chibifox2002 · 1 month
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Boo penguin lady jump scare
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clairetimes · 2 years
After seeing this oc, I just knew I had to draw her! She looks so cool and I love her color scheme!
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Omisha belongs to @chibifox2002
Also here's a rough sketch under the cut I made mostly to practice how to draw Omisha
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Not the best but that's what practice is for
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wildcardaces · 2 years
@ruby-static "cook your own food" edition!
Where sometimes the epf stoptheir own agents sometimes
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Anna: why are you out in a blizzard.
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Anna: theres a saftey warning put out shawn!
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Anna: you dont NEED to go to the pizza parlour!
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Anna: cook the fucking Macaroni in your fridge!
Anna just saw shawn wandering around during a bad as fuck blizzard and went "fuck it, the epf is pretty much publicly known about now, im goin to make sure the fucker dont freeze"
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Shawn: why did skip speak like that...? What was all that about?
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Anna: he was probably trying to get to you.
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Anna: a ghost cant steal a grim reapers power, right?
Shawn: ...right.
Anna trying to assure shawn that skip isn't as big of a threat he makes himself out to be, oh boy thats gonna bite em in the tail feathers.
Suddenly omisha!
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Omisha and the wolf from puss in boots 2 be like:
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Omisha: Tu español?
You can always trust an awesome movie to make me want to draw omni again.
And the finale!
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"Theres less bears these days..."
Omisha: yeah..its a universal thing these days for there to be less.
Omisha meeting up with others like her? Absolutely!
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agent-a-cpfancomic · 2 years
I can absolutely imagine anna going to gary like "PROBLEM!" And showing omisha who no longer has her power and then skip who has all of it. poor guy is probably so confused *WHEEZE*
Dude just wants one normal day in his lab, but then his young assistant just randomly barges in with an actual grim reaper-
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I mean, it’d be fascinating for him for sure. But at the same time, dude just can’t have one normal day on this island.
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badlydrawnmeulin · 23 days
No, I'm not talking about Grubs or Grub Meulin, I'm talking about GRIBLN??? YALL DONT KNOW THEM?? THEY WERE LITERALLY ON BEFORUS SMH...
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fatalemuse · 1 year
◞ ♡  what’s in a name? : death.
below the cut are 32 names that relate to death in their native languages. feel free to use these names as you’d like. this is part three of my what’s in a name series. if you found this helpful, please like and/or reblog!
pt. I - beauty.
pt. II - strength
aeron (celtic) aita / eita (etruscan) ajal (arabic) anubis (egyptian) asaka (japanese) azrail / azrael (hebrew) bacia (ugandan) balor (irish) dabria (english) dáinn (norse) freyja (norse) hela (norse) kaliya (indian) keres (greek) lefu (south african sotho tribe) loralie / lorelai / loreley (german) mara (sanskrit) maveth (hebrew) morana (slavic) morrigan (irish) mort (french) morticia (latin) mortis (latin) nekros (greek) omisha (hindi) osiris (egyptian) persefoni / persephone (greek) pluto (roman) tanda (native american, no specific tribe found) thana (arabic) valdis (old norse) yomi (japanese)
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moongoddess447 · 6 months
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Omisha at a bar, reminiscing her guilt and regret.
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giddlygoat · 3 months
i have to draw my ocs more. i must post about my ocs more. i have lots of great characters that i keep forgetting about and i need to draw them more.
my supervillain story with my girl omisha the house fly mutant and her fungus themed trans gf? it slaps and i never post about it.
my robot romance story with luis the scrappy old farmhand and ruby the human mechanic? one of my ultimate comfort stories and i still never post about it.
one of my newer stories about a mind palace and all of its inhabitants that’s basically inside-out but way cooler? never even bring it up.
i need to draw my ocs more. i must post about my ocs more!
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honeydjarin · 1 year
Your post about starwars + helmets raised a very good point so now I'm curious, which do you think would be the best and the worst helmet (s) in terms of protection within the starwars universe?
This is a much longer response than I was planning, but apparently I’m passionate about character’s who’s faces aren’t their actual face, and Star Wars if full of them. Many of the characters/helmets in this aren’t actually relevant to any sort of plot line, but most of the helmeted characters in Star Wars just kind of hang out in the background.
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I’m no headgear expert, but I’d say most of the mandalorian/clone trooper/bounty hunter helmets are pretty decent (other than what must be an awful field of vision, which could lead to tripping and falling on their head). There aren’t any protrusions along the sides, front, or back of the head that could cause the neck to bend at odd angles if they were to fall, especially after getting shot at and/or blown up. When it comes to general head safety in the Star Wars galaxy, these seem like the best helmets to choose from.
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Tawni Ames, Saucer Head, and Omisha Joyo all have Bowl like helmets that really don’t seem very safe to fall over in. None of these characters are given much backstory (Omisha Joyo is literally just a guy in the background), but they don’t wear their helmets for head protection in the same way that troopers and bounty hunters do. I would rate them pretty low when it comes to actual head protection.
There are several background characters in Star Wars that wear helmets as an aspect of religious attire—including Omisha Joyo—or who wear them as protection from the environment. These characters likely aren’t thinking about how their headgear could cause additional damage to their heads and necks in the event that they unexpectedly fall (or get blown up). Given how dangerous the Star Wars galaxy is, even for average citizens, this seems like a potentially deadly mistake.
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Enfys Nest and Zorii Bliss have some of my favorite helmets in Star Wars. However, these helmets seem like they would cause more harm when falling than they would protection. Both characters have helmets that protrude in the back, which would likely lead to a major neck injury if either of them landed on the back of their heads. Zorii’s concept art was even worse, with pieces sticking out from the sides of her head as well. If I’m being honest, I’m a little obsessed with her concept art and I’m sad the overall final design looked so little like it (even if the helmet would be even more dangerous to wear).
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Special shout out to the decraniated, who don’t need helmets because they already had their brains replaced with programmable cybernetics, turning them into subservient droids.
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sleepy-teacup · 1 year
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I drew this for a friend of mine. Our celestial pairing that we named Lune and Elia. Our entities of life and death. My oc Elia is massaging Lune's shoulders after a long day's work is done while they relax with their cats. Her white kitten Mallow and his two cats, Omisha lying on the pillow and Pastelle flying around as a personal cheerleader. XD
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dvarapala · 1 year
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reintroducing: ayush dahiya
has there ever been a sweeter deal than this? ayush dahiya (josh heuston) doesn't think so. he gets to travel around with his girlfriend - his soulmate - omisha kaushal. they get to tag team ghosts and monsters. they get to help the dying. they understand dead. they understand it'll never touch them so long as they remain dharmadutas - so long as they remain in the service of dharmadeva zaman.
truth be told, he hated it at first. the ghosts and monsters were annoying, but not half as annoying as the people who'd died and whose souls he was supposed to escort to dharmadeva's abode. always whining and whinging. yammering about how they're shouldn't be dead, about how it's a mistake. he'd only joined upon his mom's insistence that he should actually do something with his life.
after all, his mom (vidya balan) made it quite clear that he couldn't hide forever behind the near death experience that shaped his youth and allowed him to see spirits and sense prana.
then he ran into vena zaman (santhosh sreeram) - the only son of sunita and only grandson of dharmadeva, and no one's saying nepotism out loud but they're all thinking it; ayush was thinking it, at the very least, because vena spent an awful lot of time on earth, with the living - who told him in no uncertain terms that his abilities would be sealed away and that he'd be kicked out, if not killed outright, if he didn't get his act together.
in order to get some assurance that ayush would, in fact, get his act together, vena assigned ayush a partner.
that partner had been omisha kaushal (ashley ganger) - a spitfire of a girl whose loyalty to dharmadeva and her fellow dharmadutas far outshone his own.
though that is not to say that she didn't know how to have any fun. ayush can personally attest that omisha does, in fact, know how to party.
anyway, it had been everything at first sight for these two: love, lust, loathing.
and vena's plan had worked. ayush got his act together and he and omisha have been a team ever since. and sure, omisha is very possessive but it's actually kinda hot, and hey. it's nice to be wanted. and the sex is mindblowing.
if asked, ayush would say that things were good until they weren't and, honestly, he blames the little planet hopping dvarapala for it. udyati rao (maitreyi ramakrishnan) didn't have to antagonize kalindi zaman (aishwarya rai). she didn't have to swear a vachan - a verbal vow with physical consequences if not fulfilled - but she did it anyway. and now she can't even tell them why she swore that vow in the first place!
shame, that.
it sent vena spiraling. it almost cost him his relationship.
in another life, he might've called her a friend.
in this life, he calls her an enemy.
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chibifox2002 · 18 days
Anybody have any penguin family questions? 👉👈
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mrneighbourlove · 2 years
The Long Years Ahead: Ch 1. The Sunset
The age of peace came by, every year building a golden age. Sitting on her porch, Leere strummed her guitar, trying to come up with a new tune. Walking onto the porch, Sunny took a seat beside her. The blonde rancher had a radiance to her, even with years of experience now. Leaning over, she kissed Leere on the cheek, looking at her with almost pure fascination. 
Leere looked back over to her, being happily puzzled by her wife's expression. With a chuckle, she stopped her strumming. "What?"
Sunny shrugged, shaking her head. "Oh, just admiring the best choice I ever made in my life." 
Leere knew the feeling. Today, the two of them celebrated their 35th anniversary. It was a day of mostly relaxation, cooking each other their favourite meals, and receiving some gifts from old friends and family. The sage put her hand up to Sunny, brushing her cheek. "I feel the same way."
Despite their difference in age, with Leere being much older, out of the two of them, Sunny was the one with wrinkles on her face. Some of the golden locks of her hair had also started to turn a silvery white. Looking her over, Leere had a twinge in her expression. This was something that Sunny picked up on immediately. "What?"
"What do you mean what?"
"Leere Dragmire Ingo. Don't give me that. You have something brooding in that noggin of yours. What is it?"
Setting her guitar down, Leere knew she couldn't hide anything from Sunny. Relenting, she spoke her mind. "Sunny. You only grow more beautiful to me with the years. But I look at you, and then I look at myself. I don't have the same wrinkles as you. And I don't think I can grow white hair."
"You know many women would kill to look as clear and young as you."
"Sure, girls maybe. Those who don't have the wisdom to know that growing old with those you love is a blessing." 
Sunny raised a brow, before chuckling. "You have a way with words. You're probably a late bloomer. Maybe Mortuus are like those Hasai folk. You look amazing till you hit eighty or ninety, then age suddenly catches up with you. When that happens, I'll still love you. Prunes and all."
That got a roar out of Leere. Laughing, her worries were set to the side. "Prunes eh? I'll hold you to that."
Perched not too far away in a barn, Modoc, once known as Bonegrinder, shaman of the Echidnan’s and leader of the Hive organization, watched the couple carefully and quietly. After the war between Chaos and Balance, Modoc opted to live a relatively quiet life. For a while, Blue and White pestered him to return to Omisha. Yet, there were too many memories there for him of his mate and hatchlings. Mother even offered him a place in training the next generation of Echidnan shamans, but he declined for the time being, wanting some time to himself to reflect. 
Of course, there was the very irritating fact that he could not be separated from Leere for long. Since she had brought him back, and his fate was tied to hers, being apart was physically painful. So, he had opted to stay on the farm with Leere and Sunny. This made it very easy for him to annoy the necromancer whenever possible, but he was always courteous to Sunny and did as she asked. When Joy visited, he was more than happy to be her mentor and spend time with his nephew, Napochi, as well. 
Sighing, the Anagari lounged in a large cherry tree near the property. Galaxia had shouted at him to move his ass, but he had ignored her and the others. He did not necessarily care for Sunny's siblings, seeing most of them rather shoot him on the spot instead of treat him like an actual being with a soul. Grumbling, he popped a few more cherries into his mouth and tried to think of when Joy's next visit would be. She was very happy in Omisha with Napochi and expanded her studies of Echidnan magic and medicine.
Leere gave her wife another kiss, thinking things over. “How about this. No more magic.”
That certainly surprised her. “What do you mean by that?”
“Maybe if I stop using magic, I can actually start to look my age. I think I’m in my eighties. I’m a great auntie for crying out loud. I should look the part.”
Sunny held Leere’s hands gently. She knew how much of a commitment this was. “You sure?”
“I am. I love you my sunshine.”
“And you my moonlight.”
Leere kept her vows for another ten years. Time forever marched forward. Around her, those she loved grew old. People she cared for walked into the embrace of death. Siblings. Family in Law. Friends. Every day Leere looked in the mirror, looking for change in her appearance. But age had not touched her.
Her daughter was a fully grown woman now. Joy looked so much like Sunny in her prime. A prime that had since long vanished for her wife..
Sitting on a bench, Sunny was retired now. Her muscles had since softened, her hair had turned fully white, and her skin no longer smooth. This didn’t change the love Leere had for her, but it did break her heart. 
Making her way over in a blue dress, Leere sat beside her wife. “Hello beautiful.”
“Hello gorgeous.” Sunny watched as Leere’s lip curled into a smile. Every compliment her wife was given was an easy way to get her to feel better. “How was your day?”
“Fine. Just fine.”
Sunny, seemingly satisfied, slowly offered a hand. “Come here.”
Hiding her pain, Leere took her wife’s hand and nuzzled her nose. These days, Sunny enjoyed sightseeing on the bench and around the ranch. Leere took a long look out over the land of Hyrule. After all she did, why was she being punished?
Sitting together, Leere felt Sunny gently rub her head against Leere’s neck. It was comforting for certain. 
It didn’t take long for Sunny to fall asleep on the bench. Careful to not wake her as she rose off, Leere draped a blanket over her, making sure she’d be comfortable. Once she was done, she silently crept her way to the barn. Gripping the wood, silent tears came down as she cursed herself. “Please… it’s not fair.”
To the Anagari, time was creeping by way too slowly for his liking. Modoc had been dozing in the barn when he heard Leere make her entrance. Here the woman was lamenting her fate again. Grumbling, he tried to bury further into the hay but could not drown out the noise of Leere's silently sobbing. This was getting old really quick, especially during his nap time. Lately, Leere was so upset about Sunny aging, that it was driving the shaman up the wall. He figured it was something to do along those lines once more, groaning as he slithered out of his makeshift nest of hay with a loud yawn.
"What are you sniffling about this time?" Modoc leaned over the loft to look down at Leere, "You've been such a crybaby lately, just like when you were little."
Modoc’s callousness caught Leere off guard more than him hiding. With a quick wipe of her eyes, she turned to him. “What?”
"Look, if you're blubbering about Sunny or Joy, then you really should have thought through what you were doing in the first place." Modoc was still bitter about Leere bringing him back to life, and had very little patience with the woman now. "What's the big deal with you getting so emotional about them aging anyway?"
“I’m not aging with them you bastard!” Leere was bitter and reaching a breaking point. “I don’t know why!”
"... pfffffttt..." Modoc tried not to laugh, but failed in doing so. "Leere, are you really that dense?"
“I haven’t used any magic in over a decade now! I’ve cut my ties as a sage to the shadows. A Mortuus should be showing some kind of aging by now, shouldn’t I?”
"For all your brilliance, I never assumed this would fly right over your head." Modoc was not sure whether to laugh some more or actually feel sorry for Leere. Then again, it was her fault he was still stuck here, stuck with her. Sighing, he rolled his wrist in a dramatic flare, "If you want some proper answers, why don't you go ask that lovely death goddess you made a deal with?"
He then held up one finger, "And no, I'm not telling you cause I don't want you yelling at me for the next hour."
“I- I made a vow of no magic. Would she even come to see me?”
"You don't have to use magic when you go to her temple, just a sacrifice of blood." Modoc reminded Leere, "There's one here in Hyrule, in Omisha, or in Lorleidi."
Leere took a breath. “Can I ask you to look after Sunny while I go to a temple? Or is that too much to ask?”
"Of course I can look after dear sunshine," Modoc stretched lazily and then slithered down from the hayloft. "She's tolerable, unlike you. And she's nice to me."
“You don’t have to be so cold.” Grabbing a horse by its reins and leading it out of the barn, Leere mounted herself up.
"And you didn't have to suddenly avoid me when you wanted to play house all those years ago, but you did." Modoc snorted at her words, the bitterness evident in his voice. He was close to ranting. "I was there for you, and you just... forgot about me. Forgot about us. Shunned me and the others because you were so afraid of 'monsters' influencing your precious baby girl." He scoffed, "Didn't even want us around. So, do forgive me if I'm still a little salty about that, not to mention the fact that, oh, I don't know, you brought me back from the dead?" 
He waved the conversation away in dismissal, "I'll keep an eye on Sunny and help her into the house. You go." 
Leere felt her mind race with over a dozen retorts. But they didn’t matter. She doubted he would listen. With a lash of the reins, she rode out of the barn and jumped over the fence to ride towards the temple of death. 
On her journey, Leere felt a sense of looming dread come over her. Frowning, she tried to shake it off as she arrived at her destination. Getting off and tying her horse to a post, she thanked some of the temple clerics for letting her in so late. Asking for some privacy, Leere was led to the central chamber. Here, she was handed a knife before the clerics left her to her dealings. 
Carefully, Leere took the knife, cutting her finger open. She let the blood drip down into a bowl. “Zarazu. Black as the night, cold as death. I summon you to answer my prayer.”
The goddess of death did not expect to be called upon by Leere so soon. Of course, time was different for deities than it was for human beings. To the heavens, time passed by so slow, while to the humans, it was fast. Rising from the black water, the goddess was accompanied by her beloved poes who existed to serve her and the rest of the afterlife.
"Shadow Sage," Zarazu floated in front of Leere with an expression of surprise mixed delight, "What brings you to my temple?"
Leere noticed that the poes that flew around the Goddess of Death this time were different this time. Instead of two brothers, four sisters flew around her. Red, Blue, Green, and Purple. Giving a customary respectful bow of the head, Leere spoke her mind. “Zarazu. I haven’t been a Sage for over a decade. I haven’t even practiced any magic. Yet I have not aged a single day. Time marched forward for my brothers, my sisters, and my wife and my daughter. Some have even been taken by your embrace. But time has danced around me. Thy own flesh has not wilted. My hair has not turned grey. I am watching those I love progress around me, while I stand still here. What is happening to me? Why am I still not growing old?”
The Poe with red flames laughed harshly. “This fool doesn’t know.”
The one in blue cackled in return. “I don’t think she does Joelle.”
“Maybe her brain has rotten Beth. What do you think, Amy?”
The Poe in green spun her flames around. “I think the goddess of death should break the heart of her 4th favourite mortal.”
"Now, now, calm yourselves and remember your manners," Zarazu told her poes with a soft chiding to her voice, "Remember, mortals feel and experience emotions and life differently than us." Turning to Leere, the beautiful goddess supposed that the recent Shadow Sage did not truly understand the details of her previous deal regarding Modoc. The Anagari shaman had definitely blasphemed against her and her counterpart, Ba'puu, many times since he was revived, so it was no surprise he did not elaborate upon the inner workings of Leere's 'punishment'.
She held up a hand, palm upturned, "Leere, do you recall the deal that you made before the war of Chaos?"
“Yes. We needed a powerful warrior that held knowledge of long forgotten magics that could be used against the forces of Chaos. Modoc was wrongly taken before his time, dying as a host for a God. He deserved another chance at life, as well as a chance to avenge his family. I took the oath after resurrecting him. That Modoc and I would be bound till death. If one of us were to die, the other would quickly follow. Come old age or combat, given the war.”
"Yes, exactly that." Zarazu still saw the confusion in Leere's eyes, so the goddess realized she was going to have to clarify. "Leere, if one of you were to die. Echidnans live several hundred years. Humans do not live so long." The goddess saw Leere's expression slowly start to change. "You tied Modoc to yourself, and in doing so, you also tied yourself to him." She gave a soft frown at the sudden realization dawning on the poor woman. "You will not age because Modoc is not aging."
Leere’s red eyes opened wide, the revelation hitting her hard. Her mouth left a gap, Leere couldn’t find her nerves for the moment. “I- I can’t-“
Flying around her, Meg, the sister in purple cloth and flame taunted the woman. “You can’t age. You won’t age. And we both know you don’t have the nerve to take your own life. Leere Dragmire. Did you think you were free from consequences? You made a point to live a long life, to deny Death of the flock she deserves. I’m surprised you are upset. You cheat death often enough. You will have a long, healthy life ahead of you. And when you die, Hell can have you.”
Leere looked to the Poe sister, anger being the first emotion to come back to her. “No! That’s not my fate!”
Meg split herself into four copy images, dancing around Leere. “In your youth, you destroyed the souls of others to keep yourself young and powerful.”
“Criminals! Murders! Rapists!”
“You denied them redemption or an afterlife. You are not a Goddess or a Demon. You never had the right. And then there is your friend. You tore him away from his afterlife.”
“To save the world!” Leere looked back to Zarazu, somewhere between pleading and yelling. “I don’t deserve this! I’ve done so much good in the name of others! Please! Let me grow old! Let me be with my family in the afterlife!”
"Leere, what's done is done," The goddess of death hated to see the woman so distraught, but it was part of the terms of the deal. The magic was already sealed. The deed was already done. It could not be broken. "You have done both wrong and right, bad and good, all which argues your case, but to mess with the soul of someone who has lived their time, comes with a price." 
She reiterated, "Sharp and Flat both agreed that your deal was fitting. It gave you the results you wanted, but also came with a downside for you. That downside... was being denied death yourself." Zarazu stated slowly, "Just as you denied Modoc his eternal rest."
Leere gripped her fists, shouting out towards the Goddess, her voice full of desperation. “Then sever the link! We both want to die and be with those we love!!! You have that power!”
"I do have the power to take the souls who are ready to pass on, Leere," Zarazu corrected the Mortuus with a sad smile, "But you have reset the clock. My touch," Her hand wafted through Leere as she was a specter, having no effect on the woman, "Cannot collect your soul until it is time. I cannot sever any links. I cannot give you death while your soul is still in the hands of my counterpart."
“I’m not a fucking martyr! I heard what Klinge did. He’s your servant. I’m not going to wait hundreds of years till natural death to be your puppet for another hundred!”
"Klinge made a deal to have the souls of the dead as an army," Zarazu told Leere, crossing her arms, "Not to bring back a loved one. In exchange, he is to be my servant until all of his line passes." She shrugged her shoulders, "Who knows how many hundreds of years that may take." Then she waved a finger in front of Leere's face, "No, not my puppet, my dear, you made no such deal. When you pass, then you have no work left to do."
The poes grew restless, each of their flames burning with anger, spite, and petty cruelty. Meg once again taunted Leere, cackling with her sisters. “She’s going to deliver you to the gates of nothingness, Leere. A fitting Hell for the empty woman.”
“No! I don’t accept that!”
"No one knows their fate until it is their time," Zarazu told the poes, "You can quit antagonizing her now."
“But it’s so fun.”
Leere scowled, looking up at Zarazu with a hatred burning in her. “After everything I did, this is my reward. When I see you again, I’m spitting in your face. Goodbye.” 
Angry, Leere turned the bowl over to sever the connection. Watching the Goddess disappear from sight, she held out a hand to say something, but was unable to. The poe sisters vanished alongside her as Leere stormed out of the temple. She would not accept this.
Back on the farm, Modoc had kept Sunny company after she woke from her nap. The Anagari was being good company to the old woman. Currently, she was laughing at a tale from the shaman's youth.
"Ah, I see how it is, laughing at my pain?" Modoc could not help but chuckle a bit too, "Yes, I know that it was pretty funny that I fell out of the tree into the river while I was spying on Akihara." He gave a small snort, "I never had the courage to talk to her, so I figured the best thing I could do was watch her from afar. Never thought the first time she talked to me, I'd be covered in algae and mud."
The old woman chuckled, rocking back and forth in her chair. “She had a sharp eye for certain. Sometimes playing the fool can have its benefits.”
"I certainly felt like a fool," Modoc gave a hearty laugh, "But I was a fool in love. It took me nearly a decade to woo her, you know?" He fixed the blanket on Sunny's legs with his tail, just in case she was cold. "I was training to be a shaman then. I didn't even have these yet," The Anagari rubbed underneath his eyes at the white tattoos there for emphasis, "She told me that she would be my mate once I became a shaman. You bet your ass I learned magic as fast as I could."
“I just had to scoot up beside Leere to win her heart. One look at me and she was head over heels.”
"Of course she was," Modoc grinned widely, "Leere has always had three weaknesses over her life. One, a pretty face. Two, a sweet personality. And three," He gestured in front of his chest, making a huge boob motion. "A huge set of tits."
Sunny merely smiled in response. “I’m glad I still have the first two.”
"You know that Leere was so smitten with you," Modoc rested his chin on his arms, lounging in front of Sunny. "That you were all she talked about for weeks. Of course, when I said I wanted to meet you, she vetoed that idea." He admitted to Sunny, "I'm still pretty salty about her saying I'd be a bad influence." The Anagari held up his nose, pretending to be super offended, but making light of it for Sunny. "Saying that 'monsters' have no place with humans." He then flicked his tail, "Joke's on her, I met you anyway."
“She never said that. It was a time of uncertainty. Raising a daughter during… that calamity. She never wanted Joy to be scared. But she never stopped caring about you Modoc. Leere just… you know how stubborn she can be. She doesn’t get everything right, but she tries her best.”
"Being stubborn never gave her the right to be a jerk." Modoc shifted his coils a little, "I should know, I was the biggest dick on the earth. Even when Prama was not influencing my mind, there were times I regret it as well. Even so," The Anagari sighed, the tip of his tail twitching back and forth, "Joy is happy. Napochi is happy. Sometimes, I wish Leere would just be..." He paused for a moment before managing to say, "Content. Always looking for, always expecting, always thinking of the worst. I used to be that way."
Before Sunny could reply, Leere galloped towards the two. Immediately jumping off her horse, her body was completely ready for a fight. Pointing at Modoc, Leere thrust her finger toward him, as if she could cut through as easily as a hot knife through butter. "Did you know? Did you know the truth?!"
Sunny called out, feeling the storm that was raging in Leere. "Know what? Leere, what's wrong."
"Modoc. He's the missing link on why I'm not getting any older. The bond we made is so that I share his lifespan. And because he can live for over a thousand years, I will too." Leere’s face was contorted with pain unlike anything she felt before. "Zarazu didn't tell me, when I made the deal with her. You can never take the word of a god, spirit or fey at surface level. But you could have saved me a lot of grief if you gave me time to process this. I'll ask again. Did you know?" 
Modoc already felt highly annoyed at Leere's anger. While the Anagari had always cared for Leere, and considered her a part of his family, after she brought him back from the dead, he was a bit more callous. More bitter. Definitely distant. Yet, he figured that he had to make the best of the situation for the time he was stuck here. The shaman figured he could at least watch after Joy and his nephews once more.  With an irritated sigh, Modoc rose upward from his comfortable, curled coils position and turned to face Leere.
"And what if I did?" Modoc retorted, his arms crossed, more so out of aggravation than any other emotion. "Why do you think I made you swear not to bring me back? I know the price of necromancy, the price that the goddess of death demands, I've seen it happen to others. I did not want that for you."
"I didn't have a choice. I wanted to save the world. And- and I wanted my friend back." Leere felt incredibly light, admitting her reasons; both selfish and selfless. "How could you not tell me?"
"How could I tell you?!" Modoc raised his voice a little, sounding a bit broken, even a touch desperate. His scales flickered across his body, an obvious sign of distress. It was clear this subject was bothering him. "How could I tell one of the people that I treasured the most that they're going to be stuck here?! Because of me?!" He threw his hands up, "And that there's nothing I can do to change it?! To make you hate me less!!!"
Leere's emotions boiled and boiled, and like a switch, all her magic she repressed started coming back to her. Dropping to her knees, she curled her hands into fists. Raising them in the air, she let out a primal scream of agony, slamming them into the earth. As she did, black ghastly energy surged out, screeching like exposed exhaust. 
Using her strength, Sunny found the courage in her to approach her wife. Kneeling down to her, she gently took hold of her. "Leere. I'm here."
Raising her face, Leere held an expression of complete defeat. "It's not fair. I'm going to lose you. And I won't get you back." 
"I'm here now."
"I'm so sorry Sunny. I'm so sorry for doing this to us."
"You did what you thought was best." 
"The spirits hate me. You should too."
"Hylia's light will always love you. And so will I."
"What- what do I do? What can I do?" 
"You cry. You cry..."
The Necromancer looked to her wife, listening to the softness of her voice. The comfort amidst the pain erased the woman’s guard around her emotions. It was in that moment of Sunny’s comfort that Leere's red eyes spilled over with tears. She held onto Sunny, afraid that she would lose her if she let go. Not since the loss of her mother, did she wail so much in her life. 
Modoc had no words for Leere. One of the benefits of being an Echidnan shaman was exposure and mastery of all kinds of magic, with the exception of necromancy and celestial. A downfall, however, was knowing all of the consequences. Now, since he and Leere were connected by their souls, his time was hers. It was a curse for the woman. There was no deal to be made with deities which did not have a price to pay.
As Leere sobbed and held onto Sunny, Modoc did not move from his spot on the porch. What could he do? He had been in Leere's position before when his family was taken from him. He wanted to die... but he could not.
Seven more years passed. In that time together,  Sunny’s strength started to whittle away. A much smaller woman, her hearing had started to go. Then her ability to travel far on her own. 
Every day, every single day, Leere would do her best to be happy and lively for the both of them. She would sing to her, dance when Sunny had the energy, and tell stories. 
Joy, a much older and experienced woman herself now, would visit often to check on her mothers health. She didn’t take to Leere’s curse with any enthusiasm. There was a day she stood side by side with her parents for a photo op. After looking at the photos, Joy felt her heart ache when she saw how old Sunny was in appearance compared to Leere and how she was older than her other mother, Leere, in physical health. Leere knew it too, and whenever they stared at one another for too long, a deep sadness grew between the two. Despite the familial bonds, truth was, Leere was starting to lose that sense of connection with her nieces and nephews as well. Both her and Joy were sometimes thankful the latter chose to not have any children. How would they ever explain to them the curse that had a hold on their grandmother?
One day, after Sunny was found slipping in and out of consciousness, Joy performed an examination on her. As Sunny slept, Joy sighed, looking at Leere. “Mom… I’ll be blunt. I don’t think mama is going to make it to tomorrow.”
Leere squeezed her daughter's hand, slowly nodding in agreement. Her voice was silent of any emotion. “Okay…”
Joy took a deep breath, squeezing back. Getting down on her knees, she made sure to look her mother in the eye at the same level. “Mom. I’ve made peace with Mama. She’s going to find peace in the Goddess’ Light. Have you found peace with it?”
Truthfully, Leere saw nothing she could do to fight this outcome, to change it. She wouldn’t force her family to stay young with her, even if it was in her ability to do so. Sunny cherished the life she had been given, and she wouldn’t want to alter it in any way. Despite this, Leere knew no amount of preparation would make her feel ready to say goodbye. “I wish I could have more time with her.”
Joy nodded, kissing her mother’s knuckles. “If she wakes up, spend whatever time you have left with her.”
Leere looked her beautiful purple eyed daughter in the face. “Joy. You can be here.” 
“I won’t be far. And you need this closure. Please mom.”
Leere nodded. Two more hours passed, the Necromancer sitting next to her wife. Every second that clicked by on the clock in the hallway felt like an eternity. Stirring in her bed, Sunny slowly opened her eyes. With a light creak of her voice, she smiled towards Leere. “Hello beautiful.”
Leere turned to her, returning the smile. “Hello sunshine. You have some energy in you for an adventure?”
There was still passion in Sunny’s voice, but the energy was long gone with her youth. “You want to tell me a story?”
“I was thinking I could carry you to the oak tree actually. Are you up for it?”
Sunny’s lips curled into the biggest smile she could muster. “For you. I could do anything.”
Carefully, with the help of Joy, Leere got Sunny dressed into her wonderful yellow sunflower dress, placing her sunflower hat upon her head. With a little piggy back, Leere gently carried Sunny onto her back. “Let’s go.”
Opening the door to the rest of the ranch, Leere didn’t have too far to travel. Just behind her, Joy trailed along. 
The sweet summer air blew through, with an orange sky that would set for another two hours above them. Leaning into her, Sunny murmured. “Leere?”
“You stay happy and full of happiness. You and Joy both.
“… I will.”
Leere didn’t need magic to know the moment was fast approaching. Sunny’s breathing grew lighter and lighter with every minute. Gently, Leere maneuvered her, cradling her in her arms. “We’re here.”
Sunny’s eyes gently rested on looking at the gorgeous shades of pink, orange, and purple that filled the sky. “That’s… good.”
“It’s a beautiful sunset, isn’t it Sunny?”
Gently, Sunny closed her eyes, a small murmur her only response. “Mmm.”
Looking out over Hyrule, Leere just watched the glorious colours over the mountain tops. Beside her, Joy settled down, holding Sunny’s hand. 
Leere felt a change. And tears silently streamed down her face without her knowing she started to cry. “It’s as colourful as you Sunny… Sunny?”
Looking down, the beautiful smile on Sunny’s face remained, but her life was over. Taking  Sunny’s hat off, Leere gently caressed the face of her wife. Her voice broken, Leere mustered all the love she could through the sorrow she felt. “Sunny? … I love you.”
Joy looked to her mother, her own tears staining her face. Gently, she did the only thing she could do. She hugged her mom, still holding her mama’s hand. For the Ingo’s, the sun had finally set. ________________________________________________________________ Leere and Modoc’s link keeps them bound, age not affecting the Necromancer. Despite peace being achieved for the world, can Leere face the price of this peace with the cost of time bearing down on her?  A collaboration with @ridersoftheapocalypse. I wrote the last section of this chapter on my own accord. Giving Sunny her send off was one of the hardest, emotionally difficult goodbyes I’ve had to make with a character. I hope you’ve come to enjoy her character as much as I have, and the light and love she represented for Leere. I am going to miss her terribly. 
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Art by @s-kinnaly​. Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/712433336649400320/the-long-years-ahead-ch-2-moving-on
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wildcardaces · 2 years
@ruby-static "pain isnt physical" edition!
Where once again. Whoops im having brainrot for a character i made up on the spot!
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Quil: what the...?
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Anna: yo how did you fucking CAPTURE THIS??
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Oh to accidentally capture an elusive ghost in photograph form. Anna is probably real shook.
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Anna: gary is ther anything about them?
Gary: other than vauge mentionings that describe someone similar...theres no name for them at all!
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Gary: its like they were completely erased! Never to have existed at all.
Anna: yikes....
Even gary is shook because sometimes these things will have more story behind them. Especially medieval. But the stranger is an outlier. Anna and gary are both rather shook.
Suddenly omisha!
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Omisha: youre still here...?
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Omisha: youre more stubborn than skip. How long has it been? Over a thousand years at least...
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Omisha had been the chosen grim reaper for 2000 years at this point. The stranger, as a ghost? Has existed longer than she has. To the point his own language is almost indecipherable to her and anyone else.
(Honestly i took the runes from the legend of spyro. Hes saying "i cant rest yet.")
And the finale!
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Gariwald: you obviously experience pain...but i know that ghosts shouldn't be able to feel pain....why is it that you can?
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gariwald my beloved- the first time i draw him and the poor guy has to witness his nephew come face to face with an ancient, still very angry ghost.
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agent-a-cpfancomic · 2 years
I can imagine anna would probably be very terrified seeing that skip actually did steal omishas power. Though omi would still be quite chill, just angry chill now AJNQIENQ-
Oh I love this idea- Gives me an idea for a little banter between the two.
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“I just know I can still take him the hell down. Hopefully.”
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abloginnameonly · 3 months
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First blood drawn @valentines-gay's trickster cleric Omisha from our pirate game three(?) years ago
join the fray
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