#Opal Bean the Sass Queen
hula-zombie · 7 years
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Opal Bean the Sass Queen
Replies below the cut for @love-and-sims​, @simsplyirresistible​, @monets-pixels​, @limericksims​, and anonymous! 
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Hi Nonny!
She’s still in there, somewhere. Don’t worry, she’ll grow out of this. She’s just not really coping well with the family changes at the moment...
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Opal Bean, how do you really feel about having an older sister?
Opal Bean :.... 
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Opal seems so sassy lol I love her
"I didn't ask for them" x'D gonna need a burn heal
Opal pls older sisters are great
Opal is cracking me up lol
TBH- I love her sass. She’ll always be sassy, but she’ll be a little nicer when she ages up. After all, she’s gonna have to find a spouse during her Bachelorette challenge and no one likes a meany. 
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Oh dear. I can understand Opal tho.
same tbh Although I only have a younger sister so
I’m an only child, but I’ve always said it would be all out war if I had a sister. I feel for Opal- it would be no fun to think you’re the oldest and the only girl then to be like SURPRISE NEW SISTER.
But I mean, it was kind of worth it? After all.. MRS. MEOWNESS! 
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hula-zombie · 7 years
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[school bus stopping]
Opal Bean: Dad! You’re home!
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