#On-site Covid-19 Testing for Workplaces
centuryclinics · 2 years
Stay safe with Century Clinic Antigen & PCR tests. Our goal is to make this process easy for everyone. You can request on-site testing by filling out a form on our website. The employees receive a self-swab COVID test admin users can oversee all test results with portal access, and staff members will receive their results via email.
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whumplr-reader · 1 year
WRU Press Release (March 23, 2020)
{Day 10: In-BBU-media} Create a piece of media that could exist within the BBU - everything from twitter post to newspaper feature to ad transcript to WRU press release! Pet lib call for action to desperate owner self help reddit thread. Go wild!
I know WRU is usually set in the near-future, but I got to wondering how they would have handled the early pandemic. This isn't a well written press release (thanks mysterious illness[s] that have been killing my life the past few weeks), but I'm going to blame the employees in-universe who were overwhelmed by everything and just rushing to get it out the door...
WRU Announces New Pickup Acquisitions with Fast Payment; Online Ordering and Support Remain Open; Confirms Employee Compensation Continues
March 23, 2020 — Arlington, VA — WRU Inc, the nation's leading Pet and Service Companion company, announced today that its temporary pause on retail acquisitions due to the COVID-19 pandemic will not stop it from allowing new applicants to sign up. WRU now offers same-day pickups and Same Day Rewards™ across North America, giving even those without transportation a new path forward in life.
Same Day Rewards™ is a new initiative that delivers full payment to an applicant's designated recipient within twenty-four hours of acceptance. Applicants may also choose to have part of their remuneration paid in groceries and other necessities delivered straight to their loved ones' homes.
"We know times are tough, and we want all members of the WRU family to feel taken care of," said Jennifer Wakelyn, CEO of WRU Inc. "Whether that's assisting the families of our newest associates or providing in-home childcare to our retail operatives who are now working remotely, WRU is committed to our people, as we've shown by consistently being scored as one of the best employers in America." (Fortune 2019 and Business Week 2019 surveys, among others).
"Part of taking care of our people is safety, and that is absolutely our top priority. To ensure the safety of our employees and our customers, we have worked with doctors and epidemiologists to design a quarantine system that minimizes risk to all," Wakelyn continued. "Although we have had to close our retail locations, we want to reassure everyone that they can still rely on WRU, on our support, and on our products."
The newly designed quarantine procedures include a minimum of three days isolation followed by testing for all outgoing orders and in-coming acquisitions. Customers can request further measures, which will be added free for Caregivers and Service Pets or for a small surcharge on all other designations.
As noted in Friday's press release, all online shopping options remain open, and dedicated support team members have moved to a "work-from-home" environment that will assist them in providing industry-leading assistance to all customers and applicants. Employees at the company's thousands of retail locations across the country are being fully compensated while their workplaces are shut down.
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WRU Announces Pause in On-Site Retail Operations; Online Ordering and Support Remain Open; All Employee Compensation Continues March 20, 2020 — Arlington, VA — WRU Inc will temporarily close all retail locations in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Read more…
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yesnocovidtest · 2 years
Understanding Rapid COVID Tests: How They Work and When to Use Them
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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about many changes in our daily lives, and one of them is the need for frequent COVID testing. Rapid COVID tests have become a popular choice for quick and easy testing, but many people still have questions about how they work and when they should be used. In this blog, we will explore rapid COVID tests Austin and provide information to help you make informed decisions about testing.
What are Rapid COVID Tests?
Rapid COVID tests are a type of COVID test that can produce results within minutes. Unlike PCR tests, which require laboratory processing and can take several days to produce results, rapid tests can be done on-site and provide results in a matter of minutes.
There are two types of rapid COVID tests currently available: antigen tests and antibody tests. Antigen tests detect the presence of the virus by identifying specific proteins on the surface of the virus. Antibody tests, on the other hand, detect the presence of antibodies produced by the body in response to the virus.
How do Rapid COVID Tests Work?
Antigen tests work by using a nasal or throat swab to collect a sample from the patient. The sample is then mixed with a solution that contains antibodies that bind to the virus if it is present. If the virus is present, the antibodies will bind to it and produce a visible reaction, indicating a positive result.
Antibody tests, on the other hand, work by using a blood sample to detect the presence of COVID antibodies. The test looks for two types of antibodies: IgM antibodies, which are produced in the early stages of infection, and IgG antibodies, which are produced later and can remain in the body for months.
When to Use Rapid COVID Tests?
Rapid COVID tests are most useful in situations where quick results are needed, such as in hospitals, schools, and workplaces. They can be used to screen people for the virus, especially in high-risk settings, such as nursing homes or prisons. Rapid tests can also be used to test people who have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone with the virus.
It's important to note that rapid COVID tests are not as accurate as PCR tests, especially in people who are asymptomatic or have a low viral load. Therefore, if you have symptoms or have been exposed to someone with the virus, it's recommended to get a PCR test to confirm the result.
In conclusion, rapid PCR test Austin can be a useful tool in the fight against COVID-19, providing quick and easy testing in high-risk settings or for people .
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colinwilson11 · 2 days
At Home Testing Kits: At-Home COVID-19 Testing Is Revolutionizing Healthcare Access
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At-home testing kits provide a convenient way for individuals to test for COVID-19 from the comfort of their own home. Rather than having to schedule an appointment at an overburdened testing site, find transportation, and potentially expose others while waiting in line, at-home tests allow someone to test in private and receive results within 15-30 minutes in most cases. For those with busy schedules or mobility issues, at-home testing removes significant barriers that may have prevented someone from getting tested. The tests involve collecting a nasal or saliva sample, processing it with included reagents, and reading the result on an indicator window—making the testing process quick and simple to complete independently.
Reliability Of Results
While not as accurate as lab-based PCR tests, the best at-home antigen tests have been shown to detect COVID-19 with over 90% accuracy when used correctly. Studies have found that carefully following instructions is important to getting reliable results from At Home Testing Kits. Factors like timing of sample collection relative to symptom onset can also impact test performance. However, for screening purposes and when positive results are followed up with a PCR test, at-home tests provide a convenient first-line of defense to help control spread. As test technology continues advancing, reliability will also increase over time. The trade-off of reduced accuracy compared to lab tests is outweighed by the ability of at-home kits to expand overall access to testing.
Greater Accessibility And At Home Testing Kits
In addition to convenience, at-home testing increases accessibility in other ways such as affordability. Many test manufacturers now offer $25 or less per test, with some health plans and governments providing full or partial reimbursement. This lower cost compared to lab-based PCR tests, which routinely charge over $100, makes repeat or regular testing more feasible for individuals and families. Affordability is key to encouraging frequent testing, which public health experts say is important for identifying asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic cases that may otherwise go undetected. Widespread availability and lower prices have brought testing to underserved communities and demographics that faced barriers previously. At-home kits eliminate financial obstacles that prevented some from accessing testing before.
Impact On Public Health Surveillance
As at-home testing adoption grows, it also provides a new avenue for public health surveillance of COVID-19 trends. Several test manufacturers have developed digital reporting systems integrated with their at-home kits. These allow individuals to voluntarily report positive, negative or inconclusive results into databases and dashboards accessible to public health officials. Aggregated data on community infection rates and hotspots empowers a more proactive response versus waiting for positive cases to appear at hospitals and testing centers. It could also help forecast surges and variants as they emerge locally. Consent-based digital reporting from at-home tests supplements traditional case reporting sources and provides a fuller neighborhood-level picture of outbreaks.
Workplace Testing Programs
Beyond individual use, some employers have started implementing workplace at-home testing programs. Large companies now offer employees weekly testing kit deliveries for regular screening. Workers can test at home and either upload results online or in rare cases with positive results, notify occupational health for validation testing. This approach to regular asymptomatic screening creates an extra safety layer and catch possible infections that wouldn’t otherwise be caught until showing symptoms. It complements other mitigation tactics like masking, distancing and vaccination requirements in keeping workplaces safe as many return to in-person operations. For some high-risk frontline roles, regular self-testing may become an important routine health protocol in the coming years.
At-home testing has transformed COVID-19 screening by increasing access and affordability while reducing barriers to timely testing. As an important expansion of testing capacity, it supports strategies targeting both individual health and public health outcomes. Greater access empowers individuals to help curb community spread through proactive screening behaviors. At the same time, aggregated results from voluntary reporting boosts surveillance insights to strengthen outbreak responses. Looking ahead, at-home testing will likely continue growing in importance, supported by ongoing innovation lowering prices further and raising ease of use. It brings testing closer to the fingertips of every person, which public health experts say is critical to controlling coronavirus on both individual and population levels long-term.
Get more insights on this topic: https://www.ukwebwire.com/at-home-testing-kits-empowering-your-health-access-essential-information-with-these-digital-health-solutions/
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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routemedicfromindia · 7 months
RouteMedic Mobile Healthcare Units: Transforming Healthcare Accessibility in India
In a country as diverse and vast as India, ensuring access to quality healthcare can be a daunting challenge. However, RouteMedic Mobile Healthcare Units are paving the way for revolutionary change, particularly in regions like Mumbai and four key zones across the country. These units serve as dynamic conduits, bridging gaps in healthcare accessibility and saving lives in the process.
One of the primary functions of RouteMedic's mobile units is conducting health screenings directly on-site. This proactive approach enables early detection and intervention for common health issues such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes. By bringing healthcare directly to communities and workplaces, these screenings play a crucial role in preventive healthcare, reducing the burden of disease and promoting overall well-being.
Moreover, RouteMedic's mobile units conduct vaccination drives, ensuring that communities have access to life-saving immunizations. From routine vaccinations like flu shots to targeted campaigns for diseases such as COVID-19, hepatitis, and tetanus, these initiatives bolster public health efforts and contribute to disease prevention on a large scale.
Corporate wellness programs are another integral aspect of RouteMedic's healthcare outreach. With offerings like stress management, smoking cessation, and nutrition counseling, these programs aim to promote holistic well-being among employees. By addressing both physical and mental health needs within the workplace, RouteMedic helps companies foster healthier, happier, and more productive work environments.
Emergency medical care is a critical service provided by RouteMedic's mobile units. Equipped with trained personnel and essential medical supplies, these units can respond swiftly to accidents, injuries, and sudden illnesses. Timely intervention can make a significant difference in patient outcomes, particularly in situations such as cardiac emergencies or severe injuries.
Occupational health services form another cornerstone of RouteMedic's healthcare portfolio. With over 30 Occupational Health Center (OHC) centers nationwide, RouteMedic caters to the health and safety needs of workers across various industries. Services such as hearing and vision tests, pulmonary function assessments, and medical examinations ensure that employees remain healthy and productive in their workplaces.
Telemedicine services provided by RouteMedic's mobile units bridge the gap between remote communities and healthcare providers. Through teleconsultations, patients can receive medical advice, diagnosis, and prescriptions without the need for physical travel. This innovative approach expands access to medical expertise and facilitates timely intervention, particularly in underserved areas.
Collaboration with certified partners such as Siddhant Marine enables RouteMedic to extend its services to maritime industries. By conducting medical examinations in compliance with shipping regulations, RouteMedic contributes to the health and safety of shipping crew members, ensuring they meet the required medical fitness standards for their roles.
Ambulance services offered by RouteMedic's mobile units provide vital transportation and medical care for patients requiring assistance during transit. Whether it's wheelchair transport or basic medical care en route to a healthcare facility, these services play a crucial role in ensuring timely access to medical attention.
On-site laboratory services facilitate prompt diagnosis and treatment, reducing the time to intervention for patients. With capabilities for blood tests, urine tests, and other diagnostic procedures, RouteMedic's mobile units empower healthcare providers to deliver timely care.
Health education and training initiatives conducted by RouteMedic's mobile units empower individuals and communities to take charge of their health. From CPR training to workplace safety workshops, these programs equip participants with essential skills and knowledge to respond effectively in emergencies.
In summary, RouteMedic's Mobile Healthcare Units are revolutionizing healthcare accessibility across India. From preventive screenings to emergency care and occupational health services, these units serve as pillars of healthcare outreach, ensuring that communities, businesses, and individuals have access to quality healthcare where and when they need it most.
Farhana Hayat's entrepreneurial spirit and passion for healthcare equity shine through in RouteMedic Mobile Healthcare Units' tireless efforts to serve communities in Mumbai and four key zones across India. As the driving force behind RouteMedic, Farhana has overseen the development of a comprehensive healthcare ecosystem that encompasses everything from preventive screenings to emergency medical care. Her forward-thinking approach has led to the implementation of corporate wellness programs, telemedicine services, collaboration with maritime industries, and more, all aimed at ensuring that healthcare remains accessible and inclusive for everyone. Farhana's leadership inspires innovation and compassion, driving RouteMedic's mission to save lives and improve health outcomes nationwide.
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premierlabexpress · 1 year
Premier Lab Express
Quick and Discreet Drug & Alcohol Testing
Address- 1425 N. Dallas Ave Ste.216, Lancaster, TX, USA 75134
Phone- +1 877-481-5778
Website- https://premierlabexpress.com
Premier Lab Express offers quick and discreet drug & alcohol testing at our office or your location. We manage your DOT and Non-DOT random programs and are DATIA Accredited and Certified DOT Collectors. We specialize in providing on-site collections for to the ports, rail yards, oilfields, and warehouse testing at your location or any other location. We also offer comprehensive lab testing for accidents, workplace injuries, DNA, and COVID-19 testing. Same Day Service, Urine, Hair, ETG, Employment, Court, DOT/Non-DOT. Schedule Online 24/7.
Business Hours- Mon -Sat: 7AM - 6PM.
Payment Methods- Visa, Mastercard.
Follow On-
Instagram-      https://www.instagram.com/premierlabexpress/
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China N95 Medical Protective Masks Market Demand and Growth Analysis Report 2020-2026 [ 2023 UPDATE Available – Forecast 2023-2030*]
The global N95 medical protective masks market is experiencing exponential growth due to the increasing cases of Covid-19 and the need for effective protection against airborne pathogens. According to a recent report by Fairfield Market Research, the market is projected to reach a value of US$1,994.8.0 million by 2026, growing at a healthy CAGR of 9.5% from 2020 to 2026.
Access Full Report: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/n95-medical-protective-masks-market
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N95 grade protective masks have become the mainstay for healthcare workers (HCWs) and patients to prevent the transmission of contamination. These masks, which can filter out at least 95% of airborne particles, are regulated by The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and provide superior protection compared to non-N95 face coverings.
The global demand for N95 grade protective masks is driven by the rapid industrialization, increasing Covid-19 cases worldwide, and government regulations on workplace health. Governments have implemented various measures to support mask manufacturing and alleviate supply pressures, such as subsidies for capital investment, expedited reviews of manufacturing site changes, and raw material procurement support.
The market is witnessing significant research and development efforts to create new fabrics for multi-purpose protective clothing and biodegradable masks. Manufacturers are also exploring nanotechnology and smart materials to produce lightweight and more efficient clothing fabrics, opening new avenues for smart N95 mask manufacturers and promoting sustainable market growth.
Among the different types of N95 masks, the cup type masks currently dominate the market and are expected to hold the largest revenue share, capturing 69.5% of the market by 2026. Cup-shaped masks provide more breathing room and feature an adjustable aluminum noseband encased in ultrasoft foam for comfortable wear. The flat-fold type masks are the fastest-growing segment, expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.1% during the forecast period, driven by their one-time use requirement and the need for constant repurchase.
The hospital and clinic segment is projected to contribute the largest share, around 59%, to the global N95 medical protective masks market. With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) prioritizing N95 respirators for healthcare workers and medical first responders, the protection of clinicians and healthcare workers from respiratory and contact transmission remains a major concern.
Geographically, North America currently holds the largest share in the global market, followed by Europe. European countries, such as the Netherlands, France, Italy, and Spain, have reported shortages of N95 masks, ventilators, and testing kits due to high Covid-19 patient loads. In the Asia Pacific region, China has taken steps to address the supply of non-woven fabric, a key input for mask production, ensuring a steady supply for manufacturers.
To meet the overwhelming demand, leading companies such as 3M and Honeywell have doubled their production capacity in 2020. 3M accounts for approximately 28% of the global market share, followed by Honeywell and Kimberly-Clark. Cardinal Health, Ansell, GERSON, Shanghai Dasheng, Moldex-Metric, and CM Industrial & Safety Supply Inc. are among the prominent players driving the competition in the global N95 medical protective masks market.
Despite the market growth, challenges remain, including the difficulty of wearing masks for extended periods, the requirement for individualized fitting, and variations in mask fit due to facial shape and hair. Inadequate supply, competition, and price gouging have also hindered access to N95 masks, compounded by disruptions in transport and logistics.
Web: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/Email: [email protected]
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Disability Support Services in Victoria
Disability support services help people with disabilities handle day-to-day activities that they may find difficult to accomplish due to their disabilities. It helps them get the care they need so that they can maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Many of these services are funded through the National Disability Insurance Scheme. They also offer therapy, case management and respite care.
COVID Positive Pathways
Disability support services Victoria must comply with Victorian legislation, regulations and directions from the Chief Health Officer to manage coronavirus (COVID-19). These include implementing infection control processes for people who work in a service environment.
The EACH COVID Positive Pathways Program provides social and clinical care, monitoring and support for eligible people who test positive for COVID-19 in the North-Eastern Melbourne metropolitan area. The program also connects people to other important services they may need while unwell, including emergency accommodation, food relief, drug and alcohol, mental health and family violence support services.
The program provides an outbound clinical and social intake assessment to priority populations who experience systemic challenges to accessing timely care for reasons associated with age, disability, ethnicity, cultural safety, social disadvantage and/or rural isolation. Patients are triaged into a low, medium or high severity pathway based on clinical risk, severity of illness and social needs.
Disability Sport & Recreation
The Disability Sport & Recreation Program promotes sport and recreation opportunities for people with a disability through funding community based organisations (CBOs) and sports clubs that are working to deliver inclusive recreation and sports programmes. This is a key strategy in achieving higher levels of inclusion, liveability and improved health outcomes for people with disabilities.
Disability Sport & Recreation offers a range of services to help individuals and groups participate in sport and recreation activities, including one on one support, group activities and sports programs. They also work with employers to recruit, train and employ workers in the disability sector.
The NDIS is a key part of the Disability Sport & Recreation Program’s strategic plan. The NDIS is an exciting new opportunity for people with a disability to live the life they want, with access to their own support plan and support networks. It will also help to increase the number of jobs and career opportunities for people with disability in the Victorian economy.
JobAccess helps people with disability find and keep jobs, providing services like employment support, career planning and job placement, as well as providing information on a wide range of financial supports and flexible working arrangements. They also provide advice on disability awareness in the workplace, the opportunities available to get a job and how to navigate Australian Government disability employment policies. They are a registered provider of disability employment services and jobactive, which is a federal government service that assists people with disabilities to find work. If you want to know more about JobAccess and other services that are offered by the Victorian Government, check out their service directory. The site includes a comprehensive list of health practitioners and disability support services across Victoria. You can search by name, location and category or add a new service.
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What does it mean to travel during the time of coronavirus?
When the coronavirus was detected first, nobody was aware of the consequences we would have to suffer. As the pandemic worsened, the schools, workplaces, and markets shut down. After some time, the condition deteriorated so much that a lockdown at the national level and a travel ban had to be observed. However, with time, things have changed for the better. Schools, offices, and historical sites have re-opened, and the ban on domestic and international travel has been removed. After this, a vast influx has been noticed in the number of people crossing the borders. But, since the threat is not yet over, the passengers must follow some precautions. Those interested in knowing what they are should scan through our next section. Here you go!
Things to keep in mind when you are travelling
Before planning your trip to any destination, it is advised to conduct thorough research. Although almost all countries have removed the travel ban, knowing travel advisories and staying updated on notices would help. Also, exploring the place you are flying to and the tourist sites you will be visiting would make you well-prepared. In addition, it will help you get a better idea of the current scenarios.
2. Pack Well:
If you are going to travel during this time, you better be well prepared. Besides your belongings, you must carry your documents and travel insurance papers. Also, take with you extra pair of clothes and necessary medication in case you get infected. Also, since the airport has mandated that travellers show negative coronavirus reports, make sure to carry them along. Another option you have is to use the Delhi airport RT PCR test service. Getting examined at the airport will ensure a seamless journey.
3. Sanitize your Seat:
People travelling during the times of covid-19 should be extra cautious. They should sanitize their hands and personal belongings at regular intervals. Besides, as soon as you reach your seta, you should sanitize it using anti-bacterial wipes. In addition, you must make sure to take proper caution and clean every corner like armrests, tray table, seat belt handle, call button, air vents, and hand rests. Disinfecting them would help you get the virus and other germs.
4. Be Cautious:
Coronavirus transmits to another person when they come in contact with the saliva or mucus of another person. Thus, it would help if you were extra cautious. You should make sure to wear a mask at all times and be careful about the surfaces you come in contact with. Since the droplets from sneezing or coughing can fly off to nearby surfaces, you should sanitize frequently. Also, remember if your neighbouring passenger is displaying any covid-19 symptoms like cough or sneezing, you should be careful not to touch your face with unclean hands.
The rues of travelling have changed in the age of coronavirus. So, if you are planning on travelling during this time, you should follow the measures mentioned above to stay safe.
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yesnocovidtest · 1 year
YesNoCovidTest: Get Covid Testing Today In Brownsville TX
YesNoCovidTest offers covid test Brownsville TX. A rapid COVID-19 test is a diagnostic test used to detect active COVID-19 infections. This type of test works by detecting either the genetic material (RNA) or the protein (antigen) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in a sample taken from a person's respiratory system, typically from the nose or throat. Our highly trained professonal will perform your swabs and run your Rapid Antigen tests on-site using only FDA EUA approved Antigen tests providing you with highly accurate results in minutes. Our PCR tests will be collected and sent to our lab partner Marquis Labs providing PCR results typically within 24-72 hours. We offers FDA authorized COVID-19 viral and antigen testing to keep you safe. Whether you need a Rapid test for your workplace, or need a PCR test with travel certificate to meet airline requirements, we've got you covered. No appointment is required. For more details call us at (512) 806-6801 or visit our website.
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snugsodium · 2 years
7 Easy-to-grow Indoor Plants to Beautify and Strengthen Your Routines
Lockdown - now one of the official 2020 words of the year, was undoubtedly daunting when speculations of it started to spread back in March. You can probably remember when the concept started as uncertainties exchanged in your office, between coffee breaks and packing-up farewells. Images of barricaded thoroughfares, closed-up shops, economic unrest, safety protocols, and compromised site visits came to mind. An unexpected end to the fast-paced workplace culture that you once looked forward to and prepared for when everything was still normal was put in place.
Fears about the lockdown were mostly in parallel with the global standstill. Will all of your investments for the future or plans for career advancement come to a halt as well? Will you be really stuck inside your homes for who knows how long, watching the spectacles from your phones while awaiting COVID-19 test results and vaccines?
Filipinos, of course, would not let the long days of the lockdown just revolve around watching precious calendar days get crossed out. Filipinos are motivated when they finally see how all their hard work brings them closer to the lifestyle they always dreamed of, especially if it involves finally purchasing that premium condo or house and lot in one of Makati’s upscale properties. For many who have endeavored to achieve progress in their lives and the lives of people around them, seeing concrete evidence of growth may most likely be just among the tiny victories than can give them further motivation.
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whattheabcxyz · 2 years
Woman trapped in condo toilet for 4 days after door handle broke
So-called “expert” says tourists from China not a COVID-19 threat to Singapore’s population
Another workplace death & injury, this time @ Tuas
Suspect arrested in Idaho college murders - did he really do it or is he just the fall guy because police are under so much pressure to solve this crime?!
“The Boy, The Mole, The Fox & The Horse” was uber boring & has a stupid moral - if you want some really good children’s titles, check out “Pencil’s Perfect Picture”, “This Is Not A Picture Book!” & “Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site”
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^ This was achieved with just make-up alone
UK & France to require negative COVID-19 tests for arrivals from China
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Three Things To Expect From Covid Remediation
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Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash
If you breathe the air - and you do - you're at risk for Covid. Tiny droplets in the air pass from host to host and live on surfaces. Because it's microscopic, we have no idea whether the next person we sit beside or a table we touch in the employee lounge will land us in the emergency room taking a Covid test. Is it any wonder that “remediation” is the buzzword of the day?
Let's say you're at a coffee shop. You set down your computer, type in your assignment, finish your coffee, and pick up your computer. Out the door you go. And along with you goes the sneeze of the person who sat in that spot before you. Or try this one: you show up for your hair appointment to find your hairdresser wearing a mask. Funny, she's never worn one before. She says the woman before you coughed all over the beauty shop. Ugh.
We all learned the hard way that Covid-19 is nothing to play with, which means preventing the spread of Covid is everybody's concern. If you step out into the world, you coexist with others, but you can take steps to keep yourself as safe as possible. 
You can wash your hands, keep a safe distance, and wear a mask. Some organizations, such as healthcare facilities, still require masks. Some no longer mandate it but leave it up to the individual. Some believe Covid is no longer a threat. Others waste no time declaring, "It's out there," "It's on the rise." 
If you own a business, there are some things you will want to do about Covid-19 testing positive on the premises. Your employees will look to you to take action to prevent it from spreading.
Following Covid best practices is always the wisest choice. One of those best practices is remediation. What is remediation? It means “to make things right.”
While some do not choose remediation as a course correction, others will be proactive by calling a professional cleaning company. Many may wonder what that involves. What should you expect? 
The first thing you should expect is fear. No one wants to contract Covid, and if someone exposes others in the workplace, taking steps to avoid panic is crucial.
What can you expect from remediation?
Contain the Infected Area
The area should be closed off, even if it is temporary. Because Covid can remain on surfaces, management should deny access to the contaminated area for a minimum of twenty-four hours. Anyone testing positive or suspected of having Covid should leave the building until cleared to return to work.
Circulate Fresh Air 
Open windows to let the fresh air flow. You cannot eliminate contamination if you close up the area. In other words, let it out! Otherwise, you'll be keeping the site sectioned off indefinitely. Fresh air is the way to reduce the risk of infection.
Clean and Disinfect
Did you know that infection often spreads through bodily fluids? If you touch a bacteria-infected surface and then rub your eyes, you up your chances. Your best defense is to hire a professional cleaning company that uses personal protective equipment (PPE), industrial-strength cleaners, and protective clothing.
Covid exposure can happen to anyone at any time; that's why it's crucial to hire professionals that follow protocols. It’s in your best interests.
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Scientific Laboratory Licenses Now Not Required In Floridaclinical Laboratory Licenses Not Required In Florida News Insights Details
As a participating laboratory in "The National Molecular Subtyping Network for Food borne Disease Surveillance", identified by its shorter name as PULSENET, we now have access to WGS knowledge from participating Public Health Laboratories across the nation. Solutions for COVID-19 return to work programs are immediately obtainable. Very massive employment environments, nursing houses, assisted residing communities, and hospital overflow testing. The Board has made every florida laboratory effort to include the information you need to apply for licensure on this website. You can visit ourHelp Center,FAQsandResourcespage for incessantly asked questions, links, forms, functions and different helpful info. We can solely accept sufferers in our Patient Service Centers who've been confirmed to be COVID-19 symptoms-free for a minimum of 10 days.
As a half of this session you might be assembly with a tutorial advisor who will help you in registering for classes on your major. Find out what’s occurring on campus via our social media channels and other sources of stories and information. Apply for admission as an undergraduate or graduate student and entry monetary resources to assist you achieve your goals. Stempel College’s distinctive florida laboratory geography on the intersection of the Americas in Miami, Fla., drives us to solve complicated health and social welfare matters afflicting probably the most underserved populations. Completion of at least three prerequisite programs together with BIO 1500, CHE 1111, and CHE 1112 all with a grade of C or greater. Overall college GPA of 3.0 for completed programs received as transfer credits.
Florida joins New York and California as states that prohibit the position of personnel in physicians’ places of work, said Howard Appel, President of Millennium Laboratories, Inc.in San Diego, California. Pennsylvania also has guidelines prohibiting the placement of personnel in physicians’ workplaces but they don't go as far florida laboratory as the rules in these different three states. Ongoing violations of current state laws and regulations by laboratories had been the impetus behind passage of the new legislation. Often, investigators from Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration couldn’t get a straight answer to a easy question.
Also offered on campus is an American Society of Health-System Pharmacists-accredited pharmacy residency program at Shands Jacksonville. UF Health Jacksonville's School of Radiologic Technology offers a two-year accredited radiography program in addition to a certificate program in computed tomography. The UF College of Pharmacy–Jacksonville provides a four-year Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Program which may be accomplished completely on the Jacksonville campus. Also offered on campus is an ASHSP-accredited pharmacy residency program at UF Health Jacksonville. To ensure essentially the most secure and best general expertise on our web site, we advocate the latest versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari.
Florida is an unquestioned chief nationally and internationally within the global aerospace business. Florida consistently ranks within the high 5 U.S. states for aerospace trade employment, with greater than one hundred thirty,000 workers in 2017. More than 17,one hundred forty four aerospace-related firms call Florida home, contributing $19 billion in revenues to Florida’s economic system.
With cheaper providers stretching beyond diagnostics, our tools and solutions scale with your small business to fulfill your analytical, clinical and operational needs. An auxiliary that focuses on multimedia outreach for academic applications and employs consultants in video production, graphic design, web site improvement, educational design and project administration. Founded in 1956, the University of Florida College of Nursing is the premier academic institution for nursing in the state of Florida and is ranked within the high 10 % of all nursing graduate programs nationwide.
In your ultimate 12 months, you will be full time at LRH where you'll spend time in every clinical lab for extensive coaching. We are dedicated to ensuring our client’s total well being by delivering high-quality laboratory services. Our skilled administration group has developed a line of complete oral care products that retail in 1000's of places and in over a dozen countries. Laboratory testing is a crucial factor in high quality patient care influencing 70-80% of clinical selections. We work with ACOs to attain better look after patients and higher well being for the population, via the delivery of high-quality, integrated, reasonably priced health care. We are trying forward to our move to the new amenities in Lakeland, Florida, and we vow to continue to offer our clients exemplary food safety sampling and testing services all through the transition period and past.
It is best to contact the lab immediately to determine your specific value, or out of pocket value . All evaluations are opinions of patients and do not symbolize the opinions of Solv. Contact your insurance coverage company earlier than your go to to ensure the clinic is in-network for the service you're in search of. We also employ a one hundred foot "Light Tunnel" geared up with the newest photometric instrumentation for reflectometry studies - the only certainly one of its sort within the state of Florida.
A baccalaureate degree or larger from one other 4-year accredited institution of higher training in the United States satisfies the General Education requirements for commencement. Identify and discuss the specialties out there for medical laboratory personnel. Specialty Reference Laboratory - Florida Laboratory Analysis is your local COLA accredited Specialty Reference Laboratory positioned in lovely St. Augustine, Florida. We specialize in medication management programs, urine drug screening, urine toxicology confirmation by LC/MS/MS, and infectious illness testing by PCR. Florida Laboratory Analysis takes pride in providing wonderful customer support, exceptional patient care and speedy turn-around. You could interact with various varieties of healthcare suppliers labs like Florida Laboratory Analysis.
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centuryclinics · 2 years
Century Clinics provides on-site COVID-19 testing to Chicagoland businesses, retirement homes, doctor's offices, and more. Workplace COVID testing will help you to keep your workplace healthy and fit for work. Your employees receive a self-swab COVID test admin users can oversee all test results with portal access and the staff members will receive their results via email.
Visit our website to fill out the request form for workplace on-site COVID testing. You can also call us at (224) 623-5595
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macgyvermedical · 3 years
Hi! I'd just like to ask if you know anything about the covid vaccine and its efficiency, given that you're in the medical field. My mother asked me if she should get it, since it's offered to them at her workplace, but I honestly don't know what to say to her. The opinions are kind of divided here (middle-Europe) but I don't want her to get infected. Could you give any advice or insight on the topic?
I know this one was from a while ago, and while I don't normally provide medical advice, I would absolutely recommend any of the COVID-19 vaccines that have so far been approved (I'm in the US, and our approval process is generally kinda crap compared to Europe's, so I'd generally assume anything approved in your country has undergone at least as much testing as ours has). I would also recommend your mother talk to her medical provider if she feels she may have a reason not to get it that is specific to her (allergy to an ingedient, etc..) or may have to get additional doses (immunocompromised, etc...).
The COVID-19 vaccines are some of the most thoroughly studied and scrutinized vaccines in history at this point, and while they do have a higher level of side effects (plan to take the day after a dose off because you may feel pretty craptastic), than, say, the flu shot, they are extremely effective at significantly reducing hospital admissions and deaths related to COVID-19- especially in those who are at high risk of infection.
They have some limits (for example, they are far, far better at preventing severe illness and death than they are infection, especially since many vaccines are only maximally effective at preventing transmission if a high percentage of people are vaccinated). Common side effects include fatigue, body aches, headache, fever, and pain and swelling at the injection site. These usually go away within 24-48 hours.
IMO, way, way better to have this than potentially weeks worth of illness, a hospital admission, and symptoms or disability that lasts the rest of your life.
The only "common" severe side effects (anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) and blood clots) are both extremely rare. 2-5 people per million vaccinated experienced anaphylaxis, about the same rate as any other medication or vaccine. The blood clotting disorder generally only occurred in women 50 and younger, and that occurred in 7 out of 1 million people (48 total cases reported in the US). Other severe side effects, such as myocarditis and pericarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle or sac surrounding the heart) and guillain barre syndrome) are also rare but reported side effects. There have been no long-term side effects reported at this time (as of 11/05/2021 M/D/Y).
The actual mRNA in many versions of the vaccine (the instructions the body uses to be able to recognize SARS-CoV-2 in the future and create immunity) is flushed out of the body in a few days to a week. The rest of the ingredients are salts, sugars, and adjuvants that stabilize the mRNA (a fragile substance) and make it easier for the body to get a useful immune response from.
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