#Oooh boy is this a rollercoaster
hearts-4-eyes · 5 months
Pavia x reader headcanons
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dating pavia would be.. interesting.
oooh boy, no matter how you encountered him, you’ll be stuck in his web. a real emotional rollercoaster for starters..
It would take a lot of effort and time for this man to tolerate you and truly accept you and him as equals ..but before that, being with him would be very toxic.
how you managed to get into a relationship with this freak is unclear, but you two one day just.. hooked up, and it all goes downhill from here.
Because of his trauma, Pavia obviously has a very warped view of life and the world he inhabits.
I think he’d initially see you as an unsolved puzzle. Confusing but interesting.
Pavia was very touch starved before he met you, and now???
He can’t keep his hands off you..whether that's in a sexual sense or an affectionate sense.
Sometimes he's steals for you or for himself just because he thinks it's fun.
He already has keys to your house or he just breaks in.
Look, this guy is a mercenary, an experienced one. He’s elusive, if he decides to keep you around, don’t expect him to focus all of his attention on you. He comes and goes as he pleases.
I don’t want to say yandere is his default since he doesn't really know how to properly love, because I do think he has some potential, but it does make sense for him, because there has to be something about you that makes you interested in him,
Maybe you're his polar opposite? Maybe you're also a sadist.
He isn’t used to the ways of society or being a decently functioning civilian, so he’ll say and do some random things once in a while.
Once you stick around for a while, it occurs to Pavia that you might just genuinely love him..and that makes him do a double take.
He tries to be kinder, more open, obviously this won’t happen overnight. His behavior will soon take after you.
He might even consider getting a tattoo or two that reminds him of you. He might even ask you if matching tattoos are a possibility.
NSFW: Everything is with consent of course!
Sex with him is spontaneous. Honestly, I’m willing to bet Pavia is somewhat kinky.
Loves to fuck you with his gun and heavily involves his cold metal piercings when eating you out or making you shiver from his piercings gliding against your sensitive areas.
If you two ever break up, Pavia would love to toy with you. His mercenary side is so manipulative and would use it to make you feel like shit and put you in a state of co-dependency while out hunting bounties and during this you would be trying to keep your slowly but surely deteriorating mental health alive.
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annieontheside · 8 months
okay guys. get ready. grab a drink. take a seat. because here it is. something i did while i ignored every responsibility i have.
Half Awake In Our Fake Empire. By: HMSLusitania. We have Girl dad Buck, a lot of pining, a lot of fluff, a bit of angst, and everyone around them being completely done with buddie. https://archiveofourown.org/works/33098662/chapters/82165891
What’s Love got to do with it?. By ColorMeParanoid. We have, again, Buddie being completely blind about their relationship, and everyone around them being completely done with their bullshit. Yeah, platonic my ass. https://archiveofourown.org/works/29474319/chapters/72401502
Leave the Light On (I’ll be coming home). By: HMSLusitania. Oooh boy. Get ready because this is the perfect combination of angst, fluff and non-sexual slow burn you’ll ever see. It’s also a perfect demonstration of Buck being a good parent, but also someone who is mourning his best friend and love of his life. You can guess the rollercoaster of emotions this is. https://archiveofourown.org/works/31704383/chapters/78467423
a place we both know. By: not1_2write We have ABO, and arranged marriage (a good one). we also have fluff, and family feels. it works around pack dynamics that usually we don’t get in fanfics, so if you’re searching for fluffy, sweet and domestic abo, this is for you!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/32863219/chapters/81551668
The Monsterfucker Symphony. By: letmetellyouaboutmyfeels. this one… lol. this one doesn’t really count as ONE fic. it’s really good if you’re looking for, if the title didn’t give it away, monsterfucking small fics. i would actually recommend it to people that kind of feel curious about it but are too shy or don’t know where to start. they’re really good!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/34287925/chapters/85311151
Left Unsaid. By: C_M2 This one takes us back to the tsunami!! we all know buck helped a lot of people, but he never really talked about it so here we can just let out all of our feels about it. we also have buddie realizing their feelings, and christopher being the sweetest child ever. https://archiveofourown.org/works/48624313/chapters/122650849
Everything at Once. By: C_M2 uuuuuh i loved this!! basically buck gets a lot of money from his grandmother and i’m not gonna say anything else but it’s really good! it has fluff, and buddie realizing their feelings, and domestic fluff. https://archiveofourown.org/works/48639271/chapters/122692615
Home Recovery. By: C_M2 guess what, guys, buck is injured!! again!! but this time the Diaz boys take care of him. we have mutual pining (never gets old), domestic fluff (also known as eddie worried as fuck and taking care of buck). https://archiveofourown.org/works/48624544/chapters/122651578
I deserve the dream (but i don’t deserve the hurting). By: C_M2 & not1_2write. (does it show that i spent three days reading all their fanfics?) okay. we have buck getting injured (again), and eddie getting worried as fuck (again), and buddie pining (again) and realizing their feelings. we also have fluff, platonic bed sharing AND getting together!! we love them. https://archiveofourown.org/works/34355188/chapters/85485961
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lurkingteapot · 8 months
Won't get through to you. 君には届かない。Ep 7
I was very, very curious to see where we'd go from the ending of ep 6, and this episode did not disappoint, either.
My running commentary for the first part of the episode was like this:
Yamato: oh kiddo, you fucked upppp but at least you're aware, I guess?
Mikoto! I love Mikoto, she's the best
oh Kakeru, bb, you're being so brave
oh!!! is all of our preview the first five minutes?? I love this showwww EVERYONE
Hosaka dear, I know you mean well but fffff this is. not it.
aaaaah dang it, I want to go to a festival, too
「暴走した」って … I mean I guess that's one way to put it.
Hosaka and Amamiya really do go and show up everywhere together, huh.
oh they'Re so CUTE goddAMN
Good job on apologising, Yamato, now don't do it again.
(watch me needing to rewind because I missed stuff squeeing)
oh my goodness these TWO
adsfasfasdf HOSAKA あんなあ your timing …
Fujino's shock :'D
love how Kakeru and Yamato are both determined to be better for themselves and each other, I love it
deus ex kokuhaku no hi, huh
Akane-chan, ILU
ahahaa well-timed cold, huh. if it weren't Yamato I feel like he's probably playing hookie
oh hi Kurosawa
character growth!
ahaha he WAS-- oh!!
god they're so CUTE
Kakeru's being so brave!! Yamato's so dramatic!!
ahaha did he really realise the day after?! I mean RELATABLE (I once wrote an email for someone's birthday, wanted to open with something else, and ended up forgetting to include the congrats altogether), but ….
oooh yakiimo. damnit now I want some.
Kakeru my BOY!!!!
and also OF COURSE he caught a cold
Yamato is absolutely doing that whole "commenting on how lucky the doll is and how cute Kakeru is out loud" thing on purpose
boy you do notttt kiss people when they're asleep, come on, you were doing so well all episode!
this preview is telling me next week will be another rollercoaster.
Sorry if anyone's still waiting for ep 6 subs; I had a number of brickspace things come up :( hope to get them and ep 7 out by the end of the week though.
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fanficapologist · 4 months
Well, this certainly was an emotional rollercoaster hahahahaha Half the time i was reading it, I was switching between frustration, sadness, and confusion. Let’s unpack~
I think it’s impossible to not feel betrayed like Maera does because it feels as if their entire relationship was built on a lie. At least, that’s what I feel. Plus I also feel pressed because the audacity of him to ask Lord Warren to leave her alone and yet he’d lain with Alys, I mean, I get the setting and how men’s indiscretions are always turned a blind eye to, but it still irks me.
But at the same time, I can’t help but feel a sort of begrudging admiration because his actions show the lengths he was willing to go to, just to secure Maera. And the line “I would have set this world ablaze if it meant I could have you” certainly rings true. I mean, our boy did put his money where his mouth is. Still, his methods are questionable, considering his seed took root and now Alys is also pregnant- per Helaena’s prophecy. It’s not something you can just “forget about” because the evidence is there staring you in the face and it’s also undeniable and while I am pissed at that I am not mad at the child because I can’t really fault it now. Which also makes it more frustrating.
On the other hand, I am pleased that Maera kept her wits about her and asked Aemond for space, had she immediately forgiven him or jumped into his arms, I think she’d be hot and cold and have random outbursts. I’d also be ready to throw a fit hahaha
Finally, I’d like to talk about Ebrion. The dragon mirrors her emotional turmoil and I am hoping whilst she ices out Aemond, she gets to bond with the dragon and properly claim him. I think it’d be lovely if she had a bit of respite from all the drama happening and just escape from it all, quite literally. Lord knows she certainly deserves it.
Oooh while I’m waiting for the next chapter, I think I’m going to reread the entire thing and see if I missed anything!! Bahahaha
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You’ve hit the nail on the head, that’s what I was going for!
The audacity of the men in this universe is just 🤦🏻‍♀️ and while I love that he literally went to the ends of the earth to have her, YOU CANT JUST GO KILLING YOUR GIRLFRIENDS EXTENDED FAMILY THROUGH A WITCH SO YOU CAN MARRY HER, ITS GENERALLY FROWNED UPON
After everything I think I would need space too before I killed him 🤣 I feel so bad for Maera she’s vulnerable, pregnant and everything she thought she had known has just been shattered.
My girl is going to see her dragon 💙
Also as a writer, I also go back and see if I’ve missed anything cos it’s easy to get lost after over 200k of your own words. I tend to write something down in an early chapter then store it in a separate document to come back to later on but you never know 🤣
Thanks again for your support 🖤
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quevadilla · 2 years
hello! i am too lazy to anon but I was just wondering what your top three steddie fics are OR what your top three fics are no matter the ship.
have a lovely night!!! :D
I slept very well, ty for the well wishes
and oooh is this a hard question and i have way more than three so there's some bonus ones
in no particular order:
you're divine by OonionChiver (@azrielgreen ) for sure, it lives in my mind rent free I'm thinking about it p much 24/7
the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it's you by greatunironic (@greatunironic ) I don't even have words to describe how I feel about this one /pos
good for my boy by MacksDramaticShenanigans (@stevethehairington ) (the whole layer by layer, the framework was formed series really) always has me in tears /pos
(something happens and I'm) head over heels by GibbousLunation (@klunkcat ) in case you want a fic where steve deals with the effects of repeated head trauma
camp folktale by cairparavels (i couldn't find a tumblr for this author so lmk if there is one so i can tag them!) god this one's such a rollercoaster, the slowburn is *chef's kiss*
this is your home, these are your people by oaseas (@metaldeads ) this one also (you'll notice a trend lmao) has me in tears every single time /pos
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survey--s · 10 months
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Did you know that all the fish are dying out? Sure, that's hardly news.
Would you ever wear a white tuxedo? No. I avoid even wearing white t-shirts lol.
Do you judge a book by its cover?
Sure, I mean - the blurb and the photo on the cover is generally what draws me into buying a book (or not).
Do you like chips and dips? Oooh, yes.
Last time you went on a rollercoaster: Whenever we went to Blackpool - I think it was about six years ago.
Ever been to a pottery class? I took pottery lessons in school for a while. It was pretty fun.
Does your milkshake bring all the boys to the yard? No.
Who was the last person to stay over at your house? I don't think anyone has ever slept over here.
Do you like red lipstick? On some people.
Can you recall your country’s national anthem? I know the first verse, yeah.
Do you believe in ghosts? No.
Which sweets/candy would you put into your dream pic'n'mix? Fizzy cola bottles, giant strawberries, strawberry bonbons, foam shrimps, foam bananas, fried eggs, milk bottles, jelly beans, those Haribo rhubarb and custards, fizzy strawberry pencils, fizzy cola laces and flying saucers. And now I want pic'n'mix lol.
If you had a boat, where would you sail in your boat? Around the world.
Can you rap? Ha, no.
Are you a light sleeper? Yeah, I definitely can be.
When you were young, did you ever pretend to “marry” somebody? Yeah, my then-boyfriend. What is your favourite Disney film? The original Alice in Wonderland.
Do you prefer brown or white bread? White.
Have you ever spent an entire day in bed? Yeah, a few times, but I don't really enjoy it. It ruins my mental health to just sit about in bed all day.
Don’t you just find it annoying when people get too much plastic surgery? I mean, I don't really care what other people do their bodies.
How high’s your pain threshold? I can tolerate some pain really well, but other types I struggle with.
What would you wear to a red carpet event? I wouldn't attend one.
Whose birthday is next, out of all the people you know? Uh, nobody in particular is coming to mind right now.
What kind of coat are you going to wear in the winter? It depends what I'm doing. I have about six winter coats.
Did you ever go through a Goth phase? Yep.
Do you find architecture interesting? No, not really.
When on the computer do you ever think about how it all works? No.
How many songs are there in your iTunes library? I don't use iTunes.
Do you like Irish accents? Yeah. My mum's best friend is Irish and her voice is just really comforting to me for some reason.
Describe the worst date you’ve ever been on: I went to the cinema with a friend of a friend once and he didn't speak more than two words to me the entire night, lol.
When did you last go to the park? I never really go to the park but I went to the local nature reserve yesterday morning if that counts?
Which two animals would you breed together to make a hybrid? I don't know about a hybrid, but I would LOVE a mini elephant.
Do you ever forget how to walk? Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night for a pee.
Do you own a Jesus bracelet? lol no.
How far out can you stick your tongue? Not very far? I don't know, I've never really thought about it.
Do you like David Bowie? Yeah, he was pretty talented.
Would you eat a live cockroach if it made you a millionaire? NOPE.
Does it annoy you when you feel like people aren’t really listening? I mean, I'm guilty of not really listening to people so I'd be a bit hypocritical to get annoyed by it ha.
Are you the type who usually plays it safe? Yeah.
Do you want what you can’t have? Sure - a horse lol.
Ever been copied by somebody, clothing or style-wise? Yes.
Is there a point to clear nail varnish? I mean, I used to wear it to school because it was all that I could get away with.
What is the latest time you’ve ever woken up? 3pm.
Ever gotten into trouble over something you didn’t really do? Yes.
Are you currently ill? I have period pains/PMS but otherwise I'm fine.
Don’t you just hate being corrected? It depends on how it's being done.
Are there any really beautiful buildings close to where you live? No.
Natural or artificial? I mean, it depends what we're talking about. Not everything artificial is bad.
Who do you think about most? That depends on the day.
Do you have embarrasing parents? I don't find them embarrassing now I'm an adult but I definitely found my dad excruciatingly embarrassing as a teenager lol.
How often do you use the word “poltent”? I mean, that's not a word.
How’s your grandmother? They’re both dead.
What in your opinion is the most annoying noise in the world? Screaming kids or cutlery scraping on plates.
Are you any good at writing? Apparently so.
Can you speak any Spanish? I can speak a few basic words.
Do you like things from the ‘50s? I like some of the fashions and music, but that's about it.
Would you rather be skeletal or curvy? Curvy.
What’s your favourite type of cloud? Cumulus.
What’s something that really matters to you? Animal welfare.
Did that pass some time? Yeah.
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boba-beom · 1 year
ahhh thank you so much, that really means a lot🥺 i hope i have a safe flight too, weather's been a little crazy over here, but hopefully it'll all clear out by next week❤️
oooh, i didn't know you do yoga, that's so cool! i don't think i've ever tried yoga personally, is it fun? aww no, i'm sorry, period pains suck so much. i hope you feel better soon🥺❤️ well yk whether it be a few days before or during your period, your body needs to rest, because it's working extra hard❤️ the title does sound really interesting, i might add it to my tbr - let me know your thoughts on it once you're finished. i was reading 2 books, but i've put them on hold for now. the first one is The Girl in Red by Christina Henry and the second one is Notes on a Nervous Planet by Matt Haig. the girl in red is a retelling of little red riding hood set in an apocalyptic world where there's this airborne disease that destroys most of the population. while the second book is a non-fiction one that talks about several aspects of the modern world and just how easily they can overwhelm us and cause anxiety within us. the author also shares some of his own experiences, which i find pretty cool.
the 2D1N series is so memorable to me. i just love how they were joking and laughing around with the boys as well as fangirling over them🥺
mine too omg the amount of times i've rewatched that performance and when they all also covered yeonjun's artist of the month WOW, that really did something to me. HE'S JUST SO FINE. finest man alive honestly.
hype boy is such a great song and the dance was just *chef's kiss*, but my favorite would have to be attention hehe. i also really like omg and ditto, they're both so good.
whenever i read something, it stays with me and i can't help but associate things to it. for example whenever i listen to jump the line i think back to your yeonjun drabble where mc was in the kitchen alone at night and he found her moving to that song🥺 but omg, don't worry about it!! it's completely fine, i know writing isn't an easy process and it can take time, besides there are so many things that can get in the way of it such as life. so please take your time and i'll patiently be waiting for future updates hehe <3
beomgyu of the day
so sorry for this late reply!! but i hope the weather hasn't been too bad for you, dear. hopefully the flight will go smoothly <3
it was actually my first time trying out yoga! i loved it! the instructor was so kind and everyone at the session was so friendly, there were a few who went before but there were also a few who were new to it so i felt like i eased into it nicely! the yoga itself was new, i think i prefer yoga that high intensity workouts!!
i shall note those book recommendations down, however, the girl in red sounds very familiar to me so unless i've come across it before or heard of it by passing, i'll give those a read 🤭
PLS you just mentioning yeonjun's artist of the month performance reminded me how hard i was manifesting a beomgyu artist of the month :< i love his dance style especially when it comes to hip-hop songs like that one predebut vid. but i also think beomgyu dancing something like this also needs to be a thing!! it suits his vibes a lot :') OMG wait even the choreo for rollercoaster, something about that beomgyu hit different
also good song choices!! i feel like there's no miss with newjeans, for me personally. i just love the nostalgic vibes they give, very much y2k
you and i are so alike!! i love reading fics with songs accompanied with it because those tend to stick to me better, but also giving off those specific vibes :') literally appreciate how supportive you've been with me, thank you so much :>
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dantevhell · 2 years
what are your top 5 insane amphibia episodes :o
Oooh thats a though question bc I never thought abt it. But well let's go!
Warning: this will be a big ass answer sor- SIKE I HAVE NO REGRETS!!
5 - BATTLE OF THE BANDS - ok it was a simple somewhat fluff somewhat angsty amphibia ep a really calm b4 the storm kinda of thing but made it was well made! Observing sasha's more profund mentality of "I need control, they won't want me if I am not in control, they won't need me if I am not in control" towards her girls and realizing that deep down all that she wants is for her girls to be happy, for them to succeed, God that was heartwarming. Toadie was the perfect and most unexpected character to teach her that but hey it was welcome!
This two pictures here made me insane.
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4 - BARREL'S WARHAMMER - I remember being genuinely SICK genuinely CRAZY genuinely DEPRESSED after this ep bc I never related to sasha so hard b4 and my kin on her only intensified on this ep! Seeing and confirming that sasha was insecure abt being left out of marcanne's life and feeling like she needs to have control for them to want her oh boy that was delicious and what a ep to make the fandom crazy with metas!! Seeing sasha beggining to realize that her actions were what was leading for the others to abandon her and she's the only to blame for her decisions.... only for her to fall into that trap of self destructive behavior MAN that sure was something that changed my brain chemicals HELL YEAH!!
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3 - THE THIRD TEMPLE - I was really excited for that ep bc we would not only get the girls SOOO waited reunion in amphibia after 2 YEARS but also we would gain a flashback when their first meet so i remember I spend the entire week only thinking about it! I really wanted to see how their dynamic would work as a trio and I was really excited to see if my predictions were correct (they were!). The tension of sasha and anne unresolved conflict and their long waited 2nd reunion, marcy finally encountering sasha after months without seeing each other, sasha and anne being unaware of marcy's plans with the king, MAN, THE TENSION WAS PALPABLE!
Also seeing sasha showing regret over her past actions with anne but unable to stop her already on motion plans was sure a good angst hoooho boy!
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2 - ALL IN - it was way more that I expected it to be! Anne's speech about her how she didnt loved herself, her fight with andrias and sasha's fight with darcy, andrias reading leif's letter, andrias and marcy flashback, marcy escaping her dreamscape!!! WOOF THAT WAS A ROLLERCOASTER OF EMOTIONS REAAAALLY WELL ELABORATED!
I think if the story ended there and we didn't had that stupid "suddenly the moon is the enemy bc the prophecy is too literal" plot and we just skipped to them saying goodbye and having the timeskip I would have been happier but that's content for aaaaanother post.....
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1 - TRUE COLORS - hands down the amphibia ep that made me the most INSANE AND MENTALLY ILL. Nothing will top true colors for me bc I spent months making theories with my friends only for it to be almost all throw away and the plot twists blow my mind! I genuinely didn't see marcy's reveal coming or her agreement with the king being going to other worlds so jesus! What a time! Marcy's speech was really impactful, andrias revealing his "true colors" was satisfactory in a way that was really anger inducing, sasha fight with anne and the begging of her redemption arc was soooo cool to watch and the animation in Anne's calamity form !! Wooooo I genuinely didn't know how to react after this ep I was feeling anesthetized a good few days!
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Jungle Drum - Emiliana Torrini
Just For You - Lionel Richie
Just Say Yes - Snow Patrol
Ka-Ching! (Red Version) - Shania Twain
Kids - MGMT
King Kong - Shanadoo
Komodo - Mauro Picotto
La Camisa Negra - Juanes
Leaving New York - R.E.M.
Life Is A Rollercoaster - Ronan Keating
Lift Me Up - Moby
Like A Hobo - Charlie Winston
Little Wonders - Rob Thomas
Lola’s Theme - The Shapeshifters
Lonely No More - Rob Thomas
Lost Without You - Delta Goodrem
Love At The First Sight - Kylie Minogue
Love etc. - Pet Shop Boys
Love Foolosophy - Jamiroquai
Love It When You Call - The Feeling
Love Long Distance - Gossip
Lucky - Lucky Twice
Me And My Imagination - Sophie Ellis-Bextor
Meet Me Halfway - Black Eyed Peas 
Memories - Within Temptation
Miss California - Dante Thomas
Mixed Up World - Sophie Ellis-Bextor
Monday Morning - Melanie Fiona
Morning After Dark - Timbaland feat. Nelly Furtado, Soshy
Murder On The Dancefloor - Sophie Ellis-Bextor
Music - Madonna
Music Gets The Best Of Me - Sophie Ellis-Baxtor
My Heart Goes Boom - French Affair
My Immortal - Evanescence
Need You Now - Lady A
Never Leave You (Uh Oooh, Uh Oooh) - Lumidee
New Divide - Linkin Park
New Soul - Yael Naim
No Other One - Taio Cruz
On and on - Agnes
One More Time - Daft Punk
One To Make Her Happy - Marque
Oops…! I Did It Again - Britney Spears
Photograph - Nickelback
Playgirl - Ladytron
Poker Face - Lady Gaga
Powerless (Say What You Want) - Nelly Furtado
Precious - Depeche Mode
Pure & Simple - Hear'Say
Pure Shores - All Saints
Push The Button - Sugababes
Rapture - iio
Release Me - Agnes
Replay - Iyaz
Right Round - Flo Rida feat. Kesha
Rise Up - Yves LaRock
Rock Steady - All Saints
Rock Your Body - Justin Timberlake
Ruby - Kaiser Chiefs
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knightbugs · 6 months
-- DISCLAIMER: this liveblog fucking sucks and to understand my thought process you need to either read it while watching the bad batch or you need to have every episodes events completely memorised --
episode 3 let's go
he handed her a glue stick to eat
this kid is CLUELESS about EVERYTHING
those are like rollercoaster seats… worlds worst rollercoaster ever
thebad batch fucking die
crosshair has been Brain Hacked
'go aweayyyy' emo ass bitch
oooh tech has like a little gasmask thing and so does echo that's so cool
Ominous Landscape ! Weird Rocks !
tech there is a Thing behind you
SCRATCHMARKS !!!!!!!!!!!
oh it ate the thing. all that work for nothing
omega has discovered: Some Kind Of Creature
theyrw making Bad Batch 2…..?? the good batch
this blonde boy is such a hater
is that walter white
oh wait tgey don't have any more of those things they can't replace it tehyre stu ck
the Creature has revoked hunters breathing privileges
she is saving his ass rn omega has discovered Being Useful my claustrophobic ass could not be omega bad batch rn
wjat the fuck they killed that woman mid sentence. ruuude
holy shit crosshair is fucking tyrannical
omega has discovered: Creature Lair
omega has discovered: the fight or flight response
omega has Emerged from the Lair
nice job omega bad batch 👍👍👍👍👍👍
Uh Oh thyeyre gonna see that one guy is died
crosshair: i killed several innocent civilians 😊 that guy: nice 😁👍
OH MY FOD THE LINES ON THW WALL THE WAY THEY WRRE HIGHLIGHTED. does crosshair miss the guys please say he misses the guys at least a little bit
omg omega room….. the lights are so pretty its so like. crafted with love in there. a bit cobbled together but in a cosy way
omega has discovered: having a room of her own
omega has discovered: found family
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tiny-tigers · 7 months
✨ Jacky boy is vindicated!!! 😂 (blame their haircuts I swear, all these boys look the same from behind, it's actually crazy) 😆
I think I was bored one weekend so watched both semi-finals for the 2022 season randomly and the tigers one stood out to me! It was against saints at home, and it being a derby (I had no idea) & being a semi-final, it was SO intense & I was hooked! I remember Fred's try in the corner towards the end where he pumped the air and roared & I was like urm who is that 🙃👀😆🙈
Then had to watch the final of course, still not obsessed with him then, but omg WHAT A GAME. I was in awe - so in answer to your question, probably tigers first! *I'd never actually thought about that until now* [I guess that's why I've been watching all their games this season even when he's been absent]
I've never been to that part of the country but I've heard wonderful things! 💖
I have sometimes wondered why you reply to some but not others 😆🙈 now I know!
Merci! I'm doing well thanks! But oooh I do love a juicy 💣 message from time to time 😂☕️ *we should just be glad at the lack of drama rn* long may it continue 🙏 😂
Speak for yourself for the lack of drama we still have a jacky the dirty on full roll liking everything and the twin sister of his girl crush going to Leicester match......mmmmmmmh and the one he rejected with her hhhhhhm awkwaaaard
on other drama we have little cousin alfie posting homophobic tiktok.................. Family reunion must be F U N when you know about Molly / Rory and Jack (absolutely not sure for his sister but I don't get the straight vibe either)
I was pretty sure it was him but good thing for that footage showing me he was just minding his little beer. He is little compared to the others so maybe he was into that circle after all. I guess he is still on meds anyways so I don't think he can drink that that much ??
oh so it's actually quite recent , why do I always forget ???
So it is "you are gonna be my rugbybae at first sight" OhOhOho
I get that...I was more like oooh you you do look like Toby Flood young 👀 but yeah you didn't really had the dramas the almost relegation the previous premcup win etc... 😱 Leicester ls always a rollercoaster to support ! LOVE that team so bad but wow
That is pretty cool you are team first when I am players first. It means you likely will remain a tigers fan even if Freddie swap team which he might do.... I can totally see him going to France when I cannot imagine for one second Jack doing that.
Not a lot of bomb o bomb because I am still relucant to re open Lille wound but I have lots to say on almost all your messages I think
0 notes
briankang · 1 year
i cannot believe you just asked me if i knew of day6. of course i’ve heard of them! i don’t listen to them a lot and i honestly should bc i do like bands so recommend songs to me. i remember having ‘zombie’ on repeat for the longest time bc it stayed in my playlist.
PLS I’M SO JEALOUS I LOVE NOCTIS AND PROMPTO. bestest of boys. and you know their voice actors 😭 i wanna meet them so i can tell them that game means so much to me. i still replay that game to this day. as always, ff games always make me cry and that game definitely made me go through an emotional rollercoaster.
i met adassa who voices delores in disney’s encanto and morgan berry who voices thirteen in my hero academia! sweetest human beings esp adassa. she even wore a delores cosplay!! i’m a movie collector so i had adassa sign my blu-ray movie of encanto and morgan matin my season one of mha. gosh, i looove cons.
i hope you’re having a good day!
hehehehehe PERFECT!! oooh but for song recs
day6: time of our life (songs that would make me pass out hearing live finally), congratulations, you were beautiful, dance dance, lean on me, i smile, i remember, still, feeling good, best part, hurt road, pouring, finale, beautiful feeling, my day, EMERGENCY, sweet chaos, afraid, healer, you make me, i need somebody and zombie of course (i actually rlly love the eng version!!)
day6 (even of day): where the sea sleeps, from the ending of a tragedy, WALK, right through me, landed
and for solo stuff: i'm #1 come as you are by young k stan so it's required, but guard you and not gonna love are TOP favs from that, and a journey and unpainted canvas by wonpil are my loves <3 i also recommend dowoon's song out of the blue!!! super cute. wonpil and young k also both have youtube cover song series that are all bangers!!!
THEY'RE VERY SWEET if you have time on wednesday nights they stream with another voice actor friend over on twitch at loudannoying!! i try to drop in when i can but it's been a while, truly some of the best people i've ever met. i watched one of my best friends play 15 last fall for the first time and i forgot how much i loved it, it's truly irreplacable in my heart right next to ffx
omg that's so amazing...i've met j michael tatum a couple times and i met jason marsden who voices max goof in a goofy movie who was super nice!!! aaaaaaaa i wanna be at a con now!!!
you too!!!!!! i hope you have a good upcoming week!!!
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Kill Me Hardly (Ch.4)
Notes: Tai’s Point of View in the beginning. She/you used
@youtubequeens : It’s a roller coaster, lol
Warnings: cussing, deranged criminal, poor excuse of sibling rivalry, death, PTSD, ect. Read at your own risk
He fucking hated it. Craving warmth and friendship, a familiarity that he’d once known. For so long he’d push those feelings down, and then a fucking ethereal ghost had to show up, tearing down the walls that he’d built, while wearing a little heart on her sleeve while not giving a shit.
He wanted to strangle the damned woman to death, well, to another death.
He was too prideful, he knew, but he had demons of his own that were locked tightly within his personal hell, and this fucking...annoying angel, he guessed, seemed to calm them. He didn’t let her know that, though.  
 Two months. Two months he fought to keep those barriers up, metaphorical walls had been covered in thorns, and for what?
What was he even fighting for? He questioned himself. Memories of blood and lifeless eyes filled his mind. It was such a dark place that he’d tried to shut out for the longest time. He ran from his fear, yet he had embraced whatever life had thrown at him. He had spent so much time either stalking the streets, in hospitals, or behind bars, and he was getting tired of it all.  
The ghost’s company actually helped. He had to tear his gaze away from her. Telling himself that she wasn’t special, she was a dead woman walking. She was a thorn in his side until she could move on. His own words hurt him, for he knew that she was more than that.
Brick by brick, she seemed to remove, and yet, he found himself placing three or four more on that wall.
 Then, he woke up without her in the house for once in two months. Empty. Cold. He couldn’t help but think. He didn’t know how much influence she had on him, until he began panicking. Did she finally cross over? He should feel relieved, he berated himself. He didn’t. He felt as if he had accomplished nothing, and now the only one to seem to really give a shit about him, was gone.
Hours later, he seen your figure, and yelled out his displeasure, sounding more violent than he meant too, because he was scared. Then your eyes met his, and his world stilled, and then cracked as you admitted to what you’ve heard.
No, this couldn’t be, couldn’t it? His stubborn, stupid little ghost was actually fleeting, this time when he finally decided that he tolerated her company. It would be hours later when he would see you again, but he couldn’t help but feel weighed down by the news, how you looked with a broken heart, and how he was feeling such feelings that he never really did want to.
He actually gave a genuine damn about somebody who he could say that was stuck to him. Tears slid down his own cheeks as he hastily rubbed them away. It’s been so long since he had cried for another person. The last one was for the kid who he was trying to save. Opening a pack of smokes, he looked at the thing with disgust as he threw the things in the garbage can, opting instead to light his favorite candles, the vanilla cream one that oddly smelled like you.
He couldn’t save you, even though he kept saying that he wanted to kill you. He awoke later with your hand floating through his hair, a gentle expression of care marred your features, and he couldn’t help but sigh. No, he couldn’t think about such thoughts. You were going to die. Then the two of you began talking, and then, it hit him on how truly lonely and fucking scared you must’ve been.
No warmth, no safety, nobody to care about you or hug you, or brush away your tears, as your family grieved for your dying body.
A dumbass, is what he had felt, another set of tears stinging his eyes as he took your exhausted, tired form in. You weren’t fully dead, but you looked like that’s what you wanted to be. He had to be alone and think some more. After telling you that he was going to take a nap, he sat on his bedroom floor and thought. You were dying, and although he could understand why that you stuck to him like glue, you did things that he wanted to do. You stuck by him as he hurt those people, taking their money as you helped be his eyes and ears, never betraying his trust.
Then he turned on the news in his bedroom, to get his mind off of things. Tough luck for him, for when he was about to switch the channel, the subject had changed, revealing a very familiar face of a certain caught criminal. Your brother, he couldn’t help but think as certain physical similarities between the two of you had matched. There was no doubt that the young, hooded-eyed young man was related to you.  
He needed to talk to you.
Here you were, staring at the man with bewilderment and wonder. Who was he, and what did he do to Taishiro?
“Stop fuckin’ lookin’ at me like that.” He griped across the dining room table.
 “But it’s so weird, you look so soft.” You said.
“Pft. Ya have a weird image of ‘soft’. Anyway, let’s get started. Ya don’t ‘ave enough time, an’ probably need to make peace, right?” He asked suddenly, and it confused you.
“Peace with what?”
“Yer brother. Fucker got arrested last night’, and you and I are gonna see him.” He said smoothly, and it caught you off guard.
“What?” Was all your brain could ask.
“Ya heard me! We’re gonna see yer brother! Ya wanna, or not?” He snapped, and your heart pounded in your chest. Although it was two months, why was he doing this for you? Didn’t you annoy the hell out of him, constantly? You asked him, and he groaned into a sigh, palming his face with exasperation.
“The sooner ya make peace, the easier it is for ya to finally fuckin’ leave.” Came out harshly, he bit his lip, as if embarrassed by his own words. It had hurt, yes, but he was right. You didn’t want to be like those spirits who weren’t at peace. The bloodied ones who had an emptiness to their eyes, stalking old memories that they only knew.
“Will you be my voice, Tai-chan?” You asked, instead, and he looked at you as if baffled.
“What else, ya Ninny? Tch! Don’t let anybody, even me, say stupid shit like that to ya!” He huffed out, and you smiled despite the churning of nerves within your stomach.
It was easier to visit than you expected. With a roll of her eyes, the secretary had one police officer escort Tai into the cells, you following as you gathered your courage, sick to your stomach. You wanted to face him and your fears.  
“I’ll leave you to him.” The officer said finally, opening a metal door, and Taishiro gave a curt nod as the two of you went inside. It was a fairly large, yet empty room, surrounded by chairs and in front of the chairs, were different, mostly empty cells. Save for one.
You swallowed thickly you had easily found your brother, who was looking down, hooks underneath his eyes as he resembled a pale, sickly shell of his former self.
“Ya sure ya wanna do this?” Tai asked thickly. You stared at him, seeing his mouth pursed in a thin line, eyes trained onto your brother with a look of fury and yet exasperation. He seen the type, you knew, yet his hot-blooded anger wasn’t aimed at you. It seemed as if it never was, not this type.
“I’ll be fine. I just…want...closure, I guess.” You admitted, looking at the shell who use to protect you from bullies. As the two of you neared closer, you felt nauseated and tired, but it was as if it was nothing compared to the loneliness and lack of warmth and closure that you had felt for a little over a year.
You and Tai still as your brother raised his head. A sinking dread churned your insides as you felt as if you knew what was about to come.
Your brother’s eyes met yours, and you froze.
“Holy shit.” Taishiro murmured.
    “T-the fuck? I-is this a nightmare? You’re suppose to be dead!” Your brother shouted, his words echoed in the almost empty room.
“Not dead, thanks to your shitty skills with a blade.” You swallowed thickly, tears threatening to spill, already. You weren’t sure if you were ready for this.
“Why did you do it? Was it worth it? Leaving us all behind while you snorted crack beside some dumpster with your ratty friends?” You couldn’t help but growl out, anger bubbling within you as tears of frustration threatened to boil over, yet you couldn’t care less, as all of your focus was pinned onto your brother.
“What do you know?! They were all I’ve got! You know Mom and Dad held you onto a pedestal, leaving me to fend for myself!” He gripped the bars, knuckles turning white as he stared at you with wild-eyed abandon. He wasn’t making a very compelling argument, and you knew that it was due to the drugs.  
“Says the guy who had a scholarship in Nursing! What was the real reason for that night, dumbass? You’ve been missing for months, and finally! Finally when you visited, Mom and Dad welcomed you in, crying with relief...and then…and then….” You choked, holding your hand to your throat as you pinned your brother with a hateful, seething stare mixed with agony. He stilled, as if seeing your wound   for the first time.
Paling, he fell to his knees, holding his head in his hands as he grit his teeth, his eyes widened as fat droplets of wet fell onto the floor.
“You were in the way! I was gonna just hack the old goat and hag! But then, the inheritance would just fall onto you, instead! I wanted to spare you, I did! But I needed that hit, that high! You’ll never understand!” He growled out, facing towards you with a furious glare. Your stomach sunk as the realization had hit you. You weren’t the only target planned for that night, and you were wasting your time with somebody who had replaced you, along with the rest of his family, so easily. The knowledge of the fact had hurt worse than you wound, you swallowed thickly.
“We’re done here.” You choked into a whisper.  
“Okay.” Your attention snapped towards Taishiro. He was so quiet, and yet you’ve never seen so much fury and hurt burn underneath those amber irises, before. His hands clenched as if itching to tear the other man apart.
“Let’s go home.” He growled out, instead, and you nodded dumbly, following him as your brother shouted more obscure things, wedging that metaphorical knife deeper into you, still. Knocking on the metal door, the police officer’s face looked pale.
“I didn’t know that he was that bad. Are you alright, Sir?” He asked, and Taishiro huffed out a nod.
“Man’s been admitting that he was gonna kill the girl’s parents, too.” He thoughtfully added. The officer nodded.
“Yes...we have the right to record, and so it’ll show up in his court hearings. If you mind me asking, who is this man to you?” The officer prodded gently.
“His sister’s a friend of mine.” Was all he said. The two of you moved in silence as he unlocked the front door to his house, actually holding it open for you, this time. You could tell that he was worried about you, glancing at your grieved expression as you felt almost nothing but numb as the realization had hit you. He was going to cause your parents more grief after his confession, you couldn’t help but think bitterly.  
“Sit down.” It was a demand, yet something in his voice sounded as if it were pleading. Curiously, you looked at him. Once again, he was biting his bottom lip, his hands clenched as if he was preventing himself from crying.  
“Okay.” You said softly as you sat on the couch. You wanted to touch him, to hug him, and let him comfort you, yet you couldn’t. He sat close to you, though, and the action was rather comforting.
“I known them since high school,” He began, shifting himself to be in a comfortable position, eyeing the carpeted floor, rather than at you. Yet you listened closely with awe. “older adults who preyed on hurtin’ kids like me. They offered me a way out from underneath my pa’s boots, an’ I took it.”
“Older adults?”
“Yeah. Yakuza wannabes who plucked out fledglings for sport. Anyways, the group taught me how to fight, steal, sneak, and then allow me to crash at their homes. I was good at it, an’ soon, I began thrivin’ on my own, crashing at different hotels, an’ runnin’ with them. I grew to hate the fuckers, but it was the only home I’ve really known.”
You opted to say nothing as he continued, letting your hand to rest inches away from his as he glanced at it.
“Been doin’ gigs that they’ve wanted me to do. I never really wanted to murder anybody, but they sure as hell did. Laugh at the corpses of drug-dealers, robbers, salesmen, shop-owners…ya get the idea. They were a bunch of sick bastards, but they were my sick bastards. Then...this fuckin’ kid, all starry-eyed and hopeful, wanted to join.” Tai’s voice cracked, but he swallowed thickly as he continued.
“He had to support his ma. He’d start doin’ crimes tryin’ to impress us. He annoyed the fuck outta everybody else, but he took a shine towards me. I was the youngest, and my ego was easily stroked when some hotshot declared me as “big brother”. So I ran a few gigs with ‘im, helpin’ him get money for his mother ‘cause he was a fresh face, and wasn’t an asshole crone who thought he was better than me.”
“….” Your mouth was pursed as you listened closely.
“His ma was nice. Reminded me of mine. Cooked for me whenever I came, totally unaware of our lil’ activities. She helped with the orphanage and donated a lot of stuff. Anyways. Like Icarus, he flew up too close to the sun. Word got out about it. I didn’t get into any trouble, seein’ that I was the “baby” of the family, but….they didn’t like that a young, inexperienced hotshot bargin’ in on ‘em. When I came to his house to pick ‘im up for a job...the door was unlocked.”
“What happened, Taishiro?” You gently prodded. He looked worse for wear as he glanced at you.
“He and his mother’s throats were slit open, and the fuckers had the gall to stay and wait for me, and laugh ‘bout it. Laughed as I fuckin’ stood there, seein’ white film over their distraught faces. I couldn’t help it. I fuckin’ snapped.”
“Did what I should’ve done years ago. Reached for the same knife, inspected it, and lunged it in the closest one’s throat. I hate killin’, but I felt like that kid and his ma could do some justice. Burned the bodies n’ place, never looked back. Course word got out that I wasn’t with ‘em, anymore. I found myself doin’ things what his mother had did, and felt as if I was atonin’ fer her son. How I should’ve left him alone, shouldn’t let ‘im get so close to me.” Taishiro finished, gripping the couch as you let everything sink in.
“His death wasn’t your fault.” You said. He sighed.
“I know that, now, but the guilt of how I easily murdered my comrades, and letting this kid prance around me while I knew that my former gang were murderers, shook me. Started findin’ myself turn towards thievin’, giving money towards the same orphanage that his ma donated to, and other charities. Dabi and Tomura found me, then. Knew that I was good at my job, an’ were good at shuttin’ up the police.” He finished, laying fully back with glistening eyes.
“Taishiro...you went through so much.”  You said. You honestly couldn’t imagine the pain he had went through, as well.
“I saw myself in ya. Goin’ through all of this crazy shit, your mind on the brink of insanity at the exhaustion as the ones closest to ya hurt ya. We both have nobody.” He shrugged.
“I have you, though.” You admitted, letting the words flow out before you could stop them. He then stared at you in surprise.
“Yeah, I guess we have each other.” He admitted it softly. Despite of everything happening, you couldn’t help but let out a small smile.
He took a break from being a criminal the day after, the two of you just taking a walk in the park as he snacked, and you enjoyed the view around you. After both crying your eyes out in separate rooms, he offered to take a break away from the violence and hurt, if only for a little bit, and you agreed hastily.
“Whatcha gonna do when I’m gone?” You asked, floating beside him as he popped a piece of candy into his mouth.
“Don’t fuckin’ know. I’m twenty-nine, been doin’ this shit since fifteen.”
“F-fifteen!? No wonder why you’re emotionally stunted!”
“Oh, fuck off!”
“Wish I could do that. So? What about charity work? Or a job that requires you to be swift, like housekeeping!”
“Yeah! I use to work as a housekeeper for the nursing home! It’s a pretty rewarding job.” You grinned.
“Pft. If ya went there now, could ya see the gho-
“Tai, noooo those are nice, elderly people! You can’t make a joke about them being dead!” You pursed your lips.
“What? You’ll have somethin’ in common, then.” He snickered, and you huffed.  
“Okay, you blonde giraffe, do you have any ideas?”
“Probably work as a stripper.”
“You’re kidding.” You deadpanned, giving him a guffawed look of disbelief. He grinned at your expression.
“I don’t know, Dabi might hit me up. Might look good in heels.” He chuckled, but you were fighting with your dirty mind, trying not to imagine him looking at you seductively as the lingerie rode up- no! No!
“You can’t be a stripper, Taishiro.”
“Oh, an’ why not? Might be afraid of seein’ something ya might like?” He grinned sleazily, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Nope! Do you even know how to dance? Or work your way around a pole?”
“Hey! I’d make a pretty damned good stripper!” He shouted, and you bit your lip.
“We’re in public, Tai-chan.” You said instead.
“A bunch of kids just heard you shout to thin air that you’d make a good stripper.”
“Oh, shut the fuck up and c’mon.” He growled, yet there was pink dusting his cheeks. How cute, you thought.
      Your two months left had slowly became one. His attitude had shifted into something calmer, friendly on some days, and it didn’t help your growing emotions. You liked him. You didn’t know if you loved him, but you knew that the two of you had helped each other, and made a great team. You wished that you could live certain moments forever, but not in the gruesome way some spirits did.
 The missions had dwindled down as to your amazement and pride, he started doing more charity work, helping out Dabi’s girls and other places such as the orphanage through non-violent crimes. It was as if he was another different person, despite him still being snappy to you, it was a little bit softer. Of course he didn’t change over night, he had a lot to learn. Such as biting his tongue when there were children nearby, trying his best to keep his temper in check, and you, still being a little shit, but less, still liked to rile him up sometimes.
“Oh! I’m going to kill you!” He huffed, crossing his arms as you smirked, standing behind him as he made pottery for a small business, earning a little bit of money.
“Maybe next time, I should lift a penny for you to prove that I’m here?” You grinned, and he gave you an ugly, disapproving look.
“I’m not Demi Moore, an’ you’re not Patrick Swayze. Fuckin’ cut it out.”
“Whooooa~!” You started singing. He turned to you and growled.
“Don’t you fuckin-”
“My Loooooooove! My Daaaaarlin~!” You laughed manically as his ears and cheeks flushed red. Oh, it was a treat, you thought with glee.
“If ya somehow miraculously make it alive, I’m gonna make you sit through so many fuckin’ horror movies.” He huffed, turning his attention back the pottery. You smiled, seeing his ears flush with red.
  Fate didn’t want to give you a break, however. It was the day of Halloween, and you went back to the hospital, having another, dreadful epiphany. Fear churned within your gut as you tried your best to rush towards your body’s resting place.
“-doctor, please. I’ve already lost one baby...I can’t lose another!” Your mother’s dreadful wailing greeted you when you finally had reached your destination. The old man’s eyes held nothing but sorrow and sympathy. You glanced at your body. It looked pale and thin, and you knew that if you couldn’t inhabit it soon, it was going to wither.
“I’m terribly sorry, but it has to be done tonight. You and your husband have been grieving for the longest time, and Kami knows how long it’ll be until her body decides to shut down itself.” His gentle tone wafted over you as you clutched your chest. It was sooner than you’ve expected, but you felt oddly relieved and yet so scared.  
You swallowed thickly and you rushed to tell Taishiro.
“What?” He looked pale, disbelieving at you as the noodles slipped from his chopsticks.
“We have all day until night falls. So...would you like to spend the remaining time of my life with me?” You asked softly.
“Of fuckin’ course, Sweetheart. Where do ya wanna go?” He didn’t hesitate, and if you could blush, you knew that you would. You glanced up at him.  
   The two of you just took your time as he took you to Disneyland’s Halloween theme park, enjoying your lightened up face with pure joy and innocent happiness for the first time since he’s met you. He was the only one who could eat, of course, but he delighted you in describing the texture and sweetness of each candy and treat, your eyes shining with your own memories as you replayed them aloud.
Of course there were stares, but for once, you didn’t try to egg him on. He was sweet to you, and you knew that he was crumbling on the inside. It hurt you, seeing him like this, yet the both of you wanted to spend your last moments together.
“Ugh! Damn it, it’s getting dark!” He shouted as the night had started to crawl upwards into the sky, and you knew that you didn’t have much time left. You were correct, seeing your ghostly arm burn brighter with white. Yet, you didn’t feel too scared. For over a year, this is what you’ve been wanting. The people you loved dearly, could grieve properly and move on, and you were more than willing to accept that.
“Taishiro.” You said slowly, catching his attention. His eyes widened with horror.
“Damn it! Y-you should’ve been wakin’ up! Why does it fuckin’ have to be you, huh?” He growled into a choking sound, trying to grip your arm, but no avail. You felt oddly peaceful as you stared into a teary-stained face, your body burning brighter as you looked in amazement. It didn’t hurt, but your fingers had evaporated into floating white butterflies, floating along loftily, as if seeking your body.
“Don’t fuckin’ leave!” He tried gripping them, but no avail, your heart lurched at his determination.  
“I’ll never regret meeting you. In the next life, I hope that we can probably become friends. Perhaps something more. I hope that you have wonderful parents, and an amazing job. Please don’t lose hope in this life.” You said softly, more of the butterflies evaporated from your body.
“Y/n!” He cried out, gritting his teeth. You could only give him the location of you hospital, finally as your world floated to black.
 The reference is Ghost, a classic 90’s movie if anybody was curious
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thepenguinclub · 2 years
3am on a School Night is the Best Time to Summon Satan
Co-written with @rozhanelle.
romantic analogical, everyone and everyone, analogical week 2022 (@analogicalweek), somewhat crack, text fic, groupchat.
raccoon boy: u dont need to be nervous L
raccoon boy: Ure super smart
raccoon boy: ull do really good. u know all the stuff
Logan: Thank you, Virgil. That’s kind of you.
Princey: This is really heartwarming.
Princey: Which pentagram should I use? Greek or Babylonian?
raccoon boy: isnt it latin?
raccoon boy: or is that the stuff u say
Logan: What are you talking about?
raccoon boy: romans being stupid
Analogical Week 2022
Day 7: Free Day
day 7: free day
Penguin: Day 7!! It's over! *cries* We both put so much work into this week and I'm so happy and proud of what we accomplished. This has been a rollercoaster of many, many, different emotions, but it was worth it and now we are free to work on our various WIPs. Thank you everyone for reading and commenting, every single one makes our day.
This was something that Rozh and I worked on a while ago, and it's still one of my favorite things I've done. Hopefully you enjoy it as much as we have!
Rozh: this is our baby. we worked on this about a year ago, when i sent a photo of a broken down house nearby where i lived, and Penguin revealed A New Side of herself and said: "oooh summoning satan time!!" me, an anxious enby: "no. i have seen movies. i know how this will end." penguin: "yess but think of all that you can do!" me: "yes but think of *your life*" penguin: "I feel like this is a conversation Roman and Virgil would have." my mind: akdjakdj yes then: we were sharing a doc and just typing. so. here this is. [heart eyes] i love this, and i hope you all enjoy reading it too :)
Roman: Princey Virgil: raccoon boy/Stormcloud Logan: Logan/Loganberry/Starlight Patton: pattoncake Janus: Snek Boi Remus: Trash Man
Warnings: swearing - bad typing from Remus, but we have written it clearly next to it in parenthesis and italicized - anxiety - mentions of the devil - mentions of blood sacrifice - mentions of explosives - crude language - ingesting potentially poisonous materials (not poisonous, but don’t drink soap kids)
Virgil’s Phone
🌈💗my famILY💗🌈
raccoon boy: why are u awake? its three am
Princey: Thats not important
Princey: Are you gonna ask what i found
raccoon boy: no
Princey: >:(((((
raccoon boy: deal with it
Princey: Im gonna tell you anyway
Princey: Deal with it
raccoon boy: im sighing at you so hard right now
Princey: [image.jpg]
[Image description: abandoned wooden house, frames are broken down. Windows are cracked, there are black burn marks covering a good bit of it. There are trees surrounding the area/clearing. The sky is dark.]
raccoon boy: why the fuck r u outside
Princey: Thats also not important
raccoon boy: wtf roman what r u doing
raccoon boy: r u near that house
raccoon boy: roman istg
Princey: Unrelated to the house, I need to go and get Remus
Princey: Hes still at your house, right?
raccoon boy: no i refuse to let you and remus get together and do some stupid shit that will burn down the world.
Princey: Hes my brother, I can do what I want to with him
raccoon boy: y do u want him??? u never want him around
Princey: ….
Princey: No reason
raccoon boy: bullshit
raccoon boy: wtf do u want roman
raccoon boy: why do u want remus???
Princey: He won’t mind
raccoon boy: he doesnt mind anything
Princey: thisll make him happy ! Don’t you want him happy???
raccoon boy: that doesnt make me feel better
raccoon boy: remus would be happy if someone sacrificed him to satan
raccoon boy: it isnt a high bar
Princey: Exactly!
raccoon boy: ….
raccoon boy: exactly what
Princey: He would be happy if someone sacrificed him to Satan XD
raccoon boy: roman wtf ypu are not sacrificing your brother to the devil
raccoon boy: *you
Princey: I am not!
Princey: Not yet, because he isnt here!
Princey: This is his choice, Virgil. You can’t come in between true love
raccoon boy: what part of this is love?????
Princey: Remus would love this. And you are stopping him from being happy!
raccoon boy: i hate u
raccoon boy: so much
Princey: Oh please.
Princey: We all know yo love me.
Princey: you*
Princey: And you cannot stop this!
raccoon boy: i can do whatevr the fuck i want thank you very much
raccoon boy: especially if it means remus stays alive
Princey: But do we really want that?
Princey: Satan would love Remus.
raccoon boy: and patton loves ice cream
raccoon boy: that doesnt mean he should ignore his lactose intolerance
raccoon boy: just like remus shouldnt ignore life
Princey: You never let me do anything fun! Come on, Virgil! Live a little. Embrace danger!!!
raccoon boy: i am the reason you are still alive dipshit
Princey: Alive and bored! And I shall not stand for it! Not anymore
raccoon boy: oh my god why are you like this
Princey: Practically perfect in every way? It’s a question no one has been able to answer
raccoon boy: maybe because theyve been asking the wrong qs
Princey: Quiet.
Princey: Why isn’t remus answering his phone?
raccoon boy: he chugged a bottle of shampoo and has been out ever since
raccoon boy: not poisonous
raccoon boy: hair products always makes him sleepy
Princey: Do you think red paint is okay to use?
Princey: To draw the summoning circle
raccoon boy: black would be less noticable in the dark
raccoon boy: especially if its on that burned wood
Princey: I thought you said you were against this!
raccoon boy: ys the deals always have a catch and ull prob die in 10 yrs
raccoon boy: but i cant stop u
raccoon boy: so im gonna make sure u dont piss off the demon king
raccoon boy: its good to be on satans good side
Logan: What is going on? I have almost 80 notifications.
Logan: Also, it is four in the morning. Both of you should be asleep.
raccoon boy: so should u
raccoon boy: i get prince moron, but y r u awake, lo?
raccoon boy: dont u have an exam?
Logan: I was asleep. Until the incessant buzzing from my phone woke me up.
raccoon boy: ...oh
Princey: Why do you know he has an exam tomorrow?
raccoon boy: shit L im sry
raccoon boy: sorry
Logan: It is of no importance now, Virgil. I wasn’t sleeping well anyway.
raccoon boy: why not?
Princey: Do yall want a room or…?
Logan: I find myself slightly apprehensive about tomorrow.
Logan: And I do not see why we would need a room, Roman, seeing as we are texting.
raccoon boy: u dont need to be nervous L
raccoon boy: Ure super smart
raccoon boy: ull do really good. u know all the stuff
Logan: Thank you, Virgil. That’s kind of you.
Princey: This is really heartwarming.
Princey: Which pentagram should I use? Greek or Babylonian?
raccoon boy: isnt it latin?
raccoon boy: or is that the stuff u say
Logan: What are you talking about?
raccoon boy: romans being stupid
Logan: Well, in that case, the most common incantations are Latin, you are correct.
Logan: The best pentagram would most likely depend on what type of demon you plan on summoning.
raccoon boy: how does that work? is it like, stronger demon, stronger pentagram? or is the difference in smt else?
Princey: How are you turning this into a classroom?
Princey: Oh, so now you’re all for it, V?
Princey: I see how it is
raccoon boy: stfu
Logan: Anywhere can be a place of learning, Roman. Although, seeing as we are still texting I don't know how this could be a classroom.
Logan: What part of communicating through instant messaging are you not understanding?
raccoon boy: jdkfjvjfkbef
Princey: -_-
Princey: So? What pentagram for Satan, pocket protector?
raccoon boy: and how is satans pentagram different from low level demons?
Logan: Well, it depends what legends you are going off of. Typically, they aren’t. Pentagrams are classically a star shape in a circle, and the only reason is to focus the energy of summoning the demon in question, so the summoner knows where the demon will appear. The more complicated designs are actually usually demon traps, to bind the demon.
Logan: Will you be binding the demon? I suggest you do so, as it can be a protection against the demon harming you. It will also stop the demon from being able to exit the circle. If you bind it, all you will need to do to dismiss the demon is a simple command, instead of a full ritual dismissal.
Logan: The demon is unable to hurt you, and you are unable to hurt it. Any physical, magical, or spiritual object crossing the circle will break the wards and the binding.
Logan: Make sure to have wards in place as well. And make sure they are not disrupted. They must be a part of the circle. If you are incapable of exerting your will unto the wards- by falling unconscious, going to sleep, or leaving the area, the wards will very likely fail, and let the demon loose.
Logan: Also, you said you were summoning Satan? Typical binding spells use substances that oppose the type of demon you are summoning. A fire demon would be sand or water, a messenger demon would be scribbled words and burned books, etc. Satan would be much more difficult, because he is much more powerful than an ordinary demon. Roman was correct, though, a sacrifice would be a good place to start, to appease him, and a blood sacrifice is as good as one could get.
Logan: However, I’m going to let personal bias in and I’m going to tell you not to sacrifice your brother.
Logan: When it comes to negotiating, it is best to ask for simple things. As it is Roman who is attempting this, I don’t have much hope. The only advice I can offer is to be sure to be very clear and precise about what you are asking for, as demons are known to purposefully misinterpret requests. Also offer realistic gifts in return. If the demon is appeased, then everything will go by much smoother. If the demon is unhappy with the deal, dismissing it can be quite an ordeal.
Logan: Do you need more information?
raccoon boy: ….
Princey: ….
raccoon boy: ….
Princey: ….
raccoon boy: im in love with you
Princey: Why do you know these things?
Logan: Well, you asked.
Princey: I didnt expect an answer like that!
raccoon boy: im not kidding right now
raccoon boy: im very in love with you
Logan: Thank you, Virgil. I appreciate your eagerness to hear my rants. You are a very good friend.
Princey: Oh my God
raccoon boy: course L. u know i like listening to u
Princey: Wait no. You have to be joking right now
Logan: Joking about what? I just told Virgil I appreciated him as a friend.
raccoon boy: yeah roman whats wrng
Princey: What the heck-ity heck? five abs and a peck?
Princey: Am I dying? I think Im dying
Private Chat: Starlight
Stormcloud: this is so funny
Starlight: I do admit, Roman is being quite entertaining
Stormcloud: “ a very good friend”
Starlight: Well, you are a good friend.
Stormcloud: u r smt else, Lo.
Stormcloud: smt out of this world
Starlight: :|
Stormcloud: ;P
Starlight: I love you as well, Virgil.
Stormcloud: sfut up
Stormcloud: *shut
Starlight: I don’t think I will.
Starlight: <3
🌈💗my famILY💗🌈
Princey: I need- I need someone to tell me if this is real?
Princey: Why is no one else awake?
Princey: What could people be doing at this time of the morning?
Princey: Did they just-
Princey: What are you people doing?
Princey: Oh my goodness.
Princey: Oh dear Disney.
Logan: Seeing as it is five thirty in the morning, I assume that they are all asleep.
raccoon boy: ROMAN!
raccoon boy: r u still out?
raccoon boy: ohmygod ure gonna freeze what is wrong with u
raccoon boy: why tf wold u b out
raccoon boy: roman what
Logan: Roman, I do hope you are inside and somewhere warm.
Princey: …
Princey: Sure, Im inside.
raccoon boy: r u iside the fucking house of doom roman
raccoon boy: thats not warm
raccoon boy: or fucking safe
raccoon boy: roman what is wrong with u
raccoon boy: i dontt think
Logan: Virgil. Virgil?
Logan: Virgil, you need to breathe. Roman is going to be fine.
Princey: shit.
Logan: Roman, go somewhere warm and safe. Preferably your house.
Princey: Yeah, on it.
Princey: Come on, Doom and Gloom. No need to worry. Peoplell think you care.
Princey: Look here, I’m in my car. I’m turning it on. And I will start driving as soon as you txt me back, okay? I’ll go home. Just let me know you’re okay.
Princey: V?
Logan: Virgil, please try your best to breathe.
raccoon boy: it’s janus, he’s calming down.
Logan: Thank you for informing us, Janus.
raccoon boy: give me a moment
raccoon boy: virgil has calmed down. he is breathing slowly and he is much calmer
raccoon boy: he says not to drive, roman. and to get out of the car
raccoon boy: also you are an utter moron.
Princey: Alright alright whatever
raccoon boy: did. did v say he is in love w/ u and u said he's 'a very good friend'
Logan: Yes.
Logan: I don't understand why this is a confusing thing to comprehend.
raccoon boy: he said he's in love with you logan.
Logan: Are you referring to the 'in' before 'love'?
Logan: It does create a difference of meaning, I admit, but I don't see why this is confounding you and Roman.
Logan: Virgil has expressed his enjoyment of things in this manner before.
Logan: "I am in love with coffee."
Logan: "I am in love with Patton and his cookies."
Logan: "I am in love with My Chemical Romance/Evanescence."
Logan: He seems to enjoy it when I provide explanations. And this was a topic which he enjoys.
Logan: His admiration was expected.
raccoon boy: did u just logic your way out of this?
Logan: There was nothing to “logic my way out of”, Janus.
raccoon boy: for someone so smart you're such an idiot
Logan: That is unnecessary.
raccoon boy: is it? i mean. you just friendzoned him!!
Logan: Janus.
raccoon boy: okay, fine, sorry.
raccoon boy: but did u seriously just do that??
Logan: If there is anything Virgil wishes to tell me, he will.
raccoon boy: riiiight. sure. of course he will.
Logan: I am glad you see reason.
raccoon boy: 🤦🏽
Princey: What should I do??
raccoon boy: well, V says no taxi cause they can be a murderer. no walking hime cause you might get attacked by a dog. no getting in your car cause you might explode
raccoon boy: home*
Princey: Thats all very helpful.
Logan: Janus, please give the phone back to Virgil.
Incoming call: Starlight
Call accepted: 6:14 am
Call ended: 6:32 am
Logan: You may drive your car back home, Roman. Please send a message as soon as you reach your destination.
Princey: Ok
Princey: Sorry V
raccoon boy: sorry
raccoon boy: i didnt mean to freak out
Logan: There is no need to apologize, Virgil.
Logan: You have anxiety. You just experienced a minor panic attack. It is natural to worry about your friends, and as a person whose anxiety is somewhat heightened it is completely understandable that you would feel a great deal of worry. You do not need to apologize.
Princey: At home.
Princey: Also yeah what the nerd said.
Snek Boi: Lo is right Virgil. You don't need to say sorry.
raccoon boy: y r u texting me we r right next to each other
Snek Boi: I don't want to wake up Remus.
Private Chat: Starlight
Starlight: Are you okay?
Stormcloud: yeah im fine
Stormcloud: thanks
Starlight: Anything for you, love.
Stormcloud: sshhhhhh no
Starlight: I love you, Virgil.
Stormcloud: i hate u
Stormcloud: j is right next to me stop
Starlight: I am merely telling my boyfriend how much I love him.
Starlight: Any of your reactions are completely out of my control.
Stormcloud: go away
Starlight: As you wish, my love.
Stormcloud: omfg
🌈💗my famILY💗🌈
raccoon boy: he wont wake up if u blow smt up
Princey: Its true we tested it once
Logan: I don’t want to know.
Princey: I wasnt offering to tell
raccoon boy: of course u were ure dying for a chance to be dramatic
Princey: How dare you
Snek Boi: We all know hes right
raccoon boy: i can hear the offended princey noises from here
Princey: ….
Princey: Shut up emo
raccoon boy: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Snek Boi: I cant believe that remus had the healthiest sleeping schedule between us
raccoon boy: he drank shampoo i dont think hes healthy J
raccoon boy: do u think hes ook? maybe we should hv stopped him
Snek Boi: V this is not his first time chugging shampoo
Princey: Yeah he’ll be up and awake and bothering us bright and early
Trash Man: YoU cAlLeD??
Trash Man: why did u screeem so loud vv
Princey: Speak the devil's name and he shall appear
Snek Boi: wtf is wrong with you
Trash Man: do u watn teh list alphabetivally or choronolgoically (do u want the list alphabetically or chronologically)
Logan: I will never understand why you have to type like that.
Logan: Autocorrect is a thing for people who don’t know how to spell.
Logan: You should try using it.
Trash Man: tihs is so mch morre fun tho it anoyys u so mch (this is so much more fun tho it annoys u so much)
Logan: I hate you.
Trash Man: i lv u 2 lolobear
raccoon boy: yeah lo lo bear
Logan: No, no, no. Please don’t.
raccoon boy: y whats wrong lo lo bear
Logan: You are lucky you’re adorable, otherwise I would be tempted to hurt you.
Snek Boi: are you talking about Virgil or Remus?
Princey: please be talking about the Emo Nightmare
Logan: I was complimenting Virgil.
Logan: Remus can go die in a hole.
raccoon boy: tnx for the compliment lolobear <3
raccoon boy: u’re not too bad looking
Logan: I appreciate the compliment.
Princey: Im dying
Princey: Im dead
Princey: This is what it feels like to die
pattoncake: oh no!!! Why does it feel like you’re dyiiing, Roman???
pattoncake: Oh. Right.
pattoncake: Good morning everyone! Looks like you were having a party
Snek Boi: You arent dying roman
Snek Boi: (Logan and Virgil might be pushed down the stairs though)
Snek Boi: Good morning Patton
raccoon boy: morning pat
Logan: Good morning, Patton. How did you sleep?
Logan: Why would Virgil and I be pushed down the stairs?
raccoon boy: theyre jealous of our friendship lo lo bear
Logan: Please cease calling me that, Virgil, or I will be forced to do something drastic.
raccoon boy: oooohh what lo lo bear
raccoon boy: what r u gonna do
Logan: While you are incredibly brave and witty, you are also as sweet as honey.
raccoon boy: what
Logan: You are the kindest person I’ve ever met and your loyalty to your friends is one of the most admirable things I’ve ever seen.
raccoon boy: waht r u doing
Logan: You are absolutely adorable when you’re sleepy, and the most gorgeous when you’re in the moonlight.
raccoon boy: shut tf up
pattoncake: oh this is so sweeetttt !!!!! me too😆
pattoncake: Vee, you are the bestest friend ever 💜💜! you’re super brave and funny and you hug me when im having a bad day and you love drawing little things and putting them in our bags which is so sweet and i feel so happy wehn i see them 😻😻
pattoncake: when*
Logan: You are incredibly intelligent even though you don’t think so, and you are an amazing musician. Your dedication to the arts and your drive to be better is motivating and I love watching you do what you love.
Snek Boi: [image.jpg]
[imagine description: Virgil in a dark room looking at his phone. The phone light shows that his face is bright red, and he is pressing a hoodie covered hand to his mouth.]
Princey: Im crying how do they not know
Trash Man: tehyre so oblivoisous its so funny (they’re so oblivious it’s so funny)
Princey: It’s torture.
Private Chat: Starlight
Starlight: You’re beautiful. I’ve been in love with you for longer than I can remember, and every day I fall more in love with you. I’m extremely happy that you feel the same way about me, and the time that I spend with you is the most important and I treasure every second of it.
Starlight: You are the most important person in this world to me and I hope it doesn’t make you uncomfortable for me to say that I would be delighted to spend the rest of my life with you.
Starlight: I love you, Virgil.
🌈💗my famILY💗🌈
Snek Boi: Virgil just threw his phone across the room
Logan: Ah. That would explain the lack of response.
Snek Boi: And he has decided to hide in his hoodie. Hes making a very high pitched noise.
Trash Man: im recorndin tihs (im recording this)
Princey: I cant believe two of my best friends are two of the DUMBEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD
Princey: I want a copy
Trash Man: 600 dolars
Princey: …
Princey: Does monopoly money work
Trash Man: then imma need 600 1$s
pattoncake: I hope yall remember that we have school???? And are ready????
pattoncake: And Roman are you still picking me up???
Princey: …. Of course I remembered. I’ll be there in aohdaipoajdila
raccoon boy: did he die
Logan: I’m glad you’re back with us, Virgil.
raccoon boy: ….
raccoon boy: you know L u like to preten that u dont hav any feelings but really ur the sweetest most compassionate person ever
Princey: Omg its happening again
raccoon boy: and like u always know how to help me and i really appreciate that. ur super awesome and smart and thebest person
raccoon boy: and speaking of smart ure crazy smart and brilliant and the way u light up when u talk about the things u like is amazing to watch
raccoon boy: and speaking of things u like, ur obsession with crofters and the berry jam is so cute and its just anothe reason ur amazing L
Logan: ….
Snek Boi: I cant believe Ive been watching this happen for years
Snek Boi: This is ridiculous
pattoncake: its so sweet!!! 🍬🍬
pattoncake: i would compliment you too logan but roman just got here so ill be right back
Private Chat: Starlight
Stormcloud: ur so fucking pretty its a crime and the more passionate about something u get the more i fall in love with u
Stormcloud: and i am in love with u. god logan ur the most amazing person and i dont deserve u
Stormcloud: ur smart and loyal and talented and amazing and so fucking gorgeous and ur just perfect
Stormcloud: i love u more than anythign
Stormcloud: *anything
🌈💗my famILY💗🌈
Logan has changed his name to Loganberry
pattoncake: awwww for the berry in loganberry in the crofter jam u like!!!
pattoncake: and virgil said it was cute!!
pattoncake: y’all are so adorable!!!!! 😻😻
pattoncake: roman says to tell y’all that “you’re disgusting and he hates you”
pattoncake: roman doesn’t care that that isn't nice so im saying sorry for him
raccoon boy: im not surprised
raccoon boy: roman has no manners
pattoncake: now kiddo, that isn’t very nice.
raccoon boy: sry pat j is being a bitch gtg c u
Snek Boi: @Loganberry, where tf are u?
Loganberry: I apologize. I was getting my bag ready.
Trash Man: srue (sure)
Loganberry: I’m getting in the car now, I have to go.
Snek Boi: Mhm
Snek Boi: we’re waiting at the doors for you three, and its cold.
Snek Boi: were going inside.
Snek Boi: Virgil has disappeared.
Snek Boi: I hate you all so much, where did he vanish to?
Snek Boi: that boy needs a bell
Snek Boi: I swear he can teleport
Princey: Janus? Not like you to stop complaining so suddenly
Princey: You good?
Operation: Make LV canon
Trash Man: [image.ipg]
[image description: Virgil and Logan kissing against what appears to be the wall of the school.]
pattoncake: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Princey: Holy shit
Snek Boi: I hate them
Snek Boi: I hate them so much
Trash Man: in skool!!! Scanadaolus!! Perfekt boy Lo lO Ber is k-i-s-s-i-n-g -ing bad boy VeeVee!! (in school!! Scandalous!! perfect boy Lo Lo Bear is kissing bad boy VeeVee)
Princey: How long has thi been happening??? Are they together??? Is this the first time???
Snek Boi: How tf are we supposed to know
pattoncake: they were throwing compliments at each other like confetti!!!🎊🎊
pattoncake: maybe they realized? finally!!!
Snek Boi: Did you really just call Virgil a bad boy??
🌈💗my famILY💗🌈
Loganberry: Where are you guys?
Princey: Do you have smt you want to share with us??
Loganberry: …I will not be giving you the answers to whatever paper you decidedly were not writing during the many hours you were awake this morning.
raccoon boy: L no give him whatever he wants he has the coffee
Loganberry: I will not help your incredibly unhealthy caffeine addiction.
Snek Boi: Oh my god, they're married
Loganberry: Ah. Okay.
Princey: OKAY?????????????
raccoon boy: r u ok roman
Snek Boi: What the fuck
Snek Boi: What the fuck
Princey: NO?????????????
pattoncake: i think what they’re trying to say is that we’re all a little surprised, kiddos.
pattoncake: happy for you!!! but surprised.
Trash Man: were a lil mre thn surrprisedd we jst saw u sucking facces so what is goingg on i wold lik to kno (we’re a lil more than surprised)
raccoon boy: why are u surprised?
Loganberry: I, too, am curious to know why you were surprised by this.
Snek Boi: What the fuck
Loganberry: Exactly. I don’t understand why you are surprised when you have been watching us ‘flirt for years’.
raccoon boy: i thought it was pretty obvious
raccoon boy: i guess u guys can be pretty oblivious
Snek Boi: What
Snek Boi: The
Snek Boi: Fuck
Trash Man: tihs mihht be teh funienst tihng ever (this might be the funniest thing ever)
pattoncake: kiddos i mean this in the nicest way possible cause you know i love yall
pattoncake: but what the fuck
raccoon boy: i just screenshotted that
raccoon boy: i plan to frame it and hang it on my wall
raccoon boy: aww ure a fan
Loganberry: Dedicated to us? For what?
Trash Man: getig you 2 togerher to make out of corse (getting you two together to make out of course)
Snek Boi: What the fuck
Trash Man: i tinhk yuo broke janny  (i think you broke janny)
raccoon boy: hey L
Loganberry: Yes, my love?
Princey: omg
raccoon boy: do u remember that one time they all said we couldnt act or lie to save our lives
Loganberry: Why yes, actually, I do remember that. Funny.
Snek Boi: i will hunt you down and kill you.
Trash Man: jannys not brokn!!
pattoncake: that’s… not very nice, guys.
Princey: If I had known it would cause me to suffer thos much i wouldn’t have said it!!!
pattoncake: i get why ud be upset at the others, sure. but i mean…
raccoon boy: sorry pat
Private Chat: Starlight
Stormcloud: we made Patton upset
Stormcloud: what do we do
Stormcloud: do we bake cookies for him
Stormcloud: or should we get him a hypoallergenic cat
Stormcloud: logan what do we do what do we do waht do we do
🌈💗my famILY💗🌈
Loganberry: We apologize for deceiving you, Patton. We intended to get back at what the others had said, and we did not realize how this would affect you.
Loganberry: If there is anything we can do please don’t hesitate to tell us.
Loganberry: Your hurt is very understandable.
raccoon boy: im really really sorry pat
pattoncake: i know you guys couldnt have told me! I would have given it away because i would have gotten so excited.
pattoncake: i guess you two can tell me all the details and buy me ice cream
raccoon boy: deal
Loganberry: you’re allergic to lactose.
raccoon boy: we’ll find him ice cream without lactose
pattoncake: 😋🤗😆💙💜🍦 🍨 🍦
Snek Boi: How long has this been going on
raccoon boy: believe it princey
Loganberry: I hate to interrupt, but class will be starting soon.
Princey: You expect me to be able to pay attention to class when this happened????
Loganberry: This has been going on for quite a while, so I don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to pay attention to your very important classes that are happening now.
Loganberry: We can continue later, although I’m not sure there’s anything else to talk about.
Snek Boi: how long is quite a while?
raccoon boy: peace out :P
pattoncake: bye virgil!!👋👋👋👋
Loganberry: Farewell.
Snek Bo: I hate you both. So much.
pattoncake: bye lolo! 😄😄
pattoncake: Imma go too guys, class started. Bye!!!😁👋💕💕😻
Trash Man: byyyyyyeyeyeeyetee
Snek Boi: They left
Princey: I KNOW
Snek Boi: I hate them
Princey: I know. Me too
Snek Boi: Happy for them tho
Princey: I know
Princey: Me too
Private Chat: Starlight
Stormcloud: that was amazing
Starlight: I do admit, it was very funny. Although I didn’t expect to get caught.
Stormcloud: i think we played it well
Starlight: Are you still worried about Patton?
Stormcloud: a little
Stormcloud: i know he'll forgive us
Stormcloud: but i still feel bad
Stormcloud: and i cant belive i didnt think about how hed be upset
Starlight: He doesn’t seem too upset about it. And I’m sure the ice cream will cheer him up.
Stormcloud: he can act pretty well too
Starlight: I don’t believe there’s anything to worry about, Virgil. But the fact that you are worried means you’re an incredibly good friend.
Stormcloud: i guess
Stormcloud: you always know what to say
Starlight: I love you, Virgil.
Stormcloud: i love u too logan
Penguin: Thanks for reading! Whether you came from Rozh, from me, or because the title looked moderately appealing, I'm grateful you're here. If you haven't already, be sure to check out both of our other works for Analogical Week 2022 by clicking into the series' that this work is in! You can read my stuff on my ao3 (@/thepenguinclub)! Have a great great rest of your day, drink water, go to bed at a good time, and know that you look amazing today and that you're loved. <3
Rozh: and this wonderful (and anxiety inducing) week comes to an end! i had fun writing these up and talking them over with Penguin. you can find me on ao3 if you like. sleep if it's past midnight and you're awake only because you're reading fanfics. they shall still be here in the morning. hydrate, stay safe, snack, nap, and much love to you all <3
11 notes · View notes
If you could add one Klaine-centric story to the show, what would it be? And if you could take one away, what would it be?
oooh thank you for the question!!
if i could extend one storyline, i would've wanted much more focus on klaine's story in 5x15. i'm honestly surprised that they didn't do more with kurt and blaine in this ep, given that blaine had been through something really similar and was probably facing a lot of PTSD after seeing kurt get hurt. i would've loved if they'd had a conversation about blaine's own experiences and what he was feeling, and if we'd gotten more insight into kurt's headspace after he was attacked. it was touched upon briefly in that scene with burt and again in 5x16, but they never delved deeper.
so if glee had a competent writing team, i would've wanted to see much more of the aftermath of 5x15, as well as blaine taking care of kurt after the accident (bc we all know that blaine would fuss over kurt constantly, lol). this would also give much more context to both boys' actions in 5x16, which is something that episode desperately needed.
honorable mentions to blaine's depression that was mentioned in a throwaway scene in 6x02, as well as dalton burning down in 6x10. both of these things needed a lot more screentime to do their stories justice. also...i wanted to see a story about kurt grieving finn and his mom (potentially having that cute kid return as little!kurt to give us some flashbacks with kurt's mother). oh, and anne hathaway as kurt's lesbian aunt. i'm still sad that this never happened :(
choosing just one to take away was much easier bc there's only one thing from their storyline that i haven't managed to make peace with, and it is 100% the wedding ep. i'm not sure if it counts, because that episode was the farthest thing from klaine centric, but i'm going with it anyway. season 6 was a rollercoaster, and as much as i'm not happy with some of the decisions made, it would've all been more than worth it if their story had come to a satisfying conclusion in 6x08. but...it didn't. it didn't at all.
to me, most of 'a wedding' was deeply disappointing - from their rushed reunion (which glossed over most of their issues) to sue/brittany's involvement in their decision to get married, to the fact that we didn't see kurt agree to marry blaine, to darren and chris's unusual lack of chemistry during the reception, and even the fact that they got a weekend honeymoon in provincetown while brittana got a month in the bahamas.
to me, it would've been far more rewarding to see them reject sue and brittany. i would've loved if they'd either decided to elope on their own or if they'd gotten back together in 6x07 and spent 6x08-6x11 discussing their relationship and taking it slow, with them finally getting married in the finale. either of those scenarios would've made me much happier than 6x08 and i really wish RIB had done one of those instead.
send me your klaine thoughts/questions!
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quevadilla · 2 years
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steddie brainrot is too real, saw these and all i could think about was them
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22 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
hello! i am too lazy to anon but I was just wondering what your top three steddie fics are OR what your top three fics are no matter the ship.
have a lovely night!!! :D
I slept very well, ty for the well wishes
and oooh is this a hard question and i have way more than three so there's some bonus ones
in no particular order:
you're divine by OonionChiver (@azrielgreen ) for sure, it lives in my mind rent free I'm thinking about it p much 24/7
the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it's you by greatunironic (@greatunironic ) I don't even have words to describe how I feel about this one /pos
good for my boy by MacksDramaticShenanigans (@stevethehairington ) (the whole layer by layer, the framework was formed series really) always has me in tears /pos
(something happens and I'm) head over heels by GibbousLunation (@klunkcat ) in case you want a fic where steve deals with the effects of repeated head trauma
camp folktale by cairparavels (i couldn't find a tumblr for this author so lmk if there is one so i can tag them!) god this one's such a rollercoaster, the slowburn is *chef's kiss*
this is your home, these are your people by oaseas (i couldn't find a tumblr for this author either) this one also (you'll notice a trend lmao) has me in tears every single time /pos
38 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
just some tweets I've been collecting
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127 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
okokok so i may not be a writer but one of @stevethescareington 's posts had me Thinking™
So Eddie would obviously make people mixtapes right? And that includes Steve. Especially Steve. This brings me to my first point:
Steve is dyslexic. He's always had trouble reading so he's just written books off as something he wouldn't enjoy. But when he and Eddie get together, Steve wants to at least try to get into one of Eddie's interests, one of them being the Lord of the Rings. Obviously, Steve being Steve, he hides his dyslexia. He's willing to deal with the headaches and what have you if it means he gets to see Eddie excitedly ramble about one of his passions when they hang out.
What he doesn't expect is for Eddie to pick up on his struggles. In secret, Eddie goes out and purchases as many blank cassettes as he can find and records himself reading the entire trilogy for Steve, complete with personal commentary.
The next time they're together, just the two of them, Eddie gifts Steve the tapes.
549 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
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