#Octopath Ceraphina
blazlngblade · 11 months
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Happy 3rd Anniversary to Octopath:CotC!!
For the past few weeks, my best friend, Cinna, and I collaborated a drawing for the 3rd Anniversary! I drew all the human versions of the characters, as well as the rings and the Bestower of All, and effects and background, and Cinna tackled all the ring forms! I think we did pretty good!
I also did a small personal countdown with a batch of my favourites!
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[ENG Subs] Bestower of Fame - Full Story
Overall Game Content Warnings: - Violence, blood, and minor body horror. - Sexual and suggestive themes. - Various types of abuse, including child abuse. - Drug usage, including overdosing. - Crude language (our translations don't soften the language). - And more...
"Bestower of Fame" Content Warnings: - Violence, blood, and body horror. - Sexual and suggestive themes. - Various types of abuse. - Drug usage. - Crude language (our translations don't soften the language). - And more...
AFTER "CHAPTER 1" RECOLLECTIONS - "Kindness and Desire" - Whereabouts of Miza
AFTER "CHAPTER 2" RECOLLECTIONS - "Princess Mary Wants to Learn" - "People of the Ravus Family"
AFTER "RECOLLECTION CHAPTER" RECOLLECTIONS - "Days of the Order of the Sacred Flame"
AFTER "CHAPTER 3" RECOLLECTIONS - "Blood of the Demon" - "Home of the Sacred Flame" - "Beowulf's Song" - "With the Guidance of the Flame"
Full Playlist of "The Bestower"
Spoilers for the "Bestower of Fame" villain below the cut!
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valleyofsacrifice · 7 months
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rokudessa · 1 year
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Happy 1 year release of #OCTOPATHCotC global version!! 💜 I tried to draw Miss Phina! 💜💜
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paulthebukkit · 1 year
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✨ A New God ✨
Made this for the Octopath fanart contest on Twitter. I love her so much, I need her playable nowwww
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sly-s-n0nfusion · 2 months
Hello octopathers I woke up in the mood to share opinions online so today it's the time to talk about
💫 Erhardt's War Crimes 💫
as well as explaining why I don't, never did, and will never like him as a character
/!\ Disclaimer: I'm not here to judge anyone who likes Erhardt, truly. I'm 100% okay with liking morally gray characters in fiction (and I do myself, as a fan of characters such as Ogen, Oshka, Kaldena and Ceraphina, which are pretty bad/terrible people as well, some of them are much worse than erhardt lol) so if he's your favorite character and your little sopping wet meow meow, that's great (you're also part of like 98% of the octopath fandom so if someone has to be the weird one here that'd be me lol) so this post is completely judgement-free 🙏 /gen
I just felt the need to address the full extent of his actions in game as some sort of reminder because I feel like the actual consequences of those are often overlooked or straight up not acknowledged, also because we see a lot of that in CoTC and many people who played OT1 did not play that one, and because I have seen quite the number of fans out there being like "Erhardt did nothing wrong" or "I'm an Erhardt apologist" or "regicide ain't that bad" when I think what he did was actually pretty bad and here's why!
TW children death, spoilers for Olberic’s story and CoTC Bestower of All
Okay so we can all agree with the fact that what happened to him was horrible. Man had to watch his hometown (and family, too) perish in a fire while Hornburg did nothing to help and he's been indoctrinated since he was just a child by Werner, who we know as being great at manipulating and inducing fear in people. Like no wonder he wanted revenge.
In Ot1 we only see him killing King Alfred and thus causing the fall of the whole kingdom of Hornburg as stated by Olberic at the beginning of his story, and then his "redemption" speech during Olberic's chapters 3 and 4, and that's pretty much it. We aren't exactly told what happened to the people of Hornburg after that.
Well, Champions of The Continent tells us as the fourth chapter of the Bestower of All storyline is set in Hell, where Hornburg and its ghosts still stand. And I say ghosts because those are all that's left of its population, with the exception of a few other NPCs we encounter in game who were lucky enough to flee in time.
Now the part of map we can walk on is quite big but it’s still a small fraction of the Hornburg capital (as we can see from the huge amount of buildings around the castle) and there are approximately 30+ npcs’ souls wandering around the streets, inside the castle and outside the capital (again, they’re just the ones we’re allowed to see)
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(Don’t let this image fool you, he’s dead. All of them are dead, he didn’t make it out alive)
The most tragic part of all of this are obviously the souls of two children that can be found in a house, discussing which one of the Twin Blades is stronger. And honestly this piece of dialogue broke my heart
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I’m afraid to inform this poor kid’s soul that Erhardt actually played a major role in the events that caused them to get killed.
And this brings me to the conclusion of this saying that no matter how strong Erhardt’s desire for vengeance was, and how manipulated he was, it still doesn’t excuse what he did. “Regicide ain’t that big of a deal” well no it isn’t, but the consequences of it are. I refuse to believe Erhardt didn’t foresee what would happen to all the inhabitants of Hornburg, children included, after he’d killed king Alfred and gave complete access to Werner’s army. Of course the ones who couldn’t flee in time would get killed. Of course he knew, but that wasn’t enough to make him think about stopping his rage.
He’s not a war criminal because he killed a guy with a crown, he’s a war criminal because he sentenced to death the whole population of a capital city and if we had doubt at first, cotc gives us undeniable proof.
Yes he lives hating himself. Yes he does regret all of it. But he had a choice. And yes, being afraid of Werner hunting him down is a solvable problem when you’re at the apex of one of the biggest kingdoms’ military force, he could’ve asked for help if only he spoke. Causing the death of so many innocent people isn’t going to bring his family and hometown back and he knew it.
That’s why I think what he did was, in no way, excusable.
“Erhardt isn’t a villain” doesn’t stick with my view of things.
Now, on to the personal reasons why I don’t like him in particular as a morally gray character lol
And that can be summed up as “Olberic’s first two chapters made a pretty damn good job at making me hate him”
But no for real it has to do with me valuing trust more than anything else in life and having the habit of self-projecting a lot on every character I play. I tend to ask myself “what would I do in this situation, how would I feel” etc, so it came natural to me to wanting to punt Erhardt into the sun instantly as soon as I saw Olberic (the guy that was my main character in his ch1) literally start his story having nightmares and being depressed because of this guy.
Of course it was instant, deep hatred from me I swear I’ve rarely wanted to kill some guy in a jrpg as much as I wanted to make him pay for what he did (even if I knew well that Olberic’s main goal was just to seek answers).
Now imagine my utter disappointment when the game didn’t let me kill him lol (just kidding, of course after his backstory traumadump I ended up sympathizing a bit with him).
Also no, Olberic never forgave him for what he did, as precisely stated by him in his chapter 3, but he does give him another chance to redeem himself because Olberic is a much better person than I am.
I… have been wanting to write this long post for a while now. I hope I didn’t upset anyone with it as that was not my intention. I get why erhardt has so many fans, with the whole emotional trauma he has and his pretty face and fabulous hair, I really do and I don’t think you’re weird for liking him. I just like to ramble about fictional characters from time to time lol
Peace ✌️
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olive-riggzey · 1 year
How did I only JUST realize that the antagonists/villains in OCTOPATH Traveler: Champions of the Continent follow the OCTOPATH naming scheme in reverse???
Herminia, Tytos, Auguste, Pardis III, Oskha, Tatloch, Ceraphina... 
I’m, uh, stuck on the Tatloch fight so I don’t know who comes next (please don’t tell me) but I’m gonna assume that the next person I run into whose name starts with the letter O is my enemy.
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suddensilencenow · 3 years
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Graham's illegitimate child is Rinyu Crossford.
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blazlngblade · 2 years
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It's the 2nd Anniversary of Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent!!
This game has easily become a favourite of mine, I've adored (and disliked) a lot about it! It's so much fun with a lot of creative antagonists and Travelers alike! I hope to continue meeting people because of it, drawing many more fanarts, and just to enjoy playing it for a long time to come!
My drawing is focused on the villains, and my brother's Chosen One (Shelby), as their Divine Ring's "Job"! With the exception of Shelby (who is an Apothecary), each villain is what they will be when playable characters! I sure look forward to Oskha the "Merchant". And Pardis III the "Scholar" is a pretty funny thought too.
The weapons I chose to draw are based on the region (not the town) that each character has their final boss fight in, again with the exception of Shelby, she got the leftover one from the Riverlands, but I like the Donescu staff.
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Shelby with the Tyrant Staff (Riverlands/Donescu)
Ceraphina with the Inferno Axe (Highlands/Belkane)
Tatrocha with the Berserk Fan (Coastlands/Grandport)
Oskha with the Origin Spear (Sunlands/Sufratarja)
Pardis III with the Ma'dan Book (Clifflands/Itchyro)
Auguste with the Atlas Dagger (Flatlands/Atlasdam)
Tytos with the Sacred Sword (Frostlands/Emberglow)
Herminia with the Fenrir Bow (Woodlands/Victors Hollow)
Here's all of them separated now!
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I had a lot of fun designing a job design for each of them! It reminded me of how interesting it is! Here's to hoping 2023 allows me to do more job designs!
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blazlngblade · 1 year
Valentines X White Day CotC Chibis
I never posted these projects here. :'D But basically, I drew chibis for Valentines Day and White Day of some of my favourite CotC shippings! Only some though, I have more, but I could only do 14, it was a countdown after all.
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I'll post the combined versions, because that makes most sense to me.
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I had a lot of fun designing them all nice outfits! I would love to draw some of them again one day too!
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blazlngblade · 2 years
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I was working on some Valentines Chibis as a small countdown to February 14th. I had a lot of fun drawing each one, and designing an outfit for them too.
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I plan to do the matching partners in March as a countdown to White Day as well!
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blazlngblade · 1 year
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Now that Bestower of All is over, I thought it'd be fun to do a tier list on my favourites and least favourite villains and protagonists. :D
This is based on character, it has nothing to do with who is the better unit. Character and story will always come first to me.
Oskha, Ceraphina, Bargello, and Elletrix are honestly the best! I love all of them as antagonists and protagonists! They're great!! <3
Tier A is for favourites but not the highest. Still love them! ^^
I am always extremely back and forth whether or not I like Pardis or Tytos more. Same goes for Solon and Richard. There are times I dislike both of them (blame Araune). And other times I like them! So it's kinda like, sometimes the Tier Bs will be Cs, sometimes the Tier Cs will be Bs.
Tier D just kinda vibes with what it is. I don't care much for those ones.
However for the E tier, those are some of the worst characters in all of Octopath. I can't stand any of them. :/ The thought of them makes me angry. :')
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blazlngblade · 2 years
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Huevember Traveler
Part II - Days 16-30
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Day 16 has an extra with Shelby and Vanessa together. I would have loved to have done more extras, but I ended up getting sick, so I figured it was easier to just do the character I needed to do. If I had done more extras, I'd probably have done MoW Bargello, El, and Phina. Maybe younger Lyummis too.
Part I - Days 1-15
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valleyofsacrifice · 7 months
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valleyofsacrifice · 7 months
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blazlngblade · 2 months
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Today's August 8th which is known as "Octopath Day"!
We've had this game in our lives for 6 years, and longer if we're counting the time from when we first heard about each game!
For some enjoyment, I put together a poll you can answer!
To celebrate Octopath Day further, I've come up with a little drawing challenge for you to try if you'd like!
Find a method to pick out a Traveler of each job (default Jobs only, no EX or Sub Jobs) and draw them!
The Octopath Day Job Challenge is very similar to the Colour Wheel Challenge. However, instead of colours, it's Octopath Jobs!
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Excluding the PPAPrompt tag when you post (that's a Twitter thing, feel free to use it if you tweet to twitter though!)
Choose a character for each job yourself based on favouritism or based on who you want to draw at the time, let people vote/request, etc. Anything goes!
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