shittyavatarideas · 4 years
avatar of the web but its just projectmanagers as a profession
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mag200 · 3 years
only kind of related but whats your favourite tvd season. ive watched it as a teen when it aired regularly and then got lost around s4 and only picked it up again last year and binged for a whole week but got stuck at s4 YET AGAIN id love to know if its worth it to pick it up Again (and maybe finish it this time) djgkkdgk
i think s2-3 are really the height of tvd theyre objectively the best. everything with the introduction of elijah and klaus and the originals, the sun and moon curse, elena being sacrificed (god, i still get chills when i think about her having to see jenna die), the expansion of lore with the werewolves (which was good worldbuilding. it was a good expansion before things just get ridiculous in later seasons). bonnie coming into her own and being confident in her power (before all the later seasons bullshit where she keeps getting sideline and/or dying). the stelena vs delena drama was at its best in season 3 i think, like it’s actually a pretty compelling love triangle when you watch as damon becomes the one elena trusts and stefan’s the one going off the deep end with klaus.
i’ve rewatched this show a ridiculous number of times but i usually only watch the first four seasons. s4 is special to me for nostalgia reasons but its also when tvd rlly shifted and decreased in quality. the early stage of watching elena cope with becoming a vampire, and choosing damon over stefan, was interesting, but i think the writers hit a big wall immediately after that and never figured out how to deal with it. (i think they should’ve dealt with it by shifting the focus to bonnie but we all know that wasnt gonna happen)
anyway sorry for all the rambling but i dont super recommend pushing thru the last seasons if u dont feel that committed to it. its not good. just rewatch the early years lol
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morporkian-cryptid · 4 years
secret siblings, doppelgänger and/or the evil twin as the big plot twist.
..........my dude. I have just spent the whole day going through a rollercoaster of feels because of an angsty doppelganger fic. Soooooo...
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
I put “I guess” for “evil secret twin as the big plot twist”, I like the “evil secret twin” (or evil doppelganger, or whatever) more when it’s not a plot twist but something that is addressed along the story. For me it’s more interesting to see the emotional turmoil of the main character fighting against a relative, than having a big plot twist of “OMYGOD THEY WERE FAMILY ALL ALONG”. Anyways it’s still a good trope.
Secret siblings and doppelgangers are good too. Especially “I’m gonna rescue my doppelganger from the fucked up alternate timeline and give him a second chance” -heavy sideglance at that one Lupin III fic-
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watch out ive got a lot: 1, 3, 5, 13, 14, 20, 24, 29, 36, 45, 71, 72, 74, 91, 95, 102, 108, 113, 129, 135, 144. and here‘s a bonus: tell me about the most atrocious outfit you ever wore and why you were wearing it 🌿
Holy shit, thats a lot.
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Ok, here we go, buckle in...
Who was the last person I held hands with? My wife, unsurprisingly enough haha. Although we don’t actually hold hands often.
Who am I looking forward to seeing? It would be nice to meet up with the twins after this pandemic crap has calmed down. Its been a while. And seeing Lexi would be good.
If I was drunk, would the person I like take care of me?
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You mean... my wife? My wife, the nurse? Also I’m an ex alcoholic, I don’t drink enough to get drunk anymore, as much as I sometimes want to.
Do I like when people play with my hair? Hm... yes, I do. But only people I trust. Apparently its good to braid.
Do you believe in luck and miracles? In terms of magical interferance from fate? No. But I am somewhat supersticious. I suppose I believe in luck, but not miracles.
Do I like my neighbours? 
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There’s a young lesbian couple upstairs who are great, and the old man across the hall is strangely endearing in a grumpy old person sort of way. The family underneath us who smoke inside the building and yell at all hours? No, not so much.
Favourite part of my daily routine? Not sure. Wouldn’t entirely say I have much of a set routine. Cooking dinner can be nice if I have the energy. Waking up early and just laying in bed, or doing nothing in the evening is also nice. And working out, I enjoy that.
Have any of my exes told me they regret breaking up? No. I tend to fall out of contact with people I’m no longer in a relationship with. And then my most recent ex made it VERY clear she wanted me gone. I know I’ve wished things had gone differently with some of them in the past... I’ve told one of those stories... I’m happy now though.
Have I ever liked someone and never told them?
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I am a bisexual man raised by bigoted parents. Of course I have. I’ve liked people and not even told MYSELF that I liked them.
What makes me get out of bed in the morning? I go stir crazy if I don’t. Its also necessary for looking after my family.
Craving something? What? Actually yes, I’ve been craving fruit ice-lollies lately. What are they called... those Calippo things? No fucking clue why.
How many pillows do I sleep with? I have teo on my side of the bed, so one or two.
How many stuffed animals do I think I have? None. Never have, past age 3 ish.
Is there anyone I want to punch in the face right now?
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The Fucker comes to mind first. Ususally there’s someone I’m pissed at, but it changes frequently.
Last movie I watched? Oh it would have been a while ago... Crimson Peak I think? On Netflix.
Do I regret anything from my past?  Seriously? You’re seriously asking me that? Yes. A lot.
What should I be doing? Like... what? Things I’m meant to be doing right now? Nothing really, its a lazy day.
What was my childhood nickname? Uh... the only thing I can think of is Danny... I mean Dan is technically a nickname too.
What’s my zodiac sign? Libra. Just turned 36. Getting old.
Dumbest lie I ever told? 
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I’m sure I must have tried to tell stupid lies when I was very small, but I suppose I learnt pretty quickly that I’d be punished wether I lied or told the truth. I got more satisfaction out of looking the bastard in the eye and being honest. And a dumb lie in my job can be fatal so they tend not to happen.
Dark, milk or white chocolate? Milk or white. Dark tastes like someone turned soot into a chocolate bar. Milk is the best middle ground.
And to answer your “bonus question”; I consider the horrible formal clothes I was forced into as a nipper to be horrific. But I guess I wore that sort of thing for my wedding so maybe its just my memories of it. I vaguely remember wearing a variety of absolutely awful stag-do type outfits (cheap wigs and costumes and the like) for various birthdays, stag nights, and hazing type events.
Oh god the hangovers...
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Thank you for the ask, Feo. You certainly put the effort into that haha.
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Ich hab vorhin meine Wäsche rausgehangen weil ich dachte, hey! Wind! Nice! Und musste dann eine halbe Stunde daneben stehen bleiben und die Bettlaken festhalten damit sie nicht von der Leine fliegen. Ist aber alles in den 30 Minuten trocken geworden also seh ich hier nur Gewinne
Lol. Solang’s nicht regnet
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carrionkid · 7 years
@avajpeg replied to your post “AY what’s up everybody i’m working on some alien covenant fic”
VERY GOOD CONTENT ������✨ please keep us updated yes please
i’ve posted the first little chapter to ao3, it’s here if you want to read it!
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avajpeg · 5 years
Not to be dramatique™️ or anything but does anybody here even know anything about me
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hibernia-1 · 4 years
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Thanks for helping to keep me sane in the shiteshow that was 2020, you all! 
Special shout out to my siblings-in-arms of the D.U.M.B. (especially @bookshop-cryptid and @wheresmybloodynauglamir and @whosayscrimedoesntpay) - Mr James @thetravelsofadreamer and herr Fleischer @theslaughteredkelpie - The Team @the-magpies-men (especially my wise big brother Mr Anderson) - Lid @mulderandkrycek - @the-spider-and-the-sniper (thanks for all the answers!) - @conduitstreetcat and @greenfaeriefeverdream (thanks for all the Mormor, especially GTSS) - @canceltheham (I love you Jane) - @avajpeg (hi Fjodor!) - Tel @translunartea - @hippano (thanks for all the amazing art!) and an EXTRA special shout out to The Colonel @ofmagpiesandtigers for all the kind words of support, reasonable words of wisdom, and providing zen. I love you all and I wish you an absolutely wonderful 2021!
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vidtape · 3 years
friend me on duolingo @/avajpeg i love getting these little encouragement pop ups from other people and i love giving them back !!!
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i-will-ascend · 4 years
I dont know if i have anything more to give than marbles :( i can bake some bread i think... though flour is rly hard to come by these days, as you can probably imagine... can you give me like... a day or two to think about this? Or is this some kind of do or die situation.. ://
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For now you have time. She is a patient one. But do not dismiss Her or play games with Her. Or me, for that matter. But if you do seek to be enlightened, I will guide you towards Her. 
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morporkian-cryptid · 4 years
im getting the vibe that you know way more than youre letting on. Real 👁 powers, but like... you’re using them for good yk
...Are you saying I’m secretly an avatar of the Beholding?
Thank you. I don’t know if I really do have any powers to use for good, but... I try ^^
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2, 7, 17, 22 and 43 (as well as 18, 23 and 32 ooc ❤️)
Lots of questions as always haha.
What am I obsessed with right now? I’m not sure really. Don’t think I’m really “obsessed” with anything at the moment. Usually it would be my work but I need to get some more jobs in.
Who am I jealous of?
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People with emotionally stable childhoods. I mean that.
Am I angry with anyone right now? Actively angry, no. I’m always baseline angry at my parents, and now The Fucker infuriates me, but right now I’m fine.
Tag someone I think is hot. No. I’m married. @the-magpies-men (Kamal)
What’s my guilty pleasure? I honestly don’t believe in guilty pleasures. If something makes you happy you shouldn’t feel guilty for enjoying it.
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Enjoy whatever you want to, as long as its not hurting someone.
((ooc answers under the cut))
((What tattoos do I want? I was actually looking at tattoo designs last night so perfect timing haha. Right now I’m looking at getting something small, since its my first one, and space themed. I also like the idea of getting a lit match at some point to represent a song quote I like. And if things are going well and long term with my boyfriend there’s some small designs I like that I’d want to get one of to represent us.
What are my favourite bands and musical artists? This is the worst question to ask me because rarely will I be able to give you an actual answer. I have an annoying habit of only listening to one or two songs from and artist rather than their whole repetoire. But I suppose ones I have a lot from are Meat Loaf, AC/DC, Billy Joel. I really like Queen. I have a lot of Pentatonix songs for some reason. So yeah, a bit of everything really.
If I could live in a fictional world, what world would I pick? That’s a tricky one. In reality I’d like the ability to hop between them. Because the wizarding world seems amazing (ignoring the shitty twat of a creator), as does Middle Earth, and the Supernatural universe, and a bunch of others. I just want my life to be more exciting tbh. Doesn’t even have to be a fantasy universe.
Thank you for taking an interest in me as well as Dan, Feo.))
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averageartratfan · 7 years
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@closeonmarksnosedive tagged me i guess? have this loves
anyway i’ma tag @panicswxtch if she wanna du it & @avajpeg 
rate my accuracy 
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vidtape · 3 years
HELLO SO I used to anon message u on @avajpeg and I’m here now hello how are u <3 are u still playing bass??? I hope ur month has been nice and easy mwah what’s new?
hello hello ☺️☺️ thank u for joining me in my rebrand yes in theory i still play bass except that both of my roommates work from home in the morning and through the afternoon and i dont want to bother them so i actually dont. cause in the evening i keep thinking that the neighbors will complain djfkkf actually i should play again though. i know objectively that i never play more than 30 minutes (because i get distracted) so that can easily be squeezed in somewhere during the day lmao
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i-will-ascend · 4 years
@avajpeg Bad vibes... i thought since you‘re godkin you‘d like a well-meant offering, but if you don‘t that‘s fine too, i guess. :(
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I do not understand what you’re trying to tell me. Please come back when you have chosen to follow the path to enlightenment. 
Also, I do not take offerings. Yet. All offerings go to Her. 
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morporkian-cryptid · 3 years
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Doodled this today.  I just thought you guys could use one of these coat of arms.
I’m stimming so hard I might just flap away
-deep inhale-
@whosayscrimedoesntpay @wheresmybloodynauglamir @hibernia-1 @avajpeg @criminal-logistics @heather-delilah (sorry if I forgot to tag anyone please tag them in the comments)
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