sealiio · 3 months
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💄 Trixie~
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mayonaisalspray · 10 months
Soooooo fucking important that everyone knows about this website. The steps are simple.
1: draw your oc and 2 items
You can do it yourself here!
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jaysworlds · 3 years
Whumptober 2021 Day Sixteen
It’s over. The field is quiet, the black mist dissipated. Trix is finally gone.
And so is Alexei.
There’s barely even anything left to burn. The fight with Trix tore his body to ragged pieces, and what’s left is unrecognisable.
Freddie can only hope he was dead by the time it started. He doesn’t want to imagine the pain he would have suffered if he had somehow still been alive.
He had seemed dead, at least. The knife Freddie had buried in his chest had done its job, and the screaming that came after was easily inhuman enough to have belonged to Trix.
Freddie hopes, at least. Alexei deserved to die in peace after everything he’s been through. In as much peace as anyone can ever really die.
It doesn’t feel real, not yet. It’s easy to pretend, with the body – Alexei’s body – so torn and broken, the ground around them and Freddie’s hands coated with gore. Nothing remains but blood and viscera and whisps of golden hair.
It feels … like someone else. Like no one at all. Freddie’s seen enough death by now, seen enough people die at Alexei’s hand, but this doesn’t feel like death, not really. It doesn’t even look like a body.
He can’t move away, though. He’s tried, tried to force himself to his feet and to the river, to clean his hands, to do … something, anything.
But he can’t. He’s just kneeling here, in the blood and the dust and the dirt. And staring.
The others are … somewhere. Lux is sitting opposite him, her hands clean of the gore soaking into the dirt. She hasn’t moved since Cas fell.
He doesn’t know about the rest. Maybe they’re gone. Maybe they’re dead. Maybe it’s just him and Lux left.
He doesn’t know. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t feel anything at all.
The sun is still crawling across the sky, slipping down towards the horizon. Soon it will be too dark to see the blood soaking into the ground beneath them.
Maybe it will be easier then, but he doesn’t think so. The air is permeated with the stench of blood and of death, impossible to escape. It will take a very, very long time to wash it out of his hair, out of the pores of his skin. If he manages it at all. He can’t help but think his hands are stained for good. Everything he touches from here on out will be stained red with the gore he can’t escape.
He can’t help but blame himself. At least a little. Perhaps if he had been better, then this would never have happened. Perhaps if he hadn’t failed Alexei. His husband.
Till death do us part.
He’d known they hadn’t had much time, but he had never thought it would end so soon. It wasn’t enough. No amount of time would ever have been enough.
Grace had warned them. Grace had warned them, and he hadn’t listened.
No one ever has enough time.
Freddie had thought perhaps, for them, it would be different. Because … what? Because he loved Alexei. Because he thought that would be enough.
He had been naïve.
And now, it’s over.
He knows, distantly, that it isn’t over, not really, and soon he’ll have to force himself to his feet and keep going. Someone has to, after all.
He wishes it didn’t have to be him. He wishes he could stay here, with Alexei. But he can’t.
Later he’ll get up, help Lux to her feet. They’ll burn the bodies and scorch the earth beneath, ensure nothing ever grows here again. Ensure the land here never forgets, even after they’re gone. They’ll find the others, and they won’t speak of what happened.
But for now he doesn’t move. He can’t.
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sealiio · 23 days
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🍸 Artfight revenge for Hockley
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mayonaisalspray · 9 months
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This MF thinks hes Jeff the Killer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mayonaisalspray · 9 months
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mayonaisalspray · 7 months
Trix would make such a good defendant
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mayonaisalspray · 6 months
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guy of all time
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sealiio · 10 months
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girls @bugbaited
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mayonaisalspray · 8 months
Did you forget tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and now you’re panicking because you didn’t plan ahead to show your love to a certain someone? Hah! I can’t feel romantic feelings so can’t relate. That’s suck for you. But here, I made these to use in case of emergency! You’re welcome
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sealiio · 9 months
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mayonaisalspray · 10 months
Trix is probably my most powerful oc right now which silly. Its got extremely strong psychic abilities. He has a Pokémon that can open anything, and force people to admit to their true thoughts by “unlocking their heart”. It can absorb the power of ghosts INCLUDING legendary Pokémon. He doesnt feel fear towards anything and as long as you’re friendly towards it, he’ll do just about anything you ask. It could be extremely powerful but instead he’s making shit like “twice boiled spaghetti” and playing roblox cause he’s 15 and doesn’t care
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mayonaisalspray · 6 months
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Another!!!! whats bro nervous about
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mayonaisalspray · 6 months
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day two of my funny guy getting sprites
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mayonaisalspray · 10 months
Trix uses its psychic powers responsibly
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mayonaisalspray · 10 months
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@shingetsu-online @aimless-aimz BOO!!! SKRUNKED
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[these too :3]
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