#car showroom management system
crystlianajohn · 11 months
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which software is best in used/second hand vehicle fleet management system?
Auto Genius is a game-changer in the realm of used/second hand vehicle fleet management. With its advanced features, including real-time tracking, maintenance scheduling, driver performance monitoring, and cost analysis, it's a comprehensive solution for improving fleet efficiency and reducing costs.
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
Mattresses, unbeknownst to many, are a lot like cars. Every year new ones roll out, they’re always tweaking and innovating and you’ll never find the same one you loved decades ago when buying a new one.
Where I sold mattresses had a three month return or exchange program for this reason. New beds take a while to break in, and they’re a big expense. Your body is used to the old one. So we made sure people were loving it. If a bed got returned we’d take it back, sanitize and clean it, then sell it again on clearance.
To sell these we always had to disclose what clearance meant to customers, and they had to sign that they knew what they were getting. (FYI, not every company is as… forthright about the used bed situation)
In clearance we had beds that were floor models, we had returns, and more rarely we had old models whose line had been discontinued. These clearance beds were always final sale, so a bed could only be sold twice.
Now, the manager at the store I was working at had realized a vital fact. Clearance beds in the warehouse didn’t sell, especially old models that salespeople weren’t familiar with. And even more especially in odd sizes, like twin extra longs. So he set up a split king on the showroom floor to exhibit clearance beds, pulling all those forgotten twin extra longs out onto the showroom.
Almost all of these were brand new discontinued models. Beds I’d never learned in training were exhumed to be displayed. The manufacturers had moved on to new lines and they’d been left behind. Why would he take such in interest in selling old stock, you might wonder? Because we made double commission on the sales margin of clearance beds, and if we’d had a bed long enough they dropped the cost in the system so it was a fucking cash cow to sell these. Even with huge discounts the commissions were wonderful so it was a win win.
When I got started I was jazzed about this program, I was so on board to sell weird old brand new beds and make a ton of money. I had a wonderful older couple come in, looking for a split king adjustable set. This was a white whale sale.
The current clearance models on the floor were a latex mattress that was brand new despite being of an age to start first grade, and a tempurpedic floor model. The couple laid down and it was like magic. They each loved the bed they’d laid down on. They wanted to buy the whole shebang.
I. Was. Thrilled. I told them about the clearance program and what that meant, and they weren’t bothered in the least. I wrote up the sale then dashed into the back, fizzing with excitement to tell my manager what I’d done.
“You sold the death bed?!” He asked in delight.
I pulled up short, my smile freezing in place. “What…?”
“Didn’t you check the notes?”
I hesitated for a long beat then slowly shook my head. You see, dear reader, all beds had a personal history. Every clearance bed had logs written up by the person who took the return, as well as warehouse crew after sanitizing. It helped us know what to expect when selling them. “Wasn’t it just a floor model? You said it was a floor model…”
He slowly shook his head. I checked the notes.
It turned out, it had been sold as a floor model. The first time. But the company had made an exception and taken it back as a return two months later. Why? Because it’s owner had passed away.
I stared at the computer in horror and my manager shrugged. “They signed the clearance form. Technically it was a floor model.”
“We know for a fact that a man died in that bed!”
“What they don’t know can’t haunt them,” he said philosophically.
The man came back a week later for more sheets, utterly delighted to tell me how well they were sleeping. I clamped my teeth down around the secret of the deathbed, choosing to let them love their new bed without the stigma. Only one person would be haunted by that deathbed, and it was me.
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chaotic-orphan · 4 months
Hey! Excitedly waiting for the next intoxicating fear update, no rush tho take your time:)
Intoxicating Fear (XV)
A foreboding calm
Part one // Masterpost // continued from here
If you noticed Kit’s face-claim change, ahahah… no you didn’t ;)
Ambrose didn’t come back for days. Kit didn’t have any of the strange headaches, there was nothing. No shred of contact. No stupid texts, no phone calls, nothing.
It was eerie. Strange.
Kit had to re-learn how to be a person again. How to exist without the constant threat of violence or pain, or Ambrose. The further they got away from Friday, the greater Kit’s anxiety grew that Ambrose would come back.
It was a quiet Saturday, too quiet. Kit woke and checked his phone to see if Ambrose text but nothing. It was… unsettling. As if there were tiny ants crawling through his veins and scurrying along his nerves pulsing to see if they could sense Ambrose’s presence lurking.
Every electric pulse of stranger’s nerves sending signals their brains prickled Kit’s fight or flight just in case it could be Ambrose. He couldn’t escape it in the shops, walking down streets, on the metro, in his apartment block because he could feel someone walk up the steps to his floor… and walk right past it.
He couldn’t seem to relax, to find any sort of peace on his own. Music didn’t help not even when he blared it on max volume in his ears. Tv shows barely served as a distraction and by the time Sunday rolled around Kit decided he needed to go back to work, just to be somewhere he knew Ambrose couldn’t ambush him.
That’s what found him staring at the Hero Tower as he emerged from the sea of commuters. He took the overground train on the raised train tracks that ran through the city. The Hero tower loomed above them all in the old-town, inner district at least. Maybe if they built it in the business district there would be some competition. Maybe it wouldn’t look as impressive.
It still managed to make Kit’s thoughts turn static, almost mute, as if he was staring out at the sea, bare feet on the sand and listening to the waves come in and out.
Even with all the cars and honking noises of the city’s traffic. Kit disentangled himself from the bustle and took the revolving door into the lobby of the Hero Tower, and for the first time in days? Weeks? months, he felt safe. The familiar smell greeted him with a sudden burst and he almost sighed at the scent. It smelled refreshing, clean, but not to the sickening degree of a clinical, hospital smell. It was more personal, more like a showroom in a beautiful house on the outskirts of the city— that was definitely outside his budget— would smell of.
A small voice in his head said that it smelled like how Mentor’s house smelled when he was a teenager, but Kit ignored it and continued to the lift. It was directly opposite the lobby entrance and had a keypad in front of it. Kit lifted his hand to key in the passcode when tanned, lithe fingers beat him to it.
Kit’s alarm system had alerted him to the individual approaching him, but it was the smell of the pungent cologne that identified them.
“Well, well, well Mallory. Risen from the dead. Poor Superhero was worried sick,” a voice dripping with mock concern slithered from his left. Kit tilted his head up to watch the numbers on the lift drop, ignoring the idiot.
24, 23, 22—
“Are you sure you’re able to come back to work? We were coping just fine without you, Hero of Heroes.”
“I figured you’d miss me if I stayed away too long, Sawyer. God knows what other poor soul you’d make suffer your company.”
The doors opened and Kit stepped towards them, but it was Sawyer who got in first. Seeing Sawyer’s weasel-like face put a dampener on Kit’s mood. Sawyer had a long face, with a pointed nose and long thin lips that were always a little bit unsettling. Not to mention his mocking jade eyes that judged your every move.
Though, to Sawyer’s credit, he wasn’t Ambrose, and Kit joined him in the lift with that reassurance, pressing the button for his floor.
“Just the atmosphere when you were gone was so refreshing, Mallory. It was as good as the academy days after you left. Everyone was happy, not having to look at the moping orphan and listen to his poor excuse at humour.”
Kit leaned back against the corner of the lift, as far as he could get away from Sawyer and let out a small scoff of a laugh.
“I’m sure they got plenty of laughs out of seeing your ugly mug everyday.”
“Wow, playground insults,” Sawyer deadpanned, swiveling his head to Kit. Kit smiled. “What’re you? Five?”
“Outta five.”
Sawyer scoffed and looked back to the numbers go up in the lift.
To be fair to Sawyer, he wasn’t a bad looking guy. He had a sort of elegant charm working for him, with his slicked back hair and strange features. It was mostly his personality that was hideous, cold and distant like his powers. His shadows always kinda creeped Kit out, even in their academy days. That fear seemed laughable now; compared to Ambrose… Sawyer was a saint. Not to mention the fact that Sawyer was actually a competent Hero, unlike Kit.
“The class prodigy. The crème de la crème,” Sawyer said. “The poor orphan graces us with his presence. How marvellous a day. Aren’t we all blessed?”
“I’m not feeling very blessed to have to stand this close to you, pal,” Kit retorted, smiling sweetly at Sawyer. “Especially in such a confined space.”
Sawyer scoffed. “You’re so full of shit, Sparky.”
Kit shrugged. “I eat a lot of fibre.”
Kit barely had time to enjoy the retort before a giant, shadowed hand slammed against his chest and pinned him to the metal wall behind him. His head bounced off the metal on impact, but Kit didn’t make a sound or struggle. He just stayed still as Sawyer closed the distance between them and slammed a hand beside Kit’s head, leaning in even closer.
Sawyer’s smile was lopsided as he stared down at Kit, but his eyes burned like two coals. “You don’t even know what it’s like for the rest of us normal, mere mortals, do you?”
Anger flared hot in Kit’s chest and he was about to retort when Ambrose flashed into his mind and he faltered.
“Us heroes and villains, we’re all where we are today because we didn’t fit into the normal life…” his silver tongued voice repeated in Kit’s mind. “A normal person would be dead if they had that much electricity coursing through their body.”
“God,” Sawyer said with an exasperated sigh, pulling Kit back into the moment where he was. In the lift, with Sawyer, at the Hero tower not basement where Ambrose kept him chained. “You’re not even paying attention are you? What? Too good to respond to me now? Hey!”
Sawyer slammed his hand on the wall again and Kit flinched. Wide eyes shot to Sawyer’s black and it was as if all oxygen had left the lift and Kit was horribly aware of the confusion that was painted clearly across Sawyer’s features.
The shadowed hand dissolved from Kit’s chest but he didn’t move. He stood frozen. Sawyer the headlights, Kit the deer.
Kit never flinched.
Not even when they were in the academy.
Not when Nemesis beat the shit out of him and told him run back to whatever whore he crawled out of.
Not when he was assigned his first mission as a hero in training under Mentor.
Sawyer’s eyebrows drew down over his eyes. His voice softening as he asked: “why—”
The ding of the lift snapped them both out of a trance and Sawyer jumped back to the other side of the lift, hands behind his back and staring at the doors as they slid open. Kit did his best to appear normal too, though the heaviness in the elevator was suffocating.
Kit’s eyes flicked up to the floor number, 19, then went to the doors that were to reveal Tides. Kit’s heart stopped seeing her. She smiled at the two of them as she stepped into the lift.
“Hello boys,” she said in her bright happy way.
Kit swallowed, trying to force moisture back into his mouth while the doors closed again and Sawyer asked Tides what floor she was getting off on. His tongue was heavy and felt like sawdust, and practically scrapped his already chapped lips instead of soothing them, because Tides was the Hero who was with Kit on the docks that day.
She would have to remember Ambrose, right? Unless he made her forget, but did he even have time to do that? A million thoughts zoomed through Kit’s mind, some too fast to even catch because what if she remembered? Could she help him? Could he tell her about Ambrose, describe him even if she didn’t? Probably not with the fucking conditions of Kit’s freedom cemented into his brain and… Kit’s glanced at Sawyer from the corner of his eyes, whatever that was.
The lift stopped again at floor 27 and Sawyer walked out, saying bye to Tides, and it was just Kit and Tides left. Tides worked out of the same floor as Kit so they could ride the lift up together. This was his chance. He had to say something.
It was Tides who spoke first. “I’m happy to see you’re feeling good, Kit,” she said, and Kit looked at her. “Superhero said you had a bad flu.”
“Yeah,” Kit began, then cleared his throat. “Yeah. It’s good to see you actually, I’ve been wanting to talk to you about that night on the docks.”
Tides turned her body to face him, resting her back against the opposite wall. “Of course. You saved my life.”
“Do you…” Kit began, but trailed off. How was he going to word this? “Do you remember the Villain we were fighting?”
“Of course. It was Omen.” The words hit Kit’s chest like a freight train. She remembered! She knew! That would make explaining his current predicament so much easier. “He’s…” Tides began, but shook her head, wrapping her arms around herself, a distant glaze coating her eyes. “I still have nightmares about that night.”
Kit’s heart lurched in his chest because he knew exactly how she felt. He knew exactly what being Ambrose’s puppet felt like. As if she was covered in a layer of dirt that she couldn’t shake, like a film of grease around her entire body and inside of her, violated. A small voice wondered if she flinched at the thought of Ambrose too.
“Can you explain the feeling?” Kit asked, voice gentle. Tides’ bright green eyes found his, almost pleading.
“Kit…” she said instead, reaching forward and wrapping her hand around his forearm. “I know you must be thinking about Mentor and how he felt, but you can’t let vengeance consume you. Omen is a monster, you can’t torture yourself with this. We’ll catch him.”
“It’s not—” Kit began but the words caught in his throat and he wanted to curse. He ran a shaky hand through his hair and let out a sigh. He let out a huff of a breath and lifted his gaze to meet Tides’s green eyes, “it’s not about Mentor. It’s about you. About… why he was there that night, on the docks. When there was a co-ordinated attack on the city.”
Tides hummed thoughtfully. “You think Omen recruited a group of Villains to attack me on the docks?”
Kit shrugged. “Maybe not Omen,” he said as the lift doors opened again onto their floor and the pair stepped out. It doesn’t seem like the kind of thing Ambrose would do, he didn’t exactly seem like a team player. “Maybe some other Villain is pulling the strings.”
“Have you told Superhero this?” Tides asked, flicking her dyed pink hair over her shoulder.
“It’s just an idea that’s been bouncing around my head,” Kit told her honestly. There was something about that night that he felt like he was missing. Some part of the puzzle that didn’t quite fit. It almost seemed like Ambrose was waiting for him, but then again… his reaction to Kit the other day was strange, so maybe not Kit? Maybe he was waiting for someone else.
Tides pulled him out of his thoughts as they rounded the corner to Tides’s desk. “I think you should clue Superhero in on your theory. Maybe he can help you paint a fuller picture.”
“Yeah,” Kit said with a nod, moving to leave. “I think I will. Thanks Tides.”
Tides hand shot out, wrapping around Kit’s forearm stopping him in his tracks. Her smile was reassuring, as she said: “and Kit, seriously, don’t beat yourself up about that night. You saved me. Remember that.”
Kit swallowed a scoff.
Oh he would remember if he could, if Ambrose hadn’t taken that memory from him. He just smiled in reply and squeezed her hand on his arm before stepping back. Maybe Tides was right, he thought, walking straight to Superhero’s office, he could use a second opinion on all of this.
He couldn’t talk about Ambrose or Omen, or what he did to Kit personally, but he could talk about it in a roundabout way. He was sure he’d find a way. Ambrose wasn’t always flawless in his commands, Kit proved that when he was able to stay in his childhood home, he’d find a path through if he was careful.
Superhero’s office was half a flight of steps above all the other desks that the normal heroes worked out of. It’s walls were made of a tinted glass which meant that he could see out but you couldn’t see in. A good security measure for the boss, Kit remembers Superhero telling them with a self-depreciating laugh when the architect was installing the new glass.
Kit remembers humming in response, watching as Mentor’s normal two-way glass was removed and couldn’t help but feel the difference in authority immediately after Superhero took over.
Now, Kit didn’t really care what kind of wall Superhero’s office had as he climbed the short flight and walked into the office without knocking.
Superhero wasn’t alone, and Kit felt a conversation die as he entered the room. “Oh, sorry,” Kit said, standing in the doorway. “I didn’t realise you had company.”
Kit met Superhero’s bright eyes over his guest’s head and he made an effort to smooth out his pinched up features. He offered Kit a smile, “not at all, Kit.”
The suit Superhero was deep in discussion with turned his body and smiled when he saw Kit. Kit offered a grin back, letting the door close behind him.
“Kit,” Mr Silver said, taking Kit’s outstretched hand and clapping his other hand to Kit’s elbow, squeezing it reassuringly. “How have you been?”
Kit shrugged, patting Mr Silver’s shoulder in return as they let go of each other’s hand. “Good, good. It’s good to see you, it’s been a while.”
“Indeed it has,” Mr Silver replied with his smooth voice. “You’ve already made your mark on the city.”
“Wouldn’t be able to if people like you didn’t keep it running,” Kit shot back. Mr Silver wasn’t a hero, but he was a gifted individual. His power lay more in his mind than a physical, typical Hero power. He had a gift for patterns, facts and numbers, all very cerebral he told Kit when they had first met. Mentor had taken Mr Silver on as a liaison between the Hero agency and the government, but he was more like a family friend than business associate.
Kit looked between Silver and a disgruntled Superhero, who was trying very hard to hide his expression below a pleasant façade. “What’re you doing here today?”
Silver straightened his posture, inclining his head a little and Kit’s eyes went to Superhero and back again. “I’m sure Superhero will fill you in on the details,” Silver said, fixing his suit jacket. “I think that’s my cue to leave, Superhero.”
Superhero smiled with thin lips as he nodded politely to Mr Silver. “Of course, Mr Silver. Always a pleasure.”
Silver raised his eyebrows as he passed Kit, and Kit frowned, following the man with his eyes. Silver opened the door and paused just before he stepped out, glancing back to Kit, his features conflicted. “Give Mentor my best when you see him again, Kit.”
“I will, Silver,” Kit told him earnestly. Silver smiled before he left the office and closed the door behind him. Kit’s head snapped to Superhero who had his back to Kit, hands on his face, letting out a frustrated sigh.
“What was that all about?” Kit asked, watching as Silver walked through the office towards the lift and press the call button.
“Bureaucratic bullshit as usual,” Superhero said with a huff behind him. Kit turned to face Superhero once the elevator doors opened, fixing his gaze to Superhero instead. “I need a cigarette.”
“You’re a hero, Superhero,” Kit told him lightly. “You can’t save the world if you’re out of breath rescuing kittens.”
“Mmm, a drink then,” Superhero said, walking around his desk and settling heavy into his chair with another sigh. He opened the bottom drawer and pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels and two glasses. He raised his eyebrows to Kit who shook his head in reply. Superhero shrugged and poured two fingers of whiskey, almost slamming the bottle onto the table.
“Why was Silver here?” Kit asked, taking the seat in front of Superhero’s desk, reclining into it.
Superhero shook his head, as if it was too serious a subject to remember. Kit stared at Superhero expectantly while he gulped down the whiskey in one shot.
“Jesus, Superhero, are you okay?”
Superhero shook his head, going to grab the bottle again. “What did you need?”
Kit watched as Superhero poured out three fingers of whiskey and screw the cap back on the bottle before reclining into his seat.
“Uh, yeah, I was just talking to Tides on the way up about a theory I have about the villains uniting.”
Superhero paused, eyebrows furrowing, casting deep shadows over his already deep set eyes. “Thank god I’m already drinking,” he said, tone anything but humourous. “Continue.”
Kit leaned forward in his seat and began, careful to avoid saying anything about Ambrose. “I don’t think the day Tides was attacked on the docks was a coincidence. That the attack just happened to coincide with the attack in first and in the business district.”
An unreadable expression flashed across Superhero’s face, more like how it was when Kit walked in on him and Silver. Kit almost winced at it, and said after: “listen, I don’t want to pile shit on your plate—“”
“No, no,” Superhero said with a sigh, leaning forward too and setting his glass down on the desk. He rubbed his eyes with his palms and let out another long frustrated huff. Then he looked up at Kit almost sheepishly. “How did Mentor do this for so long?”
Kit’s face broke into a sad smile. “I honestly don’t know.”
“He made it all look so easy, even the government visits.”
Kit licked his lips, the question written all over his face. Superhero scoffed and shook his head before standing and walking to the window that overlooked the office. He stood there, looking onto the floor like a disappointed parent. His hands on his hips, shoulders slumped, head dipped slightly.
“Silver’s not really the government, though, Superhero,” Kit said standing too. He didn’t join Superhero by the window, instead he turned and sat back against the edge of the table, crossing his arms over his chest. “He’s part of the regulatory—”
“Regulatory Office of Powered individuals,” Superhero said over Kit, cutting him off. “Yes thank you, Kit. I know.”
“So what was the problem?”
Superhero sighed again. He was sighing too much. Too despondent. Did Silver say something bad? Has he noticed something that the world was skimming over? Something substantial?
“He said the same thing you’re alluding to, something I don’t want to know about.”
Kit straightened, his stomach bottoming out. “What?”
“There’s something big coming, apparently. Some new villain in town that has been, as you hypothesised, recruiting villains to a common cause.”
Kit’s mind raced at the information, his mind too slow to process it. Was he right? Was it Ambrose? Omen? Was he organising a group of Villains for god knows what?
“Do you know—”
“No, nothing,” Superhero said gravely. A soft slightly hysterical laugh burst from his lips. “We’re barely managing now, Kit. I don’t think the Hero agency will survive this! It’s ridiculous. Nobody wants to become a Hero after what happened to Mentor and most people have either resigned like cowards or decided they want to keep their powers to themselves.”
Kit frowned. “What do you mean? When I left the Hero academy it was—”
“Full? Yeah.”
Kit bristled as Superhero turned to face him again, expression grave. Superhero walked over to the two armchairs at the far side of the office, settling heavy into one of them.
“You were one of the last classes to graduate. Well,” Superhero paused, eyes flickering almost sardonically to Kit’s, “not you obviously, what with Mentor taking you in.”
Kit ignored the silent accusation in Superhero’s voice as he said that, but it must have been written plainly on his face.
“No, no, I don’t mean— in a bad way, Kit. You were the best in your class, obviously Mentor would take an interest in you. You’re a good kid. A good hero. A good guy. Everyone likes you, I just…” Superhero continued with a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.
Kit swallowed, sensing the tension that was weighing Superhero down. He walked over to the armchair opposite Superhero and sat down.
“What is it?”
“Some parents pulled their kids from the academy after Mentor was attacked.”
Kit stared at Superhero. He hadn’t heard this. Surely Sawyer would’ve told him, or someone would have messaged him to tell him.
Sawyer’s words replayed in his head: “Just the atmosphere when you were gone was so refreshing, Mallory. It was as good as the academy days after you left. Everyone was happy, not having to look at the moping orphan."
Maybe he misread his friendships at the Academy. Maybe they all just secretly hated him but Sawyer was the only one with any guts to tell him to his face. Or maybe someone did reach out and tell him but he couldn’t remember because of Ambrose’s stupid compulsion.
“But… what?” Kit blurted out, bewildered. “Why? I don’t understand.”
“Mentor was a symbol more than a man, Kit. He was hope. It wasn’t just a dark day for you when he was attacked. The city mourned with you.”
Kit swallowed the lump in his throat. This wasn’t at all how he expected this conversation to go. That’s what was wrong with Superhero, he had lost hope, but Kit didn’t— well, he didn’t know the current situation was so bleak.
You didn’t know because Ambrose didn’t want you to know.
“But you’re Mentor now, Superhero,” Kit said, his voice insistent. Superhero lifted his head, eyes wide like a boys. “You’re the new symbol of hope. We can stop this new villain like we’ve stopped every villain before them. Together.”
Superhero let out a breath of startled laughter, running his hand back through his hair.
“Who’s supposed to be who’s support again?”
Kit stood from the chair, shrugging with a charming smile and said: “I’m the Hero for Heroes, remember? That includes you.”
Superhero laughed, shaking his head.
“One good press release and you’ve already let it go to your head.”
“What can I say? The people love me. The masses love me. The heroes—” hate me “love me. It’s so hard to be everything for everyone all at once.”
“Uh huh. How about you do some work instead of talking me to death?”
Kit paused once he opened the door to the office. “If you need another psychiatrist session you can always come to me.”
“Get out before I kick you out," Superhero said and Kit laughed as he left, closing the door behind him. He descended the steps with the smile on his lips until he got to his desk and sat down, facing the small partition. Only then did he let his concern morph his features, safe from anyone else's scrutiny.
Superhero's worry was more than just the standard concern for the city. The very Hero profession could be at stake if they didn't find and stop this new villain on the scene, and Mentor had worked far too hard to let it all be for nothing.
He needed to talk to Ambrose, find out what the bastard knew. Only then could Kit plan properly… but after Ambrose stormed out of Kit’s apartment he had been quiet as a mouse. Kit could only hope that he would drop by again.
Continued here
Orphanage roll-call (lmk if you wanna be added or removed): @beatenbruisedandbloody @404lunar1216 @whumpyworld @nameless-beanie @andithewhumper @annablogsposts @whumpasaurus101 @0eggdealer @rejectedbytheempty @sleepy-pearl @n3rv0usn0v4 @whumpatize-me-captain @sunshiline-writes @burningkittypoet @honeyed-euphrates @sacredwrath @theonewithallthefixations @acer-gaysimpstuff @m3rakii @xxgalgurlxx @princess-bubble-blossom @blood-enthusiast @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @andtheysaidspeaknoww @dutifullykrispyland @mononeigbour @tippytappytyping @stefaniesblogs @shinokoro
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eryiss · 2 months
[Jet x Freed] Cubicle Capers - Chapter Four
Summary: Jet was meant to do more. He was meant to do something with his degree. He was meant to have a purpose. He'd taken a job at Grimoire Pharmaceuticals to work his way up into a lab position, but found himself stuck in a cubicle. Every day the same. At least he had a new boss coming. Freed Justine. He’d be like the rest, though. Boring, outdated and.. hot as hell?
Notes: Conflict. Forgiveness. Embarrassing pictures. All here right now. Again, this was requested by @jethro-art.
Links: Ao3, Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Epilogue
Chapter Four – The Argument
There were shit days, and there was the day that Jet was having.
Slowly, over the past few weeks, little things had gone wrong and he'd dealt with it. His coffee machine as home had started giving the beans a weird taste. The supermarkets had decided to change the layout and he had no idea where his usual brand of heavy-duty trash bags had ended up. The new neighbour across the street had decided he'd start making his front lawn look presentable, but had to blast out trance music at top volume to do so. Jet's nerves had already been grated on, even before the shit-show of the morning.
Speedster, his vintage sports car and only transportation, had decided to splutter and smoke and cut out. He tended to the car like a child, taking every precaution to make sure she ran like she was showroom fresh. He'd invested a fair portion of his meagre wages on her, and for no understandable reason, that morning she had died.
That would have been bad enough already. To deal with the fact his pride and joy was dead on the street would be difficult, not to mention the fact all the money he'd spent on her had essentially been flushed down the toilet. But then he had to navigate the streets – littered with trash since the refuge union were rightly, if annoyingly, striking again. Then the bus system, which had been underfunded since before Jet was born. Then the tram system, which as a cost cutting measure had decided to half the carriage amounts and force everyone into overly cramped and revoltingly sweaty quarters not fit for humans. They also were running late, and Jet hadn't known he'd had to contend with any of this crap before his normal leaving time, meaning he was late for work. Very fucking late for work.
He stormed into the building, cursed out the stupid turnstile which took three attempts to identify his ID card, and ran up the flights of stairs because it would be faster than taking the elevator. Sweaty and angry, he threw his bag down under his desk and let his expression harden. He would let himself be angry for a little while before he started; best not let that anger touch his scanning or he'd be pissed off all day.
"Jet," Laki said, head poking into his cubicle. "Freed says he wants to see you when you get in."
Jet ground his teeth together a little. "You think I could have a couple minutes before I go?"
She winced. "I don't think so. He seemed pretty insistent," she screwed up her face. "The phrase 'if he deigns to show his face' was used, so I'd probably go now."
He forced himself to unclench. He had wanted to get a mug of non-burned coffee, and maybe a chance to splash some water on his face, before he did anything professional. He wanted to not be pissed off at the stupid busker and his stupid crowd of watchers who had gotten in his way. He wanted a moment to get his heart rate down. He wanted a better goddamn job that might be worth the stress of a crappy morning.
But duty, and managers called, so he had to do as he was told.
This was Freed, though. In the half a year he'd been working there, Freed had never once been unreasonable. Jet was always punctual, and it was obvious this was a random occurrence. Freed would see reason. With two knocks, Jet walked into Freed's office.
"Hey man, I'm really sorry-"
Freed silenced him from behind his desk, not with a word, but with a raised finger. He motioned for Jet to take the seat opposite him, and Jet did so with a scrunched-up face. Freed seemed different.
The room was different, too. Freed's phone was lit up red on all lines, the pinboard beside his desk which previously had been entirely clear now was filled with spreadsheets and random charts, and a small collection of half drunk and discarded mugs of tea and coffee decorated his desk. Freed had always kept his desk clean and his office minimalist. He was a neat freak, Jet had assumed, and yet his office today looked cluttered and messy.
"I don't know what you think is happening," Freed said, and his voice had an edge to it. "But you cannot do this."
"I wasn't-" Jet tried again, but Freed shot him a look that shut him up.
"I am your boss and as such it is my responsibility to make sure you adhere to the company rules of employment. One of which – the most obvious, I would say – is that an employee must be in the office and working for the hours their contract dictates. Your contract states you should be in the office at eight thirty and leave at five. It's ten o'clock, and you've only just gotten here. That cannot happen. There is a small amount of leeway I can give you. An hour and a half goes far beyond that."
Jet knew that, and it kind of pissed him off that Freed felt the need to explain it in that condescending tone. "Yeah. Obviously, but-"
"I understand that perhaps I blurred the lines of proper conduct between us by our trips to the bar," Freed began, and Jet could see where this was going. Oh fuck no. Freed wasn't actually gonna do this, was he? "But, us having a friendly relationship outside of work does not allow you to disregard the rules of your employ."
"You're kidding me," Jet muttered, leg bouncing.
"If us meeting outside of work is going to give you reason to think you can come and go from work without care for the proper-"
"Are you fucking kidding me!" Jet snapped, and it might have been louder than he expected because Freed sat up a little straighter. Jet didn't care. If Freed was implying this, then fuck Freed. "That's what you thought this was huh? Me, cosying up to the boss so I don't have to come to work on time? That's my evil plan, huh? Make friends with ya then half ass this job."
"One and a half hours late-"
"Happens! Shit like that happens! You don't get to-" Freed didn't get to imply their meetings in the pub, which had been a weekly thing for them both since the first, were anything but two guys having fun. Freed didn't get to imply that Jet was going to the pub with him for malicious reasons. Freed didn't get to paint Jet in that light. But he couldn't say any of that. It all sounded too soppy and emotional. Instead, he stood up and walked to the door. "Fuck this."
"I'm not finished speaking with you Jet," Freed said in a voice that might have intimidated Jet if Jet wasn't sure he was in the right.
"Who cares?"
"We are going to have this-"
"HR's been on our asses about taking all our vacation days since that lawsuit. I'm taking mine. Guess I'm not late after all."
"Whatever you're about to say, I don't give a shit. Don't care about the words of a guy who'd assume the words of me," Jet shrugged. "In fact, take your words and shove them up your tightly wound, hypocritical, shitty at Donkey Kong asshole!"
He left the office, slammed the door, picked up his bag from the cubicle, and got the fuck out of there. If Freed wanted to yell at him tomorrow, so be it. That just gave Jet a full day to think of the ways to make Freed feel as shitty as Jet himself felt.
Fuck Freed Justine. Fuck him.
Exactly twenty-two and a half hours later, Freed had been given more than enough time to realise how terribly he'd handled the situation.
He could give himself excuses. He could say that before Jet had arrived, the CFO had come into Freed's office to discuss a matter, and had decided that because Freed wasn't drowning in paperwork and visibly stressed beyond functioning, he wasn't working hard enough. He could say that this had led to his phone being the go-to for all the questions that no department was specifically meant to answer. He could say that the reality of his office job had started to crush him, and for the first time Freed was considering quitting a job purely because he was struggling to handle it.
None of that mattered, though. Yes, he was a person who had flaws and bad days, but so were his employees. If he hadn't allowed Jet to explain his lateness, then Freed had no right to explain his unfair assumptions. He was wrong, he had deserved Jet's yelling, and the onus was on him to fix things.
As such, Freed had spent the morning waiting at the elevators, looking for Jet. He hoped he'd come in. He would come, wouldn't he? Jet hadn't quit, so he'd come back to work eventually. Right?
His question was eventually answered, when Jet trudged out of the stairwell beside the elevators, and Freed saw him from the corner of his eye. Jet saw him at the same time, and they looked at each other. Jet's posture was rigid and anticipatory, the very personification of someone waiting to close either fight or flight.
"Could I speak with you in my office please, Jet," Freed requested. The shift in Jet's jawline and the slight straightening of his back told Freed that Jet was ready for a fight.
The walk from the elevator to Freed's office was long, and Freed had to wonder how long it must have felt for Jet the day before, swirling with anger and annoyance and, if Freed wasn't deluding himself into thinking Jet saw him as a friend, a sense of betrayal. That made the guilt squirm harder in Freed's stomach. But he was going to make this right; or at least he'd do his best to try.
With the door closed firmly behind them, Freed took his seat behind his desk and gestured for Jet to take his own. Jet's leg was bouncing and his fingers twiddling. Jet was a fidgeter. A ball of energy. It must be hell to work in this office.
"Yesterday," Freed began, and suddenly, looking into Jet's eyes, the professional apology he had planned went out the window. "I behaved like a dick to you. I was unfair and presumptuous and put outward stresses onto you. I was rude, and I'm incredibly sorry."
Jet looked at him. His face portrayed nothing. Freed continued.
"For what it's worth, yesterday won't be removed from your designated vacation days, so you haven't lost any Holliday due to what I did."
"So I've got a full day on record without doing any work." Jet had muttered that. Maybe Freed wasn't meant to hear, but he had.
"No, your figures are entirely as they should be," Freed explained, and a look of panic flashed across Jet's face. Freed belatedly realised what that sounded like – like Freed had fudged the figures in a way that could come back to haunt them – and quickly spoke again. "I got your work done. I realised… fairly soon after you left that I was in the wrong, and that your professional reputation shouldn't be affected," his cheeks flushed a little, and he had no idea why. "I made sure all the scanning was done; you don't need to worry."
Jet looked at him. Stared him down. "What time d'you leave last night?"
"That's not important," Freed dismissed. He hadn't actually left at night. It had been a little after one in the morning. Saying that would be like pointing out a sacrifice he'd made, which wasn't fair. Recompense wasn't something that should end in pity.
"So I ain't in trouble, and I ain't behind on work, and I ain't missing a vacation day. That's all you wanted to tell me?"
"And that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have treated you the way I did, and I promise it won't happen again."
Jet kept staring at him. Freed could only stare back. Jet was clearly expecting something, but Freed had no idea what that was. If Jet needed something to forgive Freed, then Freed would get it for him no questions asked, but he really had no clue what that thing might be. Maybe Jet sensed that, because he spoke again. "You not gonna explain what was stressing you out? That you had your boss breathing down your neck or whatever, and that's why you were being an asshat."
"I've found that an apology followed by an excuse tends to not be worth saying," Freed met Jet's gaze. "I'm sorry, I was wrong, no amendments needed."
And, rather heartbreakingly, Jet looked like he'd been struck. Like such a thing was so unfamiliar in his life that it was worthy of a shocked response. Like he didn't think he deserved it. Like it was so out of the realms of possibility for Freed to treat him like a human being. Like an equal.
Freed really had fucked up. And Jet really hadn't been treated right. It wasn't appropriate for Freed to quietly think that he could treat Jet right. He could make the man feel worthy of all the apologies in the world. He could make Jet smile that sharp toothed smile.
"Oh, right. Thanks."
Before dangerous thoughts could persist, Freed pushed on. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small, laminated card. "This is also a gesture of good will, I hope. It tends to make people laugh and, given you like making fun of me when we're drinking, I thought you'd appreciate it."
He placed the card on his desk and let Jet pick it up. He saw the moment apprehension gave way to amusement.
"You look like a jackass," Jet grinned. "What the hell made you do that to yourself?"
"A drunken mistake, I'm afraid." Freed glanced down at his old ID card from about five years ago, with his green hair buzzed short and looking entirely ridiculous. He had a face that served long hair, and certainly not an army style buzzcut. It was a point of consistent ridicule among his friends that he'd done that, made worse by the fact he'd done it days before a job translating for the king of Lichtenstein, his most publicised job. "It's ridiculous, I know. Feel free to circulate it around the office should you feel the need."
"Nah, I'll keep it to myself."
"Not a fucking chance. Gotta make sure this gets around. You okay with me doin' a scan of this and sending out a company wide email, make sure everyone knows."
"Do as you wish," Freed laughed. "But, might I ask, are we good?"
Jet paused. "I think we're good. I'm gonna stew on it a little longer, I think, but I think we're good."
"I'm glad," Freed smiled. "I've taken too much of your time already, so feel free to leave."
"Yep, got work to do," Jet agreed, holding onto the ID card. "See you later Bossman."
"See you later."
Jet saluted to him, and Freed leant back in his chair with a small sigh. The dampening of his nerves hit him suddenly, and he placed his hands on the desk to stop them shaking. It had been far too long since he'd cared like this about something.
Jet had called him Bossman. That was enough for now. That was a promise that they'd get back to where they'd been, even if Jet was still a little raw and likely to make some negative assumptions about Freed for a while. He could understand that. He could live with that. So long as it ended up okay, that was fine.
A little trill came from his PC, and Freed glanced over to it. An email, sent to the entire company list. The little fucker had actually done it. Brat. Freed had to grin. He really did love being in Jet's aura; the chaos was wonderful.
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beijingsoftgo · 2 years
Golf mk4
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By the time production on the Mk4 ceased, Volkswagen had put 4.99 million units on the road.ġ997 Extremely high body quality levels, achieved by elements including laser weldingġ997 Navigation system with large color screen for the very first timeġ998 Introduction of the optionally available Electronic Stability ControlĢ002 First Golf with direct petrol injection engine (FSI)Ģ002 Debut of the Golf R32 as sporty, top-of-the-range modelĢ003 First dual clutch gearbox (DSG) in Golf R32Ģ003 Phase-out of the fourth generation after 4. It was the first Golf to face serious competition in the C-segment thanks to Ford and Opel launching the 1st-gen Focus and 2nd-gen Astra, respectively, in 1998. In the end, the Mk4 will go down as one of the most important generations ever. It preceded the Golf R32, which arrived the following year with a new VR6 engine, a top speed of 155 mph (250 km/h) and, for the first time in a Golf, a dual clutch DSG gearbox. In 2001, the 180 PS Edition 25 was launched to mark the GTI’s 25th anniversary. The GTI switched to a turbocharged 1.8-liter with 150 PS. While the German automaker didn’t build an actual Cabriolet version of the Mk4, carrying over the third-gen with a fourth-gen-like front end instead, the compact hatchback was available as a three-door, five-door and estate. Its platform was also used for the first-generation Seat Leon and Skoda Octavia, two models that allowed V-Dub to market the Golf Mk4 as a more upscale product, which was by no means a stretch since interior quality was on par with that of the Mk1 Audi A3. Like with its predecessors, there were multiple body styles to choose from, as well as derivatives such as the fourth-gen VW Jetta (Bora). In time, ESC became standard and direct injection gasoline engines (FSI) were made available.Īlso Read: VW Golf Countdown: 1991-1996 Mk3 Was Full Of Safety First But Not The Most Memorable Drive In 1999, it gained a 6-speed gearbox for the first time, but not before receiving a sat-nav system with a large color screen. It had features such as Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and brake assist and became the first Golf to utilize VW’s new 4MOTION all-wheel drive system. In fact, three years after its launch, it became Europe’s best selling car thanks to its high-quality interior and strong equipment levels. As we continue to count down to the launch of the new Golf Mk8, we arrive at the fourth-generation model, a car that signified Volkswagen trying to take the nameplate to a whole different level in terms of quality.ĭeveloped in the mid 1990s, the Golf Mk4 made its debut in 1997 and became an instant hit.
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mach10automotive · 12 days
The Evolution of Opulence: How High-End Cars Have Changed Over the Decades
In the realm of luxury automobiles, the definition of opulence has undergone a profound transformation over the decades. From the classic designs of the early 20th century to today's cutting-edge technology, high-end cars have continually evolved, reflecting changes in societal expectations, technological advancements, and automotive dealership trends. This blog explores how luxury vehicles have changed and what this evolution means for dealership management in the modern era.
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The Early 20th Century: The Dawn of Luxury
In the early 1900s, luxury cars were characterized by their exclusivity and craftsmanship. Brands like Rolls-Royce and Cadillac set the standard with hand-built vehicles, featuring ornate designs, plush interiors, and powerful engines. The emphasis was on elegance and prestige, with each car being a testament to artisanal skill and personalized service.
Dealerships during this period were often small, boutique establishments where customers could experience the personal touch of bespoke service. The focus was on building relationships and offering tailored experiences, which laid the groundwork for the high-end dealership management practices we see today.
The Mid-20th Century: Innovation Meets Elegance
The post-war era brought significant changes to the luxury automotive landscape. The mid-20th century saw the introduction of new technologies and materials that reshaped the definition of opulence. Automakers began incorporating innovations such as air conditioning, automatic transmissions, and advanced safety features into their vehicles.
During this time, automotive dealerships began to expand, with larger showrooms and more sophisticated sales approaches. High-end dealerships started to emphasize not only the luxury of the vehicles but also the quality of the buying experience. The emphasis shifted towards creating a more immersive and upscale environment for customers, reflecting the growing importance of dealership management.
The Late 20th Century: The Rise of Technology
The late 20th century marked a significant turning point in the evolution of luxury cars. The advent of electronic systems, advanced engineering, and computer-aided design transformed the automotive industry. High-end vehicles began to feature cutting-edge technology such as GPS navigation, premium audio systems, and sophisticated driver assistance features.
Luxury automotive dealerships adapted to these changes by enhancing their facilities and services. Showrooms became more interactive, with advanced technology displays and personalized customer service. The focus shifted towards providing a high-tech, high-touch experience, aligning with the growing expectations of a tech-savvy clientele.
The 21st Century: The Age of Sustainability and Connectivity
Today, the concept of opulence in high-end cars is defined by a blend of sustainability, connectivity, and advanced technology. Modern luxury vehicles are equipped with electric drivetrains, autonomous driving capabilities, and state-of-the-art infotainment systems. Brands are increasingly prioritizing eco-friendly materials and practices, reflecting a broader societal shift towards sustainability.
Automotive dealerships have evolved to keep pace with these changes. The integration of digital tools and online platforms has become crucial in managing customer relationships and sales processes. High-end dealerships now offer virtual showrooms, digital consultations, and seamless online purchasing experiences. The focus is on creating a cohesive and sophisticated experience that mirrors the high-tech nature of modern luxury vehicles.
The Future of Luxury Cars and Dealership Management
As we look to the future, the evolution of luxury cars will likely continue to be driven by advancements in technology and changing consumer expectations. Dealerships will need to stay ahead of these trends by embracing innovative management practices and enhancing their customer experiences.
For automotive dealerships, this means investing in advanced CRM systems, expanding digital engagement strategies, and offering personalized, tech-driven services. The goal will be to create a seamless and luxurious experience that reflects the ever-evolving nature of high-end vehicles.
In conclusion, the evolution of opulence in high-end cars is a fascinating journey that mirrors broader technological and societal changes. From the early days of craftsmanship to the current era of sustainability and connectivity, luxury automobiles have continually adapted to meet the demands of discerning customers. For dealerships, staying ahead in this dynamic environment requires a blend of tradition and innovation, ensuring that they continue to deliver exceptional experiences in an ever-changing market.
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kiacarsbangalore · 14 days
Your Dream Car Awaits at the Kia Showroom in Bangalore
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When it comes to finding the perfect car that combines style, performance, and innovation, the Kia Showroom in Bangalore is your ultimate destination. Located in the heart of the city, this showroom offers an unparalleled car-buying experience, featuring the latest models from Kia’s impressive lineup. Whether you're looking for a sleek sedan, a versatile SUV, or an eco-friendly hybrid, the Kia Showroom in Bangalore has something to suit every taste and lifestyle. In this blog post, we'll guide you through what makes this showroom a top choice for car enthusiasts and why your dream car is just a visit away.
Click Here Schedule A Test Drive
Book Your Favorite Kia Car Today!!!
Explore the Latest Kia Models
1. Kia Seltos: The Bold and Stylish SUV
The Kia Seltos is a head-turner on the road with its bold design and cutting-edge features. This compact SUV offers a perfect blend of style and substance, making it ideal for city driving and weekend getaways. With a host of advanced technologies, including a state-of-the-art infotainment system and a range of safety features, the Seltos is designed to elevate your driving experience.
2. Kia Sonet: The Compact Powerhouse
For those seeking a compact yet powerful vehicle, the Kia Sonet delivers in every aspect. This compact SUV is packed with features that cater to both convenience and performance. From its turbocharged engine options to its modern interior, the Sonet is perfect for those who want a dynamic and stylish ride.
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3. Kia Carens: The Family-Friendly MPV
The Kia Carens is designed with families in mind, offering spacious seating, ample cargo space, and a host of family-friendly features. With its comfortable interior and smooth ride, the Carens makes every journey enjoyable, whether you're heading on a road trip or running daily errands.
4. Kia Carnival: Luxury Meets Practicality
For those who desire luxury and practicality in one package, the Kia Carnival is the answer. This premium MPV offers a refined interior, advanced technology, and a powerful engine, making it perfect for long drives and comfortable family travel. The Carnival’s elegant design and high-end features set it apart in the MPV segment.
How to Make the Most of Your Visit to the Kia Showroom in Bangalore
1. Explore the Kia Lineup Online
Before visiting the showroom, take some time to explore the latest Kia models online. The showroom’s website provides detailed information on each model, including specifications, features, and pricing. This will help you narrow down your choices and have a clearer idea of what you want when you visit.
2. Schedule a Test Drive
Book a test drive in advance to ensure that your preferred model is available and ready when you arrive. You can schedule a test drive online or by calling the showroom. This not only saves time but also ensures that you get the most out of your visit.
Book Your Test Drive:- https://naarakia.com/test-drive
3. Discuss Financing Options
During your visit, speak with the finance team to explore the various financing options available. They can help you understand the different payment plans, loan terms, and any ongoing promotions that might be applicable. This will give you a better idea of how to manage your budget while purchasing your dream car.
4. Take Advantage of Special Offers
Keep an eye out for special promotions and discounts that the Kia Showroom in Bangalore might be offering. These limited-time offers can provide significant savings or added benefits, making your purchase even more rewarding.
5. Plan for After-Sales Services
Consider the after-sales services provided by the showroom, such as maintenance packages, extended warranties, and roadside assistance. The showroom’s service team can provide you with all the information you need to keep your Kia vehicle in top condition long after your purchase.
1. What models are available at the Kia Showroom in Bangalore?
The Kia Showroom in Bangalore offers a wide range of models, including the Seltos, Sonet, Carens, and Carnival. Each model is available in different variants and colors to suit your preferences.
2. Can I book a test drive online?
Yes, you can easily book a test drive online through the Kia Showroom’s website. Simply select your preferred model, date, and time, and the showroom will arrange the test drive for you.
3. What financing options are available at the Kia Showroom in Bangalore?
The showroom offers various financing options, including low-interest loans, flexible payment plans, and special promotions. The finance team can help you find the best option based on your budget and needs.
4. Are there any special offers on Kia models?
The Kia Showroom in Bangalore frequently offers special promotions and discounts on select models. Be sure to inquire about the latest offers during your visit or check the showroom’s website for updates.
5. What after-sales services are available at the Kia Showroom in Bangalore?
The showroom provides comprehensive after-sales services, including regular maintenance, repairs, and genuine Kia parts. The service center is equipped with the latest tools and staffed by certified technicians.
Your dream car is waiting for you at the Kia Showroom in Bangalore. With a wide range of models, personalized service, and exclusive offers, the showroom is the perfect place to find a car that suits your style and needs. Whether you're interested in the bold Kia Seltos, the compact Kia Sonet, or the luxurious Kia Carnival, a visit to the Kia Showroom in Bangalore will bring you one step closer to driving your dream car. Plan your visit today and start your journey towards owning a Kia vehicle that you'll love for years to come.
Visit Naara Kia Today!
Showroom Hours: Monday to Saturday, 9 AM to 7 PM; Sunday, 10 AM to 6 PM
Website: https://naarakia.com/
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ligenpowerinverter · 1 month
Ligen Power: Revolutionizing Lithium-Ion Battery
Ligen power comes with an expert team who innovates and designs ingenious power solutions. Presenting secure, hassle-free, environmentally friendly, space-efficient, and cost-effective lithium-ion inverters. Many things we use daily, like smartphones, electric cars, and home energy storage devices, use rechargeable batteries. Lithium battery is one of the rechargeable batteries with a clean energy feature.
Ligen Power introduced economical lithium-ion inverters at IIT, Patna. Prof. A. K. Thakur from IIT Patna helped us create inverters using different types of lithium batteries.
In the special introductory offer, we are presenting lithium model inverters at low prices. We sell throughout Bihar, Orissa, Karnataka, and Delhi Lithium power inverter Usage –
The necessity for power supply is everywhere whether it is a rural or urban place.
Residential and commercial applications such as homes, offices, retail stores, and showrooms, etc.
Commercial usage like malls, apartments, schools, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, etc.
To meet the requirement, Ligen Power innovates sustainable power efficient inverters for homes, offices, schools, and other spaces.
Creating New Standards with Sustainable Energy
Nowadays demand for lithium batteries is increasing in applications, in electronics, electric cars, and solar markets. So, Ligen Power also restores such lithium-ion batteries while assembling the power inverters. Mixing it with sine wave and DSP-embedded technology results in long-lasting battery life. These are highly efficient and tailored in different VA capacity ranges from 300 VA to 2000 VA.
 A power inverter is a power electronic device or circuitry that changes direct current to alternating current. When such DC-to-AC inverters come with lithium batteries, they produce sustainable power option.
Affordable lithium-ion inverters are essential for homes, offices, shops, and industrial areas to ensure a steady power supply. So, Ligen Power manufactures the best lithium-battery inverters in Patna that meet IEC standards of safety. That also scales supply for different states in India including Jharkhand and Orrisa.
Advantages of Lithium Battery UPS –
·     High-density energy provides more energy.
·     Fast-charging accessibility and lower self-discharge rate
·     Durable Lifespan.
·      Battery Management System that lets you monitor and control parameters.
·     Tiny and lightweight.
·     Safety feature certified by BIS.
·     Flexible scalability adjusts accordingly to the power requirement.
Featuring Ligen Power Lithium Inverter Models
With a high-density power supply, Ligen Power is bundled with portable inverter models with various features. Our approach while manufacturing such lithium-battery power backup will make it available for everyone. That is why, we introduce the range of inverters that varies from 300 VA to 1200 VA which installed easily in a small space.
Inverter Models –
·     Ligen Power 300 VA – Integrated battery 12.8V LIB (4S1P BMS)
·     Ligen Power 600 VA – Integrated battery 12.8V LIB (4S1P BMS)
·     Ligen Power 850 VA – Integrated battery 12.8V LIB (4S1P BMS)
·     Ligen Power 1000 VA – Integrated battery 12.8V LIB (4S1P BMS)
·     Ligen Power 1500 VA – Integrated battery 25.6V LIB (8S1P BMS)
·     Ligen Power 2000 VA – Integrated battery 25.6V LIB (8S1P BMS)
For domestic usage, you can opt-out out of Ligen Power 1000 VA. Similarly, for commercial usage lithium batteries with 1500 VA and 2000 VA is considerable.
These feature-enriched models complement a 6-year warranty. All products vary in price, as a mansoon offer on inverters, we providing 30% off on each one.
Lithium Battery Technology Restoring Power Supply
Ligen Power uses lithium battery packs to provide advanced power supply in major cities like Delhi and Karnataka. Wherein embedding sine-wave access also makes it high-efficiency inverters. Enhancing the power supply continuity with lithium-ion inverters is a real achievement for us.
We are competing with the lead inverter models in Bihar, presenting special offers on lithium inverters. Assuring the best-in-class battery backup power UPS with an economical approach so everyone easily gets it. Please grab the offer immediately and get your space free from power outage. We will be there for our customers if there is any kind of problem found in our models and fix it soon.
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akhabarfactory · 1 month
Mercedes Benz CLE Cabriolet 300 2024 Price, & Specification: You won't believe its price and features!
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The Mercedes Benz CLE Cabriolet 300 2024 is a sporty and stylish vehicle with a long bonnet, wide grille, and shark-nose profile. It features seven color options, including Patagonia Red. The car is powered by a 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine, paired with 48-volt mild hybrid technology. The interior is luxurious, featuring Nappa leather steering, an 11.9-inch touchscreen display, heated and cooled seats, and a soft top that can be deployed in just 20 seconds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbDKIhupnuw&pp=ygUNYXV0b2NhciBpbmRpYQ Mercedes Benz Cle Cabriolet 300 SpecificationDesignPowerful PerformanceLuxurious InteriorsMercedes Benz CLE Cabriolet 300 PriceMercedes Benz CLE Cabriolet 300 Price in India
Mercedes Benz Cle Cabriolet 300 Specification
The Mercedes Benz CLE Cabriolet 300 2024 comes with a long bonnet, wide grille, and a powerful 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine, providing a stylish and sporty driving experience. Design The Mercedes-Benz CLE Cabriolet 300 is a sight to behold with its broad bonnet, wide grille, and sporty shark-nose appearance. One of its most notable qualities is its gorgeous color palette, notably a vibrant shade of blue. Mercedes-Benz offers seven more color options, the Patagonia Red variation being particularly striking.
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Image Credit:- Mercedes The Mercedes Benz-CLE Cabriolet 300, which rides on 19-inch multi-spoke alloy wheels, also stands out in terms of rear styling. While the front appears stretched, the rear is compact and attractive, with dual exhaust tips. Although the boot capacity may appear to be restricted, practicality is rarely the top priority for convertible purchasers. Powerful Performance The Mercedes Benz CLE Cabriolet 300 is powered by a 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine that produces 258 horsepower and 400 Nm of torque. This engine is combined with 48-volt mild hybrid technology, which improves performance and efficiency. A 9-speed automatic transmission manages the car's power, while Mercedes-Benz's 4MATIC all-wheel-drive system provides a smooth and controlled driving experience. Luxurious Interiors
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Image Credit :- Mercedes The interior of the Mercedes Benz CLE Cabriolet 300 is as sumptuous as one would expect from a Mercedes-Benz. The steering wheel is covered in Nappa leather, and the cockpit revolves around an 11.9-inch touchscreen display that can be angled for enhanced convenience. Additional features include heated and cooled seats, as well as a soft top that can be deployed in 20 seconds at speeds of up to 60 km/h.
Mercedes Benz CLE Cabriolet 300 Price
Mercedes Benz CLE Cabriolet 300 Price in India
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Image Credit :- Mercedes Mercedes Benz Cle Cabriolet 300 Price in India is at ₹1.1 crore (ex-showroom), making it a strong contender in the luxury convertible segment. Mercedes-Benz's latest launch solidifies its position as a luxury car leader, providing the ideal balance of design, performance, and innovation. What are your thoughts? Leave your opinions in the comments section below, and stay tuned to Akhabar Factory for further updates. Also Read: 2024 Yezdi Adventure Review: Price, Mileage, and Specifications Read the full article
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mostarlift · 2 months
Select The Best Car Lift Platform For Your Car Lifting Applications
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Are you looking for some car lifting solutions? When it comes to car lifting, safety and efficiency are important. Getting the car lifting platform that best suits your needs is difficult. Here in this blog, we will look at two amazing and popular platforms, a Four Post Car Lift and Hydraulic Car Lift, with their specific features and benefits. 
Four-Post Car Lift
A Four Post Car Lift is an useful and efficient system that is designed to lift vehicles to different floors of a showroom or exhibition halls or an automobile store. This type of lift is characterized by its four-column structure which provides stability and support. The main components of this lift are the hydraulic cylinder, lifting chains, hydraulic pump station, and steel wire ropes. Furthermore, standard safety features like explosion-proof valves and anti-drop devices guarantee safe operation even in the event of a hydraulic failure.
The customizable platform size of the Four Post Car Lift is one of the standout features as they can be adapted to specific installation sites. Whether the platform device is mounted on a flat surface or on a shaft, it is designed to be adjustable. Although the dimensions of the lift can be customized according to the specific requirements, the typical model has a platform size of 2.5x5.5 meter and a load capacity of 3000 kg. It has a height of 3 meters. 
Safety is an important consideration in the design of a Four Post Car Lift. Each lift is equipped with a maximum safety limit switch, which does not let the lift exceed the intended platform height, and an anti-drop device which protects the platform at the optimal level. The hydraulic system is also designed to prevent sudden drops, adding an extra layer of protection.
Hydraulic Car Lift Platform
In environments like automobile factories, stores, showrooms, parking garages, or exhibition halls, car lifting is essential. Hydraulic car lifts operate using a hydraulic system that provides smooth and reliable lifting. Key features include digital controllers for precise operation and safety devices like anti-falling mechanisms.
Hydraulic Car Lift Platforms can be tailored to the installation location, just like four-post lifts. This covers options for various load capacities, platform sizes, and lifting heights. Common models, for example, have lifting heights between 3 and 11 meters and load capacities between 3000 and 5000 kg. The platforms are made to be strong and resilient, able to effectively manage various kinds of vehicles.
The flexibility that this platform has when it comes to installation, is an additional benefit that these platforms have. 
 If digging a pit won't allow them to be installed level with the ground, ramps can be installed instead. They are therefore adaptable solutions for a range of situations.
Safety features in Hydraulic Car Lift Platform are comprehensive. They include PLC control boxes, explosive-proof valves, emergency stop mechanisms, and anti-falling blocks within the guide rails. Additionally, manual lowering valves allow for safe descent in the event of a power failure.
Choosing the Right Lift
It is important to consider some important factors when selecting the lift which best suits your requirements. You should look for the available space in your workplace, the application you want it for, and other safety requirements. 
The lifts offered by MOSTAR LIFT, whether it be for any application, combines safety, efficiency, and advanced technologies like hydraulic systems, multiple safety devices, and more so that their solutions can be reliable. By choosing them, you not only choose the best lifting solutions but the best service as well.
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Exploring the Upgraded Technology in the Maruti Suzuki Arena at Pratham Motors
In the vibrant city of Bangalore, where technology meets automotive innovation, Maruti Suzuki Arena stands as a beacon of excellence in the world of cars. At Pratham Motors, a renowned dealership known for its commitment to quality service and customer satisfaction, the Maruti Suzuki Arena lineup shines brightly with its upgraded technology and competitive pricing. Let’s delve into what makes Maruti Suzuki Arena a compelling choice for car enthusiasts in Bangalore.
Maruti Suzuki Arena: Where Technology Meets Performance
Maruti Suzuki Arena represents a blend of cutting-edge technology, stylish design, and robust performance. Whether you’re navigating the bustling streets of Bangalore or embarking on a weekend getaway, Maruti Suzuki Arena offers a range of vehicles to suit every lifestyle and preference.
1. Advanced Infotainment Systems
One of the highlights of Maruti Suzuki Arena models available at Pratham Motors is their advanced infotainment systems. These systems are equipped with touchscreen displays that provide seamless connectivity, navigation assistance, Bluetooth compatibility, and multimedia integration. Whether you’re making a quick trip across town or heading out on a long drive, staying connected and entertained is effortless with these intuitive infotainment setups.
2. Smart Hybrid Technology
Maruti Suzuki Arena incorporates Smart Hybrid technology in select models, such as the popular Swift and Dzire variants. This technology enhances fuel efficiency without compromising on performance, making it an ideal choice for Bangalore’s traffic conditions and environmental consciousness. The Smart Hybrid system intelligently manages energy flow and assists the engine during acceleration and deceleration, contributing to reduced fuel consumption and lower emissions.
3. Enhanced Safety Features
Safety is paramount in Maruti Suzuki Arena vehicles available at Pratham Motors. From dual airbags and ABS with EBD to rear parking sensors and reverse parking cameras, these cars are equipped with a comprehensive suite of safety features to ensure peace of mind on every journey. Whether you’re driving through Bangalore’s busy streets or cruising on highways, these safety enhancements provide added confidence and protection.
4. Comfort and Convenience
Maruti Suzuki Arena cars are designed with passenger comfort and convenience in mind. From spacious interiors with ample legroom and headroom to ergonomic seating and climate control features, every aspect is crafted to enhance the driving experience. Whether you’re commuting daily or embarking on a family road trip, these vehicles prioritize comfort without compromising on style.
Maruti Suzuki Arena Price and On-Road Prices in Bangalore
Understanding the pricing structure of Maruti Suzuki Arena at Pratham Motors is crucial for making an informed decision. The on-road prices in Bangalore for Maruti Suzuki Arena models are competitive and transparent, reflecting the value proposition offered by these vehicles. Whether you’re looking for an entry-level hatchback like the Alto or a stylish compact SUV like the Vitara Brezza, Pratham Motors provides clear pricing details that include ex-showroom prices, road tax, registration fees, insurance, and other charges.
Why Choose Pratham Motors for Your Maruti Suzuki Arena?
Pratham Motors, an authorized Maruti Suzuki dealership in Bangalore, stands out for its commitment to customer satisfaction and quality service. Here’s why choosing Pratham Motors for your Maruti Suzuki Arena purchase is a smart decision:
1. Transparent Pricing: Pratham Motors ensures transparency in pricing, providing customers with clear details about on-road prices and associated costs.
2. Expert Guidance: The dealership boasts knowledgeable and friendly sales professionals who guide customers through the entire buying process, from vehicle selection to financing options.
3. Service Excellence: Pratham Motors is renowned for its after-sales service and support, ensuring that your Maruti Suzuki Arena remains in optimal condition throughout its lifespan.
4. Test Drive Experience: Experience firsthand the performance and features of Maruti Suzuki Arena models with test drives facilitated by Pratham Motors, allowing you to make an informed decision.
In conclusion, Maruti Suzuki Arena at Pratham Motors in Bangalore represents a pinnacle of technological advancement, performance, and affordability in the automotive industry. Whether you prioritize advanced infotainment systems, smart hybrid technology, enhanced safety features, or overall comfort and convenience, Maruti Suzuki Arena offers a vehicle to suit your needs. With competitive on-road prices and a commitment to customer satisfaction, Pratham Motors ensures that your journey from showroom to ownership is smooth and rewarding.
Explore the upgraded technology and exceptional value of Maruti Suzuki Arena at Pratham Motors today, and elevate your driving experience in Bangalore to new heights. Discover why Maruti Suzuki Arena continues to be a preferred choice among car enthusiasts who seek innovation, reliability, and style in their vehicles.
Connect With Us
Website: https://www.prathammotors.com/
Address: #16, Outer Ring Road (Sarjapura - Marathahalli), Bellandur, Bangalore - 560103
Phone: +91-990 222 3000 / +91-893 999 7007
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salestowns · 3 months
CRM for Car Dealerships: Driving Sales and Customer Satisfaction
CRM for Car Dealerships: Driving Sales and Customer Satisfaction
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In today's competitive automotive market, car dealerships need every advantage they can get to stay ahead. One powerful tool that's revolutionizing the way dealerships operate is (Customer Relationship Management) CRM software. But what exactly is CRM, and how can it benefit car dealerships? Let's dive in and explore this game-changing technology.
What is CRM?
CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It's a system that helps businesses manage their interactions with current and potential customers. Think of it as a smart digital address book that not only stores contact information but also tracks every interaction, preference, and detail about your customers.
For car dealerships, a CRM system can be a central hub for managing leads, sales processes, customer service, and marketing efforts. It's designed to help dealerships build stronger relationships with their customers, streamline operations, and ultimately, sell more cars.
Why Do Car Dealerships Need CRM?
The automotive industry is unique, with its own set of challenges and opportunities. Here's why CRM is particularly valuable for car dealerships:
Long sales cycles: Buying a car is a big decision that often takes weeks or months. CRM helps track potential buyers throughout this process.
High-value transactions: Cars are expensive purchases. CRM helps dealerships nurture leads carefully to close these valuable sales.
Service and maintenance: Dealerships don't just sell cars; they also service them. CRM can help manage ongoing customer relationships beyond the initial sale.
Competitive market: With so many options available to car buyers, CRM helps dealerships stand out by providing personalized, attentive service.
Data-driven decision-making: CRM systems provide valuable insights that can inform inventory decisions, marketing strategies, and sales tactics.
Key Features of CRM for Car Dealerships
While CRM systems can vary, here are some essential features that are particularly useful for car dealerships:
Lead Management CRM systems help dealerships capture and organize leads from various sources like website inquiries, phone calls, and walk-ins. They can automatically assign leads to salespeople and send follow-up reminders, ensuring no potential customer falls through the cracks.
Sales Pipeline Tracking CRM allows dealerships to visualize their sales pipeline, showing which stage each potential buyer is in. This helps sales teams prioritize their efforts and forecast future sales more accurately.
Inventory Management Many automotive CRMs integrate with inventory systems, allowing salespeople to quickly match customers with available vehicles that meet their criteria.
Customer Communication Tools CRM systems often include tools for email marketing, text messaging, and even social media management. This allows dealerships to stay in touch with customers through their preferred communication channels.
Service Department Integration By integrating with the service department, CRM can help dealerships schedule maintenance appointments, send service reminders, and track each vehicle's service history.
Reporting and Analytics CRM systems generate detailed reports on sales performance, customer trends, and other key metrics. This data can help dealerships make informed decisions about everything from inventory to marketing strategies.
Mobile Access Many CRM systems offer mobile apps, allowing salespeople to access customer information and update records while on the showroom floor or during test drives.
Benefits of CRM for Car Dealerships
Now that we understand what CRM can do, let's look at the specific benefits it offers to car dealerships:
Improved Customer Experience By having all customer information in one place, dealerships can provide a more personalized experience. Salespeople can quickly recall a customer's preferences, previous interactions, and vehicle history, making the customer feel valued and understood.
Increased Sales Efficiency CRM streamlines the sales process by automating follow-ups, providing reminders, and organizing customer information. This allows salespeople to focus on what they do best: selling cars.
Better Lead Management With CRM, no lead goes unnoticed. The system can automatically distribute leads to the appropriate salesperson and provide reminders for follow-up, increasing the chances of converting leads into sales.
Enhanced Marketing Efforts CRM systems can segment customers based on various criteria, allowing for more targeted and effective marketing campaigns. For example, a dealership could easily create a campaign for customers whose leases are about to expire.
Improved Customer Retention By tracking service history and sending timely reminders, CRM helps dealerships maintain relationships with customers long after the initial sale, encouraging repeat business and referrals.
Data-Driven Decision-Making The reporting capabilities of CRM systems provide dealerships with valuable insights into sales trends, customer preferences, and operational efficiency. This data can inform everything from inventory decisions to sales strategies.
Streamlined Operations CRM can integrate with other systems like inventory management and financing, creating a more efficient workflow across the entire dealership.
Implementing CRM in Your Dealership
While the benefits of CRM are clear, implementing such a system requires careful planning and execution. Here are some steps to consider:
Assess Your Needs Before choosing a CRM system, evaluate your dealership's specific needs. Consider factors like the size of your operation, your current pain points, and your goals for the system.
Choose the Right System There are many CRM options available, including some designed specifically for car dealerships. Look for a system that offers the features you need and integrates with your existing tools.
Plan for Data Migration If you're moving from an old system or paper records, you'll need to plan how to transfer this data into your new CRM. This process can be time-consuming but is crucial for the system's effectiveness.
Train Your Team A CRM system is only as good as the people using it. Invest time in training your staff on how to use the system effectively. This might include both initial training and ongoing support.
Establish Best Practices Develop clear guidelines for how your team should use the CRM. This might include standards for data entry, follow-up procedures, and how to use the system's various features.
Monitor and Adjust Once your CRM is up and running, regularly review its performance. Are you seeing the benefits you expected? Are there areas where you could be using it more effectively? Be prepared to make adjustments as needed.
Challenges and Considerations
While CRM can offer significant benefits, it's not without its challenges. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Cost: CRM systems can be a significant investment, especially for smaller dealerships. However, the potential return on investment in terms of increased sales and efficiency can make it worthwhile.
Learning Curve: Implementing a new system can be disruptive, and some staff members may resist the change. Patience and thorough training are key.
Data Quality: A CRM system is only as good as the data it contains. Ensuring that all staff members input accurate, complete information is crucial.
Privacy Concerns: With increasing regulations around data privacy, dealerships need to ensure their CRM usage complies with all relevant laws.
The Future of CRM in Car Dealerships
As technology continues to advance, we can expect CRM systems to become even more powerful and integral to dealership operations. Some trends to watch for include:
Artificial Intelligence: AI could enhance CRM by predicting customer behavior, automating more tasks, and providing even deeper insights.
Virtual and Augmented Reality: These technologies could be integrated with CRM to offer virtual test drives or showcase vehicle features.
Internet of Things (IoT): Connected cars could feed data directly into CRM systems, providing real-time information about vehicle performance and usage.
Greater Personalization: As CRM systems become more sophisticated, they'll be able to offer even more personalized experiences for customers.
In today's competitive automotive market, CRM is no longer a luxury—it's a necessity for car dealerships looking to thrive. By centralizing customer information, streamlining operations, and providing valuable insights, CRM systems can help dealerships provide better customer experiences, close more sales, and build lasting relationships with their clients.
While implementing a CRM system requires careful planning and investment, the potential benefits in terms of increased efficiency, improved customer satisfaction and boosted sales make it a worthwhile endeavor for dealerships of all sizes. As the automotive industry continues to evolve, those dealerships that effectively leverage CRM technology will be best positioned to succeed in the years to come. Other Blogs:
best CRM for real estate
b2b crm Software 
real estate CRM India
travel crm software
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lorenswift52 · 3 months
Driving Innovation: The Future of the Automotive Industry in the Digital Age
In the rapidly evolving landscape of the automotive industry, the integration of digital technologies is reshaping vehicles, manufacturing processes, and consumer experiences. This article explores how digitalization is driving innovation across various facets of the automotive sector, from vehicle connectivity and autonomous driving to manufacturing efficiency and customer engagement.
Vehicle Connectivity and IoT
The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed vehicles into interconnected hubs of data. Modern cars equipped with IoT capabilities can communicate with each other, infrastructure, and other devices, significantly enhancing safety, navigation, and operational efficiency on the road. Manufacturers are leveraging connectivity to offer advanced features such as real-time diagnostics, predictive maintenance, and personalized infotainment systems. For instance, Tesla’s vehicles continuously receive over-the-air updates that improve performance and introduce new features, demonstrating the potential of IoT in enhancing the user experience and operational capabilities of automobiles.
Autonomous Driving
Autonomous vehicles represent a monumental shift in automotive innovation. Companies like Tesla, Waymo, and traditional automakers are investing heavily in autonomous technology to achieve higher levels of automation, reduce accidents, and revolutionize urban mobility. The article delves into the technological advancements enabling autonomous driving, such as sensor fusion, machine learning algorithms, and real-time decision-making systems. It also discusses the regulatory challenges, ethical considerations, and societal impacts associated with the widespread adoption of self-driving car rental Dubai, emphasizing the transformative potential of autonomous vehicles in reshaping transportation infrastructure and urban planning.
Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Sustainable Mobility
The transition towards electric vehicles (EVs) is a pivotal response to environmental concerns and regulatory pressures within the automotive industry. EVs offer zero-emission driving and are bolstered by advancements in battery technology, charging infrastructure, and government incentives aimed at promoting sustainable mobility solutions. The article examines the growth trajectory of the EV market, the challenges encountered in scaling production to meet global demand, and the promising future outlook for electric mobility. It highlights initiatives by leading automakers to expand their electric vehicle offerings and reduce the environmental footprint of automotive transportation.
Digital Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 Automakers are embracing Industry 4.0 principles to enhance manufacturing efficiency, flexibility, and sustainability. Robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and big data analytics are revolutionizing assembly lines, supply chain management, and quality control processes in the automotive sector. The article provides detailed insights into how digital manufacturing technologies enable faster production cycles, facilitate customization options for consumers, and drive cost efficiencies across the automotive value chain. Examples include the use of collaborative robots (cobots) in assembly operations and AI-driven predictive maintenance to optimize factory performance and reduce downtime.
Customer Experience and Digital Transformation: Digital technologies are reshaping the way consumers interact with automobiles throughout the entire ownership lifecycle. From online sales platforms and virtual showrooms to augmented reality (AR) applications for vehicle customization, automakers are leveraging digital tools to enhance customer engagement, satisfaction, and brand loyalty. The article explores the role of digital marketing strategies, data analytics, and customer-centric innovations in shaping the future of automotive retail and service experiences. It discusses personalized marketing campaigns, proactive customer service through AI-powered chatbots, and the integration of digital interfaces within vehicles to deliver seamless user experiences. Additionally, digital transformation has influenced sectors like car rental Dubai, improving efficiency and customer interaction. The integration of digital interfaces within vehicles and personalized marketing campaigns are just some of the advancements seen in the automotive industry.
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Challenges and Opportunities
The digital transformation of the automotive industry presents both challenges and opportunities for stakeholders. Cybersecurity concerns related to vehicle connectivity and autonomous systems, regulatory compliance with evolving safety standards, and infrastructure limitations for electric vehicle charging infrastructure pose significant hurdles to the widespread adoption of digital technologies in automotive applications. However, technological innovation, cross-industry partnerships, and consumer demand for sustainable mobility solutions are driving continuous advancements in the automotive sector. The article explores strategies for mitigating these challenges while maximizing the opportunities presented by digital transformation in automotive manufacturing, marketing, and service delivery.
Global Trends and Future Outlook
The article concludes by examining global trends in automotive digitalization, including regional variations in adoption rates, regulatory landscapes, and market dynamics. It forecasts the future of the automotive industry, highlighting emerging technologies such as vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, AI-powered mobility solutions, and the potential impact of smart cities on automotive innovation. The article emphasizes the transformative impact of digital technologies on vehicles, manufacturing processes, and consumer experiences, paving the way towards a more connected, efficient, and sustainable automotive ecosystem globally.
The Future of the Automotive Industry in the Digital Age" explores how digital technologies are revolutionizing vehicles, manufacturing processes, and consumer experiences within the automotive industry. It provides in-depth insights into the transformative impact of connectivity, autonomy, electric mobility, digital manufacturing, and customer-centric strategies on shaping a more connected, efficient, and sustainable future for the automotive sector worldwide. Additionally, innovations in sectors such as Porsche car rental showcase how digital advancements are enhancing efficiency and customer interaction across diverse automotive services.
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tapanjeep · 3 months
Discover Your Dream SUV: Jeep Compass Showroom Near Me
Why Choose the Jeep Compass?
The Jeep Compass is an exceptional SUV that stands out in a crowded market for several reasons. Combining style, performance, and reliability, it’s designed to meet the needs of modern drivers who demand versatility and comfort. Let’s dive deeper into what makes the Jeep Compass a preferred choice for many.
Advanced Safety Features
Safety is a top priority for Jeep, and the Compass is equipped with a suite of advanced safety features to protect you and your passengers. These include multiple airbags, a rearview camera, and advanced braking systems such as ABS and EBD. Additionally, the Jeep Compass offers features like blind-spot monitoring, lane departure warning, and electronic stability control, ensuring a safe and secure drive.
Innovative Technology
The Jeep Compass is packed with cutting-edge technology that enhances both the driving experience and passenger comfort. The centerpiece of the interior is the Uconnect infotainment system, which includes a touchscreen interface, Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and voice command capabilities. This system allows you to stay connected and entertained while keeping your hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.
Off-Road Capabilities
Jeep’s legacy of off-road excellence is evident in the Compass. With the available Jeep Active Drive 4x4 system, the Compass can handle rough terrains and challenging weather conditions with ease. Features like the Selec-Terrain traction management system let you customize the driving experience based on the environment, ensuring optimal performance on snow, sand, mud, or rocks. The Jeep Compass Trailhawk variant takes this capability to the next level, offering enhanced ground clearance, skid plates, and tow hooks.
Comfort and Convenience
Inside, the Jeep Compass offers a spacious and luxurious environment. Premium materials and attention to detail are evident throughout the cabin, providing a comfortable ride for both the driver and passengers. Features such as dual-zone automatic climate control, heated front seats, and a panoramic sunroof enhance the overall driving experience. The rear seats can be easily folded to expand cargo space, making the Compass as practical as it is stylish.
Benefits of Owning a Jeep Compass
The Jeep Compass is designed to be versatile, catering to various lifestyles and driving needs. Whether you’re commuting to work, embarking on a weekend adventure, or navigating city streets, the Compass adapts to your requirements. Its compact size makes it easy to maneuver in urban environments, while its rugged capabilities ensure it’s ready for off-road escapades.
Resale Value
Jeep vehicles, including the Compass, are known for their strong resale value. Investing in a Jeep Compass means you’re not only getting a reliable and stylish vehicle but also a car that will retain its value over time. This makes it a smart financial decision for those who consider long-term ownership and eventual resale.
Community and Culture
Owning a Jeep isn’t just about driving a car; it’s about joining a community. Jeep owners share a unique bond, often participating in events, meetups, and off-road adventures together. This sense of camaraderie and the culture surrounding the Jeep brand add an extra layer of enjoyment to owning a Jeep Compass.
Finding a Jeep Compass Showroom Near Me
When looking to purchase a Jeep Compass, finding a reputable and conveniently located showroom is crucial. Here are some benefits of visiting your local Jeep Compass showroom:
Personalized Service
Local showrooms provide personalized service tailored to your needs. The knowledgeable staff can guide you through the various models and features, helping you choose the right Jeep Compass that fits your lifestyle. They can also provide information on financing options, warranties, and after-sales services.
Test Drives
One of the best ways to experience the Jeep Compass is through a test drive. Local showrooms offer the opportunity to get behind the wheel and feel the performance, comfort, and technology firsthand. This experience helps you make an informed decision and ensures that the vehicle meets your expectations.
After-Sales Support
Purchasing a vehicle is just the beginning. Local showrooms offer comprehensive after-sales support, including maintenance, repairs, and access to genuine Jeep parts and accessories. This ensures that your Jeep Compass remains in top condition and continues to perform optimally for years to come.
Community Engagement
Local dealerships often host events, workshops, and community gatherings for Jeep owners. These events provide a platform for learning more about your vehicle, meeting other Jeep enthusiasts, and participating in fun and educational activities.
Visit Your Local Jeep Compass Showroom
To explore the Jeep Compass and experience its features firsthand, visit your nearest Jeep Compass showroom. The staff will guide you through the available models, help you understand the financing options, and ensure you make an informed decision. Start your journey towards owning a Jeep Compass by visiting the showroom today.
For more information and to locate your nearest showroom, visit Tapan Industries' Jeep Compass Showroom. Discover why the Jeep Compass is the preferred choice for many SUV lovers and find the perfect model that suits your lifestyle and needs.
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No Peugeot J5 - Instead, Take on a BMW E9 Restoration
When it comes to classic car restoration, choices abound. While some may gravitate towards models like the Peugeot J5, there's a compelling argument to turn your attention to the legendary BMW E9. Revered for its timeless design, engineering excellence, and a rich racing heritage, the BMW E9 stands out as an iconic classic worthy of any enthusiast's time and effort. This blog post explores why you should consider bypassing the Peugeot J5 and instead embark on a journey of BMW E9 restoration. We'll delve into the history, the allure, and the step-by-step process to revive this automotive masterpiece.
The Allure of the BMW E9
The BMW E9 series, produced between 1968 and 1975, is synonymous with elegance and performance. Known for its distinctive coupe design, the E9 models, including the 2800 CS, 3.0 CS, and the high-performance 3.0 CSL, have become cherished collector's items. These cars are celebrated not only for their stunning aesthetics but also for their robust engineering and racing pedigree.
Why Choose the BMW E9 Over the Peugeot J5?
Historical Significance: The BMW E9 has a storied history in motorsports, particularly in European touring car championships. Its achievements on the track add a layer of prestige to its restoration.
Aesthetic Appeal: The E9’s sleek lines, aggressive stance, and luxurious interior make it a head-turner. Restoring an E9 allows you to bring back a piece of automotive art.
Investment Potential: Restored BMW E9 models often appreciate in value, making them a potentially lucrative investment.
Community and Support: There is a vibrant community of BMW E9 enthusiasts and specialists. This network can be invaluable for sourcing parts, advice, and support throughout your restoration project.
The Restoration Journey: Step-by-Step Guide
Finding the Right BMW E9
Before you start, locating a suitable BMW E9 is crucial. Look for models with minimal rust and solid structural integrity. Online classifieds, auctions, and classic car clubs are excellent places to begin your search.
Detailed Assessment and Planning
Once you've acquired your E9, conduct a thorough assessment. Document the car's condition, noting areas needing attention, such as the body, engine, interior, and electrical systems. Create a comprehensive restoration plan, breaking down the project into manageable stages.
Disassembly and Documentation
Carefully disassemble the vehicle, labeling and organizing all parts. Photograph every step to ensure accurate reassembly later. This meticulous approach will save you time and headaches down the line.
Bodywork and Rust Repair
The E9, like many classics, can suffer from rust, especially in the floor pans, wheel arches, and sills. Cut out and replace any rusted sections with new metal. If necessary, enlist a professional welder to ensure the car's structural integrity.
Engine and Mechanical Overhaul
Rebuilding the engine and transmission is often a significant part of the restoration. The E9's inline-six engines, particularly the 3.0-liter variants, are known for their durability but may require new seals, gaskets, and other components after decades of use. Overhaul the suspension and braking systems as well, replacing worn parts with new or refurbished ones.
Interior Restoration
The interior of the BMW E9 is a blend of luxury and sportiness. Reupholster the seats, refurbish the dashboard, and replace any worn trim pieces. Attention to detail here will enhance both the car's value and your driving experience.
Electrical Systems
Update the electrical systems, ensuring all wiring, gauges, and lighting are functional. While you may opt for modern upgrades for reliability, strive to maintain the classic appearance.
Painting and Finishing Touches
Choose a high-quality paint that matches the original BMW color palette. Proper surface preparation, priming, and painting will result in a showroom-quality finish. Once painted, carefully reassemble the vehicle, following your documentation and photos.
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kiacarsbangalore · 2 months
Test Drive the Bold Kia Seltos at Kia Showroom in JP Nagar Bangalore
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Click Here Schedule A Test Drive
Book Your Favorite Kia Car Today!!!
Are you ready to experience the perfect blend of style, performance, and innovation? Look no further than the Kia Seltos, now available for a test drive at the Naara KIA showroom in JP Nagar, Bangalore. The Seltos stands out in the crowded SUV market with its bold design, cutting-edge technology, and superior driving dynamics. Whether you're a city commuter or an adventure seeker, the Kia Seltos has something to offer everyone.
Why the Kia Seltos is a Game-Changer:
Striking Design: The Kia Seltos boasts a bold and dynamic design with a distinctive front grille, sleek LED headlights, and a sporty stance that commands attention on the road.
Advanced Technology: Inside, the Seltos is packed with the latest technology, including a large touchscreen infotainment system, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto integration, a premium sound system, and advanced driver assistance features.
Powerful Performance: Choose from a range of efficient and powerful engines that deliver a thrilling driving experience. The Seltos offers a smooth ride, responsive handling, and impressive fuel efficiency.
Comfort and Space: The spacious and well-appointed interior ensures comfort for all passengers, with ample legroom, high-quality materials, and flexible seating configurations to accommodate both passengers and cargo.
Safety First: The Kia Seltos is equipped with a comprehensive suite of safety features, including multiple airbags, ABS with EBD, electronic stability control, and a reinforced body structure, providing peace of mind on every journey.
Book Your Test Drive:- https://naarakia.com/test-drive
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Kia Seltos:
Q: What engine options are available for the Kia Seltos? 
A: The Kia Seltos offers multiple engine options, including a 1.5L petrol, 1.5L diesel, and a 1.4L turbo petrol, catering to different driving preferences and needs.
Q: Does the Kia Seltos come with a sunroof? 
A: Yes, selected variants of the Kia Seltos come with an electric sunroof, adding to the vehicle's premium feel and offering a panoramic view.
Q: What is the fuel efficiency of the Kia Seltos? 
A: The fuel efficiency of the Kia Seltos varies depending on the engine and variant, but it generally offers impressive mileage, with the petrol variants averaging around 16-18 km/l and the diesel variants averaging around 20-21 km/l.
Q: Is the Kia Seltos equipped with advanced safety features? 
A: Absolutely. The Seltos comes with a host of advanced safety features such as six airbags, ABS with EBD, vehicle stability management, hill start assist, and a rearview camera with parking sensors.
Q: What warranty does Kia offer for the Seltos? 
A: Kia offers a comprehensive warranty for the Seltos, including a 3-year/unlimited kilometer warranty and an optional extended warranty for additional peace of mind.
The Kia Seltos is more than just an SUV; it's a statement of style, performance, and innovation. At Naara KIA in JP Nagar, Bangalore, we invite you to test drive the Seltos and experience its exceptional features firsthand. Whether you're looking for a daily driver with advanced technology or an adventure-ready SUV, the Kia Seltos is the perfect choice. Visit our showroom today and take the first step towards driving the future.
Visit Naara Kia Today!
Showroom Hours: Monday to Saturday, 9 AM to 7 PM; Sunday, 10 AM to 6 PM
Website: https://naarakia.com/
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