#Ooc: I need someone to get a tattoo of Me like that haha
How did you feel when you saw.. this.. tattoo..
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Firstly, I was weirded out- I never implied I wanted something more than a hook up.. beside the occasional listening to him—
Then I thought:
Who was his tattoo artist? and why did he remember I like Sailor Jerry type of tattoos?
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2, 7, 17, 22 and 43 (as well as 18, 23 and 32 ooc ❤️)
Lots of questions as always haha.
What am I obsessed with right now? I’m not sure really. Don’t think I’m really “obsessed” with anything at the moment. Usually it would be my work but I need to get some more jobs in.
Who am I jealous of?
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People with emotionally stable childhoods. I mean that.
Am I angry with anyone right now? Actively angry, no. I’m always baseline angry at my parents, and now The Fucker infuriates me, but right now I’m fine.
Tag someone I think is hot. No. I’m married. @the-magpies-men (Kamal)
What’s my guilty pleasure? I honestly don’t believe in guilty pleasures. If something makes you happy you shouldn’t feel guilty for enjoying it.
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Enjoy whatever you want to, as long as its not hurting someone.
((ooc answers under the cut))
((What tattoos do I want? I was actually looking at tattoo designs last night so perfect timing haha. Right now I’m looking at getting something small, since its my first one, and space themed. I also like the idea of getting a lit match at some point to represent a song quote I like. And if things are going well and long term with my boyfriend there’s some small designs I like that I’d want to get one of to represent us.
What are my favourite bands and musical artists? This is the worst question to ask me because rarely will I be able to give you an actual answer. I have an annoying habit of only listening to one or two songs from and artist rather than their whole repetoire. But I suppose ones I have a lot from are Meat Loaf, AC/DC, Billy Joel. I really like Queen. I have a lot of Pentatonix songs for some reason. So yeah, a bit of everything really.
If I could live in a fictional world, what world would I pick? That’s a tricky one. In reality I’d like the ability to hop between them. Because the wizarding world seems amazing (ignoring the shitty twat of a creator), as does Middle Earth, and the Supernatural universe, and a bunch of others. I just want my life to be more exciting tbh. Doesn’t even have to be a fantasy universe.
Thank you for taking an interest in me as well as Dan, Feo.))
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franeridart · 6 years
Thank u for that sweet sweet awase content, I love that boy
Thank you for liking it!!!! :O
Anon said:Do you take constructive criticism? (Not a joke lol actually curious)
Nope. Since I don’t study art, I’m not currently actively trying to become better at it, all I do is doodle whatever silly idea I have at the moment without an actual clue of what I’m doing while at it and post it cause people seem to like it when I do, concrit is literally the last thing I need. By which I mean, I already know my art could be way better than it is, but getting better at it isn’t really the reason why I’m posting it. To be honest, if I wanted someone to crit my doodles I’d sign up for an actual class to have a real teacher tell me how to get better, I wouldn’t turn to the first random anon on tumblr with no way of proving to me they have any more clue about art than I do
Anon said:Imagine this, Kirishima with really long hair
No need to imagine it when @50shadesofhq already did such an amazing job drawing him~
Anon said:Hey!!! I want to thank you for...existing 😁 Tonight I was feeling really sad and finding your art has “brought me back to life” so as to say, so thank you. Your art is incredibly good so please keep believing in yourself and your skills, and keep making beautiful pieces like you are doing now 🤗🤗🤗
Thank you!!!! So much!!!! I’m glad my stuff could help you feel better ;^;
Anon said: hi i just wanted to let you know that you're one of my favorite artists ever and you make so much good content for so many fandoms that i love like i first found your blog through haikyuu!! and then i found the bnha and now yowapeda and everything else aaaaaa i'm rambling now but whenever i see your art it makes my day and j wanted to say that by e
!!!!!!!!!!! glad you like my stuff!!!! and mostly glad you like ywpd, that fandom feels so small honestly!! :D
Anon said:Hey I just wanted to let you know that I love all of your artworks with all of my heart and it always makes my day a bit brighter to see that you have posted something new :)
Oh man thank you so so so so so so much!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:I'm not even all that familiar w awase but I'm still blown away by your drawings of them they look !!!! So good !!!
THANK!!!!! YOU!!!!!! He’ll play a nice part at some point next season, I hope you’ll end up liking him!!! ;u;
Anon said:I love seeing that kiribaku at the top of your art blog (at least on mobile??). It makes me feel so warm the moment I check your blog. (Still love the old banner too tho!!!!)
I’m glad you like it!!!!! Warm colors make me feel good so I wanted something like that on my blog :D one day I’ll change the icon too..... one day........
Anon said:I LOVE YOUR ART OK?? AND I MAY HAVE JUST SPENT TWO HOURS SCROLLING THROUGH YOUR BLOG BUT OH MY LORD IS IT WORTH IT. You are an amazing artist and I hope you have the most wonderful and brilliant of days. Ps. Thank you for giving bakubro the love he deserves PPs. Your jirou drawings make me unbelievably happy
Anon said:Do you still headcanon baku and Mina as dragon shifters or is it just Kiri at this point? (I still freaking love tiny dragon baku lol)
Yes and no! My fantasy drawings aren’t exactly telling a story, so I’m doing whatever with them - it’s not really headcanons, it’s just me playing around with any idea I find entertaining at the moment!! So yes, definitely, Baku and Mina as dragon shifters are still a thing I love a lot and I might draw more in the future! But that doesn’t exclude me drawing for the AU in a setting where only Kiri is a dragon either~
Anon said: Ur dragon Kiri half-shifted made me have this idea : if he n Baku r cuddling and he's like that and Baku feels an itch, he'll just rub himself against Kiri to do the scratching (Kiri isn't even bothered, nor complaining, Baku kinda looks like a cat when he does that and he's in l o v e)
You know anon, considering Kirishima’s quirk Bakugou could technically do that in the original universe too hahaha
Anon said:More band au bakushima pls!! 🙏 My crops are dying
Anon said:You better do the after show of the band AU or i will die. I mean... i already die with Bakugou say "pretty boy" to Kiri, but you know.... please do the after show asdfghj
Maybe soon!! I don’t exactly have a clear idea of how that plays out, but I enjoy drawing Bakugou like that so why!!! not!!!!
Anon said:I live for your art! Thank you for creating such amazing content ♥️
SOB thank you for liking my stuff and letting me know you do!!!!
Anon said:Oh mamma the way you draw Kiri’s forearms! Le swoon 😍😍😍
!!!!!! He’s a buff boy after all!! :D
Anon said:Are you okay with fans coloring your lineart, or does it bother you? (Not with the intention of posting anywhere, just for fun and maybe to submit it back to you later) I know how you feel about altering your work, but what's the drill for this specifically?
I don’t mind but you have to promise me you’re not posting them anywhere - if it’s just for your personal entertainment then it’s fine, I can’t really stop you anyway, but I really don’t want them anywhere online.
Anon said:Hello! I wanna say your bakugou and kirishima comics are adorable! I wanted to ask, do you think Bakugou would be as open with showing his soft and mushy emotions for kirishima around the others like in your comics? Like how he was okay with snugs on the couch, you don’t think he’d want to be more privet?
Sure, why not? Bakugou’s never hidden his feelings in the manga, nor has he ever felt embarrassed by them! He’s a bit awkward in showing affection I guess, but to me it feels more because he isn’t used to it than because he wants to hide it - if he were to start dating Kirishima he’d definitely have no problems with letting everyone know they’re in a relationship of that sort, I think :D well, it’s just my interpretation of it anyway haha
Anon said:Your art is just so beautiful, Im iN LOVE I CANTNWKWISIWIKW PLS KEEP DRAWING
I CAN TRY !!!!!!!! Thank you so much for the support!!!!
Anon said:Do you ever get that feeling when you have a ship and you see art for it and suddenly you get hit with a "oh fuck I really love them" cause that happens every times you post kiribaku ! I always get butterflies in my stomach when I see your art, you make the cutest scenarios and you keep their personalities right it never seems ooc. You honestly make the best comics/art I'm so glad you're in the bnha fandom
Oh my god thank you so much!!! ;A; sob
Anon said:you've heard of jiroukami but have you considered: jiroushido
Yup! I’ve also drawn them in the past!! They’re in my MinaJirou tag :D
Anon said:your band au is officially my favourite thing on this site i love it and i love you thankyou
Thank you so much holy heck!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Your art is so cute and makes me smile everytime I see it! Thank you for always making my day better!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I’m!!!!!!!!!!! Glad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I’m so gay for your art it’s so fucking sexy dude
Oh my g od are you sure the word you meant to use is sexy I’m ??? !!!!
Anon said:Consider,,,,, bakugou with glasses
I did draw that in the past!!!
Anon said:pssst fran have u heard that in bnha light novel baku is actually scared of ghost story???
Seriously??? :O is there a translation for that part anywhere online?? :O :O
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akilabee-blog · 6 years
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1. Collage is above
2. Links to your 3 favorite character developments done this year
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the single best thing that happened in 2017? 
I got married!
2. Pick three words to describe 2017.
Family, learning, teaching
3. What did you do in 2017 that you never did before?
Got married
4. Did you keep 2017′s resolutions? What were they?
It was to leave an impact in my student’s life and I think I accomplished that
5. Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017?
I traveled to many places in Africa like Dubai, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Jerusalem. I traveled to many places in Hawaii and in England too. Aspen was interesting as well and Oregon  
6. What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
A child when the time is right. A pet too and my job at the prison to be full time
7. In what ways did you grow emotionally and/or spiritually in 2017.
Things that used to bother be no longer do and I live for more than just myself now
8. Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you? If so, which theme and why?
9. Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast?
No, most of it was slow to me
10. List all of your employments in 2017? 
Teaching at the same charter elementary school in Miami
11. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
“Way up I feel blessed!”
12. What is/are some thing(s) you regret doing this past year?
I regretted trusting the wrong people and letting my relationship with my older sister worsen
13. Fill in the blank: In 2018 I will ____________.
Be the best teacher, a more creative one. Be an amazing wife and go to church more and drag my family along with me
14. If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go?
Back to Dubai. Somewhere new? I have a long list haha
15. Do you feel you need to apologize to anyone before the year ends?
Yes, my older sister
16. What was the biggest surprise of this year?
Getting married and my niece are the two biggest
17. How much did you change this year? What’s different about you?
I’m more cautious and self less. I think about everything I do before just jumping into it. I’m not as sensitive as I was before, but still spoiled
CONFESSIONS Bold the statements that are true.
In the year 2017 I confess that I….
Kissed someone I never kissed before.
Did something I regret.
Had sex.
Been drunk.
Started doing drugs.
Quit doing drugs.
Been in a relationship.
Visited a foreign country.
Had a secret/kept a secret.
Broke a promise.
Slept under the stars.
Stayed up until sunrise.
Got in a fight.
Fell in love with someone who was “just a friend.”
Attended a party.
Hosted a party.
Got dumped.
Slept with the same sex.
Got a new piercing/tattoo.
Attended a concert.
Broke someone’s heart.
Made someone’s day.
Met new people that I became very close to.
Cheated on a test/homework.
Found love.
Got a new job.
Got fired.
Learned to speak another language.
Had surgery or received serious medical attention.
Lost something very valuable.
Had an allergic reaction to something.
Experienced the death of someone close to you.
Lost a friend.
Painted a picture.
Dyed my hair.
Got a new haircut I thought I’d never get before.
Wrote a poem.
Graduated from High School.
Graduated from College.
Applied for Graduate School.
Ran a mile.
Ate much healthier.
Ended toxic friendships.
Ended toxic relationships.
Gained a new friend.
Gained a new best friend.
Regret losing a friend.
Regret losing a relationship.
Tried something out of my comfort zone.
Got married, engaged or divorced.
Had a child.
Committed a crime.
Had a fight with my parents.
Realized my homosexuality.
Realized my bisexuality.
Realized my pansexuality.
Realized my asexuality.
Pushed someone away.
Slept with someone other than my significant other.
Finally allowed myself to let go of my first love.
Learned to hate someone I thought I never would.
Learned to be more patient.
RESOLUTIONS Write at least two resolutions for each category below.
1. Personal Improvement
Sit down and decide how far I want to go as a teacher and eat healthier with Blue.
2. Family and Friends
Reconcile with my sister and parents and make more time for my friends.
3. School and the Outside World
Plan way more field trips for my students so they can get a hands on experience and their own perspective of more things. Make a list of all the places I want to visit in and outside of Miami and go!
4. Romance
Explore life with Blue until we’re tired and old!
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antiquexbeast · 7 years
0, 6, 7, 9 (ic AND ooc if you're comfortable with it /o/)
{ nosy anons let's go } - { meme link here }
0: Height     ❛ Height? Well, you’re far taller than me, my dear. Standing in at a meager 5′9″ without my heels, you dwarf me considerably. Perhaps now you know why it is that I’m always ducking behind you in crowds and have avoided approaching you through genuine... reflexive anxiety, haha ~ ❜[ *mun is goddamn 5′5″ and suffers from Chihuahua Syndrome. it’s a scientific fact that short people are composed of 50% rage and 50% hate. i think the weirdest thing about being short is that if you’re too tall i’ll either be terrified of you, or if you try to be aggressive with me i’ll fight you and attempt to throw you like i have no in between ;;;; ]
6: Age you get mistaken for     ❛ Strangely enough, I’m mistaken for someone far younger without my glasses? I think this may be a sign that I need to switch to frames that are less... vintage in nature. With that said, I tend to be mistaken to be in my early 30′s or late 20′s. In reality I’m closer to my late 30′s, haha ;; ❜
[ *mun has been 19 for the past like decade according to like everyone? idk why i’m specifically stuck at 19. probably because of the places i work ( hot topic and claire’s ). depending on what i wear, old ladies at the bus stop will ask if i’m alone and are generally worried about me being “without my parents.” in reality i’m 29. like idfk how i’m still carded for shit or asked where my chaperone is like wtf ;;; ]
7: Have tattoos?     ❛ Aah... Well, that you’ll have to find out for yourself, won’t you ~ ❜
[ *mun: if i had an endless supply of money i’d have tattoos on every inch of my skin lol. so far i just have a fandom based tattoo for saiyuki on most of my arm. def got that when i was super underaged and it’s a mystery i hid the damn thing for 4 fuckin years. eventually i’d like to get prince’s symbol, as it means a lot to me, F holes around my spine, and probably some other impulsive garbage next time Friday 13th rolls around ]
9: Got any piercings?    ❛ Ah, just my ears, as they were the easiest to keep up the care for. There may or may not have been a few other remnants and scars from impulses long past, but as I said earlier, you’ll simply have to find those out for yourself ~ ❜
[ *mun: i’m actually getting my ears re-piercing sometime tomorrow for my “birthday.” i’d like to have piercings for every year i’ve been on hormones, just as a personal reminder. i’d debated on getting a handful of other piercings, but i also suck at taking care of myself, so i figured doing any more invasive piercings would be a bad idea ;;;; ]
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