#Oh whoops now someone might see this post uwu
fiendir · 3 years
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lmfao, so I tell this 21 year old to stop using the Spiritbox tag to promo her tiddy out onlyfans posts. and block, because I don't wanna deal with any inevitably shitty response.
Love it when I'm proven right anyway :DD
Always been extremely cool with people having an OF, like go nuts? Your body your rules, sex work is real work, y'all know where I stand. nobody have and nobody will change my opinion on that anytime soon. even if some are really trying to here uwu
I'm less fucking cool with following the tag for my favourite band, just to get a bunch of spam posts on my dash instead. And then getting the homophobic insults and told to get therapy? Yeah okay that was kinda funny thou, thinking that old material would get to me 💅
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greatnessordeath · 3 years
Come let's watch the rain as it's falling down
Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki x !fem Reader
Tags: mature, aged up characters, swearing, blood and injury, slow burn, pining Wordcount: 4.1 Notes: we're gonna have a guest from another fandom join the fic! And again, I'm posting on ao3, too. So if you wanna read it there: click. :) Do not repost. MDNI
Chapter 2: Brave words and stupid actions
“Screw god and rather thank me!” Dynamights voice rumbles with the usual amount of anger as he exits the train, a victorious smile gracing his lips. The guy by his side is cuffed, hopping unsteadily on his remaining healthy foot and is - to the surprise of everybody - singed, but still in one piece! Dynamight took off his backpack, which was overflowing with bundles of cash and he sat down in surrender. The quivering, sagging shoulders made him look like a picture of misery. He seems about your age and you cannot fail to notice his height, although he’s sitting.
He has his injured ankle carefully sprawled out to the raw concrete. Long strands of dark brown hair loosened from his bun and now stick to his sweaty forehead.
The group of civilians cheers to the blonde's victory and takes photos of the duo. “Yeah, well done!” “Dynamight is the best!” “That was sooo cool!” “Oh my fucking god, that tiktok is gonna go viral. The world will finally notice me uwu~”
You, instead, just manage to stare at Dynamight tongue-tied. He looks you directly in the eye and your stomach knots. “Aren’t you the one, who was about to mess with him?” His accusation dies down the whooping immediately. His voice is not more than a low growl. Tension creeps up your spine and you feel a little bit on the edge. The long day, the agitation with the quirk, the flashback, the heroes and now this? It's all too much for your sleep deprived self. Reality is a blur. The only things that strike you clear as day are one twisted face and a dangerously swollen, bruised ankle. You know what you gotta do. You pluck up your courage and step up to Dynamight who's looking at you through narrowed slits. “I would like to take a look at his ankle.” “What? Oi, don’t go near him!” Crimson orbs scrutinize you up and down and a beefy arm blocks your way. You take it as a prompt to further explain yourself. “Sorry, I work as an intern at a clinic nearby. I think he might be suffering from a medial malleolus fracture. I can’t diagnose properly without an x-ray, but palpation would help, too. Please let me do a quick check-up until the ambulance arrives!” “Hold on. So you were the one?” “What’s the matter?!” His stare is relentless and you slowly lose your rag. “...Fine, yes, it was me, but-” “Are you stupid, or what? That was fucking dangerous! You were lucky nothing serious happened to you.” For a blink you are bewildered. His voice is strained calm which does nothing but only add to his rogue aura.
"Weren't you taught to stay out of hero business?" Finally you find your tongue. “... Excuse me, all I saw was someone with a bad injury. I was trying to help!”
“Well, you won’t be doing anything now.”
Neither his crossed arms, nor his tone allow you any space for arguing. “The Police will be here in a sec with the ambulance. I don’t see the need for you to be in unnecessary danger again. His injury isn’t life threatening. So I’m gonna say no.” “Oh you’re a doctor now? Just because he seems visibly okay, doesn’t mean he’s fine anyway! What if he has internal bleeding and-”
“Won’t you understand, woman? I am responsible for your well-being!” Your hands clench to fists. “Well I don’t care! Besides, if I didn’t have the end of the day, it would likely be me to treat him the moment he’s brought in the pit! This is pointless!” You spit out and notice how loud you just got. “But you’re not in the clinic anymore, smartass. He already hurt you only minutes ago! Are you feeling alright?”
You were about to draw a breath, as Red Riot intervenes your little back-and-forth. “Whoa there, what about we all take a deep breath now and calm down.” He carefully lays a hand on your shoulder and looks at the blonde pleading. If it wasn’t for his concern you would have slapped it away. You’d like to stomp your feet in anger, but a desperate whimper from the ground reminds you of your duty. “What about his well-being?” You plead, now significantly putting more effort into sounding decent. “At least take him to the surface, to ensure quick treatment. The pain must be mad once the adrenaline’s fading.”
You have the uncomfortable feeling of shrinking under Dynamights gaze and it takes you something to stand your ground. Not to mention that the small flock of butterflies that lightly fluttered at his first sight quickly evaporated into sheer void. Now you’re just busy holding his intense stare with equal stoutness. “She’s right, Katsuki.” He looks pissed as hell but eventually gives in to your suggestion with a sour look.
“Fine.” The moment his permission is spoken, the switch in your head flipped instantly. “Good. Let’s not waste any more time then. Try to move his leg as little as possible. We want to avoid any sort of concussions."
You kneel down where you stand to address the thief eye level. “Hey, what’s your name if I may ask?” “What the hell are you doing?” You ignore Dynamight and focus on the ankle. You’re already in check-up-mode. A huge hematoma spreads on the medial malleolus, which is frightening. You can’t rule out the small chance of a blood clot.
The stranger looks up at you through his lashes rattled. You don’t need to put extra effort into looking concerned and endeavoured to help, because you really are. “Asahi.” he mutters after a small pause barely audible. “Hi Asahi, I'm Doctor L/n. How are you feeling?” He seems to recognise you and remorse washes over his face. “I didn’t want to hurt you. I’m sorry...” his voice nearly failes him. “It's okay. Forgive and forget. Please answer my question. I want to help you. Are you feeling dizzy or anything like that?” “Not really, maybe a little dazed. But the pain is worse, it’s throbbing like hell.” “Okay, this is actually a good thing. Can you feel your toes?” “I… I'm not sure.” You’re internally making notes and recall all the possibly affected bones, joints and tendons. It’s too bad they don’t let you palpate, but regarding the level of swelling you’d guess oblique or vertical fracture. He’s lucky it's not an outright breach, which could be infected easily under these circumstances. “May try to move your foot for me, then?” With closed eyelids and bared teeth he achieves a small sideways stir. “You’re doing very well, Asahi. Can you go up, too?” He tries to bear the pain with desperate gasps for air until his voice shrinks to a whimper. “It hurts too much.” “It’s okay. You’re doing good. Thank you for trying.”
The whole time you fight back a cold shiver, because you can practically feel the piercing look Dynamight shoots in your direction. There's no doubt, he will jump on you the second you move an inch too close to Asahi. Well, he won’t like what you’re about to propose next. “Okay, we need to carry you upwards so the colleagues won’t lose time and can directly begin with your treatment."
Asahi hesitantly looks at Dynamight who appears not very keen about your idea either.
"Listen Asahi, I'm begging you to play along and stay calm. You could have some serious trouble if it's a complicated comminuted fracture. A possible necrosis of the tissue around the ankle can even cause you permanent damage. I’m not telling this to scare you, but I need you to understand the seriousness, you with me? This is only for your own good, please be aware of that. We need to get a diagnosis of how severe your fracture is as soon as possible. So, promise me that you won't use your quirk?”
He seems to gauge his options, but eventually nods in response.
“Who said something about carrying?” You practically waited for his objection. You sigh and stand up again to face the explosion hero. “Of course he needs to be carried. Did you think he would magically fly to the surface on his own? He can’t load his broken ankle with his body weight or he’ll pass out.” "Good. That would spare us the risk of him using his quirk again," Dynamight retorted with a snarl.
You'd like to scream at him about all the medical ifs, but you don't. This isn't about him. “I’d offer to steady him myself, but I guess you will insist?” “Urghh. Do I even have to say it out loud?”
"Thought so… I don’t know if you heard it, but Asahi just promised me he won't use his quirk." You said with the most favorable will. Dynamight raised a brow and snorted half amused, half unbelieving. "For real? You can't be so naive. You know nothing about this man!"
With arms akimbo and Asahi sobbing on the ground behind you, you feel like a mother lioness protecting her cub from the bloodthirsty Alpha. You know by yourself the comparison is exaggerated, but your weary self liked a little drama.
"I don't have to. I am not to decide whether he's guilty whatsoever. The only thing I need to judge is his physical condition. I trust him to be smart enough to not sabotage his own health.”
In reconfirmation, you eye Asahi. He looks mentally broken to say the least. He's in pain, constantly failing to hold back tears in the corner of his eyes and fighting for composure. Your knowledge of human nature tells you that he's not that good of an actor. You can be wrong - of course, you’re not infallible. But it seems very unlikely to happen. “Just... just look at him. He’s caught, cuffed and badly injured.” You gesture towards him to emphasize your reasoning. “You may call me naive, but I think there’s a difference between naivité and not always expecting the worst in everyone.”
“Are you implying-”
Before your debate can go violent, Red Riot blends in to smooth the waters - again. “Hey, it's okay, let me carry him!” He volunteers and you have never ever been so thankful for someone's attitude. “Oh thank you. That would actually be great.”
You can see Dynamight roll his eyes at your gratitude. “Whatever. I'm not gonna argue with a civilian about how I do my work.” He turns his back on you to leave you behind, as if this whole thing was none of his business. You open your mouth but your tongue fails you a second time tonight. You stay as mute as a maggot stupidly staring at his back.
This man is a mystery to you. He leaves you speechless in different ways and you can’t get a grip on yourself. Without any further ado, the heroes escort the civilians including yourself and Asahi back to the surface. You noticed how kind Red Riot acted towards Asahi and how he constantly tried to spread a feel of safety. Asahi himself didn’t say a single word, cooperating in silence. ...Which is hardly surprising because Dynamight threatened him deafeningly loud that if he dared to move a damn muscle he would die. Despite your lack of unity, you couldn't suppress a tug on your lips at the juvenile fulmination. As soon as you exit the subway, Red Riot claims that at least three people will need to wait with them, because of the required witness statements for the report. “... don't forget the Kamikaze doc.” Dynamight mutters only for the redhead to hear. “... Ahh, yes. I'm very sorry for the trouble and thank you for your patience. The police should be here any minute.” After they double checked on the civilians, some of them disperse into the night. While Dynamight is besieged by the other two bereaved, you once again join Asahi, who sits on a stair of an office block, guarded by Red Riot. “Hang on, Asahi. I'm sure you’re gonna be okay. There’s many real good healers in the hospitals around, who will take care of your ankle. You will recover in a snap.”
“I’m so sorry. I didn't want this. Everything happened so fast and I...” “It’s okay. You don’t have to tell us. Just focus on your breathing, okay? Deep and steady.” You smile genuinely as he complies. A comfortable silence settles in and your eyes drift to the angry blonde. You bite your lip in thought. Red Riot follows your gaze and smiles almost motherly. “Don’t mind his rambling. He can't cope with obliging and helpful people like you.” You’re surprised by his straightness, but talking to him felt friendly above all formalities. “Do you think I could talk to him? I don’t think we had a great start.” “Sure. Go for it.” “Okay, but I need to get something off my chest first. I… wanted to thank you for taking care of me down there and … I’m very sorry if I was a burden.” With a quick wave of his hand he turns down your concerns. “Ahh, don’t worry. You’re welcome.” He grins sincerely but your own smile doesn’t reach your eyes. Sensing his questing glare on your face, you look away. With the help of your quirk you easily detect a squirrel in the small park across the street to distract yourself. Your gaze follows the small creature, but you just can’t stand yourself. For the sake of the red head you overcome your vein. “I'm sorry, it's nothing personal - it's just occupational disease. You know, I'm always searching for ways to heal and help, so I myself have difficulties standing on the sidelines. I ...I don’t like to be the one taken care of.” “I think I see where you’re coming from. But it’s okay. Being paralyzed, left to do nothing but watch when there are people who need my help - this is one of the most terrifying feelings in the whole world.” You lift your gaze at that and see his face with a new seriousness. “I once experienced it and the thought alone that it could repeat itself at some point gives me hell. So, I can understand that you feel bad about it. But it wasn’t your fault. Please don’t think that saving you meant some sort of trouble for me... Because you couldn’t be more wrong.” Everything falls in place as the meaning of his words sink into your foggy mind. You can see the faces of bygone patients flash your inner eye. Their expressions of gratitude never failed to lighten your heart. If anybody could relate, it was obviously you. The doubts practically melted away like ice in summer heat.
Your expression softens as you give in to his kindness. “I realized just now that you’re right, naturally. I was a blockhead. Sorry, that must be the lack of sleep.” “Nevermind. You’re a good doctor as far as I can tell.” “Thank you. It means a lot coming from you.” You exchange heartwarming smiles at your mutual appreciation. ---
You try to cling to that feeling as you head to Dynamight. His expression is unreadable as he notices you coming in his direction. He's occupied in a conversation, but you want to get this over and done. “Excuse me, Dynamight? Can I talk to you for a sec?” “Yeah.” With a wink of his hand he eagerly dismisses the two dialog partners out of earshot. “Hell, this was close,” he mutters under his breath. “Hm?” “Tell me you’re not asking me about that damn nerd, too and we’re fine.” “Sorry, about who?” You’re utterly confused. “Forget it. Whaddya want?” You need a moment to collect yourself and clear your throat lightly. “I wanted to say sorry. I didn’t mean to interfere your mission. I really just wanted to help him-” “You don’t say.” You’re briefly irritated but you try to continue undeterred. “Well, yes I obviously wanted to. The moment I saw you, it clicked, but that was unfortunately too late.” You make a small pause, because the intoxicating sweet smell of a fire-roasted marshmallow burnt itself relentlessly into your mind. Your empty stomach growls on command and you hope it wasn’t loud enough for him to hear. You try to stay focused, but the concocted words slowly start to disappear. Anyhow you manage to force your eyes up to his face and lock gazes with him. The sharp crimson of his irises sends a chill down your spine and helps you concentrate.
“We may have started off the wrong-foot and I wanted to set this straight. Maybe I care too much... I’ll give you that. And of course I do understand why you did what you did. But the truth is, at the end of the day, regulations or not - I’d do it again.” He simply raised a brow and crossed arms over his wide chest as he listened to you. “If so, you’re even more stupid than I thougt you’d be.” Your jaw dropped at his reckless conclusion and your blood rushes towards your face. You feel offended, not taken seriously and downright ridiculous. “Excuse me!! It's not stupid to help people in need! You’re a hero, aren’t you? You do the exact same thing but I’m the stupid one?!”
“Damn those people with dreaded helpfulness! You piss me off the most out of everyone. You won’t ever understand that in your little idealistic brain, won’t you? You’re no hero. Stop meddling in things you ought not to be meddled in!” You reciprocate his taunting mood and your voice rises an octave. “You telling me I should walk past someone who needs my help?” “I was fighting him, because he’s a criminal!” “Oh this is the measure of all things now? Must be damn easy-peasy living in your black and white hero-villain-world!” “Stop skewing the truth! He isn’t a little girl with a scraped knee by the wayside! I’m saying this only once, so you better listen to me, Kamikaze. The point is, your behaviour was not only self-destructive as hell but on top you could have seriously impeded the rescue of someone else. What if they needed your medical skills, which you can’t provide when you’re hit by a quirk! You should have known better, this isn’t about your doctor-honor or anything of this crap. If you wanna help people, then stop hampering hero work!” You do feel the side looks of everybody but you can’t give up on this. “I already said I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry how this particular situation turned out and I see your point, but-” “BUT?” He plants himself in front of you threateningly and stares you down like you’re dirt on his shoe. This wasn’t anywhere near to going the way you imagined. This was worse. What started out as an apology turned into an argument. You take a deep breath and a pause to think. You avert your gaze past Dynamight and back to the park. Ghostly desaturated trees sway in the cool night breeze, grey bark reflecting pale moonlight. The squirrel is gone, the only visible motion are some dry leaves chased by the wind. Unfortunately the answer isn’t hidden between scarlet maple foliage. “What now? Finally realized I’m right?” A dull pain begins to twitch through the back of your head and you feel slightly giddy. Raising your hands to massage your temples, you decide to relent. “Look, I wouldn’t have interacted, if I knew a hero was chasing him. As I said before, it wasn’t my intention to overcomplicate things. I am aware of the difference between an ongoing hero operation and an everyday life incident. I admit that I misjudged the situation. But you can’t seriously expect me to never offer my help again.” The day weighs down on you with all its impact and you sincerely hope he’ll accept your proposition. After looking you deep in the eye, he states in a conciliable way, you’d never thought he was capable of “You are one stubborn woman for sure.” His throaty voice gives you the chills and you’re suddenly talking faster than you can think. “At least that’s one thing we’ve got in common, then.” Oh Lord, from which bold corner of your mind came that? You look at him, afraid to have ruined the small progress you just made. But what you see, surprises you. Calling the delicate sweep of his lips a grin would be carrying things too far. But you can’t deny how handsome he looked with a not-angry face.
“I may have well built pectorals, but I’m not a woman.” His whole aura changes and the delicate sweep turns into a full grown smirk. You hardly believe your eyes, but as soon as your antsy brain realizes that he made a joke, a giggle forms in the back of your throat. You can’t stop it from growing because it makes you feel at ease, all the uncomfortable tension lifting from you with each breath. For the first time you feel lightheaded today. You wipe away a tear and grin at him with newfound confidence. “I needed that, thank you.” “Sulking is not my cup of tea.” “Lucky me.” The sudden crackle of a twig rips both of you out of happyland. Dynamight wheels around and the furrowed brows are back. You both face the park, where the crackling sound seemed to come from. The light of a lonely street post reaches only a few metres and the remaining trees and bushes are swallowed by darkness. Without thinking, you activate your quirk and nearly freeze at what you see.
Your hand nudges Dynamight lightly for attention as you whisper “There’s someone hiding behind a tree.” He doesn’t waste time questioning you and stands up for you protectively, arms spread wide. “Who's there?” Silence. “Say something or I’ll roast you medium rare, Extra!” “Noooo, no! Please, I was just about to pee. I swear!” You raise on tiptoes to still be able to see. The person sounded like a guy, but frankly is too far away to perceive details. You never really trained or pushed your quirk so the range is limited. But you can tell by the posture and the shadowy outlines of his hand, that he’s holding something. His tone may be trying to tell otherwise, but he’s cool and collected, not struggling to zip up. It's rather the opposite, he stands with his back pressed to a tree like someone taking cover. “He’s lying.” You whisper again near the shell of his ear and you can see the muscle of his neck tense beneath the costume. You can’t take your eyes off the stranger as the uneasy feeling from earlier returns. You try your hardest to see what he’s holding, as he lifts it up. “Ok, last chance to come out voluntarily, or I’ll come get you!” At one and the same time, you finally realize that it’s a gun he’s holding, as its muzzle points in your direction. You snap in a split second. There's no time to brood over possible options, so you act instinctively. With the most possible speed you can muster, you shove Dynamight to the side.
He stumbles in surprise as a small red thing flashes by and hits you right in the shoulder.
“What the-”
Immediately darkness gathers around you and there’s nothing you can do against it. It's like you’re trying to see through a heavy veil of pure blackness. Your eyes are open but you’re hardly able to recognise the street lamp. That only allows one conclusion. “He has a gun with quirk suppressors!” “Shit!” You managed to break your fall with your arms and all you’re left to do is listen. You don’t need your eyes to feel the heat of an explosion near you. ‘Shit, shit, shit. What did I just do? God, what is this day, just gimme a break! I seriously can’t see a thing, this sucks...’ You rant inwardly while outwardly so much was going on. You huddle yourself on the ground, both hands protectively around your head. You just stay where you are, trying to process what happened. Your heart beats so fast like it wants to gallop right out of your chest. You just ... did it again? ... Hampered hero work while being a kamikaze doc? Fuck. But seriously, this time it was do or die. A hero is more important than you. He can protect people. He can prevent damage. You will always be the one picking up the pieces, mending them back together. You did the right thing, even if he might hate you for it.
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loyalhorror · 4 years
also: 1, 2, 10, 14, 49 (RATWHALE??), 54, 55, 60, 61, 63, 65: "What is your favorite thing about FABIAN CORTEZ?"
90s i’d kill for you dnfkjfnjfn
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
YEAHHHH but like way less than I used to. like when I was about 17-18 I just oscillated between thinking I was the devil or thinking nobody else existed, etc, like constantly, whereas now it’s sort of like... I have this weird thing of like. thinking that everyone else isn’t real, which means they can die, but I can’t??? IT’S WEIRD. but anyway tldr sometimes but not often
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
uhhh I’d say like a 3? it depends on the kind of dark though, and where I am. like when I’m in my flat I’m usually at a 2 but sometimes anxiety kicks in at a 4-5 and convinces me I have to turn all the lights on or there’ll be something/someone in my apartment etc, whereas if I’m outside at night I’m not really scared of the dark so much as being caught offguard by someone in it.
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? 
kdjfnskdjnf I was playing this little ... sushi tycoon game on the Switch, I’d gone to bed at like 10 but couldn’t sleep (and didn’t until like 4am whoops)
14. What is your current desktop picture? 
hcavs building a computer KJNSDSKFJNDSF
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? 
see, a ratwhale sounds cool but doesn’t really interest me conceptually
whereas something like a rat-dog, rat-fox, or literally ANY kind of human/animal hybrid............... OH OH OR a deer/horse hybrid!
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? 
i don’t think so! like i don’t think i’ve even baked a box mix cake, just brownies/cupcakes/stuff like that
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? 
i only do accents for funsies kdfjnsdjkfn like some disgusting english accents and a mockery of a yeehaw accent. so, no, basically,
60. Do you believe in aliens?
i feel like it would be stupid not to sfkjsndkfjng like. the universe is so vast. i don’t really want to imagine a reality where earth is the ONLY place with creatures we might recognise as being Like Us(TM)
but also i like the thought of alien lifeforms that are just... completely unlike anything we could imagine or conceptualise
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
only on like, tumblr posts and shit. i always have a split second of a dilemma because i always think of myself as an aquarius-pisces cusp (because growing up the cut-off in the newspapers my gran read was always either feb 18-20 somewhere, it varied) so i always read both and then get annoyed when pisces is inevitably just “youre a sensitive cwybaby uwu”
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
depends on your own personal dragon lore, babey!! but generally i like dinosaurs because i just like... love that these things fucking EXISTED???
but dragons are so fucking aesthetically pleasing AND they’re not real so you can make up whatever with them...
65. What is your favorite thing about FABIAN CORTEZ?
but also i love his over the top dialogue so much
and his ponytail, obvs
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I’m sorry for bringing this back up, I really don’t mean to harp on it but I just need to get some things off my mind.
Y’all remember 2 weeks ago when a kid went and riled up their friends to publicly and privately attack me (whilst privately planning in their discord on sending death threats) all because I accused them of pretending like they drew something that they didn’t? Well I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it, for a few different reasons.
1, After this all happened some of the people started sending some (on second thought) half-assed apologies. One of them said, and I’m paraphrasing here, “I hope you can get past what my friend group has done to you”. And that just confuses the shit out of me. Pardon my language but what the fuck is that supposed to mean? You clearly know that this is something really terrible that can (and did) fuck someones mental health up and your response is “Sorry that my friends suck ass. Still gonna be friends with them though. Even though this is clearly an insanely unhealthy friendship if we’re ready, willing, and excited to gang up on and absolutely destroy one individual because they made a fair observation uwu”. 
I might just be sensitive, and don’t get me wrong I definitely am, but if I was friends with someone and I found myself doing this to someone else I wouldn’t be friends with that person anymore. It’s insane how these kids were manipulated by one person into doing something awful and they’re just like “whoops we went a little overboard there, oh well hope you’re not permanently traumatised by what I did to you! Bye bye” and go back to the way things were before. And speaking of manipulation…
2, It’s truly insane to me how someone can be so incredibly heartless that they continuously and repeatedly steal other peoples content (or in this case an AI apps content), and when someone calls them out on it they rally their friends to go attack that person, whilst planning in a group chat on sending actual fucking death threats, and then just delete their account and start over again. All the while they’re trying to spin this narrative that they’re the victim. 
A few months ago this kid stole several of my GIFs. I didn’t say anything cause I couldn’t be bothered (I thought “they’re a kid, this happens, who cares”). They then kept coming up in my feed because I was following a certain tag and they’re one of those annoying people posting everything in every single tag possible regardless of relevance. Pretty much all of their posts were very obviously not theirs. A bunch of memes and alignment charts, the quality of which looked like they had been to hell and back, that they claimed they made themselves (even though I had seen some of them months prior). They then started posting obviously fake “drawings” and that annoyed me even more but I didn’t say anything because they said they’ll stop (though they’d stop because “people keep saying my art is fake uwu”). Then they posted a “drawing” again and that’s when I got fed up and went and got the evidence that they were lying. 
But here’s the thing: a while back they apologised for stealing my GIFs (I never even contacted them so idk why) but it was a very telling apology. They basically said “I’m sorry, I didn’t know they were yours” … but you knew they weren’t yours, didn’t you? I don’t give a shit if I’m the one you’re stealing from, stealing is bad regardless. This person has also stolen art, deleted their account, and started over again once before. And at some point the “I’m a kid, I don’t know any better” defence starts to wear thin. You know better. You know you’re a manipulative asshole who hurts people and you could easily stop. And what terrifies me is that they won’t. The fact that there are people in the world who can do all this and still think they’re in the right absolutely terrifies me and this whole experience has done more to make me lose hope in humanity than all the rest of 2020 combined.
3, The last reason why I can’t stop thinking about this is because it seriously fucked up my mental health. Now don’t get me wrong I wasn’t doing great before, but this has certainly made it way way worse. And I can say, with absolute certainty, that the only reason why I haven’t done anything drastic because of this (and you know what I mean by that) is because I’ve been at rock bottom. I am at rock bottom. If I was gonna do something like that (at this time) I would’ve done it already. But I can say that if this had happened when I was their age (13) or if I was slightly more stable (stable enough to truly care) then this would’ve absolutely devastated me and I cannot say for certain that I would’ve been alive right now. And that is the reason why this has affected me so much. 
What they (and their friends) did to me doesn’t affect me but the fact that those people are willing to do that, that they are willing to play with someone elses actual fucking life like that, is terrifying to me. And I am so insanely happy that I (at the point I’m at now) was the one on the receiving end of this because this very well could’ve actually destroyed if not ended someones life. I know this sounds dramatic but I’m being completely serious right now. My mental health started dropping when the virus started but then it (my mental health that is) started levelling out and I was doing okay. Until two weeks ago. That was just one morning of constant stress and feeling like I was all alone being attacked with no chance of actually changing their minds (because they refused to listen to me). But that morning was all it took to start pulling me back downwards again. And to be clear: when I say that I haven’t done anything drastic I mean I haven’t done anything drastic. Not that I haven’t thought about it. I would never do that over something as small as a bunch of naive little kids acting like idiots. But something as small as that can cause a ripple affect. It can create a hole in a boat that, whilst not enough on its own, together with other shit (2020) can cause the boat to sink.
I don’t know where I’m going with this, I guess I just needed to get these thoughts out. But if I can leave you with three lessons from this it’s these:
If being in a certain friend group causes you to do (harmful) things you normally wouldn’t then they are not good friends and you should haul ass out of that friendship. The victim doesn’t actually have to be a part of the relationship for a relationship to be abusive.
There are always going to be people in the world like this kid, people who hurt others without care, but that doesn’t mean you have to contribute to it. I’ve said this before but “this is just the way the world works” isn’t a valid excuse not to call out people on their shitty behaviour. (Like I should’ve called out this kid earlier)
There is no distinction between the internet and the real world. This is the real world. Just because you can’t see me doesn’t mean I’m not real, and it doesn’t mean your actions can’t have very real consequences. Do not under any circumstances play with others mental health like this. If you meet someone who is willing to hurt others like this then run in the other direction. And if you find yourself becoming that type of person then fix yourself. This type of trigger happy attack-first-and-decide-if-you-need-to-apologise-later internet culture is not only harmful but deadly and y’all need to stop.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
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if you sent any asks (recommendations for things don’t count as I have to look around!) since october 17 until october 22 it is in here :)
anon said: The header for your askbox response post is *aesthetic*. I think it’s a really good idea to post one every few days if you have the time. ❤️
well, thANK YOUUUUU!!!!! I put in a whopping 10 minutes into it because I had no idea what I was doing! i’ll definitely be doing asks this way now though.
big dick kiri anon said: !!!!!! ILY HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY PLS HYDRATE 💙💙❤️❤️ -bigdickkiri
Omg love! Please don’t worry about kinktober just breathe! Take your time and try to relax 💙❤️- bigdickkiri
DAMN, that is a LOT. Please look after yourself and don't stress about it love!! - bigdickkiri
I believe I did have a good day, and I am actually super bad at hydrating, buT ILL TRY TO GET BETTER!!!!
I am breathing!!!! JUSTTT BREATHEEEE!!! I am taking my time now and relaxing to the best of my ability :D thank you so much bdk I love you with all my soul
theres always a lot, but if im not doing a lot I dont do anything so on one hand.... it’s okay LMAO but I will continue to try and not stress :D
@bread-theduck​ said: We love you and support you ❤ dont push yourself, your mental health is so much more important that kinktober haha. Take all the time you need, we're right here and open if you wanna talk~
I don’t really try to push myself... it just happens subconsciously D: but thank you for the love and support!!!! my mental health is stronger than I give it credit though
anon said: listen! we all appreciate you and your writing dearly but! I think we can all agree that we want you to be okay mentally and physically before you make yourself write! kinktober can wait! you’re more important!! at the very least, pls take a break for tonight.
I honestly can’t even remember when i said I was tired, but thank you for your kind words regardless!!!! I am trying to get better at it because i don’t want to disappoint you guys D:
@saintbullet​ said: Please take care of yourself!!! DONT risk your health for writing. We care about you so much! Be careful 💕💕💕
I know I push myself a lot, and i’m really sorry for scaring you all!!!! I am trying though, and it just has a lot to do with my mental fatigue and that im judging some hard classes right now then it has to do with anything
anon said: hey it'll be alright! idk whats wrong but i promise everything will work out like its supposed to! you just take care of yourself and take as much time as you need to feel better!! we love u!! ♥️
anon said: periods can be a pain so pls take care of yourself!! drink lots of water and rest up!!!
my period is the worst, if she was a person i’d block her and avoid her irl!!!!!!!!
anon said: Lol ok so gay for Mina anon back and no, I was not the anon who requested it. But lmao, let me take this time to whole heartedly thank that anon for quenching my thirst anyways
anon said: I am just planning on hanging out and reading all the lovely writing that comes from this
i’m pretty sure this is about my nsfw/sfw headcanons, and honestly im sooo very excited to start working on them!!!!!!!!
anon said: you have no idea how happy I got when I saw u posted for mina like UGH MY WIFE I LOVE HER SO MUCH 🥺🥺🥺 N GIVING US GAYS AMAZING CONTENT UR AMAZING MWAH MWAH KEEP BEING THE PERFECT ANGEL U ARE 🥺🥺💞💗💖💕💓💝
many a anons said: Sorry I didn’t see the part where you said not to request characters that were already on the list I thought that was the list of character we could vote for.
so sorry I accidentally sent a character in that has already been requested, Tumblr didn't show me the follow up posts ;;
nooo I didn’t see the list I’m so sorry 😭😭😭
LOL ITS OKAYYYY. y’all were hoes and kept sending me shouto who I couldn’t even think about deleting from my list... so... you are lucky >:(
anon said: hello! not a request here but take care of yourself anc stay hydrated bb 🥰🥰
I got my water right next to me rn bby :D
anon said: be todoroki’s girlfriend
bitch I am todorokis WIFE, why would I need to dress up???
@girl-with-a-mentality​ said: You can be todoroni for Halloween.
....you right...
anon said: Thirst post infoo ;3 I found a doujinshi of Bakugo being teased and toyed with sexually with by Ochako, Yaomomo, and our lovely momma Mina
...send it
anon said: GIRLLLLLL
local dumbass anon said: local dumbass is here once again, i thiink you know who i am and might've found my ig buuuuuut..?
uh.... I don’t know???????? I only followed people on insta if you gave me your handle or followed me first.... also did you cut your bangs?
anon said: Your Monoma scenario was really good!If we’re being honest, though, Monoma would literally start foaming at the mouth if he saw anyone from 1-A making physical contact with his s/o, ESPECIALLY Bakugou. They would have to call animal control because there would be a rabid Monoma in the dorms lol
okay... while you’re not wrong, I just thought 18 year old monoma should have grown up just the tiniest bit! plus his obsession is controlled because of his insecurity so LMAO IDK I JUST THOUGHT MAYBE UGH
@awkward-theaterkid​ said: I was reading your Day 19 Fic but I couldnt take it seriously, the title "My Way" kept reminding me of the Backstreet Boys "I want it that way" and it keeps popping up while I read it 😂
as someone who only heard that song because of b99 I read this and immediately thought of b99 LMAOOOOO
Hello Queen Lyssa, I finally read "And They Were Roommates" and have absolutely no idea why I put it off so long! ITS A MASTERPIECE. Each chapter is addictive and the slow burn and angst destroyed me 😭 The smut in the final chapter is flawless and sooooooooooooooooooo H O T. Shoto wasnt even my favorite character but he might have to be now (or at least in my top 3) 😰 This is my new favorite series and I cant wait to re-read it!!!! YOURE AMAZING AND ILY. You own my soul now -🍒💥
~ thank you to @didyoumeanme​, @kittenlordofdarkness​, @soafers​ for submitting memes and animal pics for my rommate, much appreciated :D ~
anon said: Did the local dumbass anon ever cut their bangs? Do you know?
....I dont know, but I just asked her rn >:)
this paragraph is dedicated to those surrounding to the meltdown mess that occurred yesterday. to each and every one of you who sent me kind words via my askbox or directly contacting me, thank you. I really want to move past this because I feel by holding on it will make me feel less inclined to write because of my guilt. of course, I do not expect you to forgive me, or trust me in my story of how it went down, because at the end of the day it was my mistake for trusting in someone to write with pure intentions when I didn’t know if she could. im trying to continue on with my best foot forward and im grateful for those of you who trusted in me. I swear I will never push myself again, and that I will instead take my time in order to publish my original work and only my original work and not take anything that comes from a “friend”. know that I love you all, and I dont know how to take it easy so my break lasted a whooping 10 hours, and my blog won’t discontinue until im done with bnha or...I get into medschool which is still 3 years away, I am taking care of myself, im staying hydrated, im trying not to put myself down anymore, I will keep going, & will forever continue to be more careful with what I post. also, no one was really coming for me, so don’t worry if you thought so lol. (to you 9 anons who expressed their kind thoughts to me, thank you. to big dick kiri anon thank you. to @bqkubabey​, @flayvus​, & @ultimate-shit-poster​ thank you so so much you really helped me not drown myself in my own guilt.)
anon said: i hope you’re feeling okay today :((
I am feeling a lot better. unfortuantely I did make myself really sick yesterday because ive never been as stressed in my life ever, but im okay now. there’s nothing I can do more for what happened so I will try to continue on as best as I can and I appreciate you caring... ilysm :)
@ikinabi​ said: Your writing??? Actually god sent 🥵👌 and the way you write Mirio gets me GOING
anon said: fuck buddy iida is a thought that has never crossed my mind but now that i’ve seen your post i am intrigued haha
well... it is up :) if you wanna check her out :)
anon said: You dont have to answer if you dont wanna but i just wanna see if your okay. I hope your end your doing well and not stressing.
i’m doing much better than I was yesterday!!! I just needed to rest and calm down and stop attacking myself. thank you for checking in!!! it means so much :,)
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theorynexus · 5 years
76:  Hopefully this does not explode like a nuclear bomb in my face.
Seems it’s time to follow the excited Mascot of Freedom and his merry companions once again!   Also a terrifying clown.
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This is incredibly silly and absolutely ridiculous. But also, it is pretty hilarious how this makes him seem like the Shakespearean Fool.  (Which means that things are going to go horribly wrong. I am going to either greatly enjoy that, or cringe so hard my eyes pop out of their sockets and I never post again.)
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I blame the similarities between Void and Rage as far as inebriation goes and/or the obfuscation of things (rational thought, knowledge, truth)~
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DARNIT, HUSSIE, STOP MOCKING THE MAYOR!!!   (And yes, I will say that even if it IS someone else who’s actually controlling the narrative, because he holds the imaginary pen in real life.)
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Well, yeah, they’re a whole universe away from the genuine article. Of course the traditions technically have a bit of a disconnect.   THAT SAID...  Huh. It’s interesting that John’s mentality did eventually circle around to seeing the sky as being an imperfect simulacrum of his own original version. Very intriguing.
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I really, REALLY don’t trust that sort of mentality, Callie. That’s how politics gets screwed up and falls away from the public interest. Also, to be fair, he does indeed have some control over the political situation! What a silly little adorable skull monster. :3 (This really does make it seem like Gamzee is messing with their head, honestly. Rage screws with priorities. Through Gamzee, it manifests destruction!) I am honestly glad that Rox gets to finally enjoy that coffee shop with John, though~
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And yet, I imagine it is cute!
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Calliope is a shipper, and grew up with Troll Romance. The idea that they would be open to them being in a relationship and not uncomfortable with it seems quite probable. Also:   *shudders at the thought of Gamzee as Callie’s dog*
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...   Eh?   Wow. Taking a direction which is unexpected, here.  I do wonder, indeed, why Calliope might think that this might mean the end of their time with Roxy (Gamzee, Gamzee, Gamzee [unless they just mean they wants to spend more time with her, and is feeling a bit jealous; in which case, not the best look, but I can understand that feeling, honestly  {And yes, I think I will be referring to Roxy as a “her” until I am led to believe that her gender identity has changed. I do not know when it might have been that she and Calliope came to their understanding of their non-binary/agendered identities in the Meat timeline, now that I think of it, so it may actually be either before or after the split between the two sides, and thus Roxy may not come to that understanding of her/theirself, this side of the divide; as such, the default of female seems a bit more appropriate, at least for now}]).        
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Eh? Sad?  I thought this was the path that Callie wanted things to go down?  Hmm.
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I mean... to be fair, that (the brain damage bit) might be true. Hard to say. Don’t know how troll anatomy might react to such issues.   Buuuttttt... he’s also almost certainly manipulating her, so-- whoops --there goes my pity.
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***gags***   Oh my gosh, I had forgotten about his disgusting outfit.   ewe
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Dangit, Roxy, stop inversely prophesying about John screwing things up by making Gamzee go flying off the deep end like an acrobatic fricking ninja!   (And I don’t mean it in the semi-racialized sense that Gamzee uses the term.)
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Man... it’s not nice to steal a lady’s seat while she’s gone. :o(
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***snerk***    I don’t know what’s funnier-- a god asking for help from a waiter (though to be fair, Gamzee’s sortof invincimmortal) or him being called Gamzee’s “horndog.”
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At once, I find this absolutely fricking terrifying, and also appreciate that he calls him “vertebrother” instead of “invertibrother.”  (Though I admittedly do type with Gamzee’s quirk for fun, sometimes, I’m not going to do so here in the quotes in order to dignify this garbage with my approval.)
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One:  No. Just no.   Two:  Wow, if Gamzee is the cause of their relationship actually starting up, I think I’m going to be sick.  Three:  Gah, I hate the bilge he spews, sometimes. Not that Gamzee always has garbage in the thoughts that he’s communicating. It’s just... the content (not even the quirk, which I am fine with). The way he communicates things, such as calling Roxy a “premium ho”...   I don’t like people being referred to in that way.  (Now I’m paranoid that people will accuse me of racism for my reaction, when my objection is with the it feeling misogynistic to refer to someone in that way, rather than the racial coding of some of his juggalo-isms in general.  Like... right afterward, he suggests that John is “squandering pussy.”  What the heck? ewe )
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Wow. Insulting him by calling him a “little bitch” as he’s offering to help is not cool. Also:  Weird fricking metaphor. @w@
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I know how you feel, John.   You deserve all the headpats for the garbage you are now putting up with. uwu
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yiqiie · 6 years
every week, i’ll sit down and watch the newest episode of Idol Producer Season 2 《青春有你》and write down all my thoughts. nothing get’s left out so get ready for a bunch of memes, shit posts and rants as we get through another season of our fave survival show 
feel free to send me any questions to my inbox and i’ll answer them asap!
a/n: sorry this is late! i forgot the episode was released yesterday welp but tbh saturday night is probably gonna be my upload day anyway 
start time: 10:42 am 
my internet is experiencing problems woooooo so this will be interesting 
so many goddamn ads 
wait who’s the team who were playing like instruments and shit??? they sounded AWESOME
oh damn recap of zyx being pissed off 
that chewing gum is actually pretty good ngl 
also the theme song is getting catchier so don’t be surprised if i start liking it 
i still feel so bad for the kids who are sitting out IN THE COLD 
[break while my internet decides if it wants to continue being an asshole]
‘if you’re a rapper, PLEASE LEAVE’ i’m dead 
zhang pd is sighing lmao 
chen si jian leggo 
*awkward silence* 
he’s shaking omfg poor baby 
also minghao is really cute ily i never said it before 
HE WROTE THAT?? oof you got talent boy 
he got a zyx serious nod 
wtf he was so quiet??? and now he’s just rapping the shit out of this song 
oh damn those lyrics 
is it an A? i saw in the description there might be an A today 
i love their suits 
black pearl i’m crying his skin is GORGEOUS 
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zyx and mc jin talking about shi mingze being similar to kris wu 
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he looks like my uncle I SPIT MY WATER OUT LMFAO 
the song was damn good 
mc jin lmfao HIS SOUNDS 
even the trainees know that their bets on other trainees’ grades are probably gonna be wrong lol 
jia yi why are you so fcking cute 
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well their prediction wasn’t wrong they said all of them would be D together 
but :( i really liked their perf 
what a precious bub i shall protect 
stretchy bendy boi
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xu long han uwu 
[pls excuse as my wifi loads again]
i actually love him 
oh jesus this song brings back the memories lmfao 
stretchy bendy boi again woooooo 
we already knew he was F but still ;; 
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6 years as a trainee damn boi 
oh shit 
how is being this good at dancing fair holy goddamn 
[wifi cut off again so guess what i GET TO WATCH THE PERF AGAIN] 
zyx has his serious face on 
wait they just got up from that position WITHOUT THEIR HANDS 
uh oh they ain’t getting As or Bs 
okay i agree with his comments but c’mon they were nervous 
don’t worry babes you have plenty of time to improve! ;;; 
zhou shi yuan oh god i need to remember names 
deep voice holy shit damn 
omg so many vocals today 
okay that sounds weird 
others: :| 
this boi: :O
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omfg he’s a fcking meme too 
[paused while my mother makes me watch a David Attenborough documentary on bamboo] 
vocals damn holy shit 
okay the dancing may not be as on point because there was a bit where they weren’t doing anything 
even yixing is in love with his smile i can tell 
those sharp dance moves though 
honestly that was my favourite performance i don’t care what other people say 
it’s probably gonna be a B 
even though i want him to get an A 
li wenhan holy shit you are fcking adorable 
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he forgot to bow WHAT A CUTIE 
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babe don’t say you don’t want an F because zyx can sense fear and he’s gonna give you one 
wenhan is such a soft boy omg 
oh goddamn these slow mo shots are killing me 
picking up the rose petals I AM DEAD 
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guys i still really love jolin she smiled at me and i just forgot about my love for all the others 
jks li wenhan is singing at me now 
i want him to get an A but my bet is on a B 
hu chun yang is really cute just saying 
told y’all so 
even though i wanted him to get an A
oof i love it i love it i love it 
probs not gonna get the results i want them to get but WHO CARES I’M STANNING 
all Cs i can deal with that 
i really like this guy’s suit 
wait i forgot his name 
i’ll wait till zyx says it again lmfao 
chen you wei THAT’S HIS NAME 
oh here we go gramarie
okay i gotta say gramarie is really good at picking songs 
like last year it was a really good song too 
when are we getting an A 
the accents are so cute AHAHAHAHA 
zyx is losing his shit 
i missed their names though and their company 
there aren’t any left????
are there seriously no As?
oh damn 
i just noticed that the new trainee clothes are from new balance 
such a good reference to ‘balance’ 
they’re really not going to give zyx a break lmfao 
theme song practice leggo
i really do love the new uniforms 
bruh the gifts are better than last year 
wenhan you’re adorable omg i’ve said this so many times 
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and you’re a cutie too 
he speaks so softly too ugh ily 
lmfao their hands look like jellyfish ngl 
but damn xu minghao you’re a good teacher 
wang jiayi ;;; working when everyone left already 
ngl i’m not feeling the broship like last season where people would go out of their way to help each other 
he’s literally by himself and it’s nearly 6am 
jesus this boy is hard working 
LMAO once one person comes in everyone comes in ahahhahha
okay okay previews here we come 
wait removing the centre decision 
oh damn future stages what a look 
sidenote: i took a ss of this beautiful boy but forgot where i was going to put it so i’m gonna leave it here anyways. enjoy :)
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finish time: 9:47 pm 
that’s all folks; tune in next week for another episode of mai’s shitposting whilst we suffer through another survival show together!
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littlefallenrebel · 6 years
My love and feels for Skz 🌹🖤
I was tagged by my dear @pikachulein (thank you for doing that btw) to do a post about my feels for Skz so here it is! 
I’m just gonna say that this post is probably a bit cringy and makes zero sense because I have a hard time putting my feelings/thoughts into words :p Also... this ended up being.......1,2k+ words long, whoops 😌
I see Woojin as an older brother he’s 3 years older than me so there we go even tho it’s not that much, anyway so with him it’s definitely brotherly and sibling-like love. It would be awesome to have him as my older brother can i swap my annoying bro with him please and I feel like he would be someone who I can rant about stuff and ask advice. Since he’s also super loving towards his members and takes care of them, I can sort of relate to that since I’m lowkey the mom-friend in my friend group. He’s such a sweetheart and I’m so soft ;-;
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Bang Chan:
Ah, it’s mister ”here to wreck your bias list once again”. Chan is probably the one who confuses me the most, I mean he’s my bias but at the same time he’s my bias wrecker and I really don’t know how I feel about him?? I just feel drawn and very attracted to him. But despite being attracted to him, I seriously admire and respect Chan a lot. To me, he’s such an inspirational person and I would love to spend time with him talking about lyrics meanings and deep things. I think we're both that sort of people who sometimes think about stuff too deeply and maybe stress over small things. He's still so young and has a lot on his shoulders and i just sjdhsh. I would probably say my love for Chan is intellectual/magnetical type of love.
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Lee Know:
Ohlord it’s the pisces+scorpio duo  with minho it’s definitely the best friends/playful type of love, absolutely. I feel like if we two were best friends we would be that super salty duo who throws shade at everyone. Minho is someone who I would love to just hang out with and share some hot tea ☕ about stuff. Also, I feel like minho would appreciate my super bad jokes and puns no one ever likes my puns and i bet my friends are ashamed of me lmao and we could throw awful pickup lines at each other. I would love to just go on a random shopping spree with him or mess around in a park in the middle of the night. Where do I get a best friend like minho?
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Another sweet child o’ mine, my fellow Pisces son. I relate to Hyunjin a lot on an emotional level since I feel like we’re both emotionally sensitive so I’ll say I have this similar people/affectionate type of love towards him. I want to watch those overly sappy and cheesy movies/dramas with and cry together when something bad happens. Also, you know that face he does when he thinks his face is bloated?? I swear to god I do that exact same face 24/7. he's an affectionate person imo so i think he would make a nice hug/cuddle buddy, heh. and we both have a thing for weird noises too Hyunjin is probably the member who I relate the most to and he’s sometimes such a mood.
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oof, the ultimate bias wrecker. My love for Jisung is probably the affectionate kind of love and he is another member, who I admire.  Jisung is quite deep and poetic person in my opinion and I’d love to discuss and write lyrics with him. I adore his positive and goofy personality and his shenanigans always make me giggle and lift up my mood. I sometimes just get distracted by him and then I find myself thinking “what an adorable bean you are”. He’s such a kind-hearted and sweet person, I just want to squish his cheeks and ruffle his hair. But sometimes I feel like he doesn’t really feel that confident about himself, so I would want to just comfort and support him. I want him to know he’s doing well, that he’s talented and he’s more than just the mood-maker of the group. I just want to cheer him up with my very shitty jokes and drag him to the nearest arcade. Yeah, I just want to be friends with Jisung and have a blast.
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Felix, my sweet sunshine baby boi, a precious puppy with a deep ancient God voice, I love him so much i might cry. Felix was my first skz bias and is now my second bias, so I do have a sort of special soft spot for him. I would say my love for him is a mix of affectionate and pure love. Felix is such a soft sweetheart and pure, I just want to hold and cuddle him. Like?? i just can’t imagine anything bad or nasty about him??? that boy just radiates sunshine and happiness ;_; Like I would just love to play video games and make goddamn vine references with him, that would be life.
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With Seungmin it’s friendship like love. I just see him as a good friend who I would have a blast hanging out with I lowkey wanna have a roast battle with him, don’t ask why i just do also, as a fellow myday, we two could just scream and fangirl about Day6 together lmao. me and seungmin singing more like screaming the lyrics to shoot me at 2am? sign me up. He’s such a cutie squish. Seungmin is kind of a mischievious person and he lowkey brings out the mischief in me too, so I kinda want to prank the other members with him lmao.
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Okay, Jeongin is not that much younger than me but he feels like a younger brother to me, so with him, it’s probably sibling-like love I would say. He’s so cute and precious and I just want to look after him and I’ll fight anyone who dares to corrupt this smol bean.  I also lowkey want to have that friendly, sibling rivalry -like relationship with him, idk why. I want to make sure he’s doing well and offer my help if he needs it. Jeongin is such a pure baby and his smile is worth fighting for.
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baby boy culture uwu
this next part is gonna be the cheesiest thing ever and probably a bit cringy so you've been warned. bear with me and my feels
oh my god, where do I even start with seo changbin. I'm sure everyone and their ancestors know that my love for him is definitely romantic/true type of love. That boy makes my heart burst and I'm just so damn whipped. im so sorry but i must expose myself and admit that there is some sexual love here too sometimes cuz boi i've had some rather heated thoughts/dreams with bin, anYWAY BACK TO BEING SOFT I love that we share the same kind of aesthetic with all the "i love dark" stuff and wearing mostly black, but then actually being the softest. Since we both have had the thought of becoming a tattoo artist, it would be so cool to draw and design tattoos together! andthengetacoupletattoo I would want to spend time with him at the studio, bring him food and make sure he doesn’t overwork himself and even though I don’t know much about making music but I would love to help him with writing lyrics too. I would support and hype him all the way and make sure he’s healthy. I want to make sure he’s eating and resting properly. Also! Since I love the height difference between me and Bin, I just want to give him all my hoodies to see how smol and soft he would look in them!!  I honestly just love everything he does, every little thing. His aegyo, his cute nose crunch, his adorable laugh, his smile,  his fierce stage presence,…. I could go on forever. I want him to know he’s doing well and I want to be there for him. I want to have those random, sleepy 3am conversations with and hold each other close. I want ruffle and run my hands through his hair and boop is cute nose. I want to share soft kisses with him and kiss that jaw goddamit. I just can't properly put it into words how much I love Changbin and how much he means to me. I could honestly just spend hours talking about him and he just makes me go all ajdhshswg. This got rly long and it's very cheesy and cringy sorry. I just love Seo Changbin with all my heart ♡
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so yeah, here it is then. this post is a goddamn mess tbh but so am i so 🤷
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puyopct · 5 years
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JACOB ARTIST, DEMIBOY, THEY/HE -——- patrick woods has been identified as a twenty-nine year-old resident with fusion, possession, and power enhancement. their files indicate that they work as a scientist, and may be closely linked with the underground. they are known to be diligent and cryptic, and knew the deceased because they were privately funded to conduct illegal research. ( admin rowlet, they/he, 24, pst )
whaddup whaddup! here’s pt.2 of rowlet’s shady character duo, pat pat! i’ve listed some wanted connections here, but feel free to smash that like button if you want a plot with him, or if you just feel like pressin’ it. anyway, on with the show!
+  +  +  overview
— usually quiet, likes to think he’s witty and funny but in reality he’s just awkward as hell and doesn’t know how to talk to people. he could, on the other hand, talk endlessly about scientific jargon that nobody gives an absolute f about. and video games, especially puyo puyo. all he listens to is video game music.
— extremely passive, if you punched him he’d probably rate it on a scale of 1-10 and tell you how to improve. the aquarius is strong with this one. would never hurt a fly, and if he did he’d put a Hello Kitty bandaid on them because uwu
— but also like... he’s a shady bitch? says very odd things that can be misconstrued as a threat or something dangerous. is he srs or nah? that is the Question. he’s one third of raul’s illegal science team that is euna and isaac, otherwise known as the Bisquick Crew™, they research illegal things and create illegal substances. what you may ask? i suppose that might be revealed soon...
— copes with his anxiety thru fusion (more below)
— i feel like i just gotta include this somewhere lol but this bitch chubby cuz he eats goldfish (the processed crackers shit, not like actual Goldfish) and lumpia all day, please squish him in a hug.
— now that raul’s dead he’s trying to maintain his composure on the legitimacy of his research and where it will be going forward without his boss.
+  +  +  powers
— okay this is the part where i follow up and explicate on Pat is a Shady Bitch. his primary powers are fusion and possession, which allow him to combine with other mutants. who controls their fused mutant body is really a matter of willpower. most of the time pat is more inclined to take a backseat so he can study up, but when he’s feeling particularly devious or itching to get in the driver’s seat he can just take over. idk maybe he possessed someone to kill raul oh whoops.
— also has power enhancement, so whoever he’s fused with gets a sharp, nifty upgrade to their powers, tenfold easily. it’s good for people who are just exploring their powers cuz they get to know what a taste of control feels like without having to even put in the work.
— fusion wears off the second both parties consent to defusion or if they get knocked out. not like sleep but like... air knocked right outta them. the aftereffects of fusion can result in separation anxiety, especially if the fusion was sustained for quite awhile.
— the resulting fusion only contains subtle traits of his dna, so he could technically just hide in someone else’s body and not many people could tell. it would also be possible to fuse more than two mutants, but pat has never done such a thing.
+  +  +  history
patrick woods grew up without many friends. not because he was a mutant, but more or less because he grew up shy, lonely, and socially awkward. raised in oakland, ca (occupied Ohlone) not too far from diamond city, his two non-mutant parents worked tirelessly just to put bread on the table. as a result of their absence, pat didn’t have much of a support system growing up. his one constant source of validation was how proud he made his parents in school, and so he invested his time into his classes to do well. he could never sustain any friendships, as his peers found him too erratic and secretly needy.
it didn’t help when his powers began to manifest towards the end of high school. most people made fun of him, as if he was a dare to be conquested. but the one thing about fusion was that it let him into the minds and bodies of others, and he began to use it to study his peers. but, more than that, he used fusion to cope with not having friends, becoming co-dependent with his powers. and, in doing so, discovered that it was the perfect, unconventional way to do research.
he set his dreams on becoming a scientist and entered a ph.d program. during the research phase of his program, he decided to conduct his work in diamond city not just because it was close to home but because of the large mutant population. his dissertation on mutant genome sequencing was discovered by raul, who kept him in mind for a secret project. shortly after completing his dissertation, he packed his bags to move full time to diamond city to work for raul under what would now be known as the underground.
+  +  +  wcxns
— acquaintance/friend. definitely have interacted, perhaps not in awhile. perhaps they used to grab taro milk tea with boba together every once in awhile.  but what was once a friendship became distant, perhaps because of raul’s death. will it unite them or cause a rift?
— fellow geek. nintendo+ nerds for life. they’re friends on discord and steam, and have likely stayed up until 7am playing video games together when the sunrise hits their face. such is the tortured life of a gamer. pat hasn’t logged on in awhile, and maybe they’re concerned about him.
— training buddy/research subject. the current mutant he’s researching, on the down low or not. they needed help with their powers, pat’s all game for helping people. little do they know there’s a catch, but sometimes the benefits far outweigh the negatives. after all, pat gives good, honest, and thoughtful feedback.
— fusion buddy. it started as either a joke or an experiment, really. but now they’re slightly co-dependent on sharing a body because their separation anxiety has gotten out of control. they’ve tried to break it off, perhaps for awhile, but they always seem to keep coming back to each other.
— panic button. when all else fails, call them at 3am. pat’s not exactly an open person, but something about them makes him invite himself over so he can snuggle up or sleep on their couch. when everything goes wrong, they’re the first person to hear it.
— political differences. being a member of the underground can be really polarizing, especially since pat’s doing illegal work. he tries to justify to himself that he’s doing something good, but this person and him absolutely butt heads over what is morally correct, what is grey, what is wrong. it never ends well.
— he hella sus. they know he’s up to no good, past his dumb ol’ facade. they see him around, perhaps either on a commute or have interacted with him a little more personally. and they see right past his facade of innocence and geekiness. pat’s up to no good, and they know it.
— tensions high. put them in a room together and it won’t end well. one would never think pat could become such a fesity, snarky person, but here he is, chiding away. whether it was a falling out or some petty disagreement that exploded, these two are on the precipice of a fight. 
— the crush. they reduce him to rose-pink blushes. most of the time he’s already tripping over his words, but he can hardly utter a word around them.
— accomplice. down to get materials for his research at whatever cost. he needs mutant and dna samples, he has a secretly funded lab, dangerous chemicals, and raul backing him. or he did. now they have to figure out what they’re doing post raul’s death, and it’s up in the air.
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