
So maybe there is hope.
“What are you talking about, Anakin? Don’t go assuming things.”
“Why, it’s true, though.” He shrugs his shoulders. “The other day when I asked you a favor regarding Senator Amidala, you told me you could not do it because you’ve been already assigned to another mission. And yet I found you playing cards with Fives. I mean… Really?”
For most things you have a sharp wit, but when it comes to Anakin or men in general, you are slow. You also take time to comprehend the meaning of their actions, once usually these can be ambiguous. Hence why you don’t understand why he’s acting so jealous.
“What? How one thing is related to the other? I did have another mission to which I was assigned, and, unlike you, I wasn’t flirting with Fives.”
“I wasn’t flirting with Fives either!”
You chew your bottom lip as he rolls in the grass laughing. And to worsen your case, you say:
“No, but you were flirting with Senator Amidala!”
Now rolling to your side, he is on his elbows staring at you with those bloody blue eyes and a damn smile that makes you melt inside.
“Was I?”
A faint shade of pink paints your cheeks, and however you try to look away from his intent stare, Maker knows you cannot.
“You know damn well that you were”, you narrow your eyes at him. “Why do you think this is so funny to you, Anakin Skywalker? If you want to break the rules and get yourself expelled, it is not my problem. As long as you don’t come lamenting after my ears how the Council never… Oh, please! Stop laughing!”
It is as if you are a teenager again, always being made fun of by him. Anakin had this terrible habit of teasing you until you got seriously irritated. Seeing he’s to the point where he’s about to succeed, Anakin softens and pulls you down back to the grass as you are about to stand and leave him there.
“What do you think you are doing?”, you ask in between giggles.
It’s when your gazes cross again.
“I was never smitten with Senator Amidala, silly head.” His smile spreads as your blush deepens. “It has always been about you. You, Y/N Y/LN. You alone.”
He is now dangerously close to you. Part of him is over your body, transmitting you sensations before unknown. But you choose to ignore how his arms in each side of you ignore a spark in you.
“Oh indeed”, Anakin smiles warmly. “How could you think it was about her? She is married to Senator Clovis.”
“Is she?” You don’t dare to raise your eyes for fear they might give in too much.
But that’s what he wants. So he raises your chin and slowly moves his lips against yours.
“Yes. I fell in love with you, princess.”
Any resistance is inutile, so as your hands rest in his sides, dragging him over you, you smile as you correspond the kiss.
“As I did with you, Ani.”
‘A secret between us’
It’s been three months since Anakin last saw you. It drives him crazy how each has gone to a different mission. Because the relationship has been kept far from the Council’s knowledge, he couldn’t even ask for you.
And before he finds courage to ask Obi-Wan about your whereabouts, he is sent to planet Y/C to investigate the death of Master Dias. It takes further three months before you and him met again.
“You could have sent me a message, you know”, you tell him right as he comes for you. It’s late night and he is in your quarters. Both of you are exhausted, having arrived mere hours earlier. “I tried to send you, but I couldn’t.”
You barely finish with brushing your hair and you feel Anakin’s arms snaking behind you. You smile before turning around to hold him closer if possible. Your hands cup his cheeks, caressing each as you dive in those blue eyes.
“I know. God damn it, I was bloody preoccupied with you, my darling. Next time I will insist to go with you.”
“Yet Anakin, I detest to be the one to remind you that our relationship is a secret that must stay only between us”, you sigh. “They cannot raise any suspicious…”
“They will not. Leave this to me, all right?”
You rest your head against his chest, embraced by his arms before pulled to kiss his lips. Anakin’s fingers are tangled in your hair, his chin rested over your chin. You two stay like this for a while before going to bed.
“How did the mission go?”, you ask, cuddled against him, voice sleepy.
Anakin smiles at your efforts in struggling against exhaustion to hear about his mission.
“Sleep, angel. We will discuss this tomorrow.” Saying so, he presses a kiss over your forehead and you both fall asleep.
As the Jedis are closer to get to Count Dooku, eventually you and Anakin are assigned to a mission together. That is when you two cross the path of General Grievous.
“I will not let you expose yourself in danger, lass.” He tells you, rather baffled by the suggestions you are bringing to defeat the enemy.
“Oh, please Anakin. I’ve been doing that long way before we…”
“No, Y/N. I am not letting you…”
You smile now fades when seeing how serious. You narrow your eyes in turn.
“Oh yes, I am, Skyguy. I never asked you to be concerned about me in first place.”
And that is precisely the most inappropriate moment for you two get in your first argument.
You miss him ardently. This time it burns your skin, it tortures your soul. You cannot simply accept to be by his side and sleep easily; it is not enough to wait every Friday and pray for the Jedi to be asleep as you tiptoe to his quarters and talk to him until sun rises—and you pay for it by drinking lots of coffee the day after.
He too hates how far away you are from him. He detests how paradise is unreachable for him every single time you are sent away, for it makes him feel an outcast. Anakin is anguished for not breathing your scent, not tasting your tongue pairing in so perfect a rhythm against his, not dwelling in your y/c eyes. His heart aches, his soul breaks when he doesn’t hear from you for weeks.
But today, the Jedi senses a strange urge from you before even landing to Coruscant. At first it distresses him—until he comes to discover the cause of it, he is genuinely concerned about you.
However, the moment he escapes to your quarters, every anxiety dies. Engulfed in your arms, Anakin relaxes and tightens his grip around you.
“Fuck, how I’ve missed you, princess”, he mumbles, kissing your cheek and your neck, there staying, breathing the smell of roses.
“Ani”, you sigh in deep content. “What took you so long?”
“I have great news to share”, he tells you, parting the embrace so he can look at you.
Your hair is lose and you are dressing a blue nightgown with white robes partly open. Anakin cannot help but notice the swell of your breasts, seeing your nipples through the silk. He swallows hard, forcing himself to concentrate as you wait with exciting eyes.
He takes your hand and locks with his before taking a seat at the edge of your bed.
“What is it?”, you ask him, sounding louder than you’d like.
“Good news await us. Count Dooku is defeated and so the plan to knock down the Republic has been discovered.”
You raise a hand over your mouth, shock stamped in your features.
“Holy Maker, Ani! So does this mean we found out who the Sith Lord is? And what his intentions are?”
Anakin flashes a smirk, but by this time his mind has already left the main point behind.
“Can we please discuss this later? I miss my girlfriend.”
You blush lightly.
“Why, please. I’ve missed you too, Anakin.” As you dwell in those blue eyes, you feel your heart lighter and every disturbance that sparks in your body disappears. “Maker knows how much.”
Before he reads well into you, you put your arms around his neck and lean to kiss his lips. What starts as a make up session begins to evolve to something more.
“I don’t think you know how much you mean to me”, you tell him, letting your hands play with his curls before slipping to his cheek.
As his hands move to your shoulders, promptly removing your robes before rubbing your arms delicately as if you are a fragile thing, Anakin bites your bottom lip and says:
“I cannot live apart of you, Y/N. You are mine.”
You shiver at how possessive his words sound to your ears, it turns you on.
“Please, show me how”, you beg him, sensing his smirk against yours.
“So this is what has been troubling my princess?”, he asks you, now parting the kiss to look into your eyes only to find out how needy you are by getting lost in them. Holding your chin, Anakin senses the power you delegate to him. “Tell me, love, you’ve been burning, haven’t you?”
Anakin moves further to your bed. He opens lightly the curtains of a widow so the moonlight helps illuminate your quarters in an old fashion way.
All the whilst, he makes you sit in his lap, your legs wrapped around his waist before he slowly rests his hands over your thighs, moving them to remove your nightgown and tossing aside.
“Fuck”, he curses lightly. Instead of feeling shy, you feel yourself wet under his intent gaze. “You are gorgeous, angel. So beautiful. So ethereal.”
Beneath his words, a spark that ignites a fire. You pursuit his lips, famine for his touch, starving for his affection. Anakin smiles when feeling all of the sentiments you’ve been trying to placate…rather unsuccessfully.
He then flips you carefully, going on top of you just after your desperate hands toss away his clothing.
“Looks like you got me on fire”, you whisper, parting your lips as you moan when he starts to get intimate with you.
“We are burning together tonight, my love. I promise you”, he kisses your neck, slipping his tongue in one trace to your full chests. Anakin devours each nipple, holding you against him in such a dominate manner that you can only plead for more.
And he slowly complies to your demands, though he tortures you with his fingers…and then with his mouth, eyeing you as he eats you out. Yet, when you are about to come undone, he goes back to you, shushing your protests with a fiery, passionate kiss.
“Love me”, you beg him.
Because he knows of your needs, tonight is your night—as much as you try to please him too, he wants to make this night a very special one.
“I love you”, he whispers as he locks hands with you.
When your eyes meet and your bodies lock, your souls speak. It’s all perfectly synced.
The proposal.
By waking up by your side is the moment Anakin realizes he is no longer content with this secretive relationship of yours. He wants more. It’s when he decides to make you the future Mrs Skywalker. One question remains, though: how?
As you open your eyes and find yourself cuddled against him, smelling his scent, a mix of sweat and his typical perfume, you know there is no better place to he than in his arms. Ignoring his thoughts, you are somewhat inspired when you lean into him and say:
“I would run away with you. Anywhere you want to go, I will be with you.”
When looking into your eyes, this inspiration finds home in his heart as well. But Anakin needs to hold back his impulsivity or he’d might be accused of lacking sensitivity.
“Maker knows I cannot love any other creature that is not you, Y/N.”
There is so much to be said, but for some reason there is no need to let unspoken words reach each other’s tongues. Not only because in one gaze they could see reflected in their eyes the love one feels for the other, but also the abrupt knock on the door that scares you both, a reminder that there is life beyond bed—and the kind that requests your relationship to remain a secret.
It is tiresome to hid. To pretend that neither is too intimate with the other, to ignore the sparks of jealousy that rises in both hearts and minds, to act cooly before certain situations.
As when for example the day you confronted Darth Maul, defeating him in the process and earning some battle scars that almost freaked Anakin out.
“Babe, I told you not to chase that vile being”, he scolded you then. “You could have contacted me.”
“What for? We’ve been there before, Anakin, and I told you a million times that I can do things by myself, thank you very much.”
But these arguments, endless and repetitive as they were, usually ended in bed so both of you knew how to amend it pretty well.
However, you stood in his shoes when Anakin faced the Sith Lord in person. Although this was an occasion that feared you more than you’d care to admit, you were baffled—as well as many others—that he proved to be the chosen one by defeating Chancellor Palpatine once and for all.
“And you call me stubborn”, you told him, shaking your head in disapproval.
Anakin chuckled as you glared at him. Kisses and sweet words were enough to knock your defenses down, although you were not entirely the one to blame for worrying too much.
So now here you are. Amidst celebrations, Anakin doesn’t appreciate the attention earned. For someone so proud, this only seems to separate him from you. Hence why he sees an opportunity—one he has been planning for a while—to elope with you.
You are in the middle of a conversation to Ahsoka—and today you are very elegant, dressing your best dress and wearing a good make up, wanting to feel beautiful for him—when Anakin shows up.
“Excuse me, ladies. General Y/LN, may I have a word with you?”
Although you try to disguise the amusement in your eyes, every effort you and Anakin pay in omitting the true nature of your relationship goes to nothing because Ahsoka, rolling her eyes and resting a hand in her waist, says:
“Really now? Are we all going to play pretend I’m dumb? Skyguy and Y/Nickname, I know that you are…”
“Shhhhh”, you and Anakin say at the same time, with you putting your hands over her mouth.
“Be discreet, Ahsoka”, you whisper, letting her go after ensuring she is not acting otherwise. “Please.”
“I should have not underestimated your observation”, Anakin sighs. “An adolescent like yourself should be paying attention to interests concerning your age, though.”
“Oh please, Skyguy. This is a huge insult to my intelligence. You are barely trying to be discreet. Anyone can tell you and Y/N are together, though judging by others faces in this room, they either pretend not to see what’s crystal clear or they are just blind.”
Anakin and you exchange disconcerted glances, but you try to intervene by appeasing the situation.
“Can we trust in you to keep this low for a while? Come now, Soka. You know how much you mean to us.”
It works. Ahsoka looks at you with other eyes: in fact, she’d always perceived you as a maternal figure, a role you’ve taken to yourself in the e years she’d been under Anakin’s wig knowing her difficulties with other aspects within the Order she struggled with.
“Very well”, she feels proud of herself for the responsibility delegate to her. “You will not be disappointed.”
Anakin rolls his eyes, but you smile at her and press her forehead a kiss.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
As you go after Anakin, you say:
“What’s with this rush to leave? I thought you’d enjoy to be in the center of attention.”
Once you are in the ship, Anakin flashes you a smirk and says:
“Oh, dear. I couldn’t care less about these boring ceremonies. Now, I think we should enjoy ourselves away from these pompous people. I have a better place to take you to, where I think you’ll love.” He smiles at you before turning the ship on: “Love, this is where the fun begins.”
And that is how he takes you to planet Y/C. Once getting there, you are perplexed by the landscape that draws right under your gaze: a mix of colors that brightens the horizon, brown hills peppered with pink trees—one of the kind you’ve never seen before—amidst small lakes that reinforce a delicately aesthetic.
“It’s so peaceful here, isn’t it?”, Anakin tells you, eyes glued at the expressions your face transmits.
“It is, Ani. Where are you taking me? How’d you know this place?”, you ask him.
He leads you now to the beach. There, Anakin watches with a smile on his lips how you are charmed by the wild nature. That should be the nest of your love, that only grows each day, so he decides.
“I came here only once in that mission concerning Ventress. I always wanted an opportunity to come back, and looks like I have one.”
He pauses, waiting for you to absorb what he is telling you. You take a while to understand, your eyes focused in the purple that paints that ocean, making the scenario so unique and colorful. Never before you felt such a peace.
But when your fingers are locked with his, you slowly comprehend the reason of his subtle getaway from a prestigious ceremony that was praising his great deeds.
“Anakin… What are you saying?”
“For a very long time I’ve been silenced, but I will not tolerate this anymore”, he smiles at you, delighting at your slow discovery. “Allow me to tell you how much I love you, how I cannot spend any more time without you by my side. You are such a precious gift from heavens that I fear to waste away if I don’t…”
He chokes a little with words, thrilled as much as you are.
“Anakin… Ani! Oh, Ani!”, before you can help yourself, your eyes are blurried by tears and you start weeping.
On his knees, he takes a velvet box and opens it right before you.
“I hope these are tears of joy…”, Anakin starts nervously.
You giggle.
“Of course they are!”
“Good”, he clears his throat. “Y/N Y/LN, will you give me the honor of becoming Mrs Skywalker for the rest of your life…?”
He barely finishes the proposal when you throw your arms around his neck.
“Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!”
Anakin beams and so do you. Just after you share a kiss and he places a ring on your finger, he says:
“I’m very happy for choosing the perfect scenario, but can we go elsewhere? I hate sand.”
You laugh and so does he. Locking your arms with his, you say:
“Anywhere with you, Anakin, is going home to me.”
And that is the happiest day of your lives…
…that is until the day you two get married, of course.
It happens in a private ceremony with only C3-P0 and R2-D2 as witnesses. Your hair drops loose in your waist and you wear a traditional white gown you’ve purchased of the planet you came from.
A priest awaits and in front of him, is Anakin. You admire him with eyes already puddled by tears. Your heart skips a bear when setting your gaze upon the man you love with your entire being. He is so handsome with those robes, curly hair dropping over his shoulder—certainly longer than last time—reinforcing an angelical physique that makes you swoon.
“Y/N”, he calls your name as he stands his hand to take yours. As you do so, Anakin, whose eyes are all over you, smiles excitedly. “We are starting a new life now.”
And by saying so, a hand rests upon your stomach.
“How’d you know…?”, you laugh quietly, surprised he noticed before you.
“I know my wife”, Anakin whispers into your ear, pleased to make you blush.
The priest clears his throat, it’s time. As he finally begins, you and him cannot look away from each other. Vows are professed and you are now Mrs Skywalker.
A brighter future awaits for you both, sealed in the form of a kiss…
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aspenstarflare · 11 months
Time for more Clone wars Head Cannon time:
-The 501st and 212th defiantly have bets against each other of the state of Anakin and Padmé’s relationship but also Obi-Wan and Cody’s. Ahsoka, Rex, Waxer, and Boil organizing these bets whenever the two legions are together (of course under the noses, of General Skywalker, General Kenobi, and Commander Cody).
-Kix sleeps literally with one eye open, due to his Jedi trying to escape the medbay every time he falls asleep. Every time he drags them back to bed he always mutters something along the line of “stupid self sacrificing jedi ideology, whoever thought the force was a free pass to self neglect will feel my wrath.”
-Speaking of Kix, the entire 501st and also the 212th by extension are terrified of him, once 10 droid invaded his medical tent and he took them all out on his own without a blaster. He also can single handily drag one of his jedi or troopers to the medbay without effort.
-Fives and Echo, the chaos twins who bring destruction wherever they go, will try to sneak into Anakin’s council meetings get into his line of sight, and try everything that is possible to make him laugh. During one meeting where they are more particularly funny Anakin just stands there in a council meeting trying to be silent and stiff as a board while he’s shaking from laughter and mace goes “Is something funny skywalker?” and fives falls on his head from doing a handstand at that moment and Anakin loses it and bursts out laughing like a maniac but refuses to explain why to the council ever. So for the rest of the history of the council, they all think Anakin finds Yoda going on mission to be kriffin hilarious.
-After tough missions the troopers of the 501st like to huddle together in a cuddle pile (although only Ahsoka calls it that), Ahsoka discovering this one night while they were all sleep in their huddle, hopped into the pile and snuggled up with them as she couldn’t fall asleep because of a nightmare that has her in a panic attack and Anakin was no where to be found. Cut to the next morning Anakin is panicking about where Ahsoka is and bursts into the barracks to ask the troopers if they’ve seen Ahsoka just to find her in the pile of his troopers between Jesse and Fives. He finds the sight too wholesome to disrupt so he takes a picture of it and leaves. Letting his children sleep in. He ends up framing that picture in his quarters much to Ahsoka’s annoyance when she finds it.
-Sometimes when the clones in the 501st have a illness like a cold instead of going to Kix (much to his annoyance) they to to their General. Sometimes they just want General Skywalker’s hugs, reassurance, and help. Appreciating the fatherly presence and warmth he gives them. He also happens to be really good at spotting when his troopers are ill, which Kix does actually appreciate because better they get General Skywalkers help then no help. (And Anakin does eventually tend to bring his sick troop to the medbay to make sure they’re alright)
-Sometimes on missions where locals are around a person or two has flirted with Ahsoka making her annoyed and uncomfortable as most of them tended being men older than her, but even the people who are age appropriate make her uncomfortable too as she isn’t interested in anyone at all. Usually Anakin would cut in and tell them to Kriff off and get away from his Padawan, but this time, Rex, Fives, Echo, Jesse, and Hardcase beat him to it. With Fives punching the 30 year old guy in the face, Echo shoving him to the ground, Jesse kicking him in the side, Hardcase stepping on him hard so he can’t move, and Rex telling him to never speak or go near his little sister again, telling him to kriff off before he faces a fate worse than death. Anakin smiles at them proudly while Ahsoka silently cries happy tears in the background from being called a “little sister” by her vod.
-I believe it’s already canon or a really universal headcanon that the clones speak mando, but I believe once Anakin and especially Ahsoka learn this they are both immensely determined to learn how to speak it, much to the hesitance to the 501st initially, they aren’t sure as it’s something that their’s. But quickly they get really close to both the commander and general and adopt them as their Vod’ika and Buir and teach them a few words until by the near end of the war it escalates to basically the entire language. (Anakin cries a lot when he learns what Buir means)
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jessicas-pi · 6 months
Korkie Kenobi is fun and all, but have you considered all the potential in Korkie not-Kenobi?
have you considered Korkie seeing a picture of Obi-Wan and thinking that maybe—maybe—maybe his parents are alive, maybe his mother has been there all along, maybe his father is an amazing hero out there in the galaxy saving people, and he's wrong, his parents are dead and he never knew them and it really is his aunt who is raising him, and Korkie knows this but he hopes, oh, he hopes—
have you considered Obi-Wan panicking when he sees Korkie on his trip to Mandalore, because even though he and Satine were never together, never so much as spoke about their feelings, for a split second he still wonders, and Satine laughs behind her hand because she knows what Obi-Wan was thinking, and Korkie is blissfully ignorant of it all because in this universe he never even imagined Obi-Wan could be his father—
have you considered Korkie making jokes about it, laughing with his friends over holonet conspiracy theories, and never in public, never where people could hear, never where it could get in the gossip magazines, because he's careful, and Satine had worried it might hurt him but he knows who his parents were and he thinks it's funny when his friends call him Obi-Two—
have you considered Satine being seventeen and pregnant and too ashamed to tell her parents, and then she's seventeen and pregnant and she has no parents to tell because they're dead, and then she's eighteen with a newborn and on the run for her life, and the young Jedi who helped save her rips up his own cloak to make a birikad and he sings lullabies on the restless nights and he changes the baby's soiled diapers, he does it all without hesitating, and Obi-Wan didn't father Korkie but he is the closest thing Korkie will ever have to a father—
have you considered Korkie being picked up early from his first day at school, sobbing and hiding in his Auntie Satine's arms, because one of the children was calling him a mean name and saying things about his parents and his auntie and someone named Ke-no-bi, and he doesn't know why, he doesn't understand, and he won't tell his auntie what the children called him because it's a bad word, but Satine knows exactly what they were calling her nephew, and she knows that he will be called it for the rest of his life—
have you considered Korkie with a single glass marble, stretching out his hand and reaching for a power he does not have, and nothing happens and his friends encourage him to try harder because if your dad can do it, you can too but Obi-Wan isn't his dad and he can't do it—
have you considered Korkie living in the shadow of a legacy that isn't even his, because nobody believes he is who he says he is, and his instructors all grade him a little more harshly because the son of a Jedi should be at the top of the class, and his friends all one-by-one find ways of asking if Obi-Wan Kenobi is his father and he says no but he knows they don't really believe him, and Korkie will never ever be who his people expect him to be, because they expect him to be the son of a Jedi but he's only Korkie—
have you considered what it would mean for Korkie to not be a Kenobi?
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Clone Wars headcanons that have been rotting in my google docs
I like to believe that Padme teaches Ahsoka how to make friendship bracelets and she treats it as something sacred and spends an unholy amount of time making some for the people she cares about 
Master Plo gets the first one, Obi-Wan gets the second, Rex Cody and a couple of their boys get some more, Padme of course gets one, and Anakin gets one last 
The reason he was the last to get one is something Ahsoka will never admit out loud but she honestly wanted to take her time with his
And because of that Anakin permanently has a work of art on his wrist like everyone’s is gorgeous but his is something else entirely  
He thanks her truly and honestly thanks her and promises to keep it forever 
When Ahsoka jokingly calls him for breaking the orders rules he comments back “When have we ever listened to those rules” 
He keeps his promise too that bracelet never leaves his person 
He’s lost clothes lightsabers and even a couple of prosthetics but he always makes sure to go back for that bracelet
He eventually repays the gift in kind with a bracelet of his own 
It’s not the best made or pretties thing but Ahsoka can feel the love that was put into it so she makes the same promise he did years ago and keeps it too 
When the twins are born Ahsoka makes them both friendship bracelets 
At first they are small enough for their tiny wrists but she adds onto them as they grow older 
Ahsoka tears up when she finds that they all kept the bracelets she never thought they’d toss them or anything but seeing them decades later does hit her hard because they’re all in perfect condition 
Padme loves to “kidnap” Ahsoka whenever they have the time 
She’ll just request her protection on a diplomatic mission 
Sometimes it is an actual mission but Padme will still make time to take them to her favorite restaurants or cafes so they can have a little bit of downtime
When the war ends the tradition continues even tho everyone knows Ahsoka’s not really there as a security escort 
I find the visual of Anakin and Padme telling Ahsoka, Obi-wan, and Rex they’re married fucking hilarious 
Both Obi-Wan and Rex would try to act like they’ve been fooled truly they do but it all kinda breaks when Ahsoka asks “Wait we weren’t supposed to know?” 
Anakin is just as confused when he asks “What do you mean Soka? How could you have known?” 
And that’s when Ahsoka just starts laughing hysterically and it doesn’t take long for Obi-Wan and Rex to join in when he asks again all Ahsoka says is “Really? Kriffing look at you two” and doesn’t add much else 
Both Luke and Leia try to replicate Ahsoka’s face markings with various levels of success 
They often ask their mom for help and she’s always happy to do so Ahsoka gets filled with unimaginable amounts of joy when she sees her niece and nephew trying to look just like her 
Anakin often jokes that of course he’s not the favorite even in his own home like she’s not the first name that comes up whenever babysitting is on the table 
It’s also not a surprise that both Ahsoka and Obi-Wan become the twin's space equivalent of godparents 
It seems like a necessary precaution all things considered 
Neither of them takes the role lightly but they also vow that it won’t be needed and they do everything in their power to make it so 
After most missions it is very rare for Anakin to let Ahsoka and Obi-Wan out of his sight 
Ahsoka never fights him on this and is perfectly happy to stay by his side and sleep in the living room like they often do 
Sometimes Obi-Wan is called away for a meeting with the council and can’t stay with the two but that doesn’t stop him from joining them later on in the night even if they’re asleep 
Anything beats sleeping in his cold desolate room after some of the more dangerous missions 
Sometimes they’ll go a step further and call Padme just to check in with her and have her on the line as they watch some stupid rom-com
After some of the rougher missions it wasn’t uncommon for Ahsoka to pass out due to the physical and mental strain 
It also wasn’t uncommon for Anakin to give her a piggyback ride back to the ship 
He finds that people shoot him less looks when he’s carrying his padawan instead of holding her in a death grip and not letting go until it’s time to leave 
A lot of people thought they’d grow out of this habit but no it’s a trend that stays throughout their lives 
It just so happens that Ahsoka grows tall enough to return the ongoing favor  
It also didn’t stop at the battlefield either 
Sometimes Anakin would find her passed out in the archives or he would get a message that she was asleep in a friend's room 
And he’d always go to get her because what’s he gonna do leave her there? 
Sometimes when Ahsokas babysitting the kids Anakin will find her in a position that Obi-Wan often told him about 
Sitting in front of the TV with the twins curled up at her side 
And while Padme deems it her job to carry the twins off to their room Anakin takes his long-time role of carrying Ahsoka to hers 
(Because if you think she wouldn’t have a room in their house you’re crazy) 
Anakin always knew Ahsoka would grow up that’s just a part of life and how the universe works 
But nothing can describe the feeling of her growing taller than him 
Envy isn’t what he feels no matter how much people suggest he does sadness isn’t either it’s something deeper than that 
Bittersweet is the closest word he could find because after all there’s nothing quite like watching your younger sibling grow up
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blue-sadie · 10 months
Lost In The Woods
Anakin skywalker x Reader
Summary: sometimes his looks can cause you to follow along to his crazy plans
Warning: forest sex
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Yn/3rd person pov
It was like being stuck in an endless loop the forest had no being or end, the tall trees disrupting the communications.
the soft sloshing of mud under our feet being the only thing you could hear I was furious how do I always get dragged into his stupid decisions how can I not say no to his stupid......dreamy face wait... what are you thinking he's dreamy his... a... idiot yeah an idiot.
I shook my head trying to get me to stop thinking about him "you ok there yn" aww his voice it made my heart want to melt... get your act together yn "fine" I muttered briefly turning my head to the side looking back at him as he trailed along behind me "anything from obi wan" he asked catching up beside me I rolled my eyes internally "nothing" I growled and gasped as he caught my wrist, pulling me to him "what is your problem" he said as his piercing blue eyes stared down into mine.
The height difference made me want to shrink back and disappear "answer me" he growled bringing his face closer to mine I gulped as my eyes flickered between his eyes and lips is he a good kisser? Does he think of kissing me "i-i" I had no words to speak was I really angry at him or more my self for following him? His presence confuses me "i-i isn't an answer, yes I get it i messed up and got us lost but doesn't mean you can be a bitch to me" my eyes snapped to his as he spoke, he waited for me to speak but when I didn't he just sighed and let me go and carried on walking without another word.
I internally slapped myself and sighed out before following a bit behind him and continued the walk in silence. We walked in till the sun was started to set and found a nice clearing to spend the night and like a unspoken conversation I went to collect the firewood and anakin went to found some fish in the near by river, I gathered the basics and started building the fire and later lit it and sat close by the flickering flames keeping myself warm as I waited for anakin to return. The forest was quiet except for the crackling of flames the shadows started growing closer as the night progressed I was starting to worry.
"Ani" I called out at any sound I heard my breathing started to quicken as I stood up staring into the dark distance "anakin its not funny anymore" I yelled as my legs started to tremble its been almost 2 hours "please come out" my eyes started to glisten as I looked around hopelessly "I'm right here" I jumped turning to him his usual grin plastered on his face but I didn't care and ran to him in embracing him "I was so scared" I whimpered hiding my face in his chest as he chuckled "I'm sorry" he murmured and stroked my hair "I found a imperial base we can raid in the morning for communication I was just scouting it out to make sure it's no threat" he explained and eyed me carefully as I pulled back.
I lazily wiped the small tear the ran down my cheek turning away from him "ok" I murmured and went to sit by the fire I felt awkward and scared I didn't want to make things weird between us we were always friends since he joined the order but over the years a strange tension formed between us "hey I'm ok" he said sitting beside me, I never liked being left alone for to long everyone in the order knew this and master yoda says it's gonna be my down fall it's because when I'm left alone I get lost in my head and over think things and has been some of the cause to our failed missions.
"What's happening in that brain of yours" he asked nudging me softly, I sighed heavily burying my face into my hands "what's not happening in my head" I laughed bitterly "you remember what obi says 'if you let it happen it will happen' he chuckled trying to mimick obi wans voice I glared up at him playfully "we both know sometimes obi wan doesn't know what he's talking about" I giggled remembering the countless times me and anakin proved him wrong "yea but he's old" ani laughed pulling me into his side his chest vibrating with his laughs, was it wrong to want to stay here forever? Just me and him.
"A-anakin" I murmured gazing up at him and admiring as the flames flickered in the mirror of his eyes "yes yn" he said his eyes staring back into mine "i-i wasn't mad at you earlier" I whispered making his brows come together in confusion "I was just f-frustrated with myself" I turned my attention back to the fire "why are you angry with yourself" he asked shifting himself to face me his hand grabbing my own in a comforting manner "I-I was angry at myself for how easy I follow you" I said and trembled as I felt his thumb started to graze over my knuckles as a comforting gesture.
"That's not something to be angry about surely" he tried lighten with the mood, I started to feel blush rise to my cheeks I was being silly "j-just forget about" I said and tried to remove my hand from his but he held tight "I won't forget about it yn" he urged me to continue explaining my behavior and my foolishness started getting into my head you can't tell him he'll just laugh and make fun of you, but he isn't that type of guy right? I stared blankly at the ground as I was stuck in my head, he likes padme he can never like you, I was caught in a daze into I felt his soft lips meet mine.
I stared horrified into his eyes but his were calm and full of care "get out of that brain and talk to me please" he pleaded huskily as he pulled back from my lips "i-i" I blinked trying to process what just happened "y-you kissed me" i was in shock and raised my hand to my lips which were kinda puffy from the kiss he chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his head as a slight blush dusted his cheeks "I'm sorry if I step-" he tried to speak but I brought my lips to his again our eyes flattering closed as our lips molded together this was the first time in ages I felt happy and complete and the voices in my head finally stopped.
His tongue slowly pushed into my mouth as his hands guided down my sides to my hips and urged me to move and sit on his lap my heart thumbed with desire as I straddled his lap my hands threaded themselves into his hair as his stayed on my hips "w-wait wait" I panicked an pulled back "what yn" he asked concerned and raised one of his hands to caress my face in worry "what about the rules" I murmured "about padme" my heart broke as I said her name his concern turned into a grin "yn nothing happened or ever will happen between me and padme what made you think that" he chuckled being my face closer to his, I tried turning away but his fingers grasped my chin "were you watching" he murmured I blushed from embarrassment conforming his suspensions making him laugh.
"Your so fucking adorable" he smirked before catching my lips in his once more "ani" I whined as he nibbled on my bottom him, his kiss was starting to get more passionate and rough with each passing second and his hands getting more touchy "god I want to fuck you so bad" he growled out as he moved his lips to my neck sucking harshly out my skin "f-fuck" I whined out squirming in his hold "if you keep moving like that I'm gonna go fucking feral" he hissed into my ear his hands planting my hips down onto his lap to stop me from moving.
"Ani" I moaned as I started to feel my panties dampen, his hands slowly started trailing up my leg and went under the fabric of my clothes, a shiver running up my spine as he stopped at my thigh he pulled back from me and his eyes darkened from lust and hunger he kissed me again as he slowly started pushing me to the ground his big body caging mine to the floor "fuck" he muttered as he ripped off his robes leaving him in nothing but boxers "anakin" I squeaked my heart almost beating out my chest as I looked over his body "like what you see" he teased making the blush come back to my cheeks he laughed at my reaction and started kissing my neck again as his hands started working on getting my clothes off.
My body heating up as I felt his hands touched my skin my hands threaded through his hair forcing his lips into my skin I want him, I need him "ani I need you" I moaned throwing my head back and heard him growl lowly "all you had to do was ask" he roughly ripped off my underwear and his and my mouth gaped at his size he was huge "fuck" I muttered biting my lip "it's all your" he growled moving his body closer to mine his cock teasing my pussy lips "please anakin" I begged and winced as he slowly pushed in the stretch causing me to cry out "fuck so t-tight" he groaned as he fully pushed in and waited for me to adjust.
"Y-you can move" I murmured and before he did he leaned down to my ear "that's a good slut" he growled before thrusting roughly into me "f-fuck ani" I cried out as my fingers dug into the forest floor with each thrust he forced moans out of me, his hands wondered to my breasts playing and pinching the nibbles "aww I can't wait till these are big when your pregnant" he groaned his head tilting back I gasped "what" "do you think I'm gonna pull out slut your mine now and I want everyone to know" he chuckled darkly as he quicken his thrusts.
My heart flattered as he said those things "would you like that everyone knowing that I own you" he muttered I nodded eagerly and started moving my hips back into his making him yell out in pleasure "such a good slut for me" he groaned and used one of his hands to rub my clit "and good sluts get to cum so cum when I get to 1" he murmured his eyes piercing mine "10" he started kissing my breasts leaving hickies along my chest "9" my breathing started to quicken as I felt a knot start to form in my stomach "8" I closed my eyes and my mouth formed an o shape "7" his thrusts started to faulter as his cock started to twice.
"6-6" my moans started getting high pitch as I felt the knot tighten "5...4" my body started to spasm and tense underneath him "3" his groans and growls were louder and his breathing rigid "2" he yelled out "1" I screamed out as I cam my body shaking as he coated my insides with his cum I panted as I tried calming down "thank you" he sighed out pecking my lips and carefully flipped us over so he was on the ground "a-aren't you gonna pull out" I whispered and shivered as I felt a cold breeze on my back "nope" he grinned grabbing his torn robes and covering the both of us I cuddled into his chest and we both sat in silence watching the fire burn
"I love you yn I hope you know that".
@neteyamyawne @sweetirilly
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catnipaddictt · 1 month
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wc: 1.5k
series masterlist ⭑ co-creator @memoiich
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Your day had done rather well, Maul seemed to have a bit of an attitude but when did he not. While going through some documents for Dathomir and noticed something odd, every single deal had involved Maul and strangely they all involved someone named Savage Opress, you presumed he was the Dathomirian advisor but why would he be a man. The night sister ran the organisation right?
You walked over to Maul who was seated in an office at the end of the hall. The red Zebrak looked at you with pure annoyance “Hey Maul, I noticed something on the papers for Dathomir.” He glanced up from his computer “and that would be?” Maul always had that stern face it was quite hard to explain, the only way you could describe it was that it was the total opposite of obi wans. “Well, there’s a man named Savage Opress but I thought it was a woman owned company?” You asked a bit hesitant. 
“That would be my brother, he works for the company” he made eye contact and continued “you don’t know a thing about Dathomirs history, do you?” You were indeed a bit out of your depth. "When we go to the night sisters tomorrow, let me do the talking “ he stated “Are you satisfied with your answer?” He went back to typing “I think so.” He pointed to the door “then go.”
Maker, he was petty. Closing the door behind, you let out a long sigh. Maul could be really tiresome to be around. You heard a huffed set of laughs. Looking over to the desks, you saw Quinlan trying to hush himself and his desk friends Kit and Obi wan. 
You walked over, hardly able to keep from laughing yourself. “Did he kick you out of his office?” Obi wan questioned with a mischievous smile on his face “he did, why does he have an office anyways?” Maul sat at the back of the office normally. “He threatened Rex for it" Quinlan giggled out. “Maker, I can't imagine how bad it must be to work with him,” Kit let out with a loud sigh. 
You took a bit of offence, sure maul could be arrogant, prideful and a downright rude but he was a hard worker that just seemed a bit guarded. “It really isn’t that bad, he works really hard and we get along somewhat well!" Quinlan passed a look towards obi wan “Wouldn’t you want to work with someone else?” You thought it was a bit of a strange question. “I mean it's sometimes a bit difficult but he knows a lot of stuff about Dathomir, I don’t think anyone else would be more suited for the job. His brother even works there.” You ended with a bit of a smile. 
Rex's voice boomed from the front desk, you rushed back over to your desk. There was a man standing next to Rex that you didn’t recognise “Y/n this is is Bail Organa, HR representative and a weekly nuisance “ you were a bit taken aback by that. "I thought I planned the meeting on Monday next week, did you not get the email?” he let out a rumble laugh “I don't check emails from my branches, I thought it would be a good idea to check up on how you blended in with your peers” that was nice at least. Rex started awkwardly stepping away back to his office. He must have been uncomfortable, you thought.
Bail guided you to a nearby conference room (which really was more like a table with 6 seats). He pulled out a chair and crossed the room to sit in front of it. You took the seat. “So tell me how you’re blending in?” Bail asked “Well I'm doing rather well. My first day was a bit of a hassle but I think I’m really getting the hang of it now” you beamed. You liked your new job a lot, the hours were kind, the people were ever kinder and your pay was great. “I heard you were late a few times, may I ask why?” He looked at you nonchalantly. “Well my car broke down on my way over on that infamous first day." "Did you find a good garage?" he asked, ''Yeah , Its called MustaCar and they’re fixing up the car as we speak. It took them almost an hour to get there but they did it.” Bail looked shocked when you said MustaCar "Who was your mechanic?” He questioned a big to quickly “Anakin Skywalker.” that was one name you weren’t going to forget quickly. He nodded and smiled. “Are there any other things you would like to speak about?” You shook your head “No, not really.”
Bail shook your hand as you both left the room, you noticed that he walked over towards Obi Wan but his hologram went off before he could get there. He bid a quick sympathetic goodbye to the paper company before walking away. And your day continued as normal. 
You walked down the stairs to the parking lot to catch your ride home, 'Shaggy' the minivan. Qui Gon was standing by the beauty but Obi Wan was nowhere in sight. “Hey y/n, how was your day?” He greeted you warmly “My day was pretty great. How long do you think we need to wait on Obi Wan?” He let out a laugh “He kept talking too much so now he's running behind with his work, which means i will give him a lift later." He looked at you knowingly but of what you didn’t know. “Are you in a rush?” He asked “Yup, could you drop me off at this address? “ You had written it down back at your desk because Shaggy didn’t have a GPS. “Well then we better get going!” Qui Gon said while stepping into his car.
It didn’t take too long for you to get there. “MustaCar...” was all Qui Gon let out before bidding you goodbye and you did the same.
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Stepping out of the vehicle you wave your thanks to Qui Gon before walking the short distance to MustaCar. Making your way into the reception, you are greeted by a gruff man who tells you to go out back to see your beloved Shelby. Pushing open the door you are greeted by a ball of fur curling around your legs. Bending down, you pat the sandy loth cat before spotting your shining glory. Shelby sits looking rather sad but nevertheless still beautiful. You cross the distance to her, loth cat in tow, and run your hand over her blue bonnet. 
“She won’t be done for a while you know?” the voice from beside you makes you jump out of your skin. “Didn’t mean to scare you” Anakin says smoothly, leaning on the side of shelby. You walk around the car, checking that she hasn’t acquired any scratches or dents.”I swear I haven’t damaged her one bit, my apprentice has been working on her mostly” he pauses “but don’t worry she knows what she is doing.”
You up at the apprentice, noticing his ruffled hair and rolled up sleeves. ‘Damn’ is all you think to yourself before shutting out those ideas circling your head. He was just a guy after all. With enough charm to sink a battleship. You mentally elbow yourself before speaking; “how long is a while?” “At least another few weeks, parts are difficult to ship in at the moment” He explains before shooting you a winning smile, “means I get to look at you more often if you continue to stop by.” You roll your eyes at him, maybe to make up for the feeling in your gut.
Interrupting Anakin's remarks, the loth cat wanders up to you and makes a sound that basically implies ‘attention please’. You bend down to pat it, but it gets a different idea and basically jumps onto you, luckily your reflected kick in and you manage to place your hand around it. It settles comfortably in your arms and you are able to stand back up. You hear Anakin let out a laugh. “Sorry, she’s new to the place” he says, “showed up the other day, hungry, but very friendly.” You nod, giving the animal a scratch behind its large, pointed ears.
“She is very friendly, does she have a name?” you question, looking at the creature's large, chocolatey eyes. “Snips wanted to name her Honey.” “I can see why, she is very honey coloured.” He smiles “yeah, and sickly sweet.” The cat nudges your shoulder playfully, and you scratch under its chin. “I can tell” you laugh.
“Hate to break up your bonding session” a female voice says as she walks over. You recognise her as Ahsoka, Anakin’s teenages apprentice. “But the boss wants to see you” She points an accusing finger at the man beside you. He nods before turning to face you, “I'll see you around sweetheart.” He shoots you a winning grin before he walks off inside the building. Ahsoka rolls her eyes dramatically before beginning to tell you exactly what she has been doing to your Shelby.
You are left with a strange feeling in your gut and a lot of questions to ask yourself.
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So sorry this took so long. We live in different parts of the world and planning can get tricky. We will definitely finish this project anyways… We hope you enjoy <3
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gffa · 2 years
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HERE’S WHY I LOVE DARTH VADER THE WAY I DO. These two scenes are the last times we see Vader in the show, that we leave him on the barren moon where he’s screaming Obi-Wan’s name, cut open and exposed, wheezing and desperate for Obi-Wan to come back, all the vulnerable parts of him have been flayed open by Obi-Wan’s confrontation and Anakin’s feelings for Obi-Wan. Then we see him put back together, his armored shell around him intact once more, talking to Sidious, and this is why names are so important and why I talk so much about how Vader never uses anything but “Obi-Wan” unless he’s deliberately trying to hide the feelings that make him vulnerable.  Sidious sees right through him, of course, that’s the whole point of yanking Vader’s leash, and that we’re seeing what an absolute projection that last scene is. The juxtaposition of those two things is what Darth Vader is to me.  It’s also illustrated through the juxtaposition of the prequels and the originals, that the Vader of the OT is only ever once seen without his mask, but in the prequels we get to know Anakin Skywalker as a desperately feelings-laden, clingy, needy, hot mess who cries and screams and rages and loves and smiles and laughs all the time. But Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader. That’s a huge point of the Obi-Wan Kenobi show, that he is still that needy, clingy, angry hot mess of a character.  That when you see him sitting on his throne, looking like the top dog of the GFFA, it’s a lie.  It’s a projection.  It’s the same as the armored shell of the suit around him, it’s there to protect the soft belly of Anakin Skywalker that can be cut open with the right dagger. To many in the galaxy, they’ll never see beyond that lie of a projection, they never knew the man under that mask, the fearful person who drives everything Darth Vader does, they don’t mean anything to him, so he is that powerful walking nightmare. But to those that know him, those that remember the beautiful young man he once was, the way he was so sensitive to everything around him, that he was a giant ball of feelings, the way he was so afraid of losing those he loved, they know that that mask and that pose are nothing but an attempt to convince others of something that Anakin Skywalker never really is. That’s what I love about Darth Vader.  One of the scariest villains in film history, one of the most nightmare-inducting monsters, is a lie.  Darth Vader is a defensive armor because the core of who he really is is the soft, vulnerable person who desperately wants someone to tell him he’s doing good, tell him that they love him, tell him that he’s perfect, tell him what to do, and he wants to follow them to the ends of the galaxy.  He’ll do monstrous things to get even a sliver of all of that, he’ll make terrible choices and get on his knees for anyone he thinks can deliver what he’s so desperate for, because he so desperately yearns for someone to lead him, to love him, to praise him. Because Darth Vader is just a projection to protect the open book that is Anakin Skywalker.  Darth Vader is a fixed mask to hide the way Anakin Skywalker rolls his eyes or tears well up in him or he scrunches up his face in distaste.
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battlekilt · 7 months
There is much speculation on the different outcomes if Anakin's Master had been Mace, Plo, Qui-Gon, etc etc. Or even if he had additional mentorship with any of them in addition to Obi-Wan.
I think Anakin would have benefited from Bail as his political, non-Jedi mentor. I think Anakin needed a fatherly figure who wasn't a Jedi to supplement his non-Jedi sense of self. Someone younger but kind, honest, earnest...
Someone everything Palpatine wasn't. Someone who knew how, or learned really quickly, how to validate the irrational vulnerabilities of young children. All the while still being someone who can say, "Yeah, Obi-Wan frustrates me, too. I don't always under the Jedi or their ways. But Obi-Wan does love you."
Then, after tucking young Anakin to bed, he can also reach around and tell Obi-Wan to cool his overly critical way of trying to mould Anakin into this concept of a perfect Jedi.
A young but older man who could laugh with Anakin and maybe even roll up his sleeves and go dumper diving with the young lad if that is what he needs to cool it. Bail was a bit of a quiet rebel, and that was part of why he could think through things.
I also imagine the occasional mothering Breha could have also supplemented Anakin.
There's no denying that I'm a firm believer that for Anakin's story to go differently, he would not be able to stay within the Order. However, he still needed to grow up there and gain the skillsets to be a Chosen One who could go out there and Free The Slaves. Bail could have been a much-needed voice of assurance that if (when) Anakin chose to leave the Order, he wouldn't be alone. Obi-Wan would probably be right behind him. But, hey...
So is Senator Organa, a real mentor and friend.
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tennessoui · 4 months
omg superhero n journalist au is so cute!!!!!!!! I literally just laughed out loud thinking about superhero anakin, constantly being suspicious about this adorable journalist man, being on sharp guard whenever obiwan does smth suspicious in his eyes, but then becoming a little sad in the next moment bc obiwan was actually so hot and he really enjoyed the man's occasional company, but then this cinnamon roll looking man HAD TO BE A VILLAIN! IT'S SO UNFAIR! And while anakin is having his quiet freaking-out over there, oblivious obiwan is just trying to make a living, to not get killed in this insane city with too many villains, and to hide his little bit childish crush on Vader from this very handsome young mechanic.
it’s like the entire thing could probably be solved if obi-wan was a little less oblivious about handsome mechanic being hot superhero AND if he was a little less embarrassed about having a childish crush on hot superhero because his entire deflection routine is incredibly suspicious to anakin who already suspects him because he’s being all shifty and in and around crime scenes when anakin looked him up and his usual beat is politics around the city’s Capitol area!!
but anakin is not immune to the cute handsome journalist man who flirts with him and brings him coffee when he works on his car so of course he becomes his cute handsome journalist boyfriend….better to keep an eye on his surely villainous ways while anakin conducts his own investigation into obi-wan kenobi, journalist, who keeps acting all shifty and defensive when anakin brings up vader
obi-wan, for his part, would really just like to have a relationship with handsome hot mechanic without having to talk about or admit to his stupid childish crush on superhero Vader 😣
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