#One piece 1104
theproblemsofdonhi · 8 months
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Local Girl can't have shit in the grand-line.
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zewarudo · 5 months
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joy-girl · 8 months
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One Piece 1104 // Kuma finally punches Saturn
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fdblaize · 8 months
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screaming crying and throwing up on st Peters robes rn 😭
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misslydian · 8 months
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Kizaru is a very fascinating character and I love seeing this example of this type of person.
In the beginning of this arc, he also admitted that he's just a tool of the government and the celestial dragons. It's like, he's fully aware of what he is to the government and to people. He's fully aware of all the atrocities they commit and he commits in their name. He's fully aware that most of what they, and he, do and stand for is wrong and awful. He just doesn't care. Or at least just doesn't care enough to do anything or even think for himself. He's lazy. (Yeah that's the whole thing with his character). Dangerously lazy. It seems like he does have feelings on what the government does, like he doesn't like/want it, he cares about these people who he considers friends, he's sad to see them get hurt. But he chooses to be "a cog in the machine" and never stand up for anyone or fight back.
He's knowledgeable of all the horrible shit the government does, doesn't even like it himself, but does nothing. Actually he does worse than nothing, he does whatever they want him to without complaint, and because it's easier I guess? Easier than fighting back? Easier to just do what you're told than fight for people's lives.
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kookoofufu · 8 months
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yamatohomo · 8 months
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i fucking love this it's sooooo cute i love u sanji
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gravytoons · 8 months
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Bartholomew Kuma with the punch of the CENTURY
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punster-2319 · 8 months
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Half way through making this poll I realized that I had forgotten about Luffy punching Arlong 😅
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I know there’s plenty other ones, but these are the main ones that I think of (along with the one in the latest chapter).
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khepiari · 8 months
Hyped Up Rambling: Spoilers for ONE PIECE Chapter 1104
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There are many daddies in One Piece.
But there is only one person who deserves the title of FATHER!
And it’s you, sir Kuma.
As much as I have grievances with Odachii, this is an arc written by a father for his daughter.
Parental love hurts. But still, parents continue to love their children despite the pain, loss, fear, and hardship.
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Again I am reminding you all. The series finale actually began exactly two years back when Luffy punched Saint Charlos.
Kuma just continued the fight that Luffy lit the fire for! As my best friend put it, “Kuma is following in Joy Boy’s footsteps. Bringing light to the world…”
Even a “slave”, stripped and robbed of all his rights, mental prowess, and dignity and abused to the point of being on the brink of death will FIGHT TO PROTECT! A slave who lost everything rose up on his two feet to protect his child and punched the man who sits on the highest seat of power, and Joyboy aka Luffy made it possible.
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And do you know who the people in power fear the most?
The slave they robbed of autonomy.
The scholar they denied true knowledge.
The ethnic groups they massacred.
And the God Born Out Of People’s Despair who comes to seek vengeance.
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May I also remind you all, Borsalino is worse than Sakazuki, he is a scum without any hope in him or in anyone. He is scarier than a straight-cut villain like Sakazuki.
There is a reason idealists are easier to defeat than cynics. You can’t beat a deadbeat easily.
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My favourite rascals! Franky and Sanji have no chill! They went after Saturn, without any fear or hesitation, just like they went after Saint Roswald, Doflamingo and Big Mum. Their brain operates on: we are Future Pirate King’s Crew, we will kick anyone who is a scum!
I still can’t believe so many people hate Franky! The dude has literally the least count of losses and the funniest battles! Because he doesn’t fight one one-on-one guy, and he shines in the fights when minions and their bosses are involved against lone him! In Dressrosa he ran wild; kissed a girl (yes without consent; thanks scum Odachii) to defeat her, had a hard-boiled match with Senor Pink, destroyed the SAD factory and went to support the fairies on his own! And In Wano he ran his monster bike right into Big Mom’s face and knocked her out! We need more Franky love!
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And finally!
I don’t like to pit series against series, but this is how you utilize the most cliché theme in the entire world: LOVE. You have to show it with actions and gestures and not tell it to your readers. Yes, Gege, I mean you brat; do better.
Why do you think we the readers and viewers still crumble at the theme of love? It’s extremely simple.
Love is radical.
Love is unpredictable.
Love is powerful.
And time and again in One Piece—Love is an Anomaly.
Ace was born because of Rouge’s willpower born of love.
Sanji was able to retain his humanity because Sora did everything in her power to protect her kids.
Robin was saved because her teachers, mother, and Saul loved her so much that they chose to protect her.
Nojiko and Nami had a chance to live because Bellemere protected them.
Trafalgar Law made it through a life-threatening disease and nihilistic approach to living because Corazón bet his life on him.
Hiluluk’s love for Chopper pushed him to be the doctor who wanted to cure everyone.
Zoro’s love for Kuna is what pushes him to work hard.
Because Franky wants to protect his “Family” he becomes the face of criminal activities.
Shirahoshi never revealed her mother's death circumstances because she decided to protect her mom's dream.
Examples of love changing the course of history are endless in One Piece, hence we should remember: Love is the invariant.
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bagheera82 · 8 months
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bottlepiecemuses · 8 months
Sanji And This Cover Page Gives Me Feels
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He's doing two things he loves: cooking and helping love. It's just so adorable.
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mugiwara-lucy · 8 months
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This just makes me hope that Kuma sees Luffy’s Gear 5 abilities but dies soon after because that would be a BEAUTIFUL TRAGEDY 🎭
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joy-girl · 8 months
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Or maybe you know... forever?? 🙂
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clairesjill · 5 months
me next
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monkeydlitty · 8 months
Sanji and Franky being the best bois as per usual!? And ofc another buster call, honestly at this point Robin should get a trophy for how many buster calls she's survived. But really, the highlight of this chapter was Kuma rocking the goroseis shit. 🙏 praise nika plz do it again.
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