borldwuilding · 10 months
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A bunch of kinda chibis for possible meme purposes and also just quick design things. All of them here are gods! So many names to tag...
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necr0wmancer · 3 years
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Some homebrew deities while I work on world building. From top left to bottom right:
Yalidil Rana, Last of the Moon Gods, Patron Goddess of the Moon Elves
Eiylsweir, the Ungod
Sen Srrgrrlus, Goddess of Storms and Seas, Patron of Merfolk
Fear, Goddess of her namesake
Aarndren, the First of the Five Dragons, God of Hunger and Destruction
Oreik, God of Ambition and Treachery, Patron of the Dark Elves
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borldwuilding · 11 months
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Haven't been drawing people as much so trying to get back into it. Using some of the poses from over at @grey-fuckers-unlimited to help me get back into shape.
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borldwuilding · 1 year
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I want to info dump about some of the gods so I’m going to queue some of those up I think!
Starting with Oreik, the Annasolish/Common pantheon God of Treachery, Ambition, and Betrayal.
The original dark elf, Oreik was built from the spilled blood of the first Moon God, Morden Oeru, after he was slain by his companions Yalidil Rana and Ineyal Phor. Moon Elf/Yuenhüuian legend says that Oreik was born of Morden’s betrayal to the other two, but Dark Elf/Annasolish would say that Yalidil and Ineyale were the ones to attack Morden first.
Regardless of which is true, Morden’s death caused his moon, Honuon, to crumble and collapse into the world’s atmosphere. With the help of the warring exiled moon elves Iuin and Zhün, Oriek was able to save some of the Honuon natives before the moon became too unstable to return to, including Morden’s secret daughter, Ua. Oreik took the surviving population and fled with them to the world’s underground tunnel system, where neither moon could see them. There, he found them safety and a new start, and turned those who chose to follow him into the dark elves known today.
(Cont. under the cut)
Oreik is a controversial figure in history and legend. Annasolish culture follows Oreik as a savior and a hero who protected the people of the god he was born from in his stead, though they often leave out the rest of his domains when they worship him. For others, Oreik’s hand in the corruption and destruction of empires is impossible to overlook. Needless to say, as the god of betrayal and treachery, his role in the stories of some of the most villainous and nefarious figures in history is well known.
For most, Oreik’s teaching encourages striving for power regardless of the cost. Friends and family can be expendable, and others are merely pieces of the game you must learn to control and dispose of as it best serves you. He offers boons for those foolish enough to follow him that may aid in their goals, but Oreik is rarely one for favorites - as easily as he aids you, he may be aiding your foe to do the same.
He is a deity well known for showing up in person, a fan of conversing and toying with his friends and foes alike. If it’s not him, he often sends his close student Uzuenshai Ueltohüon, the Lesser God of Shadows and Assassins, to do his bidding for him.
For the Annasolish people, Oreik will always be their savior. Though his atrocious acts (often above ground) are impossible to ignore, they try their best to see the best in him. If he is to favor anyone, it’s the dark elves - his own creations and the descendants of the ones he originally saved thousands of years prior. Annasolish followers consider him their chief deity, and will defend him to the best of their ability from those who would only see Oreik as a villain. Because of that, Annasolish practice is often banned outside of the underground, and viewed as purposefully malicious and antagonistic - even if that’s not their intention.
For the few that manage to get close to him, Oreik is a deeply troubled individual. Torn between Morden’s desire to help his people and his inherent nature as the god of betrayal and treachery, Oreik is known for having hard streaks of mercilessness and unusual amounts of heart. In the same breath he works to ensure the safety of his people, he brings the end to others. His existence is a battle between what he is and what he wants - revenge and retribution for what Yalidil Rana did by turning on Morden, a reality he has been cursed to never speak of and that nobody believes in anyways. 
In the end, Oreik’s goals stretch far beyond what he expects for his own existence, fighting to cultivate the most capable heroes to face a evil far stronger than he is, so that maybe his people may some day know peace.... even if he knows it will cost the life of him and many of his closest companions.
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borldwuilding · 11 months
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The Revenant is the only one in Aanrah with a gun, so the first time he teamed up with the hero gods, neither the heroes nor the villains of Oreik or Uzuenshai were expecting it.
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borldwuilding · 1 year
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Yalidil Rana is the last Moon Goddess, and goddess of grace. She rules over the third and final moon, Benshuen.
Yalidil Rana is a fixture of the lives of the moonfolk who live on the moon, serving as both their chief goddess as well as a sort of empress. It is not incredibly uncommon for those who live on the moon to see her in person, though she is known to even show up to the important and well organized Yuenhüuian festivals on Aanrah.
Yalidil is known for her incredible beauty and charismatic personality, winning the hearts of all those who meet her. She is a trusted voice among the divine, and often considered a powerful and effective leader. Though she tries to keep her business on the moon and on Aanrah separate, her first line of order will always come to Benshuen, as the last moon and as her creation.
(Cont. under the cut)
Yalidil Rana is a expert liar, and a cold-blooded killer. She convinced Ineyale Phor with little effort that Morden had grown jealous of them and that he wanted to take their moons for himself. When Oreik was born out of her betrayal and Honuon began to collapse at its creator’s death, Yalidil found it easy to ensure her story stood and made Oreik living proof of Morden’s supposed betrayal and not her own, sealing the new god’s voice from ever speaking about the event. And when Emrul seemed like he was tired of Szaifudrus’s games, it took Yalidil no effort to slay Ineyale as well - her last ‘companion’ had been none the wiser.
Though a few gods questioned her involvement with the loss of the other two moons, Yalidil’s support among the divine made it difficult for them to speak up, and her reputation upheld. Still well loved and trusted among mortals and divines alike, Yalidil bides her time as she looks for a way to slay her two biggest rivals - Ciurte and Zwinwele. She knows Oreik will never get his revenge for what she did, his own inherent nature having destroyed and possible trust people might have in his stories or version of things, and Emrul’s own shame and fear of letting others know what really unraveled at the King’s Labyrinth and how it affected magic itself kept anything from Ineyale’s death likely to come out.
She works hard to keep the so-called ‘hero’ deities close at hand and under thumb, knowing full well that Oreik may hope they will someday catch on to her scheming. And with her stance with the other gods, she practically erased any chance of Oreik ever ascending to their level.
It’s just a matter of time before she finds a way to slay the other two.
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borldwuilding · 1 year
The Annasolish Pantheon
The Annasolish culture and language is most often associated with the dark elves, with them as its originator. Its most commonly practiced in the Underground, with many surface countries banning it due to its association with the god Oreik.
Annasolish is a religion that is both practiced in large organizations and individually, and is expected to be adaptable to the individual’s need and preference. It’s most commonly followed by dark elves and ratfolk.
No god in the Annasolish pantheon is considered malicious or banned - places that practice Annasolish welcome and encourages the worship and following of any of their pantheon deities, regardless of the possible associations or implications. 
(Pantheon Below Cut)
Chief Deity:
Oreik - Intermediate Deity [Rank 15], God of Treachery, Betrayal, and Ambition || Oreik is the chief deity of the Annasolish pantheon, as the creator of the dark elves. His primary domains are often overlooked or ignored by Annasolish practitioners, and he is celebrated and viewed as a hero of the people. Oreik is known to treat his Annasolish followers differently than he might treat those normally seeking him - almost as if his other domains didn’t exist. He takes on the form of a dark elf shrouded in darkness and deep blue armor, with empty eye sockets and a halo made of two snakes biting each other’s throats.
Commonly Worshipped Gods
‘āh-Roi - Lesser Deity [Rank 9], God of Winter and Debt || āh-Roi takes on the form of a menacing black harpy with pale skin and eyes. Like many members of the Annasolish pantheon, he is commonly associated with the cruelty of winter and debt collectors, and often looked on as more villainous in the Common and Lakrakian pantheon he is also recognized in. In the Annasolish pantheon, āh-Roi’s domain is treated as a thing of honor rather than with such aggressive fear and negativity. Additionally, he is also consider one of the ‘misunderstood’ deities.
Ainba - Lesser Deity [Rank 8], God of Hiding and Secrecy || The son of Oreik and Nuhen, Ainba takes the form of a well-dressed dark elf noble. His domain fetches him a mix of followers, between those with obvious incriminating secrets to hide, and those who need secrecy and hiding for other safety. His worship is often criminalized on the surface world for the association with less-savory activities, though many of his followers serve as safe spaces and points for those unrightfully prosecuted by their peers. He has a large following of those with prosecuted ancestry.
Aug - Intermediate Deity [Rank 12], God of Patience and Mastery || Aug is a ascended mortal who appears as a withered, wise and ancient ratfolk man in scholarly clothing. He is often prayed to for assistance in learning skills, and most Annasolish institutions have shrines dedicated to him. 
Aunfehaur - Lesser God [Rank 9], God of Self-Reliance and Self-Sufficiency || Aunfehaur is the son of Nuhen and Huai, and the brother of Gunüunda. He appears as a worldly dark elf in traditional Annasolish traveling clothing and a large bag, often strapped with a variety of objects. Due to the nature of their origin and the nature of living in the Underground, Aunfehaur is many shrines scattered through the tunnels, and most Annasolish followers say prayers or have a trinket dedicated to him if they leave on journeys. He is considered closely paired with Yueuyüaig.
Eonba Beonbu - Lesser God [Rank 7], Goddess of Acceptance and Inclusion || The daughter of the monstrous god Zordeth and a dark elf man, Eonba takes the form of a shaggy bipedal beast with white fur. Legend says that she was protected from harm as a child by the village’s other children, who refused to let their parents slay her when they found her. She is a beacon of hope to those of persecuted species, and many near-surface Annasolish dwellings have large temples dedicated to her that work to get at-risk individuals to safety.
Gunüunda - Lesser God [Rank 7], God of Social Outcasts and Loneliness || The child of Nuhen and Huai, and sibling of Aunfehaur, Gunüunda appears as a tired dark elf of ambiguous gender. They attract a mixed following of those who would fall under Gunüunda’s domain, or those who seek to offer peace and hope for those who might. 
Huai - Lesser God [Rank 10], God of Exiles and Hardship || Once a exiled moonfolk prince, Huai was one of the last to be turned into a dark elf by Oreik. Many of his Annasolish followers pray for the safety and well-being of those exiled from the moon, though in the current day and age such exiles are rare. Still, Huai and his followers offer aid and welcome to those cast from their homes or those who need aid when they have nowhere else to turn, seeking to pass on the better traits of their chief deity.
Narasabuo - Lesser God [Rank 6], Goddess of Flowers and Harmony || Narasabuo appears as a tiny ratfolk often adorned in a flower crown and other flower ornaments. Shrines to her are often scattered throughout the Underground, hoping to bring a peacefulness and beauty to even the darkest and most troubled places. Her followers are known for being kind and wonderful people, and though often not a large following, they are always well remembered for their hospitality and friendliness.
Nme Boryr - Intermediate God [Rank 13], God of Thieves, Wit, and Guile || Nme is a ascended mortal who appears as a young man of mixed wood and dark elf descent, usually clad in typical dark thieves' garb. Nme encourages thievery from those who would not be harmed by it, and thievery for survival. He is often considered one of the ‘hero deities’ by the Annasolish people, though many others outside of the practice would argue that Nme, despite his association with many of the other Hero Gods, is not a hero himself.
Nuhen - Lesser God [Rank 7], God of Desire and Honesty || Nuhen is known for changing their appearance and sex depending on the viewer, and is most commonly depicted as a dark elf of ambiguous gender with both sets of sex organs. They are a popular god with sex workers, though they see a great amount of worship in the Annasolish people’s daily lives. Nuhen is known for being a kind and supportive deity to their followers, making them very popular.
Nyuyis - Intermediate God [Rank 12], God of Punishment || Nyuyis appears as a imposing naga with dark brown-black scales, often equipped with menacing and painful looking weapons. Followers of Nyuyis are often sought to mediate and doll punishment, as one might expect - but no further. Annasolish practitioners discourage each other and others from calling upon Nyuyis for cruel or extreme purposes - a practice the god surprisingly respects.
Pha - Lesser God [Rank 8], Goddess of the Theater and Puppetry || Pha is the daughter of the deceased deities Nzashiff and Mlull, and appears as a young woman of mostly sun elf descent. Her mother, Nzashiff, once held the same position in the Annasolish pantheon with the same domain - though she was half dark elf. Pha stepped into Nzashiff’s place after her mother’s death and her own ascension into the roll. A shrine can be found to her in any house of entertainment.
Qaugákh Zahiteneug - Lesser God [Rank 8], Goddess of Torment and Ghosts || Once a mortal, Qaugákh appears as a ominous dark elf sorceress accompanied by chained wraiths. She is often the deity most followed by Annasolish necromancers, and though Qaugákh refuses to act against Annasolish practitioners and settlements, she and her followers are known for being aggressive to outsiders. Her worship is often aggressively banned and persecuted in non-Annasolish territories.
Shonseui - Lesser God [Rank 7], God of Mirrors and Lust || Shonseui appears as a handsome and appealing dark elf man, usually wearing provocative clothing. While he is often worshipped and prayed to for perhaps the obvious, he is also often seen as a warning of obsession to Annasolish followers. He is considered one of the more malicious deities in the pantheon, though his followers usually aren’t.
Sinewsewer - Intermediate God [Rank 13], God of Chaos || Sinewsewer is mostly followed by ratfolk, and in some cases is seen as the chief deity in Annasolish circles that consist largely of ratfolk. It appears as a giant, writhing mass of tangled dead rats, often sporting a tarnished crown. Followers of Sinewsewer often toe the line of acceptability even for the Annasolish religion, thriving most on doing things that would be considered otherwise out of bounds - but the best of his followers seek Sinewsewer’s guidance through the fast-paced turmoil that is a ratfolk’s life.
Uensoneug - Lesser God [Rank 7], God of Gates and Passages || Uensoneug appears as a tiny ratfolk that is always carrying a ring of keys. Those who travel frequently or must use less obvious pathways often pray to him to get through safely, and shrines are often dedicated to him at the start of tunnels. He is known to randomly appear to those in need to show them the way.
Uzuenshai Ueltohüon - Lesser God [Rank 10], God of Shadows and Assassins || The apprentice of Oreik, Uzuenshai was once a mortal who ascended to godhood. He appears as a handsome but grizzled dark elf man in typical dark assassin’s garb, and is known for carrying the legendary dagger Bonineug - a weapon of his master’s creation. Similarly to Qaugákh, he will not work against the Annasolish people unless he has no choice, and is known to slay his own followers who dare to betray their own people.
Wur Orqug - Lesser God [Rank 8], God of Science and Thought || Wur appears as a man of mixed sun and dark elf descent, often in a scientist’s work clothes. A member of the Ntubuian Pantheon as well, Wur is a popular god for scholars and, of course, scientists. While his replies and aid is known for being perhaps a bit delayed, Wur has a great number of followers and shrines in scientific institutions.
Ymih - Lesser God [Rank 6], Goddess of Retribution || The young daughter of Talatarael and Oreik, Ymih appears as a young Nymauti dark elf woman who rarely seems sure of herself. Recently ascended, Ymih has stepped into the roll once held by her late brother, Matl. Her followers, some of which have been passed from her brother, are often dark elves who seek to make the wrongs done to their people right.
Ytel - Intermediate God [Rank 12], God of Shadows and Darkness || Ytel appears often as either a eyeless Nymauti demon or a Nymauti-marked fox, often wreathed in shadows. Originating in the Nymauti pantheon, Annasolish followers often pay homage to him for safety and navigation through the dark world of the Underground. He is known for being a reliable and kind guide to the Annasolish people.
Yuhen - Lesser God [Rank 9], Goddess of Confidence and Beauty || Yuhen is the daughter of Okvønt and Nuhen. She appears as a gorgeous dark elf half-dragon with starkly contrasting white scales. She is one of the Annasolish gods that sees the most worship and attention from non-Annasolish followers, and is a popular god among the average person. She’s known for being upbeat and encouraging to all that call upon her.
Yueuyüaig - Intermediate God [Rank 12], God of Scavenging and Adaptability || An ascended mortal, Yueuyüaig appears as a spectacled ratfolk man covered in bone armor, usually carrying a pair of shears. He is a popular deity for those with less-than-stable lives or jobs, and his followers strive in teaching their peers how to survive and adapt as well. His followers consist primarily of ratfolk, and his followers are known to be arrested on the spot in some surface countries for their habit of what might be considered stealing. He is paired closely with Aunfehaur.
Zon Ginazhau - Intermediate Deity [Rank 13], Goddess of Agriculture and Abundance || More commonly worshipped in the Common Pantheon, Zon still sees plenty of worship and attention from the Annasolish people as one of the first dark elf gods outside of Oreik. Zon is often depicted as a dark elven woman in a dress covered in different plants, and is wildly worshiped by those growing food. A shrine to her can be found in most gardens or on most farms.
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