#Ofmd 2x05
lizluzz · 1 year
Wait, the first thing Ed repaired on the ship was the cabin lock. A very wise man. Great foresight.
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They released another still of Lucius looking at the shark!!
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izzyhandsy · 1 year
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ezrasimp · 1 year
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1x10 // 2x05
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amuseoffyre · 9 months
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Collected the full set :)
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dumbbitchawards · 1 year
I LOVE izzy's new role of "guy who hangs around and comments on whatever going on in the plot." Hes like a greek muse but worse
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mchristelle · 6 months
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ladyluscinia · 11 months
There are obviously some people not taking Edward's S2 arc very well. Or - more often - twisting it to fit into absolutely wild takes and then pretending they are taking it well while everyone else is wrong and problematic for beliefs like "S2 clearly establishes Edward was harming his entire crew in his depressive spiral and he's still in the process of making that right." One of them wrote this section from a post that I found absolutely fascinating (if also wildly off base) in the way it buys into Edward's clearly faulty POV without hesitation...
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...and I really want to talk about Knife Parade now.
Because I don't think that's what's going on here, obviously.
Edward has internalized some very fucked up shit in his piracy career, a lot of it probably going back to his time with Calico Jack (and others? Fang was with him for 20 years, and Izzy "all his fucking life"?) under Captain Hornigold, aka the man who killed Felix the cabin boy by feeding him a live crab. Edward didn't really emulate Hornigold until Kraken Era because he hated the man, but we can see from how he and Jack act in 1x08 that he still developed a very skewed understanding of violence and social bonding.
And, as unpleasant as it makes him, the Edward of the past was absolutely the kind of guy to "fuck with his crew like that for shits and giggles."
Like - hold the defensiveness because this is not a one-to-one comparison - Edward describing chasing Fang around screaming and terrified as just a fun game sounds like how someone's childhood bullies would describe tormenting them. Bullies often feel like they were just joking around or just playing a game, even when the other party was clearly not having a good time. The show even invokes this with Nigel and Stede in the first episode.
And the reason bullies typically feel this way is because the social environment that they are in treats their behavior as acceptable (or fails to treat it as unacceptable because adults/other children are consciously or subconsciously designating the bullied kids as fair targets).
Edward thought chasing after Fang with a knife and shouting "come here you little fucker" was okay because he grew into adulthood in a culture where that and way worse was normal. Maybe he even got the idea watching an adult do it to someone (for likely non-playful reasons). He was probably older and/or higher ranked than Fang, in a culture where rank entirely out-ranks obligations to give a shit about someone else's feelings.
Just think about how he describes being Captain:
"Oh fuck no. Apologizing? Nah. Didn't apologize for jack shit."
The idea Edward didn't want to hurt Fang is not even on the table, because he didn't pay enough mind to the people below him to register hurting them was even a thing his "fun" actions could do. He's entirely rewritten the events in his mind.
And, again, this is a funny joke and a very understandable mindset to develop that literally no one has ever pushed back on until this moment, so good for Edward thinking back and going "oh fuck I guess Knife Parade was less Yardies and more Torturing Felix" and then immediately acknowledging that Fang has justifiable basis for beef with him. That's pretty big of him. Growth.
But "didn't care about Fang being terrified to the point he legit forgot because peer-accepted behavior" is still not quite the same thing as "genuinely didn't realize Fang was terrified" lol
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starlightmesss · 1 year
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legasimmerart · 11 months
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WIP 🌗👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼🐟
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crownspeaksblog · 1 year
From Simone Nathan (ofmd writer) on Twitter!!
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I love how ed doesn't even look angry or intimidating in those drawings! He doesn't look like the kraken, he just looks like ed, soft and maybe even pleasant!
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casmick-consequences · 10 months
So I'm kind of wondering something.
People keep saying that Izzy whittled that little shark specifically for Lucius, but I never really saw it that way.
Izzy was still kind of dealing with his own shit there, with the previous episode being the unicorn-leg one, and he made up the shark story to deal and cope with his trauma, which is why he was whittling that thing in the first place.
He only gave it to Lucius after they had a deep conversation about it and noticing that Lucius might need it more than he does at that moment, which is why he blows off the dust (not giving it a kiss as i also saw so many people claim, you can hear him blow air) and hands it off to someone who now has to deal with and move on from their own trauma (and, if i'm not wrong, kind of prompts Lucius to take his future into his own hands and propose to Pete).
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serpentarius · 8 months
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full hd version on twitter.
(because tumblr always zaps the image quality when I try and upload directly 🥲)
this is a special piece for me because it's my first official 100% digital portrait/drawing, i.e. where I haven't scanned in a traditional sketch and drawn on top of it.
I still have a long way to go with the digital art medium, but this project made me believe that I can get there, someday.
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knifeturtlelives · 1 year
the absolute sincerity of those last two romantic beats in episode 5 just knocks me on my ass every time.
How often do we get to see Lucius so earnest and vulnerable like that? Heart on the line, laying himself bare. And the look on Pete's face, like he can't believe his fucking luck (by the by, everyone should go read Hung like a Horseshoe by sillyteehee, THE perfect chaser for this scene)
And then we get Stede's expressions while Ed tells the story of his fishing conquests. He's so genuinely engaged, so thrilled to be the person Ed wants to talk to at the end of the day. And Ed clearly wants the long version of the curse story, wants to be the oneStede rambles to, as well. They just...they fucking like each other so much!! And I love that everyone making this show seems to get that that's the romance--that's the good shit.
idk, every critique I've seen of the romance in the show from a reviewer--whether they think it's too much or too little or too flat--I just feel like, wow you really didn't get it. You're Mary & Anne laughing at the earnestness, not getting that that's the fucking point.
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mchristelle · 6 months
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ladyluscinia · 1 year
Can we circle back to Edward full-on projecting Izzy onto that door latch aka the first thing he fixed on the ship????? While they both kick around pretending the other one doesn't exist because of the enormity of their unspoken issues?
Babygirl WHAT
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