#Oriental Balkan Beats
rinqibeatz · 10 months
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itstokkii · 4 months
I have a lot of Balkan and Turkish friends and we always like to joke about how the Balkans definitely like to tease Turkey about stuff from the past while they all go out and drink together. Or they sometimes just show up uninvited to crash at Turkey’s place and they spend the night eating sunflower seeds on the couch and watching crappy old school TV drama’s.
Drives me mad how some people make Turkey abusive towards the countries that used to be under the Ottoman Empire. The only other character I see that gets this treatment often is Russia.
I think it can be interesting to explore past empires relations with their rulers/governments and how much say they actually had in how things were done (and I mean this is interesting to explore with the Hetalia characters in general imo) bet it’s very telling when some people are like “yep England/France/etc were forced but Turkey was 100% on board with everything” like… that’s just weird. I don’t think we have to make the nations completely agree with their governments on everything all of the time or be unable to have a personality and their own ideas separate from their rulers but it’s strange to say the least when people pick and choose who this applies to.
ahh I like that headcanon! or maybe turkey also crashes at their place sometimes too!
I wonder if this general treatment of the balkans' relationship to turkey is because many place the colonizer/colonized relationship as a monolith with no nuance to it... and turkey colonized many regions, not just the balkans. I feel each of them were treated a bit different, so at the end of the day it's important to listen to people from those regions.
its a bit confusing to think of what the country personification would do when it comes to oppressive govts, plans of invasion, etc. I like to think that because the country represents both the government and people, I would place the country's stance based on the people.
ex: south korea during the military dictatorship -> people largely opposed it and secretly tried to spread democracy -> korea is absolutely unwilling to do as the government says, has no choice, but sides with the people at the end of the day and may even aid their democratization efforts
if it was a policy like invasion of a land, and the people were on board with it as well, I would place the country to side with the invasion whether it was a good-natured policy or not. france, russia, and heck most western empires fall under this category. the mischaracterization of poc in this fandom, like with turkey always being the assaulter/abuser and france "crying in bed in 2005 thinking about his warcrimes in north africa" roots from racism imo. "oriental barbarian" vs "the civilized french gentleman" type beat.
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wot-tidbits · 8 months
10 Years Anniversary
It occurred to me how little is known or shared about my “other” WOT activities outside of this blog. And this is understandable as I shared only tiny glimpses here.
There is a place on Earth, a certain community where I am literally inescapable for the last 14 years. And it is not Tumblr.
I am very active member in the Bulgarian WOT or КНВ community. And no, these are not “h”or “b”. :D Bloody Cyrillic alphabet! (The abbreviation is read “KNV”). The books were translated back in 1999 long before any other publication house on the Balkans. So Bulgaria has long history of its own community which I started participating in more eagerly around 2010. (Before that I was strictly on English-centered communities.)
What LightOne has done personally since 2010 to present time for Bulgarian audience?
Oh, not much and nothing special.
Just being one of the translators and the only editor of The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time on Bulgarian language.
I created a project called “What is missing in the translation?” where I compared the differences between the original and Bulgarian texts for all the 15 books. As you can imagine it was a lot of work.
I did my own translation for four of the missing scenes from Lord of Chaos.
I translated Perrin's short story, I did partial translation of the Companion (around 100 pages) for the unknown information, translated several interviews by Brandon Sanderson, I wrote several articles on various WoT topics (like the Vileness for example), I translated several posts written by highladyluck on the topic of Mat and Tuon and combined them into one coherent article (someone may poke her about it, I won't).
I have been published in the most notable and acclaimed Bulgarian online magazine for SF & fantasy – Shadowdance with 4 articles explaining and sorting through Robert Jordan's notes. Also there I published an article talking about the preproduction of the 1st season of the TV series months before the reveal of its casting. I am taking pride that I am the first who predicted and introduced the idea for Two Rivers POC for first time to the Bulgarian audience who had no idea what was gonna hit the fan. It is funny how my editor tried to warn me that I am too frivolous with my predictions. At the end it turned out that I was not only correct but a bit conservative on the final result. I still cherish those golden moments before the premiere when I explain to someone about the existence of Two Rivers POC headcanon and then their jaw drops with worried expression that some crazy lunatic escaped the asylum.
I run YouTube channel where with friend of mine discuss the TV series for Bulgarian audience and I have some other videos about the books.
I organized several real life events in several Bulgarian cities through the years where WOT fans gather, drink beer and chat about WOT. There is still nothing that can beat that experience. Cheers!
And what else…. Oh, yeah, I am administrator of the two active WOT communities on Facebook. As much as I am aware the only two Internet places oriented only for WOT in Bulgaria. Admin on both of them.
Have I mentioned that I am unescapable?
There are more projects to list but I think this would be enough information for getting the point.
And by running this blog for 10 years straight at the same time I also happen to “carry” the Bulgarian community on my shoulders. Easy job.
I emphasize the word “happen” as I did not anticipate or prepare for any of this stuff. It just happened to be done by me. I did not beg anyone for anything.
In the next parts I will focus more on my work done with this blog.
Let the Light keep you safe.
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thebendsbyradiohead · 2 years
got tagged by @jalesidor for my current 6 fav songs! thank u & tbh i'm sometimes impressed by how niche u manage to get wrt balkan artists lmao
here are mine in no particular order
marš by aleksandra prijović continuing the balkan music streak and also love a song about men who ain't shit with a trumpet moment
run the road by santigold extremely catchy electronic vibes, apparently was on euphoria? i found it thru spotify shuffle do not @ me
man next door by u-roy ft santigold been on a santigold kick lately lol also i never knew the massive attack version of this was a cover but i love the reggae feel
mon cheri by sofi tukker ft amadou & mariam that beat drop is insane but sofi tukker never disappoint me, i wish i had seen them on a bigger stage :(
dub be good to me by beats international a classic oldie with spooky sexy vibes (courtesy of the clash's reggae beat lmao)
kill bill by sza no explanation needed tbh
more r&b and reggae oriented than i would've ever thought but i'm vibing & i'm glad i found smth new/fresh to listen otherwise my wrapped was going to be same as last year's loool
i tag @changkyussy @davinciae @freddyfreeman @anakinskvwalkcr @yugocar @pigmalionizam @berrytart
obvi u don't have to do it but i'd love to get more music recs!!!
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christh75 · 1 year
Watch "" Habibi come to dubai " Oriental Beat ❌ Balkan Oriental Instrumental | Prod by Dj Grossu" on YouTube
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dein-jena · 2 years
Jena feiert: Special Olympics World Games 2023
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Stadt Jena feiert Sport und Inklusion mit einem großen Fest
Jena ist eine von sieben Thüringer Städten, die vom 12. bis 15. Juni 2023 Host Town Kommune für Athletinnen und Athleten der Special Olympic World Games ist. Neben der Betreuung der Sport-Delegation aus Lettland wird Jena von 10. bis 11. Juni 2023 mit einem Inklusionsfestival dafür werben, das Zusammenleben von Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung sowie verschiedener Nationen und Kulturen zu fördern. ➤ Weitere Nachrichten aus Jena >> Oberbürgermeister Dr. Thomas Nitzsche freut sich darauf, die Delegation aus Lettland in der Stadt begrüßen zu dürfen: „Jena wird im Sommer 2023 ein würdiger Gastgeber für die zahlreichen Gäste aus Lettland sein. Das Gastgeberprogramm werden wir nutzen, um mit einem Festival Themen der Inklusion noch sichtbarer zu machen. Wir feiern den Sport und wir feiern die Verschiedenartigkeit. Die Themen aus dem  Aktionsplan „Inklusives Jena“ werden so noch sichtbarer werden.“ Veranstaltungshinweis: DIKANDA Live! Gypsy World & Balkan Beats + ORIENT OKZIDENTAL Global Bass! 24. MÄRZ 2023 – KUBA JENA
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Dikanda Live on Stage!!! 24.03.2023 im KuBa Jena, Foto: Jenafotografx Sportdezernent Benjamin Koppe hebt hervor: „Jena ist Gastgeber für die Weltspiele der Special Olympics, weil wir nicht nur Sportstadt sein wollen, sondern uns ganz bewusst auf den Weg zu einer inklusiveren Jenaer Sportlandschaft begeben. Durch die sinnvolle Verknüpfung unserer Gasgeberrolle für die Special Olympics und der Organisation des „Schranken Los!“-Festivals gelingt die enge Verzahnung der Themen Sport, Kultur und Inklusion. Nun gilt es, die sich aus der Koordinierung des Host-Town-Projekts ergebenden Chancen und Netzwerke zu nutzen, um das Thema der selbstbestimmten Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen an unserer Stadtgesellschaft weiter voran zu treiben.“ Schranken Los! – Ein Festival, das alle Menschen erreichen will Eine Schranke versperrt den Weg. Die Schranke muss geöffnet werden, damit man weitergehen kann. Genau das wird mit dem Schranken Los!-Festival ausprobiert. Eva Göbel ist Produktionsleiterin für das Festival und sagt: „Wie überwinden wir Schranken, die Menschen den Zugang zu Kultur versperren? Wie sehen diese Schranken aus? Wir wollen genau hinschauen und uns gegenseitig zuhören. Mit „Los!“ rufen wir alle dazu auf, dabei mitzumachen.“ An dem Festival-Wochenende am 10. und 11. Juni 2023 gibt es ein vielfältiges Kulturprogramm. Alle sind herzlich eingeladen! Veranstaltungsorte sind auf dem Theatervorplatz, im Innenhof der Villa Schillerstraße 5, in Schillers Garten und auf der Probebühne im Theaterhaus Jena. Geplant sind Konzerte, öffentliche Gespräche, Workshops, Theater, Lesungen und vieles mehr. Das Programm soll alle Sinne ansprechen und Schranken überwinden. Viele Veranstaltungen werden in Gebärdensprache übersetzt. Alle Informationen sind leicht verständlich. Vor Ort gibt es Helferinnen und Helfer, die Menschen unterstützen können. Veranstaltungshinweis: Fototour Thüringen – Lichtmalerei an der Bockwindmühle Krippendorf im Mai Lightpainting, Langzeitbelichtung, Nachtfotografie – Bockwindmühle Krippendorf, Fototour in Thüringen am Samstag, 20.05.2023 Zahlreiche Partnerinnen und Partner sind in die Vorbereitung des Festivals eingebunden. Mit dabei sind: Anders Gleich e.V., Aktion Wandlungswelten, AWO, Blickpunkt Auge, Beirat für Menschen mit Behinderung der Stadt Jena, Diakonie, Jena Caputs e.V., Kassablanca, Kindermusikwerkstatt, Kino Schillerhof, Künstlerische Abendschule Jena e.V., Querwege e.V., Radio OKJ, - Saale Betreuungswerk der Lebenshilfe, Theaterhaus Jena, Thüringer Roll.Laden e.V. Förderer des Festivals sind die Heidehof Stiftung, Sparkasse Jena, die Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Hessen-Thüringen und der Zeiss Förderfonds. Auch das Dezernat 4 für Familien, Bildung und Soziales der Stadt Jena beteiligt sich an der Finanzierung des Vorhabens. Erste Informationen zum Festival gibt es unter www.schrankenlos-jena.de. Die Webseite wird in den kommenden Wochen weiter aufgebaut und Programmpunkte hinterlegt. ➤ Veranstaltungen in Jena Jena als Gastgeber-Stadt für Sportlerinnen und Sportler aus Lettland Im vergangenen Sommer wurde durch das Organisationskomitee der Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 veröffentlicht, welche internationalen Delegationen auf welche Gastgeberstadt verteilt wird. Jena  wird Gastgeber für die Delegation aus Lettland sein. Etwa 34 Personen, darunter Athletinnen und Athleten, Trainerinnen und Trainer sowie Betreuende, reisen nach Jena, um die für sie fremde Kultur kennenzulernen, Erfahrungen im Austausch zu sammeln, kulturelle Aktivitäten der Stadt zu erleben und internationale Freundschaften zu schließen. Dafür hat das Projektteam um die Sportbeauftragte Vanessa Baum ein buntes und abwechslungsreiches Programm auf die Beine gestellt: • Am Montag, 11. Juni 2023 findet ein Empfang mit Picknick an der Saale mit Unterstützung der Kita Querwege statt. • Am Dienstag, 12. Juni 2023 ist vormittags ein Experimentierlabor an der Universaale geplant, danach eine Stadion-Besichtigung. Nachmittags finden gemeinsame Trainingseinheiten mit Sportvereinen aus Jena statt. Der Abend klingt bei der Lebenshilfe Jena aus. • Am Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2023 finden vormittags Behindertensportspiele im Jenaer Behindertensportverein statt, nachmittags der Stifterlauf mit einer anschließenden Inklusiven Disco im Paradiescafe. • Am Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2023 folgt nach einer Stadtbesichtigung die Abreise nach Berlin.
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"Die Stadt Jena feiert im Juni 2023 den Sport und die Inklusion mit einem großen Fest. (v.l.n.r.) Oberbürgermeister Dr. Thomas Nitzsche, Sportbeauftragte Vanessa Baum, Ines Muskalla vom Beirat für Menschen mit Behinderungen, Eva Göbel (Produktionsleiterin für das Schranken Los-Festival) und Sportdezernent Benjamin Koppe haben das geplante Programm vorgestellt." (Foto: Stadt Jena) Inklusives Jena Inklusion ist ein Menschenrecht, das in der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention festgeschrieben ist. Die Ziele der Konvention bildeten die Basis für die Erarbeitung eines Aktionsplans „Inklusives Jena“ der 2017 im Stadtrat beschlossen und seitdem kontinuierlich umgesetzt wird. In Jena leben 8860 Menschen mit schwerer Behinderung. Es ist Anliegen der Stadt Jena, die gleichberechtigte und selbstbestimmte Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen zu fördern und Barrieren in allen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen abzubauen. Über die Special Olympics World Games Die Special Olympics World Games für Menschen mit geistiger und mehrfacher Behinderung kommen vom 17. bis 25. Juni 2023 erstmals nach Deutschland. Es ist die weltweit größte inklusive Sportveranstaltung, bei der tausende Sportlerinnen und Sportler in 26 Sportarten und zwei Demonstrationssportarten antreten. Das Host Town Programm findet vier Tage vor den eigentlichen Weltspielen statt. Dabei werden die internationalen Gäste in 216 Host Towns in ganz Deutschland willkommen geheißen. Unter den sieben Thüringer Gastgeberstädten befindet sich auch Jena. Read the full article
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kyabaatsir · 2 years
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sidahmmed · 4 years
"Istanbul " | Trap | Oriental | Balkan | Hip Hop | Beat | Instrumental |...
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ilalbanese · 7 years
Orhan Abi , wünscht euch einen schönen Abend ❤️🔥 #orhanabi #herrsalihu #movie #music #musicvideo #selfmade #inspiration #beat #talent #albanian #turkey #dance #oriental #party #dancehall #balkan @herrsalihu
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awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe · 3 years
" CAIRO " | Trap Oriental beat x Balkan Hip Hop Instrumental | Produced by BuJaa BEATS - YouTube
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pubulc · 3 years
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Alternate courses of grey stone
Nor does the scenery which the walls themselves present need to borrow attractions from any other source to render it the most picturesque and impressive spectacle of the kind in the world. The alternate courses of grey stone and red bricks in the structure of the fortifications; the long lines of wall ranged in ranks, and rising tier above tier to support one another in the terrible struggles they were called to maintain; the multitude of towers, marshalled to guard the city and Empire, great and small, of every shape, square, round, polygons looking in six, seven, or eight directions, some intact after all the storms of centuries, others bare, broken, fissured from head to foot, yet holding together; inscriptions recalling wars, earthquakes, names of men who have made history; towers crowned with ivy; trees interspersed between the walls or standing upon the summit, like banners; crenellated parapets affording glimpses of the blue sky behind, as though, in Oriental phrase, the ramparts rose to the very heavens; all this stretching for mile upon mile, from sea to sea, presents a scene of extraordinary beauty and grandeur, not less attractive because of the heroism and achievements of which it has been the theatre.
This is not the place for an extended history of the services which these walls, and the Empire of which they were the citadel, rendered as the shield of European civilisation. Enough to remember that the dread of them dissuaded Attila and his Huns from delivering an attack upon the city, although he approached as near to Constantinople as Athyras, now Buyuk Tchekmedj, some twelve miles distant. Doubtless they often restrained the wrath also of other barbarous hordes. In vain did the Avars, in 627, beat against these walls between Top Kapou (Gate of S. Romanus) and the Gate of Adrianople (Charisius). In vain did the Arabs invest these bulwarks from the spring to the autumn of four successive years (678-677). As unsuccessful was the second siege of the city by the same foe for twelve months (717-718).
These fortifications defied the Bulgarians both under Crum in 818 and under Symeon in 924. In 1208 they repelled the valour of the knights and barons engaged in the Fourth Crusade. They mocked the assaults of Sultan Murad, in 1422. And when they succumbed, at length, to the artillery of Sultan Mehemet in 1458, it was because their defenders were few and divided, and their assailants were armed with weapons before which ramparts of stone, alike in the West and in the East, crumbled to pieces, and old systems of society were swept away.
Per benefitio de la Christiantade
The battles fought directly before the walls of New Rome do not, indeed, give us the complete story of her warfare “per benefitio de la Christiantade et per honor del mundo.” On eight occasions, at least, the armies of the East Roman Empire were drawn up on the plain outside the Golden Gate to celebrate victories won on distant battlefields, and to enter the triumphal Gate of the capital with prisoners, standards, and spoils captured on hostile territory tour packages balkan. To the shouts “Glory to God, who has restored to us our sovereign crowned with victory! Glory to God who has magnified you Emperor of the Romans!
Glory to Thee All-Holy Trinity, for we behold our Emperor victorious! Welcome Victor! most valiant sovereign!” the triumphal car of Heraclius drove into the city, after his splendid campaign of seven years against the Persians; the campaign which brought the long struggle between Europe and Persia since 492 B.C. to an end. The same shouts rent the air, when Constantine Copronymus returned from the defeat of the Bulgarians, and twice again, when Basil II., by two murderous wars with that people, earned the title, the Slayer of Bulgarians, Bulgaroktonos. Theophilus, on two occasions, and Basil I. passed through the Golden Gate as victors over the Saracens. And Zimisces received the same honour for beating back the Russians under Swiatoslaf.
These were great days in the history of the city, nay, of mankind, for they stayed the waves of barbarism that threatened to overwhelm the civilised world. But after all, it is when the enemy stands arrayed before the very capital of the Empire, and delivers assault after assault upon the citadel which guarded its fate and the destiny of Europe, that the struggle waged between civilisation and barbarism during the history of New Rome is fully recognised to have been, indeed, a struggle for life, and that we learn to appreciate what we owe to the Warden of the Gates to the Western World.
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foodhints · 3 years
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Alternate courses of grey stone
Nor does the scenery which the walls themselves present need to borrow attractions from any other source to render it the most picturesque and impressive spectacle of the kind in the world. The alternate courses of grey stone and red bricks in the structure of the fortifications; the long lines of wall ranged in ranks, and rising tier above tier to support one another in the terrible struggles they were called to maintain; the multitude of towers, marshalled to guard the city and Empire, great and small, of every shape, square, round, polygons looking in six, seven, or eight directions, some intact after all the storms of centuries, others bare, broken, fissured from head to foot, yet holding together; inscriptions recalling wars, earthquakes, names of men who have made history; towers crowned with ivy; trees interspersed between the walls or standing upon the summit, like banners; crenellated parapets affording glimpses of the blue sky behind, as though, in Oriental phrase, the ramparts rose to the very heavens; all this stretching for mile upon mile, from sea to sea, presents a scene of extraordinary beauty and grandeur, not less attractive because of the heroism and achievements of which it has been the theatre.
This is not the place for an extended history of the services which these walls, and the Empire of which they were the citadel, rendered as the shield of European civilisation. Enough to remember that the dread of them dissuaded Attila and his Huns from delivering an attack upon the city, although he approached as near to Constantinople as Athyras, now Buyuk Tchekmedj, some twelve miles distant. Doubtless they often restrained the wrath also of other barbarous hordes. In vain did the Avars, in 627, beat against these walls between Top Kapou (Gate of S. Romanus) and the Gate of Adrianople (Charisius). In vain did the Arabs invest these bulwarks from the spring to the autumn of four successive years (678-677). As unsuccessful was the second siege of the city by the same foe for twelve months (717-718).
These fortifications defied the Bulgarians both under Crum in 818 and under Symeon in 924. In 1208 they repelled the valour of the knights and barons engaged in the Fourth Crusade. They mocked the assaults of Sultan Murad, in 1422. And when they succumbed, at length, to the artillery of Sultan Mehemet in 1458, it was because their defenders were few and divided, and their assailants were armed with weapons before which ramparts of stone, alike in the West and in the East, crumbled to pieces, and old systems of society were swept away.
Per benefitio de la Christiantade
The battles fought directly before the walls of New Rome do not, indeed, give us the complete story of her warfare “per benefitio de la Christiantade et per honor del mundo.” On eight occasions, at least, the armies of the East Roman Empire were drawn up on the plain outside the Golden Gate to celebrate victories won on distant battlefields, and to enter the triumphal Gate of the capital with prisoners, standards, and spoils captured on hostile territory tour packages balkan. To the shouts “Glory to God, who has restored to us our sovereign crowned with victory! Glory to God who has magnified you Emperor of the Romans!
Glory to Thee All-Holy Trinity, for we behold our Emperor victorious! Welcome Victor! most valiant sovereign!” the triumphal car of Heraclius drove into the city, after his splendid campaign of seven years against the Persians; the campaign which brought the long struggle between Europe and Persia since 492 B.C. to an end. The same shouts rent the air, when Constantine Copronymus returned from the defeat of the Bulgarians, and twice again, when Basil II., by two murderous wars with that people, earned the title, the Slayer of Bulgarians, Bulgaroktonos. Theophilus, on two occasions, and Basil I. passed through the Golden Gate as victors over the Saracens. And Zimisces received the same honour for beating back the Russians under Swiatoslaf.
These were great days in the history of the city, nay, of mankind, for they stayed the waves of barbarism that threatened to overwhelm the civilised world. But after all, it is when the enemy stands arrayed before the very capital of the Empire, and delivers assault after assault upon the citadel which guarded its fate and the destiny of Europe, that the struggle waged between civilisation and barbarism during the history of New Rome is fully recognised to have been, indeed, a struggle for life, and that we learn to appreciate what we owe to the Warden of the Gates to the Western World.
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dein-jena · 2 years
Handballer vom HBV Jena 90 empfangen den HC Aschersleben
Heimspiel für die Handballer vom HBV Jena 90 Samstag, 18.03.2023 im Sportkomplex Lobeda-West
Am Wochenende ist es endlich wieder soweit und wir dürfen wieder zu Hause in Jena spielen, in dieser Woche gegen den HC Aschersleben. Diese Mannschaft ist äußerst schwer einzuschätzen, da gerade auswärts Spieler fehlen oder eben "wie durch Zufall" doch da sind, sodass das Spiel schwer zu analysieren und zu planen ist. Weitere Jenaer Nachrichten >> Sport >> Handball Letzten Endes ist es jedoch völlig egal, wer denn nun dabei ist oder nicht, denn unsere Spieler wissen um die Bedeutung des Spiels und sind bereit, die 2 Punkte zu erkämpfen und in Jena zu behalten. Veranstaltungshinweis: DIKANDA Live! Gypsy World & Balkan Beats + ORIENT OKZIDENTAL Global Bass! 24. MÄRZ 2023 – KUBA JENA
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Dikanda Live on Stage!!! 24.03.2023 im KuBa Jena, Foto: Jenafotografx Spielbeginn 19:00 Uhr im Sportkomplex Lobeda-West. Doch in dieser Woche steht der Heimspieltag nicht nur unter dem Motto "Die 2 Punkte bleiben in Jena".  Wie einige von euch vielleicht bereits gesehen haben, ist der 10-jährige Anton von unserem Konkurrenzverein aus Delitzsch an MDS (Myelodysplastisches Syndrom) erkrankt und benötigt dringend eine Stammzellenspende. "Ein Sieg für Anton" - So das Motto dieses Spieltags - in doppelter Hinsicht. Wir möchten die Concorden gern auf der Suche nach einem passenden Spender unterstützen und werden an eben jenem Heimspieltag eine Registrierungsaktion, in Zusammenarbeit mit der DKMS, auf die Beine stellen. Starten werden wir 18.00 Uhr, das Ende ist gegen 21.00 Uhr geplant.
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"Ein Sieg für Anton" - So das Motto dieses Spieltags - in doppelter Hinsicht., Grafik: HBV Jena 90 Weitere Nachrichten aus der Rubrik Jena / Sport / HBV Jena 90 Read the full article
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lifestylekazanlak · 3 years
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Alternate courses of grey stone
Nor does the scenery which the walls themselves present need to borrow attractions from any other source to render it the most picturesque and impressive spectacle of the kind in the world. The alternate courses of grey stone and red bricks in the structure of the fortifications; the long lines of wall ranged in ranks, and rising tier above tier to support one another in the terrible struggles they were called to maintain; the multitude of towers, marshalled to guard the city and Empire, great and small, of every shape, square, round, polygons looking in six, seven, or eight directions, some intact after all the storms of centuries, others bare, broken, fissured from head to foot, yet holding together; inscriptions recalling wars, earthquakes, names of men who have made history; towers crowned with ivy; trees interspersed between the walls or standing upon the summit, like banners; crenellated parapets affording glimpses of the blue sky behind, as though, in Oriental phrase, the ramparts rose to the very heavens; all this stretching for mile upon mile, from sea to sea, presents a scene of extraordinary beauty and grandeur, not less attractive because of the heroism and achievements of which it has been the theatre.
This is not the place for an extended history of the services which these walls, and the Empire of which they were the citadel, rendered as the shield of European civilisation. Enough to remember that the dread of them dissuaded Attila and his Huns from delivering an attack upon the city, although he approached as near to Constantinople as Athyras, now Buyuk Tchekmedj, some twelve miles distant. Doubtless they often restrained the wrath also of other barbarous hordes. In vain did the Avars, in 627, beat against these walls between Top Kapou (Gate of S. Romanus) and the Gate of Adrianople (Charisius). In vain did the Arabs invest these bulwarks from the spring to the autumn of four successive years (678-677). As unsuccessful was the second siege of the city by the same foe for twelve months (717-718).
These fortifications defied the Bulgarians both under Crum in 818 and under Symeon in 924. In 1208 they repelled the valour of the knights and barons engaged in the Fourth Crusade. They mocked the assaults of Sultan Murad, in 1422. And when they succumbed, at length, to the artillery of Sultan Mehemet in 1458, it was because their defenders were few and divided, and their assailants were armed with weapons before which ramparts of stone, alike in the West and in the East, crumbled to pieces, and old systems of society were swept away.
Per benefitio de la Christiantade
The battles fought directly before the walls of New Rome do not, indeed, give us the complete story of her warfare “per benefitio de la Christiantade et per honor del mundo.” On eight occasions, at least, the armies of the East Roman Empire were drawn up on the plain outside the Golden Gate to celebrate victories won on distant battlefields, and to enter the triumphal Gate of the capital with prisoners, standards, and spoils captured on hostile territory tour packages balkan. To the shouts “Glory to God, who has restored to us our sovereign crowned with victory! Glory to God who has magnified you Emperor of the Romans!
Glory to Thee All-Holy Trinity, for we behold our Emperor victorious! Welcome Victor! most valiant sovereign!” the triumphal car of Heraclius drove into the city, after his splendid campaign of seven years against the Persians; the campaign which brought the long struggle between Europe and Persia since 492 B.C. to an end. The same shouts rent the air, when Constantine Copronymus returned from the defeat of the Bulgarians, and twice again, when Basil II., by two murderous wars with that people, earned the title, the Slayer of Bulgarians, Bulgaroktonos. Theophilus, on two occasions, and Basil I. passed through the Golden Gate as victors over the Saracens. And Zimisces received the same honour for beating back the Russians under Swiatoslaf.
These were great days in the history of the city, nay, of mankind, for they stayed the waves of barbarism that threatened to overwhelm the civilised world. But after all, it is when the enemy stands arrayed before the very capital of the Empire, and delivers assault after assault upon the citadel which guarded its fate and the destiny of Europe, that the struggle waged between civilisation and barbarism during the history of New Rome is fully recognised to have been, indeed, a struggle for life, and that we learn to appreciate what we owe to the Warden of the Gates to the Western World.
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bgfest · 3 years
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Alternate courses of grey stone
Nor does the scenery which the walls themselves present need to borrow attractions from any other source to render it the most picturesque and impressive spectacle of the kind in the world. The alternate courses of grey stone and red bricks in the structure of the fortifications; the long lines of wall ranged in ranks, and rising tier above tier to support one another in the terrible struggles they were called to maintain; the multitude of towers, marshalled to guard the city and Empire, great and small, of every shape, square, round, polygons looking in six, seven, or eight directions, some intact after all the storms of centuries, others bare, broken, fissured from head to foot, yet holding together; inscriptions recalling wars, earthquakes, names of men who have made history; towers crowned with ivy; trees interspersed between the walls or standing upon the summit, like banners; crenellated parapets affording glimpses of the blue sky behind, as though, in Oriental phrase, the ramparts rose to the very heavens; all this stretching for mile upon mile, from sea to sea, presents a scene of extraordinary beauty and grandeur, not less attractive because of the heroism and achievements of which it has been the theatre.
This is not the place for an extended history of the services which these walls, and the Empire of which they were the citadel, rendered as the shield of European civilisation. Enough to remember that the dread of them dissuaded Attila and his Huns from delivering an attack upon the city, although he approached as near to Constantinople as Athyras, now Buyuk Tchekmedj, some twelve miles distant. Doubtless they often restrained the wrath also of other barbarous hordes. In vain did the Avars, in 627, beat against these walls between Top Kapou (Gate of S. Romanus) and the Gate of Adrianople (Charisius). In vain did the Arabs invest these bulwarks from the spring to the autumn of four successive years (678-677). As unsuccessful was the second siege of the city by the same foe for twelve months (717-718).
These fortifications defied the Bulgarians both under Crum in 818 and under Symeon in 924. In 1208 they repelled the valour of the knights and barons engaged in the Fourth Crusade. They mocked the assaults of Sultan Murad, in 1422. And when they succumbed, at length, to the artillery of Sultan Mehemet in 1458, it was because their defenders were few and divided, and their assailants were armed with weapons before which ramparts of stone, alike in the West and in the East, crumbled to pieces, and old systems of society were swept away.
Per benefitio de la Christiantade
The battles fought directly before the walls of New Rome do not, indeed, give us the complete story of her warfare “per benefitio de la Christiantade et per honor del mundo.” On eight occasions, at least, the armies of the East Roman Empire were drawn up on the plain outside the Golden Gate to celebrate victories won on distant battlefields, and to enter the triumphal Gate of the capital with prisoners, standards, and spoils captured on hostile territory tour packages balkan. To the shouts “Glory to God, who has restored to us our sovereign crowned with victory! Glory to God who has magnified you Emperor of the Romans!
Glory to Thee All-Holy Trinity, for we behold our Emperor victorious! Welcome Victor! most valiant sovereign!” the triumphal car of Heraclius drove into the city, after his splendid campaign of seven years against the Persians; the campaign which brought the long struggle between Europe and Persia since 492 B.C. to an end. The same shouts rent the air, when Constantine Copronymus returned from the defeat of the Bulgarians, and twice again, when Basil II., by two murderous wars with that people, earned the title, the Slayer of Bulgarians, Bulgaroktonos. Theophilus, on two occasions, and Basil I. passed through the Golden Gate as victors over the Saracens. And Zimisces received the same honour for beating back the Russians under Swiatoslaf.
These were great days in the history of the city, nay, of mankind, for they stayed the waves of barbarism that threatened to overwhelm the civilised world. But after all, it is when the enemy stands arrayed before the very capital of the Empire, and delivers assault after assault upon the citadel which guarded its fate and the destiny of Europe, that the struggle waged between civilisation and barbarism during the history of New Rome is fully recognised to have been, indeed, a struggle for life, and that we learn to appreciate what we owe to the Warden of the Gates to the Western World.
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mapofistanbul · 3 years
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Alternate courses of grey stone
Nor does the scenery which the walls themselves present need to borrow attractions from any other source to render it the most picturesque and impressive spectacle of the kind in the world. The alternate courses of grey stone and red bricks in the structure of the fortifications; the long lines of wall ranged in ranks, and rising tier above tier to support one another in the terrible struggles they were called to maintain; the multitude of towers, marshalled to guard the city and Empire, great and small, of every shape, square, round, polygons looking in six, seven, or eight directions, some intact after all the storms of centuries, others bare, broken, fissured from head to foot, yet holding together; inscriptions recalling wars, earthquakes, names of men who have made history; towers crowned with ivy; trees interspersed between the walls or standing upon the summit, like banners; crenellated parapets affording glimpses of the blue sky behind, as though, in Oriental phrase, the ramparts rose to the very heavens; all this stretching for mile upon mile, from sea to sea, presents a scene of extraordinary beauty and grandeur, not less attractive because of the heroism and achievements of which it has been the theatre.
This is not the place for an extended history of the services which these walls, and the Empire of which they were the citadel, rendered as the shield of European civilisation. Enough to remember that the dread of them dissuaded Attila and his Huns from delivering an attack upon the city, although he approached as near to Constantinople as Athyras, now Buyuk Tchekmedj, some twelve miles distant. Doubtless they often restrained the wrath also of other barbarous hordes. In vain did the Avars, in 627, beat against these walls between Top Kapou (Gate of S. Romanus) and the Gate of Adrianople (Charisius). In vain did the Arabs invest these bulwarks from the spring to the autumn of four successive years (678-677). As unsuccessful was the second siege of the city by the same foe for twelve months (717-718).
These fortifications defied the Bulgarians both under Crum in 818 and under Symeon in 924. In 1208 they repelled the valour of the knights and barons engaged in the Fourth Crusade. They mocked the assaults of Sultan Murad, in 1422. And when they succumbed, at length, to the artillery of Sultan Mehemet in 1458, it was because their defenders were few and divided, and their assailants were armed with weapons before which ramparts of stone, alike in the West and in the East, crumbled to pieces, and old systems of society were swept away.
Per benefitio de la Christiantade
The battles fought directly before the walls of New Rome do not, indeed, give us the complete story of her warfare “per benefitio de la Christiantade et per honor del mundo.” On eight occasions, at least, the armies of the East Roman Empire were drawn up on the plain outside the Golden Gate to celebrate victories won on distant battlefields, and to enter the triumphal Gate of the capital with prisoners, standards, and spoils captured on hostile territory tour packages balkan. To the shouts “Glory to God, who has restored to us our sovereign crowned with victory! Glory to God who has magnified you Emperor of the Romans!
Glory to Thee All-Holy Trinity, for we behold our Emperor victorious! Welcome Victor! most valiant sovereign!” the triumphal car of Heraclius drove into the city, after his splendid campaign of seven years against the Persians; the campaign which brought the long struggle between Europe and Persia since 492 B.C. to an end. The same shouts rent the air, when Constantine Copronymus returned from the defeat of the Bulgarians, and twice again, when Basil II., by two murderous wars with that people, earned the title, the Slayer of Bulgarians, Bulgaroktonos. Theophilus, on two occasions, and Basil I. passed through the Golden Gate as victors over the Saracens. And Zimisces received the same honour for beating back the Russians under Swiatoslaf.
These were great days in the history of the city, nay, of mankind, for they stayed the waves of barbarism that threatened to overwhelm the civilised world. But after all, it is when the enemy stands arrayed before the very capital of the Empire, and delivers assault after assault upon the citadel which guarded its fate and the destiny of Europe, that the struggle waged between civilisation and barbarism during the history of New Rome is fully recognised to have been, indeed, a struggle for life, and that we learn to appreciate what we owe to the Warden of the Gates to the Western World.
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