#Occasionally he is compassionate but it's reserved for children or those he cares about
cxpperhead · 9 months
Rate your muse’s traits 0-10!
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Compassion: 2/10 Bitterness: 2/10 Happiness: 4/10 Politeness: 8/10 Chivalry: 3/10 Pride: 8/10 Honesty: 6/10 Bravery: 8/10 Recklessness: 5/10 Ambition: 9/10 Loyalty: 9/10* Love: 7/10 Sense of family: 1/10 Attractiveness: ?/10* Agility: 10/10 Sex drive: 5/10*
Tagged by: @belost-the-watcher (♡) Tagging: @ataviisms, @caestusvulpes, @celerem, @cxpedcrusxder, @question-marked, @qu-tipie, @messeduphood, @red-hemlock, @sanguine-salvation, @whxlmedwing, @the-arkham-librarian, @the-rorschach-mask, @twcfaces, @umbrellamedic and anybody else who'd like to do this?
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tiesthatbind-tf · 4 years
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I accidentally deleted 2000 words of story for poor Soundwave last night and had to rewrite everything but tbh, they’re absolutely worthit.  Their armor definitely makes me want to experiment with Celtic motifs for Hot Rod!
Full story below.
Suraya Widodo was born to parents Wijaya and Ni Made Saraswati on the island of Madura, Indonesia. They noticed that something didn’t quite seem right with their baby, who was fussier than most, threw fits when brought into crowded spaces and seemed mostly lost in their own thoughts, though this did little to dampen their love.
The name ‘Widodo’ (healthy) was given to Suraya (despite the masculine nature of it, which does lend to Suraya’s nonchalance about their gender in later years) in hopes that they would grow up alright despite their quirks.
Wijaya, a fisherman who wanted to give his family a better life in the more industrialized town of Bangkalan west of the island, pushed himself hard at his work, hoping to earn enough to allow them to settle down there comfortably.
He began to risk venturing out into ocean areas which were occasionally used as smuggling routes where more lucrative catches laid, careful to fish there during specific times to the day to avoid crossing paths with pirates and smugglers.
However, his luck ran out one day when a smuggling vessel came across him in broad daylight and silenced him from alerting the coast guards to their existence with five shots.
Suraya was five.
Saraswati, desperate to find a way to care for her child as the new breadwinner thought she had gotten lucky when a job scouter for a factory in Bangkalan came to the village. They were looking to offer work to single mothers as part of their corporate responsibility programme and extended the offer of employment to her and promised a hostel and training so she wasn’t out of her depth in the assembly line.
Seeing it as the best option, she left Suraya with her husband’s family while she worked and lived in a worker’s hostel on weekdays and returned to see Suraya every weekend.
She would give money to the family to care for Suraya in her absence, which was crucial since they weren’t fond of Saraswati (they had not agreed to Wijaya’s marriage) and found Suraya’s odd behavior off-putting and claims of ‘hearing voices’ potentially a sign of mental illness (which was fodder for them to demand even more money from Saraswati with the excuse that Suraya was a handful).
This routine continued until Saraswati was suddenly killed in a factory accident.
Suraya was nine.
The compensation for Saraswati’s death was enough for the family for only a few months and after it dried up, the neglect and abuse began. Though at times it was odd because Suraya seemed to know when they were in a bad mood and when they were looking for an outlet for their anger, and  the child would somehow almost always magically disappear during those times.
Then an agent claiming to be from the government came to see them.
He claimed he had heard about Suraya via their mother and wanted to inspect the child to see if they would qualify for a place in a ‘special school’ for ‘different’ children, and this had sounded tame enough to the family, who allowed him to see the shy, withdrawn little waif.
However Suraya immediately could tell what his true intentions were—-to have them locked up in a testing facility to figure out their ‘mutation’—-and attempted to run, only to be caught by his fellow officers outside the home.
The family was paid compensation for officially relinquishing Suraya’s care to the state, and did so without question, only relieved to be rid of their ‘burden’.
Suraya was taken to facility after facility in the state for the first few years to have a battery of tests, many painful, run on them to figure out their ‘special ability’ as an Outlier and to see if it could be replicated.
When they were in their early teens, they were transported overseas to a different facility as a bargaining chip for intel, tech and the like, coming into the ‘care’ of people who intended to use them as a government asset.
They never saw daylight except during transportation and they began to plan their escape as they studied the facility’s layout.
Their first attempt at escape didn’t go well however; they were caught, dragged back and had their eyes burned and blinded as punishment (at this point they had shown their handlers that their highly-enhanced hearing made them capable of navigating the world in total darkness, so said handlers didn’t not see this as ‘damaging the goods’).
If the handlers thought that the punishment would deter them however, it didn’t; Suraya just became more careful and subtle with the planning of their next attempt.
The second attempt came during a transport session where there were less guards and less access to tech to subdue them, though it came with a problem they did not plan for.
In their first attempt, they had tried escaping into the countryside. In this one, they hurled themselves out completely unprepared into a world louder than any world they had ever known; downtown London on a weekend.
The cacophony completely overwhelmed their senses and they barely managed to crawl-stumble into an alley as bounty hunters were enlisted to track them down.
It was here that they ran into one Ramiro Vasquez (Ravage) who was immediately concerned about their situation and once figuring out the nature of their distress, gave them his headphones to drown out the noise and kept them safe and hidden until the bounty hunters had left.
He then took Suraya back to the rented apartment he shared with Lara Soelberg (Laserbeak) and both agreed to let the waif stay with them for as long as they needed to be alright, and the three formed a little familial unit as Suraya grew deeply fond of the two Beast Men whom they saw as two of the most compassionate people in a horrible world.
Ramiro however understood that Suraya needed tutelage to properly harness and deal with their Outlier ability; having heard whispers of a secret Outlier school run Senator Sharifuddin Waseem (Shockwave) and knowing Sharifuddin as one of the few good men in the Senate, he decided to take the risk and confronted the Senator about the matter, promising to keep the secret a secret in return for helping out Suraya.
As it turned out the threats were not necessary, as Sharifuddin was genuinely  concerned for them and came to see them personally at the apartment. Initially,  Suraya was apprehensive about meeting someone else about their abilities, remembering full well how the first such meeting ended, but to their pleasant surprise, they detected no malice in Sharifuddin’s intentions; only the desire to help.
They agreed to enroll in Sharifuddin’s Outlier institute, coming back home to see Ramiro and Lara every weekend.
They excelled in their classes and soon mastered their ability and knew how to deal with the overstimulation that came from it, to the point where they could walk the streets with no problem.
In the wake of murders of Senators Nikomedes Momus and Gayathri Sharma, Suraya offered to become a spy for Sharifuddin, who was determined to solve the deaths, and Sharifuddin began bringing them to Senate meetings under the guise of them being his new aide.
They caught the eye of Senator Radbourne (RatBat) who seemed to pick up the fact that they were an Outlier, but rather than bring up the matter, requested that they work with him as well on.... matters regarding his constituents with disabilities.
Sharifuddin has his reservations about Radbourne and Suraya knew they were up to no good and both agreed to the arrangement so Suraya could dig up more information about them.
As it turned out, Radbourne was dirty as dirty as politicians came, but he had nothing to do with the murders. Rather, he was mostly preoccupied with an individual named Morgan Trayton (Megatron), the same individual whom Omar Parvez (Orion Pax)  a friend of Sharifuddin’s, had mentioned as a great writer.
Radbourne asked Suraya to track down Morgan with an offer the man hopefully wouldn’t refuse and Suraya, intrigued about this man with what they’d heard about him from Omar, agreed to do so.
They found Morgan in a vast underground fighting ring in Moscow, and after voicing some skepticism about him walking his written talk, he allowed them to peek into his mind to see how genuine and committed he was to his cause, and it took them aback for a bit to meet someone who despite being mired in tragedy, had Sharifuddin’s desire to make a better world and the iron will to back it up.
They pledged themself to be among the first members of Morgan’s rising revolution (which was aided by Omar spreading his writings through an underground press) and told them about Radbourne’s offer to supply weapons and augmentations to increase profits from the pitfighting racket.
Morgan agreed if only to use these exact items against the Senate once he’d acquired an army.
It was during this time with Morgan that they also met Ramsey (Rumble) and Friedel (Frenzy), a pair of dwarf miners who the man had been friends with for years, and almost immediately got along with their boisterous, gregarious natures. 
They continued to be Radbourne’s liaison with Megatron until the start of the Clampdown when they watched Morgan kill the owner of the Pit, free those who wanted their freedom and take those who were loyal to him to meet with Sharifuddin to formally establish a rebellion.
It was about this time that Suraya found out that Radbourne had been conducting illegal experiments on Beast Men, something they took grave offense to, and they kept mining Radbourne for more information about where the experiments were taking place.
Upon finding out, they personally hunted down Radbourne as Stefan Scavarro (Starscream) initiated the Senate massacre to Radbourne’s labs, where he tried to fight them off only to finally find out the true extent of their abilities.
Badly-injured, his attempt at stopping them from freeing the captive Beast Men—-his “property” as he would yell at them—-ended up with him hurled into a genetic splicing pod (commissioned from a ‘Mesothulas’) which he accidentally activated.
The process twisted him into a Rat-Bat-human hybrid, and rather than kill him, Suraya decided to leave the option to the Beast Men he tortured for profit in what they saw as poetic justice.
After those who wanted vengeance were done with Radbourne, Suraya gave the  Beast Men the option of leaving free or coming with them to be a part of Morgan’s revolution which would ensure that they were never mistreated and ostracized by the larger world again.
Two of the Beast Men took up the offer; Bastien Saville (Buzzsaw) and Gan Go-eun (Glit).
When Morgan, confident in Suraya’s abilities asked them  to establish their own division focussed on spying and intel gathering, Suraya chose Ramiro, Lara, Ramsey, Friedel and Bastien to work alongside them.
While Suraya occasionally questions Morgan’s actions, two things they have never questioned are his dedication to his cause and the compassion he shows to those they care for, and it’s enough for them to consider themself a true Decepticon till the day his objectives are achieved.
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mandoalorian · 4 years
What about Javier Pena being jealous?????? 🥺
Thank you for the request! I hope this is okay for you!!
Into You [Javier Pena x Female Reader] SMUT
Warnings: SMUT, inexperienced reader, angst in the start but fluff in the end ;) <3
Rating: 18+ only.
Word count: 4k
MASTERLIST | Submit your requests HERE
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Javier Peña did not get jealous.
But he heard the way they talked about you. He saw the way they looked at you. Gawked, undressing you with their minds. The way their lips spewed dirt and filth about the things they'd do to you if they were graced with the chance of some ‘alone time’ with you. And he hated it.
Javier Peña was anything but a saint. He had his ways. The DEA had a renown of being more reserved than the CIA, which meant Javier had earned a name for himself due to his lothario reputation.  Javier's colleagues were a lot older than him, settled down with families, children- and some even with grandchildren. Even his old partner, Steve Murphy, had a wife and a daughter. Javier had none of that. Except from you.
You were the new receptionist. Shy, fresh faced, and beaming with anticipation as you found your feet in your new job. Javier found it endearing, but he wondered how long your bubbliness would last. It wasn't all rainbows and butterflies- working for the DEA. You had an air of innocence to you, and he swore you had the kindest heart in the whole of Colombia. Javier knew from the moment he met you, that the men in his department were not deserving of you.
Javier didn't give a fuck about his reputation. But when the Colombian department extended to the CIA, Javier met a lot more men who were like himself. He saw them chat up women from his previous encounters in bars, and he saw them visit the same brothels as he did. That behaviour seemed to become normalized.
You were the only women in a department filled with horny, sex crazed men. Often, Javier would find himself watching you from his desk, only a pane of glass seperating you both. Almost always you were on the phone, doodling in a notebook as you talked to potential informants. Other times, your head was down and you were whisked away in your work. Occasionally though, he noticed CIA agents bust their move with you.
He never confronted you about it- it wasn't his place, but seeing the way they spoke to you filled a rage in his heart. Javier was lucky enough to blossom a friendship with you; one that you really valued. You didn't have many friends in Colombia, but knowing a man like Javier Peña had your back? That really brought you comfort.
Even better, you lived in the same apartment building as him. Same floor, just two doors apart. It meant that you were constantly over at his flat spending time with him. He taught you how to play poker and you enjoyed watching movies together and ordering take-out. Javier was a lot of fun.
Maybe, just maybe, you and Javier were spending too much time together. You were catching feelings for him, and shit- he was so sure he had already caught feelings for you.
Javier Peña does not catch feelings. He ran out on his and Lorraine's wedding because he was sure that he felt nothing for her. And she was his fiancée. Now, all of a sudden, he had a thing for the new DEA receptionist who sat outside his office. Only, it was more than just a thing. Javier Peña was in love. The sweet girl he had found to be so caring and compassionate, the angel who had eyes that must've been crafted by the Gods themselves and the softest lips he wished he could kiss.
You had sworn you had never been in love either, until of course, you met Javier. There was no way to explain it. You both just clicked like magnets. There was an electricity that exceeded just mere sexual tension. There was genuine feelings. 
Javier Peña is impulsive and so, when his feelings for you dawned on him, he called up his favourite sex worker; Vanessa. Not only was she good at her job, Vanessa was a good person. She was good to Javi when she didn't need to be, and that was hard to find in 80s drug-torn Colombia.
When Javi had a bad day at work- Vanessa would be at his beck and call. Sex was a way he could release any negative emotions he had. A temporary fix.
That night, you had planned to confront Javier. He had confided in you previously that he had stopped sleeping with women. Deep down, it was because of his feelings for you; although he would never admit that to you. You wanted to tell Javier that you liked him… a lot. But, you stood behind his apartment door, bottle of wine in hand, and heard Javier fucking Vanessa.
You froze up as you overheard their mixed up moans and groans of pleasure, immediately feeling stupid. Why would you believe that you actually had a chance with Javier Peña? He clearly didn't feel the same way about you.
And so you went back to your apartment, climbed into bed and finished the bottle of wine on your own. You closed your eyes and masturbated over him, whining his name as pleasure filled your core. 
And when Javier fucked Vanessa, he had her wear your pale pink lipgloss. He imagined her eyes match your specific shade and as he reached his climax, he wished it was with you. When he came, he screamed your name.
Of course, Vanessa didn't care. A job was a job to her.
After that night, you done your very best to brush away any feelings you once had for Javier. You tried really hard. You were beginning to believe it was a lost cause until CIA Agent Milo approached your desk about a month later.
Of course Javier noticed. He tried to take in the interaction between the two of you, judging from facial expressions as the glass pane in between you was practically soundproof. You were smiling, and you looked happy. Milo leaned against your desk, taking a pen and scrawling something on a sticky note. It was his number.
Jealousy was rife inside of Javi. Maybe Milo was about ten years younger than Javier, and maybe he read more fashion magazines. Although Javier considered himself stylish, you would often tease him for his 70s style wardrobe— an array of brightly coloured button up shirts, the same pair of dark blue denim jeans and pair of yellow tinted aviators. 
Javier knew Milo was no good for you. He reminded Javi of a younger version of himself. Milo was a heartbreaker, and you didn't need that. You needed someone who could look after you. Take care of you in all the ways you needed.
Not only that, but Javier knew what the CIA department was like— especially Milo. He would have nothing but questionable intentions with you. Another one of his sexual encounters that meant nothing to him but everything to you.
It was late on a Saturday evening when you nervously knocked on Javier's door. Just about to light up a cigarette, he stood up and unlocked it. His eyes widened when he saw you, slightly surprised. 
You were wearing a little black dress which clung around all your perfections, and ofcourse, your signature pink lip gloss.
"I haven't seen you in a while," he greeted as you slid past him and into the kitchen. "Want a drink?"
"No thank you." you replied, and Javier shut the front door and followed you into the kitchen.
"So what brings you here?" Javier asked, lighting his cigarette and taking a puff of smoke.
"I have a date with Milo in 45 minutes," you told Javier, awkwardly avoiding eye contact.
"Oh," Javier didn't really know how to respond.
"And, I missed you." you shrugged innocently, beckoning a small smile out of Javier. The blush that crept upon his cheeks didn't go unnoticed by you.
"So, uh, Milo, huh?" Javier questioned, taking another drag of his cigarette. He failed to realise why exactly you had come to see him- 45 minutes before your date.
"Um, yeah," you looked around his kitchen awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. "He's pretty great." you managed to force out. "He was employee of the month like, three months ago."
"Yeah a real sucker upper," Javi rolled his eyes and you gasped, nudging him playfully.
"He is not." You laughed but Javier really wasn't in the mood for whatever you were trying to do here.
"Why are you here?" he deadpanned, cutting your laugh short.
"I…" you frowned, unable to complete your sentence and earning an annoyed sigh from Javi. Maybe you were wrong to come to him.
"I don't think you should go out on a date with Milo." Javi informed you matter-of-factly; stubbing out his cigarette in the ash-tray that was conveniently placed on the kitchen counter.
"Excuse me?" you asked, your voice going uncontrollably high pitched. Javier casually placed the burnt out tab back in his mouth.
"I hear the things they say about you in the office, the sly little comments they make about you." Javier grunted, dismay written all over his face. The cigarette that was balanced in-between his perfect pink lips wobbled slightly with his building up anger. "They're no good for you. No good."
You narrowed your eyes. "No good? Javier, you don't get to be the judge of who is good for me and who isn't." You tried to stay composed but in the heat of the moment, your words came out as a snarl. Javier's dark eyes snapped up to meet yours as he tried to weigh up your expression.
"Shit, I didn't mean it like that." he raised his hands in defense and you folded your arms across your chest, awaiting an explanation for him. "It's just- we're friends, right? And I'm a guy and so, I understand what these other guys are like. And I care about you and-" 
"What if Milo cares about me?" you croaked out. Judging from everything Javier had told you so far, you were beginning to wonder if he was right. You just didn't want to believe it. Your one shot of happiness. Your one chance.
"Milo doesn't care about you." Javier deadpanned.
"Ouch Javi." you shuffled your heels around uncomfortably. You were certain your cheeks were heating up from the shame and you probably looked like an absolute mess in front of Javier. You felt embarrassed for not realising sooner. And seemingly, Javier had caught on to those feelings too.
"You have nothing to feel ashamed about," Javier comforted you, awkwardly reaching out and placing a hand on your back. You shuffled closer to him and he finally pent up the courage to pull you into his chest.
His embrace was warm and you could smell the mixture of his cigarettes and aftershave in his white shirt. You wanted to cry. If you were alone, you would've cried, but you couldn't bring yourself to do so in front of Javier.
"I feel pathetic," you whimpered, fidgeting with his tie. "You know Javi, I'm not very good at this kind of stuff. That's why I came to see you in the first place. I know that- I mean I've heard things about you. You have the experience."
Javier stiffened up and you awkwardly pulled away from him, desperately trying to read his expression in case you said something wrong. "Experience?" he questioned, his dark eyebrows knotting together.
"You- you know," you murmured, closing your hands into a fist and looking down at your feet. "You're experienced and I'm… not."
"I don't understand." Javier replied and you huffed out your cheeks.
"Fuck Javi, are you actually going to make me say it? I'm a virgin."
Javier blinked a few times. The silence was deafening. You wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole.
"I- I would've never have guessed."
"Yeah well…" Fuck, this was awkward.
"Y/N, can I tell you something?" Javier prompted.
"I guess?" you replied in bewilderment.
"When I see him talk to you- when I see anyone talk to you… I get jealous. So fucking jealous."
You swore your heart stopped. "Jealous?"
"I see the way they make you laugh and smile- and I curse myself because I wish that was me."
You raised a hand and pressed it into his chest. "Javi…" you didn't know what to say. "I- I came here for… advice. About… you know. Sex."
Javier looked you up and down and rolled his eyes, walking into his living room. When you followed him, he was already slouched into the sofa, nursing a bottle of cold beer.
"What do you need from me?" Javier sighed, feeling defeated that his attempt of admitting his true feelings had become completely lost on you.
"Show me." you whispered nervously, taking a few steps closer to him.
"I don't want to take advantage of you…" Javier trailed off but he was already wishing he could undress you.
"I want you to." you admitted, feeling butterflies erupt in your stomach. 
Javier contemplated for a moment but really, there was no question about it. He had dreamt of fucking you since the moment he first laid his eyes on you. Javier leaned forward and put the bottle of beer on the coffee table.
"Take off your dress and come sit on my lap." Javier instructed and you nodded, sliding out of your dress and letting it pool around your ankles. You went to kick off your heels when Javi interrupted. "No, keep them on."
You nodded with a slight smile. It wasn't long until you found yourself standing completely naked in front of your best friend, and Javi had gotten rock hard from just watching you undress. All his fantasies were alive.
He beckoned you over and you sunk down onto his lap. "Rock your hips over me," Javi mumbled, pressing a light kiss into your ear.
You followed his command and immediately felt a wash of satisfaction as you started to dry hump him through his jeans.
"Javi," you moaned, your eyes rolling back as you grind harder over his bulge.
"That's it, good girl," he praised, fucking a stand of your hair behind your ear. His hand fell down to your chest, grabbing and squeezing at your breasts. "Take what you need."
A huff of air escaped your lips at his words and you buried your head into the crook of his neck. His skin was warm and you could smell the tobacco burnt into his body. But also, there was a sweetness to him, like honey. The scents did not get lost on you. He was your addiction.
You raised your hands to his head, lacing your fingers amongst his locks of dark brown hair. As you increased your speed, you tugged on his hair which earned a hearty groan from Javier's mouth. The noises he made only spurred on your arousal and you felt your cunt getting wetter by the second, contracting around nothing as you began to grow desperate for his cock.
Javier felt his boxer shorts dampen as his precum dripped through the thin material. His big hands roamed your bare back and he knew that pretty soon he'd want to take his pants off. You loved the sensation of rubbing your pussy over his denim jeans, the friction tickling you in just the right ways. You loved the way he would moan or tense up when you occasionally brushed over his erection.
"This feels better than I ever could've imagined." you admitted and your eyes were hazy, glazed with tears as you pushed towards your climax.
"Yeah? Fuck, first times usually aren't this good," Javier grunted as he felt you twitch on top of him, your legs beginning to shake around him. "Can you cum for me?"
"You- you want me to cum?" you blinked, a blush creeping upon your cheeks.
"Please," Javier groaned. "Need you to cum all over me. Make a mess of my jeans."
"Oh Javi," you whimpered, putting more focus on grinding over his hard, defined bulge. It rubbed between your folds and stimulated you in a way that your fingers could never.
"I love it when you say my name," Javier hummed, holding you steady as you rode out your high. You gasped and pressed your lips against his.
He swiped his tongue over your lower lip, begging for entry which you happily granted him. But the second you opened your mouth just slightly, he slid his tongue in and you gasped out another loud moan of his name causing his grip to tighten around you. You came undone all over him, just how he had always dreamt about, whimpering into his mouth. You stopped grinding but stayed still on his lap for a few moments, letting him hold you and kiss you.
His kiss eventually left your lips and he planted sloppy love bites down your neck and along your collarbones. His grip on your breast was soft yet firm and the roughness of his hands made you want to help, especially when he rubbed his thumb over your nipple, pinching it slightly just to see what reaction he could get out of you.
"Your tits are fucking perfect." Javier groaned, licking a stripe down the valley of your breasts. You watched him with eager and excited eyes as he played with you, feeling your cunt drip with your arousal once more.
"Javi," you groaned, tossing your head back.
"What is it?" he responded, a mouthful of your tit. You paused for a moment, letting him suck on your nipples. "What do you need, my love?"
"I need you," you mewled, your toes curling involuntarily when he pulled his mouth away from your nipples with a 'pop' sound. "Need your cock to fill me up."
"Yeah? Fuck you're so dirty… never had no cock before. And you want mine? Are you sure that's what you want, sweet girl?" Javier's mustache brushed against your neck and you giggled at the tickle it gave you.
"Mm yes Javi, wanted this for so long and so bad. Wanted you. I'd hear about all the girls that you fucked and I, I just wanted to be one. One of your little fuck toys." You groaned, pleasure pooling in your eyes.
"My love, you're more than that. You're so much more than that." Javier promised you, gently pushing you off his lap so he could unbuckle his belt and unzip his jeans. He stood up, pulling his jeans down, along with his boxer shorts, and you couldn't help but yelp when you saw the way his long thick cock sprung out against his stomach. The tip was red and already leaking for you.
"Oh Javi," you whispered, unable to take your eyes off his manhood. "You're so- you're so big."
"Come here," he curled his finger, gesturing for you to come back over and sit on his lap.
You straddled him again and gasped, feeling his cock press between your folds. You continued to rub over him, this time feeling more freeing as your wetness glided over his erection. "I'm nervous," you admitted. "I want this Javi. I really do, but I've never- done this before." you gulped and Javi planted a reassuring kiss to your lips.
"I'll go gentle sweetheart, I promise. And if it ever gets too much, you can just tell me. Your comfort is the most important to me." Javi whispered in your ear, sending chills down your spine. "Let me just…."
Javier lowered his hand to your clit and began to rub gently. He closed his eyes, your wetness soaking his fingers with just the smallest of touches. "Already so nice and wet for me," Javier smiled, bringing his fingers up to your lips and pushing them gently into your mouth. He watched you with his dark, lust blown eyes as you sucked your own arousal from his fingers. "How do you taste?" 
"Good," you replied, blushing again and hopelessly fluttering your eyelashes which framed your eyes.
Javier lowered his hand again and you lifted yourself up slightly. He slid his middle finger in, deep, and you were surprised at how well you could take him. He left his finger inside of you for a second before rubbing his index finger against your hole. He looked at you, asking for approval, to which you gave him a nod and smile, and Javier pushed a second finger inside of you. This earned a moan from you, followed by a giggle as he slowly stretched you out by pumping his fingers in and out of you.
Feeling your walls contract around him, he removed his fingers and brought them up to his own mouth, this time tasting you for himself. "Perfect." he corrected you, humming in delight.
Javier reached over to the drawer inside the coffee table and pulled out a string of condoms. He teared open the packet of one and skillfully slid it down his length.
Javier adjusted himself slightly and you lifted off him just a few inches. He reached to his cock and held it upright, before signalling for you to sink down on him. He wanted to let you be in control. He wanted you to start doing it at your own, comforting pace.
The second you sunk down on him, you felt him twitch inside of you and your eyes widened at the unfamiliar feeling fullness. You sat down on him, nudging your nose against his and he kissed you again as you warmed his cock in your pussy.
"So tight," Javier growled, biting down on your lower lip. "How does it feel for you? Is it hurting?"
You shook your head 'no' and Javier offered you a warm smile. "Just- you're just so big."
"Take your time sweet girl." Javier murmured, kissing down your neck.
Slowly, you lifted yourself off him before sinking back down. And repeat. Until eventually you felt like you could build up a steady and comfortable rhythm— you realised you were riding him. Javier buried his head into your breasts as you bounced on his cock, your breathing hitching as you felt every one of his bumps and veins inside of you.
Javier was a mess underneath you, slurring out an abundance of incoherent curses in a wash of satisfaction as your cunt clenched around him. He knew he wouldn't last long.
You straightened up your posture and Javi shuffled backwards a little, leaning into the plush of the sofa cushions. His hips started to snap into yours as he began to meet your thrusts with loud moans. His large hands held you by your waist as he fucked you so perfectly. His cock was buried deep within you, and with every one of Javier's thrusts, he hit your sweet spot.
"I'm close," you gasped as Javier continued thrusting. You felt your heart rate pick up and your legs begin to shake as his balls slapped against your dripping core.
"Me too," Javier concluded, bumping his nose against yours and kissing you passionately. Breaking away to catch breath, he grabbed a fistful of your hair. "Cum with me. 3, 2, 1." 
The second he said '1' you broke on top of him, and Javier's cock pulsed inside of you, his seed spilling into the condom. Your cunt clenched around him, milking him of all his arousal and you were left, a breathless mess, on Javier Peña's lap. His cock slipped out of you and you groaned at the lost feeling of fullness. Javier pinched the condom and took it off before throwing it into the nearby trash bin.
Javier's dark eyes blinked up at you a few times as you both took a few minutes to regain your breath. "How was it?" Javier asked eventually, exhaling shakily.
"Better than I ever could've imagined." you offered him a smile. He always found that your smile was contagious and he couldn't help but grin at you back.
"Listen- what I said to you before- the whole, "I'm into you" thing… if you're not ready, I completely understand." Javier told you.
You couldn't bring yourself to fathom words so you simply just pressed a kiss into his lips. "I'm into you too, Javier Peña." you whispered and felt Javier grin into the kiss, his hands twisting into your hair as he pulled you deeper into him.
Permanent taglist (let me know if you would like to be added!):  @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic 
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masumihanako · 3 years
🌺About🌺[For Mobile]
Full Name:        Masumi Hanako     花心升美
Alias:                 The Flower of Thorns
Age:                   20-21     (Part I)                           23-25     (Part II)                             27      (The Last)                             38      (New Era)
Affiliation:          Akatsuki
Gender:              Cis Woman (she/her)
Classification:   Mercenary Ninja, S-rank, Sensor Type
Clan:                    Hanako Clan
Occupation:       Apothecary Merchant, Kunoichi, Spy Master Assistant,                                        Akatsuki Intelligence Division Member
Orientation:                         Closeted Bisexual
Canonverse Romance:      Itachi Uchiha (confidential)
Star Sign:                            Sagittarius
Alignment:                          Chaotic Good
Enneagram:                       The Helper
Blood Type:                        AB
Negative Traits:   emotional / over-protective / self-reproachful / timid / nosey
Positive Traits:   empathetic / intelligent / caring / passionate / modest
ETC:     Masumi acts rather reserved around most of the Akatsuki members, but openly compassionate and emotive around the few she trusts and holds dear.
Race:             Multiracial (Unknown specifics)
Eye color:      Hazel
Hair color:      Black
Hair Length:   Reaches past her waist when loose
Hair Type:      Voluminous, wavy with occasional curls
Hair Style:      Half-up in a ponytail with long middle-parted bangs. Accented with a custom kanzashi comb shaped like a flower.
Height:          175 cm
Scars:    Numerous scars on her fingers and hands from thorns and contact with rough plantlife.
Body Build:     Curvy | Muscular with definition softened by fat                         [Explained in Detail Here]
Appearance Tag: 🌸Blooming Before You; Visage
ETC:     Masumi wears gloves that only cover her ring finger and pinky finger. (She is actually very self-conscious about her hands). She also wears a red hair tie on her wrist, which is actually one of Itachi’s. Its often an overlooked detail.
ETC Important Side Notes
❀ Masumi is very good with medicine and poison, despite not being a medical nin. However she cannot perform any incredibly heavy duty medical procedures - she isn’t Sakura or Kabuto.
❀ Masumi is very good at telling when someone is lying, so don’t be surprised if she calls you out. If there is ever anything you don’t think she would be able to figure out, we can discuss it in a PM outside the RP.  I never want to accidentally god mod.
❀ Due to the intelligence network and Masumi’s general curiousity, she has probably heard of your character if they’re fairly well known in their home village. If you’re an Akatsuki member or any especially renowned Naruto character, she probably knows quite a bit about your reputation.
❀ Masumi is very close to the crows in Itachi’s flock, so it is not uncommon to see one or two nearby at any given time. She has occasionally used them to help with intelligence gathering, and there is a specific one that acts as a messenger crow between her and Itachi when they spend extended periods of time away from each other. There is a lot of lore in regards to this and the general behavior of the flock, but it probably will not impact RP too much most of the time.
Background Summary
Masumi’s parents originally joined the Akatsuki during Yahiko’s leadership after their clan caravan passed through Amegakure to sell their wares. Her father died in Hanzo’s ambush that resulted in Yahiko’s death. Throughout Masumi’s childhood she learned the apothecary trade as the people of her clan do. Masumi grew up attending Ame’s Ninja Acadamy and graduated when she was 9 years old, which was common for children her age during this era. Afterwhich, she primarily completed mission work alongside her mother for the Akatsuki.
Shortly after Itachi joined the organization, while they were primarily still taking in mercenary work to fund themselves, she often would complete assassination missions alongside him; specifically, those that were meant to keep outside casualties to a minimum, due to his genjutsu and her specialty in nonlethal incapacitation being ideal. While Masumi was on a mission with him, her mother was betrayed by one of her contacts due to the Akatsuki’s climb to infamy and contracted The Contamination of Thorns. Thusly, Airi was forced into retirement from active duty, but continues to work for the Akatsuki primarily as her pre-established role as a spymaster, although with their name rebranded to distance association with the Akatsuki upfront.
While her mother does the majority of the scribe work for gladiolus and caring for the plantlife, Masumi runs the business end of the apothecary and occasionally helps her mother in her tasks; especially more so after her professional partnership with Itachi comes to a close at the beginning of shippuden.
Kekkei Genkai Summary
Masumi’s kekkei genkai (Hanaton) is a duo nature transformation composed of earth style and yang style. It allows her to manipulate any type of flowering plant - which includes flowering trees, bushes and vines. However, she can only manipulate plants in ways that they can feasibly, naturally grow, and plants that are unfit for the current environment will require more chakra to perform jutsu with.
Masumi RP in regards to Itachi
❀ I will never ever ever  force Masumi canonverse onto any Itachi roleplayers. I will not expect or drag you into them pinning or being anything romantic. However, if you see me roleplaying with another person who isn’t Itachi, don’t be surprised if the relationship/Itachi I’ve built in my personal lore is mentioned for plot reasons or in Masumi’s internal thoughts. These of course, will never be in effect with any Itachi RPers that I’ve interacted with unless they request so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
❀ Also, Masumi’s relationship with Itachi is private. They avoid public interactions around Akatsuki members that would suggest a relationship between the two outside of professionalism. Masumi herself does not care much if people did know, but its very important to Itachi. To protect her from people who would hurt her to get to him or to simply keep up his cold facade to protect Konoha’s secret about the Uchiha Clan Massacre. Therefore, she honors his wishes and keeps it a secret. Kisame kinda figured it out though on his own, or at least heavily suspects them.
❀ Masumi has been in a relationship with Itachi for some time before his appearance in the original Naruto series.
❀ Masumi has known Itachi since he joined the Akatsuki, they would often be partnered together during the Akatsuki’s early days; even before Juzo’s death and they were typically paired together for assassination missions that were meant to keep outside casualties to a minimum. They make a great team for these type of missions due to Itachi’s use of genjutsu and Masumi’s specialization in non-lethal incapacitation.
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
Desperate Housewives: Mary Alice Young - Type 2w1
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Mary Alice is nurturing, secretive and caring. She is warm and personable with her friends and neighbours but has much more sinister secrets beneath the surface.
At her best, Mary Alice is genuinely altruistic and compassionate. She goes out of her way to welcome the women as they arrive on Wisteria Lane and she wants to help them in any way she can. She is supportive and willing to go the extra mile to be there for her family and friends. This is to the point where people may try to take advantage of her generous spirit as seen with Martha Huber’s attempts to blackmail her.
At her worst, Mary Alice becomes reactive, judgmental and selfish. This can be seen with how she handles Deidre coming back to take Zach (Dana). She doesn’t want to consider that Deidre has changed and becomes hysterical at the thought of losing her son. Through her monologues we can also see some of her more judgmental side when describing the other women on the lane.
Mary Alice has a strong desire to help those in need and worked as a nurse before moving to Wisteria Lane. She spends a lot of her time and energy being the best nurse she can be and puts her own challenges and needs to the side as a way of focusing on others. Even when she moves to the lane and is no longer a practicing nurse it can be seen through her actions towards the residents and people of Fairview that she continues to have this attitude. This is seen with how she supports Eli Briggs and becomes his biggest supporter when he is down on his luck and trying to get business.
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Mary Alice has always wanted to be a mother and as seen through flashbacks she has been trying to start a family with Paul. She has a lot of love to share, is in a loving and stable relationship with Paul and wants to have the opportunity to build her own family. This is what ultimately leads to her decision to take Dana and raise him as her son. She truly believes that he will be better off with her and she will be able to offer him a better life. Due to this thought process and her desperation she follows through and moves to Wisteria Lane.
Mary Alice has a wing 1 as she has a strong moral compass and uses this to influence her decisions. She is also more reserved and keeps her feelings to herself than a wing 3 might be.
Tri-type: 2w1 - 1w2 - 6w7
Some quotes to describe Mary Alice’s motivation:
“When the truth is ugly, people try to keep it hidden, because they know if revealed the damage it will do, so they conceal it within sturdy walls, or they place it behind closed doors, or they obscure it with clever disguises, the truth no matter how ugly always emerges, and someone we care about always ends up getting hurt, and someone else will revel in their pain, and that's the ugliest truth of all.”
“Whenever we make mistakes, we need to apologize and then we need to move on. We must try to accept the changes in our lives or choose to trust an old enemy or learn to stop fighting our children's battles. But, sometimes the pain we caused is so great, there is no moving on.”
“There comes a time when we must expose our weaknesses. When our secrets can no longer remain private, when our solitude can no longer be denied, when our pain can no longer be ignored, but sometimes we feel so alone that a weaknesses we thought we'd overcome suddenly becomes too long to fight.”
“Family. There is nothing more important. They're the ones who show up when we are in trouble. The ones who push us to succeed. The ones who help keep our secrets. But what of those who have no family to rely on? What happens to those poor souls who have no loved ones to help them in their hour of need? Well, most learn to walk life's road by themselves. But a sad few of us, simply stop trying.”
“This is the street where I used to live and these were the people with whom I shared my life. I met them the day they moved in. And I saw what they brought with them. Beautiful dreams for the future. And quiet hopes for a better life. Not just for themselves, but for their children, too. If I could, would I tell them what lies ahead? Would I warn them of the sorrow and betrayal that lie in store? No. From where I stand now, I see enough of the road to understand how it must be traveled. The trip is to keep moving forward, to let go of the fear and the regret that slow us down and keep us from enjoying a journey that will be over too soon. Yes, there will be unexpected bends in the road, shocking surprises we didn't see coming, but that's really the point. Don't you think?”
“Good deeds aren't always done for the purest of reasons. We may be trying to impress. We may be acting out of guilt. We may be expecting something in return, but occasionally a good deed comes straight from the heart.”
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Since I am currently very deeply invested in Hogwarts Mystery, I’ve been spending an inordinate amount of time developing my version of Jacob’s Sibling in my mind. I’m kind of proud of the character I created, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to put her out there in the character universe of Hogwarts Mystery OCs.
Now, full disclosure, I’m not an artist. I don’t have any beautiful drawings attached to give you an idea of what I’m visualizing (at least, not any I drew). More or less, this is just going to be a bunch of word vomit about the character I’m crafted, and I’ll probably go back and edit it a bunch of times as I think of more details. If it isn’t too much trouble, I’d love to hear people’s opinions of her! Thank you to anyone who reads, and I hope you like her as much as I do!
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FULL NAME: Helena Winifred Bancroft.
NICKNAME: Most people call her Nellie; only her mum calls her Helena. She also occasionally gets Nel, and Jacob used to call her Pip, short for Pipsqueak. Her and Rowan also had unique nicknames for each other, with Nellie calling Rowan “smart girl” and Rowan calling Nellie “sweet girl.”
DATE OF BIRTH: March 11th. She’s a Pisces.
BLOOD STATUS: Half-blood.
FAMILY: Nellie’s family consists of her mothers, a pureblooded Auror named Juliette and a muggle school teacher named Carolyn, and her half-brother Jacob. (Juliette is mum, Carolyn is mama.) Both her and Jacob’s respective fathers were muggle men that Juliette was involved with in the past, and neither are involved in their lives. The Bancroft bloodline is matrilineal, and while not necessarily famous, prides itself on producing particularly powerful witches.
BACKGROUND: She grew up in a small coastal community, where she was an avid swimmer, frequent visitor of the beach, and overall just a total water baby. Her family was comfortable financially, but chose to live fairly humbly, and Nellie was content with that. While she occasionally played with the local muggle children, most of Nellie’s time was spent either following Jacob around like a little shadow or playing with the fairies that lived in her mama’s garden. (She spent all her time telling them how pretty they were, so they tolerated her.) Unsurprisingly, she was a bit of a loner.
HOUSE: A proud Hufflepuff, just like Jacob.
DREAM: First and foremost, to find Jacob. However, in the long term, she’d really like to own a Hippogriff sanctuary and work as a breeder (with entirely moral methods, don’t worry). They’re by far her favorite creature, and she wants to spend the rest of her life working with them.
DEEPEST SECRET: That she wonders all the time if Jacob is worth saving. Growing up, he was her best friend and her hero, and there was no one she loved more. But watching how he changed in the last year or two prior to his disappearance, and hearing some of the stories at school, she honestly wonders if the loving brother she remembers exists anymore. And if he doesn’t, is the boy he left behind someone she wants to bring back? 
She’s also been hiding a growing resentment toward her mum. While Jacob’s disappearance took a toll on them all, she sometimes feels like her mum’s put so much of her emotional energy into missing Jacob that she doesn’t have enough left to love her anymore, and she secretly hates her mum nudging her to find Jacob, even if it’s at the cost of her own happiness and safety.
...sometimes she wishes it had been Ben.
MOST TREASURED OBJECT: For years, it was her seashell locket, a gift she’d gotten from Jacob for her sixth birthday, with the little sculpture Barnaby made her for their Valentines Day date coming in at a close second. Now, it’s a spare pair of Rowan’s glasses, which Nellie had kept on hand since their first year, given how often Rowan misplaced hers.
WAND: Nellie’s first wand is ten and a half inches long, made of pear wood with a unicorn hair core. Her second, which she purchases in her fifth year, is eleven and a quarter inches, with an alder wood base and a phoenix feather core. Lastly, her third, which she gets after she graduates and keeps for the rest of her life, is ten and two thirds inches long, built from beech wood, and possesses a unicorn hair core.
PATRONUS: An African Bush Elephant.
ANIMAGUS: A Kooikerhondje dog.
BOGGART: Jacob’s corpse, shambling towards her like a zombie, sobbing about how she failed to save him.
BEST MEMORY: Jacob trying to teach her spells when he came home for his first break in his first year of Hogwarts. She would’ve only been five—they’re six years apart—so it’s a faint memory and she couldn’t do any of them anyway, but it was still happy enough to stick with her.
WORST MEMORY: The year Jacob disappeared, their mum mandated that he come home for breaks. (He’d been staying at school the past few years, but with everything that was happening, their mothers wanted to keep an eye on him.) He was on edge the entire time, bitter and aloof, and when Nellie tentatively tried to get him to play, he exploded at her about wasting his time. In that moment, his face twisted and red with rage, his tall, lanky body looming over her, Nellie didn’t recognize her brother at all, and that scared her more than anything. For the longest time, that was her worst memory.
Now, her worst memory is being in that forest grove, staring down at Rowan’s unmoving body, her gaping mouth and empty eyes. Even decades later, Nellie has dreams about it. Certainly, no memory will ever be worse than that one.
QUIDDITCH: After being trained by Skye, Nellie played as a Chaser for two seasons and a Beater for one, before retiring to a reserve chaser. There just wasn’t enough time, and she didn’t really have the competitive spirit for it. However, she remained friends with Skye, Orion, McNully, and Erika, and still enjoyed training with them to keep her skills sharp.
GREATEST STRENGTHS: Nellie is an overwhelmingly compassionate person. Her mama likes to joke that Nellie could spend all day waiting for a scoop of her favorite ice cream, and she’d still offer it to the first gloomy person she saw on the street. (Basically, if there’s a little pink heart next to a choice, that’s the one she’s making. Empathy is definitely her highest stat.) She never fails to go out of her way to help people, even if it’s to her own detriment. She just has a very warm energy, which makes it easy for people to feel safe confiding in and depending on her.
GREATEST WEAKNESS: Unfortunately, Nellie’s compassion is a bit of a double edged sword, and she can be guilty of stretching herself too far trying to please everyone and, subsequently, letting herself fall to the wayside. She’s also embarrassingly naive (a negative consequence to her desperate belief in the inherent goodness of people), and has a tendency to get a little too emotionally invested in things. She also stakes a lot of her personal value in her ability to keep others happy—if she isn’t capable of keeping those she loves safe and content, she feels she has no value at all.
APPEARANCE: In short, Nellie is about as far from intimidating as any one person can get. She never surpasses five feet tall, nor does she develop past her scrawny adolescent physique. Her face is round, with a little button nose and big ocean blue eyes. She’s covered from head to toe in freckles, and has a slight case of buck teeth with a tiny tooth gap, though nothing she considered worth getting braces over. She also has a scar on her thumb from the time her mum tried to teach her how to whittle. It didn’t go well.
However, her most defining physical characteristic is her hair. Curly and sandy blonde, she grew it long for the first fifteen years of her life, only cutting off the occasional inch to keep it healthy. It was very carefully maintained, because although Nellie doesn’t consider herself a vain girl, she loved her hair, which grew to reach her thighs at its longest. It was the only feature of hers she considered genuinely and objectively beautiful, and she prided herself on it. In the summer after her fifth year of Hogwarts, she chopped all that treasured hair off into a bob, her only reasoning being that it was more practical. It certainly had nothing to do with the fact that Rakepick had grabbed her by her exceptionally long braid when she’d tried to run to Merula’s aid in the Buried Vault. 
STYLE: Nellie dresses exactly how you’d expect a stereotypical Hufflepuff to dress. She favors bright, pleasant colors, likes embroidery and floral print, and values comfort over anything. Her current favorite outfits both involve overalls, with one consisting of denim overalls with embroidered butterflies on the chest pocket and a white t-shirt, and the other being a pair of faded overalls that she personally painted with flowers, despite being an absolutely terrible artist, and a yellow turtleneck. She pretty much always wears a pair of light weight, embroidered boots, and is never seen without her seashell locket.
VOICE: I picture her sounding similar to AnnaPantsu. There’s a reason she was able to make the choir, after all! (Even if she ultimately surrendered her spot to Merula.)
BEST SUBJECT: Unsurprisingly, Care for Magical Creatures. Her kind nature and respect for all magical beings makes her a bit of a natural. She’s also proven herself to have a knack for Divination. She’s no Seer, but she’s pretty good at deciphering omens and swears that she does sometimes see visions in crystal balls. She’s also decent at Transfiguration.
WORST SUBJECT: Anyone would suck at Potions if Snape spent the entire class glowering at them the way he does at Nellie! It’s awfully hard to focus when your professor is breathing down your neck, staring dismissively into your cauldron like you’ve already made a mistake. She also just has a really poor memory, so any class that requires her to follow a sequence of meticulous steps is going to be one she struggles with. She also has difficulty in History of Magic for a similar reason—all of those dates and names just go in one ear and out the other.
BEST FRIEND(s): Rowan. Nellie loves every member of her eclectic group of friends dearly, but Rowan was her first friend, and will always, always be her dearest. For whatever reason, they just clicked perfectly, and completely got each other. Her death changed Nellie irreversibly. For at least a year after Rowan’s death, Nellie wore the spare pair of glasses she’d kept for her everywhere. Even once she stopped, they were almost always in her bag. Nellie was eventually able to manage again, but she never really moved on.
The runner up was undoubtedly Bill. He completely adopted her as (yet another) younger sibling, and they never quite lose that closeness, even when Jacob comes back into the picture. After all, Jacob can’t replicate the experiences Nellie had with Bill. While he was doing his part to protect Nellie as best he could, and that’s admirable, it wasn’t him that was by Nellie’s side throughout every trial she faced at Hogwarts. It was Bill, and Jacob would never be able to imitate the connection that gave Bill and Nellie.
In the wake of Rowan’s death, Nellie also develops a surprisingly close friendship with Erika Rath. They’d already been developing a friendship, but Rowan’s passing was the catalyst for them growing closer. During one of her training sessions with Erika (which Erika had told her she could sit out of, given the circumstances, but Nellie insisted), Rowan’s glasses fell off, and cracked. The damage was minor and entirely fixable, but Nellie had a complete breakdown, allowing herself to cry for the first time since Rowan had died. And Erika sat there with her, holding her tight, the entire time. While the rest of her friends were tiptoeing around her, not sure what she needed and scared of saying the wrong thing, uncomfortable in the face of such overwhelming grief, Erika took everything Nellie threw at her in stride. The fits where all Nellie could do was scream and cry, the anger that had her beating her fists against the ground and snarling threats brutal enough to make her sick, the guilt that left a hollow pit in her stomach and made her wish it had been her instead. Every ugly thought, every wave of emotion, Erika stuck with Nellie through them all, keeping her grounded her during a time where she felt she could completely drift away. It’s impossible to describe the sort of bond that gives people.
WORST ENEMY: For a while, it was Emily Tyler. With Merula, at least she has qualities that Nellie can respect—her ambition, her bravery, her fierce determination—and they’ve had a few moments where it feels like some genuine bonding has occurred. She may not approve of a lot of Merula’s behavior, but at least she can sort of understand her. But Emily Tyler is just so superficial and mean spirited, and Nellie simply can’t stand her. Now, though, it’s easily Patricia Rakepick.
LOVE INTEREST: Barnaby Lee, though not at first. Nellie housed an absolutely fierce crush on Skye Parkin for a while, but it quickly became apparent that Skye didn’t return her feelings. To Skye, Nellie was like the sister she never had, and Nellie didn’t want to jeopardize that. There was also some sort of tension going on between her and Merula in their fifth year, but nothing ever came of it. After the events that transpired in the Vault, Merula decided Nellie wasn’t worth the trouble. It’s one of her biggest regrets. 
Barnaby was actually crushing on Nellie long before she had any romantic feelings for him—ever since that first duel, actually, when she completely whooped his ass while apologizing after every blow. (A scene I actually explored here.) It took a little while, but Nellie eventually fell for Barnaby’s good heart and noble nature. He may not be the brightest bulb in the box, but he never fails to make her feel cared for. He can make her laugh when nobody else can, and although she’d loathe herself if he got hurt for her sake, it honestly feels a little nice to have someone trying to protect and take care of her for once, instead of the other way around. They also both love magical creatures, so a lot of their “dates” just consist of them hanging around the Care for Magical Creatures paddock and feeding whatever they find. Random little fun fact, Nellie’s pet name for Barnaby is just to say “Barnaby dear” as though it’s one word, and it never fails to make Barnaby feel super giddy.
PETS: Whoo boy, Nellie’s pets. First and foremost, there’s Astrid, her Lesser Sooty Owl. A remarkably intelligent bird, Astrid is usually found occupying the rafters above Nellie’s head, watching over her like a worrisome mother. She usually sleeps in Nellie’s dorm, rather than the owlery, and has a habit of picking at knots in Nellie’s hair (and, surprisingly, Rowan’s as well) with her beak as though she’s trying to straighten them out. 
While she adores Nellie, Astrid is notably less fond of Klepto, her mischievous Niffler. If Astrid is like Nellie’s mother, Klepto is like an obnoxious toddler, always causing trouble and fussing for her attention. He’s remarkably clingy, enough so that Nellie’s taken to hiding him in the dorm rather than keeping him in the grasslands. (She can’t help it! He throws a fit if he can’t sleep pressed against the soles of her feet!) 
Then there’s Flora, a particularly slothful fairy who has taken to riding in the pockets of Nellie’s robes, content to spend the rest of her life being carried around and lavished with compliments and sweets. Her and Astrid have a sort of tenuous truce, since they both have a bit of a fierce streak when it comes to defending Nellie. 
There’s also a Hippogriff and a Common Welsh Green on the grounds, both of which Nellie is determined to befriend, but that’s still a bit of a work in progress at the moment.
• Nellie ends up going grey—or white, rather—fairly early. Her hair’s almost entirely white by the time she turns thirty. She’s insecure about it for a while, then decides to just embrace it. It looks elegant, and Merlin help the person who tries to tell her otherwise.
• Given how incredibly physically affectionate Nellie is and how much she adored Rowan, it’s no surprise that she almost always kissed Rowan on the top of the head when saying goodbye. Just like she did in the forest grove, chest tight with anguish but eyes painfully dry.
• Barnaby and Nellie are married by the time they’re twenty. Maybe it’s a result of almost dying young on multiple occasions, but Nellie wasn’t keen on waiting. She didn’t want to take the risk of never getting the opportunity.
• Nellie has always wanted a big family. After how fractured hers became when Jacob disappeared, that desperate desire only increased. Fortunately, Barnaby, with his tiny, miserable family, wanted to create a large, happy one just as badly.
• On that note, they end up having five daughters: Ivy (Ravenclaw), Jade (Ravenclaw), Miri (Hufflepuff), Aurora (Slytherin), and Rowan (Hufflepuff). Many were surprised Nellie waited until her last child to name one after Rowan, but the truth was, she just wasn’t ready. She’d always known she wanted to, but it always felt too soon.
• As a frequent visitor to the Burrow, Nellie grew close with all the Weasleys. She actually babysat Ron and Ginny a far bit after she graduated Hogwarts.
• Bill and Jacob never get along. Though Bill can logically understand that Jacob was trying to protect Nellie, he can never really forgive Jacob for the distress he put Nellie through. And while Jacob understands that Nellie needed support and he wasn’t there to provide it, some part of him resents that Bill stepped into his role as Nellie’s brother.
• Although they were once close as sisters, Nellie and Skye’s friendship definitely changed for the worse in their sixth year. The drama surrounding Nellie getting trained and befriended by Erika all occurred in the month leading up to Rowan’s demise. Having Skye—someone Nellie considered a close friend—be so caught up in her own grudges and jealousy that she called off their friendship in a fit of anger not even a week after Rowan had died, while Erika—a friend she had only just started to make—acted as her rock throughout the whole grieving process, really changed Nellie’s perspective on Skye. To be fair, Skye did eventually apologize, and they picked up the pieces as best they could, but things were never the same.
• While Nellie focused more on the changes her friends went through after the events in the Buried Vault, there’s no denying that she changed as well. She hardly slept her entire sixth year. She cut off all her hair, and she jumped with every loud noise. Her naivety, one of her defining traits, withered, and left only wariness behind. She went from trusting everyone, to trusting no one. Then Rowan’s death came, and she crumbled completely. For a long time after it, she couldn’t function at all.
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Thank you to @treebels​, for the lovely artwork.
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ladyxxdaydream · 5 years
#5 for the drabble thing? (It was really hard to choose one, I wanted to send them all to you! I love your writing so much!)
#5 wait, are you jealous? – what can I say? sometimes you ask for a drabble and I give you a 1.7k ficlet, turning a typically angsty prompt into fluff, ha! thanks for the inspiration, friend.
“Hi, uh, I have a reservation at 7. For Kakashi.”
“Mr. Hatake?”
Kakashi gave a small nod.
“Great. Would you like to wait for the other member of your party to arrive? Or have a seat? We have a table ready.”
“Uh…” Kakashi hesitated, putting his hands in his jacket pockets, unsure. He received a text from Iruka a minute ago, letting him know he was stuck in traffic. Kakashi didn’t know how long Iruka would be yet. “I’ll sit, I guess. ”
“Right this way.”
Kakashi followed her past the bar, past the sleek tables and chairs, which were occasionally offset by a lavishly cushioned circular booth. Kakashi took note of the waiters in their white suit coats, black ties, and black pants. This restaurant was a lot higher class then the ones they usually frequented—Kakashi had to make reservations a month in advance. Not that he minded, it was his third anniversary with Iruka, and he had every intention of spoiling him.
“Here we are,” the hostess said, fanning her hand out.
Kakashi took his seat, eyeing the length of the table—a small candle flickering in the center—before landing on the empty chair across from him.
Too far, he frowned, even though it was less than an arm’s length away.
The hostess handed him a menu.
Kakashi quickly scanned the menu before letting his eyes wander about the room. It was crowded; every table was full. He examined the family of five to his right, wondering if Iruka ever wanted children. Kakashi assumed that he did—Iruka was warm and kind, patient and compassionate, yet he could be strong and stern when he needed to be. Iruka would make the perfect parent, diving in heart first, though his stubbornness could pose a challenge. Kakashi laughed silently to himself at the thought.
Kakashi never thought he’d have children. Nor did he think he’d make a good parent—he was, at times, still cold and reserved. He kept his heart close and guarded, but he was willing to try anything for Iruka; for the man who refused to quit until he had pried Kakashi’s heart from his own hands. They hadn’t had these types of serious conversations yet, but Kakashi knew they were coming. First, though, he needed to tackle moving in together. Kakashi was planning on suggesting it tonight, if he could keep his courage.
The courage all but fizzled out the minute he saw Iruka walking towards him. For some absurd reason, Kakashi felt himself heat up at the sight of him, a light blush coloring his cheeks. How Iruka could still make Kakashi’s stomach turn to knots after three years of dating was a mystery to him.
“Sorry I’m late, traffic was atrocious,” Iruka smiled. “I knew this place was fancy, but I didn’t think I’d have to valet,” Iruka said, his eyes shining with amusement.
Iruka placed a quick kiss to Kakashi’s mouth, his long brown hair falling out from behind his ear to brush against Kakashi’s cheek. “Hi.”
Kakashi smiled in response, waiting for Iruka to settle into his seat. Kakashi knew the minute Iruka’s eyes locked on the menu—
“$145 for a steak?!” Iruka exclaimed. “Oh my god, Kakashi.”
Kakashi laughed, as several heads turned in their direction.
“This is way too much,” Iruka said, lowering his voice, a pained expression on his face, as their waiter approached. “I would have been perfectly happy with—,”
“Could I get you something to start with besides water?”
Iruka’s eyes scanned the menu for something to drink, Kakashi’s eyes were on the waiter, and the waiter’s eyes, well… they wandered over Iruka a little too freely.
“We’ll start with a bottle of Chianti Classico,” Kakashi said.
Iruka spluttered, clearly biting his tongue.
“Perfect. I’ll be back in a moment.”
“Kakashi,” Iruka blurted, the minute the waiter’s back was turned. “Those bottles are like $90…” Iruka said, stress riddling his features.
“Relax, babe,” Kakashi said, attempting to soothe him. Kakashi knew Iruka had insecurities about money, but it was all for naught tonight because Kakashi was paying. “Think of it as a present for tolerating me all these years.”
Iruka raised an eyebrow at him.
“Well, if that’s the case, we should buy one of everything on the menu.”
Kakashi’s mouth fell open in surprise, as Iruka let out a warm laugh.
“I’m teasing. Three years, huh,” Iruka said with a sigh. “Who would have thought one date with Gai would lead me here.”
Iruka and Gai had been matched by a dating app years ago, but halfway through their night, they both knew it wouldn’t work, despite how much they enjoyed each other’s company. Gai seemed to glean enough about Iruka though to loudly exclaim he was the perfect match for his best friend. Gai had been right.
“I’m not surprised,” Kakashi laughed. “Gai’s been responsible for stranger things than us.”
Kakashi observed Iruka in the low light, as his partner gazed at the menu again. He looked stunning in a beige, long-sleeved shirt with a deep v-neck—his chest adorned with three layered gold necklaces, the longest one ending in a pendant. It was a rare occasion for Iruka to wear his hair down, but it was down, in all it’s glory. It never failed to steal Kakashi’s breath away. No wonder their waiter couldn’t resist checking him out.
“You look incredible,” Kakashi said truthfully.
All Iruka could do was blush, before their waiter was back to pour the wine.
“Are you ready to order?”
“I’ll have the spicy king crab with squid ink spaghetti,” Kakashi replied without hesitation.
“Hm. I’m torn between the roasted salmon and the swordfish,” Iruka said, twirling the tip of his hair around his finger. “What would you suggest?” he asked, bringing all of his attention to the focus on the waiter. Iruka’s lashes were so dark, they accentuated his eyes as if he were wearing liner.
God, Iruka was dangerous.
The waiter inched closer to Iruka, probably unaware of his movement. Iruka was magnetic like that. Kakashi knew all too well.
“The salmon. It’s rich and succulent. It all but melts in your mouth,” the waiter said, whose eyes had flicked to Iruka’s lips, making it clear that he’d liked to be acquainted with Iruka’s mouth.
Oh, come on. Kakashi thought, suppressing the urge to roll his eyes.
Iruka remained oblivious to the effect he was having, as always, flashing the waiter a wide genuine smile.
“That sounds wonderful.”
The waiter gave a curt nod, blushing all the way to his ears.
“You’re too far away,” Kakashi said, as soon as the waiter retreated.
Iruka got up and placed his chair beside Kakashi’s, before falling back into it.
“Better?” Iruka asked, their arms brushing against each other now.
“Much,” Kakashi smiled. If that idiot waiter had any doubt whether or not they were together, it would be squashed now. “You know, you’re going to break that poor man’s heart, Iruka,” Kakashi said, with a sinister sense of pride, as he pushed a stray hair behind Iruka’s ear.
Iruka looked at him, confused, just like Kakashi knew he would.
“Our waiter was flirting with you,” Kakashi said, spelling it out for him.
Iruka leaned back to study Kakashi’s face, taking a sip of his wine, before he bit into his bottom lip.
“Wait, are you jealous?” Iruka teased, setting his wine glass back down. “Is that what this was all about?” Iruka asked, knocking his shoulder lightly against Kakashi’s, referring to his sudden request for their new proximity.
“Maybe,” Kakashi drawled, sliding a hand over Iruka’s thigh under the table. “But I also missed you. Do you have any idea how many days this week I’ve wanted to come home to you instead of my empty apartment?”
Iruka placed an elbow on the table, dropping his chin into his palm. He spread his legs a fraction of an inch, just enough to let Kakashi know the game was on.
“No, tell me.”
Kakashi leaned closer to Iruka’s ear.
“Every. Damn. Day,” he said, his fingers grazing Iruka’s cock through his pants.
Iruka turned to hide his face in his hand, letting out a soft pant.
“Let’s move in together.”
Iruka snapped his head up at that, looking at Kakashi with wide, surprised eyes. His other hand had tightly gripped Kakashi’s wrist beneath the table.
“You’re serious?” Iruka asked, softly.
“Yeah. I know you don’t want to live in the city, and I have no problem leaving it. I’m ready for my life to slow down.” Kakashi paused to collect himself. He was doing this. He could do this. He took a hard swallow. “I-I want to slow my life down… with you.”
Iruka’s mouth fell open a bit, still shocked. Kakashi could feel a new heat radiating off his partner’s body. Iruka tugged at his wrist, causing his hand to collide against Iruka’s half hard cock.
Kakashi let out a small, startled sound.
“What can I say? Something about the promise of domesticity turns me on.”
“Shut up,” Kakashi laughed, blushing from a combination of Iruka’s teasing and his own confession a moment ago.
“How’s the”—their waiter stopped to take in their new seating arrangement, as well as the charged air around them—“um, the wine?”
“Oh,” Iruka nervously scratched at his scar while he pulled himself together.
Hn. Kakashi wasn’t going to let him.
“It’s absolutely d…”— Iruka’s breath hitched for a split second as Kakashi rubbed his thumb across Iruka’s growing erection—“d-delicious.”
“Wonderful. Your dinner will be out shortly.”
Iruka fixated his eyes on the tablecloth.
“You are terrible.”
Iruka’s voice came out hard and dark. Kakashi feared he had crossed the line for a second, before Iruka looked up at him, his eyes a blaze. It set Kakashi’s skin on fire.
“Punish me later?”
Kakashi didn’t care if his voice came out breathy and desperate.
“Oh, I will.”
Iruka picked up his wine glass and raised it at Kakashi.
“Happy Anniversary, darling.”
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nohcrm · 5 years
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( ADELAIDE KANE / 32 / SHE/HER ) – ( neve channing ) has been spotted in the castle. they said to originally be from ( portland, oregon ) and is often seen to be ( self-possessed ) but seemingly ( resilient ). After being in Wolfenstein for ( time in compound ), they’ve come to ( quietly rebel against ) the council in their own way. They work as ( a nurse ) and are known around these parts as ( the healer ). better watch your back with that one around. 
A LIST OF (AT LEAST) 6 AESTHETICS FOR THIS CHARACTER: the soft inky fur of a canine companion, a maroon stethoscope hanging around a neck–partially obscured by a curtain of dark hair, a father’s watch with a black leather band that is faithfully worn and cared for, a worn leather jacket that fits like a second skin, a small pile of books read and re-read–the ones with traditional medical treatments dogeared and the margins written in, restless nights after years of working the nightshift. THE SONG YOU SEE AS THIS CHARACTERS THEME: troublemaker by beach house (AT LEAST) THREE HEADCANON: neve had accepted a job as a nurse on a private european tour group as a way to see europe without having to pay for it herself after having been stalked and wanting to sort of disappear. prior to that she was an er nurse in portland oregon. she’s always been a successful and competent nurse, but her confidence in her skills has undergone some change since the supplies and medications have had to be adapted. neve sees the pragmatic need for making harsh choices; she’s made several of her own before and since the outbreak. still, she’s not always a stringent rule follower and she’ll do things for the good of others even if that doesn’t always gel with the interests of the council. she keeps to herself socially as much as she can, but she’s generally very tender and compassionate with those she treats and likely has a positive reputation despite being a bit reserved.
trigger/content warnings: murder, death, graphic violence, mental health, postpartum depression, suicide, cancer, drug mention, parent death, medical, euthanasia mention, stalking, guns.
genevieve channing is born on a cold, grey february sometime around midnight to douglas and paula channing while the heavy oregon fog kisses the modest concrete jungle of portland oregon like a phantom. paula gives her a big name, telling the nurses with heady confidence that she’ll be famous one day, and it’s the biggest gift she ever gives her. baby genevieve is in her arms so often, she hardly touches a cradle, but it’s not long until douglas feels an uneasiness creeping in.
paula is bohemian silk skirts and crushed velvet. she grows restless being trapped in the plain, modest home in northeast. she is a woman that is easy to fall in love with—not meant to sit at home idly with a collicy baby, where she finds herself in tears more than ever. douglas returns from work to find baby genevieve screaming unattended in her crib while paula cries in the backyard with an ashtray full of cigarettes. she tells him she’s worried she’ll crash the car one day on the way to the grocery store with them both inside. douglas digs his teeth into his bottom lip and tries not to cry. he squeezes her hand and tells her she needs to go to therapy. what he really wants to tell her is that their baby needs her. he leaves paula outside and spends the afternoon tidying the house with genevieve swaddled against his chest. it’s a warm feeling.
it’s not long after that paula starts disappearing for periods of time and douglas learns she can’t be trusted to watch after the baby on her own. when she calls from downtown in tears, hyperverbal and desperate, he picks her up in his old chevy truck and brings her home. she agrees to see a doctor and for awhile, they figure out how to live again. some days are even as sweet as the rhubarb pies she starts to make again.
there are only two ways neve later remembers her mother, and the first is lovely–paula is picnics and shakespeare in the parks. she’s dried roses in the window and salmon tacos with mango salsa. she is whirlwind adventures and laughter. she teaches neve to make wishes on stray eyelashes, blowing them into the wind like dandelion seeds. on the good days, paula’s eyes are filled with stars. on the bad days, they are left black as the night sky while she cries the constellations down her cheeks. occasionally, she is cruel. mostly, she is absent.
by the third grade, neve expects this. douglas has never been much of a cook–save hamburger patties with canned green beans and a baked potato. she cooks their dinners from recipes she learns from her grandmas and helps around the house. most nights she’s home alone until the grumbling sound of the chevy breaks through the dark and signals her father’s return. eventually, she stops missing her mother from the everyday–it’s only when the other kids talk about their moms that she feels the pang of loss and wonders where she is. some nights neve finds herself sitting in her bedroom window pulling out eyelashes just to have something left to wish on. some of paula’s friends overdose on heroin or get murdered in the nights when neve is sleeping; she stays up late and hopes that her vigil will keep a distant mother safe.
there aren’t many trees on their street–unlike some of the other neighborhoods. the big weeping birch in their backyard that drives her father crazy as he rakes leaves every fall is neve’s pride and joy. there is comfort in the shade its branches cast every summer. at night it makes her lonely as it blocks the silhouette of the waxing moon. on lazy summer days when her father leaves for work, neve sits with her back curved against its rough trunk and reads the day away.
on a cool april afternoon, just after preparing a plate of cherry poptarts with a thin layer of butter on top of the frosting ( much to her father’s chagrin ), neve ventures out to the modest yard to sit under her tree. the familiar crushed blue velvet of her mother’s favorite dress catches her off guard and she drops her breakfast onto the unkempt lawn as her mind makes sense of the unnatural height of its hem as paula swings–marking the time of neve’s pounding heartbeat. the butter solidifies as it cools in the dirt, the heel of neve’s hand-me-down airwalk sneakers mashing her breakfast. the cherry filling sticks to the sole like bubblegum; she’ll never eat them again, but she can’t help but recall that her mom always preferred the maple and brown sugar.
portland in the eighties and nineties is less portlandia and more drugstore cowboy. a lot of kids from other neighborhoods don’t go downtown. the ones that do have an air of palpable grit. neve takes the max, rides her skateboard in the dark. douglas has cautioned her a hundred thousand times, but paula’s death has instilled such a great fear of losing his daughter that he lets her get away with more than he knows he probably should. he fears paula’s ghost will someday possess her and she’ll wander off into the ether. most days he insists that the only parts of paula he sees in his cherished daughter are the good ones–neve holds onto the corporeal world with claws. it’s only on the worst nights–paula’s specter cooling the sheets of his bed in the dark–that he wakes up with the fear his daughter is gone.
douglas’s new wife, rosie, does her best to pit them against one another, but sometimes–she’s not so bad, neve thinks. it’s nice to have a mother figure in the house again even if she falls short most days. sometimes she thinks that maybe they could learn to love each other. if nothing else, she’s sure she owes a bit of gratitude to the woman; the nights of her father’s haunting sobs have become fewer and farther between. it isn’t until douglas begins receiving late notices on utilities that he begins to grow suspicious. rosie is quick to throw neve under the bus–a young girl like that? she’s probably stealing their money to spend on drugs and CDs at sam goody. douglas has never bet on anyone like he bets on his daughter; rosie’s gambling debts are news to them both.
the fallout of the relationship leaves douglas and neve in dire financial straits. the father is heartbroken–another love lost, he blames himself for always choosing the wrong lady luck. despite their financial ruin, left in rosie’s wake, douglas has a hard time getting out of bed most days and blows through what little sick time he has available to him. school takes a back burner and neve barely attends it at all–favoring her time on finding work ( legitimate and illegitimate ) to help keep their small family afloat. she attends class when it’s profitable and waits tables or washes dishes when she can. it’s still not enough.
a few kids turn neve onto small crimes to turn a profit. they ride the max to the suburbs and crash parties–stealing pills out of medicine cabinets and turning them over for profit. calculus wasn’t worth a good goddamn, but distribution teaches skills. it’s hard not to get caught up in petty thefts and the occasional break-ins. neve and her friends find it easy to justify in the spirit of class war. a pin on her denim jacket reads ‘eat the rich’ and it doesn’t sound so bad. portland is a cannibal and it eats its children.
neve is a cat with nine lives and despite her friends being caught by the long arm of the law or the stronger arm of revenge, she evades detection. even such cats live with a fear of death, and as consequence catches up to members of the small circle she runs with, neve knows she is living on borrowed time. sooner or later, she knows, her luck will run bone dry.
neve dropping out of high school is a wake up call for douglas. he sees farther than she does and knows that she deserves a better life than the one he’s scrounged together for her. most days, he blames himself for a life that could have been; some kids like her wore neatly pressed dresses and folded over lace socks on picture day. some kids had piano lessons and summer camps. there’s a lot of insight in hindsight, but neve staunchly opposes his masochistic remorse and becomes determined to prove him wrong. it takes her a couple years of working to figure out what she wants to do–a girl baptised in her mother’s blood is born with the kind of heart that takes on too much. she is meant for saving lives and carrying the world on her shoulders like atlas himself.
it takes time, but as douglas gets their house in order and starts working again. neve is able to start up at portland community college. she takes up a work study job and works a steady flow of odd jobs on the side to support herself. lady luck shines her fortune on the pair for the first time in forever to make up for the steady losses they’ve sustained over the years. life isn’t lavender and gardenias, but somehow waking up becomes little and less painful each day. some days neve wakes up and forgets that she can’t breathe. most days she spends her gratitude in the heap of debt the world owes her–waiting for the other shoe to drop.
the rebirth of their family is a hearty soil; both channings flourish as if made anew. the dew drops that cling to garden spider webs in their window signal the looming anniversary of a mother’s misty breath and neve learns not to fall apart. douglas works hard to do right by her and make up for the years of never knowing what to do and waffling between what is best and what is desirable. he is a man that longs for dreams–feet barely brushing the earth like her mother’s did on that day–but he is learning to make dreams work too. his dreams take root around his daughter once more; he builds them around her and builds her up with them.
the highschool dropout graduates her community college adn bridge program and she can hardly believe it when she’s accepted to ohsu for her bsn. there are no college diplomas with the channing name hanging on walls with peeling wallpaper or tucked away in trunks with paula’s things. douglas has saved his money for months to get her the right graduation gift and neve laughs, downplaying that it’s not a real graduation, but still walks in the ceremony at his insistence.
she returns home to the small party of friends she’ll start to grow apart from when she gets tired of the jeers about how she thinks she’s ‘too good for them’ now. neighborhoods like hers don’t always love to watch you grow if it means you’ll leave them. they’ll still blow up her phone for medical advice, but the invitations dry up like the drought of portland natives in southeast. for now, it’s a pleasant barbecue. the highlight of the evening comes in the small bundle of inky fur that douglas proudly produces after neve’s second burger. peering out from his strong arms are the brown eyes of a young siberian husky. douglas begs her to name the pup murphy over robocop, but loses easily–a hearty chuckle on his lips. they are bonded instantly–girl and dog–robocop becomes neve’s second most stalwart companion next to her father.
nursing school is hard, but it’s not impossible and it is full of new kinds of joys. she makes new friends and they eat lunch from the thai foodcart—nestled within the pod of south waterfront—and lay on the quad drinking smoothies and complaining about the next pharmacology exam. nose in a book and a drink in her hand at happy hour down at cha cha cha !, neve attracts the attention of pa student shane stone. he knows a nursing school classmate of hers from high school and is quickly incorporated to their study groups with a couple of his friends. he is tall with dark hair and kind eyes and just the sort of person a girl dreams of falling in love with. he spends little time worrying about things like rent and bus passes. it’s not even the end of the semester before study dates evolve into movie dates. there’s an entire world between them, but somehow the pair build a bridge.
as neve focuses on school, douglas seems to be making steps to keep himself around longer. they go for long walks with robocop around the neighborhood. southeast portland is becoming a different neighborhood and the cost of living is high. restaurants crop up with around the block waits and family friends are forced to move to grayer pastures. it seems, to the channings, that it’s the end of an era. with neve spending most of her time at shane’s apartment on south waterfront, douglas’ weight loss is hardly noticed–everyone assumes it is merely the byproduct of increased activity. it isn’t until his stature becomes gaunt that neve starts to worry.
shane holds neve close when she finally breaks down–sneaking into the single bathroom of the clinic to let her fall apart the way he knows she can’t do in the open. like a wild animal, the girl he loves hides herself away when she feels death’s acrid breath on her neck. he doesn’t know what loss is and he certainly can’t relate to what she’s been through. douglas’ diagnosis is like watching the noose tighten around her mother’s neck all over again. her throat is dry like she’s choking on the fibers of that same rope; the world has a foggy edge—hollow like street lights illuminating an empty suburban neighborhood on a clear, dark night. everything is wooden; everything feels like a dollhouse.
it’s hard to keep up on her studies, but somehow neve muscles through. shane gives up his idyllic apartment and moves into their modest southeast home to help out. he makes a lighthearted joke about finally being a real portlander and moving so near the trendy, revitalized mississippi neighborhood and neve drops and breaks her coffee mug on the unfinished wood floor of the kitchen. it’s just another reminder that he doesn’t belong in her world any more than she does in his. it doesn’t sting as bad as the ink on his mother’s checks that she cashes to keep her father comfortable on his deathbed while she learns to be a better caretaker. life ebbs and flows, but douglas’ drains away until she hardly recognizes the sinewy, pale hands that hold hers so strongly for a man that can’t sit up by himself any longer. she curses her mother once more for leaving and twice for never having been there in the first place.
death isn’t slow or peaceful like the woman from her father’s church will lie about at the funeral. his death rattle lasts for hours and the bellows of his chest quake with weary breath. part of her wishes that the hospice nurse had started an iv on him and a sick, hidden part of her wishes it because a sweet dose of morphine would’ve ended it all sooner for him. she wonders silently if that would do more to ease his pain or hers? he hasn’t been conscious in two days. shane sits with her at the side of his bed with rapt attention and as his breathing slows, neve crawls into the hospice bed next to him. the next several months are a blur and a father misses his only daughter’s graduation. neve is barely present there herself.
shane insists that she’s not an orphan–his parents fly in from denver and treat her like one of their own. it guilts her that she can’t help but resent them for the simple virtue of living while her own father is reduced to a cold dust. she wears his ashes around her neck in a pendant from the funeral home and spreads the rest in every beautiful place she can find. some of them spill into her purse during a hike with robo and shane and she breaks down in tears. there are so many small things that make her sick or numb. a multitude of tiny memories that weigh as much as planets; isn’t dust what helped create the milky way? even around the stone family she feels alone. maybe especially around the stones.
the emergency department attracts all kinds of people in myriad dire straits. people come in at the end of their ropes–infections ignored too long, stabbings and shootings, a broken bone from slipping off the slide, and sometimes when they feel like they can’t live any longer. evan does not fit into any of these categories when he comes in. among the myriad failings of the medical system, lack of access and use of primary care is one of the larger contributions to higher emergency department volumes and evan is another data point in a sea of statistics. he comes back to neve’s room with a sly grin plastered on his face and states that he’s new to the area and can’t get into a new primary care for a few months. his daily asthma inhaler is out and he needs to renew the prescription and get a referral to a clinic.
there’s nothing on the surface that identifies this man as a threat. he’s almost charming and he’s nontoxic appearing–a nice easy patient in a sea of sick people is sometimes a great relief. they make some small talk and it’s the usual stuff she chats about with patients: ‘where’re you from?’ ‘where did you go to school?’ he expresses an interest in nursing and she recommends the program she attended at the hospital she now works. there’s almost a tension there, and when he makes a casual comment about the tan line on her finger she tells him that she doesn’t wear her engagement ring at work because it can tear the gloves. that’s only half right. maybe he can sense the rest of the truth; she’ll wonder that later when she pieces together every scrap of something she can use to blame it on herself.
he sends her a message on facebook, which makes her lips curl downwards in uncertainty. even that isn’t entirely alarming. it opens up reminding her that he’s knew to the area, and that he’s interested in the nursing program she went to. it’s a surprise, but he makes mention of a girlfriend’s wifi and he even asks how shane is doing. he loves her dog and mentions wanting one himself. sure, it’s a little weird–unconventional–but neve has always been interested in helping others find nursing and agrees to meet him for coffee to discuss the program. when they meet, she sees the mistake inherit in it before she even opens the cafe door. he’s disheveled and hyperverbal when he speaks to her and she can barely get a word in edge wise. between the gift he’s brought her and the intensity of his stare, she wonders how she could have read him so wrong. it’s then that he drops the bomb that makes her stomach sink into the trench it detonates in–will they take him in the nursing program with a record? she doesn’t ask, but he provides the details anyway. death threats to some girl he barely knew that wouldn’t leave him alone, he paints the canvas well, but she can read between the lines. evan stevens is dangerous and his lethal eye is trained on her.
she makes an excuse to leave–the first of many excuses, the illusion of being unavailable, unattainable. it’s the advice she’s given to women before, but never had to follow. those words offered to women in distress seem so trite now, so hollow. there is so much fear in cutting ties slowly–the strategic approach to keep an impulsive person like that from escalating. she wishes she could take those clinical offerings of textbook wisdom back from those women and hold their hands. she wonders how many of them still live. he starts blowing up her phone constantly. he comments on all her social media. all day and all night. if she doesn’t respond, he threatens suicide. some days he asks if she’s working and says he brought her lunch. if she says she’s sick, he asks for her address to bring her tom yum takeout from the restaurant she’s posted about on instagram. everything makes her sick now.
god, it’s hard to speak about. she can’t even let the words reach her tongue, lips and teeth to birth them. they shrivel and die in her throat, festering there until she swallows them and they rest in her stomach like great stones. she wonders if evan will cut her stomach open like a wolf and find the rocks there. that’s not how the story goes; she tells herself so many versions as she lies awake in the dark afraid to sleep.
when she finally tells her friends–a smattering of girls and guys from nursing school, the er, and her neighborhood–the response is like the knife she dreams about in her gut. she shows some of the girls at her work his picture, worried that he’ll come in asking about her. she’s chided by these friends, “he’s actually pretty cute, florence nightingale” they joke. “it must be flattering to have the attention.” even shane suspected that there’s some indulgence on her part. that maybe she likes trying to fix people who are broken so much that she gets some sick reward from the experience. he doesn’t speak the words, but neve is fluent in shane stone. he says it in his eyes, the downcurve of his lips, the tense way he sighs when her phone dings over and over again during date nights.
on a cold night in december, neve works on meal prepping alone in the kitchen. evan has been out of town helping his mother remodel her kitchen and neve feels like she can finally breathe in the space he’s left behind. turning on the wireless speaker, she tries to pair her phone to play music as loud as the thin walls of her father’s modest northeast portland home will allow and instead hears, in the cold, robotic voice ‘pairing with neve’s iphone and evan’s iphone.’ robocop doesn’t even lift his head in suspicion the whole night. she calls 911, but they find neither hide nor hair of him. in the morning, neve nails the windows shut and buys a gun–a smith & wesson .357 snub nose revolver. the weight of it is heavy in her hands and she buys a membership to a gun range, calling into work and practicing until shane returns. she doesn’t tell him about the gun and she stops telling him how bad things have gotten with evan. the click of his tongue and disapproval in his eyes is more dooming than a death sentence and she can’t bear to bring further disappointment. neve channing is a strong woman–a smart woman. things like this don’t happen to women like her.
somehow, evan is everywhere and he knows all her secret places as if he exists as an extension of her. maybe he even believes he is–sending her voice messages about how they’re connected. they are the same; they are foils of one another. he send her a picture of his ouroboros tattoo from a new number after she finally blocks him. ‘we are the same.’ he is an all-consuming, devouring force, but she is not a serpent’s tail. he is moloch–besmeared with blood, the great, horrid king–but she is not a child and she will not be sacrificed for sins she has not committed. he has not right and there’s only one way she can see this ending as the days grow longer. like life itself begins, this too will end in blood.
there is a consequence to every action and every inaction. every little thing she chooses not to tell shane fester and boils. the late nights at work and the new passcode on her phone seem more to shane like cheating than a worsening of some creep’s obsession. she hasn’t even mentioned evan to him since the trees started blooming again. when he elects to cheer her up and bring her lunch during a shift she traded so she could practice at the gun range, his suspicions deepen and while she sleeps that morning, he rifles through her work bag and finds alongside her locked cell phone the cold steel of a secret that he cannot abide by.
it’s not his fault either and she means that from the bottom of her heart. every kindness from the stones feels like another debt and neve can’t help but let the resentment fester in the tasteful diamond on her finger. when she looks upon his face now all she can see is death and it’s the world’s cruelest joke, because she’s the one with cemetery dirt underneath her fingernails. she can’t tell which of the two of them she resents more and they both deserve lives where ghosts stay buried and the dead don’t whisper malcontent in her ears while she struggles to fall asleep. nightmares are her own warm milk; she’s sick of the cold metal of a gun as she moves it from her night stand to her purse each morning. she’s tired of being made to feel like she had a stake in any of this.
it’s not the kindest way to leave a man, but she’s not sure she’s ready to face him again after all that’s happened. she leaves her house keys with her cousin paloma and packs up shane’s stuff. paloma has just started nursing school and can use neve’s father’s old house to sublet. the rent’s free and she’s always been gentle hearted. neve can’t think of anyone better to care for her father’s old house. with dear john letters to both shane and the hospital, neve takes robocop and enough of her things to fit into her subaru forester. it’s not goodbye. it’s never goodbye, she thinks as she hugs paloma on the modest porch. it still feels so permanent, but neve tells herself that big decisions always do. she yearns to discover who she is outside of grief and fear and love. a daughter cannot bloom in her parents’ shadows and she is suffocating underneath the gentle love of the mourning glory.
she’s seen the ad on her instagram stories for weeks. some nurse she follows has a few spots open for a trip across europe–international travel nursing. it seems too good to be true; it seems like it could be a nightmare. six weeks with a tour group–neve guesses made up of people living way beyond her means–with room and board paid for. it’s an opportunity to see europe and get away from the grief and fears that wait for her around every corner at home. it doesn’t take much for her to convince herself and when she finds out that she can bring robocop along as a therapy dog? there’s no reason not to go.
the first inklings of the outbreak pique neve’s interest–an amateur virulogist and a woman on the front lines, she turns her watchful eye on the reports. they are an obscurity, an oddity. they are a fun hobby that neve debates with her new coworkers and the more interesting patrons of the european tour so that she does not lament the northwest so viscerally. the passing jokes do not end when the mandatory screenings are brought up among the two other nurses on the trip. ‘it’s just like ebola all over again’ her colleagues joke. no one takes threats seriously when they’re far away; sometimes the only protection against the weight of the world is levity. the old nurse adage rings true–if you don’t laugh, you might cry.
the work is easy, but tedious. she misses being an er nurse instead of what feels like a concierge to webmd abroad. most of the people aren’t so bad, but she doesn’t really connect with them either. since evan, she had a hard time connecting with anybody. it’s not just the work she misses from back home. she misses her friends and the distant family she left behind. she misses working at night, so she can feel safe sleeping during the day. an entire ocean separates her from her greatest fear and yet it seems she’s never free. that fear consumes her so entirely, that as the outbreak worsens, she isn’t as vigilant as she might have been.
their group isn’t built on loyalty. it doesn’t take long for fear to drive a wedge between them and several of them split off–either to reunite themselves with their families or to take shelter with other rich eccentrics. neve is invited by some vaguely cultist woman to what she refers to as her compound, but declines. there is nothing good out there for any of them, but she’s afraid that going as someone’s charity case will rob her of her agency. there’s no way she can offer up her only semblance of control to a woman who thinks essential oils cure cancer.
instead, a small band of the travelers survives together for almost a year. it’s difficult and they lose and gain people among them with fair frequency. neve does her best to care for the others, but even with her background and the supplies she’d brought on the trip, it’s hard to treat traumatic injuries and infections in a foreign country with no infrastructure or reliable power. she loses more patients in that year than she can stand, but there are little victories too. she tries not to weight hem against one another–a feather of successes against a pile of lead losses.
wolfenstein exists as a curious dream–an atlantis built as salvation. she and her surviving companions can hardly believe it’s real when they hear the transmission on the radio. it’s painful to hope, and part of her worries that it’s part of some nefarious scheme; they’ve run into some untoward survivors before, but at the risk of sounding cliched–no risk, no reward. sure enough, there is a big reward: civilization, no matter how rudimentary. after nearly a year scrounging and fighting to survive, there truly is hope. she worries they won’t accept her with a dog she won’t let go of, but an emergency nurse in the apocalypse has more leverage than a dozen physician specialties. he is well trained. he can help with some work. they’re a packaged deal.
the rules are simple, reasonable. she’s trained for mass casualty incidents where resources have to be given to those who will likely be able to survive outside of the hospital when all is said an done. that kind of choice is difficult for those attracted to careers built on compassion, but neve has always accepted the responsibility of it. still, it’s hard for her to justify turning people away who might not always be able to contribute meaningfully. there’s no longer hipaa or ethics committees; there is only the council, of which she too is a member. still, she keeps records of everyone and holds their health information close to her heart. if she can keep some chronic illnesses a secret, she will. no one wants to feed someone who might not be able to work further down the line.
some people must wonder if her interests are aligned with the greater good or the individual, but she keeps that answer close to her chest: it depends.
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May I have a male ships from lotr and lucifer(fox) please. I'm 4"11 chubby woman who is has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes and have sun kiss skin and wear glasses. My hobbies are cooking,singing,dancing,and drawing. My personality is shy,quiet, kind, friendly, caring,and loving and childish. Thank you :) @disneymarina
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I ship you with Fili!!! Thankfully, being tall runs in Fili’s family! Well...tall for a Dwarf. So I’d say you’re roughly around the same height! Which surprises Fili, honestly. Most human women are taller than his kin, some even taller than the men of their own kin! He and his brother would probably tease you about it at first, being such a small human might amuse them somewhat. But i think, once they see that it doesn’t sit well with you after a while, they’ll stop.  Fili would definitely tell you all sorts of wonderful things, like...how the sun shines like gold in your eyes. Or how your skin smells of sunlight and warmth.  Yeah, dude’s a grossly cute one.  This man would be crazy for your curves, babe! Somehow, the two of you would end up behind the rest of the company, with Kili JUST ahead of you...why? Because Fili can’t keep his hands to himself. He wants to hold your hand, rest his hand on your leg, put his arm around you, kiss you...among other things. But he’ll take whatever you give him, because just being close to you is enough for him! ...did i mention how adorable he is... Fili (and the rest of the company), would have the biggest appreciation for your cooking. Don’t get me wrong, all dwarves can cook like crazy, but being human, you’d know how to cook more than just rabbit or sausage ;) I can see you quietly singing to yourself while at task and not noticing the company all pausing around you, listening to your voice. When you do notice they all beg you to keep singing. And let us not forget the importance of dance in their culture as well! Fili would always manage to have you in his arms or at least hand-in-hand. The others occasionally stealing you away from him to dance, risking Fili pouting for hours later. Your personality would just fit perfectly! Even though you’re a little shy, where the dwarves are quite boisterous, your nurturing but still childlike nature are a piece to their puzzle. Especially Fili’s. He and his brother are pranksters, they like to mess around and you’d totally help them scheme against the others.  Kili might resent you a little at first. Just because he wouldn’t be used to his brother (read partner in crime), giving someone else so much attention. But after a little while, the three of you would be thick as thieves.  Seeing as Fili is the older brother, he is heir to the throne and it is expected of him (and Kili) so take a wife and bear children. So you will have a fairly large responsibility ahead of you, as royalty and Thorin does his best to stamp out the budding romance between then two of you. There can’t possibly be a human on a Dwarven throne or mixed blood heirs. But you soon prove yourself the King Under the Mountain and he accepts you and the love his nephew has for you.  All up? Fili would be so adorable and be such a good man to you. He’d dote on you and protect you with his life. Singing and dancing around campfires with the company. Star gazing with your dwarven prince before sleep takes you. All the forehead kisses because he can reach!!! Just...so much cute.
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I ship you with Lucifer!!! THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE. HOLY CRAP. Lucifer would love curling up around you and just tucking you against him. He knows it makes you feel safe and loved, so he makes sure to do it often. Again. We know Lucifer has an appreciation for all forms of beauty and yours is no exception. He thinks you are one of the most magnificent creations his Father has brought to life. And we all know how much of a sexual being he is, so Luci always has wandering hands and those eyes? Hun, you’ll catch him staring at you from his seat at the piano while you sing and/or dance and..oh boy...you better be prepared for after closing.  Maze likes to joke about how beautiful your babies would be...whether they were Lucifer’s or hers ;) Dark hair, dark eyes and sun kissed skin. Those kids would be GORGEOUS...as much as Lucifer grumbles about her jokes not being funny, he low-key kinda loves them because he agrees.  Lucifer has tried to talk you into different role plays in the bedroom, involving you glasses. Because he has no shame and is constantly telling you how sexy he finds them...usually in front of the detectives. Chloe is often at a loss for how the two of you work. You’re kind of shy, quiet and reserved...not to mention compassionate and kind. Always showing Lucifer so much love. Where Lucifer is loud, bold and can often be mistaken for apathetic. But she admits that around you he has a different energy. Like he sort of...slows down? Takes his time. Watches you. Moves around you. Especially when you sit to draw, or sing softly. Detective Decker has even seen him pull you onto the dance floor once or twice, to spin you in circles and make you smile brighter than any star in the sky.
A/N: OMG. I got a little carried away! I hope you like them gorgeous! xoxo - J
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✩ for Sienna x Elijah!
Send ‘✩’ for the following:Disagreements:
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Probably Sienna since Elijah has an intermediate step in which he initially lowers his voice to a sharp, threatening warning when he is disagreeing with someone. Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Sienna. Which doesn’t mean she doesn’t absolutely succeeds in riling him up every time. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Elijah. Mostly because in spite of everything he does he still has an obsession with technically keeping his word. Emphasis on technically. Mostly he just exits the room so the warning is fulfilled and immediately after returns with a vengeance like a drama king. Who trashes the house? If things escalate to that level I suspect Sienna would take advantage of at least one of Elijah’s unique items collections in order to force him into playing juggler for a moment. Do either of them get physical? Sure…In the sense that their disagreements religiously end when one of them begins to passionately kiss the other as if there was no tomorrow. How often do they argue/disagree? Surprisingly next to never from what we have seen until now. They playfully tease and taunt each other constantly but In spite of their tempers they seem to be too fervently attracted to the other’s supposedly worst qualities to actually have a classical fight. Who is the first to apologize? Both Sienna and Elijah: “…What the hell is an apology?”
Sex:Who is on top? Elijah has a predilection for utterly overwhelming her with pleasure and discover what kinds of pleading and raging moans he can find in the process so his first instinct is towards an active position but I suspect the reverse also occurs pretty often.Who is on the bottom? I don’t think anyone is “on the bottom” from their perspective. They are either taking and consuming the other in satisfaction or receiving the thrilling, passionate bliss they obviously deserve.   Who has the strangest desires?…Define strangeAny kinks? Who? Them? No! I think it is obvious these two, morally sound citizens are pretty vanilla. XDWho’s dominant in bed? “Elijah has a predilection for utterly overwhelming her with pleasure and discover what kinds of pleading and raging moans he can find…”Is head ever in the equation? Is it ever not?If so, who is better at performing it?…Let’s not make those two compete with each other. Ever had sex in public? Well….Considering the level of hiding involved in their connection and how impatient they can get….One could assume…Who moans the most? “Elijah has a predilection for utterly overwhelming her with pleasure and discover what kinds of pleading and raging moans he can find…”Who leaves the most marks? Tsk tsk…What did we just say about competitions? We are adding fuel to the fire.Who screams the loudest? “Elijah has a predilection for utterly overwhelming her with pleasure and discover what kinds of pleading and raging moans he can find…”Who is the more experienced of the two? Probably Elijah by merit of age.Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Hmm…Elijah would diplomatically quote “To define is to limit”Rough or soft? Fervidly intense, lustful and steamy as a general rule. Sometimes surprisingly soft and caring. Neither of them mention the implications of the second kind too much.How long do they usually last? Hours if they are supposed to have only twenty minutes together. Twenty minutes if they are supposed to have hours. Then they can go for a whole packet of rounds.Is protection used? YesDoes it ever get boring? Ha-HaWhere is the strangest place they’d have sex? Now these questions are challenging them? What little common sense!
Family:Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? Their current relationship goals include not dying for Elijah and not initiating a mob war for Sienna.  If so, how many children do your muses want/have? I think I need to give an answer for the next few questions to make sense so on the top of my head lets say…A girl and a boy? The girl could have been spoiled beyond measure and in consequence be even more entitled, arrogant and adorably egocentric than the two of them combined and just for the fun and potential hilarious situations I would say the boy actually seems to be a genuinely noble, kind and compassionate person. No one knows how it happened. No one knows what to do with him. Sienna can choose the names if she wants. lolWho is the favorite parent? For the girl whoever is pampering her more that week. For the boy…Sienna.  Who is the authoritative parent? Elijah.Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Both under the right strategy. With Sienna they can explain they meet this really interesting boy/girl or that they have to show the bossy teacher he can’t control them. With Elijah they can tell him they have a clever seven step plan that includes manipulation, deceit and betrayal in order to become head cheerleader/ school council president and it is really important for them to be away so no one suspects they are responsible for what they put into motion. Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? That’s not how it works. The rules say 20% of the sweets they bring home automatically go to the parents who also reserve the right to indiscriminately take more of it if they are eating them in public.  Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? SiennaWho goes to parent teacher interviews? Either of them. Both if Sienna is in the mood to watch how Elijah sometimes not so subtlety informs the teacher it is in his best interest to ignore those silly rumors about their daughter being a “manipulative and snobby brat who thinks she rules the school” Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Elijah’s job sometimes make him arrive late so he is more naturally active during those hours.    Who spends the most time with the children? Sienna for a slight difference. But they do try to do things all together. Who packs their lunch boxes? They actually tried to make the kids their lunch boxes together once…It ended up as a mixture of lobster tartlets, lollipops, strawberry juice and a double cheese hamburger. They were incredibly proud of themselves. Both of the kids asked for lunch money from that day onward.Who gives their children ‘the talk’? The school if they have any luck. Who cleans up after the kids? The same service that cleans up after the parents.Who worries the most? Elijah worries about the boy and how little he seems to be made for the family business quite frequently. Sienna is the only one with enough influence over the two of them as to make them see more or less eye to eye sometimes. Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Sienna.
Affection:Who likes to cuddle? Cuddling just…Sort of…Happens. It is not to be questioned.Who is the little spoon? Sienna.Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Most places are inappropriate for them. Sienna appears to have a certain tendency towards that behavior and making him go crazy with it but Elijah isn’t precisely innocent either. Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? Both How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Not-To-Be-Questioned.What is their favourite non-sexual activity? I believe they would greatly enjoy travelling together if they were under different circumstancesWhere is their favourite place to cuddle? Apparently “Inappropriate places”Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? 49% Elijah 51% SiennaHow often do they get time to themselves? As often as they sneakily create it.
Sleeping:Who snores? No one. The closest is Sienna softly breathing from her nose while she is sleeping sometimes which Elijah finds mutely charmingIf both do, who snores the loudest? -Do they share a bed or sleep separately? They sleep on the same bed when they can be certain they can get away with it. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Again with the closeness questions…Cozy positions just happen sometimes. No need to over-analyzeWho talks in their sleep? Sienna. Elijah listens intently if he is awake as if she were reciting the most fascinating novel. What do they wear to bed? Whatever little remains of what they were wearing before the wild inferno of a night together occurred.Are either of your muses insomniacs? Elijah has some trouble sleeping but he never recognizes it out loud. Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? No.Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? ….Repeat after me meme: Proximity. Just. Happens. It is like magic. Who wakes up with bed hair? If they don’t have it when they wake up they can still win it by their way of awakening the other.  Who wakes up first? It varies. Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? If Elijah can’t sleep he might try to improvise making something edible for her. Who hogs the sheets? Sienna. Elijah freely allows her to win that battle but still tease her about it. Do they set an alarm each night? Only if they have anything to do the next day.Can a television be found in their bedroom? YesWho has nightmares? Both of them occasionally.Who has ridiculous dreams? Sienna. Elijah listens to every single one of them intently and suggests meanings for them with interest as if they were the best stories he ever heard.Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Sienna.Who makes the bed? Depends on whose bed it is.What time is bed time? There is no bed time. Only chaos.Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Elijah the days he doesn’t sleep.
Work:Who is the busiest? ElijahWho rakes in the highest income? Exclusively out of working? Elijah. I don’t quite know who has more money between Sienna’s family and Elijah. I usually try to write her father as a mafia boss currently above him in status and position so the danger of them getting discovered is real but by a minimal difference.Are any of your muses unemployed?….Technically speaking and as far as the law is concerned.Who takes the most sick days? If they don’t want to do something they don’t do it. No sick day status necessary. Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Elijah but only if Sienna is involved.Who sucks up to their boss? Neither.What are their jobs? Who is asking?Who stresses the most? Elijah sees it all as a big game he will eventually be the conquering winner of and reading her bio again Sienna only helps with her family’s business in innocent things like the books if she feeling like it so…Neither. Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Elijah enjoys it immensely. Sienna does as she wants so I assume she likes it too.Are your muses financially stable? Legally speaking? They are poor souls barely making it. Extra-officially? Have a bag of cash and don’t ask questions.
Home:Who does the washing? These are if they lived together right? It doesn’t make much sense otherwise. The staff.Who takes out the trash? Unless we are talking about a mafia “taking out the trash” expression…The staff.Who does the ironing? Staff.Who does the cooking? If he is in a specially good mood Elijah will try to cook pasta for her. Mainly as a private joke related to her Italian mafia lineage stereotype but he actually puts incredible amounts of never admitted effort into improving it each time it happens.Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? The two of them together. They have a lot more fun but are also considerably more destructive when they try to act as normal people together. Who is messier? Elijah is better at pretending he isn’t but they are probably at the same level. Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? A bad job from the staff.Who is the prankster around the house? Sienna starts the prank wars but Elijah hasn’t been a pacifist about it once. Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Sienna pretended to lose them once and challenged Elijah to quickly get them a new vehicle without calling any of his employees. They still have an extra car the previous owner never dared to report stolen after Elijah nonchalantly stopped him to have a chat that day.Who answers the telephone? Staff. Unless Elijah is waiting for something important work-relatedWho does the vacuuming? S-T-A-F-FWho takes the longest to shower? The one who enters the shower first that day. They tend to share them.
Miscellaneous:Is money a problem? Yes! They have too much for the world to be safeHow many cars do they own? At least two based on the last section…Probably more.Do they own their home or do they rent? They don’t currently live together.Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? If they lived together…They would probably have several properties.Do they live in the city or in the country? Several properties. City as the main oneDo they enjoy their surroundings? If they don’t they go to another of their properties. Come on. Catch up with me test. Where did they first meet? Hmm…Based on the first starter I ever replied to I believe you wrote Sienna knew him since she was young so…Perhaps at some fancy party while Elijah was still only an aspiring mob boss working under someone else that gallantly called Sienna the princess of the celebration when they were introduced to score some points with her father? Does that sound good?How did they first meet? Test…We just discussed this. Pay attention!Who spends the most money when out shopping? Sienna. Any mental issues? I mean…There must be something but…They are only a danger to others and not themselves. XDWho’s terrified of bugs? Terrified?…Neither probably. You would have to confirm Sienna’s position.  Who kills the spiders around the house? Elijah making a big white knight protecting his lady performance out of it. Who pays the bills? ElijahDo they have any fears for their future? Wise precaution and implemented strategy but not fear. Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? ElijahWho uses up all of the hot water? Most showers are together as previously stated. If not…Both of themWho’s the tallest? ElijahWho’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Test…Are you mocking me?Who wanders around in their underwear? Sienna to Elijah’s eternal provocation and delight.  Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Sienna. Elijah finds it enthralling beyond belief and weirdly adorable.What do they tease each other about? Each and every single subject under the face of the earthWho is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?…Neither?  I think. If Sienna hates any of his suits this is her time to speak.Do they have mutual friends? Elijah doesn’t really have friends as much as pawns. But he makes a conscious effort to be gentle with someone if Sienna introduces them as her friend.  Who crushed first? …I don’t really know. Again I am in need of Sienna’s perspective. Any alcohol or substance related problems? It isn’t a problem.Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?…Equal opportunity and chances for a duo performance sometimes. Who swears the most? Sienna.
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nakedfullmonty-fr · 7 years
4, 10? ouo
okay firstly im super sorry it took me so long to respond to these, thursdays im out of the house from 8 in the morning til about half 11 at night (tho i get 20 minutes at home at one point with i use to take a nap) and then go back to work the next day so ive only gotten to these this evening 3
4. What is your strongest dragon’s (eitherphysically or emotionally) worst fear? Have they or will they everencounter it?
onestly you could argue forever about whos actually the “strongest” since strength is relative n all that stuff. but the most obvious choice would be Lockheed, army commander and personal retainer to Queen Niet when required.
She belongs to a warrior bloodline called House Lladamedhellen, a long-lineaged family of paladins who’re fate-bound towards violence. The majority of the house members aren’t blessed with powers gifted to them by the minor God they worship (quite the opposite actually - they have enough magic a dragon requires to stay alive, but have no extra reserves and cannot cast flight magic), but occasionally they do maniftest; Lockheed is one such dragon.
Because of their natural draw to wars, House Lladamedhellen have a hefty reputation as fierce but generally good alligned warriors, and so all the children born into the house are raised to meet that ideal. Lockheed has grown up with the “duty above all” mentality drilled into her from the moment she was born, and even moreso once her powers manifested - she was to learn to fight, to be compassionate, to protect the innocent and most important of all, to put the needs of others before your own.
However, despite the well-intended teachings, growing up with a strict training regimen in a household with a rigid moral code has her social skills somewhat lacking. Lockheed has compassion, she cannot stand to see people hurting, but her ability to properly connect with people is almost nonexistant to begin with. She puts herself on a pedastal, but in a way that is less boastful and arrogant, instead holding herself to a standard so high she thinks herself above basic human needs simply because she has been raised to believe so.
When she first comes to Ogygia, she is cold, closed off and emotionally stifled. Even after she befriends the other founding members, and even finds romantic love with two of them, she frequently neglects them because she is too occupied in her need to help strangers. It’s unintentional of course, but what she fails to realise is that in neglecting herself, she is also neglecting those close to her. Slowly, over years and years, she learns to better herself and be more mindful of balancing her duty with her own needs.
So she has two biggest fears: failing to protect an innocent, and slipping back into her old ways. Even though she has learnt that its okay for her to put herself first sometimes, she’s still very dedicated to her sense of duty as a hero, and having trained her whole life to protect others, the idea of not being able to do so is something she worries about greatly. In addition, because she’s now aware of how her actions can hurt her loved ones, she fears doing so.
As for encountering those fears? Unfortunately she faces both in one unfortunate situation.
As the city grows and faces more and more conflict, Lockheed, along with her lovers, Magpie and Bermuda, spend more and more time away from home and from each other and their family, because of their various duties as founders and rulers of the city of Ogygia. At this point, their children, Europa, Io and Ganymede are old enough to care for themselves, but without true authority to keep them in line, Io’s cruel and agressive nature is left unchecked.
Io resents her younger brother, Ganymede, for inheriting their bloodlines powers while she herself does not despite her belief that she rightly deserves them as she fits the Household ideal of being a powerful warrior. Io has an inferiority complex that she covers up with anger and an obsession with being stronger, and begins taking out her frustrations on Ganymede. She blames him for all the problems in her life, and physically and emotionally abuses him.
Europa, the eldest child, faced many of her own emotional problems early in her life, and still lacks confidence - she does nothing about the situation because she’s afraid Io will turn on her too, and simply avoids the problem by rarely coming home.
When the civil war breaks out, Ganymede reaches out to the Undisonus, the enemy of his parents, asking them to take him with them when they leave the city in the hopes of escaping his sister.
Because of their near constant abscence, neither Lockheed nor the childrens other parents are aware of this. Even Ganymede vanishing raises little concern with them, because their children have always been able to come and go as they please. It’s only once Europa returns home one day and points out how it’s out of a character for Ganymede to do such a thing because he often finds it difficult to leave the house out of fear, that their parents actually begin to worry. Lockheed is especially frantic in her worrying because of the realisation that she’s been spending so much time involved in her work that she didn’t even know her own son’s rampant phobias.
When reports finally reach them that Ganymede has been sighted with the Undisonus, on the opposite side of the battlefield, and Europa tearfully confesses everything about their home life, everything comes crashing down around Lockheed. Once more her duty has led her to not only neglect those closest to her, but to actively drive them away and in doing so, has led her to fail to protect an innocent, her own son, from years of unwarrented suffering.
The realisation truly crushes her, and while her husband and wife do their best to support her through their own grief and guilt, they both know that something inside her spirit has broken that can never be repaired.
10. What is the social hierarchy like inyour clan? Is it possible to climb the ranks?
Ogygia is a new city and is still governed by the majority of its founding members - these hold the most authority, which most likely wont change unless they either die or choose to step down. Thus far in the cities lifetime, there’s been little opposition to this as the founders have been relatively successful in building the city up and keeping its people safe, although this confidance has wavered somewhat because of the events of the civil war.
The founders do not run the city solely by themselves however, and the royal court is made up of a variety of people such as ambassadors from allied clans, or other governing bodies within the city. Ambassadors change more on the will of the ally clan and the strength of the alliance, but the other governing bodies may change more frequently - Ogygia does have a voting system for such things - so gaining favour with the people is a good way to move up in the system.
Ogygia’s military doesn’t have rule over the people, but because Ogygia is small and under the watchful eye of many a surrounding territory, the people of the city highly respect the soldiers for keeping them safe. So while they have no official power within the city (with the exception of Lockheed, the army Commander), high ranking militiamen do gain a lot of respect and social status, and are very popular and well-known amongst the citizens. Some, such as the Head Tactician, LisMirolu, are considered household names among the permanent residents.
Because of its high population of travellers and merchants, social circles within Ogygia are impermanent and change frequently.
Among Ogygia’s merchant and criminal populations, Bitya’s name often arises. Even those who rarely travel into Ogygia know that Bitya is the one who holds the cities underbelly in the palm of her hand, and that getting close to her is a surefire way to move up (or perhaps down?) in the cities depths - but it is also worth noting that for some this is no easy feat, as she is rarely willing to make dealings with men.
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