#Online Car Dealerships
autospoke · 4 months
Purchasing from a Used car Dealers in Thane: A Complete Guide
Buying a vehicle in Mumbai is a crucial requirement for almost, a shallow focal point for the more liberal, yet a little look at paradise for most of us Indians. Whatever the clarification could be, a vehicle is a critical piece of Indian families. However, buying a used car in Mumbai is a critical money related decision, which incorporates a ton of speculation, assets and foreknowledge. Buying from a used car dealers in Thane has started taking ground recently when people comprehended that used cars can be by and large around extraordinary vehicles. Nevertheless, enormous quantities of us really stop the idea as it incorporates heaps of assessment and a huge proportion of danger. With the presence of online used car stages, things have become less complex for the typical Indian.
Why should you buy a Used Car ?
For what reason Would it be a good idea for you to Purchase A Pre-owned vehicle? How dependable are utilized vehicles? The response lies fundamentally with online pre-owned vehicle vendors. Not at all like disconnected utilized vehicle vendors whose sole point is to finish everything with fast arrangement, online vehicle sellers, for example, Autospoke make it a highlight go the additional distance and check a vehicle seriously prior to putting it available to be purchased. Joined with trust and dependability, Indian web-based utilized vehicle stages are quickly becoming trade-in vehicle purchasers' go-to hotspot for purchasing utilized vehicles.
Lower Deterioration Rate This is the fundamental motivation behind why utilized vehicles cost less. Allow us first to make sense of what deterioration is. Devaluation rate is the deficiency of worth of resources one claims, for this situation a vehicle. The pace of devaluation relies upon various factors however the essential driver that brings the worth of a vehicle down is its mileage, or its mileage. The higher the mileage, the higher the deterioration rate. Furthermore, for another vehicle this implies a typical 15-30% loss of significant worth after a year. Utilized vehicles, then again, have previously experienced the high devaluation stage, and that implies there won't be a huge loss of significant worth once you attempt to sell it.
Lower Insurance Installments The Protected Proclaimed Worth (IDV) of a vehicle is conversely corresponding to its age, and that implies a fresher vehicle will have a higher insurance installment contrasted with a more seasoned one. Another vehicle is of higher saw esteem, prompting higher protection costs. Be that as it may, when it begins timing miles its apparent worth begins to descend, because of a bunch of variables, which is the reason the insurance installment likewise descends.
They Are Justified Like their more up to date partners, utilized vehicles from ensured sellers, for example, Autospoke accompany restricted guarantees, which can provide the client with a feeling that everything is good while purchasing a trade-in vehicle.
Extraordinary Quality Vehicles These days, there isn't anything 'utilized' about a pre-owned vehicle. This is on the grounds that guaranteed vendors take extraordinary consideration in ensuring that pre-owned vehicles match the appearance, the solidness and the mechanical norms of another vehicle, hence guaranteeing high consumer loyalty.
Pursued your choice? Allow us to enlighten you regarding the significant advances you ought to remember while purchasing a pre-owned vehicle.
Choosing The Vehicle A basic part of buying a vehicle, particularly while thinking about involved vehicles in Mumbai, is the cautious determination of the right vehicle. It would be keen and pocket-accommodating to purchase a vehicle that suits your way of life and necessities in the clamoring city. For example, a major SUV may not be the most reasonable decision for your day to day drive, particularly in the event that you are single. Then again, a minimized vehicle may not be great for a group of six that appreciates continuous extensive drives. Therefore, it is crucial to consider your specific needs and preferences when exploring the options for used car dealers in Thane to make a wise and informed decision.
Similar to purchasing another vehicle, an exhaustive investigation of your necessities ought to be done well in the progress of time while purchasing a trade-in vehicle.
Investigate All Purchasing Areas In the wake of reducing to a vehicle of your love, it is an ideal opportunity to take a brief trip and see the vehicle seriously. There are numerous choices with regards to purchasing utilized vehicles: it very well may be straightforwardly from the proprietor, utilized vehicle vendors, and numerous other people who offer the assistance of purchasing utilized vehicles. At the point when you see a vehicle that you like, make sure to ask questions! Ask the vendor the explanations behind selling it and the way things were utilized, ask whether the vehicle was engaged with a mishap, and some more. The more inquiries you pose, the better are your possibilities of getting a decent car from a used car dealers in Thane.
Testing The Vehicle
OK, so you've found a trade-in vehicle that you like and need to give it a shot. In the entirety of its fact, a test drive is basically not simply a trial of the motor or the manner in which a vehicle drives. By stepping through an examination drive your faculties see what all you want and what all the vehicle offers. Allow us to direct you through the better purposes of stepping through an examination drive.
A test drive ought to be sufficiently long to enlighten you regarding the functioning state of a vehicle, requiring driving for no less than 5 kms through different sorts of streets to figure out the vehicle and your solace. The vehicle ought to begin quickly and there ought not be any odd commotions separated from the murmur of the motor. Cog wheels ought to move without a hitch and after delivering the grasp the vehicle ought to push ahead without jerks. The directing shouldn't vibrate. In the event that it does, there is a significant issue. The brakes ought to likewise dial back relatively to the power applied to them and this ought to occur in an orderly fashion, the vehicle shouldn't move sideways. On the off chance that it does, the vehicle has a significant slowing down issue. Finally, check for oil spills from the motor and the gearbox. Leave the vehicle on clean ground and check in the event that anything has spilled or not. In the event that it has, there are issues that should be investigated.
At the point when you decide to purchase from a used car dealers in Thane i.e at AUTOSPOKE you can anticipate quality, and dependability in our cycles. You don't have to stress over straightforwardness and different variables that would have addressed you from buying a used vehicle.
When you choose to buy a used car at AUTOSPOKE you can expect quality, and reliability in our processes. You don’t need to worry about transparency and other factors that would have questioned you from purchasing a pre-owned car.
Visit Us- https://autospoke.com/PreOwnedCars/
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empiremotors · 3 months
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Check out this beautiful 2019 #Honda #Civic #Si coupe at Empire Motors. Driven only 59K miles this car has a lot of life and fun left in it. Visit us at 1512 W Holt Blvd., Ontario Ca 91762
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As your trusted merchant services provider, Your Merchant Services Rep is committed to delivering reliable and flexible payment solutions that meet the unique needs of your business. With NMI Payment Gateway, you can streamline your payment processing, enhance your customer experience, and grow your business with confidence. Visit Us;
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whoslaurapalmer · 2 years
we got a new car today. we did not intend to get a new car today. we figured the dealership would be like 'okay thanks we'll get back to you' but instead they went 'hey you wanna bring in your car?? we do in fact. have a car for you' and we got a car. it is gorgeous and I am exhausted
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Car Dealerships with Online Car Marketing | Automotive Marketing Pros
Transform your car dealership's marketing approach with online car marketing strategies tailored to success. Explore the dynamic opportunities presented by digital platforms to showcase your inventory and captivate potential buyers. From fine-tuning SEO tactics to crafting compelling social media content, discover how to dominate the competitive arena of car dealers marketing. Drive traffic, generate leads, and accelerate sales with targeted online campaigns designed to resonate with today's automotive consumers.
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tonyglowheart · 5 months
went to the dealership for an oil change cuz my car is "new" still and this is its first oil change lmao. And I was thinking. maybe it'd cost, like. idk, $75? no. **$151.66** I don't even think they're throwing in a tire rotation in with that. What the fuck lmao.
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anuvallc · 6 months
Leveraging SEO in Car Dealership Digital Marketing: An Essential Guide
Car dealerships have long been struggling to increase their online presence and visibility, especially in the digital age. One way of doing so is through SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which allows car dealers to optimize their websites and content for higher ranks in search engine results pages (SERP). SEO techniques can help bring more targeted customers to your website, resulting in a better user experience, higher conversions and ultimately more sales.
When it comes to SEO for car dealers, there are a few key strategies that you can use to optimize your website content for better SERP ranking. Here are the top 5 SEO techniques for car dealership digital marketing:
Keyword Research: This is one of the most important aspects of SEO for car dealers. You should identify the keywords related to your business and target these in your content. This will help you rank better on search engines and increase the visibility of your website.
Optimizing Metadata: Every page on your website should have a Meta description that describes what the page is about in less than 155 characters. Additionally, using the correct title tags and alt tags for images can help to optimize your website content.
Content Optimization: Creating content that is optimized for SEO will be beneficial in terms of SERP ranking. This includes making sure the page titles, headings, and general content are relevant to the keyword research you did earlier. Additionally, creating quality backlinks is essential when it comes to SEO optimization.
Technical Optimization: Technical aspects such as the page load speed and security of your website are important when it comes to SEO optimization. It is also essential that you ensure all URLs of your website are properly indexed by search engines. Finally, using Google Analytics will help you track your website performance over time and make adjustments accordingly.
Local SEO: Local SEO is an important factor for driving more local customers to your car dealership website. This includes setting up Google My Business listing, providing accurate business information (such as address, phone number, and hours of operation) on your website, and optimizing the content for local keywords. 
By following these 5 SEO techniques for car dealership digital marketing, you can ensure that your website is ranking well on SERPs and you are driving more local customers to your dealership. Don't forget to also monitor your website performance regularly and make changes accordingly. By doing so, you can ensure that your car dealership is staying ahead of the competition in terms of digital marketing.
In addition to SEO optimization, other forms of online marketing such as email campaigns, social media advertising, and search engine advertising are important aspects of digital marketing for car dealerships and should not be overlooked. With the right combination of SEO optimization and other forms of online marketing, you can make sure your car dealership website is visible to the right customers.
For more tips on how to increase visibility in terms of SEO for car dealers, contact a professional digital marketing agency that specializes in working with car dealerships. They can provide you with the best advice to make sure your dealership is achieving its digital marketing goals.
Source URL : https://anuvallc.com/blog/leveraging-seo-in-car-dealership-digital-marketing-an-essential-guide
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crystlianajohn · 8 months
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which software is best in used/second hand vehicle fleet management system?
Auto Genius is a game-changer in the realm of used/second hand vehicle fleet management. With its advanced features, including real-time tracking, maintenance scheduling, driver performance monitoring, and cost analysis, it's a comprehensive solution for improving fleet efficiency and reducing costs.
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servicelists-blog · 2 years
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Find the best-used car dealers in Gorakhpur. choose the best one to get your car at home. hassle-free transfer of ownership, 2-year warranty, best price for buyers and sellers in Gorakhpur
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empiremotors · 21 days
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2005 Infiniti G35 Coupe 6-Speed Manual Transmission. WOW... Come check out this beauty. won't last long. Affordable and sporty. Best of both worlds. Come visit Empire Motor at 1512 W Holt Blvd., Ontario Ca 91762
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rafeandonlyrafe · 5 months
i am a rich man
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words: 1k
warnings: misogyny, brief mention of violence, reader is a kook
a/n: im on vacation starting tomorrow monday 1/22-friday so i will not be posting any new fics for this week!
“have you decided what car you want baby?” rafe asks, pressing a kiss to your cheek as you scroll through the dealerships website.
“i’ve narrowed it down to two.” you tilt your phone towards rafe, letting him look at one car before navigating to the other tab to show him.
“why don’t you test drive both and decide after that? and if you like both, just buy both.” rafe shrugs. it was weird for him at first being with someone who had even more money than his family, but now he’s grown used to it, liking knowing you can support yourself if needed, even though rafe likes to buy most things for you.
“good point.” you hum. “i’d have to park one on the driveway though, my dad is only giving me one spot in the garage.” you pout. your dad has a mild obsession with sports cars, and therefore three of the four spots in the garage were already taken.
“lets not worry about it now, figure it out after you see them in person.” rafe says, and you nod, getting up off the couch to head to the dealership, glad that rafe agreed to drive you and test the cars with you, mainly because you didn’t want to spend the day without him.
it’s a long drive to the nearest dealership that had cars in your price range, but you don’t mind as you sing along to your favorite songs playing through rafes trucks speakers, always letting you be the dj even if he can’t stand some of the girly pop songs that you play.
“almost there.” rafe reaches over, squeezing your thigh as the dealership finally comes into view.
“thank god.” you groan. “my butt is starting to go numb.” “don’t talk about your butt when we are about to be in public.” rafe warns, glancing over at you as you giggle.
“sorry baby.” you say, in a voice that tells rafe that you’re not at all sorry.
“let me drop you off at the front, i’ll park the car then join you inside.” rafe says upon pulling in and realizing that there are no close parking spots, and he doesn’t want to make you walk outside for longer than he has to.
“mmkay, thanks baby.” you lean over and press a kiss to his cheek, always extra appreciative and lovey on rafe when he does sweet things for you, even if its just something little.
you hop out of the truck, heading inside the main showroom of the dealership.
“hello, ma’am!” a sales associate instantly hurries over to you. “i’m john, did you have an appointment?” “no, but i’ve checked out your inventory online and i know what i’d like to test drive today.” you say with a fake smile right back, already not liking the condescending attitude that john is giving off.
“alright, well lets take a seat at my desk and you can tell me your budget.” john walks you over to his cubicle, and before he can begin talking you’re joined by rafe.
“this is my boyfriend, he’s helping me pick out a car today.” you say as he sits down next to you, reaching over and looping your fingers through his, already eyeing up john as he tries to size him up.
“hello, sir.” john smiles. “so what is your budget?” he addresses the question at rafe, making your eyebrows scrunch together.
“well,” you answer, making johns gaze flick quickly to you, “budget isn’t an issue. i know what two cars i would like to look at.”
“okay, if you just want to tell me the models i will pull them up.” john turns the computer screen so you all can see as you tell him the two cars that peaked your interest the most.
“and i assume you will be financing?” he hums. you glance at rafe, shocked that he would have the audacity to assume anything.
“no.” rafe answers for you. “in full.” “okay, that makes sense that you will be paying, sir.” john says, nonchalantly as if he didn’t just imply that you wouldn’t be able to afford the car.
“as said before, i will be the one purchasing the car, so while my boyfriend is here to help me, i am your customer.” you clear up, hand squeezing rafes as you try to hold back your anger, knowing you can get just as fired up as him.
“sorry, just don’t see many young women being able to buy cars like these outright.” he says before quickly switching the subject, going through some of the specs of the vehicles. “and the cost on that one is $94,000.”
“wait a minute.” you rub your forehead, getting tired of this mans bullshit. “while i said money was no issue, that doesn’t mean that i’m going to let you get away with scamming me. that car is worth no more than 75.” “well, ma’am, there are various-” “no.” you shake your head. “i have done my research on these vehicles and i know that ever 75 is on the high end.” “let me double check my figures.” john swallows nervously, turning the screen so only he can see it as you send a look at rafe, seeing he’s struggling just as much as you not to reach across the desk and smack the misogynistic sales associate across the face.
“my apologies, i must have accidentally selected an additional maintenance package. it is $74,000.” john says.
“that sounds much more reasonable, but i will not be purchasing a car from someone who tries to scam me out of my money just because they think i’m a dumb girl. get me a different sales associate, now.” you command.
john scurries away from the desk, the stark opposite of the cockiness air that he had when you first arrived.
“jesus, you’re hot when you’re scary.” rafe says, looking you up and down as you smirk at your boyfriend, knowing while you’re usually sickly sweet, when a man irks you wrong, it brings out your full wrath.
taglist: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewstarkeyslut @rafecamerongirl @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @emma77645
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bambifornia · 22 days
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Swindle Bakery AU!
Massachusetts, May 13th, 2155.
Swindle finds himself on Earth, nearly inches away from offlining. His entire frame aches, and his processor rings inside his helm. His data tracks can only replay a couple of memories before he slips into stasis mode. Bots chasing him, a shoot-out in an alien bar, him scanning a new alt mode, a ship crashing into the ground...
From there, it all goes black. Swindle didn't come back online until he found a little old lady seated behind the wheel, desperately trying to start the engine.
Swindle paused for a moment. When did this organic find him? What was she trying to do with him?
And when Swindle looked around and saw he was now parked at a car dealership, he wondered how he had managed to get himself there in the first place.
And he was horrified to find out that he didn't remember.
due to unfortunate circumstances involving a crash-landing and persecution from the Elite Guard, swindle finds himself back on Earth without any memory of how he got there. he's fortunate enough to find a sweet old lady, mabel, who offers him shelter while swindle tries to recollect his memories
during his stay, they both discover the other's talent. swindle nibbles on one of mabel's cookies (because he was damn near starving and couldn't find any energon or oil (and also he has a mod which allows him to digest some organic food, in case he's stranded without fuel)) and quickly becomes obsessed with mabel's baking
mabel, on the other hand, admires swindle for his knack for business. she laments how useful that skill must be and how she doesnt have it; maybe if she was more like swindle, she could save her dying bakery (which is like. 5 dollars away from bankruptcy lol)
the two then decide to strike a deal; swindle shares his expertise in exchange for a roof over his head (and an unlimited supply of treats). from there begins their alliance and they both start to reap the benefits from it in the form of profit.
what they both didn't expect to gain from this partnership, though, is a friendship
anyway that's the intro to this silly au !! if u guys wanna know more lemme know. i will be glad to share more of my silly lil ideas with you all
(and before anyone asks, there's a reason why I gave swindle a new form. he scanned a new alt form before slipping into stasis mode)
as always, the ppl who r still here reading this get a extra doodle. this doodle was made very early on, when I planned on making this au as a fic
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anyway. that's it. bye bye
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s-4pphics · 1 year
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a lil meanmechanic!ellie and snobbybitch!reader hc list bc i’m clinically ill and my dark thoughts always win i was gonna write a lil fic but i got tired lol long day 
but hopefully thisll suffice for now😚idk how many imma make for them but the sex gon go crazy
wc;cw: 930 real short n sweet, slutty rude annoying rich!oc, i’m not kidding she’s a bad person, more monologues when will it end, oc is horny and a top letting y’all know rn, imma make this toxic🤭
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your shiny brand new pink bentley just stopped working! what the fuck! 
after your dad gifted you your third new car, he instructed you to pull up to the swarovski store and pick up your sparkly limited edition lavender tinted lux chrono watch…. and this happens!
how the fuck were you going to get your new watch without transportation?!
you pulled your phone outta your chanel bag and googled car stopped help…
call a tow truck?!
don’t people just buy new cars when they stop working?! 
you dialed the first number suggested online 
“YELLO!” a friendly gruff voice came through the phone
“ummm, hi, my car stopped working— “
“okay, great! where’s your car located?”
“it’s uh.. near this mall complex.” 
“…okay. i mean…. i mean what’s the address?”
…. you don’t fucking know, you’re stranded!
after spending the next ten minutes asking strangers where the hell you were, you irritatingly whined the address to the man on the phone
why does nothing go your way?!
“okay great! we’ll be there in about an hour to get it!” 
an hour?!
but your swarovski watch—!
“…yeah, whatever.” you said, hanging up.
this is fucking stupid!
after an hour of angrily pouting in your front seat, you saw a red truck pull up behind you in your rearview 
fucking finally!
you got out your new baby and saw—
oh, fuck
oh fuck!
your brain was sending off red alarms!
behind the man, there was a girl in overalls and a wife-beater, dirty sneakers(yuck!), and a bandana on to keep her sweaty hair outta her face
and your mood immediately got better! 
she’s sexy she’s sexy she’s sexy she’s sexy—
“um, hi! ‘m joel! you called for a tow?” 
oh yeah
“y-yup! that’s me! my cars over there,” you pointed in some random direction as you stared at the girl 
“….okay, uh, we’ll get that loaded and we’ll head over to the repair shop!”
“uh huh,” you were so dazed as you watched her biceps ripple as she got some paperwork outta the car 
“….right!” and he walked away
she’s coming over oh god she’s coming over!
“hey. this your car?”
you looked at her name tag 
hm…wanna fuck?—
“cool. just need you to sign here. we’ll do the diagnosis when we get to the shop—“
you didn’t even care about what the fuck she was saying
you wanna eat her out so bad and buy her whatever she wants 
you work so hard, baby, lemme take the stress away! 
“…are you gonna sign…or?”
you were too busy looking at her freckled face and scarred eyebrows to notice she was holding a clipboard out to you 
how about you sign these damn wedding papers! 
“it’s cool…yeah, just sign at the bottom.” 
she pointed at the dotted line with her calloused finger and you almost sucked it into your mouth! 
turn her out turn her out!
she finally met your eyes 
you wanted her clit in your mouth—!
“um… you can hop in the truck and we’ll head over, it’s like.. 20 minutes—“
“great! let’s go!”
ride my face!
when you arrived at the dealership, you got…. uncomfortable. 
why was it so loud and… grungy looking?
the nice man that answered the phone—joel— guided you into the garage and ushered you to sit on…. dirty chairs and you wanted god to strike you down now
“we’re gonna take a look at your car! it’s in pretty good condition so it shouldn’t be long!” joel screamed at you from the garage exit
you sat and nodded and 
you looked so outta place in here 
pastel colors, shimmery necklace and bracelets, heels!
you stood out like a sore thumb!
rusted, eggshell walls, dimly lit, dusty floor
you wanna leave so bad what the fuck—
sike you wanna stay ellie’s so fucking fine—
“your car battery’s connection is loose, we’re gonna replace it—“
“today's my birthday!”
you were biting your lip and looking at her with glossy lust filled eyes and you wanted your head between her thighs—
“….’scuse me?”
“it’s my birthday!”
“happy….. happy birthday?” 
“thank you!” now lemme give you head—
“uh huh….. so, the replacement battery is gonna be $60, i can ring you up right now so you're not waiting when your car’s charged.”
you followed her to the desk and….
her fucking back and her shoulders and her ass—
her back her back! you wanna scratch it and make her scream!—
“cash or card?”
“card. my black card!” she needa know you’ll buy her everything—
“….right. go ‘head and swipe.”
you wanna swipe your tongue on her pussy!
but you swiped your card 
and you also reached in your chanel and grabbed a couple hundreds out
“here you go! for your troubles!” 
“you fixed my baby! you should get a huge tip! like a really…. really fat one!
lemme give you this tip!
she must’ve noticed your tone, nastily sweet like honey, because her eyes widened before she let out a shocked scoff
you have her you have her—
“are you kidding me right now?” 
“i’m askin’ if you’re fucking serious? we don’t accept charity.” and she got up
and she looked mad
what the hell?
“w-what! no, it’s not like that— “
“yeah, whatever, your car will be ready in 20. you can take your money and get the hell out.” 
and she stormed off with a slam of the back door. 
oh my god?
you want her even more now! 
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no-psi-nan · 9 months
Having so much fun thinking about Aiura and Akechi being the most obnoxious couple of all time.
They go to a car dealership and Akechi makes a big show of staring at Aiura's ass when she bends over to look in the car because he knows she'll think it's hilarious, and she does, so she starts doing ridiculous poses on purpose and they rate each car in terms of "sex appeal". The salesman is handing in his badge by the time they finally decide what car they want to buy. And then Akechi negotiates viciously to get the price down to where he wants it while Aiura claps and makes "boom" and "mic drop" hand gestures for emphasis and then insists on several selfies once they finally close the deal. Another one of their friends visits the dealership years later and sees an old picture of Aiura and Akechi on the wall with a big warning next to it.
Every time they want to watch a movie, Akechi insists on sitting the the middle of the theatre for the most perfect experience. Which means that when he inevitably has to get up to go to the bathroom, he has to awkwardly shuffle in front of the maximum possible number of people to get out of the row, and distracting the back half of the theatre while he's doing it. And meanwhile Aiura is sneaking peeks at her bright ass phone while he's in the loo. And when they're both actually watching the movie they're feeding each other half the time and enthusiastically snuggling the other half, which is very distracting for the people behind them. They only didn't get banned from the theater because they're such frequent customers that they bring in more money than they lose – Akechi especially likes to watch really good movies several times over. They'll often watch the niche indie movies too, and their social media reviews often bring in other customers. A mixed blessing for sure.
Whenever they have to go to the doctor, Akechi rambles nervously in the waiting room about every related medical issue, differential diagnoses, medications, side effects, etc while they take turns braiding each other's hair. Aiura then repeats back whatever she understood but with her own insane terminally-online lingo. And if there are any other patients in the waiting room then they are starting up a conversation whether the other people want to or not. They always go over time with the doctor because Akechi is grilling them on the details and asking for clarifications, and Aiura is always double-checking shit in her crystal ball. The doctor's staff is sooooo annoyed by them but Aiura knows so she brings them little treats so that putting up with them is just barely worth it.
They would be so insufferable and in love <3
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