#luke and cake
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shirozora-draws · 2 months
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An "I want to scribble some kind of dinluke but every idea is trash" sketch to tidy this space over while I continue to fall behind on my plans to finish the illustrations and post the fic. I need to keep remembering that not everything requires my 101% and it's fine to play loose and fast with a blank canvas and pencil brushes.
Anyways, I'm off to see some goddamn whales.
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miss-ute · 4 months
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"Marina... may I ask? How did it happen?"
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kaleidoscopeminds · 1 month
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real <3
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dollypopup · 3 months
"all the negativity is killing the vibe"
"just be grateful for what you got!" "was it perfect? no! but we got some good stuff!" "people are just being so down about season 3"
There is a reason people are displeased.
We are consumers of this media. We PAID for this media. With time, with money, with subscriptions. We bought the merch, we watched the promos, we paid in attention, we paid financially, we paid literally and metaphorically.
And they did not deliver.
So, yes, we have a right to complain because objectively speaking, it was a bad ending. It just was! It was poorly written and poorly edited, it did not leave viewers happy, and there is a REASON the engagement of part 2 is much lower than part 1. Polin is not the problem, sidelining Polin is the problem. Writing Polin poorly is the problem. Shoving Colin to the side (half of the pairing) is the problem. Inconsistent characterization is the problem.
the fact that we came in with high expectations and they were let down for us? makes it a bad ending. makes it bad writing. the fact that we waited 2 years for it and then another month in between and did not walk away feeling as though that time was worthwhile? makes it a bad ending.
the writing was disjointed, characters were underutilized, Colin was pushed aside in his OWN SEASON, they tried to do a #girlbossfeminism narrative and then threw Cressida to the wolves because she did a few things that hurt the main heroine's feelings, even after showing us as viewers we should (and do) empathize with her. I mean, for fuck's sake, there was literally a big speech and everyone clapped moment. stakes were defanged, there were threesome scenes that cut any and all tension building between Polin, Eloise's character was written inconsistently for the sake of swift forgiveness, they threw Babies ever After at us, momifying the one character who was said to be plus size representation at NINETEEN, there were more sex scenes for Benedict than there were for the main couple Polin. Lady Whistledown was a black hole for good quality because instead of writing a narrative that suited the couple's ending, they wrote a narrative to keep her as a plot device by any means possible. This season was a roller coaster that went up up up and then stagnated.
there are legitimate criticisms to be had about this season. as if we don't have a right to demand good quality from something we paid for.
and the worst part of it is that they set it up SO. WELL.
I ended Part 1 pacing my apartment, giddy and kicking my feet and rewatching the ending over and over. Part 2? None of that. And the reason people have been so negative about it is that IT SHOWS.
Yes, in part, some negativity is homophobia for Michaela, who I honest to god adore and am so happy to see on screen. Yes, in part, some negativity is for Polin from haters, a couple I love with all my heart.
But most of the negativity comes down to poor writing. Inconsistency. A lack of bravery for dropping a plot device (Lady Whistledown) that the show has held onto not for Penelope or for Polin, but for Bridgerton's story moving forward that writers do not feel confident portraying without a narrator so it might crutch them.
Stop licking a plate of crumbs and claiming it a meal. They had 2 years to deliver a fantastic season. They didn't do so. That is not at all on the actors, because they are FANTASTIC, it is on the writers, and on the production. Was it beautiful? Sure. Was it well acted? Absolutely. Was it good? Well edited? Well written? Meaningful? Fun?
There are parts of it that are, but when you fumble an ending, it sours the entire experience. The reason people loved Part 1 so much was because of the ending of Episode 4, which was done beautifully. It felt satisfying. And then Part 2 felt like an entirely different beast. If you settle for mediocrity, that is all you will get. So yes, I demand better of this season. I demand that we get more than just one thirty second scene of Pen and Colin being intimate after their marriage. I demand more characterization and time devoted to the main couple instead of useless side plots. I demand better writing. I demand better EDITING. Cressida was done dirty, Colin was done dirty, Eloise was done dirty, Penelope was done dirty. And at the end of it, VIEWERS were done dirty.
There's a reason Part 1 had such glowing positivity and then Part 2 is garnering horribly mixed reactions. It's because one is better than the other. And if this show is CAPABLE of delivering content like Part 1, then yes, I will absolutely demand it of part 2. One day, Bridgerton will learn how to write a proper final episode, a proper closing to an arc.
That day was not in Season 3.
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polin-erospsyche · 4 months
I dare you to point out the difference between this
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And this scene
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Ah yes that’s right. There are none. Modern time Polin has struck again
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padawansuggest · 18 days
Anakin: *taking a call from Space CERN or some shit asking him to help them fix a machine and a hard equation* -listen, I’m sorry, I can’t actually travel all the way out to SPERN (Space CERN) right now, my grandkids are teething and my daughter’s husband is in over his head, I found him crying and panic eating cake last night-
SPERN employee: No, Master Skywalker-
Anakin: *flinches, shields going up because he doesn’t want the kiddo on his shoulder to feel it* Please, call me Jedi, I don’t like that term.
SPERN employee: *through gritted teeth* Jedi Skywalker, I ask you; do you know the purpose of the machine you are helping us fix?
Anakin: I don’t know; trying to find god or something?
SPREN employee: The Higgs Boson is what we call it; but it’s essentially a way to detect the force through gravitational waves-
Anakin: Yeah, that seems about right.
SPERN employee: -and the machine is constantly tracking you. Like a constant lock on your location. It’s- we would like you to come in and do some tests, is all.
Anakin: *sighing to the force for making him deal with this AND teething twins at the same time, for the second time, even* And as I have said, I don’t really have the time to travel to your planet. Now, do you need any other assistance with recalibration?
SPERN employee: -_- no. Thank you for your time, Jedi Skywalker.
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crossedwiress · 1 month
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spin around me like a dream
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leaving-grapefruitss · 2 months
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happy very late birthday luke!
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Luke and Ryan both used "to the core" describing the closeness of their relationships (Polin and Buddie)
Nicola and Oliver both said they had natural chemistry with their co-star (Nicola saying they stopped repressing it, Oliver saying they just let it flow)
Now 911 is posting bees for next season!What in the friends-to-lovers is going on!!
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burstingsunrise · 2 months
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bet your lips taste like strawberry cake 🍰
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kaleidoscopeminds · 8 months
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found cigarettes in your fendi coat...
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girllookingoutwindow · 3 months
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Eloise being Jealous of Colin all along.
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jelloia · 4 months
//tot cn server spoilers
all four of the tot boys fourth bday cards!!
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they’re all so gorgeous… the art is SO vibrant i feel like my eyes have ascended
lmk which card you’re most excited for!!
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