#Ooh Shiny
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if you havent read this fish n chips fic yet what are you doing go read it go read it now im STILL thinking about it
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ur-mentallyill-wench · 10 months
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rachelillustrates · 6 months
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Self promotion post time!!!
(As requested by my dear @conkers-theficwriter 💕)
My name is Rachelillustrates (call me Rae) and I'm a queer/body-positive focused Faerie and fantasy artist, comic artist and writer.
Main fandoms, at the moment: "The Hobbit"/"Lord of the Rings," Critical Role (campaign one), MCU Thor (and the comics that inspired the recent films), "Lore Olympus," "Suitor Armor," and Holly Black's "The Folk of the Air" series and everything attached to it.
Current main ships, in fandom: Bagginshield (The Hobbit/LotR), Gentlebeard (OFMD), Harlivy (DC/Batfamily), Oak/Suren ("The Folk of the Air"/"The Stolen Heir")
Main vibes, in both fanwork and original work: body/size-positivity and queer representation, as previously mentioned. Gnome positivity and recognition, Orc positivity and recognition, fantasy Dwarven positivity and recognition. Found family. Self-sovereignty paired with compassion for all AND the healing power of True Love in all its forms.
Biggest original project: "Tock the Gnome"
"What do you do, when you're a lost faerie in a realm that has forgotten it is Faerie at all? When you set out to save a legendary Princess that no one else believes in? When you intend to court and marry that Princess, but you meet someone else - someone fascinating - on the road? When your Love can change the world?
Follow Tock, a Gnome woman from a steampunk-society in a realm of high fantasy, as she finds herself in such a situation. Driven by a Fairy Tale about a trapped Elven princess on a floating island, she convinces her friend Bumble – an airship pilot – to join her quest to rescue her. They hire extra firepower from unfamiliar lands, and together they seek the island and the princess. But what they seek may not be quite what they expected…"
Available to read for free across the platform of your choice here.
Thanks for taking a look 🦋
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superkawaiimothman · 21 days
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*grabby hands*
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thedollchanel · 2 years
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genericpuff · 2 years
putting the gLOw back in LO
i've sorely missed the glitter and glam and glow that used to be way more present in LO, especially around the halfway mark of S1, but particularly in scenes like this:
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the little details of persephone's body glow reflecting in the window, off her hair and even along the floor was really special and it's what i really fell in love with when i first started reading LO. I feel like nothing encapsulates the loss of this effect more than a revisit to this very panel in Season 2, featuring the nymphs instead:
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ofc this might be intentional, who knows, maybe another difference between gods and nymphs is the glow... but even still, there's a sort of magic in these older panels that's lost in the newer episodes. the gods don't glow anymore, they don't look like ethereal beings, they just look like people with body paint.
so here are some edits i did of LO panels that could use more glow, inspired by the comparison above!
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might do more of these later on, we'll see lol give us back the glow, RS!
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keltaithecrafty · 3 months
A day in my life -
It's coming up to St David's Day (March 1st).
I am half Welsh, and when I was little my Welsh Mam used to dress me in the Welsh national costume on St David's Day. There are pictures of me in the costume, a long skirt, a white blouse, an apron, shawl and a black felt hat. Pretty much like this:
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I wonder where the costume is now - then remember there isn't a hope in hell the hat would fit as I last wore it in the 90s and my head is bigger than my mother's now
I go looking online for adult size Welsh hats.
After some time it seems there is not a single place that makes and sells the traditional wool felt Welsh hats.
This feels very wrong to my historian self, and I start looking for vintage hat blocks and felt.
I am wondering about learning hat making to revive the production of traditional Welsh hats.
I have not, at this point, ever made a formal hat. I do not know how to make a hat, and I have no space or equipment for making hats.
I am still wondering where I might learn to make hats.
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xaran-alamas · 1 year
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After finishing my Yaginata painting, I did this quick sketch of Duusu. I'm currently writing a fan fic which heavily involves her and this is the mood she exudes.
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A Whale of a Tail
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But seriously, if you've ever seen Kirk Douglas "singing" in 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, you know what I mean.
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codesquire · 2 months
Oh, the weird little niches of YT I find, because something catches my attention...
This time, it's a video about the Titanic insurance fraud conspiracy.
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creative-shades · 5 months
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guys i read a 4+1 fish n chips kiss fic last night that was so good im still fucking thinking about it. dear god it will not leave my brain. goddamn. holy fuck.
WistfulWriter, im eating that shit. dear god. the +1 plays on loop in my head. good lord. holy fuck. 11/10 fic actually. god.
heres the link by the way everyone should read it if you get the chance cause goddamn:
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natpine-liberatia · 10 months
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rachelillustrates · 8 months
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We interrupt our usual Orctober proceedings in order to SCREAM about the work of one @conkers-theficwriter
This being drawn for her work “Stealing Moments, Moments Away,” which is a reshirement AU in which she tackles @smolestboop 's  Bagginshieldtober prompts. It is SO heart-warming. I cannot recommend it, or any of the rest of her stories, enough. She writes them in a way that honors what complete idiots they are about each other (and I mean that in every sense of the word and on every moment in the timeline) and tackles interesting questions about their circumstances, both in canon – if we had gotten the overt representation they and we deserved – and in AU, in several ways (including a take on what would happen if the Company missed Durin’s Day and had to stay in Lake-town for a year), handling all aspects of their damage and their personalities with respect and love, and a sense of truly seeing them, imho.
You can check out all her work here, or “Stealing Moments, Moments Away” here. Go go go go go!! You won’t regret it 💙
 Bonus art and stories ~ Shop and Commissions
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amysnotdeadyet · 1 year
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i painted a sparkly grey-and-white dreamer for #100cats no.80 🩶🤍✨
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theexpirederror · 1 year
Sneakers inspired by Godzilla, Anguirus, Ultraman and Hedorah
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