haydenchrstensen · 5 years
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☆ Obikin ☆ : Office AU 
Obi-Wan has been promoted and has a crush on Anakin, who works for him in his new department. to everyone it’s obvious they like each other and feel the sexual tension when they see each other, but Anakin and Obi-Wan are so blind to notice, they only knows how to complicate it.
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nierielfaegir · 6 years
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Obikin 2k18: Day 4 - Different Path
“I will be with you, always”
[Where Anakin stays on Mortis and takes the Father’s place]
reblog, don’t repost. thank you
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lordvaders · 6 years
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“I wanted pomegranates— I wanted darkness, I wanted him. So I grabbed my king and ran away to a land of death, where I reigned and people whispered that I’d been dragged.”
- Daniella Michalleni, “Persephone Speaks”
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silvereddaye · 6 years
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Obikin Week Day 4: A Different Path
Summary: Obi-Wan has crashed landed on Naboo during a battle. When he wakes up, he’s in the house of former-Jedi Anakin.
“Little Loth Kitten’s Discovery,” Obi-Wan said as he started to read the book. The two children smiled up at Obi-Wan. Though even in reading a simple story, the twins were very quick to share their opinions.
“Not how woth kitten talks,” Leia said.
“Das wrong woth kitten,” Luke explained when Obi-Wan tried to add a voice.
“Not how dada do it!” Leia said a bit angry.
Obi-Wan was grateful when he finally found himself sinking into the sofa downstairs in the toy littered living room. The twins had finally fallen asleep. Anakin walked into the room rubbing his hands off on a towel as he glanced around the destroyed living room. When his eyes landed on the Jedi, he broke out into a laugh.
“I take it you didn’t spend much time in the Jedi creches, Master Kenobi?” Anakin asked.
“Did you?” Obi-Wan asked bitterly back.
“Well looks like you did a good job,” Anakin noted as he kicked a toy to the side with his foot.
“Good job?” Obi-Wan said.
“Well both children are still alive. Neither one is bleeding or sick. Nothing is burnt or broken. So yeah, good job.”
Obi-Wan wondered if perhaps each of those things was from Anakin’s personal experience. Had he learned to take care of his children through such trials? Obi-Wan was afraid to ask.
Read the rest here.
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yahootoldyou · 6 years
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no church in the wild
“I’m sorry,” Han says, “but I’ve got a prior engagement to see to. You understand, yeah?” He doesn’t ask how the man knows his name because he’s afraid he’s just gotten himself into some serious trouble. Wedge’s grin grows and two men exit the front of the vehicle, big and brawny. Han puts up his hands and squeezes his eyes shut.
“I’ll come, I’ll come. No need for any nastiness, right fellas?” He asks the two big men but their eyes are blocked my their hats and they say nothing, just the shorter man Wedge coming forward again.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Solo. The boss won’t harm you, he just wants to talk.”
OR: Two mobs are at war in 1920s New York City and everything seems to revolve around the odd Skywalker family and the rift between them. A young thief, Han Solo, finds himself caught up in it when he meets one Obi-Wan Kenobi and his life is forever changed...
click on the title to read over on ao3! 
featuring: mob!boss anakin, detective obi-wan, criminal ahsoka (as rihanna), mob!bosses luke and leia, and theif han!
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zforhire · 6 years
Beauty Blogger AU
Obikin Week 2018, Day 8
Prompt: Free Day
 Inspired by an anon prompt on the @subskywalker blog, this is a snippet of a modern AU where Anakin is well-known beauty blogger, and he and Obi-Wan meet through a dating site.  Obi-Wan is Ahsoka’s guardian and she’s a big fan of Anakin’s how-to vids.  I’d like to develop this into something longer; this is what I have so far.
They were waiting for dessert when Anakin dropped the question.  “So, how long have you been watching my videos, Ben?”  He choked on his water, sputtering, and Anakin chuckled as he patted his back.  “Sorry, just,” crooking a finger and trailing it down Ben’s cheek, he offered a half-smile, “I’d recognize my contour anywhere.  You might as well have my name written on your face.”
 Ben had the grace to look a bit sheepish.  “It’s my daughter, actually.”  He took another drink, a long swallow to smooth his throat.  “She’s been one of your ‘angels’ for a while now, and she insisted she help me get ready for tonight.”  
 “Is that so?”  The moment of embarrassment was worth it for the amusement that danced in Anakin’s eyes. “Because it’s me?”
 It took a moment for Ben to realize what he meant.  “Oh, no!”  A vigorous shake of his head, “I can only imagine what she might have pulled if she knew, and I’d no interest in turning our first date into a sitcom episode.”  Grinning at Anakin’s laughter, “No, I didn’t tell her yet.”
 A charming smile, turned first on their waitress as she brought their selections, and then on Ben.  “Well, you can tell her she did a great job.”
 Ben felt heat creep into his face, and directed his attention down to his cake, the same one that Anakin had chosen.  Belatedly he realized he should have gone with a different choice; then he’d have an excuse to offer to share.  He’d taken a few bites before allowing himself to boast about his girl.   “Well, it’s nothing compared to what she does with herself.  Lately she’s been taking her eyebrows—” spearing a strawberry from atop the confection, he gestured with it before popping it into his mouth, “clean off, and drawing in patterns instead.”
 Anakin’s eyes widened in interested surprise, “Bold.”  He scraped some of the decorative sauce up from the plate with his fork and sucked it clean; Ben tried not to stare at the bright stain of color it left on his lips, or his tongue as he licked it away.  “Do you have any pictures?”
 Feigning offense at the question, “Of course!”  As Ben pulled out his phone and pulled up the right album he sent up a brief thanks that Ahsoka had already come up over the course of their chatting; he trusted he wouldn’t have to explain her age or adoption again.  “Here are some of her more recent experiments.” He angled the phone toward his date, found himself pleasantly surprised when Anakin scooted his chair closer, laying his arm across the back of Ben’s to get a better look.
 “Oh, hey—” His expression immediately lit with recognition, mouth curving into a smile, “I featured her once.  I think it was glitter week?”  Their separate checks arrived as he scrolled through the album, nodding appreciatively at the various looks she had designed, only turning from the phone to retrieve cash from his wallet.  
 “It made her whole week.”  Ben tucked his credit card in with his check, hoping after the fact that she wouldn’t see the disclosure as over-sharing.  “She’d be thrilled to know you remembered her.”
 “It was a great look!”  He waited until the waitress had collected their payments before asking, “Do you think she’d like an autograph?”
 “Well, she does call watching your videos ‘learning from the master.’” He couldn’t help smiling, “I think she’d love one.”  Anakin slanted another grin his way before turning to rifle through the pockets of his coat.  Chuckling softly, he shared the sudden realization, “Although it will completely blow my cover.”
 Anakin swiveled back around, prize held in his hand, and winked.  “Well, had to happen sometime.”  Then, tapping at Ben’s phone, “Mind if I borrow this real quick?”  Shrugging, Ben agreed.
 He was not prepared for Anakin to start applying lipstick.  
 Using the phone’s camera in place of a mirror, he parted his lips and followed their curves with practiced ease.  The color looked like some kind of deep wine shade and was, Ben thought, distractingly shiny.  He didn’t notice that his card had been returned to him until Anakin was stealing the pen he was meant to sign the receipt with.  The younger man claimed an unused napkin and began scrawling, looking up briefly, “How do you spell her name?”
 Ben recited the proper spelling and took the pen when Anakin offered it, nearly dropping it as he watched the other man part his lips again before pressing them to the napkin.  He forced himself to focus on the newly returned receipt, filling out the tip and signing it.  When he had finished, Anakin was absently waving the napkin, helping it dry.  “All set, then?”  Laying it back on the table, Anakin slid the napkin over to Ben.
 “I think so—oh…”  Smiling fondly, he took in the brief message, the little wings Anakin had drawn off the first ‘A’ in Ahsoka’s name, the perfect lip-print by his signature. “She’ll be over the moon for this.”
 “I aim to please.”  The lipstick only made Anakin’s smile more eye-catching, and Ben felt himself unexpectedly flushing again.  “Walk you to your car?”
 Not particularly trusting his voice, Ben only nodded.
 The parking lot wasn’t that big so, all too soon, they found themselves standing beside Ben’s blue hatchback; he found himself feeling nervous as he had been as a teenager standing on his front porch.  “So.  This was…” Sudden nerves made him doubt himself.  What if Anakin hadn’t enjoyed it as much as he had?
 The man in question leaned back against the car, long legs crossed at the ankle, his dark lips curling into a warm smile.  “A really good time?”
 His relief was immediate, breath rushing out of him in a grateful sigh. “Exactly.”  Ben’s smile was quick but wide, briefly showing off his teeth. “And, ah—” he held up the napkin he was bringing home for Ahsoka, “thanks again, for this.”
 Anakin ducked his head, waving him off.  “Don’t mention it.”  Then, looking up at him through his lashes, “Can I text you tomorrow?”
 “Yes,” another small, almost shy, flash of his teeth, “I’d like that.”  Ben searched his mind for some nugget of inspiration that could keep their conversation going but came up frustratingly dry. Resigning himself, he nodded pleasantly. "Well, good night.”
 Catching his arm as he turned toward the driver’s door, Anakin allowed his loose grip to slide down to Ben’s wrist before pushing up off the car to crowd Ben against it instead.  Barely a breath apart, there was a playful tilt to his lips.  “Since your cover’s already blown anyway…” was his only warning before he closed the distance between them.  
 His lips were as plush as they’d looked as they moved against Ben’s, not quite chaste and slick from their color.  When the kiss broke Ben wilted forward, a breath shivering out of him as he absently nuzzled Anakin’s cheek; a swipe of his tongue revealed a hint of berry flavor, though whether it was from the lipstick or dessert Ben couldn’t be sure. He was shocked to find his free hand fisted in the front of Anakin’s jacket and he forced himself to let go, suddenly glad for the cool metal at his back.  Similarly, he hadn’t noticed Anakin cradling his cheek until the warmth of it was gone.  Even after clearing his throat, his voice came out in a warm husk, “Tomorrow?”
 Anakin flashed another playful smile as he stepped back. “Count on it.”    
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obikinweek · 6 years
Obikin Week 2k18 Prompts
Day 1: Never Found AU/Storm
Day 2: Soulmates AU/Mythology AU
Day 3: First Time/Broken
Day 4: Scars/ Different Path
Day 5: Touch Starved/Halloween or masquerade party (meeting under masks)
Day 6: Protection/Mission
Day 7: Anakin's Prosthetic/Time
Day 8: Free day (creators can choose what they wish to create on this day it's up to y'all🖤)
Thank y'all so much for voting! This year I pout two prompts for each day in case the creator didn't like one they could chose the other and I added a free day for the creators!🖤 The creators can do anything with these prompts: fics/art/edits/playlist anything y'all want to do! Obikin week is meant to celebrate and enjoy the ship. 🖤 The prompts are up for interpretation!🖤
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zorraansiando · 6 years
Fed up with the Council's treatment of his ex-Padawan, Obi-Wan makes a drastic decision.
"Members of the Jedi council, congratulations on your unbelievably narrow minds."
aka: they leave. things are better. (Day 4: Different Path)
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victuurayyy · 6 years
Obikin Week Day 2!
Today’s prompts are a Soulmate AU and a Mythology AU.
So, I have a mermaid!Obi-Wan AU for you all to enjoy!
Summary:  Obi-Wan has always been wary of humans, having grown up on stories of how they hunt and kill merfolk. He fears and distrusts them. And then a pirate captain drops his anchor on Obi-Wan's home, changing his life forever.
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crazy-yaoista · 6 years
OBIKINWEEK - Day 8 [FMV] The untold truth by Crazy Yaoista
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darthsharapova · 6 years
Obikin Week 2018: Day 2- Soulmate/Mythology
Now, precursor—— I LOVE mythology. I’ve taken numerous classics classes and so I knew I just had to incorporate the Mythological origin of soulmates into this story, so that’s what I did. I know this is sort of late but work was realllly pressing today, so this is what I’ve come up with! Enjoy!!!
Back when the Galaxy was at peace, The Jedi were powerful, much more than those alive today could imagine. They patrolled the worlds keeping order and using the Force for good. It was only when one of their own, Ajunta Pall, got too curious for his own good, that the dark side began to fester. He strayed from the path, pursuing alchemy and dark arts, until he and discovered the secrets and creating and shaping life. The other Jedi Masters and approached him, trying to make him see the danger in what he was doing, but it was too late. His mind was poisoned with the power he’d uncovered. So the Order banished him. Blind to his failure, he plotted against the Order, their seemingly ignorant view to his newly found power made his blood boil. The Jedi were too powerful, and he wanted to tear them down, so he devised a plan. In seclusion, with the cover of darkness, he set into action. Wrath and frustration pushed him to new limits, and when he came up to new boundaries, he pursued harder until he broke them. Playing with creation was seen as a dark art for a reason, and he was paying the price. But when he’d finally poured everything, every fiber of his being, into the work, he was satisfied. Using his knowledge of playing with life, he dealt the final blow. He split the Jedi into two separate beings, unable to harness all the power they had before. The new Jedi were merely shells of who they were before, now lost souls, empty, longing to be whole again . However, an unforeseen complication emerged, as the Force had other plans, and did not like to be interfered with. Every being in the Galaxy was marked with the first words their Soulmate spoke to them, printed on a part of their body. This didn’t phase Ajunta, though, as he knew of the Jedi’s distaste for attachment. Using every last ounce of himself to see his plan succeed, he perished. The Force wasn’t done working, though, and there would be a savior. The Chosen Ones would rise and bring balance to the Force.
Anakin sat in the makeshift medical bay in the back halls of Theed’s Imperial Palace, twiddling his thumbs and swinging his legs as he waited to be attended to. The Clone Wars had been going on for over a year now, and this Mission saw Anakin back on Naboo. What had been a standard check-in with the locals to make sure protocol was being followed to avoid conflict turned into a full on ambush. Anakin had been hiding behind the large marble pillars in between deflecting shots when a group of droidekas flanked him and his squad. Not quick enough to deflect the first few shots, he fended them off while he and the surviving members retreated further into the corridors. A shot had grazed his lower abdomen, he wasn’t too worried about it, but it was still required he had it checked out. He waited patiently as the medical droid checked out another man who seemed to look like another Jedi, but Anakin hadn’t really cared enough to see if he recognized him. His eyes scanned the hall, scorch marks and frayed tapestries littered the space, but a painting safely buffered by a set of pillars was that of the former Queen Amidala. The corner of Anakin’s lip quirked up into a smile. He had fond memories of his time with Padmé, but it never worked out for them. They meshed well together, but both of them were big on soulmates, and their marks hadn’t ended up matching. Anakin lowered his gaze to the words written on his inner forearm.
“You’re not looking too good yourself, Skywalker.”
The black letters a stark contrast to his sun kissed skin. He ran his fingers over them and thought about what it’d be like to hear them. He knew attachment was against the Code, but he still dreamed about how he’d feel if he ever got the chance to meet his soulmate. Anakin had always felt a part of him was empty, despite everything he’d been able to accomplish. Lost in his thoughts, the Jedi flinched a bit when his words twitched. He looked up to see the medical droid maneuvering towards him.
“Let’s take a look at the damage, shall we?” The droid rattled.
Anakin lifted his gray tunic to reveal 3 shallow lines along his lower abdomen. They hurt relatively little, but they bore a red halo, perhaps a bit inflamed. Anakin watched as the droid assessed and processed the injury. The cogs turning inside the metal framework.
“Well, you’re not going to die.” The droid deadpanned.
“Thanks, Doc. How can I ever repay you?” Anakin mocked, raising the back of his hand to his forehead and closing his eyes, doing his best damsel in distress imitation.
“Just apply a bacta pad to the wound before bed for a few days and you’ll be fine in no time.”
Turning to retrieve his saber from the tray that sat propped up next to him, he once again noticed the older man near the exit. Curiosity getting the best of him, he turned back to the droid.
“Say, who’s that over there you were just treating?”
“General Kenobi. He was called in as backup and got ambushed near the palace gates. Minor injuries, nothing too bad. He won’t die either.”
“You’re just full of good news today, buddy.” Anakin snickered.
“Just doing my duty, General.” The droid screeched as it wheeled off.
Anakin gingerly made his way over to the famed General. Yes, he knew he’d made quite a name for himself too, but he’d heard about Kenobi for as long as he could remember. He only knew as much about him as Master Jin had told him long ago. He’d seen him around the Temple, but had never had the reason or opportunity to speak to him. Anakin figured now was as good a time as any, but what he couldn’t work out, was why he was feeling slightly... giddy?
Shaking his head to get rid of the thought, he approached Kenobi’s cot.
“Looking pretty rough there, Kenobi. Life getting ya down?” Anakin teased, a playful grin taking over his face.
The older Jedi looked briefly at the tiled floor, flashing a shy smile before presenting a coy face to Anakin.
“You’re not looking too good yourself, Skywalker.” General Kenobi quipped. Anakin’s soul mark twitched, but he was too engrossed in the older man’s soft face to notice.
“It is what is is, eh?” Anakin shrugged. “It’s hard to keep up appearances at war, even for me.”
“True, but your early morning bedhead certainly turns heads back at the Temple.”
“I make it work.” Anakin snorted.
After a slight pause, Anakin continued.
“Well, I had better get back to front- check on the troops.” Anakin exhaled, wringing the hem of his tunic.
Kenobi nodded. “Yes, don’t let me keep you.”
Anakin turned on his left heel and pushed off towards the throne room of the palace. He replayed the conversation in his head, smiling at the quick wit the other man had to match his own. He stopped dead in his tracks,
though, when he recalled what the other Jedi had said to him. He ghosted over the words etched into his inner arm and gulped. His eyes bounced from wall to wall, ceiling to floor as he racked his brain over the possibilities of what this meant. There had never been a case of two Jedi being each other’s soul mates, then again, that would be the last thing the Council would disclose. Anakin slowly turned back around to face Kenobi, his eyes met with another pair staring right back at him.
The world seemed to freeze for a moment as the two Jedi stared at one another. Two men, two generals, two Jedi, but now, two halves to a much stronger whole. Anakin’s heart pounded. The blood coursing through his veins. This is the moment he’d waited for, and it felt like nothing, and at the same time everything he’d imagined it’d be. He walked over towards the man on the cot, the man who was watching him expectantly, the man who he now knew was his soulmate. Anakin stopped in front of General Kenobi...Obi-Wan. Slightly out of breath, he spoke.
“Hello there.” Obi-Wan whispered. Their faces only a few inches apart.
Anakin looked Obi-Wan’s face over. He noticed his defined jawline, and the hazel scruff that grew just on top of it. He noticed how despite the wrinkles and worry lines the war and seemed to give everyone, Obi-Wan’s face still had a vivacious youthfulness to it. What Anakin was draw to the most, however, was Obi-Wan’s dark brown eyes, and the way they looked at him. Focused, yet calming. Intense, yet longingly. Anakin then looked at his lips, then back to his eyes as if asking for permission. Obi-Wan gave a slight nod, and Anakin placed his hands on either side of the man’s face. With eyes closed, their lips locked, and what followed was an intense feeling that could only be described as providential, as right. The Force surged through the men, binding their energies and auras. A bond forged in true love and destiny oscillated and swam through their veins. The Force sang between them, humming just above the surface, almost like a protective barrier.
When the two men opened their eyes, they were complete. They were whole. Anakin felt a contentedness he’d never possessed before, not even a feeling he’d had as fully with his mother. Anakin sighed and leaned into Obi-Wan, while the other man wrapped his arms around him. They both sighed, knowing a wrong in the galaxy had been made right. They still had to face the war, yes, but for now- now they could revel in this victory.
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haydenchrstensen · 6 years
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☆ Obikin Week 2018 ☆ Day 8: Royal AU.
-With the promise of seeing you every day at dawn and laying with you every night? I would just walk there if you asked. I would crawl if you wanted.
Anakin Skywalker sneak away from his castle to know the world before some else decide what to do with his life. He end up meeting Obi-Wan Kenoobi –all the while keeping his true identity from him– who was a prince with an arranged marriage. They fall in love and Anakin propose to leave for another country together to start over, without anyone knowing them and live their lives the way they want.
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ao3feed-obikin · 6 years
i found love where it wasn't supposed to be (right in front of me)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Jw2cdx
by HogwartsDwarfKat
Anakin is never found by the Jedi, but grows up dreaming of a red-headed Jedi. --- Obi-Wan is a Jedi Knight, but in dreams, he finds love with a blond-haired stranger.
--- A.k.a. The Force ships it.
Words: 1172, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Ahsoka Tano, Shmi Skywalker
Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Ahsoka Tano
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, obikin, Obikin Week, Obikinweek, Obikin Week 2k18, obikinweek18, Day One: Never Found AU, Never Found AU, Anakin never became a Jedi, Ahsoka as Obi-Wan's padawan, Ahsoka is only mentioned, So is Shmi, which is sad because they are amazing, Implied Sexual Content, implied BDSM relationship, sorta?, it's there if you squint, easy to ignore, Ani and Obi have a force bond despite never haveing met, and dream of each other, and have visions of canon occassionally, The Force Ships It, That's Not How The Force Works, but do I care? not even a little, Shmi lives!, Because of Reasons, also some of my own headcanons on Tatooine Slave Culture is thrown in here
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Jw2cdx
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lordvaders · 6 years
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“perhaps one day we will meet again: two stars colliding for a second time, recognizing pieces of ourselves we left behind in each other.”
- inkmagician
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silvereddaye · 6 years
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Obikin Day 1: On Tatooine
Summary: Sith Obi-Wan comes to Tatooine on business, but instead discovers a strong Force presence in a local mechanic.
“Tell me,” Obi-Wan said taking a break from leaving his soft kisses all over Anakin. “What is it that you want in life?”
Anakin opened his eyes and looked down at Obi-Wan. “Hmmm?”
“Is this the life you want? Stuffed in this small apartment on Tatooine, tinkering away at machines all day?” Obi-Wan asked.
“Perhaps,” Anakin replied. But his voice felt flat. Dull. In the Force, Anakin’s emotions wavered. There was a sense of conflict within him.
“You could have so much more, Anakin,” Obi-Wan said as he placed a hand on Anakin’s cheek. “I can sense it. Deep inside of you is a burning potential. You could be so much more, and you know it, don’t you?”
Anakin smiled. “I do know it,” he said arrogantly.
Obi-Wan paused. So Anakin was at least aware of his unused powers, and he hadn’t done anything about it yet. He kept himself here on this planet. He would have made for a good Jedi, but that would not do for Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan pushed himself up Anakin. The skin of their bodies rubbed against each other until Obi-Wan was face to face with Anakin. “I know what it is you want,” Obi-Wan whispered.
“Oh?” Anakin asked.
Read the rest here.  (Warning: the story is rated M for sexy bits)
This is for the Day 1 prompt of Never Found/ Storm, which I did both. In it Anakin is never found by the Jedi. 
I also realized in drawing this art, that sexy art is hard. I made Anakin more tan / golden hair since he’s been living on Tatooine his whole life. 
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obikinweek · 6 years
Attention 💗💗💗💗
After tomorrow (Day 8) i will be making a masterpost for this year's obikin week and link all the fics (both here on tumblr and the collection on ao3), art, edits, videos, playlists anythig y'all created so if i didnt reblog anything y'all created pls let me lnow so i can reblog it on here, some works haven't been showing up for me so pls let me know if y'alls's aren't on the blog! I'll be linking everything i've reblogged on the blog and the ao3 collection on the masterpost!💗
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