#On site medical oxygen generators
tridentpneumatics · 10 months
The Advantages of On-Site Medical Oxygen Generators in Healthcare Facilities
The global healthcare sector has recently witnessed a paradigm shift in how medical facilities manage their oxygen supply. Innovative solutions have replaced traditional methods of relying on external suppliers for medical oxygen; among them, on site medical oxygen generators stand out prominently. In this article, we delve into the myriad advantages of on site medical oxygen generators, particularly those utilizing Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology, and why healthcare facilities should consider them indispensable. As we explore this revolutionary approach, we'll also touch upon the key players in the industry, with a special focus on Trident Pneumatics, a leading manufacturer of PSA medical oxygen generators. 
Advantages of OnSite Medical Oxygen Generators:   
On-site medical oxygen plant manufacturers provide healthcare facilities with unparalleled reliability and independence. By producing oxygen on-site, facilities can ensure a continuous and reliable supply, reducing the risk of disruptions arising from external factors such as transportation delays or supply chain issues.   
Traditional methods of sourcing medical oxygen often involve significant transportation, storage, and delivery costs. On-site generators eliminate these expenses, offering a cost-effective solution in the long run. Facilities can redirect the funds previously allocated for logistical challenges towards improving patient care and upgrading medical infrastructure. 
On site medical oxygen generators contribute to sustainability efforts by minimizing the carbon footprint of transporting oxygen cylinders. This environmentally friendly approach aligns with global initiatives to reduce the healthcare sector's environmental impact and supports the overall goal of creating more sustainable healthcare practices.
Unlike traditional methods that require facilities to estimate their oxygen needs in advance, on-site generators can adapt to varying demands in real time. This adaptability ensures a continuous supply of medical oxygen, even during unexpected surges in demand, offering healthcare providers the flexibility to respond to emergencies effectively. 
On site medical oxygen generators allow healthcare facilities to exercise greater control over the production and distribution of medical oxygen. This enhanced control improves safety standards and quality assurance, crucial factors in a healthcare setting where patient well-being is paramount. 
On-site generators are designed to be compact and space-efficient, allowing healthcare facilities to optimize their available space. This is especially advantageous for smaller healthcare centers or those facing space constraints. The modular nature of PSA medical oxygen generators ensures scalability, accommodating the needs of varying-sized facilities. 
Relying on external suppliers for medical oxygen carries inherent risks. On-site generators empower healthcare facilities to reduce dependency on external sources, mitigating potential disruptions and ensuring a consistent oxygen supply critical for patient care and life-saving procedures. 
Trident Pneumatics - Leaders in On-Site Medical Oxygen Solutions: 
As the demand for on site medical oxygen generators grows, Trident Pneumatics stands out as a pioneer and a trusted name in the industry. Renowned for their cutting-edge PSA medical oxygen generators, Trident Pneumatics has been at the forefront of revolutionizing healthcare infrastructure. 
The company's commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction has made it a preferred choice for healthcare facilities worldwide. Trident's on site medical oxygen generators are built on advanced PSA technology, ensuring efficiency, reliability, and compliance with the highest industry standards.   
In conclusion, the advantages of on site medical oxygen generators, particularly those utilizing PSA technology, are evident in their reliability, cost-efficiency, sustainability, and adaptability. These generators have transformed how healthcare facilities approach oxygen supply, providing a solution that is both technologically advanced and environmentally conscious. 
As healthcare facilities prioritize patient care and operational efficiency, on site medical oxygen generators are indispensable. Trident Pneumatics, among the leaders in this transformative field, has consistently delivered innovative, high-quality solutions, earning the trust of the healthcare industry.   
For healthcare facilities seeking a reliable partner in implementing on-site medical oxygen solutions, Trident Pneumatics stands as a beacon of excellence, providing cutting-edge PSA medical oxygen generator that redefine the standards of healthcare infrastructure. Invest in the future of healthcare with Trident Pneumatics and experience the benefits of on-site medical oxygen generation firsthand. 
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trident-3 · 1 year
On-site medical oxygen generators
On-site medical oxygen generators have several advantages over traditional oxygen delivery systems, such as cylinder-based oxygen supply. They eliminate the need for oxygen deliveries, reduce the risk of supply chain disruptions, and are more cost-effective in the long run. Additionally, they provide a more reliable and safe source of oxygen, as there is less risk of contamination and leakage.
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Medical oxygen plant manufacturers
 Trident Medical oxygen plant manufacturers are designed in such way, it is Low operating cost and PSA Medical oxygen generator will work at site 24 x7 without any trouble. Air dryer manufacturer, which enable it to develop dryers with highest quality performance.
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PSA medical oxygen generator
PSA medical oxygen generator Plant is designed in such way, it will work at site 24 x7 without any trouble. All the components used in product are highly reliable and tested as per the Industrial standards. Trident makes a range of Heatless adsorption dryers type compressed air dryers which are regenerated by heat.
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absstemtechnologies · 1 month
On Site Oxygen Generators - Efficient and Reliable
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Absstem Technologies also deals in modern on-site oxygen generating plants which can be integrated & operated in different sectors. Our generators deliver an unbroken stream and ISO quality oxygen that eliminates interruptions and lowers expenses. Making use of new technologies and improved construction, our products are suitable for use in medical, industrial, and business applications. Get the advantage of having a source of oxygen in-house at your desired concentration. You are welcome to Absstem Technologies to get more details and to schedule an appointment with us.
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macgyvermedical · 1 year
okay I'm trying to write something with anesthesia, are local/general anesthetics the same drug or different ones? and does local anesthetic have to be injected in a specific thing? like general has to be a vein iirc but idk if the exact location matters with local. thank you!
Great question!
There are actually a lot of different forms of anesthesia and they are all super interesting in how they work. Below is a selection:
General Anesthesia:
General anesthesia is the kind most folks are familiar with. In general anesthesia, a patient is given a mix of drugs that cause them to be unconscious, paralyzed, and free from pain. Some of these drugs, like fentanyl (pain med), propofol (sedative), or succinylcholine (paralytic), can be given intravenously. Others are gasses that must be breathed in order to work. Most of the time, a combination of IV and inhaled medications are used.
When unconscious and paralyzed, a person cannot breathe for themself (an exception being when ether is the only drug used). A ventilator along with oxygen and other drugs are used to keep the person alive, and their blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, and oxygen saturation are constantly monitored while they are under general anesthesia.
The person who administers anesthetic medication and monitors the patient during surgery is either a doctor (anesthesiologist) or a specially trained nurse practitioner (nurse anesthetist).
Procedural Sedation:
Procedural sedation is a little like general anesthesia "lite". It is usually used when there is a short procedure that is painful or very unpleasant (like setting a simple fracture, performing cardioversion, some wound debridement, or performing a colonoscopy), but that doesn't require paralysis or cutting the person open.
In procedural sedation, the person is given one or more drugs intravenously to decrease pain and anxiety (fentanyl, , which usually causes them to become very drowsy. The person is still somewhat conscious and is able to follow commands, but probably will not remember the procedure.
Generally, the person under procedural sedation is able to control their own airway and breathe for themself, and only requires monitoring and some supplemental oxygen. Procedural sedation can be given by a critical care nurse.
Local Anesthesia:
Local anesthesia numbs a particular small area of the body, usually so that a procedure can be performed. Procedures under local anesthesia tend to be fairly small, like biopsies, mole removals, suturing a cut, and cyst removals. In local anesthesia, the drug is injected directly into the site where the procedure will take place.
Local anesthetic agents are very different from the drugs used for general anesthesia or procedural sedation. These include lidocaine or bupivicaine (which prevent nerves from being able to send signals, thus being unable to send pain signals), usually mixed with epinephrine (which makes blood vessels in the area smaller, decreasing blood loss and making the drugs last longer).
Local anesthesia does not by itself impair consciousness. However for some procedures a combination of local anesthesia and procedural sedation might be used, especially if there are unpleasant components to the procedure that aren't just pain.
Local anesthesia is usually administered by the doctor or advanced practice provider that is performing the procedure.
Nerve Block/Regional Anesthesia:
Nerve blocks are cool. They use largely the same drugs as local anesthesia, but instead of being injected directly into the location where a procedure will take place (which can only be a limited size), they are injected into the area around the main nerve conduit that serves a particular part of the body. This makes everything served by that nerve (say, a whole leg for example) numb.
This is useful for limb surgeries when a person might not be a good candidate for general anesthesia, or for reducing pain after an injury or surgery. Like local anesthesia, nerve blocks don't make people drowsy, but they can be combined with procedural sedation if needed for larger, more unpleasant procedures.
A nerve block is usually placed by an anesthesiologist.
Epidural/Spinal Anesthesia:
Epidurals or spinal blocks are a special type of nerve block. Instead of being injected around a bundle of nerves, the same type of medication is injected either around the sac that houses the spinal cord (epidural), or directly into that sac (spinal). This involves sticking a long needle in between the bones of the spine to get the medicine where it needs to be.
These work very well for painful things like childbirth, cesarean section, or other lower abdominal/pelvic/lower body surgery. Epidurals are a little safer since they don't actually pierce the sac, but they do take longer to take effect. In contrast, spinals work immediately.
An epidural catheter or spinal is usually placed by an anesthesiologist or other advanced practice provider.
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pandorafallz · 8 months
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Lest We Rest Upon Our Graves | C5
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Alma was cleared from Nalin’s medical care with a few conditions; her left wrist sporting a new modified medical watch to keep track of her vitals which would mostly keep track of her oxygen saturation and pulse. She kept a small monitor hidden that kept her brain monitored for now; activity checking and making sure the aneurysm didn’t rupture.
Nalin wanted a larger one fit which would be better but Alma didn’t want the questions. The large set would warp around her head and be visible to everyone so the smaller one that she could hide under her hair did the trick. The main power source and data monitored were practically suckered to the back of her neck (she was convinced the doc used duct tape) and three probes were practically glued to her scalp. Alma was glad her hair was naturally very curly so it took little to hide them. Her scarf kept the monitor wires hidden from behind as an extra level of coverage.
If she suffered from a rupture or a seizure or if her blood pressure got too high, then Nalin’s datapad would get a notification or an alarm, depending on what it was.
Her injured arm was put into a sling for when she was able to go and had to promise to report or log any more nosebleeds; times and lengths to help the monitor to see if it was her brain problem that was causing it or her body in general.
It didn’t escape her how… more distanced people were looking at her now; even new dark looks and whispers but she felt too tired to care as the weight of her little ones felt encumbering as she carried the tray and a trowel with her to the airlock under her left arm. It was time to bury them; she saw little reason to hold it off any longer now she had been cleared.
She fixed on her mask with some difficulties with her splinted arm, hissing a little in the strain but let her arm relax back into the sling as soon as she could. She airily passed a few people on her way but didn’t pay them much attention on her trip before she came to the...horribly familiar sight of her Avatar’s grave.
The tightness in her chest returned as she shakily knelt down beside it. The trowel was dropped and the tray set down before she let her hand touch across the topsoil. It gave her pause as she wondered that if this killed her… would they bury her here beside her other half? An avatar and its driver; curled up side by side. Poetically, it would suit and… she could certainly see them doing that. She never got to choose this site for her burial; very…drab. No trees around for her avatar to provide for or plants around to live well.
She should plant something as well. Maybe a tree could be her grave marker? That would be nice, right? Alma wondered a little as she gently began to dig beside the disturbed soil three little holes; not as deep as her grown given how small the little ones were but she wanted three separate graves for each little one instead of stacking the babies on top of each other. The notion of having four separate graves for one person was almost funny to think about. Almost.  Alma didn’t know her fate to chuckle about it lest risk jinxing it.
Each hole, she dug to be at least a foot deep and set the trowel off to her side and reached for the cold medical tray. Her stomach turned as she lifted the tissue to see the little forms. To her… surprised the little ones were curled up, their form bound with gently woven strings as if it were a traditional Na’vi burial despite being so small. Arms wrapped in, legs crossed and head bowed forwards. The string was massive for the little ones so…it had to have been tedious work to do this.
She’d have to ask who did that for her. Ri’nela had stripped and bound her avatar for burial similarly following So’lek’s instruction but she hadn’t been there for that; her first migraine had set in full swing so she hadn’t left her bed. Ri’nela certainly wouldn’t have done this for her. Not anymore.
It was easier, despite feeling clumsy as she scooped the first up and set it down into the pit, taking a moment to see it rest in the soil before she scooped the earth over the top of it with a heavy heart. The second was just as hard to do, a little more developed so she was extra delicate in making sure the little queue wasn’t stuck to the tissue as she lifted it off and set it into its own resting place and covered it as well.
The third… Alma reached for the tissue again but instead…the tissue came off the tray entirely and made her heart lurch for a moment as she checked the tray but… there was no third.
Alma blinked for a moment, confused. There had been four made in total. She knew that by fact; she had seen the tubes; even her one chosen to be grown to maturity. If… two were dead, then where was the last one?  She craned her head towards the mountain side but it was a lot of effort to go back in to check Nalin wasn’t the type to leave a foetus just…lying around. Especially a dead one. So she had to assume… did the third one survive?
Her memory was…a little hazy. Nalin had been holding one but…she herself had taken the second one out; the one that Kìoetey had snatched from her hands and thrown down. The third had died in the case; the blunt force had damaged the tubing.
Nalin had still been holding a tube, Alma realised. She must have hidden it away to preserve it.
Alma let out a shaky breath, if only slightly relieved but she knew without the security case; it would die. The case was a consistent cooler and monitored the tube well and kept it powered. It was designed as its life support. The tube had its own system in the ends but that was often for when prepping it for full growth. It had to be at a warmer temperature than what the container’s temperature was. Once it warmed up too much, or inconsistently or… hell, without the container to keep the battery charged, the tube would stop working.
She’d still have to check to be fully settled but she found herself relaxing a lot more beside the graves. Even if for a little while; she had that. Something. Not everything was going to be stolen from her hands.
A small spark of hope in the vast void of cold sadness. Alma began to start filling in the redundant grave, but she felt the lumps in her pocket as she shifted.
The beads.
Alma carefully pulled each of the beads out. She had forgotten she had removed these from her hair after her decom shower. They had been meant for her avatar’s hair but…Nalin had locked her out of her link bed shortly after these had been gifted so she had put them into her human hair (replacing the basic one she had put in over a decade before when she was at TAP for decoration sakes) to feel close to the Na’vi, even in her undesired body; to make it feel…closer to feeling Na’vi.
Which was why she took them out.
‘You wore that skin for so long, you forgot your true self underneath. That does not make you Na’vi.’
Alma eyed the beads in her palm but let them roll one by one into the dirt hole.
She felt undeserving of such gifts. She no longer had a Dreamwalker and… everyone told her as much anyway; she was never going to be one of them (even if the avatar lived). Why keep them and look like she was appropriating the culture? Her chances with the Sarentu were gone now.
‘Your promises are worthless. Ashes in your mouth.’
Ri’nela’s words had been a cold splash of water that day. She hadn’t spoken to her directly since then and…it was for the best. Ever the reminder of their losses. Ri'nela was the least violent but... she couldn't put it past her if something came up; just like it had with Kioetey. 
With a sharp movement of the trowel, the rest of the dirt buried the fragments of herself away to rot.
Alma stayed a while at the grave site to mourn those losses a bit before the rain started; which wound up forcing her back in before she was soaked and made her way back through the hideout towards her bunk. She could feel the looks down the back of her neck, or burning into the side of her face as she folded up her blanket and night clothes and shoved them into her duffle and other belongings.
Someone had really turned up the heat, didn’t they?
“Cortez, time to go.” Anqa’s voice echoed, the pilot popping her head around the open doorway of the sleeping area.
“Okay, let me just get my datapad.” She had left that by the computers before the nosebleed had forced her away…never got back to it before the…avatar mess happened. She shouldn’t have left that about.
“Got it right here.” Anqa held it out to her.
Alma blinked in surprise but happily took it. “Thank you?”
Anqa nodded but was very abrupt in taking the lead out to the flight bay. She seemed grumpier than before, Alma noticed as she followed. Did something happen? What else was she to be blamed for now to get this reaction?
Nalin was waiting at the Samson by the time they had got there. Alma allowed the doc to pull down the back of her collar to assess the monitors and connect something to it before her collar was released and her monitor felt a little heavier against her skin by a fraction. Only more noticeable when she turned her head.
“What’s that?” Alma asked, leaning forward as Nalin’s fingers checked the probes under her hair which thankfully hadn’t been dislodged by her mask straps.
“Just a signal booster. When you get to the field lab, this sends the data to the monitor and that’ll relay the data to me. Much more efficient for distance.” Nalin said, satisfied with her work to not need more adjustment. “Dr Reeves is at the Field lab ready. When you wash, make sure to either cover or to have Reeves put these back on. She knows how these work.”
“I’ll swing down when I’ve got…news. Okay?” Nalin informed, her eyes flickering to Anqa a little in passing as the pilot began to start up the engines.
“Also, don’t leave your personal datapad around again, Cortez.” Nalin said, more cautiously, “People don’t like what they’ve found on it.”
Her stomach turned a little colder but Alma knew what the doctor was saying before she headed back towards the airlock. Her eyes followed the doc’s form but she felt the looks and…the attitude made more sense; they knew what she had put down when in TAP. The files she had removed from the data drives. Someone had found them, seen them…if everyone knew about it then it was likely they had saved a copy.
Everyone knew what she had tried to hide still.
Uneasily, Alma boarded the Samson, hoping that Anqa wasn’t too pissed at her again, finding herself unable to meet the pilot’s eye as she strapped in.
“W-Where are we going?”
“Horseshoe Mountain Station. Ten-minute flight.” Anqa said, her shoulders relaxing after a moment. “Don’t worry, I don’t strand you anywhere regardless of new…shit you still hid.” She added, noting her apprehensive look and tight grip on her datapad.
Alma didn’t feel all the confident about such a statement but quickly turned her attention outside instead.
Nalin was glad to see Cortez go. A relief to everyone really for that space and she was glad the woman had just been eager to leave to avoid the heat of gossip that had spread from one nosey guy who had spread about Cortez’s TAP reports about the Sarentu…which had pissed off most people who already hated her for being part of the genocide.
It was…in part about what was hidden; they knew her part in TAP now was more clear that she was the teacher and spent most time with the kids. She knew them well better than Mercer or Harding so it made the notes, more tragic but the input of Additional notes was what angered a few of the scientists a lot more. Some things couldn’t be edited; only added to after a certain amount of time. Cortez had said stuff in clear Pro-TAP in her main notes but added kinder and caring words to her additional notes. Meaning she had doctored her original work sometime after the fact to present herself as more anti-TAP. Which had meant she knew enough of what she was doing; enabling the abuse and covering her own ass, even if she didn’t see or intend for it to be like that. It still wound up hurting the Sarentu kids for years.
Nalin herself wasn’t a fan herself but as a doctor, she had a duty of care regardless. Professional to keep her feelings away otherwise she couldn’t do her job effectively. She was the head medic now and she couldn’t afford doubt on her abilities, so personal feelings had to be put to the backburner.
Even with Cortez. The woman had a lot of blood on her hands, remorse too and she knew that the former avatar driver wanted to earn back forgiveness and trust but it would still take time and she needed to get her better as well for it as well. Cortez was too weak and Nalin was worried if her physical health wasn’t good enough, she wouldn’t have that time to start fixing her problems. No getting off easy.
Not even Cortez wanted that so she had to get her fixed, so when she saw So’lek talking to one of the scientists close to his weapon’s station she did make a beeline for him. He never wandered too far.
The Na’vi’s head turned down as his name was called, his yellow eyes finding her with ease with a careful edge but she could sense he was…not in the best of moods. He must have heard the news then. Not idea.
“Sorry if you’re busy but…I was wondering if you’d be able to contact Anufi for me. I need…some medical assistance and her insight would be gratefully appreciated.” She said, more directly than sugarcoating her words or going the long conversation route to get to the point.
“Anufi is aiding the funeral rites of the Sarentu children who died at TAP. It will be many days before she is able to make any sort of trip.” So’lek answered.
“But…you would still ask her?” Nalin pressed, shooing the doctor away from listening in. 
So’lek spared a glance at the retreating scientist. “What is it that requires her attention that you cannot fix yourself? There are no mass injuries or Dreamwalkers to tend to.”
“I…” Nalin spared a look around, “There’s a human here who had a bleed to the brain and a brain aneurysm threatening to rupture. I can’t treat them; I have none of our tools because they got destroyed at HQ. If it ruptures, the haemorrhage will kill them. If Anufi has means of aid, then they actually have a chance to survive.”
“It’s….where one of the arteries in the brain bulges out in one spot. When pressure builds and the bulge grows. Too much pressure, it ruptures and the blood leaks into the brain. That increases the pressure inside the skull because there’s no other space and blood will then press into the brain itself which can lead to seizures, stroke and death if left untreated or uncontrolled.” Nalin explained. “Usually it’s treated by putting metal clips and tying it off to let it die off more naturally or filling the aneurysm so no blood can enter and expand. I’m also not trained in brain surgery. I’m sure you can see why I’m struggling.”
So’lek stared at her for a moment. “You are certain it will kill them?”
“Yes. The aneurysm is surprisingly close to the brain stem which controls all vital functions like breath, heartbeat and metabolism.” She listed off a few. “The blood will fill the gaps and push the brainstem down towards the spinal cord hole and effectively crush the brain stem against their lower skull. Death is certain if that occurs.”
She didn’t use the fancy doctor words for her descriptions of the injury for a guy who didn’t know English to that degree. So’lek knew enough but medical terms were tricky enough for the average human so she doubted he knew what a ‘cranial fossa’ was without explanation. No need to waste more time explaining what it was and why it was said like that when he’d never use it in that context.
“Will it kill them soon?”
“Right now, they’re under observation and their brain is being constantly monitored as well as their vitals. If they’re at any risk then my datapad will alert me.” Nalin said, patting her datapad. “I’ll get them into a nutritious diet and in a stress-free environment to minimise any risk of high blood pressure. They can’t overtax themselves through physical activity like exercise or sex but I don’t think either of those are a real concern.” She couldn’t trust Alma with anything heavier than a pot of water right now and no one was planning on fucking her anyway. “That’s all I can do.”
So’lek’ stare was constant but…after a moment he nodded. “I will make efforts to see her tomorrow if this person’s health is at a close concern. No sooner, unless death it close.”
Nalin let out a heavy breath of relief. “Thank you.”
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rosie-b · 6 months
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If one item is rejected, the entire aid truck is sent back. Definite signs of a nation acting in self-defense only 🙄 (image text below)
An article from the Washington Post. Crutches and Chocolate Croissants: Gaza aid items Israel has rejected.
Here is a list of items the United Nations and other aid agencies say Israeli authorities have blocked from entering Gaza at least once since Oct. 7:
• anesthetics
• animal feed
• cardiac catheters
• chemical water quality testing kits
• chocolate croissants
• crutches
• field hospital boxes
• flak jackets and helmets for aid workers
• fittings for water pipeline repair
• generators for hospitals
• green tents and sleeping bags
• maternity kits
• medical thread in reproductive health kits
• medical scissors in children's aid kits
• microbiological water-testing kits
• mobile desalination units with solar system and generators
• nail clippers in hygiene kits
• obstetric clamps
• oxygen concentrators
• oxygen cylinders
• power supply equipment
• prefabricated shelters
• satellite communication kits
• scissors and scalpels in midwifery kits
• sleeping bags with zippers
• solar panels
• solar-powered lamps and flashlights
• solar-powered medical refrigerators
• spare parts for pumps and generators
• stone fruits
• surgical tools for doctors
• tap-stand kits for water distribution
• tent poles
• toys in wooden boxes
• ultrasound equipment
• ventilators
• water bladders
• water filters and purification tablets
• water pumps
• wheelchairs, glucose measuring devices, syringes and other medical equipment on a truck rejected for a different item
• X-ray machines
Limited scanning machines and operational hours at border inspection sites slow down the delivery of aid, according to Jamie McGoldrick, the U.N. humanitarian coordinator for the occupied Palestinian territory.
If one item is rejected during an inspection, he added, the whole truck is sent back. Earlier this year, insulin pens for children were denied entry, McGoldrick said, after a mixed-cargo truck was rejected apparently because of solar panels.
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techploration · 7 months
Trash Dehydrator
Ground water is poisoned and industrial pollution makes rain just as toxic. Fresh water is a prized commodity. Most grey water is recycled back into drinking water, and most sewage solutions are zero to minimal water. People get really good at keeping their water loss to a minimum
But there are two problems with this solution— there is no such thing as a zero loss system (you will lose water over time) and you will get a buildup of chemicals that are difficult to separate out (like medications). So you will have to keep getting fresh, clean water to add to the system.
So how do you make fresh water? You can take polluted water and clean it/filter/distill/etc until it is clean. But that is expensive, and you run the risk of using more water than you produce (most power generation consumes water as well). Creating water from pure hydrogen and oxygen is famously inefficient. Desalinating sea water is considered a last resort. So what do you do?
The landfills of the 20th century are filled with trash that acts as water time capsules. All those homes that Detroit demolished during the 2009 recession? Those wood beams are filled with precious moisture
The Future Tech
Alongside the metal scrap dealer is the moisture scrapper, who moves from defunct landfill to defunct landfill, sorting the trash for best moisture content to contamination potential. They set up a rig that grinds the trash down to a coarse pulp and feeds that through a low oven to evaporate out the water. The exact temperature and timing of the rig is trade secret of the moisture scrappers, and everyone also has their personal tricks that they swear by. The key is just enough heat to get out the water, but not hot enough to start leaching out other chemicals. The dried trash is perfect fuel.
It’s not an easy job. One bad item tossed in can ruin an entire batch. The best, most obvious sites were plundered immediately. Now people have to dig deeper, more obscure places to find untainted trash. People poison each other’s claims to ruin their take.
The dehydrators themselves run from massive (the ‘house eater’) all the way down to portable. The most popular version is a converted dominos pizza oven (after the chain collapsed they were cheap and plentiful)
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*Kneels* My dear luminous lord Starscream, I wouldn’t normally think to bother your sonorous self with such a tiny question, but seeing as other humans are speaking freely.. I wouldn’t dare throw away an opportunity to be in your stunning presence. Might I ask if rust is similar to human gangrene?
As I'm not extremely familiar with humans and their various ailments, I had to look that up. Thank you. It was revolting.
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I suppose an extremely severe rust infection bears some similarities to gangrene, though there are key differences. Rust in general is an inexact match to how contaminants affect organic life, but it it does serve to talk about it as an infection. The result of bad rusting is similar to gangrene, but why it happens and how it affects our bodies overall are different.
Most rust infections are minor irritations caused by abrasion or acid damaging our surfaces and allowing our metals to oxidize (or even react with other chemicals, which isn't technically rust but we do call it rust infection outside of technical medical contexts, for the sake of simplicity). It only causes an infection if it happens faster than our self repair nanites can repair it. Once the injury is cleaned, our nanites are usually capable of restoring the damaged metal on their own. Any well stocked first aid kit has salves containing metals and blank, programable nanites to speed up the process. Your own nanites will assimilate the blank ones and copy repair instructions onto them, then break them down and recycle them once they complete their task. In a proper hospital setting, additional nanites can be programmed with your full specs to carry out more sophisticated repairs.
Sometimes a rust infection can get out of control, and that is similar to gangrene. It is possible to lose parts of your frame entirely, and it can be life threatening if it spreads to your Spark chamber, fuel pump, processor, or certain structures in between. However, nearly all of our parts are replaceable, unlike humans, and rust is extremely slow spreading (this doesn't apply to Cosmic Rust, which is not a true rust but a virus, and can disintegrate a bot in a matter of hours). It usually begins on the outside of our frames and takes so long to get to any vital components that it's rarely considered an emergency. We would certainly never chop off a limb to keep rust from spreading, and our Energon lines can't carry the infection to other parts of our bodies the way human blood can.
Gangrene is caused by either loss of blood or a severe bacterial infection, and there are analogous factors in rust infections, though they are not the root cause.
Lack of Energon flow to an area does mean repair nanites can't get there, thus making the area more susceptible to abrasion and chemical reactions, though in itself it can't cause a part of our frames to die. Energon is our lifeblood, but as long as we have a supply to our Spark chamber and processor, the rest of our bodies will still function using wiring, motors, and hydraulics. It must be said though, it feels off when you don't have Energon directly interacting with power systems and sensors throughout your frame. I'd compare it to the feeling when you get a limb replaced and it hasn't been fully calibrated.
Outside contamination is also a cause of rust infections, though there is nothing that infests our bodies like bacteria, causing our metal to die and rust (apart from viruses, again). It is possible to get a rust infection from being in rusty areas such as ruins or the Sea of Rust, especially in damp weather, but that is only because of the abrasive nature of that much powdered rust, which creates sites for oxidization and other reactions to start. Damp weather makes it worse because our precipitation is caustic if it touches you, and it also frees up oxygen that is normally bound into the metals that comprise our world. Cybertron normally has very little oxygen in the air since it has no oceans and was never infested with cyanobacteria and algae. It is ideal for robotic life.
Even with the comparable factors of Energon loss and contamination at play, it takes a very long time to have a surface rust patch develop into anything approaching gangrene, unless your repair systems are entirely comprised. Before the war, only miners in deep caverns and workers who processed raw metals in unsafe factories saw many bad rust infections. The Council and caste overseers never addressed the problem because those mecha were considered replaceable. Once the war started, many more Cybertronians got a taste of such conditions, once our civilization crumbled and armies lived and fought amongst the ruins in all kinds of weather. There were worse things than rust out there, to be sure, but it was a constant battle to keep our units well maintained.
One factor that can cause rust infections to worsen quickly but doesn't play a direct role in gangrene is malnutrition. Our nanites need a supply of dissolved metals and mineral in our Energon in order to repair our frames, and without it, we can rust even if Energon is making its way to all our extremities. Not consuming enough Energon, or consuming Energon that has been overly refined or else left raw, can all contribute to poor nanite production and utilization. Raw Energon also typically has a high acid content if it's liquid, which can wreck your filters and use up all your nanites just trying to repair that initial damage, exacerbating other rust patches that you would likely have if you were out in the wild drinking Energon out of the ground, presumably not in the best shape to begin with...
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fallout-lou-begas · 1 year
who would you say is your favorite wrestler? also please keep filling my dash with these big hot women wrestlers thank you
honestly i think it's kris statlander (which means there will be plenty of big hot woman posting). she's not even been medically cleared for in-ring activity the entire time i've started watching AEW but i've been going nuts on youtube and stream sites watching basically every statlander match that i can just because she's so strong and cool and fun and her movement is so expressive and a joy just to watch and her fits are to die for and on top of everything else her technique is just absolutely killer. i think if she so much as looked at me i would explode with a crunchy poor stock explosion effect, for dyke reasons. it's funny because it's like, i miss her but haven't even seen her live on television! i miss her without even knowing her! anguish. agony. i've also been watching a lot of thunder rosa matches just because she's the other really crucial wrestler out on indefinite injury leave and my god she's a blast. goes apeshit. again, just so much fun to watch; like statlander she just has that je ne sais quoi where she could be doing the most basic possible moves in the ring but it's still compelling because she's the one doing them, and she's just got it. this is probably just a form of confirmation bias but digging into the backlogs for these two wrestlers, it really does throw into relief how badly the women's division is limping with all the injuries. but maybe if kris wasn't doing the double-suplexes that made people fall in love with her, her knees wouldn't have exploded so it's like...man.
as far as wrestlers that are Actually Wrestling Right Now: i do love that jamie hayter and she's basically carrying the women's division of AEW singlehandedly on her shoulders rn because the whole outcasts thing is just foul but takes up so much oxygen; mox for his rabid desire to bleed and fluid-bond with every man who enters his field of vision; bandido is a lucha who i've only seen in the ring once, against bryan danielson, but who was AMAZING and i want to see him and his fucking execution-shot gesture running attack over and over; MJF for being literally perfect in every way as a champion heel to the point where i genuinely hope darby, sammy, and jungleboy all fail to take the title because i just think it would be a huge downgrade in entertainment value; samoa joe for being DA KING OF TELEVISION; stu grayson for being apeshit (and dark order in general is always such an entertaining stable); brian cage for being probably the epitome to me of the ferocious kind of Terminator heel who just destroys people, like the motherfucker looks like a miniboss in a batman video game; keith lee is a wrestler that i fell in love with basically immediately when he showed up to diss chris jericho and then i fell in double-love with him in the ring when he gave chris a fuckin polite little kissaroo on the forehead between blows.
honorable mentions go to Wardlow who i hated at first but who has sucked so much that he has endeared me. getting his car broken into. losing the title immediately. my ex-husband pointed out that he's a hired goon without a boss, like a stray cat, and it broke my little heart. the poor guy is acting out! he's troubled! there's also a lot of women wrestlers that i would love to see a lot more of like willow nightingale and nyla rose but either they're all wrestling on friday nights (i only really watch wednesdays) or the outcasts' feud with jamie hayter is really just burying opportunities for Literally Anything Else to happen in the women's division. jade cargill is an absolute beast but she has literally run out of people to fight so i hope taya valkyrie or something finally takes the belt away (as it's looking like) so that jade can do something else beside mulch regional guests. and yeah i think i do like britt baker as a wrestler, the dentist gimmick is good to me, she's good in the ring, and i know the legit feud with thunder rosa is messy and shitty but whatever, i like her matches (including THE hardcore cage match WITH thunder rosa pre-feud). honestly when rosa comes back, maybe they patch things up face-to-face or maybe they don't, but in either case i'm expecting a fucking barnburner of a grudge match that'll make the hardcore cage match look like a kindergarten classroom
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tridentpneumatics · 1 year
Medical oxygen plant manufacturers
Medical oxygen plant manufacturers typically use a process called pressure swing adsorption (PSA) to separate oxygen from air. This involves compressing air and passing it through a molecular sieve that traps nitrogen and other gases, leaving behind concentrated oxygen. The oxygen is then purified to remove any remaining impurities before it is bottled or piped directly to the hospital or medical facility.
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trident-3 · 1 year
PSA medical oxygen generator
PSA Medical oxygen generators are essential for hospitals and clinics, especially in areas where there may be a shortage of oxygen cylinders or where it may not be feasible to transport large quantities of oxygen. These generators are also useful during emergencies or disasters, where a steady supply of oxygen is critical.
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omkarcorporation · 22 hours
Titanium Round bar scrap
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In today’s fast-paced industrial world, the demand for high-performance materials continues to rise. Among these materials, titanium stands out for its strength, corrosion resistance, and light weight. However, producing titanium from raw sources is energy-intensive and expensive. That’s where titanium CP grade scrap comes into play, offering a sustainable and cost-effective solution for various industries.
What is Titanium CP Grade?
Before diving into the scrap market, it’s essential to understand what Titanium CP (Commercially Pure) grades are. CP titanium refers to unalloyed titanium, which means it is titanium in its purest form. The CP grades (Grades 1 to 4) are distinguished by the small variations in their oxygen content and, consequently, their mechanical properties.
Grade 1: The softest and most ductile, making it easy to form and weld.
Grade 2: Offers a balance between strength and formability and is the most widely used CP grade.
Grade 3: Higher strength compared to Grade 2 but less formable.
Grade 4: The strongest of the CP grades, used where strength is more important than formability.
These grades are often found in industries such as aerospace, medical, chemical processing, and power generation, where high durability and corrosion resistance are vital.
The Value of Titanium CP Scrap
Titanium is a valuable metal, but it’s also expensive to mine and process. Fortunately, titanium CP scrap can be recycled to significantly reduce costs and environmental impact. The scrap usually consists of discarded or leftover titanium from manufacturing processes, like cuttings, shavings, or even old parts.
Why is CP titanium scrap so valuable?
High purity: CP titanium contains very little in the way of impurities or alloying elements, making it easier to recycle and repurpose.
Energy efficiency: Recycling titanium scrap consumes far less energy than producing titanium from ore, which helps reduce the overall carbon footprint.
Cost savings: Industries can cut down on material expenses by incorporating recycled titanium into their manufacturing processes.
Where Does Titanium CP Scrap Come From?
Titanium CP scrap is generated from a variety of sources, including:
Aerospace industries: Titanium is widely used in aircraft components due to its lightweight yet durable nature.
Medical field: Surgical tools, implants, and prosthetics often use CP titanium for its biocompatibility and resistance to bodily fluids.
Chemical processing plants: Titanium's corrosion resistance makes it ideal for use in heat exchangers and piping.
Manufacturing waste: Excess material from machining, cutting, and fabricating titanium components.
The Recycling Process
Recycling titanium CP scrap involves several steps to ensure the material can be reused effectively:
Collection: Scrap titanium is gathered from industrial sites, manufacturers, or recyclers.
Sorting: The scrap is sorted based on grade and purity. Titanium CP grades must be kept separate from alloyed titanium to maintain material integrity.
Processing: The scrap is then melted down in vacuum or inert environments to avoid contamination.
Recasting: The molten titanium is recast into new products, whether that be ingots, sheets, or rods, which can be used in new manufacturing processes.
The Sustainability Factor
Titanium recycling contributes to the circular economy, where materials are reused rather than discarded. This reduces the environmental burden associated with mining, refining, and transporting virgin titanium. Given the rising emphasis on sustainability, recycling titanium CP scrap is a vital strategy for industries aiming to reduce their carbon footprint while still delivering high-quality products.
Applications of Recycled Titanium CP Scrap
Recycled CP titanium scrap finds its way back into various industries:
Aerospace components: Lightweight, high-strength materials are essential in aircraft design and manufacturing.
Medical devices: Biocompatible titanium is ideal for implants, prosthetics, and surgical tools.
Industrial machinery: From heat exchangers to pipelines, recycled titanium is perfect for applications where corrosion resistance is key.
Titanium CP grade scrap is more than just waste material; it’s a valuable resource that can be reprocessed to provide high-quality titanium for industries across the globe. By recycling this metal, companies not only save costs but also help promote sustainability in a world that increasingly values eco-friendly solutions. Whether it’s for aerospace, medical devices, or chemical processing, titanium CP scrap plays a critical role in advancing modern manufacturing while conserving resources for the future.
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hospitalequip · 1 month
CSSD Equipment Manufacturers: Ensuring Patient Safety Through Innovation and Quality
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Central Sterile Supply Departments (CSSDs) play a crucial role in healthcare facilities, responsible for the cleaning, disinfection, sterilization, and distribution of medical devices and equipment. At the heart of an efficient and effective CSSD lie the equipment manufacturers who provide the specialized tools and technology necessary for maintaining the highest standards of sterility and patient safety.
Advancing Sterilization Technology
CSSD equipment manufacturers are at the forefront of developing innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of healthcare facilities. From automated washers and ultrasonic cleaners to advanced sterilizers and packaging systems, these manufacturers are constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the realm of instrument reprocessing.
One such company leading the charge is Cistron Systems, a renowned name in the field of CSSD equipment manufacturing. Cistron Systems specializes in the production of cutting-edge equipment such as oxygen generators, anesthesia stations, and steam sterilizers, all designed to streamline workflows and ensure consistent, reliable results.
Customization and Compliance
CSSD equipment manufacturers understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to healthcare facilities. Each institution has unique requirements based on patient volume, procedure types, and available space. That's why many manufacturers, like Cistron Systems, offer customizable solutions that can be tailored to the specific needs of each customer.
In addition to customization, CSSD equipment manufacturers place a strong emphasis on compliance with industry standards and regulations. Their products are designed to meet stringent requirements for safety, performance, and quality, giving healthcare facilities the peace of mind that comes with knowing their equipment is up to par.
Comprehensive Training and Support
Investing in high-quality CSSD equipment is only half the battle. Proper training and ongoing support are essential for ensuring that staff members can effectively operate and maintain the equipment, maximizing its potential and extending its lifespan.
Many CSSD equipment manufacturers, including Cistron Systems, offer comprehensive training programs to help staff members develop the skills and knowledge necessary to work with their equipment. These programs often include a combination of classroom instruction, hands-on training, and ongoing support to ensure that staff members feel confident and competent in their roles.
Improving Patient Outcomes
At the end of the day, the work of CSSD equipment manufacturers is all about improving patient outcomes. By providing healthcare facilities with the tools, they need to maintain the highest standards of sterility, these manufacturers are helping to reduce the risk of surgical site infections and other healthcare-associated infections (HAIs).
Studies have shown that proper sterilization of medical devices and equipment is essential for preventing the transmission of pathogens and reducing the risk of HAIs. CSSD equipment manufacturers play a crucial role in this process by developing technology that streamlines workflows, improves efficiency, and ensures consistent results.
CSSD equipment manufacturers are the unsung heroes of the healthcare industry, working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that medical devices and equipment are properly sterilized and ready for use. Through their commitment to innovation, quality, and patient safety, these manufacturers are making a significant impact on healthcare outcomes and helping to save lives every day.
As healthcare facilities continue to evolve and adapt to new challenges, the role of CSSD equipment manufacturers will only become more important. By staying at the forefront of technology and continuously improving their products and services, these manufacturers are poised to play a vital role in shaping the future of healthcare and ensuring that patients receive the safe, high-quality care they deserve.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
The Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza will "cease to function" within the next 24 hours due to a severe shortage of fuel and lack of medical supplies needed to treat patients, its director has warned.
The hospital’s neonatal and pediatric care departments have stopped functioning due to a lack of oxygen needed to operate generation plants as a consequence of fuel shortages, Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya said.
Several major departments in the hospital are already out of service, including the dialysis department - the only one in northern Gaza -, threatening the lives of many kidney patients.
Abu Safiya told The New Arab’s Arabic-language site, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, that a new medical disaster is occurring in northern Gaza, and appealed to the World Health Organization (WHO) to urgently take action on the situation in the war-hit territory.
Israel has carried out a brutal military offensive in the Gaza Strip since 7 October, killing at least 40,233 Palestinians, targeting key infrastructure, including hospitals, over the last 10 months.
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