#Oh I also really love meg’s bakery au
halfyourheart · 2 years
Hej, I'm really bad at finding fanfics that I actually enjoy. So I was wondering if you knew any 5sos fanfics where it's just cute stuff. Like just two people obsessed with each other. Some kissing and fluff maybe :)) Sorry if this is too random, but it was worth a try
hi hi hi anon! 💗 
Sorry for the freaking late response, life has been busy 🥲
This might be stuff that you’ve already read, so I apologise in advance but onto the fluff (in no particular order)! 
(I assumed since you requested some kissing and fluff that we were aiming for a general and/or teen rating - lemme know if that’s wrong 💛) 
(also didn’t know what length you were looking for - so some have a bit of plot and some are shorter one-shots 💗) 
I really just went through some of my favourite fic writers and picked some personal favourite fics with your requests in mind :D (also they’re very luke centric because… yeah)(but every writer has fluff related to another pairing I’m pretty sure so check them out!)
the essentials - galacticsugar / @burstingsunrise
Pairing: Michael Clifford & Luke Hemmings
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Words: 1677
Summary: They’ve only been on tour for a couple weeks, but there’s already stray glitter littering the bottom of Luke’s black toiletry bag. 
I immediately thought of this fic, because it’s one of the softest things I have ever had the pleasure of reading. It’s friendship, but that doesn’t deter from the fluff! and it never will! it’s very sweet to explore luke’s relationship with makeup, michael’s relationship with luke, and Michaels relationship with luke’s relationship with makeup! 
Putting on makeup is such a personal thing. It’s a fun little ritual that makes you feel good and sharing that with another person is such a lovely thing !! like here is something I love !! and I am sharing that with you !! it’s an extension of me !! and michael actively taking part even if he’s complaining about it (I mean banter is their love language so) is just AH. 
I think about this fic a lot. 
crowning glory - kaleidoscopeminds / @kaleidoscopeminds
Pairing: Luke Hemmings & Calum Hood
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 1000
Summary: It’s not unusual for Luke to find somewhere to nap pre-soundcheck if they have time, curling his too-long limbs up into an impressively small croissant of Luke Hemmings, his curly head just poking out the side
Napping with someone, or in this case, one person is napping while the other is just in their presence, is just so much casual intimacy, which is my kryptonite, that it makes my head explode. 
This is a routine that they’ve established !! meaning it’s repetitive and something that comforts them both !! they feel safe enough to let their guards down and just exist in each other’s space. Calum doesn’t want to talk to anyone so he just sits with sleeping luke and pets him. That is the softest shit and it makes me want to sob. 
This is short and sweet and the gratuitous descriptions of luke, specifically his curls, will send me to an early grave. 
stolen shirts/heart - kaleidoscopeminds / @kaleidoscopeminds
Pairing: Luke Hemmings/Calum Hood
Rating: Teen and Up Audience 
Words: 6132
Summary: There's a sort of inevitability that comes with being in this band. A set of concrete circumstances that never seems to change. They annoy each other to hell, they know every last thing about each other, Calum is in love with Luke, and Luke always steals Calum's clothes. 
That's the way it is. That's the way they all know it is, except maybe Luke, who might be ignorant to the third thing on the list.
Fluff, clothes sharing, and calum being obsessed with Luke, what more could you ask for? 
I like the passage of time being marked by what items of clothing Luke has stolen from Calum. That’s how the calendar should be 😌 All events can be related to this !! and I will die on this hill. 
sweet and salty - galacticsugar / @burstingsunrise
Pairing: Luke Hemmings/Calum Hood
Rating: Teen and Up Audience
Words: 9290
Summary: “We could get a bunch of stuff to try? See what’s good before we commit to buying anything in bulk?”
“That’s actually not bad,” Luke admits. “Go to the store, grab some things that catch our eye, try them out…” A fantastic idea is formulating in his head. An excuse to spend even more time with Calum. 
“We could make a night of it? Like have a full-on sleepover? Really surround ourselves in the sorority girl vibe.” He chuckles to ensure Calum is aware this is very much a joke. But also a very serious suggestion. But also definitely a joke.
Frat boys cake buying an assortment of bath bombs, face masks, nail polish, ONESIES, etc, and doing stereotypical sleepover things in the name of science (well in the name of making a gift basket for a sorority)? Iconic. 
I love you humour. I love you Luke jk unless-ing the whole time. I love you idiots in love trope. I love you frat boy!cake. I love you snapbacks (something I never thought I would ever say). I love you casual flirting that constantly confuses them because what are they! 
Cake is ridiculous in this and I love it !! 
I leave you with this snippet, “Has Luke’s friendship with Calum just been one long series of dates, and somewhere in there they just forgot they could be kissing?” 
you wanna be closer - kaleidoscopeminds /@kaleidoscopeminds
Pairing: Luke Hemmings/Calum Hood
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Words: 5063
Summary: In hindsight, Calum probably should have seen it coming. In hindsight, he supposes he was incredibly obtuse about it. And in hindsight, he wishes he had pulled his head out of his ass earlier (thanks Michael), so he could have been doing this earlier. He’s not dwelling on hindsight though when his brain is occupied with other things, specifically the way that Luke’s mouth feels against his own lips.
Five times Luke and Calum touch platonically, and once when Calum realises maybe it was never platonic at all.
Essentially a love letter to physical affection, my beloved !! Physical affection, whether platonic or romantic, is my shit !! Hugs!! forehead kisses!! hand holding!! legs touching just to remind the person that you’re next to them!! sharing space!!   just existing together !! 
As a 5+1 fic the scenes are little pockets of lovely moments with physical affection!! Fluffy touches!! 
The reminiscing in this fic about the progression of their relationship makes me very soft but also incredibly feral. 
Off-screen - allsassnoclass / @allsassnoclass
Pairing: Luke Hemmings/Ashton Irwin
Rating: General Audiences 
Words: 3038
Summary: Now that classes are being taught from home due to the pandemic, students are getting a glimpse into Professor Irwin's home life, especially when his mysterious husband keeps interrupting class.
An outsider POV about secret husbands lashton? I LOVE IT. I love an outsider POV because you get to see a pairings dynamic in a way they themselves probably don’t see. You see little subconscious things they don’t notice until pointed out! love that stuff :D Can’t get enough of people watching honestly !! 
and what if you’d never smiled at me - kaleidoscopeminds / @kaleidoscopeminds
Pairing: Luke Hemmings/Calum hood
Rating: Teen and Up Audience
Words: 14910
Summary: He opens up the loaf from the cut, exposing the pale inside that was previously encased by the dark crust. He wonders if you were to split people open whether they would match their appearance; he worries that his own exterior might be a little too much like the hard crust of his sourdough. Not Luke though. He’s pretty sure people like Luke are as soft and golden on the inside as they are on the outside. x Calum's really not happy about the new bakery that's just opened up down the road from his own bakery; it's gaudy and pastel and covered in flowers and is an offence to the name of baking. At least he's got a new regular to make him feel better about it all. One with a smile that can turn a day around just like that, even on a Tuesday.
I had to include a bakery au so I just added it!! I think it fills the obsessed prompt pretty well. Pining idiots my beloved. 
These are just some that I love! I didn’t want to go overboard because I feel like I’ve already done that agahsjsjsjsz
I would check out all the writers I’ve listed on AO3 because I’m sure there’s way more fluff, various ratings, pairings, etc. I’m just too focused on Luke 🧍‍♂️🥲
I hope this is kind of what you had in mind ! 💛
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
WIP folder meme :)
Thank you @isfjmel-phleg​ and @fictionadventurer​ for tagging me!! I don’t have everything in one place (it is a Huge mess at the moment) but here is a list of the main projects I’ve added notes to/thought extensively about over the past year:
ORIGINAL WORK/NOVELS (sadly most of them ARE untitled):
Project 1 (tentatively titled Garden of Dreams): about the kindness of strangers, finding joy again, the coming of spring
Project 2: a loose Snow Queen retelling in an original fairy tale fantasy world
Project 3: hero training academy in a post-war world where dragons and monsters are no longer the main threat; the kids who join the school must save the world by learning to take care of the earth and the people in it
Project 4: in an Southeast Asian-inspired country, a young girl from the countryside is forced into marrying the self-absorbed crown prince and decides to use the new power she has as the new queen to be kind and to do good
Project 5: a girl and her grandmother embark on a journey to defeat a returning evil
Anne of the Island (miniseries)
Little Women, with more of an emphasis on the girls’ moral and character development: equal attention paid to all four sisters (in particular: Meg’s post-marriage joys and sorrows, Beth’s personality and her interactions with her sisters)
Mansfield Park, but you get more of Fanny’s perspective: things that she sees and observes (people’s behaviour and physical cues, nature, things that enchant her)--brief internal narration/monologues when she’s mulling over something beautiful or distressing, highlighting her social anxiety and shyness but also her emotional intelligence and the clarity of how she discerns right and wrong; we are Not making excuses for Mr. Crawford, OH and many things communicated visually (Fanny wears muted colours, whereas the other characters are dressed in brighter--sometimes even garishly bright--clothes)
Star Wars sequel trilogy rewritten with All my bizarre ideas (including--please don’t laugh, this is a writing exercise I use for self-indulgence--friendship between Rose and Ben, Rey’s parents were part of the Resistance and were ordinary people fighting for what they believed in, Ben has a prodigal son storyline, Leia and Han are still together but they work on different bases, Finn is a storm trooper for MUCH longer and has killed as a storm trooper--when he returns undercover to start a storm trooper revolt he tells his old friends and colleagues that it isn’t too late to choose the right thing. There is No Chosen One, only ordinary people who choose to do the right thing (Rogue One style). Rey and Finn are both Force-sensitive;  the story is about: 1) identity and belonging (Rey/Finn/Poe/Rose/Ben all ache for love and acceptance in their character arcs, all of them find that. Also none of them die, thanks), 2) personal responsibility and agency (Finn’s decision to give up the life of a storm trooper, Rey deciding to fight for the Resistance not because of her parents’ choices but out of her own volition, Rose choosing to forgive Ben even though he plays a larger role in my version in Paige’s death). Everyone is guilty of sin (Finn’s actions while he was a storm trooper, Rose holds deep hatred towards the people responsible for her sister’s death, Ben’s reason for turning to the Dark Side involved murdering his twin--I don’t know much about the Thrawn trilogy but I thought it was interesting how there are multiple sets of twins in the Skywalker family. In my version, Ben is responsible for the death of his twin sister when they’re both very young) and learns the full weight of consequences and of the freedom that grace and forgiveness and love gives them. Also I really like the idea of Rey, Finn, and Ben fighting off Main Bad Guy together at the climax of the third movie. He’s defeated by Rey (an ordinary girl, no Skywalker or Palpatine legacy attached), Finn (one of his former lackeys, who has turned to the other side, and is training to become a Jedi), and Ben (his former apprentice, who has returned to the side of light). Main theme: choosing love over hatred, kindness over cruelty, forgiveness over revenge
Rogue One modern AU where Cassian works at a bakery with his friend Kay. Jyn runs a book shop during the day and offers her services as a mechanic after hours. He makes cupcakes for themed events at her shop. Bodhi is her adopted brother. Chirrut and Baze were their professors in university, as well as old family friends, and they get first dibs on new releases at Jyn’s shop.
Agents of SHIELD but in the A:TLA universe; the Avatar cycle was interrupted, and Cal unwittingly helped Jiaying ‘create’ a new Avatar through extensive experimentation (Daisy is the ‘new’ Avatar, though her powers aren’t activated until later on. She has to deal with new strains of bending and mutations her parents made: Ward can shadowbend, for example)
the characters in Shadow and Bone but in Bayern
this one story I wrote in ninth grade: post-Civil War, Bucky is taken to the Avengers Tower to recuperate and becomes friends with everyone
Tagging @called-kept, @magpie-trove, @imissthembutitwasntadisaster, @madamescarlette if you would like to!!!
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burstingsunrise · 3 years
I wish I was in your inbox to talk about Luke’s freckles but I want answers to questions instead: 🖊🏅🍰✨ 💜
amanda!! hi i love you 💜
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
oh god. bold of you to assume i have a wip that isn't just an old doc that i add a paragraph to every two months with no real intention of ever publishing but i'll give it a try:
Everything is fine. Totally rad. Luke is cool, calm and collected.
It’s him. The dream guy. He’s here in the coffee shop and he’s real and he’s telling Luke he’s tried guessing his name.
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
finishing la cake was a big one for me...i wrote it in a really disorganized way and it took a long time and i had a lot of doubts along the way, so just finishing it was a Big Deal to me.
also hitting publish on i don't mind you under my skin, because even just a month or two before that, i would have said i'd never be able to write or publish an explicit fic.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
appropriately for the emoji... i'm going to go with meg @kaleidoscopeminds bakery cake au, and what if you'd never smiled at me, from the last fic exchange. it's sort of...tailor-made to be perfect for me, and it is, and i love revisiting it. it has a perfect cozy vibe and all sorts of little details that make me smile every time i read them.
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
uhm. snappy. funny. authentic? that's a weird way of putting it but like. i try not to force things, if that makes sense.
thank u amanda i love you again. still. you know what i mean. 💜
fic ask game.
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rosewhipped22 · 7 years
Whump!Cas/Hurt!Cas fic recs
Hurt!Cas fics are my absolute favorite, (in case you couldn’t tell that from my own writing) so here are some I really enjoyed.  I hope you will too!  Please, please, please read and heed the warnings/ratings/tags. Some are super dark.
Repent of your Sins by Anonymous
AU from the end of Season 8.When Cas returns to Dean and Sam, human, confused, disoriented and scared, they take him in. What else can they do?But Dean is still harboring some resentments. Sam is still sick and damaged from the trials, and Dean feels that Cas is to blame for much of what's happened to them in the past couple of years - things he's never really made amends for...
This one is really good, but definitely dark.  Dean is not his usual kind and forgiving self and Cas is hurting throughout.
It's gettin' dark, too dark to see by  Enochian Things (Salr323)
Cas is human and alone in the world; Dean's not handling it. At all. But then again, neither is Castiel.
I tagged this in my bookmarks as ‘homeless Castiel, Angst, lovely’ what else do you need to know??
Kiss the Baker by @ltleflrt  
Jo is pregnant and craving something a little bit unusual. When she sends Dean on a mission to find her some chocolate cake donuts with bacon sprinkles, he's sure that he'll fail. Luckily his partner Benny comes to his rescue and introduces him to a quirky little bakery that sells all kinds of weird (and delicious!) baked goods. And they do special orders!
Dean finds excuses to keep going back, and Castiel finds excuses to keep giving him special treats.
I feel like everyone needs to read this fic at least once.  It’s amazing from beginning to end.  I adored it.  It’s fluffy too <3 (@ltleflrt, you were looking for dark fics the other day--maybe you’ll find something you haven’t tried here!)
Blackbird Fly by artsyUnderstudy
Nearly a year after starting the fire that claimed the lives of Ruby Darvelle and Anna Novak, fifteen year old Sam Winchester returns home from his stint in court ordered rehab. Sam and his older brother, Dean, struggle to remake their own complicated relationship and the home they’ve lost in the wake of this tragedy, while a chance meeting brings Anna’s brother, the troubled and secretive Castiel, into their lives. Fighting with his recovery, Sam finds himself drawn to the strong and lively Jess, while Castiel and Dean find comfort in one another. As consequences of their past emerge and threaten to tear apart what they’ve carefully rebuilt, they are all forced to reevaluate who their family really is, and to what lengths they’re willing to go to keep it safe.
Great fic! Plenty of Sam in this one too.  
Stitches by Askance
Castiel survived Leviathan--but only barely. Vessel mauled and eyes destroyed, Cas is barely clinging to what's left of his grace when Dean finds him naked and alone on the reservoir's edge; in a panic, Dean brings him home to the cabin where he and Sam have been holed up off the grid. What follows is the slow process of the angel's recovery and the unexpected changes that come with his being blind, and in the three months this takes, their little family slowly begins to patch itself back together in forgiveness, love, and darkness.
This was so much better than Cas being left at the hospital with Meg.  I’m glad the boys stick together and help each other.
Dean Is His Mission by LisaEllyn
Castiel is stunned -- absolutely astounded to still be alive. But he needs to focus on healing himself. He needs to get out of the bunker before Dean returns because he has no doubt that the hunter will stay true to his word and not “miss” next time.
He is far from healed when he hears Dean approach the library. “You just aren’t the listening type, are you, Cas?”
This picks up after Dean beats Cas in the bunker after 10.22.  Good stuff. 
Less Than Angels by ashitanoyuki  
Newly human, Castiel moves in with Sam and Dean to the Men of Letters bunker. Unfortunately, his presence attracts the attention of Ezekiel, who develops a dark fascination with him. Hiding behind Sam's face and body, Ezekiel coerces Castiel into a sexual relationship, threatening to kick him out of the bunker if Castiel denies his advances. As Castiel wonders if he himself is to blame for "Sam's" actions, Sam himself is blissfully unaware of the angel inside him. Only when Dean catches wind of what's going on can they come up with a plan to get rid of Ezekiel once and for all.
I enjoyed this one a lot more than I should have.  More than once.  Poor Cas, man.  Poor Sam..
A Hunter's Prey by alpineshoodratt
A blue eyed boy he locked gazes with at a stoplight. His prey sat in the back of a pricey SUV, 4 other boys in the car, rowdy and loud. This kid sat quietly, watching out the window, until he noticed Dean looking. His sapphire eyes met Dean’s emerald ones for all of three seconds, before blushing and looking down.
This is another dark!Dean one.  Like serial killer dark.
And I Will Walk On Water by tracy_loo_who
This fic is set after season 4 and totals ~122,600 words. It's a story about friendship and love, recovery and trust, free will, and Dean and Castiel's journey through it all. It's also about chocolate and hugs. If you read it, I really hope you enjoy it. ♥ 
I really love this fic!  If you love whump!Cas and early seasons Cas then you will too!!  It’s really fabulous.  Please give it a try, you won’t regret it.  
Hesitation by apokteino
Zachariah orders Castiel to seduce Dean in order to strengthen his allegiance to heaven. Castiel thinks it will be something to endure. Dean just thinks Castiel wants him. Neither one is right.
Oh man, this fic.  Apokteino is amazing and this fic is too! Read everything by this author.  Bonus: Early season Cas is so well written.
Hautley's Bend by ColdIntheStudio 
Castiel Novak is used to change. He's used to being the new kid in school. So when he moves with his family to the small town of Rail Pass, he doesn't expect things to be much different than the last three towns. But then he meets Dean Winchester, an aggressive fellow student who sees Castiel as the shiny new toy he and his friends get to mess with. Castiel has had his fair share of bullies in the past, but nothing like this. He's never felt this way about a bully, or anyone for that matter, before. Maybe something's wrong with him, that he could feel so attracted to someone who makes his everyday life hell. But then again, he sees the way Dean looks at him sometimes. And there's a lot more to Dean Winchester than meets the eye.
Wow! Buckle in for 500k words of an excellent HS au.  My favorite one.  It’s a slow burn enemies to lovers and it’s simply fabulous. 
It’s Not Easy Being Dean by strangeandcharm
The Winchesters are given a mission: they have to save Castiel. The trouble is, Castiel isn’t really Castiel any more…
I’m really shocked this fic doesn’t have more kudos, I so enjoyed it!  Zachariah is a colossal dick to our favorite angel via his AU creation powers.  
Pay Your Dues by Huggle
Castiel knows he has a lot to make up for and now he's human it will be harder than ever.
The Winchesters know it too, and they won't let him forget it.
Dark Winchesters.  A shorter option for you kids, but it still hurts so good.  
Unforgiven by coldrottingtrees 
For the SPN Kink Meme.
Prompt: "Abaddon, wearing Dean, uses and abuses the hell out of Castiel. (Who probably figures out it's not really Dean...eventually.)"
I’ve reread this one several times because I have issues.  It’s really well done and Abaddon manipulates Cas like a pro
Specimen Two Eighty Five by @hazeldomain
Prompt: Cas gets taken prisoner by the MOL or some other people. They lump angels in with all the other supernatural creatures, and believe they’re little better than animals. They keep Cas restrained and burn or tattoo warding on him. They talk about him like he can’t understand them. They strip him, examine him, make him manifest his wings. He can’t escape, and every day brings new mistreatment and misery.
Hazel is amazing and has lots of good fics--definitely a whump master. Her fic  It Was On Sale is fabulous as well but it features wincest if that’s not for you.  It worked for me because it’s an AU and Sam and Dean aren’t brothers.  Plus Cas is a total BAMF.
Paid In Full by Huggle 
Dean and Sam get word of a book that might hold the key to stopping the Apocalypse. Desperate times, and all, so they don't hesitate to steal it.
Unfortunately for Cas, its owner holds a grudge and has a rather cruel way of settling scores.
This is a short fic (with a 2nd part!! that I actually like even better) but so satisfying.  Huggle is on my list twice because this is one writer who knows how to make things hurt and they have a way with words that just sucks you right in. 
Love in a McHopeless Place by @weasleychick32
Throughout his years working at McDonald’s Dean has experienced a great number of awkward, unsanitary, and just plain strange situations, but what exactly is he supposed to do when he finds a homeless man sleeping in the playplace? This isn’t in the employee handbook.
I almost forgot this one! Yikes, that would have been a mistake.  A great AU with homeless!Cas. This one’s got fluff too!!  So probably a good one to end the list with.  It’s well written and highly recommended.
I do have more, but this should keep you kids busy for a while I hope.  Enjoy! and please leave comments for the authors if you like something!  They really do mean so much.  <3  (Authors let me know if you want your tumblr linked to your fic.  I’ll add it!)
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gingerstarburns · 7 years
Zimbits: “What’s Your Name?”
(So, in the end I wrote a short drabble for that Your Name AU. I’m not gonna write more, so if someone wants to “adopt” this fic and continue it feel free! Just tag me bc I NEED TO READ IT. Also, if you haven’t seen the movie Your Name go watch it now. There’s angst in the middle with a happy ending.)
Eric woke up all at once.
The first thing he noticed were the tears in his eyes. He had a weird, sad dream, but for some reason...he couldn’t remember it.
Then he realised his alarm was different than usual. He reached out to turn it off but it wasn’t in the usual place. Uh-uh.
He sat up and…
I must still be dreaming.
There wasn’t another explanation. Because this wasn’t his room at all. A pale light was filtering from the windows, revealing blank walls instead of his Beyoncè posters and dull IKEA furniture.
Looking around, he saw the alarm on the bedside table, on the opposite side he was used to. He grabbed it, turned it off and stared at it.
5.30 am.
He was still trying to wrap his head around it when, looking down, had another realization.
This is not my body.
His legs were long, exaggeratedly muscular and covered in dark hair. He put his hands on his thighs and moved them down to his knees, caressing the skin. It felt...nice. Definitely weird, but nice.
He got up and felt dizzy for a second. He felt taller than usual and it was as if his barycenter had been moved upwards. Something wasn’t right, but he told himself it was just a dream so it was ok.
He looked around again and spotted a full figure mirror. He approached it cautiously and slowly peered at it.
That was...definitely not his body. He was tall and well built, had a head full of dark messy hair and droopy blue eyes. He flexed an arm and watched the muscles bulge out. Then he turned around to take a better look and...wow.
He had an ass that was a work of art. Very slowly, he put a hand over one cheek and squeezed it. And for some reason, that was what made him realize.
This isn’t a dream.
He yelled, and some seconds later an even bigger man barged into the room.
A thousand miles away, Jack Zimmermann woke up in a tiny southern baker’s body.
(Under the cut a conversation me and @peppernine had on the Providence Ice chat. MAJOR SPOILERS ABT THE MOVIE! You should probably watch it or read a synopsis to understand what’s being said here. Also angst with a happy ending, warnings under the cut)
(warning: temporary major character death)
GingerStellaGiulia: @Meg [SPOILER] I need you to imagine 1) jack finding out what happened to bitty 2) bitty reading the "I love you" and going "this boy..." You're welcome
 Meg: @GingerStellaGiulia why do you play with my heart this way @GingerStellaGiulia Ok but Jack learning how to make pies and helping Bitty become more confident and Bitty learning how to play hockey and helping Jack make more friends
 GingerStellaGiulia: Bitty baking a pie for camilla bc he knows jack has a crush no her and then crying when he's back home. Jack trying to fight bittys bullies. Also shitty and lardo as bittys bffs  Lardo: bitty you were...weird yesterday Bitty: weird? Shitty: well for starters you didn't bring any pie Bitty: I DIDNT WHAT
 Meg: Ok I know you touched on it in your wip but Jack and Bitty having to get used to the sheer difference in SIZE in each other
GingerStellaGiulia: Oh, and bitty writing "hockey robot" on Jack's face and spending half his paycheck in baking supplies 
Meg: Jacks continuous notes to "eat more protein" on bittys arm
 GingerStellaGiulia: I swear I'm gonna make a post and copy-paste this conversation xD Bitty-in-jacks-body fainting on the ice when tater checks him during practice omg
 Meg: OMG yes Bitty befriending tater and jack being like ???? We don't know each other that well when tater is, you know, being tater
 GingerStellaGiulia: Bitty befriending camilla and one day she goes "hey jack!" and slaps his ass out of nowhere and jack just. Blacks out for half a minute Jack, camilla and tater going to georgia together Help I need to stop
 Meg: Nope you're heading into the Sad territory
 GingerStellaGiulia: Jack reading "eric richard bittle" on the victims list and asking "when did this happen" bc it must have been maybe a week and somebody telling him "3 years ago" and him just. Realizing.
 Meg: NO NO
 GingerStellaGiulia: Then he goes at this graveyard in the middle of nowhere where bitty used to bring pie to his moomaws grave bc "a bit of sweetness can somehow bring back your loved ones" and he goes with this pie he bought along the way, starts talking to the grave like bitty used to do, then when hes abt to leave he thinks he sees something behind it but slips and falls aaaand suddendly hes in bittys body again!!!! And he remembers that bitty went all the way to providence to meet him three years before And then he saves everyone
 Meg: AHHhhHhhhhH absolutely
 GingerStellaGiulia: annnnd then they both forget what happened but bitty moves to providence bc "it feels right" and opens a bakery and jack one day walks in and they. they just start crying and they don't know why.
 Meg: OH YES Bitty asking for Jacks name so he can take the order and then just looking up to realize who is standing above him. And jacks changed quite a bit but he's still got those startling blue eyes
 GingerStellaGiulia: but he doesn't say anything bc that was just a dream right?? he cant know this man. amd jacks going through the same mental process but then he turns around to walk away and bitty goes "WAIT A MINUTE I KNOW THAT ASS" so he calls him and when jack turns around theyre both cryingggg also let's pretend bitty is totally oblivious to the citys hockey legends even after living there for a year. like, somehow he always changed the channel before jacks interviews, was always focused on something else when passing a billboard, etc
 Meg: I think that's fair! He wouldn't really be into hockey much but he thought it was a dream/didn't remember it right
 GingerStellaGiulia: also, when they meet in the graveyard jack almost writes "eat more protein" on bittys hand but then he goes with "i love you", but that would have been hilarious too xD
(Aaand that’s it. if someone wants to write it, please feel free!)
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